Conservative Victory Fund
Conservative Victory Fund or CVF was founded more than 30 years ago by the late conservative leader, Congressman John Ashbrook. CVF works to elect a conservative majority to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Before Conservative Victory Fund supports a candidate challenging an incumbent or running for an open seat, they research the race including the candidates who are running. They then send out a questionnaire that must be answered and signed by the candidate before support is considered. Conservative Victory Fund does get involved in primaries to support the conservative candidate over moderates or liberals. Once a candidate is elected they keep track of what he or she does in Congress and maintain a relationship with the Congressman or Senator to help ensure that he or she remains a conservative. They only provide financial assistance to incumbents who are conservative and can be shown to be so by their votes in Congress. They also try to help conservative incumbents with donations who are being targeted by the liberals. In addition to providing direct financial assistance, CVF also provides in-kind assistance that results in multiplying their direct financial help. Additionally, they provide consulting and other help to numerous conservative campaigns.
Record of accomplishments
Some conservatives whom CVF has helped elect include:
- Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN)
- Congressman Paul Broun Jr. (GA)
- Congressman Andy Harris (MD)
- Senator Jim Inhofe (OK)
- Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO)
- Senator Mike Lee (UT)
- Senator Jim Risch (ID)
- Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (CA)
- Congressman Allen West (FL)
In 2008
Thanks to its supporters, CVF had victories in 2008. In the Senate, Conservative Victory Fund helped elect and re-elect a number of conservatives including: Senators Jim Inhofe (OK), John Cornyn (TX), Roger Wicker (MS), Jeff Sessions (AL), Pat Roberts (KS), and Saxby Chambliss (GA) (whom CVF helped in the general election and subsequent runoff) among others. Also, Jim Risch became a new conservative face in the Senate when he won Larry Craig's Senate seat with the help of Conservative Victory Fund.
During its 40-year history Conservative Victory Fund has always looked to open seats to make sure conservatives fill them whenever possible. 2008 was no different. CVF helped conservative stalwart Tom McClintock win an open seat in California though millions were spent on behalf of his opponent. Also in California, CVF helped Duncan D. Hunter win election (he had recently returned from active duty service in our nation's armed forces). In Colorado, Mike Coffman won a hard-fought contest for Tom Tancredo's seat. In Florida, CVF was active helping Bill Posey win an open seat and Tom Rooney defeat Democrat incumbent Tim Mahoney. CVF's efforts in Illinois helped conservative Aaron Schock win and become the youngest member elected to Congress. And in Utah, after conservatives showed their lack of faith in incumbent Chris Cannon, Jason Chaffetz won his seat. And in a special election in Louisiana CVF helped John Fleming win his open seat race.
The liberals and their allies in the media targeted a number of solid conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives for defeat. Conservative Victory Fund helped many who were reelected. These include:
- Michele Bachmann (MN),
- Scott Garrett (NJ),
- John Shadegg (AZ),
- Dana Rohrabacher (CA),
- Doug Lamborn (CO), and
- Jean Schmidt (OH) -- to mention a few.
More conservatives CVF has helped over the years
- Jim Risch and Jim McClure of Idaho
- Mitch McConnell and the late Jim Bunning of Kentucky
- Jim Talent of Missouri
- Saxby Chambliss and late Paul Coverdell of Georgia
- The late Chic Hecht and Paul Laxalt of Nevada
- Jim DeMint and the late Strom Thurmond of South Carolina
- Jon Kyl and the late Barry Goldwater of Arizona
- John Barrasso, Craig Thomas, and Mike Enzi of Wyoming
- Conrad Burns of Montana
- Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania
- Michael Crapo and Steve Symms of Idaho
- Johnny Isakson of Georgia
- Jeff Sessions of Alabama
- Tom Coburn and James Inhofe of Oklahoma
- George Allen of Virginia
- David Vitter of Louisiana
- The late Jesse Helms, the late John Porter East, and Richard Burr of North Carolina
- Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts of Kansas
- John Thune of South Dakota
- Roger Wicker of Mississippi
- Dana Rohrabacher, Chris Cox, Tom McClintock, Elton Gallegly, Duncan D. Hunter, Richard Pombo, and Ed Royce of California
- J.D. Hayworth, Trent Franks, and Jeff Flake of Arizona
- Tom Tancredo, Bob Beauprez, Marilyn Musgrave, Doug Lamborn, and Mike Coffman of Colorado
- Pete Sessions, Jeb Hensarling, Ted Poe, Louie Gohmert, Mike McCaul, Kenny Marchant, Pete Olson, and Ron Paul of Texas
- Chris Chocola, and Mike Pence of Indiana
- Steve Chabot, Bob Latta, Jean Schmidt, and Jim Jordan of Ohio
- Paul Ryan and Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin
- Gil Gutknecht and Mark Kennedy of Minnesota
- Bob Goodlatte, Jo Ann Davis, Thelma Drake, and Randy Forbes of Virginia
- Robert Aderholt of Alabama
- Adam Putnam, Tom Feeney, Tom Rooney, Katherine Harris, and Ric Keller of Florida
- Don Manzullo, Peter Roskam of Illinois
- Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland
- Ernest Istook, Tom Cole, and John Sullivan of Oklahoma
- Steve King of Iowa
- Jon Porter of Nevada
- Scott Garrett of New Jersey
- Gresham Barrett of South Carolina
- Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz of Utah
- Patrick McHenry, Walter Jones, Robin Hayes, and Virginia Foxx of North Carolina
- Geoff Davis of Kentucky
- Lynn Westmoreland, Paul Broun, and Phil Gingrey of Georgia
- Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska.
- Blaine Luetkemeyer, and Sam Graves of Missouri
- John Duncan, Jr. of Tennessee
- John Fleming of Louisiana