Restore Sanity rally

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Rally to Restore Sanity is another attempt by liberals to counter the influence of Glenn Beck and the Tea Party Movement. The rally, scheduled for October 30th in Washington D.C., is organized by liberal comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. The rally name is similar to Glenn Beck's highly successful Restoring Honor event. While Beck's rally was a serious gathering of citizens that are concerned about our country, the Stewart rally is to mock Americans who support conservatism, to joke, laugh and have good times just days before the Democrats power and influence gets crushed at the polls on November 2nd. Many of the left's supporters of the socialist One Nation rally plan to attend. The difference maybe that the people likely in attendance will be young students that make up the television audience of the comedians and not so much a union presence. Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers endorses the rally. [1]Barack Hussein Obama has endorsed the rally.


Expect more of the same leftwing socialist advocates to put their support behind the rally. One of those groups attending is Students For Sensible Drug Policy. [2] The group pushes the legalization of marijuana. Liberalism and sanity are opposites as there is nothing sane about promoting the use of drugs. Another discredited liberal group attending is PETA. [3] The Huffington Post returns with transportation for 14,000. Government workers plan to march at the rally. In defense of their coworkers, government workers and their friends and family are encouraged to join up and march together for the "Government Doesn't Suck March." [4]

Per the Rally To Restore Sanity website,

Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement; the Million Man March, only a lot smaller, and a bit less of a sausage fest; or the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we’ll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila.

See Also


  1. Terrorist Ayers Endorses Stewart/Colbert Rallies, Accuracy in media, October 26, 2010
  3. Stewart, Colbert: Isn't there a better way to restore sanity?, WaPo, October 26, 2010
  4. 'Government Doesn't Suck' march planned, WaPo, October 25, 2010

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