Previous Breaking News/United Nations
From Conservapedia
This page contains the items that were once on the "In the news" section of the Main Page. The articles are mainly about the United Nations.
Last date of Archived news is April 30, 2008. Contains archives from January 2007 to April 2008.
- The U.N.'s Hypocrisy in Tibet [1]
- United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemns Geert Wilders's controversial film "Fitna", while stating "freedom of expression is not at stake here" - a blatant lie. [2]
- UN Says it needs 25% Boost in Funding [3]
- The United Nations: Islam’s Gestapo [4]
- The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Procurement: Exceptions Are the Rule [5] and Curiouser and Curiouser [6]
- Furthering the U.N.'s Leftist Agenda[7]
- The CERD Committee uses its resources and reports to deliver a demonstrably leftist attack on U.S. policy on social issues, immigration, the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, abortion, the death penalty, and various other matters high on the liberal agenda.
- The United Nations Security Council decides not to condemn the latest Arab atrocity in Jerusalem... because Libya complains![8]
- What is a Terrorist? Don’t Ask the United Nations [9]
- The UN is Against Press Freedom [10]
- U.N. goodwill ambassador and part-time Tomb Raider Angelina Jolie states the surge in Iraq is working: [11]
- United Nations Committee Pushes Countries to Promote Abortion [12]
- Journalist Who Exposes U.N. Corruption Disappears From Google [13]
UPDATE: Google Quietly Reinstates Work of News Organization Critical of U.N. - Obama Has More Faith in the UN, Iran & Syria than in U.S. Soldiers in Iraq [14]
- The United Nations talks about fixing its scandal ridden, multi-billion-dollar procurement system, but then ignores its own procurement ban [15]
- Attempting to Stop Global Warming is Futile and a Mistake, says letter to the UN [16]
- The letter argues against the existence of consensus and rejects claims of abnormal climate change.
- Not quite "model" science? Scientists state global warming may be flawed: [17]
- And not just flawed; the U.N. Secretary-General isn't all too worried about it as he adds his own pollutants between meetings and rock concerts: [18]
- In a dramatic finish to a U.N. climate conference, world leaders adopted a plan Saturday for negotiating a new global warming pact by 2009, after the United States backed down in a battle over wording supported by developing nations and Europe. [19]
- U.N. Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize Share, Denounces Climate Alarmism NewsBusters [20]
- "I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we see." John Christy's message about climate alarmism
- Global Warming's Senseless Consensus Fox News [21]
- "Is there a "consensus" on global warming among the scientists participating in the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?"
- "The 'climate consensus' notion functions primarily as a marketing tool for converting the public to a political viewpoint, rather than as a valid scientific approach toward understanding global warming."
- Hugo Chavez, the outspoken leftist dictator who called U.S. President George W. Bush the "devil" on the floor of the United Nations last year, triggered the exchange by repeatedly referring to former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar as a "fascist."
- Spanish King Juan Carlos, angrily turned to Chavez and said, "Why don't you shut up?"
- The United Nations ranks Iceland as the best place to live, knocking the United States down to 12th, even though the economic freedom in the United States gives it the highest per capita income of any large nation. [23]
- UN Coming After Your Wallet to Solve Global Warming U.S. to pay $40 billion
- Law of the Sea Treaty would swamp U.S. legal system Phyllis Schlafly at Human Events [24]
- "This case is dramatic proof of why the U.S. Senate should not ratify any more U.N. treaties that put U.S. law in the noose of foreign tribunals."
- The Top Five Reasons Why Conservatives Should Oppose the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea The Heritage Foundation
- Reason #1: The Treaty Will Undermine U.S. Sovereignty
- Reason #2: The Treaty Will Become a Back Door for Environmental Activists
- Reason #3: America Should Not Participate in Yet Another U.N. Bureaucracy
- Reason #4: American Participation Will Undermine U.S. Military and Intelligence Operations
- Reason #5: The U.S. Does Not Need the Convention to Guarantee Navigation Rights
- The push for the Law of the Sea Treaty Michelle Malkin [25]
- Law of the Sea Meets 'Legacy Time' Human Events [26]
- Liberal "Computer hackers posted an anti-war message on the U.N.'s official Web site, claiming that U.S. and Israeli policies in the Middle East were taking innocent lives, the United Nations said."[27]
- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon Faces Major Test in Ethics Case. Fox News: [28]
- Outsiders Have Access to United Nations Development Program's Financial Management System. Fox News: [29]