Previous Breaking News/2008 Presidential Election

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This page contains the items that were once on the "Breaking News" section of the Main Page. The articles are mainly about the 2008 US Presidential Election.
last date of Archived news is Nov. 30, 2007. Contains archives from June to Nov. 2007.

Barack Obama

  1. Barack Obama, who's been scolding Hillary Clinton for not hastening the release of records from her time as first lady, says he can't step up and produce his own records from his days in the Illinois state Senate. He says he hasn't got any. [1]
  2. Barack Obama - "There are aspects of Christian tradition that I'm comfortable with and aspects that I'm not. There are passages of the Bible that make perfect sense to me and others that I go, 'Ya know, I'm not sure about that." [2]
  3. Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem NewsBusters [3]
    Barack Obama chooses to show he's a different kind of Democrat."
  4. Family values: Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are cousins. [4]
  5. As Obama Talks Religion, Questions Surround His Controversial Pastor Fox News
    Some of the pastor's sermons "... often address themes of white supremacy and black repression..."
  6. Revised August Jobs Report: Old Media Not Looking for Retractions from HIllary or Obama NewsBusters
  7. Barack Obama Stops Wearing American Flag Lapel Pin Fox News
    Related articles:
    Candidates Have Their Say on Obama's Decision Not to Wear Flag Pin Fox News
    ABC Puzzles Over 'Obsession' With U.S. Flag Pins; Notes Nixon Wore One NewsBusters
    Joe Klein Smartly Salutes Obama Eschewing U.S. Flag Lapel Pin NewsBusters
  8. Obama tips hand to U.S. enemies, violates cardinal rule,Hillary says. Never tell them what you won't do ABC News
  9. Republican Mitt Romney said this Sunday about Democrat Barack Obama: "He's gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week! "[5]
  10. Newsweek's Wolffe: Obama a 'Centrist'. "While the MSM regularly labels Republicans as "conservative," "hard-right," etc., there is virtually no Dem the MSM can't declare "centrist" or "moderate," from Al Gore, to John Kerry, and now to Obama." NewsBusters [6]
  11. Despite Obama's criticism of rap music, he appears to be the candidate of the hip-hop community. CNN
  12. Oprah dumps Women's advancement, backs Obama. [7]
  13. Obama models campaign on Reagan revolt. [8]
  14. Obama and Edwards willing to get cozy with Castro and Chavez. Miami Herald
  15. U.S. presidential hopeful Obama tells union crowd he won't shop at Wal-Mart -- Staff reports campaign purchases the same day.
  16. Obama wants sex education taught in kindergarten. [9]

Bill Richardson

  1. A new law signed by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, requires the state to grow and distribute Marijuana. Associated Press article at Fox News [10] Governor Richardson is also running for the United States Democratic presidential nomination.


  1. Quotes from the Democratic Presidential Candidates you didn't hear from a recent debate - with an interesting analysis. [11]
  2. CNN's Las Vegas Post Debate Analysis-- A Clinton Reunion [12]
  3. Just another pretty face? Hillary drops 9 points after speaking at latest DNC Presidential debate. [13]
  4. Liberal Deceit - Hillary's High Stepping FactCheck [14]
    "At a Democratic debate in Philadelphia, Sen. Hillary Clinton ducked some questions and gave misleading answers to others."
  5. Should Republicans Make Issue of Matthews's Left-wing Skew in Upcoming Debate? [15]
  6. Wednesday night's Republican debate exchange between Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul "was one of the few genuine moments of drama and passion in these debates." video of the clash; Nat'l Review commentary
  7. The quote of Wednesday night at the Republican president debate by Tom Tancredo: "Political correctness is going to get us all killed!"
  8. Wednesday night's Republican debate in New Hampshire was lively: Tom Tancredo defended the use of what might be called "torture" by liberals; Mitt Romney defended the use of wiretaps for Muslim mosques; but John McCain criticized the use of torture based on the damage to the reputation of the United States and the risk of retaliation against American prisoners of wars (Tancredo replied, American enemies don't need an excuse to torture Americans.)
  9. Mike Huckabee wins the straw poll after the values debate.[16] Full results. Liberal Republican no-show candidates received less than 5% in voting. You may still be able to view the debatehere or here.

Dennis Kucinich

  1. Kucinich surges; Hillary falters. Democratic Underground, ABC News
  2. Congress 334, Kucinich 1. Representative Dennis Kucinich Stands Alone Opposed to Sept. 11 Commemoration Resolution. Fox News: [17]
  3. U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich rips fellow Democrat candidate John Edwards for trying to rig election. [18]

Fred Thompson

  1. Gun control becomes a top issue as the Supreme Court accepted its first big case in 70 years. Presidential candidate Fred Thompson wins voter "support because he's strong on Second Amendment gun ownership rights. 'He's right where our strength is.'" [19]
  2. Latest Iowa poll: Rudy Giuliani drops to fourth, while Mike Huckabee surges in popularity:
    Mitt Romney: 28% v. 26% in July.
    Mike Huckabee: 24%, v. 8% in July.
    Fred Thompson: 15%, v. 13%.
    Rudy Giuliani: 13%, v. 14%.
    Sen. John McCain: 6%, v. 8%.
    Rep. Ron Paul: 6%, v. 2%. [20]
  3. GOP polling ... shows Fred Thompson stalled or dropping, a situation that has some advisers to Romney and Giuliani fretting because each of those candidates had hoped he would rob primary and caucus votes from the other. 'Thompson is dropping too fast for their good,' said the adviser." [21]
  4. "The National Right to Life Committee has announced that it will endorse the candidacy of" Fred Thompson. [22]
  5. Presidential candidate "Fred Thompson Is Finished." [23]
  6. Fox News, trying to hurry an interview with Fred Thompson, says into the microphone: "The next president of the United States has a schedule to keep."
    Fred Thompson quickly replied, "And so do I." Fred Thompson Bust.
    Fox News, Thompson's biggest backer, was angered by this embarrassment.
  7. Republican Mike Huckabee wins the in-person straw poll at the Values Summit by a landslide: 488 of the 952 votes. Republican Mitt Romney received only 99 in-person, on-site votes, but is being declared the winner by CNN and USA Today based on the addition of online and mail votes. Republican Fred Thompson is a bust, finishing far from the top.
  8. Conservative Republican Mike Huckabee pulls into a tie for second in the latest Iowa poll! He's tied with Fred Thompson, and both are within striking distance of front-runner Mitt Romney. [24]
  9. The neoconservative's candidate falters again: This time the revelation is that Fred Thompson once did work on behalf of suspected Libyan terrorists.[25] This comes on top of his flip-flop on the marriage amendment[26]
  10. An "I voted for it, but I don't support it" moment for recently announced presidential candidate Fred Thompson. "Thompson, contrary to his current memories, was deeply involved in expanding government restrictions on political speech generally and the ban on issue ads specifically. Yet he told Ingraham 'I voted for all of it,' meaning McCain-Feingold, but said 'I don't support that' provision of it." [27]
  11. "Billing records show that former US Senator Fred Thompson spent nearly 20 hours working as a lobbyist on behalf of a group seeking to ease restrictive federal rules on abortion counseling in the 1990s, even though he recently said he did not recall doing any work for the organization." [28]
  12. Harris Poll gives Thompson edge over Giuliani for the American Republican Party's presidential nomination. [29]

Hillary Clinton

  1. Hillary Clinton falls in the polls: she "trails Republican candidates Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain and Mike Huckabee by three to five percentage points in the direct matches," a switch from the leads she enjoyed in the polls last summer.[30]
  2. If Hillary Clinton becomes president - get ready for everything we disliked about our government to come springing back to life. [31]
  3. CNN's Las Vegas Post Debate Analysis-- A Clinton Reunion [32]
    It's hard to have a bad debate performance when:
    The audience is planted in your favor [33]
    The questions are planted in your favor [34]
    The questioners are your supporters
    The after debate spin room includes 2 former staff members and 1 current campaign analyst

    There is a prominent posting at Daily Kos entitled "Clinton News Network = CNN" [35]
    Daily Kos Hypocritical Slam of ‘Clinton News Network’
  4. Hillary Clinton is struggling in Iowa, as a new poll shows a three-way tie and "Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire say Obama and Edwards 'are more likely than Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to say what they believe.'" [36]
  5. "Questions planted by Clinton campaign." [37] [38] "They were canned," a student revealed. Cartoon
  6. Clinton leads the pork. $530M in earmarks.
    Whatever happened to Lobbying Reform? #Promise made, promises broken. The Hill
  7. Just another pretty face? Hillary drops 9 points after speaking at latest DNC Presidential debate. [39]
  8. Liberal Deceit - Hillary's High Stepping FactCheck [40]
    "At a Democratic debate in Philadelphia, Sen. Hillary Clinton ducked some questions and gave misleading answers to others."
  9. Democrats accuse Hillary Clinton of delaying release of documents from the Clinton Administration. [41]
  10. New York Times investigative reporters reveal Hillary Clinton monitored illegal wiretaps in 1992. [42] GOP official remarks
    "it is rather unbelievable that Clinton would listen in to conversations being conducted by political opponents, but refuse to allow our intelligence agencies to listen in to conversations being conducted by terrorists as they plot and plan to kill us." [43]
  11. Hillary Wants New Entitlement Programs NewsMax [44]
    "Instead, shouldn’t we follow Lincoln’s simple dictum: 'government should only do for people what they cannot do for themselves'?"
  12. Sandy Berger, who stole highly classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators, is now an adviser to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. [45]
  13. GOP Lawmakers Blast Hillary Clinton for Taking Advice From Sandy Berger Fox News
    Original article Examiner
  14. Latest Iowa Poll Puts Clinton, Romney at Top of Voter Preferences Fox News
  15. Revised August Jobs Report: Old Media Not Looking for Retractions from HIllary or Obama NewsBusters
  16. Court Rules Bill Clinton Does Not Have Final Say Over Release of Hillary’s White House Records. Washington Post, The Ruling
  17. Hillary Clinton accused of using Willie Horton tactics. [46]
  18. Hillary Clinton says, "we have to end the Bush era of ignoring problems, ignoring enemies and adversaries." Iowa Votes 2008
  19. What Goes Around Comes Around, Hillary Townhall
  20. Hillary Clinton Campaign Donates Fugitive Contributor's Money to Charity. Fox News [47]
  21. Hillary Clinton Big Money Donor Wanted for Grand Theft. Fox News [48] Michelle Malkin says: What say you now, Hillary?
  22. Norman Hsu, prominent Clinton fund-raiser and fugitive from justice, was apprehended in Grand Junction, Colorado, at 7:00 p.m. MDT Thursday, September 6. He was on an Amtrak train passing through Grand Junction when he fell ill. He deboarded and was taken to St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, where the FBI promptly placed him under arrest. Clinton campaign representatives have thus far declined to comment. Source: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel.[49] :meanwhile
  23. A three-judge panel will hear the other illegal fundraising case from Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign. [50] Read the indictment
  24. Experts see payroll tax increase in Hillary's speech.
    Wall Sreet Journal
  25. Clinton unveils risky health care scheme. [51]
  26. Republican voters have another conservative candiate to choose from for President, as Alan Keyes has entered the race. [52]
  27. Hillary's staff also shops at Wal-Mart. [53]
  28. Hillary Clinton’s 'new' Fundraising Team includes
    same old scandal-ridden friends.
    Washington Post
  29. "Promises Made Promises Broken." One week after pledging not to campaign in Florida after the DNC voting rights fiasco, Hillary violates pledge. Sioux City Journal
  30. New junk science report says 'liberals are more flexible in their thinking' and conservatives ' more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity'; [54] How's this for tolerance and ambiguity : Hillary Rodham Clinton to begin criminal background checks on contributors before taking money in wake of the Hsu scandal [55] -- one week ago MSNBC reported convicted criminal Sandy Berger is working as an adviser to Hillary Clinton. [56]
  31. The U.S. Polls: Hillary Clinton is the only candidate a majority say they will not vote for. [57]
  32. More People See Hillary Clinton in the News Than Any GOP Presidential Candidate NewsBusters [58] Hillary still leads unless Gore gets in. [59]
  33. If it's Hillary, it's Nader too [60][61]

John Edwards

  1. Edwards' Empty Threat [62]
    "Though Edwards is an attorney he could stand a little remedial reading on the separation of powers." "He vows to take away congressional health insurance, but presidents can't do that."
  2. John Edwards is booed when introduced at a ... rock concert!!! "Edwards' appearance was met with a significant number of booes ...." John, give it up. [63]
  3. Edwards Predicts Doom for African-American Males.
    Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said if he isn’t elected president, the population of African-American males is likely to either wind up in prison or dead.
    Fox News: article Video on Breitbart TV
  4. The health care plan proposed by Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards is mandatory. "If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK." [64]
  5. Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic candidate John Edwards, lambastes his rival Barack Obama as "holier than thou" on the Iraq war and accuses Hillary Rodham Clinton of failing to show leadership on health care and Iraq. Fox News [65]
  6. John Edwards harshly criticizes Hillary Clinton's fundraising luncheon that brought together big money donors and members of Congress with expertise in homeland security as, "a 'poster child' for what is wrong with Washington and what should never happen again with a candidate running for the highest office in the land" USA Today
  7. US 2008 presidential candidate John Edwards demonizes Ann Coulter, calls her 'she-devil', accuses her of hate speech. ABC News
  8. John Edwards, demanded Democratic candidates return any campaign donations from Rupert Murdoch and News Corp., even though he earned at least $800,000 for a book published by one of the media mogul's companies. NY Post [66]
  9. Conservative Ann Coulter responds to attacks from John Edwards U.S. election campaign; Edwards still trying to detract from negative New York Times publicity. [67][68]
  10. Liz Edwards attacks Ann Coulter publicly. [69]

John McCain

  1. Latest Iowa poll: Rudy Giuliani drops to fourth, while Mike Huckabee surges in popularity:
    Mitt Romney: 28% v. 26% in July.
    Mike Huckabee: 24%, v. 8% in July.
    Fred Thompson: 15%, v. 13%.
    Rudy Giuliani: 13%, v. 14%.
    Sen. John McCain: 6%, v. 8%.
    Rep. Ron Paul: 6%, v. 2%. [70]
  2. John McCain sharpens his website rhetoric: "The nomination of Rudy Giuliani would likely lead to the formation of a third party made up of social conservatives." [71]
  3. The liberal media are returning to Presidential candidate John McCain, declaring that "McCain still has a double-digit base of support" and has "seen modest upticks in New Hampshire polls" and "gained some ground in Florida and California as Giuliani's lead narrowed." McCain is scheduled to be on a Sunday news talk show for the third week in a row. [72]
  4. Internal rivalries sink John McCain's lost campaign for the job of President of the United States of America.[73] Advice to McCain: stop acting like a liberal and start being a conservative. But is it too late for him?

Mike Huckabee

  1. Conservative journalist Robert Novak calls Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, "The False Conservative." [74] Read and reply to our editor's response here.
  2. Latest Iowa poll: Rudy Giuliani drops to fourth, while Mike Huckabee surges in popularity:
    Mitt Romney: 28% v. 26% in July.
    Mike Huckabee: 24%, v. 8% in July.
    Fred Thompson: 15%, v. 13%.
    Rudy Giuliani: 13%, v. 14%.
    Sen. John McCain: 6%, v. 8%.
    Rep. Ron Paul: 6%, v. 2%. [75]
  3. Presidential race in Iowa still a toss-up for Republicans: Romney is at 27%, Huckabee is at 21%, and Giuliani is at 15% in the latest poll. [76]
  4. Guess who has endorsed Mike Huckabee for president? [77]
  5. Mike Huckabee defends his record as a conservative:
    "BLITZER (CNN): Phyllis Schlafly is critical of you and she's a conservative -- very conservative. You are being criticized by the conservatives, by the liberals, but she said this in The Wall Street Journal on Friday: "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas and left the Republican Party a shambles, yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a compassionate conservative are now trying to sell us on Mike Huckabee." Does she have a point as far as your record in Arkansas is concerned?

    HUCKABEE: You know, I love Phyllis Schlafly. In fact, her book, "It's a Choice, Not an Echo," was a great influence on me when I read it as a teenager. And I'm not going to say anything unkind about this lady who has been such a stalwart in the conservative movement. Rather than say, hey, you know, I think Phyllis is wrong, I think Phyllis has just been misinformed. Because she's a good and decent lady who is very principled.

    But here's the fact. When I came into office as governor, we had 11 House members out of 100 who were Republican. By the time I left, we had had 30. We had appointees all over the place. We had elections that were won. My PAC that I established gave more money to Republican candidates in Arkansas than did the state party. You know, I worked hard for the party. It's a tough environment. I've been against the headwinds of a very tough, Clinton-led political machine in this state.

    But you know what I've done that no other Republican running for president has done? I've beat that political machine of the Clintons, the Democrat Party, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times in statewide elections, something nobody else has been able to do.

    The Clintons campaigned against me every time I ran, always cordially and respectfully, but they campaigned against me, and I still won in a state that is overwhelmingly, maybe outfitted, if you will, with Clintonistas."
  6. Is Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee "a pro-life, pro-gun liberal"? This article in the Washington Times quotes conservative concerns about Huckabee.
  7. After an overwhelming victory at the Value Voter Summit, Mike Huckabee's nationwide poll numbers move in front of Mitt Romney's according to the nation's most accurate polling service.[78]
  8. Republican Mike Huckabee wins the in-person straw poll at the Values Summit by a landslide: 488 of the 952 votes. Republican Mitt Romney received only 99 in-person, on-site votes, but is being declared the winner by CNN and USA Today based on the addition of online and mail votes. Republican Fred Thompson is a bust, finishing far from the top.
  9. Conservative Republican Mike Huckabee pulls into a tie for second in the latest Iowa poll! He's tied with Fred Thompson, and both are within striking distance of front-runner Mitt Romney. [79]
  10. Uh oh, former President Bill Clinton praises ... Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee: "Mr. Huckabee is the 'only dark horse that's got any kind of chance. ... He's the best speaker they've got,' Mr. Clinton" said. Newt Gingrich added, "'You have to like Mike.'"[80]

Mitt Romney

  1. Latest Iowa poll: Rudy Giuliani drops to fourth, while Mike Huckabee surges in popularity:
    Mitt Romney: 28% v. 26% in July.
    Mike Huckabee: 24%, v. 8% in July.
    Fred Thompson: 15%, v. 13%.
    Rudy Giuliani: 13%, v. 14%.
    Sen. John McCain: 6%, v. 8%.
    Rep. Ron Paul: 6%, v. 2%. [81]
  2. GOP polling ... shows Fred Thompson stalled or dropping, a situation that has some advisers to Romney and Giuliani fretting because each of those candidates had hoped he would rob primary and caucus votes from the other. 'Thompson is dropping too fast for their good,' said the adviser." [82]
  3. Presidential race in Iowa still a toss-up for Republicans: Romney is at 27%, Huckabee is at 21%, and Giuliani is at 15% in the latest poll. [83]
  4. After an overwhelming victory at the Value Voter Summit, Mike Huckabee's nationwide poll numbers move in front of Mitt Romney's according to the nation's most accurate polling service.[84]
  5. Republican Mike Huckabee wins the in-person straw poll at the Values Summit by a landslide: 488 of the 952 votes. Republican Mitt Romney received only 99 in-person, on-site votes, but is being declared the winner by CNN and USA Today based on the addition of online and mail votes. Republican Fred Thompson is a bust, finishing far from the top.
  6. Conservative Republican Mike Huckabee pulls into a tie for second in the latest Iowa poll! He's tied with Fred Thompson, and both are within striking distance of front-runner Mitt Romney. [85]
  7. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney declared, "What I do want to see, and where I think the American people are today, is to see a conservative jurist on the Supreme Court and to see Roe v. Wade overturned."[86] Experts predict that Justice John Paul Stevens will be the next to retire, and that filling his vacancy will decide the fate of Roe v. Wade.
  8. Latest Iowa Poll Puts Clinton, Romney at Top of Voter Preferences Fox News
  9. Iowa Straw Poll results! Mitt Romney comes in first place with 31% of the vote followed by Mike Huckabee with 18% and Sam Brownback with 15%.
  10. Deja vu all over again. Romney's Campaign Headquarters burglarized in liberal Massachusetts. AP
  11. New Romney Ad Targets Illegal Migrants. Townhall

Ron Paul

  1. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul: "There is something rather amazing about the Internet .... I've been used to delivering a message very similar to what I'm delivering tonight for many, many years and not getting a whole lot of responses. And all of a sudden, there’s a whole generation of people now very excited about hearing about the message of freedom." [87]

Rudy Giuliani

  1. The liberal media are returning to Presidential candidate John McCain, declaring that "McCain still has a double-digit base of support" and has "seen modest upticks in New Hampshire polls" and "gained some ground in Florida and California as Giuliani's lead narrowed." McCain is scheduled to be on a Sunday news talk show for the third week in a row. [88]
  2. Who was fooled by Senator Sam Brownback? He just came close to endorsing Rudy Giuliani for president. After meeting with Giuliani, Brownback says he is "much more comfortable now that I understand the mayor’s position." [89]
  3. Uh oh, pro-life former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson endorses Rudy Giuliani for President!
  4. Republican support for pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani is dropping like a stone. Giuliani "has seen a dramatic erosion in his support, which now stands at its lowest point of the year, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Giuliani's support dropped from 37% in a July poll to 28% in the latest (national) survey, and his decline from February has been even more sharp. Then, he had the backing of 53% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and had a better than 2 to 1 advantage over his closest rival." Washington Post excerpt
  5. Firefighters Vs. Giuliani - International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) smears Rudy Giuliani. FactCheck says that even though the union claims they're non-partisan, records show the IAFF leans heavily Democratic.
  6. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani picks libertarians (Ted Olson and Miguel Estrada) and an executive (Larry Thompson), all likely to be pro-choice, to head his panel for nominating judges.[90] Olson opposed conservative John Roberts in 1982 on limiting jurisdiction, [91] and Estrada applied RICO against abortion protesters and forced open the airwaves to profanity. The neoconservative (socially liberal) Power Line blog deadpans, "It would be hard to come up with a group of lawyers and judges that would be more reassuring to conservatives in this regard." It isn't that "hard" to find real pro-lifers.

Sam Brownback

  1. Who was fooled by Senator Sam Brownback? He just came close to endorsing Rudy Giuliani for president. After meeting with Giuliani, Brownback says he is "much more comfortable now that I understand the mayor’s position." [92]
  2. Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback is expected to drop out Friday.[93]
  3. Republican Presidential candidate Sam Brownback is almost out of money. "The Kansas senator has less than $95,000 in the bank, according to his latest Federal Election Commission report."[94]

Tommy Thompson

  1. Uh oh, pro-life former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson endorses Rudy Giuliani for President!
  2. Tommy Thompson gracefully bows out of the 2008 presidential race. To which remaining candidate will his pro-life supporters flock?

Tom Tancredo

  1. "Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo announced Monday he won't seek a sixth term in Congress from Colorado next year, saying he has succeeded in making illegal immigration a national issue. But Tancredo said he will continue his long-shot bid for the White House and hinted that if that fails, he would consider running for the Senate."[95]


  1. Will the Values Summit rally behind a conservative presidential candidate? "Over 2,000 social conservatives are expected to attend the Oct. 19-21 values voter summit in Washington, where eight Republican presidential hopefuls will address the largest gathering of pro-family activists."[96]
  2. Democratic presidential hopefuls face YouTube Interrogators. FactCheck found a few misstatements. [97]
  3. America's ABC devotes 64 minutes to Democrat White House Contenders; Zero for GOP. NewsBusters:[[98]
  4. HuffPost Blogger: Left Cowardly For Shunning Fox News. P.J. Gladnick at NewsBusters says "The only problem I have with that title is that it isn't just the 'Left Fringe' that is afraid of appearing on Fox. It is also the mainstream Democrats, including such pandering presidential candidates as John Edwards and Barack Obama". [99]
  5. Appealing to Gays - Democratic candidates to attend debate on issues appealing to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Fox News[100]
  6. Religious Adherence of US 2008 Presidential Candidates High on Voters' Minds.
    Fox News[101]
  7. After decades of trashing people of faith, United States Democratic Party Presidential contenders embrace religion. Time magazine