Essay:Worst Liberal Video Games
The video game industry is a very liberal market, which is why many conservative organizations, churches, and Christian educational institutions criticize video games. Here are some of the worst examples of liberalism in video games by developer:
- 1 Definitely liberal
- 1.1 Acclaim Entertainment
- 1.2 Blizzard Entertainment
- 1.3 Capcom
- 1.4 Destructive Studios
- 1.5 Electronic Arts
- 1.6 HudsonSoft
- 1.7 Illusion Softworks
- 1.8 Insomniac
- 1.9 Konami
- 1.10 MachineGames
- 1.11 Multiple Parties
- 1.12 Naughty Dog
- 1.13 Radical Games
- 1.14 Rockstar Games
- 1.15 SNK
- 1.16 Top Heavy Studios
- 1.17 Ubisoft
- 2 Debatable whether liberal
- 3 See also
- 4 References
Definitely liberal
Acclaim Entertainment
- BMX XXX: A "sports game" that included pornographic elements as well as more foul language and adult humor, presumably in an attempt to salvage the game by turning it into a raunchy sex comedy-style game. The game was rather infamous for the controversy that ensued for the company, namely that they falsely put real life BMX athlete Dave Mirra's name on the title that indicated that he supported it when he specifically requested that his name not be attached to it, as well as various retailers giving extremely negative reviews due to its content, leading to poor sales and ultimately to Acclaim's bankruptcy.
Blizzard Entertainment
- Overwatch: Multiplayer shooter game that caters to SJWs and Cultural Marxists by needlessly making a popular character a lesbian, as well as adding in a muscular lesbian when leftists were offended by the game. The story of the game also subtly condemns private business while promoting the left-wing United Nations. In addition, it recently came under fire when Soldier 76, the closest the game had to a conservative character, was turned homosexual for absolutely no reason.[1]
- Dead Rising series: The series deals with a bioterror attack at various places resulting in the creation of zombies, as well as fighting against psychopaths who were either driven mad from tragic circumstances relating to the event, or otherwise used the event as an excuse for committing terrorist acts. The terrorists directly responsible for the events in question are generally depicted in a sympathetic manner, while the hidden villains, with the exception of Dead Rising 2, are usually military personnel, with the latter not being depicted in a sympathetic manner. The background of the first game regarding the Santa Cabenza operation also indicated that the Zombrex formula was initially created in an attempt to boost beef production, which may be a subtle condemnation of capitalism.
- Killer7: Aside from portraying assassinations in a positive light, the game also has implicit anti-American views in the plot due to commentary provided in the Hand in Killer7 handbook by the game's creator.[2]
- DmC: Devil May Cry*: The game's themes are anti-capitalist and the game even has a parody of Bill O'Reilly in the form of the character Bob Barbas, along with Raptor News Network parodying media like Fox News. The game also contains excessive swearing, juvenile humor, hookers and an overall bad story with accompanying terribly written dialogue. The producer of the game said that the game intended to poke fun at modern issues that are "depressingly familiar". This game is also an insult to a beloved series which isn't political in the first place and actually has good stories with christian themes.
Destructive Studios
- Hatred: The game's entire premise dealt with playing as a psychopathic and misanthropic spree killer trying to kill as many people as possible, and culminates in engineering a nuclear meltdown. Pro-terrorism, as well, with hints at a massively nihilistic outlook. There's also evidence that it plagiarized the Postal series of games in terms of overall plot and gameplay. Was also notorious for managing to be sold largely because of its controversy and other than that was not popular at all due to it encouraging killing for no justifications whatsoever.
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts is a game producer based in California. Some of the games they produce are okay, but others are quite liberal. Electronic Arts is now the parent company of Maxis, which was created by an atheist.
- Spore: The game revolves around the concept of Evolution.
- Cho Aniki series: Blatantly of the LGBT agenda.
Illusion Softworks
- Mafia series: Glorifies every aspect of the Italian mafia, with the third Mafia game promoting the radical Black Panthers, and featuring a minor lesbian protagonist.
- Spider-Man: Despite Spider-Man aiding the police and stopping crimes (which ironically got the game condemned by the leftist media as promoting authoritarian police states), the game pushed several anti-Trump messages via the characters Kingpin and Norman Osborne, with the former having Mary Jane Watson quipping that he plans to "Make New York Great Again" in an obvious attempt at connecting him to Trump's Make America Great Again slogan. There's also a feminist agenda being pushed with the characters Mary Jane, Silver Sable and to a lesser degree Black Cat.[3]
Konami has supported then-FLOTUS Michelle Obama's Let's Move exercise program in 2013 during E3. In addition, they also tend to have very liberal games on market such as:
- The Metal Gear Solid series by Hideo Kojima blatantly pushes anti-Americanism, post-modernism, nihilism, and also hints at anarchism being preferable to law and order. It also has some praise for May 1968, and Peace Walker infamously has most of the cast hero-worshipping Che Guevara. Kojima was also shown to be a big Obama supporter, especially in regards to the latter wanting to get rid of nuclear weapons. There was also an anti-Colonial settlement in several of the games, and has also promoted LGBT politics in the form of Dr. Strangelove. Notable examples include:
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is notorious for being the first postmodern game in the history of gaming. It also is extremely anti-American, with Hideo Kojima in his Grand Game Plan for the game even explicitly stating that America as a culture was meant to represent the biggest evil in the game, with the same source implying that Solid Snake, one of the few characters who was on the good spectrum, acted as a spy for Communist China.[4] The same source also implies that it intended to push a feminist agenda.[5] Both main villains, who espoused American values (to the extent that they were even named Sons of Liberty and Patriots) and were fighting each other, were shown or heavily implied to be complicit in terrorist acts, and several of the characters, both good and bad, were shown to do very amoral things, including constantly betraying each other. Solid Snake in the ending later gave a message on how there was never such a thing as "absolute reality" and how "reality" was just "cleverly disguised fiction", meaning he was essentially pushing nihilism. The game also briefly implies that Solid Snake had conducted terrorist attacks while in Philanthropy, with it overall being glossed over. In addition, some of the main villains, the Gurlukovich Mercenaries, who were strongly implied to be Communists, were depicted in a more sympathetic light compared to the other villains. Ironically, the game ended up being released around the time of the September 11 attacks. Kojima, in an interview dated back in 1999, implied that the game was meant to push the exact same themes as The Matrix by the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time, and who were personal friends of him), including the concept of how reality was an illusion.[6]
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots has the player aiding implied Muslim terrorists and Communist insurgents in the first two acts. In addition, there was a brief promotion of the crackpot Global Warming ideology at the beginning of Act 4. It also depicts the main antagonist Liquid Ocelot's desire for the destruction of the Patriots and the creation of pure anarchy in a positive light nearing the end. It also juxtapositions the United States and the Soviet Union symbolism during Big Mama's speech, implying that they were little different from each other. It also glosses over the complications posed by Sunny "keeping the brain cell intact" (in particular, Drebin 893, a gun launderer, implies both that the resulting Patriot shutdown will result in a massive boom for his business, and also that the UN would end up taking over the entire planet after the events of the shutdown of the War Economy and the Patriots resulted in multiple countries going broke and being in significant enough debt that even PMC regulation laws wouldn't come close to closing it off, as well as America being affected to the degree that it has to give up on unilateralism, and also briefly implying that the UN will likely come the closest towards a successor group to the Patriots and that the cycle will continue, with the story treating it as drunken ramblings.), and also heavily implies a more unrealistic view of government control similar to more left-wing views on how things work when all the characters are acting as though if Liquid Ocelot either took control of the Patriots directly or otherwise just wiped them out altogether, the key essentials to human civilization - water, air, electricity, food, medicine, communication and transportation - would be negatively affected to catastrophic levels, many times forgetting that most if not all of those would either not have been impacted at all by the Patriots shutdown (due to existing well before the Patriots or the Philosophers before them were even an idea) or otherwise being a minor inconvenience at worst. Was also notable as being the first entry to the series to have a character (Laughing Octopus) drop the f-bomb in dialogue in the English release (in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, the character EVA also dropped the f-bomb in English to Colonel Volgin in the Japanese version, but this was toned down overseas to "Go to hell!"). And while the game does have a subtle condemnation to gun control in the form of the Sons of the Patriots system, at the same time, it also seems to promote people killing each other for the sheer sake of it as evidenced by Liquid Ocelot's comments before his death, and also implies that to some extent, the gun control implanted by Liquid Ocelot when he took over the SOP system ended all conflict and treated that as a silver lining. While not in the game itself, the teaser site for the game and other games being made by Kojima Productions during that time, released during E3 2006 had an overall background theme that invoked left-wing revolutions and riots, even saying as their tagline "Kojima Productions' next revolt" including spraypainting and fists being raised with yells.[7]
- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was very left-wing in its outlook, even by Metal Gear series standards. One of the more infamous aspects of the game had the various main characters, including the co-protagonists Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller, giving a very fawning account on the Marxist terrorist Che Guevara, completely ignoring his role in nearly causing the Cuban Missile Crisis to become a full on nuclear war despite two of the main villains doing exactly that, not to mention Big Boss trying to put a stop to two attempts at launching a nuke twice, one at Cuba and another at America. In the case of Big Boss and Miller, it also conflicts completely with their histories, which had them, respectively, feeling guilt for killing The Boss (as well as implying at one point that the Cuban Missile Crisis was ultimately responsible for the aforementioned action) and growing up in Japan during that time with the adults explicitly panicking respectively. Later twitter posts supplied by his secretary depicted pictures of Kojima blatantly posing near a framed portrait of Che Guevara's infamous portrait as well as him carrying a Che Guevara tote bag, which implied the pro-Che Guevara narrative in the game was due to Hideo Kojima projecting his views into the game at the expense of the story.[8][9] Aside from Che, Miller and Big Boss also proceeded to briefly mention Mao Zedong once via his book On Protracted War while implying they similarly held him in high regard as well. The various characters also gave very anti-American views, including condemning the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, the firebombing of Tokyo, the post-war period of Japan, and also repeating the usual condemnations towards American involvement in South and Central America, many times completely ignoring or at most glossing over Soviet involvement in the region as well. One character, a French woman named Cecile Cosima Caminades, also was implied to be very sexually loose, and also gives a glowing account of the horrendous events of the May 1968 riots in France (including falsely implying that the vast majority of Paris and even France as a whole had participated in or at least were influenced by the events of May 1968, despite it, similar to the Hippie movement, actually only being a minority rabble of Trotskyite and Maoist groups trying to impose their will on society, and that it actually ruined France rather than the game's implication that it actually turned out for the better unlike the Hippie movement or similar movements in Japan.) and also was a fangirl of notorious Existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre (her fangirlism to him was made more explicit in the Japanese version, where she actually squeals in excitement when Big Boss mentions that he was the same guy who infamously referred to Che Guevara as "the most complete man of the century."). It also has some implied LGBT agenda pushing in the form of Dr. Strangelove, who is strongly implied to be a lesbian, as well as one mission featuring Big Boss and Miller entering a date and being implied to have engaged in homosexual sex upon the completion. The CIA was also depicted in a very negative light, being the main antagonistic force in the game, and the initial main villain Hot Coldman, a station chief in Central America and an implied former Director for the CIA, was depicted as a madman. It also paints the FSLN in a sympathetic light and, in a clear breach with real-life history, depicts them actually revolting against the KGB late in the game, as well as largely glossing over their crimes (in an even more egregrious note, the Sandinista Comandante Amanda was implied in dialogue to be a Christian despite the fact that the FSLN, being a Communist organization, was explicitly Atheistic in its outlook). When covering the game at Tokyo Game Show 2009, Hideo Kojima heavily implied that deterrence was bad, as was holding any form of military at all,[10] which is further supported by the game frequently quoting Enlightenment philosopher and leftist Immanuel Kant and his tract On Perpetual Peace, one of the quotes, given in the first ending, being from Chapter 1 of the treatise where he explicitly calls for the total abolishment of any and all armies. In addition, it also had Kojima during development reporting glowingly on Barack Obama's Prague Speech on a World without Nukes.[11] There's also a slight joke where the characters refer to Hideo Kojima as "god." Paz also at one point channels anti-Colonial sentiments regarding outside markets. There are also two missions, one having Snake (who is 39 years old at the time of the game) date as well as being strongly implied to have had sex with Paz (who at the time of the mission was believed to be sixteen years old), and the other being the aforementioned Miller mission.
- Metal Gear Solid V: Like with Peace Walker, it depicts several anti-American references throughout both games. In the first part of the game, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, it depicts a black site in Cuba that was all but stated to be Guantanamo Bay in what was clearly intended to be a condemnation towards its existence, including implying that the terrorists placed there had just been abducted in the dead of night and didn't actually do anything wrong. It also showcased some extremely brutal torture, including them forcing a kid to rape a girl, as well as stuffing a bomb down said girl's vagina. It also depicts the Marines in a very negative light. One of the side missions for the game also has the player infiltrating the base with the explicit mission of assassinating members of a Marine Sniper-Spotter team who had previously been deployed to Laos due to their being successful in killing several high-ranking members of the NVA and other Communist organizations in the region, with the person giving the mission being KGB, while another mission has the player sabotaging anti-air guns as well as doing a helicopter raid on the base. Kojima, in an interview with the Guardian, also makes it perfectly clear that up to that point, he intended for his games to question America's role in the world, and implied he wanted to show it in a negative light.[12] The ending for the main mission as well as one of the tapes has the character Skull Face, when describing Here's to You, falsely referring to Sacco and Vanzetti as having been innocent of the crimes they were executed for. In the second half, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, there were several anti-American references, such as having a character named Code Talker refer negatively to the American Indian Boarding School as well as developing genocidal views on the English language and his being portrayed sympathetically for this, as well as Miller making a reference to the pejorative "American Empire." Ronald Reagan was also mentioned as well as his Evil Empire speech, with a more sarcastic element to it. In addition, although the protagonists do fight against the USSR, their missions in Africa have them aiding the Communist backed MPLA, and also make several anti-Colonial references such as Western Powers being "parasitic" towards their natural resources), with Kojima even admitting in concept art commentary that he deliberately made the Angola-Zaire border region look extremely polluted and gloomy to highlight this message.[13] Like before, it mentions the FSLN in a glowing manner, even explicitly founding a socialist state as well as being backed by the USSR. In addition, writer Kenji Yano also implied that Big Boss being Ishmael instead of Huey Emmerich was because they wanted to avoid a pro-American bias regarding morality.[14] In addition, there was an ending for disarming all nukes on a server that implied that all nukes had been gotten rid of, which also featured a quotation by Barack Obama as part of the credits.
- Wolfenstein II: The game has a Nazi occupation in America, with the twitter promotion making an unsubtle attempt at connecting this plot point with the Donald Trump presidency and his electorate. Was also rather notorious for not only this element, but also further demonstration of fake news by the left-wing media including Newsweek promoting the same claim, as well as indirectly hinting at Russian collusion.[15]
Multiple Parties
- Saints Row series: Glamorizes criminal street gangs. Much like the Grand Theft Auto series, the player character engages in many immoral and depraved acts. The second game is anti-capitalist (despite the Protagonist being a capitalist him/herself) with the depiction of the Ultor Corporation. (which was from developer Volition's other series Red Faction) The third game in the series attacks George W. Bush and the Iraq War with it's depiction of STAG. It also promotes the infamous liberal misconception about the "Mission Accomplished" Banner behind Bush when he delivered the speech from the USS Abraham Lincoln.[16]
Naughty Dog
- The Last of Us series: Social Justice Warrior-filled propaganda series masquerading as a survival horror series. Although the main version of the first game by itself was neutral, the game's DLC turned one of the main protagonists, Ellie, into a lesbian, after meeting a promiscuous bisexual woman named Dina. "Part II" based on leaks doubles down on the SJW elements: aside from exploring and treating Ellie's homosexuality in a positive light, the main antagonists, the Seraphites, are depicted as Christians who go out and slaughter "sinners", and are treated in a bad light, meaning it intended to push an anti-Christian agenda, and one of the women, Ellie's mother, is depicted as more masculine, hinting at gender confusion, and also hints at anti-male. Part 2 was ultimately given an indefinite delay, with the official reason being the outbreak of COVID-19, and issuing refunds to those who pre-ordered it.
Radical Games
- The Simpsons Road Rage: Blatantly pushes an anti-nuclear energy agenda, as the premise of the game involves Mr. Burns buying the public transit system and producing nuclear-powered buses, with it clearly being treated in a negative light as the game expects the player to do a volunteer taxi service to buy back the public transit system from Mr. Burns, with the taxi service being ironically a lot MORE hazardous to people's health due to extremely reckless driving and traffic violations, which is actively encouraged. The game, when first unveiling the nuclear buses, also shows the character Hans Moleman emitting a green glow and then begging for someone to kill him while in obvious agony as well as the bus itself emitting a similar green glow when Mr. Burns declares it to be "cheaper, faster, and completely safe", carrying the obvious implication that Burns was lying, even though studies have shown that nuclear power is actually much safer for the environment overall when used right and a lot more cost effective. The game was also an explicit knock-off of Crazy Taxi, to the extent that one of its claim to fame was being the subject of a lawsuit by Sega, the creators of Crazy Taxi, against Fox Entertainment for the similarities.
Rockstar Games
- Grand Theft Auto series: This whole series promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, crime, pornography, and a bunch of other gobbledygook. Grand Theft Auto V was probably the worst as it did everything it could to demonize wealthy businessmen, FBI agents, country people, and lawyers. Grand Theft Auto IV was probably the second worst as it was pro-illegal immigration.
- Midnight Club series: Same basic premise as Grand Theft Auto, only you're playing as a street racer instead of a car thief.
- Guevara (Released in The United States as Guerrilla War) was a game released in 1987 and later brought to the NES which glorifies the rise to power of Che and Castro.[17] Both the Japanese and English versions proclaim "Hail the heros of the Revolution!" in the opening credit. The English version does not directly name the protagonists, and also had the game script and instruction manual rewritten to tone down the obvious pro-Communist sentiment, although it is nonetheless pretty clear from their physical appearances who they were supposed to represent.
Top Heavy Studios
- The Guy Game: Produced by the sexist, slimy Jeff Spangenberg (founder of Iguana Entertainment which later got bought by Nintendo and re-named Retro Studios. Spangenberg was fired by Nintendo after they discovered he was using company computers to host a porn site), this shameless game features various women flashing their bare chests as part of a trivia game. The game was later banned after it was discovered that one of the "contestants" was only 17 years old.
Ubisoft claims to be a very diverse company. It seems they aren't very diverse politically as they have some of the most liberal games on market
- The Assassin's Creed franchise: Anti-Christian, as it claims that Jesus Christ was a fraud,[18] with the villains of the series being the Knights Templar. The worst of the franchise is Syndicate, which has you killing capitalists in Victorian age London, working with the evolutionist Charles Darwin and communist Karl Marx. Ubisoft also had a transgender in the game, even though such a person was nonexistent back then. Only two games exist in the franchise that are in any way conservative: The third, which deals with the American Revolution and depicts the Founding Fathers in a positive light (although the DLC has them depicted negatively), and Assassin's Creed Unity, which depicted the French Revolution and its founders in a very negative light.
- Watch Dogs 2: While the first game is generally conservative (Pro-family, Anti-big government, Anti-crime), the sequel is one of the most liberal games to date. The main characters are anarchists, and the game has you fighting big corporations. You also have to work with many gays and transgenders. Also, in one mission the player must take down a church and expose it as fake. Even though the church in the game is meant to symbolize the cult of Scientology,[19] there are various Anti-Christian undertones, such as a cross being depicted in an evil light with the words "False Prophets" being put under it. It is in this mission where you must also work with a gender-confused mayor, who is mad with the church for leaking videos of his mutilations onto the internet.
Debatable whether liberal
- Call of Duty 2: Like most entries in the franchise, it ultimately promotes American values and the military, as well as the British during World War II as well. However, at least one of the main campaigns depicts the Soviets in a positive manner due to it focusing on the Battle of Stalingrad.
Bethesda Software
- The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: This addition to the fantasy game series The Elder Scrolls tells about the player being prophesized as a "Dragonborn" (a being with the body of a mortal and the soul of a dragon) to do battle with the dark dragon Alduin and delay the end of the world. In the midst of the crisis is an ongoing civil war between the rebel Stormcloaks led by Ulfric Stormcloak and the Imperial Legion. The game engages in a few liberal themes, including an option for same-sex marriage and a promotion of feminism (including high-ranking female "legates", the game's equivalent of a colonel, with the females given a more masculine design). However, it is also inspired by conservative novels such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia and has conservative messages just like them. Such messages include redemption and striving to do good when the great white dragon Paarthurnax is revealed to have once been Alduin's second-in-command but has since tamed his more savage nature to be at peace with the mysterious Greybeards and other humans, asking "What is better: to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" Both sides in the civil war have valid reasons for their actions: The Legion that is stationed in Skyrim wants a united empire to stand against the high elves, and the Stormcloaks want Skyrim to be more independent from the empire, similar to the colonists from the American Revolution.
- Fallout 4: Part of the apocalyptic Fallout series, the player (a soldier for a male character, a lawyer for a female character) is cryogenically frozen, witnessing his/her infant son being kidnapped. They awaken two hundred years later in post-apocalyptic Boston, Massachusetts (called the Commonwealth) and embark on a journey to find their son, joined by new friends and various factions. The game does condemn nuclear weapons; even a companion named Deacon believes this about weapons of any kind: "Guns don't solve problems, they just create more". Players can even choose to be involved in a homosexual relationship with companions of the same sex, and a minor character and a Miss Nanny robot fall in love and marry. Like having the choice to do good, the player can also choose to do harmful things like murder or stealing, which other companions (like Courser X6-88 and super mutant Strong) will commend them for. The DLC called "Nuka World" (taking place in a soda-based amusement park) has the option of leading a violent band of raiders on a mission to subdue the Commonwealth; this, however, is also up to the player, who can wipe out the raiders instead. However, the game also portrays friendship and other virtues like courage well, as shown with the well-meaning but harsh Brotherhood of Steel. The Minutemen - initially led by Preston Garvey - are shown to be altruistic patriots, ready to defend other people and preserve freedom for the Commonwealth; they even have a motto saying "Freedom at a minute's notice". Family is also promoted in several ways: The player is searching for their son who is kidnapped as a baby, reporter Piper Wright and her sister Nat work together as a team in journalism, and MacCready wanders the Commonwealth in search of a cure for his sick son. The player even has the choices of doing good, like defending settlements from attack or giving money or supplies to the needy, and several companions (including Piper and synth detective Nick Valentine) will praise the player for their good choices.
- Resident Evil series: The games generally have a subtle anti-capitalist and anti-American agenda (with one of the protagonists in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Carlos, being a communist rebel according to the game's Japanese version, and some versions of Resident Evil 5 have a secret conversation between the game's protagonists, Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, where the former denounces America due to it being capitalist.[20]). However, it also has a condemnation against social Darwinism and eugenics, as most of the main villains in the franchise tended to promote some form of eugenics as well as social Darwinism as their motives. In addition, one of the protagonists, Barry Burton, was implied in the English localization to be a member of the National Rifle Association, and the games also to some extent featured pro-family messaging, as Barry Burton was shown to be very loyal to his family, and the character Claire Redfield is depicted as being loyal to her brother Chris, spending Resident Evil 2 trying to find him and in Code Veronica refuses to allow Albert Wesker to harm him. The games also showcase government corruption in a scarily realistic and negative light in the form of Albert Wesker (who was a former police officer in the first Resident Evil) and Brian Irons (the police chief for the Raccoon City Police Department in Resident Evil 2). Resident Evil 4 also has a condemnation against pagan religions in the form of the Los Illuminados (which is Spanish for "The Enlightened Ones", and may subtly condemn the Illuminati), and the game Umbrella Chronicles has a possible negative depiction of Communism, or at the very least Soviet-style communism, as one of the main antagonists of that game, Sergei Vladimir, is depicted as an unrepentant former Soviet soldier who in one of the in-game files is strongly implied to have ultimately desired the restoration of the Soviet state.
- Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record: Although it has largely the same plotline as in the first Dead Rising, it also to some extent is pro-family, due to the main character trying to save his daughter from infection. In addition, unlike the first or third main entries to the series, the hidden antagonist is not a military person, but instead a former rapper and TV executive who orchestrated the entire outbreak to boost ratings as well as steal wealth, acting as a subtle condemntation to Hollywood values.
Frontier Developments
- Jurassic World Evolution: A spiritual sequel to Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis from 2001, this game takes the player across the Muerto Archipelago - a chain of tropical islands off the coast of Costa Rica - as they build dinosaur parks for the public. In a way, it promotes the pro-cloning message from the films The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, though Ian Malcolm from the movies does warn the player about the consequences of creating dinosaurs. On the other hand, it also promotes capitalism, showing that the park cannot operate without money, requiring the player to build shops, complete contracts to earn rewards, and create fully-cloned dinosaurs to bring in more money and build up the parks. Three DLCS include "The Secrets of Dr. Wu", "Claire's Sanctuary", and "Return to Jurassic Park", as well as having different upgrades and new dinosaurs added with them. A sequel called Jurassic World Evolution 2 was released in November 2021, taking place after the events of Fallen Kingdom and following the gameplay and values of the first.
- Metal Gear Solid/Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes: Although the first game does have condemnation towards Cloning and genetic engineering, and also has (albeit unintentionally) a pro-life/anti-abortion message due to Liquid Snake, when describing the process of the Les Enfants Terribles' creation, in particular its use of abortion to encourage fetal growth, explicitly labeling it as murder (although in that case, he attributed the act of murder more to himself and his brother Solid Snake, both byproducts of the project, than to the people actually responsible for the Super Baby Method), as well as promoting the concept of redemption to some extent, and also paints terrorism in an appropriately bad light, it at the same time is rife with anti-Americanism among both heroes and villains (although obviously not to the same extent as in later entries) as well as pushing an anti-nuclear and anti-war agenda, both of which seemed to focus more on America doing so than other countries, in particular Russia and China (specifically, the character Nastasha Romanenko, a member of NEST, spent most of her time condemning America for using nuclear weapons or even using nuclear power at all, and giving very little, if any criticism towards Russia and China for their having nukes, despite the fact that the event that caused her to hold a strong hatred for nukes, Chernobyl, having originated from within the Soviet bloc).
- Metroid: Other M: Although largely part of the Metroid series and retaining some of its more conservative elements (namely, the promotion of parenthood and condemning the concept of playing god), the game was rather infamous for several criticisms it experienced in the game, namely the characterization of Adam Malkovich and his relationship with Samus due to it coming across more as promoting an abusive relationship (such as Adam shooting Samus in the back before sacrificing himself). The game, unlike in the Prime series, also depicts the military in a more negative manner, as a flashback had Samus being restrained from turning her back on Adam despite her intention being to save Ian, his brother, from death, as well as one of the more controversial elements of the game being the authorization element which at one point has Adam failing to actually authorize the Varia Suit to allow Samus to traverse through a superheated area despite it nearly killing her until a long while afterward, and also had as its main plot a conspiracy to weaponized Metroids at the order of the Federation military (as well as having someone within Samus's group attempt to assassinate each of the members in order to silence them to any potential discoveries to the conspiracy in question via the character The Deleter).
Radical Games
- The Simpsons Hit and Run: Although there are some liberal themes, such as Marge's crusade against Bonestorm-an implied violent video game-being depicted in a negative light, some characters engaging in lawlessness in a similar manner to Grand Theft Auto, and one of the later chapters for the game having the main antagonists supply the townspeople with ray guns as well as tainted cola in a way that could be interpreted as supporting gun control, it also had several conservative messages, namely pro-family, as two of the chapters dealt with Lisa and Marge trying to find Bart after he went missing and trying to find out the cause behind his addled behavior, and later attempting to stop the production of Buzz Cola due to its effects on Bart, respectively, the first chapter and most of the game features a condemnation towards mass surveillance due to the presence of surveillance vans and wasp cameras and their being treated in a clear negative light, especially in a matter that isn't essential to stopping a threat, and is also anti-Hollywood values due to the main antagonists, aliens by the name of Kang and Kodos, deliberately trying to cause a ruckus in Springfield, including the aforementioned distribution of ray guns and tainted Buzz Cola to cause a shootout and later reanimating the dead via Buzz Cola, plus using the wasp cameras and surveillance vans all in an attempt to boost ratings of their reality show "Foolish Earthlings," which as the title implies deals with depicting various people of Earth, in particular Springfield, doing various stupid actions. Also has a rarity in the franchise where nuclear power is actually depicted in a positive light due to it ultimately being the only thing that stopped Kang and Kodos's alien invasion. There is also a humorous condemnation towards gun-free school zones, as during the same level that Bart has to stop the distribution of ray guns to the populace at Squidport, Principal Skinner explicitly references the no-gun policy among students at Springfield Elementary when confiscating Bart's ray gun, despite Bart making clear he only needed the gun to supply evidence towards an evil plot.
Rockstar North
- Red Dead Redemption: Set in 1911, a former outlaw named John Marston is tasked by a corrupt government official to hunt down his former gang members in exchange for getting his wife and son back. Like with the Grand Theft Auto series, the player can choose to do bad deeds like murder, stealing horses and money, and robbing people. There is even a hint of bestiality when a minor character marries his horse Lucy, though the main character is rightfully flabbergasted at the reveal that the man's lost love is a horse. However, the positives in the game outweigh the negative. Red Dead Redemption promotes the importance of family in the form of John trying to work hard to be with his family again, even trying to spend time with his son Jack and saving him from a brown bear; there is also traditional marriage being upheld, for John will refuse to sleep with prostitutes and remains faithful to his wife Abigail. It condemns government corruption through main villain Edgar Ross, who wants all of John's former gang destroyed to get all the glory for it, to the point where he has his army kill John in spite of promising to leave the latter alone once his job is done. It also promotes doing good like donating to a nunnery, helping people (whether rescuing people from gangs or wild animals to just fetching items for them), and doing jobs for them.
- Red Dead Redemption 2: Set 12 years before the events of Red Dead Redemption, this game explores how the Dutch Van Der Linde gang had fallen from their prime in the point-of-view of one of Dutch's righthand men: Arthur Morgan. During the course of the game, the gang changes much and even leads Arthur to start questioning Dutch's increasingly reckless decisions. Like with the Grand Theft Auto series, the player can choose to do bad deeds like murder, stealing horses and money, and robbing people, and the main character (no matter how high their honor may be) will be a part of a notorious gang of robbers and bandits. Dutch himself is portrayed as an early communist, believing in redistributing wealth as they steal from the rich and give to the poor, based on the Jacobin version of Robin Hood as portrayed by Joseph Ritson. Feminism is also promoted in a way by the character of the widow Sadie Adler, who insists of doing more work than helping with cooking; it's further shown when she later fights off and kills three men at once on her own in spite of a physical disadvantage. Like the first game, however, there are a lot more positives. As the title suggests, it promotes redemption in the form of main protagonist Arthur Morgan helping John Marston and his family escape the collapsing gang at the cost of his own life (whether from succumbing to tuberculosis or being murdered by main antagonist Micah Bell, which depends on whether the player has high or low honor). Hunting is portrayed positively while poaching is negatively shown, for half black/half Native American Charles Smith is angered at the sight of poachers leaving intact bison carcasses to rot. The game also shows doing good deeds, heroism, and family (whether it be with the Marston family or most of the Dutch Van Der Linde gang) in a positive light.
- The Bully: A delinquent named Jimmy Hopkins is sent to a primary school to correct his behavior. There, he learns the hierarchy of the school cliques and rises up the ranks. Jimmy is shown as a jerk who gets involved in fights with bullies and high school cliques. The game has also been criticized by conservatives because it is possible for the player to engage the protagonist in homosexual relationships.[21] In spite of all that, though, the game does show the dangers of high school cliques as well as bullies, and Jimmy can choose to stand up to bullies and help the other kids in school.
- Final Fantasy II: In initial releases for the game, the game had an undeniably pro-Christian element to the games, and also condemned Satanic worshippers and totalitarianism in the form of the game's main villain Emperor Mateus Palamecia, who explicitly goes to Hell when he dies and tries to take over the world with the powers he gained from Hell. However, the remakes starting with the GBA version added in a new mode called "Dawn of Souls" which has the killed party members fighting against the Emperor's light half who took over Heaven, which could be interpreted as an anti-Christian message.
- Final Fantasy VI: Promotes parenthood due to Terra Branford becoming a mother figure for the Mobliz orphans late into the game, which also had her learning the concept of love, and also showcases the horrors of totalitarian ideologies in the form of the Gestahlian Empire, and also offers a condemnation of nihilism in the form of the game's main antagonist Kefka Palazzo (who is depicted in a similar manner to the Joker from the Batman franchise). However, Terra also makes a more relativistic remark when trying to refute Kefka regarding finding meanings in things.
- Final Fantasy VII: Promotes the concept of redemption and condemns unethical science in the form of Professor Hojo, but on the other hand, it also has a more anti-Capitalist view on things with Shin-Ra, the main antagonists, being a corporation, and is hinted to promote environmentalism due to the main protagonists being eco-terrorists. The whole game nature is very homoerotic, and one of the game missions involves cross-dressing. Moreover, the main character of the game, Cloud is hugely popular with corrupt liberal game journalists as a symbol of the "toxic masculinity" deconstruction.
- Assassins Creed 3: The Assassins help the American Revolution by killing the Templar leaders of the British. However, a DLC came out for the game that has you kill all of the Founding Fathers.
- Far Cry 5: The main villains of the game are inaccurately portrayed as Christians, while the previous game villains were more politically neutral (they include a psychotic pirate and an atheistic dictator). However, Jerome Jeffries, one of the characters who aids the player, is a Christian pastor. Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, another supporting character, has a distrust for government. The game also occasionally pokes fun at liberals and paints the 2nd-amendment in a positive light.
Indie/Small Developers
• Undertale: On one hand, it teaches the importance of core Christian values such as mercy and compassion by discouraging killing characters, and instead solving conflicts non-violently. On the other hand, it involves homosexual and bisexual relationships, some of which may involve the player character (who is 12 years of age and androgynous) depending on what dialogue choices the player makes.
See also
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- ↑ Hand in Killer7, "Since the foundation of the United States of America, many organizations and political parties struggled for power. Although history recognizes the United States of America's government as a democratic republic, it is rumored that a shadow government really runs the country."
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- ↑ Metal Gear Solid 2: Grand Game Plan (, page 36-37.
- Absolute evil in MGS2
Westerns -> Native Americans
Post-WWII war films -> Germany, Japan
Cold War-era spy films -> Russia
Post-Cold War films -> China
Following the signing of the friendship treaty between the US and China -> Japanese businesses(the collapse of the bubble economy)
1990s -> Terrorism
- MGS2’s evil
- Absolute evil
People used by them: Solidus -> current President of the United States of America
Colonel Gurlukovich -> a Russian who wishes to see his country rebuilt
People they must be careful of:
Vamp -> ex-Stasi
Old Boy -> former Nazi army colonel
Snake -> a spy for China? - ↑
Page 6
Having an iconic female character (Fortune), like in the previous game, as well as an ordinary woman involved with the main character, will add both a realistic and romantic element to the game.
‘The 21st century will be the age of women, when women will protect men’" - ↑
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"There's the philosophy of nuclear deterrence," Kojima continued. "America and Russia just kept piling up on their nuclear weapons. And when you have an army, it deters enemies from invading. That's yet another theory of deterrence. Why can't we get rid of nuclear arms and soldiers from the world? I'm sure that everyone's thought about it. And then there's the reality, which I hope players will think about as they're playing Peace Walker. Back then, it was a time when these theories were actually thought to be effective. And now, we're paying the price. We've still got tons of nuclear weapons scattered all over the world." - ↑
『核なき世界』をプラハで宣言したオバマ大統領がノーベル平和賞を受賞した。 ようやく時代が動き出したのか。 ピースウォーカー計画始動?そうなる事を願いたい。 『平和は歩いては来ない』 『お互い歩み寄るしかないのだ』 Gymにて。 ("President Obama, who talked about a "world without nuclear weapons" in Prague, has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Has history finally made its move? Could this be the beginning of the Peace Walker Project? I hope so. "Peace won't come to us." "We have to meet it halfway" At the gym."?) - ↑ "With Ground Zeroes he [Hideo Kojima] escalated the stakes by taking aim at North America’s contemporary policies towards terror suspects. “In the past the US was the centre of the world, where everything was happening,” he says. “I think my stories have always sought to question this, maybe even criticise it. But the situation is changing. America is not seen as the centre of the world any more. So the focus of my stories is shifting alongside with that change in the real world.” "It’s a diplomatic answer, but Ground Zeroes is not an especially diplomatic video game. Its incarcerated terror suspects kneel in wire cages, bound at the hands and feet with blinding sacks over their heads. As you hoist them on to Snake’s shoulder and sprint to the evacuation helicopter, some break down in tears either through fear or relief. It’s grimly political. “[Guantanamo] was definitely something that I made decision to address in the game,” Kojima says. “Hollywood continues to present the US army as being the good guys, always defeating the aliens or foreigners. I am trying to shift that focus. These movies might not be the only way to view current affairs. I am trying to present an alternate view in these games.”"
- ↑ Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: The Official Guide: Collector's Edition by Piggyback Games, page 401. "Hideo Kojima: 'Some of the locations in Africa are evidently polluted and gloomy. This was a way to highlight how foreign (non-African) countries are parasitic on the resources available in Africa.'"
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Yano says that Kojima explained the structure of MGSV to him as early as 2011, and all the different elements were already in place: from the themes (such as phantom pain and retaliation) to the motif of Moby Dick. “However, at that point Ishmael was actually Huey. Snake was Ahab, and Diamond Dogs’ enemy was America. It was set up so that the story, being told by Huey (Ishmael) as an American citizen, would be biased toward the American perspective, showing America as being right the whole time.” According to Yano, the Moby Dick connection is also meant as an allegory for the powers that drive the world, as whales used to be more than just a source of food. “Of course their oil was prized, but also other parts such as the bones and baleen played an important role in people’s lifestyles. […] World maps are thought to have come about thanks to the whaling trade. In short, whaling was inseparable from people’s lives at the time. You could even say it had “infiltrated” their lives.” With MGSV, Kojima brought this theme to a new century: “What’s important is that Kojima-san didn’t just transplant the motif from Moby-Dick. I think it’s more a case of these two creators, Melville and Kojima, relentlessly thinking through the way that the world works, and arriving at the same answer.” This connects to the setting of the game: “if we look at the game from the energy perspective, it’s obvious that Afghanistan and Africa would be the settings for the events in MGSV. Each produces oil, and each is a source of rare metals and other mined resources.” Of course, both Moby Dick and MGSV share the theme of revenge. “As Skull Face stated in MGSV, the world is an endless loop of action and reaction. It’s always an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. […] Like Moby-Dick, MGSV is also a tale of revenge.” Why was Ishmael changed from Huey to Big Boss? Yano believes the answer to that lies in what Ahab represents: “Although Ahab has only his personal revenge, when the character is superimposed onto American righteousness, he serves as an analogy for how justification for revenge based on instinctive national memory is converted into a just cause.” He continues: “But in MGSV, it’s actually America that’s the overarching Moby Dick. Big Boss is Ahab in the sense that he’s been maimed by America in the past. Big Boss turns his yearning for revenge into bonds that bind him together with comrades who share his wish to retaliate against America (or its self-righteous justifications). However, from America’s point of view it’s Big Boss that’s Moby Dick. So what we can see in MGSV is actually an attempt to depict battle between Ahab and Ahab, or perhaps Moby Dick and Moby Dick.” This, according to Yano, explains why Kojima chose to switch the role of Ahab from Huey to Big Boss. “To be more precise, the aim is to reveal that the system the world runs on defines Big Boss’s existence as “evil.” That’s why MGSV tells you distinctly that Ahab is you, the player. It says, now you have to experience first-hand the absurdity of being branded a villain by the manipulating ways of the global status quo. […] For that message to be put across, it can’t be Huey telling it, since he’s on the American side. It has to be Big Boss himself that delivers the message.” - ↑
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- ↑ Yes, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro starred in a video game
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- ↑ Leo Chan. "Bully Under Spotlight For "Homosexual" Content", Neoseeker, Neo Era Media, Inc., 2006-10-24. Retrieved on 2019-03-08.