Michelle Bachelet

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Michelle Bachelet Jeria
Portrait Michelle Bachelet.jpg
Presidential Standard of Chile.png
President of Chile

From: March 11, 2014 – March 11, 2018
Predecessor Sebastián Piñera
Successor Sebastián Piñera
President of Chile
From: March 11, 2006 – March 11, 2010
Predecessor Ricardo Lagos
Successor Sebastián Piñera
United Nations flag.png
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

From: 1 September 2018 – 31 August 2022
Predecessor Zeid Raad Al Hussein
Successor Volker Türk
Executive Director of UN Women
From: 14 September 2010 – 15 March 2013
Predecessor Position established
Successor Lakshmi Puri
President pro tempore of the Union of South American Nations
From: 23 May 2008 – 10 August 2009
Predecessor Position established
Successor Rafael Correa
Coat of arms of Chile.png
Minister for National Defense of Chile

From: 7 January 2002 – 1 October 2004
Predecessor Mario Fernández Baeza
Successor Jaime Ravinet
Minister for Health of Chile
From: 11 March 2000 – 7 January 2002
Predecessor Álex Figueroa
Successor Osvaldo Artaza
Party Socialist Party
Religion Agnostic

Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria (born September 29, 1951) also known as Comandante Claudia is a Globalist and Socialist Chilean politician who served as President from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2014 to 2018.[1] She is a member of Socialist Party of Chile. Bachelet is the first director of United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. (UN Women) Bachelet is an agnostic.[2] In August 2018, the United Nations Human Rights Council chose Bachelet to lead the agency.[3]


Her father Alberto Bachelet was a militarymen who served as director of the Committees for Popular Supply (JAPs) of the Marxist regime of Salvador Allende.

During the Military Government Michelle Bachelet was arrested because of her collaboration with the MIR (Revolutionary Leftist Movement), which for years had been committing attacks and taking lives. The details of her collaboration with the MIR and his arrest are on pages 95 and 102 of the biography of him by journalists Andrea Insunza and Javier Ortega. Also, a remarkable article on the President, by historian James Whelan, which appeared in "The American Spectator", in its May 2007 edition, clarifies the nature of her links with the MIR and, later, with the FPMR. "La Tercera" has given details of his ties with this movement. Moreover, the early release of Michelle Bachelet, without any attempt at judicial prosecution, can perhaps only be explained by the requests of officers who were friends of her father.[4]

In 1986, the Bachelet lived with the FPMR spokesman who planted the bombs, Alex Voijcovich. Subsequently, not a few Frentistas called clandestine press conferences, in which hooded men appeared, claiming that Voijcovich's cohabitant was an active militant of the Front, where she was known by her alias "Comandante Claudia".[5]

Second Government


Bachelet is responsible for the economic slowdown that Chile[6] is still suffering since she raised corporate taxes (Tax reform), the minimum salary (Labour reform)[7] and opened the Chilean borders to mass immigration, causing an oversupply of cheap labor.


Bachelet strongly supports abortion[8] and she promoted and signed the "abortion in 3 cases" law which reintroduced abortion into Chilean legislation.[9]


Illegal Haitian Immigrants entering Chile with a yellow envelope (not spontaneous immigration), March 4, 2018

During her second government, an open borders policy was applied. The immigrant population went from 1% to 6.1%[10] with certain communities reaching historic numbers in the population such as Haitians, Venezuelans, Colombians and Ecuadorians, changing the demographics of Chile drastically. A lot are illegally since they entered with tourism visa and remained in the country after it expired.[11] The former minister of foreign affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, admitted that the government knew about the Haitian immigrant traffic and that they only notified the Haitian Government about it.[12]

Bachelet also gave the Chilean nationality to the children of the illegal immigrants, disrespecting the laws of Chile[13] and gave priority to them over Chileans on public services.[14] Because she advanced a globalist agenda, she later received a good position at the United Nations.


In February 2015, the magazine "Qué pasa" published a report where it states that the company "Exportadora y de Gestión Caval Limitada", owned by Natalia Compagnon, Bachelet's daughter-in-law, had received a loan from the Bank of Chile for more than US$ 10 million, which was approved by the financial institution on December 16, 2013, one day after Michelle Bachelet's victory in the second round of the presidential election. Said loan was used in the purchase of a plot of land in Machalí, with the purpose of reselling it for real estate developments. It was later learned that the loan had been discussed in a meeting between Compagnon, accompanied by her husband and Michelle Bachelet's son, Sebastián Dávalos, with the tycoon Andrónico Luksic Craig, vice-president of the bank.

On February 11, 2015, Sebastián Dávalos published an asset declaration in an attempt to reduce criticism. However, pressure from the opposition and a significant part of the ruling party caused him to resign two days later from the public positions he held at the time.

In April 2015, it became known that Minister Peñailillo delivered four fee slips in 2012 for an amount of 2 000 000 000 USD (4 million CLP) to the company "Asesorías y Negocios Spa", linked to the "SQM case", for which payments made by that company to politicians for work that was not carried out for the purpose of financing electoral campaigns are being investigated. Peñailillo showed to the press at the beginning of May three documents that were supposedly reports for which he had received such payments;181 however, he was again questioned because such documents contained plagiarism of other works. Peñailillo denied these accusations on several occasions. In August 2021 and due to the lack of a complaint by the Internal Revenue Service, the prosecutor's office decided not to pursue the investigation against him.

Léo Pinheiro, a former OAS executive investigated and convicted for corruption as part of the Lava Jato case investigating a vast web of corruption involving politicians from several Latin American countries, told the Brazilian justice system that he allegedly provided the funds for Bachelet at the request of former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, revealed the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. Bachelet responded "I have never had a relationship with OAS, nor with any other company".[15]


  1. Socialist Michelle Bachelet may get no honeymoon in her second go-round as Chile's president. Fox News (December 11, 2015).
  2. Female, Agnostic and the Next Presidente?. The Washington Post (December 10, 2005).
  3. Newman, Alex (August 10, 2018). Castro-loving Socialist to Lead UN “Human Rights” Bureaucracy. The New American. Retrieved August 11, 2018.
  4. El Libro de las Verdades Olvidadas NI VERDAD NI RECONCILIACIÓN (es). Hermógenes Pérez de Arce's blog (2013).
  5. Este Pobre País Desmemoriado (es). Hermógenes Pérez de Arce's blog (July 19, 2014).
  6. Socialist Policies Undoing Success of South America’s Strongest Economy. Cato Institute (December 15, 2014).
  7. Piñera culpa a reformas de Bachelet por dura caída de Chile en ranking mundial de competitividad (es). La Tercera (May 29, 2019).
  8. Michelle Bachelet a la BBC sobre el aborto en Chile: "Soy una convencida de que las mujeres deben tener la posibilidad de decidir" (es). BBC (29 September 2016).
  9. Bachelet promulga ley de aborto en 3 causales "Saldamos una deuda enorme con las mujeres de Chile" (es). 24Horas (2016).
  10. Chile es el país americano con mayor aumento de inmigrantes (es). diarioestrategia.cl (9 November 2018).
  11. Haitianos en Chile esperan por horas a la intemperie para regularizar situación migratoria (es) (21 September 2018).
  12. Los vaivenes del polémico pacto migratorio - Mesa Central - 16 de diciembre (es). T13 (16 December 2018).
  13. Presidenta Bachelet encabeza lanzamiento del proyecto "Chile Reconoce", para rectificar nacionalidad chilena de hijos de extranjeros transeúntes (es). Revista Sur (2017).
  14. Alcalde de Pirque desclasifica documento del gobierno de Bachelet (es). InfoGate (September 12, 2019).
  15. Caso Odebrecht llega a Chile y salpica a expresidenta Bachelet (es). Diario Libre (September 17, 2019).