Essay:Worst Liberal Movies

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While many great conservative movies are produced every year, Hollywood continues to create many movies which promote, normalize and aggrandize bad behavior and poor values. Below is a list of some of the more egregious examples:


Film Year Rating Comments Gross (Domestic)
The 5th Wave 2016 PG-13 The military is portrayed by evil aliens. The film, overall, was a failed franchise that couldn't get on the recent Young Adult book-to-film bandwagon. $34,912,982
Alien Franchise 1979-2017 R Pro-feminist anti-capitalist film franchise. The first film was proven to be a rip-off of the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires,[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliens, was an anti-Vietnam statement[2] and just like it's predecessor, was also a rip-off of the 1954 film Them![3]. $515,930,723 (all together)
All the Way 2016 TV-14 The 2016 HBO film based on the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson is a good example of a historical revisionist film, palatable for Liberals' regressive dominion of the media. Liberals seized the opportunity with the film to distort history in order to hold Pres. Johnson in high regard and also ignored many of the President's faults, including the War on Poverty and how it created a welfare state which destroyed untold numbers of African American families.
American Psycho 2000 R Don't be fooled by the false patriotic title, it's the most Anti-American film you'll ever see. It's also considered a "comedy", just the fact that anyone who thinks a plot about stockbroker who's secretly a serial killer is funny is just disgusting. $15,070,285
The Ant Bully 2006 PG Promotes Communism, as the film's main message of the power of the individual to be more powerful than one another is a bad thing. Also the exterminator is clearly being shown in negative light for simply doing his job, as he is the main villain of the film. $28,142,535
Assault on Wall Street 2013 R Uwe Boll (often referred to as the worst director of this generation)[4][5] makes a completely inaccurate film that blames capitalism for the Great Recession and the downfall of the everyday man's life. After that the film plays out like an angry middle school boy's fan fiction revenge story. In which all the bankers are summary executionized (now where have we seen that before in history). Boll has also said how we need to f-ing kill the rich, which only shows how uneducated he is.[6]
Astro Boy 2009 PG Based loosely on the 1952 anime, liberal producers and writers twisted the cartoon to fit their communist agenda.[7] This however backfired and the film flopped.[8] $19,551,067
Apocalypse Now 1979 R Overindulgent anti-war diatribe. Portrays U.S. servicemen as corrupt, incompetent drug-users. $78,784,010
The Birth of a Nation 1915 N/A Extremely racist film that portrays the Ku Klux Klan as "heroes" (the KKK was founded by the Democrat Party, even though the Left has repeatedly tried denying the connection between the two). The film was also particularly notorious for being the first ever film to be shown at the White House under Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, as well as significantly influencing his already-racist core to segregate the White House and various departments.
Blue State 2007 R Encourages the false idea that liberalism must be established in America.
Bob Roberts 1992 R Anti-conservative propaganda released during the 1992 election, similar to The Candidate, this was also made by another Hollywood leftist (this time Tim Robbins) and is also another film claiming to be a "comedy", but only demonizes conservatives. $4,479,470
Born on the Fourth of July 1989 R Radically anti-Vietnam War biographical film produced and directed by Communist sympathizer Oliver Stone, starring Tom Cruise as paralyzed Vietnam War vet-turned-anti-Vietnam War leftist protester and Commie sympathizer Ron Kovic. $70,001,698
The Candidate 1972 PG Film that's actually pro-George McGovern propaganda, while claiming to be a "comedy". It was released during the 1972 election year only to demonized Richard Nixon and his conservative colleagues. Conservative star James Stewart also refused to star in it for that reason.
Capitalism: A Love Story 2009 PG-13 A typical Michael Moore hatchet-job where he relentlessly attacks America's capitalist economy with claims of alleged financial inequality. $14,363,397
Cars 2 2011 G Demonizes oil companies while promoting ethanol (mentioned as Allinall). On the film's political agenda, director John Lasseter commented: "Why isn't alternative fuel more... Why isn't everybody jumping on that bandwagon? It makes so much sense: Electricity, solar, whatever. There's ethanol. There's all this stuff you could be doing. And so I thought, well, that could be really cool in that you could have big oil versus alternative fuel. That's when we kind of crafted the bad guy's story." $191,450,875
Casualties of War 1989 R Another anti-Vietnam war statement film with Sean Penn that features a plot involving American soldiers gang raping a Vietnamese woman, paints America soldiers as the bad guys while failing to acknowledge how the Viet Cong, Khmer Rouge or other communist Insurgents did the same thing. $18,671,317
The China Syndrome 1979 PG The movie depicts a meltdown of a fictional nuclear power plant. The film greatly over-hypes this risk of a nuclear accident/meltdown and the resultant damage. This film along with the Three Mile Island incident (which occurred shortly after the film's release) are often credited for killing the nuclear power industry in America. $51,718,367
The Contender 2000 R Political movie turned into pro-Al Gore propaganda by liberal studio executives and Hollywood values. Conservative star Gary Oldman also told IGN that the film was to suppose to be apolitical, but was edited to make Republicans look like the bad guys.[9] $17,872,723
Das Boot 1981 R The German Side of World War II, shown in a positive view, and is Anti-American. $11,487,676
Day of the Dead 1985 R Liberal scientist whom plan to tame zombies are the good guys, while the common sense conservative soldiers (who's plan is to euthanize them all) are the bad guys. $5,000,000
Dawn of the Dead 1978 R Anti-capitalism film that portrays consumers as zombies.[10] The 2004 Zack Snyder-directed remake abandoned this. $55 million
Dead Man Walking 1995 R A senseless criticism of capital punishment, with an ending that left some liberal viewers even more confused. $39,363,635
Dogville 2003 R An Anti-American propaganda film. $16,680,836
Fahrenheit 9/11 2004 R A Michael Moore movie, which distorts the tangential link between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family. $119,194,771
Fair Game 2010 PG-13 Another Bush bash flick starring Communist Sean Penn. 2010 film rehashes the lead up to the war in Iraq and Valerie Plame's role. Typical un-American Hollywood film "The narrative that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby were nefarious behind-the-scenes players intent on destroying innocent reputations while pushing the nation into war on false pretenses." $9,540,691
Fire Down Below 1997 R An environmentalism film with Steven Seagal playing a Gary Stu like role. $16,228,448
Food Fight 2012 PG Anti-capitalist computer animated film that demonizes leading companies. N/A
Frost/Nixon 2008 R A liberal movie meant to further tarnish the reputation of Richard Nixon. $18,622,031
Game Change 2012 Not Rated Liberal haters playing conservatives in an HBO movie about Sarah Palin. Many debunked controversies are highlighted in the plot. Both McCain and Palin denounced the film and called it fiction. NA - TV
God Bless America 2011 R A rip-off of the conservative film Falling Down, this "comedy" has a miserable man and his foul-mouthed nihilist girl sidekick summary executes Tea Party members, a Fox News like-host, Christians, and other conservative stereotypes. $123,000
The Iron Giant 1999 PG Espouses anti-war themes and also brief but strong anti-hunting sentiments. Firearms in general are shown in a negative light, with the phrase "guns kill" being repeated a total of three times. The titular giant is referred to as a "big gun that walks." From a conservative viewpoint, he is a poor metaphor for a real gun; unlike a law-abiding citizen who is a gun owner, the giant has no choice in his actions because he is a war machine programmed with the inability to use his weapons for good, but only to use them thoughtlessly and senselessly. The story involves him learning to hide his weapons and "not be a gun". The conclusion is that, in order to protect the public from an incoming missile, he must fly into it and kill himself rather than use his guns against it. As it is explained, "It's bad to kill, but it isn't bad to die." Also features some foul language. $5,732,614
JFK 1991 R A bastardized historical inaccurate account on John F. Kennedy's assassination, in order to serve liberal filmmaker Oliver Stone's insanely fanatic conspiracy theories. For example, the filmmaker pinpoints the blame to the "real murder" of Pres. Kennedy: the conservative politicians, the U.S. Military, and then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, all of whom want America to go to war in Vietnam, because Kennedy rejected the American involvement. Stone described the film as a "counter-myth" to the Warren Commission's "fictional myth." $70,405,498
The Legend of the Titanic 1999 Not Rated An animated film that bastardizes a horrific, tragic historical event in the name of making an anti-whaling statement.
The Lone Ranger 2013 PG-13 Attacks capitalists and the military, portraying the former as ruthless, greedy railroad executives and the latter as 'thugs' who support their actions. Also distorts the messages of its source material by displaying the Lone Ranger, shown to be a smart intellectual character in the original TV show and radio show, as dumb-founded and unintelligent, instead featuring his sidekick Tonto (played by liberal pot-smoker Johnny Depp) as not only the "star" of the film, but as the Lone Ranger's "voice of reason". $89,302,115
The Magnificent Seven (2016 film) 2016 PG-13 This remake suits the left agenda, as capitalists are the villains in this remake.[11] $93,145,387
Manderlay 2003 R Anti-American sequel to Dogville. Star James Caan refused to be a part of this, describing director Lars von Trier as Anti-American and stated that he himself is an "ultra-conservative". $674,918
The Matrix trilogy 1999 (The Matrix); 2003 (The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions) R Glorifies anarchism and nihilism (even including a brief nod to Jean Baudrillard's "On Nihilism" chapter from Simulacra and Simulation), as well as containing several hints towards a pro-Communist, anti-American/anti-Christian view, despite the salvation narrative. In addition, the Architect scene tries to give a "devastating critique/twist" to salvation myths with the Architect as a malevolent allegorical substitute for the Christian God. This same scene also implicitly compares George W. Bush to Hitler during a discussion of evil in the world (on the panel of screens in the background.), and featured wars that America was specifically involved in. Far-Left race-baiting scholar Cornel West was also hired to play a role in the film specifically because the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time) were influenced by his pro-Socialist/Communist and anti-American rhetoric. In addition, the first film had throwaway dialogue between the main villain Agent Smith and the treasonous freedom fighter Cipher that implied that Cipher would become Ronald Reagan should he succeed in betraying his fellow allies to the Agents in a clear attempt at an anti-Reagan statement. $592,370,339 (all together)
Midnight in Paris 2011 PG-13 The main character, a liberal author, is portrayed as open-minded and intellectual. He has an unsuccessful relationship with a woman whose family is Republican and are portrayed as materialistic, selfish, narrow-minded and hateful towards any country that is not the United States. $56,816,662
Milk 2008 R An extremely pro-homosexual biography of openly homosexual politician Harvey Milk, with Sean Penn playing the title character. $31,841,299
The Motorcycle Diaries 2004 R A fawning monument to Communist terrorist and mass murderer Che Guevara. $16,781,387
The Muppets 2011 PG Although liberal, Muppet creator Jim Henson would stay out of a political agendas and focus on good family friendly fun; this sadly changed when Disney took control and used it to disseminate their twisted political beliefs. In this film, the rich (capitalists) are bad, and the poor are good. The bad guy is also an oil magnate.[12] Although a "success" the film failed to break even domestically in the U.S., while almost half of their box office gross came from overseas.[13] Pretty much showing, that Americans didn't want to see their propaganda. $88,631,237
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear 1991 15 A "comedy" which pushes environmentalism and demonizes productive businesses and especially the oil industry. $86,930,411
Nixon 1995 R A historically inaccurate biography of Richard Nixon directed by liberal filmmaker Oliver Stone. $13,681,765
On Deadly Ground 1994 R Oil industry is seen as greedy and unsympathetic while praising the EPA. $38,590,458
Pokémon: Zoroark - Master of Illusions 2010 (Japan); 2011 (America) G The anime film demonizes capitalism by making the main villain a successful businessman. In addition, one of the main protagonists of the film, Karl, was based on the radical left-wing schlockumentarist Michael Moore.[14]
Recount 2008 Not Rated The 2008 HBO movie on the 2000 Presidential election and its aftermath in Florida, presented from a liberal-biased viewpoint. A look into how Democrats and their liberal media supporters claim the Republicans "stole" the election and the alleged role of its party members that the Democrats claim "made it happen" (although in reality, it was the Democrats themselves who tried to steal the election for their candidate Al Gore by attempting to commit vote fraud in Florida through ordering selective recounts in Democrat-friendly areas while ignoring Republican-strong areas, only to be stopped when the US Supreme Court ruled the Democrats' end-run attempt around election rules to be illegal). Republicans are portrayed as ghoulish and cited as manufacturing demonstrations. Both the real Warren Christopher and James Baker contend the film's portrayal of the former is hopelessly untrue. NA - TV
Redacted 2007 R Brian De Palma’s 2007 fictional anti-Iraq War film funded by Mark Cuban. The film is credited with inspiring a terrorist attack that killed two U.S. servicemen in Germany. $65,388
Reds 1981 PG As a biographical film on the life of notorious American Communist journalist John Reed, Reds is a sentimental and overly romanticized portrait of communism, humanism, and anarchism. $40,382,659
The Return of the Living Dead 1985 R Suggests military is responsible for the release of a toxin that turns people into zombies. The military is also shown to be inconstant, as they "fix" this by nuking the city of zombies. An anti-Reagan statement some may say. $14,237,880
Shoot 'Em Up 2007 R An anti-second amendment film, the so-called hero is a nihilist and the villains are trying to defend guns rights and the Second Amendment. $12,807,139
Short Circuit 1986 PG (Should've been rated PG-13) On top of just being an blatant E.T. rip-off, Short Circuit also downgrades the military (or the Reagan Administration in general). $40,697,761
SiCKO 2007 PG-13 Another Michael Moore film which spread many falsehoods about American healthcare while unduly glorifying the so-called benefits of socialized medicine such as now found in Obamacare. Memorably referred to Cuban healthcare as being better than American healthcare. $24,540,079
Star Trek: Into Darkness 2013 PG-13 Aside from it being a blatant ripoff on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in terms of plotline, the film also has several anti-War on Terror messages, as indicated by both Benedict Cumberbatch and Simon Pegg.[15] $467.4 million
They Live 1988 R Capitalists are portrayed as evil aliens planning to rule the world. The director John Carpenter also claimed in interviews that the film was anti-Ronald Reagan[16] $13,008,928
The Thomas Crown Affair 1968 R Supports the idea that capitalism causes crime. $14 million
Tout va Bien 1972 NR Jane Fonda "art film" directed by Jean-Luc Godard, whose notoriously anti-American and idolizes Karl Marx, is nothing more than a propaganda film for Communism, as it sympathizes with the youths who partook in the May 1968 Communist uprisings in France and features blunt anti-American imagery.
Triumph of the Will 1935 N/A Infamous Nazi propaganda film (even though the left denies it, the truth was the Nazis were left wing national socialists)
Trumbo 2015 R Dalton Trumbo, one of the Hollywood Ten who was jailed for his Communist beliefs, is portrayed as a free-speech martyr, and a champion of the First Amendment. All of his controversial beliefs are whitewashed, including his support of Lenin, Hitler (until the Nazi-Soviet Pact fell), Kim Il-Sung, and, of course, Stalin. Conversely, anti-Communists such as John Wayne, Hedda Hopper, Robert Taylor, Roy Brewer, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), and the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPA) are falsely portrayed as "hateful", "oppressive", and anti-free-speech. $7,857,741
Truth 2015 R Highly fictionalized political docudrama about the Killian documents controversy meant to further tarnish the reputation of George W. Bush. The film was not approved by current CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves and CBS refused to air advertisements for the film due to its, as the network stated, "inaccuracies and distortions". $2,541,854
U-571 2000 PG-13 The film is based on the first capture of a German Enigma machine in World War II. In the film, however, the capture is made by Americans. In fact, the first Enigma machine was captured by the British in 1941, prior to the Americans entering the war. $77,122,415
V for Vendetta 2005 R Blatantly glorifies anarchism, socialism, communism and homosexuality. $70,511,035
W. 2008 PG-13 A movie designed to denigrate the role of Christianity in U.S. politics and particularly in the life of George W. Bush. $25,534,493
White House Down 2013 PG-13 Mocks conservatives with a liberal plot twist that makes the TEA Party out to be "terrorists". This movie was made by uber-liberals to counter conservative film; Olympus Has Fallen, which depicts North Korean terrorists as the bad guys. $73,103,784
Z 1969 R Liberal propaganda that blames the military for liberal wrongdoing. $14,283,305


Film Year Rating Comments Gross (Domestic)
4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days 2007 NR Romanian film baselessly supports abortion. Liberals praised it when it won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival $1,198,208
American Pie 1999 R First installment of a long-running film franchise primarily dealing with teenage sex and alcohol. It relies on jokes about sex and bodily functions. $102,561,004
Animal House 1978 R Glorifies alcohol abuse, debauchery, nihilism, premarital sex and all that other gobbledygook. John Vernon's character suggests that "being fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life" and he's the villain because of that. $141,600,000
Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001 PG Another film released during the Michael Eisner era of Disney. The film has a Military Commander as the bad guy who would endanger the city of Atlantis just to be rich, with it also being implied that he was going to commit treason by selling the power source to the Kaiser during World War I for the same motivation. Simply having an adventure movie in Atlantis is just too much to ask I guess. $84,056,472
Avatar 2009 PG-13 A movie with many destructive messages. The movie promotes environmentalism and feminism and claims that nature is God. It also ridicules the military and large businesses. The hero of the film also forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality. The overall plotline also has hints of endorsing environmental terrorism, which James Cameron also indicated that he himself supported. $760,507,625
Bad Santa 2003 R Lots of coarse language, sexual escapades, drunkenness, and also the main plot involved a con man posing as a Mall Santa so he and his dwarf accomplice can rob the mall's safe. It was bad enough that critics panned Disney for allowing the trashing of a cultural icon like Santa Claus as well as even then-Disney CEO, Michael Eisner, to be disgusted with the resulting film, acting as one of the main reasons for Miramax being cut loose from Disney alongside Kill Bill. $60 million
Bad Santa 2 2016 R A sequel to the already revolting Bad Santa. $23.2 million
Bad Teacher 2011 R An awful high school teacher, who is always getting high and drunk, tries to get breast-implant surgery, and encourages cheating and stealing from her students. The movie contains no morals and is filled with offensive sexual content. $100,292,856
Barnyard 2006 PG Promotes disorderly conduct, portrays humans as either ignorant or stupid, and completely demonizes coyotes for being meat eating animals. A ferret character also converts to vegetarianism. Not only that but cows are shown to be male, when they should be bulls and there are brief scenes promoting alcohol and gambling. $116,500,000
Battle for Terra 2007 PG Children’s animated film that pushes an environmentalist theme and portrays a Bible-quoting, American type military general as the main antagonist. $1,647,083
Beginners 2011 R Promotes homosexuality and "coming out of the closet". $5,790,894
Being John Malkovich 1999 R Promotes homosexuality and includes a large amount of extremely vulgar humor. $637,721
Ben & Arthur 2002 As the title suggests, this is a pro-homosexual propaganda movie which also portrays Christians as "hateful bigots". The film has the reputation of being one of the most hated homosexual movies by critics and audiences alike, even among homosexuals. Wikipedia also acknowledges this, as this movie is on the page "List of movies considered the worst". Was a major box-office bomb. $40,000
The Big Lebowski 1998 R Glorifies drug abuse, laziness, and nihilism. $17,451,873
Billy Elliot 2000 R British film about a boy who wants to be a ballet dancer rather than play sports. The film features very poor family values as the family is constantly cursing at one another; promotes homosexuality, as well. $21,995,263
Bio-Dome 1996 PG-13 Stoner film with an environmentalism theme. $13,427,615
The Birdcage 1996 R Yet another pro-homosexual agenda and conservative bashing film. $124,060,553
Blow 2001 R Glorifies the life of drug dealer, and suspected murderer, George Jung. $52,990,775
Blue is the Warmest Color 2013 NC-17 French film that promotes the homosexual agenda and graphically shows lesbian sex. Additionally, it falsely idealizes the idea that homosexuals can be sound mentors to young children. At the Cannes Film Festival, which was headed by liberal Steven Spielberg and had a board that included Brokeback Mountain director, Ang Lee, it was unanimously awarded the top prize. It is widely believed that this victory was due to France's legalization of same-sex "marriage" eight days prior. At least one of the stars of the film admitted that she felt disgusted by her role in it. $2,199,787
Boogie Nights 1997 R Glorifies the porn industry and the exploitation of women. $26,400,640
Boyhood 2014 R Downplays the role of the father. Mocks Conservative Christians and promotes underage drinking and pot smoking. $44,400,000
Boys Don't Cry 1999 R Glorifies the choice of a young girl to embrace homosexual and transgender life choices, dishonesty and pre-marital relations; as well as unfairly caricaturing and exaggerating natural reactions to her perversion; all in aid of promoting the homosexual agenda. $11,533,945
The Breakfast Club 1985 R Promotes use of drugs, smoking, and sex. $51,525,171
Brokeback Mountain 2005 R The film shows that liberals will shoehorn the homosexual agenda into anything, even cowboys. $83,043,761
The Brothers Grimsby 2016 R Extremely vulgar movie, contains many sex jokes, sex scenes, nudity, and even contains an elephant sex scene. Also has a joke of Donald Trump getting AIDS. $6,874,837
But I'm a Cheerleader 1999 R Portrays homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle, attacks and ridicules reparative therapy and religious people. $2,205,627
Caligula 1979 UR (should be NC-17) Historical drama centered around the infamous Roman emperor of the same name, this has been considered the most pornographic movie ever made. Contains unsimulated scenes of oral/anal sex, incest and close-ups of the genitalia of both sexes, along with brutal violence. Also considered one of the worst movies ever made. Upon release, several U.S. cities tried to prevent the movie from being played, though courts repeatedly affirmed that it passed the Miller test (that it was not too obscene to be banned). Some lawyers defending the movie even lamented that this movie helped to form a conservative morality that helped Ronald Reagan win the 1980 election. $23 million
The Cat in the Hat 2003 PG (Should be PG-13) Bastardizes a harmless children's book by filling it with adult humor and pandering to focus groups. $134 million
The Cider House Rules 1999 PG-13 Glorifies abortion and advocates pro-choice values to a fault. $57,545,092
Chappie 2015 PG-13 Another "social" science fiction film that just abuses our first amendment right to bash capitalism. Neill Blomkamp also directed liberal films District 9 and Elysium too. On an optimistic note, the film got bad reviews (even from liberal critics)[17] and the film did poorly in America (70% of its gross came from overseas).[18] $31,569,268
Chicken Run 2000 G Produced by Jeffrey Katzenberg, this vegan propaganda film compares a chicken farm to the Holocaust.[19] The main villain of the movie is a capitalist who wants to make chicken pies. $106,834,564
Clerks 1994 R Filled with constant vulgar profanity. Previously rated NC-17 before being appealed for an R rating. $3,151,130
Clerks 2 2006 R Sequel to the liberal comedy, filled with more profanity and even more disgusting acts that could not be in the budget of the original film. $24,148,068
The Cosmic Slop 1994 NR HBO trilogy focusing on minority science fiction. The main claim to fame was an adaptation of The Space Traders, a race-baiting short story that was written by the infamous race-baiting leftist professor Derrick Bell.
Dallas Buyers Club 2013 R Egregiously supports the homosexual agenda. $27,298,285
The Danish Girl 2015 R One of the definitive pro-homosexual/gender confusion propaganda films. Eddie Redmayne portrays Einar Wegener, a landscape artist who stands in for a female model who no-showed for a planned painting made by Wegener's wife, Gerda. Einar, who has undergone gender confusion for years, snaps as a result of the modeling sessions where he stands in as "female" and he begins claiming to be a "woman" calling himself "Lili Elbe", which nearly leads to him being committed to an asylum. Einar later undergoes surgical mutilation to accommodate his delusion, but he dies of infection due to the mutilation.
The Day After 1983 Not Rated Attacks the military and conservative politicians, and encourages negotiation with Communists. NA - TV
The Day After Tomorrow 2004 PG-13 Overdramatic, nonsensical portrayal of the consequences of fictional "climate change". $186,740,799
Day of the Animals 1977 PG Environmentalist propaganda that states "global warming" has caused woodland animals to turn psychotic and to hunt humans, it also claims the humans got what they deserve. $2 million
Dazed and Confused 1993 R Promotes promiscuity and drug abuse. $7,993,039
District 9 2009 R Attacks the military and large corporation, shows humans as the villains to aliens. $115,646,235
Don’t Breathe 2016 R The movies protagonist are three burglars who break into homes (secured by one of their father’s security company) to steal items to sell. The “Villain” of the movie is blind army veteran, and the homeowner of the house they are breaking into. Though they do find he has kidnapped the girl who killed his daughter in a car accident. Also the leader of the thieves is a girl, is clearly a sign of feminism. $89,217,875
Doom 2005 R Based on the video game that influenced Columbine.[20] All the military characters (except one) are either dirt bags or corrupt. On top of that, there's hardly any monster action. $28,212,337
Easy Rider 1969 R Glorifies every aspect of the hippie lifestyle, and is also Anti-American. Portrays conservatives as "bigoted" rednecks. $60 million
Elysium 2013 R Criticizes Big Business and supports illegal immigration. $93,050,117
Fantastic Four 2015 PG-13 Based very loosely on the comics of the same name. The military is once again portrayed in a negative manner, here they only want to use superpowered teens as weapons. On top of that, they also changed the race of the Human Torch for political correctness/cultural Marxism reasons. The film was also infamous for its controversial behind-the-scenes history. The studio executives mandated reshoots without the director's knowledge of this and the final cut was gutted in the editing room. Director Josh Trank was so angered by this that he completely disowned the film.[21] $56,117,548
Fast Food Nation 2006 R Despite its title and that fact that Bruce Willis is in it, the film is completely Anti-Fast Food, anti-capitalism, and even promoting the environmental agenda, illegal immigration and sex outside marriage in this vegan propaganda film $1,005,539
Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1982 R Film glorifies drug abuse, premarital sex, and abortion. It was also one of Sean Penn's early film roles as he would go on to star in more liberal propaganda films. $27,092,880
FernGully: The Last Rainforest 1992 G Environmental propaganda, with an anti-industry message, is being indoctrinated to children in the animation film. $24,650,296
The Forest 2016 PG-13 Depicts the Aokigahara Forest in Japan as a scary place filled with vengeful ghosts. In reality, it is a sad place where people go to commit suicide. $37.6 million
The Fourth Kind 2009 PG-13 Uses the real life tragedies of deceased and missing citizens of Nome, Alaska to make money with a fictitious story about alien abductions. $47,709,193
Freddy Got Fingered 2001 R Contains a lot of crude and revolting gross-out sexual humor, including a scene where the main character actually makes a horse [censored]. Uses shock tactics in much the same way that Family Guy does. Won five Razzie awards, including Worst Picture and four awards (Worst Actor, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Screen Couple) for star and director, Canadian "comedian" Tom Green. $14.3 million
Free Birds 2013 PG This animated film's main premise is about taking turkey off of the Thanksgiving menu. $55,750,480
Ghostbusters (2016 remake) 2016 PG-13 A complete bastardization of the 1984 classic conservative film. This film is pro-feminism on steroids, as every male character is either dumb or a jerk and also has both racist and sexual innuendo jokes.[22] Luckily, no one (other then biased liberal critics) liked it, as its trailer was known for being the most hated movie trailer on YouTube.[23] Sony was also caught making fake reviews for the film too.[24] And the film flopped at the box office.,[25] as well as the fact that Sony Pictures Entertainment would loose over $70 million on the film's financial losses. $120,049,002
Glen or Glenda 1953 Not rated Promotes cross-dressing and transsexualism. N/A
Gnomeo and Juliet 2011 PG Contains a joke that could be interpreted as passing off bestiality as funny. $194 million
Godzilla (1998 film) 1998 PG-13 Liberal and homosexual director Roland Emmerich has turned Godzilla into a girl. The film also mentions how the military does more damage than Godzilla, which could be a little social commentary there. The film even fails to address the original message of the original 1954 Japanese film, as well (the first Godzilla was about the aftermath of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). $136,314,294
Good Will Hunting 1997 R Left-wing film made by Left-wing actors/writers Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, as well as staring Matt Damon. Also notable as being the main reason why Howard Zinn's anti-American textbook A People's History to the United States became both public knowledge and provided in all universities and high schools across America, due to Matt Damon's character, Will Hunting, telling Robin William's character in a pivotal scene "You wanna read a real history book, read Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States. That book’ll f*****’ knock you on your a**.”[26] $225,933,435
The Groovenians 2002 R Depicts hippies and hipsters as just "misunderstood people" and wealthy businessmen as greedy and power hungry robots. N/A
Hair 1979 PG (Should be R) Based on the Broadway musical, the film's profanity, its depiction of the use of illegal drugs, its treatment of sexuality, its irreverence for the American flag, and its gratuitous nudity caused much comment and controversy as it did when the stage musical first premiered in 1967. A product of the hippie counterculture and sexual revolution of the 1960s, several of its songs became anthems of the anti-Vietnam War peace movement. $15,284,643
Hairspray 2007 PG Poor morals shown, encourages homosexual agenda, bad behavior, such as smoking, drinking, cursing. Many sexual comments are shown. It portrays conservatives and those with high expectations in a negative viewpoint. $118,871,849
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle 2004 R The adventures of the pot-smoking duo that play up ethnic stereotypes. $18,250,550
Horrible Bosses 2011 R Three men try to kill their bosses. Two of the three bosses are wealthy businessmen. The film is also filled with offensive language and many sexual references. $117,538,559
Horrible Bosses 2 2014 R Sequel to Horrible Bosses. Though this film could be argued to actually support the American Dream and capitalism, which its processor clearly did not. $54,445,357
Howl 2010 R Film about homosexual poet and beatnik-turned-hippie, Allen Ginsberg. Promotes the homosexual agenda and the idea that writing about pornography is "protected" under the First Amendment and has "literary value". $617,334
Ice Age: The Meltdown 2006 PG A "children's film" that pushes the Left's delusion of "global warming" onto its viewers. $195,330,621
Jackass: The Movie 2002 R Essentially a montage of ridiculous stunts and pranks with no coherent story. $64,255,312
Jennifer's Body 2009 R Promotes feminism and glorifies Satanism, contains a lesbian kiss and them making out. $16,204,793.
Kids 1995 NC-17 Pornographic film concerning five underage teenagers in New York City engaging in graphic sex, violent acts, drug/alcohol use and homosexual activities. $7,412,216
The Kids Are All Right 2010 R Portrays homosexuality and homosexual parenting as a "normal" lifestyle. $20,811,365
The Laramie Project 2002 Unrated An adaptation of the play of the same name made by HBO to promote the homosexual agenda, including giving a one-sided, extremely biased perspective on the murder of Matthew Shepherd implying that his murderers had "homophobia" as a motive. It also has a significant anti-religious bent in it, where two of the documentarists (implied to be homosexual) tried to talk to a priest specifically to "piss him off," and also had one of the members breaking down from a priest being "hateful" simply because he implied the possibility that Matthew Shepherd will go to hell if he didn't repent for his homosexual activities.
Léon: The Professional 1994 R Disgusting film the features an assassin taking an orphan under his wing (even worse her family shows poor values and are nasty to each other). He then trains her to be an assassin herself to kill the corrupt DEA responsible for her parents murder, but also the assassin who's much older than her seems to be romanticized by her (in a deleted scene they even have sex). $19,501,238
Lethal Weapon 3 1992 R Pro-gun control propaganda disguised as a buddy cop action film. $144,731,527
Lethal Weapon 4 1998 R The sequel now has a pro-illegal immigration message. $130,444,603
Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 R Feminist propaganda that endorses and celebrates anarchy. Fourth movie in the Mad Max film series first made famous by Mel Gibson in the title role between 1979 and 1985. $153,636,354
Maleficent 2014 PG Apparently represents the idea of revising the "Sleeping Beauty" story to focus on a lesbian relationship; although Aurora clearly loves Maleficent as a mother figure, Maleficent takes over the role of the prince and is revealed to be the person whose kiss of "true love" (given on the forehead) really saved Aurora. Unabashedly promotes the feminist agenda to the extent that most of the males are either villains or useless, even going so far as to heavily hint at a transgender philosophy; promotes hard-core environmentalism, moral relativism and even Marxism; pretty much ruins the morality tale for Sleeping Beauty. The Federalist also had a field day with the film stating how it promoted the leftist agenda and citing point by point its agenda.[27] $241,410,378
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 R Don't be fooled by the fact that Hollywood conservative, Clint Eastwood directed this film or that it both takes place and was filmed in the overall conservative city of Savannah, Georgia. It is based on the equally bad nonfiction novel of the same name, and has LGBT, environmentalist, witchcraft, and anti-capitalist themes. $25,105,255
Moonlight 2016 R A coming-of-age film that glorifies drug use and homosexuality. $27,557,396 [28]
Movie 43 2013 R Anthology of short "comedy" films which glamorize virtually every form of deviant sexuality imaginable. Much of the "humor" is scatological, including a scene with a character who enjoys being pooed upon. Aside from that, Movie 43 is literally one of the worst motion pictures ever made in history, as it has nothing that would make it good, imaginative, funny, charming, or understandable of its existence at all. Won three Razzie awards: Worst Picture, Worst Director (all directors) and Worst Screenplay (all screenwriters). $32.4 million
Mulan 1998 G Liberals changing history to suit their feminist agenda similar to what they did in Pocahontas (In the film the Huns are at war with China, even though this never happened). $120,620,254
Mulholland Drive 2001 R Nonsensical art film that thinks homosexuality is "sexy" and promotes it as a societal norm, as well as fornication. $7,220,243
My Own Private Idaho 1991 R Two homosexual street hustlers begin having an affair while seeking adventure en route to Idaho and then Italy. One of the more infamous cinematic examples of the homosexual agenda. $6,401,336
Natural Born Killers 1994 R Riddled with violence, drug abuse and sexual references, this movie's main characters are brutal serial killers who are viewed as "heroes". Infamously known for influencing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold for committing the massacre at Columbine High School massacre[29] $50,282,766
The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993 PG Aims to be nothing less than the most iconic and thorough degradation of the sacred holiday in the history of cinema. Originally released under Disney's Touchstone Pictures brand, it has recently been quietly swapped to the Walt Disney Pictures brand in 2006 in order that its poisonous content might reach as many children as possible. $75,082,668
Norm of the North 2016 PG Anti-big-business in the form of a greedy real estate mogul in a possible jab at Donald Trump. Extremely environmentalist. $24.8 million
The Normal Heart 2014 TV MA Another homosexual propaganda film that criticizes the Reagan Administration and general Conservative ideology. The LGBT community was a strong promoter of this film and insists it is "artful", when really it is decadent. N/A
The Nut Job 2014 PG Promotes disorderly conduct and non-conformity, and one of the antagonists is a head businessman. It is also pro-environmentalism. $64,251,541
Nymphomaniac 2014 NR This two-part movie features four hours of non-stop sex and glamorizes the lifestyle of the titular sex addict. It portrays other San Francisco values, such as homosexuality and S&M, in a positive light. In general, this film was labeled as NSFW. Director, Lars von Trier, is known for being Anti-American and slightly hints at this throughout the film. $17,584,083
The Odd Life of Timothy Green 2012 PG Despite an overly schmaltzy pro-family sentiment, this film showcases terrible parenting. $55.3 million
Open Season 2006 PG Don't be fooled by the fact conservative star Gary Sinise is in it. This animated film is pro-environmentalism and anti-hunting. $85,105,259
Over the Hedge 2006 PG An animated film that depicts humans as complete idiots and demonizes exterminators for simply doing their job. Not to mention, one of the antagonists is a wealthy businesswoman and it is also pro-environmentalism. $155,019,340
The Organizer 1963 Not Rated Italian film that promotes trade unions. The movie also promotes infidelity.
Orgazmo 1997 NC-17 Portrays the porn industry in a positive light and mocks both the Mormons and the religiously devout. $602,302
Paul 2011 R Mocks Christianity, promotes atheism, premarital sex, homosexuality, drug use, and portrays the military in negative light. $37,412,945
The Perks of Being a Wallflower 2012 PG-13 Promotes homosexuality and also demonizes those opposed to a homosexual lifestyle. $17,738,570
The People vs. Larry Flynt 1996 R Idealizes pornography mogul Larry Flynt and claims that pornography is protected by the First Amendment. $20,300,385
Philadelphia 1993 PG-13 Homosexual agenda setting drama. $77,446,440
Pineapple Express 2008 R Shows drug abuse to be "cool". $87,341,380
Pink Flamingos 1972 NC-17 Embraces horrifying people, who engage in such acts as incest and bestiallity, as well as promoting the homosexual agenda, since it stars transvestite Divine and shows homosexuals in a positive light. This film has toilet humor, finding it funny when a character (Divine) literally eats poo, and extremely offensive language, one character is even named after a racial slur against white people. Characters promote anarchy and violence as an everyday thing. A very graphic film, even for most liberals, showing close ups of genitalia unlike any non-porno film. Liberals call it a "comedy", but it is revoltingly horrid and more like an act of Satan. $7,000,000
Pocahontas 1995 G Feminist story about Native American Pocahontas with an environmental message, and also the Native American’s view against English settlers (in a similar manner to Howard Zinn's revisionist history textbook A People's History of the United States, which would eventually end up entering public knowledge and provided to all universities and high schools across America two years later [see above]). In addition, the titular character also enters what is implied to be an unfaithful relationship with John Smith over Kokoum that was treated in a comparatively positive light. Following the Best Picture nomination of Beauty and the Beast at the 64th Academy Awards and its subsequent loss in March 1992, then-studio chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg opted to produce another animated sweeping romantic epic in hopes of achieving the cinematic masterpiece status and replicating another Best Picture nomination, even if it meant to distort history and add both a love story and environmental themes. In fact, many people at Disney had high hopes for Pocahontas, while deeming the concept of another film in production, The Lion King as experimental. As it turned out, The Lion King became one of the greatest animated motion pictures of all time, while Pocahontas received mixed critical reviews and below-than-expected box office receipts. $141,579,773
The Princess and the Frog 2009 G Liberals praised this film for featuring Disney's first African American princess. The Princess and the Frog promotes feminism, and is very insulting to Christianity, being filled with Louisiana Voodoo. Instead of having a Fairy Godmother, it contains a blind voodoo priestess. Mocks traditional values, and portrays capitalism and war in a negative viewpoint. $104,400,899
Princess Mononoke 1997 PG-13 Environmentalist anime film on on steroids, as well as promoting feminism, where the forest gods are at war with a mining colony (whom are prorated as the "bad guys"). $2,375,308
Project X 2012 R Shows teen drinking, drug use, sex, vulgar profanity and anarchic behavior to be "cool". $54,731,865
Quest for Camelot 1998 G Throws everything that made Camelot (Christian values, Heroism, Bravery etc.) great out the window for the sake of being pro-feminist and wanting to be a Disney animated musical film; all of which miserably failed. Even though it's suppose to a "rated G family comedy", moreover, there's an incest joke featured in the film.[30] $22,510,798
The Quick and the Dead 1995 R A feminist western $18,636,537
Quills 2000 R Portrays the Marquis de Sade as the protagonist, in addition to the prevalence of extremely violent acts. $11,732,088
Resident Evil franchise 2002-2017 R Feminist film franchise with anti-capitalistic messages. Based on a video game franchise on the same name. The worst offender is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Were the villain is a Christian who releases a deadly virus (called the T-virus) which will destroy the human race and have him and rich colleagues rebuild the world in their image (a.k.a playing God). $244,443,938 (all together)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011 PG-13 Anti-business (the company the main character works for is painted in an extremely negative light), a lot of environmentalism throughout (including a more anti-human agenda being pushed), and the actor who played Caesar, Andy Serkis, as well as director Rupert Wyatt, both compared Caesar positively to the Marxist Argentinian revolutionary terrorist and mass murderer Che Guevara. $481,801,049
Rent 2005 PG-13 Promotes homosexuality and cross-dressing as "normal" lifestyles. $29,077,547
Rock of Ages 2012 PG-13 (Director's Cut is rated R) Based on the highly unoriginal and unimaginative Broadway musical, Rock of Ages features poor morals, promotes homosexual agenda, prostitution, drug use, and drinking, and portrays conservatives in a negative, offensively bigoted viewpoint. Many gratuitous sex scenes and sexual references are prominently shown. $38,518,613
Salo: Or the 120 Days of Sodom 1975 NR Adaptation of the sadist and Libertine and atheistic text by Marquis de Sade from Communist homosexual filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini, who was killed shortly after completing this movie.
Sausage Party 2016 R As the first R-rated American animated film to be released by a major film studio (i.e. the ultra-liberal Columbia Pictures of Sony Pictures Entertainment) in the United States following 1999's South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Sausage Party blatantly criticizes religion and promotes the false deception that without religion and the existence of God, everyone can enjoy the most selfish, crude, and debauchery activities (e.g. humanism, homosexuality, obscenity, and non-stop sexual intercourse) without guilt or a sense of a "religious obligation". A typical offensive and raunchy comedy film by modern Hollywood standards, directors Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, producer Megan Ellison, producer/writer Evan Goldberg, and producer/writer/actor Seth Rogen (all of them extremely liberal and some, ironically, Jewish) made this film to bastardize the animation genre, as well as to push the liberal Hollywood agenda on politics and religion. $89,645,124
The Secret World of Arrietty 2010 G Japanese anime film is about a tiny homeless family that steals from regular people. Demonizes capitalism and promotes redistribution of wealth. $19,202,743
Sex and the City 2008 R Very disturbing film, much like its TV series counterpart, promoting the use of sex everywhere. $152,647,258.
Sex Tape 2014 R Anti-family. The main premise of the film was two nymphomaniacs trying to create a sex tape of themselves after getting kids killed the sex drive, and then recovering iPods that accidentally uploaded their tape online for everyone to see. The ending also has brief yet graphic sex scene showing what exactly was on the sex tape. $38,543,473
Shakespeare in Love 1998 R Liberals changing history in order to suit feminists. The film also suggests that a woman was responsible for William Shakespeare's work (even though there's no record of this at all). Although it won the Academy Award for Best Picture of 1998 (thanks to the aggressive campaign tactics of the egotistical producer Harvey Weinstein), the film has aged poorly and, to this day, the overwhelmingly majority of critics and film viewers believe that the conservative film and Steven Spielberg's masterpiece Saving Private Ryan should have won instead.[31] $100,317,794
Shark Tale 2004 PG Promotes multiculturalism and the deuteragonist of the film is a great white shark who is a vegetarian, and is a metaphor for being homosexual.[32] $160,861,908
She Hate Me 2004 R Taking jabs at capitalism & supporting the homosexual agenda, this film has a very over the top plot were a man who's laid off from from his job for exposing corrupt business practices, turns to impregnating wealthy lesbians for profit. (This really is the plot). $366,037
The Social Network 2010 PG-13 Glorifies the gossip website [censored], which feeds narcissism and destroys marriages. The film also portrays drug use and misogyny in a positive light. $96,962,694
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut 1999 R A disgusting celebration of obscenity. $83,137,603
Spring Breakers 2012 R From the creator of Kids, this film is similar in its pornographic nature and glamorization of drug abuse, only this film takes it to a new extreme. Furthermore, this film promotes feminism and glamorizes the gangster/ghetto rap music lifestyle, while condemning Christians, labeling them as "weak" and "insecure". Also, the film contains a full on sex scene in the pool, and show nudity, in not only that scene but several others $31,724,284
Star Trek Beyond 2016 PG-13 The film has Hikaru Sulu as a "married" homosexual with an adopted daughter, which was a decision that even George Takei (Sulu's original actor and a prominent gay activist) took issue with.[33] $343.5 million
The Stepford Wives 1975 R Feminist polemic. Ends with the protagonist beating her husband with an iron fireplace poker. The film's release coincided with the height of the ERA movement. $4 million
Stonewall 2015 R Based on the 1969 Stonewall Riots, this film is a pro-homosexual film that pushes the homosexual agenda. It's rather ironically to note that the film, itself, is a victim of historical revisionism, offensive racial stereotypes, and exclusion of the representation of minorities. While the filmmakers tried to defend their artistic decisions, the film was overwhelmingly criticized by critics and audiences (even liberals, not surprisingly, hated the film) and failed to make its play for awards consideration during the 2015 Oscar season. $187,674
Superbad 2007 R Promotes the teenage use of drugs, smoking, alcohol and sex. The whole point of the movie is for a couple of guys to lose their virginity. The movie contains many uses of profanity, underage drinking, and drug use. $121,463,226
Taking Woodstock 2009 R Glorifies the anarchistic and chaotic Woodstock festival in 1969 as well as the Hippie Movement, painting their various lewd actions in a positive light. Also has some elements of anti-Semitism due to the main character's parents who acted as Holocaust survivors being portrayed in an unsympathetic light. $10 million
Tammy 2014 R Movie about a lazy unemployed woman who after losing her job, basically turns to a life of crime. As the film is about her and her grandma hitting the road, committing robberies, doing illegal prescription drugs, and buying beers for teenagers. They have a Fourth of July party with no typical festivities, and is more like a drunken sex party, as the grandma reveals her breasts to the guest (the audience does not see them though). $84,525,432
Tank Girl 1995 R Based on the left wing comic, this film glorifies feminism and debauchery while making the capitalists the bad guys. $4,064,495
That's My Boy 2012 R (originally NC-17) Depicts pedophilia, statutory rape, gerontophilia, child neglect, incest, and other forms of aberrant sexuality as funny. $57.7 million
There's Something About Mary 1998 R Contains gratuitous sex and jokes about bodily functions. $176,484,651
Trash H*****s 2010 NR Shows decadent behavior in a positive light and glamorizes sexual deviancy. Also the film is riddled with profanity, even the title has a naughty word (which was censored here).
The Twilight Saga 2008-2012 PG-13 Do we really need to explain? $1,365,922,346
Uncle Sam 1996 R Depicts the heroes as a jaded amputated war veteran and a draft dodger, and the main villain as an extremely sociopathic soldier who joined the Army to kill as many people as he wanted, and the latter is depicted as being hyper-patriotic. $2,000,000
Under the Same Moon (La Misma Luna) 2007 PG-13 Baselessly supports illegal immigration despite a pro-family sentiment. $23,311,391
Up In Smoke 1978 R Stoner film that just promotes the use of smoking marijuana $44,364,244
Waterworld 1995 PG-13 Suggests that global warming was real, and the earth has now become a flooded post-apocalyptic wasteland. $88,246,220
The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 R Blatantly promotes excessive, endless drug use, portraying it in a positive light, and claiming that illegal drugs such as heroin give people the will to keep working hard and stay focused and positive, as well as various forms of graphic and illicit sexual activity and voyeurism, (both heterosexual and in one scene, homosexual) and non-stop use of the f-word and hundreds of other profanities throughout. Portrays capitalists on Wall Street as greedy self-absorbed criminals obsessed with sex, drugs and violence in the form of the protagonist Jordan Belfort. Many audiences were shocked that this did not receive an NC-17 rating upon its release, especially since morality-deprived director Martin Scorsese broke the South Park movie's record for most uses of the F-word with his film. Christina McDowell, the daughter of Tom Prousalis, one of the people involved in Belfort's crimes, wrote a memoir on the subject specifically to call out Scorsese and DiCaprio for failing to recognize the victims of Belfort in the film, something even the most praiseworthy critics of the film admitted was a flaw. $116,900,694
W.R.: Mystery of the Organism 1971 NR Essentially a plotless film riddled with disgusting orgies.
X-Men trilogy 2000-2017 PG-13 (R for Deadpool) Unlike the comics they're based on (which were about civil rights)[34] liberals used this movie franchise to further the homosexual agenda[35][36] Bryan Singer director of four of the films (whom is also homosexual) was also cited for sexual assault of a minor.[37] It was also anti-Military, especially in the second film and to some extent X-Men Origins: Wolverine, as the main villain, William Stryker, was the head of a para-military group and depicted as very genocidal against mutants, and was also implied to be a Vietnam War veteran. This had been added in by screenwriter David Hayter, due to his experiences with the Metal Gear Solid series. $1,817,894,919 (all together)


Film Year Rating Comments Gross (Domestic)
The 11th Hour 2007 PG Environmental schlockumentary produced and narrated by actor Leonardo DiCaprio which endorses the theory of Anthropogenic global warming. $707,343
Almost any movie by Michael Moore Does it really need to be said?
An Inconvenient Truth 2006 PG Al Gore's global warming alarmist schlockumentary. $24,146,161
Arctic Tale 2007 G A documentary film geared towards children that pushes the false narrative of global warming and polar bears going extinct from melting ice caps. $1,858,064
Better This World 2011 Not Rated 2011 documentary "feature length lie" is a PBS film regarding the thwarted domestic terrorist attack at the 2008 Republican National Convention and liberals attempt to re-write history. NA-TV
Blackfish 2013 PG-13 A CNN documentary film about the captivity of Tilikum, an orca involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity, that is nothing but a propaganda film full of so many lies.[38] The film gained high ratings on movie review websites, making it seem the film brainwashes critics. $2,073,582
Bowling for Columbine 2002 R A 2002 schlockumentary directed by and starring leftist propagandist Michael Moore. It is a pro-gun control film and distorts facts in favor of gun-grabbing. Also included a "Brief history of the USA" segment using animation mirroring that of South Park, that distorted historical facts to make it seem as though guns were implemented by racists, which actually led to the South Park libertarian creators to condemn him, enough to give Moore a cameo in Team America as a suicide bomber and make his death especially graphic. $21,576,018
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey 2014 TV-PG Darwinist and global-warming-alarmist propaganda disguised as science. N/A
Jesus Camp 2006 PG-13 Baselessly attacks Conservative Christianity; incited liberal vandalism of the Bible camp shown in the film. $902,544
Hearts and Minds 1974 Not Rated A documentary about the Vietnam War that was inherently anti-American in its nature. Also, depicts Catholics as bigots. It also had a brief clip at the beginning which had the rolling crew having one of the higher officers forced to talk to them with the false promise that they'd burn the tape once he is finished with it. It also has several moments of graphic sex between soldiers and Vietnamese prostitutes. It also implies throughout the film that several atrocities conducted by the North Vietnamese communists were done by Americans, including the footage where a girl ends up burned by napalm and running out naked. Noteworthy for being almost single-handedly responsible for forcing America out of Vietnam (even having the NVA mailing the producers thanking them for "ensuring peace" in Vietnam) as well as it being an influence for far-left schlockumentarist/propagandist Michael Moore, with some of its filming techniques even being reused for Farenheit 9/11. Unknown
Inside Job 2010 PG-13 A 2010 film by Democrat donor Charles Ferguson. Blames the Great Recession on Wall Street, unspecified deregulations, the Bush Administration, and so on. Whitewashes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's role and virtually eschews any mention of the Community Reinvestment Act. Despite claims of being nonpartisan, it contains various interviews with Democratic politicians while including none with Republican politicians. Claims the financial system corrupted politics; capitalists are the bad guys. $4,312,735
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup 2009 Truthers Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe blame America for 9/11 Unknown
Lost in Tel Aviv 2008 Not Rated A film depicting a couple intent on making a filthy South Park-esque cartoon as heroes. Unknown
Makers: Women who Make America 2013-2014 Unrated A documentary glorifying Feminism, in particular, the faction that started with Betty Friedan's The Second Sex. Also features as examples of role models and pioneers of feminism such degenerates as Lena Dunham (creator of the Worst Liberal TV Series Girls), Linda Woolverton, Hillary Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres, Jane Fonda, and Gloria Allred. On top of that, there's no mention of Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Michele Bachman or Carly Fiorina. Only showing more of their bias. N/A
Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God 2012 NR Anti-Christian schlock directed by liberal Alex Gibney
Religulous 2008 R Jewish "Comedian" Bill Maher tries to convince the audience of the folly of all religion, with a special focus on Christianity. $13,011,160
The Road We’ve Traveled 2012 Not rated Tom Hanks directs & narrates Barack Obama's supposed achievements NA
Roger & Me 1989 R Michael Moore blames capitalism for the downfall of Flint, Michigan instead of the trade unions that bullied businesses & forced them to ship jobs overseas (due to excessive taxation) or the fact that Flint has been under Democratic leadership since 1973. Later on, Moore would also admit that he never interviewed Roger Smith.[39] $6,706,368
The Selling of the Pentagon 1971 NR Extremely dishonest anti-American/anti-Vietnam War propaganda published by CBS. Was notorious for the producers refusing to divulge their sources to the Pentagon and at least one of the officials involved entering a minor lawsuit against CBS.[40]
She's Beautiful When She's Angry 2014 NR Nothing more than feminist propaganda being passed off as truth.
Super Size Me 2004 PG-13 Blames obesity on great capitalist paragons like McDonald's and Sodexo. $11,536,423
Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairytale 2012 N/A An animated film written by Fred Glass, narrated by Ed Asner, and made for the California Federation of Teachers. It repeated rhetoric made by the Occupy Wall Street group about taxing the rich to have "their fair share" and demonized Capitalism in various ways, including blaming it on Asian sweatshops as well as the housing bubble bursting in 2008. Kirsten Powers, a member of The Daily Beast, and herself no stranger to liberal politics, acknowledged alongside conservative economist for The Daily Caller Tucker Carson on the Sean Hannity show that the cartoon was simply inexcusable and disgusting, with Sean Hannity also explicitly referring to it as a "disgusting hit piece".[41][42] The film was particularly infamous for a scene where, in a segment covering the trickle-down effect, a corpulent rich man representing the 1% of wealthy Americans, after having the scales literally stacked up in his favor regarding money, upon being asked why the 1% needed so much money, he responded "Don't worry, this is good for you too, it will trickle down from us to you", with the latter statement being accompanied with a graphic of the rich man proceeding to urinate on the other ordinary people as they yell in protest. Although later versions freeze the footage just before the man pees on the crowd in response to the complaints about the scene, it was still implied by residual audio of the urine stream. Sean Hannety and Michelle Malkin of the Sean Hannety Show both expressed disgust with the video when covering it, and when one of the producers confronted Ed Asner as the latter was about to attend one of his roles at a play, the latter falsely claimed he didn't remember what he said on it, and also claimed that the bit about rich people peeing on poor people was disgusting only because it should have been in reverse, and then asked the producer if he had any money, and if so, if he should "p*** on [the producer]."[43]
The Tillman Story 2010 R A liberals view of the circumstances surrounding the death of football star and Army Ranger Pat Tillman. The film portrays each and every fact as sinister. Plus, each and every fact is evidence of a conspiracy. Typical Hollywood George W. Bush bashing flick. The liberal bias was clear, make Tillman a liberal atheist anti-war hero that was cannon-fodder for the government. Tillman's actions speak louder than any twisted accusations presented in this documentary. $802,535
Under the Gun 2016 R Anti-second amendment, the film was criticized for its inaccuracies.
The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception 1982 NR Anti-American/Anti-Vietnam War propaganda that infamously accused General William Westmoreland of deliberately understating the force strength of the Vietcong during the Tet Offensive. This resulted in a libel suit made by Westmoreland against CBS that promptly went to court after an internal investigation was issued due to TV Guide finding damning evidence of similar journalistic malpractice that was practiced in the earlier documentary/propaganda The Selling of the Pentagon, which ultimately resulted in CBS losing its libel insurance, as well as the documentary unit being scrapped when Larry Tisch took over in 1987.[40]
The Wall Within June 2, 1988 Unrated A documentary helmed by extremely liberal "journalist" Dan Rather that reinforced the false image of Vietnam War veterans being anti-social degenerates suffering from PTSD and drug abuse. Was also particularly infamous in that all six of the "veterans" that were interviewed were later confirmed by various documents to have never even served during the events they mentioned, and even the one who actually DID serve did not do so with boots on the ground and was a repairman.[44] N/A
Winter Soldier 1972 Not Rated The 1972 film about U.S. troops from Vietnam put on record as baby killers, human rights violators, and general disservice to America. This myth was propagated by a few anti-war activist liberal actors that never did see combat in Vietnam and some were never in the country. The initial result was to hold hearings in Congress over the matter. All allegations were proven fabrications, falsehoods, and lies. Unknown
Years of Living Dangerously 2014 N/A Environmental schlockumentary spearheaded by ultra-liberal, James Cameron, and featuring several proponents of Hollywood Values trying to preach the false idea of climate change.


Film Year Rating Comments Gross (Domestic)
2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 G Controversial upon its release for its atheistic themes and is notorious for its support of the Theory of evolution. $56,954,992
After Earth 2013 PG-13 Blatantly promotes the theory of evolution and Scientology themes. The film is also notorious for being a huge box office flop and further tarnishing M. Night Shyamalan's career. $60,522,097
Almost any movie directed by Luis Buñuel Luis Buñuel was an atheist and was a bigot towards Christians. He would unjustly ridicule Christians in all of his movies and was a pioneer in making this schlock being considered "art" when it is really just offensive, vulgar and grotesque liberal smut.
Antichrist 2009 NR A gruesome movie with horrifying imagery juxtaposed to Christian symbols. $791,867
Battlefield Earth 2000 PG-13 Alien invasion sci-fi film which serves as a thinly-veiled promotion of Scientology. The film was a huge box-office flop and is largely considered to be one of the worst movies ever made. The film, even, infamously won nine categories within the Golden Raspberry Awards (Razzie Awards), which until Jack and Jill was the most Raspberry awards given to a single film, as well as winning the separate awards for "Worst Drama of our first 25 Years" during the 2005 awards, as well as "Worst Picture of the Decade" in 2010. Also plays into the liberal notion of personal characteristics mattering more than true merits, since John Travolta was cast as the main character because of his affiliation with the Scientology "church". $21 million
Bedazzled 1967 UR If the fact that the film has someone who sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for seven wishes isn't enough, the film suggests that Satan is a woman too. This film was, unfortunately, remade in 2000. $1,500,000
Book of Mormon 2011 R Anti-Mormon musical that mocks every aspect of the Mormon religion. There are several biblical inaccuracies just for the sake of it. It also has a Ugandan tribesman swear against God in their own language.
The Boondock Saints 1999 R The characters are supposed to be Christians (or "saints" as the title suggests), but they show themselves as anything but. They dispense their own form of vigilante justice (summary execution) and say the F-word in every sentence. There's also an FBI agent who chases them who is hinted throughout the film to be homosexual. Overall, the film is just a vulgar Death Wish rip-off.
Breaking the Waves 1996 R Wrongly claims that God rewards and endorses adulterers and prostitution. Demonizes devout Christians, portraying them as "villains". $3,803,298
The Canterbury Tales 1972 (Italy and West Germany)
1980 (USA)
NC-17 Directed by communist homosexual Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini, the film is an utter butchering of the seminal work by Geoffery Chaucer and even included scenes exclusive to the movie that promoted a left-wing and inherently anti-Christian viewpoint. Among the most infamous additions included two priests engaging in sodomy and only one actually getting punished via execution due to being poor and thus unable to bribe his way out, and also a scene where Satan is seen defecating out screaming friars. N/A
Cloud Atlas 2012 R Supports the idea of reincarnation and features anti-Christian undertones. Additionally, supports the idea of homosexuality and transvestitism, as many of the characters are resurrected as the opposite sex, while still played by the same actor. This idea of supporting homosexuality is further brought to the forefront as one of the movie's directors recently came out as having had a sex change operation as a way to promote the movie. $27,108,272
The Craft 1996 R Depicts witchcraft in a positive light. $24,819,936
The Da Vinci Code 2006 PG-13 Promotes the false theory that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene. $217,536,138
Dead Poets Society 1989 PG A worldly literature professor, Peter Keating (Robin Williams) shown as inspiring and "open-minded", is contrasted with the conservative Christian boarding school where he teaches, portrayed as conformist, oppressive, and materialistic. The film also appears to promote teen suicide, as one of the main characters is able to commit suicide without a negative word ever being uttered against his actions by any positive character. $95,860,116
Dogma 1999 R Mocks religion and Catholicism in particular, with cheap smutty jokes and wrongly portraying God as female. $30,652,890
Exodus: Gods and Kings 2014 PG-13 Depicts the prophet Moses as an atheist and a terrorist. Glenn Beck said that this movie essentially turned Moses into "an al-Qaeda member" who "doesn't want to rely on God anymore". $65,014,513
Forty Days and Forty Nights 2002 R A vulgar sex comedy where the main character has to give up sex for Lent, with his ex-girlfriend trying to tempt him throughout the entire time. Also had the noteworthy aspect of actually being released during the lent season. This resulted in President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights William Donohue requesting to both then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner and Harvey Weinstein that they reschedule the airing of the film, citing that "To show a film that parodies Lent in a most vulgar way is bad enough, but to show it during Lent is outrageous."[45] In addition, despite the inflammatory material in the movie, the Anti-Defamation League head Foxman did not call out the film. $37,950,822
The Golden Compass 2007 PG-13 Based on the atheistic His Dark Materials series. $70,107,728
Hail Mary 1985 NR Marxist filmmaker, Jean-Luc Godard, decided to retell the story of Mary and Joseph in the modern day. As per his business casual, it was ultra-controversial upon its release. Pope John Paul II condemned it, claiming it was likely to offend the deeply religious because of its explicit nudity. Additionally, it depicts Joseph as a womanizing man [censored] and Mary in a similar light, as there is a montage where she is completely in the nude for no apparent reason. The film was banned in deeply religious countries such as Brazil and Argentina.
The Haunting of Molly Hartley 2008 PG-13 Depicts Christians as either starry-eyed kooks or homicidal maniacs while depicting implied-to-be-Satanism as a happy lifestyle. $15,418,749
Hercules 2014 PG-13 Film seems to take a more atheistic turn on the Greek hero as opposed to the mythology behind Hercules. $72,688,614
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996 G Released during liberal maniac Michael Eisner's reign of terror at Disney. The film does everything in its power to demonize Christianity. It is also to be noted that the original source material was not supposed to be given to children yet the Disney film was marketed as such to kids, and in some cases, the film actually managed to be even more darker than the original tale (case in point, originally, Quasimodo's vicious punishment at the hands of the Parisians during the Feast of Fools ceremony was out of corporal punishment, while in the Disney film, it had been done at the whim of the Parisians just for the sake of it. Another example of the film being made darker than the book was the inclusion of a gypsy genocide plot that wasn't even alluded to at all in the original tale). This was a stark contrast to most other Disney films which usually toned down the original works (like in The Jungle Book, where Disney advised the writers to ignore the book specifically because its contents were unsuitable for children). The film, in addition, features some mild swearing (namely the word "damnation" and "eternal damnation"). There was also a scene where one of the male gargoyles fell in love with Djali, who was explicitly male, which may have been a subtle attempt at promoting homosexuality, despite his being one of the gargoyles of Notre Dame. $100,138,851
Inherit the Wind 1960 Not Rated Hollywood perpetuated complete lies about the Scopes Trial in this film in order to smear Christianity, including: portraying William Jennings Bryan as being ignorant, harsh and punitive, based on a false portrayal of his actions and testimony, falsely claiming that at the end Bryan, in a senseless fit of madness, died in the courtroom amid "caring" and "reasonable" Darwinists and falsely portraying the Darwinists in a positive light and the Christians as "deceitful". In real life, Bryan and the Christians won the trial and were charitable to the end, while the Darwinist Darrow was deceitful in reneging on his deal to take the witness stand after Bryan did.
Kingdom of Heaven (theatrical version) 2005 R Revisionist history that portrays the Muslims as the "victims" of the Crusades. Directed by atheist Ridley Scott. $47.4 million
The Last Temptation of Christ 1988 R The film's eponymous final sequence depicts the crucified Jesus—tempted by what turns out to be Satan in the form of a beautiful, androgynous child—experiencing a dream or alternative reality where he comes down from the cross, marries Mary Magdalene (and later Mary and Martha), and lives out his life as a full mortal man. He learns on his deathbed that he was deceived by Satan and begs God to let him "be [God's] son," at which point he finds himself once again on the cross. At other points in the film, Jesus is depicted as building crosses for the Romans, being tormented by the voice of God, and lamenting the many sins he believes he has committed.

Because of these departures from the gospel narratives—and especially a brief scene wherein Jesus and Mary Magdalene consummate their marriage—several Christian groups organized vocal protests and boycotts of the film prior to and upon its release. One protest, organized by a religious Californian radio station, gathered 600 protesters to picket the headquarters of Universal Studios' then-parent company MCA. One of the protestors dressed up as MCA's Chairman Lew Wasserman and pretended to drive nails through Jesus' hands into a wooden cross. Evangelist Bill Bright offered to buy the film's negative from Universal in order to destroy it. The protests were effective in convincing several theater chains not to screen the film. One of those chains, General Cinemas, later apologized to Scorsese for doing so. Mother Angelica, a Catholic nun and foundress of Eternal Word Television Network, described Last Temptation as "the most blasphemous ridicule of the Eucharist that's ever been perpetrated in this world" and "a holocaust movie that has the power to destroy souls eternally." In some countries, including Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, the film was banned or censored for several years. As of July 2010, the film continues to be banned in the Philippines and Singapore.

Legion 2010 R Blasphemous film that says God uses an army of angels to wipe out humanity. Ignoring Psalm 91:11 which stated he will send his angels to protect you. $40,168,080
The Ledge 2011 Not Rated Blatantly promotes atheism by depicting, as atheist screenplay writer Matthew Chapman explicitly put it, the first openly atheist hero in American cinema. Also misleadingly depicted Christianity, via the character Jon, as being "bigoted", abusive, and domineering. It is also to be noted that it was a box office flop that received a lot of poor reviews. $610,986
Life of Brian 1979 R Do we really need to explain? $19,398,164
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc 1999 R Distorts history, portraying the prominent historical figure Joan of Arc as psychologically and emotionally unstable, impulsive, prone to mood swings, and having led the French army to victory purely out of selfishness, cruelty, and vengeance, despite all historical evidence proving the contrary. The filmmakers made the film to criticize Roman Catholicism and the Catholics. $66,976,317
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life 1983 R Do we really need to explain? $14,929,552
The Most Hated Woman in America 2017 R Just when you thought Hollywood couldn't sink any lower. They go out and make a bio-flick about Madalyn Murray O'Hair (responsible for ending official Bible-reading in American public schools in 1963 which ended up with disastrous results liberals refuse to talk about) and not surprising turn her into a martyr.
Noah 2014 PG-13 Liberals take on the classic story from the Book of Genesis. Going along with their usual M.O., this film shoehorns harmful messages that had nothing to do with the original story, such as environmentalism, living on a vegan diet, and most notably, the promotion of the Theory of Evolution as "fact". In addition to completely screwing up the original account, many traits of the "bad guys" appeared to be more biblical than the "good guys".[46] $101,200,044
Oh! Heavenly Dog 1980 PG Don't let the title fool you. The movie is anything but heavenly, as it mocks Christianity and presents a false depiction of reincarnation. N/A
Paul 2011 R The moral of the film, according to the movie's liberal atheist writers and co-stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, is that "there is no God" and anyone who believes in Him is "an ignorant boob". $97,984,015
Practical Magic 1998 PG-13 Yet another film glorifying witchcraft and attempting to mix romantic comedy into it (which even puzzled liberal critics).[47] This was one of the many wiccan movies released during the late 90's. $46,683,377
Priest 1994 R Blatantly anti-Catholic and pro-homosexual. $4,165,845
The Road to El Dorado 2000 PG Main villain is a corrupt and war-hungry religious zealot seeking to seize power from the chief of the legendary city of gold, El Dorado. Since the animated film was produced by liberal elitist Jeffrey Katzenberg it wouldn't be surprising that he was probably referencing the Republican party. $50,863,742
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1991 PG-13 Political correctness for the sake of political correctness. The Christianity of Robin Hood and his Merry Men is heavily downplayed, save for Friar Tuck's initial bigotry toward the Muslim character Azeem. Azeem, who had never been present in the Robin Hood legends but was a character created for this version of the Robin Hood saga, is depicted as a wise, open-minded, tolerant mystic. Robin Hood and Azeem are portrayed by liberals Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman respectively. $390.5 million
Sausage Party 2016 R As the first R-rated American animated film to be released by a major film studio (i.e. the ultra-liberal Columbia Pictures of Sony Pictures Entertainment) in the United States following 1999's South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Sausage Party blatantly criticizes religion and promotes the false deception that without religion and the existence of God, everyone can enjoy the most selfish, crude, and debauched activities (e.g. humanism, homosexuality, obscenity, and non-stop sexual intercourse) without guilt or a sense of a "religious obligation". A typical offensive and raunchy comedy film by modern Hollywood standards, directors Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, producer Megan Ellison, producer/writer Evan Goldberg, and producer/writer/actor Seth Rogen (all of them extremely liberal and some, ironically, Jewish) made this film to bastardize the animation genre, as well as to push the liberal Hollywood agenda on politics and religion. Animation films, for the past century, have enthralled and enhanced audiences around the world, as it features a timely story that children, teenagers, and adults alike can relate and like. The filmmakers seemed to not care about any of it, as they made this untimely film strictly for adults, as they "believed" that there aren't any animated films for adults to like. That point is made very clear by the film's criticism and parody of all the other animated films (namely the Disney animated films), as well as the presence of noted songwriter and regular Disney collaborator Alan Menken as the film's songwriter. The film, itself, is actually painfully unfunny and has both no plot and an extremely low philosophical merit. Upon release, only the liberal biased film critics praised the film, while everyone else hated it.

On a side note, Sausage Party has also attracted a great deal of criticism on two additional issues: 1.) the animators worked under poor, cruel conditions and were forced by the directors to work overtime without pay. Thirty-six of the 83 animators were blacklisted and went uncredited in the film, believed to be due to their complaints; comments made in anonymous interviews of some of the animators involved in the project by Variety, The Washington Post, and The Hollywood Reporter alleged that the comments were accurate. All the animators in the film were told outright that they would be blacklisted if they did not work overtime without pay. Finally, 2.) a red-band trailer for the film was accidentally played before a showing of the Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios' PG-rated and family-oriented Finding Dory, at a Concord, California multiplex in mid-June 2016, which forgot to switch out an adult-audience trailer roll for one meant for G and PG-rated films, when adding additional screens to carry Finding Dory to meet audience demand. The incident occurred only once, and the theater apologized, while Rogen tweeted that the story "made his day".

September Dawn 2007 R Anti-Mormon propaganda that blatantly distorts history. The Mountain Meadows Massacre was perpetrated by a group of Mormons, but, despite what this movie says, Church authority did not authorize such an act, and they still condemn it to this day. This movie was strategically released in order to muddy the waters of Mitt Romney's 2008 presidential campaign. Fortunately, the filmmakers did not get away with their heinous crimes, as September Dawn received extremely negative reviews from film critics, very weak box office receipts, and a Golden Raspberry Award nomination. $1,066,555
Silent Hill 2006 R Based on the horror-themed video game series with the same name (go figure), the film portrays Christians as cult-like and evil. $46,982,632
Silent Night, Deadly Night 1984 R An anti-Christian film where a man becomes a serial killer after abuse from the Christian orphanage he grew up in. Conservatives successfully protested the film and it ended up getting pulled from theaters one week after its release. $2,491,460
Spotlight 2015 R Another film bashing Christianity. The "heroes" uncover a scandal of child molestation in the Catholic Church. The film portrays them as "brave" (because Hollywood hasn't bashed Christianity enough) but ignores the fact that homosexual infiltrators within the Church, seeking to discredit and damage the Church, were responsible for the atrocities and their subsequent coverup. Strangely, the same unspeakable acts have been happening legally in Islamic nations but they are conveniently ignored by the liberal media (if the journalists uncovered that, then that would be an example of bravery). It also downplays the effect homosexuality had by having several characters specifically deny that homosexuality was a factor in their victimization and subsequent turns to homosexuality. $45,055,776
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 PG Promotes secular humanism and portrays the religiously devout as violent and ruthless. Even liberal biased critics didn't like it, as it won three Golden Raspberry Awards (Razzie Awards), including Worst Picture of 1989, and was nominated for three more Razzies. $63 million
Sunshine 2007 R Anti-religious apocalyptic film full of scientific inaccuracy. Christianity is embodied in a homicidal psychopath, who believes that it is the will of God for the world to end. This Christian is willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of what he believes is the will of God. Atheism is portrayed as "sympathetic", "kind" and "pro-humanity" - the opposite of what it really is. $32 million
The Truman Show 1998 PG Promotes both atheism and humanism. Truman doesn't realize his seemingly ordinary life is a reality TV show, overseen by Christof, the show's heartless and manipulative creator. Christof lives in the fake sky above Truman, watching over him, controlling everything from the weather to Truman's destiny. He is an allegorical substitute for the Christian God. (Notice "Christ" in his name.) Truman must escape from the false world of the show (Christianity) and triumph over Christof. As Truman appears to walk on water in the ending, the film is displaying the false, human-worshipping sentiment that man can replace God and be Lord of his own life. $31,542,121
Victor Frankenstein 2015 PG-13 Dr. Frankenstein is now one of the most openly atheist protagonists in cinema. $34.2 million

Debatable Whether Liberal

Film Year Rating Comments Gross (Domestic)
21 Jump Street 2011 R Two police officers try to take down a drug ring in high school where the villains are environmentalists and drug dealers. But contains many sexual references, full profanity, and many religious insults. A parodic comedy remake of the 1987–91 Fox Network police drama of the same name. $201,585,328
Accepted 2006 PG-13 It criticizes the Department of Education (or colleges and universities in general) and our protagonist lives the America dream by starting his own college, but then the juvenile humor, gross-out humor and drug abuse steps in. $36,323,505
Aeon Flux 2005 PG-13 Anti-cloning film, but also pro-feminism as well. $25,874,337
Antz 1998 PG It's produced by Jeffrey Katzenberg, downplays the military, and possesses an implicit promotion of Communism via the main character, but also has an Anti-Eugenics message too. $90,757,863
Army of Darkness 1993 R Despite its unrealistic depictions of demons, it's a pretty gun-centric pro-Second Amendment film. $11,502,976
Beauty and the Beast 1991 G A young woman overcomes a shallow society and finds true love. Although by comparison a powerful and immensely popular antidote to feminism to the liberal movies churned out by Disney since, as well as overall promoting redemption (as seen with the Beast's transformation), and also promoting some family values (such as Belle being loyal to her father), there were a few hints at feminist propaganda at the beginning of the film, such as Belle being different from the villagers because she can read, which is implied to not be supported by the villagers at all (feminist propaganda often falsely claims that women couldn't get an education until the 1960s), as well as Belle being unwilling to hold the role of housewife for Gaston or raising children, and later her blaming the titular Beast for her fleeing the castle despite most of the events leading up to and after that event being largely her fault and the story framing that as being a good thing she did. Then-Disney Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg also mentioned that he wanted "a feminist twist" on the original fairy tale by creating a heroine who is "a departure from typical Disney female characters",[48] and the feminist writer Linda Woolverton made clear that she made Belle a feminist and based her on the women's liberation movement from the 1970s in order to avoid creating another insipid princess.[49][50] Gaston is a conservative and hardworking hunter who is considered by the villagers to be their town hero, but is shown to be the main villain of the movie (it should also be noted that in the original screenplay for the film, Gaston was intended to be a Marquess [French nobleman], meaning the decision to make him a conservative and hardworking hunter was made after a rewrite). In addition, although not to the same degree as other Disney films that came after it (i.e., The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Princess and the Frog), the film also has a slight anti-Christian bent, as the villagers (strongly implied by various verses in the opening song and the mob song, as well as a failed wedding, to be practicing and devout Christians) were later briefly seen supporting a plan that went against God's teachings, as well as overall depicted as being idiots, while Belle, the character framed as an intellectual and a moral figure, is not even seen or even implied to believe in God at all. In addition, Belle's love for Beast (where it is implied that she was largely unaware of the Beast being formerly a human prince) could be seen as promoting bestiality. Also, it is the first Disney movie to neither show nor hint at the two love interests getting married, and in fact, the only "wedding" in the film was the one Belle ruined, creating negative implications about marriage as a result, as well as starting a string of movies that don't paint marriage in a positive light. Similarly, the only three females in the film who are implicitly supportive of marriage and Christianity are demeaned, depicted as dumb blondes with the script and credits explicitly referring to them derogatorily as "the bimbettes." There was also a slight anti-hunting sentiment in the film, due to the main villain, as aforementioned, explicitly being labelled as a hunter. There were also several overtones of a pro-homosexual agenda within the film, including the mob song late into the film, largely because of the executive producer, Howard Ashman, being gay and dying from AIDs at the time the film was made. One of the protagonistic characters, Lumiere, is briefly seen making out with a featherduster and was implied that the two weren't married, with some hints at Lumiere being an unrepentant womanizer. In addition, some elements of the film were later reused in the definitely liberal Maleficent movie.[49] $$218,967,620
Beauty and the Beast (2017 remake) 2017 PG On the one hand, the 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast is the latest in the film trend of needlessly and shamelessly remaking animated films or children's stories for the sake of earning quick revenue in the dying Hollywood studio system. Liberals also seized the opportunity with the remake to exploit diversity within the Beauty and the Beast universe. The final result of the diversity inclusion is that it feels self-congratulatory in the sense of putting it in for the sake of having it, rather than having it be just a part of the story and the film. One notable example is the filmmakers' decision to make LeFou, Gaston's diminutive and bumbling sidekick, a homosexual who is conflicted with his feelings for Gaston. At the end of the film, LeFou is shown taking a romantic interest in a musketeer who is now a transgender woman after being transformed into one during Gaston's siege of the Beast's castle. Not only is it an atrocious artistic decision of the filmmakers to needlessly incorporate diversity simply for the sake of it, but the 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast also serves as an example that liberals can legitimately shoehorn the homosexual agenda into Disney films. Adding salt to the wound, the filmmakers also further changed history to suit their feminist agenda, similar to previous Disney films like Mulan (1998), Pocahontas (1995) and The Princess and the Frog (2009) (most infamously, the villagers are shown to be explicitly intolerant of Belle learning how to read and teaching girls to do the same, smashing her washing machine in the process, despite the fact that the namesake for the village in this film, Mdm. Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, the original author for the fairy tale, was herself a woman). The 2017 film version of Beauty and the Beast is now even more of a feminist propaganda film than the 1991 animated film version ever was. There were also hints at an anti-war message due to Gaston being turned into a war veteran.

All of that, along with the other shortcomings of the film, reinforces the statement that most of Hollywood is currently out of ideas for motion pictures. It also re-establishes the fact that Disney would, at times, forsake genuine family entertainment in favor of blatant liberal propaganda.

On the other hand, there were also several surprisingly Conservative messages in the film, significantly more than in the 1991 version. Namely, Christianity is treated in a far more positive light in this film than in the 1991 version as one of the few friends Belle has in this version is the village Chaplain named Pere Robert who is shown to be sympathetic to her bibliophilic nature and also attempts to prevent Maurice from being sent to the Asylum, and later is shown to be horrified at the formation of the mob against the Beast (it is to be noted that in the original 1991 film, the character in question was merely a bookseller, not a priest, and most of the villagers, implied to be devout Christians, were demonized in the film), which was also surprisingly accurate to history despite the aforementioned changing of history in the film (in real history, Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, actively encouraged literacy, writing, and arithmetic among both genders, with girls being taught in convents or at the home.). In addition, Maurice actually is shown to be more proactive in this film, such as directly refusing Gaston's attempt at marrying Belle and even attempting to expose Gaston as an attempted murderer and psychopath, and also plays a direct role in saving Belle and himself from the paddywagon after she exposes Beast to the villagers (in the original film, although he does set out to try and find Belle and save her after trying to get the villagers to help failed, he ultimately required saving by her due to catching an illness during his trek, and ultimately needed saving alongside Belle via Chip). In addition, Lumiere as well as the featherduster (named Plumette in this version) are shown to be an actual loving couple (in the original film, it is heavily implied that Lumiere was a frequent womanizer and that the featherduster was also sexually loose), and the remake also doesn't demonize traditional marriage nearly as much as in the 1991 version (notably, the remake cut out Gaston's wedding proposal as well as Belle shoving Gaston into mud in front of attendees). The forgiveness and redemption theme was also significantly more emphasized in the remake, due to Beast ultimately forgiving Maurice after learning why he had tried to steal the rose and even allowing Belle to save Maurice specifically to make up for his past behavior, with Maurice also forgiving Beast upon Belle showing him the baby rattle (originally, Maurice was a bit more hesitant to forgive the Beast). It is also shown to be significantly more pro-family as well, as not only is Belle shown to be loyal to her father like in the 1991 original, but as noted above, Maurice himself took measures to protect Belle and notably agreed with Belle that Gaston would not have worked out for her (originally, Maurice also thought Gaston was alright for her), and he also was shown to be very protective of Belle after his wife had died from the plague, with Belle's mom specifically sacrificing herself by telling them to leave her behind to allow Belle a healthy life. In addition, the triplets (renamed to "Village Lasses") in the remake were depicted as having haughtiness, arrogance, being jealous of Belle, as well as overall being nasty people, including briefly smirking at Belle when she was locked up in the paddywagon as well as being actively involved in the arrest of Maurice as well as the later attack on Beast's castle (in the original film, the triplets were not shown to have any negative behavior to them besides their crushing on Gaston [not participating in the later arrest of Maurice, let alone the attack on Beast's castle shortly afterward during the climax, and also implying at one point that they were willing to give their blessing to Gaston marrying Belle when Belle refused him in the beginning of the film, and while they were present during the final lyrics for the Gaston reprise where Gaston explicitly divulged key details for his blackmail plan, the way it was framed could easily be interpreted as the triplets genuinely not knowing about the plan due to their absence from Maurice's arrival up to the scene where Gaston whispers the plan to LeFou.], and it is also heavily implied that they supported traditional marriage and were demeaned in the film by being referred to in the script as The Bimbettes and treated as dumb blondes for this reason). In addition, according to the film's director Bill Condon as well as one of the triplets' actresses, Rafaelle Cohen, the reason the triplets were intensely jealous and spiteful of Belle was because their mother neglected them while doting on Belle, showcasing the dangers of parental neglect.

The Bee Movie 2007 PG Its debatable whether or not its environmentalist or against it. It does show the destructiveness of environmentalism (i.e. butting into nature's problems in the name of helping her). The anti-human human sentiments in the movie turned out to be wrong, however, the humans are taking the honey made by the bees, similar to the welfare program of taking from those who worked for it. Others believe the movie promotes bestiality, and is just disguised as a family movie. $287,600,000
The Campaign 2012 R Political comedy depicts the Democrat candidate (Will Ferrell) as an obnoxious, drunken womanizer and satire of John Edwards, although the Republican candidate (Zach Galifianakis) is portrayed just as negatively as a corrupt capitalist. $33,165,738
The Crow 1994 R The tagline claims that our hero is an angel, but he doesn't display any Christian values. However, there is an anti-drug scene were Eric Draven (the hero) makes a drug addict mother realize that her daughter needs her & gets her off drugs. On top of that the film's villains are nihilist anarchists. The film is notable for being Brandon Lee's last film, as an accident on the set killed him during production. $50,693,129
Ed Wood 1994 R Although it does glorify cross dressing and the homosexual agenda. It still is pro-capitalism and the film also glorifies the American dream. As despite the obstacles Wood faces, he still continues doing what he loves in making movies. $5,887,457
Edward Scissorhands 1990 PG-13 Endorsed by the Christian website with a 4 out of 5 star rating. Conversely however, a prominently featured Christian character - the only character in the movie ever identified as Christian - is portrayed as fanatical and bigoted against people with scissors for hands. $56,362,352
Falling Down 1993 R Film takes jabs at many liberal values, illegal immigration, union workers, multiculturalism, (one scene where Bill tells his ex-wife that the ice cream shop him and his family used to go to is now a Mexican store) and foreign aid (in one scene Bill asks an illegal Korean immigrate a rhetorical question on how much America has given his country and yells at him after he refuses to learn the language).[51] It's also one of the very few films to be truthful in the "Nazis were right wingers" myth perpetrated by liberals, in which Bill informs a Neo-Nazi that he's an American and the Nazi is a sick a-hole. As well as many shots where the America flag is trashed upon (which could symbolize how liberalism has trashed everything America has stood for).[52] But at the same time it also takes jabs at capitalism, where Bill believes he's no longer commercially valuable. And although the plot is about man trying to reach his daughter's birthday party, the film seems to toy with its audience in suggesting whether he's mentally ill or not, as opposed to a pro-family message. $40,903,593
Fargo 1996 R Pregnant sheriff with traditional American family values solves an elaborate criminal embezzlement, kidnapping and murder scheme. $24,611,975
Ghost 1990 PG-13 The Bible claims ghosts don't exist. Still this film toys with idea that they do, also it has liberal actress Whoopi Goldberg as a psychic medium. Nevertheless, the film does show Christian values, as ghost Sam Wheat tries to uncover a bank fraud case, when he does convinces Goldberg to give the money to a Christian charity. It also has an anti-infidelity message, as despite being widowed, Sam's wife Molly still refuses to be with anyone else, even when his false friend Carl tries to hit on her. Also it isn't PC on damnation, as the villains are seen being cared away helplessly by evil spirits after they die. $217,631,306
Good Kill 2014 R Ethan Hawke plays a man who questions the ethics of his job as a drone pilot, while it is taking a jab at the Barack Obama regime (Obama has droned more people in the Middle East than George W. Bush, most of whom were innocent bystanders and the left has ignored it or claimed it was a "Fox News conspiracy"). It could also be against the War on Terror too. $316,472
Grave of the Fireflies 1988 UR While the film has been labeled anti-war, the director Isao Takahata stated the actual meaning was about growing up. The film's message is still debatable to this day.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch 1982 R Unlike the two films before it (which has mass murder Michael Myers) this film's villain is a pagan who plans on sacrificing children via witchcraft to bring back the original celebration of Halloween. However he does this by selling masks to them which many critics pointed out may have been an anti-capitalism message.[53] The film's "hero" is also an adulterer. $14,400,000
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2013 R Western fairy tale characters Hansel and Gretel are now adults and have their own private bounty hunting organization in hunting witches. Portrays witchcraft in a negative manner, and guns in good light. But the gore, graphic violence and brief nudity is rather unnecessary. $55,703,475
High Noon 1952 UR A favorite of both Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Bill Clinton; John Wayne said it was "the most un-American thing I've ever seen in my whole life";[54] though susceptible of various interpretations, most of all it seems to scare people into wanting more government. $3,750,000
Hoot 2006 PG A movie about a bunch of kids who stand up to a CEO company that is trying to put one of its restaurants on a burrowing owl habitat. However the movie contains many morals, and promoting friendship. It does give kids the great inspiration to stand up for what they believe is right. $8,117,637
The Hunger Games 2012 PG-13 Futuristic totalitarians plan titular annual televised "games" as punishment on the descendants of failed revolutionaries from a past uprising. Although technically a message against totalitarianism and for individualism, Leftist actor Donald Sutherland, who played President Snow, implied that the struggles of the films' protagonists were supposed to be derived from the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the book's author also indicated that the events of the book were based on the George W. Bush administration. $406,267,858
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry 2007 PG-13 Portrayals an inside joke of same-sex "marriage" by having Adam Sandler and Kevin James pretend to be a homosexual couple in order to receive benefits. The villains of the movies are government ranking officials out to prove with they are really homosexual. However contains some scenes of girls in lingerie and Adam Sandler checking out some girls. The film took place prior to the 2011 enactment of the Marriage Equality Act, which claimed to "legalize" "marriage" for same-sex couples in the state. At the time the film was released, the state allowed for residents to file for unregistered cohabitation rights, and various municipal and county governments had offered domestic partnership registries. $120,059,556
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2008 PG-13 Although the film does depict the Communists as bad guys (to such an extent that the Russian Communist Party in Moscow was angered by the decision), and implies that Indiana Jones is a Republican or at the very least an Dwight D. Eisenhower fan, the film also depicts McCarthyism in a negative light, with one character implying that the American Government was simply being paranoid and denies there being a sizeable Communist infiltration in America, and also seems to promote paganism in the form of the Crystal Skull. $786.6 million
The Iron Lady 2011 PG-13 The British biopic of Conservative Party leader and 1979-90 British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, showing the effects of conservative economic policy on Britain, helping to lift the country out of its recession. However, it also showed Margaret Thatcher in a somewhat negative light, depicting her during her late years as becoming slightly addled. $80,554,188 (international including UK), $27,081,674 (US - domestic)
It's a Wonderful Life 1946 UR Falsely teaches that humanism is what makes life worthwhile; marginalizes faith with a cartoonish depiction and demonizes capitalism as sadistic and greedy. $3,300,000
Jaws 1975 PG Anti-environmentalism film, the heroes are police chief Brody, WWII vet Quint and Marine Biologist Hooper who team up to take on a monstrous, man-eating great white shark. However, there is a part where (despite the warning) the Mayor keeps the beaches open for the sake of money, which some may say is an anti-capitalism statement. Notable for being one of the first summer blockbusters. It was followed by three sequels in 1978, 1983 and 1987. $260,000,000
Juno 2007 PG-13 A pregnant teenage woman rejects abortion and decides for an adoptive birth instead. This movie pushes feminism and marginalizes the essential role of fatherhood. $143,492,840
Jurassic World 2015 PG-13 Jurassic Park is now functioning and open for business and the new boss is a woman, an obvious feminist message. Also the military is downgraded as they plan to weaponize dinosaurs. Despite all this feminists weren't impressed and labeled it sexist[55] and even liberal critics called the weaponizing dinosaurs plot asinine.[56] $652,270,625
Kiki's Delivery Service 1989 G The film does show the value of hard work and is pro-capitalism (Kiki owns her own delivery business), but at the same time depicts feminism and witchcraft in a positive light. $18 million
Kingdom of Heaven (director's cut) 2005 R A story set in the Crusades period about a young knight. While the theatrical version was a pure liberal media, the director's cut promotes fighting, honor, duty, and portrays the noble Knights Hospitallers in a positive light. That being said, the movie still portrays Knights Templars in a negative light. $47,398,413
Kingsman: The Secret Service 2015 R Anti-environmentalist, the villain attempts to eradicate the human race because of his belief in man-made global warming. Though the film is full of language and violence as well as a brief nudity scene. There's also one scene were one of the characters gets into a bloody fight with a group of Christians whom are portrayed as "racists". $128,261,724
Knocked Up 2007 R Unemployed, immature and childish 23-year old Ben Stone (Seth Rogen) has a one-night stand with serious career woman Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl), with the unintended consequence of pregnancy. Alison's mother (Joanna Kerns) says she should get the pregnancy "taken care of", while Ben's best friend Jonah (Jonah Hill) suggests that "I won't say the A-word, but it rhymes with abortion." Alison decides to keep the child, while Ben decides to find a real job, grow up, and become a father. $148,768,917
The LEGO Movie 2014 PG Anti-Large Government, with a message that anyone has the potential to be extraordinary. However is also anti-capitalist, and the main villain is Lord Business. $257,760,692
Lincoln 2012 PG-13 Bio film on conservative icon Abraham Lincoln, played wonderfully by Daniel Day-Lewis. Although overall very positive towards Lincoln and the Republican Party, it nonetheless downplays the role the Democrat Party played in the institution of slavery during the Civil War. $182,207,973
Lionheart 1990 R Pro-family as Jean-Claude Van Damme plays Lyon Gaultier (nicknamed Lionheart) who becomes a street fighter to help pay his sister-in-law's expenses after her husband is killed. During this time he also tries to reconnect with his estranged family. However he gets into the country illegally, which some could point out is a pro-illegal immigration statement. $24,078,196
The Lorax 2012 PG Although it has an environmentalist agenda, it also states that monopolies are wrong. $214,030,500
P.C.U. 1994 PG-13 College students fight back against a campus where the administration promotes official diversity awareness weekends and radical feminism, veganism, and political correctness run amok, but a conservative group on campus is also portrayed just as negatively as the P.C. groups. $4,350,774
The Passion of the Christ 2004 R Downplays the Resurrection[57] and strength of Christianity and omits powerful angels; instead exaggerates triumph of evil; film had little lasting effect on public or its producer; portrayed nails as through the hands rather than through the wrists as depicted by the Shroud of Turin and confirmed by modern science. $370,782,930
Pillow Talk 1959 UR A classic starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day in which conservative values triumph over liberal ones. There are no distortions by feminist ideology. Indeed, in one scene a leading man slaps the leading lady, but then is beaten up by dimwitted bystanders for it! $18,750,000
Pulp Fiction 1994 R Despite saying the F-word in almost every sentence, the film (surprisingly) has a pro-Christian message as after being shot at, every bullet misses mob hit men Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega. Winnfield believes it was a divine intervention and message from God to stop his life of crime. His partner doesn't believe this but it's later proven to be true as he perished later on in the movie. Also has sadomasochistic homosexuals as the bad guys. And (sort of) has an anti-drug message as mob boss's girlfriend Mia Wallace is seen also overdosing (a negative side to drugs) on heroin. $107,928,762
The Rescuers 1977 G The villain in this movie is a capitalist pawn shop owner, who wants a rare diamond to make her rich, to add insult to injury they're Southerners. Also paints the United Nations in a positive light. On the other hand, the main villain is also a feminist, and the main human protagonist is shown praying for not only herself (even she has been kidnapped) but for all the kids in the orphanage (who have not been kidnapped). This is one of the rare Disney films feature a Christian character that's treated in a positive light. $29 million
Robin Hood 1973 G Animated Disney adaptation of the iconic story, depicting all of the characters as anthropomorphic animals. Although the story itself was based on Joseph Ritson's revised version of the character that was in support of the Jacobin cause and thus was a liberal icon (steals from the rich, gives to the poor), the villain is Prince John who makes his money from taxes, suggesting Robin Hood is only giving money the government demanded back to people who actually worked for it. It also features a condemnation of government encroachment of the church, as a pivotal scene featured the Sheriff of Nottingham explicitly stealing a coin from the poor box and his later arresting Friar Tuck for trying to stop him, and the Sheriff's actions were clearly being framed in a horrible light. $32 million
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 PG-13 A group of freedom fighters undertake a dangerous mission in an attempt to steal the plans for the Galactic Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star. Unlike the previous Star Wars films, the focus of this one is on soldiers on the battlefield, their goal to restore liberty to the Galaxy. This gives the movie a strong feeling of American patriotism, and could also be argued to show respect to the U.S. military. However, the screenwriters Chris Weitz and Gary Whitta made tweets that implied that they were trying to push the leftist Diversity agenda just after Trump won the presidency, as well as used a customized version of the Rebel Starbird logo with a safety pin attached, and one of the main characters, Saw Gerrera, was stated to be based on Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara and was treated in a (comparably) positive light. $1,043,133,586
Saw 2004-2010, 2017 R (Director's Cuts are NC-17) The franchise contains an anti-nihilist message, with the antagonist, John Kramer, also known as "the Jigsaw Killer," wishing for his victims to survive the "games" in which he places them, ultimately emerging with a better appreciation for their lives. Saw IV also contains a very strong message of letting go and letting people find salvation and redemption for themselves, an allusion to biblical passages about the subject. However, it could also be argued that Jigsaw is playing God with the value of human life, by bringing his test subjects to the very edge of death, forcing them to gravely hurt themselves, in order to survive. Furthermore, in Saw III, one of his apprentices, Amanda Young, is revealed to have rigged traps to kill her victims, even if they successfully complete their games, as she no longer believes in Jigsaw's philosophy. $953,421,276
Shame 2011 NC-17 While the movie shows Hollywood Values, such as sex addiction, in a negative light and is clearly anti-homosexual agenda, as the main character reaches his lowest point by partaking in such acts, the film is graphic in its nature leaving one to question how conservative it really is. $3,909,002
The Simpsons Movie 2007 PG-13 Portrays the liberal EPA as a villainous and devious agency, and portrays the Government in general as intrusive and corrupt. On the other hand, it also promotes environmentalism in the beginning. $183,135,014
Soul Man 1986 PG-13 A white student cheats the affirmative action system, by pretending to be black in order to get the scholarship he needs for to pay for Harvard. Towards the end it is revealed he took the scholarship away from someone who needed it (and is really black), because she has a son and is divorced at such a young age. Exploits the racism that people have against white people. But on the positive note the film teaches the importance of hard work. $27,820,000
Star Wars 1977-1983 (Original Trilogy); 1999-2005 (Prequel Trilogy); 2015- (Sequel Trilogy) PG, PG-13 (Episode III & Episode VII) Mostly composed of simple truths about the triumph of good over evil, and in the case of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, redemption. However, Episode VI also contained some implied pro-Vietcong propaganda at George Lucas' behest via the Ewoks, as well as his later claiming that the entirety of the Star Wars saga from Episodes IV-VI was meant to be his means of protesting Vietnam (which is supported by a memo dating back to 1973 where he claimed the film was about "A large technological empire going after a small group of freedom fighters." It is also to be noted that this was not the first time he voiced support for the Vietcong as well as used film to push an anti-American/anti-War agenda, as he also initially played a role in the filming of Apocalypse Now[58]), and the re-release for Episode IV: A New Hope also had an infamous edit where it made it seem as though Greedo shot at Han first, with George Lucas later revealing he did the edit (or rather, falsely claimed it was always that way) as a means to promote gun control. The prequel trilogy also had some implied pot-shots at then-president George W. Bush and his War on Terror, and there was also an implied promotion of moral relativity in Revenge of the Sith (where Obi-Wan, when confronting Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in the climax, stated in reply to Anakin's declaration that Obi-Wan is his enemy if he's not with him that "only a Sith deals in absolutes."). A similar promotion of moral relativity and postmodernism was shown in Return of the Jedi where Obi-Wan admitted that his claim that Vader killed Anakin Skywalker was "true from a certain point of view." In addition, the Trade Federation and its motives in The Phantom Menace was crafted by George Lucas to be a negative response to the Republican Revolution of 1994, and in particular Newt Gingrich's Contract with America (with Gingrich himself being a partial namesake of the main villain, Viceroy Nute Gunray). In addition, the director for Episode VII: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams, admitted in a press release that he deliberately made Finn black in order to ensure diversity among the characters, hinting at it pushing the leftist diversity agenda.[59] In addition, the film also hints at a militant feminist agenda by having Leia act as general and Rey not allowing anyone to save her, something that conservative commentator John Nolte mentioned was a detraction for the film.[60] In addition, the ending award ceremony in A New Hope was deliberately modeled after the stadium scene from the infamous Nazi movie propaganda The Triumph of the Will. $460,998,007
Starship Troopers 1997 R Although it overall depicts the Military in a protagonistic light and arguably is pro-war and pro-military, the director of the film, Paul Verhoeven, implied it was actually supposed to push an anti-military, anti-war message where it implied that America during the Cold War were automatically fascists simply because they are entering war, and specifically stated it was "a natural evolution for post-World War II America." In addition, to reinforce Verhoeven's message, he deliberately modeled various scenes after Triumph of the Will and other pro-Nazi propaganda scenes, as well as modeled the protagonists' uniforms after the uniforms utilized by the Nazis (i.e., the character Carl, played by Neil Patrick Harris, wearing a uniform that was modeled after the SS). When asked by Michael Ironside, who was one of the people who had a role in the movie and had read the original book, about why he made the movie despite Verhoeven's leftist politics, he answered "If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me. So I'm going to make a perfect fascist world: everyone is beautiful, everything is shiny, everything has big guns and fancy ships, but it's only good for killing ******* bugs!" (note that fascism is not "right wing", it is left wing, so Verhoeven's incorrect regarding which wing the Nazis/fascists were part of). $54,814,377
Sudden Death 1995 R Disgraced fire fighter now becomes a laughingstock fire marshal uncovers an terrorist plot at a Hockey game plans to redeem himself and protect his children and the Vice President from said terrorists. However they're not Islamic, which may have been because the film was trying to be politically correct. $20,350,171
Super 2010 R Main character becomes a super hero after a vision from God. He also frequently turns to prayer and a Christian television show for guidance. Even though his wife leaves him for a drug dealer, he remains loyal to her for the whole movie. Although contains foul language, violence, and brief nudity scenes. $327,716
Team America: World Police 2004 R While it is clearly pro-military, pro-America, and anti-Hollywood, the movie is riddled with liberal values, including toilet humor and vulgar language throughout. Also, in the movie's foul mouthed theme song, it favors abortion, slavery, pornography, and Democrats, while having no positive reaction to Republicans. Penned by the creators of South Park and The Book of Mormon musical. $32,786,074
Titanic 1997 PG-13 Every life had value and the most powerful men gave up their seats on lifeboats to women and children first; the media and a young RINO are rightly criticized; broke the record in movie revenues. However, it also gave some hints at a pro-socialist view, and a key scene involving Rose being drawn in the nude is invocative of pornography. $600,779,824
Trainspotting 1996 R It's been debatable if the film is anti-drug. $16,491,080
U-571 2000 PG-13 Had a plot which was based on the first capture of a German Enigma machine in World War Two. Despite the film being patriotic to America, the facts are wrong as the Enigma machine was captured by the British in 1941 prior to the Americans entering the war. $77,122,415
Van Helsing 2004 PG-13 Thanks to Hollywood values, Van Helsing isn't portrayed as the Christian character he should be, but the film still gets its good vs. evil message across. As well as portraying the Catholic church in a positive light. The director Stephen Sommers has made conservative films The Mummy Returns and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra though.
Wall-E 2008 G The movie warned against big government (BNL), however it is also anti-capitalist and pro environmentalism as BNL is a corporation. $223,808,164
The Way We Were 1973 PG Unique in the way that it appears liberal to liberals while unintentionally sending a conservative message to young women. Stars uber-liberal Barbra Streisand. $49,919,870
We're the Millers 2013 R A drug dealer, stripper, runaway, and average loser pretend to be a family to sneak marijuana out of Mexico. However they learn the value and importance of family. The villains of the movie are all drug gang men, the film also features a stripper scene, and whether or not the film is anti-drug in the end is debatable. $150,394,119
Yours Mine and Ours 2005 PG The film is about a widower father of a conservative family who marries a widowed mother of a liberal family. Their two difference lifestyles contradict with each other, and the film does not really pick a side of on whose lifestyle is better. However it does have a scene where the liberal kids outsmart the conservative kids (By tricking them into thinking there is a fire, and then getting to use the bathrooms to themselves). Also has a scene where the kids work together and use conservative tactics to end bullying without the help of an authority figure. In the end the kids learn to put their differences aside and realize that family is what matters more. $53,412,862

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  40. 40.0 40.1
  46. Patterson, Roger & Chaffey, Tim (March 29, 2014). The Noah Movie: Our Detailed Review. Answers in Genesis. Retrieved August 9, 2016.
  49. 49.0 49.1 Rothman, Lily (May 30, 2014). The Same Woman Wrote Maleficent and Beauty and the Beast—Here’s How They’re Linked. Retrieved on January 16, 2014.
  57. The original version of the film had no references at all to the Resurrection.
    Two audience members jointly asked Abrams whether -- given his track record of helping build a diverse cast as director of the "Star Trek" reboot films -- he could confirm if there will be more Asian characters in the Star Wars universe. Asian characters are few and far between in the Star Wars franchise -- one appears in the original trilogy's last film, Return of the Jedi, but for only four seconds before dying in a fiery explosion. Abrams said that while he won't be casting future films in the franchise, because he's directing only Episode VII, he did include Asian characters in The Force Awakens, which opened December 18. "I think it's important people see themselves represented in film," Abrams said. "I think it's not a small thing."

See also