Maidan coup
- See Main article: Background of the Russia-Ukraine war
Maidan coup | ||
Overview | ||
Date | March 1, 2013 - | |
Location | Ukraine | |
Combatants | ||
Open Societies Foundation[1] International Renaissance Foundation[2] National Endowment for Democracy [3] National Democratic Institute Center for Civil Liberties [4] Maidan People's Union Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists People's Front party Svoboda[5][6] Pravy Sektor[7] Azov Battalion U.S. State Department[8] |
Democratic Government of Ukraine Party of Regions Pro-Federalists DPR Armed Forces LPR People's Militia | |
Commanders | ||
Victoria Nuland George Soros Dmitri Yarosh Oleh Tyahnybok Petro Poroshenko Oleksandr Turchynov Sergey Sternenko[9] Alexandra Chalupa |
Viktor Yanukovych Mykola Azarov Pavel Gubarev | |
Strength | ||
Casualties | ||
4,629 killed 9,700–10,700 wounded[10] |
46-126 Odessa Trade Unions House massacre[11] 5,772 killed[12] 12,700–13,700 wounded |
The Maidan coup (pron: My-dan coo) or Ukrainian crisis of 2014 was a violent U.S-backed anti-democratic color revolution which brought the neo-fascist Maidan regime to power in Ukraine. It began when the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown on February 22, 2014, following months of agitation by the Obama State Department and John Brennan's CIA. It was an extension or continuation into Europe of the Obama administration's failed "Arab Spring" regime change policy and widely seen as Western imperialism.
With the overthrow of the democratically elected government at least 6 million Ukrainian refugees fled to Russia for asylum. In April 2014 the majority Russian populations in Crimea and Donbas voted for re-incorporation into the Russian Federation in popular plebiscites; Crimea's request for re-admission was accepted by the Russian State Duma,[13] while the Donbas territories were rejected. The Donetsk and the Lugansk People's Republics then declared independence as the fascist Maidan regime implemented a full-scale policy of ethnic cleansing and began artillery shelling of civilian residential neighborhoods to drive ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers out of the former Ukrainian territories. The newly declared independent republics organized their own defense militias.
In February 2015 peace talks were held in Minsk, Belarus.[14] As of February 2022 big cities like Donetsk, Lugansk,[15] Horlivka, Makiivka or Debaltseve[16] fell under control of the independent republics.
In Leftist totalitarian circles the Maidan coup often goes by the sweetened term "revolution of dignity".
- 1 UNGA Res. 2625
- 2 The most blatant coup in history
- 3 Yanukovych compromise agreement and flight
- 4 Crimean Spring
- 5 Maidan regime lawlessness
- 6 Donbas war
- 7 Odessa Trade Unions House massacre
- 8 Biden-Burisma scandal
- 9 Trump-Russia collusion hoax
- 10 Trump impeachment 1.0
- 11 NATO war in Ukraine
- 12 See also
- 13 References
- 14 External links
UNGA Res. 2625
- See also: Charter of the United Nations
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625, Declaration on Principles of International Law, concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States, adopted on October 24, 1970, states:
"No State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State."[17] |
US election interference
Hunter Biden (left) and Biden disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz[18] (right) both worked with the National Democratic Institute to promote Ukrainian Nazism. |
The US State Department sent money through a variety of outlets. One of these was the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening aka CEPPS. This is:
a USAID program with other National Endowment for Democracy-affiliated groups: the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. In 2010, the reported disbursement for CEPPS in Ukraine was nearly $5 million.[19] |
The program’s efforts are described on the USAID website as providing “training for political party activists and locally elected officials to improve communication with civic groups and citizens, and the development of NGO-led advocacy campaigns on electoral and political process issues.”
The most blatant coup in history
In 2010 Viktor Yanukovych and his pro-Russian "Party of Regions" won the free, fair, open and democratic presidential election certified by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
On June 23, 2011, two emissaries of the Obama administration — the head of Google, Eric Schmidt, and his aide, and former subordinate to Hillary Clinton in the U.S. State Department, Jared Cohen — visited Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, pretending to be on his side, while deceiving him to reveal to them ways to reach out online to members of Ukraine's pro-nazi organizations in order to generate mobs for the demonstrations which were to be organized on Kiev's Maidan Square to overthrow Ukraine's president.[20][21]
In the same month the Obama administration quietly put out for bid to American contractors their planned project to renovate a school in Sevastopol, in Crimea, in Ukraine, in the location where Russia since 1783 had (and still has) its largest naval base:

- Federal Contract Opportunity for Renovation of Sevastopol School #5, Ukraine N33191-13-R-1240. The NAICS Category is 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. Posted Aug 20, 2013. Posted by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (DOD - Navy). The work will be performed at Sevastopol 99000.[22]
This was before the Maidan coup, and there were 28 years still remaining on Russia's lease there. That part of their plan — to terminate that contract and replace Russia's largest naval base, by yet another U.S. naval base — got foiled by Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, protecting Crimeans when they (as soon as the coup occurred) demanded to have a referendum on becoming restored again to being a part of Russia, as they had been between 1783 and 1954 (when the Soviet dictator arbitrarily transferred Crimea, from the Russian part, to the Ukrainian part, of the Soviet Government).[23]
Various Soros' international progressive and liberal front organizations (NGOs) organized and funded the Ukrainian coup.[24]
Obama foreign policy shifted at this point forward from the "Russian Reset" of 2008 and the greater "flexibility" Obama promised Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in 2012, to rabid Russophobia, one factor being Vladimir Putin's lack of support for the homosexual agenda. Ukrainian prime minister Mykola Azarov warned that integration with the European Union would mean legalization of same-sex marriages. The anti-Russian grip of Soros on American foreign policy reached a fever pitch in in coming years in efforts to destroy President Donald Trump who sought to mend relations with Russia after the Maidan coup crisis. With the Brexit movement, there was little widespread popular support for the European Union. Yet the United States and NATO peddled the myth of popular support among Ukrainians to join the EU.
Tech camp, terrorist training, and Hromdske TV
On March 1, 2013, the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv held its first “Tech Camp”[25] in a series of Tech Camps to teach Ukraine's leading pro-nazis how to reach out to their followers so as to get as many people as possible trained and prepared to follow their instructions on what to do when the Euromaidan 'anti-corruption' demonstrations would be held.
Simultaneously, under Polish Government authorization, the CIA was training in Poland the military Right Sector leaders how to lead the coming U.S. coup in neighboring Ukraine. As the independent Polish investigative journalist Marek Miszczuk headlined for the Polish magazine NIE (“meaning “NO”) (the original article being in Polish): “Maidan secret state secret: Polish training camp for Ukrainians”.[26]
86 fighters from the then prepared Euromaidan protests flew over the Vistula River into Poland in September 2013 at the invitation of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The pretext was to start cooperation between the Warsaw University of Technology and the National University of Technology in Kyiv. But they were in Poland to receive special training to overthrow Ukraine's government. The schedule included such specialized training in:
- Day 3 and 4 – theoretical classes: crowd management, target selection, tactics and leadership.
- Day 5 – training in behavior in stressful situations.
- Day 6 – free without leaving the center.
- Day 7 – pre-medical help.
- Day 8 – protection against irritating gases.
- Day 9 – building barricades.

And so on for almost 25 days. The program included:
- classes at the shooting range (including three times with sniper rifles), tactical and practical training in the assault on buildings.[27]
On August 3, 2013 Obama regime ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt arrived in Kyiv. Almost immediately Pyatt authorized a grant for Hromadske TV, which would prove essential to building the Euromaidan street demonstrations against Ukraine's democratically elected president, Victor Yanukovych. The grant was only $43,737, with an additional $4,796 by November 13, 2013, enough to buy the modest equipment the project needed.
Many of Hromadske's journalists had worked in the past with American benefactors. Editor-in-chief Roman Skrypin was a frequent contributor to Washington's Radio Free Europe / Radio Libertyand the US-funded Ukrayinska Pravda. In 2004, he had helped create Channel 5 television, which played a major role in the Orange Revolution that the US and its European allies masterminded in 2004. Skrypin had already gotten $10,560 from George Soros's International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), which came as a recommendation from Pyatt. Sometime between December 2013 and the following April, IRF would give Hromadske another $19,183.
Hromadske's biggest funding in that period came from the Embassy of the Netherlands, which gave $95,168. As a departing US envoy to the Hague said in a secret cable that Wikileaks later made public, "Dutch pragmatism and our similar world-views make the Netherlands fertile ground for initiatives others in Europe might be reluctant, at least initially, to embrace."[28]
On November 20, 2013, Ukraine member of parliament Oleg Tsarev accused the US Embassy in Kyiv of preparing a coup in Ukraine on the floor of the Ukrainian parliament. The nationalist faction in the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian parliament, attempted to shout Tsarov down.[29] Tsarov said:
"In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people, activists from the Volya Public Organization turned to me, providing clear evidence that within our country, with support and direct participation of the US Embassy in Kiev, a “TechCamp” project is under way in which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine.
The “TechCamp” project prepares specialists for information warfare and for the discrediting of state institutions [the Government] using modern media — potential revolutionaries for organizing protests and the toppling of the Government. This project is overseen by and currently under the responsibility of the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt. After the conversation with the Volya Organization, I learned that they actually succeeded to access facilities in the “TechCamp” project [they had hacked into it] disguised as a team of IT specialists. To their surprise, were found briefings that were held on peculiarities of modern media. American instructors explained there how social networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion as well as to activate potential protest to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine — radicalization of the population, and triggering of infighting. American instructors show examples of successful use of social networks to organize protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. “Tech Camp” representatives currently hold conferences throughout Ukraine. A total of five events have been held so far. About 300 people have been trained as operatives, who are now active throughout Ukraine. The last conference took place on November 13 and 13, 2013 in the heart of Kiev, inside the US Embassy! You tell me which country in the world would allow an NGO to operate out of the US Embassy? This is disrespectful to the Ukrainian Government, and against the Ukrainian people! I thus appeal to the constitutional authorities of Ukraine with the following question: Is it conceivable that representatives of the US Embassy who organize the “TechCamp” conferences misuse their diplomatic immunity? [Someone tries to interrupt him.] A UN Resolution of 21 December 1965 regulates inadmissibility of interference in the internal “affairs of any State, and protects its independence and sovereignty." I urge that there be an official investigation into this matter."[30] |
On November 21, 2013, the Yanukovych administration rejected the European Union association agreement in favor of maintaining relations with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The covert path to securing a NATO naval base in Sevastopol on the Black Sea was effectively cut off. Soros-sponsored[31] Within hours Hromadske TV went online and its journalists set the spark that brought Yanukovych down. Euromaiden riots erupted. Soros then funded a Ukrainian Crisis Media Center "to inform the international community about events in Ukraine."[32]
On November 23, 2013, the poet Diana Kamlyuk performed on the Euromaidan stage. Kamlyuk is notorious for being convicted in 2008 for participating in the 2006 murder of a person of Nigerian origin; this murder was an act of racial intolerance. She read poems from the collection The Voice of Blood, which includes racist and anti-Semitic content. The amateur poet concluded her presentation with the exclamation: "May you push towards the goal and not be tricked by the yids’ pleas! The Ukrainian blood of the white man flows through our veins!"[33]
U.S.-backed Maidan riots
On November 26–27, 2013 activists from several fascist groups, including the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization Trizub (Trident) movement, the Social National Assembly/Patriot of Ukraine (SNA/PU), the Ukrainian National Assembly (UNA) party, the Bilyi Molot (White Hammer) group, as well as soccer hooligans, organized the informal Pravy Sektor association at Euromaidan. Under this name, radical nationalist activists were further mobilized to participate in the Euromaidan rebellion, including participating in violent confrontations with law enforcement officers.
November 30, 2013, protesters were ordered to leave Maidan Square.[35] In response, radicals began to throw glass, stones, pipes, bottles and burning logs at police officers and Berkut special forces. This provoked the security forces to violently disperse the protesters.
The Pravy Sector came to prominence on December 1, 2013, when the radicals staged battles with the police guarding the Presidential Administration. They seized several buildings and settled on the 5th floor in the Kiev House of Trade Unions. At that time, the group was formally a hundred of the Maidan Self-Defense.[36] Militants organized rallies outside Maidan Square. They monitored the protesters and carried out their self-protection. But the PS didn't stop there. They attacked law enforcement officers, tried to seize the parliament and government buildings, beat the security forces with truncheons, threw cobblestones, smoke bombs, Molotov cocktails at them, set fire to buses and trucks. In the battles on the streets, extremists used catapults built like the medieval type. The terrorist frenzy caused shock and dismay even among peaceful advocates of change.[37]
On December 7, 2013, leaflets signed by the All-Union Ukrainian Svoboda (Freedom) party appeared in the Kyiv subway calling for reprisals against Jews and their expulsion from "our country’s streets".
In December 2013, in a speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland said: “The United States has supported Ukraine’s European aspirations. … We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” On December 14 Sen. John McCain met with fascist leader Oleh Tyahnybok and Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev.[38]
On January 1, 2014, a torchlight mob celebrated the 105th birthday of Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera in the streets of Kyiv[39][40] Protesters carried the fascist black and red "blood and soil" flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.
On January 20, 2014, vandals defaced the Pietà memorial in Pushkarevsky Park in Poltava (the site of the shooting of 15,000 Jews during World War II). Anti-Semites drew neo-Nazi symbols and graffiti on the monument: they wrote "Death to kikes" and crossed out the inscription "Remembering you in our hearts".
Nuland-Pyatt phone call
On January 28, 2014, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt discussed details of planned overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine.The two discussed which opposition officials would make up the new regime, agreeing that Arseniy Yatsenyuk should be in charge. Nuland referred to as “Yats”. It was also agreed that someone “high profile” be brought in to "make this thing stick". That someone was Joe Biden. Nuland made disparaging remarks about the EU, and thought the UN would give better cover to make the new US-installed regime appear legitimate. On February 6, an audio recording of the January 28 call between Nuland and Pyatt was leaked.
At the time the call leaked, media were quick to pounce on Nuland's saying “F**k the EU” when Pyatt asked if the EU should be advised. Member states of the EU, particularly France and Germany, were deeply involved in negotiating a peaceful resolution to the civil strife. But the United States acted alone without consultation of its allies, presenting them with a fait accompli. The comment dominated the headlines (Daily Beast, 2/6/14; BuzzFeed, 2/6/14; Atlantic, 2/6/14; Guardian, 2/6/14), while the evidence of US regime change efforts was downplayed. With the headline “Russia Claims US Is Meddling Over Ukraine,” the New York Times (2/6/14) put the facts of US involvement in the mouth of an official enemy, blunting their impact on the audience. The Times (2/6/14) later described the two officials as benignly “talking about the political crisis in Kiev” and sharing “their views of how it might be resolved.”
The Washington Post (2/6/14) acknowledged that the call showed “a deep degree of US involvement in affairs that Washington officially says are Ukraine’s to resolve,” but that fact rarely factored into future coverage of the US/Ukraine/Russia relationship.[42]
On February 6, 2014, Nuland met with neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok and other ringleaders who assumed power after the coup.[43] Tyahnybok leads the Svoboda party. In 2004 Tyahnybok was kicked out of the ruling parliamentary faction after giving a speech calling for a fight against the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia." In 2005 Tyahnybok signed an open letter to Ukrainian leaders calling for the government to halt the "criminal activities" of "organized Jewry", which was spreading its influence through organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League which ultimately wanted to commit "genocide" against the Ukrainian people.[44] DCLeaks published Soros emails arranging a meeting between George Soros and Tyahnbok. Soros, an 84-year-old self-admitted collaborator with the Nazi deportations of Jews from Budapest to Auschwitz organized by Adolf Eichmann,[45] parlayed his looted property of Holocaust victims' into a $25 billion personal fortune after World War II.
Heavenly Hundred massacre
- See also: Heavenly Hundred
Key neoconservatives, such as Victoria Nuland and Sen. John McCain, began pushing for the violent coup that in February 2014 ousted Ukraine's democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych and touched off the new Cold War with Russia. Senior U.S. government officials reportedly told the leaders of the Svoboda party that the deaths of a few protestors would not be enough to change Western support, but the Yanukovych government would only change if the number of victims was greater than one hundred.[47] As in Syria and other "Arab Spring" uprisings, agent provocateurs began shooting and killing people on both sides to provoke a civil insurrection. Almost 100 Soros-backed activists and 17 police officers were killed.[48] George Friedman, chairman of Stratfor, called it "the most blatant coup in history."[49][50]
On February 16, 2014, members of parliament passed a bill toughening penalties for participation in mass riots. After that, the Headquarters of the National Resistance (the coordination center of Euromaidan) announced a "peaceful offensive" on the parliament building. On February 17, the Pravy Sektor put its metropolitan and regional units on alert.
The participants of the picket led by people's deputies Oleg Lyashko, Andriy Parubiy, Oleh Tyahnybok, Andriy Illienko planned to demand an urgent decision on the settlement of the conflict in the country. On the morning of February 18, several thousand activists headed from the Maidan to the parliament building, the Verkhovna Rada. But 100 meters from the parliament building, the path was blocked by trucks placed there by the police. In an effort to break through to the Verkhovna Rada, extremists of the Pravy Sector and Maidan Self-Defense began to throw stones and Molotov cocktails at the security forces. Cars caught fire. Police used tear gas and stun grenades to suppress the rioters. The peaceful action for stabilization in the country turned into massive bloody clashes.
On February 20, 2014, snipers firing from a building controlled by the Pravy Sektor shot and killed 25 people, both police and protesters. More than 350 citizens were injured, more than 250 were hospitalized. Riots in the center of Kiev continued in the following days. In connection with the tragic events, February 20 was declared a day of mourning. However, on this day, the clashes intensified. Dozens of people were killed by Pravy Sektor snipers atop the Music Conservatory and Hotel Ukraina buildings.[51] According to official data of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, from February 18 to February 21, 2014, 77 people were killed. The organized mass killing of both protesters and the police had the goal of delegitimizing the Yanukovych government. Western media blamed Yanukovych and the Berkut police. The mass murder in fact was carried out by the Pravy Sektor, the group Nuland and John McCain were promoting to take over the new regime.
A female Maidan medic during the massacre was pointing to the top of a building and shouting about snipers. But her words were translated in a BBC report as referring to six protesters killed by the snipers in that area. A Maidan protester and another Maidan medic, who were wounded near the same spot where two protesters were killed, both testified at the Maidan massacre trial that they were shot from this building. Government ballistic experts confirmed this during on-site investigative experiments.
These revelations were not reported by any Western media. This includes The New York Time, which on April 5, 2014, profiled this wounded protester against the backdrop of an unquestioned report by the acting Kiev regime that blaming “former President Viktor F. Yanukovych, his riot police and their suspected Russian assistants for the violence that killed more than 100 people in Kiev in February.” It also includes CNN, which filmed the shooting of this medic and attributed it to the government forces.
The Maidan regime investigation simply denies that there were any snipers there and in other Maidan-controlled buildings, and refuses to investigate them. This is done despite videos of such snipers and testimonies of the absolute majority of wounded protesters at the trial and investigation and more than 150 other witnesses about snipers in these locations.
The official investigation in Ukraine simply denies that there were any such snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings, even though the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine previously stated that snipers massacred many protesters from the Hotel Ukraina and other buildings. [52]
Testimonies by five Georgian ex-military members in Italian, Israeli, Macedonian and Russian media and their published depositions to defense lawyers of police from the former regime in the Maidan massacre trial have also been ignored. They stated that their groups received weapons, payments, and orders to massacre both police and protesters from specific Maidan and Georgian politicians. They also said that they received instructions from an ex-U.S. Army sniper and then saw Georgian, Baltic States, and Praqvy Sektor-linked snipers shooting from specific Maidan-controlled buildings.
Western media silence also ignored a statement by Anatolii Hrytsenko, who was a Maidan politician and minister of defense, that the investigation of the massacre was stonewalled because of the involvement of someone from the current leadership of Ukraine in the mass killing.[53]
Investigation and whitewash
The official investigation by the coup regime was fabricated and stonewalled.[54] The forensic investigations which were made public at the Maidan massacre trial revealed that on February 20, 2014, the absolute majority of the protesters were shot from side and back directions and from top to bottom directions, while videos and photos of the massacre showed them facing the Berkut special police force on the same ground level. In January 2015, a forensic ballistic examination conducted upon the request of prosecution concluded that bullets extracted from killed protesters did not match the bullet samples from any Kalashnikov assault rifle which members of the Berkut special police force were then armed. The findings of this computer-based ballistic examination and results of the other 40 ballistic examinations were reversed in a couple of ballistic examinations conducted manually in the very end of the investigation. Such unexplained reversals which contradicted other evidence, such as testimonies of wounded protesters and results of forensic medical examinations, suggested that the findings of the new examinations of bullets were unreliable and likely falsified. The forensic ballistic examinations also found that many protesters were killed on February 18–20 by hunting pellets and expanding hunting bullets, in particular, with caliber that did not match calibers of weapons used by the special police company, whose members were charged with killings these protesters.[55]
Yanukovych compromise agreement and flight
On February 21, 2014, President Vikto Yanukovych signed an agreement with the leaders of the parliamentary opposition that he would not seek re-election the following February since his removal was the protesters primary demand. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, a head of department of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Russian observer Vladimir Lukin were witnesses. It was hoped the agreement with opposition leaders would bring ton an end the crisis situation in Ukraine.[56]
In the evening of the same day, on Maidan Square, the Pravy Sektor rejected the agreement. Threatening an armed offensive, the extremists demanded that Viktor Yanukovych leave the presidency before 10 a.m. on the morning of the 22nd. The leader of the neo-fascist Pravy Sektor, Dmitri Yarosh claimed that his militants would continue the violent uprising until Yanukovych resigned.
Soon the security forces were withdrawn from the government quarter. This was taken advantage of by revolutionary militants, deciding not to wait for the expiration of their announced deadline. Neo-nazi activists and participants of the Maidan Self-Defense stormed the Presidential Administration, Parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the evening of February 21, 2022 Yanukovych, together with the heads of the Verkhovna Rada and the presidential administration – Volodymyr Rybak and Andriy Kliuyev – fearing for their personal safety fled Kiev to Crimea. Yanukovych called the overthrow a coup.
On February 27, 2014, Nuland's choice, Yatsenyuk, became prime minister. In the deal, the fascist and neo-Nazi forces, which could not poll 2% in a nationwide election, were awarded six major cabinet ministries, including the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior due to their longstanding ties with Western intelligence services.
On February 28, 2014 BBC Newsnight reported on the Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine.[57] Throughout Ukraine, massacres unfolded between supporters and opponents of the U.S.-appointed Maidan junta. Oligarchic and Ukrainian nationalist elements were involved in these massacres.
Unconstitutional impeachment
According to the procedure of impeachment defined in Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Rada must establish a special investigatory commission to formulate charges against the president, seek evidence to justify the charges and come to conclusions about the president's guilt for the Rada to consider. To find the president guilty, at least two-thirds of Rada members must assent.
Prior to a final vote to remove the president from power, the procedure requires
- the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to review the case and certify that the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration has been followed, and
- the Supreme Court of Ukraine to certify that the acts of which the President is accused are worthy of impeachment.
To remove the president from power, at least three-quarters of Rada members must assent.
The Rada didn't make any pretense of following this procedure. No investigatory commission was established, and the Courts were not involved.[58] On 22 February 2014, the Rada simply passed a resolution purporting to remove Yanukovych from office in accordance with the Constitution.
The constitutionality of Yanukovych's removal from office has been questioned by constitutional experts.[59] According to Daisy Sindelar from Radio Free Europe, the impeachment may have not followed the procedure provided by the constitution: "[I]t is not clear that the hasty February 22 vote upholds constitutional guidelines, which call for a review of the case by Ukraine's Constitutional Court and a three-fourths majority vote by the Verkhovna Rada -- i.e., 338 lawmakers." The vote, as analyzed by Sindelar, had ten votes less than those required by the constitutional guidelines. The decision to remove Yanukovich was supported by 328 deputies. Article 11 maintains that a vote on impeachment must pass by two-thirds of the members, and the impeachment itself requires a vote by three-quarters of the members. In this case, the 328 out of 447 votes were about 10 votes short of three-quarters.[60][61]
Two days later Ukraine's parliament dismissed five judges of the Constitutional Court for allegedly violating their oaths, who were then investigated for alleged malpractice.[62]
The Yarosh brothers, Chalupa sisters, and the DNC
- See also: Russiagate
In January 2014 when Sviatoslav Yarosh showed up at the Maidan protests he was 17 years old. He became the foreign language media representative for Vitali Klitschko, Arseni Yatsenyuk, and Oleh Tyahnybok. All press enquiries went through Sviatoslav Yarosh. To meet Dimitri Yurash you had to go through Sviatoslav Yarosh, as a reporter for Macleans found out.
At 18 years old, Sviatoslav Yarosh became the spokesman for Ministry of Defense of Ukraine under Andrei Paruby. He was Dimitri Yarosh's spokesman and can be seen either behind Yarosh on videos at press conferences or speaking ahead of him to reporters. From January 2014 onward, to speak to Dimitri Yarosh, you set up an appointment with Sviatoslav Yarosh.
Alexandra Chalupa is a Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The DNC paid Chalupa $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records. In 2014, the U.S. United With Ukraine Coalition was founded by Alexandra Chalupa. According to the Ukrainian Weekly,[63]
… “The effort, known as Digital Maidan, gained momentum following the initial Twitter storms. Leading the effort were: Lara Chelak, Andrea Chalupa, Alexandra Chalupa, Constatin Kostenko and others.” The Digital Maidan was also how they raised money for the coup. This was how the Ukrainian emigres bought the bullets that were used on Euromaidan. Ukraine’s chubby nazi, Dima Yarosh stated openly he was taking money from the Ukrainian emigres during Euromaidan and Pravy Sektor still fundraises openly in North America. The “Sniper Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine by Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, University of Ottawa shows clearly detailed evidence how the massacre happened. It has Pravy Sektor confessions that show who created the “heavenly hundred. Their admitted involvement as leaders of Digital Maidan by both Chalupas is a clear violation of the Neutrality Act and has up to a 25 year prison sentence attached to it because it ended in a coup. |
In a Huff Post article September 1, 2016, Alexandra's sister Andrea Chalupa described Sviatoslav Yarosh as one of Ukraine's important 'dreamers'. He is a young activist that founded Euromaidan Press. Beyond the gushing glow what she doesn't say is who he actually is. Sviatoslav Yarosh was Dmitri Yarosh’s spokesman just after Maidan. He is a hardcore Ukrainian nationalist and was rewarded with the deputy director position for the UWC (Ukrainian World Congress) in Kiev.
Andrea Chalupa has worked with Yarosh's Euromaidan Press, which is associated with and supplies the state level hackers for Ukraine.[64]
Crimean Spring
- See also: Crimean Annexation
Poll conducted in Crimea by USAID and a NED front group just prior to the US-backed Maidan coup.[65] |
The NATO organization was founded on the solitary premise of collective security to contain Soviet expansion in Europe. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, many questioned the need for it's continued existence against an enemy that no longer existed. Several former Soviet satellite states (East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, the Czech and Slovak Republics) as well as newly independent former Soviet Republics (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine) wanted EU membership, which of coarse would ultimately mean NATO membership, as well (military alliances exist to protect economic alliances). Russia under Boris Yeltsin wanted EU and NATO membership. The NATO powers that be made clear they had no interest in going out of business, and Russia argued how unfair it was that they should dissolve their defense alliance (the Warsaw Pact) and be thrust into another arms race against a growing NATO, which was swallowing up many of Russia's former military allies.
But the case of Ukraine was unique. Ukrainian nationalists wanted out of the Russian orbit. But some the territories of Ukraine are inhabited by a significant majority of ethnic Russians, too, who wanted to maintain close ties to Russia. The official US State Department's position under President George Herbert Walker Bush at the time was that the Ukraine should remain a sovereign republic within the Russian Federation. Bush argued as much in his famous "Chicken Kiev speech" written by Condoleezza Rice to the Ukrainian parliament. But the Clintons took over in early 1993, and caved in to Ukrainian nationalists. In exchange for US recognition of a Ukraine independent of the Russian Federation, Ukraine would give up the nuclear stockpile stored on Ukrainian territory which was under command from Moscow, and the US would guarantee Ukraine's security, should the Russians ever invade. The agreement reeked a lot like the assurances Great Britain and France gave Poland at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 that bound them to war with Hitler in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland.
Like the Treaty of Versailles, the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances negotiated by Bill Clinton lasted exactly 20 years. Unlike Great Britain and France who went to war with Nazi Germany when the agreement was violated, Barack Obama broke the pledge that Clinton had committed the United States to. US/Russian relations have deteriorated ever since. And converting NATO from a purely defensive alliance based on the idea of collective security to a military machine waging aggressive wars - as it had done in Libya - fulfilled many people's worst nightmare. No longer can negotiation and diplomacy be used to keep the peace, as the Obama administration had thrown American promises on the dunghill. Gaddafi ceased terrorism, gave up his WMD, and became an ally, all predicated on accepting American promises, only to be brutally murdered at the hands of Hillary Rodham Clinton and NATO. Ukraine had given up its Soviet-era nuclear stockpile based on assurances given by Bill Clinton, ignored by Barack Obama. Military force now is the only option remaining to remove nuclear weapons from the hands of Kim Jong-un.
Since the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 it should be clear to anyone,[66] Russia will never allow an aggressive and hostile military force, such as NATO transformed itself into in the Obama era, to ally itself or encamp within the Ukraine.
On February 27, 2014, Russian soldiers landed in Crimea.[67] Because some of the people currently living in Crimea are ethnic Russians, there was a dispute whether Crimea belongs to Ukraine or to Russia.[68] On March 11, 2014, Crimea declared its independence from Ukraine.[69] The Crimean Peninsula—82% of whose households speak Russian, and only 2% mainly Ukrainian—held a plebiscite on March 16, 2014, on whether or not they should join Russia, or remain under the new Ukrainian government. The Pro-Russia camp won with 95% of the vote. The UN General Assembly, led by the US, voted to ignore the referendum results on the grounds that it was contrary to Ukraine's constitution. This same constitution had been set aside to oust President Yanukovych a month earlier.[70]
In response to the annexation, Sen. John McCain introduced the Magnitsky Act granting the president power to impose sanctions against persons anywhere in the world at his discretion. On March 6, 2015, the German government expressed concern over Washington warhawks aggressive stance toward resolving crisis in Ukraine, and accused Obama's NATO commander of using false data to inflate and exaggerate size of "Russian threat".[71]
Maidan regime lawlessness
On March 2, 2014, church parishioners found pamphlets on windows and doors of thirteen Orthodox churches in Kovel in the Volyn district. They were titled: "Get out, moskal!"[72] They contained crude insults directed at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) priests in addition to their photographs.
On March 5, 2014. Oleksandr Muzychko (Sashko Billy), the coordinator of the Pravy Sektor in Western Ukraine, recorded and broadcast on the Internet a video address in which he called on people to "cleanse Ukraine and Crimea» of its Russian-speaking inhabitants."
On the night of March 7–8, 2014, an act of vandalism was committed against the Church of St. John the Theologian belonging to the Zhitomir Eparchy in the village of Solnechniy in Zhitomir district. The following was painted on the walls of the church: "Moscow Sell-outs" and "Moskal Butt Lickers."
On March 8, 2024, B. Filatov, deputy governor of Dnepropetrovsk province appointed by the "new authorities" in putsch regime in Kyiv, wrote on his Facebook page how people who engage in actions that displease the "new Kyiv government" should be treated: "The scum must be given promises and guarantees, and any concessions must be made. Then we’ll hang them later."
In the early hours of March 11, 2014, extremists burned a Hungarian monument that was erected in the Verecke Pass in honor of the 1,100-year anniversary of the Hungarians’ crossing of the Carpathian Mountains. This incident triggered a series of anti-Hungarian actions against a backdrop of events directly or indirectly affecting the interests of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia. Representatives of the Svoboda party demanded that the country's prosecutor general ban the Democratic Party of Ukrainian Hungarians headed by the only deputy, the Transcarpathian Hungarian I. Gaidosh. The Svoboda party claimed responsibility for a similar action in 2011 defiling a Hungarian memorial in the Verecke Pass. Days after the 2014 vandalism, a group of Ukrainian nationalist radicals attacked Hungarian schoolchildren who were visiting Transcarpathia from Miskolc, Hungary. The same day armed extremists stormed a meeting of the Hungarian community council in the city of Beregovo in Transcarpathian province and beat its participants.
On March 16, 2014, in Dnepro a group of about around 30 Ukrainian radical nationalists brutally beat a group of teenagers because they did not answer the nationalists’ greeting "Glory to Ukraine!" Reports of Banderite patrols in Dnepro were commonplace. The city was flooded with armed youths patrolling the streets, addressing passers-by with the Banderote salute Glory to Ukraine! Those who answer incorrectly or kept silent are beaten. The crimes frequently occurred in front of the police, but police typically do not want to get involved.
On March 28, 2014, representatives of community organizations of ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia presented a petition to representatives of the "new government." In the document they express serious concern about the fact that there are armed radical elements springing up in Ukraine, and this "is provoking fear and diminishing people’s sense of safety." "More and more often, these people are deliberately inflaming interethnic conflicts, due in part to the distortion of historical facts in the history of Transcarpathia, and this is actively promulgated by some news media outlets."
In late March 2014 a prominent activist from one of the unrecognized Orthodox confessions in Ukraine, the so-called Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (Cherkassy Eparchy), the abbot Alexander Shirokov, received a threatening letter in the name of the National Socialist Workers Party of Ukraine. In particular, it was stated in it that if Shirokov did not cease his "pro-Moscow and anti-constitutional enemy agitation" on internet social networking sites, the same party would change its "heretofore still tolerant and polite» relationship to him. We will have to start using more radical methods of a physical or annihilating nature against you or your relatives, including those located in Russia," the letter said.
Donbas war
- See also: Donbas war
The Maidan lawlessness gave rise to unprecedented crimes of neo-Nazis and various radicals – from the Pravy Sektor to the Ukrainian Ultras soccer hooligans. It was during the short-lived Turchynov administration from February 2014 to June 2014 that the mass murder of civilians in the Odessa House of Trade Unions was committed. Most importantly it was Turchynov who ordered the use of military force against the civilian population of Donbas on April 14, 2014.
On May 26, 2014 after Petro Poroshenko's victory in the presidential race, the Ukrainian Air Force began to carry out airstrikes on the cities of Donbas.[74] And on June 2, 2014 the "Bloody Pastor" gave the order to conduct an air raid on Lugansk.
On July 31, 2014, Ukrainian Nazi journalist Bogdan Boutkevitch[75] appears on Hromadske TV discussing genocide in Donbas. Boutkevitch says Donetsk:
"is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. Trust me I know what I am saying. If we take, for example, just Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of them are superfluous. We don't need to "understand" Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests. Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. I don't claim to have a quick solution recipe, but the most important thing that must be done - no matter how cruel it may sound, there is a certain category of people that MUST BE EXTERMINATED.[76] |
Nazification had already gotten to the point where there was a willingness to destroy cities, and physically exterminate the population of one's own country with the tacit approval and complete indifference of people outside Donbas. By 2022 Nazi ideas continued to live on and influence not only the minds of Ukrainian political leaders and activists, but also a very significant part of the population in the central and western Ukraine regions. The so-called "simple but conscious" everyday people absorbed a pathological hatred of Russia, blaming Russia for all their troubles, spreading Russophobia into the social and information space.
Since 2014 and the Kyiv regime's policy of ethnic cleansing of the Donbas, more than 14,000 people have been killed, mostly civilians.
Odessa Trade Unions House massacre
- See also: Odessa Trade Unions House massacre
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Left Ukrainian girls mixing Molotov cocktails[77] Right Ukrainian girls carrying Molotov cocktails to the Odessa Trade Unions House in Ukrainian flag.[78] |
With particular cruelty, 48 people protesting against the "Maidan" were brutally killed.[79] They were primarily Russians born in Ukraine who believed in the ideas of Western liberal democracy and non-violent protest. According to unofficial data, there are about 300 dead people, including women and children. About 3,000 Nazis were organized and placed at the site of the provocation in advance. As of 2022 when the Special Military Operation commenced, no perpetrators were ever prosecuted. There was a complete indifference to the lives of civilians. "Those who are not Ukrainians burned down," was commonly heard in Kyiv.
On April 16, 2014 Forbes reported Obama CIA Dir. John Brennan's visited the new undemocratically elected Obama administration-backed regime in Kyiv.[80] Two weeks later on May 2, 2014, Ukrainian nationalists murdered at least 48 Russians, in the Odessa Trades Union Building.[81]
According to eyewitnesses the Maidan fascists outnumbered the anti-Kyiv protesters 10 to 1. First the Maidan activists burnt down the tents of anti-Kiev regime protesters outside the building. The anti-Kiev protesters retreated into the building and tried to blockade the door. A group of Maidan girls filled up Molotov cocktails.[82] The Maidan protesters began throwing Molotov cocktails. Soon the building was engulfed in flames. The Maidan fascist crowd began cheering as they set the building ablaze and beat those who tried to escape. A Maidan activist was shooting at people trying to escape from the windows.[83] A fire station less than a kilometer away couldn't respond. The Maidan activists blocked the lone fire truck and wouldn't let the firefighters operate.
Some eyewitnesses claim the real number is over a hundred. The bodies were removed and buried in secret. Survivors of the fire inside the building were executed with bullets to the head. Some were beaten to death with clubs when they jumped from windows of the burning building.[84] A pregnant woman was strangled.[85] The Western-backed Kyiv regime covered up the atrocities, most victims being ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine.
Vladimir Suchan reported on Facebook:[86]
"After massive 1 May antifascist demonstration, the Right Sector and the Ukrainian National Socialist Organization (and not just "soccer fans") converged on the city.[87] There are numerous videos showing the Odessa junta police and the fascist paramilitaries consulting with each other and the authorities in Kiev their joint actions.
On several videos, the police and the fascist mob can be seen as working closely together--militants shooting from behind the police, the police letting them pass, etc. In the morning hours, the fascist "pro-unity" marches congregated in several central streets of Odessa, thus drawing there antifascist protesters. It is evident that this early phase was well planned as a diversionary tactic for the main target was the Kulikovo field with the Labor Union building which was the center of nearly all antifascist manifestations in Odessa. It is also there where antifascist patriots set up their makeshift tent city. The junta felt that this needed to be cleared and that, at the same time, the protesters must be taught a harsh lesson which would break the spirit of this "hero city," a title Odessa gained with several other select cities in the Great Patriotic War. The diversion worked, and many of the young antifascist activists remained in downtown. In well synchronized and organized columns, the fascist paramilitaries then quickly regrouped and moved against their principal target--the antifascist tent city on the Kulikovo field accompanied by units of the Odessa police. Because of the successful diversion, most of the people on the Kulikovo field were middle-age and older people with many women among them. As soon as they arrived there, the militants not only started burning and destroying the tents, but they also started killing the people. They did in such a way that, for most people, the only exit left was into the Labor Union building. That was a trap. Once they got the people inside, the fascists started throwing Molotov cocktails and shooting. However, as can be seen on the photos and videos, the fire was mainly at the main entrance and in few several rooms elsewhere. Only a smaller number of victims showed signs of being completely burned. Many of the victims died of suffocation or strangling or their upper bodies or faces were burned. Many of the victims were shot into the heads. Many were beaten to death. This means that most of the victims were hunted and killed one by one inside the building. This killing spree given the size of the building apparently lasted over several hours and as going on even when the much delayed and very feeble response of the fire department was detected. All this time, the Odessa police stood by and some of the police with ties to the Right Sector reportedly assisted the fascists by shooting into the people who were climbing on the windows. After several hours, the police then acted and detained ... guess who ... some 60-80 antifascist survivors who then, without food or water, were kept for many hours in the police department, and charged with multiple crimes, including murder. The one main thing, which the police was interested most, was trying to find at least one "Russian" in the group. Alas, this did not succeed. All the victims and now detainees were Odessites (unlike may of the fascist militants). An angry crowd later that day forced their release .... which profoundly upset the Right Sector murderers. An Odessite grandmother was memorably recorded "beating" with lilacs (who used to symbolize Victory Day--lilacs blossom in May) Odessa policemen who were blocking on Saturday the Labor Union building with the corpses (most likely well over 100) still there. Only when it was dark, the Right Sector crawled back and came back to the scene of their crime singing and shouting "glory" to themselves. Evidently, the corpses were removed soon after--during the night for today, as various videos show, people started to roam the devastated building still shocked, distraught, and upset. As expected and true to its character, the junta first blamed the victims. They allegedly caused the fire themselves and burned themselves by throwing Molotov cocktails on the peaceful pro-junta protesters. A later modified line, repeated by Western media, was that what happened was a "tragedy," but one without a perpetrator. The one problem identified was some sort of further unspecified failing on the part of the local police. The head of the police was replaced .... with an even more over Right Sector hand. Following a cue from Catherine Ashton, Yatsenyuk, the junta's PM, then issued a call (to an unspecified addressee) for an "independent investigation." The same assembly of fascist murderous thugs was planning to hit in a similar way Kharkov. The massive outrage and mobilization appears to have stopped this or at least delayed for now.[88] |
The Kiev regime took over the investigation and reported 46 dead in the building. However, Voice of Russia reported, "The interim Ukrainian authorities are hiding from the public the true death toll in Friday's tragedy in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which actually claimed 116 lives, a member of the Odessa regional council told RIA Novosti Monday. "According to our data, there were 116 people killed in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa. Killed, not just "dead". "We don't use the word "burned" or "suffocated", because autopsies are not being performed, since the people have bullet wounds to the head," Vadim Savenko said.[90]
Luc Michel cites Oleg Tsarev: "We believe that in the House of Unions there are more than 100 corpses. The police let nobody in so that the corpses are not counted. We know exactly there are there minor children. We are sure that those in power will do everything possible to conceal the traces of this horrible crime. We want to conduct an investigation and prosecute those responsible for this crime, he told RIA Novosti."[91]
On July 31, 2014, Democratic Sen. Mark Udall called for CIA Director Brennan's resignation.[92]
On September 18, 2015, the United Nation's Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights condemned the cover-up of the mass murder of 48 Ukrainians at the Odessa Trade Unions Building.[93]
Biden-Burisma scandal

- See also: Biden-Burisma and Biden family corruption
The ouster of President Yanukovych put the founder and president of Burisma oil and gas, Mykola Zlochevsky, in a delicate spot. Zlochevsky had served as the environment minister under Yanukovych, handing out gas licenses to cronies. Having watched the president flee Ukraine for his life, currying favor with the Obama administration was paramount for Zlochevsky.
He was also desperate to get out of legal trouble. At the time, a corruption investigation in the U.K. had resulted in the freezing of $23 million of Zlochevsky's assets. Then, in August 2014, the oligarch was forced to follow Yanukovych into exile after being accused of illegally enriching himself.
The need to refurbish Burisma's tattered image, as well as his own, prompted Zlochevsky to resort to forking over large sums of money to win friends in Washington, D.C.. Hunter Biden and the Atlantic Council were soon to become two of his best friends. Hunter Biden also held a position at the National Democratic Institute, a U.S.-funded “democracy promotion” organization that was heavily involved in pushing regime change in Ukraine. Burisma handed him a position on its board despite his lack of experience in the energy industry and in Ukrainian affairs. Hunter Biden was paid $166,000 per month. The money was split in half with the nephew of Whitey Bulger, with half of Hunter's share going to his father, Vice President Joe Biden. Hunter Biden enlisted the D.C. law firm, Boies, Schiller, and Flexner, where he served as co-counsel, to help “improve [Burisma’s] corporate governance.” By the following January 2015, Zlochevsky's assets were unfrozen by the U.K.[95]
During a May 13, 2014, press conference, Matt Lee of the Associated Press grilled State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki about Hunter Biden's role on Burisma's board.
Lee: “Does this building diplomatically have any concerns about potential perceptions of conflict or cronyism – which is what you’ve often accused the Russians of doing?” Paski: “No, he’s a private citizen."[97] |
In a December 2015 op-ed, the editorial board of The New York Times took both Bidens to task for the unseemly business arrangement:
“It should be plain to Hunter Biden that any connection with a Ukrainian oligarch damages his father’s efforts to help Ukraine. This is not a board he should be sitting on.”[98] |
For a news organization that had firmly supported the installation of a U.S.-aligned government in Kiev, this was a striking statement. Hunter Biden maintained that he had only a brief conversation with his father about his work at Burisma. Hunter recalled to The New Yorker:
“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do.’[99] |
Despite his constant focus on Ukraine, Joe Biden claimed in September 2019 that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings in the country.[100] This of course, was contradicted by a text message Hunter sent to his daughter Naomi, saying "Pop" takes half of his salary.[101]
Biden: 'Fire the SOB'
- See also: Ukrainian collusion
Vice President Joe Biden oversaw the disbursement of $1 billion allocated by the U.S. to the new government of Ukraine. In 2014, Biden's son Hunter Biden, was appointed to the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the largest oil and gas company in Ukraine. Hunter Biden was hired by Mykola Zlochevsky, who served as Ukraine's ecology minister in the previous administration.
Zlochevsky came under investigation by the new administration for alleged embezzlement of $5 billion while ecology minister. The prosecutor traced payments made to Hunter Biden. Vice President Biden threatened the new Ukrainian administration to withhold $1 billion in U.S. allocated funds unless the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fired.[102]
Biden bragged about having caused the firing of the Ukraine prosecutor to a CFR conference.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Joe Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine. Biden threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending Ukraine toward insolvency, if it didn't immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was investigating his son, Hunter. Biden recounted,
"'You’re not getting the billion'. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'...Well, [SOB], he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."[104][105] |
Yuriy Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin as the prosecutor looking into Burisma, said the evidence in the Burisma case he'd like to present to William Barr, particularly the vice president's intervention.
Between April 2014 and October 2015, more than $3 million was paid out by Burisma to an account linked to Biden's and Devon Archer's Rosemont Seneca firm, according to the financial records placed in a federal court file in Manhattan in another case against Archer. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then paid Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each. Ukrainian prosecutors reviewed internal company documents and wanted to interview Hunter Biden and Archer about why they had received such payments, but couldn't because of Joe Biden's intervention.
On September 4, 2019, former Prosecutor General Victor Shokin made a sworn affidavit outlining Joe Biden's shakedown.[106]
Trump-Russia collusion hoax
- See also: Trump-Russia collusion hoax
On April 28, 2016, DNC CEO Amy Dacy informed DNC attorney Michael Sussmann of the breach. Sussmann contacted Shawn Henry, CSO and President of Crowdstrike. Two days later the DNC hired CrowdStrike to install software that is meant to identify who gained access, when, and how. The next day, on May 1, CrowdStrike claimed the "intrusion had originated in Russia," although they would later retract.[107]
The CrowdStrike website touts their 'revolutionary' approach and next-generation protection with their CrowdStrike Falcon services, "We Stop Breaches". As for all three public incidents, it appears they were reactionary and did not prevent an internal or external breach. What they did provide was intelligence and discover digital signatures leading to claimed sources. years later in 2022, some of its Falcon III equipment fell into Russian hands during Operation Denzaification.[108]
In addition to the DNC Crowdstrike had at the time clients such as NATO, the US Military, the arms industry, Google,[109] and Victor Pinchuk, another Ukrainian oligarch who donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.[110] Pinchuk hosted the September 2013 confabulation in Yalta, Crimea attended by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Tony Blair to discuss how Ukraine's assets would be carved up after the forthcoming Maidan coup.
Russian hacking claims of DNC servers in the spring of 2016 relied entirely on CrowdStrike.[111] Despite repeated requests from the FBI, Crowdstrike and the DNC refused to turn over the alleged evidence.[112] The Obama administration never examined the DNC servers to determine if indeed the DNC servers were actually hacked from outside, or attempted to identify who the hacker might have been.[113] On July 25, 2019, President Trump requested President Zelensky of Ukraine to assist in recovering evidence from Crowdstrike, which also had the Ukrainian military as a client.[114]
Trump impeachment 1.0
- See also: Trump impeachment 1.0

Deep state operative Eric Ciaramella worked with Democratic National Committee operative Alexandra Chalupa to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election. Ciarmella invited Chalupa into the Obama White House for meetings.[116] Chalupa is a key figure behind manufacturing the Russia collusion hoax and in the Ukrainian collusion scandal with the Atlantic Council and Crowdstrike. Ciaramella worked on Ukrainian issues for Vice President Joe Biden in 2015 and 2016 during the time Biden was the "point man" doling out U.S. taxpayer cash to Ukraine for which Biden's son, Hunter Biden, received kickbacks.[117]
Ciaramella was detailed to the White House by Russia collusion hoax mastermind John Brennan in the Summer of 2016. Mike Cernovich reported that "[i]n fall of 2016 as Obama’s director for Ukraine on the NSC, Ciaramella was the main force pushing Trump-Russia conspiracy theories." National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster appointed Ciaramella, a former Susan Rice aide, to be his personal flunky.[118] Ciaramella would have unfettered access to McMaster's conversations with foreign leaders.[119]
The first confidential human source for the CIA Ukraine dossier, written by Ciaramella and also known as the “Whistleblower report”, is Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman a Ukrainian nationalist inside the US National Security Council on assignment from the Dept. of Defense intelligence unit.
Ciaramella never delivered his dossier briefing to the upward chain-of-command within the CIA. Instead Ciaramella subverted the formal process and transmitted his hearsay complaint, derived from material provided by Vindman, directly to principal officials who could assist in the removal of the President.
Vindman was the majority (#1) source for the material CIA operative Eric Ciaramella used in a collaborative effort to remove President Trump from office.
NATO war in Ukraine
- See also: NATO war in Ukraine
In December 2016 Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain visited the Azov Battalion. Graham told them "Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of offense" to retake Crimea.[121] However, the election of Donald Trump a month earlier interrupted the neocon globalist agenda for war with Russia. When the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and Mueller investigation failed to remove President Trump, undeterred, Ukranian nationalists and their American collaborators attempted to impeach President Trump in the fall and winter of 2020 for not enthusiastically supporting war with Russia over Ukraine.
See also
- Ukrainian collusion timeline
- Obama war crimes
- Obamagate timeline 2009-2015
- Obamagate timeline 2016 election year
- Fancy Bear
- Russiagate timeline 2017
- Russiagate timeline 2018
- Ерік Ціарамелла
- Near abroad
- Denazification (contemporary)
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- ↑ "Pravy Sektor has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons.… Its fighters control the barricades around the protest camp … and when riot police have tried to tear it down, they have been on the front lines beating them back…. [Its] ideology borders on fascism…."
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- ↑ Sergey Sterneko is a wanted Nazi war criminal; Volodomyr Zelenksy wanted to appoint Sternenko as had of Ukraine Security Services. Sternenko has appeared on FOX News to rally Americans in support of the Kyiev regime.
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- ↑ The overview of the current social and humanitarian situation in the territory of the Donetsk People`s Republic as a result of hostilities from 05 to 11 February 2022
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- ↑ 2625 (XXV). Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
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- ↑ U.S. Obscures Foreign Aid To Ukraine, But Here's Where Some Goes, By Paul Blumenthal, Mar 7, 2014
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- ↑ "An informant who introduced himself as Wowa called the “NIE” editorial office with the information that the Maidan rebels in Wrocław are neo-fascists … [with] tattooed swastikas, swords, eagles and crosses with unambiguous meaning. … Wowa pleadingly announced that photos of members of the Right Sector must not appear in the press. …
Excited by the importance of the information that was presented to me, I started to verify it.
The Office of the Press Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to answer the questions about the student exchange without giving any reason. It did not want to disclose whether it had actually invited dozens of neo-fascists to Poland to teach them how to overthrow the legal Ukrainian authorities. …
Let us summarize: in September 2013, according to the information presented to me, several dozen Ukrainian students of the Polytechnic University will come to Poland, at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In fact, they are members of the Right Sector, an extreme right-wing and nationalist Ukrainian group led by Dmytro Jarosz – he declined to comment on his visit to Legionowo."
Maidan secret state secret: Polish training camp for Ukrainians, Marek Miszczuk, NIE (“meaning “NO”) (original article in Polish). Published 14 April 2014. - ↑ History of the Ukraine War, Eric Zuese, Modern Diplomacy, April 2011.
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- ↑ Svoboda's Oleh Tyahnybok Overthrows Ukrainian Government, KanekoaTheGreat, Mar 9, 2022. YouTube
- ↑ Maidan Nezalezhnosti
- ↑ Arsen Avakov later incorporated these neo-Nazi radicals of the Maidan Self Defense team into the Ministry of Interior.
- ↑ During a mass demonstration in Kyiv, activists of radical nationalist groups, joined by soccer hooligans, some radical activists in AUU Svoboda, and protesting youth, carried out a series of illegal actions. Fascist radicals were involved in clashes with the police. Supporters of Pravy Sektor entrenched themselves on the fifth floor of the House of Trade Unions. Party activists in AUU Svoboda took control of the Kyiv City State Administration building. The headquarters for one of the most radical groups of protesters, the neo-Nazi youth group Sich/C14, were located in this building. The apogee of violence against the legitimate authorities, occurring on December 1, 2013, was an attempt to break through the Interior Ministry troops and police officer cordon on Bankovaya street in Kyiv. The same evening, fascist activists, including members of AUU Svoboda, attempted to vandalize a Soviet era monument on Shevchenko Boulevard, provoking a clash with members of the Berkut. On December 7, 2013 leaflets signed by the All-Union Ukrainian Svoboda (Freedom) party appeared in the Kyiv subway calling for reprisals against Jews and their expulsion from "our country’s streets". On December 2, 2013 the first attempts of the violent seizure of regional state administration (RSA) buildings in Western Ukraine, including the RSA building in Ivano-Frankivsk by AAU Svaboda and RSA building in Volyn by the AUU Batkivshchyna (Fatherland). Both attempts were repulsed by police. On December 8, 2013 a group of extremists demolished and destroyed the Soviet era monument on Shevchenko Boulevard in Kyiv. Responsibility for this act of vandalism was claimed by AUU Svoboda, which held seats in Ukrainian Parliament. On December 10, 2013 government opponents put up a fierce resistance to law enforcement officers who were trying to comply with the decision of the Shevchenko district court of Kyiv on the Prohibition of blocking government buildings and obstructing the governmental activity. Euromaidan supporters barricaded themselves inside the Kyiv city state administration building, threw stones at police from the windows and turned fire hoses on them in freezing temperatures. The Ministry of Internal Affairs withdrew the Special Forces from the occupied building. On December 11, 2013 Euromaidan protestors set up barricades around the perimeter of Maidan and Khreschatyk Boulevard and announced the resumption of picketing the government quarter.
- ↑
- ↑ "Ukraine right revives wartime symbols amid 'revolution'", 3 January 2014.
- ↑ "Ukraine's far-right Svoboda party hold torch-lit Kiev march", BBC News, 1 January 2014.
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- ↑ The "Snipers' Massacre" on the Maidan in Ukraine (2021). YouTube.
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- ↑ Maidan Massacre in Ukraine, Ivan Katchanovski. YouTube.
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- ↑ Katchanovski
- ↑ Is the US backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine?, By MAX BLUMENTHAL, FEBRUARY 25, 2014.
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- ↑ Yanukovych's removal was unconstitutional (March 2014).
- ↑ Sindelar, Daisy (23 February 2014). Was Yanukovych's Ouster Constitutional?. Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty (
- ↑ Parliament votes 328–0 to impeach Yanukovych on Feb. 22; sets May 25 for new election; Tymoshenko free (LIVE UPDATES, VIDEO). Kyiv Post (23 February 2014).
- ↑ Rada dismisses Constitutional Court judges appointed from its quota. Kyiv Post (24 February 2014).
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- ↑ Why Crowdstrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart- Say Hello to Fancy Bear., George Eliason, Washingtonsblog, January 3, 2017.
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- ↑ A derisive term for Russians used by Ukrainians.
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- ↑ Odessa, Ukraine: Right sector attacks trade union building, kills 43, Ukraine Human Rights
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- ↑ Odessa, Ukraine: Onslaught of the Right Sector on the city, Ukraine Human Rights
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- ↑ CNN Journalists Resign: Latest Example of Media Recklessness on the Russia Threat, The Intercept, June 27, 2017
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- ↑ Victor Pinchuk, the Clintons & Endless Connections, by Jeff Carlson, March 11, 2018.
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External links
- Oliver Stone documentary Ukraine on Fire trailer.
- 2014 Mariupol. Crimes of the Ukrainian regime . The war in Ukraine has been going on for 8 years. YouTube.
- Ukraine as anti-Russia: full list of goals for the 2014 Kiev Maidan and takeover of Ukraine, February 22, 2014.
- Neonazis & Euromaidan: From Democracy to Dictatorship.
- Shooting of Maidan Protesters from Maidan-Controlled Locations: Video Appendix C (2020), Ivan Katchanovski.
- Maidan - 10 Years after Terrorism, Graham Phillips, November 21, 2023.