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FreedomWorks is a conservative organization founded in 2004, headquartered in Washington, DC, and has hundreds of thousands of grassroots volunteers nationwide.[1] FreedomWorks drives policy change by training and mobilizing grassroots Americans to engage their fellow citizens and encourage their political representatives to act in defense of individual freedom and economic opportunity. FreedomWorks believes individual liberty and the freedom to compete increases consumer choices and provides individuals with the greatest control over what they own and earn. The organization was formerly led by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey, who has since severed all ties and their President is Matt Kibbe. FreedomWorks is a major player in the emerging Tea Party Movement.


FreedomWorks fights for lower taxes, less government and more economic freedom for all Americans. Dick Armey has said that the organizations core motivation and mission driver is to inform all Americans about government policy which may threaten individual liberty.

Conservatives are afraid the public will not understand, liberals are afraid the public will understand.[2]

FreedomWorks combines the stature and experience of America's greatest policy entrepreneurs with the grassroots power of hundreds of thousands of volunteer activists all over the Nation.

Tea Party

In 2010, FreedomWorks is active on many fronts. They are holding the Take Back America conference in the nations capitol. Also, they are organizing the Taxpayer March on Washington event September 9-12th. Dick Armey's new book was published Give Us Liberty. A Tea Party Manifesto.

Other Issues

FreedomWorks offers an extensive list of issues to fight for such as tax reform, school choice, work not welfare, lawsuit abuse and personal retirement accounts in place of Social Security. In addition, border security, environment, free trade, anti-card check, anti-internet tax, anti-global warming, judicial nominees, budgets and spending.

In 2012, a major split occurred. Establishment Republicans attempted a hostile takeover of the organization and forced out conservatives/ libertarians. A few weeks later, the FreedomWorks Trustee board reversed the decision reinstating all those purged. This led to Dick Armey cutting all ties to the organization.[3] The feud was said to have been about funding true conservative candidates, Tea Party favorites versus the establishment GOP's moderate choices.

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