2014 Midterm Elections
The 2014 Midterm Elections began with the Texas primary on March 4, and continued with a primary or a "runoff" nearly every week somewhere in the United States until Tuesday, September 9.[1] Soon thereafter early voting began in some areas, culminating in the general election day on Tuesday, November 4.
The election saw the complete and utter rejection of Democrats, with Republicans capturing the U.S. Senate, expanding the U.S. House and winning trifecta control in 31 states.
Democrat Incumbents
- Alaska
Mark Begich: The incumbent Begich lost to Republican Dan Sullivan.
- Arkansas
Mark Pryor: The incumbent Pryor lost to Republican Tom Cotton.
- Colorado
Mark Udall: The incumbent Udall lost to Republican Cory Gardiner.
- Delaware
Chris Coons: The incumbent Coons was reelected.
- Hawaii
Brian Schatz: The incumbent Schatz was reelected.
- Illinois
Richard Durbin: The incumbent Durbin was reelected.
- Iowa
Tom Harkin[1]: Democrat Bruce Braley lost his bid to Republican Joni Ernst.
- Louisiana
Mary Landrieu: The incumbent Landrieu lost to Republican Bill Cassidy in the Dec. 5th runoff race.
- Massachusetts
Ed Markey: The incumbent Markey was reelected.
- Michigan
Carl Levin[1]: Democrat Rep. Gary Peters defeated Republican Terri Lynn Land.
- Minnesota
Al Franken: The incumbent Franken was reelected.
- Montana
Max Baucus[1]: Republican Steve Daines defeated Democrat John Walsh.
- New Hampshire
Jeanne Shaheen: The incumbent Shaheen was reelected.
- New Jersey
Cory Booker: The incumbent Booker was reelected.
- New Mexico
Tom Udall: The incumbent Udall was reelected.
- North Carolina
Kay Hagan: The incumbent Hagan lost to Republican Thom Tillis.
- Oregon
Jeff Merkley: The incumbent Merkley was reelected.
- Rhode Island
Jack Reed: The incumbent Reed was reelected.
- South Dakota
Tim Johnson[1]: Democrat Rick Weiland lost to Republican Mike Rounds.
- Virginia
Mark Warner: The incumbent Warner was reelected.
- West Virginia
Jay Rockefeller[1]: Democrat Natalie Tennant lost to Republican Shelley Moore Capito.
Republican Incumbents
- Alabama
Jeff Sessions: The incumbent Sessions was reelected.
- Georgia
Saxby Chambliss[1]: Democrat Michelle Nunn lost to Republic David Perdue.
- Idaho
James Risch: The incumbent Risch was reelected.
- Kansas
Pat Roberts: The incumbent Roberts was reelected by defeating Independent candidate Greg Orman. Democrat Chad Taylor dropped out of the race before election day.
- Kentucky
Mitch McConnell: The incumbent McConnell was reelected.
- Maine
Susan Collins: The incumbent Collins was reelected.
- Mississippi
Thad Cochran: The incumbent Cochran was reelected.
- Nebraska
Mike Johanns[1]: Republican Ben Sasse defeated Democrat David Domina.
- Oklahoma
James Inhofe: The incumbent Inhofe was reelected.
Tom Coburn[1]: Republican James Lankford defeated Democrat Constance N. Johnson.
- South Carolina
Tim Scott: The incumbent Scott was reelected.
Lindsey Graham: The incumbent Graham was reelected.
- Tennessee
Lamar Alexander: The incumbent Alexander was reelected.
- Texas
John Cornyn: The incumbent Cornyn was reelected.
- Wyoming
Mike Enzi: The incumbent Enzi was reelected.
Every seat of the 435 member chamber was up for election. The new term will be the 114th United States Congress.
Notable Races
- Eric Cantor (Virginia) - Cantor was defeated by David Brat in the Republican primary. Republican Brat defeated Democrat Jack Trammell for Virginia's 7th Congressional District.
- Elise Stefanik became the youngest Republican female ever elected to Congress at age 30. She is from New York's 21st Congressional District.
- Mia Love won Utah's 4th Congressional District becoming the first Republican black female Congresswoman in the U.S. House.
- Will Hurd, a former covert CIA operative, won Texas's 23rd Congressional District for the Republicans.
- Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii): The incumbent Abercrombie lost to David Ige in the Democratic Party primary. Ige went on to win the general election.
- Mike Beebe (Arkansas) [1]: Republican Asa Hutchinson defeated Democrat Mike Ross.
- Jerry Brown (California): The incumbent Brown was reelected
- Lincoln Chafee (Rhode Island) [1]: Democrat Gina Raimondo defeated Republican Allan Fung.
- Andrew Cuomo (New York): The incumbent Cuomo was reelected.
- Mark Dayton (Minnesota): The incumbent Dayton was reelected.
- Maggie Hassan (New Hampshire): The incumbent Hassan was reelected.
- John Hickenlooper (Colorado): The incumbent Hinkenlooper lost to Republican Bob Beauprez.
- John Kitzhaber (Oregon): The incumbent Kitzhaber was reelected.
- Dan Malloy (Connecticut): The incumbent Malloy was reelected.
- Martin O'Malley (Maryland) [1]: Republican Larry Hogan defeated Democrat Anthony Brown.
- Deval Patrick (Massachusetts) [1]: Republican Charlie Baker defeated Democrat Martha Coakley.
- Pat Quinn (Illinois): The incumbent Quinn was defeated by Republican Bruce Rauner.
- Peter Shumlin (Vermont): The incumbent Shumlin won his race against Republican Scott Milne. He did not receive 50% of the vote and the Vermont legislature will chose the Governor in January 2015.
- Robert Bentley (Alabama): The incumbent Bentley was reelected.
- Jan Brewer (Arizona) [1]: Republican Doug Ducey defeated Democrat Fred DuVal.
- Terry Branstad (Iowa): The incumbent Branstad was reelected.
- Sam Brownback (Kansas): The incumbent Brownback was reelected.
- Tom Corbett (Pennsylvania): Incumbent Corbett was defeated by Democrat Tom Wolf.
- Dennis Daugaard (South Dakota): The incumbent Daugaard was reelected.
- Nathan Deal (Georgia): The incumbent Deal was reelected.
- Mary Fallin (Oklahoma): The incumbent Fallin was reelected.
- Nikki Haley (South Carolina): The incumbent Haley was reelected.
- Bill Haslam (Tennessee): The incumbent Haslam was reelected.
- Dave Heineman (Nebraska) [1]: Republican Pete Ricketts defeated Democrat Chuck Hassebrook.
- John Kasich (Ohio): The incumbent Kasich was reelected.
- Paul LePage (Maine): The incumbent LePage was reelected.
- Susana Martinez (New Mexico): The incumbent Martinez was reelected.
- Matt Mead (Wyoming): The incumbent Mead was reelected.
- Butch Otter (Idaho): The incumbent Otter was reelected.
- Sean Parnell (Alaska): The incumbent Parnell lost to Independent Bill Walker.
- Rick Perry (Texas) [1]: Republican Greg Abbott defeated Democrat Wendy Davis.
- Brian Sandoval (Nevada): The incumbent Sandoval was reelected.
- Rick Scott (Florida): The incumbent Scott was reelected
- Rick Snyder (Michigan): The incumbent Snyder was reelected
- Scott Walker (Wisconsin): The incumbent Walker was reelected
[1] Indicates a term-limited or retiring candidate
See also
- War on Women, for the failed Democrat Party election catchphrase used during the midterms