Covid bioweapon

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Despite the panic, fewer than 10,000 Americans by August 2020 died of covid, despite the 150,000 earlier reported.[1]

Incidents and outbreaks are expected to occur in the United States throughout 2020 and into 2021. Due to globalization and globalized supply chains, shortages of crucial medicines, medical devices and equipment were already occurring in the first month of the reported outbreak. Social isolation is the only known method of combating the spread of infection. Persons with weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible. Frequent handwashing is recommended. The first known death in America was recorded on February 29, 2020.

Traffic at the Long Beach harbor where Chinese goods are imported for distribution to American markets was down 40% the first month. The mayor of San Francisco declared a state of emergency on February 26, 2020.[2]

As the pandemic spread to the United States and criticism of the CCP grew, China again threatened to leverage its dominant position in the production of essential medical supplies to cut off Americans from vital equipment.

In August 2020 the CDC updated it's COVID-19 numbers with drastic results. The CDC admitted that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. That's 9,210 deaths. The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.[3] Dr. Annie Bukachek also further revealed that they often lumped COVID-19 deaths and co-morbidities together.[4] This also ended up backing up Candice Owen's earlier implication that the death toll numbers from COVID-19 in America had been spiked.[5][6]

Fauci collusion with WIV

Daszak and Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci knew by mid-February 2020 that covid -19 was Chinese-manufactured in a Chinese PLA laboratory and, as the nation's top health advisor, misled the president of the United States and the American people.[7]

The evidence came out that Dr. Fauci had funded gain-of-function research on coronavirus at the Wuhan lab, which was also done illegally via the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance[8] due to Barack Obama having banned such research in the United States, which made him directly responsible for the coronavirus outbreak, with Rand Paul calling him out on it.[9] In addition, leaked audio around 2017 had him telling President Trump with certainty that he'll be facing a pandemic.[10]

In August 2020 the Center for Disease Control revised its figures to report only 6% of the 154,000 previously reported deaths could be exclusively attributed to Covid-19. The remainder 94% were overwhelmingly elderly with other complications.[11]

Fauci told Jake Tapper of CNN in February 2020 that fifteen to twenty percent of those who contracted the CCP virus would require hospitalization. In March 2020, he said: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Kim Kardashian invited Fauci to address a private Zoom call of thirty-seven Hollywood celebrity friends so they could ask him about quarantine measures.[12] Fauci had a Google Alert set up to send news articles about himself directly to his government email address. Any news article that mentioned the words “Anthony Fauci” or “Tony Fauci” was delivered straight to Fauci’s inbox.[13] Fauci told President Trump that millions of Americans would die if the U.S. did not implement draconian lockdowns.[14]

February 12, 2020: Fauci forwarded an email warning the coronavirus came from a laboratory.[15]

A January 9, 2020, email exchange labeled “high” importance between NIAID Senior Scientific Advisor Dr. David Morens and Daszak details the relationship between the Fauci agency and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.[16]

On January 23, 2020, the day the Wuhan viral outbreak was announced to the world, a senior NIH official, Melinda Hoskins, forwarded a Daily Mail article to colleagues discussing NIH/NIAID funding of the bat virus research, and noting that Fauci would be briefing senators the following morning. Hoskins says, “Would you please confirm the exact nature of our support to the Wuhan Institute of Virology/Biosafety Lab.” [17]

From 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which was headed by Fauci.[18] In an April 15, 2020 email marked “high” importance, Principal Deputy Director of NIH Lawrence Tabak emailed Fauci, NIH Director Francis Collins, and other NIH officials with the subject line: “HEADS UP: Wuhan lab research.” Tabak provides details of the grant to Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, for a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” Tabak continues, saying, “The 3.7M dollar figure is over 6 years to all sites which include (several in) China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar. We estimate that approximately $826,300 has been spent at this site since the inception of the grant. Yearly costs appear to be about 80K/year. The grant is in year 6 of a total of 10 year.”[19]

On October 1, 2017, after receiving Daszak’s email related to his then-unpublished paper describing detailed research into a novel bat-born virus tied to Swine Acute Diarrheal Syndrome, Fauci forwards Daszak’s email and paper on to NIH official Greg Folkers, saying, “Confidential, but fyi for you.” Daszak says, “You should know that this work was supported by a NIAID ROl that [NIH’s] Erik Stemmy is the Program Officer for, and that I’m PI [principal investigator] on, with Zhengli Shi [the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Wuhan Institute of Virology] as co-PI.”[20]

Fauci repeatedly criticized the inexpensive hydroxychloroquine as a treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19, despite numerous studies indicating its possible effectiveness. Instead, Fauci promoted expensive alternatives lacking in any proven significant benefits.

Projected deaths. Source:[21]

In the spring of 2020 Fauci dismissed evidence that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory, only to reverse himself after the defection of a high-level State Security minister from the Peoples Republic of China with damning evidence.[22] The denial of factual evidence by alleged scientific experts has been cited as a contributing factor to the 2020 presidential election outcome.[23]

CDC projections

The CDC modeled four scenarios of the spread of the disease in a presentation in February 2020. The worst case was 1.7 million deaths. The best was 200,000. Other infectious disease experts weren't as optimistic:

Dr. Lawler recently presented his own “best guess” projections to American hospital and health system executives at a private webinar convened by the American Hospital Association. He estimated that some 96 million people in the United States would be infected. Five out of every hundred would need hospitalization, which would mean close to five million hospital admissions, nearly two million of those patients requiring intensive care and about half of those needing the support of ventilators.
Dr. Lawler’s calculations suggested 480,000 deaths, which he said was conservative. By contrast, about 20,000 to 50,000 people have died from flu-related illnesses this season, according to the C.D.C. Unlike with seasonal influenza, the entire population is thought to be susceptible to the new coronavirus.[24]

IHME projections - Gates Foundation

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) also posted projections based on the latest numbers. They're expecting 86,000+ deaths in the next four months, with the U.S. to reach 10,000 sometime around April 5–6, 20,000 within a week after that, and 50,000 around April 24–25. If they're correct, we'll start the month on Wednesday with a bit less than 5,000 people dead of COVID-19 and end it with nearly 60,000 deceased. In a worst-case scenario, we could be approaching 100,000 dead — in one month.

February 12, 2020: Fauci forwarded an email warning the coronavirus came from a laboratory.[25]

Deaths will begin to slow in May thanks to the social distancing practices being followed now (and maybe because of warmer weather) but if the projection were correct, Americans were poised to see roughly as many of their fellow citizens die of this illness in four to five weeks as died in the Vietnam War, Iraq War, and Afghan War combined.[26]


There is no vaccine for the coronavirus or any of its variants. There are, however federally mandated mRNA genetic experiments commonly referred to as "vaccines". By definition, a vaccine prevents a person from getting infected. There is no vaccine for an airborne virus.[27]


In the United States, fake news panic-mongers expected a top-down command-and-control response with big government dictating lockdowns, testing, and standards. Rather than duplicate the effort under a federal bureaucracy that was unprepared, ill-equipped and would take months or years to service a nation of 327 million people, the Trump administration moved quickly to engage existing private sector laboratories, medical personnel, and suppliers to confront the crisis. Governors and mayors implemented business closures and lockdown measures in accordance with CDC recommendations.[28][29] Many of the lockdown orders in Blue states were found unconstitutional later.[30][31]

The Center for Disease Control under the Obama administration had focused on gun control, racism, social justice, and obesity as public health concerns, and ignored preparation for a widescale pandemic in the era of global travel and global trade.[32]

In response to the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic, a bipartisan group of United States Senators had fashioned an emergency relief spending bill as the U.S. economy nose-dived with layoffs, shutdowns, and state-wide lockdowns to prevent spread of the deadly disease. Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi nixed the entire emergency relief package which would have given families on lockdown at home emergency cash assistance and allocated immediate funding for doctors, hospitals, and medical staff to fight the deadly virus which was claiming over 100 lives daily.[33] Pelosi demanded elements of the Green New Deal be included, such as airline carbon emission restrictions, tax credits for windmills and solar panels, expanded ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing, and a plethora of other social justice warrior schemes targeted at destroying American capitalism.


See also: Covid lockdown
Rep. Pelosi is seen here entering a salon without a face mask.

While it was abundantly clear by May 2020 that schools represented low-risk environments for the spread of covid and that the consequences of prolonged school closures were potentially catastrophic, the corporate media did its best to obscure the data and stoke fear and panic among parents and teachers.

The covid lockdown narrative held four primary benefits for the totalitarian state. Without covid weaponized there would not be:

  1. Mail-in ballots. The origination material of the 2020 election fraud.
  2. Breaking down of alliance-minded gathering and assemblies. Covid blocked group gatherings to discuss what was happening and stopped citizens from recognizing the scale of dissension. Covid also took down faith-based leadership and church assembly when it was needed most.
  3. Spending packages that were really blue state bailouts justified under the auspices of covid relief.
  4. Big government solutions and all the ramifications therein.

FDA approval of hydroxychloroquine

See also: Vladimir Zelenko and Vladimir Zelenko's coronavirus treatment

Zev Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. is a New York State doctor who treated his first 350 coronavirus patients in March 2020 with 100% success using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc.[34][35][36] There were no hospitilizations, intubations or deaths among Zelenko's first 350 patients.[37] On March 27, 2020, Zelenko indicated that he treated 699 patients with no deaths or intubations whereas the national average in the United States is 1.5% of coronavirus patients dying.[38] As of March 27, 2020, 4 patients of Dr. Zelenko have been hospitalized with pneumonia and none of them required respirators.[39] Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's treatment resulted in various patients' shortness of breath issues being resolved in as early as 4 hours and on average 12 hours.[40]

Dr. Zelenko's coronavirus treatment is now being used in multiple states.[41] On March 27, 2020, Zelenko indicated that his protocols were recently on their way to Benjamin Netanyahu (the Prime Minister of Israel).[42][43]

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden takes to the airwaves to counter official White House/CDC press briefings. Biden and Trump critics alleged President Trump does not heed the advice of scientists and experts., Google reviews, and all have overall favorable reviews of Dr. Zelenko.[44][45][46]

President Donald Trump expressed optimism that Dr. Zelenko's treatment could be expanded to meet the threat of the deadly disease during the national emergency. Several Democrat governors subsequently issued executive orders banning the treatment.[47][48] On March 30, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration granted expedited emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, despite scant evidence of its efficacy, nationwide for treatment of COVID-19 [49]

A peer-reviewed French study found no clinical efficacy when using hydroxychloroquine in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection and requiring oxygen.[50]


See also: CARES Act

The CARES Act obligates an unprecedented amount of federal money, directed at broad swathes of the entire economy, and grants the Secretary of the Treasury and the various government agencies responsible for implementing it vast discretion. The bill, along with its worker protections and accounting provisions to guard against corporate fraud and abuses, was first introduced by Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.[51] Democrats attempted to stop the Coronavirus Rescue package from becoming law,[52] denying Americans relief from unemployment due to the nationwide shutdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak.[53] In its place Democrats sought to include dozens of socialist planning measures intended to destroy capitalism and convert America into a Marxist state.[54] The original Republican bill had worker protections and safeguards against corporate abuses, despite Democrat talking points and fake news media accounts conjured up to justify Democrats obstruction of the Act aimed at staving off economic collapse. After money for museums and the arts and other Democrat pet projects were added, the bill passed both houses of Congress unanimously under President Trump's urging.

Every individual in America will receive $1,200 if they make $75,000 or less.[55] It is $2,400 for a married couple. In addition, there's $500 for every minor child. Average family of four will receive $3400. If they make between $75,000 and $99,000 they'll lose $5 for every $100 in earnings over the $75,000 cap, and at $99,000 it phases out for an individual. Double that for a married couple.[56]

Freelancers, 1099 workers, and gig workers were also included. Anyone with a social security number who was not dependent on someone else is eligible. Those receiving a social security retirement benefit, a social security disability benefit, or Supplemental Security income will receive a payment. These are going to be made by the IRS with direct deposit. Enhanced unemployment benefits are also available. Average worker will receive 100% of their regular salary up to four months. No garnishments, accrued interest, or payments on student loans as of now through September 30, 2020.[57]

The bill includes $350 billion in money for small firms. The paycheck protection loan is like a loan that transfers into a grant. Firms with fewer than 500 workers give their expenses for the past 8 weeks. Of the money small firms borrowed, there will be forgiveness of payrolls, utilities, rent, and interest on mortgage debt.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler who chaired the House impeachment committee, demanded $4 Billion (with a "B") for the arts and museums.[58] After receiving $25 million (0.0625% of $4 Billion) from the CARES Act, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. notified nearly 100 musicians with the National Symphony Orchestra that they won't receive paychecks after April 3, 2020.[59]


The Trump administration Department of Health and Human Services approved licensed pharmacists to administer COVID-19 testing. There are 40,000 pharmacy locations in the United States with a 150,000 pharmacists. 91% of the U.S. population lives within five miles of a chain drugstore, traditional drug store, supermarket or mass merchant with a pharmacy. In many rural communities the pharmacist is the only healthcare provider.

The CDC website will help viewers to determine the priorities of the people that will be tested. Testing generally is to be done outside the store so patients and customers can be safe.

Inconclusive list of suggestions for U.S. residents

Burial of unidentified and unclaimed bodies on Hart Island, New York.

The Coronavirus Live Archive [60] is a mysterious YouTube account with fewer than 8 thousand subscribers that published a series of short videos from within the Wuhan, China containment zone beginning January 24, 2020 - the day the CCP finally went public with news of the outbreak. 91 horrifying videos were uploaded over 37 days, roughly 2-3 per day, most under three minutes with many being less than 30 seconds. Only 10 clips ran longer than 3 minutes.

The 92nd and final installment was uploaded on March 16, 2020, fifteen days after the next to last installment. The video is a 1:42 in length screenshot of English language text entitled, Inconclusive List Of Suggestions For U.S. Residents.[61] Below is a verbatim transcription.

My predictions are based: 1. How the virus progressed in Wuhan, despite the differences and government. 2. My best knowledge of America's healthcare system and federal government.
1. The virus will not be contained unless there's martial law (military dictatorship). Minority and poor communities will be screwed just like during Katrina. Community leaders now must come together and form a coherent voice on the national stage to prevent that.
2. On a personal level you want to be with your family, now. If you live apart from your family, you want to try to go home. When you arrive quarantine yourself in a well-ventilated room for 14 days. Your family members should also cut off all social interaction.
3. Hospitals will run out of protective gear. Medical staff from other hospitals will run out of protective gear. Medical staff from other depts will be reassigned to treat co-vid patients. If you have family or friends who work in a hospital, Tell them not to come home and arrange other housing. (Ideally the gov does this)
4. Low ball prediction of 40% infected population is 120 mil 120 * 20%=24 mil will need beds. U.S. has only 940,000 beds including for patients of other illnesses. If fed gov continues to do nothing, this will not be a crisis but an existential cataclysm.
5. You want to stock on your drug prescriptions. Call your doctor and fill your prescriptions in an uncrowded pharmacy. You also want plenty of other first-aid supplies.
6. If you are made to work and interface with many people. When you come home you should be completely isolated from your family. I know this is difficult but it's necessary.
7. Get a gun (guns) and coalesce a community around you, be it friends, family, colleagues, the more people the better. Make sure you can get to them and vice versa easily. Don't stray far from them.
8. If you are able bodied and have the means, communicate to your neighbor that you are willing to assist them. Volunteer if you can. 80% of why Wuhan overcame the outbreak is civilian and volunteer groups. You are as good bad as this plague will get.
Again. Wuhan, pop. 11 million, went from 1-100,000 patients in 40 days from Dec to Jan 23rd. The U.S. did nothing from Jan 23rd to Mar 12, 50 days. It's not just one city, but all 50 states. Remember, just Wuhan under siege drained China's entire protective gear supply chain.
You cannot underestimate the magnitude of what's about to come.

Whether the Coronavirus Live Archive uploads were accomplished by a lone dissenter or dissenters, or part of a Chinese Communist Party propaganda offensive and effort (Psyop) to interfere in the U.S. 2020 Presidential election is undetermined.

In early April President Donald Trump invoked the Defense Production Act against the 3M corporation when it was discovered 3M was selling face masks and PPE's to foreign entities and countries and not prioritizing American demand for vital medical supplies during the national emergency.[62] 3M was making 10 million masks per week and denying sales to American emergency responders while exporting its product. Over 7,000 deaths had occurred in the United States by that point and American healthcare workers had limited personal protection equipment to treat patients.

Blue plague

See also: Socialism and Blue Plague

Democrat politicians showed a willingness to sabotage the American economy,[63] illegally exert government overreach via seizure of undue power and control (along with abuse of same)[64][65] and violate the Bill of Rights and the Constitution (including the rights to freedom of religion and of assembly under the First Amendment[66] and the right to gun ownership under the Second Amendment[67]) as a cynical and opportunistic political ploy targeting President Trump under the guise of "protecting" the public against COVID-19,[68] all while many of those same Democrats (such as Nancy Pelosi[69] and Chicago Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot[70]) live luxuriously at taxpayer expense and exempt themselves from the same rules they impose on the general public while the same public suffers, socially, financially and health-wise. Attorney General William Barr had to issue a statement:

I am directing each of our United States Attorneys to be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.... the Constitution is not suspended..."[71]

Leftist idiocy became so insane during the pandemic that liberal fake news journalists accused Black members of the Conornavirus Task Force of "racism" for trying to save Black lives.[72] Some government officials and regular citizens, however, protested against Democrat tyranny and illegal overreach in the latter group's handling (or mishandling) of the pandemic in states, counties and cities under Democrat rule:


Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The CCP virus exposed petty tyrants and social justice warriors occupying public office all over the country.[73]

After it came to be known that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for the CCP virus, Michigan Democrat Governor and 2020 Vice Presidential hopeful Gretchen Whitmer banned doctors from prescribing it.[74] Only a few days later, Whitmer immediately reversed the crackdown and requested that the Trump administration supply the very drug she had just previously banned constituents from obtaining.[75]

Former U.S. representative Kerry Bentivolio reported to National File in late March 2020 that Whitmer and her office had rejected his offer of accepting several thousand facemasks to distribute throughout Michigan.[76]

Whitmer declared what items are and are not "essential", dictating to grocery stores what they can and cannot sell. Among nonessential and banned items are seeds for people to grow their own fruit and vegetables during the national emergency. Self-sufficiency and growing fruits and vegetables at home while on lockdown would maintain social distancing by avoiding grocery stores during the pandemic. Lottery tickets and revenue to the state from gambling however, is still permitted. In addition, Whitmer allows abortion "services" to maintain because they are supposedly "life-sustaining" (blatantly ignoring the fact that abortion is murder).[77]

After Whitmer issued new oppressive regulations barring private gatherings "of any size", a Facebook page called "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine" grew to 344,000 followers.[78]

Whitmer banned motor boats and jet skies, but not canoes and sailboats,[79] proving her assumption of dictatorial powers to pursue the Green New Deal anti-fossil fuel agenda rather than to limit social distancing to protect public health. Whitmer's actions revealed the anti-democratic and totalitarian nature of Leftism and the Democrat Party. Michiganders are banned from traveling "between residences" if they own a cottage or a summer home, but the ban only applies to Michigan residents, so an out-of-stater with a cottage in the Upper Peninsula could presumably still visit. The ban also still allows travel between states, so if a Michigander has a cottage in Wisconsin or Ohio, he can travel without fear of being arrested or fined by state police.

Citizens began a petition for the recall of Whitmer for her deliberate mishandling of the pandemic.[80] Also in Michigan, several state sheriffs defied Whitmer's authoritarian impositions (which also included banning the sale of vegetable seeds and the forced closure of garden centers and plant nurseries), announcing their intention to follow the Constitution and declaring her orders a constitutional violation and an overreach of her authority.[81]

Democrats in Detroit took aim at Michigan State Rep. Karen Whitsett (D), who credited President Trump with saving her life. “Whitsett used hydroxychloroquine to treat her [COVID-19] illness,” the Daily Caller reported.[82] The drug normally used to treat malaria patients has been touted by President Trump as an effective treatment for the coronavirus. Whitsett later visited the White House, and has repeatedly offered praise for the president. According to The Detroit News, the 13th Congressional District Democratic Party Organization is planning to slap Whitsett with a censure. They will not endorse her in the next election, and she will be banned from participating in activities with the group for two years.[83]

New Jersey

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy banned driving through Tulip farms. Looking at flowers from inside your vehicle is a "subversive" activity against the interests of the state, according to Murphy.[84] Tucker Carlson asked Murphy where he got the authority to nullify the Bill of Rights when he banned religious services in his state; Murphy responded "I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this... The science says people have to stay away from each other."[85]


Totalitarian civil servants and law enforcement in Wisconsin illegally threatened to have a CCP virus victim arrested, as their fellow Communist Chinese did with Dr. Li Wenliang, for what they falsely claimed was "rumor-mongering" and "upsetting social order" by posting about her condition on Instagram.[86]

Thousands of protesters gathered in front of the state capitol building in Madison to rebel against Democrat governor Tony Evers' decision to arbitrarily extend the state's stay-at-home order, which was to have expired on April 24, to May 26, despite the damage being done to the state's economy and public morale by the order.[87] In response to Evers' decision, Republican lawmakers filed a lawsuit at the state Supreme Court to block the order, reporting that Evers and his Wisconsin Department of Health secretary, Andrea Palm, had illegally exceeded their authority in extending the order.[88]


Gov. Steve Sisolak of Nevada issued Executive Orders denying treatment of patients stricken by COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine,[89] an FDA-approved drug for treatment of malaria which showed promising results in experimental treatments of the deadly CCP virus. Las Vegas independent mayor Carolyn Goodman called for the reopening of hotels and casinos in that city, calling the forced closure of those businesses by Gov. Sisolak "total insanity".[90]


On Fire Christian Center v. Fischer was filed April 11, 2020. A Kentucky district court granted On Fire Christian Center a temporary restraining order against Democrat mayor Greg Fischer and the City of Louisville. The mayor had employed local law enforcement to illegally shut down the church's drive-in services. The courts called it an overreach. Other "drive-in" church services are being held in Florida, Texas, and Virginia, as the courts have upheld the right to gather while adhering to social distancing regulations.

Other jurisdictions

  • Two churches in Greenville, Mississippi, with assistance from the Alliance Defending Freedom and the First Liberty Institute,[91] filed lawsuits against that city's Democrat mayor Errick Simmons when Simmons illegally banned drive-in church services (acting contrary to a state ordinance and to Centers for Disease Control guidelines permitting such worship services) and used local police to target those services and intimidate congregants during a Holy Week service. The Department of Justice also criticized Simmons for his unconstitutional actions against Christian worshippers.[92] Simmons subsequently backed down after the lawsuit filings and the DOJ intervention and allowed resumption of drive-in church services in Greenville, while fines illegally issued by police against the worshippers were dropped.[93]
  • In Franklin County, Maine, county sheriff Scott Nichols has stated that he will not enforce a heavy-handed and unconstitutional stay-at-home order being imposed by Maine's Democrat governor Janet Mills.[94]
  • South Dakota Republican governor Kristi Noem took a common sense approach to the pandemic, stating:
My role with respect to public safety is something I take very seriously... [But it's] the people themselves [who] are primarily responsible for their safety. They are the ones entrusted with expansive freedoms - they are free to exercise their rights to work, worship, and play - or to stay at home, or to conduct social distancing. The calls to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to this problem in South Dakota is herd mentality, not leadership. My responsibility is to respect the rights of the people who elected me, and to manage our state operations in a way that reflects the realities of what we have here on the ground here. On the foundation of my principles, commonsense conservative values, and the principles we hold dear in America, the facts, the science, and the data will guide our decision-making here in South Dakota.[95]
  • Protestors in Minnesota rallied against a stay-at-home order imposed by that state's Democrat governor Tim Walz at his home, demanding that businesses in the state that were forced to close by Walz's order be allowed to reopen to allow the state economy to be reinvigorated.[96] Walz subsequently eased off in response and reduced his imposed restrictions, allowing the resumption of outdoor activities under the condition of continuing to maintain social distancing.[97] Rep. Ilhan Omar showed no respect for the rights of other human beings by demanding the communist takeover of the supply chain and healthcare system.[98]
  • The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on behalf of two churches in Kansas against that state's Democrat governor Laura Kelly for violating the freedoms of religion and assembly by imposing forced closures against churches in the state during the pandemic.[99]
  • A judge has ruled against Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, issuing a restraining order over the extension of the state's stay-at-home order.[100]

Denial of medical treatment

At the same time, by supporting Democrat politicians' bans on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19-infected patients in Democrat-ruled states and by their own dishonest reporting on the drug and its use to treat the pandemic, the Democrats' puppets in the liberal media have shown an implicit willingness to allow American citizens to die rather than get life-saving treatment for the virus, all based on their reflexive and politically influenced opposition to such treatment due to President Trump's support for it.[101]

Border crisis

Since the coronavirus outbreak in China was reported, 328 illegal immigrants from China were nabbed jumping the U.S.-Mexico border as of early March 2020. Three other people from South Korea — another country with rapidly spreading cases — have also been arrested at the border, as have 122 people from the Dominican Republic, where the coronavirus has now been detected.[102][103]

Bisen border crisis

See also: Biden border crisis

Journalist Lara Logan reported,

“This administration knew what was happening long before it got to this point. They know the people are disbursing now. There’s hundreds of Haitians that have run away from under the Del Rio Bridge and disappeared into the countryside...They know also that everywhere that there’s been a mass migration of illegal immigrants, there’s been a spike in COVID cases in this country....Bioweapons specialists and intel agents say that is typical of how you disburse a virus, if you did something like a virus bomb or a virus attack in your own country or another country."[104]

Economic impact

Publicly traded companies in America and abroad lowered earning estimates due to the impact of the coronavirus.[105]


Accounting Weekly reported that when a hospital has a COVID-19 admission covered by Medicare, the hospital gets paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, the hospital gets paid $39,000.[106] These incentives impact decisions by the hospital. If a Medicare patient is diagnosed with simple non-COVID pneumonia, the hospital would receive a one-time Medicare lump-sum payout of $4600. However, if the patient is diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia, the Medicare coverage is a one-time $13,000 payment. The incentive is to diagnose as many people as possible with COVID-19, especially those with light symptoms making it easy to move them out of the hospital quickly, and to put as many COVID patients as possible on ventilators for as short a time as possible.

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as 'probable' or 'presumed.' Under the CDC guidelines for example, a patient who died after being hit by a bus and tested positive for coronavirus would be listed as having presumed to have died from the virus.[107]

New York ER doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell, has made public statements about the misuse of ventilators with supposed COVID-19 patients. He's stated that some of these patients actually have functioning lungs. Their immediate and dire life-threatening situation is straight oxygen deficit, as if they have high-altitude sickness. But pressure on the lungs, applied by the use of ventilators via standard rigid protocols, he says, can cause damage, and even death.

Supply chains

Stress related to the spread of the virus has led to panic-buying across the United States, as major grocery retailers had their shelves largely emptied of basic necessities, such as this Kroger in Columbus, Ohio, March 2020 (cr. Dan Keck).

President Donald Trump said that the coronavirus outbreak highlighted the importance of bringing back to the United States previously offshore supply chains for medicine and gear that are needed to fight the spread of the outbreak. Steps have already taken to mitigate the risk to public health because of the country's reliance on other countries for key medication and equipment. The outbreak showed the importance of bringing manufacturing back to America so that we can produce at home the medicines and equipment and everything needed to protect the public's health.

Rosemary Gibson, senior advisor at the Hastings Center, a bioethics research institute, said that the reliance on foreign countries for life-saving medicines made the United States vulnerable. Gibson provided details of the depletion of America's pharmaceutical industrial base. The US can no longer make penicillin; the last U.S. penicillin fermentation plant closed in 2004. Industry data reveal Chinese companies formed a cartel and colluded to sell the product on the global market a below market price and drove all US, European, and Indian producers out of business. Once they gained the dominant global market share, prices increased.

America's pharmaceutical supply chain is a devastating indictment of pre-Trump national security and public health policy. A nation heavily reliant on vital medicines and their ingredients from an increasingly hostile and secretive China is a devastating indictment of pre-Trump national security and public health policy.

Although masks are in short supply, a person can be arrested in China for not wearing a mask in public.

A critical shortage of masks occurred within the first month. American hospitals were overly dependent on Chinese made medical supplies. Hospitals in the US were already having to ration their inventory amid one of the worst flu seasons in decades. Masks were only available in departments such as intensive care units, divisions involved with infection, prevention and emergency departments in some hospitals.

White House Manufacturing and Trade Advisor Peter Navarro advocated for a return to U.S. production of medical products as a matter of national security. In his first three years President Trump positioned the U.S. to withstand supply chain disruption better than most countries. Starting from a position that the U.S. was too dependent on Chinese products, Trump pressured companies to return to the U.S. or find alternate suppliers outside China. During the two-year tariff battle many companies did exactly that. As a result, those companies are less dependent on Chinese component goods. A proactive position is now helping many U.S. companies avoid the China economic meltdown.

Procter & Gamble warned that the company's 17,600 products use 9,000 materials that come from 387 factories / suppliers across China, and that all of them may be disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.[108]


Decoupling refers to restricting and terminating certain trade relationships with the Chinese Communist Party. Decoupling however, is not limited merely to commerce. It will affect student exchange programs as students from China are hand selected by the Chinese Communist Party and expected to serve the party upon graduation without becoming infected with ideas such as democracy, justice, and religion while in the United States. American students studying in China likewise are targeted for compromise, blackmail, and ideological subversion.

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board oversees the Thrift Savings Plan, a retirement fund for federal employees and members of the uniformed military services, with about $600 billion in assets. Money is withheld from federal employees and the military's paychecks to contribute to the fund. Approximately 11% is invested in Chinese companies, some of which produce weapons designed to kill members of the U.S. military.[109] The government of China even prior to the CCP virus outbreak was in violation of U.S. sanctions law and engaged in humanitarian and human rights abuse.

Some companies the Thrift Fund invested in are:[110]

  • AviChina Industry & Technology Ltd.: AVIC and its subsidiaries develop and produce a range of aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems and airborne weapons for the People's Liberation Army. AVIC and its subsidiaries have been repeatedly sanctioned by the U.S. for missile proliferation activities in Iran.
  • China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation: Naval equipment produced by CSIC includes: guided missile destroyers, frigates, conventional submarines, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, and, most notably, aircraft carriers.
  • Hikvision Digital Technology: Hikvision manufactures video cameras and other security technology integral to the CCP's surveillance state apparatus, its “social credit” system and the network of large-scale concentration camps used to incarcerate certain religious minorities. Hikvision has been sanctioned by the U.S. government for human rights and other activities “contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.”
  • Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment Corporation (ZTE): ZTE is a telecommunications company that has engaged in economic and trade activities in sanctioned states in violation of U.S. laws and regulations.
  • China Communications Construction Company: As of 2015, CCCC owned over half of China's dredging industry capacity. Several CCCC subsidiaries have been observed conducting dredging (and other) activity in support of Beijing's illegal island-building activity in the South China Sea.
  • China Unicom: China Unicom is providing telecommunications systems to the contested Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands in the South China Sea to service China's civilian and military personnel and also reportedly to support signals intelligence activities.
  • China Mobile Ltd.: China Mobile provides telecommunications services to illegal fortified Chinese-constructed islands in the Paracel and Spratly Island chains. In May 2019, the U.S. FCC denied China Mobile's application to provide international telecommunications services between the U.S. and foreign destinations, saying it “raises substantial national security and law enforcement risks.”
  • China Telecom Corporation: In April 2020, the U.S. government pulled a license from this Chinese telecommunications company's American subsidiary on the grounds that it entailed unacceptable risks of Chinese espionage and disruption of U.S. networks.

In 2013 the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved the sale of Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork processor and hog producer with $15 billion annual revenues,[111] to WH Group (Wànzhōu Guójì group) of China.

A 2017 paper written by the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental outreach group described how technological progress fits into China's long-term strategic plans. The paper notes in particular increased Chinese foreign investment in several areas of importance to U.S. national security: artificial intelligence; robotics, and augmented and virtual reality, a key part of the military's plans for future training. The paper also mentions financial technology. It also outlines 16 “Manhattan projects” in aircraft design, quantum computing, neuroscience, and other fields in which China is aggressively investing as a nation state.

The paper says CFIUS changes and other legal remedies. could be helpful, but it says more actions are needed, including better funding for basic science and research and immigration policies to help people with tech skills legally immigrate to the United States.

The first step, the authors say, is to conduct a compressive analysis about exactly what sensitive technologies might evolve the fastest; which ones are the most important to U.S. national security; and which ones can be influenced by economic policy, direct, government-led investment, private sector investment or other forms of influence. “It would be foolhardy to say “we need to protect all of U.S. technology.” Instead, we need to understand the technologies that are most critical for national security and then think through how we protect those. As an example, there's no question AI will be a dual-use and critical technology but we need to think about whether we want to protect the algorithms, the data sets or something else. Whatever we decide to protect we must do in concert with allies so that our actions are not protectionist and penalize our own development more than they prevent a technology from falling into adversary's hands,” said Michael Brown, one of the paper’s authors.

“The Chinese government benefits from its State control to direct combined resources of business, government and academia. China pulls all of these sectors together to make significant advances in science and technology. Since we’re in a technology race with China, the U.S. needs to be much more proactive in both making a larger investment in science and technology as well as calling for ‘moonshots’ to bring together business, government and academia to achieve specified national innovation priorities.” said Brown. “The real answer here is we have to make a much bigger investment. One of the things we could do is set some national innovation priorities…we’ve got to recognize that one of our adversaries is doing that frequently.”

The budget for military research and development is up about 18 percent under Trump, but funding for basic science and research in other areas is flat. Massive and growing budget deficits portend a dim future for robust research and development spending.

Most important, say the authors, restrictions on trade have to be coordinated with other allies if they are to have the right effect.

“I believe there’s room to clarify what our policy is relative to China. For years, we’ve been focused on free trade and investment; now as China becomes a peer competitor not just economically but technologically, we need all Americans to understand the potential negative consequences of China’s (mercantilist) unfair trade practices as well as the scale of IP theft underway,” said Brown. “Example, when you raise tariffs on steel and aluminum and you aren’t doing that it concert with allies” your tariffs are unlikely to have the desired effect.

The Trump administration and lawmakers are pushing ahead with measures to decrease, or in some cases, bar Chinese investment in U.S. technology. The administration is considering using the obscure 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

“The administration’s efforts to beef up the CFIUS process to make sure that we’re protecting our US intellectual properties — a lot of that in the past has migrated offshore through both legal and nefarious means – whatever we can do to help protect that, also it’s good for the industry in the U.S. It’s an important part of the Administration’s program set,” said Dale Ormond, the principal director of research in the office of the assistant defense secretary for research and engineering,[112]

Blue state Civil War

See also: 2020 leftwing riots and Blue state Civil War

In violation of Article I, Sec 10 (paragraph 3) of the U.S. Constitution which reads:

No state shall, without the consent of Congress, … enter into any agreement or compact with another state,

Democrat governors of New York (Cuomo), New Jersey (Murphy), Connecticut (Lamont), Pennsylvania (Wolfe), Delaware (Carney) and Rhode Island (Raimondo) colluded together to keep the northeast region of the U.S. shut down. Controlling critical ports and infrastructure was a key part of their plan.[113] On the West Coast, the governors of California (Newsom), Oregon (Brown) and Washington State (Inslee) also assembled an economic war council. Together with their political northeastern allies, controlling two-thirds of U.S. ports gives them a strategic advantage to keep choking the U.S. economy until a Democrat commander-in-chief can be installed in the White House.[114] Bloomberg News published an op-ed on April 9, 2020 by Francis Wilkinson entitled, Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’:

California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.

Speaking on MSNBC, Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”

Nation-state.” “Export.”

Newsom is accomplishing a few things here, with what can only be a deliberate lack of subtlety....

California, an economic behemoth whose taxpayers account for 15% of individual contributions to the U.S. Treasury, is now toning up at muscle beach.

What that means, of course, is left to the imagination. But not much is required to envision what might evolve.

Newsom, a former lieutenant governor who won the top job in 2018, has used the “nation-state” phrase before. It’s a very odd thing to say. ...

Federalism has always had rough spots, but conflict is rising and resolutions are not. California is a sanctuary state while the Trump administration is fond of immigration dragnets....

From Fort Sumter to Little Rock to Montgomery, the blueprint for states opposing federal control has a recurring theme. But there is no reason that states can’t adopt a racist playbook for other ends. If California and other 21st-century polities withhold revenue, or otherwise distance themselves from Washington’s control, legal and political battles will escalate. ...

John C. Calhoun, who used the theory of states' rights to defend the institution of slavery, is not generally a philosophical lodestar...Calhoun’s theory of nullification, which posited that states have the power to defy federal law, could be ripe for a comeback on the left coast....[115]

Overspending blue states sought a federal bailout for loss of revenue during lockdowns.[116]

The Democrat Portland, Oregon mayor joined rioters in an attack on the federal courthouse; a Philadelphia prosecutor threatened to arrest federal agents;[117] the D.C. mayor attempted to bar National Guardsmen from defending federal property and monuments; and a Soros-elected St. Louis prosecutor released Democrat rioters while charging citizens for exercising the 2nd Amendment in their home.

Communist sympathizers and organizations on both the East and West coasts organized rent strikes to destroy capitalism.

Repatriation of infected persons

See also: Administrative state

Prior to the government importing the virus from China into the United States. the CDC reported 15 confirmed cases; days after the U.S. government repatriated dozens of evacuees, the CDC reported 14 confirmed cases, 12 "travel related" and 2 "person to person". President Trump was furious about the repatriation of confirmed infected cases without his authorization.[118]

Dr. William Walters, Executive Director and Managing Director for Operational Medicine for the Bureau of Medical Services at the U.S. Department of State, made the decision to bring the patients back to the US. Walters is an Obama holdover. In a Congressional briefing, Walters boasted that, “the Department executed the largest non-military evacuation of U.S. citizens in its history. The safe and efficient evacuation of 1,174 people from Wuhan, China and people onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan." Consulting President Trump was not part of the protocol even on a major national security issue.[119]

Local community reactions

As of February 13, 2020, the United States was reported to have quarantined 350 evacuees in California. The Pentagon is said to have received a request from the Department of Health and Human Services to prepare to house 1,000 people for monitoring and testing. 11 airbases have been designated to receive persons. 15 case were reported to be confirmed. Over 400 (Persons Under Investigation or PUI) have been tested who may have come in contact with the virus since January 21, 2020. 81 cases pending results.[120]

The City of Costa Mesa, California filed a lawsuit in the Central District of California. Defendants include the United States of America, the Department of Health and Human Services, the United States Department of Defense, the United States Air Force, Centers for Disease Control, the state of California Fairview Developmental Center, the California Governor's Office Emergency Services, and the California Department of General Services. The City of Costa Mesa sought to temporarily restrain defendants and their agents, servants, employees, attorneys and all those in active concert from transporting persons infected with or exposed to the corona virus to any place within Costa Mesa until an adequate site survey has been conducted. The petition reads

This highly communicable and deadly disease has no known vaccination or cure and has killed thousands. Its scope appears to be growing worldwide at an alarming rate. US public health officials have sounded the alarm over a potential global pandemic. The plaintiffs now seek to prevent Costa Mesa from becoming ground zero to a state and potentially nationwide public health crisis caused because the state and federal governments have not sought to include local officials and emergency personnel in the planning and execution of their efforts.

The relief sought by the plaintiffs is modest. It seeks only to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect public safety, that first responders and health professionals receive the training they need to protect themselves and their community, and that the state and federal government stop acting under the cover of darkness, which would create greater panic and confusion among the population....

Defendants intend to relocate from thirty-five to fifty patients already diagnosed with the coronavirus from a secure location on Travis Air Force Base where they are isolated from population centers to Costa Mesa, a densely populated city within a County of over three million. And they plan to do so without first determining the suitability of the facility where these individuals will be housed. The defendants' plan was announced at the eleventh hour, with no efforts to include local...leaders....

Fairview was previously used as a residential facility for individuals with disabilities that prevented them from living independently. Fairview is a dilapidated complex surrounded by residential neighborhoods, busy thoroughfares, and popular recreation facilities. It was not intended to house individuals infected with a highly contagious and deadly disease.[121]

A judge denied a request by the city of Kent to block King County, Washington from using a downtown motel as a coronavirus quarantine site. The city argued they were not consulted beforehand.[122]

A New Rochelle, New York attorney was the first case diagnosed in New York; 3 doctors who treated him in White Plains, Westchester County then became infected.[123] Two attendees at the AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C. from Westchester County tested positive.[124]

At beaches in South Florida, young Americans neglected requests to observe civil separation.[125]

The Hollywood celebrity community, of course, reacted to lockdowns by singing the global atheist anthem on social media.[126]

Blue state Civil War

In violation of Article I, Sec 10 (paragraph 3) of the U.S. Constitution which reads:

No state shall, without the consent of Congress, … enter into any agreement or compact with another state,

Democrat governors of New York (Cuomo), New Jersey (Murphy), Connecticut (Lamont), Pennsylvania (Wolfe), Delaware (Carney) and Rhode Island (Raimondo) colluded together to keep the northeast region of the U.S. shut down. Controlling critical ports and infrastructure was a key part of their plan.[127] On the West Coast, the governors of California (Newsom), Oregon (Brown) and Washington State (Inslee) also assembled an economic war council. Together with their political northeastern allies, controlling two-thirds of U.S. ports gives them a strategic advantage to keep choking the U.S. economy until a Democrat commander-in-chief can be installed in the White House.[128] Bloomberg News published an op-ed on April 9, 2020 by Francis Wilkinson entitled, Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’:

California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.

Speaking on MSNBC, Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”

Nation-state.” “Export.”

Newsom is accomplishing a few things here, with what can only be a deliberate lack of subtlety....

California, an economic behemoth whose taxpayers account for 15% of individual contributions to the U.S. Treasury, is now toning up at muscle beach.

What that means, of course, is left to the imagination. But not much is required to envision what might evolve.

Newsom, a former lieutenant governor who won the top job in 2018, has used the “nation-state” phrase before. It’s a very odd thing to say. ...

Federalism has always had rough spots, but conflict is rising and resolutions are not. California is a sanctuary state while the Trump administration is fond of immigration dragnets....

From Fort Sumter to Little Rock to Montgomery, the blueprint for states opposing federal control has a recurring theme. But there is no reason that states can’t adopt a racist playbook for other ends. If California and other 21st-century polities withhold revenue, or otherwise distance themselves from Washington’s control, legal and political battles will escalate. ...

John C. Calhoun, who used the theory of states' rights to defend the institution of slavery, is not generally a philosophical lodestar...Calhoun’s theory of nullification, which posited that states have the power to defy federal law, could be ripe for a comeback on the left coast....[129]

Overspending blue states sought a federal bailout for loss of revenue during lockdowns.[130]

In a recent appearance on the Brian Stelter-hosted CNN political discussion show Reliable Sources, Angie Drobnic Holan, the editor-in-chief of discredited "fact-checking" website PolitiFact, publicly demonstrated the Left's lack of regard for human life when she disregarded the current scandal involving disgraced New York Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo and his handling of the CCP flu pandemic,[131] claiming that there was "no hard evidence" that the number of senior citizens in nursing homes who died as a result of Cuomo's poor handling of the pandemic was significant, despite the deaths occurring right under Cuomo's watch and as a result of his misguided orders, which have drawn the attention of the Department of Justice, the FBI and Brooklyn's United States Attorney and have brought Cuomo under investigation.[132]

See also


  34. Doctor: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success Doctor: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success,
  35. Doctor Vladimir Zelenko: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate,
  36. A Jewish doctor’s off-label virus treatment is now being used in multiple states by Ari Feldman and Helen Chernikoff
  37. Doctor: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success Doctor: I treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success,
  38. Vladimir Zelenko: Important March 27, 2020 update regarding my coronavirus treatment regimen
  39. Vladimir Zelenko: Important March 27, 2020 update regarding my coronavirus treatment regimen
  40. STUNNING! NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc (VIDEO),
  41. A Jewish doctor’s off-label virus treatment is now being used in multiple states by Ari Feldman and Helen Chernikoff
  42. Vladimir Zelenko: Important March 27, 2020 update regarding my coronavirus treatment regimen
  43. My statement to the Israeli health ministry by Vladimir Zelenko
  44. Vladimir Zelenko - - Review
  45. Vladimir Zelenko - Google reviews
  46. Vladimir Zelenko - review
  63. Multiple references:
  64. RETALIATION? Michigan’s Democrat Governor Threatens to EXTEND Stay-At-Home Order in Response to #OperationGridlock Protesters at the Gateway Pundit
  65. Michigan judge authorizes arresting people on suspicion of COVID-19 illness at LifeSiteNews
  66. Multiple references:
  67. Governor, LA Sheriff sued by NRA, others over forced closure of gun stores during COVID-19 pandemic
  68. Multiple references:
  69. Pelosi Sits at Home Eating Chocolates and Smearing the President as Middle Class Americans Lose Their Jobs and Wait for Her to Approve Small Business Loans at the Gateway Pundit
  70. Another Elitist Busted: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Cuts Video About Staying Home Saving Lives, Don’t Get Your Hair Done… Then Caught Getting Hair Done at the Gateway Pundit
  74. Multiple references:
  75. Multiple references:
  76. EXCLUSIVE — Former Congressman: Gretchen Whitmer REJECTED My Offer of Facemasks
  77. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declares abortion a 'life-sustaining' service
  80. Over 200,000 Michiganders Sign Petition to Oust Governor Whitmer at Breitbart News Network
  81. ‘We Took an Oath to Defend the US Constitution’ – Michigan Sheriffs Defy Crazed Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Authoritarian Stay-at-Home Order
  87. Protesters Descend On Wisconsin Capitol To Send A Message: We’re Done Staying Home at the Federalist
  88. Wisconsin Republicans sue governor over stay-at-home order at KSTP-TV website
  89. Democrats fear a cure
  90. “It Makes No Sense! It Makes No Sense! We Must Open Our City!” – Las Vegas Hero Mayor Calls for Hotels and Casinos to Reopen at the Gateway Pundit
  91. Church Intimidated by Police for ‘Drive-in Church’ Files Federal Lawsuit Against Mayor, City
  92. Justice Department sides with Christians fined for attending drive-in Holy Week service at LifeSite News
  93. Mississippi mayor backs down after second suit filed at OneNewsNow
  94. [1]
  95. SD Gov. Kristi Noem: One-Size-Fits-All Approach To Coronavirus Is "Herd Mentality, Not Leadership" at Real Clear Politics
  96. Trump tweets support for rally at Minnesota governor's home
  97. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz Eases Coronavirus Restrictions After Trump Calls For State To Be ‘Liberated’ at the Daily Caller
  99. ADF sues KS governor over COVID-19 order that allows numerous gatherings, except churches
  101. BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Liberal Media Would Rather See Americans Die than Report Honestly on Hydroxychloroquine at the Gateway Pundit
  125. Hannah Bleau (March 18, 2020). Twerking Spring Breakers Party on South Florida Beaches Despite Social Distancing Orders. Breitbart News. Retrieved on March 19, 2020.
  131. TGP FactCheck: Politifact Editor-In-Chief Bizarrely Claims Sending Sick COVID Patients to NY Nursing Homes Was Inconsequential at the Gateway Pundit
  132. JUST IN: FBI, US Attorney in Brooklyn Investigating Cuomo’s Handling of New York Nursing Homes at the Gateway Pundit