National Education Association

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The National Education Association (NEA) is an American labor union with strong leftist leanings; it is currently the largest labor union in the United States. Membership is mandatory for teachers and administrators at many public schools.

According to critics, it is not so much a professional organization as a lobbying group, and it is most likely responsible for the removal of God and Christian values from public school classrooms. The NEA is also a coalition partner of the liberal coalition America Votes.[1] The NEA viciously opposes charter schools and any attempts to delegate school support services to the free market. The NEA is more radically left than even the SEIU on the issue of privatization; some chapters would rather a school district lay off employees or close schools than to even consider privatization of support services. On the bright side, some chapters have been known to oppose Common Core. However, the organization is, unsurprisingly, largely in favor of Common Core, and the NEA's website actively defends it.[2]


In 1857, the National Teachers Association (NTA) was formed. After many years of competition and struggles between the unions, the NTA merged with the National Education Association to form the union as it stands today. The NEA is now headquartered in Washington, D.C.


Common Core

The NEA's website states "Most NEA Members Support the Common Core." (Walker, T., 2013) Some chapters of the NEA have been known to declare opposition to Common Core or specific parts of Common Core, but the organization generally supports and defends it. That is probably due to an overwhelming number of teachers themselves opposing the initiative in some schools. National teacher unions at one point created television advertisements defending Common Core.


The NEA demands a tax-supported single-payer health-care plan for all American residents, regardless of citizenship, need, or desire.


The NEA supports changes in immigration law ("reform," in their words) that include a path to permanent citizenship, residency, or failing that, asylum for illegal aliens.[3]


The NEA is infested with the traditional atheism and multiculturalism of its liberal members. Despite the fact that people, especially the youth, tend to embrace deceit (and other atheistic values) when separated from God, the NEA has succeeded in removing God from public schools.

Martin Luther King Controversy

One poignant example of the atheism that the NEA has pushed into the public schools is their curriculum about Martin Luther King. Although Reverend King wished to be remembered for his pursuit of civil rights and how he took a stand for God. Although King was a man who shaped tolerance and end injustice for the next generation, liberals hijacked his message and ignore his deep devotion to God and the justice He serves with His invisible hand. Reverend King believed that faith in God can overcome all challenges, but the NEA and its members choose to make King a godless icon, adrift from his spiritual foundations.

This controversy most recently culminated when a question was posed to the director of the NEA about Whether Martin Luther King's Views on God's Law Should Be Taught in Public School. His response was to dodge the question entirely with the answer, "we have so very much to learn from King." [4]

The two main teacher's unions are:

See also
