American liberalism and 21st century political losses

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In recent years, American liberals have experienced a number of political losses. See also: Conservative vs. liberal

Below are some notable political losses of American liberals and their reactions to their losses.

Barack Obama years and Democratic Party losses

Barack Obama was one of the most liberal presidents in the history of the United States.

Fox News reported in December of 2016:

The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure.

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.[1]

FivethirtyEight indicated in their 2017 article Barack Obama Won The White House, But Democrats Lost The Country:

In his eight years in office, Obama oversaw the rapid erosion of the Democratic Party’s political power in state legislatures, congressional districts and governor’s mansions. At the beginning of Obama’s term, Democrats controlled 59 percent of state legislatures, while now they control only 31 percent, the lowest percentage for the party since the turn of the 20th century. They held 29 governor’s offices and now have only 16, the party’s lowest number since 1920.[2]

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump presidential election and its aftermath

The website Marketwatch reported concerning the aftermath of the 2016 presidential race: Trump’s win is causing a surge in demand for mental health services[3]

In 2017, Amie Harris reported at The Hill:

They say her string of remarks explaining her stunning loss in November coupled with the public remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee for the defeat — which many took as also critical of Obama — are hurting the party and making the 2016 candidate look bitter.

Democrats say they’d like Hillary Clinton to take a cue from former President Obama and step out of the spotlight.[4]

Herman Cain wrote in his article Democrats wallow in bitterness while the rest of the country moves forward:

A little roadblock on the way to acceptance.

Most psychologist believe the first three stages of grief are denial, anger and acceptance. The liberals and the Democrats have not gotten past anger, and are displaying a notorious amount of bitterness.

For most liberals and Democrats, acceptance is not even on the table yet. They are now in a stage of bitterness. Some examples of this bitterness:

  • Trying to deny the legitimacy of President Trump. It didn't work. It only misled a few blind and gullible Democrat followers into believing that appealing to the Electoral College might change things. It didn't.
  • Boycotting the presidential inaugural ceremonies, as we saw from some congressional Democrats and high-profile Hollywood celebrities. It didn't work. Those actions simply embolden those that can't think for themselves!
  • Senate Democrats trying to "slow walk" the confirmation of Trump's nominees. That will not work either. The Democrats are just trying to let their misguided followers see that they are not going down without a fight. It doesn't matter if the Democrats are right or wrong. They just have to fight, in their minds, to help them get re-elected in 2018.
  • On the afternoon of Inauguration Day 2017, President Trump directed the federal agencies to "ease" the burden of the Unaffordable Care Act on citizens, while a replacement moves through Congress. On the same day, Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the House, issued a blistering statement filled with scare tactics and inaccuracies about the UCA.
  • The liberal media described Trump's inaugural address as "dark and divisive". Most of us heard it as positive and optimistic. Trump put the people first, instead of the political class. That's why the liberals thought it was dark.

There is no doubt that the Democrats are still bitter about the presidential election results. Instead of helping to put United back into United States of America, they think their loud negative voices will divide us.[5]

In his American Thinker article Mainstream Media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome Epidemic Steve McCann wrote:

Donald Trump concluded his second week as President of the United States last Friday. Prompted by virtually every utterance and action of the current President, the never-ending demonstrations and delirium of the professional activist Left as well as the Democratic Party hierarchy and much of the mainstream media and entertainment cabal has produced perhaps the most memorable and entertaining fortnight in recent American political history. Judging by their permanent state of hysteria it appears that this assemblage of left-wing factions is unaware that there are, at a minimum, 206 weeks remaining in the Trump presidency. Maintaining the current level of frenzy will be a formidable task.[6]

American secular leftists and Donald Trump's presidential victory

See also: Secular leftists and psychogenic illness and Atheism and bitterness and Atheism and forgiveness

According to the Pew Forum, in the United States: "About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals (compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives).[7] A Harris interactive poll found that most American atheists are liberal.[8]

The website Marketwatch reported concerning the aftermath of the 2016 presidential race: Trump’s win is causing a surge in demand for mental health services[9]

The Amererican secular left handled the election of Donald Trump very poorly (see: Secular leftists and psychogenic illness).

Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders supporters and the 2016 Democratic Party presidential primary

See also: Bernie Sanders and the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination

Bernie Sanders is reluctant to publicly call himself an atheist.[10] See also: Closet atheist

Bernie Sanders lost the 2016 Democratic Party nomination to Hillary Clinton.

The political columnist Daniel Greenfield cites the following quote from the the Feelthebern Twitter hashtag:

But more than any of them, Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect -- all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention."[11]

Noah Rothman wrote in his 2016 Commentary Magazine article A New Generation of Bitter Liberals

Bernie Sanders lost the Iowa caucuses on Monday night to Hillary Clinton. At least, that is what you are expected to believe. The contest was so tight that the final results – Clinton’s 49.9 percent to Sanders’ 49.6 percent – may mean the difference between just a few hundred votes out of tens of thousands cast. As of Tuesday morning, votes from at least one precinct in Iowa were still missing. Clinton’s ability to turn out her voters in populous parts of the state resulted in a lopsided victory for her in terms of awarded delegates. But the way in which she won some precincts, more than a handful of which were resolved by coin toss, has Sanders supporters fuming.[12]

Donald Trump's achievements and political opposition to Trump

Al Gore vs. George W. Bush election results and the aftermath

See also: United States presidential election, 2000

George W. Bush and Al Gore
In 2000, the United States presidential election was one of the closest and most controversial presidential elections in history. A month of recounts and court challenges followed, culminating in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore. Following the court's 5-4 decision, George W. Bush was declared the winner over Vice President Al Gore by 537 votes in the state of Florida. Domestic issues as opposed to foreign policy dominated the campaign. Key issues were prescription drug prices, campaign finance reform, Social Security, and education. Each candidate claimed their economic plan would reduce the deficit. Bush parodied himself as a "compassionate conservative." The Bush campaign did not make an issue over the sex scandal and impeachment of Bill Clinton's Presidency less than two years ago. Gore refused to allow Clinton to campaign and did not himself campaign on the Administration's record of peace and prosperity, and disappointed Democrats by his lackluster performance.

Noah Rothman also wrote in his Commentary Magazine article A New Generation of Bitter Liberals

Anyone who believes the 15-year-old wounds resulting from the Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore must have healed by now should ask a Broward County Democrat for their thoughts on the matter. Resentment among those who perceived themselves to be on the losing end of that decision lingers. The notion that former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote and yet lost the presidency is perceived even today by partisan Democrats not only as (erroneously) anathema to the foundational precepts of American constitutional governance but a veritable crime. Forget the merits of the case, which decidedly favor the plaintiff. A pervasive sense of victimization continues to animate many a liberal Democrat. You would think a Clinton of all people would have internalized the lessons of 2000. Instead, the likely Democratic presidential nominee and the party she is vying to lead are sowing the seeds of similar discontent that might linger on for years[13]

See also
