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Racism is prejudice and discrimination based on race. An example is a claim that of inferiority or superiority based on the color of one's skin. Other examples include the Jim Crow laws and the discrimination and violence against white South Africans by their country's government[1] approaching the level of genocide.[2] Racism means the hatred of another person because of the color of his or her skin; some used the term racism for the perceived difference in origin.

The doctrine of substantive due process in United States constitutional law can be used to invalidate racist laws. Alternately, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment can be used to do the same. See e.g. Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Liberal Democrats

See also: Liberalism and racism

Liberals attempt to divide the races into different social classes through the use of racial quotas and affirmative action and place value on people and judge them based on their race and/or skin color. While most Americans look forward to a "post-racial America," where race is not a factor in a person's success, liberal interests demand that people's success depend on government intervention, and so attempt to artificially affect hiring and admissions decisions in order to keep certain people dependent on and grateful to the government for their livelihoods.

In contemporary times, cultural Marxists have replaced the proletariat with identity politics as the oppressed group. Hence, a group of "oppressors" are needed whom doctrinaire Marxists dub as "racist" to fullful their authoritarian agenda.

Many Democrat presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama either were racist or had racist sympathies.

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson was only the second Democrat elected since the Civil War and believed that blacks were inferior. Wilson segregated Washington, D.C. and all federal buildings and installations throughout the country with separate bathrooms and cafeterias - even in states without Jim Crow Laws. Wilson, segregated the Army, wiping out 50 years of social progress that Blacks had made under Republican administrations. Military bases in Northern states - states that won the war - were transformed to resemble Southern plantations, with Blacks allowed to work in the kitchen, but couldn't dine with Whites and had to use their own separate restrooms.

Wilson also believed that Italians were even more inferior,[3] and he later appointed his anti-Semitic attorney general James McReynolds to the Supreme Court. According to Sigmund Freud, Wilson had a mental disorder.

Franklin Roosevelt

Despite historians revisionism, Democrat racism was well known at the time.

Franklin Roosevelt appointed Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. FDR excluded the 4-time gold medalist Jesse Owens from the customary White House visit by Olympic athletes. As Jesse Owens later explained:[4]

Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send a telegram.

Franklin Roosevelt always opposed Republican civil rights bills and anti-lynching legislation.

Harry Truman

Harry Truman, a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer, wrote a letter to his own wife condemning blacks and Orientals.[5]

John F. Kennedy admired Hitler,[6] and his father Joe opposed US entry into World War II out of anti-Semitism.

Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon Johnson sought to buy off Blacks through dependency and said “I will have those n---ers vote Democrat for the next 200 years”. While Johnson also appointed NAACP lawyer Thurgood Marshall the first African American Supreme Court Justice, a young White House attorney recommended Federal Judge William Henry Hastie—who had been Marshall's professor at Harvard Law School—as a more qualified African American candidate, but LBJ rejected the light-skinned Hastie, explaining, "Son, when I appoint a ni--er to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ni--er." [7]

Jimmy Carter

According to The Real Jimmy Carter by Steven Hayward, Jimmy Carter did nothing to help the desegregation cause in the South, but sometimes did the opposite, and like Bill Clinton, endorsed racist candidates for political offices.

Bill Clinton

Main article: Bill and Hillary Clinton and racism

The Clintons' racism is well known. The father of Bill’s vice president Al Gore was an ardent segregationist.

Barack Obama

Race relations largely deteriorated under Obama. Barack Obama’s church was Trinity United Church of Christ, a Black Liberation Theology Church. Obama personally bares much responsibility for the resurgence of human trafficing and slavery in Africa while serving the globalist agrnda.

His vice president Joe Biden made racist comments about South Asians.

It is unknown why liberals feel the need to interfere in the lives and careers of hard-working African Americans, but it is likely due to a condescending attitude towards the African American community, which boasts some of the highest church attendance rates in the country and is therefore directly opposed to the liberal secularist agenda.

  • From 1868 onward, Southern terror groups like the Ku Klux Klan carried out a brutal repression of both blacks and whites complicit in the plan to give the former slaves social and political equality. Thousands – especially prominent blacks – were whipped, beaten, mutilated and killed. The Southern political apparatus, primarily the Democrat Party, was no friend to blacks either, and in conjunction with the Klan carried out a de facto disenfranchisement through fraud and intimidation.[8]

Creativity, which is espoused by the Creativity Movement, is an atheistic white racist movement.[9][10][11]

Multiculturalism as a tool of liberal authoritarianism

Laird Wilcox wrote:

"There is a humanist anti-racism that focuses on reconciliation and healing, that works to bring people together, that functions openly and honestly without the use of dossiers, spies, specious lawsuits, disinformation, and that recognizes the rights of individuals whether they agree with one another or not. This is the anti-racism of good neighbors, of people helping people, of community goodwill, and of the realization that we are all human beings. ...
On the other hand, there is a vindictive and corrupt anti-racism that focuses on paybacks and punishment, that demonizes and degrades its critics, that attempts to carve out special rights for its constituency, that opposes free and open discussion of ideas, that attempts to silence, censor and stifle its opposition through intimidation and harassment, and encourages law enforcement scrutiny of opponents because of their alleged values, opinions and beliefs."[12]

American writers and filmmakers have created many works to undermine racism. Uncle Tom's Cabin opposed slavery. Huckleberry Finn showed a black man as a moral equal to whites. Song of the South was Disney's first live action film starring a black man (the actor received a special Oscar for his performance).

Prejudice against ethnic groups

Roma children at an encampment in Lille. France has deported a large number of Gypsy migrants back to Bulgaria and Romania in recent years.

Nicolas Sarkozy was accused of "racism" for ordering closure of 300 gypsy camps and expulsion of Roma after riot.[13] Sarkozy was behind the controversial measure to deport Roma gypsies, breaching European immigration laws. European Union officials accused Sarkozy of "fanning xenophobia " in his move to deport the Roma.[14]

"too many foreigners in France." Nicolas Sarkozy.[15]

In very early January 2017, an extremely horrific and disturbing racist hate crime occurred when four black teens brutally beat and tortured an 18-year-old mentally-disabled white teenager in Chicago. It was a horrific hate crime, and one of the many, many horrifying things they did was tell the person to curse Donald Trump and white people.[16] It was charged as hate crime[17] and they were denied bail.[18] It was one of many anti-Trump hate-crimes after the 2016 election.[19]

See also


  1. Multiple references:
  2. Multiple references:
  3. http://www.csmonitor.com/Books/chapter-and-verse/2015/1214/5-surprising-facts-about-Woodrow-Wilson-and-racism
  4. https://fee.org/articles/hitler-didn-t-snub-me-it-was-our-president/
  5. https://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/trumanpapers/fbpa/index.php?documentid=HST-FBP_1-21_01&documentVersion=both
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4340596/JFK-s-diary-reveals-deep-fascination-Adolf-Hitler.html
  7. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism
  8. [1]
  9. The new white nationalism in America: its challenge to integration. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “For instance, Ben Klassen, founder of the atheistic World Church of the Creator and the author of The White Man's Bible, discusses Christianity extensively in his writings and denounces religion that has brought untold horror into the world and divided the white race.” 
  10. Contemporary voices of white nationalism in America. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “World Church of the Creator, an organization that espouses an atheistic and white supremacist religious philosophy known as Creativity.” 
  11. The World's Religions: Continuities and Transformations. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “A competing atheistic or panthestic white racist movement also appeared, which included the Church of the Creator/ Creativity (Gardell 2003: 129–134).” 
  12. The Watchdogs: A Close Look at Anti-Racist "Watchdog" Groups, Laird Wilcox, Editorial Research Service, 1999, pg. 3. ISBN 0-993592-96-5.
  13. Sarkozy accused of racism for ordering closure of 300 illegal gypsy camps and expulsion of Roma after riot.
  14. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, 'too many foreigners in France'.
  15. Ibidem
  16. 4 charged with hate crimes in kidnap, torture of mentally disabled man. WND. January 4, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  17. Hate crime charges filed in Chicago beating streamed on Facebook Live. Fox News. January 5, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  18. Pathieu, Diane; Hope, Leah (January 6, 2017). Judge denies bail for 4 Chicago Facebook Live torture suspects. ABC 7. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  19. Facebook Live attack the latest in string of anti-Trump assaults. Fox News. January 5, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.

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