User talk:RobSmith/Archive 6

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Conservapedia should revive the activity of its Twitter account, IMO

Hi Andy, RobSmith and I seem to concur that it would benefit Conservapedia to promote itself via Twitter (especially now that the era of censorship is over). Especially with page view growth being sluggish, having an extra significant source of directing web traffic could be drastically beneficial. What are your thoughts on this? —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 16:34, December 9, 2022 (EST)

Improving the wiki

Hi Andy, I notice that plenty of article titles on Conservapedia follow incorrect grammar styles/formats, whether its it's (yeah, pun intended) outdated spelling, capitalization of common nouns (in words notwithstanding the first word of the title), lowercase usage of proper nouns, usage of hyphens instead of en-dashes, etc. Since I don't want to bother you or other administrators continuously to move every article I notice whose title needs adjustments, may I please have the "move" tag so I can do some important tasks myself as part of improving the site? Thanks once again! —LT (Exodus 23:2) Tuesday, 23:33, December 19, 2022 (EST)

Done as requested and as recommended! Enjoy.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 10:55, December 20, 2022 (EST)
Awesome, thank you very much, Andy! —LT (Exodus 23:2) Tuesday, 13:03, December 20, 2022 (EST)


Dear Andy, cheers on the recent upgrade. God bless you Abdy and yours. God bless America!Telling (talk) 13:20, December 20, 2022 (EST)

Wow, your warnings of Tom Cotton two years ago were farsighted and brilliantly accurate

Back in late August 2020, you said of Sen. Tom Cotton (who I thought of back then as a staunch conservative):

... Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, favored by the neocons who have influence with the Fox News Channel and some donors ...

Andrew Schlafly, August 29, 2020

And from the very recent news earlier tonight, Cotton voted for the massive omnibus which will bolster the police state (aka Deep State)... which neoconservatives played a hand in creating back in the 2000s. Now, on another note, "reports" claimed that Cotton won't run for president in 2024, and some fake news headlines left out the "reports said" part and simply say "Cotton won't run for president." IMO, something shady is going on. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 22:42, December 22, 2022 (EST)

Thanks for your feedback! Tom Cotton is being groomed by the neocons and globalists for a presidential run in 2028. He's a pro-war, lock-'em-up strongman. He's a formidable candidate, although he lacks crossover appeal as a senator from Arkansas. Not sure he has the necessary charisma either, but he will be well-funded.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 22:49, December 22, 2022 (EST)
I never was the biggest fan of Cotton, but it wasn't until early 2020 that I started seeing him as the dangerous demagogue he is. He along with Mike Pompeo were among the first to jump on the "China made COVID happen on purpose" bandwagon, and since then they have been using it to build a case for a military conflict with a country that has the world's largest population, the world's largest economy, and the world's third most powerful military. Not to mention over 1,000 nuclear weapons. It's absolute insanity, and it's the central reason why I suspect that the CIA, not the CCP, was responsible for the lab leak.--Geopolitician (talk) 23:02, December 22, 2022 (EST)
Sounds like an interesting analysis, and it's certainly not the first time that the CIA tries pushing the U.S. into the brink of world war. Back in the 1960s, CIA Director Charles P. Cabell was fired by JFK in the wake of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA back then pushed militant "anti-Communism" to the point of seeking outright direct war with Communist-controlled countries, and was tied to a "shadow government" run by a gang of Dallas oilmen, including Jack Crichton, who financed pro-Batista revolutionaries. There's some speculation that the CIA directly coordinated the JFK assassination as revenge for Kennedy's efforts to "quietly" deplete their funding in proposed budget plans. Crichton, a member of the OSS (which evolved into the CIA) who established powerful connections to run the "shadow government," was connected to almost all aspects of the assassination. Director Cabell's brother, Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas at the time of the assassination, was a CIA asset since the late 1950s, reportedly loathed JFK, and plotted the unsafe motorcade route. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 23:14, December 22, 2022 (EST)
[EC] 2028? Fascinating... your political wisdom and predictions are truly one of a kind. As for the label of "pro-war," it seems to apply to him well. As for "lock-'em'-up," hmm... sounds slightly familiar. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 23:07, December 22, 2022 (EST)
(edit conflict) Geopolitician, that is "out there" but I enjoyed your outlandish comment. I'm not sure how strong Cotton and Pompeo were against China concerning COVID-19. Trump's outspokenness on it seem more than anyone, and Trump is anti-war. Placing blame on China for Covid can mean liability more than a military conflict.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 23:08, December 22, 2022 (EST)
Trump didn't want a conflict with China, he wanted a trade deal with it. Now, how much of a coincidence do you think it is that the virus was released while Trump and Xi were in late-stage negotiations for the "Phase 1" trade deal? I don't believe it was a coincidence at all, and I suspect that the perpetrators did it precisely to prevent the trade deal from going through, because such a deal would be a serious setback for the military-industrial complex, which wants a conflict with China. That automatically makes the neocons who infiltrated the Trump administration, led by Pompeo, the prime suspects in my book.--Geopolitician (talk) 23:16, December 22, 2022 (EST)
And I do believe that Trump was misled by people like Pompeo into believing China intentionally caused the pandemic, hence why he is now more hawkish on China than before. Hopefully he reverses this position later on.--Geopolitician (talk) 23:18, December 22, 2022 (EST)
Ultimately, fascism- er, I mean, Faucism, seems to be a primary culprit for the coronavirus pandemic. If the CIA was complicit as well, I'd be intrigued to see a bit more supporting evidence. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 23:23, December 22, 2022 (EST)
The DARPA documents obtained by Project Veritas confirm that Dr. Fauci was the man in charge of the project that developed the virus, and that the version of the virus which caused the pandemic came from the Wuhan lab. However, there is scant evidence as to who was responsible for the virus leaving the lab. And based on the circumstances, my first suspect is the Trump administration neocons (led by Pompeo) for the reasons listed above. My guess as to how it happened is that they arranged for a CIA agent to infiltrate the lab and steal a sample of the virus before releasing it into the open air. Given that the project was a joint Chinese-American venture, such an infiltration wouldn't have been too difficult to pull off. Meanwhile, they allowed some information but not too much information to come out in order to set up both Fauci and the CCP as scapegoats for the actual lab leak, as opposed to merely being the benefactors of the project which created the virus.
By the way, I'm not the only one who suspects this. Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse suspects it too.--Geopolitician (talk) 23:39, December 22, 2022 (EST)
You're talking about Patient Zero, likely Huang Yanling, an employee of the lab. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:59, December 28, 2022 (EST)
Hmm, sounds interesting. So if I understand correctly, Fauci and Daszak led the shady testing in Wuhan, and the CIA, knowing this, despicably unleashed the virus into the world which leads to the scapegoating of a) China, who they want to promote an outright war against, and b) Fauci and Daszak, who they know will be targeted for ultimate blame (instead of the CIA) by right-wingers. So in effect, the CIA had a powerful motive and knew ahead of time how their complicity could hypothetically be covered up completely... —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 23:46, December 22, 2022 (EST)
Exactly.--Geopolitician (talk) 00:06, December 23, 2022 (EST)
Somehow this theory sounds so much more sensible and plausible than any other explanation of the COVID-19 pandemic origins. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Friday, 00:09, December 23, 2022 (EST)
Thank you, for considering the possibility, LT. Not too many people I speak to about it do that.--Geopolitician (talk) 22:43, December 28, 2022 (EST)
Yes, due to mass-suppression of truth via collectivist groupthink/argumentum ad populum and appeal to authority fallacies, a lot of people deem independent, well–thought out analyses as "conspiracy theories" and simply assume that mainstream narratives hold water. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Thursday, 22:49, December 28, 2022 (EST)
Geo's highly confused; he thinks Pompeo, who's a flag waving American with some neocon tendencies, is a psychopath like Bill Gates who gets sadistic pleasure out of trying to figure out a way to exterminate billions of his fellow human beings.
I mean, in both cases, all we got are their words to go on. And Pompeo just isn't in the same league with a sicko like Gates. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:03, December 29, 2022 (EST)
But a lot of neocons are that psychopathic. They believe in balkanizing the Eurasian Heartland countries such as China, Iran, and Russia, and such a policy if successful would result in the deaths of hundreds of millions at least.--Geopolitician (talk) 01:02, December 29, 2022 (EST)
Granted, I'll give you that. It's these neocons getting in bed with Nazis that throws a monkey wrench in a lot of people's thinking.
It's just that you've never reconciled Pompeo's rabid anti-CCP rhetoric with him being in bed with the CCP (other than some vague allegations that the CCP are victims of a CIA plot, which nobody other than you takes seriously). RobSGive Peace a chance 01:10, December 29, 2022 (EST)
I'm not the only one who takes the "CIA did it alone" thesis seriously. If you look above, LT takes it seriously. As you may recall, Sundance takes it seriously. And I'd bet a good number of people in the Ron Paul/Rand Paul wing of the GOP take it seriously, given that Lew Rockwell has endorsed an alternate version of the thesis claiming the virus came from Fort Detrick.[1]--Geopolitician (talk) 15:09, December 31, 2022 (EST)
In response to the accusation that the CIA COVID-19 complicity theory is taken seriously by "nobody," I would indeed like to reiterate my openness towards and appreciation for Geopolitician's analysis. Is the actual truth that plainly obvious and mainstream? Perhaps this verse in the Gospel of Matthew gives a clue:
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

—Matthew 7:13

LT (Mark 8:36) Saturday, 15:37, December 31, 2022 (EST)
RobSmith, I'd be more inclined to take your word for who is and isn't "confused" if you weren't randomly tossing around Godwin's Law against fellow Conservapedians like you did in the annihilationism debate page against me. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Thursday, 00:09, December 29, 2022 (EST)
If you understood scripture, you'd understand once a Nazi becomes disembodied, they no longer are a Nazi. But that's a different story....
Back to the point: in Geo's anti-neocon crusade, he twists Sundance's words about Pompeo having knowledge to mean Pompeo is complicit, which is not what Sundance said. Pompeo's job was to have knowledge, but he's not under compunction to reveal what he may or may not have known. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:18, December 29, 2022 (EST)
Wow, so you compare me to Hitler and Eichmann, and now still expect me to take your assertions as accurate? —LT (Exodus 23:2) Thursday, 00:22, December 29, 2022 (EST)
I did not compare you to Hitler and Eichmann, at all. That's is a bald face lie, and you know it. I said, if YOU chose to go to hell, you will be in the company of Hitler and Eichmann, which is a fact, and you know that. So, go ahead, reject the doctrine of repentance, and make your choice. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:29, December 29, 2022 (EST)
People go to hell by choice, just as the follow Jesus by choice. God does not send them to hell. They send themselves to hell. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:38, December 29, 2022 (EST)
<sorry, I've worked in prison ministries a long time and I don't really preach the milk and cookie gospel ("Jesus loves you" bla bla bla). I deal with the hard cases and preach the meat and potatoes gospel: Strong meat belongeth to them who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.> RobSGive Peace a chance 00:47, December 29, 2022 (EST)

Simple formatting idea for MPL

Perhaps the "Merry Christmas!!!" should be in a fancier font, like Brush Script MT, be in a slightly larger font size, and also be in a nice bright green color. If you replace the existing text with <div style="color:#339966; font-family:Brush Script MT; font-size:300%">Merry [[Christmas|<span style="color:#339966">Christmas</span>]]!!!</div>, this is what it looks like:

Merry Christmas!!!

This way, the wikilink in "Christmas" is still kept, though the color is consistent. What do you think? Also, noticing your edit here, and correct me if I'm wrong, it seems like you're trying to make the color consistent. If it helps, in order to change the color of wikilinks, this format is needed: [[Page title|<span style="color:(color)">Preferred text</span>]]

And of course, Merry Christmas! —LT (Exodus 23:2) Sunday, 00:36, December 25, 2022 (EST)

Done as requested with a pic added too. Conservative (talk) 00:45, December 25, 2022 (EST)
Thanks, Conservative; Merry Christmas to you as well! —LT (Exodus 23:2) Sunday, 00:46, December 25, 2022 (EST)

Weird website glitch

Hi Andy, when I published this edit, I got one of the typical errors, and when I tried pressing "Save page" again, it said that I got into an edit conflict with myself. And apparently the revision corresponding to that edit doesn't show up in Special:RecentChanges. Can you please look into the database about what's going on? If some edits might not show up in SRC, then that can result in potential dangers. The weird thing is that the edit is listed in the page history. yet not for Recent Changes. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Monday, 19:34, December 25, 2022 (EST)

The edit seems fine. Rarely, but sometimes, an edit will go through for me without letting me know. When I try again, it shows an edit conflict. No problem, because the edit was taken the first time.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 20:45, December 25, 2022 (EST)
Ah, alright, interesting. I'm just concerned, given this occurrence, about future scenarios where trolling might, via this type of error, slip past Special:RecentChanges. Also, there's several different type of errors when editing/publishing; sometimes it's 403.shtml, usually it's a loading error, and also, when opening the "edit" part, sometimes the format displays a beta version. Do you have a sense of when all this might be resolved? It's not that terrible to deal with ATM, though hopefully it can be fixed nonetheless. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Monday, 21:28, December 25, 2022 (EST)

RINO Of The Year 2022

Hello Mr. Schlafly,

Who do you think should be Conservative of the Year 2022?

Thank you, --TheNewRight (talk) 12:19, December 27, 2022 (EST)

I'm leaning in favor of Elon Musk. Whom would you pick?--Andy Schlafly (talk) 13:38, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Or did you mean to ask about RINO of the Year, as your heading indicates? That "honor" might be won by Liz Cheney.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 13:39, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Sorry, I just realized I made a mistake. I meant to ask who you think should be RINO of the Year. Sorry about that! Thank you,--TheNewRight (talk) 13:50, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Hello, I think Liz Cheney would be a good choice for RINO of the Year 2022, but I don't think she should get that "honor" as she was RINO of the Year last year. I was leaning towards McConnell as he caved to the Democrats multiple times and supported establishment Republicans over their more conservative opponents. Any thoughts? Thanks!--TheNewRight (talk) 21:12, December 29, 2022 (EST)
This whole idea is somewhat ridiculous, and dilutes the impact of Conservative of the Year. Now trolls just include a Hit List of every Republican under the sun, including MTG cause she supports Kevin McCarthy who supposedly is a RINO cause he supports establishment Republicans cause supposedly establishment Republicans are RINOs. It's nothing but sterile arguments and a waste of time intended to sow division. My two cents. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:18, December 29, 2022 (EST)
You make some good points. Any thoughts Mr. Schlafly?--TheNewRight (talk) 21:06, December 30, 2022 (EST)
I like Mitch McConnell as RINO of the year. Give credit where it is due! But Rob makes a good point also.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:55, December 30, 2022 (EST)
I will designate McConnell as the frontrunner for right now before the final selection. Happy New Year!--TheNewRight (talk) 23:45, December 31, 2022 (EST)

Here's a joke you might like

Let's suppose that the four writers of the Gospels are suddenly brought back to life, in the 21st century. One of them gazes around at the world beholding him, rereads the fifth book he wrote, and suddenly has a moment of sorrow, pity, and internal anguish, knowing what will soon unfold. However, he ultimately looks up at the sky and smiles, knowing the ultimate ending.

The other three are in a courtroom, arguing over copyright infringement.

I came up with this joke today, and some of my Christian friends seem to get a kick out of it. I'm also thinking, perhaps Conservapedia should have an official page for creative jokes about Scripture? —LT (Exodus 23:2) Tuesday, 18:48, December 27, 2022 (EST)

Appreciate the humor!! Very nice indeed. You could start an entry on this ....--Andy Schlafly (talk) 19:40, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Awesome, thanks; here it is! —LT (Exodus 23:2) Wednesday, 19:49, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Ha ha, very nice indeed! The Bible is far more lighthearted than most people realize, in my humble (and humor-welcoming) opinion.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:23, December 27, 2022 (EST)
Yes, I agree! There are numerous examples in Scripture which demonstrate God's humorous side. When I first started reading Genesis, I recall that verses 10–20 in Chapter 12 made me laugh since it goes to show how God ultimately looks out after His chosen prophet Abram, who ironically almost reaped what he feared by deviating from honesty, thinking that lying would prevent the outcome of Pharaoh taking his wife. It's my observation that both directly, and through the moral lessons He ensures among his prophets, God's infinite wisdom means an outstanding sense of humor at times. I wish more Christians today wouldn't only portray God as a stern Father bent on punishing sin, since He ultimately wants his saved inheritors of the New Jerusalem to rejoice. —LT (Exodus 23:2) Wednesday, 21:38, December 27, 2022 (EST)

Elon Musk's Tesla is paying for employees to get abortions out of state as the Supreme Court looks likely to overturn Roe v. Wade. Conservapedia should not pick someone who is for baby killing as a so-called conservative of the year.

Elon Musk's Tesla is paying for employees to get abortions out of state as the Supreme Court looks likely to overturn Roe v. Wade.[2]

Conservapedia should not pick someone who is for baby killing as a so-called conservative of the year. Conservative (talk) 12:27, December 31, 2022 (EST)

I don't think Musk has any control over that issue at Tesla. Musk has been outspoken against depopulation ... unlike many self-described conservative politicians.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 13:39, December 31, 2022 (EST)
I'd say the core reason for depopulation is godlessness, which Musk exemplifies in different ways, notably fragrant promiscuity. —LT (Mark 8:36) Saturday, 13:44, December 31, 2022 (EST)

Elon Musk on Tesla paying for employees to travel so they can get abortions. He is definitely not a conservative. And Musk never said that he is a conservative because he is not one!

Moved to Talk:Conservative_of_the_Year_2022#Elon_Musk_on_Tesla_paying_for_employees_to_travel_so_they_can_get_abortions._He_is_definitely_not_a_conservative._And_Musk_never_said_that_he_is_a_conservative_because_he_is_not_one.21

This year's 2022 Conservative of the year award. Why I am pleased with the result

I am happy with this year's result. To see why, Click HERE to see the relevant graph.

I believe today's Republican coalition is partly due to the work Donald Trump and partly due to the work of social conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly. Conservative (talk) 01:10, January 1, 2023 (EST)

Right, thanks for your insights.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 01:52, January 1, 2023 (EST)

Just wondering

Was this revert by you intentional or accidental? —LT (Mark 8:36) Wednesday, 23:39, January 3, 2023 (EST)

Accidental!!! Thanks so much for letting me know. What a foul-up! I've corrected it.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 00:25, January 4, 2023 (EST)
Whew, thanks. —LT (Mark 8:36) Wednesday, 00:27, January 4, 2023 (EST)

Quick note about your new essay

I put a needed space in the title of your new essay at: Essay: A Guide to Measuring Political Actions Based On Our Constitution.

That is all I did. But that is why I moved the article and then deleted the original.

I just wanted to explain things so there is no misunderstanding. Conservative (talk) 22:09, January 14, 2023 (EST)

OK. Thanks!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 22:49, January 14, 2023 (EST)

You're right about the British media reporting what U.S. MSM glosses over

I can't find MSM outlets reporting the fact that over 2,000 rabbis, represented by the Coalition for Jewish Values, supported removing Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. However, Daily Mail reported it. I think this would make for a crucial MPR post. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 21:15, February 2, 2023 (EST)

That's very interesting. Thank you. But I wonder how conservative-populist this exclusion of people from committees is. Usually that is done to the conservative side, and we object.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:23, February 2, 2023 (EST)
Hmm, I see your point. If a serious precedent is to be established that past terrible remarks disqualify an elected U.S. public official from committee assignments, internet archives will flourish while political parties with majority control establish one-party totalitarianism in legislative sessions by removing whoever they don't like while almost assuredly virtue-signalling as fourth-rate politicians do to deflect from their own corruption. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 21:33, February 2, 2023 (EST)
Omar, Schiff, and Swalwell weren't removed from all committees, like MTG & Biggs were. RobSGive Peace a chance 22:12, February 2, 2023 (EST)
What I would do if I were MTG, I'd reach out to Omar and see if she would be interested in sharing a public forum somewhere and each speak about their experiences. RobSGive Peace a chance 22:18, February 2, 2023 (EST)
The Daily Mail does have a lot of coverage other outlets do not cover. For example, EXCLUSIVE: Embattled QAnon congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene 'openly cheated' on her husband of 25 years with a polyamorous tantric sex guru and then moved on to another affair with the manager at her gym. I like some of MTG's political positions, but I never was in favor of making her conservative of the year. Conservative (talk) 02:11, February 3, 2023 (EST)
What makes you think any of that is true?
"Neither man denied the affairs when approached by, but both refused to comment on their past relationships with Taylor Greene "
That sounds like a whole lot of no there there, especially coming from that source. RobSGive Peace a chance 02:48, February 3, 2023 (EST)
So, a woman belongs to a gym. She and a few guys act and talk a little flirty during visits in front of other patrons over time. A few years later, she's elected to Congress. Democrat patrons of the gym start talking garbage. Both men refused to comment (i.e. they told Daily Mail reporters to go to hell). MTG's husband doesn't seem to be bothered by malicious gossip coming from Democrats and leftist rags. There's no there there. Happens all the time. RobSGive Peace a chance 02:59, February 3, 2023 (EST)
No photos. No videos. No motel room receipts. No eyewitnesses. In fact, one of the flirts is probably the "Communist" Democrat who said, "everything with her comes to no good", and didn't want to lie under oath when he got sued for defamation if he started making up details, or jeopardize his own marriage by making lies to entertain you and the liberal media.
The Daily Mail is a London rag mag like National Enquirer known for its stories about Prince Charles abducted by aliens. A few years ago Daily Mail and Guardian expanded coverage and distribution in the US. Both have used the opportunity of entering the larger US market to attempt to rehab their reputations. RobSGive Peace a chance 03:24, February 3, 2023 (EST)
So let's ask an obvious question: How does a story like this come out?
Two possible ways: (1) An offended party contacts the media to expose it (contrast that with Tara Reade who waited more than 25 years to get anybody to listen to her or any of Epstein's victims), or (2) a journalist or investigator goes looking for information to smear a target with (the Stormy Daniels case, for example, was the result of Robert Mueller's illegal raid on Michael Cohen's office looking for Russiagate evidence and the result of FISA abuse.) In MTG's case, it couldn't be more obvious. The New Yorker, as in the Kavanaugh smear, and DM, set out to do hit pieces on MTG. Oh, and the timing of the release of the articles had nothing to do with 2022 Midterms, I'm sure. RobSGive Peace a chance 03:44, February 3, 2023 (EST)

The gossipy, speculative prying into MTG's personal background of years ago is where the growing conservative populism differs from the declining Religious Right.

Conservative populism is more in keeping with the Gospels, where there was full acceptance of all regardless of background, including one or more women thought by historians to have been prostitutes.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 04:29, February 3, 2023 (EST)

I believe it because she is a mentally undisciplined woman who embraced QAnon and "Jewish Space lasers" in the past and because her husband is divorcing her because their "marriage is broken".[3] Conservative (talk) 04:33, February 3, 2023 (EST)
This is why I think we all could learn something from MTG & Omar holding a public forum together. MTG could finally explain her "Jewish space lasers" and Omar her "it's all about the Benjamins". RobSGive Peace a chance 08:42, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Lauren Boebert is a conservative populist, with a bit of a bad girl streak (reckless driving conviction) and she did fall for the QAonon bunk, but she is also a job creating businesswoman and a lot sweeter/nicer than MTG who is an attention seeking loudmouth that appears to have bad morals. Conservative (talk) 04:45, February 3, 2023 (EST)
It's a reporters job to find out about a candidate's personal/work/business life because how a person behaves in private is an indication of how much integrity they will have in their public life. George W. Bush was a former alcoholic who showed signs of having a lack of empathy before he became president and he got the USA involved in a crazy Middle East war and sowed the seeds of the war in Ukraine. Conservative (talk) 04:55, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Liberals criticized followers of Jesus in a similar way, and if they had succeeded then Christianity would never have gotten off the ground as it did. Jesus rebuked the liberal style. Logically there is no coherence to criticizing MTG or anyone else over this kind of stuff, which is negated by who she is today.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 05:06, February 3, 2023 (EST)

MTG is no saint, but she does support a lot of conservative positions. You don't have to be a loudmouth, low-class person to be a conservative. In fact, this is contrary to being a conservative which includes social conservatism. Phyliss Schlafly was a disciplined, outspoken woman who was very charming and nice. And I would rather marry a sweet lady like Boebert than marry someone like the low-class, loudmouth MTG. And I would rather vote for someone like Boebert than MTG (But I would vote for MTG if she were running againt a Democrat). MTG is not a true conservative. Politicians who are jerks and loudmouths often don't get much positively done in politics. For example, Farage is a lot more personable than MTG and he got Brexit done. Conservative (talk) 05:33, February 3, 2023 (EST)

There are plenty of loudmouths on the Left, and it's OK to have a bit of vocal aggression on the Right. The Religious Right didn't stand up against the DC Gulag until MTG took it down with that name in a few of her Tweets. She was then banned from Twitter because she was effective.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 05:54, February 3, 2023 (EST)
OK. Fair point. She did get something positive done. At the same time, I do agree with this point: "The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. When a politician has chaos in their personal life, it undermines their influence. Conservative (talk) 06:39, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Interesting quote! Let's see liberals criticize liberals this way, rather than gossip against conservatives. Too many Republican voters fall for personal attacks against conservative candidates.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 07:16, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Rahab the Harlot is an interesting figure (not only for being in Jesus' bloodline) but for what remains unspoken in the bible: they sent two spies into the city of Jericho and the two guys evidently headed straight to a whorehouse. We know her name but we don't know theirs. I guess the bible, or at least many bible teachers, are somewhat sexist when broaching this subject. RobSGive Peace a chance 08:09, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Although I am more knowledgeable about history than many people, when did the Democrats start being a party of corrupt scoundrels? I know they are wrong on the abortion issue and they took the wrong position on slavery. However, my knowledge about Democrats before Woodrow Wilson is rather weak. Conservative (talk) 12:04, February 3, 2023 (EST)
P.S. Despite cheating on his wife, JFK was a pretty good president. Harry Truman handled WWII and the Korean War fairly decently, but I am not very familiar with his domestic policies. Conservative (talk) 12:11, February 3, 2023 (EST)
Democrats became corrupt scoundrels with the founding of the Republican party. They have always viewed the GOP as the main enemy in a life and death struggle. Not Imperial Germany. Not Nazi Germany. Not Japan. Not communism. Not North Korea or Vietnam. Not radical Islamic terrorists. Not Russia. The Republican party they view as the "main threat to democracy". Adam Schiff just said so - that he can't protect America's national security if he can't spy on Republicans on the Intelligence Committee. The Clinton's were open about it, with their "war room" in 1992. The GOP is not viewed as a political opposition, but rather as an "enemy" that must be destroyed. There is, and never has been, "politics end at the water's edge" with Democrats. I could cite a zillion examples.
Here's an example from today: "Eric Swalwell, who spends half his time telling everyone that he’s petrified of his Republican colleagues potentially shooting him on the House floor...". Swalwell makes these assertions about Republicans being the main enemy of democracy cause he's knows there's a ready market out there that will believe it (and he beleives it). RobSGive Peace a chance 23:00, February 4, 2023 (EST)
As to Truman, when he called out the National Guard against striking coal miners he lost the labor movement and communist organizers which FDR worked so hard to build. RobSGive Peace a chance 16:54, February 3, 2023 (EST)
In the Democrat view, they raise their children to believe the Democrat party represents the little guy, the common man, and the GOP represents corrupt oligarchs, corporate or Wall Street interests. That's why in polling questionnaires, for example, last year you suddenly had "Democracy" appear as an issue along with "Abortion", "Terrorism", "Climate change", "Education", "Inflation", etc. as choices to answer the question, What issue is most important to you? (IOWs, it was a disguised question asking, "Do you fear a GOP takeover of the House?") RobSGive Peace a chance 17:04, February 3, 2023 (EST)
And you see where this is going: cutting Ukraine aid is "an attack of democracy." RobSGive Peace a chance 23:13, February 4, 2023 (EST)
With the conflation of "democracy" and "Democrat", Democrats put great faith in the wisdom of the mindless mob, which is easily manipulated by corrupt oligarchs and corporate or Wall Street interests. That's why globalist oligarchs and woke multinational corporations have migrated to the Democrat party, basically since the time of the Clintons and end of the Cold War. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:30, February 3, 2023 (EST)
"wisdom of the mindless mob": If the democratic majority believe something, it must be true, correct, and moral. Lot found out otherwise. So did Jesus (Give us Barabas!). In today's internet world, it has become so much easier for corrupt oligarchs and woke corporate interests to manipulate the mindless mob and "democratic majority" with lies through a controlled media. We've had more earth-shattering instances of such in just the past decade than the previous 100 years. These deceptions and errors can't keep piling up without consequences. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:40, February 3, 2023 (EST)

Amish and tobacco addiction

I know that you are interested in the topics of the Amish and how conservative religious values can be a protection from harmful addictions.

So I thought I would share something with you about the largest Amish community in the world.

See: Tobacco Use Among the Amish in Holmes County, Ohio Conservative (talk) 08:56, February 8, 2023 (EST

Please change my username

I would like my username to be changed to "JimboWimbo" Thank You :)

Funny, but I don't think that works. It's too much of a mockery.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 14:08, February 21, 2023 (EST)

Some additional search engine traffic from Bing to Conservapedia might be on the horizon

Since October 2020, multiple antitrust lawsuits have been filed against Google by the Department of Justice and over three dozen states.[4]. See also: Google's three antitrust battles: Here's what you need to know (The DOJ's case against the search giant likely won't go to trial until late 2023).

Bing ranks Conservapedia's articles higher at their search engine than Google does it their search engine so if Google loses some of its antitrust lawsuits, it could potential bring more traffic to Conservapedia. Conservative (talk) 16:53, March 11, 2023 (EST)

P.S. If the feds win an antitrust lawsuit against Google, there will be "blood in the water" so various additional conservative states and other states may launch antitrust lawsuits. And other countries may launch antitrust lawsuits as well. Conservative (talk) 17:00, March 11, 2023 (EST)
Interesting, thanks!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 19:24, March 11, 2023 (EST)

Bostock v. Clayton County

I just found out about the SCOTUS case of Bostock v. Clayton County. I was reading the article at Bostock v. Clayton County at to find out how the individual SCOTUS judges ruled.

Question: Now that the liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg has left the SCOTUS and has been replaced by the conservative SCOTUS judge Amy Coney Barrett, how likely is it that the SCOTUS could relatively quickly take a similar case and overturn Bostock v. Clayton County? Does the history of the SCOTUS provide much illumination? Are we living in unprecented times so history is not much of a guide? What is your opinion on this matter? Conservative (talk) 23:53, March 11, 2023 (EST)

The answer would be "yes" if a more conservative nomination than Neil Gorsuch had been made in early 2017. Gorsuch sides with liberals on this issue, as does John Roberts.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 00:04, March 12, 2023 (EST)
But do you think that Bostock v. Clayton County will be overturned? If so, when? Conservative (talk) 06:55, March 12, 2023 (EDT)
No, I don't think it will be overturned in the foreseeable future. The moral is that Republicans should pick their nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court more carefully.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 11:24, March 12, 2023 (EDT)
Trump's views on homosexuality/transgenderism are mixed. He comes from NYC so that should not be surprising. His feet were held to the fire on abortion, but not on his views on homosexuality. That is why Gorsuch was picked. Conservative (talk) 18:06, March 12, 2023 (EDT)
Not why Gorsuch was picked. Advisers unknown to Trump before mid-2016 pushed Gorsuch. Did you oppose him? I did.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 20:02, March 12, 2023 (EDT)

Salome the mother of Mark?

The Acts of the Apostles states directly to the contrary:

When Peter came to himself, he said, ‘Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.’ When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying.

—Acts 12:11–12

To put simply, Mark's mother clearly was a woman named Mary, not Salome. In addition, contrary to the CBP's assertion of Mark being a Gentile, it's been noted that his Gospel provides a Jewish perspective that "breathes the spirit of an Israelite."LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 11:39, March 29, 2023 (EDT)

The theory that Mark was actually "John Mark," and Jewish, has been asserted as speculation by some from time to time. But no evidence supports it, and much weighs against it such as the Gospel of Mark itself and its striking criticisms of the Sabbath, its misunderstanding of Jewish custom (such as hand-washing), and its mockery on occasion of the Apostles.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 02:07, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Salome was about 14 years old when she danced for John the Baptist's head (after Jesus' ascension), and Mark was an eyewitness to Jesus's life and miracles. So it's just impossible. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:06, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Salome was a fairly common Gentile name then. For the reason you point out it, plus Herod's retaliatory power, it seems unlikely Salome-the-dancer was the same person as Salome-the-visitor-to-Jesus's tomb, when nothing mentions such a remarkable connection.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 14:30, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Oops, I stand corrected. I mean before Jesus ascension. It is possible Salome repented, but either way, Salome wasn't old enough to be Mark's mother. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:38, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Anyways, when I think of Hunter Biden and Halle Biden, I can't help but be reminded of Herod and John the Baptist. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:47, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Andy, the internal evidence and external conclusions indicate that John Mark was Mark the Evangelist; he alone did not witness all the events mentioned in his Gospel, and must have obtained information from another source—Peter! Sure enough, the Acts of the Apostles mention John Mark as a companion of Peter.
Also, Mark 2:27 was not "downplaying" or "criticizing" the Sabbath, rather an emphasis on its purpose as a blessing. God created the Sabbath and sanctified the seventh day as a holy day rest for humanity. It's common for Christians nowadays to mistakenly view the Sabbath as abolished by the New Covenant, when the two "great commandments" in Matthew 22:36–40 simply summarized the purpose of, as opposed to replace, the Ten Commandments. The first great commandment summarizes the first four of the Ten Commandments on the first tablet of stone, and the second summarizes the remaining six on the second tablet. The New Testament makes as clearly as possible, that Jesus did not abolish the law (Matthew 5:17), nor was the Sabbath nailed to the cross (see Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, and Luke 23:56; if the Sabbath was nailed to the cross when Jesus died, why did His disciples rest on the Sabbath?), nor is the need for law-keeping rendered obsolete, (John 14:15, Romans 3:31, 1 John 2:4), nor good works deemed unnecessary and legalism. (James 2:17)
Antipathy towards the Sabbath arose not from biblical teachings (see Acts 17:2: the Apostle Paul taught at synagogues on the Sabbath), rather from compromises between Christianity and paganism beginning in the 2nd century that appealed to anti-Jewish sentiments. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:33, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
So how do we enter into his rest? Do we have to die first? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:41, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Do we have to be like them whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:43, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Then of course you have the problem of this verse (New Living trans):
Stop bringing me your meaningless gifts; the incense of your offerings disgusts me! As for your celebrations of the new moon and the Sabbath and your special days for fasting— they are all sinful and false. I want no more of your pious meetings.
RobSGive Peace a chance 18:54, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Why was honoring the Sabbath sinful and false? Cause they were only doing it because they were commanded to do so - a "vain oblation". RobSGive Peace a chance 18:57, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Now, some might argue, "yes, correct. God wants you to worship out of a willing heart." But that's not what SDA teaches. SDA claims it is a commandment from God. I do not murder because God commands me not to murder; I do not murder because I do not want to murder, and hating my brother is murder. Doug Bachelor's argument that "ye are not under law" gives a license to murder is about as asinine, non-scriptural exaggeration that you can imagine. The man has no understanding of God's saving grace. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:12, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Nice demonstration of the strawman fallacy there, pal. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 19:18, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
The law is for the unrepentant, unredeemed sinner who refuses and rejects God's offer for forgiveness and grace. Period. They will be judged by the law.
The born again, washed in the blood of Jesus sinner is not under law. Psalm 51: Blessed, transgression forgiven, sin covered. They are "saved" from judgement. 19:41, April 2, 2023 (EDT)RobSGive Peace a chance
LT, Mark is not a Jewish name, and he was mistaken in his description of the Jewish custom of hand-washing. Mark also bluntly criticized the Jewish verse in one of the few verses that Matthew (who was Jewish) did not carry over despite copying what was before and after it: Mark 2:27 (And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." - ESV). Also, there is no way that Mark was Peter's scribe, as Mark described the walking on water without mentioning that Peter walked on water, too.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 19:53, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Again, Mark 2:27 doesn't constitute "blunt criticism," as the stated purpose of "The Sabbath was made for man" indicates the institution's inherent purpose as a blessing. As for handwashing, the claim that Mark's seemingly incorrect record nullifies traditional authorship attribution appears to be a common parroted theme among the typical liberal deniers of Scriptural authority who mine for "contradictions." As far as I know about New Testament authorship, the only traditional attributions that may be off pertain to Hebrews and 2 Peter (both are still the inspired word of God, though the former likely wasn't written by Paul, and the latter not entirely by Peter). —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 20:05, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Jesus is essentially saying, "you're putting the cart before the horse." I don't see what's so difficult to understand here.
He said the same thing with "make not my father's house a house merchandise," or "you got it all backwards." Only he actually was speaking to the priests, who received kickbacks for renting space to the moneychangers. The more the people sinned, the more sheep got sold for offering at the temple. Whereas the priests were supposed to be teaching the people not to sin. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:29, April 2, 2023 (EDT)
Matthew specifically omitted Mark's verse that downgraded the Jewish Sabbath, which implies a cultural difference between the two. And why didn't Mark better understand the parameters of the Jewish custom for hand-washing? Jesus's followers undeniably included some who were Jewish, and some who were not. Mark, by his very name and his Gospel of Mark, was probably not. Matthew was.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:20, April 2, 2023 (EDT)

Suggestion for CBP

In practically every translation, the Greek term "hoi Ioudaios" is blanketly translated as "the Jews" even though it could also technically mean "the Judeans," which should be the translation in most contexts of its usage. While a few verses like John 4:22 (wow, what a coincidence, today's 4/22) seemingly refer to Jews as a whole, the large majority, particularly in the Gospel of John, address a dispute between Jesus and the Judean hierarchy, not against "the Jews" as a whole. Hopefully you can concur that this should be accounted for in the CBP? It would certainly constitute a major step for the CBP to provide a proper clarification in a crucial aspect where (possibly) every other translation fails to fulfill. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 22:10, April 22, 2023 (EDT)

LT, you make a fascinating point here. Matthew was Jewish, as were many other disciples. Pontius Pilate was not Jewish. So "the Jews" is not an accurate description of the adversaries of Jesus. As you say, the criticism seems to be of the Judean hierarchy, or maybe the liberal elite. A term that captures their intellectual elitism rather than a raw ethnic phrase seems like it would be more accurate.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 23:09, April 22, 2023 (EDT)
Exactly, the nature of Jesus's condemnations of the Pharisees were not anti-Judaic, rather anti-elitist. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 23:20, April 22, 2023 (EDT)
But then you have the problem of Isaiah 9:16, For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed. God puts them all in the same boat and holds them responsible. hoi Ioudaios refers to the inhabitants of the land gifted to the tribe of Judah as their inheritance, and makes no distinction about Levites, who had no inheritance.
When Judea became overrun with strangers and foreigners (Is. 1:7) with open borders, it was punishment for rebellion against God. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:36, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
I am going to continue with chapter 1 cause God makes a few interesting relevant points:
9 Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
10 Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. [Again, God makes no distinction between rulers and the people, holding them all accountable, and offering them both a way out of their predicament.]
11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity,
"I delight not in the blood of bullocks, lambs or he goats..." Hmm, this seems to contradict the Law given by Moses as a remedy for sin. "Your new moons and sabbaths, it is iniquity." This nullifies the claim that keeping the sabbath is a standing commandment. RobSGive Peace a chance 09:41, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
This discussion is about whether hoi Ioudaios is to be translated as "the Jews" or "the Judeans," not about the Sabbath; nice try with your trollish derailing attempt. How, shall we say... very liberal of you. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 10:31, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
The Judeans or the Jews are essentially the same thing. They were the remnant who returned from Babylon after the 70 year captivity (Why 70 years?). in Babylon, virtually all individual tribal identity was lost. So 'the Jews', after the captivity became more a reference to the remnant that occupied the lands of Judah rather than tribal descendants. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:23, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
And in context, God calls the sabbath keepers who returned from Babylon, 'ye people of Gomorrah'. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:29, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
"The Judeans or the Jews are essentially the same thing." Wrong; not all Jews are Judeans; for instance, the Galilean Jews in Jesus's day were Jewish (duh), though not Judeans. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 12:34, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
duh, that's what I just said. Tribal identity was lost in the captivity.
In the above subsection I discussed priests receiving kickbacks for renting space in the temple to sell animals for sacrifice when Jesus said "Make not my father's house a house of merchandise." God says essentially the same thing here when he says, To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? And remember, those sacrifices were commanded by the Law of God. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:45, April 23, 2023 (EDT)
God really cannot be more clear: if you reject grace, you will get law.
give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah...your new moons and sabbaths...I cannot [bear it any longer] away with [it]; it is iniquity...
RobSGive Peace a chance 12:55, April 23, 2023 (EDT)

Correspondence between 1 Corinthians and Hebrews

While doubts on Pauline authorship of Hebrews are strong, these two verses came to mind:

I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?

—1 Cor. 3:2–3

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.

—Heb. 5:12–13

What are your thoughts, Andy? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 22:52, April 30, 2023 (EDT)

My thoughts?
For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?
Arguing about the meaning of this or that scripture, or the meaning of prophecy, is "of the flesh". RobSGive Peace a chance 00:58, May 1, 2023 (EDT)
That is an interesting similarity in phrasing ("milk, not solid food"). I'll check if the original Greek is as similar as the English translations. It's possible that Paul had seen or heard the sermon in the Epistle to the Hebrews when he wrote his letter.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 02:11, May 1, 2023 (EDT)
Hebrews 2:3 says the message was "attested to us by those who heard him." So Apollos, or whoever wrote Hebrews, must have listened to a sermon by Paul. "Otherwise, would they not have ceased being offered"... (10:2) was presumably written before AD 70 when the Temple was still in operation and offering sacrifices. PeterKa (talk) 07:13, May 1, 2023 (EDT)
Fascinating. There's also arguments made for Lukan authorship due to apparent similarities between Hebrews and Luke–Acts; Heb. 2:3, as cited right above, at least appears to indicate an individual other than Jesus as the author. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 09:32, May 1, 2023 (EDT)
Barnabas could have authored it. That could be why it was attributed as anonymous, cause they didn't want to include his other writings. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:30, May 1, 2023 (EDT)

A re-examination of the longer Mark ending

Initially, I believed, just as you assert in the Mark ending article, that verses 16:9–20 lack authenticity due to absence from the supposedly mostly reliable manuscripts, codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. However, it's actually those two codices which are terribly unreliable! They are deceptively tampered versions of what substantiates the Textus Receptus, which is vastly corroborated, as the implied narratives of Codex Vaticanus and/or Codex Sinaiticus are the result of Origen's heretical viewpoints. In Vaticanus, the section for what should be Mark 16:9–20 is simply missing from most of the column—to paraphrase the writings of John W. Burgon, what clearly happened was that the scribe who complied with the order to "remove" that section intentionally left a massive blank section to indicate as clearly as possible that it was the removal of legitimate material as opposed to the contemporary narrative that the most "reliable" manuscripts simply didn't include Mark 16:9–20.

Codex Vaticanus also flagrantly lacks the Pastoral Epistles and the Book of Revelation, and misses a large chunk of Hebrews. It seems that the Vatican, displeased with the historicist eschatology of the Reformation implicating it as the first beast of Revelation, is more than happy to discredit the final book of the Bible in some way. Also, the early promoters of codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, Brooke Westcott and F. J. A. Hort, were apparently occultists attempting to dilute the Bible and dumb-down subsequent generations compared to their contemporaries who understand the King James Bible diligently. Unsurprisingly, the modern translations which rely on Vaticanus and Sinaiticus (as opposed to Textus Receptus), the same ones which place Mark 16:9–20 in brackets with the "earliest and/or most reliable manuscripts don't contain this section" notice, horrendously remove the evidence of Jesus's divinity in their "translation" of hundreds of verses. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 00:46, May 14, 2023 (EDT)

Your posting is fascinating but addresses merely 1 of a half-dozen compelling reasons why verses 9-16 are a forgery. Other reasons include:
  • not Mark's style or word-choice
  • content is traceable to the later-written other Gospels
  • doctrinally flawed
  • added because the ending in verse 8 is a "because" conjunction, but it's the conjunction that shouldn't be there
  • many early Christian commentators make mention of Mark but did not see that ending
  • scholars with advanced tools of linguistics now, including the esteemed Bruce Metzger, unanimously declare it a forgery.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 01:00, May 14, 2023 (EDT)
I don't think your last point provides a strong case. Many contemporary scholars deny the traditional authorship of almost every single New Testament book except for just over half of the Pauline Epistles, feeding the liberal denial of biblical inerrancy and prompting atheist scoffing of Christianity. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 01:11, May 14, 2023 (EDT)
But this is not a close question, and scholars across the ideological spectrum are virtually unanimous about this issue. No one says that liberal scholars are wrong about every issue; even broken hand clocks are correct twice a day.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 02:29, May 14, 2023 (EDT)
It's all just human Pride, second-guessing God.
Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him righteousness.
That's the message. RobSGive Peace a chance 05:49, May 14, 2023 (EDT)
Sarah indeed shall have a son...
Of thee I will make a great nation
Take thy son, thine only son, and offer him as a sacrifice
Abraham believed in the resurrection, that somehow God would make Isaac live again. RobSGive Peace a chance 06:04, May 14, 2023 (EDT)
Andy, the Apostolic Fathers quoted from the longer Mark ending; for instance, Irenaeus explicitly cited verse 16:19. So which is more reliable, the solid record of the Church Fathers in the ante-Nicene era or the liberal denial of modern scholars? As I increasingly examine your claims, it appears that you ground several bold assertions on the basis that contemporary scoffing of the church record holds great weight, such as the Gospel of Mark's assertion on hand-washing supposedly refuting its authorship by the Jewish John Mark, the alleged disparity in writing style leading to doubts on Johannine authorship of Revelation, etc. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 09:53, May 14, 2023 (EDT)

Issue with Obama's age

Hey Andy, I do not have permission to edit Barrack Obama's page on the site, but his listed age is out of date. It states he is 60, but he turned 61 in August of 2022. Ethan Parmet (talk) 12:10, May 14, 2023 (EDT)

The page is unlocked. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:21, May 14, 2023 (EDT)

Sidebar templates

Hi Andy, I noticed that Conservapedia used to more frequently utilize several sidebar templates, such as Template:Christianity. While navboxes at the bottom of articles can be of help to certain extents, I think sidebars are better for non-biographical articles for organizing particular series, especially since readers will easily notice a sidebar at the top right of an article as opposed to the very bottom. Are you alright if I create perhaps a few (for now) sidebar templates that would be incredibly helpful for some massive content that I'm starting on writing? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 16:42, May 17, 2023 (EDT)

Now, in the case of biographical entries, I suppose sidebars can be placed in the most relevant sections below the intro, as in such pages the top right contains an infobox officeholder or infobox person template. There are two or three series I think I am all set for creating a sidebar template for (Stalwarts vs. Half-Breeds and the Old Right), and several more developing. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 21:30, May 17, 2023 (EDT)

Good points, and please develop your great idea further!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:44, May 17, 2023 (EDT)
Awesome, thank you! It's been a while since I dabbled with extensive wiki code, i.e. parser functions, though I think I can get back into the swing of template editing quickly. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 21:51, May 17, 2023 (EDT)
Update: there will be a lot of serieses I can develop and create—I just remembered that last year I briefly was looking into the historical connection between public education and the KKK, which seems to be a load of historical entrenchment that our contemporary neo-Marxist pals wouldn't want the masses to understand more about (what a surprise!). For instance, it was a prominent Klansman, William D. Upshaw, who led the effort to establish a U.S. Department of Education back in the 1920s. And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to progressivism's terrible history—there's also the implication of labor unions as the instigator of numerous race riots that resulted in the inhumane oppression of ethnic minorities such as blacks and Asians, an example being the culmination of the 1908 Bellingham riots. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Saturday, 21:31, May 19, 2023 (EDT)
The KKK stuff seems like it's over-the-top, but I don't know about the history you're mentioning. Something contemporary might be of greater relevance, but that's up to you!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 21:38, May 19, 2023 (EDT)
Here's the deal: modern-day leftists increasingly invoke a variety of pathetic Klan-baiting comparisons to slander conservatives, so fight fire with fire! There's plenty of fascinating history that even most conservatives don't know about which implicates the left as responsible for most racism in the United States, whether it concerns organized labor, public schools, abortion, birth control, etc. If the right wants to wage an effective campaign in the ideological battles, it needs to start digging into history in order to counter the mainstream neo-Marxist revisionists (who control the curricula, BTW). —LT (Matthew 26:52) Saturday, 21:45, May 19, 2023 (EDT)
Great points. I look forward to seeing some of that Leftist history!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 23:03, May 19, 2023 (EDT)
Update—you're in luck! My series on the history of anti-lynching legislation, whose important pages are linked to in {{anti-lynching sb}}, are mostly complete in terms of the main subjects to cover. I think you may like my article on the Costigan–Wagner Act especially as it relates to your own sentiments towards FDR. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:35, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
I'll take a look at your insights!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 01:54, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Editing Ron?

Dear Mr. Andy S., I think, this section needs to be rewritten, per latest news. Regards, God bless. Telling (talk) 16:53, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

Great suggestion. Done, and welcome more improvements and updates there!--Andy Schlafly (talk) 17:30, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Great job by you, as usual.Telling (talk)


Hi Andy, I know I said in the above section that I'd be contributing a massive amount of content on the history of leftism, though I'll be taking a break for a while, just so you know. A certain admin is incessantly blocking me over his Pharisaic adherence to bizarre "rules," in recent days rendering productive edits and discussions impossible due to his liberal censorship tactics. I may return in a month, give or take. —LT Rev. 22:13 Wednesday, 18:23, June 21, 2023 (EDT)

Conservapedia is not RobSpedia. RobS is acting incivilly and various editors have commented on this matter.

RobS has created some excellent content at Conservapedia. My friend has mentioned this to me in the past.

However, through his bullying tactics RobS recently managed to drive off the good faith editor Liberaltears for at least a month.

He is also calling everyone who disagrees with him on anything relating to Russia Nazis and Russophobic which simply isn't true. For example, in my collection of both secular/Christian music, I have sections on Russian music[5][6], but RobS incessantly calls me a "Russophobic". This type of personal attacks and falsely accusing people of phobias is used by liberals/leftists (For example, calling someone "homophobic") and it should not be done at Conservapedia.

Andy, I know that are against "template pollution". RobS when he disagrees with people tries to shut down debate by using a template that covers up their text. This is rude and not something that a conservative gentlemen would engage in. This rude and bullying template pollution by RobS needs to end.

In addition, when RobS is losing an argument/debate on a talk page, he retitles the thread title in order to distort the description of content below the thread's title and this is often done in a disparaging way. This also needs to end.

Something has to be done to curb RobS's incivility. And I know for a fact that I am not the only one who feels this way. For example, User:NishantXavier wrote today about RobS: "Sad to see some resort to ad hominems, slurs and expletives. Probably an admission that ones position cannot face up to the Truth."[7] Liberaltears essentially said the same thing in the thread above.

Again, I am not denying that RobS has created good content. But he needs to act more civilly towards his fellow editors. This should be very easy to do as RobS has acted more civilly in the past. Conservative (talk) 14:02, June 27, 2023 (EDT)

RobS is a non-conservative with weak positions and he is a lame debater. He needs to stop using templates to cover up people's text. He needs to stop reverting people rather than engage in civil debate.

RobS is a non-conservative with weak positions and he is a lame debater. He needs to stop using templates to cover up people's text. He needs to stop reverting people rather than engage in civil debate.

He is embarrassing himself and embarrassing the website.

You were right to strip him of his admin powers previously. Conservative (talk) 23:14, July 1, 2023 (EDT)

The root cause of the friction: There are sound arguments that communist China and Russia are heading towards decline. RobS disagrees. Rather than engage in civil debate, RobS is resorting to the ignoble tactics of using templates to cover up my text and using reversions. This isn't right. This isn't ChinaPedia or RussiaPedia.
And just to be clear, I am against the USA funding the Ukraine war. And unlike RobS, I have consistently said I was against the USA military having gargantuan military budgets. Instead, I am for the USA military protecting USA territory using a more limited budget. Conservative (talk) 23:26, July 1, 2023 (EDT)

Please tell RobS to stop childishly vandalizing my user page and user talk page. Conservapedia clearly states that a person's talk page is their castle.

Please tell RobS to stop childishly vandalizing my user page and user talk page. Conservapedia clearly states that a person's talk page is their castle. Once again, RobS is acting like a childish bully. The last time he engaged in this type of behavior, you stripped him of his admin power.

And I am reverting his vandalism to my talk page and user page without reading his nonsense so I don't know what he is trying to accomplish. Conservative (talk) 10:20, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Childish? How come this in Mainspace and not Essay space? Why don't answer inquiries on you talk page? RobSGive Peace a chance 11:47, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS' behavior of falsely imputing Nazism on Conservapedia editors. His recent attack on User:NishantXavier was totally disgraceful

User:NishantXavier is a very polite Indian Conservapedian who is a devout Catholic. RobS recently said the following to [User:NishantXavier: "the more you expose yourself to be being accused of being a Nazi and holding Nazi views".[8]

Andy this is a complete farce and ridiculous. Godwin's law strikes again. And unfortunately, RobS lacks sufficient self-awareness to realize how much he is embarrassing himself.

Throughout my life, I have come across many people from India. They are unfailingly polite. RobS, could learn a few things from User:NishantXavier when it comes to politeness. Conservative (talk) 11:06, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

No it ain't. I'm advising him that if he wants to hold Vladimir Putin responsible for the 1938 Holodomor, don't be surprised if people call him a Nazi. I didn't call him a Nazi. I'm advising a young person about the danger of latching onto MSM propaganda. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:16, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Xenophobic content

Xenophobic content mocking fat, lazy Brits, or any society or culture, has no place on MPR or MPL. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:29, December 10, 2022 (EST)

Conservapedia has enough of a problem with DDOS and vandal attacks arising from the UK without deliberate provocations to incite these vandal attacks. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:32, December 10, 2022 (EST)

"One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony is true." - The Apostle Paul (Titus 1: 12-13). Conservative (talk) 13:34, December 10, 2022 (EST)

It is unfair to Conservapedia users that they must waste their time dealing with retaliatory vandal attacks from a group of UK and New Zealand trolls other CP users deliberately provoke because they are in personnel dispute with editors from another wiki. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:36, December 10, 2022 (EST)

OK so it's not xenophobic. Now it's only unfair according to RobS. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Conservative (talk) 13:39, December 10, 2022 (EST)

Other instances of xenophobic content [9][10]

Two registered users in good standing, both of Chinese parentage (they are Chinese cause I Skyped with both of them), personally told me they find this highly offensive. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:00, December 10, 2022 (EST)
More with his Russophobia now. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:10, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Why are you reposting to Andy's talk page 2022 Conservapedia content which I presume is from Andy's talk page? This certainly smacks of desperation on your part RobS.
Andy is not a big believer of hyper-multiculturism who thinks it is wrong to offer valid critiques concerning other countries. So you are barking up the wrong tree.
And it is liberals who constantly falsely accuse others of phobias due to their tendency of being fond of psychobabble (For example, calling people "homophobes"). So once again, you are making yourself less conservative in Andy's eyes. Stopping digging the hole you are in deeper RobS. Conservative (talk) 11:22, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Let Andy decide if fat, lazy, gay Brits is MPR news, or if taxpayers can justify support for Ukraine cause Russians are infertile drunks. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:28, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
RobS, Russians have a big problem with alcoholism - especially Russian men. And Russia has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world and it also has the highest abortion rate in the world. Why do you become so angry when people mention reality? Putin himself has said how big of a problem that Russia's low fertility rate is to Russia and that Russia must strive to have a replacement level of births. Conservative (talk) 11:53, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Right. So we need another $150 billion for Nazis cause they aren't killing em fast enough and they're gonna die anyway. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:04, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, your all or nothing thinking is irrational. I am for the USA cutting military aid to the Ukrainians. However, this doesn't force me to deny the alcoholism problem in Russia or deny that it has the highest abortion rate in the world and has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Conservative (talk) 12:19, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

We successfully were able to stop User:Cons xenophobic content about gay, fat, lazy Brits off MPR, but now he spams xenophobic content about infertile alcoholic Russians to justify being killed by Nazis at US taxpayer expense daily.

We successfully were able to stop User:Cons posting daily Xenophobic content about gay, fat, lazy Brits off MPR, but now he spams Russophobic content about infertile Russians to justify being killed by Nazis at US taxpayer expense on multiple talk pages and Essays daily. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:13, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Andy, in my essays Godless Britain is the fat man of Europe and God is smiting Britain. The godless land of fat, heavy drinkers! I state the following with citations:
"Professor Terence Stephenson in Measuring Up, a report on the nation's obesity crisis by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), called Britain "the fat man of Europe".[1]
Professor David Coleman, Emeritus Professor of Demography at Oxford University stated in 2023: "The population is getting older, and also the population in Britain is the fattest in Europe and rather vulnerable to diseases notably heart disease and diabetes; some people have been forecasting separately from Covid that death rates would continue to get worse because the country is so unhealthy." (Bolding added for emphasis)".
Andy, it is not my fault that many British people have become portly and that thousands of British pubs have faced hardships.
And the sad truth is that RobS lacks a sense of humor. My Godless Britain is the fat man of Europe has received over 6,700 page views which is more page views than RobS has received from any of the essays that he may have written.
In the past, although I have had a cordial relationship with some British atheists/agnostics, I did have a rather pesky, British agnostic who was engaging in anklebiting. So I took a few good-natured jabs at the UK such as comparing the economies and road quality of Switzerland (which has one of the highest rates of creationism in Europe) vs. UK's economy and road quality. Conservative (talk) 11:38, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Yah, I don't have 6,700 enemies who used to routinely vandalize CP, either. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:42, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
For those of you a little hard of hearing, this what User:Cons believes readers of Conservapedia consider Main Page News:
Andy, it is not my fault that many British people have become portly and that thousands of British pubs have faced hardships.
C'mon, tell us more how US taxpayers should pay Nazis to kill infertile alcoholic Russians cause they are gonna die anyway That's not your fault either, even though you are paying for it. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:57, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, you wrote that I have 6,700 enemies. Did you count them? You need to stop your obsession with me. And you need to stop making claims about me that you obviously can't support. Show me that data that I have 6,700 enemies RobS. I have had some of the biggest atheist YouTube channels promote some of my humorous content about atheism/atheists. RobS, when you have less humor than secular leftists, something is wrong. Something is dreadfully wrong. Conservative (talk) 11:59, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

You've been obsessively trolling me all week, reverting my postings, and keeping me from being updated with war news in probably the most crucial week of the war. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:01, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
RobS, one of YouTube's biggest atheist channels liked my humorous essay 10 telltale signs you are an atheist nerd which has over 79,000 page views. Your humorless attitude is not only tiring, but it goes against what people often like about the internet (It has humorous content).
RobS, a while ago you started putting templates over my content and reverting my content. And the icing on the cake was you began calling me a Nazi and Nazi sympathizer. And sadly, you have called another good faith editor a promoter of Nazism.
Stop this tiresome and rude behavior. Then you can follow this war more closely. A war that Professor John Joseph Mearsheimer says will probably drag on for a long time (He predicted war long before it occurred). And if this war drags on a long time, this will make Russia's already bad situation concerning its population loss problem even worse. Conservative (talk) 12:11, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
I never called you a Nazi, I said you were dangerously close to expressing nazis views. So what did you do? You doubled and tripled down on expressing nazi views. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:20, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
And if you wish to challenge me on this, there is no way out for you - cause you know I am not a "lame debater", and I will show Andy chapter and verse where, as I showed you, where your posted views in Conservapedia align with Nazism. Below you said you were capable of changing your mind. If so, you need to hurry up and repent now. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:24, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
A person does not need to be an avowed nazi to express Nazi views. It can be done unwittingly. Most normal people will reverse themselves when it's pointed out. And as i told you before, i've had family members who thought Hitler was great in 1930s, so I've dealt with close up. What I know about Nazism I didn't learn from leftists. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:31, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, I will offer a few of your quotes to demonstate that you have falsely called me a Nazi/neo-Nazi:

"We're done talking. I'm sick of your neo-nazi views." - RobS 14:04, June 23, 2023 (EDT)"

"If you call Putin a communist, don't be surprised if you get called a Nazi. That is what you don't understand about European politics." - RobS 19:05, June 23, 2023 (EDT)"

And you continually fail to show that I hold neo-nazi views. The thought that a patriotic, conservative, Christian American that is pro-Israel and is a creationist would love anti-Semitic, German socialist nationalism which loved evolutionary racism is a very foolish claim. A very foolish claim that you have failed to support.

By the way, I never accused Putin of being a communist. I merely have said that he is a corrupt and authoritarian kleptocrat (See: Essay: Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian). Conservative (talk)

Yep, start with the last one - cause the more you talk, the more you convince me. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:37, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
If I cared what you thought, I wouldn't have blocked your email or removed you from my cell phone contacts. Conservative (talk)
How many times have you said it right here on this talk page, that Russia's high alcohol and low fertility rates justify paying Nazis to kill Russians? RobSGive Peace a chance 12:40, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
I can understand someone making a stupid comment like that 16 months ago, but by now you should have learned something. Instead you repeat the same mantra daily a half dozen times, and spam it everywhere possible. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:45, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Quick note to RobS: If you want me to stop critiquing your most cherished false views and showing them to be hopelessly false, then stop putting templates over my texts and stop reverting me. And stop falsely calling me a Nazi. I am less interested in politics and all I ask is that you stop putting templates over my content and stop reverting me when I am engaging in civil discussion. Until this stops, my valid critiques of Russia, Putin and China will continue.

I have wanted a cease fire for days, but you keep engaging in this bullying behavior. RobS, I can be very persistent. I suggest you stop your bullying behavior because it will never work on me. I am never intimidated by bullying behavior. And I am very capable of assertively confronting it and mocking it. Conservative (talk) 12:52, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

So what's this deal? You're going to keep spewing Nazi rhetoric and abusing the Deletion key so long as I tolerate you disrupting and trolling other people's civil discussions? What a deal! What a man of principle! RobSGive Peace a chance 13:02, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Let's move on to another subject; you keep talking about the growth of European Populism. Sooner or later the populist, socialists, anti-globalists, and genuine antifascists of Europe will unite to drive the Macrons, Scholzs, Sunaks, Meronis, Zelesnkys, and every other totalitarian fascist neo-nazi and nazisyymp from power - just as in WWII. I already know which side you are on, you have made it clear. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:54, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Populism has its problems. Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it is true. Just because I see right-wing populism growing, doesn't mean I necessarily agree with all its supporters. For example, Steve Turley (who I am a fan of) is a right-wing populist, is a bit too Russia in terms of Russia cheerleading (But to be fair, because he is Greek Orthodox Christian, he sees the war in Ukraine to be a tragedy within Orthodox Christianity as the Russians and Ukrainians are both within the Eastern Orthodox religion). I try to see Russia's strengths and weaknesses. Sadly, for Russia, its current weaknesses are bigger than its strengths and I see it fading in relevance as time goes on due its continual loss of population. And Turley could talk more about the huge national debt of the USA. Conservative (talk) 13:02, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Oh Good Good Good! Your nazi buddies will stay in power and keep killing those infertile drunk Russians (on the American dime). Hopefully the LGBT movement can make further inroads too, huh? RobSGive Peace a chance 13:09, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, again, I am for the USA cutting military funding for the war in Ukraine.

And if you want me to stop pointing out the various weaknesses of Russia, China, and Putin with less intensity, then simply stop using your censoring templates and stop reverting my civil discussions.

If you were more of a realist, you wouldn't get so upset when I point out how fast Russia/China are declining and that their foreseeable future looks bleak. Conservative (talk) 13:15, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Your abuse of the Deletion log is bad faith editing, creates mistrust, and inhibits efforts to expand our user base. You engage in the most ridiculous arguments knowing you can always cover your tracks. That is acting in bad faith. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:14, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

IMO, User:Cons doesn't need to be desyoped, just have the Deletion key taken away

He routinely posts the most outrageous things, then deletes his and other people's postings to hide his embarrassment. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:25, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

RobS, you are angry that I am not as close-minded as you and that I do not hold to your pet theories which are contrary to the existing evidence and lack evidential support.
RobS, when contrary evidence presents itself, I change my opinions. And sometimes when I ponder certain matters more fully, I change my mind. So sometimes I delete my posts soon after posting them. I agreed to stop doing this if RobS agreed to stop falsely calling people Nazis, putting templates over people's text who were engaging in civil discussion and reverting people who were engaging in civil discussion, but RobS refuses to take me up on my offer. Conservative (talk) 11:47, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
I'm not angry at all. I don't go on Block and Deletion binges when somebody hurts my feelings (my feelings are pretty hard to hurt). RobSGive Peace a chance 11:50, July 2, 2023 (EDT)
Andy, just take the Deletion key away and then he can't post the most outrageous garbage knowing he can get away with it. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:08, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Now what are you doing with the Deletion log?

Deleting pages you created today with no content? RobSGive Peace a chance 14:58, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Why would you need to Oversight a page you created today with no content? RobSGive Peace a chance 15:01, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Do you just like pressing buttons? Are you trying make it look like you are doing you job as an Admin? Do you just like wasting other people's time checking up on your abuse of the Deletion key? That, is bad faith editing. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:03, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

Now you're playing with the Revert button, reverting your own Reversions of other people's material. Are you just bored, like playing with buttons, and messing with people's heads?

That too, is bad faith editing. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:12, July 2, 2023 (EDT)

No what are his hiding? RobSGive Peace a chance 00:31, July 3, 2023 (EDT)

If User:Cons has an objection to user comments, use the scroll Template not Deletion, unless it is obscene or doxxing. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:32, July 3, 2023 (EDT)

Why do we need Oversight in the Protection log? RobSGive Peace a chance 00:36, July 3, 2023 (EDT)

There is no reason to hide the identity of a sysop, or the page title, in the Move Log, either, RobSGive Peace a chance 02:10, July 3, 2023 (EDT)