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'''Edmund Burke'''
'''Edmund Burke'''
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by [[Edmund Burke]]
Martin van Creveld books:  
Martin van Creveld books:  

Revision as of 02:14, April 25, 2024


The case for being less partisan/political and being more objective

Walter Cronkite existed at a time when there were fewer news outlets.

See also: Openness

The abstract for the journal article At Least Bias Is Bipartisan: A Meta-Analytic Comparison of Partisan Bias in Liberals and Conservatives which was published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science states:

"Both liberals and conservatives accuse their political opponents of partisan bias, but is there empirical evidence that one side of the political aisle is indeed more biased than the other? To address this question, we meta-analyzed the results of 51 experimental studies, involving over 18,000 participants, that examined one form of partisan bias—the tendency to evaluate otherwise identical information more favorably when it supports one’s political beliefs or allegiances than when it challenges those beliefs or allegiances. Two hypotheses based on previous literature were tested: an asymmetry hypothesis (predicting greater partisan bias in conservatives than in liberals) and a symmetry hypothesis (predicting equal levels of partisan bias in liberals and conservatives). Mean overall partisan bias was robust (r = .245), and there was strong support for the symmetry hypothesis: Liberals (r = .235) and conservatives (r = .255) showed no difference in mean levels of bias across studies. Moderator analyses reveal this pattern to be consistent across a number of different methodological variations and political topics. Implications of the current findings for the ongoing ideological symmetry debate and the role of partisan bias in scientific discourse and political conflict are discussed."[1]

Arthur C. Brooks wrote in his article Reading Too Much Political News Is Bad for Your Well-Being: "A 2012 survey conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University asked a sample of Americans about their news-consumption habits, and quizzed them about U.S. and international political and economic events. They found that those watching the most partisan television news sources—on both the left and the right—were often less knowledgeable about world events than those who consumed no news at all."[2]

"In this article, we examine psychological features of extreme political ideologies. In what ways are political left- and right-wing extremists similar to one another and different from moderates? We propose and review four interrelated propositions that explain adherence to extreme political ideologies from a psychological perspective. We argue that (a) psychological distress stimulates adopting an extreme ideological outlook; (b) extreme ideologies are characterized by a relatively simplistic, black-and-white perception of the social world; (c) because of such mental simplicity, political extremists are overconfident in their judgments; and (d) political extremists are less tolerant of different groups and opinions than political moderates. In closing, we discuss how these psychological features of political extremists increase the likelihood of conflict among groups in society."

Ground News on media bias

The Turn by Liel Leibovitz

  • The Turn by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet Magazine, DECEMBER 08, 2021

Benefits of being not overly political

Polarized thinking and depression/anxiety

Brain scans and political ideology


  • "And only the empathy (emotional faces) task was significantly associated with moderate ideology."[1]
  • "conservatives tend to be more resilient and have better self-control"[2] (Science proves that conservatives have more machismo!)

Liberals vs. conservatives

Sexual mores and behavior:

Political ideology, media consumption, websites and effects

Media consumption: Conservatives vs. liberals:

Right-wing media online ecosystem:

Books: Political terms, political science and other foundational works

See also: Political science


Political science:

  • Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? by Philip E. Tetlock, Princeton University Press; New Ed edition (August 20, 2006).

Books on politics

Edmund Burke

A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke

Martin van Creveld books:


Political terms - Oxford Research Encyclopedia

Oxford Political Encyclopedia categories.jpg

General terms


Polarity (International relations)


Middle Ground:

Multiple views discussed:


Focuses on the rise of non-state actors and the state having less power:


Political terms - Britannica

Political terms - Conservapedia


Political terms (left of center source)

General terms




"All men created equal" - US Constitution

Military/economic/digital (information) powers in the 21st century

The case for a country having boring politics

United States

United States and reshoring

List of U.S. states and territories by fertility rate

Libertine values and societal decay

Jeffrey Epstein and other corruption

Meritocracy and Egalitarian falsehoods/myths


Wealth, Poverty, and Politics

Video: Wealth, Poverty, and Politics by Thomas Sowell; Book: Wealth, Poverty, and Politics by Thomas Sowell

Equality: The Impossible Quest: Reviews

The Privileged Sex by Martin van Creveld

The Privileged Sex by Martin van Creveld. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 18, 2013).

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality

Past and present and their interplay

Muslim migrant problems

Rise of right-wing populism

Transnational right-wing politics

"American dark money supports overseas far-right forces: openDemocracy reported that, between 2008 and 2017, U.S.-based Christian fundamentalists gave $50 million to support far-right causes and parties throughout Europe (a significant sum in the European context). Russian money, bots, hackers, and propaganda have also backed multiple reactionary-populist parties. Russia loaned money to the National Front, a far-right party in France led by Marine Le Pen, in 2014 and threw its weight behind the Brexit campaign to push the United Kingdom out of the European Union."[3]

Donald Trump and American right-wing populism

Messianic Jew says Trump lost because he had become an idol to many evangelicals

Woke backlash

Major causal factors for politics today

Evangelical organizations

Racial demographic/political shifts

Racial demographic shifts - Eric Kaufmann, Book: White Shift

Eric Kaufmann, Book: White Shift

Multiculturism, Western culture and anti-white bashing

4 of the major groups/factions in American politics: Free America, Smart America, Real America and Just America

Peter Zeihan's demography series

Donald Trump's political coalition

The above graphic is a graphical representation of post Donald Trump's Republican Party. Notice how large the social conservatism portion is.

Donald Trump's political coalition is represented by the portion of the graph that is circled.

Poverty, equality and inequality

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How

Academic and highly educated/intelligent people, political elitism and pride/blindsidedness

"Yet the cognitive and behavioral science literature suggests that those who are highly educated, intelligent or rhetorically skilled tend to be significantly less likely than most to revise their beliefs or adjust their positions when confronted with evidence or arguments that contradict their priors. This is because, in virtue of knowing more about the world, or being better at arguing, they are better equipped to punch holes in data or arguments that contradict their prior views or to otherwise make excuses for “sticking to their guns” regardless. And so, they do...

Indeed, research suggests that people with highly refined critical capacities often deploy them to scrutinize others. Hence, those with higher education levels and academic aptitude (college GPA) tend to be less attuned than most to ambiguity, complexity, uncertainty and limitations in their own knowledge -- and less prone to innovative or creative thinking.

That is perhaps because studies show that, compared to the general public, highly educated or intelligent people tend to be more ideological in their thinking, more ideologically rigid and more extreme in their ideological leanings. Highly educated and intelligent people are also more likely to grow obsessed with some moral or political cause. Research suggests that they are more likely to overreact to small shocks, challenges or slights. Other studies have found that, while they are less likely to be prejudiced against others on the basis of things like race, they tend to be more prejudiced than most against those who seem to think differently than they do -- and often look down on those with less education.

In short, many of the biases and distortions to which all people are susceptible seem to be even more pronounced among those who are highly educated or intelligent."[4]

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality

People clinging to dead ideas which have repeatedly failed: Ideological necrophilia

"Bernie Sanders’s attraction to massive, government-centered programs places him squarely among populists who dismiss the need to maintain fiscal balances and end up with unsustainable government budget deficits. The plans on his campaign website would amount to an estimated $18 trillion to $30 trillion in new spending over the next 10 years. In pledging a form of European-like socialism to throngs of adoring young people, he doesn’t mention that if they were European, many of them would be unemployed and without prospects of finding a well-paying job. The bottom line: Many of his policies have already been tested, and many don’t work all that well.

In a world in which a few keystrokes on a computer can lead to a wealth of information about the track record of a particular economic or political proposal, it’s surprising that ideological necrophilia is still so common. There are many reasons why bad ideas endure, but perhaps the most important is people’s need to believe in a leader when faced with the grave anxieties and uncertainties associated with rapid change—and the demagogue’s inclination in these fragile moments to promise anything, even the discarded notions of demagogues past, in order to obtain and retain power.

There are many reasons why bad ideas endure, but perhaps the most important is people’s need to believe in a leader when faced with the grave anxieties and uncertainties associated with rapid change—and the demagogue’s inclination in these fragile moments to promise anything, even the discarded notions of demagogues past, in order to obtain and retain power." - What Is Ideological Necrophilia? by MOISÉS NAÍM

America in crisis. A window of opportunity

Decline of civilizations


Karl Marx, the creator of Marxism

See: Leftism and Communism and Marxism

Leftism is dead/collapsing

Left-wing authoritarianism

Political left collapsing while leftism ascending in Democrat party

Identity politics

Anti-white identity politics

Freedom vs. complete autonomy vs. social responsibilities

Right-wing news

Conspiracy thinking and American politics

"This timely reissue of Richard Hofstadter's classic work on the fringe groups that influence American electoral politics offers an invaluable perspective on contemporary domestic affairs. In The Paranoid Style in American Politics, acclaimed historian Richard Hofstadter examines the competing forces in American political discourse and how fringe groups can influence — and derail — the larger agendas of a political party. He investigates the politics of the irrational, shedding light on how the behavior of individuals can seem out of proportion with actual political issues, and how such behavior impacts larger groups. With such other classic essays as “Free Silver and the Mind of 'Coin' Harvey” and “What Happened to the Antitrust Movement?, ” The Paranoid Style in American Politics remains both a seminal text of political history and a vital analysis of the ways in which political groups function in the United States."[5]

Conspiracy thinking and American politics - essay by Richard Hofstadter

Academic discussion


Tucker Carlson

Peter L. Berger's blog

Eastern culture vs. Western culture

Western culture


Identity politics

Racial politics and immigration

Paul Joseph Johnson

Gerald Celente YouTube channel

Donald Trump

Trump and Christianity/religion

2020 Presidential election anomolies

2020 Pro the election was not fraudulent

Trump derangement syndrome

Demography and religion/Global Christianity

American evangelical hispanics:

Eric Kaufmann:

Decline of the state/nations

Expansion of right-wing material on the internet

The influence of wealthy class, media and the military-industrial complex on American politics

Manufacturing consent

USA, power and politics

Related resources

Problems with the news and politicians frequent kabuki theatre pronouncements


Secular left

Political/religious essays


Europe: Mass immigration, guilt and a continent on the brink of 'societal catastrophe'

Islamic populations hitting various percentages of population and the consequences

Islam and indoctrination

Islam, Europe and demographics

Muslims/evangelicals. Secular leftism collapsing faster than I expected

Please read the following articles:

Germany/France are two main pillars upon which Western, secular, liberalism rests now. If Gave is roughly correct (he did have a mathematical error as per the latter link given above), then an anti-atheism, anti-homosexuality, ant-feminism Muslim population may strike a huge blow against secular leftism much earlier than I thought.

On top of this, Merkel appears to be much weaker now and the French youth are becoming more right-wing in recent years.

I do know that Muslims are not assimilating and they tend to live in isolated ghettos in France (See: European desecularization in the 21st century).

My guess is that the accuracy of Gave's calculation rests on whether or not the fertility rate of French Muslims will about stay the same or significantly drop in the next 40 years.

After all is said and done, secular leftism appears to be between a quickly growing hammer of right-wing populism and an anvil of Muslim/Christian evangelicalism.

Secular leftism is collapsing much faster than I anticipated. However, I did foresee an acceleration of desecularization happening in the world so I was not completely caught off guard (see: Acceleration of 21st century desecularization).

Election betting odds

Accuracy of political prediction/betting markets


My essays


Hardball GOP politics

Trumpism related stuff

Roger Stone and Roy Cohn

Lee Atwater

The modern idea of retirement rather than working until you cannot

2013 Seattle Times article: "Now, governments are reversing those policies and raising retirement ages to prevent aging populations from breaking their budgets. And older people, who now enjoy better health, are working longer again: In the United States, 18.6 percent of people 65 and older were working or looking for work as of November 2013. That was up from a record-low 10.4 percent in January 1985, according to Labor Department figures dating to 1948."[6]

Conservative books and articles

Russell Kirk was an American political theorist, conservative intellectual, historian of ideas, social critic, and man of letters, who is best known for his role in the American conservative movement.


1. Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk

2. Miller, John L., "His Conservative Mind," Traverse (January 2007).

3. The Fate of the State by MARTIN VAN CREVELD, a historian (The article is on big government and how it is losing power and/or effectiveness).


1. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) by Edmund Burke, Complete text of the book online

2. Russell Kirk's book: The Conservative Mind from Burke to Santayana (1953), put Burke in the mainstream of American conservatism. Copy of book: online edition

3. Wealth, Poverty, and Politics by Thomas Sowell

Video: Wealth, Poverty, and Politics by Thomas Sowell

4. Equality: The Impossible Quest by the historian Martin van Creveld

5. A Choice Not an Echo by Phyllis Schlafly

Political ideology, websites and effects

Right-wing media online ecosystem

Conservative websites increasing traffic

How a conservative website can increase web traffic


Political consulting companies for conservatives and Republicans

Top Political consulting firms for Republicans and nonpartisan

1. FP1 Strategies is a general consulting and political advertising firm for Republicans. Our battle-tested team has helped elect 31 U.S. Senators, 8 Governors, 56 Members of Congress and won 7 high-profile ballot initiatives

2. Cultural Currents Institute - Nonpartisan - Executional firm that can build a beautiful website, run an ad campaign, and handle voter outreach with ease. CCI also offers high-end strategic consulting and intelligence to VIP clients.

3. PURPLE STRATEGIES - Bipartisan. You are an organization looking for a communications and public affairs strategy informed by a team of bipartisan political consultants.

4. Jay Townsend - You are an entry-level candidate looking for guidance from an experienced political consultant who works with campaigns of all sizes.


  • Vicimedia Group - Digital strategy, websites, advertising, and design. We build winning campaigns for conservative candidates and causes to kick butt online
  • Mosaic - Mosaic has delivered results for Conservative Businesses, Campaigns, and Causes since 1995. From website design, to commercial video production, AUDIO • VIDEO • PRINT • DIGITAL • CREATIVE • MEDIA PLACEMENT
  • Remnant Agency - Digital media advertising is an effective way to reach conservative audiences in today's technological world. Social media, search engine, remnant media buyers and advertising experts
  • Ozean Media - Digital advertising and media for conservatives and Republicans made by conservatives
  • Salem Surround - Reach a nationwide conservative audience with expert digital marketing services from Salem Surround
  • Conservative Web Designers - Conservative Web Designers offer website and digital marketing services for Patriots, Christians, Conservatives and alike.
  • Arsenal Media Group - Arsenal Media Group delivers passionate storytelling for conservative campaigns, non-profits and causes. We're the industry leader in creative video, social management and branding
  • Targeted Victory - We’re a digital first agency built for the mobile age. We bring the best of political campaigns and a right-of-center perspective to solve marketing challenges. Local activation at a national scale.
  • American Target Advertising - (ATA) is the oldest and largest conservative direct mail marketing and fundraising agency for nonprofit organizations that does digital marketing too.
  • Redvail - Political Digital Marketing. Providing top-tier digital marketing to conservative campaigns and causes nationwide! Free Quote.
  • Fractal - Works with conservative brands as far as companies. Fractl specializes in increasing its clients organic search rankings, brand engagement and authority through a harmony of technical SEO, content development, and digital-PR strategies.
  • Majority Strategies - Majority Strategies is a full-service data, digital & print firm with over 20 years of experience solving problems & influencing public opinion & behavior.
  • Leadership Institute - Founded in 1979 by its president, Morton C. Blackwell, the Leadership Institute (LI) teaches conservatives the nuts and bolts of how to succeed in the public policy process. It provides training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. Since 1979, LI has trained more than 250,000 conservative activists, leaders, and students. The Institute's unique college campus network has grown to more than 2,300 conservative campus groups and newspapers.
  • Harris Media LLC - Clients Rand Paul, Benjamin Netanyahu - Works with conservatives and Republicans
  • Eagle Consulting Group - Direct mail, digital, TV, phones. Its principal, Christopher Nicholas, is recognized as a leading GOP political consultant with a proven track record of winning tough campaigns.
  • McShane LLC - The McShane Political Consulting team has worked for more than fifty elected officials, ballot initiatives, and super PACs, across twenty-seven states
  • Burges and Burges - Burges & Burges is Ohio's leading political strategy and communications consulting firm.
  • Faith and Freedom Coalition contracts with outside firms American Target Advertising and Unisource Direct LLC for solicitations through direct mail and telephone calls.


Conservative/Republican other

1. BrabenderCox - BrabenderCox is a full-service political marketing, public affairs, strategic communications and advertising firm that combines innovation, technology, and creativity to solve problems in an adversarial world. BrabenderCox has earned a reputation as one of the most creative firms in America, winning hundreds of awards for work in both traditional advertising and the digital space.

BrabenderCox is a nationally recognized Republican political consulting firm, with offices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

With offices in Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania, BrabenderCox works with clients from a wide range of industries and disciplines. Some of the firms notable past-clients include Mike Pence, Evan Bayh, Todd Young, and Rick Santorum. BrabenderCox is named for the firm’s Founder, John Brabender.

The firm’s political consultation services are limited to adversarial marketing, political ads, and public affairs. It focuses more on offensive attacks and damage control, rather than SEO targeting to mobilize voters. Rick Santorum dubbed Brabender his ‘guru’, before losing the 2012 Republican nomination for the General Election.

Its many successes include past Presidents, Fortune 500 companies and healthcare providers. Over the years, the firm has accrued many awards for digital, broadcast and print advertising campaigns.

2. Capitol City Research - Capitol City Research is a firm based in Jefferson City, Missouri providing opposition research to Republican political candidates. The firms’ tagline is “Uncover the truth, no matter how ugly!”. The firm has over 20 years of experience in assisting Republican campaigns with research into democratic opponents.

3. Neva Hill & Company - (Needs website) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma provides Republican political consultation, strategizing, and direct mail services. The firm has a record of working on local, county, municipal, and federal campaigns, as well as statewide ballot initiatives.

Republicans are often weak. Party is filled a lot with establishment RINOs


  1. Comparison of Partisan Bias in Liberals and Conservatives by Peter H. Ditto, Brittany S. Liu, Cory J. Clark, Sean P. Wojcik, Eric E. Chen, Rebecca H. Grady, Jared B. Celniker, and Joanne F. Zinger, Perspectives on Psychological Science, May 31, 2018
  2. Reading Too Much Political News Is Bad for Your Well-Being by Arthur C. Brooks, The Atlantic, 2020