A pedophile or paedophile (non-US spelling) is an adult or adolescent 16 years or older, who is mainly or even exclusively sexually attracted to children who have not started puberty. The child must be at least 5 years younger than the adult in the case of adolescent pedophiles for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia. A pedophile who acts out his wishes in the form of possessing and viewing child pornography (real life photos/images or videos) or sexually abusing children is committing a crime. Most moral codes; and in particular, the Bible explicitly forbid it.[1] It is closely linked to immorality and sociopathy.
The term pedophilia is sometimes to often incorrectly used in North America and in some other Western countries by public opinion to mean sexual attraction by adults to anyone legally considered minor or under the local age of majority (not to be confused with the local age of consent), sometimes even those who have already passed the local age of majority, basing merely on age difference.[2][3] Scientists state incorrect uses like this should be avoided, because it fails to distinguish sexual attraction to prepubescent children from sexual attraction to post-pubescent individuals or even young adults and can be an obstacle, steps backwards and a loss of credibility in the fight against pedophilia.[4]
Although girls typically begin the process of puberty before boys, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[5] According to DSM-5-TR, a person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilic disorder.[6]
Not to be confused with ephebophilia.[7][8]
Diagnosis and treatment
Pedophilia is a mental illness according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Although some survey and penile plethysmograph results suggest that double-digit percentages of the adult male population may be capable of being sexually aroused by children,[9] the best estimates are that only between 1% and 5% of men are full-blown pedophiles. 30% of pedophiles are left-handed or ambidextrous, triple the general rate. Pedophiles are nearly an inch shorter on average than non-pedophiles and lag behind the average IQ by 10 points.[10] It may be possible to identify potential pedophiles using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain as they tend to have less white matter.[11] Some evidence suggests that pedophilia results from cross-wiring in which the stimuli that usually evoke nurturing and protective reactions in adults instead evokes sexual reactions in pedophiles.[12] There is no cure for pedophilia; even castration does not completely eliminate a pedophile's sexual interest in children.[13]
Claims that pedophilia is a sexual orientation
Pedophilia is sometimes described as a sexual orientation by researchers who claim it has a similar age of onset, correlations with sexual and romantic behavior, and stability over time as homosexuality. A term more recently used by pedophiles as a label for their “sexuality,” is MAP (Minor Attracted Persons). Michael C. Seto proposes a two-axis "modular person preferences system" in which asexual persons would be placed at the origin and the X and Y axes would range from infant to senior and from male to female, respectively. Other axes could be added for body shape, body size, and other characteristics of interest. Seto concludes that "[a]ccepting that pedophilia is a sexual orientation akin to heterosexuality or homosexuality, rather than a preference that is chosen or somehow learned, may" create a culture in which pedophiles feel safer seeking clinical and assist "efforts to better understand this sexual orientation and thereby prevent child sexual exploitation."[14] In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association issued a statement clarifying that it does not regard pedophilia as a sexual orientation.[15]
Frontal lobe injury and pedophilia
See also: Homosexuality and frontal lobe injury
The frontal lobe plays a role in controlling sexual behavior.[16]
According to the 2007 medical journal article (and its abstract) entitled Neurological control of human sexual behaviour: insights from lesion studies which was published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry:
“ | We review the human literature examining the effects of neurological insult on human sexual behaviour. We provide a synthesis of the findings to date, and identify key brain regions associated with specific aspects of human sexual behaviour. These include subcortical and cortical regions, with the mesial temporal lobe and the amygdala in particular being a crucial structure in the mediation of human sexual drive...
Disinhibited sexual behaviour has been reported following damage to the frontal lobes, particularly the orbitofrontal region of the limbic system. Kolarsky and colleagues54 examined the relationships between “sexual deviation”, age of lesion onset and localisation of lesion (temporal vs extratemporal). The authors defined two diagnostic categories: (1) “sexual deviation”, involving a deviation of sexual object (for example, paedophilia). Homosexuality was included in this category, which would now be considered inappropriate, and (2) “sexual disturbances other than deviations”, including orgasm in response to stimuli unrelated to the subject's sexual preference, hypersexuality and hyposexuality... An association between temporal lobe abnormalities and paedophilia has been reported by Mendez and colleagues.[17] |
” |
There is some dispute about the difference (if any) between "pedophilia" and "pedosexuality". Urban Dictionary describes "pedosexual" as a "non-existent word invented by pedophile activists as part of their ongoing effort to legitimize and legalize the sexual exploitation of children."[18] dont-offend.org, a website of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine, directed by Klaus M. Beier,[19] states that pedosexuality "as a clinical term denotes a sexual behaviour towards children and is the equivalent to ‘child sexual abuse’. The expressions ‘pedosexuality’ and ‘pedophilia’ are related but are not identical and cannot be used synonymously."[20]
Moral Pedophilia
Although it is more strongly stigmatized by most cultures than other sins, pedophilia can be resisted and overcome through sincere repentance just like all other forms of sexual immorality and even homosexuality (whether people want to consider this latter a sexual immorality or not). Once the struggling pedophile recognizes their inclinations as a problem, they must abstain from things which can trigger their tendencies such as child pornography, or isolation with children. It is also because of this heavy stigma that many pedophiles do not publicly admit to their issue, more so than even recovering pornography addicts or ex-homosexuals. Some, who have likely found redemption through a strong faith, will usually only confess such past sins in private. Therefore, it is hard to say statistically how many have achieved true recovery from their desires. It is often thought that reformed pedophiles are rare in society. Nevertheless, some notable exceptions have come to light. Actor Stephen Collins created a storm of controversy when he confessed his past involvement of child sexual abuse. He was known for playing a father and priest character on the family show Seventh Heaven. As a practicing Episcopalian, however, he took himself to account for his mistakes and apologized to one of his prior victims in person.[21][22]
Pedophilia and hard-core Star Trek fans
Star Trek is a science fiction television series produced by atheist Gene Roddenberry (1966–69), and includes four other TV series and several movies.
Ellen Ladowsky wrote in Huffington Post:
“ | The LA Times recently ran a story about the Child Exploitation Section of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit, which contained a mind-boggling statistic: of the more than 100 offenders the unit has arrested over the last four years, "all but one" has been "a hard-core Trekkie." Blogger Ernest Miller thought this claim was improbable. "I could go to a science fiction convention," he explained "and be less likely to find that 99+ percent of the attendees were hard-core Trekkies." While there may be quibbling about the exact numbers, the Toronto detectives claim that the connection is undeniable.
In fact, Star Trek paraphernalia has so routinely been found at the homes of the pedophiles they've arrested that it has become a gruesome joke in the squad room. (On the wall, there is a Star Trek poster with the detectives' faces replacing those of the crew members). This does not mean that watching Star Trek makes you a pedophile. It does mean that if you're a pedophile, odds are you've watched a lot of Star Trek.[23] |
” |
Links to Homosexuality
There is overwhelming evidence that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to be pedophiles. Homosexuals and LGBT groups in the United States and worldwide campaign vigorously to legalize and normalize pedophilia. Almost of the founders and members of the UK Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) were homosexual. In 1981 the book The Age Taboo, Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, appeared, “a collection of writings about intergenerational (and especially man-boy relationships)". All the contributors were prominent homosexual and lesbian activists, indicating how the pedophile movement has never been merely allied to the homosexual movement - it is a central part of it. The pedophiles and the homosexuals are the same people. As the book appeared just before the identification of AIDS nobody commented on the prospect of spreading this to children. Contents: - "Introduction," Daniel Tsang. "Loving men," Sylvère Lotringer and Mark Moffett. Cultural analyst Sylvère Lotringer interviews 15-year-old Mark Moffett about his relationships with men. "Loving boys," Tom Reeves. "Men and boys: the Boston conference," Daniel Tsang. Tsang reports on the 1978 Boston conference. "Children and sex," Youth Liberation. "Happy families? Pedophilia examined," Gay Left Collective. "Childhood sexuality and pedophilia," Jamie Gough. "Whose power? Whose consent?," Eric Presland*. "Sexual revolution and the liberation of children," Mark Blasius and Kate Millett. Mark Blasius questions feminist Kate Millett on the sexual freedom of children. "I know what I am: gay teenagers and the law," Joint Council for Gay Teenagers. "The case for abolishing age of consent laws," North American Man/Boy Love Association.* An editorial originally published in NAMBLA News. "Sexual politics, the New Right and the sexual fringe," Gayle Rubin. "Recipe for a witchhunt," John Mitzel.Mitzel reviews the history of America's pedophile witchhunt. "'Lesbians Rising' editors speak out," Editors of Lesbians Rising. "A militant young dyke’s feminist perspective on the age of consent question," anonymous. "Man/boy love and the lesbian/gay movement," Pat Califia&. Califia opines against the age-of-consent in an abridged version of her article for The Advocate. "Man/boy love and the Left," Roger Moody*. "Confronting ageism," Michael Alhonte. An 18-year-old who began having relationships with men at 13 criticizes ageism in both the mainstream and the boylove community. "Struggling against racism," Daniel Tsang. "Resources: an annotated guide to the literature," Daniel Tsang.[24]
See also
External links
- ↑ Galatians 5:16-21 (NIV)
- ↑ Seto, Michael (2008). Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. p. vii.
- ↑ Fagan PJ, Wise TN, Schmidt CW, Berlin FS (November 2002). "Pedophilia". JAMA 288 (19): 2458–65. doi:10.1001/jama.288.19.2458. PMID 12435259.
- ↑ Ames MA, Houston DA (August 1990). "Legal, social, and biological definitions of pedophilia". Arch Sex Behav 19 (4): 333–42. doi:10.1007/BF01541928. PMID 2205170.
- ↑ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision, 5th Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing. 2022. pp. 794–796. ISBN 978-0-89042-575-6.
- ↑ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision, 5th Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing. 2022. pp. 794–796. ISBN 978-0-89042-575-6.
- ↑ https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/ephebophilia
- ↑ https://peakd.com/medicine/@epicenterdefacto/ephebophilia-isnt-pedophilia-its-not-even-a-psychiatric-disorder
- ↑ Green, Richard (December 2002). "Is Pedophilia a Mental Disorder?". Archives of Sexual Behavior 31 (6): 467–471. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1020699013309.
- ↑ Zarembo, Alan (14 January 2013). Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia. Los Angeles Times.
- ↑ Paedophiles could be 'spotted and cured' through MRI scans to detect brain abnormalities and low IQs. Daily Mail Reporter (20 October 2012).
- ↑ Kane, Laura (22 December 2013). Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?. The Star.
- ↑ Crowe, Robert (10 May 2005). Expert says castration no cure for pedophilia. Houston Chronicle.
- ↑ Seto, Michael C. (February 2012). "Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?". Archives of Sexual Behavior 41 (21): 231–236. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-011-9882-6.
- ↑ Wetzstein, Cheryl (31 October 2013). APA to correct manual: Pedophilia is not a ‘sexual orientation’. The Washington Times.
- ↑ Frontal lobe, Healthline.com
- ↑ Neurological control of human sexual behaviour: insights from lesion studies,J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2007 Oct; 78(10): 1042–1049.
- ↑ Ed (21 January 2005). pedosexual. Urban Dictionary.
- ↑ Beier, Klaus M. and Loewit, Kurt K. (6 November 2012). Sexual Medicine in Clinical Practice, xv. ISBN 978-1461444206.
- ↑ dont-offend.org. FAQ. Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine.
- ↑ https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2014/12/17/stephen-collins-admits-sexual-abuse-terribly-wrong-katie-couric/20524835/
- ↑ http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/7th-heaven-dad-stephen-collins-admits-sexually-abusing-girl-article-1.1965747
- ↑ Pedophilia and Star Trek fans
- ↑ The Age Taboo, Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, edited by Daniel Tsang, Alyson Publications, 1981.