Last modified on February 18, 2013, at 15:25


This is an old revision of this page, as edited by TerryH (Talk | contribs) at 15:25, February 18, 2013. It may differ significantly from current revision.

Welcome to Conservapedia!

An open letter to Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, urging him to veto a slew of gun control bills the legislature is now considering. [1]

The lamestream media avoid mentioning Super Bowl champion Matt Birk because this Great Conservative Sports Star is an outspoken critic of same-sex marriage. [2] He's started in every NFL game for his team since 2006.

Another perspective of the New Jersey firearms bill hearings that ended badly for liberty. [3]

Sequestration will force $85 billion in long-overdue spending cuts, as Dems offer nothing but liberal denial in reaction to them.

America’s 10 Richest Presidents. [4]

"So God Made a Democrat...and a Liberal." [5]

The rich Swiss continue to embarrass Darwinists.[6]

The Nature of peer review: Known creationists blacklisted at major journals.[7]

There will be a new Pope. Will Darwinism have less and less influence within Roman Catholicism? [8]

Setback for liberal indoctrination by public schools: a school board in Canada considers reducing to only a four-day week. [9]

The Mainstream Media are acting like Officer Barbrady: "Nothing to see here! Move on!" When in fact there's a lot to see, and people need to watch out. [10]

With communists and the liberal media insisting that Hugo Chavez is alive and recovering, despite disappearing for two months after checking in very sick to a Cuban hospital, why isn't Barack Obama wishing Chavez a speedy recovery?? Amid its promotion of Chavez, the New York Times admits that some question whether Chavez is still alive. [11]

What is the third wave of Christian backlash coming against the new militant atheists. Will it come at the worst possible time for atheism?[12]

Will truth and Christian joy prevail over bitter, militant atheists?


Is an atheist wiki cowardly backing down to creationists? The atheist website has yet to accept a debate offer to debate the 15 questions for evolutionists. [13]

The debate gauntlet has once again been thrown down. Will the editors of this wiki be man enough to accept this debate challenge?

More liberal claptrap by Nancy Pelosi as she opposes an automatic congressional pay cut: "I think it's necessary for us to have the dignity of the job that we [are] rewarded." [14] Congressmen need high salaries to boost their self-esteem???

Liberal "math" still can't get around the fact that a certain liberal political party has a problem with numbers. It's proven beyond any doubt that with Democrats in control of Congress, revenue goes down, the surplus disappears, and the deficit goes up. [15]

Pro-life advances: "Arkansas May Pass The Nation’s Most Restrictive Abortion Ban, Even Without The Governor’s Support." [16] Arkansas is one of five states in which a simple legislative majority can override a governor's veto.

A New Jersey Assembly committee passed several gun control measures, but not without protest. A report from the "trenches." [17]

Did Obama make some hints towards health care rationing? [18]

"Mark Twain, the ice storm, and Jesus Christ" by Bishop Bert [19]

The Second Amendment is our most important Constitutional liberty. A Tea Party activist reviews the Constitution and other laws, and also asks: why is the Department of Homeland Security buying billions of rounds of ammunition? [20]

Fame, glory, overcoming a disability, a beautiful girlfriend ... and now a charge of murder against the Olympic athlete known as the "Blade Runner." [21] Would that tragedy have happened if they had married???

Why parents love their children.[22]

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Blimey! The United Kingdom viewership of is up 62.37% since September 8, 2012. More Brits are sick of evolutionary rubbish![23]

The agnostic and former militant atheist Richard Dawkins loses a debate at the University of Cambridge by a vote of 324 votes to 136 votes. [24]

Ashes are administered at D.C. Union Station to a welcoming public: "Some almost charged over when they saw the untraditional pop-up chapel in the crowds, cutting off other commuters." [25]

Executive orders cannot carry the force of law. But Barack Hussein Obama hopes they do. An activist tells what's wrong with that. [26]

People are rejecting liberal claptrap: The audience for Obama's State of the Union address plummeted by more than 20%, nearing his record low for all of his speeches. [27] Nearly 10 million Americans turned off their TV when Obama appeared.

Conservative Senator Marco Rubio is a "loser" and "a token slave boy" according to "a top assistant to a Univisión news boss," the Spanish-language network. [28] Fair and balanced media??

When three world leaders called for a new world order, did anyone listen? [29]


A Question evolution! campaign group is challenging the members of an atheist wiki to debate the 15 questions for evolutionists! Another creation vs. evolution debate gauntlet is thrown down! [30]

The Olympics, caving into political correctness, drop wrestling from its program, while retaining joke sports. [31] A war against wrestling has been waged by feminists at the college level under the proportionality test, causing elimination of hundreds of those teams too.

Russian parliamentarians, led by State Duma Deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov, have proposed a change to the Secondary History curriculum to include faith-based alternatives to Darwin’s evolutionary theory.[32] Is secular Europe next?

Give it up, liberals: the next Pope is likely to be Cardinal Arinze, an African leader as conservative as Conservapedia.

What's it like to apply for your Second Amendment rights? A New Jersey resident shares her experience. [33]

POPE BENEDICT XVI WILL STEP DOWN Cites Age as Reason for Decision With Few Precedents. [34] [35]

Bible believing creationists are about to have their very finest hour. [36]

"What Does ‘Tautology’ Mean? Education Secretary Doesn’t Know." [37] In wasting time, Dem Sen. Al Franken's odd remark prompted the admission.

The high cost of the global warming hoax: inadequately prepared power companies that waste money on green energy leave "more than 345,000 still without power after Northeast snowstorm." [38]

"Honoring Christ, now and then" by Bishop Bert [39]

Will Charles Darwin's former residence, Down House, be converted to a Creation Museum?[40]

The Museum of Scientific Atheism in Leningrad was restored to a church by order of the the former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

Looking back at how C. S. Lewis, though he began as an atheist, came to question, then to reject, evolution. Hint: evolutionists still have not learned any lessons. [41]

Looks like Conservapedia was right yet again: Evidence suggests it was not a faulty relay switch, as the lamestream media claimed, which caused the 35-minute Super Bowl blackout: "Relays don't fail on their own, or it's relatively rare," observes an expert. [42]

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London, England tops a list of cities most visiting the prominent creationist website[43]

British creationists, it is time to hunt down and exterminate evolutionary folly in the UK. Tally-ho!

Obama Administration approves "wind farm developer to move on project that could kill 8 – 14 bald eagles per year." [44] Where’s opposition by "environmentalist groups" - perhaps their agenda is not really to protect vulnerable species like bald eagles after all??

250,000 reasons why belief in biblical creation will be more prevalent in 2 years. [45]

Also, are Darwinists attempting to indoctrinate children as young as kindergartners into Darwinism in 26 plus states in America soon? Is an all-out countereffort going to be launched by American creationists?

An asteroid will make a close pass at earth. And in so doing, it makes the case for the Great Flood. Hint: if it formed as the evolutionists say it formed, it could not come back this close to earth. [46]

Snowstorm hits the land of the biggest promoters of the global warming hoax: New York City and Boston. "1 to 3 feet feared." [47]

Christopher Dorner, rogue ex-cop, wanted in connection with several recent murders in California. And according to his manifesto, he's a hate-filled liberal. [48]

New liberal theory is to claim that it is against the law for the government to reduce spending: Harry Reid declared, "I question the legality" of ending Saturday mail service! [49]

The facts of true science support the Bible’s teaching that mankind is the pinnacle of creation. [50]

No matter how much evolutionists want it to be so, there will never be any universities, hospitals or orchestras founded by ape-like creatures.

Is your wallet a little lighter these days? It's called the increased costs of Obamacare: [51]

Inspired and motivated by leftist hate. The shooter at the Family Research Center last year pleads guilty, and admits he was motivated to do so after seeing it listed as "anti-gay" at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center website. [52]
This particular connection - and "hate" map published by the SPLC and touted by CNN - was ignored by the major news media. [53][54]

Great conservative sports star Curt Schilling says that the Boston baseball organization tried unsuccessfully to get him to do drugs. [55] That's pathetic when administrators are pushing drugs.

A homosexual evolutionist in Maryland is caught in a creationist bear trap.[56]

Will the evolutionist extricate himself and take a swipe at a creationist or is he just another powerless and ineffective evolutionist?

Barack Hussein Obama orders drone warfare against American citizens abroad (thus far). And the Mainstream Media barely say a word. With some notable exceptions. [57] And by the way: it is unconstitutional. [58]

Neocon Fox News Channel, pathetic on the social issues, purges the wrong people in a desperate attempt to halt its ratings slide. [59] Fox has been the platform for RINO Backers like Karl Rove.

Clash Daily’s Steve Sheldon, a self-described “lifelong shotgunner,” offers details on why Barack Hussein Obama's alleged skeet shooting photo looks staged.[60] comments on Barack Obama's Skeetgate.[61]

Obama's "skeet shooting" is about as convincing as Michael Dukakis' "tank commanding".[62]

Barack Hussein Obama engages in fake skeet shooting![63]

Obama's "shotgun is aimed straight ahead, where all skeet shooters we know of, including ourselves, follow the arc of the clay once the shooter yells 'Pull!' Shooting straight is simply not doable, unless he is shooting at the person releasing the clay from its boot housing." [64]

Tea Party to Karl Rove: Thank You Very Much! [65]

Gun control is not about guns; it's about control. Josef Stalin understood this, and now even Joe Biden had to admit it. [66]

Al Gore's disastrous book tour: a breath of fresh air! [67]

"Magnitude 8 Quake Near Solomon Islands Triggers Tsunami," yet liberal denial persists about how increases in large earthquakes are a counterexample to an Old Earth. [68]

A former Girl Scout shares some of her memories. WARNING! They are NOT pretty. [69]

A week of speechmaking for school choice is not enough, says this activist. Now the real work begins. [70]

As Barack Hussein Obama continues his attack on the Second Amendment, a long-time activist steps forward to defend it.
Texas Flag Come and Take It.jpg

As the Boy Scouts prepare to take their vote, a Tea Party activist reminds them of some disturbing history. [72]

Is this what the gay community wants in the Boy Scouts? [73]

Is there a universal way Christians should interpret the Bible?[74]

The Superdome, powered by heavily regulated electricity, 26,000 LED lights, pushed by green energy zealots...just what could go wrong? [75] The whole world is now a witness to it!

"Nearly half of college students who graduated in 2010 are holding down jobs that don't require a bachelor's degree, while 38% are in positions that don't require even a high school diploma." [76] Worst College Majors and Obama's economic policies are two big reasons.

Germany’s gold is on the move. For the first time since official gold transactions became more transparent, the Bundesbank has given notice that a significant portion of its holdings will be transferred home from France and the United States. [77]

Harvard Kennedy School Panel on Davos Forum: "'The mood of the meeting was absolutely different from last year,' said Felipe Calderon." [78]

Is government replacing the church, by using tax money for things that tithes are supposed to pay for? And whose fault is that? Might it be ourselves, for letting this happen? [79]

A day later, the "experts" are still clueless about what caused the blackout during the Super Bowl. [80] Hey, maybe liberals can blame this on George W. Bush??

Bones found beneath a "car park" (the Brits' name for a parking lot) are confirmed to be that of power-hungry King Richard III. [81] God does have a sense of humor.

If the Boy Scouts aren't good business anymore, maybe it's time for men and boys of good will to leave. Alternatives do exist. And maybe the Executive Council of the BSA should have – what's that again? – "been prepared." [82]

" 'In Their Own Words': From the Participants of the Shoot Down of KAL 007" by Bishop Bert [83]

A skeptics feeble attempt to refute Noah's ark is soundly defeated.[84]

The rich Swiss and Americans are a slap in the face to Darwinists. Yodele he who! God bless America![85]

A French Canadian anthropologist, author and creation activist gives his perspective on the Question Evolution! Campaign.[86]

SUPER DUD: The lights don't even stay on at the Super Bowl, the halftime performance was probably lip-synched, and the play was sloppy. [87] Welcome to the NFL that cares more about political correctness than anything else.

Barack Hussein Obama did not really change his Contraceptive Mandate. The basic idea is still in place, and now he tries to separate faith from business, by order of the government. [88]

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30% of Swiss reject evolution, and belief in biblical creation is growing in Switzerland. Swiss creationist group is being contacted about Question Evolution! Campaign. [89]

Prominent Canadian creationist Ian Juby endorses International Question Evolution! Day.[90]

Four US states are considering laws that challenge the teaching of Darwinism.[91]

Imagine how many more bills will be introduced after Project 200 plus is greatly expanded in its intensity and scope.

"Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 Out of 50 States." [92]

"Sensitivity training will start post-Super Bowl after the anti-gay remarks made" by a 49ers player. [93] The homosexual agenda is at odds with the right to free speech.

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Wunderbar! Belief in biblical creation belief is growing in adherents in Germany! The future of Darwinism in Germany is kaput![94]

Will the Germanic efficiency of German creationists be unleashed in Germany in 2013?[95] Translation of the Question evolution! campaign has begun in several languages.[96] Will German translation begin in 2013?

Unemployment increases to 7.9%. [97]

A Question evolution! campaign team helps become among the top 18,868 websites in the United States. A deluge of web traffic of biblical proportions will be rained down on in 2013! [98]

God is good! Can I get a militant atheist witness? We realize that you know that God exists![99]

An atheist frets about a wave of Christian attacks on atheism. 3 more waves approaching the unseaworthy S.S. Atheism. [100]

Wait until the public hears about the Christian Nicholai Khamara whose tongue was cut out by militant atheists.

Mark Levin pretends to defend the Constitution but will allow no protest of its most serious breach to date: that de facto President Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural born citizen. [101]

Liberal Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey has much to explain. But why did New Jersey's voters wait until he did something like this (assuming it's true) after he violated the Constitution so many times? [102] UPDATE: The former leader of the effort to recall Menendez from the Senate made this statement.

News from the creation vs. evolution battlefront: " breaks another USA milestone. We are going from one peak of Question Evolution! Campaign success to another!" [103]

A former Eagle Scout calls on the Boy Scouts of America to reject calls to allow open homosexuality in the ranks of its members and adult leaders. [104] UPDATE: The head of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays weighs in on the same subject: [105]

A Tea Party and education activist has this message for those concerned with failing schools: stand on your own two feet! Includes a resource for homeschooling. [106]

Another major "missing link" of evolutionism fails.[107] If there is one thing evolutionists are good at, it is failing!

Is Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) who challenged Barack Hussein Obama to a skeet shooting contest, better at skeet shooting than Obama? Was Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis better at skeet shooting than Obama? [108]

Despite claiming to skeet shoot, Obama can't provide any witnesses or other evidence that he has ever engaged in skeet shooting.

Question: Why are liberal girly men so afraid of guns and skeet shooting contests?

"The Matzah Ball and the Sign of the Cross," by Bishop Bert [109]

"College Students Get Stung By ObamaCare." [110] And students in the Worst College Majors are hit particularly hard by the huge increase in premiums, as they have little future income.

Is a coup d'état in America in the offing? Here is the evidence; you can decide. And maybe persuade your local sheriff to prepare to fight it, if he hasn't already signed on to do just that. [111]

A children's morality play about makers and takers – in real life, with no script. [112]

Australia has its largest ever creation supercamp. Global creationism is expanding via international networking.[113]

The response from a group of young people attending the creation supercamp was "overwhelmingly positive".

Ken Cuccinelli observes that Justice Antonin Scalia is not conservative enough anymore. [114] Cuccinelli is likely to defeat the liberal media and win the governorship of Virginia, a key swing state.

A Tea Party activist calls the Mainstream Media on two major reporting failures – including the Sandy Hook massacre. Read it; it might surprise you. [115]

In the battle over biblical authority there is a key position that is critical to hold against the enemy’s attack, and that position is the age of the earth. [116]

101 evidences for a young earth and universe.[117]

An analysis of Barack Hussein Obama's inauguration speech: [118]

Obama's tax increase causes consumer confidence to plummet to only 58.6, far below its value of 100 when Ronald Reagan was president. [119]

Round two: Battle of the sexes: Atheist feminism vs. atheist male chauvinism - Which will win? Jesus will be triumphant in 2013.[120]

The terrifying mindset of Hillary Rodham Clinton: [121]

The "hockey stick" hoaxter whines about the funding given to opponents of global warming. [122]

Battle of the sexes: Atheist feminism vs. "atheist male privilege" - Which will win? Does Jesus win again? [123]

Why does a butterfly have the face of a snake on its wings? Check out these examples [124] and ask yourself if it's either 1), the animals involved knew exactly what they were doing - which smacks of a higher intelligence - or 2), God created it.

Democrats in New Hampshire are siding with criminals over their victims: [125] Yes, the party of tolerance is going to make it illegal for citizens to defend themselves.

The hypocrisy of the baby killers: [126]

Liberals at their worst: the 12 "D's" of progressivism. [127]

The anti-gun, liberal Media Matters caught passing illegal guns around to protect their own. [128]

Bad news for atheists in France! The atheist Dr. Niles Barber is not going to like hearing this![129]

Vive le biblical creationism in France! Au revoir, Monsieur Charles Darwin![130]

Obama the has-been: the press is already more interested in Hillary Clinton and 2016; Obama is irritated by how quickly interest in him is fading. [131]

A student and fan of Creation Ministries International says: “I have actually found that I am acing biology (specifically evolution) because I seem to know more about it than my teachers.”[132]

Due to exponential growth of the Question evolution! campaign in 2013 and a number of Question Evolution! educational resources soon to be released, there are going to be a lot of stumped biology teachers and professors.[133]

America has an identity crisis: regarding the identity of Barack Hussein Obama. [134]

"Two flags, one God, no escape", by Bishop Bert [135]

Another liberal Senator announces he won't seek reelection, virtually ensuring that the next U.S. Senate elected in 2014 will be more conservative. [136] Few even know who Democrat Tom Harkin is, but his self-centered statement is classic liberal claptrap: "To tell you that it's easy to walk away from that kind of position and power (!!!), that would be a lie."

Greatest Conservative Sports Star Novak Djokovic wins the Australian Open, and then kneels to do the Sign of the Cross in glory to God. [137] But notice how most news stories omit that.

Finally, a housing complex for small people - the Napoleon Complex! [138] See also: Militant atheism and short man's syndrome

A young earth creationist tag team dream team of Dr. Carl Wieland, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Cosner take on young earth doubters with grace and ease.[139]

Liberal media in action: a mere few thousand marchers on gun control on Saturday receive more lamestream media attention than 500,000 marchers against abortion on Friday. [140] Fair and balanced???

Aging population among union members will erode public school indoctrination into Darwinism.[141]

A UK professor's prediction of the rise of the rise of the American pro-life movement is occuring. American creationism is seeing a lift in support also.[142]

Is the Bible anti-abortion?[143]

The increasingly irrelevant Fox News Channel continues to drift away from the conservative movement, this time by dropping Sarah Palin. [144] Hey, maybe Fox will hire Hillary Clinton to replace her???

The March for Life Friday confirmed that hundreds of thousands of teenagers will brave the bitter cold to stand up against abortion. The future is pro-life indeed. For details, including video from inside the march: [145]

Occupy Wall Street failed![146]

Sign the petition to stop Darwin Day from being officially recognized by the U.S government.[147]

The organizers of the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show ruined it this year. They banned certain types of gun from the show. Result: more than one-third of the intended exhibitors boycotted the show, forcing Reed Expositions to cancel it. Read here for full details: [148]

"What difference does it make?" asks Hillary Clinton. Here's what difference it makes. [149]

A documentary film entitled Martyred in the USSR which covers the persecution of Christians and Jews under militant atheism is being released in October of 2013.[150]

In order to cover production costs, they are seeking donations and funding.[151]

A trailor of the movie is available at: Martyred in the USSR

Apple's stock drops 10%, as its gimmickry begins to fade. [152] Turn to what never fades: the Bible.

A BBC documentary on the creationism "conspiracy" fails.[153]

Why was the film crew so hostile and afraid to interview scientists who doubt evolution?

Not even the singing of the National Anthem by Obama's performer was real at the inauguration: "She did not actually sing," confirmed U.S. Marine Band spokeswoman Kristen DuBois about Beyonce, who reportedly lip-synched her own voice. [154]

Another valuable history lesson about the Second Amendment and our right of self defense. [155]

Not a joke: liberal Joe Biden is preparing to run for president. [156] Well, at least he doesn't always read from a teleprompter!

Fraud, lies, and deceit in Doe v. Bolton, the other half of the decision that "legalized" abortion. [157]

Life: an insurmountable problem for atheism. [158]

40 years of Roe v. Wade: The "pro-abortion generation of the 1970’s got it wrong. In attempting to correct gender ... they set into motion the ultimate act of discrimination – abortion. Instead of glorifying motherhood, they pitted the mother against her child, creating an endless cycle of selfishness, pain, and deceit."

Russia gives a big NYET to homosexuality. Russia moves to enact anti-homosexuality law nationwide [159]

Why is Andrew Cuomo so outraged over guns? After all, abortion kills far many more children than gunfire ever did. [160]

This is pathetic: Tom Brady, favorite of the lamestream media, is humiliated by the Ravens and resorted to a dirty tactic as he slid in cowardice. [161] The NFL needs Tim Tebow more than ever.

Best of the public sends the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl, with adoption success story QB Colin Kaepernick having another stellar game and Gore (Frank, not Al) gaining yardage. [162]

Conservapedians look forward to hearing the pro-life truths of Alveda King, niece of the Rev. Martin Luther King. [163] Will you be attending the March for Life this year?

"I have no use for money. This is God’s work," declares Bill Gates.[164] Wait, wasn't Gates supposed to be an atheist???

MSNBC reports Creationism spreading in American schools thanks to vouchers; teacher's unions receive another big loss. Creationists are expanding outreach to young people in 2013. [165]

The lamestream media print thousands of words about the passing away Saturday of baseball great Stan Musial, yet no mention of how he was a devout Catholic.

"Moody's downgraded its outlook for all of higher education, issuing an across-the-board negative verdict." [166] Liberal promotion of the Worst College Majors has led to inevitable decline.

Little interest in Obama's inauguration: "organizers were still trying to get at least two restaurants ... on the inaugural parade route to be rented out," and many do not want to donate. [167]

"ACLU drops challenge to Kansas abortion law," after a court had issued a key ruling against the attempt to overturn the good law. [168]

Governor Chris Christie says the NRA was "reprehensible" in their advertising??? He doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word. [169]

The New York Times "wrote about the Fighting Irish linebacker Manti Te’o’s girlfriend at least five times in recent months." [170] How many other hoaxes does the Times write about??

No surprise here: Lance Armstrong "didn't seem contrite. ... Armstrong didn't so much engage in the interview as endure it." [171] When someone doesn't believe in God, then it's very one-dimensional indeed.

This is pathetic: Obama cannot even persuade enough Senate Democrats to support his demands for gun control. [172] Maybe Obama can find support in communist countries???

Liberal claptrap of global warming has consequences: "Britain is braced for 40 hours of snow with icy winds as gas companies warn that tens of thousands of people will see their heating fail." [173] What, wind turbines won't be enough???

Bad news for the future of liberal claptrap about global warming: "Satellite-based temperature readings more accurate" than surface thermometers, and temperatures in 2012 in "Europe, Asia and Australia ... were cooler than average." [174]

Second GOP congressman suggests impeachment over executive action for gun control. [175]

Obama issues 23 executive orders to impose gun control, "in an effort to go around Congress wherever possible." [176]

Will God-denier Lance Armstrong apologize to those he sought to destroy "for the simple fact that they told the truth about him"? [177] Less liberal denial by the lamestream media would also be welcome.

What? Liberal journalists who are proudly anti-gun don't want signs on their property advertizing that? [178]

Conservapedia proven right, again: God-denier Lance Armstrong, overpromoted by liberals but recognized as an Overrated Sports Star here, finally admits what he denied for years about doping. [179]

Colin Powell stripped off his mask before the Mainstream Media last Sunday. The results were ugly as sin. [180]

Members of the discovery engine StumbleUpon have recommended Conservapedia's abortion article.[181]

How many people will be made aware of Conservapedia's abortion article due to the expansion of Conservapedia Pro-life Project in 2013?

The Mainstream Media have just stepped in it. The first burglary has already happened to someone on an interactive map of all gun permit holders in his county. What will the liberal lions have to say about this? [182]

In the Aaron Swartz tragedy, "the government took the position that any guilty plea by Swartz must include guilty pleas for all 13 charges and the possibility of jail time .... Otherwise the government would take the case to trial and seek a sentence of at least seven years." [183]
So why aren't Democrats criticizing the Obama Administration more about this overzealous prosecution, rather than focusing on MIT??

Best of the public quarterback Colin Kaepernick -- an adoption success story -- breaks records in leading the 49ers to a huge victory. [184]

Our prayers are for the family and friends of Aaron Swartz, who was reportedly being victimized by a "disproportionately aggressive and punitive" federal prosecution that sought an imprisonment of decades and a $1 million fine for making scholarly journal articles available to the public. [185]

Which law officer stands between "King" Obama and his goal of dictatorship? The sheriff. An activist calls on citizens to vote for "Constitutional" sheriffs. [186]

Conservapedia proven right in predicting that Tim Tebow's replacement by Overrated Sports Star Peyton Manning was a mistake. Manning threw two interceptions to enable a weaker opponent to win, in a game Tebow won last year against a stronger team. [187]

"Possible NYT layoffs rattle media." [188] People aren't buying liberal claptrap as much anymore.

Setback for liberal denial: Lance Armstrong, promoted by God-deniers, will reportedly finally tell the truth. [189]

Is it becoming impossible for a conservative to get a fair chance in the increasingly liberal NFL? Reports emerge that the New York Jets never gave Tim Tebow a real chance in practice, and now his hometown Jacksonville team makes an unusual announcement indicating they won't give him a chance either. [190]

The gun control battle got a little hotter this week. See how hot: [191]

Why the fiscal cliff deal solved nothing, and the true goal of the Obama administration. [192]

Dr. John Lennox pummuled the agnostic Richard Dawkins in a debate. A review of his new book.[193]

Lennox vs. Dawkins debate.[194]

Liberal double standard: After campaigning for months pretending there is a "War on Women," Obama appoints only white men to top Cabinet positions. [195] If Mitt Romney had done that, the liberal media would be howling in protest.

BBC forced to admit global warming "static": [196]

Mark Twain once said that there are lies, d____d lies, and statistics. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the gun control debate. [197]

Conservapedia proven right, again: The fifth straight loss by the 15-20 L.A. Lakers -- who feature two Overrated Sports Stars -- virtually ensures they will not even make the playoffs. [198] Maybe the Obama Administration can appoint the liberal has-beens to posts?

Three days of hearings about Young Mass Murderer James Holmes, yet not a word about "why": [199]. The public should learn how much time he was spending playing video games.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. A parental rights activists warns of a double threat: from the United States government and the United Nations. [200]

Values do matter ... even to some members of the media (baseball writers): Steroids-era baseball stars denied election to the Hall of Fame. [201] You won't find any of them on our list of Greatest Conservative Sports Stars, either.

As the Federal Gun Control Task Force ramps up its bully pulpit activities, it's worth remembering how gun control got started, and why the Constitution still forbids it. [202]

Conservatives run negative ads against RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell due to his fiscal cliff deal. [203] McConnell is up for reelection in 2014.

How fast is the world’s population growing? [204]

When you do the figures, it confirms the biblical truth that everyone on Earth today is a descendant of Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law.[205]

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati: Firefly lanterns inspire LED lenses. [206]

The liberal media go along with the communist cover-up about Hugo Chavez, despite how he likely died in a Cuban hospital in December. [207]

The Second Amendment does let private citizens arm themselves as well as the government. And for good, solid historical reasons. [208]

Sports commentator who questioned RG3's "blackness" is not being renewed by ESPN. RG3, a phenomenal black quarterback, is rumored to be a Republican -- but does that detract from his "blackness"??? [209]

"The Courage of sticking to it: On the March with the IDF" [210]

"The equine name for liberal stupidity" [211]

You guys voted for it!
Obama supporters are in a state of shock: their paychecks just got smaller. [212] They shouldn't be so angry. After all, they wanted it this way.

The "cleansing" of Elizabeth Warren's Wikipedia page: [213] "The net result of this effort is that there no longer is a Cherokee Controversy subsection, and the entire discussion of Elizabeth Warren’s claim to be Cherokee are three sentences meant to present Warren in the most favorable light possible"

RG3, the star rookie quarterback who publicly thanks God during NFL games, was done a disservice by his own coach. [214]

Fox News pundits try to push the Republican Party further away from social conservatism, by overhyping Chuck Hagel and foreign policy. [215]

Democrats seek to hike taxes by $1 trillion this year. [216]

Inefficient government regulations and "tree huggers" are causing an explosion of the deer population in Mississippi. There is now one deer for everyone one-and-a-half people in Mississippi and the deer are moving into populated areas.[217]

On a related note, the recognized degradation of the deer genome is in the opposite direction (i.e. downhill) to what’s needed for primordial sludge to have supposedly turned into a series of other organisms which turned into deer.[218]

NCAA champion wrestler Congressman Jim Jordan -- one of the Greatest Conservative Sports Stars -- criticizes the irresponsible fiscal cliff deal: "This is crazy. It's about time we cut up the credit card." [219]

In addition to Roman parallels, Communist parallels, especially to their utopian promises, are useful to remember. [220]

Obama's Religion shines in his pick of Chuck Hagel to be the next Secretary of Defense, to the ire of Democrats, neocons, and homosexual agenda backers. [221] Hagel voted against the Iraq War and has criticized homosexuality.

Liberal claptrap: the lamestream media use the upcoming Notre Dame-Alabama championship game as an opportunity to publish criticism of conservative social values held by the Catholic Church. [222]

Conservapedia proven right, tragically: "Connecticut town to burn violent video games as Sandy Hook returns to school." [223] Yet liberal denial about the harm of video games continues.

A chilling side-by-side of factors at work in ancient Rome before its fall, and America today. [224]

Leave it to a liberal Democrat to spout off on the need for everyone else to pay higher taxes, while avoiding them himself. [225]

Gun control in Obama's back yard means a sky-rocketing homicide rate, including five murders this year alone. And it's only January 4th! [226]

"Note to Conservatives: Never Stop Fighting for Individual Liberty." [227]

Why has suicide increased exponentially throughout the world? [228]

"So easy, a caveman did it!" [229]

Communist Hugo Chavez may be "kept alive by life support machines" and might be "in an induced coma in Cuba." [230] Or, similar to the liberal denial about Fidel Castro, Chavez may have died last month and leftists are lying in saying he's alive.

"The Russian ramming attempt and three brave sailors: The hunt for KAL 007" by Bishop Bert [231]

The gun control battle is joined. Those who disdain the Second Amendment throw civility to the four winds, while the people arm themselves. [232]

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Representative Peter King of New York shouldn't be so outraged over the Hurricane Sandy funding bill. It was indeed loaded with pork, the relief money would never have flowed right away, and besides, each man could have done more about the situation, but hasn't. [233]

Compromise often produces tragic results, and will again this time. So says this Tea Party activist. [234]

Are communists resorting again to liberal denial, as they have about Fidel Castro? Hugo Chavez "has not been seen or heard from since a Dec. 11 surgery for an undisclosed type of cancer." [235]

About 77% of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013 under the agreement negotiated between President Obama and Senate Republicans, estimates the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington research group. [236]

"CBO: 'Fiscal cliff' deal carries $4 trillion price tag over next decade." [237] Government spending will actually increase under the deal, which also increases taxes.

The final installment in the "Obamacare Dead on Arrival" series. [238]

Homosexuality is reportedly on the increase in Kabwe, Zambia and residents have called on police to curb the vice. Night club owners are being asked to bar a group of known sodomites from entering their premises before people’s morals are compromised.[239]

Eight questions to any person who advocates gun control as a way to keep society "safe." [240]

"Fiscal cliff deal meets resistance in GOP House"; Rand Paul voted against it in the U.S. Senate. [241]

As the NFL demands more political correctness – refusing to play Tim Tebow and having "moments of silence" rather than prayer – its television ratings decline. [242] Why bother watching its liberal style playoffs?

"Becoming anti-abortion: a personal odyssey" by Bishop Bert [243]

A reply to the gun control agenda. [244]

Pro-life movement continues to advance: Texas court rejects attempt to block Texas law defunding Planned Parenthood. [245]

A family-owned American company takes the same stand that Saint Peter, and Saint Paul after him, had to take. [246] While a Tea Party activist writes a legal analysis that the lawyers for this company might use. [247]

As the fiscal cliff negotiations stall, "Obama governs 'like a visitor from a morally superior civilization,'" observes the New York Times columnist David Brooks. [248]

The Obama-supported change in Egypt has resulted in a collapse of the value of its currency: "Egypt pound hits record low under new currency regime." [249]

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