London School of Economics

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The London School of Economics and Political Science (known more simply as the LSE) is a world-renowned undergraduate and graduate school for training future economists, investment bankers, financial analysts, businessmen, diplomats, lawyers, and those interested in public policy.[1] It was founded in 1895 by the socialists and leading Fabian Society members Beatrice Webb (1858-1943), Sidney Webb (Lord Passfield) (1859-1948), George Bernard Shaw, and Graham Wallas. It became a constituent part of the University of London in 1900. The Library of the LSE is the British Library of Political and Economic Science, one of the world's largest social sciences libraries. Due to its high-profile, the LSE often hosts debates and lectures from senior diplomats and international politicians. In 2006 the LSE was ranked "3rd in the world" for Social Sciences, after Oxford and Harvard.

The LSE currently houses the Fabian Window.[2]


Known for far-Left radicalism during the 1960s, it has been referred to as the London School for Extremists. In the 1970s and 1980s it was known as a base for Trotskyist and Maoist students. Three Al Qaeda-linked terrorists studied or lectured at the college between 1990 and 1993. In recent years, the Islamic extremist group al-Muhajiroun has been known to recruit volunteers at freshers' fairs.[3] From 1997 to 2003 the Director of the LSE was sociologist Anthony Giddens, who was an advisor to Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, and whose so-called 'Third Way' theories of social and political change heavily influenced both Blair and US President Bill Clinton.

Notable alumni and academics


  2. A piece of Fabian history unveiled at LSE. LSE News (April 20, 2006).
  3. Syal, Rajeev and Hastings, Chris Al-Qa'eda terror trio linked to London School of "Extremists" (26 January 2002) Telegraph Media Group. Accessed 17 January 2008