John Bolton

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John Bolton in 2018

John Bolton was the National Security Advisor to the Trump Administration. He was also a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and is best known for his interim appointment of United States ambassador to the United Nations in 2005 and 2006, made necessary by intense liberal opposition to his confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Bolton served in a number of other political positions in the Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II administrations in the State Department, Justice Department, and USAID.

Bolton is credited for persuading President George W. Bush for rescinding and thereby completely withdrawing the United States from the International Criminal Court, after President Bill Clinton had signed the U.S. up for that globalist court. On September 10, 2018, as National Security Advisor, Bolton announced that the U.S. would prosecute and sanction any judges or prosecutors in the ICC who took action against investigated Americans soldiers.

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff has criticized Bolton for his "lack of credibility".[1]


Bolton had several diplomatic achievements throughout his career. At the United Nations in 1991, John Bolton overturned the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 adopted in 1975 that condemns Zionism to be "a form of racism and racial discrimination." In the Bush Administration, he opposed the International Criminal Court and negotiated Article 98 agreements with, ultimately, over 100 countries to ensure Americans would not be prosecuted by the court. Also during the Bush Administration, Bolton played a key role in establishing the Proliferation Security Initiative. In addition to working at the AEI, Bolton served as the chairman of the Gatestone Institute and served with other organizations such as the National Rifle Association.

Bolton has clashed with both the State Department[2] and intelligence agencies,[3][4] both of which are major organs of the deep state. Despite this, he has advocated deep state positions on numerous occasions.

President Donald Trump appointed Bolton as his national security advisor in 2018,[5] replacing globalist H.R. McMaster. He took office on April 9, 2018. As national security advisor, Bolton defended U.S. sovereignty against international organizations such as the ICC.[6] He played a role in withdrawing the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal.[7] Bolton was able to accomplish several other America First goals.[8] However, despite this, he has openly sided with the deep state on some issues. President Trump fired Bolton on September 10, 2019.[9] Since then, Bolton has publicly trashed Trump's foreign policy, and some speculate he may have been one of the sources for the anonymous whistleblower complaint regarding Trump's conversations with Ukrainian officials.[10][11]

On November 22, 2019, Bolton returned to Twitter, not having posted since the day of his firing. He accused Trump of attempting to silence him by suppressing his private Twitter account.[12]

Some have criticized him for his foreign policy stances: for example, national conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson has claimed that, "John Bolton has always been a snake."[13]

Political views

Bolton early in the Bush Administration

Bolton strongly opposes the Iran nuclear deal, signed and supported by the Obama Administration.[14]

Bolton has taken an extremely hypocritical approach to the issue of sovereignty. While strongly supporting American sovereignty at home,[15] criticizing globalism by name and calling himself a "convinced Americanist",[16] Bolton's extreme pro-war stance has proven that he has virtually zero respect for the sovereignty of other nations.

Bolton opposes the European Union and supports Brexit.[17] Although he has publicly claimed that his positions relate to the EU's contempt for national sovereignty and self-governance, as well as its promotion of left-wing policies,[18][19] it is much more likely that his true motivation for opposing the EU is its potential challenge to global American geopolitical hegemony.

Bolton is relatively moderate-to-liberal on social issues, supporting abortion in certain instances and supporting same-sex "marriage".[20] He has criticized the International Criminal Court as a threat to U.S. sovereignty.[21] He considers himself a hawkish libertarian, one who supports the concept of national sovereignty.[22]

Despite the fact that he disagrees with neocons on several issues,[23] Bolton's rabid pro-interventionist positions have rightfully earned him the label of "neocon" from many conservatives.

Among other things, Bolton has, during his tenure as National Security Adviser alone:

  • Committed public acts of insubordination against President Trump when doing so suits an interventionist agenda, such as among other things (A) calling Russian president Vladimir Putin a liar and supporting arming Ukraine to fight the Russian-backed separatist militias that seized territory in the country's east;[29] (B) Contradicting Trump's official statements on Syria;[30] and (C) causing damage to Trump's negotiation efforts with other countries by making hawkish statements;[31][32][33]
  • Made false statements regarding the presence of deep state, globalist, and neoconservative influences among President Trump's staff, having claimed that reports of disunity and insubordination are part of a foreign conspiracy.[34]

Trump impeachment

Main article: Trump impeachment

As the Democrats partisan impeachment of President Trump foundered, Democrats and the liberal media pinned their hopes on the credible testimony of Bolton. Previously fake news media had this to say of Bolton:

John Bolton has been one of liberals’ top bogeymen on national security for more than a decade now. He seems to relish the role, going out of his way to argue that the Iraq War wasn’t really a failure, calling for U.S.-led regime change in Iran and preventive war against North Korea, and writing the foreword for a book that proclaimed President Obama to be a secret Muslim. He is a profoundly partisan creature, having started a super-PAC whose largest donor was leading Trump benefactor Rebekah Mercer [owner of Breitbart ] and whose provider of analytics was Cambridge Analytica, the firm alleged to have improperly used Facebook data to make voter profiles, which it sold to the Trump and Brexit campaigns, among others.
Recently Bolton’s statements have grown more extreme, alarming centrist and conservative national-security professionals along with his longtime liberal foes. He seemed to say that the United States could attack North Korea without the agreement of our South Korean allies, who would face the highest risk of retaliation and casualties; just two months ago he called for a regime change effort in Iran that would allow the U.S. to open a new embassy there by 2019, the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution and the taking of Americans hostage in Tehran. His hostility toward Islam points toward a set of extreme policies that could easily have the effect of abridging American Muslims’ rights at home and alienating America’s Muslim allies abroad.[36]

No less a NeverTrumper and contemporary liberal icon George W. Bush deemed Bolton a less than credible witness.[37]

Bolton has attempted to publish a book which contains classified information.[38] In his book, Bolton criticized Congressional Democrats for focusing only on Ukraine during the impeachment proceedings, citing other alleged acts of misconduct by the President.[39]


  2. Mitchell, Ellen (March 24, 2018). Five things to know about new Trump adviser John Bolton. The Hill. Retrieved March 25, 2018.
  3. Trump pick John Bolton has history of clashing with U.S. intelligence community. PBS. March 23, 2018. Retrieved March 25, 2018.
  4. Landay, Jonathan; Strobel, Warren (March 23, 2018). Trump's new security adviser known for clashes with spy agencies. Reuters. Retrieved March 25, 2018.
  5. Shaw, Adam (March 23, 2018). Trump's pick of Bolton for national security adviser brings a bulldog to the White House. Fox News. Retrieved March 23, 2018.
  6. Boylan, Dan (September 10, 2018). Bolton bolsters Trump's 'America first' foreign policy with robust defense of U.S. sovereignty. The Washington Times. Retrieved September 11, 2018.
    See also:
  7. Holland, Steve; Mason, Jeff; Landay, Jonathan (October 4, 2018). Bolton 2.0: Trump's tough guy on Iran picks his battles. Reuters. Retrieved October 4, 2018.
  8. Nissenbaum, Dion (November 18, 2018). Much of Bolton’s Policy Agenda Predates Trump’s Priorities. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 19, 2018.
    See also:
  9. Multiple references: See also:
  14. Riehl, Dan (August 31, 2017). Bolton: Iran Agreement a ‘Disaster’; Work to Get Out ‘Needs to Be Done Now’. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 31, 2017.
  15. Bolton, John R. (February 2, 2009). The Coming War on Sovereignty. American Enterprise Institute. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  16. Bolton, John R. (April 4, 2000). Should We Take Global Governance Seriously? Chicago Journal of International Law. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  17. Multiple references:
  18. Schumacher, Elizabeth (March 23, 2018). John Bolton: The conservative hawk tapped by Trump. Deutsche Welle. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  19. Bolton, John (October 27, 2010). AMB. JOHN BOLTON: A Stark Choice Between European Model Or the American Way. Fox News. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  20. Freiburger, Calvin (March 23, 2018). Planned Parenthood boos Trump’s new security adviser John Bolton. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  21. Bolton, John (November 20, 2017). The Hague Aims for U.S. Soldiers. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September 11, 2018.
  22. Welch, Matt (March 23, 2018). My Conversations with John Bolton. Reason. Retrieved September 10, 2019.
  23. Rogan, Tom (April 10, 2018). John Bolton: A complex worldview that just might work for Trump. Washington Examiner. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  24. Martel, Frances (March 25, 2018). Martel: in John Bolton, Kurds Finally Get an Ally in the Trump Administration. Breitbart News. Retrieved February 22, 2019.
  25. MEE Staff (February 19, 2015)Christian foreign fighters deserting Kurdish YPG in Syria because they're 'damn Reds's. Middle East Eye. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  26. Heavey, Susan. (April 30, 2019). US's Bolton urges Venezuelan military support after Guaido seeks backing. Reuters. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  27. The Daily Dose (February 12, 2019). VENEZUELA'S STANDOFF IS SOCIALIST VS. SOCIALIST. OZY. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  28. Larison, Daniel. (July 1, 2018). The Despicable Hawkish Embrace of the MEK. The American Conservative. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  29. Dorell, Oren (March 30, 2018). Here's how Trump's new national security adviser John Bolton feels about Russia. USA Today. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  30. Independent (January 6, 2019). John Bolton contradicts Trump by saying Syria withdrawal depends on defeating Isis. Independent. Retrieved June 8, 2019.
  31. Reuters (January 6, 2019). Bolton says Turkey must not attack Kurdish fighters once U.S. leaves Syria. Reuters. Retrieved June 8, 2019.
  32. AP (January 8, 2019). Turkey slams US request for assurances on Syrian Kurds. Associated Press. Retrieved June 8, 2019.
  33. RT (January 11, 2019). ‘Just fire him!’: Ron Paul blasts Bolton, Pompeo for undermining Trump. RT. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  34. RT (June 12, 2019). ‘Russian trolls run Trump’s Twitter account?’ Moscow ridicules Bolton’s disinformation claims. RT. Retrieved June 12, 2019.
  35. Martel, Frances (September 12, 2019). Martel: In Venezuela, John Bolton Bet on Socialists and Lost. Breitbart News. Retrieved September 12, 2019.