Essay: Atheism is a clown and it did not know it

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"The hostility I am getting over this question is unbelievable...It's like..picture this...

Atheism is a clown and it didn't know it. And then I got the clown and I walked it over...I forced it to look itself in the mirror. And it sees itself in all its red hair, big nose, big shoes, polka dot glory." - Christian YouTube video producer Shockofgod [1]

See also: Attempts to dilute the definition of atheism and Atheism and evolution essays

The Christian YouTube video producer Shockofgod declared:

I received another email about someone becoming a Christian and leaving atheism... Now as you guys know, the atheist community on YouTube and also on radio and TV...They are in panic mode. It is obvious. Everyone on YouTube can see that this question that we are asking atheists that they cannot answer is really panicking the atheist community....

Here is the question and then we will get to these awesome emails of atheists leaving atheism because the atheists cannot provide proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct...

The question is: What proof and evidence can you provide that PROVES that atheism is accurate and correct?...You see I left atheism because the lack of proof and evidence that it is accurate and correct. The proof and evidence is for Jesus Christ.

The hostility I am getting over this question is unbelievable...It's like..picture this...Atheism is a clown and it didn't know it. And then I got the clown and I walked it over...I forced it to look itself in the mirror. And it sees itself in all its red hair, big nose, big shoes, polka dot glory.[2]

Unlike Christianity, which is supported by a large body of sound evidence (see: Christian apologetics), atheism has no proof and evidence supporting its ideology.

Atheist Frank Zindler: Wise scholar or atheist clown?

Frank Zindler Versus Dr. William Craig Debate

See also: Frank Zindler vs. William Lane Craig debate

The website TrueOrigin declares concerning the debate between atheist Frank Zindler and Christian philosopher Dr. William Lane Craig:

Frank Zindler

A leading light in the American Atheists. Isn’t it amazing how so many atheists love evolution and appear to be threatened by the massive scientific evidence for creation? Zindler took the atheism side in an Atheism v. Christianity debate in front of 7,500 people at Willow Creek Community Church, USA. His opponent, Dr William Lane Craig, tore his ignorant arguments to shreds so effectively that many atheists in the audience realised that Zindler had lost the debate. It was presumably to this debate that John Snowden was alluding when he wrote that a representative of the American Atheists, whom he used to support, lost a public debate to a “fundamentalist” (Skeptic 18(3), 1998).[3]

Other Shockofgod quotes

  • "We are getting atheists leaving atheism. They are like dropping like flies. They are realizing...You know what? Atheism is madness. There is no proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct."[4]
  • "An email from an atheist: 'There is no proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct. Happy now?' Ha! Ha! Ha! And he goes on and on about Santa Claus. Oh atheists, feel the sting."[5]

Atheism is a clown and it didn't know it and additional quotes

see also: Attempts to dilute the definition of atheism

The YouTube Christian shockofgod also declared:

  • "The Atheists Experience Show has failed. Dprjones has failed. Well, you know they're atheists. They're used to failure...Every atheists has failed."[7]
  • "What proof and evidence can you provide as an atheist that atheism is accurate and correct. Game over atheists. You have nothing. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Game over."[8]

Atheist restaurant

You want proof and evidence that atheism is true? Nobody has ever asked for that at our atheist restaurant before. If you are seeking a full course meal of proof and evidence, I suggest going to the Christian restaurant down the street.

Please see the satire: Atheist restaurant

Interesting note about Hippocrates and New Atheists

Hippocrates, who was also against abortion, was an early advocate of the health benefits of exercise and nutrition.[9]

On the other hand, PZ Myers and a significant amount of other New Atheism leaders, seem to lack a full appreciation of the worthiness of nutritional science, exercise science and the latest findings of medical science (see: New Atheism leadership's problem with excess weight and Atheism and obesity).

An atheist trying to stop Christianity

Penn Jillette watching global atheism burn.[10] Paralyzed with fear, he is afraid to debate biblical Christianity which is exploding in adherents worldwide.[11] Please see: Debate challenge for Penn Jillette.

Atheism losing adherents in terms of the global population

See also: Atheist Population and Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

In 2011, the American Spectator citing research published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research reported that atheism is on the decline as a whole in terms of adherents.[12]

The American Spectator declared:

The report estimates about 80,000 new Christians every day, 79,000 new Muslims every day, and 300 fewer atheists every day. These atheists are presumably disproportionately represented in the West, while religion is thriving in the Global South, where charismatic Christianity is exploding."[13]
Reverend William T. Cummings is famous for declaring "There are no atheists in foxholes.[14]


Are you an atheist trying to stop the rapid rise of Christianity in the world?

Are you an atheist trying to stop the rapid rise of Christianity in the world? Please click HERE and HERE and HERE

See also

Are atheists smarter than the average bear?

Atheists frantically searching

Resources on leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by Heinrich Hofmann.

see also: Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

Below are some resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian:

Ex-atheist testimonies

See also: ex-atheist testimonies

Below are some ex-atheist testimonies of Christians:

Video Testimonies of ex-atheists

General videos:

Ex-atheist Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel video:

C.S. Lewis video:

Peter Hitchen videos - brother of atheist Christopher Hitchens

Audio testimonials of ex-atheists

Text testimonials of ex-atheists

Videos on atheism

Atheism website resources

Watch an online Christian church service

Tips on choosing a Christian church

See also

External links

Atheists on YouTube providing comic relief:

Satires and criticism concerning Richard Dawkins:


Richard Dawkins wearing his game face while thinking of material for his next new book. Please read this article and this article.

Shockofgod's challenge to atheists

