Last modified on July 21, 2024, at 15:36

Essay:Best New Conservative Words

The "tax-and-spend" slogan stuck to Harry Hopkins like a well-fitted suit.

Conservative terms, with conservative insights, originate at a faster rate and with higher quality than liberal terms do. Thus conservative triumph over liberalism is inevitable.

The English language develops about 1,000 new words annually. The King James Version of the Bible contains about 8,000 different words;[1] many strong new words -- akin to prime numbers -- have developed since. You can benefit from these.

Powerful new conservative terms have grown at a geometric rate, roughly doubling every century. For each new conservative term originating in the 1600s,[2] there are two new terms originating in the 1700s, four new terms in the 1800s, and eight new terms in the 1900s, for a pattern of "1-2-4-8". This indicates the future will be increasingly conservative.

Century # New Conservative Terms
1600s 41 (beginning in 1611)
1700s 86
1800s 177
1900s 357
2000s 71 (preliminary)

Conservative words and terms

New Term Origin date Comments
a.m. 1762 "a.m." means "before noon" in Latin (ante meridiem); it became popular much as "A.D." did. Also, a morning work ethic is a conservative concept.
abortuary 1983 an abortion clinic, which in reality is a mortuary for unborn children
abstract nonsense 1940s a pejorative term for unnecessarily abstract mathematics of doubtful rigor; liberal denial insists that this term, which describes something as "nonsense", is somehow not negative!
accountability 1794 the willingness or obligation to be held responsible for one's actions - a fundamental conservative ideal, unlike liberals who believe that "society", and not individuals, is responsible for their wrongdoing.
accuracy 1660 conservatives strive for accuracy, while many liberals are masters of deceit
Achilles' heel 1864 an inevitable weak point of vulnerability amid overall strength, highlighting the need for God even by the strongest
act of God 1787[3][4] an extraordinary, unforeseeable event, such as a massive flood or earthquake; term was probably inspired as a reference to the Great Flood
action-at-a-distance 1693 Newton's acceptance of this concept—which became fundamental to electrostatics and quantum mechanics and has a basis in Christianity[5]—was central to the development of his theory of gravity.[6] Materialists censor this concept, while Einstein criticized it as "spooky".
activism 1915 this differentiates conservatives from inactive people; this term might have originated in connection with Prohibition and efforts to pass the Eighteenth Amendment
addictive 1939 the intrinsic characteristic of certain things or activities to induce repetitious involvement, usually with a harmful effect on the participant, as in gambling, or video games.
administrative state 1948[7] originally used in a descriptive manner by admirers of it, the term is frequently used in a pejorative manner by conservatives due to the lack of accountability of an overbearing bureaucracy.
aerobics 1967 invented by the Christian Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper[8] to describe his self-help program to improve health; he gave the title "Aerobics" to his ground-breaking book in 1968, and eventually it revolutionized attitudes toward exercise.
agency capture 1985[9] the misuse of Big Government (agencies) by Big Business to choke off free enterprise through regulations that impede competition
agflation 2008 an increase in the particular costs to farmers (agriculture), often due to the War on farmers such that the cost increase exceeds the increase in the price levels of their goods sold as measured by inflation
agitprop 1929 propaganda designed to incite agitation, originally coined to describe communist propaganda
alarmism 1867 needless warnings, as in the politically motivated claims of global warming
alcoholism 1860 excessive or addictive drinking of alcohol
algorithm 1849 an efficient and consistent step-by-step methodology for achieving a goal, the opposite of liberal style
altar call 1899 an invitation by a preacher for people to come forward to the altar to signify their personal commitment to Christ, and many do
altruism 1853 selfless assistance of others; this also occurs in the animal kingdom, and is a counterexample to evolution
ambulance chaser 1896 a lawyer who searches for victims to persuade them to sue for his profit
American dream 1911[10] the vision that, with hard work, anyone in America can attain happiness and prosperity
American exceptionalism 1835 the idea that the United States and the American people hold a special place in the world, by offering opportunity and hope for humanity
American Way 1930s later conservative entrepreneurs used this to coin a new name for what became a highly successful and uniquely American business model: "Amway"
anti-Christian 1900s opposing Christian ideals and institutions
anticompetitive 1854 interfering with open competition and the enormous benefits that flow from it
anti-constitutionalist 2019 a description of the elected leaders who had taken over the Democratic party in the early decades of the 21st century
anti-endorsement 2022 coined by conservative Kari Lake in her candidacy for Arizona governor to describe the helpful effect of Trump-hater Liz Cheney running ads against her
antilife 1929 term criticizing a tendency to oppose life and lifesaving care
antitrust 1890 the origin is the passage of the Republican-sponsored Sherman Act to prohibit restraints of trade, one of the greatest pieces of legislation in all of history
apathetic 1744 term critical of those who are deliberately inactive and disengaged mentally
apologetic 1649 offered in support or defense, especially of Christianity (typically used today as the noun "apologetics").
apology tour 2009 the term is used to criticize someone who repeatedly apologizes for a country or institution that does a great deal of good; this term became popular to criticize the newly elected Barack Obama for going on a foreign tour to bash the United States, which was misleading and broke a tradition of presidents not doing that.
Apostles' Creed 1658 a concise statement of Christian faith that began with the original Apostles and has guided billions since. (The earliest historical evidence of the creed's existence is in a letter written by the Council of Milan in 390 A.D.[11])
apparatchik 1941 an official who blindly does what he thinks his government superiors want, as in communism
apple pie 1780 honesty, simplicity, wholesomeness. Relating to, or characterized by traditional American values.[12]
arm-twisting 1945 behind-the-scenes pressure tactics used in politics, primarily by liberals, in order to compel people to vote and act in ways they would not do otherwise
assimilate 1880s[13] the desired absorption of immigrant groups into the culture and mores of the resident population
atheistic 1625-35 An adjective pertaining to or characteristic of atheists or atheism; containing, suggesting, or disseminating atheism.
attention span 1934 correlated with intelligence, the attention span is how long someone can concentrate on something. It is rapidly shortening; the Lincoln-Douglas debates 150 years ago lasted for hours, but none do today.[14] The average length of sentences in speech is another indication of attention span, and it has been shortening significantly.
Austrian economics 1900s[15] an approach to economics that emphasizes the purposeful decisions of individuals, and which was belatedly recognized by a 1974 Nobel Prize to Friedrich von Hayek; these economic ideas influenced Ludwig von Mises, Ron Paul, and 1987 Nobel Laureate James M. Buchanan.
axiomatic 1797 self-evident (first usage), and later it developed the meaning of being based on a set of axioms
baby boom 1920[16] an increase in birthrate, which is a good thing; note that what is known as the post-World War II baby boom actually started before the war, contrary to what textbooks teach. Perpetuating the mistake, the U.S. Census Bureau counts the generation born between 1946 and 1964 as the baby boomers.[17]
back burner 1963 inactive status away from attention, as in "RINOs try to put social issues on the back burner"
bag lady 1979 a woman, typically unmarried, whose life tragically degenerated into a homeless existence of wandering in a city while carrying bags of worthless possessions
bailout 1951 wasting taxpayer money to rescue, temporarily, a failing company
bake sale 1903[18] the activity of volunteers, typically women, baking good food and selling it to raise money for a worthy cause
balkanize 1919 to break a region or neighborhood into divisive components; the opposite of the American concept of assimilation or "E pluribus unum"
bargain hunter 1911 a conservative trait that helps keep inflation low. The first usage in courts occurred when the Minnesota Supreme Court struck down a regulation and explained that the improper regulation was too broad and not limited to protection against schemes that deceive a "veteran bargain hunter." Kanne v. Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co., 118 Minn. 483, 487, 137 N.W. 170, 171 (1912).
baseball 1815 an American original that is governed by rules rather than a clock; the stars and fans are overwhelmingly conservative
bedrock 1840-1850 an American term for unbroken solid rock underneath fragments or soil, which adopted the figurative meaning of strong values: "bedrock principles"[19]
beltway mentality 1986 popularized by Paul Weyrich though possibly first used by then-Governor John Sununu ("captives of yourselves"), it refers to a governing style that sees only as far as the highway that surrounds its capital, especially the one around D.C.
benchmark 1842 a quality standard for which people can strive
Best of the Public 2009 A term coined by Andy Schlafly to express the idea that one does not need liberal credentials that so-called "experts" have. Indeed, many great historical figures would have failed the liberal "expert" test.
biased 1649 to show prejudice for or against something; American society is rapidly becoming biased against Christian and Conservative beliefs
Bible Belt 1925 southern regions of the United States where people read the Bible and attend church, rather than try to avoid both as in the liberal Northeast and West Coast
Biblophobic 2012[20] hatred or fear of the Bible
Bidenflation 2022 an extremely harmful type of inflation and agflation that erodes the value of savings and wages without any way to safeguard against it, as even gold loses its value.
Bidenism 1992 an idiotic remark that would subject the politician to enormous ridicule if he were a conservative, but when spoken by liberal Joe Biden the media are just fine with it
Big arrow offensive 2022 refers to old-fashioned massed military formations and offensives prior to the advent of modern intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
Big Brother 1949 government constantly watching its citizens; George Orwell first coined this term in his classic, 1984
Big Weed 2002 a sarcastic term to describe the selfish cannabis business interests, which inflict many harms in their quest for profits.
bigly 2016 in a big or impressive way; "we are going to expand opportunities for Americans bigly."[21]
Bilderbergers 1964[22] a secret political society that was first exposed in A Choice Not an Echo; the society consists of elite globalists who have met annually since 1954 to try to exert influence over the world
biological clock 1955 how each woman begins to lose her ability to have children at age 27, no matter how much feminists try to conceal this scientific fact from women
Blame America Crowd[23] 1984 Michael Barone quoted Jeane Kirkpatrick as saying that the "San Francisco Democrats" (site of the Democratic National Convention in 1984) "always blame America first."[24]
blank check 1884 irresponsibly giving someone unlimited spending authority or power, as in "a Con Con would be a blank check to destroy the nation"
blather 1719 nonsensical or insignificant babble, as in "liberal blather is common in the lamestream media"
blue curtain 2016 Michigan and Pennsylvania, which for nearly 30 years were "safe" Democratic states in presidential elections totaling a whopping 36 electoral college votes in 2016, but won by Donald Trump in a massive upset aided by their lack of early voting that is manipulated by Democrats in other states.
Blue Dog Democrat 1995 a person who adheres to conservative principles within the Democratic party, once called a Boll Weevil; as of 2009 there are 45-50 Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives, which is enough to form a majority with Republicans
bona fides 1910[25] evidence or confirmation of someone's good faith or authenticity
boomerang 1825 originally coined to describe a throwing device that returns to the thrower, the term became increasingly useful to describe how wrongful conduct returns to bite the perpetrator
boondoggle 1935 "popularized during the New Deal as a contemptuous word for make-work projects for the unemployed." [26] The term gained popularity in Canada following a corruption scandal tied to the Liberal government in 2000.
boots on the ground 2003 political campaign workers who do the real work needed to win elections, such as going door-to-door to meet voters and helping boost voter turnout with personal efforts, rather than merely placing ads or sitting in a television studio; its earlier military usage means ground troops in battle rather than merely missiles or flyovers
bootstrap 1913 unaided effort, personal merit, hard work
bork 1988 coined by William Safire to refer to how Democrats savage a conservative nominee, such as their defeat of Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork.
born-again 1861 it takes an open mind and heart; this term's origin can be traced to John Wyclif's 1382 translation of the Bible: "But a man schal be born agen."
borrowed time 1898 a bit more time in life than one has earned, which is best spent by accepting the truth of the Bible
bottom line 1967 the essential point, without the liberal claptrap[27]
brainstorm 1894 a burst of productive thought
brainwashing 1950 derived from the Chinese term "xǐnǎo" soon after the communist takeover of China, "brainwashing" means forced abandonment of faith in favor of regimented atheism. In a more general sense, it refers to the manipulation and control of the human mind through torture and propaganda techniques.
Brexit 2016 the slogan for the successful campaign in the United Kingdom to leave the EU, it has since been copied to describe movements in additional countries to reject globalism, such as "Frexit."
bright-line rule 1971[28] a clear, unwavering line dividing what is allowed from what is prohibited; increasingly favored to avoid confusion and requirements that arbitrarily change. Championed by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
bromide 1836[29] hackneyed, unoriginal statement lacking in substance, similar to liberal claptrap
brinkmanship 1956 the art of displaying a willingness to use military force in order to obtain a just resolution to a conflict between nations
bubble 1720 an inflated financial market which ultimately collapses, as first used in reference to the South Sea Bubble.[30]
bureaucracy 1818
busywork 1910 meaningless activity under the pretense of accomplishing something
buycott 2009[31] buying from companies and countries based on principles; the opposite of a boycott
cabin fever 1900 a mental and emotional reaction to a confinement on freedom of mobility as though imprisoned in a cabin
can-do 1903 [32] Phrase coined in a short story by Rudyard Kipling that has come to refer to an attitude that espouses individual ability and responsibility and not reliance on entitlements
Cantorize 2014[33] to be removed from a high political position by a vote in one's own primary
capitalism 1850-1855 creating jobs and wealth based on a private invention, ownership and investments rather than state-controlled resources
card-carrying 1950s popularized by Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-WI) to describe senselessly dedicated communists; later used to great effect by George H.W. Bush to successfully criticize his opponent as a self-described card-carrying member of the ACLU.
career politician 1974[34] a term originally used for the entrenched communist government officials in Yugoslavia, with whom even President Tito was fed up; today it applies to the thousands of self-serving politicians who avoid productive jobs
carpetbagger 1868 a politician who moves to a new area to be elected to a government position, as in Hillary Clinton moving to New York to become a U.S. Senator
carte blanche 1645-1655 unconditional authority or power, without any limits on misuse of that power
cash discount 1917 a reduction in price for payment by cash, in recognition of how cash is more efficient
catharsis 1775 facilitating forgiveness and spiritual renewal by expression, as in writing or teaching or confession
caucus 1763 citizens or representatives gathering to meet and reach political decisions as a group while harnessing aspects of the best of the public; first coined by John Adams[35] when he described a meeting of political Boston elders as a "caucus club"; the word may be from an Algonquian term for a group of advisers or elders.
cesspool 1782 an evil or corrupt place or state.
chairwarmer 1987[36] someone who is useless and ineffective while holding a position, as in "Biden would at most be a chairwarmer of a president"
chaos agent 1960s sow confusion and start fights, among the side one is supposedly on; the origin of the term was the Get Smart television comedy about the Cold War[37]
chaperone 1720 care and well-being of youths overseen by adults
charisma 1930 literally "a gift from God", charisma is a personal magic of leadership found in conservative public figures (but beware of the liberal tendency to put style before substance!)
checkmate 1789[38] a verb from the conservative game of chess which is widely used in many contexts today
Chicken Little 1895 one who falsely predicts disaster, especially for silly reasons: "global alarmists" are the Chicken Littles of our time[39]
Chinese wall 1900 a beneficial, impregnable wall that safeguards against wrongdoing
choice, not an echo 1964[40] a pithy slogan that objects to politics-as-usual as controlled by insiders regardless of which political party wins
Christmas card 1883 another conservative innovation that apparently did not exist earlier, even though mail did; cards that say "Seasons Greetings" are a cheap imitation now.
Christmas tree 1835 the immensely popular custom of using an evergreen tree to support ornaments, cards and gifts, and symbolize life impervious to the darkness and cold of winter
chump change 1968 a term that highlights the insignificance of an amount of money; used especially against a miser or someone who makes the mistake of thinking money is more important than Christ
churchgoer 1687 a person who makes an effort, during the 168 hours in a week, to attend a church service
circle the wagons 1800s regroup with family and friends, when under attack. usage from settlers in the old US west.
citizen's arrest 1941 private enforcement of the law without the need of a taxpayer-funded police officer
citogenesis 2011 the genesis of false factual assertions by circular citations originating from a fallacious source, such as Wikipedia; the term was first coined by Randall Munroe in his comic xkcd
civil defense 1939 civilians protecting themselves and their community against attack or natural disasters
claptrap 1799 pretentious, verbose, and often liberal nonsense; example usage: "the professor wasted the rest of the class on his liberal claptrap"
class act 1976 exemplify conservative principles with values, integrity and a work ethic
class warfare 1848 this concept was initially coined by Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto, but it has become so discredited that it is now used mostly by conservatives to point out liberal demagoguery
closed shop 1904 a business that requires membership in a union as a condition of working there; 22 conservative states prohibit this
clueless 1943 hopelessly ignorant about something important, as liberals often are
Coasean 1980s an efficient result or bargain based on market forces without the distortions caused by transaction costs
coattails 1848[41] the lifting of a weaker political candidate by a stronger one who is on the same ballot, as in Pat Toomey winning reelection for the Senate based on Trump's coattails in 2016; this term was popularized by a speech by Abraham Lincoln on the House floor
cogent 1659 compelling with the powerful force of reason, the opposite of liberal claptrap
cognizable 1662 capable of being known, or properly adjudicated in a court of law
cold turkey 1921 a slang term for doing something all at once, as in defeating an addiction by completely turning away from it, often by using power of the Bible and Christ
Cold War 1945 coined by George Orwell shortly after he wrote Animal Farm,[42] as recognition that communist nations were at war with American freedom even in the absence of actual military conflict
collectivism 1857 when decision-making by a group takes priority over the good ideas of an individual, often preventing progress
Columbian 1757 relating to Christopher Columbus or the United States
commie 1930s abbreviation for "communist" that captures their simple-minded totalitarianism
commie symp 1930s pejorative term for "Communist sympathizer" or non-card-carrying member, such as "fellow travellers" and members of the Popular Front.
common sense 1726 sound judgment based on facts
competitive 1829
Con Con 1980s popularized by Phyllis Schlafly to highlight the deception and risks inherent in proposed national constitutional conventions
conniption 1833 hysteria or alarm, as in "having a conniption fit"; a typical response by liberals when confronted with their double standards and illogical positions
conservation of charge 1949 overall charge does not change in an isolated system; it is neither created nor destroyed; the concept was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin but the date of origin for this term is surprisingly recent
conservative 1808[43] principles of limited government, personal responsibility, moral values, and productivity
conservative field 1870s? a type of physical force over a region such that items moving throughout the region can store energy without loss, as in the planetary system and electrical products[44]
consumer surplus 1890[45] the extra benefit received by consumers above the price they paid for a good or service, illustrating the value of the free market; specifically, consumer surplus is the difference between what consumers would have paid for something, and the lower price they did pay.
constant 1832 (noun) something unchanging in value
constitutionality 1787 its date of origin is the year of the Constitutional Convention that proposed the U.S. Constitution
contrarian 1657 someone who advocates views contrary to that of others; this type of person frustrates liberal attempts to gain control
cooking the data 1830 Charles Babbage used it in his book, "Reflections on the Decline of Science in England."[46]
copacetic 1890s[47] Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, tap dancer extraordinaire, claimed the invention of this word; it was first popularized by African Americans
cop-out 1942 taking the easy way out, usually by shirking one's responsibilities
copyright 1735 extending private property to protect expressive works
corporate socialism 1970s the tendency of large corporations to act in a socialistic manner, at the expense of meritocracy and productivity
correlate 1742 (verb) to show that one thing relates to another, such as atheism or homosexuality and selfishness or lack of charity; liberals falsely rely on anecdotes to deny the general relationship
countability 1874 Georg Cantor, loathed by the leading contemporary mathematicians, developed this in proving that the real numbers are uncountable
counterexample 1957 an example that is contrary to the proposition. A common point in logical, reasoned debate.
counterfactual 1946 especially assumptions that are contrary to fact; Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the U.S. Supreme Court, "petitioners' standing does not require precise proof of what the Board's policies might have been in that counterfactual world."[48]
counterproductive 1959 interfering with a worthy goal. Example usage: "nearly everything a liberal supports is counterproductive."
counter-reformation 1840 a movement in response to another movement, as in a counter-reformation to the homosexual agenda
cover-up 1927 concealment by government officials of the truth about a matter of public concern
crackpot 1884 crazy talk, lunacy, a person on the fringe of reality
creation science 1970s a term coined by the young-Earth creationist Henry Morris.[49]
Credentialism 1967 the often-false belief that credentials make someone a better or more competent person
creativity 1875 an ability, unique to God and his likeness, to make something from nothing
cronyism 1952 the practice of appointing friends to important government or political positions, rather than the most ideologically aligned or competent; this was particularly a flaw in George W. Bush's administration
cross-examination 1824 the most effective tool against liberal deceit, better than even the requirement of an oath
crystal clear 1815 liberals are the opposite
culture war 1991 widespread use after the book Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America by James Davison Hunter
cyberbullying 2000s a type of obnoxious and hurtful liberal behavior on the internet
dark money 2010 money that influences politics in secretive ways without traceability to its mega-donors, such as George Soros
DC Gulag 2021 coined by conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to describe the inhumane mistreatment of Trump supporters as political prisoners in the Washington, D.C. jail long after the 70-day limit for pre-trial detention under the Speedy Trial Act and Sixth Amendment
de minimis 1948 an inconsequential amount. Sample usage: "Liberals typically spend at most de minimis time reading the Bible."
deadweight loss 1930s[50] the loss in overall wealth and efficiency imposed by monopolies and taxation, due to the loss in extra value that someone would have received beyond what he would have paid for a good at a free market price
death panel 2009 a provision of Obamacare that will enable a panel of government bureaucrats to decide who receives medical treatment
death tax 1989 interestingly, the term was coined by Canadians opposed to the high estate tax on their assets held in the United States; Frank Luntz is credited with later popularizing this term in the United States.[51]
debunk 1923 derived from "bunkum" (nonsense), a term that originated in 1845 based on a silly, tiresome speech made by Congressman Felix Walker on the floor of Congress in 1820 in which he said his real audience was his constituents in Buncombe County, NC
decentralization 1846 the dispersion of power, as in a shift from national to local control
decrypt 1935 military code-breaking, which played an instrumental role in World War II in deciphering enemy codes that many felt were unbreakable; illustrates the "can do" approach of conservatism in a patriotic way
deep state 2017 the entrenched bureaucracy in D.C. that opposes and undermines attempts by a conservative president to scale back government
de-bank 2021 when banks refuse banking services to customers based upon ideological views.[52]
de-escalate 1964 strive to reduce the dangerous intensity of a physical encounter, as in police work
defeatism 1918 a negative attitude that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
defensive driving 1964 a style of driving a car that always focuses on avoiding accidents, even those potentially caused by others; nearly a half-century later, dictionaries still do not recognize this term
deflation 1891 an increase in the value of savings
defund 1948 refers especially to termination of government funding of a wasteful or hurtful program
deliberative assembly 1774[53] used by Edmund Burke in describing the British parliament during a speech to voters in Bristol; he meant a body of persons meeting to discuss and decide common action under parliamentary law
demagogue 1648 the initial meaning of "demagogue" was positive, but preacher Robert South gave it a negative connotation in 1716 by observing that a "plausible, insignificant word, in the mouth of an expert demagogue, is a dangerous and a dreadful weapon."
demonic 1662 in its serious usage, "demonic" refers to actions that seem to be influenced by evil or by Satan himself, such as when someone acts out of character in a wrongful way, or when a group goes in a bad direction, or when random chance takes an unlikely bizarre turn; demonic also explains why some events or activities become more overbearing than they should
denaturalization 1858[54] taking away the citizenship of a naturalized citizen (a "natural born citizen" cannot be denaturalized).
deregulation 1963 Reagan won in 1980 by campaigning on this.
design by committee before 1958 pejorative term directed against collective production by a group
despotism 1727 a ruler with unlimited powers
deterrence 1861 Disincentive of committing a crime based on the amount of punishment
detransition 2004[55] to halt and reverse the liberal mistake of attempting to change one's gender
devalue 1918 describing an unwelcome attitude or act, as in "devaluing human life"
devil's advocate 1760 someone who espouses the position of the wrong side, in order to test, sharpen and strengthen the right side
devotee 1645 ardent follower, supporter, or loyalty to. 56 years separates devotee and devoted in etymology.
disinformation 1939 false information spread (and sometimes manufactured) by groups with a strong political agenda
distributed manufacturing 2010 a network of geographically dispersed manufacturing facilities
division of labor 1776 increasing productivity through specialization of labor, as in a husband working in manufacturing while his wife cares for children
dog and pony show 1970 an overblown event, typically having more fanfare than substance; liberals like to run a "dog and pony show" in towns having a large public university, where students brainwashed by liberal professors are led like cattle to the events
domino effect 1966 how the fall of one nation to communism can result in its harmful spread to neighboring nations
double standard 1894 applying harsher criticism against one group, such as churchgoers or conservatives, than against another group, such as atheists or liberals; recognition of a double standard by the Prodigal Son led him to repent and convert
doublethink 1949 a term first coined by George Orwell in his dystopian novel 1984; it means simultaneously holding contradictory beliefs, which is a characteristic of status worship
doubting Thomas 1848 someone who believes only what he can see and touch, and doubts all else; named after the Apostle Thomas as described at John 20:24
drain the swamp 2016 popularized by Donald Trump, it is an expression that President Ronald Reagan once used in 1983 to “drain the swamp” in reference to big government in D.C.
drifter 1897 someone whose residency wanders about aimlessly, failing to become a permanent, productive member of any community
duh science 2000 First coined by the LA Weekly to criticize the LA Times for failing to criticize a publicly funded study that concluded that pessimistic people are often in bad moods.[56]
dumb down 1933
dumpster diving 1982

Searching through dumpsters for food or other material that can be used rather than discarded; first known use: "Restaurant and store owners have complained about drunks panhandling during the day and 'dumpster diving' through trash at night."[57] It is also a popular method used by watchdog groups; they rummage through the trash of organizations they consider to be corrupt, hoping to find evidence to use against them (televangelist Robert Tilton's ministry was brought down in such a manner; thousands of prayer requests -- with all the donations removed -- were found in the dumpster of his attorney). The Supreme Court of the United States in Kissinger v. New York Times ruled that when a person throws something in the trash, they forfeit any claims to property rights over the discarded items.

dumpster fire 2008 senseless chaos characteristic of liberal endeavors
duplicitous 1928 someone—particularly a liberal politician—who deceptively says one thing when he really intends to do something else
dystopia 1868 the dehumanizing opposite of "utopia"; dystopia was first coined by the Victorian philosopher, John Stuart Mill in the British House of Commons: "It is, perhaps, too complimentary to call them Utopians, they ought rather to be called dys-topians, or caco-topians."
Eagle Scout 1913 the highest rank in the Boy Scouts, the term also means "a straight-arrow and self-reliant man."[58]
earmark 2009 "A provision in congressional legislation that allocates a specified amount of money for a specific project, program or organization."[59]
eat crow 1872[60] Liberal Republican Horace Greeley was described by critics as "boiled crow," which conjured up the meaning of humiliation associated with the term "eat crow."
echo chamber 1937 a figurative room with sound-reflecting walls, where people give opinions that influence no one and are heard only by other people who have their own opinions, such as cable news talk shows
economic rent 1889 revenue above the minimum amount to keep a good or service on the market, typically due to monopoly power; notice the date of origin was only one year prior to passage of the conservative Sherman Act in 1990
editorialize 1856 "to introduce opinion into the reporting of facts"[61]
educrat 1968 a liberal education bureaucrat
efficiency 1633 ultimately from the Latin efficientem, meaning "working out, or accomplishing"[62]
egotism 1714 the root of atheism, as explained by Paul in Romans 1:21-22; the root of depression and anxiety also
electioneering 1780s to work for the success of a particular candidate, party, ticket, etc., in an election.
elementary proof 1865 a mathematical proof based on the minimum assumptions associated with real analysis; term probably does not predate complex analysis and its first use may have been the English mathematician James Joseph Sylvester's paper, "On an elementary proof and generalisation of Sir Isaac Newton's hitherto undenionstrated rule for the discovery of imaginary roots."[63]
elitism 1950 an attitude or belief in one's superiority based solely on membership in a particular group or community, especially liberals
embryoscopy 1967[64] Search this term on the internet and see the spectacular photos of the unborn child ("embryo") that were "scoped" by tiny cameras.
empowerment 1986 facilitating power for the ordinary; see also best of the public
empty nest 1962 a family home after children have grown and left
endgame 1881 a term from the conservative game of chess which refers to the final part of a project or triumph
entitlement 1944 a liberal welfare state's "reward" for refusing to work hard and succeed
entitlement mentality 1980s a state of mind where people think they own things that are not theirs and which they did not work for
entrepreneur 1852 a brave person willing to take the necessary risks to establish a business, often found in the free market enterprise system
ethnic voting 1900s widely recognized and even advocated by some,[65] yet the dictionary doesn't yet recognize it
etiquette 1740 social standards of behavior that promote dignity and discourage inept communications (or lack thereof)
Eurabia 1970s A satirical word based on the idea that Europe is rapidly becoming Islamized.
Eurosceptic 1970s someone who opposes joining the super-socialist European Union; some prefer the term "Eurorealist" to express this opposition, and sometimes "Eurosceptic" is used to criticize opponents of the EU
everyman 1906 the typical person
exceptional 1787 same year of origin as the U.S. Constitution!
exculpatory 1781 often used in the phrase "exculpatory evidence," it took nearly 50 years to develop this term after origination of the legal term suggesting guilt: "incriminate"
existence proof 1950 overcoming denial that something is possible by referencing its existence
expatriate 1768 to give up one's own citizenship, or be banished by one's own nation
explain away 1704 a weaker form of liberal denial, "explain away" the truth is the only way that some remain liberal as they grow older
expose 1803 (noun) a statement of the facts, typically to discredit wrongdoing by government
eyeball-to-eyeball 1962 "We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked" was a conservative statement by Secretary of State Dean Rusk during the Cuban Missile Crisis.[66]
facade 1845[67] Example usage: "The facade of a liberal politician is often conservative."
fair shake 1830 approaching an idea or concept with an open mind
fairy tale 1749 a fanciful fictional story. Sample usage: "Evolution is a fairy tale for adults who don't want to read and accept the logic of the Bible."
faith healing 1885
faithless elector 2016 an elector in the Electoral College who violates his pledge to support the candidate chosen by the voters in his state, and instead votes for someone else or abstains; the liberal media thereby referred to electors who might betray Trump
fake news 2017[68] Popularized by President Donald Trump in describing false smears by the liberal media against him and other conservatives.
false flag 2015 deceptive tactic by ISIS and other insurgents to commit heinous acts but falsely make it look like the governing regime did it. The origin of the name comes from a ship sailing under the false flag of its adversary until it got close enough to fire upon them.
family values 1916 a moral code that binds together and strengthens a typical family unit; widespread use after a speech by Vice President Dan Quayle, 1992
fat farm 1969 a place where obese people—such as self-centered atheists—might go to try to lose weight
father figure 1934 someone who fulfills the essential role of a father, biological or figurative
faux conservative 1990[69]
federal government 1787 used by Alexander Hamilton in the first phrase of the Federalist Papers to signify a government that is not fully sovereign, as the States are
federalism 1789 the unique system of dual sovereigns, state and federal (national), established by the U.S. Constitution
fear-mongering 1938[70] a method of stirring up exaggerated fear by the public, typically to expand government
feedback 1920 an all-important element of accountability and improvement, and a key consideration in good engineering design
fellow traveller 1925 may have existed earlier, but popularized in 1924 by Leon Trotsky. Describes a sympathizer of a cause but who does not formally belong to the cause, such as a communist sympathizer who is not part of the communist party. The term was invented by the communists in its original, non-negative sense, but the conservatives were the first to use it as a pejorative term.
fiscal cliff 2012 first coined by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, it refers to the effect on the economy of a sharp drop in spending and perhaps an increase in taxes scheduled to take effect at approximately the same time.[71]
fleebaggers 2011 a play on the word "teabaggers", a "fleebagger" is a Democrat state legislator who flees his or her state in order to block a quorum needed to pass conservative legislation, such as an election integrity bill in Texas in 2021.[72]
flip-flop 1976 verb, meaning to change political position, typically due to liberal pressure. First used by the Republican S.I. Hayakawa campaign to describe California Democratic incumbent U.S. Senator John Tunney, whom Hayakawa defeated in an upset.
force majeure 1883 an intervening event beyond ordinary anticipation, such as an act of God or, in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic, which justifies nullifying a legal contract
force-feed 1901 to force someone to accept something, often against that person's will; what liberals do to students in public schools today in training them to be atheistic socialists
fornonormativity 2016 A state of a society, organization, or group in which fornication and related behaviors are presupposed to be normal, morally good, and expected. In a fornonormative social milieu, people who abstain from or oppose certain behaviors are considered deviant or worse.
forward-looking 1800 planning for the future rather than dwelling on the past
Founding Fathers 1914 the several dozen Christians[73], not semi-secular deists, contrary to popular belief, who helped draft the formative documents of the United States
Frankenstein 1818 a misuse of science in creating a monster; a science fiction warning against scientism. Coined as the title of Mary Shelley's popular novel, where the monster's creator was named "Frankenstein" per a dream she had.
free enterprise 1820
free lunch 1949 something acquired ostensibly without paying for it, as in welfare; often used to remind people that "there's no such thing as a free lunch" in order to point out that it must cost someone something, now or later.
free market 1907 an economy wherein anyone can run a business with limited government intervention, if not none at all
free speech 1873 shorthand for "freedom of speech," but with a connotation that extends to non-citizens and listeners; first used in a U.S. Supreme Court opinion in dissent in the Slaughter-House Cases by Justice Bradley
free world 1949 areas of the world free of communism, fascism, and other dystopian, oppressive liberal governments
freeloader 1934 someone who avoids paying or working to earn a share of a benefit
frontiersmen 1814 living and working in a self-sufficient manner and with courage in a new land.
fuzzy math 1937 non-computational math designed to obscure the differences between the correct answers and the incorrect—but perhaps politically motivated—answers
galvanize 1802 as in, "the liberal proposals galvanized the grassroots in opposition"
gambit 1656 a sacrifice that obtains an advantageous position, as in the game of chess (Bobby Fischer's queen's gambit was a masterpiece) or in real life (the Passion of Christ)
gamble 1726 to intentionally take a risk for the sake of the risk itself, often addictive and even demonic as in gambling
gang up 1925 group pressure
gateway drug 1982 a slang term describing an addictive substance that can lead to a more addictive substance, as in when abuse of alcohol/marijuana eventually leads to harder drugs cocaine/heroin
gerrymandering 1812 coined by a newspaper editor to criticize the manipulation of the lines of a new district into a salamander shape[74] that favored election of a liberal politician
gimmick 1922 originally meant a deceptive mechanical device for controlling a gambling machine, and then its meaning expanded to include all trickery to attract attention
girlie men 1988 popularized by Arnold Schwarzenegger before he became California's Republican governor, beginning when he campaigned for President George H.W. Bush by referring to his liberal opponents as "girlie men"
Giving Tuesday 2012 a day of charity during the Christmas season, in response to "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday"
glasnost 1972[75] from Russian, meaning regime openness to publicity rather than continued liberal censorship
globalism 1997 Merriam-Webster states it was first used in 1943[76] and the OED gives a date of 1965 for the exact term "globalism";[77] the term "globalization" was first used in the mid-1980s in a different, complimentary sense.
gobbledygook 1944 circular bureaucratic directives; term was coined by conservative Texan Congressman Maury Maverick
God-fearing 1835 Living by the rules of God; living in a way that is considered morally right.
godsend 1820 something so miraculous that there is no other explanation for it other than it being a blessing from God; can be used positively in both the literal and figurative sense
go-getter 1921 someone who works hard with unwavering determination to achieve a goal
gold standard 1831 the highest standard. With respect to currency, when money could be exchanged for a fixed amount of gold.
golden parachute 1981 a pejorative term for a pre-arranged handout to a corporate executive when fired, as when the company is taken over by new ownership
good book 1860 the Bible
Good Samaritan 1640 a person who performs acts of voluntary charity, as did a Samaritan in one of Jesus's parables
goon 1926 a dim-witted thug, especially one who intimidates on behalf of a union
government school 1955 coined by economist Milton Friedman as a more accurate name for public schools
grade inflation 1975 the tendency by Liberal educationalists and public schools to increase marks, irrespective of merit or actual achievement.
gradualism 1835 a form of liberal creep
grandmaster 1927 the elite chess ranking of excellence, based entirely on merit, which is 99% male to the dismay of feminists
grandstand 1917 to act in an insincere or exaggerated manner in order to try to impress onlookers
grassroots 1901
gravy train 1927 easy money for little or no work, in contrast with the work ethic; notice how the Great Depression hit two years later
greasy spoon 1902 a free enterprise term for a small, cheap restaurant - which in many places is just what the public wants; reflects Jesus' Biblical scientific foreknowledge about the digestive system
Great Awakening 1730-1740 A religious revival. Christian Great Awakenings recur periodically. See Essay:The Coming Fifth Great Awakening in America.
Gresham's Law 1858 the tendency in a free market for bad money (which loses its value) to drive out (be used more often in transactions) than good money (which retains its value), because people want to horde the good money while getting rid of the bad money; a similar effect can be seen when profanity drives out intelligent discussion
grooming 2008 the wrongful co-opting by adults of children, such as public school students, to become homosexual or transgender; Florida enacted anti-grooming laws in 2022 and again in 2024 (HB 1545).
groupthink 1952 a style of thought consisting of conformity to a manufactured consensus and self-deception; coined by William H. Whyte in 1952.
guardian angel 1631 a protector who guards someone from danger or evil; sometimes even a stranger unknown to the person protected.
half-baked 1855 an idea that can appear reasonable at first, but with just a little thought it is recognized to be absurd
hallmark 1721 purity, authenticity, as in an official seal or distinguishing feature
handout 1882 describes charity and government giveaways
happy talk 1973 senseless banter among broadcasters in the lamestream media, as a substitute for real news; more generally, happy talk is unjustifiably feel-good rhetoric that implicitly denies the real existence of Hell.
hardworking 1774 the quality of working persistently to achieve something
harmless error 1861 an insignificant violation of a duty or procedural rule; first used in Western Ins. Co. v. The Goody Friends, 29 F. Cas. 764 (S.D. Ohio 1861) (referring to a duty)
hatchet job 1944 still looking for the context of its first use; today it means an article, typically by a liberal, that misleadingly smears someone, typically a conservative
Hawthorne effect 1962 the increase in achievement resulting merely from being observed; this was demonstrated by experiment at the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric in Cicero, Illinois
hearsay journalism 2015 reliance on and repetition of falsehoods by anonymous sources, often from social media, which are typically underachieving liberal trolls.
heartland 1904 the central portion of the United States known for its Midwestern conservative values, Midwestern austerity, unpretentious culture, and lack of control by the liberal media and Hollywood.[78]
heckler's veto 1965 coined by University of Chicago Law Professor Harvey Kalven, Jr., a strong supporter of free speech in politics, this term has been used in Supreme Court decisions by Justices Sam Alito,[79] Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas.[80]
high maintenance 1980s[81] someone, often liberal, who repeatedly demands attention and unproductive help from others
hindsight 1866 understanding of an event or decision with the benefit of wisdom gained afterward
hippie 1965 a member of the original 1960s counterculture, which rejects traditional morality, encourages smoking marijuana and LSD, promotes feminine hairstyles on men and masculine hairstyles on women, encourages limitless extramarital sex, and shuns hard work; this term became increasingly pejorative over time
hissy fit 1970 an unjustified tantrum, typically female in nature, as in "feminists had a hissy fit when Lawrence Summers suggested (but criticized) the possibility that women have weaker scientific aptitude than men, and Summers ultimately resigned."
hoax 1796 to deceive the public into believing something that is false, often to pull people away from the Christianity and the Bible.
Hobson's choice 1649[82] an ostensible choice that disguises a lack of freedom, because each alternative is completely unacceptable. This term is invoked to criticize an illusory freedom of choice. This term has been used in 48 cases by Supreme Court Justices, more often by conservatives than by liberals.
hokey 1927 phony, in an obvious or corny way (in 1908, "hokum" originated, which means pretentious nonsense[83])
Holy Week 1710 the week leading up to Easter, including the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection
home rule 1855[84] self-government on an issue at a local level, as in curriculum in education being established by a school district rather than the state or federal government
homemaker 1876 a wife and mother whose efforts are wisely spent running the household for the family
homeschool 1980[85]
hometown 1912 the place where someone grew up and typically obtained some benefit
homosexual agenda 1989 the sociopolitical ideology governing homosexuals; used to promote the agenda in the book After the Ball, but then used to criticize the movement by Justice Antonin Scalia in his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
honor system 1903 an approach to discipline that emphasizes and encourages trust, honesty and personal responsibility rather than constant supervision
human rights 1766 rights of all peoples, such as to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" as set forth in the Declaration of Independence
hype 1931 originally meant to deceive or "put on," and then its meaning shifted slightly to represent extravagant promotion of something as the liberal media often do

set forth in the Declaration of Independence

hypergamy 1883 the preference of many women to "marry up," which requires a society where men tend to make more than women do
hyphenated American 1889 an American citizen who identifies as another nationality before identifying as American; President Theodore Roosevelt said in 1915, "There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American."
hypothesis 1656 a suggestion, typically scientific in nature, which must be tested and proven before asserted as truth
hysteria 1801 From the Latin hystericus, from Greek hystera meaning "womb"[86] (an old notion that hysteria was caused by the womb).
idealist 1829 a person guided by ideals
illiteracy 1660 a lack of reading comprehension or writing ability, which often results in lack of free will; liberals seek to produce illiterate voters who lack independence, and many graduates of the public schools are illiterate today
inalienable 1640s describes something cannot be taken away, especially by government, as in "inalienable rights" in the Declaration of Independence
inattentive 1741[87] more than 150 years before the discovery in physics of the connection between attentiveness/observation and uncertainty/chaos, this conservative word cautioned against inattentiveness
incentivize 1970 to create a reward to encourage good work
incidental inequality 2009 inequalities that result as side effects of an objectively just system
incoherent 1626 not consistently making sense; the term often applies to liberal double standards
incompleteness 1931 a system of logic or mathematics that includes propositions that are impossible to prove or disprove; term coined as a result of Kurt Gödel's work in 1931
incrementalism 1966 imposing bad political or social change slowly
indecisive 1726 being unable to make a decision; can result from a lack of faith and determination
independence 1640 free will
individualism 1827 the idea that values, rights and duties arise from the individual
inerrancy 1834 free from error, as in "biblical inerrancy"
infinitesimal 1706 vanishingly small and approaching zero, as in the faith of an atheist
inflationary 1920 policies causing inflation of the monetary supply
informed consent 1967 consent to surgery is meaningful only if informed, a requirement that should apply to abortion
initiative 1793 self-starting first step toward improvement, overcoming a tendency of complacent underachievement
inoculate 1721 to safeguard against future harm by developing immunity against it. Sample usage: "Conservapedia inoculates against liberal claptrap."
insightful 1907 what conservatism is about: gaining insights into the truth, and bettering individuals and society with them
inside baseball 1978[88] strategy and tactics known to the well-informed participants, but mysterious to most observers
intangible 1914 something valuable that cannot be seen or touched, such as goodwill
intellectual property 1845 denotes an intangible work that rightfully belongs to its creator, e.g. "we [should] protect intellectual property, the labors of the mind, productions and interests as much a man's own, and as much the fruit of his honest industry, as the wheat he cultivates, or the flocks he rears." Davoll v. Brown, 7 F. Cas. 197 (Cir. Ct. Mass. 1845) (Woodbury, federal judge).
intelligent design 1991[89] coined in Darwin on Trial, a book by Philip Johnson, who is considered the father of the intelligent design movement and who co-founded the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture in 1996[90]
interventionism 1923 "governmental interference in economic affairs at home or in political affairs of another country"[91]
invisible hand 1776 coined by Adam Smith in the The Wealth of Nations and widely used today.
invisible hand of marriage 2008 discovered on Conservapedia, it is the unseen force of productivity that results from marriage (only between a man and woman).
Iron Curtain 1945 coined by Winston Churchill in a speech in Missouri just after World War II, to describe the communist's figurative wall against freedom
irreducible complexity 1935 coined[92] and later adopted and developed by Michael Behe to describe structure or system that could not possibly have evolved, because removing any part makes it nonfunctional, thereby showing that God must have created it whole into biology; if the Nobel Prize were not dominated by atheism, Behe could win one for this insight.
Islamofascism 1990? A form of totalitarian Muslim fundamentalist rule, or extreme Islamism.
ivory tower 1910 a description of the pampered culture of liberal professors, and how far out of touch with the truth it is
jabberwocky 1872 meaningless talk; coined by Lewis Carroll, a conservative mathematician, in his classic book "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There"
Jekyll and Hyde 1886 established by the great conservative novel known today as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and a metaphor for liberal politicians and trolls.
John Hancock 1903 a personal signature, especially in a bold style that stands up for principles as John Hancock did with his signing the United States Declaration of Independence
judicial activism 1947 first coined in an article in Fortune magazine by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,[93] and repeatedly used in U.S. Supreme Court opinions since 1967,[94] yet as of 2009 Merriam-Webster dictionary still fails to recognize this widely used term.
judicial prejudice 2009 the bias of a judge in favor of a political correct identity group intended to rig outcome equality in favor of that group based on subjective bias rather than objective justice.
judicial restraint 1942 "Assuming that this court has power to act, it does not necessarily follow that it should act. ... In a number of situations, and in a number of cases, it has been held that courts should voluntarily refrain from using or asserting power. Where the use or assertion of power might be destructive of a well defined purpose of law or of a declared public policy such voluntarily imposed judicial restraint may be commendable."[95]
judicial supremacist 2004 one who advocates that the courts should be supreme over the other branches of government for certain legal issues; first coined in a book by Phyllis Schlafly; first used by the judiciary by the Michigan Supreme Court in Paige v. City of Sterling Heights, 476 Mich. 495 (2006).[96]
judicial taking 1982 the deprivation of private property due to a court decision; this concept was introduced by conservative Justice Potter Stewart in 1967, and the term was used for the first time independently by the Michigan and Hawaii Supreme Courts in the same month (!) in December 1982, and then used often in law review articles and Circuit Court decisions in the 2000s, and then four Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court endorsed the principle in a decision in 2010, with two others accepting the possibility.
junk science 1962[97] the corruption of the scientific method to advance other, often political, goals (such as Global Warming)
jury nullification 1948 the power of a jury to overrule the law and acquit an ostensibly guilty defendant; the power was established in the colonies in 1735 in the trial of John Peter Zenger, but this term was first used in state court by Pfeuffer v. Haas, 55 S.W.2d 111 (Tex. Civ. App. 1932) and in federal court by Skidmore v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 167 F.2d 54 (2nd Cir. 1948)
Kafkaesque 1946 illogical, nightmare-like situations, which typically arise from Leftist control of a bureaucracy
killjoy 1776 one who spoils the pleasure of others.[98] Example-Vandals seek to disrupt conservative wikis, an education project. They are a killjoy to the learning process.
kiss of death 1943 a kiss symbolizing the promise to kill someone, from Judas's betrayal of Jesus with a kiss, Mark 14:44-4
kleptocrat 1819 A politician who seeks status and personal gain at the expense of the governed
kowtow 1826 obsequious, unthinking obedience to someone or something, used especially in the context of dictatorships and liberal belief systems
Kremlinology 1958 the study of the otherwise indecipherable behavior of the government of the communist Soviet Union. Refers to the Kremlin, the traditional seat of Russian government (Soviet or not).
kudos 1831 praise for real achievement
kvetch 1952 to repeatedly complain, usually about unimportant, self-centered issues
la-la land 1979[99] a term for the decadent, liberal culture of Hollywood-driven Los Angeles, originally capitalized as "La-La land."; Merriam-Webster is in denial about this etymology and claims a later origin of 1983.
labor camp 1900 forced work prison
laissez-faire 1825 opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond what is minimally necessary
lame duck 1761 a public official whose current power is diminished because he will not be reelected, and thus lacks continuing authority
lamestream media 2009 coined by Bernie Goldberg to describe the clueless Mainstream media that repeat superficial, discredited liberal claptrap
landslide 1838 In the political sense, an overwhelming election victory. A clear, democratic expression of popular will.
lapdog 1950 Coined by Senator Joe McCarthy in the figurative sense as he attempted to remove communists from the State Department: "Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) renewed his Communists-in-Government charges today and called Senator Tydings (D-Md) the Truman administration's 'whimpering lap dog.'"[100]
lawfare 2017[101] misuse of the legal system, typically by liberals, to seek political or financial gain while harming conservatives such as Trump and critics of election fraud,[102]
leadership 1821 an ability and willingness to lead, often by example
learning curve 1922 initial, extra time and effort that is typically necessary before someone becomes productive
Left Coast 1990s a more descriptive term for the West Coast of the United States
leftism 1920 principles and doctrine of leftists
level-headed 1876 "balanced", "having common sense and sound judgment"
liberal creep 2008 liberal bias that gradually creeps or distorts an entry, definition, explanation, description, or historical account.
life vest 1939 a pro-life invention
lifelong 1855 something, usually a commitment, that lasts a lifetime, as in "a lifelong commitment to Christ"
limousine liberal 1969 a multi-millionaire who pretends to be compassionate about the poor, but supports liberal policies that increase burdens on working Americans
litmus test 1952 use of a single political issue to determine if a candidate or nominee is acceptable
local 1824[103] common usage: "all politics is local"
lockstep 1802 mindless conformity, often to liberal values
locomotive 1829 a great engine of economic growth during the Industrial Revolution
lone wolf 1909 a person who prefers to work, act, or live alone,[104] synonymous with self-sufficiency
loose cannon 1973 an undisciplined person or program that dangerously lacks forethought; used in mid-November 1976 to describe $11 billion in unspent appropriations by the Ford Administration: "'That money,' says Arnold Packer, a senior Senate Budget Committee economist who is helping Carter draw up his shadow budget, 'is like a loose cannon rolling around the deck' because a sudden reappearance of the funds could be inflationary." (BusinessWeek)
lowest common denominator 1854 the lowest in work ethic, morals, or knowledge among a group; typically used to criticize the liberal practice of dumbing down content
low-information voter 2007 a term that explains why people vote for Democrats
lunatic fringe 1913 coined by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt to describe members of eccentric, radical or extremist groups[105]
Lysenkoism 1933 "used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, most often related to political objectives,"[106] as Stalin did to justifying starving tens of millions in 1932 by withholding grain from Ukrainian farmers
machismo 1948 a slang word for masculine charm, never used favorably by feminists
magnum opus 1791 the greatest work by an author, as in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations published 15 years before this term was coined.
Main Street 1743 one of the many small towns in America, and their conservative values
mainstay 1787 the primary support, typically for something good
make-work 1923 inefficient or useless activity that has the false appearance of being productive; a favorite endeavor of liberals. Jesus criticized make-work at Luke 10:41-42
mama's boy 1850 an effeminate male due to an overbearing mother
manhunt 1846 notice how sexist the term is, and yet liberals have not been able to convert it to "personhunt"
man-hater 1970s[107] William Safire wrote in the New York Times in 1983, "Misandry, from the Greek misandros for 'hating men,' is in the 1961 Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary, and the Oxford Dictionary Supplement traces it to 1946. The word is pronounced as 'Ms. Andry,' but I wonder why we need the Greek word for it. What's wrong with good, old-fashioned man-hater?"[108]
man-to-man 1902 a style of candor and honesty when men in good faith deal with each other and see a resolution beneficial to all
market failure 1958[109] instances where the free market does not provide a desirable result, as when information is withheld from an unsuspecting consumer
manifest destiny 1845 Providential design over future events, which originated in the context of expanding the United States to the Pacific Ocean
Mardi Gras 1699 The annual celebration on the eve of Ash Wednesday and Lent, particularly in the historically Catholic city of New Orleans.
marriage redefinition 2003 descriptive term used to criticize the legalizing of same-sex marriage in Canada.
mask police 2020 busybodies, typically anti-Trumpers, who demand that others wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic despite unproven benefits of masks
materialism 1748 the view of life that physical matter is all that exists; as an "ism", the term criticizes such view
meat and potatoes 1951 the most interesting or fundamental part
Medal of Honor 1898 a special American military honor for bravery on the battlefield
media bullying 2008[110] first coined by Conservapedia, media bullying is aggressive bias by the media in the attempt to influence a politician or others, typically toward a liberal goal
melting pot 1912 a nation that requires "social and cultural assimilation" of immigrants for successful immigration[111]
memory hole 1949 a term created by George Orwell in his classic novel, 1984, to describe the censoring of something historical for political reasons
mercantilism 1776 a term popularized by Adam Smith in his The Wealth of Nations (as "mercantile"[112]), although he was critical of its emphasis on the accumulation of precious metals such as gold and the use of tariffs to build national wealth; this term is conservative in favoring nationalism and population growth
meritocracy 1958 a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement
microeconomics 1947 the study of the economics of the individual person or business
micromanage 1985 insistence on controlling details, typically by liberals to censor progress; Ronald Reagan was critical of this style by Democrat Presidents
Midwest conservative 2006 used initially to describe right-leaning politicians from the Midwest including Gerald Ford when he passed away, the term captures the mixture of common sense, intellectualism, and faith that leads the conservative movement from the heartland.
mind control 1944 a pejorative term for how an atheistic government influences what people believe, especially through public education
mindset 1909 close-minded point-of-view, typically in adherence to a liberal falsehood and often to the exclusion of Christ
missile defense 1980s popularized by President Ronald Reagan as part of SDI
mission creep 1991 the liberal tendency to incrementally broaden the original goals of an organization or mission; used by Tucker Carlson to describe the defect in the investigation by Robert Mueller of the Trump Administration in 2017
missionary 1625 someone sent on a mission, typically a religious mission
mob justice 2021 used by multiple critics of the demands and pressure by liberals for a murder conviction in the Derek Chauvin trial, despite a lack of evidence for any intent to kill or a wrongful cause of death
mobocracy 1754 rule by a mob, as at Wikipedia
monogamy 1612 this has the same date of origin as "productive", and that may not be a coincidence!
moonlighting 1957 working more than a full-time job in order to be as productive as possible; the work ethic at its best
moral majority 1979 coined by Jerry Falwell to describe the movement of growing moral, Christian conservatives.
moxie 1930 determined enthusiasm, initially coined as a trademark for a popular soft drink sold at baseball games and elsewhere
muckety–muck 1912 a pejorative term for an arrogant person who holds a title or position considered to be important by others
muckraker 1910 a person who searches out and publicly exposes deceit[113]
Murphy's Law 1958 if something can go wrong, then it will go wrong: this was a conservative insight by engineer Edward Murphy
muscle car 1967 placing a powerful engine in a classic two-door car for highly efficient performance; the result celebrates masculine style against erosion by feminism
myopic 1990s originally a term in optometry (1752), 1990's used to describe liberals' lack of foresight
namby-pamby 1745[114] weak, indecisive, and, when describing a male group, also effeminate
name-dropping 1950 a term critical of the liberal practice of seeking to impress others by casually mentioning personal association with prominent people regardless of relevance to the conversation
nanny state 1978 "Under the New Economic Policy, [the new French Prime Minister Raymond] Barre has made it clear that industrial lame ducks can no longer count on the generosity of Nanny i.e. the state - for bailing out."[115] Note how two powerful new conservative terms led to a third here!
national conservatism 1976 a concept that applies more to the conservative movements in Europe, but also in the United States with respect first to Barry Goldwater's senate reelections campaigns and ultimately to President Donald Trump
negativism 1824 mental attitude that tends that is skeptical about almost everything, except one's own views
newspeak 1949 political or media expressions using circumlocution and euphemisms to disguise or distract from the truth; first coined by George Orwell in 1984
neopopulism 2012 a form of populism that is conservative, as articulated by the book Neopopulism as Counterculture.[116] In a somewhat different way, the populism-based election of Donald Trump was also a conservative neopopulism.
Never-Trumper 2015 emotional, nearly deranged opponents of Donald Trump, such as Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney
noel 1811 a Christmas carol or, when capitalized, Christmas itself
non-justiciable 1922[117] a difficult issue that the courts should not attempt to resolve, often because it is too political in nature
non-locality 1920s action at a distance at the atomic level; even though proven, it is still opposed by those who believe in relativity and still not recognized by Merriam-Webster
nonstarter 1902 an idea—typically a liberal one—that has no possibility of being productive
nonstarter 1902 an idea—typically a liberal one—that has no possibility of being productive
nothingburger 1953[118] A useful term in deflating persons or theories, as in Leftist conspiracy theories and politicians.
nuclear family 1920s a family consisting of a Leave It to Beaver-style upbringing of children with one mother and father only.
nullification 1798 assertion of authority by a State against encroachment by the federal government, in defense of liberty
obstructionism 1879 deliberate interference with free speech or legislative progress, as when liberal legislators (the "fleebaggers") fled Wisconsin to try to block a reform
October surprise 1980 a scheme by Dems to cause surprise headlines in the liberal media to influence an upcoming election, as first predicted by conservative Bill Casey[119] and as later done by Dems to GOP candidates George W. Bush in 2000 and to Donald Trump in 2016
off the grid 1978 self-sufficiency independent of public utilities for electricity and municipalities for water
officialdom 1863 people who are "officials" in government; the term is used today in a pejorative manner to criticize them.
Old Glory 1862 a poetic name for the United States of America flag, as is Stars & Stripes
one-size-fits-all 1996[120] Lee Wishing, director of communications for conservative Grove City College, in criticism of how the government administers student loans: "Unfortunately, with government programs, it's one size fits all."[121] The 2008 Republican platform states, "We reject a one-size-fits-all approach and support parental options, including home schooling, and local innovations such as schools or classes for boys only or for girls only and alternative and innovative school schedules."[122]
one-trick pony 1980 a person or group that relies repeatedly on the same gimmick, as in "the media are a one-trick pony in their criticism of Rand Paul"
open-minded 1828 see Essay:Quantifying Openmindedness
opportunistic bioterrorism 2020 Concealment of the emergence of a biological agent, pathogen or a disease by acts of commission or omission with the knowledge that such an act will harm or kill humans, animals, or plants with the intent to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population to further political or social objectives or by using a situation to get power or an advantage.[123]
opportunity cost 1911
optimism 1759
ordered pair 1870s developed by the Christian Georg Cantor, this conservative concept was part of the set theory that he invented and revolutionized mathematics with, despite opposition by the establishment
organic food 1950s a grassroots conservative response, led by mom-and-pop consumers and pharmacies, against government-approved pesticides and mandatory fluoridation
originalism 1985 taken from the concept of "original intent." The belief that the United States Constitution should be interpreted in the way the authors originally intended it
originality 1742 Liberals not only lack originality, but (like Justice Hugo Black) are often hostile to its possibility.
Orwellian 1960s terminology or style that advances the power of big government but is hurtful or nonsensical[124]
ostensibly 1765 having an outward appearance that may not reflect the underlying truth; good potential use is Luke 3:23 in describing Jesus as the son of Joseph
outflank 1765 to move swiftly around an opponent, a military tactic mastered by conservative General George Patton to crush the Germans in World War II
overthink 1987[125] to think so much about a problem or issue as to miss more advantageous, simpler approaches. Sample usage: Donald Trump's successful style illustrated that his rivals were overthinking politics.
pack heat 1940s carry a concealed firearm, allowed by permit in nearly every state, yet liberal bias has made dictionaries slow to recognize this term
Pagan Rome ??? a blunt reference, used mostly by Seventh-day Adventist Christians, to summarize the pagan depravity of the Roman Empire
parenting 1958 children raising
Parkinson's Law 1955 how bureaucracies expand regardless of productivity, and how inefficient work expands to fill the time available for its completion
parochial school 1755 a donation-supported, religious alternative to the mistake of public schools
Parthian shot 1832 a negative term for the tactic of expressing criticism while one exits, just as the ancient Parthians would shoot arrows while retreating in battle. This tactic is common among those who reject conservative truths, as seen when left-leaning editors leave Conservapedia.
partial-birth abortion 1995[126] a hideous "dilation and extraction" abortion late in pregnancy that dismembers the child and punctures his head
passive-aggressive 1946 aggressively obstinate by failing to act, as liberals are in refusing to read the Bible with an open mind
patent troll 2001 a company that obtains or buys up patents for the sole purpose of asserting infringement claims, and without any intention of actually manufacturing the invention; the term was first coined by Peter Detkin, in-house counsel to Intel
patriotism 1726 the concept of being willing to serve one's nation under any circumstances, especially when defending it against outside opponents
Pavlovian 1926 a conditioned, automatic and unthinking response to a signal; it has been used twice by conservative Supreme Court Justices. "It is well established that this Court does not, or at least should not, respond in Pavlovian fashion to confessions of error by the Solicitor General." De Marco v. United States, 415 U.S. 449, 451 (1974) (Rehnquist, J., dissenting); "'Incorporation' has become so Pavlovian that my Brother BLACK barely mentions the Fourteenth Amendment in the course of an 11-page opinion dealing with the procedural rule the State of Florida has adopted for cases tried in Florida courts under Florida's criminal laws." Williams v. Fla., 399 U.S. 78, 144 (1970) (Stewart, J., dissenting and concurring).
pejorative 1882 a word that has negative connotations in describing something, which the liberal media use while pretending that the term is neutral, such as "nativism" or "isolationism"
Pelosi pawn 2021 The term described RINO Liz Cheney as she became a toady for the Leftist agenda in supporting continued investigation and even imprisonment of ordinary Americans for entering the United States Capitol on January 6th.
perpetual war 1947 Coined by historian Charles A. Beard,[127] it has been used most recently by Ann Coulter
personhood [128] 1955 Inherent rights guaranteed to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development, including the pre-born, partially born. Also, the state or fact of being a person.
Philadelphia 1682 coined by William Penn and meaning "city of brotherly love," the concept captures the "best of the public" approach
phonics 1684 conservatives have long championed phonics to promote literacy, Bible-reading, and informed voters; liberals take the opposite position
phony 1900[129] needed to address liberal deceit
photo bias 1992[130] a common trick of the liberal media to push the reader to the political left on an issue, as in displaying a man without teeth as an opponent of a liberal bill or candidate.
Pickwickian 1836 a simple and generous quality, usually a person in the mold of Samuel Pickwick, a character in Charles Dickens' Pickwick Papers
pie in the sky 1911 an unrealistic claim of value about a future materialistic benefit
piece of cake 1936 Sample usage: with church and the Bible, life can be a piece of cake, but without Christ it can be very difficult
plandemic 2020 politically motivated hysteria over a pandemic, in order to advance Leftist goals such as mail-in voting and increased government control through vaccine mandates and passports, and mandatory masking of schoolchildren
plasticity 1783 having a plastic quality that conforms to molding or pressure; in pejorative usage, someone who easily conforms to peer pressure or liberal falsehoods
play in Peoria 1969 a saying in defiance of the liberal media-dominated culture on the coasts, first used in this way by President Richard Nixon's aide John D. Ehrlichman in response to the press: "Don't worry, it'll play in Peoria."[131]
poetic justice 1890 when virtue is rewarded and/or wrongdoing is punished in an indirect or unexpected way
point of order 1745[132] an objection to how a proceeding or discussion is being conducted, typically in opposition to liberal style and bias
political capital 2004 popularized by President George W. Bush after he won reelection and declared that he would "spend" the political capital by implementing his agenda
political machine 1905 a pejorative term for local and typically Democratic power structures that prevent outsiders from winning elections; first used by George Washington Plunkitt to criticize the Tammany Hall machine for which he served
political prisoner 1864[133] someone imprisoned for his political beliefs. Sample usage: Foreign leaders have objected to how political prisoners are being held in jail in D.C. in 2021 for many months without a trial, for their peaceful support of President Trump.
politically correct 1983 This term originated among radicals at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to enforce radical orthodoxy, but immediately flipped in usage to become a term of mockery of radicals.[134]
politicize 1846 seeking political gain at the expense of truth or quality[135]
politics of envy 2011 used by Australian conservative Christopher Pine to describe the philosophy behind taking money from private schools and giving it to public ones.
poll watcher 1890s a volunteer who monitors traffic and identification verification at a polling booth in order to protect election integrity
Pollyanna 1913 a very optimistic, cheerful, and exuberant person who lights up the world around her; the main character in the best-selling children's book by that name written by Eleanor H. Porter (published in 1913)
poppycock 1865 assertions that are nonsense, as much of liberal talk is
portability 1965 the degree to which something—particularly software—may be easily moved with minimal expense from one technology platform to another; parables are effective because of their portability among languages
pork barrel 1909 government as a source of handouts that redistribute money from hard-working people to those who avoid work
post-abortive 1986 the unexpected trauma and physical harm—which can worsen over time—that is experienced by a woman after having an abortion; coined by Dr. Kaye Cash in an editorial describing what she learned during a 365-mile walk in southeast Arkansas to speak with the public about abortion[136]
Potemkin village 1935 a phony facade designed to distract the public from a disgraceful condition, typically used to describe deception by a government against the people
potential 1817[137]
pothead 1959 someone who smokes marijuana and doesn't realize its long-term negative psychological effects
potty-mouthed 1987[138] a tendency by someone to use vulgarities while commenting
powerhouse 1881 source of energy and strength - which is what the conservative movement is
price discrimination 1920 charging different prices for exactly the same service or good; first coined by the British economist (and critic of John Maynard Keynes) Arthur Cecil Pigou in The Economics of Welfare.
price fixing 1920 the setting of prices in interference of the free market; it is illegal for private companies to do this, but the government itself sometimes does it
prioritize 1961 to recognize that some goals and activities are more important than others, and then focus accordingly
private sector 1952 non-governmental businesses and jobs functioning in free enterprise
privatize 1940 to return a business or enterprise from state to private control; to de-nationalize.
proactive 1933
Procrustean 1832 a pejorative description of the one-size-fits-all mentality, which disregards individual differences
productive 1612
productivity 1810 the gap of about 200 years between the creation of "productive" and "productivity" is astounding
pro-life 1960 describes one who supports women going through with having children rather than killing them in the womb
pronoun police 2015 a pejorative term popularized by[139]
property right 1853
provocateur 1919 someone who spends more time causing unproductive conflicts rather than advancing knowledge, accomplishing legitimate goals, or helping anyone
pseudoscience 1844 worthless claims written with the appearance of scientific rigor to gain an aura of credibility
public charge 1880 an official term used by the government to describe someone who depends on payments from the government
publicity stunt 1969[140] Used on April 10, 1969, by Republican Senators who withdrew from a tour and probe by Senator Ted Kennedy, criticizing him for his "publicity stunt" in preparation for his expected run for the presidency; the Chappaquiddick incident sunk his chances three months later.
puff piece 1980s a biased story by the lamestream media to promote someone who shares their Leftist views
punctual 1675 consistently showing up on time, rather than a disrespectful tardiness
quantify 1840
quisling 1940 a traitor who collaborates with the enemy, from the name of Vidkun Quisling, the Norway army officer who urged Adolf Hitler to invade Norway whereupon Quisling declared himself the ruler and later became its "minister president" until it was liberated.
race card 1995[141] "Playing the race card" consists of relying on racial emotions or charges of racism in order to overcome the truth and logic in politics, legal proceedings, or otherwise; this term became familiar in the criticism of the defense and acquittal of O.J. Simpson for the murder of his ex-wife and her friend.
reasonable doubt 1770 a Christian concept for the benefit of the souls of jurors, not the accused; first used in English by John Adams (before that, in canon law) in addressing the jury during his defense of the Boston Massacre perpetrators: "Where you are doubtful never act: that is, if you doubt of the prisoner's guilt, never declare him guilty; that is always the rule, especially in cases of life."[142]
rapture 1629 spiritual ecstasy [10]
recidivism 1886 the tendency for people lacking in faith and determination to revert to prior patterns of harmful behavior, such as repeat criminal offenders
recuse 1949 self-removal by a decision-maker (especially a judge) because of possible bias with respect to the pending issue
red diaper baby 1960s[143] child of American communists (typically born between 1940 and 1970), some of whom (such as David Horowitz) later converted to the side of liberty and conservatism.
red tape 1736 excessive bureaucracy and procedural complexity which frustrate meaningful activity and progress
refudiate 2010 combination of refute and repudiate, as coined by Sarah Palin
relativism 1865 the view that ethical truths are not absolute, but depend on the person or group that holds them
resourceful 1808 first used at the Aaron Burr trial with a negative connotation, but it acquired today's positive connotation by 1847.
responsibility 1737 the state of having a duty to do something, or being accountable or blamable for something; HAMILTON Federalist No. 63 (1988) II. 193 Responsibility in order to be reasonable must be limited to objects within the power of the responsible party.
rethink 1700[144] to reconsider, a sign of openmindedness
reverse discrimination 1969 the use of quotas or affirmative action to use race or gender to discriminate against a better-qualified person
revisionism 1903[145] distortions of history to promote liberal bias
revolving-door 1973 the liberal practice of repeatedly transferring into and out of government in a way that impedes progress and access by others, like the same people going round-and-round in a real revolving door
right-of-way 1768 a right to pass through, other rights notwithstanding
RINO 1992 First known use in print: "Bill Clinton would have been proud .... The Republicans were moving out and the Democrats and 'RINOs' (Republicans In Name Only) were moving in."[146]
RINO Backer 2012 a more important term than "RINO", because what matters most is whether someone will stand up for a conservative position and candidate when the liberal media demand that everyone flock to the liberal side.
riot act 1715[147] the Riot Act was a law passed in England in 1715 to authorize officials to disperse riots
risk averse 1970s[148] the antidote to gambling, being risk averse attains the immense benefits that result from minimizing uncertainty
Rock of Gibraltar 1776 unwavering strength amid adversity
Rogue state 1993 (Originally used in 1993 then reintroduced in 2002.) A 'rogue state' displays no regard for international law. It attempts to acquire weapons of mass destruction and other military technology with which to threaten neighboring countries and support terrorism. Rogue states often reject human values and brutalize their own people.
role model 1957 someone, such as a parent, teacher, athlete, statesman, or any walk of life, who inspires others by their everyday conduct
rope-a-dope 1974[149] a strategy, first coined in boxing by the victorious Muhammad Ali of initially remaining passive and deflecting attacks while an adversary tires himself out or demonstrates his lack of effectiveness; some similarity with the New Testament advice to "turn the other cheek."
rubber-stamp 1918 unthinking repetition or endorsement of something, despite having the responsibility to make an independent decision, as in "Democrats rubber-stamp demands by the abortion industry."
rugged 1897[150] sample usage: "rugged individualism," which describes the American character
running start 1926 taking initiative earlier than required, in order to achieve more
run of the mill 1930 meaning "merely average, commonplace," the term is critical of a failure to strive for excellence
Ruthian 1920s[151] a spectacular performance in sports, like a mammoth home run by Babe Ruth
sacred cow 1910 a person or idea, typically liberal, that becomes immune from criticism because of its political usefulness rather than its truthfulness, as in the theories of evolution and relativity
salutary neglect 1775 coined by the conservative Edmund Burke in his 1775 speech to the British House of Commons entitled "On Moving His Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies"[152]
scam 1963 a deceptive scheme, which is what most liberal theories are. Interestingly, the origin of the term "scam" is unknown, but its timing near the beginning of the 1960s is telling.
scapegoating 1943 a term criticizing how people, particularly liberals, deflect accountability and blame from themselves to others; inspired by Leviticus 16:8.
school choice 1980 popularized by Milton Friedman in his book, Free to Choose
school of hard knocks 1912[153] education by difficult, painful experiences
scientific fascism 2009 a coordinated effort by a group of scientists to enforce a certain point of view upon others.
scofflaw 1924 a word invented by the best of the public as part of a contest to describe people who are contemptuous of laws and repeatedly violate them
scrooge 1843[154] a miserly person, the surname of the main character in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
scrutinize 1671 its original meaning was to examine votes, and thus prevent liberal attempts at voter fraud
secularism 1850-55 attempts to educate, particularly through public school, without including faith or even acknowledgment of God
Segway 2001 Dean Kamen's trademark spelling of "segue" for use of Yankee Ingenuity to improve efficiency, to refer to a form of battery-powered transportation.
self-defense 1651 The ability to protect oneself against violent assault; weapons, including firearms, may be used for self-defense
self-destruct 1968 often the tragic result of liberal falsehoods
self-discipline 1838
self-preservation 1614 preservation of oneself from destruction or harm
self-reliant 1848
sheeple 2017[155] mindlessly doing as told politically or by peer pressure, as used by Dr. Ben Carson in 2022 to describe physicians who are complicit in transgender medical operations.[156]
shortsighted 1649 focusing too much on the near-term future, at the expense of the long-term future
separation of powers 1748 the fundamental principle of the U.S. Constitution, separation of powers originated from "The Spirit of the Laws" by the French political philosopher Montesquieu.[157] Separation of powers establishes checks and balances as a safeguard against the concentration of power.
shotgun marriage 1929 pregnancy => get married. Think of someone besides yourself for a change.
show trial 1937 trials, especially in communist countries, which have preordained outcomes but are used for propaganda purposes
sidewalk counseling 1975 the practice of volunteers exercising their right of free speech to advise women against abortion as they walk on sidewalks toward abortion clinics; liberals have passed laws to restrict and censor this
silent majority 1969 coined by President Richard Nixon in his speech to the nation on Nov. 3, 1969;[158] refers to the largely conservative population in America silenced by liberal media
silver lining 1871 a benefit that is not obvious to see, particularly amid a disappointment
skullduggery 1867 underhanded or unscrupulous behavior
silent majority 1955[159] a poetic term for those conservative Americans silenced by liberal media despite being greater in numbers; the term is a reminder not to give a heckler, a protester, or a vocal minority more deference than they deserve when the silent majority properly opposes their views
slippery slope 1900s term has been widely used for decades to expose the fallacy of "it doesn't hurt to try"
small beer 1836 coined by Davy Crockett to signify someone or something having little significance, despite hype typically by liberals
small talk 1745 inconsequential, shallow conversation that is usually a waste of time
small town values 1984 term was first used by Democrat John Glenn in his failed presidential run in 1984, in a futile effort to appear more conservative than Ronald Reagan
smoke and mirrors 1979 something intended to disguise or draw attention away from an often embarrassing or unpleasant issue.[160] Widely used during the 1990s to describe Bill Clinton's political strategy.
smoke-filled room 1920 a pejorative term describing how a few political insiders sometimes pick a candidate or make a decision in a secret room (in the old days, filled with cigar smoke)
smoking gun 1974 a law-and-order term, "smoking gun" was first used as a figurative term in a reported judicial decision in Rodgers v. United States Steel Corp., 1975 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12775 (W.D. Pa. Apr. 20, 1975), and many literal uses of the term in court decisions before that!
soapbox 1907 staging for a typically liberal, unproductive rant having little substance
soccer mom 1987 a mother who devotes herself to her children's activities; this is a significant voting bloc or demographic group
social engineering 1925 an increasingly pejorative term for liberal attempts to create a "nanny state"
socialist 1827 someone who advocates government control over the economy, and particularly state control of the means of production
social justice rhetoric 2009 language and rhetorical ploys equating equality of outcome with justice
sophomoric 1813 pretending to know much, when in fact the person knows little and is even immature
soul-searching 1924 personal reflection about one's own values and morality
soup kitchen 1839 providing soup and other food to the poor based on charitable contributions, often through churches
sour grapes 1760 disparagement of something by someone who failed to attain it, rather than admitting his own faults
spend-and-tax 2009[161] a variation on "tax-and-spend" (see below), "spend-and-tax" consists of spending the money first and then trying to justify raising taxes based on the deficit created by the spending
spin doctor 1984 someone ensuring that others interpret an event from a particular point of view.[162]
sportsmanship 1745 displaying chivalry in victory or defeat, and recognizing that moral values matter more than a win or a loss
spot-on 1949 precisely correct, as in a prediction or in overcoming imprecision in a challenging task; its origin is from the military
squirrelly 1928 like a squirrel; jumpy and unpredictable; as in liberals get squirrelly when confronted with facts.
squish 1981 someone who pretends to be conservative when it is popular, but then caves into liberals as soon as they start to criticize him
stagflation 1965 inflation and high unemployment and stagnant demand by consumers, typically due to liberal policies as in the late 1970s under President Jimmy Carter
stalemate 1765 the fifth entry on this list from the conservative game of chess, a stalemate is when an opponent has no move other than into check, and thus the game ends in a draw
stalking horse 1788 a candidate or issue that serves to increase the chances that another will win, as in "antifederalists attempted to win elections by using 'the stalking horse of amendments.'"[163]
statism 1919 advocates for centralized government and government ownership
Statue of Liberty 1900 a phrase used to describe it more than a decade after its completion
status quo 1833 a useful baseline for assessing and promoting conservative growth
stay-at-home 1806 typically usage is "stay-at-home mom," the mainstay of successful, productive family life
stem-winder 1875 first-rate of its kind, especially a political speech; term inspired by the innovation for the watch to be wound by stem rather than by a key
straightforward 1806 something liberals are not
straw man 1896 an imaginary argument or example set up for the purpose of easily knocking down, while distracting from valid arguments
strategy 1810 a careful plan or method, the opposite of liberal style
street-smart 1974 the non-bookish intelligence necessary to survive and thrive in an unstructured, rough-and-tumble environment analogous to a tough neighborhood in a big city
Stupaked 2010 hurt by someone who reassured everyone he would do the right thing, but then switched at the last minute to do the opposite (refers especially to abortion betrayals)[164]
subsidiarity 1936 the concept (opposed by liberals) that responsibilities performed by local or subordinate organizations should not be usurped by centralized government
sugarcoat 1865 popularized by Abraham Lincoln to say that secession is a sugarcoated word for rebellion
Sunday school 1783 classes where students can actually learn something helpful: Christian education on Sunday morning, usually after a church service
supply-side 1976 the economic theory that reducing taxes expands economic activity by encouraging greater earnings and investments; proven successful during the Reagan Administration in the 1980s
survivalist 1970 one who is determined and prepared to stay alive, and even thrive at minimal living expense, if liberals cause a breakdown of society
take-charge 1954 proactive leadership for the greater good
takeover 1917 as in the takeover of government by the communist revolution in that year
takings 1926[165] use of the power of eminent domain by government to convert private property to a public use, typically disfavored by the property owner
targeted propaganda 2023 propaganda, particularly by the liberal media, that is tailored to discrediting one person, as explained by RFK Jr. while being victimized by it
tax-and-spend 1937 not yet recognized by Merriam-Webster, it is included in and it means the liberal policy of raising taxes and increasing government spending
taxpayer 1816 the word highlights who is really paying for things
tea party 2007 an amorphous group of ordinary citizens unified against a more expansive government
Tebowing 2011 bending on one knee in public to give glory to God (named after pro-life NFL quarterback Tim Tebow)
teetotaler 1834 someone who does not drink any alcohol, and thereby avoids supporting the alcoholic industry
term limits 1861 can you believe this is not in the dictionary yet? Merriam-Webster omits it, but has it[166]
terrorism 1795 Coined during the French Revolution, refers to any form of spontaneous extreme violence, mainly committed by Muslims in modern times
textualism 1952 first used by Justice Robert Jackson in his influential concurrence in Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952), it now describes the legal philosophy of Justice Antonin Scalia
Thanksgiving Day 1674 a tradition older than the United States
think tank 1940s first coined in Britain to describe intelligence organizations that helped the military, think tanks became part of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s and 1980s; is Conservapedia the think tank of the future?
thought police 1949 “The most gifted of [the public], who might possibly become a nuclei of discontent, are simply marked down by the Thought Police and eliminated.” - George Orwell, 1984.
time sink 1991 this term originated at MIT to describe a programming class that consumed enormous amounts of students' time
time-tested 1930 an approach that has proven to be beneficial over time, like heterosexual marriage
tin-pot 1838 small-minded person who undeservedly pretends to be important or abuses his power, as in a "tin-pot dictator"
toady 1826 an insincere sycophant seeking personal gain, as in "toadies to the liberal agenda far outnumber its true believers"
top-notch 1900 the highest quality, which requires respect for merit to recognize
tort reform 1970[167] a movement placing sensible limits on runaway liberal lawsuits
totalitarianism 1926 term which identifies the similarities of fascist and communist regimes and ideologies and urges resistance
tour de force 1802 a feat of skill
trademark 1838 extends the concept of private property to the marks used by business
traditionalist 1856 "adherence to the doctrines or practices of a tradition...the beliefs of those opposed to modernism, liberalism, or radicalism"[168]
tradwife 2020 portmanteau of "traditional wife": an embrace of the traditional role of a wife in the 1950s as a homemaker, who rejects the side of feminism that is man-hating[169]
transaction cost 1961 Economist Ronald Coase won a Nobel Prize for this.
transistor 1948 named by John R. Pierce and developed at the conservative Bell Labs, this invention epitomized Yankee ingenuity; Pierce was a critic of claims of artificial intelligence and was the future developer of Telstar, a precursor to the Strategic Defense Initiative
transparency 1615 allowing people who are affected by decisions to see how and why those decisions are really being made.
tree huggers 1970s still not recognized by the dictionary, this term criticizes extreme environmentalists, but they proudly use the term also to describe what they literally do
trivia 1920 insignificant detail, which can sometimes obscure what is important and distract people from the Bible; liberal Wikipedia is filled with trivial junk
Trojan horse 1837 describes a type of liberal deceit: subversion from within
Trump Derangement Syndrome 2017 an irrational, hysterical opposition to President Donald Trump simply because he is Donald Trump
Trump effect 2016 based on the leadership of Donald Trump, voluntary decisions by American companies to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States rather than move them offshore
trust but verify 1980s popularized by President Ronald Reagan as the approach to use towards communist deceit
two-party system 1925 a system of government and politics in which two political parties of roughly comparable strength dominate, as in the United States
typewriter 1868 invented by a homeschooled American, Christopher Sholes, used to disseminate conservative insights
ugly duckling 1883 an unpromising appearance but often with great unseen potential
ultra vires 1793 beyond the authority, especially of a government or corporate official
un-American 1818 contrary to American values
unborn child 1791 the rights of the unborn child have been recognized in English law since the 1600s, but the specific term "unborn child" itself may have been first used by an attorney arguing before the New Jersey Supreme Court in Den v. Sparks, 1 N.J.L. 67 (Sup. Ct. 1791)
uncertainty principle 1929 an underlying chaos (uncertainty) at the atomic level in the physical world after the Fall of man, which renders a perpetual motion machine and life beyond 120 years impossible
underachiever 1952 a typically liberal person who fails to accomplish what he could
underdog 1859 David v. Goliath, Cinderella, best of the public, etc.
underemployed 1908 having less than full-time or suitable employment
underwater basket weaving 1950s A pejorative that describes worthless college courses and a declining educational system; see Worst College Majors.
underwhelm 1949 a great word for beating back liberal hype
unforced error 1995[170]
uniparty 1953[171] The DC establishment of Democrats and Republicans funded by the same globalist and multinational donors.[172]
unscripted 1950 speaking sincerely without parroting a script; "Rand Paul and Chris Christie are effective because, unlike Obama, they are unscripted."
unsung hero 1860 someone who accomplishes good without receiving recognition for it
useful idiot 1920[173] Sample usage: "There are not as many useful idiots on college campuses for the Obama reelection campaign in 2012 as there were in 2008, and it's doubtful he can fill a stadium rally unless the campaign pays students to attend."
vaccine police 1999 popularized by Phyllis Schlafly as first cited by the media in a front-page Philadelphia Inquirer article, which quoted her for saying "that the 'vaccine police' want to deny American parents the right of informed consent to vaccines and that the personal immunization records kept by states are the first step toward 'compulsory control of individual health care.'"[174]
vacuous 1850s[175] lacking any insight or depth of thought - common among liberal claptrap
vandalism 1798[176] malicious destruction of someone else's property
vaporware 1984 a new computer program that is not really available as hyped in the media; see also the parable of the two sons at Matthew 21:28-32
venture capital 1943 capitalism at its best: funding new and risky enterprises to create wealth for many
veracity 1623 devotion to truthfulness
vet 1904[177] a verb meaning to screen for flaws
veto 1629 a power by one branch of government to restrain another branch, and thereby attain less government overall
victimization 1840
volunteer 1618 someone who freely offers to help
wag the dog 1997 describes how a Democrat president starts a war in a distant land to distract from his own sex scandal (or any popularity) at home.
wannabe 1981 a word that criticizes liberal status worship
War on Terror 2001 no listing at Merriam-Webster; on February 2, 2009 (less than two weeks after inauguration), Obama dropped use of this term.[178]
washed-up 1928 no longer productive, as in "the washed-up liberal professor has not contributed anything to his field in 30 years."
wasteland 1825 first figurative use was in 1868; T.S. Eliot wrote a poem with this title (as two words) in 1922.[179] Fits perfectly the meaning conveyed in the "kingdom divided" teaching in Matthew 12:25.
waterloo 1816 a final defeat or setback, coined merely one year after the English defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo; there has never been a "waterloo" for Christianity or conservatism
weasel word 1900[180] a word that is not conservative and which avoids being direct or substantive; named after the weasel's habits as criticized by Shakespeare in Henry V and As You Like It.
Welfare queen 1976 a disparaging term for someone who collects excessive welfare payments through fraud, manipulation, or laziness. First used by Ronald Reagan during his 1976 Presidential campaign.
welfare state 1941 a government that views its primary responsibility to be to give handouts to individuals to make sure they have what they need
white elephant 1860 an oversized building that is worth less than its high costs of maintenance
wildcatter 1883 a pro-energy term that describes someone who drills for oil in fields not known to have oil
wishful thinking 1925 in liberal denial of evil and the devil, liberals engage in unjustified wishful thinking
wishy-washy 1873[181] easily changing in opinion, usually due to peer pressure
woman's intuition 1890[182] a perception more common in women that something or someone is to be avoided without yet understanding why.
word poverty 2001[183] popularized by President George W. Bush
wordsmith 1873 someone who seeks to use language effectively, as many conservatives strive to do
work (physical sense) 1826 a physical measure[184] of effort used to increase energy
work ethic 1951 a habit of working as a moral good
workaholic 1968 coined by a Southern Baptist pastor to describe the work habits of himself and other ministers[185]
worldview 1858 a comprehensive way of looking at life and the world; sometimes used to criticize a liberal's irrational belief system
Yankee 1758 Inhabitants of New England, United States. Dutch slang in 1698- Americanized 50 years later.
Yankee Ingenuity 1761 America's inhabitants had a knack for clever design and capitalist success. The early Americans had applied their exceptional skills prior to the terms existence, see Eli Whitney and Benjamin Franklin.
yellow journalism 1898 the practice, started by newspaper publishers Joseph Pulitzer and his rival William Randolph Hearst, of sensationalizing and biasing newspaper headlines and articles in order to influence public opinion
yes-man 1913 someone, often a liberal, who agrees (and votes) as he is told
Young Turk 1908 an idealistic young man who seeks significant political change by defeating the Establishment
zero-sum 1944 activities or political approaches in which a gain can only be achieved at a corresponding loss to someone else. For example, Facebook revenue is "zero-sum" because it results from users wasting their time (or ruining their marriages); reading or translating the Bible is not zero-sum.
ziggurat 1877 an ancient house of worship first constructed by the Mesopotamian civilization; predicted by Biblical scientific foreknowledge in the story of the Tower of Babel, the existence of the ziggurats was unknown to the Western world throughout most of history


See also


  2. The King James Version of the Bible was published in 1611, by then William Shakespeare had written nearly all his plays.
  3. From Pollard v. Shaaffer, 1 U.S. 210, 213 (1 Dall. 210) (Pa. S.Ct. 1787): "In the case before the court, if the lessee had covenanted for himself and his assigns, to deliver up the tenements in good order and repair, notwithstanding they should be destroyed by act of God or of an Enemy, then this action would certainly lie, because of the special express words; but when there are no such words, but only generally to repair &c. would it be reasonable to construe these words so as to extend to the cases put?"
  4. Merriam-Webster asserts a date of origin of 1635 in its online version [1], but 1859 in its 10th edition print version.
  5. See, e.g., Jesus's cure of the centurion's slave.
  7. The title of a book: "The Administrative State" by Dwight Waldo (1948).
  9. The concept originated a bit earlier, but its first best articulation was when a federal court recognized that "agency capture" is "where the regulated become the regulators." Huron Valley Hospital, Inc. v. Pontiac, 612 F. Supp. 654, 663 (E.D. Mich. 1985).
  10. 1911 is the date given by the "OED", which refers to the Oxford English Dictionary. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives a date of 1931.
  11. Christianity Today
  12. Merriam-webster- Apple pie
  13. estimate only; this originated sometime in the late 1880s.
  15. A more precise date is welcome; "Austrian school" was coined a bit earlier, initially as a derisive term.
  16. Baby boomer, retrieved August 30, 2012
  17. Newsroom: Facts for Features - Special Edition - The Oldest Baby Boomers Turn 60!
  18. Citizen Patriot of Jackson, Michigan, “Albion,” pg. 6, (Nov. 21, 1903)
  22. First coined by Phyllis Schlafly in A Choice Not an Echo (1964) as "DeBilderbergers" based on the Dutch origin of the name.
  23. Or "Blame-America-First Crowd"
  25. Estimate for the emergence in popularity of this meaning of the term.
  27. The original usage of the term the "bottom line" had nothing to do with money.
  28. First used by U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Harlan II in United States v. Jorn, 400 U.S. 470, 486 (1971), where he rejected adopting a bright-line rule for that case.
  29. Its figurative meaning probably dates from the late 1800s.
  32. according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Miram-webster gives the date of 1945
  33. named after the upset landslide defeat of the House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his own primary. Made popular by Sarah Palin on national television in 2016 by declaring that she will campaign against Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in his primary.
  34. First use found by Conservapedia was in an article describing a controversy in communist Yugoslavia over their "career politicians," published in the New York Times and authored by Malcolm W. Browne, sect. 4, p. 3, col. 1.
  35. The future author of the Massachusetts Constitution who also played a role in developing the Declaration of Independence.
  36. William Safire popularized this word in his regular New York Times column entitledOn Language (March 8, 1987).
  37. From Get Smart in the late 1960s:
    Mr. DON ADAMS: Sorry about that, chief. That's another case.
    Ms. BARBARA FELDON: Who is that?
    Mr. ADAMS: George Robinson, Chaos agent, Hawaiian branch.
    Ms. FELDON: Fabulous disguise.
  38. First usage as a verb then, see
  39. In characteristically liberal style, the online Merriam-Webster spins the global warming example usage by saying the data showed he wasn't a Chicken Little.
  40. Popularized by the bestselling book entitled "A Choice Not An Echo" by Phyllis Schlafly in 1964.
  41. Speech in the House by Abraham Lincoln on July 27, 1848.
  43. "[T]his is one of those rare cases when the [Oxford English Dictionary] gets something wrong. America, not Britain, deserves credit for inventing the word. Jacob Wagner, a Massachusetts federalist, first used conservative in its modern political sense in a letter dated May 13, 1808." David Lefer, The Founding Conservatives, page 5 (2013).
  44. The mathematical definition of a conservative field -- which arises in multivariable calculus -- is that a scalar potential exists for the function and, alternatively, it is irrotational.
  45. First coined by Cambridge University Professor Alfred Marshall in his acclaimed text, Principles of Economics (1890).
  47. Merriam-Webster officially lists its date of origin as 1919 and its source as unknown, but that is well after when Robinson says he developed it.
  48. Free Enter. Fund v. Pub. Co. Accounting Oversight Bd., 130 S. Ct. 3138, 3163 (2010) (5-4 decision).
  50. Confirmation of the first use is desired.
  51. See Dr. Frank Luntz, Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear
  53. Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (19th Ed. 2000), xxv.
  54. Jones v. McMasters, 61 U.S. (20 How.) 8 (1858). An earlier use of 1800 is cited by Merriam-Webster but for a different, non-legal meaning.
  56. Originally "duh!" science: "But couldn't we have been treated to just a soupcon of critical thinking, some irony even -- perhaps a glancing reference to the wisdom of public funding for 'duh!' science?" "L.A. TIMES WHO KNEW? DEPARTMENT", LA Weekly p. 12 (Jan. 14, 2000).
  57. Phil Long, "Special Wing for Drunks Suggested at Future Jail," Miami Herald D1 (Nov. 24, 1982).
  58. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (1994).
  59. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (2009).
  60. After popular use, in 1885 the Magazine of American History wrote, "'To eat crow' means to recant, or to to humiliate oneself."
  61. Merriam-Webster (1994).
  62. Online Etymological Dictionary
  64. The first endoscopic image of the unborn child was in 1967, by Mandelbaum. The date of origin of the term "embryoscopy" may have been later, but likely before the 1990s.
  67. 1845 is the date of origin for the figurative use. The literal use dates back to 1650s, meaning the front of a building.
  68. The term was used by liberals in late 2016, and had sporadic use going back even as early as the 1890s, but did not become common until 2017 when President Trump began using it.
  69. First coined by The Economist, in "New England's governors; All change" (September 22, 1990), in reference to Lowell Weicker's "loss in 1988 to a Faux-conservative Democrat, Mr Joseph Lieberman."
  70. The New York Times attributed the first use -- ironically -- to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  73. Religious Affiliation of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America,
  79. See Pleasant Grove City v. Summum, 129 S. Ct. 1125 (2009); see also Child Evangelism Fellowship of N.J., Inc. v. Stafford Twp. Sch. Dist., 386 F.3d 514 (3rd Cir. 2004).
  80. Good News Club v. Milford Cent. Sch., 533 U.S. 98 (2001)
  81. The use of the term was picked up and repeated in a movie released in 1989, When Harry Met Sally (1989).
  82. this term has the entertaining history of originating with an English liveryman who required customers to "choose" the horse closest to the door.
  84. estimates the first use as being at 1855-60
  85. the OED assigns a date of origin of 1850 to "homeschool".
  86. Meriam Webster Dictionary
  87. Date of origin given by the Online Etymology Dictionary; Merriam-Webster cites an earlier date of origin, perhaps with a narrower meaning.
  88. (popularized in the 1970s, but a date of origin earlier in the 1900s is likely)
  89. A few isolated references to this phrase, without its full current significance, can be found dating back to the mid-1800s
  91. Merriam-Webster (1994).
  92. Alan Turing reportedly used the term for a completely different meaning that went nowhere. [2]
  94. United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218 (1967).
  95. Osage Tribe of Indians v. Ickes, 45 F. Supp. 179, 184-85 (D.D.C. 1942) (emphasis added).
  96. A similar yet different concept, "judicial supremacy," was coined by conservative Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as the title of his book, The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy: A Study of a Crisis in American Political Power (New York: Knopf, 1941).
  98. Killjoy 1776 Mer-Web
  99. First known use was in an article by Tom Zito, "Mr. Mike's Mania; Sick Humor, Very Well Indulged," Washington Post F1 (Nov. 8, 1979): "But now, it's off to La-La land, and his movie deal. 'The thing about Southern Californians,' he says, 'is this: They wake up and say, 'Gee, what a wonderful morning. I think I'll make a salad.' And that takes them the whole day. ..."
  100. (quoting AP news story of Aug. 7, 1950)
  101. Its first use was in 1975, but in a very difference sense of describing more litigation in the Western than the Eastern part of the world.
  102. The High Price of Democrats’ Anti-Trump Lawfare, By Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal, March 13, 2024.
  103. This date refers to its first usage as a noun, which is an estimate of its adoption as a concept.
  104. Lone wolf, Merriam-Webster
  107. This was during the epic struggle -- and defeat -- of the so-called Equal Rights Amendment.
  108. Sunday, Oct. 30, 1983, Section 6, Page 12, Column 3.
  109. Coined as the title of a scholarly article by Francis M. Bator, "The Anatomy of Market Failure," The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1958) [3]
  110. (Apr. 14, 2008)
  111. Merriam-Webster dictionary (1994)
  113. Merriam-Webster - Muckraker
  114. In 1726, poet Henry Carey first coined this term to ridicule rival poet Ambrose Philips, whose verses were unsophisticated. The modern meaning of the term developed a bit later.
  115. Leo Ryan, "Economy Shored up: France's new surge of liberalism," The Globe and Mail (Canada) (Aug. 1, 1978)
  116. By Thomas Dahlberg and Erick Kaardal (Vision Series: 2012).
  117. Used by the state attorneys for West Virginia (including Philip Steptoe, founder of Steptoe & Johnson) in Pennsylvania v. West Virginia, 262 U.S. 553 (1923): "It is not the 'subject of judicial cognizance,' Hans v. Louisiana, 134 U.S. 1, 15; Louisiana v. Texas, 176 U.S 1, 15; Missouri v. Illinois, 180 U.S. 208, 233, or 'susceptible of judicial solution.' Louisiana v. Texas, 176 U.S. 1, 18, 22; Missouri v. Illinois, 180 U.S. 208, 233, 234."
  118. First attributed use is by Hollywood gossip columnist Louella Parsons, who used the term to disparage minor celebrities.
  119. William Safire, in Safire's Political Dictionary (p. 487), attributes this phrase to Casey in a personal discussion with the columnist Safire in 1980.
  120. Was there an earlier conservative use? Frank Zappa's album cover in the 1970s does not count!
  125. started its sharp increase in usage in this year
  126. Used by congressman Charles Canady to name the "Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act" to prohibit the horrific procedure.
  127. Charles A. Beard is best known for interpreting the Constitution as being primarily motivated by economic interests.
  128. Personhood
  129. This surprisingly recent origin appears to be derived from a British confidence game.
  130. A letter to the editor by a reader of the liberal Chicago Tribune observed, "This is the third time in recent weeks that a weird or disfigured picture of Mr. Quayle has appeared in your Sunday paper."
  131. Scheetz, George H. "Peoria." In Place Names in the Midwestern United States. Edited by Edward Callary. (Studies in Onomastics; 1.) Mellen Press, 2000. ISBN 0-7734-7723-3
  132. Free dictionary gives a range of 1745-1755 for first usage
  133. Apparently coined as part of a history of the Civil War.
  134. For an early different usage of the word, see J. Wilson, comments in U.S. Republic, 1793: "The states, rather than the people, for whose sake the states exist, are frequently the objects which attract and arrest our principal attention... 'The United States', instead of the 'People of the United States', is the toast given. This is not politically correct." [4]
  135. The Merriam-Webster definition (1994 ed.) is incomplete and unclear: "to give a political tone or character to"
  136. Editorial by Kaye Cash, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR), October 23, 1986.
  137. Usage here refers to "promise", not "possibility".
  140. Earlier usage in the 1900s may have occurred, but the term "stunt" was not coined until 1878.
  141. This is the date of its widespread familiarity.
  144. Date of origin given by the 10th Edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary; its online dictionary has an earlier date.
  145. The first use of this term, now obscure, refers to a Marxist movement that preferred evolutionary rather than revolutionary change.
  146. John DiStaso in the conservative New Hampshire Union Leader, in December 1992 shortly after Clinton's election.
  147. Its colloquial use, as in "read them the riot act," began in 1819.
  148. Its first use in a published law review article or court decision was in Joint Committees as an Alternative Form of Arbitration Under the NLRA, 47 Tul. L. Rev. 325 (Feb. 1973).
  149. Coined by Muhammad Ali immediately after he won a stunning upset in his famous boxing match, "The Rumble in the Jungle," on October 30, 1974. Hot Idioms
  151. First used by The New York Tribune. [5]
  153. coined by George Ade, a popular Midwestern columnist and author, in his book "Knocking the Neighbors": [6]
  154. Popularized as a general term in 1899.
  155. Officially recognized by Merriam-Webster in 2017 with its broad ideological meaning; earliest isolated use was in 1945 to refer to mindlessly following the government. [7]
  159. first use was British but the term was popularized by the Nixon Administration in response to protests against the Vietnam War
  160. Smoke and Mirrors, Merriam-Webster
  162. General Petraeus describes Axelrod by Bob Woodward
  163. Centinel, 1788 (quoted in The Federalist party in Massachusetts to the year 1800, By Anson Ely Morse).
  164. Columnist Kathleen Parker is credited with first coining this term.
  165. Marion & R. V. R. Co. v. United States, 270 U.S. 280, 285 (1926) (the Supreme Court referring for the first time to "takings by eminent domain")
  167. (citing the late 1960s and 1970s for the beginning of the movement)
  170. Christine Wallace, "Coalition needs a new partner," Australian Financial Review p. 17 (May 15, 1995) ("John Howard's unforced error in a pre-recorded interview [was] to tell ABC-TV's Paul Lyneham that things would only be 'cooking with gas' if variable mortgage rates began to fall, when precisely that happened in between recording the interview and it going to air, [and this] is a gift to Labor with an election in sight ....") |incorporated into politics from tennis, this term means an unnecessary mistake that was not caused by a difficult question or conduct by the other side.
  171. Originally applied to the "Solid South", it increasingly was applied to both parties with growth of the military industrial complex in the 1960s.
  173. Attributed originally to Lenin, but since used by others like Nobel Prize winner (Literature) Doris Lessing to describe how she was manipulated by the communists: “I was taken around and shown things as a ‘useful idiot’... that’s what my role was. I can’t understand why I was so gullible.” [8]
  175. This word as a prior date of origin for its physical meaning.
  176. From the French word "vandalisme", first seen in print there in 1794 by the Bishop of Blois, Henri Grégoire, to criticize the senseless destruction of fine art during the French Revolution. [9]
  178. Obama administration drops 'war on terror' phrase Pew Forum, February 2, 2009
  180. The Stained-Glass Political Platform, by Stewart Chaplin (1900)
  181. An archaic meaning of poor quality dates to 1690.
  182. Notice how this predates the modern feminists, who would tend to consider this term politically incorrect.
  184. Work equals force times distance.