François Hollande

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François Hollande
Francois Hollande and Vladimir Putin, Moscow 6 dec 2014 - 05-cropped.jpg
24th President of France
From: May 15, 2012–May 14, 2017
Vice President None
Predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy
Successor Emmanuel Macron
Party French Socialist Party
Religion Agnostic[1]

François Hollande (born the 12 August 1954 in Rouen) was the President of the French Republic from 2012 until 2017. A former university teacher, he is a member of the French Socialist Party. Hollande attended the prestigious HEC Paris, École Nationale d'Administration and "Sciences Po". François Mitterrand was considered his mentor; Hollande worked for him as an economic adviser.

"He is a very magnetic man," said The Tulle mayor Bernard Combes, 52, "He is luminous, loyal, kind, and has a brilliant intellect combined with endless goodwill. In short, he's a lovely person, someone you really want to work for. Of course, he's a human being and I'm sure he has some faults, but not so many, and to be honest I'd have difficulty finding one to tell you." [2]

Hollande has four children (born out of wedlock) by Ségolène Royal, his former partner for more than 30 years.

Hollande was elected in the French Presidential Election 2012. In 2012 he increased the taxes on millionaires to 75 percent.[3] In 2013 Hollande was the least popular president of France in the last 30 years.[4]

Hollande's presidency can justifiably be considered a disaster, with several terror attacks, personal scandals, a very weak and sluggish economy, and protests over reforms.[5]

Minsk Accords duplicity

See also: Donbas war

The Minsk Accords were negotiated between the two Donbas Republics and the Kyiv regime in 22014 and 2015 in the Belarusian capital of Minsk. The Agreements were negotiated with the help of France and Germany. Moscow backed the Minsk Agreements which Kyiv also agreed to, and the United Nations Security Council endorsed the agreements as well.

Western duplicity

A meeting between representatives of the four countries, France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine was held in Paris on January 26, 2022 in the context of the Russia Ukraine conflict 2022.[6][7] The representatives of the four governments confirmed their support for Minsk II and committed themselves to resolving existing disagreements. They supported an unconditional ceasefire.[8]

In June 2022 former Kyiv regime strongman Petro Poroshenko, in an interview with Radio Liberty, admitted that he had signed the Minsk agreements, but had no intention to fulfill them. He noted that he wanted to buy time in order to get more weapons from the West.[9]

In an interview with Zeit magazine in December 2022, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed the Western alliance's duplicity in using the Minsk Accords to buy time for the NATOization of Ukraine to use as a battering ram for destruction of the Russian Federation.

Merkel described the September 2014 Minsk agreement which France and Germany had brokered a ceasefire after the failure of Ukraine’s attempt to subdue the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk by force. “[Ukraine] used this time to get stronger, as you can see today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. As you saw in the battle for Debaltsevo in early 2015, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin could easily have overrun them at the time. And I very much doubt that the NATO countries could have done as much then as they do now to help Ukraine.” The Kyiv regime's defeat at Debaltsevo resulted in the Minsk II protocol signed in February 2015. Merkel said that it was “clear to all of us that the conflict was frozen, that the problem had not been solved, but that gave Ukraine valuable time.”[10]

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responding to Merkel's comments stated, "The things that Merkel said in her interview - this is a testimony of a person, who stated it directly that everything that was done in 2014 and 2015 had only one goal: to divert the global community’s attention from the real problems, to buy some time, to pump the Kiev regime with weapons and to lead the situation to a large-scale conflict”.[11]

Former French president Francois Hollande, an accomplice in the duplicity, corroborated Merkel's account. Under UN Security Council Resolution 2202 endorsing the Minsk Accords, Vladimir Putin has the right to intervene in Ukraine as a guarantor under his "responsibility to protect".[12]


  2. François Hollande: from a small town in France to the gates of the Elysée.
  5. Hollande’s Presidency Marked by Terrorism, Love Scandal, Violent Protest and Foreign War. Breitbart News. May 10, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2017.