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Liberal poll shows only a tiny bump for Hillary Clinton after the biased moderated debate. [1]

America has one shot at a better kind of change: to redeem ourselves from eight years of tyranny. [2]

Donald Trump holds massive rally in Melbourne, FL.[3]

Donald Trump questions why debate moderator Lester Holt didn't ask about Hillary's scandals.VIDEO.

8 examples where "fact checking" became liberal opinion journalism in Trump-Clinton news coverage. [4]

Like Ronald Reagan in 1980, Trump achieved the goal of looking presidential and disproving liberal smears that he lacked the necessary temperament, observes a writer for USA Today

Is God using Islam to force His people, Israel, to come to grips with Him once and for all? [5]

Another reason to unplug the NFL: it has become yet another cult of idol worship in the long, sorry history of fallen man. [6]

Media Research Center's Brent Bozelle: "Lester Holt clearly heard the cries of his colleagues in the liberal media to be tough on Trump and ease up on Hillary loud and clear. Holt continually challenged, fact-checked, and interrupted Trump and not once challenged Hillary."[7]

The liberal media ruin the debate with idiotic questions, like asking whether Obama was born in the United States and arguing with Trump about whether he supported the Iraq War. The massive potential audience was squandered by the media.

Hillary Clinton's eyes look and move oddly during the debate, while she spews out heavily scripted soundbites. Hillary apparently has trouble rolling her eyes rightward toward Trump.

Citigroup just upped their odds of Donald Trump winning.[8]

"Latest Bloomberg National Poll Has Trump Up 2 Points on Hillary on Debate Day." [9]

A radical new proposal for distributing power in Israel: break the power of its major State labor union and offer Employee Stock Ownership Programs to place State enterprises directly in employees' hands, not government or union hands. [10]

Charlotte police released footage of the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, who was shot and killed by police.[11]

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will meet Monday night for their first debate in a virtual dead heat in the race for the White House.[12]

Cruz stumps for Trump After abandoning months of opposition to his former Republican primary foe, Cruz endorsed Trump as the best way to stop Hillary Clinton. [13]

To understand Barack Obama and how he could have become President, first understand what replaced the guiding philosophy of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. [14]

Barack Obama made his farewell speech to the United Nations and explicitly called for an end to American sovereignty. And he has been working toward this goal since he took office as President of the United States. [15]

Donald Trump: "If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!"[16]

The U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton continued a program to embolden foreign, revolutionary, social media activists to agitate for regime change in various parts of the world.[17]

Short Hillary Clinton wants to debate the much taller Donald Trump on a step stool.[18] Hillary knows Trump is more presidential and wants to fake looking more presidential.

Should the States apply to Congress to call an Article V convention of the States for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution? Reflections on a simulated convention, and interviews with convention organizers. [19]

"Obama used pseudonym in emails with Clinton," which shocked even a Clinton aide. [20]

Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency for the city of Charlotte, NC and deployed the National Guard and State Highway Patrol troopers to assist local police. City has not released the video which is said to be an ambiguous video.[21][22]

A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem.[23]

Will a conservative version of ESPN and national sports leagues emerge? Will there be a football league where Tim Tebow can be a quarterback?

"Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton nationally by five points, according to the latest Rasmussen poll." [24]

Arabs invoke the name of their God, while the leaders of Israel seem ashamed of Him. That is a recipe for defeat after defeat. [25]

Recent evidence refutes the notion that believing in evolution automatically makes you smart. Even further evidence shows why evolution has even less support than has creation. [26][27]

Audience immediately laughs when Democrat uses this word to describe Hillary Clinton.[28]

A left-wing blogger says one of Hillary Clinton’s top aides urged him in 2008 to write articles suggesting that then-Senator Barack Obama “was not a natural born citizen.”[29]

Monday's "presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump promises to be the most watched ever, with an audience that could exceed 100 million people," much higher than for Obama's liberal claptrap. [30]

What animates Arab culture, to an unhealthy extent? Hatred – one of the Seven Deadly Sins. [31]

'Hillary Clinton has plenty of victims of her own – victims of her failed policies as well as of any "hit jobs" she might have ordered. [32]

The U.S. presidential race across the battleground states has tightened considerably.[33]

German voters punish Angela Merkel and her party the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) for their wide open immigration policy. The right-wing party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), made big gains.[34]

Trump puts together a new Prolife coalition headed by Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List. [35]

What is wrong in Israel? Perhaps they exchanged the true God for the "god" of democracy. [36]

Phyllis Schlafly's last book 'The Conservative Case For Trump' has already outsold Hillary Clinton's book 'Stronger Together'. [37]

The Israel Defense Forces now concentrate on evacuating people to a safe distance. They need to think about attack, not defense or retreat. [38]

A new manifesto for the Jewish people calls for an end to proportional representation and a remake of the Knesset in the image of the British Parliament. [39]

The latest USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times tracking poll puts Republican nominee Donald Trump up nearly 7 points over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as of Sunday morning — and over 20% among black voters.[40]

Supporters of the ISIS rushed to celebrate Saturday night’s powerful explosion in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood that injured at least 29 people.[41]

"Priebus Warns Kasich, Bush, CruzRNC May Block Future Runs for Lying About Supporting Trump." [42]

Carl Gallups at PNN News and Ministry Network has launched a book on Bible prophecies and their relationship to modern times. The book is called When the Lion Roars.[43]

Harsh words for so-called conservative parties in Israel who still agree to lopsided prisoner exchanges and "land for peace." [44]

Phyllis Schlafly slowed the march of social liberalism by decades in America which caused several longstanding conservative victories which remain with us today.[45]

An election analysis conducted in the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project shows that the presidential race has tightened considerably over the past few weeks.[46]

Rating the most disliked groups of Americans: Atheists take spot number 2 due to "lack of morals". [47]

Donald Trump allows late night talk host Jimmy Fallon to mess up his hair on national television while he is "still a civilian." [48]

DHS accused of sitting on damning border report as immigration continues to be a hot button presidential campaign issue.[49]

Donald Trump hands over medical records to Dr. Oz on television show.[50]

L.A. Times stunned by racial diversity of Donald Trump campaign volunteers.[51]

Does Hillary Clinton use a decoy? It wouldn't be the first time! Adolf Hitler, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, Josef Stalin, and many others have used decoys. [52]

Hillary Clinton was so incapacitated that her car drove off with her missing a shoe.[53]

Atheists harass an orphanage that refused to agree to accept a donation with a stipulation attached to it.[54] See also: Atheism and charity

A Clinton win would ensure the most liberal Supreme Court in 80 years, according to commentary in the Washington Times. [55]

The University of Minnesota reports that in recent years American dislike of atheists has grown.[56][57] See: American atheism

In a four way race, which includes the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are now tied according to a New York Times/CBS News poll.[58]

Recent Donald Trump rally in Canton, Ohio. [59]

The Hillary Clinton campaign on Wednesday released what it called a “comprehensive update” on the candidate’s medical information.[60]

Hillary Clinton may try and skip debates by claiming that she may not recover from her pneumonia until late October.[61]

Anti-Semitism has always been the easiest propaganda tool. Why do the Jews take it on the chin? They should take the offensive. [62]

A new book by a highly successful prosecutor asks a chilling question: What if some of the world's wealthiest people manipulate war and terrorism for their own gain? [63]

A Muslim group seeks to rewrite or erase history, specifically as regards the September 11, 2001 attacks. [64]

"Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing." [65]

Even liberals are criticizing Hillary Clinton now, for concealing her medical problems as she seeks to become president. [66]

Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony.[67][68]

WebMD on pneumonia: "In older adults and in people with other health problems, recovery may take 6 to 8 weeks or longer."

Bill Clinton suggested Donald Trump’s campaign rallying cry, “Make America Great Again,” is racist code. But he repeatedly used the exact same phrase. [69]

Donald Trump’s speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC.[70]

"BREAKING: Democrats May Hold Emergency Meeting to Consider Replacing Hillary Clinton." [71]

Hillary Clinton described half of Donald Trump's supporters as a "basket of deplorables" in a fundraising speech. [72]

  • ... regrets saying it [73]

Phyllis Schlafly's funeral Saturday was honored with a eulogy by Donald Trump, who received a standing ovation! [74]

Hillary Clinton tells a self-grandizing femnist lie.[75]

Poll of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) show 71% of their doctors believe Hillary Clinton's health concerns are “serious" and "could be disqualifying for the position of President of the U.S.”.[76]

Emails obtained through a federal lawsuit show top aides to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were running interference internally during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.[77]

Obama nominates first Muslim federal judge.[78]

The American people are now in revolt against the Mainstream Media and the establishment they speak for. [79]

As we remember the September 11, 2001 attacks, let us remember an earlier September 11: the Battle of Vienna in 1683. This is why Muslims chose that date. [80]

Has America destroyed itself through abandonment of principles of law and morality? [81]

Phyllis Schlafly makes the conservative case for Donald Trump's presidency. [82] Her posthumous book The Conservative Case for Trump is #400 on Amazon.

Thirteen reasons why democracy and Islam don't mix. [83]

Who is the authority to which people should appeal in matters of science or anything else? Fallible man? Or infallible God? [84][85]

Tim Tebow is officially a New York Mets player. Signs contract to enter their minor league program. [86]

The Nation on Phyllis Schlafly: Donald Trump "slipped in a reference to her as an 'America First' battler and praised her legacy as a 'movement' builder and leader. That movement did not start recently. Phyllis Schlafly began building it 70 years ago. She built it within the Republican Party. And now, in the age of Trump, it has come to define the Republican Party." [87]

The Washington Post on Phyllis Schlafly: "Schlafly's ideas on sex education and sexual harassment in the workplace continue to thrive. That's both a testament to Schlafly's considerable political skill and the enduring appeal of some of her ideas." [88]

The Atlantic on Phyllis Schlafly: "it was impossible to look at the work she had done and not recognize the skill, savvy, and frankly, genius it took to build and market the STOP ERA movement." [89]

A stark choice in the 2016 Presidential Election. [90]

Donald Trump for President rally in Greenville, NC.[91]

Muslim group takes issue with the fact that the 9/11 memorial refers to the attackers as “Islamic terrorists”.[92]

Sen. Lindsey Graham and Mark Levin are now saying good things about Donald Trump.[93][94]

President Rodrigo Duterte vs. Obama.[95] Obama must have known the Duterte powderkeg would go off if he lit match, but he couldn't resist.

Political cartoon about Hillary Clinton: "An elusive creature".[96]

Anarchy results when chosen leaders act without law. [97]

A way to embarrass anyone even thinking about voter fraud: let them see red! [98]

Trump leads Hillary by 2 points in latest CNN poll, so the liberal media headline calls it "near even" rather than saying Trump leads. [99]

An irony of history: The feminist witch Betty Friedan was so mad about the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment that she warned Phyllis Schlafly, “I’d like to burn you at the stake.”[100]

Donald Trump "said Mrs. Schlafly was 'a conservative icon who led millions to action, reshaped the conservative movement, and fearlessly battled globalism and the ‘kingmakers’ on behalf of America’s working class.'" [101]

Conservative legend Phyllis Schlafly passes away at age 92. [102]

She spent 70 years in public service to her fellow Americans. "Mrs. Schlafly drove feminists nuts," observes the Washington Post. [103]

Dr. Robert Lahita, Chair of Medicine at Newark’s Beth Israel Medical Center: Hillary Clinton's health is "disconcerting at best."[104]

Sick Hillary: Violently coughing on stage in Cleveland. She should get some more rest and we should get her health records. [105]

Moral relativism leads to denial of knowledge itself. And to abandonment of common sense. [106]

The most dire threat Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton pose: contempt for the law and voters willing to tolerate that. [107]

New Atheist Convention cancelled. Lack of interest. [108]

Shameless Clinton Foundation is a bribery receptacle.[109]

Donald Trump hired veteran conservative organizer David Bossie to help build his campaign’s voter-turnout operation.[110]

No show Hillary Clinton, that’s what we call her in Louisiana. [111]

"DONALD TRUMP RECEIVES STANDING OVATION" at an African American church in Detroit, but the lamestream media resort to liberal denial about it. [112]

CNN admits that Trump's speech was a "warmly received message of unity that focused on fixing economic hardship in the black community," in Detroit. [113]

The deeper meaning behind Colin Kaepernick's display: perhaps America should unplug more than just the NFL. [114]

What Donald Trump must do to win: be sure of the integrity of the election process. [115]

First Florida hurricane in 11 years.[116]

Will Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton be too busy fundraising, vacationing, golfing, etc. to visit Florida? Will Donald Trump have to do their job again?

The resources of Mexican drug cartels, will be seized and used to fund Donald Trump’s border wall if he wins the 2016 presidential election.[117]

Donald Trump said Wednesday night there is “only one core issue” in the debate over immigration.[118]

Hillary Clinton's incoherent attempt to preempt the Donald Trump visit to Mexico.[119]

More evidence that New Atheism is dead and militant atheism is dying in the West.[120]

The Christian blog Shadow To Light posted a great article entitled New Atheism’s Obituary.[121]

"Trump Leads as Hillary Clinton Loses Post-Convention Polling Bounce." [122] Wow, that did not take long!

As Trump improves to nearly even with Hillary in the polls, he "laid out a 10-point, hard-line immigration plan in Phoenix Wednesday night that quashed any expectations he would pivot from his position or soften his tone." [123]

Some of Israel's leaders think all they have to do is "explain." The Hebrew word for that is hasbara. But you can't always explain away your enemy's reasons for inveterate hate. [124]

The real battle Donald Trump is fighting: for national sovereignty against the concept of globalism. [125]

"Obama's former doctor: Clinton should have neurological exam." [126] Liberal denial at work by Clinton supporters in claiming otherwise?

Anthony Weiner's third internet sex scandal is one humiliation too many for Huma Abedin - she dumps Anthony Weiner.[127]

Nigel Farage says he gave Donald Trump a bounce and Trump will be the next Ronald Reagan.[128]]

New York Times: Breitbart News has arrived. [129] Breitbart News is solidly pro-Trump.

Donald Trump is on track to win Pennsylvania's 20 electoral college votes, as he closes the gap to only 3 points. [130] Trump will beat polls by 5 points due to higher turnout and the boost that Ronald Reagan and Brexit had over polling.

Why would patriotic Americans support the NFL, as a leading QB announces he will defiantly refuse again to stand for the National Anthem? Addiction to watching football is difficult for many to break, but conservative values help.

Education is the path to emancipation. But of course the Democrat Party does not want true emancipation for some of its constituents. Could that be why those same constituents are now giving Donald Trump a second look? [131]

Now the Denver Broncos do not have a decent quarterback, when they could have been developing the hard-working winner Tim Tebow. [132] Tebow quotes the Bible too much to be allowed to play in the NFL.

The dignity of humankind derives and inheres from God. Liberals will never admit this. Neither will Muslims. [133]

Why liberals and socialists are so in love with Islamand why the world might owe Friedrich Nietzsche an apology. [134]

Another reason to unplug the NFL: unlike 20 years ago, and unlike the NBA, the NFL is OK with players defiantly refusing to stand for the National Anthem. [135] Time to unplug 'em.

The atheist movement and battle fatigue.[136]

ISIS and the Nazi SS: some disturbing parallels. [137]

Trump narrows gap from 12 points to only 5, as Hillary loses much of her lead in the past few days. [138]

Kids distracted by devices - an experiment.[139]

Watch Donald Trump Rally in Jackson, MS.[140]

11 liberal media outlets call for the shutdown of the Clinton Foundation.[141]

Liberal denial fooled the lamestream media, but not authorities in Brazil which was hurt by it. Liberal favorite "Ryan Lochte charged by Brazilian authorities" for making a false report to police. He downplayed its falsity, which didn't help. [142]

Evangélicos are causing American, secular leftists to quake in their boots. Evangélicos will beat militant atheism like a piñata. Olé! Olé! Olé![143]

Public interest in naturalism and anti-supernaturalism is declining. Public interest in the miraculous and the supernatural is up.[144]

Wikileaks just dropped a bombshell about Hillary Clinton's health.[145]

7 reasons why the public must demand to see Hillary Clinton's medical records.[146]

Time for a few reminders about the last Clinton we had in the White House. [147]

Liberal media working overtime for Hillary: "NYT columnist calls on Google to 'fix' search results about Clinton's health." [148]

Gov. Mike Pence: Hillary Clinton needs to stop hiding from the media, “come clean” with Americans and “shut down the Clinton Foundation.”[149]

Rudy Giuliani: Press ignores Hillary Clinton's poor health.[150]

Is the internet destroying atheism and the atheist movement?[151]

What are the odds of the atheist movement becoming successful? 10 reasons why the atheist movement will utterly fail.[152]

A Muslim father expresses fear of the fate of his children under a Donald Trump administration. Would he prefer life in a majority Muslim country, especially in the Middle East? [153]

Animal rights activists wish death upon 12-year-old girl hunter just because she killed a giraffe and a few other animals.[154]

Why are liberals picking on a 12-year-old girl?

Colin Powell pops: Hillary Clinton's trying to pin her email scandal on me![155]

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, Huma Abedin, worked for a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11.[156]

Setback for liberal denial: three companies, including Speedo and Ralph Lauren, drop their sponsorship deals with Olympian Ryan Lochte, whose self-serving lies in the media marred the 2016 Summer Olympics. [157]

The experts don't understand: the essence of Islam is totalitarian and bloodthirsty. Even many Muslims say: "moderate Muslim" is an oxymoron. [158]

7 pieces of GRIM news for the atheist who asked: "What's killing the atheist movement?".[159]

Islam departs significantly from monotheism as Jews and Christians understand the term. If the Catholic theologian George Weigand could see that, why can't Pope Francis see it, also? [160]

"Trump Widens Lead to 2 Points in Latest USC Dornsife Daybreak Poll," [161] also the Dem Governor of Louisiana praises Trump for visiting the flooding there.

How Star Trek can save itself from oblivion: re-enact the American Revolution. [162]

Atheism and disco don't mix or remix![163] See also: Atheism and dance

Question: Why didn't PZ Myers help atheists breakout out of the white, male, nerd population by encouraging disco dancing within the atheist movement in the mid 1970s and early 1980s? Professor Myers, leadership is by example! See: Atheist nerds

Liberals ruined the Olympics, from promoting a false tale of armed robbery by a media wannabe, to posting insulting messages against a young Christian gymnast. The result: "way, way down with a 33% drop in viewership and a cratering 39% in the 18-49s" from its already weak TV rating for Opening Ceremonies. [164]

The science of Star Trek makes controversial claims, some of which it cannot justify. On the other hand, it plays into some current controversies, e.g., Relativity. [165]

Liberal denial "leaves USA Swimming smoldering ... [Ryan Lochte] has done damage to people other than himself and he should take ownership of that." [166]

Evangelical Protestantism vs. atheism.[167]

Look here at what is going on in inner-city schools. Donald Trump knows this and is already talking about the obvious solution. [168]

The internet spreading reports of miracles is killing atheism and will continue to do so. Pentecostalism and evangelical Christianity are booming.

Also, the healing of amputees.[169]

A federal judge orders Hillary Clinton to answer questions from Judicial Watch about her use of a private email server when she served as secretary of state.[170]

Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence are going to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Friday to meet victims of the flooding. Hillary Clinton and Obama are vacationing.[171]

Donald Trump's black support grew 500% in one week.[172]

As children go back to school, parents must ask: What is my child learning? [173]

When you promote evolutionism, you promote license. And when you promote license, you disrespect liberty. The writers of Star Trek didn't realize that. [174]

Reviewing Zbigniew Brzezinski and the moral relativism he used as the cornerstone of his work. Barack Obama does the same. [175]

Where is Barack Hussein Obama as Louisiana drowns and inner cities burn? He's out playing golf at Martha's Vineyard, that's where. [176]

Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"? Ryan Lochte, a favorite of liberals, is indicted in Brazil for smearing the country with a false report after he misbehaved himself. He got out quickly, however, leaving his teammates detained in Rio de Janerio. [177]

2 pieces of BAD news for Irish atheists.[178]

Conservapedia proven right, again: liberal media favorite Ryan Lochte apparently "vandalized Rio gas station, got in fight," and then the media unfairly smeared Brazil with Lochte's tale of being robbed at gunpoint. [179]
Why did the International Olympic Committee defend the liars who wrongly harmed the reputation of the host nation?

How free were Federation citizens in Star Trek? Look more closely at the Articles of Federation. You won't like the answer. [180]

See how the Mainstream Media deliberately create controversy about Donald Trump to protect and promote their favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton. [181]

Olympians pulled off the plane! The liberal media promoted a tale by one of their own, swimmer Ryan Lochte, of supposedly being robbed at gunpoint. But a Brazilian judge does not cave into the American press, and now Lochte has a lot of questions to answer despite making it to U.S. [182]

When Obama went to Saudi Arabia where they stone/behead homosexuals, he did not bring up the issue of homosexuality.

When Obama goes to AIDS ravaged Africa, he pushes the homosexual agenda despite the majority of nations in Africa having anti-homosexuality views.[183] See also: Homosexuality and health

People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide - even in homosexuality friendly Sweden.[184]

Donald Trump takes off his gloves, hires the CEO of Breitbart to push back against the liberal media! "The fight with the media's going to be way worse because Breitbart was very tough on the press, more than anyone else," observes NYT media columnist Jim Rutenberg. [185]

Ever wonder how the civilians of Star Trek ran their economy? Look no further than: communism. [186]

Even the atheism loving BBC now provides ammunition to those who say that UK atheists will face an uphill battle in coming years.[187]

Remember to keep a stiff upper lip British atheists. It's going to get much worse for UK atheist activism.

Meet Mrs. Quid pro quoHillary Rodham Clinton. What do you get out of it when she sells government policy to the highest bidder? [188]

Why education must be free of government – a Constitutional and Biblical case. [189]

Jamaica is the strongest in standing up against the homosexual agenda, and the country is #1 in gold medals per capita (1M population minimum). [190] Jamaica is expected to win even more gold in upcoming sprints.

Star Trek observes its fiftieth anniversary this year. But did it project a realistic view of human social development? First in a series. [191]

A 25% drop in viewership of the Olympics among the key demographic of 18-49 year olds. "Young people today don’t watch as much television," observes Economics Prof. Andrew Zimbalist. [192] That's bad news for the liberal media.

A thermonuclear bomb of Christianity has hit the region formerly known as "godless Britain".[193]

A 3,000 pound Western atheism car is no match for a 1,000,000 pound global desecularization freight train.[194]

Also, see our new article: Atheism and morality quotes

Wonder why Germany wins zero (0) medals in gymnastics? Homeschooling is illegal in Germany.
UPDATE: two German gymnasts out of its public school system, one for ten years, finally medal.

Systems thinking: Atheism vs. evangelical Christianity. Another reason why interest in atheism plunged and evangelical Christianity is seeing rapid growth.[195]

Devoutly Christian, Usain St. Leo Bolt just won his record 3rd straight gold in the 100m dash. Notice how the liberal media never mention his middle name. [196]

Gabby Douglas is an outspokenly Christian Olympic gymnast. Liberals harassed her relentlessly on social media as they did to Tim Tebow, hindering her performance. "What did she ever do to anyone?" her mother asks. [197]

Tim Kaine, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s running mate, dined exclusively with the son of progressive billionaire George Soros on Thursday evening.[198] Kaine is in the pocket of liberal global elitists?

Hillary Clinton said she did not know if she could even stand up because she was so exhausted after the Democratic convention in Philly.[199]

Imam is shot in New York City. New York Muslims blame it on Donald Trump - not backlash relating to Muslim terrorists attacks on the USA and around the world.[200]

NBC's drop in television ratings is an even bigger loser at the Olympics than U.S. women's soccer, whose goalie is being criticized by many except the liberal media for her negative remarks after failing to medal.

Self-centered libertarianism exposed: "Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson on Friday acknowledged his donations to charity are 'almost nonexistent.'" [201]

Classic joke/satire about atheism: This is what atheists actually believe.

Cheryl Mills helped Clinton Foundation while serving as chief of staff in Clinton's State Department.[202]

Iran Ransom: Feds claim $1.7 billion paid in full - but won't explain how.[203]

AP reporter confronts State Department on Clinton Foundation: "Am I not speaking English?[204]

Liberal double standard: the media is just fine with the goalie of the losing U.S. women's soccer team calling the winning Swedish team "a bunch of cowards," but if Donald Trump ever acted that way he would be criticized relentlessly. [205]

The American Solidarity Party now has ballot access in Colorado. [206]

How the Mainstream Media have become the thing the Founding Fathers most feared. [207]

Homeschooled Simone Biles wins Olympic gold in all-around gymnastics.

Conservapedia proven right, again: despite media hype and lots of U.S. gold, viewership is down "dramatically" for the Olympics.

But even Fox News gives false liberal, rather than accurate conservative, reasons why. [208]

Donald Trump: Barack Hussein Obama is "the founder" of ISIS.[209] Co-founder of ISIS is "crooked Hillary Clinton."

Obama's America: Unknown killers have murdered three young middle-class women on jogging paths in a single week.[210] What is Obama's incompetent FBI doing about this?

Hillary Clinton is silent on the ransom paid to Iran.[211]

The elephant in the room at the Democratic National Convention: the Clinton Foundation. Where does it get its money, and how does it spend it? [212]

Another reason to unplug the NFL: new rules pander so much to Overrated Sports Stars who are quarterbacks, like Tom Brady, that opposing players will hardly be allowed even to tackle them. [213]

Homeschooled Simone Biles -- being called by some the greatest gymnast ever -- leads the U.S. to a record-breaking gold medal victory. [214]

The parents of two of the four Americans who died in the Benghazi attack are suing Hillary Clinton.[215]

Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush, is pledging to support Donald Trump in November.[216]

Dozens of news organization donated to the Clinton Foundation.[217]

The barrage of anti-atheism material upon Britain is working. British atheism is crumbling. Evangelical Christianity is on the rise![218]

Despite nonstop bias against Donald Trump by the liberal media, the latest poll shows he's tied in Florida and behind by only 2 points in Ohio. [219] If Trump gets the 5-10 point boost that Ronald Reagan got over the polls on election day, Trump will win by a landslide.

Hillary Clinton’s decision not to seek the endorsement of The Fraternal Order of Police is a sign she is “anti-law enforcement”.[220]

Donald Trump's economic plan given in Detroit speech.[221]

Hillary Clinton: Aids helped her ascend stairs.[222] Trump scaled a wall to get past protestors!

Liberal media try to smear Donald Trump unfairly again, this time claiming that "50 GOP officials" have slammed him. In fact, the 50 are a list of washed-up bureaucrats with "Former" before their obscure titles.

Ray Comfort says about his new film The Atheist Delusion, "In the past, most of what I have said to atheists has been like water off a duck's back. This movie rips the feathers off the duck."[223]

Devout Catholic Katie Ledecky, who explains her faith "defines who I am," wins Olympic gold and breaks her world record by nearly two seconds. [224]

How predictive is the 2016 Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton presidential polling?[225][226]

Fresh statistics that show Trump crushing Hillary in November. Current polling doesn't match with social media numbers. [227]

Setback for liberals: Olympic "Team USA members sing 'God Bless America.'" [228]

Our liberal rulers say Syrian refugees for thee, not for me. Dispersed to "communities at least 100 miles away from the nation’s capital." [229]

"American interest in the Olympics is at an all-time low. What gives?" [230] Joke sports, political correctness, endless swimming events won by the same person, and liberal claptrap by the media detract from the timeless event.

James Comey of the FBI had many reasons, none of them good, to give Hillary Clinton a pass. The reasons vary from conflict of interest to simple like-mindedness. [231]

Study from Harvard University finds that religion causes people to treat others more fairly. [232]

Mike Maturen is selected as the presidential candidate for the American Solidarity Party, a Christian Democratic party based on Catholic social teaching. [233]

Has a stroke made Hillary Clinton mentally ill? Watch this amazing video. [234]

Interest in atheism's kissing cousin agnosticism is dropping too. The thrill of godlessness has gone away for good![235]

Ronald Reagan wrongly signed a pro-immigration bill, so perhaps Michael Reagan is correct in asserting that Reagan would have differed from Donald Trump on whether to endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain. [236] But Ronald Reagan also became pro-gun control and no conservative claims he was perfect.

Until America identifies and recognizes Islam as the enemy of civilization, America will lose the war. [237]

The List: The last 30 days of Islamic terrorist attacks. 1165 people were killed and 1803 injured. [238]

Tragic news from gun controlled Britain: "London knife attack leaves 1 dead, 5 hurt." [239]

"#NeverTrump Kansas GOP Lawmaker Loses Primary to Pro-Trump Challenger," and more incumbents who cling to "Toxic Ted Cruz" could also lose. [240]"

Islam is Islam, regardless of any qualifiers. Are more Western leaders at last beginning to understand that? [241]

Could the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse refer, not to outbreaks of war, but to violence of all kinds? Including abortion, crime, and rioting, as well as terrorism? [242]

Two historic firsts: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Which do you find more attractive? Look at the record. [243]

This is pathetic: Obama tries to lecture Republicans and tell conservatives whom to support. [244] Does Obama really think his opinion has any credibility?

Muslims easily take offense – maybe too easily. Could they do this by design, to stop people from looking too closely? [245]

The horrific Zika virus spreads into Florida from South America: "This is the first time the CDC has warned people not to travel to an American neighborhood for fear of catching an infectious disease." [246]

Conservapedia proven right, again: "Top Jeb Bush adviser leaves GOP, will vote for Clinton if Florida close." [247] Jeb was a puppet for the Establishment.

Shock poll: live on Bravo TV has Trump beating Clinton 65% To 35%. "This poll received more responses than any other poll ever done" [248]

Bernie abandons Dems by leaving the party: "Bernie Sanders Leaves Democratic Party to Return to Independent in Senate." [249]

"Koch Brothers Will Not Oppose Globalist Clinton; Ryan Headlines Event." [250]

What modern liberalism shares in common with a more ancient error: paganism. [251]

Happy 60th birthday to our national motto 'In God We Trust.' We're certain that not many Progressives will be celebrating this. [252]

New poll conducted after the Democrat convention shows Trump with a 6-point lead. No bounce for Hillary. [253]

Ray Comfort: Atheism Destroyed with One Scientific Question.[254]

A pre-release digital download of the movie was just released and is available now at AtheistMovie.com.

In this election, do Americans have a good choice? [255]

Recent study from the Barna Group finds churchgoing Americans are among the most generous people in the world. Cities with the highest percentage of people who give to charities are also the cities who give most often to churches. [256]

Hillary Clinton's television ratings for her much-promoted speech were a bust, lower than Donald Trump's. [257]

Time for the Koch brothers to put up or shut up: "An adviser to another major Koch network donor added: 'Some of the Koch donor class this weekend is surely going to say, Hey, guys, get on board" for Donald Trump. [258]

Liberal double standard: Obama plagiarized a line from Donald Trump, Jr.'s speech, he tweets. Donald Jr. said in his speech, "That's not the America I know” and Obama later delivered virtually the same line. "Where's the outrage?" Donald Jr. adds. [259]

Islam is not a religion. It is a political movement in religious dress. [260]

This is pathetic: Obama tries to persuade Americans that Trump is not conservative. If so, wouldn't that make Obama like Trump more?? "But what we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican – and it sure wasn’t conservative," Obama absurdly said in his speech Wednesday night. [261]

"Trump steals the spotlight at Democratic convention." [262] Once the liberal media belatedly realized this, they abruptly dropped their headlines about him.

Time for nominal Christians to "wake up" and join the ranks of the living in Christ. [263]

"Sanders Delegates Walk out of Convention in Protest" by the hundreds. [264]

"Dems fret over Trump bounce ... A new CBS News survey shows Trump leading 44 percent to 43 percent, and a Los Angeles Times/USC poll shows him with a 4-point lead ... Quinnipiac University earlier this month showing Trump up by 3 points in Florida and 2 points in Pennsylvania." [265]

Abraham began the most critical period of human history by substituting monotheism for polytheism. Will Islam bring human history to a close? [266]

A condensed version of dirt concerning the DNC emails released by Wikileaks A rigged system and media collusion is an understatement. [267]

Top Dem at their convention is forced to resign after leaked emails "show a plot by DNC officials to damage Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary." [268]

Liberal logic: the Munich young mass murderer was obsessed with playing violent video games and planned his attack for a year, [269] and yet some claim that there were no warning signs.

"Hungary prime minister says Trump is better candidate for Europe." [270]

Another teenager obsessed with video games commits mass murder. The killer of 9 in Germany used a fake Facebook account to lure young victims. [271]

Hillary Clinton shows her worry about being defeated by pro-life Catholic voters: Hillary picked as VP so-called "anti-abortion" Catholic Tim Kaine (he's not really against abortion), thereby "Testing Feminists’ Loyalty." [272]

Why electing Donald Trump is a conservative imperative. [273]

Donald Trump gave a fiery, passionate acceptance speech: "Americanism not globalism will be our credo! ... The American people will come first once again. ... There can be no prosperity without law and order. ... Hillary Clinton is their puppet, and [big business, elite media, and major donors] pull the strings." About the forgotten Americans, Trump declares "I am your voice!"

Future of Fox News Channel thrown into doubt: "Roger Ailes Resigns as Fox News Chief After Sexual Harassment Accusations." [274]

Sarah Palin: “Cruz’s broken pledge to support the will of the people tonight was one of those career-ending ‘read my lips’ moments,” yet Cruz himself remains defiant afterwards and invents new excuses for it. [275]

Delegates booed Ted Cruz and heckled his wife after Cruz refused to endorse Trump at the convention tonight. "On the donor suite level, people approached Cruz and insulted him, a source told CNN's Dana Bash. ... 'He's self-centered. It's all about Ted Cruz,'" observed the Republican national committeeman from Arkansas, Jonathan Barnett. [276]

Cruz delegates throw a tantrum on the floor of the Republican National Convention, disrupting it as Leftists try to do. [277] Self-centered, delusional Cruz is doing the work of Hillary Clinton.

Killer of 3 policemen had belonged to the Nation of Islam, and posted a video ranting against "crackers". [278]

Trump announces that he picked Mike Pence to unify the Republican Party, [279] but self-serving Ted Cruz continues to break his pledge to support the nominee, and Cruz continues his delusional campaign for 2020.

"Pence opposes gun control, abortion, same-sex marriage and amnesty for immigrants." [280] But Ted Cruz and Cruzites refuse to support Trump-Pence, and instead continue Cruz's delusional run for 2020.

Conservative Mike Pence is picked as VP by Donald Trump, according to reports.
UPDATE: Trump tweeted confirmation it's Pence.

Capitalism and socialism: those are the choices we face in this election. [281]

Is Barack Obama deliberately fomenting chaos to justify declaring martial law? Why did he create a Ready Reserve Corps and bury that in the Obamacare Bill? [282]

Barack Obama shows his true colors with his conduct in the Orlando shooting, the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, and other crimes. [283]

Conservative triumph on the GOP Platform, which for the first time includes building a Wall along the southern border. Liberal Republicans, encouraged by LGBT advocates, will file a minority report for the first time in 40 years, and attempt to force a debate before the full convention on Monday. [284]
UPDATE: the minority report collapses, in humiliation to the Cruz delegates who supported it.

Setback for the homosexual agenda: all motions to advance the agenda in the Republican platform have been defeated during its general session today in Cleveland. Next up this afternoon: will the new inclusion into the platform of a Wall remain?

Severe flooding overwhelms Kentucky. The Answers in Genesis Noah's ark replica called the Ark Encounter came through the flood fine as it was built to biblical standards.[285]

A mother on Conservapedia: "I suggest you go to www.conservapedia.com, click on the link, "Atheism Is a Religion". Secularists are so quick to point out treachery done by "Christians", but at Conservapedia, there's extensive documentation of treachery done by non-theists to be found there. I'm not saying that you're among them, but like it or not it's reality."[286] See also: Moral failures of the atheist population

The young mass murderer had been active on Facebook in ranting against "whites". [287] Yet the lamestream media fails to explore a potential psychological effect of Facebook on attention-seekers who resort to mass murder.

Sniper who "wanted to kill white people -- especially white officers" shot 12 police officers in Dallas, killing 5. [288]

Is delusional Ted Cruz asking for Donald Trump's endorsement for 2020 in their private meeting today? [289] More likely Trump is telling Ted that the train is leaving the station now, with or without Ted.

Update from delusional Cruzites: instead of working to elect Donald Trump, Ted Cruz is already planning his run for president in 2020! [290] The mega-donors financing Cruz are globalists, not social conservatives.

John Bachtell, national chairman of the Communist Party USA, is backing Hillary Clinton for president.[291]

Massive student debt incurred with Worst College Majors gets a potential loophole for students to avoid paying, but only at for-profit colleges. [292]

Breitbart runs a story on biased "Wikipedia’s Seven Worst Moments." [293] "Far from the truth" is how many would view any denial of Wikipedia's bias, Breitbart adds.

Barack Obama didn't start the bloody history of Islam. But he has enabled it during his seven and a half years in office. [294]

FBI Director James B. Comey recommends no charges for Hillary Clinton for her email practices as Secretary of State. [295]

Comey indicates: "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."

Double standard. Hillary Clinton is above the law.

Update on Worst College Majors: "Few Top Colleges Require History Majors to Study American History." [296]

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