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  • Palestinization of the wider Arab-Israeli conflict, which the Abraham Accords, for instance, sought to dismantle.

  • Islamization Jihadization infected by "palestine" virus at other conflicts.

  • The forging strange alliances --as ironic as can be-- via propagating and casting the ME conflict falsely.

"Palestine" anti-Israel "activists" have always attempted to seek alliances in spite of contradictions, let alone zero relation or comparisons, by propaganda of falsifying facts and casting the M.E. conflict to suit to the 'ears' of other causes' activist.

Chicken for KFC

Even "queers for Palestine" has been set up, dubbed Chickens for KFC.[1] Whatever floats the boat.

The 'Palestinization' of lesbian activism has been noted at least since the 2000's.[2]

Fascistic Farrakhan fans have helped this destructive trend at BLM.

At the 2020 George Floyd protests. Despite the fact that it was an Arab Palestinian who called the police on Mr. Floyd and there was some noise about the wide spread Arab racism,[3][4] Islamic Arab "activists" agitators saw to it to turn it quickly into "solidarity with Palestine." Another chance of channeling and abusing other peoples' anger for their twisted politics and trigger bigotry, not just Israelophobia. The same case was in Feguson unrest some 5 years earlier.

From 2003[5]:
“Palestinization” refers to the hijacking of a once-secular independence movement by nihilistic, uncompromising jihadists. “What began as a movement for Chechen autonomy has degenerated, on the fringes, into a radical, fundamentalist Islamic movement,” he said. “Insofar as Hamas is aimed at the destruction of Israel, the group of Chechen rebels reflected by the suicide bombers will not stop fighting until the green banner of Islam is flying over the Kremlin.

There is the "Palestinization of EU foreign policy,"[6] Palestinization of UNESCO; [7]

"And you’ve seen a kind of a Palestinization of the academy since the 1960s that has played out not only in a scholarship but also by way of funding."[8]

Palestinian Authority official media features Islamist calling for genocide
Hamas' Haniyeh- "We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of Gaza"

And even 'Palestinianization' of international law, [9] making a mockery out of the seriousness of crimes.

While: Hamas: "We Need Gaza Civilian Blood."[10] Gaza chief’s brutal calculation: civilian bloodshed will help Hamas."[11]

Hamas abruptly leaves CNN interview when asked if accepting responsibility for civilians deaths. (08.17.24)[12]

Asked about civilian deaths in Gaza, top Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, ends CNN interview, when pushed on whether terror group accepts responsibility for using Palestinians as human shields.[12]

While "Israel’s war against Hamas posts lower civilian-to-combatant death ratio than other urban battles."[13]

A major power behind this are forces seeking Islamization. Case in point, Muslim Brotherhood linked SJP / MSA,[14] etc., Qatar[15] and the Islamic Republic of Iran[16] behind the "Palestine" riots 2023/4, leading to anti-Israel swastika-palestine.[17][18][19][20][21][22]

The pair bigots Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is not really authentic progressive, but they will push certain progressive ideas on Americans especially as they can demand Palestinianism from other true progressives.

Already in 1988 it was published:[23] "The Palestinization of the Arab-Israeli Conflict." And as early as 1990s alert: "the Palestinization of the Arab-Israeli conflict (at the UN) led to a proliferation of hostile resolutions with regard to Israel."[24] it has only gotten worse, with the total grip, the Islamic lobby OIC has over the UN, its agendas, voting and placing certain personalities in positions including in court/s.

Teaching on how to 'Palestinize', in US

Arab "Palestinian" activists' Anti-Israel convention in Chicago suburb (2024) instructs students how to 'make your campus Palestinian.'[25]

"Freedom," right. The irony

Flag they use when they attack, rape, murder and kidnap Jews. VS. Flag they use play the victim and seek empathy

Even the supposed "moderate" Palestinian Authority is where you can't criticize freely[26] the oppressive regime, and who envisions a Jew-free[27][28] Arab racist supremacist ethnic cleansing state and it still continues the bloody Pay for Slay,[29] encouraging terror, its official media features Islamist calling for genocide,[30] but the gullible side even with Hamas, which really seeks an Islamic State Caliphate with no Israel.[31][32][33][34]

Most troubling is the fact that (Per June 2024)[35] most Palestinian Arabs support Oct 7 attacks and Hamas.

"Palestinian" 'death cult'

Hamas leader Muhammad Deif: "Today you (Israelis) are fighting divine soldiers, who love death for Allah like you love life, and who compete among themselves for Martyrdom like you flee from death".[36]
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh: "We love death like our enemies love life! We love Martyrdom.."death".[36]
We love death like our enemies love life. Speaker, Official PA TV, March 8, 2023.[37]


This is a point that is extremely difficult for observers to fathom in the West, where the role of ideology is often underestimated. Hamas has imbued its followers with the values of martyrdom. This March, an article titled “Hamas and the Culture of Death,” in the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat, tore into the Hamas prime minister for using yet again the Hamas slogan: “We are a people that love death for the sake of Allah as much as our enemies love life.” The distasteful Hamas mantra explained what is commonly perceived in Israel, which uses its Iron Dome missiles to protect its people, while Hamas uses its people to protect its missiles.



“The Hamas death cult seeks to maximize the casualties on both sides. For Sinwar, Palestinian lives don’t matter. Moreover, by punishing Israel, the international community perversely incentivizes Hamas to get Palestinians killed.”


Conflict = bigotry

Pierre Van Paassen in June 1933 and about Jamal Hussein ordering 10 copies of Mein Kampf w 5 copies of “the Protocols”

The basis of anti-Israel conflict in the Middle East is bigotry.

No matter how you slice it, at its core, it's about bigotry against the 'other' in the Middle East. The combined intolerance: Ethnic: Arab racism and religious: Islamic bigotry.[40] Had Israel been mostly Arab or mostly Islamic, there wouldn't be a "conflict." Jamal Husseini (Nazi collaborator[41] and who ordered Mein Kampf and the "Protocols" forgery in 1933,[42] had established with the grand Mufti the Futuwwa modeled on Hitler-Jugend,[43] and had justified the Holocaust months after WW2 with Ahmad Shukeiri[44] and in April 1948, he told the UNSC that instead of accepting the Haganah's truce offer, the Arabs "preferred to abandon their homes, their belongings, and everything they possessed in the world and leave the town"[45][46]), as spokesman for Arab Higher Committee AHC explained in 1947/8 Arab rejection to a Jewish State, that it will interrupt Arab "racial homogeneity."[47]

One of the earliest openly hate expression was displayed in 1913 by a Muslim sheikh, his hateful poem combining antisemitic trope with Quranic text, triggering the Ottomans to ban Falastin for inciting "racial hatred."[48][49][50][51][52]

Then, in the 1920s Haj Amin al-Husseini[53] Islamicized[54] the conflict ab-using the Temple Mount, where he also coined the genocidal "adbakh al Yahud"[55] cries and instigated to massacres. And in the 1930s even further radicalism at Palestine-Arabs, assassinating thousands of moderates; the wild pro-Hitler virus in Arab press and wide spread admiration Nazism at Arab Palestinians, till the 1940s pro-Nazi even as high as 88% polled Arabs..

And yes, there were Pogroms in Eretz-Yisrael-Palestine before the creation of the state of Israel.[56]

Then came along another entity -- not a neighbour -- that never had a "land" issue with Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran with its Islamism zealous vowing to wipe out Israel and creating proxies in Lebanon: Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad PIJ, baciking Hamas, setting up groups in Iraq, Syria with bases too and the Houthis in the Yemen.


(Racism: While anti-Jewish hate drive among Arab "Palestine" including in official media, textbooks and sermons is immense, there is also racism against darker skin Arabs. In contrast: The "r" word doesn't belong at discrimination in Israel - it's cultural. The very fact that the most discriminated group against are Jews, Haredi Jews, proves again, discrimination is rather and foremost culturally based.[57]).

The "indigenous" myth

Hamas says Palestininas are half Egyptians and half from Saudi Arabia

Despite the myth propaganda, there is zero evidence against the fact that most Arab Palestinians[58][59] are grandchildren of immigrants.[60][61] Hamas: "half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians."[62]

Israel and the Arab world- map

See also


  1. David M Friedman on X: "Queers for Palestine = Chickens for KFC" / X
  2. Phyllis Chesler: The 'Palestinization' of lesbian activism National Post, Published Mar 22, 2011.
    ..when I began working with real lesbian and bisexual women as part of my feminist activism, I discovered that — like everyone else — lesbians were neither angels nor devils. Like men, many lesbian feminists I met had internalized sexism and homophobia, and did not really respect or trust other women. In many cases that I observed, they used their intimate groups to bully, isolate and then shun any lesbian feminist who was “out of line” — despite the common pretense that feminist groups are leaderless and free-thinking.

    In particular, I discovered that lesbians, bisexuals and “queers” often are expected to toe a party line when it comes to the Middle East. I am talking about the Palestinianization of lesbian feminists, including.. lesbian feminists, who are more concerned with the rights of a country that does not exist, “Palestine,” than with the rights of real Muslim women who are forced to veil themselves, accept arranged marriages and whom are victimized by honour killings when they are seen as too western or disobedient.

    I have seen these North American lesbian “queers” at university-based Israel Apartheid Week events in America and Canada, wearing kaffiyas, sporting buttons that say “I am a Palestinian,” “I am a Jewish anti-Zionist” or “Jews For Justice in Palestine.” Many wear military buzz cuts and boots, carry heavy backpacks and sport other insignia of the European-Arab Street and ACT-UP-style protests. Were these women to dress this way in the West Bank or Gaza, they would be persecuted for their appearance — or worse...
  3. Why Did Cup Foods Call the Cops on George Floyd? (The New York Times). Jun 17, 2020.
    “I'll be honest, some of the worst micro and macro forms of racism I've experienced as a black Muslim have not been at the hands of white people but white Arabs..”
  4. Chicago’s Arab American store owners face reckoning in wake of George Floyd killing Chicago Tribune, Jun 15, 2020
    After Mahmoud Abumayyaleh, the owner of the Minneapolis store ... Panelists talked about the history of racism against black people at Arab... Anti-blackness in Arab countries...
  5. Chechnya Shows Signs of ‘Palestinization’. By Vance Serchuk. The Forward. August 15, 2003
  6. Contemporary antisemitism - Document - Gale Academic. 2013.
  7. Palestinization of UNESCO
  8. The College Campus Tentifada: How It Started, Why It Matters, and How to Curb It The Hudson Institute, May 7, 2024
  9. The 'Palestinianization' of international law JerusalemPost, Jan 18, 2024
  10. Hamas Leader Haniya: We Need Gaza Civilian Blood, Memri, Oct 23, 2023.
  11. Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas WSJ, June 10, 2024
    Yahya Sinwar’s correspondence with compatriots and mediators shows he is confident that Hamas can outlast Israel.
  12. 12.0 12.1 WATCH: Hamas official storms off CNN after being pressed on Oct. 7, blame for Gazan deaths Danielle Greyman-kennard, JPost, August 18, 2024.

    CNN Anchor Jim Sciutto asked Osama Hamdan: “Does Hamas today regret the October 7 terror attacks?”

    Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan stormed off an interview with CNN anchor Jim Sciutto on Saturday night when the exchange got heated on the topics of October 7 and the terror group's responsibility for the deaths of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

    Hamas terrorist official Osama Hamdan deflects blame for Gaza civilian deaths, ignoring responsibility and showing no concern. StandWithUs. August 18, 2024.

    Asked about civilian deaths in Gaza, top Hamas official ends CNN interview TOI, 18 August 2024.

    Osama Hamdan charges host Jim Sciutto looking at conflict through 'Israeli eyes' when pushed on whether terror group accepts responsibility for using Palestinians as human shields.
  13. Ben Wolfgang, Israel’s war against Hamas posts lower civilian-to-combatant death ratio than other urban battles. The Washington Times, April 18, 2024
  14. Hatem Bazian Canary
  15. Who is paying for the American campus protests? JNS, May 3, 2024
  16. Iran Supporting and Funding Pro-Hamas Protests in the U.S. FDD, July 10, 2024
  17. Eric Rozenman, Keffiyeh as Neo-Swastika Fashion Statement, Washington Jewish Week, Apr 10, 2024
  18. Henry Kopel, How the Keffiyeh Became the 21st Century’s Swastika, TOI, May 19, 2024
  19. Man arrested at pro-Palestinian Arab protest in London for carrying swastika placard, INN, Apr 28, 2024.
    Two men arrested at Palestine Solidarity Campaign demonstration in the British capital to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
  20. Alana Goodman, Northwestern Jewish Students Recount 'Scary and Shocking' Campus Anti-Semitism in Meetings With Lawmakers, Free Beacon, May 2, 2024
  21. Israeli student at John Hopkins assaulted after speaking about hostages, i24 news, May 2, 2024. attacker shouted derogatory remarks at her, including demands for her to "go back to Europe,"
  22. Swastika found drawn on USC campus fence post, FOX 11 Digital Team, May 1, 2024
  23. The Palestinization of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Kelman, Herbert C. Spring. 1988
  24. New Jersey Jewish News, 26 October 1995 — Page 6 "Israel and the United Nations: a Changing relationship".
  25. Joseph A. Wulfsohn, Anti-Israel convention in Chicago suburb instructs students how to 'make your campus Palestinian': Report. Fox News. 06 Dec 2024.

    An anti-Israel convention that was recently held in a Chicago suburb offered advice to college students on how they could make their campus "Palestinian."

    The Free Press reported on the 17th Annual Convention for Palestine, which took place last week at the Tinley Park Convention Center... sessions geared towards college students include "Make Your Campus Palestinian" to "amplify the voices of Palestinian students" ....
  26. PA journalist arrested after posting criticism on social media INN, July 14, 2023.

    PA security forces detain journalist who has been an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority. The PA has in the past cracked down on people, social media and news websites that are critical of its chairman, Mahmoud Abbas.

    In 2021, activist Nizar Banat, one of Abbas’ fiercest opponents, died as PA officials attempted to arrest him.
  27. The UN to push an Apartheid, Judenrein, Islamic Palestine. The Jerusalem Post, Sep 22, 2011
    The new Palestinian state would prohibit any Jews from being citizens, from owning land or from even living in the Muslim state of Palestine.
  28. Mahmoud Abbas’ 'Judenrein' Palestine | Frontpage Mag.Oct 3, FPM, 2016
  29. "Pay for Slay" at PMW
  30. Terrorist murders two following Palestinian Authority TV call for genocide: Kill the Jews “one by one”. PMW', Aug 5, 2024.
    Fatah during the war: “Allahu Akbar, come to Jihad, come to Jihad… all our sons and brothers in the Palestinian [PA] Security Forces… strike the sons of apes of pigs, kill everyone who is a settler, slaughter everyone who is Israeli”
  31. Doctrine of Hamas. Wilson Center.
  32. The Islamic State of Hamas. Besa Center. Oct 17, 2023
  33. Hamas wants a Caliphate, not a palestinian State. The JC, June 4, 2024
  34. Hamas Leaders: Our Goal Is Establishment Of Global Islamic Caliphate, Not Just Liberation Of Palestine. Memri, Dec 8, 2023
  35. Most Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Dissatisfied With Abbas and Fatah.FDD. June 14, 2024.

    Latest Developments.

    More than two-thirds of Palestinians support Hamas’s decision to launch its killing spree in southern Israel on October 7, according to a Palestinian poll released on June 12. The poll, published by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also indicates that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction remain deeply unpopular. On the issue of food security, 64 percent of Palestinians in Gaza responded that they have enough food for one or two days. Some of the aid donated to the Palestinians is being sold in Gaza on the black market.

    Expert Analysis.

    “Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are deeply radicalized to hate Israel and Jews. Deradicalization of Palestinian society — in the government, schools, mosques, and media — needs to go to the top of ‘day after’ policy discussions.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

    “By intensifying hostility towards Israel and increasingly recognizing a Palestinian state that has yet to develop, the international community is rewarding Hamas for massacring Jews. Palestinians are understanding the message loud and clear: violence works.” — David May, FDD Research Manager and Senior Research Analyst

    Widespread Support for Hamas’s October 7 Attack.

    Only nine percent of Palestinians think that Hamas has committed war crimes since October 7, while 90 percent of Palestinians have not seen videos showing Hamas’s treatment of Israeli civilians. Additionally, increased international political attacks on Israel and growing support for Palestinian statehood have reinforced the Palestinians’ positive view of the October 7 atrocities, with 82 percent of Palestinians believing that the attack has “revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that it could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood.”

    Plurality of Palestinians Support Hamas Satisfaction with Hamas’s performance since October 7 stands at 75 percent, compared to 24 percent for its rival, Fatah. Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar enjoys a 65 percent satisfaction rating compared to Abbas’s 10 percent. Nearly 90 percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

    The poll also found that 40 percent of Palestinians support Hamas, compared to only 20 percent for Fatah. The poll found that 69 percent view the PA as a burden, 65 percent oppose a two-state solution, and 63 percent support armed intifada.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Hamas: We love death like Israelis love life PMW, Jul 30, 2014.
  37. We Love Death Like Our Enemies Love Life’ — Speaker at Funeral of Palestinian Terrorist The Algemeiner, Apr 3, 2024.
    Speaker at funeral: “This people will not be defeated. A people in which a mother accompanies her Martyr son with sounds of joy will never be defeated. A people in which a child who is like a lofty mountain waits impatiently to become a young man so that he will be able to take revenge for his Martyr father will never be defeated. We love death like our enemies love life.” Unidentified speaker, Official PA TV, March 8, 2023].
  38. Hamas may be alienating other Arabs, but it’s making new friends in the West The Washington Post, July 24, 2014
  40. The next screwing. JWR, Apr 14, 2003.
    There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the econd is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection.
  41. The Record of Collaboration of King Farouk of Egypt with the Nazis and Their Ally, the Mufti: The Official Nazi Records of the King's Alliance and the Mufti's Plans for Bombing Jerusalem and Tel Aviv : Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations, June, 1948. (1948). United States: Nation Associates.p. 7
  42. Pierre Van Paassen, "A Marginal Note", The Sentinel, 15 June 1933.
  43. Karsh, E. (2010). Palestine Betrayed. United States: Yale University Press. [1]
  44. B. Lerner, “Behind the British Conspiracy," B'nai B'rith Messenger, 12 July 1946, p.6.
    I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not have been all wrong," and warned that his side was ready to "play along with Moscow." They always play along, the Husseini-Shukeiri mob. Outside the Young Men's Christian Association building in Jerusalem, where the hearings of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee were being held at the time, I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri [he being Shukeiri's chief] of playing along with Moscow, and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews "for Hitler couldn't be all wrong... you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question..." Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d'etat to gauleiter the Middle East for Hitler...
  45. Regional Development for Regional Peace: A New Policy and Program to Counter the Soviet Menace in the Middle East. (1957). United States: Public Affairs Institute, pp. 235-241. [2]
  46. The refugees JVL
  47. Israel Is Antiracist, Anti-Colonialist, Anti-Fascist (and Was from the Start). Jeffrey Herf, Sapir April 25, 2023.
    The establishment of Israel was not a miracle but an episode of enormous moral and military courage.
  48. Sulaiman, K. A. (1984). Palestine and Modern Arab Poetry. United Kingdom: Zed. p.11.
  49. Wistrich, Robert S.. A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. United Kingdom: Random House Publishing Group, 2010. Ch.21 'The "Liberation" of Palestine.'

    The Arab case against Zionism during the late Ottoman period was tainted by an anti-Jewishness that had become part of the "daily bread in Palestine," to quote one prescient observer. In November 1913,

    a prominent leader of the Palestinian anti-Zionist campaign, Sheikh Sulayman al-Taji from Acre, published a poem entitled "The Zionist Danger" in Filastin. It related to Jews as [supposedly] "the weakest [sic. al-Taji] of all peoples and the least of them" who were constantly haggling with Arabs to obtain their land.
  50. Morris, Benny. Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999. United Kingdom: Knopf, 1999. p.65.
  51. Bartov, Omer. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. Germany: Berghahn Books, 2021. p. 270.
    In 1913 the influential Jaffa daily Filastin published a poem by a local Palestinian leader that included the lines ...
  52. Gilbert, Martin. In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2010. Ch.9.
  53. Dalin, D. (2017). Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
  54. Rubin, B., Schwanitz, W. G. (2014). Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press.
  55. Morris, B. (2011). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1998. United Kingdom: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, p. 94
  56. Pogroms in Palestine before the creation of the state of Israel (1830-1948). Georges Bensoussan, Fondapol, April 4, 2024
  57. The "r" word doesn't belong at discrimination in Israel - it's cultural.

    1. While radical sites, such as Haaretz were and are champions in using hyperbolic language to be sensational, they, hypocritically refrain from using the racism label on Arab anti any-Jews attacks, as they seek out specifically Jews. Yet, will choose to cast legitimate fears as in the R word.

    Sadly some have copied this language but, afain, exclusively on one side, nor where really more often applicable.

    2. The very fact that the most discriminated group against are Jews, Haredi Jews, proves again, discrimination is rather and foremost culturally based.


    Translated from Ynet. [3] [4] 10 מיתוסים שיש לכם על חרדים (Ynet).

    10 myths you have about Haredim - Yedioth Ahronoth. May 11, 2018 —

    The myth: The Arabs are the most discriminated against sector in Israel, and that's how they feel. The reality: the peak in the feeling of discrimination belongs to the ultra-Orthodox. While 23% of Arabs feel discriminated against 3% of the non-Orthodox Jewish public, among the ultra-Orthodox, 35% of men feel discriminated, and 28% of women.

    at EoZ

  58. Debunking the claim that “Palestinians” are the indigenous people of Israel. D. Grynglas, The Jerusalem Post, May 12, 2015.
  59. Puncturing the big lie of Palestinian identity. ILH, By Melanie Phillips Published on 08-30-2019. The Palestinians' claim that they are the rightful inheritors of the land represents one of the most successful, if fiendish, propaganda achievements ever to have been pulled off – to have persuaded millions of people that this ludicrous falsehood is an unchallengeable truth.
  60. Lissak, R. S. (2021). When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two. United Kingdom: Xlibris US. [5]
  61. Research: So-called “Palestinians”: The Truth about “Palestinian” Arabs A.K.A. Arab immigrants’ children, grandchildren & the vastly vacant desolate land prior to the rise of Jewish return FreeIsrael
  62. Carol, S. (2015). Understanding the Volatile and Dangerous Middle East: A Comprehensive Analysis. United Kingdom: iUniverse. [6].