Liberal logic
From Conservapedia
Liberal logic is a term used to describe arguments made by some liberals that may appear logical, but are actually harmful or nonsensical. Often liberal logic is based on a desire to fool the public perceived to be dimwitted, while advancing a liberal agenda. Here are more than 100 examples:
- Eco-terrorism attacked Elon Musk's Tesla factory in Germany, despite how electric cars are considered to be green energy.[1]
- "Don't you work here?"[2] Leftists prohibited unvaccinated employees in NYC, but allowed unvaccinated spectators, so unvaccinated Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving attended games but could only cheer from the stands, where Covid was more likely to spread.
- Marijuana was legalized in California based on the argument that legal sales are better than illegal ones, but years later the illegal sales are still far greater than the legal ones.[3]
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, reportedly told communist China that he would give them advance warning of any military strike against them by the Trump Administration, and liberals defend that senselessness.
- No matter how much the COVID vaccine fails to immunize recipients against COVID-19, require the vaccine anyway.
- Welcome gender-confused males competing in girls' and women's sports, or girls taking testosterone injections as transgenders while competing in girls' sports, despite the unfair advantage granted to those males or testosterone-boosted females.
- If a crime is committed against a member of a predominantly Democrat group, then it's a "hate crime"; if committed against a member of a mostly Republican group, then it is not.
- The young mass murderer who killed nine in Munich in July 2016 was obsessed with violent video games and plotted his rampage for a year, but liberals insist "there were no warning signs."
- No matter what happens in the weather, "global warming" must have caused it (though liberals now prefer the term "climate change" as it is a catch-all phrase that can be used to mean whatever they want it to mean as it relates to the weather and the environment, no matter what happens).
- Insist on "tolerance" for anything that is anti-Christian, while promoting censorship for anything which is Christian.
- Pope Francis is taller than "Fidel Castro," Obama is much taller than Pope Francis, but the real Fidel was taller than Obama. Obama spent several days in Cuba in 2016 yet never met or even mentioned Fidel during the much-publicized visit. Yet liberals insisted Fidel was still "alive and well" until President-elect Trump had to be briefed about the truth in late November 2016, and then Fidel was suddenly declared deceased.
- Claim something is true merely because a (nearly bankrupt) newspaper said so (see appeal to authority)
- Obama, whose statements and activities are Islamic and does not attend church, is somehow a "Christian" while Thomas Jefferson, a regular churchgoer, was "not a Christian".
- Claim that mass ownership of the largely defensive weapon of guns does not reduce crime
- Assuming what is to be proved, as in implausibly assuming that radioactive decay has somehow been constant in order to claim that the Earth is old.
- Claim that liberals' viewpoints are being "censored", while actually they are the ones censoring their opponents.
- Claim that switching from heterosexual to homosexual is "customary", but switching back is somehow "impossible".
- Insist that someone needs to experience something (e.g., drugs, pornography, gambling, etc.) before being able to criticize it,[4] while conversely, liberals also insist that once someone experiences something, they then forfeit the right to criticize it - but liberals hypocritically do not apply that rule to themselves.
- Pretend to base their opinion on an unverifiable or unusual personal experience, when real logic would be a better guide.
- Criticize Christians for literal interpretations of Genesis, but then insist on even more literal interpretations when it suits the liberal ideology.[5]
- Belief that a correlation and/or causation (e.g., between atheism and suicide) can be disproved by a counterexample (e.g., one atheist who remained sane).
- Responding to a logical comment or question with an (illogical) expression of personal like or dislike, as in "but I like it!"
- Never admitting shame for liberal behavior, but often telling others they should be "ashamed of themselves".
- Circular reasoning as in demanding censorship of creation science and intelligent design in schools and scientific journals, while simultaneously citing the resulting lack of those views in schools and journals as proof against it![6]
- Americans should "move on" past the misconduct of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama, but should dig up as much old dirt as possible about Republican candidates.
- Highly implausible assumptions in "if ... then" arguments, such as "if embryonic stem cell research will find the cure for paralysis, then would you support it?" (without any consideration of superior alternatives)
- Barack Obama on Afghanistan: with fewer soldiers, we didn't have enough ammo and humvees![7]
- Free speech for anything and everything ... except the conservative truth, and religion.
- Insisting (through selective misinterpretation of Matthew 7:1-3[8]) that the Bible literally prohibits judging anything.
- Hollywood promotion of abortion is welcomed, but views of Hollywood actresses towards their own children are concealed.
- The belief that, although carrying an unborn child to birth reduces risk of breast cancer, choosing abortion rather than childbirth somehow does not increase the relative risk.
- Requesting increased spending by government to reduce poverty, when actually poverty is increased by the dependency.
- Claiming that an atheistic culture cannot harm anyone, but also insisting that classroom prayer can cause harm.
- Claiming that teaching abstinence does not reduce premarital sex and associated disease.[9]
- Claiming that premarital sex is "acceptable" and "normal".
- Claiming that increasing taxes must increase government revenue,[10] when often people just work less and revenues then decline.
- Denying that widespread ownership of guns, largely defensive weapons, can reduce crime.
- Claiming that Roe v. Wade "cannot be overruled", or can only be overruled if it is a unanimous 9-0 vote (this argument tries to make irreversible law out of the dicta in a weak majority opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, even though the very creation of that "secret opinion" was procured by liberal deceit.)[11]
- Doing away with traditional language (such as "he" to refer to men and women), despite centuries of previous use.
- Claiming that getting rid of a sadistic dictator by going into Iraq was wrong but stepping into Sudan is not.
- Believing/claiming that the United Nations is better suited to judge and direct a country's actions rather than the country itself.
- It is a right to dissent against American policy but never take a stand if that logic moves beyond dissent and becomes treason.
- Stating "God of the gaps" to justify atheism.
- Claiming that the "wondrous, pristine national park of ANWR needs protection to keep its beauty!" (In reality, it is but a remote barren tundra that few visit.) [12]
- Claiming that it's not fair to the world that America keeps the thermostat at 72 degrees at all times.[13]
- Using a double-standard for racism and sexism when the target person is conservative.
- Claiming that it is extremely offensive to call any culture primitive or barbaric, except when they are talking about the writers of the Bible.
- Many liberals claim that even if Obama wasn't born in America then he should still be "president".
- Claiming that divine creation is "illogical" but creation from a spontaneous explosion of absolutely nothing at all "makes perfect sense".
- Failing to respect (and sometimes utterly disrespecting, such as in flag desecration) the United States of America in general while continuing their residency herein and actively demanding the benefits and liberties that come with being a citizen.
- Claiming that Christianity is not a form of diversity while praising Islam for this same reason. Later (whenever it benefits them), liberals will compare the two, claiming that few differences exist between them.
- Dodging statistics when doing so will favor the liberal agenda. A clear example of this is claiming that capital punishment is too expensive to taxpayers while they allow illegal immigrants to fly under the radar.
- Cherry picking democracy: Liberals will laud the wisdom of the people when democracy produces a liberal result, but when it produces a conservative result, liberals will complain about mobocracy and demand judicial activism.
- Assuming that any book espousing a liberal position is automatically "authoritative" and "unquestionable".
- Misplacing the burden of proof: Liberals insist that things like reports of extraterrestrial visitors have to be true until they have been conclusively disproved.
- Claiming that the First Amendment protects only expression that they like, whereas any expression that offends them is subject to politically correct censorship.
- Arguing that an opponent is inconsistent because he does not take silly extreme views, such as complaining that people are pro-life without preserving life in all circumstances.
- Tacitly assuming that their preconceived notions must be true and then dismissing all other explanations as contradicting their preconceived notions.
- That a nation can borrow its way out of debt and spend its way out of a recession.
- Claiming that economy is a zero-sum game (see false zero-sum game).
- Defending evolutionism by attacking a straw-man version of creationism rather than addressing what creationists actually say.
- Liberals claim that they value freedom and at the same time want to restrict freedom to own weapons.
- Claim that if God exists he demands a designer, yet at the same time claim that the universe can be self-existing.
- Claim that the AIDS epidemic is due to "prejudice" against homosexuals, rather than the dangers associated with the homosexual lifestyle.
- Paying full attention to homosexual pedophiles infiltrating the Catholic Church, while completely ignoring pedophiles in the homosexual community.
- Claiming that legalization of recreational drugs will "reduce crime".
- Ranting about "racism" in the Republican party while ignoring the more prominent racism committed by Democrats.
- Claim that liberal secular bias in the media is a "right-wing conspiracy".
- Claim that atheism is not a religion.
- Claims that the Bible and prayer should be banned in public education in the name of "separation of church and state" while preaching for state-sanctioned atheism.
- Claims that "separation of church and state" is found in the Constitution, when in fact it is only found in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists in 1802.
- Claim that homosexuality is "genetically inherited".
- Believe fervently in bogus homosexual statistics e.g. "out of every two men, three were gay."
- Claim that domestic violence is due to "patriarchy" rather than drunkenness or simple anger.
- Focus entirely on child abuse within private homes, while ignoring child abuse and severe neglect in state-funded orphanages.
- Argue that illegal immigrants deserve more rights than locals.
- Argue that crime is caused by poverty and "social injustice", rather than bad parenting or the choice of the criminal.
- Claim that the idea of happy marriages is naive, without mentioning the same idea to homosexuals.
- Label evolution "scientific" and creationism as faith, when in fact both evolution and creation are beliefs as they require the person to believe in one or the other.
- Label Christians as "bigoted" while ignoring the sheer intolerance homosexuals and pro-abortionists have to Christians.
- Claiming atheists are somehow "more intelligent" than theists.
- Argue that the Iraq War was all George Bush's idea while denying the fact that 111 Democrats voted in favor of the Iraq War.
- Condemn hunters for shooting defenseless animals while encouraging pregnant women to have their even more defenseless children murdered by abortion.
- Declaring satire against Islam and homosexuality as "outrageous" while ignoring, tolerating or even encouraging satire against Christianity.
- Denying the harm associated with participating in Black Magic.
- Exaggerate the numbers of homosexuals and atheists, yet understate or completely ignore the respectable number of Christians throughout the world.
- Claim that natural gender roles and gender differences are "socially constructed".
- Claim that humans are "related" to animals and plants instead of being created in the image of the Lord God Almighty.
- Claim that liberalism is "democratic" but in practice referendums on same-sex "marriage" and capital punishment are prohibited as it is widely known that the opinion of majority disagrees with the liberals.
- Believe that the opinion of a "persecuted" minority such as homosexuals or drug-addicts are more important than the opinions of the majority.
- Whenever crime increases, the laws need to be softened rather than hardened or maintained as they are.
- Claim that evolution in the modern world is only opposed by a minority of "Christian fundamentalists". In fact, poll after poll has found that over 40% of Americans believe in Young Earth Creationism.
- When there are Islamic terrorist attacks, America's foreign policy is to blame America rather than the terrorists themselves or their ideology.
- Declare all military violence "outrageous", while proclaiming that civilian rioting and violence from "pacifists" is their "right".
- Dismiss social campaigners such as Mary Whitehouse as "lunatics", despite their arguments for acting against the problems being reasonable.
- Dismiss wealth made by a conservative as "shameful", while tolerating wealth made by liberals regardless of whether or not it was done legally.
- Focus purely on rehabilitating criminals, while neglecting the rights of the victims.
- Dismiss mainstream religion as "superstitious", but the same label is not applied to easily refutable theories such as evolution or even beliefs in UFOs.
- Denial of the scientific value contained in the Bible (Such as the Bible claiming the Earth is round before man discovered the fact).
- Throw a severe tantrum whenever conservatives contradict liberalism with strong logical arguments, rather than use a calm logical argument in reply or accept the conservative's evidence.
- Claim that conservatives and Christians are "sexist" just for standing up for traditional womanhood, without admitting clearly offensive sexism made towards women who disagree with liberalism.
- Use unnecessarily complex language to make liberals appear more intelligent than conservatives or to avoid admitting errors.
- Claim that people who did not vote for Obama were "racist", when in fact there are wide range of factors for not voting for Obama nor the party he represents.
- Rejection of familiar language for the sake of liberal ideology, for example removal of the words Mom and Dad for the sake of homosexual foster parents.
- Claim that religion and science are supposed to be two separate realities, but in fact there continues to be many scientific arguments for God's existence and many great scientists had a devout faith in the Lord God.
- Claim that Christmas and Easter Sunday are just random days for wild parties rather than a special dedication to Jesus Christ.
- Claim that liberals and secularists have a better tendency to liberate society more, when in fact the worse crimes against humanity were committed by atheist socialists and great events of liberation such as the abolition of slavery were led by Christian conservatives.
- Claim that labeling Islamic terrorists as evil is "down to their opinion", while labeling Christianity as "evil" is "absolutely correct".
- Claim that population control is needed to settle down the growing population worldwide, but in fact this is plain propaganda and the twice the amount of the population of 6 billion can fit into Jacksonville, Florida as it contains over 25 billion square feet.
- Teenagers are too young to access guns so they can defend themselves but they're never too young to have an abortion.
- Hippies, unions and Occupy Wall Street whose messages are intimidating and sometimes violent are "heroes", but pro lifers are "dangerous extremists" (the latter idea is silly because only seven murders by pro lifers have been made in the years since Roe v. Wade). Most of these actions are opposed by pro lifers.
- Animals and trees are precious while the unborn are just "blobs of tissue."
- A conservative who oppose same-sex "marriage" is a "bigot", but a liberal believing in the same way (such as Hillary Clinton) is not.
- The Constitution explicitly guarantees the "right to abortion", but not a handgun.
- There is subtle racism in campaign ads but nothing racist about affirmative action which puts blacks ahead of whites regardless of merit.
- Protesting against abortion is "extremism" but allowing hateful and bigoted messages at military funerals is "free speech."
- Liberals in Congress refusing to compromise with conservatives is somehow "noble defense" of ideology, but making a stand on conservative principles is "obstructionism".
- Calling for separation of church and state while also calling for the government to tax churches.[14]
- Vehemently deny the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (mainly due to TDS) after President Trump supported the drug that had been very efficient as a combative measure against the coronavirus amidst the CCP pandemic.
See also
- ↑
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- ↑ Bryn Mawr report on marijuana. Many commentators said the reporter had no justification for his views since he had never tried marijuana. Examples of such liberal logic included: "There are pros and cons to everything under the sun. That dosen't (sic) mean that you shouldn't try it all...Besides marijuana is so much more beneficial then everyone realizes." which was smartly replied to by another commenter with: "Following your logic, obviously there are PROS to:
- jumping off the Empire State Building
- anorexia
- drunk driving
- smoking crack or meth
- child molestation
- Shall I keep going?...
- ↑ For example, liberals here insist that homeschooling can only mean being taught while in someone's own home.
- ↑ See, e.g., Richard Sternberg.
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
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- ↑ See Jeffrey Toobin's The Nine.
- ↑ ANWR's Place In Our Energy Picture, July 24, 2008
- ↑ Freedom and the View From Obamaland American Spectator, July 1, 2008
- ↑ College Students Want to Tax Churches