A dog whistle or code words is a communication strategy that sends a message which the general population will take one meaning from, but a certain group "in the know" will take away another secret, intended message, often involving racism. For example, during the 2020 Presidential election, Democrat nominee Joe Biden dog whistled white privilege to the vital "suburban" demographic vote necessary to win election:
"You know what is actually threatening our suburbs? Wildfires are burning the suburbs of the west. Floods are wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the Midwest. Hurricanes are imperiling suburban life along our coast. If we have four more years of Trump's climate denial, how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?"[2] |
When de-coded, the message actually reads:
"You know what is actually threatening our white privilege? Wildfires are burning the white neighborhoods of the west. Floods are wiping out white neighborhoods in the Midwest. Hurricanes are imperiling white privilege along our coast. If we have four more years of Trump's climate denial, how many white neighborhoods will be burned in wildfires? How many white neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many white neighborhoods will have been blown away in superstorms?" |
Sometimes a dog whistle can be delivered with a gesture. For example, during the 2008 Democrat primaries between a black man, Barack Obama, and a white woman, Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton campaigning for his wife said "John McCain is a fine man" holding a thumbs up,[3] implying to the audience of Democrats to favor the white candidate in the primary or general election, should his wife lose the nomination to Barack Obama.
List of common dogwhistles
- poverty = minority[4]
- urban = Black
- minorities = Blacks/Hispanics
- democracy = Democrat Party power
- "our democracy" = "our Democrat Party power",[5] excluding more than half the U.S. population
- threat to democracy = threat to national security[6]
- donor class = oligarchs, formerly "greedy capitalists and exploiters" in the Cold War era
- suburban = white
- women's health = abortion
- reproductive health = infanticide
- abortion care = infanticide
- "non-binary" = homosexual
- gender affirming = chemical castration
- gender affirming care = genital mutilation
- puberty blockers = chemical castration
- cisgender = normal person
- hetero normative = possibly a Christian white supremacist
- authoritarian = anti-LGBT[7][8][9]
- capacity utilization (economics) = employment
- reserve capacity (economics) = unemployment
- unipolar = New World Order, Liberal World Order or rules based order
- re-magine national security = critical race theory[10]
- sustainability = zero sum or rationing
- reimagine economic systems = depopulation
- bio safety lab = biological weapons lab
- "COVID misinformation" = scientific data
- COVID passport = global population control
- the blob = American foreign policy establishment
- "Russian disinformation" (post Cold War) = generally, factual news
- "Russian propaganda" = homosexuality is a sin
- Slava Ukraini = Heil Hitler
- "peaceful protest" = violent insurrection
- "violent insurrection" = peaceful protest
- all means necessary = violence
- Black Lives Matter = Defund the Police
- defund the police = Marxist insurrection and anarachy
- reimagine the police = defund the police[11]
- democratic breakthrough = color revolution[12]
- conspiracy theory = generally, a government cover up
- voter suppression (post 1965) = opposition to election integrity and Voter ID laws
- "voter ID laws suppress minorities" = "non-whites are too stupid to obtain a driver's licenses or state-issued ID"[13]
- marginalized communities = Democrat precincts where ballot box stuffing is rampant
- I misspoke = I was wrong[14]
- imprecise = lie[15]
- gun safety = gun ban/confiscation
- tax the rich = Communism
- sinful = abortion restrictions[16]
- rich = Jews and/or white people
- sissy = homosexual
- infrastructure = Green New Deal/Great Reset
- Inflation Reduction Act = printing more money to fight inflation
- we are the 99% = Communism
- trickle down = Marxist attack on Supply-side economics
- neanderthal = non-"woke" white person
- cracker = derisive term of white people
- Oreo = black conservative
- coconut = Hispanic conservative
- 8645 = assassinate President Trump
- they = non-gender specific pronoun applied to individuals in the singular (Warning: May be offensive to obese people).[17]
- against human nature = support for transgenderism, same-sex "marriage", etc.
- NATO = US agreements to operate on foreign nation's territory while the US taxpayer picks up the cost of a foreign nation's defense
- point of material technical support = military base
- Eastern Ukraine = Nazi name for Donbas
- Banderastan = Russian name for Western Ukraine
- safari (Ukrainian: CAФAPI) = euphemism used by U.S. & NATO-backed neo-Nazis to hunt down and kill Russians and political opponents
- enhanced interrogation = torture
- safe mobility office = US taxpayer funded office in foreign countries to facilitate transportation of illegal aliens to America
- unintended consequences = stepping in doggie doo-doo
- developmentally handicapped adult = retarded adult
- de-nazification = destroying woke mind virus[18]
- cyber threat actor = internet free speech advocate
- incident = cyber threat actor posting
- harm reduction = censorship
- building media resilience = censorship
- media literacy campaign = censorship
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Biden says ‘poor kids’ are just as smart as ‘white kids’, Detroit News, August 9, 2019.
- ↑ What Democrats really mean by "Our Democracy"
- ↑ Under SCOTUS rulings, a president can order a hit on an American citizen without due process by signing a Presidential Finding.
- ↑ How Targeting LGBTQ+ Rights Is Part of the Authoritarian Playbook, Mauricio Albarracín-Caballero, Human Rights Watch, SEPTEMBER 03 2022,
- ↑ Why Anti-LGBTQ Attacks Matter for Democracy, Ari Shaw, Council on Foreign Relations, October 12, 2023.
- ↑ Chua, Lynette J., 'LGBTQ Rights Mobilization and Authoritarianism', in Gráinne de Búrca (ed.), Legal Mobilization for Human Rights (Oxford, 2022; online edn, Oxford Academic, 19 May 2022),
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ https://twitter.363394048com/McFaul/status/1297593718
- ↑
- ↑ Lori Lightfoot claims she 'misspoke' when telling voters who don't support her not to vote Fox News, Feb 21, 2023
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ The notion of Fatism and equal rights for obese people first became known when an obese woman was forced to pay for two seats on a regulated airline in order to transport her.
- ↑ Denazifying Woke West and Russia! Putin SHOCKED The U.S. and Made RUSSIA Great Again! Rumble