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The redundancy you've forced on MPR to refute your [[neocon]] screeds daily is basically dumbing down the [[conservative movement]]. [[User:RobSmith|RobS]]<sup>[[User talk:RobSmith|''The Truth. Just Putin It Out There'']]</sup> 01:19, April 23, 2024 (EDT)
The redundancy you've forced on MPR to refute your [[neocon]] screeds daily is basically dumbing down the [[conservative movement]]. [[User:RobSmith|RobS]]<sup>[[User talk:RobSmith|''The Truth. Just Putin It Out There'']]</sup> 01:19, April 23, 2024 (EDT)
:I had an outstanding economics professor and my teaching assistant, who was a Christian, was excellent too. And my professor said that in economics, there is no free lunch.
:Yes, war time spending can boost a country's GNP, but it typically does so at the detriment of the civilian sector and long term economic health because less is spent on education, R & D, healthcare, etc. In addition, it can cause labor shortages and drops in labor productivity. In addition, with so many countries having below replacement level of fertility and aging populations, wars which can cause a lot of casualties are often detrimental for this reason as well.
:Putin has to balance big war time spending, the health of the civilian sector and economic stability, and its very doubtful that he could so for 3 years without dropping one of these balls. Russia is a [[middle income countries|middle income country]] and if it is ever going to escape the [[middle income trap]], it is going to have to become a much more economically competitive country and a more sustainable country demographically. The last thing it needs is to be bogged down in an expensive war of attrition that is detrimental to its civilian sector. [[User:Conservative|Conservative]] ([[User talk:Conservative|talk]]) 05:57, April 23, 2024 (EDT)
===Propaganda update===
===Propaganda update===

Revision as of 09:57, April 23, 2024

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Talk:Main Page/Archive index

Uncle Bosie eaten by cannibals? What do you know?

Michael Rockefeller was not Joe Biden's uncle.

I thought that the Cornpop story was a classic whopper that would never be topped. But now Biden has come out with a bizarre story about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. This is apparently a reworking of an old tale about Michael Rockefeller, heir to the Rockefeller fortune, who disappeared mysteriously in New Guinea in 1961. The Rockefeller story was the subject of a book that came out in 2014. Here is The Washington Times. PeterKa (talk) 23:25, April 19, 2024 (EDT)

Papa Bush told a similar story. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 23:44, April 19, 2024 (EDT)
Cannibalism is no laughing matter, according to White House press secretary Jean-Pierre. Maybe not, but the president faking a cannibalism story is pretty funny. PeterKa (talk) 02:52, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
There are various spellings of Bosie (Bosey, etc). I like "Uncle Boozey", as in "Boozer" or "drinks to much". RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 15:53, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Powerlineblog has quite a collection of memes. I thought this one was the funniest: Biden for dinner 2024. PeterKa (talk) 09:57, April 22, 2024 (EDT)

Main page right, news story on US military aid to Ukraine: Mr. Simplicius, there was no Mike Johnson U-Turn. It was obvious early on that his RINOish would become putty in the hands in the establishment-military-industrial complex.

SITREP 4/19/24: A Small Gust for Ukraine's Sails?, Simplicius, 4-19-2024:

"Today we have some interesting thematic developments in the context of Ukraine’s future sustainment outlook.

The most talked about of course is the headway being made for the Ukrainian aid bill, which is set to be voted on in both the House and Senate this weekend and early next week, owing to Speaker Mike Johnson’s eye-opening U-turn. The U-turn was in fact so ‘sudden’ as to imply sinister developments behind the scenes—perhaps kompromat waving, threats, and the like. From an alleged CIA/NSA whistleblower".

Mr. Simplicius, there was no Mike Johnson U-Turn. It was obvious that he would become putty in the hands in the establishment-military-industrial complex. User: Conservative saw it in November 2023 as can be seen HERE.

Very early on, like in November 2023, I saw in Mike Johnson this type of amiable person: "Mike Johnson, the accidental Speaker of the House, has spent his seven months in power trying to be everything to everyone. Hard-right conservatives found him too squishy, like when he worked with Democrats to keep the government open, and establishment Republicans found him too conciliatory to the hard right for his attempts to appease MAGA diehards."[2]

Also, there are 4 buyer types as far as someone buying into an idea: "...the four main personality types of buyers – Assertive, Amiable, Expressive, and Analytic – and offers strategic advice on how to sell to each. Embracing these insights can elevate your sales approach, ensuring you meet the needs and expectations of diverse clients."[3]

Furthermore, of the 4 buyer types, it was clear to me that Mikes Johnson was of the amiable buyer type which is this type of buyer:

"Amiable Buyers
This group of buyers is motivated by stability and cooperation. Their aim is to make everyone else happy. They are constantly worried about how their choices will affect the people around them, and for this reason it’s often difficult for them to make big decisions.
How to sell to amiable buyers
Since their decision-making process is very slow, try to key into the social aspects that will make them feel most comfortable. These people hate change and chaos, so it’s important to highlight the ease of transition your service will provide.
"Be friendly and establish a rapport. Don’t throw in new information at the last minute, but present in a systematic style. Explain to them why your service will maintain the status quo."

Thus, I saw in the amiable Mike Johnson someone who would be putty in the hands of the establishment-military-industrial complex. He is definitely not assertive or analytic!

RobSmith, I suggest you review my international politics essays and spend less time reading Mr. Simplicius.

Simplicius was like a deer in the headlights when Mike Johnson said he was for military aid to Ukraine.

User: Conservative, saw it in November 2023 as can be seen HERE.

I trust this clarifies matters. Conservative (talk) 03:34, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

Admin action: Please do not spam Conservapedia discussion pages with self-serving narcissism. Thank you. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 10:33, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
I am pushing back on bad political commenting by a news source. It's inaccurate. Mike Johnson was a pushover personality months ago and he is one now. Conservative (talk) 11:32, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Steve Turley is a bad news source? (Is Speaker Johnson Being BLACKMAILED?). RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 11:39, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Speaker Mike Johnson is only engaged in the same anti-Putin propaganda you have been spouting for two years now. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 11:45, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
It's pretty obvious what happened here: The deep state took Speaker Johnson into a SCIF and showed him his text messages to his girlfriend or visits to porno sites the intel community obtained without a FISA warrant. Now Johnson is in bed with Democrats to pass FISA 702 re-authorization and funding to kill another half million Ukrainian recruits. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 11:51, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Your speculation lacks evidence. We know that Johnson was a people pleaser/appeaser and we have testimony to this regard. I prefer evidence over speculation. Conservative (talk) 12:15, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Alternatively, the kompromat/blackmail could have been money transfers to bank accounts from money laundering operations. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 12:16, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
How Johnson caved to the Deep State after one meeting.
If you have a problem with this, take it up with Steve Turley. He's one of the first to reveal Johnson's kompromat.
What is the problem here? Speaker Johnson is doing exactly what you have been begging for for two years already. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 12:23, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

If Trump is elected, while he will likely try to negotiate with Russia concerning the war in Ukraine, since he was recently publicly on record saying that the "survival of Ukraine is important to the US", I wouldn't rule out a Trump Administration funding the war in Ukraine. Conservative (talk) 12:41, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

Your criticism of the military industrial complex is rather disingenuous after this and about 3 dozen other screeds along the same lines.
"If Trump is elected..." If. If. If. Not likely now that Mike Johnson is pushing your anti-Putin propaganda.
Congratulations. You managed to divide the conservative movement and Republican party with your petty little vendetta over the past 2 years. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 12:44, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Where in that essay does it say that essay the USA should fund the war in Ukraine? I believe that this is yet another example of your wishful thinking and misrepresentations/gossip.
I do know the essay states: "I do agree with Donald Trump that America should not get into "endless wars" that do not serve America's vital interests.[51] I also agree with Trump's policy of not using the American military to "solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands".[52]".[4] And I also say in that essay: "Pointless and costly wars such as the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan are very expensive. The renowned military strategist and general Sun Tzu wrote: "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." Among the USA public, a less interventionalist and more isolationist sentiment is growing - particularly among young people (See: Isolationalism is growing in the United States. Is this a good thing?). Of course, anything taken to an extreme can be a bad thing. The United States should stay engaged in the world - especially when it comes to the use of skillful diplomacy. At the same time, sometimes wars are unavoidable, but when a nation engages in a war, it should be a just war (See: Just War Theory). Also, as the USA does more and more onshoring of its companies, there will be less and less of an incentive to be the world's policeman on the high seas (See: Deglobalization: The US Navy's Withdrawl as Global Protector)."[5] Conservative (talk) 12:50, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
It doesn't matter anymore. Speaker Mike Johnson is 100% on board with User:Conservative on the issues of Russia, Putin, Ukraine, and the military industrial complex. Stop spamming. You flunked Geopolitics 101.
The Russians have already hunkered down for 3 more years of war. You should quit while you're behind. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 12:53, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
It's funny that you should mention that Russia is hunkered down for three years. What will the Russian economy be like in three years? Have you heard about Putin's trilemma which involves juggling the three balls of: funding the war in Ukraine, maintaining his populace’s living standards, and safeguarding macroeconomic stability? Does Alexandra Prokopenko, a former advisor to Russia's central bank, believe that Putin can juggle all three balls for 3 years without dropping one? And what does Prokopenko say about how Russia's current labor shortages affects labor productivity in Russia? Conservative (talk) 13:23, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
It doesn't matter anymore. You've done enough damage to the conservative movement over the past 2 years and Trump's prospects for re-election. You refuse to engage civilly. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 13:32, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

You are not even a conservative. Why would you care even if what you claim is true (Which it is not)? Conservative (talk) 13:49, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

I cut my conservative teeth in 1968 as a tri-county chairman of the Young Republicans.
The Khorosan Group Does Not Exist, Andrew McCarthy, National Review, September 27, 2014. [1]
And if by "conservative" you mean stupid and willfully ignorant, no, I'm not. See: Essay: Are ignorance, stubbornness, and stupidity conservative values? RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 13:53, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Mr. International Relations Expert, Islamic terrorists used the double-tap strategy in the early 2000s. What is the double-tap strategy and who is using it now? And where are they using it? Conservative (talk) 15:22, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
Huh? RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 15:25, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
You have never heard of double-tap attacks (Double-tap strikes)? Conservative (talk) 15:35, April 20, 2024 (EDT)
It should be apparent to yourself by now that there is something seriously wrong with your news and information sources. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 15:44, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

Unlike some people, I prefer to not live in an echo chamber and so I get my news from a wide variety of news sources. The problem with a "bubble boy" existence is that one's view of reality is warped. And ignorance and false beliefs/worldviews are not bliss and they can be dangerous. Conservative (talk) 19:54, April 22, 2024 (EDT)

Me too.
Now you just have to learn how to discern between truth and falsehood, good and evil. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 20:03, April 22, 2024 (EDT)

Redundancy and trolling

Because of your constant trolling, User:Conservative, I've had to sacrifice precious space on MPR and become redundant. For example, this was posted days ago:

  • BBC via Yahoo Finance: IMF says Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies. [80]

But because of your persistence in posting globalist and neocon Essays, I've had to repost the same information, which cites the same IMF as its source days later, from a bona fide conservative publisher.

  • OAN: Russia beating US economic growth despite sanctions. [1]

This is not cooperative editing on your part, and we waste readers precious time with redundant information. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 01:02, April 23, 2024 (EDT)

The redundancy you've forced on MPR to refute your neocon screeds daily is basically dumbing down the conservative movement. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 01:19, April 23, 2024 (EDT)

I had an outstanding economics professor and my teaching assistant, who was a Christian, was excellent too. And my professor said that in economics, there is no free lunch.
Yes, war time spending can boost a country's GNP, but it typically does so at the detriment of the civilian sector and long term economic health because less is spent on education, R & D, healthcare, etc. In addition, it can cause labor shortages and drops in labor productivity. In addition, with so many countries having below replacement level of fertility and aging populations, wars which can cause a lot of casualties are often detrimental for this reason as well.
Putin has to balance big war time spending, the health of the civilian sector and economic stability, and its very doubtful that he could so for 3 years without dropping one of these balls. Russia is a middle income country and if it is ever going to escape the middle income trap, it is going to have to become a much more economically competitive country and a more sustainable country demographically. The last thing it needs is to be bogged down in an expensive war of attrition that is detrimental to its civilian sector. Conservative (talk) 05:57, April 23, 2024 (EDT)

Propaganda update

  • Granted, the second video could have been staged to confirm the first. That doesn't change the message. If you want to live, follow instructions. If you choose death, ATACMS and NATO troops will not help you. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 17:06, April 20, 2024 (EDT)

MPR: "Iran breaches Anglo-Zionist defenses in historic attack: a breakdown."

MPR: News story with the slant "Iran breaches Anglo-Zionist defenses in historic attack: a breakdown."

So now Conservapedia is pro-Iran? What's next? Conservapedia being pro-North Korea? Kim Jong Un did write "love letters" to Trump so maybe he's not all bad!

One of the classic moments of Trump relative to North Korea can be seen in this clip: 'Do we look handsome and thin?' Trump asks reporters during lunch with Kim. Conservative (talk) 21:10, April 22, 2024 (EDT)

What makes you think it's pro-Iran? Do you know how to read?
What would you prefer, posting lies?
This is rich, coming from an editor who's added reams and reams of RINO and neo-fascist content for two years. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 21:11, April 22, 2024 (EDT)
I do know how to read. And it doesn't take a rocket science to see that the article is written from a pro-Iran slant. Conservative (talk) 21:19, April 22, 2024 (EDT)
Not at all. The article provides professional, military technical analysis. Not the propaganda bs you've proven yourself enamored to since April 2022. See Essay: April 2022 was a pivotal moment in the future of global politics for decades to come. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 21:25, April 22, 2024 (EDT)