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==[[Steve Bannon]] interviews Lara Logan==
==[[Steve Bannon]] interviews Lara Logan==
[https://rumble.com/v4lq4j2-lara-logan-on-the-francis-scott-key-bridge-it-is-a-financial-and-economic-a.html "we are arrogant and ignorant - a lethal combination"]. This Essay sums up Americans' arrogance and ignorance. [[User:RobSmith|RobS]]<sup>[[User talk:RobSmith|''Zelensky didn't kill himself'']]</sup> 20:52, March 28, 2024 (EDT)
[https://rumble.com/v4lq4j2-lara-logan-on-the-francis-scott-key-bridge-it-is-a-financial-and-economic-a.html "we are arrogant and ignorant - a lethal combination"]. This Essay sums up Americans' arrogance and ignorance. [[User:RobSmith|RobS]]<sup>[[User talk:RobSmith|''Zelensky didn't kill himself'']]</sup> 20:52, March 28, 2024 (EDT)
===Asymmetrical hybrid war===
Is destruction of the Baltimore bridge - the major route for carrying hazardous materials (which will be shut down for 4-5 year ''per'' Lara Logan) retaliation for the [[Kerch Bridge]]? [[User:RobSmith|RobS]]<sup>[[User talk:RobSmith|''Zelensky didn't kill himself'']]</sup> 20:58, March 28, 2024 (EDT)

Revision as of 00:58, March 29, 2024

Nazi war crimes

Your not going to be able to paper over America's responsibility for Nazi war crimes in Ukraine. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 11:56, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

Excuse me, I will bring to your attention this: [[Essay: Russian war crimes in Ukraine|Russian war crimes in Ukraine]].
In addition, there is this matter: Russia defector reveals 'majority' of people inside Kremlin unhappy with war in Ukraine, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, June 2023 and Russia defector reveals 'majority' of people inside Kremlin unhappy with war in Ukraine, ABC News video, July 2023, video.
So you are in no position right now to complain relative to this complaint. Conservative (talk) 17:35, October 26, 2023 (EDT)
If America is to remain the leading power, it cannot do it by funding, arming, and training Nazis and jihadis to fight its wars. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 11:58, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
Ukraine has not played a big role in the history of the USA. America played a big role in defeating the Nazi Germany. And the War in Ukraine could very well be a blip on the radar of the history of the USA. During a period of recession/stagflation, Americans could easily tire of funding Ukrainians. And a cold winter without lots of Russian gas/oil could dampen Europeans desire to help the Ukrainians. Conservative (talk) 12:46, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
That's what you think. You're brainwashed by Western/CIA media. That's not what 88% of the planet knows and thinks. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 12:46, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
Ukraine is not an influential country - except for its wheat/agricultural production. It's GNP is not that big. And militarily it could not have fended off the Russians without the help of NATO countries. Furthermore, it is a corrupt country. Conservative (talk) 12:52, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
Nazis and jihadis have been disgraced and defeated. Since the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq under Obama, the U.S. has depended on Jihadis and Nazis to fight its wars and maintain its global power, cause the U.S. lacks the Machismo to do it itself with its woke military. Do you really think the rest of the planet does not see this RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 12:55, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
Americans tired of funding South Vietnam after the Vietnam War. It could tire of funding the Ukrainians. I am already seeing signs of "War in Ukraine fatigue" in the USA/Europe. Conservative (talk) 12:59, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
You didn't read the CIA operatives talking points I posted on Main Page talk:
"And so there will probably be changes because the Republican majority is probably still largely in support of Ukraine because a lot of them still understand that this is not regional war between Ukraine and Russia. This is more a Russian attempt to challenge the status quo and status quo of America in the world. And so there. Is that clear?"
So you're not even of that group. You think it's a regional war. Nobody in America but the most naive of either party believe that. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:02, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
You think this is some far away conflict like in Myanmar or Rwanda that doesn't affect you. You should just refrain from discussing it, cause you haven't the faintest idea of the issues involved. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:07, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

Americans are tired of endless wars. The politicians may have to bow to public pressure. Conservative (talk) 13:10, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

The bottom line is that I don't think the War in Ukraine is going to prevent the USA from being the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future due to some of its strengths and due to various weaknesses of China and Russia. Conservative (talk) 13:12, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
The U.S. is fighting to remain the leading power, and is losing badly. You should just shut up about it til you understand more. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:14, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
The United States will not be the first gigantic military power that broke itself to maintain that military power while destroying its own social, political, and economic underpinnings. That's what Rome was. That's what Germany was. That's what the USSR was, and countless other examples. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:17, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
All empires/countries eventually fade in power, fall or break up. The essay is not titled "The United States will be the leading power in the world forever" nor is it titled "The United States will be the leading power in the world until Jesus returns". Conservative (talk) 13:22, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

In population, Ukraine is about 1/10 the size of the U.S. They have lost 500 a day killed for the last two months. Imagine the U.S. losing 5,000 a day for two months, or 300.000 soldiers. And only because the U.S. government and taxpayer wanted that to happen. Do you seriously believe there are no consequences for that behavior? RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:23, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

So you think America can just ignore its murderous behavior, pick up the pieces, and move on. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:27, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

Why do we criticize the murderers, Obama and Biden, who created this mess? Are we just barking up the wrong trees over nothing? RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:29, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

RobS, the Roman Empire lasted about 1,400 years and there was a lot of bloodshed involved. The world isn't always fair Rob. The Bible says "the god of this world" is Satan. There is still a lot of evil in the world. Conservative (talk) 13:30, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

Why do we try to warn people of the danger of psychotics like Obama and Biden, then when the consequences of their actions and the people who voted for them is before our face, we ignore and deny it? Do we owe Obama & Biden voters an apology?

Obama brought the Ukrainian Nazi regime to power. Biden started the war with Russia. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:33, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

RobS, I am not an idealist nor am I a political ideologue. I am a realist. If a meteorologist predicts a hurricane, do you call him up and say "How can you have the nerve to predict a hurricane? Don't you realize all the people who are going to be hurt?"
I gave my strengths and weaknesses of the USA, China and Russia and I stand by my prediction. As Martin Luther said, "Here I stand. I can do no other." Conservative (talk) 13:42, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
[Criticism: If you're going to make the claim of being a realist, don't immediately follow it up with an imaginary metaphor. It does not make logical sense.]

This is the woke generation's war. They started it. They have to fight it. Us people of an older generation can only advise the younger generation. But they are the ones who have to fight.

My advice: Don't get Nazis and radical Islamic fundamentalists to fight your wars for you.

And if you really believe LGBT rights are worth fighting and dying for, God bless you. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 13:53, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

What war crimes were these. The one when Russian soldiers tied civilians arms behind their back and shot them by the dozen? Perhaps the one when Russian soldiers/airmen shelled shopping malls/rail stations and hospitals? can you please clarify?-- 14:38, August 21, 2022 (EDT)
Read the Amnesty International report(s). Don't worry, the Russian Investigatory Committee is compiling evidence for the upcoming Nazi War Crimes Tribunal. You'll have to tear yourself away from your crap-filled trough of MSM fake news and look for it cause of Western "democratic" censorship. RobSIch bin ein breakfast taco 15:49, August 21, 2022 (EDT)

Have you read [https://www.conservapedia.com/User:Conservative%27s_essays#China all my essays on China and Russia]? These countries don't come close to the USA as far as being nice places to live. More people are leaving these countries than emigrating to them. The verdict is in from the "people vote with their feet" jury. Conservative (talk) 09:38, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

I like to live in America

  • I like to be in America...
  • Skyscrapers bloom in America
  • Cadillacs zoom in America
  • Industry boom in America...
  • Life can be bright in America - West Side Story (1961).[1] Conservative (talk) 22:07, December 4, 2022 (EST)

The title actually is correct

The Book of Revelation says:

Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

—Rev. 13:11–18

What is the second beast of Revelation? None other than the United States. It rises right as the first beast, evidently being Papal Rome, receives a deadly wound (late 1700s, when General Berthier took Pope Pius VI captive), is Lamb-like (the U.S. was founded on respecting separation of church and state unlike European theocracies), and becomes a global superpower (since it's deemed a "beast"). So the U.S. will eventually spearhead Papal Rome's agenda of enforcing an apostate Sunday law, which will be the mark of the beast, and in that sense, indeed will be a "the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future." Unfortunately, not in a positive sense though. —LT (Mark 8:36) Sunday, 21:39, January 14, 2023 (EST)

I thought the EU was the beast when it was called the Common Market and had only 10 horns. Now it's up to 29. RobSGive Peace a chance 22:48, January 14, 2023 (EST)

Council on Foreign Relations

Oh, so now you have [https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_The_United_States_will_be_the_leading_power_in_the_world_for_the_foreseeable_future#The_Myth_of_Multipolarity:_American_Power.E2.80.99s_Staying_Power ''Foreign Affairs'' magazine, the official publication of] the Council on Foreign Relations, as a source for your assertions. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 22:27, July 28, 2023 (EDT)

More nonsense: "Mearsheimer and Bildt agree that our current multipolar world", followed up by "The Myth of Multipolarity".
As I've said dozens of times, you do not listen to Mearsheimer and you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth when you say "I agree with Mearsheimer." RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:03, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
That didn't take long, about [https://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Essay:_The_United_States_will_be_the_leading_power_in_the_world_for_the_foreseeable_future&diff=prev&oldid=1966656 one minute according to the timestamp.]
No, you can't wing it. When you're in a hole, stop digging. He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:49, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
In Essay writing, you need to have your thoughts organized before you begin the Essay; you can't wing it and make up your views in real time as you are writing - particularly when your sole motivation for writing is vindictiveness against a particular person. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:52, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
I pity anyone who stumbles across this Essay, it not only generates confusion about the subject matter, it detracts from the credibility the author built up elsewhere on other subject matter, creating more confusion. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 10:05, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
Feel free to create the essay: Essay: The United States will NOT be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future. I very much doubt that you will given your preference for contentious disputing rather than actually making well-thought-out, sound arguments.
And unfortunately, given your penchant for rudely creating templates which coverup up civil discussions/debates, your use of logical fallacies and your use of stubbornly asserting things without providing any proof, we will not be having a discussion on this matter. Conservative (talk) 10:23, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
Feel free to write the Essay: Essay: How I use Essay space to attack my imaginary enemies and bamboozle the reading public with BS out of vindictiveness. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 10:27, July 29, 2023 (EDT)
"Back in 1993, George Soros postulated an architecture for a new world order premised on the United States as the sole remaining superpower overseeing a network of alliances, the most important being NATO, which would gird the northern hemisphere against a Russian threat.

“The United States,” Soros wrote, “would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential” of any U.S.-led alliance structure “because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act.

Forty years later, this very scenario is playing out on the bloody battlefields of Russia and Ukraine. ”

[2] RobSGive Peace a Chance! 11:23, July 29, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, read Conservapedia's article Genetic fallacy.
In addition, I look at a variety of news sources from a variety of political perspectives. I also look at non-news sources for information. Conservative (talk) 09:01, August 9, 2023 (EDT)
Nah. I'm not interested at all in learning about the debating skills you learned from David Gerard at Rationalwiki. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:14, August 9, 2023 (EDT)
And you do a poor job of pantomiming Gerard since you've adopted his debating technique. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:19, August 9, 2023 (EDT)
I learned about logic via my Logic course in college and via self-study post college. And there are a number of websites that focus on the topic of logic that offer better information about logical fallacies and related information than RationalWiki.
You should try being logical for a while and see if you like it. You would think far more clearly and make better arguments/content. Conservative (talk) 09:21, August 9, 2023 (EDT)
bla bla bla...I've seen Gerard hand your head back to you in his hands too many times, making you speechless. It doesn't work with me. I use the nobsian method. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:23, August 9, 2023 (EDT)

Deny that the USA has a much bigger GNP than Russia and lose all credibility! Conservative (talk) 09:04, August 20, 2023 (EDT)

This still is a bunch of racist garbage

Even with the tweeks, this essay still is a bunch of racist garbage. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:24, August 10, 2023 (EDT)

Desperately trying to play the race card I see. Sad! Conservative (talk) 11:44, September 21, 2023 (EDT)
It's gonna boomerang on you, just like your praise of John Maynard Keynes. You lack consistency. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:05, September 21, 2023 (EDT)
“I only regret that I have created merely one essay entitled "The United States will be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future” about my country. - User: "Nathan Hale" Conservative.
😂 —LT Rev. 22:13 Thursday, 08:51, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

Bad sources

You're still using bad sources. The Moscow Times, published in Brussels, Belgium, is a CIA outfit.

Try making CP an educational source, not a globalist mouthpiece. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 10:40, August 15, 2023 (EDT)

Given the crazy sources you cite at this wiki like Caitlin Johnstone at [[Talk:Essay: The rising rule of communist idiocracy in China]], you are hardly in a position to quibble about my sources.
Also, this is one of my favorite essays and it has over 10,000 page views according to the page view counter. Conservative (talk) 08:51, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

What a joke

[[File:USA GNP growth from january 1947 to January 2023.jpg|300px|thumbnail|center|Chart of the growth of U.S. GNP from January 1947 to January 2023. <br /> <br /> A great strength of the United States is its very consistent grow [sic] of its GNP over decades and its quick recovery the few times its GNP has gone down.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4eIbWdfdZk Should You Be Bullish on America?] ]]

"A great strength of the United States is its very consistent grow [sic] of its GNP over decades and its quick recovery the few times its GNP has gone down."

The only reason there is "consistent growth" is because the US has a fiat currency and is off the gold standard. Keynesianism, deficit spending, inflation, and piling on the national debt is the cause of its alleged "great strength" to grow consistently over decades. Every time we get into trouble we just raise the national debt and print more money. And that's how you get a GNP chart that looks like this. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 02:14, August 21, 2023 (EDT)

Not a very conservative view, no matter what propaganda terminology and flawed sources you use. RobSGive Peace a Chance!

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness - Ez. 16:49. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:56, August 21, 2023 (EDT)
Lot fled Sodom. Move to Russia. If Russia was so great, you would move there.
Also, the USA has federalism/state rights. So if a corrupt loser like Putin/Biden gets in office, they can only do so much damage. And people can move to good states. Also, the USA has a separation of powers and checks and balances. Furthermore, the USA has many natural resources and great geography. Many countries do have all the various positives the USA has. But you already know this. That is why you have not moved to Russia. Conservative (talk) 11:47, August 21, 2023 (EDT)
"Keynesian Economics ...is associated with the ideas of the incompetent British economist and pedophile John Maynard Keynes", and here you are defending deficit spending and a huge national debt as "America's great strength." RobSGive Peace a Chance! 11:49, August 21, 2023 (EDT)
Until you move to Russia, I am a skeptic of your prattle. You prefer the USA and that is why you live in the USA. As James said, "Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith... Faith without works is dead". Conservative (talk) 11:57, August 21, 2023 (EDT)
According to the chart America's GNP stood at 26.6 trillion measured in fiat dollars in January 2023, while its accumulated national debt over the same period time stands at stands at 32. 7 trillion dollars, thanks to the incompetent pedophile John Maynard Keynes.
Please address the specific question, a stop the ad hominem personal attacks. Thanks. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:02, August 21, 2023 (EDT)
Off topic ad hominem

You make up claims out of thin air using sources that don't even claim to say what you claim they say. And in the past, you have used templates to cover up my text during debates. Good luck finding a debate partner. Conservative (talk) 12:10, August 21, 2023 (EDT)

For those who disagree with my essay and believe they have actual evidence and arguments

For those who disagree with my essay and believe they have actual evidence and arguments:

Please create the essay: Essay: The United States will NOT be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future.

Thank you. Conservative (talk) 13:13, August 21, 2023 (EDT)

The problem is, your essays don't even meet the Rodney Dangerfield test. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 14:31, September 3, 2023 (EDT)
To be a global leader, you have to have global followers. Unlike the United States, the rest of the planet does not have a 30 second attention span or memory.

The USA will become bigger, better and stronger than ever before! Russia and China will not! USA! USA! USA!

“Sadly the American dream is dead, but if I get elected president I will bring it back. Bigger, better and stronger than ever before.” - Donald Trump

Listen to the song: Bigger Better Stronger - Donald Trump Remix!

For more information, please see: [[Essay: The USA will become bigger, better and stronger than ever before! Russia and China will not! USA! USA! USA!|The USA will become bigger, better and stronger than ever before! Russia and China will not! USA! USA! USA!]]. Conservative (talk) 00:40, August 22, 2023 (EDT)


  • "Meanwhile, if you have any doubts that the United States is the number one country in the World for military “interventions” just take a look at this report from the U.S. Congressional Research Service, Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad 1798 – 2023. Since 1991, the United States has launched more than 200 military operations in foreign countries. Russia and China combined have been involved in less than 20 such activities. Just think about those numbers the next time you hear some American politician bloviate about the imperial ambitions of Russia and China. To paraphrase comedian Jeff Foxworthy, “If you launch an average of 9 foreign invasions a year you might be an Imperialist.” [3]

You can bet the Trump team has read this same report. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 01:50, September 21, 2023 (EDT)

I am not an interventionalist. My article advocates spending less on the military and not more. I wrote in this article: "I believe the USA should make some cut to its defense budget and focus more on cutting its federal debt."
If you have a good case that my article is errant, then please write the article Essay: The United States will NOT be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future. But I don't believe that you have a good case so I do not expect you to write such an article. Instead, you want to waste my time with a lot of pointless rhetoric instead of building a good case and then making it. Well, I am not going to participate. Conservative (talk) 11:42, September 21, 2023 (EDT)
Look at the economics of it: the US can't remain an Empire if China, Saudi Arabia, and now even the EU stop buying US Treasuries to finance its military aggression. So Congress can go on printing money, but nobody else wants it. That means massive perpetual inflation at home. How long will the American people put up with that to finance its wars? (one every six weeks since 1991). RobSGive Peace a Chance! 11:58, September 21, 2023 (EDT

"American greatness"

Yeah, American certainly has a greatly terrible record on moral issues, having enabled the mass murder of millions of unborn children for decades. That's not even mentioning its long history of war crimes across the world for the purpose of its own power, since it "speaks like a dragon." (Rev. 13:11) —LT Rev. 22:13 Thursday, 12:42, September 21, 2023 (EDT)

It's all in the title. User:Conservative claims to be opposed to Americans excess military spending and interventionism. So that leaves only Social Darwinism to explain his views. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:54, September 21, 2023 (EDT)
Greatness is relative. Regardless, if you feel you have a great case concerning your position, feel free to create the essay Essay: Why America is NOT great. Best wishes and godspeed. Conservative (talk) 13:17, September 21, 2023 (E

"leading power"

Babies in cages.png

Let's see what the leading power in the world is going to do to liberate these Jewish children kidnapped with NATO weapons that Hamas jihadis got from Ukrainian Nazis. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 13:32, October 8, 2023 (EDT)

USA! USA! USA! Conservative (talk) 08:32, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

RWA Samizdat

"Effectively, the Sha must amass a massive harem in order to project strength to his underlings, lest they try to seize power from him. The greater the harem, the more secure his position appears. In order to provide from this harem, he imposes heavier taxes, which are ultimately paid by the people of the kingdom. Even if the Sha wanted to lower taxes by reducing the harem, he would be seen as weak and would be replaced. I believe America is in a similar situation. America has created a vast network of countries that are little more than vassals. Germany sacrificed a staggering amount of their already abysmal military gear, just for the whims of the US. Prices are increasing everywhere in Europe, and there is little doubt that Australia will be endangered by increasing US provocation of China. Canada has recently defied American designs by quarrelling with India, one of the few countries with the economic power to be an international player, so we’ll see how long Trudeau is able to hold on to power.
"If America were to simply allow Russia to absorb the Ukraine it might make people think the empire is on the decline. For that reason, America has to intervene in The Ukraine, in Syria, across Africa, because like the Sha, once that power is in doubt, new players will start to wrestle away some control. Imagine an AFD Germany with real power, or a Japanese military who starts to truly test its military might, unfettered by American interference. So, the US wants to interfere, because it must interfere. If the Sha’s wives don’t wear diamonds, if the CIA doesn’t attempt colour revolutions, people begin to realize power is waning."
RobSGive Peace a Chance! 09:08, October 16, 2023 (EDT)
One of my favorite movies continues to be the 2004 movie Miracle which is about the 1980 U.S Olympic Hockey Team's glorious victory over the Soviet team. The Soviets/Russians were formidable opponents, but the USA won. "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!" - the ABC News announcer Al Michaels
The USA still the most powerful nation on earth. Conservative (talk) 08:44, October 26, 2023 (EDT)
How many innocent people have to die before you and Biden are happy? RobSGive Peace a Chance! 11:57, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

I am not sure if you notice this matter, but Vladimir Putin launched a special military operation in February of 2020 that has caused a lot of people to lose their lives.

And it appears as though there are a lot of people in the Kremlin who are not happy about the matter as can be seen below:

In fact, it appears as if there are also a LOT of unhappy people in Russia (See: [[Essay: Are the Russians as unhappy as they claim they are?|Are the Russians as unhappy as they claim they are?]]).

I trust this clarifies this matter. Conservative (talk) 12:17, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

The CIA has been murdering Russians in Russia and Ukraine since 2014.
I trust this clarifies matters. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 17:59, October 26, 2023 (EDT)
No it doesn't. Donald Trump recognizes that Putin is a killer. Putin kills his own countrymen. Twenty years of ruthlessness: how Russia has silenced Putin’s opponents and List of journalists killed in Russia under Putin.
Furthermore, [[Essay: Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian|Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian]] Conservative (talk) 19:16, October 26, 2023 (EDT)
Guess what? Donald Trump is a killer. So is Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt. It's part of the job. I thought you were a "realist". RobSGive Peace a Chance! 21:43, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

You know that when I said that I was a realist it was in the context of embracing reality and not in the sense of embracing a school of international relations. And while I agree with some of the things that John Mearsheimer says, I also disagree with some of the things he says. Conservative (talk) 22:40, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

Look, I've been following your writings since you first got ahold of Mearsheimer's "End of the Liberal World Order" video, which impressed me at the time that you didn't understand Mearsheimer's use of the term "liberal". All you have done since is write in defense of the Liberal World Order. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 00:06, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
At the time, I wanted to suggest to you that you may be overlooking some meanings in Mearsheimer's use of the term "liberal", but I feared you'd get offended at a hint of criticism, since you consider yourself an expert. Your subsequent reactions to my writings - which actually carry forward Mearsheimer's criticism of the Liberal World Order, proved my hunch correct. But it's too late to go back now. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 00:15, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
As you are aware, I never said I was an international relations expert. This is merely a strawman argument that you are fond of employing. I did indicate that you are not on par with the international relations expert Professor John Mearsheimer when it comes to knowledge of international relations which enraged you (This is absurd since he is an old man whose expertise is international relations).
Also, in your upside-down and wrongheaded world, the following is true or likely true: the Russians haven't significantly engaged in war crimes in Ukraine; Russia is a great place to live where happiness abounds; Vladimir Putin is a Christian man and a family man; Russia doesn't face a huge problem when it comes to their demographic crisis, the Russians are deeply religious; the ruble falling in value is not a significant problem for the Russians; China doesn't face very big economic problems, and China/Russia have excellent leaders. And unfortunately for you, none of these things are true (See: [https://www.conservapedia.com/User:Conservative#Russia User: Conservative's essays on Russia] and [https://www.conservapedia.com/User:Conservative#China User: Conservative's essays on China]).
As a result of the above, having a discussion with you is rather pointless. Conservative (talk) 06:40, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
I think there's a disconnect somewhere between text as it appears on paper or the screen and the way it gets translated in your brain.
For example, because I do not echo MSM talking points about Russia, that get's translated in your brain as me saying "Russia is a great place to live." RobSGive Peace a Chance! 11:20, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

Really? Is Russia a great place to live? Yes? No? Conservative (talk) 11:44, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

I don't know. I've never been there. But I don't have a racist attitude about it, either. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:05, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
Does Russia have a demographic crisis? Conservative (talk) 12:26, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
I don't know. That's God's business.
I would assume perhaps not, being that men are not sodomizing each other legally as in the West. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:37, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

Russian demography has long been an existential issue to Vladimir Putin. In 2021, he declared “saving the people of Russia is our top national priority".[4]

By the way, for a person who does not know a lot, you certainly are opinionated. Feel free to create counteressays to my essays. Just whine and complain and say I really don't know about this matter, but I don't like his essays, but I have no facts and evidence indicating why. Godspeed. Conservative (talk) 12:45, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

(ec) We walk by faith, not by sight. I get the impression you read too many graphs and charts with faulty premises and conclusions, in addition to the disconnect between what you read in text on the screen and paper and how it's translated in your brain. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 12:37, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
I am sorry to hear you feel that way. Feel free to create counteressays. I am no longer interested in having discussions with you. Conservative (talk) 13:00, October 27, 2023 (EDT)
Btw, when are you taking your vacation in Gaza? They have nice beaches there, I hear. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 13:13, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

Bottomline: And I'll restate it again: All of this, all of it, is nothing but a defense of the Liberal World Order. You yourself just said you disagree with much Mearsheimer says, and your disagreements come out in your defense of the Liberal World Order in the corpus of all your Essays.

I have repeatedly attempted to warn you about the path you were walking down, but you only reverted or deleted my warnings and complained to owner of the website about me posting on your talk pages.

Now, you can marginalize yourself further by creating a new series of Essays attacking the Liberal World Order, contradicting and refuting the body of your earlier work, which is probably the path you'll pursue. RobSGive Peace a Chance! 14:03, October 27, 2023 (EDT)

Larry Johnson update

"Biden keeps repeating the nonsense that “America is great and can do anything.” Yeah, right. America cannot even keep Ukraine supplied with a sufficient number of 155 mm artillery shells because the U.S. industrial capability has been hollowed out. The world is witnessing the unraveling of America as the dominant hegemon.". RobSGive Peace a Chance! 01:10, October 20, 2023 (EDT)

The USA has more self-correction ability than the corrupt and authoritarian countries of Russia and China who have inept leaders clinging to power. Right now, the political betting markets say Biden's reelection is more unlikely than it is likely. And the impeachment inquiry is fairly recent and more evidence could be uncovered. Even if Trump is jailed, which would be unprecented in presidential history, the political blowback will be considerable for Democrats.
In addition, the US governmental structure gives a significant amount of power to the 50 states. And if a state is dysfunctional, people can move to a better state (so there is diversification of risk). This puts pressure on states to be more competitive/efficient and citizen oriented.
"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults." - French historian and politician Alexis de Tocqueville. Conservative (talk) 09:00, October 26, 2023 (EDT)

Ian Bremmer

C'mon, Mr. Expert. You need to update your Essays with your neocon darling Ian Bremmer's latest:

USS Eisenhower driven out of Persian Gulf

Don't forget this:

Who are those Muslim pantywaists who think they can kick the US around? And how long will the Eisenhower Supercarrier last in the face of an Iranian hypersonic missile (which the US doesn't have nor have a defense against)?

What are we gonna do if they take out the Supercarrier, send another Supercarrier to retaliate? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:22, December 18, 2023 (EST)

BTW, by my count, NATO has lost 180 personnel in Ukraine in the last two days; how come it's not reported? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:24, December 18, 2023 (EST)

In war or other conflicts, there is often a change of strategy/tactics in response to the opponents measures and this has been true for thousands of years.
"Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances." - Sun Tzu
“He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain.” - Sun Tzu.
With that being said, I hope Donald Trump is elected and that he causes increased oil production by judiciously removing government barriers related to the oil industry. This way, the USA will be more energy independent. Conservative (talk) 01:31, December 18, 2023 (EST)
The Supercarriers were built to "project power" where the US didn't have bases. Now that Supercarriers are vulnerable (read "obsolete"), how is the US going to "project power" to "remain the leading power for the foreseeable future"? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:43, December 18, 2023 (EST)
Oh, and note how America's symbol of its mighty military power got chased away by bunch of sheep herders in speed boats. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:45, December 18, 2023 (EST)
I don't know how easy it is to find a carrier out in the ocean, but I recall that is can be difficult. Regardless countries change their miltary tactics/strategies over time. And if I am not mistaken, China is building more carriers.
Comment: (a) the Eisenhower isn't out in the open ocean; (b) You evidently aren't familiar with ISR, satellite surveillance, the concept of "intelligence sharing", guided missiles, etc (yah, it makes sense to build a hypersonic missile with no guidance system to the target, according to User:Conservative). You're over your head on any of these subjects. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:34, December 19, 2023 (EST)
What do you actually think and believe? That a US Supercarrier leaves port from San Diego or the East Coast, and countries with satellite surveillance (like Russia, China, India, North Korea, etc) don't track it, or share information? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:38, December 19, 2023 (EST)
I mean, why do these countries spend billions of dollars to build rocket programs and launch satellites? Out of vanity?
Oh, but don't worry. After the USS Eisenhower gets nuked, Donald Trump will fix things in a few years, maybe. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:45, December 19, 2023 (EST)
Also, the GOP is becoming more isolationist and many Americans are more tired of forever wars.
John Mearsheimer says: "I am not an isolationist, but the logic underpinning this grand strategy is not easy to dismiss. Quite the contrary, as President Franklin Roosevelt discovered in the early 1940s, when he had great difficulty countering the isolationists. It is commonplace today to dismiss those isolationists as fools or even crackpots. But that would be a mistake. They were wrong to think the United States could sit out World War II, but they made a serious case for staying on the sidelines…If the case for isolationism was powerful before Pearl Harbor, it is even more compelling today."[5]
And with the baby boomers being an increasing expense as they age and growing problems with the USA's sovereign debt load, the USA might trim back on its defense spending.
At this point, in terms of international politics, I would rather wait and see the dust settle more in terms of China's economy, how the USA handles its debt, whether China makes the bad mistake of attacking Taiwan, etc. But I do think the USA is best positioned for the future compared to other countries (Like relatively speaking). Conservative (talk) 01:48, December 18, 2023 (EST)
Here's video of Iran's simulated training of destruction of a Supercarrier with speedboats (before hypersonic technology) from 2015 (they've been at this a long time). A Supercarrier won't make it to Hawaii from San Diego Naval Station to "defend" Taiwan before it's hit with a hypersonic (which the US doesn't have, nor can defend against). But the US will "remain the leading power for the foreseeable future", despite those envious sheepherders and rice eaters who can nuke us if we don't start showing some respect. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:51, December 18, 2023 (EST)
And no, I don't think the Mullahs and Chicoms are keen on gay marriage despite threats to kick them out of the international banking system (SWIFT network). We'll probably get nuked first. So I take umbrage with the basic premises of this Essay. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:56, December 18, 2023 (EST)
Now we can send a bunch of gay tranny wokesters to fight these ragtops, rice eaters, and snow n*ggers, but we'd have to implement a Ukrainian-style draft to drag away 16,000 gay tranny Gen Z wokesters for the meatgrinder in the first few months just to fill recruiting quotas. Still don't see how the US will 'remain the leading power for the foreseeable future". In fact the, end is very "foreseeable" if you keep this propaganda crap up. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:08, December 18, 2023 (EST)

Countries eventually change their diplomacy tactics/strategies and alliances as well and the USA can do the same. For example, China found its "wolf warrier" diplomacy was causing backlash. Now China might be resuming "panda diplomacy" again with the USA.[6]

The world is constantly changing. I am changing. Like I said, in terms of international politics, I prefer to wait and see how the dust settles as far as how some major world developments/trends work out. So I will not be following politics as closely for awhile. For now. I prefer to live less vicariously and be less of a spectator. With various skills I have, I can make various positive changes in the world and I will pray that God takes care of the rest. Conservative (talk) 02:12, December 18, 2023 (EST)

The 200,000 Russian liberals and 650,000 Ukrainian liberals who fled the draft aren't going to sign up to fight for NATO and the US. And why should they when they get a $2,000 a month check anyway? If anything, Yanks, Canucks, and Krauts will flee to Russia.
One problem is, your arrogant racist propaganda has the Third World so pee'd off, it's driving us to war. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:19, December 18, 2023 (EST)
A quick note: People have freedom of association as far as whom they have discussions with. So if someone engages in spurious name-calling (racist, Nazi, etc.) or engages in ill-mannered speech (ragtops, rice eaters, etc.) sooner or later, most people will disengage as far as having future discussions with that person and will have discussions with more friendly and cordial people instead. Rudeness/coarseness in general is a turn-off to most people.
Also, although most people in my life consider me to be a polite person, currently I am doing various things to hone my interpersonal/diplomacy skills such as reading excellent works, being around noble people and reading material related to this matter such as material on listening skills, negotiation skills, persuasion skills, conflict resolution, etc.
I am not against having civil discussions with people who disagree with me. For example, although User: SamHB and User: ConwayIII are on the left side of the political aisle, I have had civil discussions with them.
In summary, I am politely asking you to keep the above in mind. Conservative (talk) 07:10, December 18, 2023 (EST)
In summary, don't maliciously troll me for hours and days on end and then "politely" ask me anything. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:03, December 21, 2023 (EST)
There are two types of stupidity, congenital and acquired. Congenital means your parents were cousins, and you were born with a handicap. Acquired is just laziness, meaning the stupidity-sufferer can be blamed. In your case, I see no symptoms of the acquired syndrome. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 10:58, December 18, 2023 (EST)
It's your neo-Nazi hate screeds that give off an aire of superiority and encourage racism. Look at the title of this screed, when the rest of the planet is fighting to get out from under the yoke of US oppression and exploitation. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:36, December 18, 2023 (EST)
This ought to be simple enough to see: the US exploits the world's resources by printing dollars. Even in Ukraine, the US is incapable of supplying the arms and ammunition Ukraine asks for, but it can print dollars. And it will go on printing dollars as long as people are stupid enough to think dollars, without weapons and ammunition, can win a war. More people die. All your screeds do is encourage continuation of such a system, and do nothing to inform or educate readers. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:40, December 18, 2023 (EST)
By the way, although I disagreed with some of the things they stated, there was recently an interesting video at The Duran at: Economic Changes in the World - Jeffrey Sachs, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen. Conservative (talk) 07:18, December 18, 2023 (EST)
You don't have the judgement to disagree with anyone. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:47, December 18, 2023 (EST)

Think about what just happened: in 1980, Jimmy Carter issued the Carter Doctrine, declaring the Persian Gulf as a vital national strategic interest of the United States. The United States just got chased out of the Persian Gulf. Dollars can buy a Supercarrier, but a Supercarrier is about as useless as boobs on a boar in combat (unless you're just fighting goatherders). April 2022 was a pivotal moment in the future of global politics for decades to come. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:55, December 18, 2023 (EST)

The yellow line are crude oil shipments from the Persian Gulf to Europe - which the EU is more dependent upon since the EU shot itself in the foot with Russia sanctions (it is however, in keeping with WEF plan to oust everybody out of their cars by 2030). We don't have enough information at the moment to say export of Chinese goods are affected most.
I cover hypersonic missiles and aircraft carriers at: [[Essay: The U.S. Navy is the most powerful navy in the world]]. Conservative (talk) 17:08, December 20, 2023 (EST)
No you didn't. Google "carrier killer". RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:43, December 20, 2023 (EST)
‘Carrier Killer’: What Are Hypersonic Kinzhal Missiles?
The Zircon is a light weight cruise missile. The Kinzhal is specifically designed to destroy a Supercarrier.
How China’s ‘Carrier Killer’ Missiles Threaten to Capsize U.S. Naval Dominance
When the Eisenhower was first deployed to the Mediterranean in October, Russia knocked out a target in Ukraine with a Kinzhal fired from an Su 31 over the Black Sea, and Putin himself publicly said a day after that demonstration don't worry about the Eisenhower, Russia can knock it out with a Kinzhal fired from an Su 31 over the Black Sea. It doesn't get anymore clear or explicit than that. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:09, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Russia Inducts Its Own ‘Carrier Killer’ Missile, and It’s More Dangerous than China’s, 2018. Didn't the idiots who provoked the 2022 war read this 4 years earlier? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 16:32, December 22, 2023 (EST)
Update: Ukraine-NATO cannot deal with Russian X-22 hypersonic missile. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 13:50, December 30, 2023 (EST)

trade and currency flows

I have a question for you. Given the amount of cargo that the Chinese bring through the Suez Canal, this disruption of the canal for cargo ships would appear to hurt the Chinese the most. So why don't the Chinese use their diplomatic connections (including their friends with no limits Russia's connections) and their navy to resolve this matter? If we lived in a multipolar world, wouldn't this be the expected thing that would happen? Conservative (talk) 20:19, December 20, 2023 (EST)
Someday when you're older maybe you'll understand. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:43, December 20, 2023 (EST)
Think for one minute (I know it's difficult, but try).
What is China's objective?
Does making a quick buck in the international banking system, subject to US blackmail, sanctions, and seizure of assets (like the US did to Russia) serve China's interests?
RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:53, December 20, 2023 (EST)
Digression: What is money?
Money is confidence - confidence that the worthless toilet paper you receive in exchange for manufactured goods and/or services can be exchanged for something of equal value to the toil and labor you put into a manufactured good or service - and not stolen or looted by the country issuing the worthless toilet paper currency.[1] The United States, through its actions, coups, blackmail, bullying (for example, destruction of the Nordstream pipeline), and proxy wars has in recent decades destroyed the trust and confidence other nations once put into the United States after 1945.
Sundance of The Conservative Treehouse explained yesterday:
"this de-dollarization process is “slowly at first,” but eventually this is going to come all at once. As USA consumers we cannot see it yet, because we are inside an economic system that is entirely dependent on dollars." [7]
RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:06, December 30, 2023 (EST)
Now you have been raging about the "growth of right-wing populism in Europe" for years. After the deliberate destruction of the Nordstream pipeline by the United States, "right-wing populist movements in Europe" no longer wish to be enslaved to US dollar hegemony - the requirement that all international banking transactions be conducted in dollars (see SWIFT network) and to leftwing globalist neo-liberalism, neo-fascism, and the Liberal World Order. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:23, December 30, 2023 (EST)
And why aren't the other BRICS nations helping to solve this problem for China? Conservative (talk) 20:32, December 20, 2023 (EST)
What problem? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:43, December 20, 2023 (EST)
We don't live in a multipolar world [[Essay: The myth of multipolarity. What do the terms unipolar, bipolar and multipolar mean as far as international relations?]]). Conservative (talk) 20:35, December 20, 2023 (EST)
Destruction of a US naval ship or Supercarrier (which has more bark than bite) through a proxy like the Houthis or Iran, or even Russia, serves China's interests and objectives of reuniting Taiwan with the Mainland - peacefully. IOWs, they don't have to destroy a Supercarrier themselves. And it puts to rest for the remainder of this century, or the next 30 years, or "the foreseeable future" the issue of global payments transactions through the SWIFT banking network, US blackmail to get its way, the dollar as a reserve currency, etc.
See, when Russian oligarchs started having their bank accounts and yachts seized because of US & EU sanctions, oligarchs worldwide started dumping dollars and getting away from US blackmail with the death grip the United States has on global financial transactions through its control of the global financial system. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 21:39, December 20, 2023 (EST)
So, how in practical terms does this work, as it relates to the military situation in Yemen or the Red Sea? Troops ashore in Yemen won't work, for a variety of reasons. Countering launching sites in Yemen will likewise fail, for a variety of reasons. Shooting down drone swarms won't work, for several reasons. Ships from countries that defy US sanctions will be granted passage; ships from countries that uphold US sanctions will not be granted passage, until those countries reject US hegemony.
But given the stupidity of US military and political leaders, as we've seen in Ukraine, US 'strategic thinkers' will keep banging their heads against the wall in what was a hopeless cause from the start, until they quit from exhaustion, and in defeat. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 23:13, December 20, 2023 (EST)
And the electronic warfare systems that (how can I phrase this...) the United States and its allies does not have, that can defeat US and its allies cruise missiles, helicopters, and jet aircraft, is superior. We know this from the idiotic war the United States began in Ukraine. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 23:28, December 20, 2023 (EST)
Once you understand that point about Russian superiority in electronic warfare (i.e., its ability to destroy US/NATO jet aircraft, helicopters, drones, AWACS, missiles, cruise missiles, satellites, etc in large numbers), it is to the advantage of Russia or whatever power they share technology with, to do so NOW, not in 3 years when the mighty US military can catch up. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:44, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Update: Ukraine has become a platform for testing air defense systems. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 21:13, December 25, 2023 (EST)
One single rocket from an S-400 can shoot down 36 helicopters. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:53, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Instead of this incessant trolling of yours from dawn to dusk, why don't you simply read up on, and create an article on the SWIFT network. Then we may have things to talk about. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 21:01, December 20, 2023 (EST)

digression on stupidity

Nothing that is happening now, or has occurred in recent years, is random. This has all been carefully planned and mapped out, with contingencies. And I am not speaking about the idiot war planners in the Pentagon or NATO.

All of it has been carefully planned and mapped out with contingencies and agreements on what actions to pursue in response to US actions, which are entirely predictable.

Military academies the world over have studied carefully the Second World War. In that war, the so-called "allies" - the US, UK, USSR, and Kuomintang China worked together, coordinated actions. The Axis Powers, Germany, Japan, and Italy did not. Each of the Axis parties acted on their own, and moreless gave praise and encouragement to each other's successes after the fact, while continuing trade (for example, Mussolini's invasion of Albania and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor came as much as a surprise to Hitler and the Germans as it was to the rest of the planet). So the countries now leading the challenge to US hegemony - Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, et al understand that the side that coordinates and works together has the advantage over those who pursue selfish interests, and have long coordinated plans, actions, and contingencies (together with their proxies which they control like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc). What's the common thread that binds them together? They are all under (or are the "targets" or "victims of") US sanctions.

Update: "the entire current framework looks highly orchestrated between the resistance axis, particularly of Russia, Iran, and perhaps China. The reason is that just as Russia tied up the Empire in Ukraine, Iran began its strangulation maneuver in the Mid East, and look how ‘elegantly’ it’s all working out: Europe is being entirely cut off from cheap energy while Russia and BRICS gain not only some of the most powerful energy producers but also the countries responsible for the most important maritime chokepoints; i.e. Egypt and the Suez/Red Sea; Ethiopia and the Red Sea; Iran and Saudi Arabia for the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, etc. Now, suddenly what do we hear? Major moves being made by Russia to put the Arctic in a chokehold, securing another key corridor..." [8]

Meanwhile, 'strategic thinkers' in the US & NATO think they're still fighting an uncoordinated Axis like in WWII, while at the same time making the same mistakes Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo made - not consulting and coordinating with their allies. For example, Victoria Nuland's famous "F the EU" statement - the EU & NATO were going to be dragged into this conflict with Russia, without consultation and coordination, whether they liked it or not. They don't have a say in the matter. Follow that example with the attack on the Nordstream pipeline. The US dictates. It's allies blindly have to follow.

Update: If the DoS [Dept. of State] and CIA truly believed the sanctions would cripple Russia, it’s then likely our institutions vastly underestimated the prior diplomatic talks that preceded those sanctions. [9]
Update: Normally, a host country would stipulate that the U.S. could (or could not) acknowledge military operations or activities. In this case it looks like CENTCOM issued the statement about the attack without consulting with the Government of Jordan. [10]
Again, lack of consultation with allies. This apparently is the "rules based order" - the US dictates, and others must follow (allies and adversaries alike). This is how the Soviet Union governed.

Now the exception to this is the UK; the US does consult and coordinate with the UK on most matters. Some say the US dictates and the UK does what it's told. But personally, I disagree with that assessment. The US too often bows to UK schemes, cause the US views the UK as a Senior partner it relies on for advice, mentoring, and guidance on how to rule the world based on the experiences of the British Empire. And the UK fully takes advantage of this 'special relationship' to manipulate the US to serve its own ends and interests that the UK is incapable of accomplishing itself.

More can be said. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 00:03, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Now let's say a word about free trade versus sanctions; what is the difference between "free trade" and communism? And what is the difference between laizez faire capitalism and economic sanctions? The United States spoke of, and promoted, "free trade" and capitalism for decades during the Cold War. That is why the European Union (a CIA creation, incidentally) was founded - to break down trade barriers between European nations. Does the US & EU promote "free trade" and capitalism today? or tyranny, totalitarianism, censorship, trade restrictions (sanctions), monopoly and oligopoly control, rigged elections and oppression?

I'm not going to contrast these observations of the US & EU with Russia, China, North Korea or Iran. It just seems like a matter of degree between all these parties on the scale of oppression, with no one having the upper hand. The point being, that "freedom, democracy, and capitalism" as preached by the US and the West is a bald faced lie. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 00:30, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Now if you say freedom means the constitutional God-given right to gay marriage and to force others to use your preferred pronouns, and the United States should use economic sanctions against human rights violators who don't respect these freedoms, there are probably residents of this planet outside the United States who disagree with you. And if you do not understand that these ideas are now mandated and embalmed in US law and foreign policy, you are as brainwashed as any gender confused transexual or wokester. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 00:42, December 21, 2023 (EST)

China's economy is based on semi-mercantilism because it needs to be at a higher level of development to have its domestic spending be stronger. It's navy is non-nuclear powered and designed to mainly protect its nation and potentially attack Taiwan. If the United States continues its path towards onshoring, derisking from China (like Mexico and other areas less vulnerable to terrorists, pirates, etc.) and increasing its domestic oil production that is bad news for China because it means that the USA has less and less of an incentive to use its navy to police the high seas. Conservative (talk) 05:09, December 21, 2023 (EST)
This ought to be good for a few laughs: What is Chinese "domestic spending"?
Lemme guess: It's a buzz phrase you heard from Peter Zeihan that you have no idea what he was talking about (as Zeihan himself probably didn't know, either).
Question: When the United States passed $116 billion in Ukraine aid, and only $43 billion goes to Zelensky with the rest kickbacked to Raytheon and the military industrial complex, is the $116 billion Ukraine aid package foreign or domestic spending?
Question: If the Chinese Belt and Road initiative builds an airport or naval facility in Africa with Chinese workers and technology, is that foreign or domestic spending? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 15:03, December 30, 2023 (EST)
By the way, you don't have any proof for your paranoid conspiracy theory. China is not exactly enamored of Muslims as can be seen its treatment of the Uyghurs.
Lastly, I am about to focus on some off wiki matters, so I suggest you have your international relations/geopolitics discussions with other Conservapedians, at a relevant Reddit area or other online forum. You can find some relevant online forums HERE. Conservative (talk) 05:23, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Furthermore, I have created the lion's share of the content on homosexuality at Conservapedia. And I do know that due to Russian young people being less conservative on the issue of homosexuality, recent data indicates that 36% of Russians have neutral/favorable attitudes towards homosexuality (See: Russian attitudes towards LGBT individuals). One reason for this is church attendance for the Russian Orthodox is low - especially for young people.[11][12] Conservative (talk) 10:56, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Unlike the United States, Russia is not trying to impose homosexuality on its allies and the rest of the planet through the use of economic sanctions against alleged "human rights violators" who outlaw homosexual acts and homosexual marriage. From a conservative perspective, I don't think you understand diddly jack about homosexuality, given your Nazi screeds attacking the one country that has taken steps to counter the American crusade to bring homosexuality to all societies on the planet. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:59, December 21, 2023 (EST)
Your anti-Putin gay propaganda you have worked so diligently on for two years nullifies any conservative content you've added to Conservapedia. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 15:48, December 21, 2023 (EST)
I will also point out the under the godless, communist Xi Jinping, the persecution of Christians has markedly increased.[13] Conservative (talk) 11:25, December 21, 2023 (EST)
What does any of that have to do with the stupidity of American military planners who spent trillions on useless weapons?
What does any of that have to do with the stupidity of American political leaders and foreign policy advisors who blundered the United States into an idiotic war that will destroy American leadership for the foreseeable future? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:41, December 21, 2023 (EST)

The United States has very defendable geography thanks to the two huge oceans on its respective coasts and a friendly neighbor to the north. On its southern border, the GOP is finally playing hardball politics so that bad situation at the southern border will likely see some improvement.

The Chinese are building more aircraft carriers so I suspect your commentary on the defensibility of aircraft carriers is wanting. Plus, I talk about the other weakness of your argumentation regarding aircraft carriers at [https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_The_U.S._Navy_is_the_most_powerful_navy_in_the_world Essay: The U.S. Navy is the most powerful navy in the world].

I think we should agree to disagree on who started the great escalation of the war in Ukraine and what its likely consequences will be. Furthermore, while I believe that Biden Administration's diplomacy and foreign policy skills are weak, the USA system makes it easier to toss out a bad leader than in the Chinese/Russian systems. And it does appear that Biden's chance of being reelected looks weak.

Lastly, your high degree of irrationality, closemindedness, disagreeableness and lack of cordiality has become tiresome to me. So Conservative (talk) 12:00, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Two oceans do not protect the US from an EMP attack or hypersonic nuclear missile travelling at 6 times the speed of sound.
Chinese carriers are just for show and not for much of any offensive capability beyond the nine-dash line. And that's still decades in advance. They are not designed to be China's forward base of advance, as American carriers were.
What you fail to realize is, even if the trillions of dollars the US spent on weapons actually did work, they still are no protection from idiot leaders and woke policies (like de-population) that have blundered the United Staes into a war we cannot win.
Hope, hubris, and wishful thinking are not strategies. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 12:08, December 21, 2023 (EST)

I have zero interest in having future political discussions with you. So

A fringe benefit of doing so is that you might recruit a few Conservapedia editors. Conservative (talk) 12:18, December 21, 2023 (EST)

I'm done with your trolling and wanton violation of basic Conservapedia Commandments and Guidelines. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 12:20, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Coordination between (non-NATO) allies

So let's delve into this coordination between non-NATO allies.

The Germans and EU cut themselves off from Urals oil with Russian sanctions, making themselves more dependent on Persian Gulf oil (as you can see with the yellow line on the above map). Brilliant. Then lo-and-behold, out of nowhere, the USS Eisenhower gets kicked out of the Persian Gulf, and the Houthis take control of the Red Sea. What an amazing set of coincidences, coming randomly on the heels of NATO's defeat in Ukraine. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 00:40, December 22, 2023 (EST)

Pepe Escobar lays out that the Houthi action is part of a coordinated strategy: Yemen just changed EVERYTHING and Israel, Neocons are Stunned. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, UAE and Ethiopia (all the Red Sea & Persian Gulf states) join BRICS next week (you know, "a bunch of "hoopla"). Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition.

"There's another component I would say, part of the big picture of this whole thing, which is General Soleimani. Don't forget that the decade that we are living now started with the assassination, January 3, 2020 of General Soleimani. No wonder the Americans were terrified of him, because he's the guy who unified the Axis of Resistance as a whole, including Yemen. So the big picture is, in his mind, and the big picture, the way he designed it - "We have to work together. There's got to be a concerted offensive, sooner or later." He was thinking in the next few years. So in the end, what happened, what three and a half, almost less than four years after he was killed. "Then we will be able to corner the Empire and set a trap for them." I think this trap is being laid out now, little by little, you know in different parts of West Asia. So no wonder they don't even understand the extent and the sophistication of the trap."

Spain, France, and Italy (NATO's three southern maritime vassal states on the Mediterranean), and Australia quit the "the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future's" coalition yesterday. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:34, December 24, 2023 (EST)

Comment: Great play, Cons. You have thoroughly disrupted war reporting. Wishful thinking isn't going to counter national security threats. Now, when conservative readers need to be informed of facts, I can't waste another 6 months dealing with your trolling. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 13:37, December 24, 2023 (EST)

Empty quiver

As the sun sets here at the Winter Solstice of 2023, I would like to draw attention yet again to what, in my estimation, is one of the most strategically significant battlefield humiliations inflicted upon NATO over the course of the Ukraine War: the progressively comprehensive defeat of their precision-guided strike missile inventory — ATACMS, HARMS, JDAMS, GMLRS fired from HIMARS, cruise missiles (Storm Shadow and SCALP). The Russians have demonstrated that they can routinely shoot down ANY species of strike missile the US/NATO can field against them — not all of them all of the time, but most of them most of the time. And they get better and better at it as time goes on. Indeed, over the past few months it is increasingly becoming "all of them most of the time"...No other military on the planet has previously attested this level of capability. The US does not have it, and is at least a decade away from developing it....The significance of this battlefield development defies exaggeration. It alters the war-fighting calculus that has been assumed for many decades.

So go on with your jingoism, hubris, and false pride. You're only leading people to their own destruction. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:27, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Update: The US is now begging Japan for Patriot missiles systems, being that the 8 German systems donated to Kiev were destroyed the first night upon arrival, and the US doesn't have the manufacturing ability to produce more of these worthless pieces of junk.

There comes a time for decency and morality's sake to toss in the towel, rather than let your guy stand there and get the hell beat out of him. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:38, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Personally, I will never forget the immoral stance you took in the Russia-Ukraine war, and the reasons why. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:39, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Representative Mike Gallagher (R-Wi), who is the chairman of a House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party...says that "Recent war games simulating conflict with China over Taiwan revealed that the U.S. would run out of long-range precision-guided bombs and missiles less than a week into the conflict." Bill Gertz reports that the Pentagon has a backlog of more than $2 billion worth of weapons that Taipei purchased, held up by defense industry delays. Taiwan currently is waiting on 400 Harpoon missiles and 100 Harpoon launchers that the Pentagon announced as a sale over three years ago and which may not reach the island until 2029. The key point is that it will take five more years (8 years total) to deliver Harpoon missiles to Taiwan. It is even worse for other war stocks, such as 155mm and 120mm ammunition... RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:51, December 21, 2023 (EST)

Mike Pence & Nikki Haley

Haley pandering to the LGBT movement, 2018.

This whole series of User:Conservative's geopolitical essays could have been written by Mike Pence or Nikki Haley, cause that's what they read like. There isn't a stich of Trumpism or MAGA reforms in it. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:39, December 24, 2023 (EST)

Donald Trump appointed Mike Flynn and Rex Tillerson (the guy who negotiated the Sakhalin 1 project in 1995 with Vladimir Putin, which made Putin's career) to ease tensions with Russia. User:Conservative crawled into bed with the deep state anti-Putin pro-LGBT crowd simply out of malice toward me cause I'm a "bully" who dismissed his trolling on geopolitical subjects with hide Templates, and he has now seriously harmed the Conservapedia project. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:48, December 24, 2023 (EST)

Even President Trump's accusers during Impeachment 1.0 exhibited a better understanding of geopolitics than User:Conservative. But User:Conservative cut n pasted their arguments, with their sources, into his Russophobic series. Russia Russia Russia. And he's still shilling for Hillary Clinton and the Deep State in his political comments. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 15:19, February 3, 2024 (EST)

US retreats

What's an Iranian missile here and there? We're the United States, after all.

More cut n run, like Saigon or Kabul. What will tomorrow bring for the mightiest nation for the foreseeable future? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 21:42, January 24, 2024 (EST)

I think it's great for the USA to be more isolationist when it comes to military intervention and/or nation building. Wars are very expensive and cost a nation dearly in treasure, talent and time. And there is some evidence that the USA is going to become more isolationist when it comes to military interventions and nation building (See: Essay: Isolationalism is growing in the United States. Is this a good thing?).
"There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." - Sun Tzu. Conservative (talk) 21:51, January 24, 2024 (EST)
And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.”
Just delete it and walk away. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:20, January 24, 2024 (EST)
Is this what you call "global leadership" for the foreseeable future? What happens when the US goes toe-to-toe with China, Russia, Iran (and Yemen and North Korea) at the same time?
You ought to be telling conservative readers to quit talking smack and show some respect for others. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 00:18, January 25, 2024 (EST)
People who very much lean towards noninterventionism/isolationism and believe in Just War Theory like myself are not for "global leadership". I suggest you bone up on political terms. I also suggest that you actually read my essay at [[Essay: Isolationalism is growing in the United States. Is this a good thing?]]. Just because a country is the strongest, doesn't mean it needs to pick pointless fights or pick on the weak. Conservative (talk) 00:50, January 25, 2024 (EST)
This is not a discussion about other people's isolationism. It's a discussion about your warmongering. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:27, January 25, 2024 (EST)
On January 23, 2024 Pentagon press spokesman Major General Patrick Ryder told reporters that due to a lack of funding, the United States cannot help Ukraine with the repair of weapons already provided. Additionally, without additional funding, the US cannot provide systems and equipment to meet medium- and long-term needs and help Ukraine maintain the systems the US previously provided.[2]
Where they gonna get the funding from to maintain the "United States as the leading power for the foreseeable future", as you've been advocating for two years? off the Keynesian printing press, as you likewise have advocated for two years? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 21:43, January 25, 2024 (EST)
You know, it would help to inform conservative readers, rather than mislead them. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 17:08, January 26, 2024 (EST)
Most conservatives have IQs above room temperature, so who are these racists screeds intended to appeal to? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 17:21, January 26, 2024 (EST)

Today is part of the "foreseeable future", as I understand.

"The seriousness of the new US war in the Red Sea and with Yemen has been vastly understated and under-covered...The Houthi are doing far more damage than the US and its media acknowledges...On Wednesday the US Navy attempted to escort two US owned and flagged container carriers through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait into the Red Sea, but they turned around after coming under Houthi ballistic missile fire...Some analysts are calling the hostile encounter a clear "loss" for the US Navy and the no less than three well-armed warships attempting to keep the commercial vessels safe”.
Call Karajou. The US Navy just got its butt kicked by a bunch of goat herders with ballistic missiles.
RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:54, January 27, 2024 (EST)
  • Breaking: US CENTCOM has just released a statement revealing how the Houthis attacked a ship with anti-ship ballistic missiles that contained a “highly flammable liquid hydrogen mixture” and a fire quickly ensued in one of the cargo holds. [15]
Quick! Call Karajou! Maybe he can tell us how it didn't really happen. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:19, January 27, 2024 (EST)
So the Third World spear chuckers and goat herders living in sh*thole countries have ballistic missiles these days. Looks like you and Karajou got your work cut out for you to keep America the leading power for the foreseeable future. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:23, January 27, 2024 (EST)
As currently postured, the U.S. military is at significant risk of not being able to defend America’s vital national interests...This is the inevitable result of years of prolonged deployments, underfunding, poorly defined priorities, wildly shifting security policies, exceedingly poor discipline in program execution, and a profound lack of seriousness across the national security establishment even as threats to U.S. interests have surged...In 2023, this has been compounded by the cost of U.S. support for Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s assault, which is further exacerbated by the limited willingness of allies in Europe to shoulder a greater share of the burden...The war has laid bare the limited inventories of equipment, munitions, and supplies of all supporting countries as well as the limitations of the industrial base that will be required to replenish them. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:12, January 31, 2024 (EST)

You're making headlines again.

Throughout the Cold War period, the Soviet Union saw itself as the spearhead of a historical struggle that would lead to a confrontation between the “capitalist” system and “progressive forces”.

This perception of a permanent and inescapable war led the Soviets to study war in a quasi-scientific way, and to structure this thinking into an architecture of military thought that has no equal in the Western world.

The problem with the vast majority of our so-called military experts is their inability to understand the Russian approach to war. It is the result of an approach we have already seen in waves of terrorist attacks—the adversary is so stupidly demonized that we refrain from understanding his way of thinking.

As a result, we are unable to develop strategies, articulate our forces, or even equip them for the realities of war. The corollary of this approach is that our frustrations are translated by unscrupulous media into a narrative that feeds hatred and increases our vulnerability.

We are thus unable to find rational, effective solutions to the problem.

RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 13:14, February 4, 2024 (EST)

Republicans responsible for Ukraine loss

Don't forget to add this to one of your neocon hate screeds:

RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 17:46, February 17, 2024 (EST)

More narcissistic crap

  • "While I do believe the USA, China and Russia are three major powers, I also believe that both China and Russia have some major problems ..."

Who cares what you think?

The rest is cut n paste neocon globalist, pro-Nazi, pro-LGBT crap. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 03:36, February 26, 2024 (EST)


  1. See also Black Mountain Analysis: Economics and Empires 6 [i] Downfall, ALEKS, DEC 31, 2023:
    "The value of a currency is based on trust. Trust that one will be able to purchase commodities of the same value in the future. Fluctuations in the value, like inflation and deflation, are usually caused by micro- and macroeconomic circumstances of a given country.

    To some degree, this applies for the Dollar as well. But only to some degree. The main factor that maintains the value of the Dollar is fear. Fear that if you dare to abandon the Dollar system or to doubt its value you get “democratically overvoted” by the US Army or the mechanisms of the international jurisdiction of the US Federal Reserve System (in other words, sanctions).

  2. https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3653973/pentagon-press-secretary-maj-gen-pat-ryder-holds-a-press-briefing/

Note regarding future addition. English top language in the world (soft power)

Ranked: The Top Languages Spoken in the World, Visual Capitalist. This affects soft power. Conservative (talk) 21:33, February 29, 2024 (EST)

"soft power". The more you talk, the more you sound like Hillary Clinton.
A common language is useful for one world government advocates such as you express in your Haushofer school geopolitics essays. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 22:09, February 29, 2024 (EST)

"It has a huge national debt (See: National debt of the United States) and it saw a major spike in the amount of its national pandemic during the pandemic and during the post pandemic presidency of Joe Biden." [16]

Take your pills. It's late. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 02:39, March 9, 2024 (EST)

Steve Bannon interviews Lara Logan

"we are arrogant and ignorant - a lethal combination". This Essay sums up Americans' arrogance and ignorance. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:52, March 28, 2024 (EDT)

Asymmetrical hybrid war

Is destruction of the Baltimore bridge - the major route for carrying hazardous materials (which will be shut down for 4-5 year per Lara Logan) retaliation for the Kerch Bridge? RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 20:58, March 28, 2024 (EDT)