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About Me
This user is proud to be an American citizen.
This user has repented of his sin against God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
This user doesn't believe but knows that evolution cannot explain the complexity of species.
Christflag.jpeg This user considers Postmodernism to be a lie from Satan in preparation for the end of time.
This user knows electing Obama was an Outrageously Big Awful Mistake, America!.
Christflag.jpeg This user does not believe in so called Tolerance when it compromises Truth.
Constitution quill pen.jpg This user believes in the United States Constitution.
This user believes in the right for every American citizen to keep and bear arms... as outlined by the Second Amendment.
Anti-hitler.png This user opposes gun control and other (liberal) policies Hitler supported such as eugenics, environmentalism, and "animal rights".
Patriotic.jpeg This user supports our troops!
Clinton head.jpg This user knows that this man is guilty of perjury
Clinton head.jpg This user is disgusted by the tawdry lies brought upon the Presidency by this man
Constitution quill pen.jpg This user believes in the United States Constitution.
Constitution quill pen.jpg This user believes in LIMITED government, as specified in the United States Constitution.
This user knows
totalitarians love gun control.
Liberal fascist.jpg
This user knows that modern liberalism has its roots in Fascism
Sperm-egg.jpg This user believes life begins at conception.
♀♂ This user believes a marriage consists only of one man and one woman.
;( This user is pro-life.
This user supports Israel.

Essays Created: