Richard Dawkins and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach was named the London Times Preacher of the Year 2000 and is the author of 20 books.[1]

Recently Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote concerning the agnostic Richard Dawkins:

...Dawkins attacked me on his website and denied that he and I had ever debated. My office quickly posted the full footage of a two hour debate which took place on October 23, 1996, a debate which Dawkins actually lost after a vote taken by the students as to which side, science or religion, caused more students to change their minds. In my article on the subject responding to his attack I was extremely respectful of Dr. Dawkins and was therefore shocked to receive a letter in return in which he accused me of speaking like Hitler. Had the noted scientist lost his mind? Hitler? Was this for real?[1]

WorldNetDaily offers the following quotes of Rabbi Boteach about debate and the initial denial by Dawkins that the debate never took place:

That is a particularly bold untruth. Our debate, which took place at St. Catherine's College, Oxford on Oct. 23, 1996, attracted hundreds of students and featured, on the atheist side, Prof. Dawkins and chemistry Prof. Peter Atkins, and on the religion side, me and Prof. Keith Ward, Oxford's Regius Professor of Divinity. Student president Josh Wine was in the chair," the rabbi explained.

"In a vote at the end of the debate as to how many students had changed their minds after hearing the arguments, Dawkin's side was defeated and religion prevailed, which might account for his selective memory," he wrote.[2]

Rabbi Boteach reported at Beliefnet: "I also gave Dr. Dawkins the opportunity to even score by accepting a further debate, at the time and place of his choosing (within reason, of course), to which he has yet to respond."[1]

A video of the debate that Dawkins lost to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach was sold at Rabbi Schely Boteach's website.[3]

Incidentally, Paul Humber notes there was a deception that occurred during email correspondence with Mr. Dawkins concerning the tally of vote counts that occurred for the Oxford debate between creation scientists Professor A.E. Wilder-Smith and Professor Edgar Andrews and evolutionist Richard Dawkins and John Maynard Smith. Mr. Humber did not indicate whether Mr. Dawkins committed the deception or was merely duped by someone who provided an altered account.[4]

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Richard Dawkins' Shameful Attack, Beliefnet blog entry, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, May 2008
  2. Rabbi reveals video of debate that 'didn't happen', WorldNetDaily, April 14, 2008
  3. Shmuley Boteach vs. Richard Dawkins
  4. Debating Dawkins, by Paul G. Humber, M.S., Creation Matters, Volume 8, Number 4 (July / August 2003)