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(Big Tech censorship)
(Big Tech censorship)
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She won the Republican primary for the congressional seat, which is District 21 of Florida.<ref>https://www.270towin.com/news/2020/08/18/overview-live-results-florida-alaska-wyoming-primaries_1085.html</ref><ref>https://www.cbsnews.com/news/laura-loomer-wins-gop-primary-florida-district/</ref>
She won the Republican primary for the congressional seat, which is District 21 of Florida.<ref>https://www.270towin.com/news/2020/08/18/overview-live-results-florida-alaska-wyoming-primaries_1085.html</ref><ref>https://www.cbsnews.com/news/laura-loomer-wins-gop-primary-florida-district/</ref>
===Big Tech censorship===
Loomer won bigly in the primary and became the Republican nominee. [[Big Tech]] companies flat out refused to let her advertise on their platforms and conservative organizations filed complaints.  John Schwepp, the American Principles project's director of government affairs, sent an open letter to the [[FEC]] demanding it investigate how Big Tech companies are meddling with elections. The nomination of Laura Loomer in the U.S. House race for Florida's 21st Congressional district showed how the electoral game changed.  Loomer made a name for herself as a right-wing provocateur her performance art and protests resulted in multiple [[social media]] and payment processing platforms completely blacklisting her. Loomer was basically Patient Zero for Big Tech companies like [[Facebook]], [[Twitter]], and other platforms to see how much [[censorship]] they could get away with. 
In mid-August 2020 Loomer explained to viewers how Big Tech appeared to be meddling with her campaign's ability to reach supporters. Her texts were being flagged and filtered by [[Xfinity Comcast]] as "Potential Threat Detected". If you get something on your phone that says "Potential Threat Detected", you are likely not to click on it.  If users clicked on the link, the phone redirected to a screen that stated, "This site might compromise your device" or "may contain dangerous content. To avoid these risks close this window and skip the site."

Revision as of 20:51, August 31, 2020

Laura Loomer
Laura Loomer 2020.jpg

Born May 21, 1993
Religion Jewish

Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993) is a conservative political activist and a former reporter for Canada's The Rebel Media. During the 2016 presidential campaign cycle, Loomer worked for Project Veritas, with James O'Keefe.[1] in 2020, Loomer also ran for congress in Florida's 21st district.

Early life

Loomer was raised in Arizona by a Jewish father.[2] After high school, Loomer attended Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, but left after just one semester for feeling targeted for being conservative. Loomer later transferred to Barry University in Miami, Florida.


Loomer is a former employee of conservative activist James O'Keefe, who is known for undercover video investigations. Loomer was the New York correspondent for the conservative Canadian news site The Rebel Media (now Rebel News), that has been referred to as the “Canadian Breitbart.”

Notable activities

Barry University stunt

In March 2015, Loomer used a concealed video camera to record her conversations with Barry University officials, on the concept of starting a club called “Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria;” the school allegedly responded asking she instead change the name to “Students in Support of the Middle East,” the video of her encounter was released by James O'Keefe with Project Veritas.

Her video allegedly captured a university official "unfazed" at the notion of starting an on-campus organization that would support ISIS. Shortly after the edited video was released by O'Keefe, Loomer was suspended by Barry University for violating student code of conduct rules; criminal charges were also filed against her for taping university officials without their knowledge or consent. At the time, Loomer was an honors student in her senior year, the president of Barry University's Young Republicans Club, and majoring in communications.

Although Barry University is a private university, on May 22, 2019, a suit by Project Veritas established that "prohibit[ing] the secret audio recording of government officials", which would include a public university's officials, was unconstitutional, as ruled by a U. S. Federal judge in the district of Massachusetts.

Julius Caesar play disruption

On June 16, 2017, Loomer disrupted the 'Shakespeare in the Park' production of Julius Caesar in New York City, by walking on stage during the live performance shortly after the character, Caesar, dressed similarly to Trump, was assassinated. Before being escorted off the stage by security, Loomer shouted “Stop the normalization of political violence against the right! This is unacceptable!”. The play portrayed a "Trump-like" Caesar with a Slovenian-accented wife. Loomer, who is pro-Trump, was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing. The 'Public Theater' responded by saying although they're "champions" of the First Amendment, the disruption was caused by "social media". On June 19, 2017, The Washington Post reported they didn't believe Loomer was genuinely offended by the play, that she disrupted it for attention and to collect a $1,000 bounty that was offered, to anyone who would disrupt the production. On June 20, 2017, The Daily Beast reported that ‘Free Laura', a website for soliciting donations for her arrest, was purchased by Loomer's employer Ezra Levant, the owner of The Rebel Media, six hours before the play started, according to domain records. Loomer was also promoting separately a WeSearchr page for donations, that had received $12,385 from 241 contributors, receiving more money in donations than the normal penalties for the charges she was facing.

On June 19, 2017, as a guest on Fox News Hannity, Loomer admitted she knew disrupting the Shakespeare in the Park play would result in criminal charges against her; during the interview Loomer compared the "Trump-like" Caesar assassination to a May 2017 video of former CNN host Kathy Griffin holding a mask of a bloody severed head of President Donald Trump, calling the Caesar play and the Griffin video "assassination porn", and accused the "left" of a systematic pattern of using free speech and art as a pretext to promote violence against President Donald Trump and the "right".

Infiltration of Clinton campaign

In August 2015, Time magazine reported Loomer and two women posing as Allison Holmes, Jess Koski, and Jess Jones, infiltrated the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in July, 2015, attempting to lure Clinton's interns into voter-election schemes that were illegal; Loomer was later identified in photographs shown to the Clinton campaign as one of the three women, it was unclear if the Clinton campaign did anything improper or illegal.

Huma Abedin stunt

On November 8, 2016, the day of the national election, Loomer strolled into a polling station dressed in a burqa and asked for a ballot under the name of Huma Abedin.

Anti-sharia rally

In June 2017, Loomer gave a speech to a crowd of anti-sharia marchers in New York City and condemned “liberals who aligned themselves with sharia law”. Loomer put a burqa on the Fearless Girl statue adjacent to the Merrill Lynch building and was assaulted by a man wanting to remove the burqa.

Chelsea Clinton book signing

On June 7, 2017, at a Chelsea Clinton book signing event in New York City, Loomer asked Chelsea to sign a copy of her new children's book She Persisted to Juanita Broaddrick, one of former President Bill Clinton's most persistent Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations. The former first daughter refused to sign it.

Chris Cuomo video ambush

On July 6, 2017, Loomer video ambushed CNN host Chris Cuomo on the sidewalk as he left CNN headquarters in Manhattan, regarding a CNN report of an anonymous Reddit user who was the original source of a wrestling video meme retweet by President Donald Trump, a GIF of Trump body-slamming and punching WWE Vince McMahon whose head was replaced by a CNN logo; after the encounter with Cuomo, Loomer complained on Twitter that he "just slammed the door of his fancy black service car on me" after asking him if "@CNNmemes" are free speech with Loomer adding "video soon", the video shows Cuomo fielding accusatory questions from Loomer before getting into a hired SUV.

2020 Congressional campaign

Xfinity Comcast banned Laura Loomer For Congress Campaign website as “Dangerous Content”, interrupting communication between voters and candidate.[3]

She won the Republican primary for the congressional seat, which is District 21 of Florida.[4][5]


In May 2019, Facebook illegally banned Loomer and several other high-profile conservatives from using the company's services for reporting the truth about leftist political corruption, censorship, criminal behavior and violence against conservatives while continuing to enable, encourage and cover for violent and hateful far-Left bigots and criminals. In response to this, Loomer filed a defamation suit against Facebook.[6]

Beyond social media bans from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, she is also banned/blacklisted from using other corporate services run by elitist liberals; Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Medium, TeeSpring, and even Chase Bank. [7]

Conservative websites The Federalist and Daily Caller announced their opposition to Laura Loomer's candidacy after she won a U.S. House Republican primary in Florida, both characterizing her political views as "conspiracy theories".[8][9]


External links