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'''90 [[Indian]]s facing modern''' [[slavery]] in Britain.[http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/90-indians-facing-modern-slavery-in-britain/story-b0Errg4Rzb94mCYvdr6yvL.html]
'''The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration''' (NOAA) has yet again been caught exaggerating  ‘[[global warming]]’ by fiddling with the raw temperature data.[http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/20/delingpole-noaa-caught-adjusting-big-freeze-out-of-existence/]
'''What's wrong with [[college]] today?''' ''When did college become the farm system for the [[Democratic Party]]?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/21/education/college-educated-democratic-leftist/]
'''A great video on the post''' [[Charles Darwin]]/[[evolutionism]] decline of the [[Britain|British]] empire.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQNF65JHFMA]
Shrinking British law enforcement agencies have difficulty stemming slavery pandemic in Britain.[https://sputniknews.com/europe/201712191060140107-uk-moden-slavery-pandemic/]
From the video: "In 1899, war with the [[Boers]] broke out. The numerically inferior Boers inflicted a series of humiliating defeats on Britain." 
If only Britain had more large Christian families and more industrious people, then they could afford better policing.  See also: [[Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism]]
[[Evolutionism]], the [[nanny state]] and [[Islam]]ification is making Britain weaker and weaker.
'''[[UK]]'s newest and biggest aircraft''' carrier springs a leak.[https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/dec/19/uks-newest-and-biggest-aircraft-carrier-springs-a-leak]
'''[[Britain]] to be colder''' than [[Iceland|ICELAND]] as FREEZING [[Siberia]]n winds and snow bring SUB-ZERO chill.[https://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/921587/UK-weather-forecast-latest-BBC-weather-Met-Office-cold-snow-winds]
In the 19th century, British naval supremacy helped enforce what became known as the Pax Britannica. After embracing [[Darwinism]], Britain began a steady decline and now the Brits have difficulty making their flagship ship stop leaking.
[[Global warming]]?
'''How [[immigration]] without restriction threatens [[civilization]]''' when recent immigrants do not share its moral foundation. ''Two cases in point: the murder of Kate Steinle and the [[Times Square]] [[terrorism|terrorist]] episode.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/18/human/crumbling-civilization-immigrant-rights/]
'''Led by a [[Never Trumper]] and a [[gay rights]] advocate, "[[US]] team falling apart''', on pace for worst medal performance in 2 decades" in the [[Winter Olympics]]. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/winter-olympics/us-team-falling-apart-on-pace-for-worst-medal-performance-in-2-decades/ar-BBJnqna?ocid=wo2018&li=BBFYokt&fullscreen=true#image=1]
'''[[Liberal logic]]''': "[[Al Franken|Franken]] urged to reverse his resignation." [https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/18/manchin-franken-senate-resign-300843]
'''Only one out of 9 [[U.S. Supreme Court|Supreme Court]] Justices ([[Clarence Thomas]]) is willing to stand up for [[Second Amendment]] rights''', as the High Court refuses to review two pro-[[gun control]] [[Ninth Circuit]] decisions. [http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clarence-thomas-rips-high-courts-decision-not-to-hear-case-challenging-california-gun-law-second-amendment-is-disfavored-right/article/2649503]
'''When does the pursuit of [[peace]] become a [[delusion]] and an [[addiction]]?''' ''We see it now in the [[Middle East]]. [[Donald Trump]] must resist this malady.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/17/news/world-news/peace-process-delusional-disorder/]
'''[[America]] needs [[Israel]] at least as much''' as Israel needs America. ''A review of the various ways Israel benefits the [[United States]] [[military|militarily]], [[technology|technologically]], and even [[medicine|medically]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/20/human/israel-needs-broadcast/]
'''Why [[Net neutrality]] was a humanitarian hoax''' designed to enable [[censorship]] of views unfriendly to [[government]]. ''[[Donald Trump]] orchestrated its rescission.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/17/firstamendment/net-neutrality-humanitarian-hoax-17/]
'''[[UNICEF]] study: Babies''' are more likely to die in [[Britain]] than in [[Cuba]], [[Montenegro]] or [[Belarus]].[https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/britain-s-newborn-death-rate-higher-than-in-belarus-b8hhh0pt2]
If only Britain hadn't embraced [[Darwinism]], then they might not be so backward when it comes to [[medical science]]. See also: [[Atheism and infanticide#Atheism, evolutionism and infanticide|Atheism, evolutionism and infanticide]] and [[Abortion and atheism]] and [[Socialized medicine]]
[[Switzerland]], which has one of the highest rates of [[creationism]] in [[Europe]], has a very low rate of infant mortality compared to other nations.[http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2013/06/switzerland-beacon-of-european.html][https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html]
'''[[Slavery]] ensnares''' thousands in the U.K.[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/modern-slavery-government-failing-bid-tackle-report-a8111431.html][https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/18/world/europe/uk-modern-slavery.html] Britain recorded 2,255 modern slavery offenses across England and Wales last year, a 159 percent increase from the previous year.
'''"Liberal Lies Just Pile Up"''' [http://republicomment.blogspot.com/2018/02/liberal-lies-just-pile-up.html]
'''Do [[lobby]]ists buy Members of [[Congress]]?''' ''Would [[term limits]] make lobbying less than worthwhile?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/19/accountability/legislative/lobbyists-humanitarian-hoax-22/]
'''[[Anti-Trump]] skier Lindsey Vonn is being scorned on Twitter for pulling out of the [[USA]] team ski event''', after she lost badly in her individual event at the [[Winter Olympics]]. [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5409831/American-Olympic-skiers-slammed-shunning-event.html]
'''[[Western civilization]] has improved the [[human]] condition greatly''' in the last 2000 years. ''But you wouldn't know it from the litany of [[liberal]] complaints.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/19/human/western-civilization-better/]
'''"The Loser in the Basement"''' [http://republicomment.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-loser-in-basement.html]
'''Setback for [[liberal claptrap]]''': a new all-black movie, ''Black Panther,'' breaks attendance records with its "essentially [[conservative]] model" for its superhero. [https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-02-18/-the-black-panther-seeks-to-inspire-not-incite-revolution]
'''A [[God]]ly [[Israel]]''' is a safe and strong Israel. ''The [[Bible]] tells us that.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/18/clergy/godly-israel-anyone/]
'''''[[Miami]] Herald:'' In the wake of Wednesday’s massacre''' at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in [[Florida]], a lot of parents are wondering if [[homeschooling]] might be a safer option for their children.[http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article200286969.html]
In 2016, a British Muslim cleric told teenage disciples that it is permissible under [[Islam]] to have sex slaves.[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3716280/Yes-boys-sex-slaves-Outrage-British-Muslim-cleric-mosque-Cardiff-jihadis-radicalised-tells-teenagers-captives-permissible-Islam.html]
Left leaning ''Business Insider'': Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century.[http://www.businessinsider.com/reasons-homeschooling-is-the-smartest-way-to-teach-kids-today-2018-1]
'''[[Oscar]]-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence &ndash; perhaps unwittingly &ndash; made a [[Trump]]-like joke at the expense of his potential rival in 2020''': when asked if she would play a politician, Lawrence responded, "I Could Play Senator [[Elizabeth Warren|Warren]] as [[Pocahontas]]!" [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/hah-jennifer-lawrence-cracks-joke-asked-play-politician-play-senator-warren-pocahontas-video/]
'''[[Florida]] school shooting spree unlikely''' to give political traction to [[gun control]] advocates.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5-yoRSJuRU]
Will the U.K. become a less civilized country in the 21st century? Will [[Richard Dawkins]] ever pay his slavery related reparations? See: [[Richard Dawkins' family fortune and the slave trade]]  
More [[vouchers]] for religious schools will help drain the swamp of public school related violence.
'''Letting those actually guilty of sexual harassment resign, is not enough.''' ''Those who commit such offenses should face prosecution, especially when force is involved.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/15/constitution/resign-enough-prosecute/]
Not a single mass murderer in American history has been identified as a Christian, [[young earth creationism|young earth creationist]]See: [[Social effects of the theory of evolution]]
''In fact, activists have warned that the steady drumbeat of atheism and nihilism in our schools, and homes devoid of [[Christianity|Christian]] precept and practice, would only produce more such incidents.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/16/clergy/school-shootings-another-warning-unheeded/]
'''[[Liberal]]s' emphasis on sexual harassment boomerangs, as a top [[Dem]] candidate supported by [[Emily's List]] just pulled out of her race''': "First Female Politician Brought Down By Harassment Allegation." [https://www.usnews.com/news/the-run/articles/2017-12-15/first-female-politician-brought-down-by-harassment-allegation]
'''"Underage driving on the rise as [[video games]] give 'youngsters the confidence to get behind the wheel.'"''' [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/16/underage-driving-rise-video-games-give-youngstersthe-confidence/] ''Meanwhile, [[liberal denial]] about the harms of video games continues''.
'''[[Freedom From Religion Foundation]] Drops''' Lawsuit Against President [[Donald Trump]]'s Religious Liberty Order.[https://www.christianpost.com/news/freedom-from-religion-foundation-drops-lawsuit-against-trumps-religious-liberty-order-210152/]  See also: [[Donald Trump and American atheists]]
'''[[Democrat]]s are''' collapsing heading into midterms.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4tqczcaIS4]
'''[[Roy Moore]] did well enough to make it a slam dunk for him to win that same seat in 2020''', when [[Dem]]s will have their hands full with trying to defeat [[Donald Trump]].
'''[[Liberal]]s are furious that [[conservative]] [[Kentucky]] Governor [[Matt Bevin]] blamed violent [[video games]] for yesterday's massacre''', while the [[liberal media]] censors any inquiry into the possibility. [http://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/kentucky-governor-heartbroken-over-shooting-blames-culture/417-519382023]
'''Give it up, [[liberal]] [[Silicon Valley]]''': "[[FCC]] overturns [[net neutrality]] rules," opening door to [[Google]], [[Facebook]], and other traffic hogs having to start paying their own way. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2017/12/14/fcc-overturns-net-neutrality-rules-but-supporters-pledge-continue-fight/950734001/]
'''[[Hawaii]] considers regulating "loot boxes" in [[video games]]'''. [https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/263902-hawaii-proposes-legislation-regulate-loot-boxes-games]  ''Meanwhile, the [[lamestream media]] is mum about whether the [[Young Mass Murderers|young mass murderer]] in [[Florida]] was hooked on violent video games''.
'''[[Never Trump]] [[Republican]] [[globalist]]s''', led by [[Evan McMullin]], spent $500,000 in ads to defeat [[Roy Moore]]. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/gope-spent-500000-defeat-roy-moore-campaigns-trashes-steve-bannon-loses/]
'''[[Young mass murderer]] who killed 17 and wounded 50 in Florida -- on [[Saint Valentine's Day]] -- frequently posted vile things on [[social media]]''', and students who heard about the killings immediately suspected him as the perpetrator. [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5392559/Multiple-victims-Florida-school-shooting.html] ''Our [[prayers]] go out to the victims''.
'''As [[Hanukkah]] begins, remember the first Hanukkah''' and the [[Maccabees|Maccabean]] Revolt. ''The [[Judaism|Jews]] had their "Days of Rage" over 2,000 years ago.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/13/news/world-news/jewish-days-rage-hanukkah/]
'''[[CPAC]] caves into the [[homosexual agenda]]''':  it bans the [[conservative]] MassResistance, while welcoming a gay activist group as an exhibitor. [http://americasurvival.org/2018/02/conservative-group-banned-from-conservative-conference.html#axzz576w081cn] ''[[CPAC]] also features [[atheist]] groups now''.
'''[[Roy Moore]] refuses to concede the [[election]],''' and will ask for a [[recount]]. [http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/13/politics/roy-moore-speech/] ''Note: the apparent margin of victory for [[Doug Jones]] is less than the total votes for write-in candidates.''
'''"Actor-Comedian Bill Murray Praises [[Trump]] Tax Cuts, Attacks [[Democrat]]s for Divisive Politics."''' [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/actor-comedian-bill-murray-praises-trump-tax-cuts-attacks-democrats-divisive-politics-video/] ''Now we know why Murray was repeatedly denied nominations for an [[Academy Award]]''.
* “We have stopped prayer in our schools,” Moore said in a post-election statement. “We have killed over 60 million of our unborn children. We have redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family, which is the building block of our country. Our borders are not secure. Our economy is faltering under an enormous national debt. We have a huge drug problem. We have even begun to recognize the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa. We have allowed Judges and justices to rule over our Constitution, and we have become slaves to their tyranny. Immorality sweeps over our land.” [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/12/13/roy-moore-saying-immorality-sweeps-over-our-land-declines-again-to-concede/?utm_term=.b8f9b9095ee1]
'''After [[Dem]]s manipulated the black vote to elect white [[Leftist]] [[Doug Jones]], [[Charles Barkley]] declares''', "This is a wake-up call for Democrats to do better for black people and poor white people."  ''Yeah, right, as though [[liberals]] are going to change''.
'''Ratings for Late''' Night [[Liberal]]s are Imploding![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fWbT0d9Qlc]
'''The write-in campaign by the [[Republican]] [[Establishment]] enables [[Leftist]] [[pro-abort]] [[Doug Jones]] to win with less than 50% of the vote''' in [[Alabama]].
'''How [[Democratic Party|Democrats]] deliberately turn cities and States under their control into [[Third World]] enclaves.''' ''Has several instructive, disgusting &ndash; and tragic &ndash; examples.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/13/constitution/democrats-third-world-trump-resistance/]
'''Latest election returns in [[Alabama]]''', with 99 percent of precincts reporting:
'''The [[Dutch]] mock [[fake news]] by [[liberal]] [[Katie Couric]], who falsely said on [[NBC]] that the Dutch "skated on [their canals] to get from place to place."''' [https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/winter-olympics-2018/2018/02/12/winter-olympics-dutch-mock-katie-couric-comments-speedskating-netherlands/328425002/]  ''Not true at all, starting with how the canals are not even frozen for 360 days a year''.
::[[Doug Jones]]: 49.9 percent
::[[Roy Moore]]: 48.4 percent
::Write-ins: 1.7 percent
'''You can't always believe the women.''' ''Especially not when they wait forty years, and then show up with partially forged evidence.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/12/constitution/always-believe-the-women-really/]
'''[[Lamestream media]] TV expert taints the [[Winter Olympics]] with his ignorant, highly offensive remarks about [[Japan]] and Korea'''. [http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/international/ct-spt-winter-olympics-nbc-apology-south-koreans-20180211-story.html] ''A "[[best of the public]]" ordinary commentator would do a far better job''.
'''[[Conservapedia proven right]], again''': [[Dem]]s calling on [[Al Franken]] to resign was just a stunt to set up their calls now for [[Donald Trump]] to resign.  [https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/11/sens-gillibrand-merkley-booker-and-sanders-urge-trump-to-resign.html]  ''But the flaw is this: Trump is not a clown like Al Franken''.
'''Men's figure skating at the [[Winter Olympics]] becomes a soapbox for the [[homosexual agenda]] and criticizing [[conservative]] V.P. [[Mike Pence]]''', as television ratings drop.
'''Another year, another [[budget]] delay.''' ''The national budget wouldn't be a problem if [[Congress]] limited itself to [[Constitution]]al functions.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/11/constitution/can-republic-survive-elected-leaders/]
'''[[Secular humanism]] and now [[Islam]] are killing [[Europe]].''' ''As [[America]] stands alone, it must stand tall. [[Donald Trump]] is the leader for our time.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/12/human/europe-end-world/]
'''[[Alabama]] [[GOP]] Senate candidate [[Roy Moore]]''' is now leading his Democratic rival, Doug Jones, by 4 points, according to a new survey.[http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/364140-moore-bumps-jones-from-top-spot-in-alabama-senate-poll]
'''Remembering [[Abraham Lincoln]] on his birthday.''' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/12/human/abraham-lincoln-ancient-faith/] ''Remember when we used to honor Presidents Lincoln and [[George Washington]] on their actual birthdays?''
'''Better [[election]] rules can better enable [[statesmanship]]''' to come to the fore. ''Election rules definitely need to change in [[Israel]]. And maybe in [[America]], too.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/12/accountability/legislative/statesmanship-election-rules/]
'''When an executive succumbs to egomania he often makes bad deals.''' ''Case in point: [[Ehud Olmert]], [[Prime Minister]] of [[Israel]] who brokered the [[Oslo Accords]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/11/accountability/executive/egomania-denial-evil/]
'''It's already happened: politicians in [[Spain]] actually entertain a bill to grant rights to [[ape]]s!''' ''Is not this the natural consequence of believing in [[evolution]]?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/10/human/men-apes-updated-case-spain/]
'''A primer on what it means to have a [[Constitution]],''' from a [[professor]] of political science who laments that [[Israel]] does not have our kind of Constitution. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/11/constitution/101/primer-constitutional-democracy-israel/]
'''Don't let Linda Sarsour fool you.''' ''She pretends to be a champion of women, then apologizes for the worst mistreatment of women under [[Islam]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/10/human/linda-sarsour-jihadi-hijab/]
'''A sharp reminder of the deadly nature of [[Islam]],''' specifically in the context of the [[Iran]]ian threat. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/10/clergy/deadly-nature-islam/]
'''Scientists recently discovered''' that human brains are made for music — that a deep musical appreciation is a foundational aspect of being human.[https://creation.com/music-gift]
'''Does [[Israel]] really have a [[Constitution]] as we know it?''' ''A review of the actual history of the new State of Israel and how the present system came about, might shock the reader.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/10/accountability/israel-true-character-political-system/]
'''A [[California]] trial''' court has upheld a [[Christian]] baker's right to refuse to create a wedding cake for a [[lesbianism|lesbian]] couple, but the decision comes as a similar case is already pending in the nation's highest court.[http://www.bpnews.net/50317]
According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls in the Alabama Senate race, Moore has a 3.8 point lead over Jones.[https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2017/senate/al/alabama_senate_special_election_moore_vs_jones-6271.html]
American lesbians need to east less cake and not more! See: [[Lesbianism and obesity]]
'''"[[DNC]] 'unity' panel recommends huge cut in superdelegates,"''' in order to avoid a repeat of insiders handpicking another [[Hillary Clinton]] as nominee. [https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/09/dnc-superdelegates-unity-commission-288634]
'''Another reason to [[unplug the NFL]]:''' ''when the [[church]] gives way to entertainment, including [[football]], it's like salt that has lost its savor.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/09/clergy/clowns-entertaining-goats/]
'''Beware those who are feeding the [[swamp]]''' by sacrificing real [[sex]]ual offenders as they prepare to accuse [[Donald Trump]], [[Roy Moore]], and others &ndash; falsely &ndash; of similar [[sin]]s. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/09/accountability/news-media/feeding-swamp-democratic-strategy-2018/] ''Note: Roy Moore's accuser already admitted to committing [[forgery]].'' [https://www.westernjournalism.com/roy-moore-accuser-admits-doctoring-yearbook-signature/]
'''A review of the attempt to bring down [[President of the United States|President]] [[Donald Trump]],''' listing all the players of the dirty game. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/09/accountability/news-media/president-v-fisa-left/]
'''"[[Donald Trump|Trump]] rallies for [[Roy Moore|Moore]] ahead of [[Alabama]] election,"''' [http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/364065-trump-rallies-for-moore-ahead-of-alabama-election] while [[Koch puppet]]s like [[Ted Cruz]] fail to stand when it counts.
'''"Alarm bells are ringing on the federal debt" as the "Bipartisan Budget Act ... increases spending by $386 billion over two years and nearly $1.5 trillion over 10 years"''' and "suspends the [[debt ceiling]] until after the next election." [http://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/373177-alarm-bells-are-ringing-on-the-federal-debt]
'''Warning: sickness actually pays off''' for all too many [[doctor]]s and other [[health]] professionals. ''Seek ways to make yourself well at all times.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/08/human/sickness-pays-even-not-sick/]
'''[[Europe]] becomes "Eurabia"''' as [[multiculturalism]] allows [[Islam]] to ascend. ''Will [[Israel]] make the same mistake?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/09/human/europe-eurabia-israel-israbia/]
'''"[[Roy Moore]] accuser alters story on yearbook signing,"''' admits the [[liberal]] [[Alabama]] news site. [http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/12/roy_moore_accuser_alters_story.html]
'''The source of [[American exceptionalism]]''' is the exceptional men who crafted something called the [[United States of America]]. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/09/human/american-exceptionalism-donald-trump/]
'''60,000 [[right-wing]] [[nationalism|nationalists]] march''' on [[Poland]]’s independence day.[https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-patriotic-nationalist-not-fascist-pis-government/]
'''[[Conservative]] [[Rand Paul]] single-handedly shuts down the government!''' [http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/373069-rand-paul-blockade-pushing-senate-to-late-night-budget-vote]
"'''[[Bermuda]] Revokes [[homosexual marriage|Same-Sex-Marriage]] Rights''', In A World First." [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/08/584297218/bermuda-revokes-same-sex-marriage-rights-in-a-world-first]
'''[[DACA]] in a wider context''' &ndash; of [[judicial activism]] and the career of a [[Supreme Court]] Justice who wants to displace the native-born. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/08/constitution/daca-judicial-activism-teeing-sonia-sotomayor/]
'''Another retrospective on the [[State of the Union]] Address &ndash;''' ''and the disgraceful performance by [[Democrat Party|Democrats]] at that event.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/07/constitution/state-of-the-union-democrat-solidarity/]
'''[[Obama]] interfered with the [[FBI]] investigation of [[Hillary Clinton]]'s email server by oddly demanding to know "everything we’re doing,"''' newly released FBI texts show. [http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/372722-fbi-official-texted-potus-wants-to-know-everything-were-doing-report]
'''The difference between true [[theocracy]], or respecting the rule of [[God]],''' and the common definition of "theocracy" which means rule by priests or bishops or ministers. ''The former respects [[liberty]]; the latter does not.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/02/07/constitution/constitution-party-establish-theocracy/]
'''Just-released wiretap reveals the billionaire [[Dem]] candidate for [[Illinois]] governor mocking [[African American]] politicians''', and telling then-governor [[Rod Blagojevich]] that picking a black will “cover you on the African-American thing.” [http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/politics/ct-met-jb-pritzker-apologizes-african-american-voters-20180206-story.html]
'''Philadelphia Eagles Credit''' Their Shared Christian [[Faith]] for Super Bowl Win.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCKbPpaICFQ] See: [[Sports performance: Religious faith vs. atheism]]
ABC News on [[Europe]]: "ultra-[[conservative]] rhetoric is now seeping out of the fringes and into the mainstream."
The team's players respected the American flag and the American [[National Anthem]] throughout the season, with very few exceptions.
Now that right-wing politics and [[conservatism]] are going mainstream, will the [[liberal media]] keep labeling conservatives "controversial" and "extreme"?
'''Our "[[Unplug the NFL]]" prevails!  A massive 7% drop in the television audience for the [[Super Bowl]]''', despite a hyped match-up and a high-scoring game expected to increase viewership. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-football-nfl-superbowl-ratings/super-bowl-draws-103-million-viewers-down-7-percent-from-2017-idUSKBN1FP21O?feedType=RSS&feedName=newsOne&google_editors_picks=true]
<br>''It wasn't due to [[Trump]]; he watched and promoted the game''.
'''[[Leftism|Leftists]] agree:''' President [[Donald Trump]] is accomplishing too much.[http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/leftists-agree-trump-accomplishing-too-much/] See also: [[Donald Trump achievements]]
The first major atheist conference to be held in [[New York City]] has been cancelled amidst [[Atheist factions|atheist infighting]] and an accusation that it was going to be another boring atheist conference covering the same topics. For details, see: [[Atheist conferences]]  
"Trump is a man of action. He’s a man of courage, he cannot be deterred.."
'''Question:''' Why is [[atheism]] so boring? See: [[Atheism and inspiration]]
'''[[Conservapedia proven right]], again''': resignation of goofball [[liberal]] [[Al Franken]] was a stunt to criticize [[Roy Moore]] and [[Donald Trump]], whom Franken ranted against in his resignation speech.   [[Dem]] women senators then gave "big hugs" to Franken! [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/crying-women-democrat-senators-hug-sex-assaulter-al-franken-heeds-call-resign-big-hugs/]
'''Our "[[Unplug the NFL]]" has succeeded, with massive declines among those who followed the [[NFL]]''': "men ages 18-49 (a drop of 24 points), men without college degrees (-23 points) and white men (-22 points)." [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/poll-nearly-half-parents-would-discourage-football-due-concussions-n843836?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma] ''This frees up time that can be spent learning about and enjoying [[God]]'s [[creation]]''.
'''Why does a papal relief organization consistenly get it wrong''' about the plight of [[Christians]] in the [[Middle East]]? ''What's the one safe haven Christians have in the Middle East? [[Israel]]!'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/07/human/christians-middle-east-flawed-figures/]
'''While viewership declined 10% for the [[NFL]], and most will not watch the [[Super Bowl]], [[gambling]] on the last game will top $4.7 billion'''. [http://www.foxbusiness.com/features/2018/01/30/super-bowl-betting-total-to-top-4-7b-with-97-bet-illegally.html]
'''Trump gets bipartisan support for Jerusalem as Israel's capital''' [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/6/this-year-in-jerusalem/]
"EVERY BOGUS 2016 [[FISA]] REQUEST to Spy on [[Trump]] was Signed by [[Obama]]’s" Attorney General. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/all-the-bogus-fisa-requests-were-signed-by-obamas-ag-loretta-lynch-and-first-request-to-spy-on-trump-was-denied-by-the-court/]
'''Defeated by [[Roy Moore]], [[liberals]] move to Plan B''':  force [[Al Franken]] out of the Senate, and then use that precedent to try to block Moore after he is elected.
'''[[China]]'s''' [[war on Christmas]] made international headlines, sparking outrage across the globe.[http://www.anglicannews.org/blogs/2018/01/china-and-christian-culture-clashes.aspx] See also: [[Atheism and Christmas]]
'''[[Steve Bannon]] slams [[RINO]] [[Mitt Romney]] for his lack of military service''': "You went to [[France]] to be a missionary while guys were dying in rice paddies in [[Vietnam War|Vietnam]]. Do not talk to me about honor and integrity" concerning [[Roy Moore]]." [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/06/steve-bannon-attacks-republicans-alabama-rally-roy-moore]
'''"Dow plunges [[666]] points."''' [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2018/02/02/dow-suffers-brief-300-point-drop-amid-rate-hike-fears-after-strong-jobs-report/300350002/] ''Hmmm, [[666]]???''
<br>Notice how most [[lamestream media]] headlines avoid saying the decline was 666 points.
'''The dangers of [[relativism]] generally''' and [[moral relativism]] in particular. ''Whose purpose does it serve?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/06/human/relativism-latest-humanitarian-hoax/]
'''Nunes memo released to the public''': it reveals how secret surveillance against a [[Trump]] campaign official was obtained by misleading the [[FISA]] court. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/memo-released-house-intelligence-committee-releases-classified-fisa-memo/]
'''Setting himself apart''' from do nothing American politicians who merely gave empty promises, [[Donald Trump]] keeps his promise to recognize [[Jerusalem]] as [[Israel]]'s capital and his administration makes plans to move embassy.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdpXCSQspeY]
'''Setback for [[liberal]] gimmickry''': there is widespread ridicule by [[Leftist]]s of Joseph Kennedy III's bizarre appearance during his [[Dem]]-picked rebuttal of Trump. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/01/31/joe-kennedy-state-of-the-union-rebuttal-216561] ''Real men don't use Chapstick''.
[[Never Trump]] Sen. [[Jeff Flake]] flakes out further by boasting about donating to [[pro-abort]] [[Doug Jones]]' campaign against [[Roy Moore]] ... a contribution of a mere $100. [https://twitter.com/JeffFlake]
'''[[Liberal logic]]''': the underachieving Kennedy heir chosen by [[Dem]]s to rebut [[Donald Trump]]'s [[State of the Union Address]] inherited a $20 million fortune and his wife still has $50,000 in student loan debts. [https://heavy.com/news/2018/01/joe-kennedy-a-a-worth/]
'''Does [[George Soros]] fund all [[liberal]] ideology and politics?''' ''He certainly has the war chest for it. To compete against him requires asymmetrical campaigning.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/05/constitution/compete-george-soros/]
'''Why did the [[Dem]]s boo and his at [[Donald Trump]], or at best offer lackluster applause for a good [[economy]]?''' ''Because they've bought into [[collectivism]] and know that [[capitalism]] "trumps" it &ndash; pun intended.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/31/human/humanitarian-hoax-collectivism-21/]
'''"[[Donald Trump|Trump]] calls [[Roy Moore]] to offer his endorsement,"''' calling him a "fighter" and finishing the call with this: "go get 'em, Roy!" [http://www.kvia.com/news/politics/trump-fully-endorses-roy-moore/667247190] ''Refreshing, isn't it?''
'''[[Israel]] will never have [[peace]]''' until they stop electing [[secularism|secular]] [[Prime Minister]]s. ''Wanted: real [[Judaism|Jewish]] [[statesmanship|statesmen]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/31/accountability/executive/failure-israel-secular-prime-ministers/]
'''The so-called [[Regulation]] Freedom [[Amendment]]''' would cement in place regulations that already violate the [[Constitution]]. ''The proper remedy is to challenge the entire regulatory regime in a court of law.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/03/constitution/regulation-freedom-amendment-daniel-webster/]
"'''[[Dem]]s boo, hiss at [[Trump]] [[immigration]] remarks'''" during his [[State of the Union Address]], but Trump properly ignores and rises above the [[liberal]] rudeness. [http://thehill.com/latino/371538-dems-boo-hiss-at-trump-immigration-remarks]
'''[[Robert Mueller|Mueller]]'s investigation is disgraced as one of his top [[FBI]] agents was sending out anti-[[Trump]] texts''', and was removed for it. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-fbi/mueller-removed-fbi-agent-from-russia-probe-for-anti-trump-texts-reports-idUSKBN1DW0Q0]
'''[[House of Representatives|House]] committee votes to release a memo explaining abusive surveillance of candidate [[Donald Trump]] by the [[Deep State]]'''. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/29/house-intel-votes-release-gop-memo-alleging-fbi-spying-abuses/1076651001/] ''The full House, then the [[United States Senate|Senate]], should follow suit and restore the [[rule of law]]. That is if they truly wish to make [[America]] great again.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/30/accountability/executive/lets-make-america-great-again/]
'''Detailed citations from [[America]]n [[history|historical]] records''' show why a [[Constitutional Convention]] would be a disaster. ''No institution can survive a second exposure to the process that created it.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/02/constitution/convention-states-hard-facts/]
'''Students at a top college sharply condemn what [[Trump]] supposedly said in his [[State of the Union Address]]''' ... not realizing that he has not given the speech yet. [https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=10442]
'''"Report: [[Trump]] [[White House]] Caught Off Guard by [[Michael Flynn]] Plea''': ‘Their Own Counsel Didn’t Know.’" [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/12/01/michael-flynn-report-trump-white-house-caught-off-guard-flynn-plea-counsel-didnt-know/] ''Trump needs better advisers''.
'''Why do any [[America]]ns favor any part of [[socialism]] or [[communism]]?''' ''Herewith an explanation of, and answer to, that appeal.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/29/human/socialism-communism-appeal/]
'''Behold the [[mathematics]] of [[culture war]]:''' ''[[psychology|psychologist]] Kurt Lewin proposed erasing [[history]] and leaving us captive to the present moment.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/01/human/mathematics-culture-war/]
'''[[Britain]] to be blitzed by gales''' and sub-zero temperatures in new BIG FREEZE.[https://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/911310/UK-weather-ice-snow-gales-subzero-temperatures-january-weather-warning]  [[Global warming]]?
After tossing out an imposter from a church rally who works for Jimmy Kimmell, '''veteran [[Vietnam War]] officer [[Roy Moore]] tells Kimmell "If you want to mock our [[Christian]] values, come down here to [[Alabama]] and do it man to man."''' Kimmell responded with a cowardly, nasty rant on his late-night show for [[liberals]]. [http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/tv/ct-jimmy-kimmel-roy-moore-twitter-war-20171201-story.html]
'''[[Cherokee]] woman calls out [[liberal]] phony [[Elizabeth Warren]]''': "We’ve Asked Her to Stop" claiming Cherokee ancestry. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/cherokee-woman-torches-fake-indian-elizabeth-warren-weve-asked-stop-claiming-ancestry-video/]
'''[[Conservatives]] strike back in [[Alabama]]: "[[Steve Bannon|Bannon]]-linked group to make six-figure ad buy for [[Roy Moore|Moore]] in Alabama''', emphasizing his opponent's [[pro-abort]] record. [http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/362624-bannon-linked-group-to-make-six-figure-ad-buy-for-moore-in-alabama]
'''First [[Turkey]] rejects teaching''' [[evolution]] in primary/secondary schools. 
Now [[India]]n Cabinet minister, Satyapal Singh, with responsibility for education, has noted that [[Darwinism|Darwinian evolution]] is “scientifically wrong” and “not scientific.[https://evolutionnews.org/2018/01/in-indian-politics-evolution-news-helps-to-stir-things-up/]
The growing populations of religious countries and shrinking populations of irreligious countries is a death knell for [[evolution]]ism. See also: [[Evolutionary indoctrination]] and [[Growth of religion]] and [[Desecularization]]  
'''17 [[mainstream media]] figures''' have been fired or placed on suspension recently over allegations of sexual misconduct.[http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/11/29/mainstream-medias-accused-rap-sheet-15-far/]
'''Any two-state solution to the [[Israel]]-[[Palestine]] conflict''' would in fact violate [[international law]]. ''[[America]] and the [[United Kingdom]] signed a treaty in 1925, according to which: [[Israel]] belongs to the [[Judaism|Jews]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/28/accountability/executive/fools-oslo-train/]
'''Left leaning ''[[Salon]]'' website: "[[Roy Moore]]''' in the home stretch: He has survived, and is likely to win... Moore is poised for victory."
'''Dr. Steve Turly on the''' new study showing [[conservative]] [[Christianity]] growing in the USA.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIapBtv0yi4]
'''Half-empty stadiums for [[NFL]] games, and now this: "[[ESPN]] to Eliminate 150 Production and Studio Jobs''' in Another Round of Massive Layoffs." [http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2017/11/29/espn-eliminate-150-production-studio-jobs-another-round-massive-layoffs/] ''[[Unplug the NFL]]''.
'''U.S. states pass laws''' to promote Bible classes.[https://www.eternitynews.com.au/world/us-states-pass-laws-to-promote-bible-classes/]
'''Give it up, [[pro-abort]]s: "[[Roy Moore|Moore]] Opens Up 49–44 Lead in [[Alabama]]'''; Just 9% of [[Trump]] Voters Believe Allegations Against Moore." [https://medium.com/@ChngRsrch/moore-opens-up-49-44-lead-in-alabama-just-9-of-trump-voters-believe-allegations-against-moore-6d74baa84a68]
'''President [[Donald Trump]] is praised''' by Davos delegates for boosting the U.S. economy.[https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5421709/trump-praised-davos-world-economic-forum-boosting-us-economy/]
The U.S. economy has a big effect on the global economy. Every one of the world’s big economies is now growing.[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/27/business/its-not-a-roar-but-the-global-economy-is-finally-making-noise.html]
'''The alarming trend of estrangement from [[family]]''' is a deliberate aim and strategy of the [[Liberal]] Left to promote its [[deceit]]ful [[philosophy]]. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/28/family/estrangement-walking-eggshells/]
'''[[Trump]] Economy''' Is Heading Upward, Reversing the [[Obama]] Era.[https://www.lifezette.com/polizette/trump-economy-is-heading-upward-and-reversing-the-obama-era/]
'''[[Never Trump]] Plant in [[Alabama]]''': ‘Write In’ Against [[Conservative]] [[Roy Moore]] Attended [[Liberal]] [[Dem]] [[Doug Jones]] Fundraiser" [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/27/never-trump-plant-in-alabama-write-in-against-conservative-roy-moore-attended-liberal-dem-doug-jones-fundraiser/]
'''What the [[Britain|British]]''' ‘Minister of Loneliness’ position tells us about British culture.[http://yellowhammernews.com/faithandculture/59543/]
'''MSNBC Morning Joe''' and Mika Brzezinski caught red-handed offering a fake "live broadcast."[http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/11/26/fake-news-morning-joe-caught-pretending-pre-taped-day-thanksgiving-show-live/]
'''Lost and rejecting the concept of [[meritocracy]]''', [[Dems]] turn to an obscure relative of [[John F. Kennedy]] to deliver their response to [[Trump]]'s upcoming State of the Union address. [http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/370822-rep-joe-kennedy-iii-to-deliver-democrats-state-of-the-union]  ''It is difficult to find anything significant the young Kennedy has accomplished''.
'''[[XFL]] will start in two years to bring much-needed competition to the [[demonic]] [[NFL]]''', and signing a few stars like [[Tim Tebow]] could make it succeed. [http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22213241/vince-mcmahon-gimmick-free-xfl-return-2020]
'''A You-Gotta-Be-Kidding moment.''' As if all the myriad of excuses for [[global warming]] is bad enough, out comes the latest "scientific" study, in which the blame is placed on the consumption of [[sandwich]]es! [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352550917300635?via%3Dihub][https://newatlas.com/sandwiches-global-warming/53128/]
[[Evangelicalism]] spreading in [[Southeast Asia]] amid intensifying persecution.[https://www.christiantoday.com/article/evangelicalism-spreading-in-southeast-asia-amid-intensifying-persecution/123331.htm]
If they are lying about their broadcast being live, what else are they lying about?
Dr. [[William Lane Craig]]:
[[Christianity]] Is Not a White Man's Religion, It's Asian![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GEYr-bvhqI]  See also: [[Global Christianity]] and [[East Asia and global desecularization]]
'''Court Documents: [[Roy Moore]] Accuser Has 'Violent Nature,'''' History of Criminal Fraud Against Own Family.[http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/26/court-documents-roy-moore-accuser-violent-nature-history-criminal-fraud-family/]  
'''[[Atheism|Godlessness]], [[leftism]],''' false religions, [[authoritarianism]], corruption and the world's holes.[http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/01/godlessness_leftism_and_the_worlds_holes.html]
'''A call to unify [[America]] under [[God]],''' and lay aside current political and religious divisions. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/26/clergy/unifying-people-god-will-expose-drive-enemies-within/]
'''An in-depth review of the performance of [[CNN]] and other [[Mainstream Media]] outlets''' in their partiality toward the [[Democrat Party]] and against [[Donald Trump]]. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/26/accountability/news-media/cnn-americas-21st-century-tokyo-rose/]
'''Many modern [[slavery]] crimes in [[Britain]]''' are committed by families and middle-aged couples leading seemingly respectable lives.[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-crime-modern-slavery/middle-aged-couples-and-families-make-unlikely-slave-masters-in-britain-idUSKBN1FB2JE] This may be causing the growing slavery problem in Britain to be greatly underestimated.[https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-01/uoh-msi012518.php][https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/05/modern-day-slavery-thriving-throughout-united-kingdom/1002993001/]
Moore represented accuser's mother and won the case.
The freedom-loving USA is ranked #1 in fighting modern slavery.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2FSPdgEguk]
'''CBS News woman employee''' files lawsuit: Claims CBS boss told her to sleep with co-workers to get ahead.[https://nypost.com/2017/11/26/cbs-told-me-to-sleep-with-coworkers-to-get-ahead-suit/]
'''[[Kentucky]] Public School Shooter Joined''' [[Atheism|Atheist]] Group.[https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2018/january/kentucky-shooter-joined-atheist-group-but-couldnt-stop-these-students-from-praying] See also: [[List of atheist shooters and serial killers]] and [[Atheism and psychopathy]]
Atheists and [[evolution]]ists, has a [[Christian]], [[Young earth creationism|young earth creationist]], student ever gone on a killing spree in a Christian school? If not, why not?
[[Massachusetts]] [[liberal]] [[John Kerry]], 2.5 years older than [[Donald Trump]], hints he might run against Trump in 2020. [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/25/kerry-getting-presidential-fever-might-challenge-trump-2020/]
'''The enemies of [[Israel]] twist the meaning of [[peace]]''' to promote more atrocious and unfavorable exchanges like "land for peace." [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/26/news/world-news/israel-enemies-tactics/]
The threat of [[global warming]] is so dire that the elitists just have to lecture the masses about it, '''after they are flown in by the hundreds in their carbon-spewing private jets.''' [http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/01/24/private-jets-davos-climate-change/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social]
'''[[Roy Moore]]: Gloria Allred’s Refusal''' to Release Yearbook Proves Allegations Are ‘Completely Untrue’.[http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/17/exclusive-roy-moore-gloria-allreds-refusal-to-release-yearbook-proves-allegations-are-completely-untrue/]
'''Another setback for [[liberals]]''': "[[Trump]] says he wants to talk to [[Robert Mueller|Mueller]], would do so under oath," pending approval by Trump's attorneys. [https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/24/politics/robert-mueller-donald-trump/index.html]
'''[[Politico]] on the the [[Roy Moore]]''' controversy: "The anger against the [[Mainstream media|mainstream media]] is deep-seated. And, as difficult as it is for many to accept, much of the anger is justified. ...most major newspapers and cable news programs outside of Fox — has displayed a vexing double standard against [[conservative]]s. Those in the media unwilling to even see that as a possibility—and I’m sure there are many—are hopelessly lost to their own biases."
'''The lowdown on [[DACA]] and [[DAPA]], two policies intended to flood''' [[America]] with mendicant [[immigration|immigrants]]. ''[[Cloward-Piven Strategy|Cloward and Piven]] couldn't have designed this better.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/23/accountability/executive/daca-humanitarian-hoax-20/]
'''[[Young mass murderers]]''': a shooting rampage by a teenager leaves 2 dead and 17 injured at a Kentucky [[public school]]. '''Was the murderer a [[video game]] addict or high on [[marijuana]], or both?''' ''Our [[prayers]] are with the victims, and we hope for full disclosure of the cause.
'''New [[Harvard]] Research''' Says U.S. [[Christianity]] Is Not Shrinking, But Growing Stronger.[http://thefederalist.com/2018/01/22/new-harvard-research-says-u-s-christianity-not-shrinking-growing-stronger/]
Question: Do you remember the [[Aesop's Fables|Aesop's Fable]] of the boy who cried wolf? See: [[Liberal media bias]]
The percentage of church-attending Americans relative to overall population is more than four times greater today than it was in 1776.
Meanwhile, the [[atheist movement]] is in decline. See: [[Decline of the atheist movement]]
'''The [[New Atheism|new atheist]]''' [[Richard Dawkins]] feigns shock at [[Malaysia]]n Deputy Minister's view on [[atheism]].[http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/scientist-richard-dawkins-stupefied-by-deputy-ministers-view-on-atheism#2jeCLHI2RbGyuK1I.97] The Deputy Minister is a [[Islam|Muslim]]. See also: [[Atheism vs. Islam]]
'''Is [[China]] cracking down''' on Christianity?[http://www.dw.com/en/in-xi-we-trust-is-china-cracking-down-on-christianity/a-42224752] Is it working or merely fanning the flames of the spread of Christianity through a martyrdom effect?
This is especially rich given what Dawkins' said about the [[New Atheism]] movement: "[O]ur struggle is not so much an intellectual struggle, as a political one: What are we going to do about it?.
Look at the graph showing the exponential growth of [[Christianity]] in [[atheism|atheistic]] China! 2018 is going to be the WORST year ever for [[militant atheism|militant atheists]]. See: [[Growth of Christianity in China]] and [[East Asia and global desecularization]]
'''U.S. Navy’s new warship''' stuck in ice in Canada.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r7T4OY3as8]  [[Global warming]]?
'''Our [[Unplug the NFL]] campaign wins big again''': 23.3 million fewer viewers in the divisional round, falling to a 10-year low for the [[demonic]] [[NFL]]. [https://www.inquisitr.com/4748245/nfl-tv-ratings-are-still-tanking-even-during-playoffs/]
'''The truth behind the alleged strong language''' by [[Donald Trump]] in the [[DACA]] negotiation. ''In some of the countries to which he referred, the malodorous substance he allegedly cited, flows freely.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/22/constitution/comforting-lies-disturbing-truths-poop-hole/]
'''Let's stop calling the partial government slowdown'''  a government shutdown.[https://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2018/01/22/lets-stop-calling-it-a-government-shutdown-n2437693]
'''[[Ann Coulter]]: The [[Republican]]s could''' constitutionally end the government slowdown because they possess a majority vote and that is all the U.S. Constitution requires.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrpJdHHIUVI]  Illegal immigrant amnesty would be a mistake.
Read our new essay: [[Essay: Politics: The achilles' heel of atheism| Politics: The achilles' heel of atheism]]
President [[Donald Trump]] suggested [[GOP]] senators should use their majority to override the [[Democrat]]s.[https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/955056249925750784]
'''Former Speaker of the House [[Newt Gingrich]] said''' [[Senate]] Minority Leader [[Chuck Schumer]] (D-NY) and the [[Democrat]]s made a “major mistake” by slowing down the government.[http://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/01/21/gingrich-schumer-shutdown-major-mistake-dems-pitted-700k-illegals-men-women-u-s-military/]
'''[[Egypt]] moves ahead''' with plans to outlaw [[atheism]].[https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201801161060797669-egypt-atheism-outlaw-religion/]
The al-Azhar Institute in [[Cairo]], one of the most influential centers of [[Islam]]ic scholarship in the world, is endorsing the policy change. See also: [[Atheism vs. Islam]]
'''[[White House]] rebukes [[RINO]] [[Lindsey Graham]] for demanding [[amnesty]] for some [[illegal aliens]] in order to reopen the government''': "He’s been an outlier for years." [http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/370006-graham-stephen-miller-makes-immigration-deal-impossible]
'''After an unexplained delay, [[DOJ]] finally files a felony charge against the [[liberal]] who did the cowardly sneak assault on [[conservative]] [[Rand Paul]] in his own yard'''. [https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/2018/01/19/rene-boucher-harged-felony-assault-against-bowling-green-neighbor-rand-paul/1049945001/]  ''Notice how the [[liberal media]] try to downplay the possible political motivation''.
'''Unconditional [[love]] has a time and a place.''' ''That adults can or should expect it is another humanitarian hoax intended to encourage people to be amoral or immoral.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/25/human/unconditional-love-another-humanitarian-hoax/]
'''Release the [[FISA]] Memo!''' Until that happens, the government is acting like a sexual predator telling his child victim, "Don't tell your mother." [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/20/accountability/executive/dont-tell-your-mother/]
'''[[Koch puppet]] senators [[Jeff Flake]], [[Ben Sasse]], and [[Ted Cruz]] followed instructions and lined up against [[conservative]] [[Roy Moore]], thereby helping his [[pro-abort]] opponent'''. ''Jeff Flake has had to quit at a young age rather than face a humiliating defeat for reelection next year''.
'''Answering a [[theistic evolution]]ist on his own ground:''' ''answers to ten [[theology|theological]] questions he said [[creation]]ists can't answer.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/20/creation/theological-riddles-creationists-answers/]
'''The [[Leftism|Left]]'s''' last spasm.[http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/10/the_lefts_last_spasm.html] The Left is collapsing everywhere.[http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-left-is-collapsing-everywhere/article/2614491]  
[[China|Chinese]], [[atheist]] [[communism|communists]] bomb megachurch in drive to silence Chinese Christianity.[http://bpnews.net/50195/china-bombs-megachurch-in-drive-to-silence-christianity][https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4GNtHFLnz4]
See also: [[Decline of leftism]] and [[Decline of the secular left]]
China is now imprisoning more prisoners of conscience than the number combined by the rest of the world.
A religious, [[conservative]] age is rising and its only the beginning.[http://examiningatheism.blogspot.com/2017/09/a-religious-conservative-age-is-rising.html]
The might of the [[Roman Empire]] could not crush [[Christianity]]. The [[Soviet Union]] could not crush religion. Chinese atheist leaders will not prevail against Chinese [[evangelical Christians]]. See also: [[Growth of evangelical Christianity]]
'''What if the false accusers of Judge Roy Moore''' had to pay the same penalty they tried to make him pay? ''In fact, that is a [[Bible|Biblical]] legal principle.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/24/accountability/news-media/false-accusations-consequences/]
'''Federal Government Shuts Down''', as [[Trump]] properly withstands pressure by [[Dems]] on [[immigration]]. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/government-shutdown-likelihood-grows-amid-senate-standoff-n839301]
'''More [[double standard]] by [[liberals]]''': only 22% of [[Minnesota]]ns think [[Dem]] Sen. [[Al Franken]] should remain in office, but he simply promises "to regaining their trust" and stays in office with tacit support by the [[liberal media]]. [http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/361696-franken-pledges-to-regain-trust-in-thanksgiving-apology]
'''The left-wing, [[atheism|atheist]]''' [[George Soros]] who poured gigantic amounts of money into leftist causes ADMITS: 'The dominant Ideology in the world now is nationalism.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Lj0yGnAVw]
[[Right-wing]] [[nationalism]] and [[religion]] will crush secular, [[liberal]] globalism. See also: [[Desecularization]]
Analysis determines that during the [[Las Vegas]] massacre last month, '''the [[atheist]]ic gunman fired more than 1,100 rounds at the festival''', where guns were banned. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sheriff-las-vegas-shooting-gunman-fired-over-1100-rounds/ar-BBFyjVQ?OCID=ansmsnnews11]
'''Reviewing the best reason to [[unplug the NFL]]: [[Colin Kaepernick]],''' who actually thinks he is a [[civil rights]] hero. ''[[Martin Luther King]] had a much better idea.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/19/human/colin-kaepernick-civil-rights-hero/]
'''Two videos on''' the history of [[Thanksgiving]] Day.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNL-cpbGygg][https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNL-cpbGygg]
'''Today President [[Donald Trump|Trump]] becomes the first president to fully address the [[March for Life]]'''. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/president-trump-first-sitting-us-president-address-march-life-washington-dc-video/]
The '''Christian Heritage Fellowship''' publishes a wonderful article about how '''[[Thanksgiving]]''' is rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition.[https://christianheritagefellowship.com/congress-begins-thanksgiving-cycle/]
The [[Social justice warrior|SJW]] [[atheist movement]] is a lost cause. It just had its debate Waterloo.[http://examiningatheism.blogspot.com/2018/01/sjw-atheism-movement-is-lost-cause-it.html] See also: [[Mythcon 2017 Conference]]
'''[[Liberals]] rarely learn from their own mistakes''': fivethirtyeight.com, which repeatedly predicted [[Hillary Clinton]] would defeat [[Donald Trump]] last year, incorrectly pretends now that [[Roy Moore]] is headed for defeat. [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/is-roy-moore-losing/]
'''[[Australia]] recently made [[same sex marriage]] legal. Another example of [[human]]s trying to be like [[God]].''' ''It is a symptom of a larger problem in the West, of men calling evil good.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/18/clergy/homotheism-same-sex-marriage/]
'''The [[liberal media]] may drop its emphasis on sexual allegations soon, because it is mostly [[Dem]]s being accused now'''. Top [[Dem]] Rep. [[John Conyers]] joins Sen. [[Al Franken]] and media power-brokers among those accused. [https://www.buzzfeed.com/paulmcleod/another-woman-accused-rep-john-conyers-of-sexual-harassment?utm_term=.jr0onQarq#.gp54KV9eo]
'''Even [[liberal]] Politico.com admits''' that "Oprah 2020 gets low ratings from voters." [https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/17/oprah-winfrey-2020-poll-343096]
'''Another setback to the ambush of [[Roy Moore]]''': his accuser's boyfriend around the same time explains in detail, "I didn’t find her story believable. And the way she told it." [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/20/exclusive-ex-boyfriend-of-roy-moore-accuser-i-dont-believe-her/]
'''Any [[Article V Convention]] of States would fail even on its own terms.''' ''An examination of the six amendments that came out of the simulated convention in [[Williamsburg]], [[Virginia]] shows this.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/17/constitution/convention-of-states-six-amendments-hell/]
'''A dire warning about the changes in [[Saudi Arabia]].''' ''What kind of new [[economy]] is the new Crown Prince really building?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/21/news/world-news/new-saudi-arabia/]
'''"New [[California]] declares 'independence' from rest of state."''' [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-california-1declares-independence-from-rest-of-state/ar-AAuLdwL?OCID=ansmsnnews11] ''Vast regions of the state want to separate from the [[liberal]] cities''.
'''[[Liberal]] [[double standard]] comes to light''': "[[New York Times]] suspends top [[White House]] reporter amid investigation into sexual-harassment allegations." [http://www.businessinsider.com/new-york-times-suspends-glenn-thrush-amid-sexual-harassment-allegations-2017-11]
'''Breakdown of [[rule of law]] in [[France]], while a [[Saudi Arabia]]n prince''' buys landmarks there. ''More signs that [[Western civilization]], especially in [[Europe]], is under threat.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/16/human/europe-civilization-circling-drain/]
'''While we're on the subject: is it [[sexual harassment]] when a woman seeks after a compliment, and gets one?''' ''It is when a lawyer like Gloria Allred seeks pecuniary &ndash; or political &ndash; advantage.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/20/accountability/news-media/sexual-harassment-puhleeze/]
'''Emily Greene, Communications Director''' and Chair of the Women's Caucus for the Young [[Democrat]]s of [[Georgia]], just published an article entitled ''I’m an [[Atheism|Atheist]] — and No, I’m Not More Likely to Be a Serial Killer Than Anyone Else''.
Apparently, Ms. Grrene has not read Conservapedia's articles entitled [[Atheism and psychopathy]] and [[List of atheist shooters and serial killers]] and [[Abortion and atheism]]
and [[Atheism and mental illness]] and [[Atheism and Mass Murder|Atheism and mass murder]]
and [[Young mass murderers]] and [[Atheism and violence]]
'''Question:''' Why do so many atheists and [[liberal]]s hate [[science]]? See: [[Atheism and science]] and [[Liberal#Liberals and superstition|Liberals and superstition]]
'''[[Liberal]] strategy to force [[Trump]] to extend [[DACA]] by falsely calling him a racist does not seem to be working''': Trump says DACA 'probably dead' because of [[Democrats]]." [http://thehill.com/latino/368947-trump-daca-probably-dead-because-of-democrats]
'''Numerous acquaintances and ex-girlfriends speak out in support of the good character of [[Roy Moore]]''', but the [[liberal media]] don't want to report that. [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/18/character-witnesses-former-girlfriends-employees-childhood-friends-defend-moore/]
'''[[Hollywood]] tries to save the [[Earth]],''' but moviegoers aren’t buying eco-messages anymore.[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/28/global-warming-films-flop-box-office-2017/]
Will eco-[[fake news]] based on fake science help bring down [[evolutionism]] and cause more atheists to abandon [[atheism]]? See: [[Essay: A key pillar of atheism will soon start crumbling faster|A key pillar of atheism will soon start crumbling faster]]
'''Give it up, [[liberals]]''': [[Alabama]] governor announces that she will vote for [[Roy Moore]]. [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/11/17/alabama-gov-kay-ivey-to-vote-for-roy-moore-in-senate-race-despite-sex-allegations.html] ''The more the [[liberal media]] tries their stunts against Moore, the bigger their loss when Moore wins''.
'''So ''The New Yorker'' thinks [[Donald Trump]] is playing power politics by declaring [[Jerusalem]] the [[capital]] of [[Israel]]?''' ''They picked a militant [[Islam|Muslim]] to write the article and really think Islam has ties to Jerusalem when it has none. Typical [[Mainstream Media]] ignorance.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/15/accountability/news-media/power-politics-new-yorker-jerusalem/]
"The hypocrisy of [[Washington, D.C.|Washington]] has no bounds. So many denouncing [[Roy Moore]] when they are guilty of doing much worse" - [[Franklin Graham]]. [http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/franklin-graham-people-denouncing-roy-moore-are-guilty-of-doing-much-worse/article/2641093]
'''[[Global Warming]]: [[Fake news|Fake News]]''' from the Start.[https://townhall.com/columnists/tomharris/2017/12/17/global-warming-fake-news-from-the-start-n2423586]
President [[Donald Trump]], who is a fan of [[Sun Tzu]], has been quietly/stealthily removing global warming alarmism material from government websites one site at a time via a hammer and chisel approach.[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/14/donald-trump-climate-change-mentions-government-websites]
Read also: [[Essay: A key pillar of atheism will soon start crumbling faster]]
'''[[Roy Moore|Moore]] [[double standard]] by [[liberal media]] against him''': "Second woman comes forward with bombshell harassment allegations against Senator [[Al Franken]]," yet liberals are OK with that. [https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/11/16/second-woman-comes-forward-with-bombshell-harassment-allegations-against-senator-al-franken/23280102/] ''Nor is Franken the only one. Three other Senators are guilty of far worse crimes than this.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/17/accountability/news-media/consider-the-source/]
'''A poll by Pew Research,''' a think-tank based in Washington, demonstrates how successful President [[Donald Trump]] has been in souring his fans’ attitudes towards the press.[https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2018/01/daily-chart-7][http://www.pewglobal.org/2018/01/11/publics-globally-want-unbiased-news-coverage-but-are-divided-on-whether-their-news-media-deliver/]
'''[[Democrats|Dems]], [[liberal media]] fail to call for resignation by [[liberal]] Sen. [[Al Franken]]''', "accused of sexual harassment from 2006, [who] apologizes and [merely] agrees to an ethics investigation." [http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-franken-harassment-20171116-story.html]
'''More [[liberal]] [[double standard]]''': in 2013 [[RINO]] Sen. [[Lindsey Graham]] referred to [[Mexico]] and other countries as "hellholes", but the [[liberal media]] is just fine with that. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/senator-rand-paul-defends-trumps-shthole-comment-blasts-hypocrite-lindsey-graham/]
'''Stepson of accuser exposes the false allegation against [[Roy Moore]]: “I don’t believe a word she says.'''
'''The full lowdown on "[[Common Core]]" and its true purpose.''' ''Hint: it was never about no child being left behind.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/14/education/common-core-humanitarian-hoax-19/]
'''Setback for the [[liberal media]]''': latest poll shows [[Roy Moore]] leading 49-43%. [http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/11/14/al-sen-poll-moore-leads-jones-49-43/]
'''Is [[Germany]]'s political [[leftism|left]]''' coming apart at the seams?[http://www.dw.com/en/is-germanys-political-left-coming-apart-at-the-seams/a-42144612]
'''[[Liberal]] [[double standard]]''': [[RINO]]s are just fine with [[George H.W. Bush]] despite the accusations by six women against him, but insist that unproven alleged misdemeanors from 40 years ago against [[conservative]] [[Roy Moore]] somehow require him to quit. [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/13/senate-republicans-condemn-roy-moore-yet-silent-george-h-w-bushs-sexual-assault-allegations/]
[[Conservapedia proven right]] again!
[[Germany]] appears to be moving to the [[right-wing|right]] politically.[http://www.dw.com/en/german-coalition-talks-reach-breakthrough-a-look-at-what-comes-next/a-42122334]
'''Meet the new [[Federal Reserve]] boss''' &ndash; same as the old boss. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/13/money/federal-reserve-new-boss/]
'''The [[women]] protesting "[[sexual harassment]]" in entertainment wore black''' to make their point. ''They forgot how this looked, and how it compared to the hijab [[Islam|Muslim]] women must wear.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/13/human/who-died-bad-choice-colors/]
'''[[Global warming]]??? "[[Boston]] shatters 116-year cold weather record."''' [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/boston-shatters-116-year-cold-weather-record/ar-BBEQF1c?li=BBnb7Kz]
'''[[Video game]] news: man reportedly killed his own mother in [[California]]''' in anger instigated by his playing a video game. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/police-norcal-man-kills-mother-over-video-game-anger/ar-AAuDIHg?OCID=ansmsnnews11]
'''Latest poll shows most [[Alabama]] voters are not persuaded by the hit pieces by the [[liberal media]] against [[Roy Moore]]''', with 62% saying they are unchanged in their position or even more likely to vote for him now. [http://www.businessinsider.com/roy-moore-poll-losing-sexual-misconduct-washington-post-2017-11 (but that fact is buried near the end)]
'''More [[liberal]] [[double standard]]''': "Owls Dying Near [[Marijuana]] Farms," yet where's the outcry?? ''Legalized pot worsens this''. [https://www.livescience.com/61403-marijuana-farms-dying-owls.html]
Veterans voted for [[Donald Trump]] by an overwhelming 2-1 margin, and he has delivered. See [[Donald Trump achievements: Veterans]].
'''Put liberals in charge of social media - like [[Twitter]] - and watch the free exchange of ideas vanish.''' Project Veritas exposes a dangerous threat to free speech, as Twitter deliberately shuts down conservative thought via "[[shadow banning]]": [https://www.mrctv.org/blog/new-veritas-video-exposes-twitters-method-shadow-banning-ban-way-talking?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkdFMU9EZzJPVEkzWmpNMSIsInQiOiJpZHRJNEw4WXRlbThjUGVlUlZHQnJSZGJ4dDluU2pXclJLMDRPNlpaK3F3OVpLUEhueTByMXVnT2w3QlZvNVVrTXVkYlg4c1VBOExnOXhOcWRGcHhoY2hDQXRLR1gzY0RSY0tvTzF0UklRd2NMSTZGZzlQckE5XC91ZFNDXC81dzdtIn0%3D]
'''Did the ''Washington Post'' offer bribes to anyone just to make accusations against Roy Moore?''' [https://squawker.org/politics/wprm/]
'''Have the [[globalism|globalists]] and the [[Mainstream Media]] been grooming [[Oprah Winfrey]] all this time?''' Possible... [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/12/accountability/news-media/grooming-oprah-winfrey/]
'''[[Liberal]] [[double standard]]''': [[Roy Moore]] is accused of committing a mere misdemeanor nearly 40 years -- less serious than the allegation of rape committed by [[Bill Clinton]] -- and yet the [[liberal media]] demands that Roy Moore pull out.
'''The test of a [[statesman]] and a [[politician]]''' is what one really cares about: one's country or one's image. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/12/accountability/executive/statesman-v-politician-true-test/]
'''An encouragement to [[Donald Trump]] regarding [[Hillary Clinton]]''' and whether he should order an investigation: ''it is not only within his powers, it is his duty under the [[Constitution]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/10/accountability/executive/donald-trump-duty/]
'''[[Anti-Trump]] [[RINO]] [[Jeff Flake]] is quoted by the [[liberal media]] as supposedly confirming [[Trump]]'s alleged derogatory statement against other countries''', but Flake was not even there to witness anything! [http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/12/politics/donald-trump-tweet-daca-rejection/index.html]
'''[[RINO]] [[Mitt Romney]] demands that [[Roy Moore]] quit''', but neither Moore nor anyone else in politics takes orders from the loser Romney. [http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/10/politics/mitt-romney-roy-moore/index.html]
'''The [[Leftism|Left]]'s''' 1942.[http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/01/the_lefts_1942.html]
'''Who are we as a country anymore?''' [[America]] faces complete subsumption by a new class of [[immigration|immigrants]] who don't understand or don't want to understand what it means to be an American. ''Thank [[United States Senate|Senator]] [[Edward M. Kennedy]] for that, shortly after [[Barack Obama]] was born.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/10/accountability/executive/america-deracination/]
'''Lavish [[Obama]] Center''' hits mounting opposition in Chicago as professors blast plans, 'socially regressive' ideas.[http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/10/lavish-obama-center-hits-mounting-opposition-in-chicago-as-profs-blast-plans-socially-regressive-ideas.html]
Other U.S. Presidents had presidential libraries.  The Obama Center will have no books.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqo-tFofpGE]
'''[[NFL]] television ratings are down a whopping 18.7% since ''Conservapedia'' began our [[Unplug the NFL]] campaign''', yet the [[lamestream media]] pretend the decline is due to "injuries" and "quality of play." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/kidspost/like-autumn-leaves-pro-football-viewers-are-falling/2017/11/08/07854e5e-bfe6-11e7-97d9-bdab5a0ab381_story.html?utm_term=.4a1307810242]
'''3 [[anti-Trump]] Republicans and 3 [[Dems]]''' -- one so unpopular he won't stand for reelection, and another under federal indictment -- declare they have a "bipartisan" deal on [[immigration]]. [https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/11/gop-sen-jeff-flake-says-bipartisan-group-of-senators-reached-immigration-deal-nbc.html]
'''A warning from the [[Israel]] experience: when a [[Supreme Court]] abandons the [[rule of law]],''' the national consciousness suffers. ''That holds just as truly in [[America]] as in Israel.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/08/accountability/judicial/rule-of-law-national-consciousness/]
'''[[Atheism|Atheistic]], [[Communism|Communist]], [[China|Chinese]]''' Government Killed At Least 10,000 At [[Tiananmen Square Massacre]], Newly Declassified Documents Claim.[http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/24/chinese-killed-at-least-10000-at-tiananmen-square-newly-declassified-documents-claim/?utm_medium=email]
"The brutal massacre caused many Chinese intellectuals and other elites to lose faith in communism and embrace [[Christianity]]. Following the events, China's church has grown so large that the [[Communist Party of China|Communist Party]] fears its influence." - Professor Carsten Vala[http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/51482/20140604/how-the-june-4th-tiananmen-square-massacre-grew-the-chinese-church-in-china.htm]  
'''Words like [[Islamophobia]] and phrases like [[voter fraud|voter suppression]]''' are more [[liberal]] [[deceit|lies]]. ''The aim: chaos, on which they thrive.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/08/accountability/executive/islamophobia-voter-suppression/]
'''Refugee influx into [[Germany]] fueled''' violent crime surge.[http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/01/03/refugee-influx-into-germany-fueled-violent-crime-surge-report-finds.html]
'''[[Liberal denial]] claiming the vicious attack breaking 5 ribs of Sen. [[Rand Paul]]''' was merely over landscaping issues does not withstand scrutiny. [http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2017/11/rand_paul_attack_libertarian.html]
'''[[Politico]]/[[Breitbart]] report''' on [[Tony Blair]] Institute  declaring that [[right-wing]] populism is surging with no end in sight.[http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/12/29/right-wing-populism-become-new-normal-no-end-sight-surge-tony-blair-institute/][https://www.politico.eu/article/tony-blair-institute-wave-of-populism-not-yet-peaked/]
'''A hypothetical dialogue illustrating [[faith]]''' and the [[history]] of [[miracle]]s affecting the [[Judaism|Jewish]] people.[http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/08/clergy/jews-israel-tomorrows-miracles/]
'''[[Barack Obama]] and [[Hillary Clinton]]: most admired?''' ''The [[Mainstream Media]] have got to be kidding!'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/10/accountability/news-media/most-admired-persons-barack-obama-hillary-clinton/]
'''Wake-up call for [[GOP]] Establishment''': [[Dem]]s defeat GOP insider in [[Virginia]] -- a state [[Hillary Clinton]] won by 5 points -- by 9 points in the gubernatorial race. [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/democrat-ralph-northam-wins-virginia-governor-race_us_5a011456e4b07eb51181af95?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009]
'''Secular falsehoods, that derive from [[atheism]], creep in''' when religion and politics stay separate. ''Time to re-evaluate that separation.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/10/clergy/secular-falsehoods/]
'''[[Evil]] exists, and [[atheism]] harbors it''': the atheist fired "450 rounds" at the church attendees in [[Texas]], and "went aisle to aisle looking for victims and shot crying babies at point-blank range." [https://www.ksl.com/?sid=46193778&nid=157]
'''The [[Tony Blair]] Institute states''' that [[right-wing]] populism is becoming the new normal with no end in sight for its surge.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fH7faniIrM]
'''After 100 years, let's look critically at [[communism]],''' what it has wrought, what it seeks to wreak, and why we must fight it.[http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/07/human/communism-100-anti-moral-years/]
'''Remembering [[Andrei Sakharov]],''' friend of [[Israel]]. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/09/human/andrei-sakharov-vis-a-vis-netanyahu/]
'''[[NFL]] legend Tony Gonzalez:''' Colin Kaepernick Will Never Play in the NFL Again.[http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/nfl-legend-tony-gonzalez-colin-kaepernick-will-never-play-nfl/]
'''Oprah Winfrey for [[President of the United States|President]]?!? The nation's professors, even with their [[professor values]], have got to be kidding!''' ''Or are they? Or did a generation of [[moral relativism]] bring them to this pass?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/09/human/oprah-cult-personality-v-donald-trump/]
'''The''' [[2018 Global Atheist Convention that was cancelled|2018 Global Atheist Convention]] was cancelled. Poor ticket sales was given as the reason. The boring nature of [[atheist conferences]] was not mentioned. [http://examiningatheism.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-2018-global-atheist-convention-has.htmlSeveral atheists have indicated that the [[atheist movement]] is dead (see: [[Decline of the atheist movement]]).
CBSNews commentary: '''"A government shutdown would be a loser for [[Democrats]]."''' [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/commentary-a-government-shutdown-would-be-a-loser-for-democrats/''[[GOP]] seems unwilling to cave into extending [[DACA]]''.
'''After''' [[List of atheist shooters and serial killers|atheist shooter]] [[Devin Patrick Kelley]] killed 26 people in a Texas church, [[Vox Day|Theodore Beale]] wrote:
'''[[Benjamin Netanyahu]] knows the truth about [[Islam]] v. [[Israel]].''' ''But he can't say it because people will say he's crazy.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/09/news/world-news/netanyahu-knows-dares-not-say/]
"And let's not hear any more about how [[Atheism|atheists]] are [[Persecution of atheists#Claims of being an oppressed minority by American atheists are often not taken seriously|so persecuted in America]], or [[Atheism and morality|how amazingly moral they are]], when [[List of atheist shooters and serial killers|they are shooting up schools and churches and universities]]. No wonder they are the [[Distrust of atheists|most distrusted group]] in the country.[http://voxday.blogspot.com/2017/11/two-american-badasses.html]
'''''New York Post'': "Texas''' church shooter [[Devin Patrick Kelley|Devin Kelley]] was a “creepy” [[atheism|atheist]] “outcast” who never fit in and berated religious believers on social media, according to former friends and classmates."[http://nypost.com/2017/11/06/ex-friends-say-shooter-was-creepy-atheist-who-berated-religious-people/]  
'''''[[The Guardian]]'': [[UK]] Nail bars''' are havens for modern [[slavery]]. UK men are spending on average £779 per year (about $1,053 USD a year) at nail salons!
''Daily Mail'' says classmates describe him as 'Creepy, crazy and weird.' [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053013/Devin-Kelley-outcast-preached-atheism.html] See: [[Atheism and social outcasts]]
Effeminate British men are fueling a slavery crisis in the UK!  
'''Another [[liberal]] [[double standard]]: [[Conservative]] Senator [[Rand Paul]] was attacked and beaten by a [[Leftist]], causing multiple fractures that could require months to recover from'''''So why aren't liberals calling for the [[Department of Justice|Justice Department]] to bring charges against the assailant?''
'''[[Britain]]'s National Crime Agency''' said cases of forced labor affect "every large town and city in the country.”[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/05/modern-day-slavery-thriving-throughout-united-kingdom/1002993001/]
'''A primer on [[George Soros]], currency manipulator, [[news]] manipulator,''' patron of the [[Mainstream Media]], who hides behind many false fronts. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/06/human/george-soros-pulls-humanitarian-hoax/]
'''More [[liberal]] [[double standard]]''': "Sorry [[Democrats]]=> At Least 18 Presidents Suffered From Mental Disorders and Were Not Removed from Office." [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/sorry-democrats-least-18-presidents-suffered-mental-disorders-not-removed-office/]
[[List of atheist shooters and serial killers|Atheist mass shooter]] '''[[Devin Patrick Kelley]]''' was a '''[[militant atheist]]''' who proselytized his '''[[atheism]]''' online, to the dismay of his [[Facebook]] followers.[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053013/Devin-Kelley-outcast-preached-atheism.html]
'''Mourning in [[America]].''' ''But it's not what you think!'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/08/human/grave-jumpers-mourning-america-2017/]
'''Texas Mass Shooter''' [[Devin Patrick Kelley]]: [[Facebook]] Page Suggests He Was An [[Atheism|Atheist]] And A [[CNN]] Fan.
'''A [[Yale University]] [[professor]] of [[psychiatry]]''' presumes to diagnose [[Donald Trump]]. ''In so doing she violates a fifty-year-old rule of her profession.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/08/accountability/news-media/bandy-lee-mental-health/]
'''The real problem with [[debt]] in [[America]]:''' individuals and governments alike remain "debt peons." [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/08/money/debt-america-real-problem/]
'''Update:''' His LinkedIn profile indicates his interests skewed towards [[leftism|leftist]] causes.[https://www.infowars.com/texas-shooter-liked-atheist-fb-pages-sjw-causes/]
'''The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 25,000 last week.''' ''But did the [[money supply]] drive that value?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/08/money/dow-hit-25000/]
A significant portion of the recent incidents involving [[young mass murders|young mass murderers]] have involved atheists.  
'''The [[Constitution of the United States]] actually has [[Judaism|Jewish]] roots.''' ''That might not seem apparent, given the disparity between the US Constitution and the Basic Law of [[Israel]]. Then again, they who set up the Republic of Israel did not exactly follow Jewish law when they wrote the Basic Law.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/08/constitution/jewish-roots-american-constitution/]
'''More evidence that the''' [[atheist movement]] is weaker than it was 14 years ago.[http://examiningatheism.blogspot.com/2018/01/more-evidence-that-atheist-movement-is.html] See also: [[Google trends - Atheism and agnosticism terms]]
'''[[Liberal logic]]''': "[[Portland, Oregon|Portland]] To Spend $29 Million On Luxury Condos For The [[Poor]]." [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/portland-spend-29-million-luxury-condos-poor/]
'''Why did [[California]] turn itself into a sanctuary State,''' to go along with [[sanctuary cities]]? ''Perhaps as a [[Cloward-Piven Strategy|Cloward-Piven]] gambit?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/07/constitution/sanctuary-state-humanitarian-hoax-18/]
'''Behold modern [[psychology]] and its malaise.''' Deriving as it does from [[atheism]], it now reduces to determinism, this in an era that allegedly champions [[liberty]]! ''[[God]], and a return to Him, can correct this.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/07/human/malaise-modern-psychology/]
'''Time to imagine a post-[[Ayatollah]] [[Iran]].''' ''And not to miss an opportunity. Or have [[Donald Trump]] and [[Prime Minister]] [[Benjamin Netanyahu]] already thought of this?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/06/news/world-news/post-ayatollah-iran/]
In 2017, the religious [[Philippines]] continued their winning streak in the major international beauty pageants. Irreligion is rare among Filipinos.  
See also: ''[[List of atheist shooters and serial killers]]''' and '''[[Atheism and psychopathy]]''' and '''[[Atheism and Mass Murder|Atheism and mass murder]]'''
See: [[Atheists and physical attractiveness]]
'''Devin Patrick Kelley, a "black-clad" gunman, kills 26 in church in [[Texas]]''', and an armed bystander shoots at him as he attempted to flee. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/11/05/gunman-opens-fire-texas-church/833960001/] ''Wearing all black is a [[Satan]]ic characteristic of other [[young mass murderers]]''.
'''[[Islam|Muslims]] are carrying their war against [[Israel]]''' &ndash; and the rest of [[civilization]] &ndash; into the classroom. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/06/education/war-classroom/]
'''[[Israel]] needs another [[Winston Churchill]]''' to lead it now, not the succession of [[Neville Chamberlain]]s it has had. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/05/accountability/executive/winston-churchill-v-israels-ruling-elite/]
'''[[Egypt]] may make''' [[atheism]] illegal.[http://www.newsweek.com/egypt-atheism-illegal-crackdown-non-believers-religion-islam-772471] See also: [[Atheism vs. Islam]]
'''Comparing a [[sociopath]] to a [[leftism|leftist]]''' is easy: both use projection as a defense. ''But the Leftist does so deliberately.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/05/editorial/guest/sociopath-leftist-comparison/]
'''Medical problems of "pain, vomiting and mental fog" increase due to more [[marijuana]] use''', and "doctors can do little to relieve the symptoms." [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/01/06/ive-screamed-out-death-heavy-long-term-pot-use-linked-rare-extreme-nausea/1007373001/]
'''A primer on [[voter fraud]], who benefits,''' and what [[President of the United States|President]] [[Donald Trump]] is doing to stop it. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/05/accountability/executive/voter-fraud-trump-democrats/]
'''From the Left comes a definition that really applies to them: Fractal wrongness''', or being wrong on every level of analysis. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/06/human/fractal-wrongness-leftist-ideology/]
'''Another pillar of [[leftism|leftist]] control''' is crumbling. The number of college campuses systematically limiting [[free speech]] for students and faculty continues to go down at a rapid clip.[https://twitter.com/TheFIREorg/status/926155703403925506]
'''Did [[James Madison]] make a bad recommendation''' for separation of [[church]] and [[state]]? ''Has [[America]]n [[politics]] suffered from a lack of pro-active consideration of [[God]]'s Commandments in the civil [[law]]?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/05/constitution/separation-of-religion-and-politics/]
'''Is [[Israel]] truly a [[Judaism|Jewish]] State,''' as its charter demands? ''Its leaders are now doing several things that violate the concept &ndash; like talking of giving away [[Judea]] and [[Samaria]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/05/news/world-news/jewish-state-not-much/]
'''Moderate [[Republican]] Josh Mandel, a favorite of the [[Koch brothers]] and [[Karl Rove]], surprisingly exits the race for the Senate seat in [[Ohio]]''', "creating the biggest political vacuum of 2018." [http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/josh-mandel-exits-ohio-senate-race-leaving-the-biggest-political-vacuum-of-2018/article/2645122]
'''Mass murderer Stephen Paddock had big [[gambling]] losses over the past two years''' when he went on his shooting rampage in [[Las Vegas]]. [http://www.tampabay.com/news/nation/Las-Vegas-shooter-Stephen-Paddock-had-lost-money-been-depressed-sheriff-says_162298477]
'''Celebrating a spectacular first year for President [[Donald Trump]]''' in every field of statecraft. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/05/news/trump-spectacular-year/]
'''Who deserves more blame for [[terrorism|terrorist]] attacks?''' Those who perpetrate them &ndash; or corrupt [[politics|politicians]] who, by negligence or deliberate oversights, aid and abet them? [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/03/accountability/executive/america-v-corrupt-politicians/]
'''President [[Trump]] turns up the heat against [[Steve Bannon]] with this tweet today''': "The Mercer Family recently dumped the leaker known as Sloppy Steve Bannon. Smart!" [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/949303089416294401?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fhomenews%2Fadministration%2F367590-trump-taunts-bannon-for-losing-support-of-conservative-donor]
'''A warning to the [[RINO]] establishment:''' ''people didn't elect you to perpetuate [[liberal]] policies and agencies.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/03/accountability/hypocrisy-right/]
'''Sir [[Winston Churchill]] had the definitive replies''' to the [[Arab]] and [[Islam|Muslim]] critics of [[Israel]] when he sat before the Peel Commission. ''His arguments apply just as strongly today. Furthermore, we have fresh reason to praise [[Donald Trump]]: Trump imitates Churchill.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/05/human/churchill-jews-arabs/]
'''Wages and labor participation rate decline in the latest jobs report''', suggesting that [[deflation]]ary forces persist. [http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy/u-s-job-growth-picks-up-flat-wages-raise-consumer-spending-worries-idUSKBN1D308L]
"[[Trump]] rips [[Steve Bannon|'Sloppy Steve' Bannon]], 'phony' tell-all book one hour before it goes on sale." [http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-rips-sloppy-steve-bannon-phony-tell-all-book-one-hour-before-it-goes-on-sale/article/2645055]
'''The five most common sets of arguments for a [[Palestine|Palestinian]] state''' next to [[Israel]] turn into five arguments ''against'' it when one examines the actual facts. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/03/news/world-news/palestinian-state-5-reasons-not/]
'''The [[Christianity|Christian]] [[conservative]]''' [[Michele Bachmann]] says she's considering running for [[Al Franken]]'s Senate seat.[http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/02/michele-bachmann-says-shes-considering-running-for-al-frankens-senate-seat.html]
'''Like many [[Muslim]] terrorists on the verge of attack, the [[NYC]] terrorist shouted "[[Allahu Akbar]],"''' which means "[[Allah]] is Greater," but [[John McCain]] insists "the phrase is no more troubling than a [[Christian]] saying 'Thank [[God]].'" [http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/01/opinions/allahu-akbar-meaning/index.html]
[[Niagara Falls]] -- a [[counterexample to an Old Earth]] due to its recognized young age -- freezes over for only the second time in the last 80 years, creating spectacular images.
'''[[Conservapedia proven right]], again''': "Papa Johns Pulls [[NFL]] Ads ... Several NFL stadiums were nearly empty post kick-off the past few weeks," confirming our "[[Unplug the NFL]]" that started in 2015. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/begins-papa-johns-pulls-nfl-ads-citing-negative-consumer-sentiment/]
'''[[Socialism]], by any other name''' (like "Social Democracy") is still inimical to [[liberty]].[http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/04/constitution/socialism-toothfish-modern-politics/]
"'''The [ [[NYC]] ] terrorist came into our country through what is called the 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program,'''' a [[Chuck Schumer]] beauty," President [[Trump]] tweeted this morning. [http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/358157-trump-blasts-schumer-immigration-program-in-wake-of-terror-attack] ''Perhaps another example of the leftist [[war]] on [[America]] itself.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/02/accountability/news-media/leftist-war-america-reality-revolution-3/]
'''Another reason for choice in [[education]]:''' ''to produce a new generation of [[United States Senate|Senators]] and [[United States House of Representatives|Representatives]] who respect the [[Constitution]] and [[America]]n [[liberty]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/04/constitution/president-wilson-trump-make-america-great-again/]
'''Notice that [[liberal]]s focus on the ''who'' of behavior''' while [[conservative]]s focus properly on the ''what.'' ''That's also how objective [[reality]] is supposed to work.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/11/01/education/reality-revolution-part-2/]
'''Delusional [[Dem]]s?''' "Lawmakers briefed by [[Yale]] psychiatrist on [[Donald Trump|Trump]]'s mental health." [http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/367362-lawmakers-briefed-by-yale-psychiatrist-on-trumps-mental-health-report] ''Yale and most [[liberal]] universities receive vast amounts of [[federal]] funding''.
'''Why Didn’t Anyone Listen to Corey Feldman’s''' Warnings About [[Pedophilia]] in [[Hollywood]]? [https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-didnt-anyone-listen-to-corey-feldmans-warnings-about-pedophilia-in-hollywood]  
'''A reminder: [[conservative]]s should avoid [[gossip]],''' even about the enemies of [[liberty]] and the [[Constitution]]. ''Malfeasance in office carries far more weight than certain [[sin]]s out of office.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/03/accountability/news-media/scandals-allegations-news-gossip/]
[[North Korea]]n [[communist]] [[Kim Jong Un]] brags that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times.  '''Tonight [[Donald Trump|Trump]] tweets back''': "Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!" [http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/367149-trump-i-have-a-much-bigger-button-than-kim-jong-un]
'''Setback to the [[Establishment]]''': the increasingly [[liberal]] [[Republican]] [[Orrin Hatch]] announces his long-awaited retirement. [http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/utah-sen-orrin-hatch-retire-end-term-40/story?id=52099806]  ''He calls himself a "fighter", but what was he fighting for??''
'''"So we're at''' 3.3 percent GDP. I see no reason why we don't go to 4 percent, 5 percent, and even 6 percent ultimately" - [[Donald Trump]].[https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/12/16/trump_were_going_to_see_economy_growth_of_4_5_and_maybe_6_percent.html]
''''''''Financial Times'': UK to remain a relative laggard''' among developed countries in 2018 with a growth rate of 1.5%.[https://www.ft.com/content/ceb165ee-ebb5-11e7-bd17-521324c81e23]
Actor and homosexual Kevin Spacey accused of pedophilia.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57x8wxvBU4E] See also: [[Homosexuality and pedophilia]]
[[Darwinism]] caused [[Germany]] to become more aggressive and [[WWI]] and [[WWII]] weakened Britain.[https://creation.com/darwinism-and-world-war-one] See also: [[World War I and Darwinism]] and [[Social effects of the theory of evolution]]
Will the British repent and embrace biblical [[creationism]] and the [[Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism|Protestant work ethic]]?
'''In [[China]], the rapid growth of [[Christianity|Christian]] believers''' is moving beyond what the [[atheism|atheistic]], [[communism|communist]] government can control.[https://www.christianpost.com/news/chinas-jerusalem-parents-insist-kids-must-learn-about-jesus-bible-despite-ban-211573/] See also: [[East Asia and global desecularization]]
'''[[Liberal]] [[double standard]]''': merely two months ago the "Podesta Group Retroactively Filed DOJ Disclosures in August-Same Forms Manafort Arrested for Today."  ''So why didn't Mueller indict the [[Dem]]s??'' [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/podesta-group-retroactively-filed-doj-disclosures-in-august-same-forms-manafort-arrested-for-not-filing-hmmm/]
Report: "[[Hillary Clinton]] backer paid $500G to fund women accusing [[Donald Trump|Trump]] of sexual misconduct before [[Election Day]]." [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/31/hillary-clinton-backer-paid-500g-to-fund-women-accusing-trump-sexual-misconduct-before-election-day-report-says.html]
'''Coalition [[government]] in [[Israel]]''' produces unaccountable legislatures &ndash; and executives. ''If the [[Knesset]] were more like Parliament in the [[United Kingdom]], this would be less likely.'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/10/30/accountability/legislative/coalition-government-logical-conclusions/]
<big>'''[[Conservative of the Year 2017]]:  President [[Donald Trump]]!'''</big>  ''Unlike [[fake news]], we do not pick the winner before the year is complete''.
'''The [[secular left]] collapses''' in the [[Czech Republic]]. ‘Czech Trump’ wins landslide election victory
'''Seven good reasons to be happy''' going into 2017. ''In addition to having [[Donald Trump]] for a [[President of the United States|President]].'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/01/01/human/happiness-good-reasons/]
'''President [[Trump]] ridicules [[Michael Moore]] with this tweet''': "While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!" [http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/total-bomb-potus-trump-trolls-sloppy-michael-moore-broadway-show-failure/]
'''Arrests, convictions and hefty''' prison sentences alone will not be enough to stamp out slavery in [[Britain]], estimated to be home to tens of thousands of modern-day slaves,[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-slavery-interview/britain-needs-change-in-culture-to-stamp-out-modern-slavery-idUSKBN1EE0N7]
The solution is Christianization.
In Britain's more Christian past the British sang, "Britons never, never, never will be slaves."[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-7euS0BkYE]
'''President [[Donald Trump]]'s 2017 Top''' 10 Achievements.[https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/12/30/trumps_2017_top_10_achievements_135885.html] See also: [[Donald Trump achievements]]
'''The media reports that that the first arrest in the probe of alleged collaboration with Russia concerning the 2016 election will occur as early as Monday''', as secret charges have issued by the [[grand jury]]. [http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/357604-first-charges-filed-in-special-counsel-muellers-russia-probe-report] ''Any chance it's [[Hillary]]???''
'''[[Britain|British]] [[atheism |atheist]]''' praises [[Conservapedia]] administator.[http://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_British_atheist_acknowledges_the_reasonableness_of_a_User:_Conservative_editor]
'''Who is responsible before [[God]] when people in high places get away with [[crime]]?''' Does the fault lie with the perpetrators, or with those who tolerate their acts? ''The answer: both!'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/10/27/accountability/executive/responsible-party-crimes-america/]
'''[[Niagara Falls]] freezes over, as parts of the [[United States]] are colder than the surface of [[Mars]]'''. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2017/12/29/sports-gambler-linked-athletes-banned-las-vegas-casinos/990157001/] ''[[Liberals]] predicted catastrophic [[global warming]] by 2018''.
'''[[Tiger Woods]], favorite of the [[liberal media]], avoids jail time by entering into a plea bargain for his May DUI arrest''', pleading guilty to reckless driving. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/crime/martin-county/2017/10/27/tiger-woods-pleads-guilty-reckless-driving-plea-deal-involving-his-may-dui-arrest/807449001/]
'''A protest against the ''chutzpah'' of [[Israel]]i [[Prime Minister]]s''' who give away that which [[God]] gave the [[Judaism|Jews]]. ''Why does [[Netanyahu]] do this even after [[Donald Trump]] showed a new policy in [[Washington]] toward Israel?'' [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/12/30/accountability/executive/chutzpah-israel-belongs-jews/]
'''Why the [[Hillary Clinton]] [[uranium]] deal was so bad''' for [[America]] and the free world. [http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/10/27/accountability/executive/uranium-clintons-secret-dealing/]
'''The year 2017 was a period''' of almost uniform “demise” and “retreat” for [[Europe]]’s political centre-[[leftism|left]], ''[[The Guardian]]'' and ''[[New York Times]]''
newspapers have declared.[http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/12/29/humiliated-2017-year-demise-europe-centre-left/]
'''Second coldest New Year's Eve ever for [[Times Square]] is forecast''', to be tied with the temperature in 1962 of only 11 degrees [[Fahrenheit]]. [http://www.ctpost.com/weather/article/We-ll-be-colder-than-Nome-Alaska-on-New-12461369.php] ''[[Global warming]]???''
'''[[Trump]] releases most of the JFK assassination records [https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/2017-release here]'''.  Add to our analysis [[JFK Assassination Records|here]].
'''[[Liberal logic]] on display as [[U2]]'s [[Paul David Hewson|Bono]] complains that “music has gotten very girly,”''' and is savaged by [[liberals]] for it. [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bono-music-rolling-stone_us_5a44054ae4b06d1621b6ba4a]
<br>[[J. Edgar Hoover]] memo two days after the assassination is [https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32263509.pdf here], and the [[FBI]] chief:
*said FBI had warning that [[Lee Harvey Oswald|Oswald]] would be killed, told Dallas police, and yet he was not protected.  Hoover was furious.
*emphasized a need to "convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin"
*explained how Oswald's prior letter to a [[communist]] at the Soviet Embassy in DC in charge of assassination (!) was intercepted, read by the FBI, and the resealed
*implied a [[globalist]] view to cover up some of this to avoid complicating foreign relations
*wanted local police "to shut up"
[[Trump]] overcomes pressure by the [[Deep State]] and tweets that the JFK assassination files will be released Thursday. [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fpolitics%2F2017%2F10%2F25%2Ftrump-says-classified-files-on-jfk-assassination-will-be-released-thursday.html]
'''Our "[[Unplug the NFL]]" racks up another win''': "[[NFL]] Cancels Final Sunday Night Football Game" because almost no one would watch. [http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/nfl-cancels-final-sunday-night-football-game/]
'''[[British]] "government pleads with Prince Harry not to invite [[Barack Obama]] to his wedding."'''  [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5210122/prince-harry-meghan-markle-wedding-invite-donald-trump-obama/]
'''Setback for the [[global warming]] hoax''': 53-inch snowfall in [[Pennsylvania]] shatters its record. [http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/26/us/erie-pennsylvania-snow-storm/index.html]
'''5 major [[conservative]] victories''' in [[Latin America]] in 2017.[http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/12/25/5-major-conservative-victories-latin-america-2017/]  Olé! Olé! Olé!
'''The [[right-wing|political right]] in''' the world continues its long winning streak. [[Chile]] elects a [[pro-life]], right-wing president.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNHcEOyvAXI]
[[Latin America]]'s political right is on a decisive winning streak.
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Revision as of 03:05, February 22, 2018

Welcome to Conservapedia!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has yet again been caught exaggerating ‘global warming’ by fiddling with the raw temperature data.[1]

What's wrong with college today? When did college become the farm system for the Democratic Party? [2]

A great video on the post Charles Darwin/evolutionism decline of the British empire.[3]

From the video: "In 1899, war with the Boers broke out. The numerically inferior Boers inflicted a series of humiliating defeats on Britain."

Evolutionism, the nanny state and Islamification is making Britain weaker and weaker.

Britain to be colder than ICELAND as FREEZING Siberian winds and snow bring SUB-ZERO chill.[4]

Global warming?

Led by a Never Trumper and a gay rights advocate, "US team falling apart, on pace for worst medal performance in 2 decades" in the Winter Olympics. [5]

Only one out of 9 Supreme Court Justices (Clarence Thomas) is willing to stand up for Second Amendment rights, as the High Court refuses to review two pro-gun control Ninth Circuit decisions. [6]

America needs Israel at least as much as Israel needs America. A review of the various ways Israel benefits the United States militarily, technologically, and even medically. [7]

UNICEF study: Babies are more likely to die in Britain than in Cuba, Montenegro or Belarus.[8]

If only Britain hadn't embraced Darwinism, then they might not be so backward when it comes to medical science. See also: Atheism, evolutionism and infanticide and Abortion and atheism and Socialized medicine

Switzerland, which has one of the highest rates of creationism in Europe, has a very low rate of infant mortality compared to other nations.[9][10]

"Liberal Lies Just Pile Up" [11]

Do lobbyists buy Members of Congress? Would term limits make lobbying less than worthwhile? [12]

Anti-Trump skier Lindsey Vonn is being scorned on Twitter for pulling out of the USA team ski event, after she lost badly in her individual event at the Winter Olympics. [13]

Western civilization has improved the human condition greatly in the last 2000 years. But you wouldn't know it from the litany of liberal complaints. [14]

"The Loser in the Basement" [15]

Setback for liberal claptrap: a new all-black movie, Black Panther, breaks attendance records with its "essentially conservative model" for its superhero. [16]

A Godly Israel is a safe and strong Israel. The Bible tells us that. [17]

Miami Herald: In the wake of Wednesday’s massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, a lot of parents are wondering if homeschooling might be a safer option for their children.[18]

Left leaning Business Insider: Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century.[19]

Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence – perhaps unwittingly – made a Trump-like joke at the expense of his potential rival in 2020: when asked if she would play a politician, Lawrence responded, "I Could Play Senator Warren as Pocahontas!" [20]

Florida school shooting spree unlikely to give political traction to gun control advocates.[21]

More vouchers for religious schools will help drain the swamp of public school related violence.

Not a single mass murderer in American history has been identified as a Christian, young earth creationist. See: Social effects of the theory of evolution

In fact, activists have warned that the steady drumbeat of atheism and nihilism in our schools, and homes devoid of Christian precept and practice, would only produce more such incidents. [22]

"Underage driving on the rise as video games give 'youngsters the confidence to get behind the wheel.'" [23] Meanwhile, liberal denial about the harms of video games continues.

Democrats are collapsing heading into midterms.[24]

Liberals are furious that conservative Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin blamed violent video games for yesterday's massacre, while the liberal media censors any inquiry into the possibility. [25]

Hawaii considers regulating "loot boxes" in video games. [26] Meanwhile, the lamestream media is mum about whether the young mass murderer in Florida was hooked on violent video games.

Young mass murderer who killed 17 and wounded 50 in Florida -- on Saint Valentine's Day -- frequently posted vile things on social media, and students who heard about the killings immediately suspected him as the perpetrator. [27] Our prayers go out to the victims.

CPAC caves into the homosexual agenda: it bans the conservative MassResistance, while welcoming a gay activist group as an exhibitor. [28] CPAC also features atheist groups now.

"Actor-Comedian Bill Murray Praises Trump Tax Cuts, Attacks Democrats for Divisive Politics." [29] Now we know why Murray was repeatedly denied nominations for an Academy Award.

Ratings for Late Night Liberals are Imploding![30]

How Democrats deliberately turn cities and States under their control into Third World enclaves. Has several instructive, disgusting – and tragic – examples. [31]

The Dutch mock fake news by liberal Katie Couric, who falsely said on NBC that the Dutch "skated on [their canals] to get from place to place." [32] Not true at all, starting with how the canals are not even frozen for 360 days a year.

Lamestream media TV expert taints the Winter Olympics with his ignorant, highly offensive remarks about Japan and Korea. [33] A "best of the public" ordinary commentator would do a far better job.

Men's figure skating at the Winter Olympics becomes a soapbox for the homosexual agenda and criticizing conservative V.P. Mike Pence, as television ratings drop.

Secular humanism and now Islam are killing Europe. As America stands alone, it must stand tall. Donald Trump is the leader for our time. [34]

Remembering Abraham Lincoln on his birthday. [35] Remember when we used to honor Presidents Lincoln and George Washington on their actual birthdays?

Better election rules can better enable statesmanship to come to the fore. Election rules definitely need to change in Israel. And maybe in America, too. [36]

When an executive succumbs to egomania he often makes bad deals. Case in point: Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel who brokered the Oslo Accords. [37]

It's already happened: politicians in Spain actually entertain a bill to grant rights to apes! Is not this the natural consequence of believing in evolution? [38]

A primer on what it means to have a Constitution, from a professor of political science who laments that Israel does not have our kind of Constitution. [39]

Don't let Linda Sarsour fool you. She pretends to be a champion of women, then apologizes for the worst mistreatment of women under Islam. [40]

A sharp reminder of the deadly nature of Islam, specifically in the context of the Iranian threat. [41]

Scientists recently discovered that human brains are made for music — that a deep musical appreciation is a foundational aspect of being human.[42]

Does Israel really have a Constitution as we know it? A review of the actual history of the new State of Israel and how the present system came about, might shock the reader. [43]

A California trial court has upheld a Christian baker's right to refuse to create a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, but the decision comes as a similar case is already pending in the nation's highest court.[44]

American lesbians need to east less cake and not more! See: Lesbianism and obesity

Another reason to unplug the NFL: when the church gives way to entertainment, including football, it's like salt that has lost its savor. [45]

A review of the attempt to bring down President Donald Trump, listing all the players of the dirty game. [46]

"Alarm bells are ringing on the federal debt" as the "Bipartisan Budget Act ... increases spending by $386 billion over two years and nearly $1.5 trillion over 10 years" and "suspends the debt ceiling until after the next election." [47]

Europe becomes "Eurabia" as multiculturalism allows Islam to ascend. Will Israel make the same mistake? [48]

The source of American exceptionalism is the exceptional men who crafted something called the United States of America. [49]

Conservative Rand Paul single-handedly shuts down the government! [50]

"Bermuda Revokes Same-Sex-Marriage Rights, In A World First." [51]

DACA in a wider context – of judicial activism and the career of a Supreme Court Justice who wants to displace the native-born. [52]

Another retrospective on the State of the Union Address – and the disgraceful performance by Democrats at that event. [53]

Obama interfered with the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server by oddly demanding to know "everything we’re doing," newly released FBI texts show. [54]

The difference between true theocracy, or respecting the rule of God, and the common definition of "theocracy" which means rule by priests or bishops or ministers. The former respects liberty; the latter does not. [55]

Just-released wiretap reveals the billionaire Dem candidate for Illinois governor mocking African American politicians, and telling then-governor Rod Blagojevich that picking a black will “cover you on the African-American thing.” [56]

Philadelphia Eagles Credit Their Shared Christian Faith for Super Bowl Win.[57] See: Sports performance: Religious faith vs. atheism

The team's players respected the American flag and the American National Anthem throughout the season, with very few exceptions.

Our "Unplug the NFL" prevails! A massive 7% drop in the television audience for the Super Bowl, despite a hyped match-up and a high-scoring game expected to increase viewership. [58]
It wasn't due to Trump; he watched and promoted the game.

The first major atheist conference to be held in New York City has been cancelled amidst atheist infighting and an accusation that it was going to be another boring atheist conference covering the same topics. For details, see: Atheist conferences

Question: Why is atheism so boring? See: Atheism and inspiration

Our "Unplug the NFL" has succeeded, with massive declines among those who followed the NFL: "men ages 18-49 (a drop of 24 points), men without college degrees (-23 points) and white men (-22 points)." [59] This frees up time that can be spent learning about and enjoying God's creation.

While viewership declined 10% for the NFL, and most will not watch the Super Bowl, gambling on the last game will top $4.7 billion. [60]

"EVERY BOGUS 2016 FISA REQUEST to Spy on Trump was Signed by Obama’s" Attorney General. [61]

China's war on Christmas made international headlines, sparking outrage across the globe.[62] See also: Atheism and Christmas

"Dow plunges 666 points." [63] Hmmm, 666???
Notice how most lamestream media headlines avoid saying the decline was 666 points.

Nunes memo released to the public: it reveals how secret surveillance against a Trump campaign official was obtained by misleading the FISA court. [64]

Setback for liberal gimmickry: there is widespread ridicule by Leftists of Joseph Kennedy III's bizarre appearance during his Dem-picked rebuttal of Trump. [65] Real men don't use Chapstick.

Liberal logic: the underachieving Kennedy heir chosen by Dems to rebut Donald Trump's State of the Union Address inherited a $20 million fortune and his wife still has $50,000 in student loan debts. [66]

Why did the Dems boo and his at Donald Trump, or at best offer lackluster applause for a good economy? Because they've bought into collectivism and know that capitalism "trumps" it – pun intended. [67]

Israel will never have peace until they stop electing secular Prime Ministers. Wanted: real Jewish statesmen. [68]

"Dems boo, hiss at Trump immigration remarks" during his State of the Union Address, but Trump properly ignores and rises above the liberal rudeness. [69]

House committee votes to release a memo explaining abusive surveillance of candidate Donald Trump by the Deep State. [70] The full House, then the Senate, should follow suit and restore the rule of law. That is if they truly wish to make America great again. [71]

Students at a top college sharply condemn what Trump supposedly said in his State of the Union Address ... not realizing that he has not given the speech yet. [72]

Why do any Americans favor any part of socialism or communism? Herewith an explanation of, and answer to, that appeal. [73]

Britain to be blitzed by gales and sub-zero temperatures in new BIG FREEZE.[74] Global warming?

Cherokee woman calls out liberal phony Elizabeth Warren: "We’ve Asked Her to Stop" claiming Cherokee ancestry. [75]

First Turkey rejects teaching evolution in primary/secondary schools.

Now Indian Cabinet minister, Satyapal Singh, with responsibility for education, has noted that Darwinian evolution is “scientifically wrong” and “not scientific.”[76]

The growing populations of religious countries and shrinking populations of irreligious countries is a death knell for evolutionism. See also: Evolutionary indoctrination and Growth of religion and Desecularization

Any two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict would in fact violate international law. America and the United Kingdom signed a treaty in 1925, according to which: Israel belongs to the Jews. [77]

Dr. Steve Turly on the new study showing conservative Christianity growing in the USA.[78]

U.S. states pass laws to promote Bible classes.[79]

President Donald Trump is praised by Davos delegates for boosting the U.S. economy.[80]

The U.S. economy has a big effect on the global economy. Every one of the world’s big economies is now growing.[81]

Trump Economy Is Heading Upward, Reversing the Obama Era.[82]

What the British ‘Minister of Loneliness’ position tells us about British culture.[83]

Lost and rejecting the concept of meritocracy, Dems turn to an obscure relative of John F. Kennedy to deliver their response to Trump's upcoming State of the Union address. [84] It is difficult to find anything significant the young Kennedy has accomplished.

XFL will start in two years to bring much-needed competition to the demonic NFL, and signing a few stars like Tim Tebow could make it succeed. [85]

A You-Gotta-Be-Kidding moment. As if all the myriad of excuses for global warming is bad enough, out comes the latest "scientific" study, in which the blame is placed on the consumption of sandwiches! [86][87]

Evangelicalism spreading in Southeast Asia amid intensifying persecution.[88]

Dr. William Lane Craig: Christianity Is Not a White Man's Religion, It's Asian![89] See also: Global Christianity and East Asia and global desecularization

Godlessness, leftism, false religions, authoritarianism, corruption and the world's holes.[90]

A call to unify America under God, and lay aside current political and religious divisions. [91]

An in-depth review of the performance of CNN and other Mainstream Media outlets in their partiality toward the Democrat Party and against Donald Trump. [92]

Many modern slavery crimes in Britain are committed by families and middle-aged couples leading seemingly respectable lives.[93] This may be causing the growing slavery problem in Britain to be greatly underestimated.[94][95]

The freedom-loving USA is ranked #1 in fighting modern slavery.[96]

Kentucky Public School Shooter Joined Atheist Group.[97] See also: List of atheist shooters and serial killers and Atheism and psychopathy

Atheists and evolutionists, has a Christian, young earth creationist, student ever gone on a killing spree in a Christian school? If not, why not?

Massachusetts liberal John Kerry, 2.5 years older than Donald Trump, hints he might run against Trump in 2020. [98]

The threat of global warming is so dire that the elitists just have to lecture the masses about it, after they are flown in by the hundreds in their carbon-spewing private jets. [99]

Another setback for liberals: "Trump says he wants to talk to Mueller, would do so under oath," pending approval by Trump's attorneys. [100]

The lowdown on DACA and DAPA, two policies intended to flood America with mendicant immigrants. Cloward and Piven couldn't have designed this better. [101]

Young mass murderers: a shooting rampage by a teenager leaves 2 dead and 17 injured at a Kentucky public school. Was the murderer a video game addict or high on marijuana, or both? Our prayers are with the victims, and we hope for full disclosure of the cause.

New Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Not Shrinking, But Growing Stronger.[102]

The percentage of church-attending Americans relative to overall population is more than four times greater today than it was in 1776.

Meanwhile, the atheist movement is in decline. See: Decline of the atheist movement

Is China cracking down on Christianity?[103] Is it working or merely fanning the flames of the spread of Christianity through a martyrdom effect?

Look at the graph showing the exponential growth of Christianity in atheistic China! 2018 is going to be the WORST year ever for militant atheists. See: Growth of Christianity in China and East Asia and global desecularization

U.S. Navy’s new warship stuck in ice in Canada.[104] Global warming?

Our Unplug the NFL campaign wins big again: 23.3 million fewer viewers in the divisional round, falling to a 10-year low for the demonic NFL. [105]

The truth behind the alleged strong language by Donald Trump in the DACA negotiation. In some of the countries to which he referred, the malodorous substance he allegedly cited, flows freely. [106]

Let's stop calling the partial government slowdown a government shutdown.[107]

Ann Coulter: The Republicans could constitutionally end the government slowdown because they possess a majority vote and that is all the U.S. Constitution requires.[108] Illegal immigrant amnesty would be a mistake.

President Donald Trump suggested GOP senators should use their majority to override the Democrats.[109]

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and the Democrats made a “major mistake” by slowing down the government.[110]

Egypt moves ahead with plans to outlaw atheism.[111]

The al-Azhar Institute in Cairo, one of the most influential centers of Islamic scholarship in the world, is endorsing the policy change. See also: Atheism vs. Islam

White House rebukes RINO Lindsey Graham for demanding amnesty for some illegal aliens in order to reopen the government: "He’s been an outlier for years." [112]

After an unexplained delay, DOJ finally files a felony charge against the liberal who did the cowardly sneak assault on conservative Rand Paul in his own yard. [113] Notice how the liberal media try to downplay the possible political motivation.

Release the FISA Memo! Until that happens, the government is acting like a sexual predator telling his child victim, "Don't tell your mother." [114]

Answering a theistic evolutionist on his own ground: answers to ten theological questions he said creationists can't answer. [115]

Chinese, atheist communists bomb megachurch in drive to silence Chinese Christianity.[116][117]

China is now imprisoning more prisoners of conscience than the number combined by the rest of the world.

The might of the Roman Empire could not crush Christianity. The Soviet Union could not crush religion. Chinese atheist leaders will not prevail against Chinese evangelical Christians. See also: Growth of evangelical Christianity

Federal Government Shuts Down, as Trump properly withstands pressure by Dems on immigration. [118]

The left-wing, atheist George Soros who poured gigantic amounts of money into leftist causes ADMITS: 'The dominant Ideology in the world now is nationalism.[119]

Right-wing nationalism and religion will crush secular, liberal globalism. See also: Desecularization

Reviewing the best reason to unplug the NFL: Colin Kaepernick, who actually thinks he is a civil rights hero. Martin Luther King had a much better idea. [120]

Today President Trump becomes the first president to fully address the March for Life. [121]

The SJW atheist movement is a lost cause. It just had its debate Waterloo.[122] See also: Mythcon 2017 Conference

Australia recently made same sex marriage legal. Another example of humans trying to be like God. It is a symptom of a larger problem in the West, of men calling evil good. [123]

Even liberal Politico.com admits that "Oprah 2020 gets low ratings from voters." [124]

Any Article V Convention of States would fail even on its own terms. An examination of the six amendments that came out of the simulated convention in Williamsburg, Virginia shows this. [125]

"New California declares 'independence' from rest of state." [126] Vast regions of the state want to separate from the liberal cities.

Breakdown of rule of law in France, while a Saudi Arabian prince buys landmarks there. More signs that Western civilization, especially in Europe, is under threat. [127]

Emily Greene, Communications Director and Chair of the Women's Caucus for the Young Democrats of Georgia, just published an article entitled I’m an Atheist — and No, I’m Not More Likely to Be a Serial Killer Than Anyone Else.

Apparently, Ms. Grrene has not read Conservapedia's articles entitled Atheism and psychopathy and List of atheist shooters and serial killers and Abortion and atheism and Atheism and mental illness and Atheism and mass murder and Young mass murderers and Atheism and violence

Question: Why do so many atheists and liberals hate science? See: Atheism and science and Liberals and superstition

Liberal strategy to force Trump to extend DACA by falsely calling him a racist does not seem to be working: Trump says DACA 'probably dead' because of Democrats." [128]

Hollywood tries to save the Earth, but moviegoers aren’t buying eco-messages anymore.[129]

Will eco-fake news based on fake science help bring down evolutionism and cause more atheists to abandon atheism? See: A key pillar of atheism will soon start crumbling faster

So The New Yorker thinks Donald Trump is playing power politics by declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel? They picked a militant Muslim to write the article and really think Islam has ties to Jerusalem when it has none. Typical Mainstream Media ignorance. [130]

Global Warming: Fake News from the Start.[131]

President Donald Trump, who is a fan of Sun Tzu, has been quietly/stealthily removing global warming alarmism material from government websites one site at a time via a hammer and chisel approach.[132]

Read also: Essay: A key pillar of atheism will soon start crumbling faster

A poll by Pew Research, a think-tank based in Washington, demonstrates how successful President Donald Trump has been in souring his fans’ attitudes towards the press.[133][134]

More liberal double standard: in 2013 RINO Sen. Lindsey Graham referred to Mexico and other countries as "hellholes", but the liberal media is just fine with that. [135]

The full lowdown on "Common Core" and its true purpose. Hint: it was never about no child being left behind. [136]

Is Germany's political left coming apart at the seams?[137]

Conservapedia proven right again!

Germany appears to be moving to the right politically.[138]

The women protesting "sexual harassment" in entertainment wore black to make their point. They forgot how this looked, and how it compared to the hijab Muslim women must wear. [139]

Video game news: man reportedly killed his own mother in California in anger instigated by his playing a video game. [140]

More liberal double standard: "Owls Dying Near Marijuana Farms," yet where's the outcry?? Legalized pot worsens this. [141]

Put liberals in charge of social media - like Twitter - and watch the free exchange of ideas vanish. Project Veritas exposes a dangerous threat to free speech, as Twitter deliberately shuts down conservative thought via "shadow banning": [142]

Have the globalists and the Mainstream Media been grooming Oprah Winfrey all this time? Possible... [143]

The test of a statesman and a politician is what one really cares about: one's country or one's image. [144]

Anti-Trump RINO Jeff Flake is quoted by the liberal media as supposedly confirming Trump's alleged derogatory statement against other countries, but Flake was not even there to witness anything! [145]

The Left's 1942.[146]

Lavish Obama Center hits mounting opposition in Chicago as professors blast plans, 'socially regressive' ideas.[147]

Other U.S. Presidents had presidential libraries. The Obama Center will have no books.[148]

3 anti-Trump Republicans and 3 Dems -- one so unpopular he won't stand for reelection, and another under federal indictment -- declare they have a "bipartisan" deal on immigration. [149]

Atheistic, Communist, Chinese Government Killed At Least 10,000 At Tiananmen Square Massacre, Newly Declassified Documents Claim.[150]

"The brutal massacre caused many Chinese intellectuals and other elites to lose faith in communism and embrace Christianity. Following the events, China's church has grown so large that the Communist Party fears its influence." - Professor Carsten Vala[151]

Refugee influx into Germany fueled violent crime surge.[152]

Politico/Breitbart report on Tony Blair Institute declaring that right-wing populism is surging with no end in sight.[153][154]

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton: most admired? The Mainstream Media have got to be kidding! [155]

Secular falsehoods, that derive from atheism, creep in when religion and politics stay separate. Time to re-evaluate that separation. [156]

The Tony Blair Institute states that right-wing populism is becoming the new normal with no end in sight for its surge.[157]

Remembering Andrei Sakharov, friend of Israel. [158]

Oprah Winfrey for President?!? The nation's professors, even with their professor values, have got to be kidding! Or are they? Or did a generation of moral relativism bring them to this pass? [159]

CBSNews commentary: "A government shutdown would be a loser for Democrats." [160] GOP seems unwilling to cave into extending DACA.

Benjamin Netanyahu knows the truth about Islam v. Israel. But he can't say it because people will say he's crazy. [161]

The Guardian: UK Nail bars are havens for modern slavery. UK men are spending on average £779 per year (about $1,053 USD a year) at nail salons! [162]

Effeminate British men are fueling a slavery crisis in the UK!

Britain's National Crime Agency said cases of forced labor affect "every large town and city in the country.”[163]

More liberal double standard: "Sorry Democrats=> At Least 18 Presidents Suffered From Mental Disorders and Were Not Removed from Office." [164]

Mourning in America. But it's not what you think! [165]

A Yale University professor of psychiatry presumes to diagnose Donald Trump. In so doing she violates a fifty-year-old rule of her profession. [166]

The real problem with debt in America: individuals and governments alike remain "debt peons." [167]

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 25,000 last week. But did the money supply drive that value? [168]

The Constitution of the United States actually has Jewish roots. That might not seem apparent, given the disparity between the US Constitution and the Basic Law of Israel. Then again, they who set up the Republic of Israel did not exactly follow Jewish law when they wrote the Basic Law. [169]

More evidence that the atheist movement is weaker than it was 14 years ago.[170] See also: Google trends - Atheism and agnosticism terms

Liberal logic: "Portland To Spend $29 Million On Luxury Condos For The Poor." [171]

Why did California turn itself into a sanctuary State, to go along with sanctuary cities? Perhaps as a Cloward-Piven gambit? [172]

Behold modern psychology and its malaise. Deriving as it does from atheism, it now reduces to determinism, this in an era that allegedly champions liberty! God, and a return to Him, can correct this. [173]

Time to imagine a post-Ayatollah Iran. And not to miss an opportunity. Or have Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu already thought of this? [174]

In 2017, the religious Philippines continued their winning streak in the major international beauty pageants. Irreligion is rare among Filipinos.

See: Atheists and physical attractiveness

Muslims are carrying their war against Israel – and the rest of civilization – into the classroom. [175]

Egypt may make atheism illegal.[176] See also: Atheism vs. Islam

Medical problems of "pain, vomiting and mental fog" increase due to more marijuana use, and "doctors can do little to relieve the symptoms." [177]

From the Left comes a definition that really applies to them: Fractal wrongness, or being wrong on every level of analysis. [178]

Did James Madison make a bad recommendation for separation of church and state? Has American politics suffered from a lack of pro-active consideration of God's Commandments in the civil law? [179]

Moderate Republican Josh Mandel, a favorite of the Koch brothers and Karl Rove, surprisingly exits the race for the Senate seat in Ohio, "creating the biggest political vacuum of 2018." [180]

Celebrating a spectacular first year for President Donald Trump in every field of statecraft. [181]

President Trump turns up the heat against Steve Bannon with this tweet today: "The Mercer Family recently dumped the leaker known as Sloppy Steve Bannon. Smart!" [182]

Sir Winston Churchill had the definitive replies to the Arab and Muslim critics of Israel when he sat before the Peel Commission. His arguments apply just as strongly today. Furthermore, we have fresh reason to praise Donald Trump: Trump imitates Churchill. [183]

"Trump rips 'Sloppy Steve' Bannon, 'phony' tell-all book one hour before it goes on sale." [184]

The Christian conservative Michele Bachmann says she's considering running for Al Franken's Senate seat.[185]

Niagara Falls -- a counterexample to an Old Earth due to its recognized young age -- freezes over for only the second time in the last 80 years, creating spectacular images.

Socialism, by any other name (like "Social Democracy") is still inimical to liberty.[186]

Another reason for choice in education: to produce a new generation of Senators and Representatives who respect the Constitution and American liberty. [187]

Delusional Dems? "Lawmakers briefed by Yale psychiatrist on Trump's mental health." [188] Yale and most liberal universities receive vast amounts of federal funding.

A reminder: conservatives should avoid gossip, even about the enemies of liberty and the Constitution. Malfeasance in office carries far more weight than certain sins out of office. [189]

North Korean communist Kim Jong Un brags that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times. Tonight Trump tweets back: "Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!" [190]

Setback to the Establishment: the increasingly liberal Republican Orrin Hatch announces his long-awaited retirement. [191] He calls himself a "fighter", but what was he fighting for??

"So we're at 3.3 percent GDP. I see no reason why we don't go to 4 percent, 5 percent, and even 6 percent ultimately" - Donald Trump.[192]

'''Financial Times: UK to remain a relative laggard among developed countries in 2018 with a growth rate of 1.5%.[193]

Darwinism caused Germany to become more aggressive and WWI and WWII weakened Britain.[194] See also: World War I and Darwinism and Social effects of the theory of evolution

Will the British repent and embrace biblical creationism and the Protestant work ethic?

In China, the rapid growth of Christian believers is moving beyond what the atheistic, communist government can control.[195] See also: East Asia and global desecularization

Report: "Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct before Election Day." [196]

Conservative of the Year 2017: President Donald Trump! Unlike fake news, we do not pick the winner before the year is complete.

Seven good reasons to be happy going into 2017. In addition to having Donald Trump for a President. [197]

Arrests, convictions and hefty prison sentences alone will not be enough to stamp out slavery in Britain, estimated to be home to tens of thousands of modern-day slaves,[198]

The solution is Christianization.

In Britain's more Christian past the British sang, "Britons never, never, never will be slaves."[199]

President Donald Trump's 2017 Top 10 Achievements.[200] See also: Donald Trump achievements

British atheist praises Conservapedia administator.[201]

Niagara Falls freezes over, as parts of the United States are colder than the surface of Mars. [202] Liberals predicted catastrophic global warming by 2018.

A protest against the chutzpah of Israeli Prime Ministers who give away that which God gave the Jews. Why does Netanyahu do this even after Donald Trump showed a new policy in Washington toward Israel? [203]

The year 2017 was a period of almost uniform “demise” and “retreat” for Europe’s political centre-left, The Guardian and New York Times newspapers have declared.[204]

Second coldest New Year's Eve ever for Times Square is forecast, to be tied with the temperature in 1962 of only 11 degrees Fahrenheit. [205] Global warming???

Liberal logic on display as U2's Bono complains that “music has gotten very girly,” and is savaged by liberals for it. [206]

Our "Unplug the NFL" racks up another win: "NFL Cancels Final Sunday Night Football Game" because almost no one would watch. [207]

British "government pleads with Prince Harry not to invite Barack Obama to his wedding." [208]

Setback for the global warming hoax: 53-inch snowfall in Pennsylvania shatters its record. [209]

5 major conservative victories in Latin America in 2017.[210] Olé! Olé! Olé!

The political right in the world continues its long winning streak. Chile elects a pro-life, right-wing president.[211]

Latin America's political right is on a decisive winning streak.

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