Last modified on May 7, 2018, at 15:10

Priests for Life

Priests for Life is a pro-life Roman Catholic organization dedicated to “show[ing] the clergy how to fight the culture of death” and “spread[ing] the Gospel of Life to their people,” especially by opposition to abortion and euthanasia.[1] Priests for Life was founded in 1991 and currently directed by Father Frank Pavone.[2]

Though the principle body of members is Catholic clergy, laypeople and Christian ministers from other denominations may also be members.[3]

America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion

This is a project to get the media to show images of abortion, and which provides images of abortions. Father Pavone has long worked to publicize these images because “Only seeing such images can bring us to the kind of indignation needed to sustain the sacrifices that will be necessary to finally bring an end to this injustice.”[4]


Priests for Life provides images of aborted babies at all stages of development, and the “America Will Not Reject Abortion” project even displays a video of an abortion. Pavone believes that seeing the reality of abortion is an integral step in changing people’s views on abortion.

Dozens of comments on the images can be found [1].

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