Al Saaka
Al Saaka, or al Sa'iqa (also transcribed as al-Saiqa, as-Saiqa, Al-Sa'iqa, Sai'qa), [Lightning, Storm, Thunderbolt,[1] Vanguard for the Popular Liberation War], was formed in September 1966. The armed wing of the Palestinian branch of the Syrian Ba'ath party.[2]
Al-Saiqa was a Marxist Muslim Palestinian terror club founded by Syrian Ba'athists.[3] Its task was to establish Syrian dominance in as many Muslim areas as possible.[4] It served as a pan-Arab, pan-Islamic, Syrian-backed movement within the Palestinian Liberation Organization - the PLO.
It was used as Syria's proxy in its initial incursions into Lebanon. In 1976, Sa'iqa forces massacred over 500 Lebanese Christians in the town of Damour. In the 1970s, due to massive Syrian support, it was the second largest PLO faction after Fatah.[1]
Equally as most Palestinian terrorist groups, al-Saiqa's goal was to destroy Israel and establish an Arab/Islamic/Communist state in its place.
In 1976, Al-Saiqa was expelled from the PLO. It was used thereafter by the Syrian Assad regime. It was against the Madrid conference and Oslo accords between Israel and the PLO.[3]
Zuheir Mohsen
In the 1970s, its leader was Palestinian Zuheir Mohsen (Zuhayr Muḥsin; Zahir Mukhsan 1936-1979), the head of the military department of the PLO. [5]
Butcher of Damour
Zuheir Mohsen is known as the "butcher of Damour",[6][7][8][9] as in the Damour massacre.
He used to likes to slice his victims' ... off and shove them in their mouths – dead or alive.[10]
"Palestinan people do not exist"
On March 31, 1977, Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Zahir Muhsein (as a PLO executive committee member), whereby Muhsein said:[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism."
He was assassinated in July, 1979.[19]
Notable acts
Among Al Saaka's atrocities:
See also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Mannes, A. (2004). Profiles in Terror. United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 329
- ↑ Paul, J. A. (1990). Human rights in Syria. New York: Human Rights Watch. p. 95
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 al Sa'iqa Terrorist Groups | TRAC
- ↑ O'Ballance, E. (1998). Civil War in Lebanon, 1975-92. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK. p.10
- ↑ Assadour Garmirian (1979). "International Newscasting in Lebanon. Coverage of the 1975-76 Civil War". Volume 1. p. 37 The Pro - Syrian Forces * (mostly Palestinians) : (a) As - Saiqa - - the second largest component of the Plo, led by Zuheir Mohsen, the head of the military department of the PLO.
- ↑ PLO Policy towards the Christian Community during the Civil War in Lebanon, ICT, May 7, 2008.
- ↑ Jillian Becker (2014). "The PLO." p. 155. The commander of the combined forces which descended on Damour on 23 January 1976 was Zuhayr Muhsin, chief of al-Sa'iqa, known since then throughout Christian Lebanon as 'the Butcher of Damour'. He was assassinated on 15 July 1979 at Cannes in the South of France.
- ↑ Prof. Murray Kahl, Yasir Arafat and the Christians of Lebanon INN, 13 January 2002. Although the main 'Butcher of Damour,' Saiqa commander Zuhayr Muhsin, was assassinated in Cannes, France in 1979, the PLO leader whose legions were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Christians in Lebanon, Yasser Arafat, is still alive to bemoan the fact that Israel prevented him from attending Christmas services in Bethlehem.
- ↑ Years later Damour remembered, J Akouri, Jan 31, 2007.
- ↑ Anderson, N. (2019). NOC Twice: More UK Non-Official Cover Operations. (n.p.): MIURA!. pp. 111-112.
"The main rabbit (target of surveillance) is a nasty little chap called Zuheir Muhsin, or Zuhayr Muhsin, depending how you'd pronounce and spell it. Age 43, he's the ex-head of Syrian-founded Al-Saiqa — The Thunderbolt to you — The murder squad of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization). Also likes to be known as the 'Butcher of Damour.'
The guy's responsible for quite a large number of hits, but chiefly the massacre of hundreds of Lebanese Christians in January 1976. If you you must know how despicable this cunt is, he likes to slice his victims' p_n__es off and shove them in their mouths – dead or alive." - ↑ James Dorsey, Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden ["We are only Palestine for political reasons"], Trouw, 31 March 1977.
Geen Volk.
Mohsens opstelling is niet zo verbazingwekkend. Luisterend naar zijn politieke en ideologische opvattingen kan men soms het gevoel niet onderdrukken dat er misschien in de Arabische wereld toch minder is veranderd dan oorspronkelijk werd aangenomen. Volgens Mohsen bestaat er namelijk in feite geen apart Palestijns volk. "Tussen Jordaniërs, Palestijnen, Syriërs en Libanezen bestaan er geen verschillen. Wij maken deel uit van één volk, de Arabische natie. Kijk maar, ik heb familieleden met het Palestijnse, Libanese, Jordaanse en Syrische staatsburgerschap. Wij zijn één volk. Alleen maar om politieke redenen onderschrijven wij zorgvuldig onze Palestijnse identiteit. Het is namelijk van nationaal belang voor de Arabieren om het bestaan van de Palestijnen aan te moedigen tegenover het zionisme. Ja, het bestaan van een aparte Palestijnse identiteit is er alleen om tactische redenen. De stichting van een Palestijnse staat is een nieuw middel om de strijd tegen Israel en voor de Arabische eenheid voort te zetten." Ook de strategie die Mohsen wil volgen is vrij simpel: "Een aparte Palestijnse entiteit moet voor de nationale rechten opkomen in de dan nog overgebleven bezette gebieden. De Jordaanse regering kan niet namens de Palestijnen in Israel, Libanon of Syrië spreken. Jordanië is een staat met bepaalde grenzen. Het kan geen aanspraak maken op bijvoorbeeld Haifa of Jaffa, terwijl ik wel recht heb op Haifa, Jaffa, Jeruzalem en Beërsheva. Jordanië kan alleen spreken namens de Jordaniërs en de Palestijnen in Jordanië. De Palestijnse staat zou het recht hebben om op te treden namens alle Palestijnen in de Arabische wereld en elders. Als wij eenmaal al onze rechten in geheel Palestina hebben verworven, moeten wij de hereniging van Jordanië en Palestina geen moment uitstellen." - ↑ ‘Het Palestijnse volk bestaat niet’, Likoed, Jan 22, 2011.
- ↑ Commentary, Incorporated, 1986. p.35
- ↑ ZOA, Vols. 68-69, 1977. p.7
- ↑ Havardi, J. (2016). "Refuting the Anti-Israel Narrative: A Case for the Historical, Legal and Moral Legitimacy of the Jewish State." United States: McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers. p. 128.
- ↑ Judea, Samaria, and Gaza: Views on the Present and Future. (1982). United Kingdom: American Enterprise Institute. p.204
- ↑ A Fresh Perspective: A critique of Palestinian nationalism Dan Illouz, JPost, Jul 2, 2015. Indeed, on March 31, 1977, Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in which he said: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism."
- ↑ "The Warped Vision of a Two-State Solution", Victor Sharpe, July 31, 2021
- ↑ A Leader of P.L.O. Shot in France, The New York Times, July 26, 1979. CANNES, France, July 25 (AP) — Zuheir Mohsen, military operations chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization and head of the Syrian‐supported As saiqa guerrilla faction, was shot in the head last night as he approached the door of an apartment in this Riviera city, the police reported oday.