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According to Shachar, "In Gaza, they are affiliated with organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP], and others. All these organizations support the killing of Jews. Some of these organizations have infiltrated the Gaza Strip. This is a religious war; '''they want to take over the entire world'''."<ref>[https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-775358 Gazan who escaped to Israel, converted to Judaism shares his story], ''JPost'', November 27, 2023</ref>}}
According to Shachar, "In Gaza, they are affiliated with organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP], and others. All these organizations support the killing of Jews. Some of these organizations have infiltrated the Gaza Strip. This is a religious war; '''they want to take over the entire world'''."<ref>[https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-775358 Gazan who escaped to Israel, converted to Judaism shares his story], ''JPost'', November 27, 2023</ref>}}
====A world of Islamic state====
Former hostage of Oct7 attack, who understood some Arabic, witnessed how Hamas, Gaza Arab "Palestinian" captors kept talking about one thing: Jihad. They want "a world of Islamic state."<ref>
[https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/ws/date/2024-04-07/segment/01 The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper].
Hostages, the Road Home. Aired 8-9p ET.
Aired April 07, 2024 - 20:00 ET.<blockquote><small>
G. ROMAN: We asked many times, why did they want? Yarden says they repeatedly say, just one cause. Jihad. A world of jihad. And Muslim empire.
ROMAN-GAT: Their aim is to get the world to be Islamic. The whole world.
GOLODRYGA: Yarden understands some Arabic and spoke with her captors in English. She says they said it all the time.
That Israel should not exist at all no?
GOLODRYGA: No two states?
ROMAN-GAT: Islamic state, yes, like a world of Islamic state.
GOLODRYGA (voice-over): While Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the E.U., negotiations have been ongoing to get the remaining hostages released.</small></blockquote></ref>
===Blood/death cult===
===Blood/death cult===

Revision as of 19:32, April 14, 2024

Party leader Ismail Haniya
Parliamentary leader
Founded 1987
Headquarters Gaza City
Political ideology Islamism
Political position
International affiliation Muslim Brotherhood
Color(s) green
Website hamas.ps

Hamas (Arabic: حركة حماس "zeal") is a radical Islamic fascistic[1][2][3] political and terrorist organization in Gaza and the West Bank known for their usage -en masse- of civilians as human shields.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] The group is regarded as a terrorist organization by the United States, the EU, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Jordan and moderate Islamic leader Faisal Abdul Rauf. The name Hamas is an acronym of Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance Movement). Hamas combines "Palestinian" nationalism with Islamic fundamentalism, and "regards the territory of the present-day State of Israel — as well as the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — as an inalienable Islamic waqf or religious bequest, which can never be surrendered to non-Muslims."[13] Overview:[14]

Photo of Hamas using Kids as human shields
Supremacists and jihadists hatred
Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip since it defeated Fatah in elections and expelled its members by killing about 500 of them between the years 2006 and 2007, learned from Hezbollah how to achieve gains on the conflict against the “Zionist enemy”. Hamas has adopted Hezbollah's modus operandi of using civilians as “human shields”. A few years ago, the IDF published how it looks in the Shiite village of Al-Khiyam in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has placed the weapon depots dozen meters from schools in the crowded center of the village. Over the years, Hamas enjoyed wide assistance of training and consultancy from Hezbollah and applied the same methodology in Gaza. An underground, well concreted City was dug in Gaza, where Hamas militants were hiding, while a single shelter was not built for the citizens. Gaza villages, as in Southern Lebanon, became military compounds including armories, headquarters, intelligence positions, rocket launching positions, etc. All these were spread throughout the village according to the terrain analysis: observation posts on high positions controlling the roads below, important assets such as command centers and weapons warehouses in the most crowded or sensitive sites such as hospitals, schools and mosques. During an escalation, rockets are being launched from the hidden positions that were dug in advance – within or under homes, schools, mosques and various religious centers.


1. Societal Abuse Hamas has forcefully taken over Gaza, and has summarily executed 500+ political opponents by throwing them from skyscraper rooftops. Hamas carries out arbitrary arrests, torture and executions, by accusing and convicting suspected anti-Hamas Palestinians as "collaborators." During July/August 2014 Hamas performed at least 55 executions of civilians. Hamas has arbitrarily arrested and/or detained at least 2,970 people since seizing control of Gaza. 200+ cases of torture by Hamas have been documented since 2011.

2. Child Abuse Hamas perpetuates a culture of militarization in which younger children are revered as holier martyrs. Hamas runs summer camps for children as young as 6 years old, which include activities like crawling under barbed wire fences with assault rifles and viewing simulated kidnappings of Israeli soldiers.

160 child laborers allegedly died during Hamas’ construction of cross-border tunnels between Gaza and Israel. Hamas spokesman: "Human rights education dangerously contravenes Palestinian and Islamic culture" and "brainwashes Palestinian children."

3. Corruption Hamas raises billions of dollars, pockets most of it, and with what's left, builds tens of millions of dollars' worth of tunnels under homes, schools and hospitals. It diverted an estimated $30-90 million’s worth of building materials from construction projects to build three dozen tunnels into Israel to use for terrorist acts. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, with personal net worth of $2.6 billion, calls the shots of the military engagement in Gaza while living comfortably at a 5-star hotel in Qatar.

4. Human Rights Abuses Hamas morality police punish women .. Women in Gaza are unable to initiate divorce. Only males may press incest charges. Rapists can be set free if they agree to marry their victims. Homosexuality is entirely outlawed by Hamas, with a punishment of up to ten years in jail.

5. Disregard for Life Hamas camouflages its combatants in civilian clothes, turning all Gazans into potential IDF targets. Hamas glorifies martyrdom as a high calling, intentionally drawing Palestinian civilians into danger by firing rockets at Israel from civilian population centers. Hamas has been known to physically prevent civilians from evacuating targeted buildings. Hamas implements a "dead-baby strategy" by strategically trying to have as many as possible Palestinian babies killed, in order to use the photos to raise finances and political collateral. Hamas declared that all Israelis – including civilian men, women and children – are legitimate targets of missile attacks. Hamas frequently misfires rockets which land in Gaza, destroying buildings and killing innocent Palestinians. Hamas booby-traps homes, schools, and hospitals with explosives. "Work accidents" sometimes kill civilians.

Hamas in August 2014 booby-trapped a United Nations clinic in Gaza by hiding 12 barrels containing 80 kg. of explosives each in a wall, and then using a child to lure Israeli soldiers into the building. The explosives detonated and three soldiers died.
Palestine Islamic Scholars Association's Hussein Qasem: The Jews are...We Are Thirsty For Their Blood (June.28.23) [12] [13]

Hamas genocidal charter

Hamas charter commits the group to the destruction of Israel, the replacement of the Palestinian Authority with an Islamic state on the West Bank and Gaza, and to raising "the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine."

Before Arab Spring, Hamas had its headquarters in Damascus, Syria under the protection and support of that country's dictator, Bashar al-Assad though Assad broke ties with Hamas when Hamas backed the anti-Christian Free Syrian Army.. Hamas receives much support from theocratic Iran. (Iran was behind,[16] Hamas shelling Israeli civilians (while using its own) in May 2021 starting the war which led to operation Guardian of Walls by Israeli defense).

Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mash'al: "The Muslim Brotherhood founded the Hamas movement, helped plan the Al-Aqsa Intifada, funded the Palestinian "Resistance [sic]" factions[17]

From the Jihadi-genocidal Hamas charter:[18]

Article 7: "The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."" [Page 4]

Hamas advocates killing Jews, simply for being Jews.[19]

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum on July 30, 2014:[20]
Anyone who has a knife, a club, a weapon, or a car, yet does not use it to run over a Jew or a settler, and does not use it to kill dozens of Zionists, does not belong to Palestine.

Historian, author of WW2:[21]
Despite the fact that the Hamas Covenant has long been publicly available, scholars in the United States who regard themselves as leftists have bizarrely sought to present Hamas as perhaps an extreme element of an otherwise progressive global endeavor. Anyone who reads the text can immediately recognize the aftereffects of the Nazi-Islamist ideological fusion that emerged four decades before Hamas published its statement of beliefs.


The reality is that Hamas is no liberation movement in search of a Palestinian nation. Instead, it seeks the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic empire on its ruins. How do we know? Because senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar has said so.

In 2008, Younis Astal, Hamas, MP: Islam will conquer world to "save humanity from [Hell] Fire." Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas.[23]

In 2010, on Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas Sermon in Gaza: "Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam."[24]

As late as May, 2021, Hamas openly declared the entire area is exclusively Arabs', Muslims'.[25]

Hamas Jihad global vision on Christianity and Zionism
Dec 2022:[26]
Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar: The "Army of Jerusalem" Will Not Liberate Palestinian Land Only; the 512 Million Square Kilometers of Planet Earth Will Come Under a System with No Zionism, No Treacherous Christianity.


Hamas is an acronym of the Arabic phrase حركة المقاومة الاسلامية, or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya or "Islamic Resistance Movement". Ami Isseroff on MidEast web states that the acronym is also the Arabic word for "zeal".[27]

Its noted personalities have called for genocide of Jews.[28] [29][30]




A Nazi flag appears at a Pro-Palestinian rally during the 2021 Hamas war.[31]

Hamas was founded by terrorist Sheik Ahmed Yassin as the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's local political arm in December 1987, following the outbreak of the first intifada. Hamas published its official charter in 1988. From the 1990s it achieved notoriety for its use of the tactic of suicide bombing, principally against civilian targets in Israel. Hamas members started carrying out terrorist attacks starting in the late 1980s, at first in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first Hamas suicide bombing took place on April 26, 1993, when Saher al-tamam attacked two Israeli buses in front of a coffee shop in Mehola, killing and injuring several Israelis. It is believed to have killed more than 1500 people in more than 350 separate terrorist attacks since then.

Opinion of Fatah

It also set itself in opposition to the less religious Fatah movement. In the 2006 elections to the Palestinian Authority legislature Hamas gained a majority of seats; its government was dissolved in June 1997 by "Palestinian" president Mahmoud Abbas following the military takeover by Hamas of the Gaza Strip after several days of fighting between Hamas and Fatah.

On the other hand, Hamas has also cooperated with the Fatah in its campaign of terror against Israel. For example, after the failure of the 2000 peace talks former leader of the Fatah movement Yasir Arafat ordered Hamas to start launching attacks against Israel.[32] In his later years Arafat also sought to create an leadership organization which would have included the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements.[33]


Like the Muslim Brotherhood, which Hamas branched off from, Hamas believes the rules of Islam, or the Sharia to be a sufficient guide for all areas of life. Since Hamas sees Islam as a sufficient guide for all areas in life, and as a way of life, they, as the Covenant of Hamas says, tries to make Islam its program.[34]


Example: In 2022, on March 30, March 31, Apr 1, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Other Palestinian Groups Threaten Violence During Ramadan – 'The Month Of Jihad And Martyrdom.'[35]

In 2023, in groundbreaking ruling, Middle Eastern Islamic council declared ‘fatwa’ against Hamas. Hamas joins the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, other extreme groups as being deemed ‘un-Islamic'.[36]

Global aims

"The amazing story of the Gazan escaped to Israel and converted to Judaism":

"In Gaza, there are no citizens who oppose Hamas. If necessary, they will murder Jews, Christians, and even Muslims," Dor Shachar, 46, said in an interview with Maariv. Born in Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, as Ayman Abu Suboh, who escaped to Israel, converted...

According to Shachar, "In Gaza, they are affiliated with organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP], and others. All these organizations support the killing of Jews. Some of these organizations have infiltrated the Gaza Strip. This is a religious war; they want to take over the entire world."[37]

A world of Islamic state

Former hostage of Oct7 attack, who understood some Arabic, witnessed how Hamas, Gaza Arab "Palestinian" captors kept talking about one thing: Jihad. They want "a world of Islamic state."[38]

Blood/death cult

PA and Hamas’ shared values: Both promote identical death/blood worship.[39]

Freemasons, Lions Club and the Rotarians

Hamas views the Freemasons, Lions Club, and the Rotarians as groups that help support Zionist interests, and it believes that they were created with Zionist money and are driving forces behind the drug trade and alcoholism.[34]

2005 and on

Instead of agreeing to peace, and appreciating Israel's 2005 give away, Hamas has only taken advantage and got more emboldened in murderous aims, plans and routine, it has also turned the then vastly developed land, turning it into terror infrastructure. In a reversal of “beating their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks” (Isaiah 2:4), Hamas instead has used life-giving agricultural into weapons


When Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, it evacuated over nine thousand Israeli citizens living in 25 Jewish villages with the hope of encouraging the creation of an independent Palestinian state that would live in peace alongside Israel. 

The Israeli government left behind a highly-developed area, which could have served as the backbone of a prosperous economy. The sum of the exports from the Israeli greenhouses came to $200 million a year. The combined assets of Gush Katif (the largest Israeli village in the Gaza Strip at the time) were estimated at $23 billion.

Rather than reciprocate and use the infrastructure Israel left to the Palestinians, Hamas felt emboldened enough to violently take over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority in 2007. In a reversal of “beating their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks” (Isaiah 2:4), Hamas instead has used life-giving agricultural machinery and irrigation pipes to create rockets and weapons of slaughter.

Hamas is a hybrid terrorist organization with well-developed social, political and military wings. As the ruling regime in the Gaza Strip, Hamas needs to run schools, mosques, hospitals, and other social services for its residents. As a military wing (called the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades), Hamas has committed over 90 suicide and bombing attacks and has launched over 20,000 rocket and mortar attacks that have killed over 650 innocent Israeli civilians.

Hamas has established an orderly paramilitary framework with brigades, battalions, companies, and platoons as well as dedicated units, including intelligence, commando and cyber units. Its arsenal includes thousands of rockets and missiles at their disposal, as well as dozens of kilometers of tunnels often built underneath highly-sensitive areas in the Gaza Strip such as hospitals. Rockets have even been found underneath UNRWA schools.

Over time, Hamas has used its mandate to make the Gaza Strip into a base for terrorism. The money that it gets from Israel and Qatar is not used for the welfare of its citizens, but to increase its military capability by digging more tunnels and increasing its missile ranges and explosive payloads. At the same time, Israel has developed technologies to decrease collateral damage and protect the lives of innocent civilians.

In a 2012 example in eliminating a terror master, it was explained:[40]

... For sure Hamas carries out good deeds among the Palestinian poor in Gaza, with clinics and soup kitchens, but this is largely an attempt to indoctrinate them in anti-Semitic hatred by a political leadership that gives the armed wing its strategic marching orders.

The core fighters of the military wing number several hundreds of men, trained in Iran and Syria, but there another 10,000 people who facilitate their evil deeds.

Hamas is not some benign conservative religious party. The 2012 list of its regular human rights abuses compiled by the organisation Human Rights Watch runs to 42 pages, and includes beating people with iron bars, 102 cases of torture, and the hanging of anyone suspected of collaborating with the Israelis.

Their fighters employ child suicide bombers and use Palestinian civilians as human shields. This is the organisation to which Jaberi devoted the last decades of his violent life.

Jaberi, for example, is believed to have been involved in the suicide bombing of a No 6 bus in the Israeli settlement of Kfar Darom in 1995 that killed eight and wounded 60 others.

Already in Jan-2014, the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) charged the PA and Hamas with repeated cases of torture, oppression, assaults on freedom of expression and academic freedoms, as well as ignoring court orders.[41]

Oppression, torture. Hoarding resources to enrich leadership and push to violence

Even according to anti-Israel Human Rights Watch[42] Palestinian Authority and Hamas cancels elections, beats, jails, tortures and kills political opponents, controls the media and tortures journalists especially Hamas,[43] and regarding activists, where even animals are treated better[44]; it hoards resources per testimonies of locals[45] to enrich its leaders and stoke its population’s rage, and embraces only violent "resistance."[46][47] Leveling these charges, theses findings are of international human rights groups and the voices of Gazans themselves.[48]

Attacking Christians

The most serious manifestation of the Islamization of Gaza were the attacks on Christians during the Hamas takeover of Gaza.
In 2019:[50]
Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras said in a June 28 Friday sermon at the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Mosque in Gaza that was uploaded to the Internet that Muslims must avoid the "filthy and impure" company of Jews and Christians and that they must not take Jews and Christians as allies.


The group has anti-Semitic beliefs such as Jews as supposedly plotting to "control" the world, Jews acquire wealth by supposedly "stealing", that the Jews supposedly "control" the media, government and finance.[51] Also, the co-creator of Hamas Abdel Azuz Rantisi engaged in Holocaust denial by claiming that the Holocaust is the greatest of "lies" created by the Zionists.[52]

Immediately following the 911 attacks, and ugly images of thousands of Arab-Muslim "Palestinians" dance, cheer celebrating the heinous crimes were publicized, father of 911 ringleader, Mohamed Al-Amir Atta invented the lie, blood libel on supposed five "dancing J..s." The racist Arab-Muslim used the term 'Jews' in his lie. Hamas bigots backed it. It is the only "source" for neo Nazis' pushed conspiracy theories about it.[53]

In January, 2004 (as a doctor):[54]
"The ... are worse than Hitler... I believe Hitler wouldn't bulldoze homes on civilians... It's impossible to say that Hitler would do that. I believe that more than fifty per cent of the world doesn't believe in the Holocaust, and I am one of them. The Israelis practice terror against our people and say to the world that we are terrorists. I believe that they did the same thing to Hitler..."

Shockingly, The "Protocols," despite widespread knowledge that they are a forgery, figure prominently in the discourse of the Islamists and appear in the Hamas Charter.[55]

In August 2009, Hamas refused to allow Palestinian children to learn about the Holocaust, which it called "a lie [sic] invented by the Zionists" and referred to Holocaust education as a "war crime."[56]

Hamas claims the Freemasons and Rotary clubs are Zionist fronts and refers to the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an antisemitic text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people.[57]

Hamas legislator and imam, Sheik Yunus al-Astal, said that "suffering by fire is the Jews' destiny in this world and the next". He concluded "Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews". [58][59]

Hamas cleric, Yousif al-Zahar said that "Jews are a people who cannot [sic] be trusted. They have been traitors to all agreements. Go back to history. Their fate is their vanishing."[58][59]

In a March 2018 poll:[60]
63% reject the idea of allowing Israeli Jews to live in the state of Palestine as citizens or residents.

In 2020, 93% of West Bank and Gaza population harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.[61]

Mein Kampf at a Hamas' home used for terror activity.((Gaza, Nov.2023)
Annotated copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf found at a Hamas terror base in Gaza. ((Nov.2023)

Nov 2023.
Israel's president Isaac Herzog revealed to the BBC that, days earlier, a copy of Hitler's book Mein Kampf was found at a children's room used as a Hamas terror base in the Gaza Strip. Showing that some in Hamas were researching Hitler's anti-semitic ideology. The "terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied again and again, the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are. This is the real war we are facing."[62][63]

Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades

In 1991, Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades became the armed branch of the group Hamas. It is names after Ezzedeen Al-Qassam, an Islamic militant who was killed in 1935. The stated goals of the brigade are as follows: to fight Israel, take over Israel, and invoke a spirit of Jihad among the "Palestinians". The group is made up of many different cells. Secrecy is important, and sometimes cells do not know what other cells are doing. The group said by September 2000, more than 800 of its members had been killed. The leader of the militant wing is Muhamad Deif.[64]

Chemical weapons plan

In 2002 author wrote:[65]

On the eve of the publication of this book, the GSS reported that the terrorist organizations were preparing a mega-attack using chemical weapons. One of the ideas that Hamas was thinking about concerned a particularly satanic plan - to poison the water wells of the State of Israel. The GSS wondered if Hamas was familiar with the history of the Palestinian national movement and are trying to recreate 'Operation Atlas.'

The "Atlas" file still lies in the archives of the British Secret Service, the MI-5. Yellowing pages... including the reports of the original agents, the encrypted telegrams, the transmissions that were intercepted and deciphered, the transcripts of the interrogations and reports summarizing the affair in 1944, in the caves of Wadi Qelt. When examining the equipment brought with them by the terrorists from Germany, they discovered, along with the wireless devices, food, weapons and gold coins, several round cans containing a substance that looked like flour. The cans were sent to the lab. The results were unequivocal: it was a substance called 'oxygen arsenic.' Extremely deadly poison. A very small amount of it, actually a very small particle of a gram, is enough to kill a person...

Social Programs

Hamas conducts numerous social welfare actions, known as Dawa, including relief and education programs, school funding, soup kitchens, and sports leagues. These programs are viewed as propaganda and recruitment exercises, or both. In December 2001, the Bush administration seized the assets of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Muslim charity in the United States, upon finding proof it was funding Hamas.[66]

Dirty money

As Hamas joined Hezbollah and al-Qaeda in the activities of terrorist organizations in the border triangle: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay--the location is a money laundering center for terrorist organizations, terrorists trade drugs there, forge credit cards and gather intelligence on targets, profits of their activities are transferred to the Middle East--on June 18, 2005, Brazilian police had arrested 21 "Islamic terrorists," one of whom, Sial Bashar Yahya al-Atari, defined as "the head of Hamas in South America." Another senior detainee is Hussam Muhammad, a Lebanese citizen known as 'Abu Hitler'. [67]

Yahya Sinwar

Yahya Sinwar (b. 1962 Khan Yunis). Leader of Hamas and planner of Oct 7 2023 onslaught.

Describe as 'obsessive and dictatorial.[68]

He strangled -- preferred that over using a gun -- with his bare hands fellow men suspected of collaboration with Israel.[69]

Forced man to bury his brother alive. "His eyes were full of happiness when he told us this story," said interrogator.[68]

His deep antipathy for the Palestinian people well known. 'For example, in 1987, Sinwar wanted to experiment with dropping explosive charges. Of all places, he chose Shifa Hospital in Gaza City as a dummy target.' [70]

Released in 2011 in the deal to free one Israel soldier Gilad Shalit in exhage of 1,027 Arab terrorists.

Sinwar is still infamous for his personal torture and cruelty of his people. [71][72]

He is known to walk around surrounded by kids. In 2021 he admitted of using Human shields.[73][74]

Among his recent inciting for racial massacres, on Apr 30, 2022, he called upon Arabs to attack Jews with Axes & firearms. [75] Days later, two Arab "Palestinian" illegal residents attacked a Haredi town (overwhelmingly avoiding serving in the army - conscientious objectors), with axes hitting on heads and shootings too. Hamas, Islamic Jihad lauded the cowardice bloody onslaught as an "heroic act."[76]

Liberal journalist, who routinely tries to find most weird rationalization for racist Arab-Islamic attacks, (thus an Haaretz darling), went out May/2022, in the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Shuafat in E. Jerusalem, days after Arabs brutally attacked Haredi pious Jews with axes and shootings, to get the Arab attitudes. He approached a group of random young Arabs, as much as he tried, the ordinary Arabs told him, all Jews [sic] need to die. As he is famous on TV, including by Arabs, hoping to get a pass, he asked, me too? Yes, every Jew, the Arab voice in the crowd replies. The Quran says so, he adds. It was after the journalist asked the reaction to Hamas' Sinwar's called to massacre Jews. The replies he got, stronh support for Hamas.[77][78]

An Islamist, Sinwar very close to Hamas' founder Ahmed Yasmin who taught him that all Jews should be exterminated. He had Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' book which inspired him / them at 'Hamas charter' / principles too. He also taught there a competition on 'who kills more Jews.'[79] He was known as a pedophile.[80][79]


Hamas is still fairly popular among many "Palestinian" people, but it is not as popular as it was at one point in time. Their total unwillingness to negotiate with the nation of Israel has weakened Hamas's support. The people are starting to get weary of the violence there. [81]

In January 2006 the political wing of Hamas won many seats in the "Palestinian" elections.[82]

Palestinians inspect homes in Gaza, 2009.jpg

"Palestinians" inspect homes destroyed near the border with Egypt in Gaza, 2009.

Using human rights groups

Documentary series following a heroic woman who infiltrated anti-Israel organizations, uncovered the connection between human rights orgs. and terrorist such as Hamas. Hamas and other Islamists bigots use human rights organizations trying to paint Israel with the R word too. [83]

In 2023, "EuroPal," a Muslim Brotherhood linked, terrorist group Hamas founded lobby group in the UK, launched new propaganda campaign, accusing Israeli lawmakers of so-called ‘racism.’[84] Headed by the Hamas guy [85] Zaher [Khaled Hassan] Birawi (AKA Abu Khaled).


In a March 2022 statistic, the poll among Arab Palestinians asked who was "most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people." Thirty-one percent picked Hamas, 29% chose Abbas’ P.A., and 33% chose none of the above. Eighty-four percent believe the P.A. is corrupt and 70% believe Hamas is dirty.[86]

Afro Palestinians in Gaza

The majority of families with dark skin in Gaza originate from Sudan and Egypt, many of them came to work in the Ottoman Empire's army hundreds of years ago.[87]

Wealthy Arab families in Gaza participated in the slave trade.[87]

Black Palestinians constitute a minority of one per cent of the total population of the two million inhabitants living in Gaza Strip.[88]

They have to work twice as hard to prove himself. Many black Palestinians are not considered for jobs that require direct communication or interaction with customers..[88]

Majority of Palestinians do not marry black Palestinians, although recently there have been some changes in mentality..[88]

In some areas, it is strictly forbidden for Arab Palestinians to marry black Palestinians, but in other areas..[88]

The situation is worse for black Palestinian women — while dark-skinned men may be able to marry light-skinned Palestinians, the reverse is mostly not accepted..[88]

Some mixed races couples are threatened by family of the Arab side to renounce him in the newspapers..[88]

Sometimes the racism is expressed nonverbally through looks.

Some tell of discriminatory experiences growing up. Racist taunts toward Gaza’s African minority are not uncommon, despite centurieslong African migration to Palestine.[87]

One interviewed:[87]

Abed al-Rawagh, 21, who works at a grocery store at the neighborhood’s entrance, told Al-Monitor that racism affects his business. “I don’t feel discriminated against until a white girl or woman comes to buy from the grocery store. As soon as she sees me, she changes her mind about buying and leaves. There’s a widespread belief that a black man would harm her. That offends me.”
Another one tells[87] about experience right after Hamas took control:
...after the split in 2007. “The policeman looked inside a taxi and ordered the two dark-skinned men inside, us, to step out. So my brother and I stepped out, and we headed to the search location. After they made sure that we weren’t suspects, we went back to the car. I felt very insulted. The driver asked me why. I told him ‘It seems we are now in Chicago!'”

Security forces have been recently (2017) very harsh on black Palestinians. Like selecting them out for further security checks.[88]

See related:

Mosab Hassan Yousef

The revelation that Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founder and leader of the "Palestinian" terrorist group Hamas, had spied for Israel for 10 years, and that he had also converted to Christianity, sent reverberations through the Middle East. Mosab worked alongside his father in the West Bank from the second Intifada to the current stalemate, and during that time he became one of the top spies for Israel's internal security arm, the Shin Bet.

The younger Mr. Yousef's disillusionment with Hamas and Islam came as a result of his continued exposure to Hamas cruelty in prison. In 1996, Mosab was arrested by the Israelis for buying weapons, and while he was beaten and tortured badly in custody, he was more shocked by the way the maj'd, Hamas's security wing, dealt with other prisoners in the Megiddo prison in northern Israel. By agreeing to work with the Shin Bet, he got out of prison early.

"Every day, there was screaming; every night, torture. Hamas was torturing its own people!" he writes. The Muslims he met in jail "bore no resemblance to my father" and "were mean and petty . . . bigots and hypocrites."

The Shin Bet approached him in prison after his arrest and asked him to spy for Israel, and being a double agent appealed to him as a way of gaining revenge on Israel from the inside. He accepted and stayed on Shin Bet's payroll for a decade, and in the early years they encouraged him to study and be a model son.[89]

According to a review by New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg of Mosab's book, Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices,

Mosab hated the Jews. He cheered when Saddam Hussein fired 39 Scud missiles at Israel during the 1991 Gulf War, and was disappointed when Israel wasn't destroyed. He wanted Hamas to seize back all the land of "Palestine" from the Jews. But in 1996, at the age of 18, he was arrested by the Israelis for buying automatic weapons to kill Jews. He was sent to an Israeli prison. There he was stunned at what he saw: Muslims torturing Muslims. "I had never heard a human being scream like that guy did. What could he have done to deserve that." (p.97)

Months later, after being released from Israeli prison, Mosab was walking past the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Someone [a British cab driver] -- not knowing who he was -- invited him to a Bible study. Curious, he attended. They studied the New Testament, and gave Mosab a copy to read for himself.

I began at the beginning [in the Gospel According to Matthew], and when I got to the Sermon on the Mount, I thought, Wow, this guy Jesus is really impressive! Everything He says is beautiful! I couldn't put the book down. Every verse seemed to touch a deep wound in my life. It was a very simple message, but somehow it had the power to heal my soul and give me hope. Then I read this: `You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.' (Matthew 5:43-45)....I was thunderstruck by these words. Never before had I heard anything like this, but I knew that this was the message I had been searching for all my life." Five years earlier, I would have read the words of Jesus and thought, What an idiot! and thrown the Bible away....But now, everything Jesus said on the pages of this book made perfect sense to me. Overwhelmed, I started to cry." (p.122-123) [90]

"I converted to Christianity because I was convinced by Jesus Christ as a character, as a personality. I loved him, his wisdom, his love, his unconditional love. I didn't leave [the Islamic] religion to put myself in another box of religion."ref name="online.wsj.com">

After the deceased PLO chief Yasser Arafat turned down the Israeli offer of 90% of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as the capital of a new "Palestinian" state, an outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000 led to Mosab being fully activated as a spy.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Matthew Kaminski reported,

Mr. Yousef tells me that he was horrified by the pointless violence unleashed by politicians willing to climb "on the shoulders of poor, religious people." He says Palestinians who heeded the call "were going like a cow to the slaughterhouse, and they thought they were going to heaven." So, as he writes in the book, "At the age of twenty-two, I became the Shin Bet's only Hamas insider who could infiltrate Hamas's military and political wings, as well as other Palestinian factions."

The motivation, he says, was to save lives.

"I'd seen enough killing. I was a witness to lots of death . . . Saving a human life was something really, really beautiful . . . no matter who they are. Not only Israeli people owe me their lives. I guarantee many terrorists, many Palestinian leaders, owe me their lives—or in other words they owe my Lord their lives."

His handler—a "Captain Loai," now retired from the Shin Bet—corroborated many of these stories to Haaretz. The paper said the Shin Bet considered Mr. Yousef "the most reliable and most senior agent."[89]

Gideon Ezra, formerly deputy leader of Shin Bet and now a member of the Knesset for the Kadima party, told BBC World Service that Mosab had been one of its agents. Mosab Hassan Yousef was considered Shin Bet's most reliable source in the Hamas leadership, earning himself the nickname "the Green Prince". One of his Israeli "handlers" told the paper that he had saved many lives, with one of his insights "worth 1,000 hours of thought by top experts" "The amazing thing is that none of his actions were done for money".

Mosab Hassan Yousef converted to Christianity, and he later moved to the United States in 2007.[91]

The United States is currently in the process of determining whether he qualifies for political asylum, as Islam demands the death of those who leave the ideology.

In an Associated Press interview, Mosab stated,

"To be honest with you, being killed is not the worst thing that can happen." "I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist." Later adding, "Muslims are good people. But their God is absolutely bad."

Sheik Hassan Yousef said in a letter that his family had renounced "the one who was once our eldest son, who is called Mosab."[92]

Iran's mercenaries

Noted journalist summed up how the mullahrcracy of Iran uses Hamas & PIJ:[93]

Hamas and PIJ, it seems, want to continue receiving funds and weapons from Iran, but they do not want to be seen by Arabs and Muslims as mercenaries serving Iran's interests in the Middle East.

Hamas and PIJ want the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs and Muslims to believe that their only goal is to "liberate all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea" -- a euphemism for driving the Jews out of Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state.

That is most likely why both Palestinian terror groups were quick to issue statements denying that their main goal is to defend Iran and serve its interests in the Middle East.

"Take your armies and go with them back to Iran, where you can fight your battles away from the peoples you occupy to achieve your agendas," said Sami Gemayel, head of the Lebanese Kataeb Party. He also criticized the failure of Lebanese leaders to respond to the admission that Hezbollah was created to serve Iran, and not Lebanon: "Are you ready now to face the truth?"

The Iranian commander's [Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid's] statements coincide with the Biden administration's delusional commitment to the fiction that the US will somehow convince Iran to abandon its plans to acquire nuclear weapons.

While the Biden administration is talking about "diplomacy" as the best way to rein in Iran's nuclear program, the mullahs are preparing for war and advancing their scheme to annihilate Israel and, with the help of their six "armies," occupy still more Arab countries.

Family held by Hamas barbarians Oct 7, 2023
German tattoo artist held by Hamas.."Her body was filmed splayed in the back of a truck, with one leg at an unnatural angle, terrorists sitting around it and supporters of the group cheering, running alongside and spitting on her."
Held by Hamas barbarians. Oct.7.23. "Doron and her two young daughters, Raz and Aviv (4.5 and 2.5 years old), cruelly kidnapped by Hamas. Noa, who was enjoying a party with her partner, also abducted. Ivonne and Antonio, parents of a 6 and a 4-year-old, are still missing."

The barbarian Iran/Hamas/PIJ onslaught Oct 2023 which led to Swords of Iron - the operation was helped by Iran, over several weeks, and the terrorist were given the green light by the IRGC two days prior to the attack.[94] Images -- of little girls and eldery people held by Hamas, bloodied women, as well as parading of various doubt alive or dead and Palestinians beating them, young German woman was murdered by Hamas while attending a music festival in Israel before the militants desecrated and paraded her body on the back of a truck -- shocked the world. It brought back ISIS style barbarity.

Beginning in the morning of Oct 7, 2023:

The Islamic Republic of Iran's backed "Palestinian" terror organization Hamas 'Gaza regime' in coordination with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terror groups - PFLP, DFLP, Fatah, after "officials from Iran and Hezbollah helped" planning:

fires (Oct 7–12) over 5,000 rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip over towns across Israel, including Jerusalem & Tel Aviv / central Israel, (in an attempt to overwhelm the system, many fired at once), many fell on the towns despite the Iron Dome system - wounding several, (a day later on a hospital in Ashkelon), wounding also in Ashdod, Ashkelon and in the Jerusalem area on Oct 9, murdering two in Eshkol on Oct 10th -

the infiltration of about 3,000-3,500 heavily armed barbarian Hamas / PiJ terrorists in Israeli towns and villages a group via 29 ways, breaching fence, hundreds using paragliders, armed with weapons, roaming on vehicles randomly shooting at people, slaughtering babies in their beds, shooting at the elderly, going from house to house, massacring hundreds;

- at times, entire families slaughtered, such as in Moshav Netiv HaAsara who lost dozens and in Nahal Oz;

- a pensioners' bus was attacked by a van arrived with armed terrorists who opened fire, killing thirteen;

- there were at least 120 murdered in Kibbutz Be'eri, "snatching children out of their beds,"[3] (2, 3 & 5 years old); kidnapping Jews, including women and children - entire families, dragging them (some barefooted) over to Gaza; even the disabled (- such as a Holocaust survivor), many to be lynched [4] and as trophies, a Be'eri resident "85-year-old grandmother.. was filmed being driven into Gaza in a golf cart by laughing militants," a major described when he had to shoot at terrorists - the difficulty to find an angle: "between the bodies of children, to jump over civilians who were handcuffed and shot";

- Captured document "top secret" instructions to target schools, youth centers, take hostages, to kill civilians, "as many as possible";

- In a "captive taking handbook", titled The Warrior's Guide - Jihad Version", the "terrorists are advised in detail on how to carry out the kidnapping. According to the description, the kidnappers are required to create chaos and intimidation, coercing and blindfolding captives, using electric shocks, and instructing them to execute any person who may pose a threat or distraction. They were also instructed to collect the captives and use them as human shields, if necessary, without distinction of religion, race, or sex. According to the barbaric text, similar to the terrorist organization ISIS, the terrorists are required to document their actions by livestreaming and executing hostages";

- The "terrorists came with precise maps, had time for selfies";

- "Hamas came in under the protection of its heavy rocket fire on Israel, by a massive invasion over land, and by air and sea. In order to disrupt the military's observation capabilities, Hamas launched UAVs to destroy communication towers and observation posts along the Gaza border, causing blind spots, while bulldozers broke through the border fence allowing hundreds across in the first wave, sources told the paper. A further 1,800, followed the initial invaders..";

- "Many Ordinary Palestinians Joined in Hamas's Atrocities Against Israel.. 'Just as Cruel as the Terrorists'";

- The terrorists had developed a method, a real technique to increase the dimensions of the massacre.. the terrorists knew that the residents would lock themselves in the safe-room, and those who refused to come out, they simply opened the trunk of his car in the yard, took out the spare tire, lit it on fire and rolled it into the house to hasten its burning. We found bodies of people who died of suffocation in the gas tanks. Others were burned alive and those who tried to escape from the window were shot to death."

- Torching houses and vehicles some with people inside, parading with dead, wounded, hostages;

- A massacre such that of youngsters on a nature party 'Nova' near Kibbutz Re'im (260), two youngsters who were there, before being kidnapped: "had WhatsApp conversations, sent their location, made it clear that the terrorists were walking around and lynching anyone they found"[5];

- "21 children are now orphans. A 4-year-old girl, whose both parents were murdered, was kidnapped alone to Gaza" by Arab Palestinians.

- In Kfar Aza, they "found babies with their heads cut off, entire families gunned down in their beds. About 40 babies and young children have been taken out on gurneys — so far."

- Eyes were gouged out, a woman's breasts cut off and a daughter had her legs severed.'

- From footage shown to journalists: 'Two soldiers without heads. Brutalized young women, one of them naked. Captives in Gaza surrounded by jeering gunmen... Hamas gunmen shooting at civilian cars and at people running across open fields as they flee the site of an open-air music festival. They whoop in triumph over their victims... one man scooping up two young boys, both wearing only underpants, as early morning sirens wailed, warning of incoming rocket fire. They ran out to a nearby bomb shelter. Assailants, lying in ambush, threw a grenade into the shelter, killing the man. The boys ran back to their house, where, distraught, one of them said he could not see anything. As a gunman rummaged in the refrigerator, the other boy cried, “Why am I alive?”.. In other clips, victims are seen gagged and with their hands bound behind their backs. Faces are frozen in shock and agony. Women’s bones are broken, their legs twisted in impossible angles.'

- "Hamas torture confirmed as Israeli forensics institute identifies victims." Among the images from forensics: "were those of charred hands with marks that revealed where the victims’ hands were bound behind their backs with metal wire before being burned alive... a completely charred mass of flesh, which at first glance could not be seen as ever having belonged to a human. It was only after a CT scan was done that experts could see the inhumanity of the image. Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—a parent and child bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight. “When you do this job downstairs, you get detached,” Dr. Chen Kugel, the head of Abu Kabir: “But then you learn the stories and connect to the people. It’s hard not to feel the tragedy. It’s so big. And when I go to the Shura camp [where deceased bodies in Israel are first collected] and see containers like you’d see at the port—but they’re all full of bodies… And you hear the stories—that behind their charred bodies, something terrible happened—it’s very difficult. I’ve seen many things in my 31-year career, but the magnitude and the cruelty [here] is terrible... The proportion of bodies we’ve received who are charred is high.. Many have gunshot wounds in their hands, showing they put their hands up to their faces in defense. Many were burned alive in their homes. … We know they were burned alive because there is soot in their trachea, their throats—meaning they were still breathing when set on fire... the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads."

- "Murdered Israeli children of Kibbutz Be'eri. They were tortured, dismembered, and then burned to death. Archaeologists are sifting through the rubble to find their teeth."

- Witness: "I saw one of my friends, she was begging for her life," she says. "She asked him to not kill her, to not kill her, to not kill her, and they didn’t care, they were laughing." She explains how, shortly after the break of dawn, her four friends were forced to line up and kneel down in the dust of an arid field. From her hiding place behind the trees, she overheard the single final word her friends heard from their murderers. "Enjoy," the Hamas militants said in English, as they laughed, before shooting the three men and one woman at point-blank range, she said.

- On a girl victim: "Her skull has been found. This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis."

- A Hamas terrorist, using a murdered female victim's phone, calls his father: "Father, I killed 10 Jews! Check your WhatsApp! I sent you the photos! Father, I killed 10 Jews! I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. His voice that is so ecstatic — sounded like he’s out of his mind... He was repeating the same thing over and over again, ‘I killed 10 of them.’ Then he added: 'The blood is still on my hands.' Check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!" His twisted parents praised him.

- Hamas terrorist under investigation: "We were ordered to murder, women and children too."

- Hamas terrorist: Shot crying children ‘until we didn’t hear noise anymore’ "The mission was simply to kill," Hamas operative told Shin Bet interrogators.

- The plan was to go from house to house, throw grenades, and kill everyone there, including women and children." Hamas Terrorist of the Nukhba Force Confesses the Slaughter of Women, Children, and Post-mortem Rape of Dead Body - and with an Islamic religious permission for that.

- A handwritten note found on the body of a Hamas terrorist encouraged the jihadists to remove the heads, hearts and livers of their Israeli victims. "You must sharpen the blades of your swords and be pure in your intentions before Allah. Know that the enemy is a disease that has no cure, except beheading and removing the hearts and livers. Attack them!" the note reads in Arabic.

- Terrorist further "confessed that Hamas approved of abusing the bodies and even dismembering them."

- A "terrorist using a grenade to kill a father in front of his two sons."

- A woman whose job is to, clean the victim’s bodies as best as possible to prepare them for burial: "We wash the bodies and prepare them for burial. We try to bring them dignity in death...What these barbarians did to these people is beyond words... There is evidence of mass rape so brutal that they broke their victims' pelvis – women, grandmothers, children... People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out.. A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded... Women and children burned to charcoal. Bodies murdered with their hands tied behind their backs."

- A Colonel said, that what Israeli forces have discovered in the aftermath of the attacks was "evidence of torture and savagery...We have babies with their heads cut off. Bodies without hands, without legs, without genitals."

- "Many of the bodies" -- worker at burial sociey -- processed bore witness to the violent way in which the murders had happened: There were gunshot wounds, burns, dismemberments, stabbings and more..."

- It was found a "USB key with instructions for producing a 'cyanide dispersion device' on the body of a Hamas operative who participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack";

- "They gathered young boys in lines and shot them. They raped some of the girls who came to the music festival. Some of the young people were gathered together and burned. We found the remains, and didn't understand what they were at first- we thought perhaps there had been an accident. Then we started searching for the missing, and we saw fire. We said 'Wait, maybe there are people in the fire'. There were twelve people burning. I looked up and saw more fires, and realized that we should just follow the fire. We burned our shoes trying to get them all out. We had to hurry because, in just a few hours like that, there would have been no remains left. I have horrific videos of that."

On Oct 24, 2023, "Hamas official Ghazi Hamad: We will repeat the October 7 attack, time and again, until Israel is annihilated...Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country"

On Oct 24, 2023, "Hamas official Ghazi Hamad: We will repeat the October 7 attack, time and again, until Israel is annihilated...Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country."[95]

With Taliban

In August, 2021, with Taliban advancing, Hamas congratulated them and invoked the so called "struggle" term. It cheered them on their "victory" obver the US.[96]

See also

External links


  1. Richard Cohen, The evil ideology that fuels Hamas: The term 'Islamic fascism' is completely apt, NY Daily News, Jun 28, 2010. [1].
  2. J Herf, Why They Fight: Hamas’ Too-Little-Known Fascist Charter, Aug 1, 2014. [2].
  3. Meir-Levi, D. (2010). History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression. Canada: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression
  4. Operation Cast Lead: Hamas’s Human Shields. Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  5. Katz, Yaakov (March 15, 2010). 'Hamas used kids as human shields'. The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  6. Does Hamas use civilians as human shields?. 4 News. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  7. Fredericks, Bob (August 5, 2014). Hamas’ disturbing ‘human shields’ manual. New York Post. May 2, 2015. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  8. UN report outlines how Hamas used kids as human shields. New York Post. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  9. Wilson, Joe (May 31, 2018). The inhumanity of Hamas' human shields. Washington Times. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  10. 10.0 10.1 The need for a Marshall Plan in the Gaza Strip Bradley Martin and Dr. Liram Koblentz-Stenzler - - The Washington Times, May 18, 2021.
  11. Hamas admits using civilians as human shields, All Arab News Staff, June 9, 2021.
    Israel accuses Hamas of double war crimes for such fighting – firing at Israeli civilians from within civilian population centers.

    In a speech to the head of the Hamas political bureau in Gaza after the end of the war between Hamas and Israel last month, Yahya Sinwar admitted that his organization has several military headquarters embedded in residential buildings – something Israel has been accusing the organization of all along.

    Hamas has always denied the existence of military and security headquarters among Gaza residents. This contradicts videos published by the Israeli army which indicate that rockets were launched from among the residential areas.

    Now, in a video that is making its way around the media, Sinwar admits as much...
  12. Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) Tweeted: Hamas arrests 20-year-old Mustafa Asfour, from Khan Yunis, after he criticized Hamas for storing weapons in residential areas in the Gaza Strip. August 8, 2021.
    Hamas arrests Palestinian for criticizing the policy of storing weapons in residential centers. Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Israel 365 News, Aug 9, 2021. Israeli Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh tweeted on Sunday that Hamas arrested 20-year-old Mustafa Asfour, from Khan Yunis, after he criticized Hamas for storing weapons in residential areas in the Gaza Strip.
    Hillel Neuer's tweet - "20-year-old Mustafa Asfour of Gaza did something our Western correspondents rarely do: He risked his life to call out Hamas for using Palestinians as human shields by storing bombs in residential areas. That’s a war crime under the Geneva Conventions that Ken Roth never mentions. " - Trendsmap Aug 10, 2021
    Lise Korson (@LiseKorson) Tweeted: .Mustafa Asfour & other #Gazans just want #Hamas to STOP! following the practices of their #Iran patron who taught #Hezbollah to store weapons in civilian areas. We all saw what happened in Beirut blast last August! https://t.co/XI3fzoNghw Aug 9, 2021.
    @GogoIsrael2 Replying to @afagerbakke: But, but, according to the greatest NGO's E.V.E.R. that's not the case. #Israel is targetting residential area's without any proof of weapon storage or missile platforms. Correct, Kenny @KenRoth @hrw? Are you just a blatant #Israel basher and denying your ancestry? .. Aug 9, 2021.
    When Hamas tells you you're a human shield you shut up and be a human shield. Aug 9, 2021.
    michalms (@michalms01) Tweeted: @KhaledAbuToameh @IlhanMN @AOC if you care about Palestinian lives, you would use your voice and power to help Mustafa Asfour. Or are you only “care” about Palestinians when Israel is involved? Aug 10, 2021
    yossi blachman (@YBlachman) Tweeted: @KhaledAbuToameh @elliecohanim Where is @RashidaTlaib @AOC @Ilhan @UNWatch I guess only certain Palestinian lives matter to them. Aug 10, 2021
  13. Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement YNet Accessed July 18, 2007
  14. From Collateral Damage to Human Shields: Why There Are So Many Casualties on the Palestinian Side, Sarit Zehavi, Alma Israel, July 29, 2014.
  15. Why HAMAS is Bad for Palestinians, Jerusalem Institute of Justice,May, 2017.
  16. Ido Levy, How Iran Fuels Hamas Terrorism, Washington Institute, Jun 1, 2021.

    After playing a key role in the group’s military development for years and navigating deep ideological rifts, Tehran has renewed its extensive sponsorship in ways that contributed directly to the recent bloodshed in Gaza.

    ...The group later began developing high-level contacts with Iran when the Islamic Republic convened two conferences on Palestine in 1990-1991.
  17. Hamas Leader Abroad Khaled Mash'al: The Muslim Brotherhood Founded The Hamas Movement, Helped Plan The Al-Aqsa Intifada, Funded The Palestinian "Resistance" Factions, Memri, February 7, 2023.

    Ibrahim Munir, a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who served in the recent years as the movement's acting general guide and who was the head of the movement's London faction, died in London on November 4, 2022. In the eulogy he delivered for Munir, Khaled Mash'al, the leader of the Hamas movement abroad, emphasized the close relations between the MB and Hamas, the MB's significant contribution to the establishment of Hamas, and the support it has extended to this movement over the years. Mash'al noted, for example, that when the Al-Aqsa intifada broke out, the MB leadership formed a support apparatus for the Palestinians, headed by Ibrahim Munir, which assisted Hamas and all the Palestinian resistance factions, helped with the planning of the intifada, and provided financial, political and media support to Hamas, which continued after Munir became the MB's acting general guide. Mash'al urged the members of the MB and of Hamas to follow in Munir's footsteps in order to achieve the important objectives, chiefly exalting Islam, the Islamic nation and the Palestinian cause.

    Born in 1937 in Mansoura, Egypt, Ibrahim Munir joined the MB in 1952 after being deeply influenced by the writings of the organization's founder, Hassan Al-Banna. During the Nasserist era he was jailed for 10 years for membership in the MB. After his release in 1975 he spent five years in Kuwait before being granted political asylum in Britain, where he lived until his death and was involved in the establishment of Islamic centers.  Munir served many prominent roles in the MB movement. He was appointed to the Guidance Office in 1995 and was subsequently appointed secretary of the international MB and the organization's spokesperson in Europe. In 2009 he became one of the deputies of MB general guide. From September 2020 he served as the movement's acting general guide, standing in for General Guide Muhammad Badie, who is serving a life sentence in Egypt, after the former acting general guide, Mahmoud 'Izzat,  was arrested as well. Since the MB split into two factions nine years ago, Munir was head of the faction based in London, opposing the rival faction, based in Istanbul, which did not recognize his authority. Under the Mubarak and Al-Sisi regimes he was tried in absentia for membership in a terror organization.
  18. https://embassies.gov.il/seoul-en/AboutIsrael/the-middle-east/Pages/Covenant-of-Hamas-terror.aspx
  19. The Hamas advocates Killing Jews, simply for being Jews, IMRA, November 25, 2002.

    IDF Spoksperson 24 November 2002

    The Iz-Adin Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas, published (23 November 2002) a bulletin on their official website, advocating the murder of Jews simply for the fact of that they are Jews.

    The bulletin was published to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Imad Akal, a senior Hamas official, killed in the Gaza Strip on November 24, 1993. The bulletin quotes Akal as saying: "We will knock on the doors of Heaven with the skulls of the Jews". The bulletin depicts an axe shattering the word "Al-Yahud" (Jews) and splintering the skulls of Jews. The words Al-Qassam are engraved on the axe.

  20. Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum Calls to Carry Out Terror Attacks in Israel and the West Bank, Memri, Jul 30, 2014.

    In a July 30, 2014 interview with the Lebanese Al-Quds TV channel, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum called upon Israeli Arabs and Palestinians in the West Bank to wage attacks...

    "... Anyone who has a knife, a club, a weapon, or a car, yet does not use it to run over a Jew or a settler, and does not use it to kill dozens of Zionists, does not belong to Palestine..."
  21. Jeffrey Herf, The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate, Tablet Magazine, Jul 5, 2022.
    A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust...
  22. Efraim Karsh, Hamas doesn't want a Palestinian state, The Spectator, May 22, 2021.
    The reality is that Hamas is no liberation movement in search of a Palestinian nation. Instead, it seeks the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic empire on its ruins. How do we know? Because senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar has said so:

    Islamic and traditional views reject the notion of establishing an independent Palestinian state… In the past, there was no independent Palestinian state… This is a holy land. It is not the property of the Palestinians or the Arabs. This land is the property of all Muslims in all parts of the world… [Hence] our main goal is to establish a great Islamic state, be it pan-Arabic or pan-Islamic.

    Understanding this makes it clear that the most recent bout of fighting — in which thousands of rockets have been fired and dozens killed — has little to do with freeing Palestinians from Israeli domination. It is inspired instead by the idea of freeing the Holy Land from Israel.
  23. Islam will conquer world to "save humanity from [Hell Fire"], PMW.
    Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas | Apr 11, 2008 — Younis Astal, Hamas, MP "Soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, like Constantinople was conquered..."
  24. Hamas Sermon in Gaza: Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam, Memri Mar 5, 2010.

    Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

    Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered in the Gaza Strip, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 5, 2010.

    Preacher: The prophecy of the conquest of Rome remains valid, Allah willing. Just like Constantinople was conquered some 500 years ago, Rome too will be conquered.

    Our prayers, our fasting, and the charity we give will be to no avail, if we doubt the .. Muhammad. How can we proceed along the path of righteousness, if we are not secure in our belief that Rome will be conquered, as promised by the ... Muhammad and as proclaimed by Allah?
  25. Per Hamas' interview to Sky News on May 24, 2021.
    "Senior Hamas leader: Israel doesn't have the right to exist," Israel National News, May 25, 2021:
    “You are not a citizen. We are the owner of this area – Arabic area. This is well known as an Islamic area.”
  26. MEMRI @MEMRIReports:
    Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar: The “Army of Jerusalem” Will Not Liberate Palestinian Land Only; the 512 Million Square Kilometers of Planet Earth Will Come Under a System with No Zionism, No Treacherous Christianity #Hamas #Palestinians.

    Dec 25, 2022.

  27. "A History of the Hamas Movement". Copyright 1999-2002. MidEast Web.
  28. Hamas Wants to Kill All Jews Worldwide. By Michael Brown July 16, 2019.  A senior Hamas leader has called for the slaughter of every Jew on planet earth. Those were literally his words. https://stream.org/hamas-wants-to-kill-all-jews-worldwide/
  29. Hamas Cleric and TV Host Abu Funun: We Will Not Leave a Single Jew, Dead or Alive, on Our Land. Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-cleric-and-tv-host-abu-funun-we-will-not-leave-single-jew-dead-or-alive-our-land
  30. Hamas Cleric: Not a Single Jew Will Remain Here. On Hamas TV station, presenter tells Jews: 'We will not leave a single one of you, alive or dead, on this land.' Ari Soffer , Oct 21 , 2015 3:51 PM https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/202229
  31. https://gellerreport.com/2021/05/nazis-flags-at-pro-terror-palestinian-demo.html/
  32. Arafat ordered Hamas attacks against Israel in 2000 - Jerusalem Post
  33. Arafat's Hamas Honeymoon -FrontPage Magazine
  34. 34.0 34.1 Hamas Covenant
  35. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Other Palestinian Groups Threaten Violence During Ramadan – 'The Month Of Jihad And Martyrdom', Memri, Apr 6, 2022.
  36. Ruth Marks Eglash, In a groundbreaking ruling, Middle Eastern Islamic council declares ‘fatwa’ against Hamas, Fox News, March 12, 2023.

    Hamas joins the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, other extreme groups as being deemed ‘un-Islamic'. In a groundbreaking ruling, an official Islamic legislative body based in the Arab world declared a "fatwa," or a legal opinion, against the Islamist militant group Hamas Thursday, calling its treatment of millions of Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip "inhumane" and urging the terrorist organization and its followers to immediately give up arms, sit down and make peace.

    The unprecedented declaration, published by the Islamic Fatwa Council, a non-government body of Shiite, Sunni and Sufi clerics headquartered in the Iraqi spiritual capital of Najaf, states that Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, "bears responsibility for its own reign of corruption and terror against Palestinian civilians within Gaza" and deems "it prohibited to pray for, join, support, finance or fight on behalf of Hamas."

    "As an Islamic legal body, we take note of the condition of the oppressed all over the world," Muhammad Ali Al-Maqdisi, a cleric for the council, said in a video statement shared with Fox News Digital. 

    "We have seen what Gaza has been subjected to under Hamas’ rule. We have also seen the atrocities which, in our view, have been perpetrated against Palestinians — faithful and unarmed civilians — who have neither strength nor recourse. And, so, we believed it was our Islamic obligation to aid the oppressed.
  37. Gazan who escaped to Israel, converted to Judaism shares his story, JPost, November 27, 2023
  38. The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper. Hostages, the Road Home. Aired 8-9p ET. Aired April 07, 2024 - 20:00 ET.

    [...] G. ROMAN: We asked many times, why did they want? Yarden says they repeatedly say, just one cause. Jihad. A world of jihad. And Muslim empire.

    ROMAN-GAT: Their aim is to get the world to be Islamic. The whole world.

    GOLODRYGA: Yarden understands some Arabic and spoke with her captors in English. She says they said it all the time.

    That Israel should not exist at all no?

    ROMAN-GAT: No.

    GOLODRYGA: No two states?

    ROMAN-GAT: Islamic state, yes, like a world of Islamic state.

    GOLODRYGA (voice-over): While Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the E.U., negotiations have been ongoing to get the remaining hostages released.
  39. Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus l, PA and Hamas’ shared values: Both promote identical death/blood worship, Palwatch, Nov 27, 2022.

    Many mistakenly portray the Palestinian Authority as the “moderate” Palestinian side, and the terror organization Hamas ruling the Gaza Strip as the only extremists.

    Often it is difficult to tell their views apart. In the following, Palestinian Media Watch has put together statements by PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras, both endorsing death for “Palestine,” speaking about the wonder of Martyrdom and the “Martyrs’” blood.
  40. Rocket attack is a warning to all Israel's enemies, with domestic intelligence agency Shin Bet to take action 'when necessary' Michael Burleigh for the Daily Mail , Nov 16, 2012.

    ... For sure Hamas carries out good deeds among the Palestinian poor in Gaza, with clinics and soup kitchens, but this is largely an attempt to indoctrinate them in anti-Semitic hatred by a political leadership that gives the armed wing its strategic marching orders.

    The core fighters of the military wing number several hundreds of men, trained in Iran and Syria, but there another 10,000 people who facilitate their evil deeds.

    Hamas is not some benign conservative religious party. The 2012 list of its regular human rights abuses compiled by the organisation Human Rights Watch runs to 42 pages, and includes beating people with iron bars, 102 cases of torture, and the hanging of anyone suspected of collaborating with the Israelis.

    Their fighters employ child suicide bombers and use Palestinian civilians as human shields. This is the organisation to which Jaberi devoted the last decades of his violent life.

    Jaberi, for example, is believed to have been involved in the suicide bombing of a No 6 bus in the Israeli settlement of Kfar Darom in 1995 that killed eight and wounded 60 others.
  41. Ari Yashar, "PA Human Rights Abuses Start with Hamas Flag," INN, May 09 , 2014.
    PA security forces charged with beating civilians with weapons, firing live ammo, raiding homes with no warrant.
  42. October 23, 2018 Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent, 'Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.' HRW, 2018
  43. Palestinian journalist "tortured by Hamas", 01 November 2019
  44. Even animals get better treatment': Tortured by Hamas, man finds refuge in Israel, ILH, Feb 1, 2019
  45. What’s life like under Hamas?, TOI, 16 Jan 2023. "‘Whispered in Gaza’ offers unique, courageous testimony."
  46. Hamas Crackdown on Gaza Protests Instills Fear, NYTimes, 24 March 2019
  47. Adnan Abu Amer, "Why is Hamas refusing to lay down arms? The movement sees its military capability as its only deterrent against Israeli aggression and expansion." Aljazeera, 11 Jun 2017
  48. Gaza economic protests expose cracks in Hamas's rule, BBC, 18 March 2019
  49. Fears in PA: Gaza May Turn into Taliban-Style Emirate, MEMRI Jun 27, 2007.
  50. Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras said in a June 28 Friday sermon at the 'Izz Al-Din ..., Memri, Jun 28, 2019.
  51. http://www.adl.org/PresRele/IslME_62/4877_62.htm
  52. http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=18086
  53. David Sheen, "Were the notorious..." The Gray Zone, Sep 11, 2021.

    'At no point did Maria or any witness allege that the Israeli men were dancing in any way. The FBI report refers to the men as the “Israeli Nationals” and “The High Fivers.” The first documented allegation that the men had danced in celebration of the Twin Towers attack comes not from any American law enforcement agency, but rather from the father of Mohammad Atta, the ringleader of the Al Qaeda-affiliated cell that hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and crashed it into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. On September 28, 2001, a USA Today article entitled “Conspiracy theories say Israel did it” cited Egyptian news agency MENA’s interview with the elder Atta, complaining that insufficient focus was being paid to reports that the FBI had “seized a number of Jews while they were dancing in celebration over the incidents.”...

    An internal FBI memo dated September 24, 2001 stated: “Both the Newark and the New York Divisions conducted a thorough investigation which determined that none of the Israelis had any information on prior knowledge regarding the bombing of the World Trade Center. Furthermore, Newark and New York determined that none of the Israelis were actively engaged in clandestine intelligence activities in the United States.”

    [Conspiracy Theories say Israel [sic] did it. By James Cox, USA TODAY, Sep. 28, 2001.

    The Muslim world World Trade Center ... A group of five [sic] Jews was arrested shortly following the attacks after being spotted videotaping the crashes on a New York rooftop and [sic] dancing in jubilation... Typical is an editorial in the Syria Times...

    The grieving father of suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta, interviewed by Egyptian news agency MENA, wondered why U.S. media outlets has chosen to ignore that U.S. authorities seized a number of Jews while they were [sic] dancing [sic] in celebration [sic] of over the incidents." The answer to that question was obvious to Ismail Abu-Shanab, a member of the militants Palestinian group Hamas.]

  54. Jeffrey Goldberg, Fighting Terror by Closing Engineering Schools, The Atlantic, January 19, 2010.
    Two months after our conversation, Yassin was assassinated in an Israeli missile strike. Abdel Aziz Rantisi was appointed the new leader of Hamas in Gaza. In January, I had met with Rantisi, who was a pediatrician; I asked how he could justify harming Israeli children. He told me that Israel has forced Hamas to commit these acts. Then he said, "The ... are worse than Hitler... I believe Hitler wouldn't bulldoze homes on civilians... It's impossible to say that Hitler would do that. I believe that more than fifty per cent of the world doesn't believe in the Holocaust, and I am one of them. The Israelis practice terror against our people and say to the world that we are terrorists. I believe that they did the same thing to Hitler..."
  55. Sacks, Jonathan. Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence. United States: Schocken Books, 2017. (Chapter, The Scapegoat), p. 83.
    The Protocols, despite widespread knowledge that they are a forgery, figure prominently in the discourse of the Islamists and appear in the Hamas Charter.
  56. Hamas rips U.N. for teaching the Holocaust, JTA, August 31, 2009
  57. "The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988 articles 22 and 32"
  58. 58.0 58.1 "ratchets up its rhetoric against Jews". Herald Tribune.March 31, 2008.
  59. 59.0 59.1 Erlanger, Steven (April 1, 2008). "In Gaza, Hamas's Insults to Jews Complicate Peace". The New York Times.
  60. Public Opinion Poll No -67 | PCPSR.
    14-17 March 2018. This poll has been conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah.
    63% reject the idea of allowing Israeli Jews to live in the state of Palestine as citizens or residents.
  61. ADL. / Global 100 [4] West Bank and Gaza 2020: 93% Index Score, 93%. 1,900,000 People in this country harbor anti-Semitic attitudes. 2,030,259 Adult population.
  62. Herzog: Copy of “Mein Kampf” found in children's bedroom in north Gaza, Jerusalem Post Staff, November 12, 2023.

    In an interview with the BBC, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed that Israeli security forces had discovered an Arabic copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf in a children's bedroom of a civilian home in northern Gaza that was being used as a terror base. The civilian home included an explosives laboratory and represented further proof of Hamas’s terrorist activity in the heart of the civilian population in Gaza...

    "... This book was found a few days ago in northern Gaza. In a child's room, which became a base used for terrorist activities by the terrorist organization Hamas. The terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied again and again, the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are. This is the real war we are facing."
  63. Mein Kampf’ found in kids’s room used as Hamas terror base, JNS, November 12, 2023.

    "This is the book that led to the Holocaust and the book that led to World War II," said Israeli President Isaac Herzog. ([5] Israeli President Isaac Herzog holds up a copy of an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" that was found by IDF troops in a children's room used as a Hamas terror base in the Gaza Strip. A copy of Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” was found in a children’s room that was used as a Hamas terror base in the northern Gaza Strip, Isaac Herzog has revealed. The Israeli president held up the copy of the Nazi party leader’s autobiographical manifesto during an interview with the BBC on Sunday. “This is Adolf Hitler’s book, ‘Mein Kampf,’ translated into Arabic. This is the book that led to the Holocaust and the book that led to World War II,” Herzog said, according to a statement from the President’s Residence. “This book was found a few days ago in northern Gaza. In a children’s room, which became a base used for terrorist activities by the terrorist organization Hamas. The terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied over and over the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are. This is the real war we are facing,” said Herzog. ([6] The annotated copy of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” found at a Hamas terror base in Gaza). “After the massacre and atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7—the day on which the largest number of Jews were murdered since the Holocaust—this is another revelation that testifies to the sources of inspiration of the terrorist organization Hamas, and proves once again that all its actions have the same goal as the Nazis—the destruction of Jews.” Herzog last month blasted the BBC for refusing to call Hamas a terrorist organization, choosing to call its perpetrators “militants.” Parts of a previous interview with the British public broadcaster were not aired, including a reference to this criticism. In interviews, Herzog has also forcefully pushed back against criticism that Israel is not doing enough to protect Gaza civilians, explaining how Hamas cynically hides behind human shields at hospitals, schools, mosques and other civilian sites used to attack Israeli civilians. During the BBC interview, Herzog addressed the false claims that Shifa Hospital, where the main Hamas headquarters is located, is under siege by Israeli forces. “Hamas lies and gives false information—there is electricity in Shifa Hospital, everything is working, we are talking to the hospital administrators. We did not enter Shifa Hospital, where unfortunately there is a huge, huge terrorist base operating underneath it,” Herzog said.

    “The headquarters and the entire activity headquarters of Hamas-ISIS is right below Shifa. What exactly are we supposed to do? Leave it as it is and then in a few years we will go through the same thing again? And you will tell us that it is disproportionate, and they will kill our civilians again? So we are calling on all uninvolved citizens to move to another hospital nearby, we are coordinating this very delicately with all the forces around the place. Hamas is the one stopping them,” said Herzog.
  64. http://www.alqassam.ps/english/?action=aboutus
  65. Bergman, R., waiter, G., Alterman, S. (2002). Freedom of choice: Where did we go wrong? Thus, the Palestinian Authority has become a production line for corruption and terrorism. Israel: Yedioth Ahronoth. p.59.
  66. ibid.
  67. Brazil: Hamas leader arrested in South America, News 1, 19/06/2005.

    21 terrorists arrested - one of whom is known as: 'Abu Hitler' - American intelligence: Hamas recently joined Hezbollah and al-Qaeda in the activities of terrorist organizations in the border triangle: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

    Brazilian police said (Saturday, June 18, 2005) that they had arrested 21 "Islamic terrorists," one of whom, Sial Bashar Yahya al-Atari, was defined as "the head of Hamas in South America." Another senior detainee is Hussam Muhammad, a Lebanese citizen known as 'Abu Hitler'.

    The deputy chief of staff said a few days ago that Hamas had recently joined Hezbollah and al-Qaeda in the activities of terrorist organizations in the border triangle: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

    U.S. intelligence says the location is a money laundering center for terrorist organizations. The terrorists trade drugs there, forge credit cards and gather intelligence on targets. The profits of their activities are transferred to the Middle East.

    The US Deputy Chief of Staff has warned that these terrorist operatives intend to move their operations into US territory soon.
  68. 68.0 68.1 Bassem Mroue and Melanie Lidman, Shadowy Hamas leader in Gaza is at top of Israel's hit list after last month's deadly attack., AP, via Washongton Post, Nov 22, 2023.
  69. [Netael Bandel I strangled them with my own hands’: Yahya Sinwar’s testimony in 1989], JNS, November 10, 2023.
  70. Staff, Hamas leader Sinwar spoke to hostages in Gaza, released Israeli says, Jerusalem Post, November 27, 2023.
  71. "Eliminate Sinwar? Israel has a more burning problem on the road to victory over terrorism." A. Issacharoff, Hamal, May 8, 2022.
    Sinwar is the scum of the human race even in terms of his people. In the Israeli prison, he was nicknamed "Abu Tan'ash" (the father of the 12) for his involvement in the murder of 12 collaborating suspects. He took part in severe torture of Palestinians even before his arrest and also in prison and after his release he was involved in the abduction and execution of a battalion commander in the military wing of Hamas.
  72. The note exposing the cruelty of the Hamas leader, Reshet 13, Mar 12, 2017.
    Hamas arrested him on suspicion of moral issues, ie homosexuality, and underwent severe torture in a Hamas prison. The one who interrogates him first is his direct commander, and then, Senwar took responsibility for the investigation, with a dubious reputation - the elimination of 12 Hamas collaborators .... ... The note in question was signed "Abu Ibrahim" - Sinwar's nickname.
  73. Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar admits that the terrorist group [7]
  74. Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted: Plain and simple: Sinwar the leader of Hamas in Gaza admits in his own words that they use civilian areas for terrorist purposes Next you blame Israel for killing innocent civilians understand that Hamas are using their people as human shields https://t.co/Hn2ioFoB25 Junne 5, 2021
  75. Hamas leader’s threats days before Elad terror attack gain new significance, JNS, May 5, 2022.

    “Whoever has a gun should prepare it, and whoever does not have a gun should prepare his cleaver, ax or knife,” said Yahya Sinwar. In the wake of a deadly terrorist attack on Thursday night in the Israeli city of Elad, Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Yahya Sinwar is drawing renewed attention to a speech he made earlier this week calling for lone-wolf assaults with guns, cleavers, axes and knives.

    Security forces are searching for the assailants who murdered three Israelis and injured at least four people, two critically, in Elad as crowds were celebrating Israel’s 74th birthday. The suspects, who attacked people in the city’s main park by Ibn Gvirol Street, were believed to be armed with an ax and perhaps a firearm.
  76. Yaron Doron, Dana Ben-Shimon, Shahar Klaiman and Ariel Kahana, Terrorist attack in Elad leaves 3 dead, several injured, ILH, May 5, 2022.
    Manhunt underway for two terrorists who carried out a combined axe-firearm attack at the heart of the Haredi community in central Israel. Hamas, Islamic Jihad laud "heroic act" but stop short of claiming responsibility. US, UK, EU denounce the attack, say they "stand with Israel against terrorism."
  77. Shilo Freid, Neither livelihood nor al-Aqsa: they simply hate Jews, Makor Rishon, May 10, 2022.

    Against the background of the wave of terrorist attacks, Ohad Hemo went to East Jerusalem and discovered to his amazement (or not) that young Arabs there wanted to kill us.

    An article by Ohad Hemo, the commentator on Arab affairs of News 12, was broadcast last night (Monday) with a precise timing: Hemo went to East Jerusalem to hear what young Arabs think of Jews, with the sequence of attacks continuing in the background.

    "Every Jew and Jew should [he says] die. Every Jew," said a boy named Ahmed Lehemu. "me too?" The reporter asked twice and the young man answered unequivocally "Yes. All the Jews." "I tell you - I am with Hamas. I go with Hamas. Not Palestine, not Fatah, nothing, only Hamas," said a young resident of the Shuafat ... "There is nothing about Hamas. Sinwar scared them madly, hid behind the trees. When Abu Obeida threatened them, Abu Obeida has a word, when he threatened them they started hiding in their homes," said another interviewee.

    Hemo tried to pretend to be surprised, but this is not the first time he has brought up these voices - exactly the voices the left prefers to ignore. For years they explain that terrorism is the result of oppression, fighting for the homeland, despair of the peace process. But here eloquent and clear young people come and say exactly what they think, without apologizing: their problem is not a hill in Samaria, not a Palestinian state, not Jerusalem and not even the desecration of al-Aqsa. They just hate Jews, and want to murder as many of us as possible. Like that, simple. No opening for arrangement, understanding or in-depth analysis.

    This article was broadcast on the night of May 10, the anniversary of the beginning of the riots across the country in which the same young Arabs participated, in which Yigal Yehoshua was killed in Lod and Avi Har-Even in Acre and many others were injured.

    On the morning after the first wave of riots during Operation Guardian of the Walls, the left explained that this was a result of neglect, budget problems, tension because of the Garin-Torani. It was almost forbidden to say that the murderous spirit of Hamas from Gaza, which dripped into Jerusalem, began to spread among Israeli Arabs as well.

    Look at Hemo's article. Hear the murderous messages and understand: if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck - it's a duck. They just hate Jews.
  78. Watch: Ohad Hemo interviews young random passers-by in Shuafat, who tell him "every Jew and Jew need to die, including you", Rotter News, 10.05.22.
    Ariel Schnabel Tweeted (May 10, 2022):

    And again our corner "Just listen to them": Ohad Hamu in Shu'afat, interviewing people on the street. Not "extremists", not "terrorist operatives", not "armed" - a group of random young Arabs: "Every Jew [he says] should die." "me too?" Asks Hemo, And they are not confused: "Yes! Yes! Every Jew and Jew need to die! It is written in the Qur'an that every Jew and Jew [he says] should die!" Will you finally listen to them, dreamy "peace" of your kind?

  79. 79.0 79.1 The untold story of Sinwar: the competition - who kills more Jews, Maariv, Mar 7, 2024.

    Already about 30 years ago: this is how Sinwar planned the invasion and the massacre.

    In the United States, they may try to pressure Hamas even more through Egypt and Qatar, and are debating whether to order the government in Doha to expel Hamas representatives from the country if they fail to convince the organization's senior officials in the Gaza Strip to release the abductees. This is what veteran commentator David Ignatius reported today (Thursday) in the "Washington Post".

    "This is the real devil, the new Nazi," Kobi said at the beginning of the conversation. "Yahia Sinwar, whom I first met in 1989 when I interrogated him in the case of two kidnapped Israelis. He was associated with Ahmed Yassin in consulting, when he was his protégé and served as both his assistant and adviser, and also as the commander of the forces that murdered so-called collaborators. He also served as Hamas' education commissioner. For example, he provided them with plastic knives and rubber knives so that they could compete among themselves as to who kills more Jews. Later, Sinwar provided them with guns to practice with, and then trained them with explosive belts."

    Micha Kobi, a former Shin Bet investigator who over the course of his career accumulated many hours in front of many murderers, revealed on 103FM a shocking detail: "He told me during the investigation that he was going to establish a unit that would enter the territories of Israel"

    "Sinwar, from a very young age he was a fan of Ahmed Yassin. He visited the mosque almost every day, where he studied all the sermons and the Koran as Ahmed Yassin explained to him, that all the Jews should be eliminated. They sat together with several other so-called sages from Hamas, and wrote the Hamas charter. The first section talks about the destruction of the Jewish state. He was around 28, single, I asked him why he didn't get married, he told me 'My mother is Hamas, my father is Hamas, my wife is Hamas, everyone is Hamas.' I have over 150 hours of Sinwar.

    We are grinding water, he is simply trying to cause a conflict between the families and the government, and such and such personalities, etc.

    This man stabs us with every word he utters, he is a liar, a crook. This is how Hamas behaves , there were never any promises made by Hamas that were kept. And if there were they were always changed.

    It is clear that there is a rift between Hamas abroad and Hamas domestically, it has been almost forever, Yahya Sinwar sees himself as the commander of the military and civilian forces in the Gaza Strip. 

    Sinwar is not interested in any negotiations. He knows he is going to be the martyr. In his opinion, he has already succeeded, he carried out his plan as best as possible for him. He is considered the hero of Hamas, the hero of Islam and the hero of the people of Gaza, many of whom were swept away after him," he added. 

    Kobi also stated that "he sees the October 7th as a victory, according to his opinion. He does not see it as a massacre Hamas under his authority denies that there was a massacre. His plan is survival - he thinks and is convinced that he will be able to subdue the State of Israel retreat to the borders of October-7th and then he will return to rebuild Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This is the trend and this is the ambition, at the same time he is convinced that the State of Israel will persecute him and it is better for him to be a martyr than to flee to Egypt or leave with consent to Qatar.

    We do not yet know for sure how many are around him, It is likely that there are several dozen abductees around him. At the same time, he is looking for survivors, that is why he does not want any negotiations, he has no interest in negotiations. This is the reason for the quarrel between him and Haniyeh and Sha'al, they hold meetings, take sentences out of their mouths that supposedly have So and so are abducted and you can make a deal of 40 for 400 - they don't know how many abductees exist..."

    "He was interested in the [terror] prisoners in the past, if we had withdrawn, he would have been interested in making a deal to release all the prisoners, but it really doesn't interest him at the moment. He will give up everything in exchange for survival and pushing Israel to its October-7th border. I do not believe that the State of Israel, despite international pressure, no matter from which direction, we should not stop the war with Hamas until the destruction of Hamas's capabilities, both military and civilian.

    He [Sinwar].married after he was released [2011] and got a name of a pedophile, he wanted to erase this issue, he married someone by force in Gaza and had a son with her, who is now 8 years old. The children seen in the tunnel could be one of his children, one of his brother's children, there were also two women there.

    Sinwar is imbued with an abysmal hatred for Jews, and he wants to carry out, he was not ashamed to give me a version during the interrogation that he was going to form a unit that would enter the territories of Israel and destroy settlements "If he hadn't been sentenced to life imprisonment, he would have carried out his plot even then, but he was sentenced to four life sentences, following which he was released in the [2011 Gilad] Shalit deal. I knew that if he was released, this man would carry out his plot, and fulfill his promise to establish the Nukhba," he added . 

    At the end of his words, he emphasized that "Hamas has been resurrected at least three times that I know of. They re-establish each time, and if indeed we withdraw and there is no military pressure, he will form a new Hamas that will be much more brutal and extreme than now, he believes in this, he believes that the Jews must be exterminated now.

    We found Hitler's Mein Kampf at his house, from where they took the [Hamas] principles."
  80. Rape, sexual abuse, and pedophilia: How Hamas leader Sinwar ruled the yard, By 103FM Via Maariv Online. Published: February 22, 2024.

    Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammed have been accused of several acts of sexual assault, rape, and even, pedophilia, by Hamas members locked up with them.

    Baruch Yedid, head of the Arab affairs desk for Channel 14, on Wednesday revealed more details on 103FM in the Erel Segal program about the news about sexual scandals attributed to the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, among other things when he was in Israeli prison.

    According to Yedid, "Since 2005, Muhammad Sinwar has been the Khan Yunis Brigade Commander and a member of the military leadership. He is also the one who, according to documents from the IDF spokesperson, dug the giant tunnel that was recently discovered, and keeps several skeletons in his closet."

    "He was released from the PA prison in 2000," continued Yedid "There are questions about how he got out of there."

    "Yahya was released in 2011 in the Shalit deal. When Yahya was still in prison, the heads of the military and the leadership of the prisoners turned to him and told him that his younger brother was involved in a series of acts of pedophilia and sexual harassment of boys, including Hamas operatives."

    "Some of the incidents, according to them, happened when Muhammad was in a Palestinian prison, and some when he was already a senior member of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The response they get from Yahya, and this is confirmed by both Israeli and Palestinian officials, is that he throws them out, and forbids them to investigate anything outside of what he authorized them to investigate."

    "Then he says 'Families of people I destroyed are behind the rumors.'"

    Yedid continued, saying, "In the Ofer prison in the early 2000s, two Hamas men raped a boy, also a Palestinian prisoner, Yahya again forbade investigating the issue, preferring that a comprehensive investigation not be opened because his brother was still at large and Sinwar feared that this would lead to an investigation that would reveal his brother as well."

    "How did this become known, among other things, to the Israeli intelligence organizations?"

    The source of the rumors Samir Kuntar, the same one who murdered the Haran family in 1979, who was released in 2008 and was eventually killed in Syria in 2015, was the source of the information.

    Kuntar told Israeli officials on several occasions that Sinwar forbids investigating these matters, and expressed concern that these acts are increasing in prison, according to Yedid.

    "Because Sinwar is one of the prisoners' leaders, he forbids them to interrogate his brother and tells the Israeli authorities about the pedophilia and rape committed by his brother Muhammad.

    Yedid added, "When Yahya was still in prison, the members of the military branch once again informed him that his brother Mohammed was a collaborator for the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)."

    "This was already known to the Shin Bet, it forbade investigating because he says that if a background investigation is opened on the brother, this would also be revealed. So far this is only from Israeli sources."

    "There is also information coming from Palestinian sources, there are quite a few in Ramallah who follow Hamas in Gaza. There are two intelligence files in Ramallah, one talks about sexual abuse done by the older brother Yahya, among other things from prisoners who were released and gave evidence to the Palestinian authorities."

    "One of them says that in 1997 or 1998, when Sinwar was detained in Ashkelon prison, he kept silicon accessories and toys in his cell, with which he also sexually harassed. Ashkelon prison in those times only had male prisoners."

    "When he was released in October 2011, within a month he married Samar, then 31 years old from a religious family. He said in an interview that his sisters brought him Samar, and around the marriage ceremony there were several testimonies about the marriage."

    In conclusion, the journalist emphasized, "There are claims by Hamas members that their names were not included in the list of those released by Shalit, only because Muhammad Sinwar did not want them to be outside because of sexual scandals."
  81. http://www.cfr.org/publication/8968/#12
  82. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/02/mil-060218-voa05.htm
  83. Yoni Kempinski, New documentary series follows woman who infiltrated anti-Israel organizations, INN, Oct 20, 2022.

    Tzvi Yehezkeli explains that the series uncovers the connection between human rights orgs. and terrorists.

    A new documentary series airing this Sunday on Israel's Channel 13, follows R. a 32-year-old foreign national who secretly infiltrated anti-Israel organizations and worked with Hamas heads in Europe. R. took part in flotillas from Europe to Gaza, and shares, for the first time, footage from inside the relationship between radical Islam and the radical left. In honor of the series premiere, a launch event was held on Wednesday in Jerusalem.

    During the event, the documentary's host, Middle East correspondent Tzvi Yehezkeli, stated: "This is war, the war is mostly conciseness, and that's the power of this series, we see how they set the narrative. We went through so much in this series. It's our main project. When we started sending her (R.), sometimes fear controls you, but she didn't give up and she went all the way and brought it, and that is what makes this series so rare." In an interview with Israel National News Yehezkeli said that R. "Met all of the senior officials in Hamas, she traveled on flotillas, she was arrested, and in the end, we rescued her and she's in a safe place now. It was worth a series about it." Yehezkeli added that the series presents "A huge journalistic gain, to show the connection between Hamas to BDS. All of the human rights organizations that are funded by Hamas in Europe."

    The journalist explained how Hamas runs a network in Europe that works to form people's opinions, and for that reason, it was important for him to work on this series.
    Oct 20, 2022.
    Exposure by the organization 'Ad Kan' and Zvi Yehezkali, which deals with foreign organizations in Israel and abroad and the connection to terrorist elements!
    • The docu-espionage series "Hasthula" by Zvi Yehezkali Channel 13, Koda Productions and the organization "Ad Kan" was launched.

    Channel 13, Koda Productions and the "Ad Kan" organization launched yesterday evening (Wednesday) the docu-espionage series "Hasthule" by journalist Zvi Yehezkali. The 5-episode series will be broadcast starting next Sunday, October 23, on Channel 13. The series follows the activities of R., 32 years old, a foreign citizen who operated under cover in anti-Israeli organizations and in cooperation with Hamas leaders in Europe. She participated in a flotilla from Europe to Gaza and brings, for the first time, an insider's documentation of the system of connections between extreme Islam with an emphasis on *Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood* and radical leftists through a media and consciousness war against the State of Israel. R. has been operated for the past 5 years by members of the organization "Had Kan". The series is led by the journalist Zvi Yehezkali, who closely follows the activities of R.

    • Zvi Yehezkali, creator of the series and commentator on Arab affairs of News 13:* "There is a spy who didn't think of being one and she got into it by choice. The people of "Ad Kan" led by Gilad but brought journalistic story number 1.

    The story of war is not missiles. The war is mainly about the consciousness, this is the vastness of this series - "Hasthule". In other spaces you see where consciousness is determined. To see a person who is not trained for this and he enters the area is amazing. "Shtule made European judo for the whole Arab world."

    • Gilad Ach, CEO of the organization "Ad Kan" whose organization collected the material for years said that:* "After 5 years of work we reached a rare and historic achievement in penetrating the network woven by Hamas in Europe. The project reveals that Hamas members in Europe are using human rights organizations to promote their goals, including the branding in the international media of the soldiers of the IDF and the State of Israel (as if they) were some supposed Nazi[sic] thereby the terrorist organizations fighting them as [supposedly] "freedom fighters."
    The findings that were revealed in the activity of the plant and the team accompanying the organization "Up to now" must lead to a system change in the attitude of the State of Israel to the threat reflected in the international arena. The collaborations we have discovered between Hamas and those "human rights organizations" are extremely disturbing. The State of Israel must act with all the tools at its disposal to stop the anti-Israeli incitement in the national arena." ...

    [8] [9]

    So far - Ad Kan @adkanorg:

    (Oct 20, 2022):

    The most dangerous investigation we have done. After five years, 'planted' in the air.

    A shocking espionage docu-series about our agent in 'Ad Kan' who reached the heads of Hamas in Europe and risked her life for the State of Israel...
  84. Hamas lobby group in the UK accuses Israeli lawmakers of racismINN, January 23, 2023.
    Anti-Israel lobby group in the UK linked to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood launches new campaign accusing Israeli ministers of racism...

    In addition, Ad Kan, an Israeli NGO, revealed Birawi’s and Europal’s connection to attempts to run Israel’s security blockade of Gaza, as well as to Hamas’ so-called “marches of return” in 2020, via undercover work.

    Birawi and Europal’s illicit activities were aired at the end of 2022, in the Israeli television series, “Shtula”.

    In the series Ad Kan, infiltrated Hamas’ European propaganda operations, and reached its most prominent activists.

    Birawi was defined by the Israeli security system as a senior Hamas official in Europe about a decade ago, since he operates a network of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas-linked organizations working in Europe against Israel.

    Despite this, Birawi remains a prominent public figure in the UK who hosts television shows and maintains close ties with English and European politicians.

    "The organizations are mostly motivated by a progressive extreme leftist ideology or an Islamist ideology,” Diaspora Minister and Social Equality Minister Amichai Shikli told Ma’ariv. “Together, these organizations form the Red-Green Alliance against the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”

    In a statement Monday afternoon, Ad Kan said the latest propaganda campaign exemplifies Hamas’ increasingly sophisticated efforts to undermine Israel.

    "Hamas is operating a campaign against Israel that combines military and civil combat. While military combat is engaged in by the security forces, the arena of civil combat is not adequately addressed. A Hamas campaign on European soil should be met with a decisive and painful response from the Israeli government to the countries and politicians in Europe, as well the emissaries of Hamas. Their attempt to harm the legitimacy of the existence of the State of Israel constitutes a security risk no less serious than firing missiles at civilians."
  85. Terrorists in Suits: the Ties between NGOs Promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations. Prime Minister's Office, February 2019.
    Hamas operatives active in NGOs in the UK: Zaher Birawi... (AKA Abu Khaled), who moved to the UK in the 1990s, has close ties to Hamas and worked for several pro-Palestinian NGOs...
  86. Daniel Greenfield, Will Biden fund ISIS in (Arab Islamists in) Israel to aid the Palestinians?, JNS, March 29, 2022.

    The "Palestinian people" have spoken. Will Biden listen to them?

    "In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate," said Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, “we would like to welcome Secretary Clinton.” “Blinken,” someone corrected him.

    “Sorry, Blinken,” said the 86-year-old Islamic terrorist leader.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had to travel thousands of miles to find a leader even more unpopular and out of it than the one he had left behind at the White House. That was last year. This year, Abbas got Blinken’s name right, but not much else.

    In 17 years (and just one election), Abbas has seen a lot of secretaries of state come and go to get their pictures taken with him before sending him a few hundred million dollars.

    Last year, Abbas told Blinken that he had “postponed the elections” because of Israel and that the moment he gets his paws on Jerusalem, “we will hold them immediately and without any delay, because ultimately what we’re interested in is to establish democracy throughout Palestine.” This year they can’t be held either, because Abbas still doesn’t have Jerusalem.

    The last Palestinian Authority presidential election was in 2005. Abbas won. The last parliamentary election was in 2006. Hamas won. The presidential and parliamentary elections have been postponed since then but are expected to resume any time now. If not, blame Israel.

    Since elections won’t be happening anytime soon, a recent poll reveals that 73% of the “Palestinians” occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip want Abbas to resign. If elections were somehow held today, the Hamas presidential candidate would win 54% of the vote while Abbas would only get 38%. So you can see why there will be no elections.

    Sixty-one percent want to tear up all agreements with Israel (since they haven’t kept them, that would be a technicality), 70% don’t want to negotiate with Israel and 64% don’t even want to negotiate with Biden. Fifty-eight percent oppose the “two-state solution” that is the touchstone of the entire peace process.

    Seventy-three percent believe that the Koran predicts that Israel will be destroyed, but only 32% believe it will happen in 2022. Under these circumstances, the last thing the Biden administration wants is democracy for the quarreling foreign jihadist tribes who invaded Israel over the last few centuries and were rebranded with the name of the European colonists known as the Philistines.

    Blinken is fine with Abbas postponing the elections forever, because otherwise the terror clans will do what they did the last time that Bush naively allowed elections and vote for Hamas.

    And that would be inconvenient because Hamas won’t pretend that they aren’t terrorists.

    Four Israelis were murdered last week by a Muslim terrorist attack at a mall in Beersheva.

    Despite  the terrorist’s Islamic State membership, a Hamas spokesman praised “the executor of the heroic operation” and promised more “heroic operations: stabbings, ramming and shooting” like the car-ramming and stabbing spree that killed a rabbi who ran a soup kitchen and two mothers of three. So much for the claim that Hamas will inhibit the rise of the “extremists” of ISIS. P.A. media also hailed the terrorist, Muhammad Abu al-Kiyan, who was shot and killed by an Israeli bus driver who chased him down on foot, as a “martyr.” If the P.A. follows its usual “Pay to Slay” policy in this case, it won’t just be financially supporting the usual stable of PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad families, but also an ISIS terrorist’s family.

    And that will mean American taxpayers will end up subsidizing ISIS terrorism in Israel, as the Biden administration explores ways to bypass the Taylor Force Act’s ban on terror funding.

    At a joint press conference on Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Blinken gave a speech mostly blaming Israel for future violence during Passover and Ramadan. That speech was followed by another ISIS attack in which two heavily armed terrorists opened fire on a bus. The Islamic terrorists were taken down by cops who had been eating nearby, but not before they killed two officers.

    Hamas celebrated the “valor and courage” of the ISIS terrorists, as did Islamic Jihad. Hezbollah, backed by Iran, praised the ISIS attack as an “important and most effective practical response to the infamous and treacherous normalization meetings that some Arab regimes are carrying out with the enemy entity,” referring to the anti-Iran summit in Israel with the foreign ministers of Bahrain, UAE, Morocco and Egypt.

    Iran’s pro-Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps outlet, too, praised it as a “martyrdom operation.” When it comes to Israel, Iran and ISIS are on the same side. Much as Al-Qaeda and Iran were on the same side when it came to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

    Blinken meanwhile used the visit to pitch Israelis on a Biden plan to remove the IRGC, Iran’s terror hub, from the list of foreign terrorist organizations, claiming it would be “symbolic.”

    He failed to condemn the terrorist attack as an ISIS attack, calling it “senseless” violence.

    At his joint press conference with Abbas, Blinken also failed to condemn terrorism or to note that ISIS, with the tacit support of his PLO hosts in Ramallah and of Hamas in Gaza, was planting its flag in Israel. Instead, Blinken once again condemned Jewish Israeli “settler violence.”

    Like Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland’s previous visit, the formula of Biden administration officials condemning Israeli “settler violence” while promising to “strengthen” the terrorists of the P.A. is as familiar as it is evil. The P.A. is an unwanted institution whose leader 73% of the people he rules over want to see out of office. And 49% want to dissolve the Palestinian Authority.

    Considering the decades of failure, misery and terrorism wrought by the failed Clinton initiative to create a Palestinian state, it’s long past time for everyone to turn the page on this disaster.

    Neither Arab Muslims nor Israelis want Abbas or the P.A. Only diplomats like Blinken and Nuland insist on keeping the senile tyrant of Ramallah in office until he dies.

    In a final statistic, the poll asked who was “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people.” Thirty-one percent picked Hamas, 29% chose Abbas’ P.A., and 33% chose none of the above. Eighty-four percent believe the P.A. is corrupt and 70% believe Hamas is dirty. The “Palestinian people” have spoken. Will Biden listen to them?

    The root source of the corruption is the hundreds of millions of dollars Blinken came bearing last year for the regime of a corrupt, senile autocrat who didn’t even know whom he was talking to. There’s more money coming this year to prop up the terrorist regime.

    All in the name of a peace which doesn’t exist and that the majority of “Palestinians” don’t want.

    The United States has gone from using its foreign aid to the P.A. to prop up PLO, Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorism against Israel to subsidizing ISIS terrorism.

    Will ISIS be a final red line for the corrupt farce of a two-state solution and a peace process?
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 87.4 Asmaa al-Ghoul, "Black Palestinians shrug off racism, Al Monitor, November 4, 2013.

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — “Hey, chocolate,” “Hey, cappuccino,” “Hey, Galaxy [brand of chocolate],” “Hey, brown one” and “Hey, black one,” are jocular expressions used by some in Gaza when a man, woman or child of African descent passes by. Sometimes the racism is expressed nonverbally through looks. Gazans, however, seem unaware of this racism.

    Al-Monitor met with political activist Samah al-Rawagh, 33, at her home and asked her whether she experienced any discrimination due to her skin color. She made light of the matter. Yet, when her father Ahmad al-Rawagh, 80, recounted incidents he had experienced involving racism, Samah was shocked. “That’s the first time I’ve heard such stories from you,” she said.

    “I struggled a lot to overcome the difficulties caused by the color of my skin. I always had to doubly prove myself at school, at work and in life, because I’m dark-skinned,” Ahmad said...

    Ahmad remembers when he was a teacher in the late 1950s, and one of his colleagues invited everyone, except him, to a wedding. “That day, I felt embarrassed, and I decided that no one in my family would go through such an experience,” he said...

    Samah agreed with her father and added, “I never felt that the color of my skin made me different from others. I always had the best toys and clothing. I studied in a private school, and I felt that people liked me. Sometimes, I heard comments that bothered me, but this is the first time I’ve heard about my father’s suffering.”

    Samah did not deny that she has been hearing more discriminatory words recently, but she denied that it is about hate. “I hear phrases such as ‘Hey, Galaxy.’ But I sometimes feel that it’s banter, rarely for the purpose of harassing me,” she said...

    "Africans first entered Palestine during the Islamic conquests, specifically when Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab entered Jerusalem, accompanied by a number of Africans. African communities from Chad, Nigeria, Sudan and Senegal came in the late 19th century, either for worship or to participate in the resistance," Bakhit noted in an interview with Al-Monitor.

    According to Gaza Through History, a book by Ibrahim Sakik, wealthy families in the Gaza Strip participated in the slave trade hundreds of years ago. Another book, Delighting in the Wealth of Gaza's History, notes that some of the residents of the Palestinian village of Berbera were dark-skinned people who came from Morocco.

    The "black neighborhood"

    Next to the Rawagh family’s home there is an entire area on Jala Street inhabited by dark-skinned Gazans. The people and taxi drivers refer to it as the “black neighborhood” or the “dark-skinned neighborhood."

    Mohammed Abu Rashed, 13, who is a talented soccer player and dreams of becoming like Lionel Messi, recounted his experience to Al-Monitor. “At school, they say ‘Hey, chocolate,’ but I don’t pay attention to them.” His friend Ahed, 17, interrupted and said, “Liar. We do get bothered.” ...

    Abed al-Rawagh, 21, who works at a grocery store at the neighborhood’s entrance, told Al-Monitor that racism affects his business. “I don’t feel discriminated against until a white girl or woman comes to buy from the grocery store. As soon as she sees me, she changes her mind about buying and leaves. There’s a widespread belief that a black man would harm her. That offends me.”..

    Bakhit, who lives in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, recalled an incident with one of the security services in Gaza after the split in 2007. “The policeman looked inside a taxi and ordered the two dark-skinned men inside, us, to step out. So my brother and I stepped out, and we headed to the search location. After they made sure that we weren’t suspects, we went back to the car. I felt very insulted. The driver asked me why. I told him ‘It seems we are now in Chicago!'”
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 88.4 88.5 88.6 "Black Palestinians face subtle racism in Gaza." Ahmed Alnaouq, Special to Gulf News. May 05, 2017.

    Obaid, who believes his ancestors came from Sudan, says he has to work twice as hard to prove himself.

    Gaza: Black Palestinians constitute a minority of one per cent of the total population of the two million inhabitants living in Gaza Strip.

    While its is difficult to accurately pin their exact origins, many say they came from Ghana, Sudan and Egypt — or at least that’s what has been passed down through their oral history.

    Many first came to Palestine during the Islamic conquests as slaves to serve their owners in the seventh century.

    It is also reported that another wave of Africans emigrated to Palestine in the late 19th century to work as merchants or fighters under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

    Despite their deep roots in Palestine, many still encounter racism and discrimination, although it is to a much less degree as how poorly people of colour are treated in other countries — particularly the US.

    Mohammad Obaid, 26, a folklore dancer and founder of the Dabke Club for children, thinks his ancestors originally came from Sudan.

    “My grandparents worked as merchants in 1948 areas, which is considered Beersheba in Israel today..."

    At least 11,000 black Palestinians live in Al Jalla’a district of Gaza in a neighbourhood called “Al Abeed” which means slaves in Arabic...

    Although there is no official discriminatory policy against black Palestinians, Obaid says that subtle racism makes his life more difficult than lighter skinned Palestinians.

    “If I wasn’t the best dancer, I wouldn’t be on the Dabke team,” he said.

    “I always have to prove myself twice as much as others.”

    Many black Palestinians are not considered for jobs that require direct communication or interaction with customers.

    The majority of Palestinians do not marry black Palestinians, although recently there have been some changes in mentality.

    “Where I live, people accept to marry black Palestinians, but in other areas it is strictly forbidden,” he said.

    It is worse for black Palestinian women — while dark-skinned men may be able to marry light-skinned Palestinians, the reverse is mostly not accepted.

    “I knew a couple who were in love but the father of the would-be groom threatened to renounce him in the newspapers. Sadly, they separated,” he said.

    And Obaid says the security forces have been recently very harsh on black Palestinians.

    When the cops pulled him and his friends over recently, he was the only one from the passengers pulled out for further security checks.

    He took his anger out by writing a poem directed at the police entitled “Blacks are not security suspects”...

    “The police treatment has gotten worse, so for the first time I thought about leaving.”

    But for Karama, a 34-year-old Palestinian woman, who has a black father and white mother, race has never gotten in the way of her success.

    “I personally haven’t experienced any discrimination,” she told Gulf News.

    “Blacks are sometimes preferred by some organisations who seek diversity.”

    Karama has participated and led many different social work initiatives and ceremonies, but she acknowledges that having a white mother could be the reason.

    “I know in other areas of Gaza, people are not as accepting.”
  89. 89.0 89.1 Matthew Kaminski, They Need to Be Liberated From Their God, Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2010
  90. Joel C. Rosenberg, Love Your Enemies? How The Son Of The Founder Of Hamas Went From Jihad To Jesus, review
  91. BBC NEWS Hamas man's son was Israeli spy February 24, 2010
  92. The Associated Press, Hamas spy unafraid, criticizes Islam' Mar 3, 2010'
  93. Khaled Abu Toameh, "The Role of Iran's Palestinian Mercenaries," Gatestone Inst., October 28, 2021.

    Hamas and PIJ, it seems, want to continue receiving funds and weapons from Iran, but they do not want to be seen by Arabs and Muslims as mercenaries serving Iran's interests in the Middle East.

    Hamas and PIJ want the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs and Muslims to believe that their only goal is to "liberate all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea" -- a euphemism for driving the Jews out of Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state.

    That is most likely why both Palestinian terror groups were quick to issue statements denying that their main goal is to defend Iran and serve its interests in the Middle East.

    "Take your armies and go with them back to Iran, where you can fight your battles away from the peoples you occupy to achieve your agendas," said Sami Gemayel, head of the Lebanese Kataeb Party. He also criticized the failure of Lebanese leaders to respond to the admission that Hezbollah was created to serve Iran, and not Lebanon: "Are you ready now to face the truth?"

    The Iranian commander's [Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid's] statements coincide with the Biden administration's delusional commitment to the fiction that the US will somehow convince Iran to abandon its plans to acquire nuclear weapons.

    While the Biden administration is talking about "diplomacy" as the best way to rein in Iran's nuclear program, the mullahs are preparing for war and advancing their scheme to annihilate Israel and, with the help of their six "armies," occupy still more Arab countries.
  94. Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks, WSJ, Oct 8, 2023
  95. Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat The October 7 Attack, Time And Again, Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims – Everything We Do Is Justified, Memri, November 1, 2023.

    Ghazi Hamad of the Hamas political bureau said in an October 24, 2023 show on LBC TV (Lebanon) that Hamas is prepared to repeat the October 7 "Al-Aqsa Flood" Operation time and again until Israel is annihilated. He added that Palestinians are willing to pay the price and that they are "proud to sacrifice martyrs." Hamad said that Palestinians are the victims of the occupation, therefore no one should blame them for the events of October 7 or anything else, adding: "Everything we do is justified."

    To view the clip of Hamas official Ghazi Hamad, click here or below:

    "The Al-Aqsa Flood Is Just The First Time, And There Will Be A Second, Third, And Fourth[;] Will We Pay A Price? Yes, And We Are Ready To Pay It"

    Ghazi Hamad: "Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country, because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force.

    'We will repeat October 7 again and again' - Hamas official. By Jerusalem Post Staff, November 1, 2023.

    ([11] A damaged and blood-stained kindergarten is seen following a deadly infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, in Kibbutz Beeri in southern Israel October 22, 2023.) Last week, Hamad stormed out of an interview with the BBC after he was asked about the terrorist group’s massacre of civilians in Israel on October 7.

    "Israel is a country that has no place on our land," Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told Lebanese news outlet LBCI news this week...
  96. Hamas congratulates Taliban for ‘victory’ over America in Afghanistan, JNS, Aug 16, 2021 Officials of the terror group in Gaza said it proves that “the resistance of the peoples—foremost of which is our struggling Palestinian people—is destined for victory.
"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map

W. Ormsby-Gore as he was preparing the royal commission report, "Though I knew there was ill-feeling between Jews and Arabs, I had not realized the depth and intensity of the hatred with which the Jews are held by the Arabs..."
"It is not Israel's settlement blocks but rather the Palestinian ideological blockade that constitutes the biggest barrier to peaceful arrangements . The Jew-hatred in this region must no longer be played down as a kind of local custom ..."
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."