Raul Labrador

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Raul Rafael Labrador (born December 8, 1967 in Puerto Rico) is the libertarian conservative Mormon TEA Party Republican U.S. Representative from Idaho's 1st congressional district, defeating incumbent Democrat Walt Minnick in 2010. Labrador was first elected to the Idaho House of Representatives in 2006.

Second Amendment

Labrador believes that the Second Amendment guarantees individuals the unalienable rights to keep and bear arms, and opposes all legislation that infringes on the right of law-abiding citizens to own a gun for self-defense, home security and defense of property.

Health Care

Labrador supports the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act because he claims it has raised costs and killed jobs. He believes the best way to give Americans more affordable health insurance is with market-based policies that will decrease healthcare costs.

See also