Essay:Best New Conservative Words

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Each year the English language develops about a thousand new words. Over the course of a century, that amounts to 100,000 new words. Since the King James Version of the Bible was published in 1611, perhaps a half a million new English words have been developed.

The "tax-and-spend" slogan stuck to Harry Hopkins like a well-fitted suit.

The inevitable triumph of conservatism over liberalism is apparent from comparing the rates of generation of new terms of each type, and the quality of the terms so generated. Conservative terms are being generated at a faster rate, and with much higher quality, than liberal terms are. In the 20th century, for example, more conservative terms were developed, and they were developed at a steadier pace. The new liberal terms were clustered in the 1920s and 1960s, were fewer in number, and lacked the same high quality.

A small percentage of those new words are tremendously powerful. Here are some examples developed since the King James Version was published. Not a single one of these words was available to the translators of the King James Version:

New Term Origin date Comments
accountability 1794
alarmism 1867 needless warnings
American dream 1911[1]
anti-Christian 1900s about a million sites turn up in a Google search, yet the Merriam-Webster dictionary doesn't recognize this important term
assimilate late 1800s the desired absorption of immigrant groups into the culture and mores of the resident population
bailout 1951 wasting taxpayer money to rescue, temporarily, a failing company
biased 1649
bork 1988 coined by William Safire to refer to how Democrats savage a conservative nominee, such as their defeat of Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork.
bureaucracy 1818
Columbian 1757 relating to Christopher Columbus or the United States
competitive 1829
conservative 1831
copyright 1735 extending private property to protect expressive works
constant 1832 (noun) something unchanging in value
culture war 1991 widespread use after the book Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America by James Davison Hunter
death tax 1989 interesting, the term was coined by Canadians opposed to the high estate tax on their assets held in the United States
deflation 1891 an increase in the value of savings
demagogue 1648
deregulation 1963 Reagan won in 1980 by campaigning on this.
design by committee before 1958 Pejorative directed against collective production by a group
deterrence 1861
double standard 1894 applying harsher criticism against one group, such as churchgoers, than against another group, such as atheists
dumb down 1933
efficiency 1633 Ultimately from the Latin efficientem, meaning "working out, or accomplishing"[2]
elementary proof 1865 a mathematical proof based on the minimum assumptions associated with real analysis; term probably does not predate complex analysis and its first use may have been the English mathematician James Joseph Sylvester's paper, "On an elementary proof and generalisation of Sir Isaac Newton's hitherto

undenionstrated rule for the discovery of imaginary roots."[3]

elitism 1950
entitlement 1944
ethnic voting 1900s widely recognized and even advocated by some,[4] yet the dictionary doesn't yet recognize it
falsifiability 1934 first emphasized by Karl Popper in 1934, this helps define science: if a proposition is false, then it can be shown to be false. If not, then the proposition is not scientific.
family values 1916 widespread use after a speech by Vice President Dan Quayle, 1992
fellow traveller 1925 May have existed earlier, but popularized in 1924 by Trotsky. Describes a sympathizer of a cause but who does not formally belong to the cause, such as a communist sympathizer who is not part of the communist party.
forward-looking 1800 planning for the future rather than dwelling on the past
free enterprise 1820
free market 1907
free world 1949 areas of the world free of communism
globalism 1997 MW states it was first used in 1943[5] and the OED gives a date of 1965 for the exact term 'globalism'[6] the term "globalization" was first used in the mid-1980s in a different, complimentary sense.
go-getter 1921
Good Samaritan 1640 how genuine charity is the best approach
grade inflation 1975 the tendency by Liberal educationalists and public schools to increase marks, irrespective of merit or actual achievement.
grassroots 1901
Hawthorne effect 1962 the increase in achievement resulting merely from being observed; this was demonstrated by experiment at the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric in Cicero, Illinois
homeschool 1980[7]
incompleteness 1931 a system of logic or mathematics that includes propositions that are impossible to prove or disprove; term coined as a result of Kurt Godel's work in 1931
individualism 1827 values, rights and duties arise from the individual
inflationary 1920 policies causing inflation of the monetary supply
informed consent 1967 consent to surgery is meaningful only if informed, a requirement that should apply to abortion
initiative 1793 self-starting first step toward improvement
interventionism 1923 "governmental interference in economic affairs at home or in political affairs of another country"[8]
invisible hand 1776 Coined by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations and widely used today, yet Merriam-Webster fails to recognize it![9]
Iron curtain 1945 coined by Winston Churchill in a speech in Missouri just after World War II, to describe the communist's figurative wall against freedom
judicial activism 1947 First coined in an article in Fortune magazine by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,[10] and repeatedly used in U.S. Supreme Court opinions since 1967,[11] yet as of 2009 Merriam-Webster dictionary still fails to recognize this widely used term.
judicial supremacist 2004 One who advocates that the courts should be supreme over the other branches of government for certain legal issues; first coined in a book by Phyllis Schlafly; first used by the judiciary by the Michigan Supreme Court in Paige v. City of Sterling Heights, 476 Mich. 495 (2006).[12]
junk science 1962[13] the corruption of the scientific method to advance other goals
jury nullification 1948 the power of a jury to overrule the law and acquit an ostensibly guilty defendant; the power was established in the colonies in 1735 in the trial of John Peter Zenger, but this term was first used in state court by Pfeuffer v. Haas, 55 S.W.2d 111 (Tex. Civ. App. 1932) and in federal court by Skidmore v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 167 F.2d 54 (2nd Cir. 1948)
Kremlinology 1958 the study of the otherwise indecipherable behavior of the government of the communist Soviet Union. Refers to the Kremlin, the traditional seat of Russian government (Soviet or not).
laissez-faire 1825 opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond what is minimally necessary
hysteria 1801 From the Latin hystericus, from Greek hystera meaning "womb"[14] (an old notion that hysteria was caused by the womb).
local 1824[15] common usage: "all politics is local"
microeconomics 1947 the study of the economics of the individual person or business
meritocracy 1958
missile defense 1980s popularized by President Ronald Reagan as part of SDI
mobocracy 1754 rule by a mob, as at Wikipedia
Murphy's Law 1958 if something can go wrong, then it will go wrong: that was a conservative insight by an engineer Edward Murphy
myopic 1752 originally a term in optometry, 1990's used to describe liberals lack of foresight
negativism 1824 mental attitude that tends that is skeptical about almost everything, except one's own views
newspeak 1949 political or media expressions using circumlocution and euphemisms to disguise or distract from the truth; first coined by George Orwell in 1984
opportunity cost 1911
originalism 1985 taken from original intent, The belief that the United States Constitution should be interpreted in the way the authors originally intended it
optimism 1759
parenting 1958 Children raising
patriotism 1726
personhood [16] 1955 Inherent rights guaranteed to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development, including the pre-born, partially born. Also, the state or fact of being a person.
phonics 1684
politically correct 1983 This term originated among radicals at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to enforce radical orthodoxy, but immediately flipped in usage to become a term of mockery of radicals.[17] The term may have come from Chairman Mao in 1936.
potential 1817[18]
privatize 1940 to return a business or enterprise from state to private control; to de-nationalize.
productive 1612
pro-life 1960
property right 1853
race card 1995[19] "Playing the race card" consists of relying on racial emotions or charges of racism in order to overcome the truth and logic in politics, legal proceedings, or otherwise; this term became familiar in the criticism of the defense and acquittal of O.J. Simpson for the murder of his ex-wife and her friend.
relativism 1865 the view that ethical truths are not absolute, but depend on the person or group that holds them
responsibility 1737 1787 HAMILTON Federalist No. 63 II. 193 Responsibility in order to be reasonable must be limited to objects within the power of the responsible party.
reverse discrimination 1969 the use of quotas or affirmative action to use race or gender to discriminate against a better qualified person
school choice 1980 popularized by Milton Friedman in his book, Free to Choose
self-defense 1651
self-discipline 1838
self-indulgence 1753
self-reliant 1848
slippery slope 1900s term has been widely used for decades to expose the fallacy of "it doesn't hurt to try"
spend-and-tax 2009[20] a variation on "tax-and-spend" (see below), "spend-and-tax" consists of spending the money first and then trying to justify raising taxes based on the deficit created by the spending
straw man 1896 an imaginary argument or example set up for the purpose of easily knocking down, while distracting from valid arguments
tax-and-spend 1937 Not yet recognized by Merriam-Webster, it is included in and it means the liberal policy of raising taxes and increasing government spending
terrorism 1795 this was during the French Revolution
term limits 1861 can you believe this is not in the dictionary yet? Merriam-Webster omits it, but has it[21]
trademark 1838 extends the concept of private property to the marks used by business
transaction cost 1961 Economist Ronald Coase won a Nobel Prize for this.
traditionalist 1856 "adherence to the doctrines or practices of a tradition...the beliefs of those opposed to modernism, liberalism, or radicalism"[22]
tree huggers 1970s still not recognized by the dictionary, this term criticizes extreme environmentalists, but they proudly use the term also to describe what they literally do
trust but verify 1980s popularized by President Ronald Reagan as the approach to use towards communist deceit
vandalism 1798 malicious destruction of someone else's property
veracity 1623 devotion to truthfulness
victimization 1840
wannabee 1981 a word that criticizes liberal status worship
War on Terror 2001 no listing at Merriam-Webster, has an anti-American version [23] February 2, 2009 Obama ends use of the conservative lexicon. [24]
work ethic 1951 a habit of working as a moral good
worldview 1858 a comprehensive way of looking at life and the world; sometimes used to criticize a liberal's irrational belief system

Rate of Generation of Conservative Terms

The rate of generation of conservative terms is increasing at a remarkable geometric rate of growth, by doubling each century:

Century # New Conservative Terms
1600s 7
1700s 14
1800s 27
1900s 54
2000s 3 (preliminary)

Conservative Words Not Yet Recognized by the Dictionary

A thousand new words are developed in English each year. Here is a growing list of conservative concepts, each of which is not yet defined by a single word or two.

Not Yet Recognized Terms Suggestions Comments
9/10 mindset pre-9/11 thinking terror is jurisdiction of the courts
Unaffected by, or impervious to, the media mediaproof cf. bulletproof. Once John became aware of the extent of liberal deceit, he set about mediaproofing his mind.
easily amused by deceit dolophile from Greek/Latin root dolo- meaning guile, deceit, deception [1]
Hatred of one's country, refusal to recognize the good elements of it, or unreasonably critical of it Misopatria, misopatrist From Greek misein, to hate, and Latin patria, nation or homeland
the opposite of materialism spiritualism and idealism have been its philosophical opposites, historically dualism has been suggested, but it is not the opposite of materialism; "spiritualism" is not a common term and is the "opposite" of materialism
runaway jury The term has existed for decades, but Merriam-Webster has not recognized it yet.
second-generation atheist cradle atheist
denial that Hell exists Hell-denier? Antinfernal?
deliberate ignorance the term exists; the dictionary does not yet include it
proven wrong, a refusal to admit it mulism; heel-digger? cf. mulish. This refusal is what promoted the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
illegal alien widely used in court decisions and political discourse for years, Merriam-Webster still does not recognize it is as a term.
strict constructionism an important term for over 200 years to describe adherence to the text of the Constitution, Merriam-Webster still does not recognize it.
denier of the effectiveness of abstinence abstinence-denier?
anti-family tradition opposer, familiopathic
dramacast tabloid news mainstream media presents drama fluff stories as news, e.g. 20/20 - Dateline
militant gays intimidating homosexual
causing harm by spreading falsehoods e.g., denying or concealing disease and infertility caused by promiscuity
peer pressure can you believe that isn't recognized by Merriam-Webster?
modern idolatry "media idolatry"; "money idolatry"; "celebrity idolatry" idolatry conjures images of golden calves, and a modern version is needed
Rule of Law
schlockumentary propaganda film documentary films based falsehoods and half-truths

New Liberal Terms

New liberal words often have deceptive, or nonsensical, meanings. Here are some new words created by liberals to combat conservatism:

New Term Origin date Comments
atheist 1571 useful and often deceptive alternative name for an anti-Christian
big bang 1948 term invented by the leading British physicist Sir Fred Hoyle to mock this suggestion of how the universe was formed
bilingual education 1972 a euphemism describing a costly and hurtful program that hinders the learning of English by foreign-born children in American public schools, which hurts their future opportunities
carbon footprint 1999[25] term indicates an individual human's effect on the environment by production of carbon dioxide
chairperson 1971 Even Alice Sturgis, the leading parliamentarian of the 20th century, rejected this cumbersome form of political correctness.
check-off 1911 automatic deduction of union dues by the employer from the employee's paycheck, so he has no choice
class warfare first entered the political lexicon primarily as an attack by liberals against conservatives. [26]
communism 1840
compassion fatigue 1968 Liberals, driven by materialistic self-interest, are likely to suffer from this.
condescension 1647 Treating another person as though they are inferior
creationism 1880 like most "isms", creationism is a derogatory term coined preferred most by opponents of it.
Dark Ages 1730 A term coined in the so-called enlightenment to disparage the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and c.1000, when the Christian faith, and its learning and culture, spread across Europe.
dead white males a disparaging term used of significant figures from previous generations by those who wish to undermine cultural literacy
deconstruction 1973 a style of interpretation of texts that looks beyond the plain meaning of the text and instead infers social bias
diva 1883 modern use to describe female Hollywood/media personalities
detente 1970s A euphemism referring to pacifist policy re. the Soviet Union
distributive justice A term used to redefine socialist abridgment of rights as "just"
enlightenment 1669
environmentalism 1922 a mixture of pseudoscience and neo-paganism used to justify the imposition of socialistic controls.
freethinker 1692 the euphemism "free" hides the hostility towards faith, which is not free
fundamentalism 1922 "a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching"[27] From a series of pamphlets called "The Fundamentals" which outlined the movement. Perjorative usage started when the liberal Harry Emerson Fosdick began using the term in a straw man attack against Conservative Christianity.
feminism 1895 notionally, "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes"; in reality, the attempt to destroy traditional family, societal and religious values by erasing or undermining natural gender differences.
gay rights 1969 The movement for civil rights for homosexuals
glass ceiling 1984 the notion that an invisible barrier prevents women and ethnic minorities from reaching high office; an excuse for feminists and others to demand affirmative action
global warming 1969 The baseless environmentalist mantra that the earth's temperature is rising, and that human intervention is the cause.
gun control 1969 a euphemism for restricting the right to keep and bear arms
homophobia 1969 used by Liberals to describe a failure to subscribe 100% to the homosexual agenda.
humanism 1808 [28]
imperialism 1851 a clever term later used by liberals to interfere with Christian missionaries and stopping anti-Christian tyranny
isolationism 1922 a pejorative term that is critical of American politicians putting America first in priorities
Keynesianism 1946 advocacy of 'tax and spend' policies as elaborated by the economist John Maynard Keynes; a euphemism for back-door Socialism.
Living Constitution 2000 a continually evolving Constitution (first used by presidential candidate Al Gore, title of a 1936 book by Howard McBain)
McCarthyism 1950 Originally, investigations by Sen. Joe McCarthy of Communists working in sensitive USA government jobs. Later, it more broadly refers to holding radical leftists accountable for their beliefs and loyalties.
moderate late 1900s the original term dates from the French Revolution, but its meaning today is a euphemism for someone who favors abortion and/or supports censorship of Christianity in some ways.
nationalize 1800 a euphemism for the government taking over ownership and control of a large company or entire industry, as in socialism
natural selection 1857 a misleading and euphemistic term for the theory that genetic advantages and conflict dictate survival
population control 1968 the issue of population dates back to Confucius. Liberals promoted the term after the book The Population Bomb by Paul R. Ehrlich
pro-choice 1975 a euphemism for insisting on taxpayer-funded abortion; people who claim to be pro-choice typically oppose informed choice, which makes the "choice" meaningless
progressivism 1892 the progressive movement was not entirely liberal; it was started by a Republican and shared some goals with conservatives, and still does
quote mining non-existent a term used by evolutionists to describe taking quotes out of context in order to damage the position of the quoted party.
racism If you don't support Barack Obama, you are guilty of....
sexism 1968 That which is practiced by those who do not give total support to feminism.
situation ethics 1955 a euphemism for denying fixed ethical standards
strict liability 1869 court-imposed liability even when there is no evidence of any fault by the defendant
Swift-Boating 2004 Allegations of unfair campaign tactics.
undocumented immigrant 2000 a politically correct replacement for illegal alien.
unfair 1700
union shop 1904
Unitarian 1687
will to power 1907 Nietzche's concept of the drive of a superman to perfect himself by exercising creative power; it didn't catch on

Rate of Generation of Liberal Terms

The rate of generation of liberal terms is increasing:

Century # New Liberal Terms
1600s 4
1700s 2
1800s 9
1900s 25 (7 in the 1960s)
2000s 3

New Terms Difficult to Classify

These new terms are difficult to classify:

affirmative action 1961 first used in JFK's Executive Order 10925 in 1961 and subsequently promoted by LBJ.
bipartisan 1909 emphasized by liberals when they are in the minority in power, but ignored by liberals when they are the majority in power
Cold War 1947 open hostilities and ideological driven differences between nations
smoke and mirrors 1982 describes the use of deceit, particularly in politics; probably a conservative term, but will await more etymology about it
telecommute 1974[29] a combination of a Greek root ("tele", which means "far off") and a Latin root ("commutare", which means "to exchange")
twilight zone 1949 the realm of imagination that seems impossible but is difficult to disprove, and which challenges ordinary views of reality; also the terminator between night and day on a planetary body

Downgraded Conservative Terms

These conservative terms are less significant:

byzantine 1794[30]
entropy 1868
filibuster 1851
incandescent 1794 bright and radiant, conquering darkness, precursor to the invention of the incandescent lamp (light bulb)
Luddite 1811 one who opposes and even destroys technological advances
media 1923
milquetoast 1933
normalcy 1920 related to the election of Warren G. Harding by the largest margin yet in history
ne'er-do-well 1736 "an idle worthless person" - Merriam-Webster
reticent 1834 restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance



  1. 1911 is the date given by the "OED", which refers to the Oxford English Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives a date of 1931.
  2. Online Etymological Dictionary
  7. The OED assigns a date of origin of 1850 to "homeschool".
  8. Merriam-Webster (1994).
  9. This term is absent from the 1994 print edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary
  11. United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218 (1967).
  12. A similar yet different concept, "judicial supremacy," was coined by conservative Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as the title of his book, The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy: A Study of a Crisis in American Political Power (New York: Knopf, 1941).
  14. Meriam Webster Dictionary
  15. This date refers to its first usage as a noun, which is an estimate of its adoption as a concept.
  16. Personhood
  17. For an early different usage of the word, see 1793 J. WILSON in U.S. Rep. (U.S. Supreme Court) 2 (1798) 462 Sentiments and expressions of this inaccurate kind prevail in our..language... ‘The United States’, instead of the ‘People of the United States’, is the toast given. This is not politically correct.
  18. Usage here refers to "promise", not "possibility".
  19. This is the date of its widespread familiarity.
  23. war on terrorism
  24. Obama administration drops 'war on terror' phrase Pew Forum, February 2, 2009
  26. The art of "class warfare", Ben Fritz,, January 15, 2003
  29. This first use was in the British magazine The Economist.
  30. The usage here -- in sense of complex governmental rules -- probably developed later.