Judaism and the pro-life movement

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Judaism and the pro-life movement is the undeniable historical link between the Mosaic values of the Torah spanning into the modern moral cause for the preservation of unborn children. Long before Christianity existed, Torah-adherent Jews comprised the pro-life movement, stringently opposing abortion as a heinous manifestation of the most vile, heinous murder.[1]

The Roman historian Tacitus, crudely denouncing the biblical moral values of Judaism, objectively recorded in his observations:[2]

However, the Jews see to it that their numbers increase. It is a deadly sin to kill an unwanted child, and they think that eternal life is granted to those who die in battle or execution - hence their eagerness to have children, and their contempt for death.


  1. Hebrew and Jewish Attitudes to Abortion and Infanticide. Internet Bible College. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
  2. Tacitus on the Jews, V, V. Retrieved March 10, 2024.