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*Hellmann, Jessie (February 7, 2019). [https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/428931-trump-speaks-about-abortion-faith-based-adoption-at-national-prayer Trump speaks about abortion, faith-based adoption at National Prayer Breakfast]. ''The Hill''. Retrieved February 7, 2019.
*Hellmann, Jessie (February 7, 2019). [https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/428931-trump-speaks-about-abortion-faith-based-adoption-at-national-prayer Trump speaks about abortion, faith-based adoption at National Prayer Breakfast]. ''The Hill''. Retrieved February 7, 2019.
*Freiburger, Calvin (February 7, 2019). [https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trump-touts-life-religious-liberty-majesty-of-creation-at-national-prayer-b Trump says ‘every soul is a precious gift from heaven,’ cites Scripture at prayer breakfast]. ''LifeSiteNews''. Retrieved February 7, 2019.
*Freiburger, Calvin (February 7, 2019). [https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trump-touts-life-religious-liberty-majesty-of-creation-at-national-prayer-b Trump says ‘every soul is a precious gift from heaven,’ cites Scripture at prayer breakfast]. ''LifeSiteNews''. Retrieved February 7, 2019.
*Athey, Amber (February 7, 2019). [https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/07/trump-national-prayer-breakfast-pro-life/ Trump Receives Standing Ovation at National Prayer Breakfast for Defending Pro-Life Values]. ''The Daily Caller''. Retrieved February 10, 2019.
*Murphy, James (February 8, 2019). [https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/31441-trump-at-national-prayer-breakfast-i-will-never-let-you-down Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: “I Will Never Let You Down”]. ''The New American''. Retrieved February 8, 2019.
*Murphy, James (February 8, 2019). [https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/31441-trump-at-national-prayer-breakfast-i-will-never-let-you-down Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: “I Will Never Let You Down”]. ''The New American''. Retrieved February 8, 2019.
President Trump's address:
President Trump's address:

Revision as of 04:46, February 11, 2019

Official presidential photo of President Donald Trump
Main article: Donald Trump achievements

This article is a non-exhaustive list of achievements by U.S. President Donald Trump, his administration, and Congress related to abortion and advancing pro-life policies.


President Trump kept his pro-life promises during his first year of his presidency and made several considerable achievements during that time.[1][2] Due to his achievements in advancing pro-life policies, along with other conservative social policies, President Trump was described as "taking back America's culture" by the conservative media.[3]

Legislation signed, 2017

  • April 13, 2017—President Trump signed a Congressional Review bill into law annulling a recent Obama Administration regulation that would have prohibited states from discriminating in awarding Title X family planning funds based on whether the local clinic also performs abortions (some states adopted rules which distribute federal family planning funds on the condition that the organizations do not perform abortions).[4] The Act was "the first major national pro-life bill in more than a decade."[5]

Executive actions, 2017

  • January 23, 2017—President Trump signed an order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which defunded International Planned Parenthood and other organizations that promote foreign abortions.[6] However, unlike previous administrations, the Trump Administration expanded the policy to include all global health assistance funding.[1][7]
  • April 4, 2017—The Trump Administration halted U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund, which has links to inhumane abortion programs such as China's one-child policy. Instead, the $32.5 million was shifted to the U.S. Agency for International Development.[8]
  • President Trump appointed several pro-life advocates to Department of Health and Human Services positions. In late March 2017, he appointed Scott Lloyd to lead the HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement, which led the fight against allowing illegal immigrants obtaining abortions.[9] On April 28, 2017, in an apparent victory for the pro-life movement,[10] President Trump appointed Dr. Charmaine Yoest, a strong pro-life advocate and the former president of Americans United for Life, to the position of assistant secretary of public affairs for the Department of Health and Human Services, replacing a strong Planned Parenthood supporter.[11] The position did not require Senate confirmation.[12] In late May, Trump appointed Shannon Royce, who formerly served in the Family Research Council and the Southern Baptists' Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, to the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.[13] Around May 1, 2017, President Trump appointed Teresa Manning, a pro-life advocate who worked for the Family Research Council and the National Right to Life, to be the HHS deputy assistant secretary for population affairs.[14] In July 2017, President Trump appointed Bethany Kozma, a strong conservative activist[15] who reportedly stated in March 2018 that the U.S. "is a pro-life country" at a private United Nations meeting,[16] as Senior Adviser in the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment division of USAID.[15]
  • May 15, 2017—The Trump Administration massively broadened the scope of the Mexico City Policy to restrict funding to any international health organization that performs or gives information about abortions, expanding the amount of money affected from $600,000 to nearly $9 billion.[17]

Proclamations and commemorations, 2017

  • October 1, 2017—Becoming the first president since Bill Clinton in 1993 to recognize Down Syndrome Awareness Month,[18] President Trump issued a strongly pro-life statement.[19]
  • November 2017—President Trump proclaimed this month National Adoption Month, stating that "no child in America—born or unborn—is unwanted or unloved."[20]

Other achievements, 2017

While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • January 27, 2017—Vice President Mike Pence became the first vice president in United States history to speak at the annual March for Life march in Washington D.C.[21] Additionally, Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway also spoke at the event, and Trump himself strongly expressed his support for the march.[22][23]


As in the previous year, not only did President Trump speak strongly against abortion, but he made substantial pro-life policy moves on the issue.[24][25] Despite these achievements, officials at the State Department and USAID worked to undermine the Trump Administration's pro-life policies.[26]

Executive actions, 2018

  • January 19, 2018—The United States Department of Health and Human Services made several pro-life actions, rescinding a 2016 Obama Administration guidance that made it harder for states to defund Planned Parenthood, and it began the process of enacting a regulation to require healthcare providers to follow laws that protect workers' from being forced to perform services, such as abortions, that violate their consciences.[24][27]
  • February 23, 2018—The HHS changed its Title X family planning grants to promote conservative priorities, which included not allowing the grants to be used for abortions,[28] even though the HHS did not disallow Planned Parenthood from applying.[29]
  • By April 2018, the HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement had become an active force for pro-life policies.[30]
  • April 9, 2018—The HHS released an ObamaCare rule that exempted pro-life Americans from the individual mandate penalty for not buying healthcare plans if the only plans available covered abortion.[31]
  • April 20, 2018—The Trump Administration ended the Obama-era policy of listing abortion as a "human right" in the State Department's annual human rights report, and it added a section on population control.[32]
  • May 18, 2018—The Trump Administration began the process of enacting a federal regulation blocking the use of federal funds for clinics that provide or discuss abortion.[33] On May 22, 2018, the HHS moved to implement the rule by making a formal proposal.[34][35] In August 2018, the Trump Administration moved to shorten the process to implement the new policy.[36]
  • November 7, 2018—The Trump Administration finalized two rules allowing employers with religious objections to opt out of the ObamaCare contraceptive mandate and ensuring that taxpayer-funded health care subsidies would not be used to fund abortions.[37]
  • December 10, 2018—The National Institutes of Health announced it would give out $20 million in grants to look for alternatives to fetal tissue in medical research.[38]
  • The Trump Administration took a pro-life stance when dealing with international organizations. For example, in March 2018, a Trump Administration official reportedly stated that the U.S. "is a pro-life country" at a private United Nations meeting.[39] In April 2018, the U.S. and African countries rejected a UN resolution because it included pro-abortion language while failing to include language upholding national sovereignty,[40] and in May 2018, the Trump Administration issued a pro-life statement criticizing the World Health Organization for promoting abortion.[41] At the G7 summit in June 2018, the Trump Administration blocked Canada – the host country – from using the group's joint statement to promote abortion.[42] In November 2018, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley stated the U.S. would continue defending the unborn at the United Nations.[43] The U.S. attempted to remove pro-abortion language and policies from UN documents.[44]
  • President Trump continued making pro-life political appointments. For example, in June 2018, he appointed Dr. Diane Foley, a pro-life OB/GYN, to run the HHS's family planning program.[45] In November 2018, President Trump appointed Dr. Maureen Condic, a pro-life neurobiologist to the National Science Board.[46]

Proclamations and commemorations, 2018

  • January 22, 2018—President Trump proclaimed this day National Sanctity of Human Life Day.[47]
  • April 2018—When President Trump declared this month National Child Abuse Prevention Month, he included unborn children in his proclamation, stating that "they are endowed from conception with value, purpose, and human dignity."[48]
  • October 1, 2018—President Trump recognized Down Syndrome Awareness Month, issuing a pro-life statement that condemned Down syndrome-selective abortions.[49]
  • November 2018—President Trump proclaimed this month National Adoption Month, calling for adoption for children whether "born or unborn."[50]

Other achievements, 2018

While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • January 19, 2018—President Trump became the first incumbent U.S. president to speak to the March for Life via live video feed, speaking strongly against abortion.[51] He also became the third incumbent president to speak to the rally at all, with the first two, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, choosing to speak by phone.[52]
  • May 22, 2018—President Trump spoke at the Susan B. Anthony List's annual gala and gave a strong pro-life speech.[35][53]


Executive actions, 2019

  • The Trump Administration continued taking a pro-life stance when dealing with international organizations.[54]

Proclamations, 2019

  • January 20, 2019—President Trump declared this day National Sanctity of Human Life Day.[55]

Other achievements, 2019

While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • Both President Trump[56] and Vice President Pence[57] made surprise appearances – with Trump speaking through a video feed – at the March for Life, making strong pro-life statements.[58]
  • In an interview with The Daily Caller in January 2019, President Trump criticized a radical pro-abortion bill in Virginia and Democrats' statements in favor of it.[59]
  • February 5, 2019—In his State of the Union Address, President Trump strongly condemned abortion, stating that "all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God," and he called on Congress to ban late-term abortions.[60]
  • February 7, 2019—Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump, among other statements, called for "a culture that cherishes dignity and sanctity of innocent human life," and stated that "all children, born and unborn, are made in the holy image of God."[61]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Berry, Susan (April 24, 2017). Trump and Pence Keeping Pro-Life Promises in First 100 Days. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 24, 2017.
  2. Multiple references:
  3. Berry, Susan (July 30, 2017). Seven Ways Trump Is Taking Back America’s Culture. Breitbart News. Retrieved July 30, 2017.
  4. Multiple references:
  5. Dinan, Stephen (April 13, 2017). Trump gives states power to cut off Planned Parenthood money. The Washington Times. Retrieved April 13, 2017.
  6. Multiple references: The State Department reported in February 2018 that nearly every organization agreed to comply with the order: See also:
  7. LaBarbera, Peter (January 25, 2017). Trump didn’t just re-enact old ban on funding International Planned Parenthood – It’s now much stronger. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved May 4, 2018.
  8. Multiple references:
  9. Leahy, Michael Patrick (April 4, 2017). Knights of Columbus Attorney Named Director of Office of Refugee Resettlement. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 22, 2018.
    See also:
  10. Multiple references:
  11. Multiple references:
  12. Pradhan, Rachana (May 28, 2017). Trump names anti-abortion leader Yoest to top HHS post. Politico. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
  13. Multiple references:
  14. Multiple references:
  15. 15.0 15.1 Hodges, Mark (July 6, 2017). Trump appoints anti-transgender activist, stay-at-home mom as key advisor. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved March 23, 2018.
  16. Multiple references:
  17. Multiple references:
  18. Brown, Lauretta (October 4, 2017). President Trump Is the First President Since Clinton to Recognize Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Townhall. Retrieved October 3, 2018.
  19. Multiple references:
  20. Multiple references:
  21. Multiple references:
  22. Nelson, Louis (January 27, 2017). Trump: March for Life demonstrators 'have my full support'. Politico. Retrieved January 27, 2017.
  23. Bilger, Micaiah (January 27, 2017). President Donald Trump Tweets March for Life: “You Have My Full Support!. LifeNews.com. Retrieved January 27, 2017.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Shellnutt, Kate (January 19, 2018). It’s Official: Trump Turns HHS from Pro-Life Antagonist to Advocate. Christianity Today. Retrieved January 20, 2018.
  25. Multiple references: See also:
  26. Multiple references: See also:
  27. Multiple references:
  28. Multiple references:
  29. Hellmann, Jessie (February 23, 2018). Planned Parenthood won't be barred from applying for family planning funds. The Hill. Retrieved March 4, 2018.
  30. Peters, Jeremy W. (April 5, 2018). Under Trump, an Office Meant to Help Refugees Enters the Abortion Wars. The New York Times. Retrieved April 5, 2018.
  31. Multiple references:
  32. Multiple references: See also:
  33. Multiple references: See also:
  34. Multiple references:
  35. 35.0 35.1 Boyer, Dave (May 22, 2018). Trump says 'historic' rule change means taxpayers will no longer be forced to subsidize abortions. The Washington Times. Retrieved May 23, 2018.
  36. Multiple references:
  37. Multiple references: See also:
  38. Multiple references: See also:
  39. Multiple references: See also:
  40. Gennarini, Stefano (April 20, 2018). US, African nations hold the line on abortion at UN. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved May 26, 2018.
  41. Multiple references:
  42. Multiple references:
  43. Multiple references: See also:
  44. Multiple references:
  45. Multiple references:
  46. Multiple references:
  47. Multiple references:
  48. Multiple references:
  49. Multiple references:
  50. Multiple references:
  51. Multiple references: Full speech transcript:
  52. Multiple references:
  53. Multiple references:
  54. Oas, Rebecca (February 8, 2019). War of words: World Health Organization sneaks pro-abortion language into resolutions. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved February 9, 2019.
  55. Proclamation 9838 of January 18, 2019 -- National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2019. Federal Register. January 25, 2019. Retrieved January 25, 2019.
  56. Multiple references: See also:
  57. Multiple references:
  58. Multiple references:
  59. Multiple references: See also:
  60. Multiple references: See also:
  61. Multiple references: President Trump's address: See also: