Israel Apartheid slur

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The Apartheid Slur is a 1961 antisemitic originated canard, poisonous myth, meant to demonize and delegitimize Israel.

The Apartheid slur,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] [15][16][17][18][19] [20][21][22][23][24]

[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] canard,[34][35][36] lie,[37] poisonous myth,[38] to delegetimize and demonize[39] Israel

was originally invented by genocidal[40][41] Jihadi[42] Ahmad Shukeiri[43] (who in 1940 cheered, prayed for,[44][45] then helped Hitler since 1941,[46][47][48][49][50] justified the Holocaust in 1946,[51] and [recalling the NYT's article[52]] had introduced to the UN, promoted neo-Nazi storm-trooper gang,[53] [54] who guarded monsters: Adolf Eichmann. "Dr." 'Dr. Death' - J. Mengele[55] and has tortured a 19 years old girl, carved a swastika on her, as a revenge for killing Eichmann[56]). He did it in October, 1961 in the context of him protesting the Eichmann trial,[57][58] some 5 and a half years before[59] the so-called "occupation" of the Six-Day War.

Method are:

  • Overall dismissal of Israel's (and more at risk, Jews') safety concerns for historic and present dangers it faces.

The A slur, and other like it, "Slur-du-jur"[70] the slandering via incorrectness,[71][72] a demonization[73] terminology exclusively.

Non-apartheid Israel VS real apartheid in Arab-Muslim world

Before, during and after Shukairy's slur, Israel's stand against racial discrimination has been consistent.[74]

Veteran journalist and sports adminstrator:[75] Do you even know what apartheid means? A state with complete academic freedom, with Arab ministers and MKs, a state that fosters Arab professors, doctors, pharmacists and teachers, can’t be called an ‘apartheid state,’ unless it’s by ignorant or evil people.

In 2016, reporter asked:[76]
So this is what apartheid looks like?

Speaker: Jamal Zahalka.

Chairman of the meeting: Ahmad Tibi.

Knesset Deputy Secretary: Nazem Bader.

In July 2022, Saudi Arab Magazine 'Al-Majallah' publishes exclusive article on Israeli Arabs serving In Israeli Army. Defacto debunking the Palestinians’ Apartheid lie.'[77]

The malicious lies didn't seem to stop even as Israeli government in June, 2021 includes: An Islamic party in the coalition, an Arab minister, 2 Arab deputy chairmen, and 3 Arab committee chairmen, and "Apartheid in Israel" has never looked more ridiculous.[78] Classic irony: an Arab elected official[79] Aida Touma-Suleiman (at the 8th conference of the Hadash party, Aida Touma with other Arabs sang about 3 Arab Muslim "Palestinians" who took part in the 1929 Hebron massacre,[80] which targeted pious religious Jews non-Zionists;[81][82][83] in Mar. 2020, this Arab MK Suleiman was accused of racism and lying, spreading libels;[84] her embrace of paroled PFLP terrorist, in Sep/2021, sparked outrage;[85][86] Aida Touma casted a known criminal --who happened to be an Arab-- shot by undercover cops during an anti crime operation, as some "victim by police" and used a reference to a poem recited in State Memorial Days;[87] in Oct, 2021 as Bahraini Arabs visited Israel in commemorating the Abraham Accord, Touma Suleiman called out on them in derogatory term, to the meaning of 'spit on you'[88][89][90] when a Shahid-in-the-waiting, Fatah linked Muhammad Salima, Arab racist terrorist targeting a Haredi, stabbing him, who was eliminated,[91] Aida Touma-Suleiman tweeted on the subject: ".. is a horrible and terrible crime, this is the reality that the occupation produces."[92] At the 2022 wave of Arab terror, she refused to condemn harm to civilians in Jerusalem.[93] She propagated jihadism, glorified terror murderers as 'shahid' the Islamists term also in Oct 2022, after 6 terrorists of Nablus eliminated.[94]) this woman, holding high position in democratic equal-for-all-Israel organized a "conference" - on so-called "apartheid" on the government's properties. The nerve of conducting such a charade inside the Knesset building, trying to defame inside its welcoming "house." The exact contradiction to its false claims.[95] Observer (of that despicable language laced conferece) concluded, it has the exact opposite effect of 'peace' the "apartheid" proponents claim they seek.[95]


The false accusation of ‘Israel apartheid’

The smear triggers emotions of deep anger and disgust among the shallow and ignorant, whose knowledge of the Jewish state is entirely drawn from malicious propaganda that misrepresents Israel’s defensive measures as "racist" aggression.

The campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel has recently moved into a higher gear with the increased use of one particularly vicious falsehood.

This is the claim that Israel is an apartheid state.

The claim is as fatuous as it is pernicious. Apartheid was the name given to South Africa’s systematic oppression of its black inhabitants, who were denied political, civic and human rights.

By contrast, Arab Israeli citizens have fully equal rights. They study in Israel’s universities; enjoy Israel’s beaches and parks; receive equal treatment as patients in Israel’s hospitals, and work there as doctors and other medical staff; serve as members of the armed forces and as judges; and are represented by members of Knesset who are currently lynch-pins in Israel’s governing coalition.

Those Arabs who live in the disputed territories don’t have Israeli rights—for the very good reason that they aren’t Israeli citizens. They have no civic entitlements purely because the status of those territories remains unsettled as a result of Palestinian Arab rejectionism and violence—and because Arab states regard them as a nuisance preferably to be ignored.


A Genuine and vibrant democracy: Israel is certainly not above criticism, but the HRW report not only criticizes Israeli policy and conduct in the Palestinian areas but also calls into question Israel’s democratic values and rule of law within its own borders. The history of the 20th century is replete with examples of democracies – notably, those in Europe between the two world wars – that, under internal and external pressures, collapsed and turned into dictatorships. Israel, in contrast, has remained a true democracy, indeed the only democracy in the Middle East, despite a permanent security threat and the challenge of transforming hundreds of thousands of new immigrants from all over the world into a coherent, modern nation.

Not an apartheid state: In 1948, the same year that the term apartheid was first used to denote legal separation of the races in South Africa, Israel issued its Declaration of Independence, which stated:

The State of Israel…will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture…

To the Arab inhabitants of Israel, the Declaration promised “full and equal citizenship and due representation in its provisional or permanent institutions.” Consistent with these principles, Israel has maintained a democratic political system based on majority rule. Israel’s Arab citizens participate fully, actively and without any restrictions in this system and are represented in the Knesset and all branches of the government. Transportation, public services and universities are open to all citizens, Jews and Arabs alike. Hospitals and other medical facilities are also open to citizens of neighboring Arab states who seek medical treatment in Israel. Muslim law has equivalent legal status in Israel with Christian and Jewish law in personal matters relating to marriage, divorce and inheritance.

The relationship between majority and minority is never simple, and Israel is no exception, all the more so because the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict compounds the situation for both Jews and Arabs in Israel. Yet despite this difficulty, Israel has achieved a remarkable degree of coexistence between these two communities.

Not a racial conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a political conflict between two peoples with competing national goals – and should be addressed as such. Attempts to transform it into a racial or religious conflict make it much more difficult to resolve. By embracing the two-state solution and making generous peace overtures, Israel has made it abundantly clear that it does not want to rule the Palestinians, let alone impose an “apartheid regime” upon them.

Palestinian refugees: Echoing a long-standing Palestinian claim to a “right of return,” HRW criticizes Israel for prohibiting the return of Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war, and their descendants, to Israel. Israel rightly says that such refugee return is unacceptable, since a large influx of Palestinians would mean the end of the Jewish state. The solution for the Palestinian refugees lies in their settlement in the Arab lands where they currently live, or their repatriation to a future Palestinian state. Israel has already indicated its willingness to participate in an international effort to implement such a solution.

"Occupation:" The HRW report condemns Israel for perpetuating what it calls occupation of Palestinian areas while ignoring the historical circumstances that led to the occupation. In May 1967, President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt violated international law by closing the Straits of Tiran and deploying 100,000 troops in the Sinai Peninsula, presenting an existential threat to Israel. After exhausting all diplomatic options, Israel was left with no choice but to exercise its right of self-defense. Israel did not attack Jordan, hoping that Jordan would stay out of the war, and indeed sent messages to King Hussein promising not to attack unless it was attacked first. Unfortunately, King Hussein ignored Israel’s peaceful overtures, and instead used artillery and air power to attack Israeli population centers and ground troops to capture the UN headquarters in Jerusalem. It was only in response to these attacks, in a clear-cut case of self-defense, that Israel captured the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem.

Right of self-defense: The report accuses Israel of launching three large-scale military offensives in Gaza since 2008, “in the context of hostilities with armed Palestinian groups.” Those offensives, the report claims, “included apparently deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure and killed over 2,000 civilians.” The report ignores the asymmetrical warfare that Hamas and other terror organizations have imposed on Israel, thus effectively dismissing Israel’s right of self-defense.

The IDF has been guided by international humanitarian law, including the principles of “distinction” and “proportionality.” These require IDF units to direct their attacks solely against military objectives and to try to ensure that civilians are not harmed. Where damage to civilians or civilian property cannot be avoided, the IDF makes extraordinary efforts to ensure that force is not excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage.

Israel’s quest for peace: In 2000, seven years after the Oslo process was launched, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak, with American help, tried to conclude a two-state agreement with PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. Barak offered Arafat the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the bulk of the West Bank, with its capital in East Jerusalem. Initially, Barak agreed to concede 80 percent of the West Bank, but he gradually increased that percentage up to 90-91 percent. President Clinton, under the so-called Clinton parameters, increased that percentage to 94-96 percent, but the Palestinians declined to accept the offer.

The real tragedy: The only way the Palestinians can fulfill their legitimate national aspirations is by reaching an agreement with Israel based on the principle of two states living side-by-side in peace and security. Yet the Palestinian leadership refuses to return to the negotiation table, insisting that its maximalist demands be accepted by Israel in advance. The real tragedy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that at every historical turning point the Palestinian leadership has failed its people. Rather than urging that leadership to change course, HRW has opted to echo some of its baseless allegations against the Jewish state, thus further undermining the prospects of peace.

As stated by an elected official:[97]
I heard on the radio about the results of the survey conducted among the Arab public in Israel. The Arab residents of Israel do not want control of the areas in which they live to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority. And I ask: Why? After all, Arab Knesset members keep coming up to the podium and shouting: contempt, discrimination, occupation. So what's your mind? If we Jews are so [supposedly] wrong, and the territories we control belong to the Palestinian people, why do the Arabs of Israel so want to remain under this [supposedly] corrupt and discriminatory regime? God forbid no one talked about transferring or taking people against their will and getting them out of the houses - that's unthinkable, right? Jews are allowed to do this; It is permissible to throw Jews out of the houses. For the Arabs - God forbid. Straight shout: discrimination, racism, discrimination.

It is not at all clear to me who the Arab Knesset members represent - the Arabs of Israel or the Palestinian enemy in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Let's put things on the table. In fact, it is very worthwhile to be an Arab in Israel: you do not have to pay property taxes, build houses without a license, get preference for admission to university, for work, live in a detached house, do not have to live in an apartment building, and most importantly - there is a Jewish government, a very [supposed] bad government. Shout at her all the time: "racists," "corrupt" and more.

Israeli governments for generations have tried to find solutions for the Arab public in general and the Bedouin public in particular, and the minister read the data here - how much they wanted to invest in the south, so that the Bedouin and other population can live in houses. But the Bedouin refused because they preferred to live where they live today. If you do not want to, you will move to Palestinian rule, where it will undoubtedly be worse, but there you will not shout "racists." Thanks.

Writing in 2005, a moderate Muslim author:[98]

In a state practicing apartheid, would Arab Muslim legislators wield veto power over anything? At only 20 percent of the population, would Arabs even be eligible for election if they squirmed under the thumb of apartheid? Would an apartheid state extend voting rights to women and the poor in local elections , which Israel did for the first time in the history of Palestinian Arabs ? Would the vast majority of Arab Israeli citizens turn out to vote in national elections as they've usually done? Would an apartheid state have several Arab political parties, as Israel does? Would the judiciary be free of political interference?

In the 2003 Israeli elections, two Arab parties found themselves disqualified for expressly supporting terrorism against the Jewish state. Israel's supreme court overturned both disqualifications. Would an apartheid state award its top literary prize to an Arab? Israel honored Emile Habibi in 1986, before any intifida might have made the choice politically shrewd. Would an apartheid state encourage Hebrew-speaking schoolchildren to learn Arabic? Would road signs throughout the land appear in both languages? (Even the proudly bilingual Canada doesn't meet that standard.) Would an apartheid state be home to universities where Arabs and Jews mingle at will, or apartment blocks where they live side by side? Would an apartheid state bestow benefits and legal protections on Palestinians who live outside of Israel but work inside its borders? Would human rights organizations operate openly in an apartheid state? They do in Israel. In fact, every year the prime minister responds on the record to the report of Israel's leading human rights groups.

Above all, in an apartheid state, would the media debate the moral rectitude of national policies? Would a Hebrew newspaper in an apartheid state run an article by an Arab Israeli about why "the Zionist adventure has been a total failure"? Would it run that article on Israel's own independence day? Would an apartheid state ensure conditions for the freest Arabic press in the Middle East, a press so free that it can demonstrably abuse its liberties and keep on rolling?

(To this day, the East Jerusalem daily Al-Quds hasn't retracted an anti-Israel letter supposedly penned by Nelson Mandela but proven to have been written by an Arab living in Holland.)

Even the éminence grise of Palestinian nationalism, the late Edward Said. stated flat out that "Israel is not South Africa . . How could it be when an Israeli publisher has translated Said's seminal work. Orientalism, into Hebrew?

I'll cap this point with a question that Said himself asked of Arabs: "Why don't we fight harder for freedom of opinions in our own societies, a freedom, no one needs to be told, that scarcely exists?"

I disagree—some people still need to be told that Arab "freedoms" don't compare to those of Israel. The people who need reminding are those who now push the South Africa analogy a step further—equating Israel with Nazi Germany.

To them, Zionists are committing (sic) hate crimes under the totalitarian nightmare that they dub "Zio(sic)Nazism.." The sworn enemies of Zio(sic)-Nazism made their debut on the international stage in August 2001. At forums leading up to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban. South Africa, the Arab Lawyers Union circulated cartoons depicting vampire - toothed Israeli soldiers with Nazi flags fluttering from their helmets One such soldier stood sentry at the boarded-up door of a Palestinian office. The boards formed a swastika. Another leaflet superimposed a swastika on the Star of David. The most malevolent poster distributed at Durban featured Hitler speculating, "What If I Had Won?" Under the heading "Good Things," this poster had the führer saying, "There would be NO Israel and NO Palestinian's blood shed. The rest is your guess."

How, though, can one claim to be fighting Nazism while making common cause with Hitler? The answer is your guess. I'm revolted by how much more inspiration from Hitler these tacticians take. It's no coincidence that in the cartoons circulated at Durban, Israeli soldiers had dripping fangs. Too many Arab Muslim intellectuals, journalists, and politicians tell their audiences that J... are Nazis because they siphon the blood (sic) of non-Jewish(sic) children(sic) for religious observances. Known as the blood libel. this fiction was itself a favorite calumny against Jews in the Nazi publication Der Stürmer. In this way, too, some maligners of Israel hop into bed with Hitler. They copy the Nazis...

Arab "Palestinian" writes, based on facts, polls:[99]
Although Israel is the world’s only Jewish state, it is home to a free and thriving Arab community. For decades, anti-Israel activists have decried Israel as an illegitimate state which represses Arabs and Muslims. Israel has been incorrectly labeled as a state for “settler colonialism” and apartheid. These baseless claims could not be further from the truth.

Researchers have conducted surveys to shine a light on the true treatment of Arabs living in Israel. According to these surveys, there is a growing trend of Israeli Arabs ditching their former Palestinian identity and starting to identify more heavily with their Israeli nationality. This switch in national identity is great news for everyone who holds a stake in the Middle East. It proves that Arabs have been able to call Israel home, while Israel is able to maintain its Jewish majority. Despite being the world’s only Jewish state, Israel is a welcoming, diverse country that boasts a thriving Arab population. Arabs make up 20% of Israel’s 8.8 million people population. Israel’s Arabs have been integrating into society and live in every corner of the country. Israel’s Arabs enjoy the same freedoms as their Jewish neighbors. Contrary to anti-Israel talking points, Israel’s Arabs live and work side-by-side with Jews, Christians, Armenians, and all others who call Israel their homes. As they do in other western democracies, Arabs can vote in elections, own businesses, work, speak, and worship freely, wherever in Israel they call home. In the recent Israeli elections, Ra’am, a pan-Arab party, became a part of Israel’s governing coalition. These results could not be more clear: Israel, a heterogeneous society, is among the leading nations in the Middle East. Israel’s Arabs have taken notice. Poll: 51% of Israelis would support strike on Iran, even without US approval Arabs, no matter how long they have been Israelis, are increasingly supportive of their home country. According to a 2019 survey by Dahlia Scheindlin and David Reis, two leading progressive pollsters, 51% of Israel’s Arabs identify themselves as “Arab-Israeli” and 23% identify as “Israeli”. The survey went on to indicate that 76% of Israeli-Arabs went on to say that, within Israel, Jewish-Muslim relations are overwhelmingly positive and that 58% want to continue to advance coexistence and improvement of relations between Muslims and Jews.

What was even more shocking from the Schenindinlin-Reis poll were outcomes regarding one of the most contentious issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict: control of Jerusalem. The survey, conducted by SFHA, a Palestinian news outlet, indicates that 93% of Arabs, none of whom are Israeli citizens, would prefer that Israel retain control over the city. Of the 1,200 Arabs surveyed, 79 said that they refused to give up their Israeli identification documents.

Israeli elections debunk the "Israel=Apartheid" lie - "Equating Israel with Apartheid South Africa is part of a wider campaign to delegitimize Israel’s existence. While deviously planned, the campaign still lacks any factual basis." (2022 details).[100]

Palestinian Authority hypocrisy on display. While wholeheartedly supporting the BDS movement, a 2021 report published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) shows that trade between Israel and the Palestinians in constantly increasing. [101]

After Israel's Arab representatives in Israeli Knesset succeeded in pushing for unification between Arabs in Israel and "Palestinian" Arabs living in West Bank and Gaza, journalist tweeted:[102]

I do not understand the joy of my fellow members now that thousands of Palestinians can become Israelis and [supposedly] suffer severely from the [supposed] repression of discrimination in second-class citizenship and inequality...

As 100,000 Muslims have (in 2021) filled,[103][104] Jews' holy areas, (after Rashida Tlaib outright lies[105]), activist noted:[106]

Imagine if the situation was reversed and there was Muslim control over these places. Would they allow Jews to enter on their holy days?

We don't have to imagine. When Muslims controlled them before 1967, Jews were banned from entering both. Muslims would not allow Jews to go beyond the seventh step at the Cave of the Patriarchs, and they would gather to pray at that step.

Even today, even though Jewish holy spots are listed in the Oslo agreements as places that Jews should be able to freely and safely visit, the Jewish sites under Palestinian Authority rule can only be visited sporadically and when protected by the Israeli army.

And Muslims insist, today, that these holy spots are exclusively Muslim and Jews should be banned altogether from them.

The international community, which wants to give control of these places back to Muslims, will never insist on Jewish rights to visit and worship at Jewish holy places. It is up to Israel to enforce that.

Only under Jewish rule is there respect for all religions in the Land of Israel.

Author notes: [107]

This charge, of course, is not only completely false but the inverse of the truth. If apartheid is indeed a crime against humanity, Israel actually is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East – a state whose Arab population enjoys full equality before the law and more prerogatives than most ethnic minorities in the free world, from the designation of Arabic as an official language to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal days of rest. By contrast, apartheid has been an integral part of the Middle East for over a millennium, and its Arab and Muslim nations continue to legally, politically and socially enforce this discriminatory practice against their hapless minorities.

Asks, therefore:

Why then should an innocent party be under constant pressure to “come clean” while the real culprits are not only left unscathed but also given a worldwide platform to blame others for their own crimes?...


Arab/Muslim apartheid comes in many forms, and some victims have been subjected to more than one.

– Religious intolerance: Muslims historically viewed themselves as distinct from, and superior to, all others living under Muslim rule, known as “dhimmis.” They have been loath to give up this privileged status in modern times. Christians, Jews and Baha’is remain second-class citizens throughout the Arab/Muslim world, and even non-ruling Muslim factions have been oppressed by their dominant co-religionists (e.g. Shi’ites in Saudi Arabia, Sunnis in Syria).

– Ethnic inequality: This historic legacy of intolerance extends well beyond the religious sphere. As longtime imperial masters, Arabs, Turks and Iranians continue to treat long-converted populations, notably Kurds and Berbers, that retained their language, culture and social customs, as inferior.

– Racism: The Middle East has become the foremost purveyor of anti-Semitic incitement in the world with the medieval blood libel widely circulated alongside a string of modern canards (notably The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) depicting Jews as the source of all evil.”¨Likewise, Africans of sub-Saharan descent are held in deep contempt, a vestige of the region’s historic role as epicenter of the international slave trade.

– Gender discrimination: Legal and social discrimination against women is pervasive throughout the Arab-Islamic world, accounting for rampant violence (for example domestic violence or spousal rape are not criminalized) and scores of executions every year, both legal and extra-judicial (i.e. honor killings). Discrimination against homosexuals is even worse.

– Denial of citizenship: The withholding of citizenship and attendant rights from a large segment of the native-born population is common. Palestinian communities in the Arab states offer the starkest example of this discrimination (in Lebanon, for example, they cannot own property, be employed in many professions, move freely, etc.). The Beduin (stateless peoples) in the Gulf states, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria have been subjected to similar discrimination.

– Labor inequality: Mistreatment of foreign workers (especially household servants), ranging from sexual abuse to virtual imprisonment and outright murder, is widely tolerated throughout the Middle East, especially in oil-exporting countries that host large expatriate labor forces.

– Slavery: The Arabic-speaking countries remain the world’s foremost refuge of slavery, from child and sex trafficking in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to actual chattel slavery in Sudan and Mauritania. Indeed, Islamists throughout the Middle East have had no qualms advocating the legalization of slavery.

– Political Oppression: Many Middle Eastern regimes are little more than elaborate repressive systems aimed at perpetuating apartheid-style domination by a small minority: Alawites in Syria.. the Saudi royal family; the Hashemite dynasty in Jordan.

A former Sudanese slave spoke out:

What you find on the pages of the New York Times, or in the record of the UN condemnations is "Israeli crimes" and Palestinian suffering. My people have been driven off the front pages because of the exaggerations about Palestinian suffering. What Israel does is portrayed as a Western sin. But the truth is that the real sin happens when the West abandons us: the victims of Arab/Islamic apartheid. [108]We seem to be choosing to ignore the many who suffer at the hands of Arab/Muslims. Deng has shared his concerns about the West abandoning the "victims of Arab/Islamic apartheid."... Deng had the courage to speak at the Durban Conference, a meeting notorious for focusing its efforts on accusing Israel of racism and apartheid, about the "oppression, brutalization, demonization, Islamization, Arabization and enslavement" of his people. It was there that he announced that Black Muslims from Darfur, refugees fleeing "Arab racism" hoping to find refuge in Egypt saw Egyptian security forces slaughter 26 black refugees and continued their journey to Israel "where they knew they would be safe." [109]

Arab journalist:[110]
  • Tens of thousands of Palestinians are now living in a Lebanese ghetto called Ain Al-Hilweh, and the world seems to be fine with that.
  • No one cares when an Arab country mistreats and discriminates and kills Palestinians. But when something happens in the West Bank or Gaza Strip, the international media and community suddenly wake up. Why? Because they do not want to miss an opportunity to condemn Israel. One can only imagine the uproar in the world were Israel to pass a law denying Arabs jobs or the right to inherit property.
  • There are no protests on the streets of London or Paris. The UN Security Council has not -- and will not -- hold an emergency session to condemn Lebanon. Of course, the mainstream media in the West is not going to report about Arab apartheid and repressive measures against Palestinians. As for the leaders of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, they do not have time to address the problems of the camp residents. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas are too busy fighting each other, and the last thing they have on their minds are the interests and well-being of their people.
Lebanon is one of several Arab countries where Palestinians are subjected to discriminatory and apartheid laws and measures. The plight of Palestinians in Arab countries, however, is apparently of no interest to the international community, pro-Palestinian activists and groups around the world.

It has been noted that:

In Saudi Arabia, discrimination against the non-Muslims is absolutely rampant, very clear and open. It starts with aqama (red cards for the non-Muslims and green cards for the Muslims). The rule on taxation is also different for the Muslims and the non-Muslims...[111] And author elaborated on Islamic apartheid in Pakistan and Bangladesh. [112]

African author:[113]

Elsewhere on the African continent were equally heinous de facto apartheid regimes: Arab apartheid in Mauritania and Sudan; tribal apartheid in Burundi, etc... It has been written about the "victims of an escalating Arab apartheid campaign segregating non-Arabs and Arabs, particularly people who had Nilotic ancestry." [114]

While Arabs in Israel (defined by Arab nations as "Palestinian") have full rights, in Lebanon, "Palestinian" Arabs are crushed. In that real apartheid.[115][116][117]

And about the Arab-Palestinians, apartheid in Arab-Palestine - the "Entrenched apartheid in the 'West Bank'. A discriminatory two-tiered segregation system is maintained throughout Areas A and B."[118]

Then there is the Arab apartheid against Israel since 1948:[119]

... In the bad old days in South Africa, “petty apartheid” was the term used for the daily oppression and humiliation of blacks through separate public water fountains, bathrooms, buses, cafeterias and similar facilities. This strictly enforced separation was a sign of the black population being viewed as subhuman.

Since 1948, petty apartheid has also been a feature of the widespread Arab rejection of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. This practice is ongoing and is often taken for granted and ignored, as was the case of South Africa for many years. ...petty apartheid – practiced against Israel and Israelis on a daily basis, year in and year out, for 68 years, and still going strong. It is not a minor and childish “spat” as depicted in some media headlines (“Olympics spat as Lebanese stop Israelis joining them on bus,” Associated Press, The Washington Post) – but rather similar to the refusal to allow blacks in South Africa before 1994, or in the US before the civil rights movement, to sit with whites on buses or drink from the same water fountains.

Many Israelis have experienced this racism in one form or another....

Similarly, the self-appointed guardians of human rights, including NGO superpowers such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are silent when Israelis are the victims. Indeed, they are very active in promoting the apartheid inherent in the boycott movement, which is the current Western embodiment of the Arab League’s economic boycott of Israel. The anti-Israel campaigners in the democratic West who wrap themselves in the façade of human rights and opposition to racism are part and parcel of this apartheid.

Eyewitness to propagandists and intimidating at Lebanese Arab anti-Israel author, Gilbert Achcar's Center for Palestine “Studies” at SOAS:[67]

In May 2012, I went to a Palestine society event at SOAS where the anti-Israel journalist Abdel Bari Atwan was due to speak. Atwan had once declared, "If Iranian missiles hit Israel, I will dance in Trafalgar Square," so I felt I had to be there to record what else he had to say about Israel's destruction to an audience of students. As soon as I started to film, I was pounced on by a group of students ordering me to stop filming. They tried to snatch my camera out of my hand, and one said to me, "You're a typical Israeli, you now that." I'm English. They wanted me to leave the auditorium, but I refused. It was my right to be there and to witness what was being said. It was a public event. They then removed my coat and bag from the seat next to me so I had no option but to leave and try to retrieve them.36 You won't be surprised to read that the statement released by the SOAS Student Union to defend the Palestine society had a paragraph about me, which read: "By now, we are well aware of his intentions. He first provokes, intimidates, and insults (including racially) speakers, organizers, or members of the audience and violates generally accepted conventions of public meetings." I then received an email from SOAS banning me from using my camera under threat of being banned from SOAS itself and possible legal action. I was informed that in the future I should ask in advance for permission to take photographs or film at any SOAS events, but I have been refused every time I have since asked. Similarly, a month before, I was also at SOAS to hear Amal Jamal, an Arab Israeli lecturer at Tel Aviv University, tell his student audience how downtrodden Arabs are within Israel. When it came to the Q&A after his talk, I asked Jamal how it was that he succeeded in Israel if Arabs were, in his view, so downtrodden.

Professor Gilbert Achcar, who runs the Center for Palestine Studies at SOAS, immediately branded me a professional disrupter in front of everyone; announced that had he known I was attending the event, he would have barred my entry; and then told everyone that I had left insulting messages on his answering machine.

From those that saw real, true apartheid South Africa

  • Richatd G Goldstone.

From a known anti-Israel critic, South African former judge, Richard J. Goldstone:

[120] is important to separate legitimate criticism of Israel from assaults that aim to isolate, demonize and delegitimize it.

One particularly pernicious and enduring canard that is surfacing again is that Israel pursues “apartheid” policies. In Cape Town starting on Saturday, a London-based nongovernmental organization called the Russell Tribunal on Palestine will hold a “hearing” on whether Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid. It is not a “tribunal.” The “evidence” is going to be one-sided and the members of the “jury” are critics whose harsh views of Israel are well known.

While “apartheid” can have broader meaning, its use is meant to evoke the situation in pre-1994 South Africa. It is an unfair and inaccurate slander against Israel, calculated to retard rather than advance peace negotiations.

I know all too well the cruelty of South Africa’s abhorrent apartheid system, under which human beings characterized as black had no rights to vote, hold political office, use “white” toilets or beaches, marry whites, live in whites-only areas or even be there without a “pass.” Blacks critically injured in car accidents were left to bleed to death if there was no “black” ambulance to rush them to a “black” hospital. “White” hospitals were prohibited from saving their lives.

In assessing the accusation that Israel pursues apartheid policies, which are by definition primarily about race or ethnicity, it is important first to distinguish between the situations in Israel, where Arabs are citizens, and in West Bank areas that remain under Israeli control in the absence of a peace agreement.

In Israel, there is no apartheid. Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute: “Inhumane acts ... committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Israeli Arabs — 20 percent of Israel’s population — vote, have political parties and representatives in the Knesset and occupy positions of acclaim, including on its Supreme Court. Arab patients lie alongside Jewish patients in Israeli hospitals, receiving identical treatment.

  • Pastor Kenneth Meshoe:[3]
    Pastor Kenneth Meshoe, a South African member of Parliament, a great friend of Israel, puts it this way: "Those who know what real apartheid is, as I know, know that there is nothing in Israel that looks like apartheid … it is inaccurate and it is malicious."

  • R.M:[121]
    Israel is not a perfect country and I would challenge anyone to find a country that is. Racism certainly rears its ugly head in Israel just as it does in every country in the world but it certainly is NOT an Apartheid state. The singling out of the Jewish state at the expense of other countries that do have discriminatory laws not only insults the profound suffering of South Africa’s victims of Apartheid but also exposes the true nature of those who subscribe to this rationale – anti-Semitism.

There were separate entrances to any official building, separate toilets, schools, park benches, beaches, busses, hospitals and clinics, school curriculum’s, cinema’s, theatres, restaurants — all vastly inferior for those who were not white-skinned people.

Love across the colour line was forbidden by law. People of colour were forbidden to live in “white” areas. There are many, many more examples of this abhorrent system I could detail but space does not permit.

Any negative reporting or criticism of the state would have been immediately shut down, banned and those responsible would be victimized and jailed, yet B’Tselm operates openly in Israel together with other human rights organizations vigorously opposed to Israel’s occupation and other policies but these do not suffer the kind of victimization that was apartheid, in fact, there is any number of groups and publications openly hostile to government policies that have an open platform for expression.

Like every country on the globe, Israel has its warts and is far from perfect. There are many issues that I am opposed to and am fiercely against the occupation and neither vote for the ruling party, but having lived most of my life in South Africa and now live in Israel I have not seen nor experienced anything that remotely resembles what apartheid was.

  • E.M.[123]
    The difference between the two countries could scarcely be more stark. Under apartheid, a legal structure of racial hierarchy governed all aspects of life. Black South Africans were denied the vote. They were required by law to live, work, study, travel, enjoy leisure activities, receive medical treatment and even go to the lavatory separately from those with a different colour of skin. Interracial relationships and marriages were illegal. It was subjugation in its rawest form.

Contrast that with Israel, a country whose Arab, Druze, Bedouin, Ethiopian, Russian, Baha’i, Armenian and other citizens have equal status under the law. Anyone who truly understands what apartheid was cannot possibly look around Israel today and honestly claim there is any kind of parity. They would need only to visit Hand in Hand, an organisation that runs schools where Jewish and Arab pupils learn together, or meet the Israeli-Arab judge Salim Joubran of the Supreme Court of Israel. They might note the appointment last month of Mariam Kabaha as the national commissioner for equal employment opportunities in the economy ministry, or hear that just this month, Jamal Hakrush became the first Muslim Arab to be appointed a deputy commissioner of the Israel Police.

Indeed, the difference is so stark that one might argue there is a good case for ignoring the apartheid slur altogether. Yet the tragic reality is that every time the word is used in the context of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the two sides become polarised yet further and peace becomes ever more distant. As the word “apartheid” is an icon for malevolence, it can only be received by Israel with resentment and suspicion. In turn, extremist forces in Palestinian society can only benefit from a reinforcement of the notion that the very existence of Israel is illegitimate. In short, the apartheid slur provides fuel for those who seek to polarise and it obstructs those who seek peace.

...his initiative to brand Israel a racist state is not new as a similar attempt was made in 1975 at the United Nations when the General Assembly adopted a resolution defining Zionism as racism. After close scrutiny and investigation this resolution was finally overturned in 1991 when it was established that in fact Zionism is nothing more than an ideology that gives expression to the longing of Jews everywhere to return to the land of their forefathers. However, not withstanding this setback, the enemies of Israel were determined to remodel the accusation and they did in the form of the current charge that Israel is an apartheid state.

So then the apartheid slur against the state of Israel is just another attempt to reintroduce the notion that Israel is a racist entity that must be dismantled in order to bring peace to the Middle East. Those who advocate for this position are invariable Islamists who wish to see Israel given over to the totalitarianism of radical Islam. That is, they would be more than happy to see Hamas or Hezbollah in control of the region! In fact at the very root of this new movement is the age-old problem of anti-Semitism.

I am a South African who was born in 1952 and was therefore raised in the apartheid state of South Africa. I saw the wickedness of this system firsthand; I lived in its world every day and witnessed the systematic dehumanization of 30 million black people by a white minority government. There is nothing in Israel that is even close to this abomination and to suggest that there is, is an insult to the millions of black people in South Africa who lived and suffered under it. The truth is, nowhere in Israel today are Arab Israelis treated in the manner in which the black people of South Africa were treated. Arab Israelis can go anywhere in the country, live anywhere they wish to, go to any university or educational institution or hospital of their choice and take up any profession they desire.

Another South African, M. Washington: 'Africa pays for the Israel-apartheid lie.'[125]

I am yet to read of what the BDS has done to improve the lives of Africans who support it. To the contrary, in my home country of South Africa, BDS antagonizes the constitutionally enshrined rights of South Africans. The organization regularly calls for South Africans not to travel to Israel. It led a campaign to block much needed assistance to a drought crisis in the country, and it attacks South Africans for supporting Israel in accordance with their religious beliefs. Earlier this year, Israel was rightfully awarded observer status at the African Union. Arab leaders have led the protest by African voices in denouncing this move. Why should the Palestinian Authority enjoy observer status but a country that has done more for African nations and the African people be denied this same privilege? It was not the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian Liberation Organization or even the Arab league, but Israel that worked with African nations helping them to develop their infrastructure – building roads, hospitals, schools and so much more – when these nations gained their independence from colonial powers. But oh, goes the lie, Israel must be isolated from the global community due to its fictitious crimes against humanity. African nations are expected to and have indeed made peace and established diplomatic and trade relations with nations that colonized them. Africans are expected to and have indeed embraced those whose forefathers enslaved our people and slaughtered us like animals. Africans are told to shun Israel, yet she has committed no such atrocities against us. Durban I also enabled and Durban IV on September 22, 2021, will strengthen, a program of action that has emboldened actions which have the stench of apartheid style behavior towards Black people. Africans and African nations cannot independently do as they wish, cannot believe as they wish, cannot associate with whom they wish and cannot speak as they wish without being subjected to contempt. As a proud daughter of the African continent, a daughter who longs to see her people uplifted, I respectfully ask African leaders – what has the BDS movement done for your people? How has lending support for Jew hatred progressed the needs of the continent? We have propped up the morally and legally corrupt notions that Israel is guilty of racism, colonialization, and genocide. To what benefit?

The UN’s obsessive focus with Israel has resulted in Africa not receiving the attention or help in addressing the palpable dangers the continent faces. Terrorist groups in Africa are growing in both reach and effectiveness. According to the most recent Terrorism Index, seven of the ten highest risk countries are on the African continent. During 2020, of the top five countries in the world to experience the biggest falls in their index rating, four were in Africa. Only two African countries improved their risk rating.

Proposed real apartheid state: Arab Islamic Palestine

The proposed "Palestine" state, according to "moderate" PA, Arab ethnic cleansing of Jews,[126], that would be a real apartheid state, with ethnic and religious discrimination. An apartheid, Islamic, Judenrein Palestine. Explains Prof.[127]

Based on statements made by officials in President Mahmoud Abbas' administration, it's safe to conclude that a new Palestinian state would be an apartheid state...

If and when the General Assembly of the United Nations accords the Palestinians the status of a state, for at least some purposes, the question then arises, What kind of a state will it be?...

The draft constitution for the new state of Palestine declares that "Islam is the official religion in Palestine." It also states that Sharia law will be "the major source of legislation." It is ironic that the same Palestinian leadership that supports these concepts for Palestine refuses to acknowledge that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people.

Israel, in contrast to the proposed Palestinian state, does not have an official state religion. Although it is a Jewish state, that description is not a religious one but rather a national one. It accords equal rights to Islam, Christianity and all other religions, as well as to atheists and agnostics.

According to statements by the Palestinian Authority leadership, the new Palestinian state would prohibit any Jews from being citizens, from owning land or from even living in the Muslim state of Palestine.

The Palestinian ambassador to the United States was asked during an interview whether "any Jew who is inside the borders of Palestine will have to leave." His answer: "Absolutely."

After much criticism, he tried to spin his remarks, saying that Jews who are "amid an occupation, who are in my land illegally" would be excluded. Whatever he meant, one thing is clear: Jews will never be welcome as equal citizens in an Islamic Palestine.

In contrast, Israel has more than 1 million Arab citizens, most of whom are Muslims. They are equal under the law, except that they need not serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.

The new Palestine will have the very "law of return" that it demands that Israel should give up. All Palestinians, no matter where they live and regardless of whether they have ever set foot in Palestine, will be welcome to the new state, while a Jew whose family has lived in Hebron for thousands of years will be excluded.

To summarize, the new Palestinian state will be a genuine apartheid state. It will practice religious and ethnic discrimination, will have one official religion and will base its laws on the precepts of that religion. (Imagine what the status of gays will be under Sharia law.)

It is noteworthy that the very people who complain most loudly about Israel's law of return and about its character as the nation-state of the Jewish people are silent when it comes to the new Palestinian state. Is it that these people expect more of Jews than they do of Muslims? If so, is that not a form of racism?

And what would the borders of a Palestinian state, as recognized by the General Assembly, look like? Were the Palestinians to get their way, they would get, as a starting point, all of the land occupied by Jordan prior to the 1967 war, in which Jordan attacked Israel. This return to the status quo that led to the Six-Day War is inconsistent with the intention of Security Council Resolution 242, which contemplated some territorial changes.

The new boundaries of this Palestinian state would also include Judaism's holiest place, the Western Wall. It would also include the access roads to Hebrew University, which Jordan used to close down this great institution of learning founded by the Jews nearly 100 years ago. The new Palestinian state would also incorporate the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, in which Jews have lived for 3,000 years, except for those periods of time during which they were expelled by force.

.. Palestinian leaders have already indicated that they would hold these important and sacred sites hostage to unreasonable demands. For example, the Western Wall covers only a few acres, but the Palestinian leadership has indicated that these acres are among the most valuable in the world, and in order for Israel to regain them, it would have to surrender thousands of acres.

An apartheid, Islamic, Judenrein Palestine based on the 1967 borders is a prescription for disaster. That is why a reasonable Palestinian state must be the outcome of negotiations with Israel, and not the result of a thoughtless vote by the United Nations.

Current racist Arab-Palestine and in the region

  • Anti Jewish hate, racism, incitement, demonization has been documented regularly at Pal Watch.[128]
Hamas' Yahya Sinwar's interrogator, recalls his hatred, Mein Kampf distribution among young kids.

Hamas' Yahya Sinwar's interrogator, recalls:[129]

This man was completely emotionless, a brutal killer. I called him a Nazi and told everyone possible that this organization must be eliminated, but they didn’t listen to me. We found many ‘Mein Kampf’ books in his house as well as rubber knives. He was in charge of education in Gaza and would distribute them in day care to two-year-olds, where they would hold a competition over who would kill more Jews. By the age of four, they would receive wooden guns. Later, when they grew up to be teenagers, he would train them to shoot rifles and teach them how to be martyrs. The same children he trained are the killers of the Nakba today.”

In June, 2021:[95]

the European Union finally released its report on Palestinian Authority textbooks which includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews. Under the guise of “resistance” – another catchword – children are being brainwashed about the glory of martyrdom. Following the report’s publication.

  • Activist in 2021/22:[130] "Today the mixed Arab-Jewish cities are the most antisemitic cities in the world."

  • Seen in 2014-2015.

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, 2014-15 (examples): The Holocaust is omitted from all WW2 related discussions. A 2014 schoolbook, uses the term but only on the "Palestinian" Arabs (1948) and claiming, it was "unprecedented" in history.[131]

  • As late as 2022, "Palestinian" schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre. It also incites against, lies about the Jewish faith, slander Jews as a whole.[132]

Reported, for example in 2022: Fatah and the PLO, which control the Palestinian Authority, makes the time of the younger generation "pleasant" during the summer vacation - they do not send them to the pool or the amusement park - but instead educate them in martyrdom, hatred of Jews and glorification of terrorists "The Palestinian Authority is doing everything in its power to poison another generation of Palestinian children to hate Jews, in order to train the hearts of the young and prepare them to participate in terrorist activities."[133]

The bill: "Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act," already passed in 2019,[134][135][136] was also passed unanimously in Sep/2022 by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.[137] [138]

The 2022 bill:[139]
will create new State Department reporting to address the ongoing issue of incitement and antisemitic content in textbooks used by the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) – which is especially timely given that, despite UNRWA’s renewed commitments to address this issue in the 2021 Framework for Cooperation, problems with antisemitism and incitement continue to be well documented.

  • In 2022, the US State Department cited Jerusalem-based monitor's findings on Palestinian Authority textbooks.

IMPACT-se has found the promotion of violence, martyrdom and jihad in "all grades and subjects." The presentation of Jews and Christians as "infidels … enemies of God." And denial of Jewish history.[140]

The report documents how the Palestinian Authority enforces a system of apartheid to ensure that every inch of territory under its control is strictly judenrein (free of Jews) by punishing Palestinian land sales to Jews with the death penalty, and by inciting the murder of Jews through financial rewards to terrorists.

  • A contributing editor to (rather) left-wing Forward, in his 2023 piece, after quoting from Haaretzism, slandering the right and admitting of being a (radical) NIF donor, he, nevertheless, admits that Arab terror is about Antisemitism. " They are targeted because they are Jews living in Israel."[142]

Poll: Over 25% of Israeli Arabs Say Holocaust Never Happened.

  • In 2009,[145] poll: 40% of Israeli Arabs believe Holocaust never happened. Survey also finds that only 41% of Israeli Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist as Jewish.

  • A 2011 survey found, 73% of Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza agree (today in age, "realistically") with 'hadith' quoted in Hamas Charter about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones, trees. And 53% were in favor or teaching songs about hating Jews in Palestinian schools.[146]

  • Per a (2014 released) poll conduct by the Anti Defamation League, 97% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza held antisemitic views, which would rank as the highest proportion in the world.[147]

  • In a March 2018 poll:[148]
    63% reject the idea of allowing Israeli Jews to live in the state of Palestine as citizens or residents.

  • In 2020, 93% of West Bank and Gaza population harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.[149]

  • Export hate: 2023 reported study:[150] 'Most online antisemitism stems from Palestinians, pro-Palestinians.'

  • Author published in 2014 interaction with Arab "Palestinians":[151]
    Samir asked me my opinion of Hitler. Not knowing how to react, I said nothing and just shook my head.
He continued to explain: "Here many people like Hitler" and showed me a picture of Hitler on his mobile phone.

  • A noted Orientalist, conducting a poll in Arabic, in 2019: "If Adolf Hitler was alive today and was tried, what do you think is the sentence that the leader of the German Third Reich deserves...??" - most found him "innocent."[152]

  • Notorious PFLP hijacker and admitted terrorist[153] who has been still promoting violence 2014-16[154] Laila Khaled: "At first, I admired Hitler because I thought he was the enemy of the Jews. Later I found out he classified Arabs as sub-humans, only slightly above the gypsies and the Jews."[155]

  • According to the US Congress 2008[156] report "Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism"
"In July 1990, the Palestinian Liberation Organization-affiliated Palestinian Red Crescent published an article in its magazine Balsam claiming that Jews concocted, “The lie concerning the gas chambers.” Gradually, throughout the 1990s, Holocaust denial became commonplace in popular media in the Middle East, particularly in the Palestinian Authority."

In August 2009, Hamas refused to allow Palestinian children to learn about the Holocaust, which it called "a lie [sic] invented by the Zionists" and referred to Holocaust education as a "war crime."[157]

Hamas claims the Freemasons and Rotary clubs are Zionist fronts and refers to the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an antisemitic text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people.[158]

Hamas legislator and imam, Sheik Yunus al-Astal, said that "suffering by fire is the Jews' destiny in this world and the next". He concluded "Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews". [159][160]

Hamas cleric, Yousif al-Zahar said that "Jews are a people who cannot [sic] be trusted. They have been traitors to all agreements. Go back to history. Their fate is their vanishing."[159][160]

Within a 2003 report[161] by Hillary R Clinton:

"I don't believe that there has been an adequate and consistent repudiation of the rhetoric of hate and the incitement of young people by the authorities in the Palestinian Authority. And I think that's so important, and I think it needs to be not just done once, but over and over and over again."

In its prepared statement there it states:

Of concern to our discussions today is the question, to what extent does the current Palestinian education system promote the hate and violence that undermine the foundations for stability and peace? It is clear that the old Palestinian curriculum in the West Bank and Gaza is unacceptable to us and everyone else in the international community genuinely interested in an education system that teaches children the truth, as opposed to hatred. The United States and other donor nations, as well as Israel, have long been concerned that materials used in the Palestinian education system and the UNRWA schools incited hatred. The curriculum--formed around a core of outdated Egyptian and Jordanian textbooks that fell out of use in those countries long ago--contained anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli content and promoted gender stereotypes. Moreover, the textbooks failed to promote critical-thinking, but rather favored rote memorization. The Palestinian Authority, at the urging of the United States and the international community, recognized that neither intolerance nor deprivation of independent thought would serve future generations of the Palestinian people.

In a report [162] on human rights in the Palestinian territories, the US State Department asserted that:

"Rhetoric by Palestinian terrorist groups included expressions of anti-Semitism, as did sermons by many Muslim religious leaders. Most Palestinian religious leaders rejected the right of Israel to exist. Hamas's al-Aqsa television station carried shows for preschoolers extolling hatred of Jews and suicide bombings."

  • The racist-apartheid punishing Arabs who sell land to Jews,[163] anti Semitic law,[164] began under the Jordanians, and practiced by Palestinian Authority. The law it and of itself racist,[165] plus it's strong racist overtones.[166] Under Arafat since 1994

such Arabs gave been murdered.[163] Under Abbas, since at least 2009.[167] and have affirmed death penalty.[168] In 2014 the PA had toughened law against Palestinians selling land to Jews.[169] In 2019 one such prisoner died in custody.[170] In 2018, Palestinian-American Issam Akel, was tortured, sentenced to life in prison by PA for selling land to Jews.[171]

Author:[163] It tells us that like the PA today, any successor Palestinian state will be a racist, apartheid state where laws will be promulgated based solely on race and religious origin. Jews will be denied all basic human rights and Arabs who peacefully coexist with Jews will be accused of treason and made targets for murder.

The PA's Apartheid land laws: [172]

-American-Palestinian sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for selling land to Jews.

-In 2014, Mahmoud Abbas passed legislation raising the punishment for selling land to Jews to life imprisonment with hard labor.

-64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews.

  • Pay for slay: The money transfer for racist Arab terrorists increases per Jews they murdered. 7 percent of the Palestinian budget goes to the families of martyrs and security prisoners. (2022 report).[173]
  • On Nov 4, 2021, Girls sing: Jews are “the world’s do_gs” and “impure” on PA TV.[174]

  • A 2022 report per study: Palestinian children learn to murder Jews. In Palestinian Authority schools, textbooks' incitement to violence, terror and anti-Semitism increasing.[175]

  • Tens of thousands of Arab surfers praising terrorist attacks and murders of Jews by Arab "Palestinian" terrorists.[176]

  • The Palestinian Authority showed it's officially antisemitic in ilifying all Jews and indirectly terms the Bible as supposed "racist."[177]

  • Antisemites rooting for a civil war - (July/2023) Palestinian news site asks Arabs to stop being coy and admit that their enemy is Jews, not "Zionists."

(Confusing secularists and religious asides from the fact that anti Zionist sect among the Haredim are THE Talmudists - basing their ideology on the Talmud. As Zionism is rooted in Tanach even before Talmud explanation).[178]

  • Before December-25th. An annual racist "tradition" to lie about Israel.[179][180][181]

[This racist Arab "tradition" began at the UN by Arab Syrian Fares El-Khouri each December and then in 1955 by infamous genocidal Ahmad Shukairy devout fanatical Muslim who usefully clinically resurrected, in the sly serpentine way peculiar to him, religious bias and prejudice against the Jewish people. At that speech he also made the hateful Nazism analogy,[182] a mere 6 years after actually rationalizing the massacre of the 6,000,000.[183])].

  • An example of many thousands of Arab racists in the area. In 2021, a 25-year-old with disabilities, who left the house to buy a can of cola and then an Arab resident of East Jerusalem just started abusing him, impersonating a police officer and threatening to arrest him. He filmed everything and shared on tik tok in a post that won hundreds of thousands of shares and shaming this poor guy.[184][185][186]

  • Liberal journalist, who routinely tries to find most weird rationalization for racist Arab-Islamic attacks, (thus an Haaretz darling), went out in the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Shuafat in E. Jerusalem, days after Arabs attacked Haredi Jews (pious, who are predominantly conscientious objectors, in Elad), to get the Arab attitudes. He approached a group of random young Arabs, as much as he tried, the ordinary Arabs told him, all Jews [sic] need to die. As he is famous on TV, including by Arabs, hoping to get a pass, he asked, me too? Yes, every Jew, the Arab voice in the crowd replies. The Quran says so, he adds. It was after the journalist asked the reaction to Hamas' Sinwar's called to massacre Jews. The replies he got, stronh support for Hamas.[187][188]

  • In May 2022, Palestinian Academic Riyad Abu Ras: The Jews Have Two Choices – Either They Go .. to Europe, or Palestine Will Be Their Graveyard.[189]

  • Aug 16, 2022.
    Palestinian Authority leader Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas], visiting Berlin, belittles again[190] the Holocaust, this time by his outrageous statement about so called "50" supposedly "committed." German chancellor, Olaf Sholz later on condemned him,[191][192] As well as condemned by Yad Vashem,[193] the EU,[194] the US among others. [195] His lies about the Holocaust enraged Germans.[196]

His distortion of history and of facts regarding anti-Terror defense actions brought about strong reaction.[197] Following Abu Mazen's statement, a furious daughter of the victim of the athletes massacre in Munich reminded: "Abu Mazen was part of the murder plan." His involvement was recalled.[195] (Indeed, Mahmoud Abbas - Abu Mazen was behind financing the Munich massacre[198][199] and in 2010, he lauded Munich massacre Leader.[200]. In 2016, [201] Mahmoud Abbas's party Fatah called the 1972 Munich terrorist attack in which Palestinians brutally tortured and murdered the Israeli Olympic team a "heroic operation."). Days later, the Berlin police opened a investigation into Mahmoud Abbas / Abu Nazen on incitement of hatred.[202][203] Following Abu Mazen's scandalous remarks, former German parliamentarian: 'Germany should send money to families of Munich victims rather than Palestinians.'[204]

Worst thing is, Abbas' hate rhetoric boosted his popularity among Arab "Palestinians."[205][206]

  • Aug 17, 2022.
    Mahmoud Al-Habbash, advisor to Abbas, PA Supreme Shari'ah Judge, defended Abbas’s denial of the Holocaust, saying during a televised address ,that the Israelis "want us to forget history, while they want the world to remember a history which is mostly forged [sic. Mahmoud], exaggerated, fabricated [sic. Mahmoud], with no basis in reality."[207][202]

Related on Al-Habbash:

In 2021 he blamed all world's problems on Israel.[208] In May 2022, he said that "J..s are "foreign (sic) criminals (sic) and thieves." [209]

March 14, 2023 released "Palestinian" poll, most support terror murder of the unarmed.[210]

  • March 2023 released "Palestinian" poll: most support terror murdering unarmed "settlers."[210]

  • See: Guardian_of_Walls --unprovoked simply targeting Jews-- which began around April 13, 2021, before the May/2021 war. Then Arab anti-Jewish attacks inside Israel during the war days with Hamas (who as usual, have been using its civilian population as cannon folders to make sure there are pictures of dead babies and targeting Israeli civilians).

  • Between October-December, 2021, at polplation-mixed cities: Lod, Acre, etc., an explosion of racist Arab Islamic anti-Jewish attacks inside Israel: marking Jews' homes, swastikas, arson, rock throwing, beatings. Israeli security have their hands full too overwhelmed with the sheer violence from Arab-Muslim sector against Jews, less time left to its racist motives.[211][212]
Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2023 Survey: Three in four Palestinians support Oct.7.23 massacre

  • Survey conducted in 2023, between Oct 31 & Nov 7, showed 'three in four Palestinians support' Hamas’s led Oct 7 massacre. [Interesting part was that in Gaza - affected by consequences - the support was less than in West Bank].[213]

Oct 7, 2023 atrocities, the thousands of "Palestinian" Arab barbarian (Hamas/PIJ, PFLP & ordinary Gazans) onslaught on southern Israel - under Allah Akbar cries: massacring youth at a festival, torching families alive at their homes, suffocating shelters with people in them, mass torture, mass rape - some even post mortem - all while laughing, slaughtering children in front of their parents - parents in front of their children, beheading babies, dismembering bodies, kidnapping kids, men women into Gaza while parading them to cheers of other racist Arab masses. It led to operation Swords of Iron.

  • Racist song popular in Gaza - "The song we were raised on - Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dogs." Little children taught and recite with "pride." (Gazan posted on social media in 2024).


Palestinian Authority guideline to mosques for Islamist anti-Jewish genocide (10.20.23)

"Palestinian" Authority, genocide message, Friday, Oct 20, 2023: All mosques must teach that extermination of Jews is an Islamic imperative.[215]

Anti-black racism

Palestinisn Authority's media racist cartoon against Condoleeza Rice (Aug/2006)
  • Anti-black racism[216] was out in the open, when former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has been the subject of some viciously racial personal attacks.

In July, 2006, media outlets controlled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party the past few days have been using racist rhetoric in their reports, referring to the American representative as the "black woman," "raven," "colored dark skinned black lady" and "black spinster."[217]

In Aug 2006, an anti-black racist 'monkey' Cartoon in Palestinian Authority's controlled Press Al Quds. From The New York Times:[218] "Her comment that the Israel-Lebanon war represented the “birth pangs of a new Middle East”— coming at a time when television stations were showing images of dead Lebanese children — sparked ridicule and even racist cartoons. A Palestinian newspaper, Al Quds," which "depicted Ms. Rice as pregnant with an armed monkey, and a caption that read, “Rice speaks about the birth of a new Middle East."

In addition, the Palestinian media has used racist terms including "black spinster" and "colored dark skin lady."[219][220]

  • Tamano Shata to Arab-Islamic MK Ahmad Tibi: "You are a racist, you constantly mention that I came from Ethiopia." You're "the chief racist."[221]

I mean he can not have an Ethiopian soldier be in position and check on him?

"Yes. Islam from its inception and even before Islam, all Arab signs would buy black slaves in Africa. The color black is an inferior color in Islamic society."

So what does it do to him when an Ethiopian soldier stands in front of him?

"Oh ... do you know what he told me? 'I can not stand this thing. This is for me the greatest humiliation I get - that you put an Ethiopian soldier.' Look how much this social stratification of colors is imprinted, and so it was in Africa. Today in Africa - the horrific massacre in Darfur was among those who are less dark-skinned and darker-skinned. The word slave is black in Arabic. Even the word crembo is the head of Africans, blacks because crembo is dark. Western countries will stop stopping the slave trade. "The color black is perceived as inferior, and the thing that drives them crazy the most is us with Ethiopian soldiers checking them out and it really drives them crazy."</blockquote></ref>

  • Reporter (in 2019) 'The thing that drives Palestinians crazy most at checkpoints - that an Ethiopian soldier checks on them.' A "slave" as they see them.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

Anti-Druze Bigoted Arab-Islamic MK Ahmad Tibi to a Druze: "my shoe is cleaner than your community."[222]

Racist influencers in Arab, Muslim society in Israel

  • Raed Salah, leader of the Islamic Movement's Northern Branch convicted of incitement to violence and incitement to racism during a 2007 sermon,[223] remains to be very popular in Arab society.

  • In 2009, uproar, as Khatib - a senior member of the Islamic Movement who spoke out against "Negro policemen."[224]

  • Revealing: Israeli Arab leftist famous 'poet' intellectual who was asked some questions in the airport, reveals his anti-black racism. (Haaretz--where he often contributes to--publishes his piece as it serves its anti Israel war).[225]

  • An Arab couple from Umm al-Fahm and Rahat who got married, got a severe attack on a racial background, because of the bride's skin color, such as on Arabs' social media (2020).[226]

  • Abd (Abid) slave in Arabic - still being used derogatory by some Islamic-Arabs inside Israel. [227]

Some examples of racist Arab sexual crimes targeting Jews, deemed nationalistic / racial

  • In Mar-2011, "Palestinian" Arab rapes Jewess, forces couple to have relations in front of him.[228]

  • In 2016, two "Palestinian" arabs and one israeli-arab rape a mentally disabled 20-yrs old jewish girl, urinate on her, spit, call out racial slurs, while one films it.[229]

Some 810 cases already documented as of 2019, including Lipaz Himi, Ori Ansbacher And the 'Gan Hai'r' case.[230]

  • Exposed in 2021/2: The pimping of female prison guards in Gilboa prison - took place between 2014-2017, during which the intelligence officer in Gilboa prison, Rani Basha, responded to the demands of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Atallah, that female prison guards, be assigned to shifts in his wing. During the shifts, on a large number of occasions, Atallah used to sexually harass the female guards, both verbally and physically. In addition to this, rapes were also occurred in 2015 by a terrorist prisoner.

(Rani Basha - רני באשה [راني باشا] Muhammad Atallah - מוחמד עטאללה [محمد عطالله] Bassem Kashkush (Qashqush) - באסם קשקוש [باسم قشقوش]).[231]

  • On Kurds

The Arab "Palestinian" organization, the Jamia’at al aish bi’Karama,' helps Turkish ethnic cleansing strategy of Kurds in Syria.[232]

  • Afro Palestinians

Afro-Palestinians are decendants from African Muslim immigrants - the majority travelling to complete the Muslim pilgrimage to Mekka, most live in Jerusalem, Gaza, west Bank town of Jericho.

Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as ‘abeed,’ i.e. ‘slaves.'[233] Report:
Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as "abeed," literally translated as "slaves." Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.

Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in the area for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.

They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in Arab Palestinians' fight.[234]

Some have been involved in terror activities one (such PFLP terrorist who planted hand grenades in 1968 injuring 9) interviewed explained he stopped aiding African immigrants as soon as they saw they have a positive view on Israel (naturally he tried to propagate in interviewed against Israel too).[235] One interviewed said "we are not a Scandinavian country, you know?” he said. “Jerusalem is a mosaic society. It’s a multicultural society.” Elsewhere, like Ramallah, he said, it might have been more difficult.[235]

[Ramallah is where PA headquarters is located and Jericho, where a considerable portion of this community lives, is under PA rule. Gaza has been under Hamas rule].

In June, 2021, following the Guardian of walls, arch terrorist head of Hamas, Sinwar propagated on a lefty media outlet in the US trying to compare events in Jerusalem to Geroge Floyd, a journalist reminded that he should rather tell about discrimination by Arab Palestinians against Afro Palestinians, such as in the Old city.[236]


Afro Palestinians in Gaza

The majority of families with dark skin in Gaza originate from Sudan and Egypt, many of them came to work in the Ottoman Empire's army hundreds of years ago.[237]

Wealthy Arab families in Gaza participated in the slave trade.[237]

Black Palestinians constitute a minority of one per cent of the total population of the two million inhabitants living in Gaza Strip.[238]

They have to work twice as hard to prove himself. Many black Palestinians are not considered for jobs that require direct communication or interaction with customers..[238]

Majority of Palestinians do not marry black Palestinians, although recently there have been some changes in mentality..[238]

In some areas, it is strictly forbidden for Arab Palestinians to marry black Palestinians, but in other areas..[238]

The situation is worse for black Palestinian women — while dark-skinned men may be able to marry light-skinned Palestinians, the reverse is mostly not accepted..[238]

Some mixed races couples are threatened by family of the Arab side to renounce him in the newspapers..[238]

Sometimes the racism is expressed nonverbally through looks.

Some tell of discriminatory experiences growing up. Racist taunts toward Gaza’s African minority are not uncommon, despite centurieslong African migration to Palestine.[237]

One interviewed:[237]

Abed al-Rawagh, 21, who works at a grocery store at the neighborhood’s entrance, told Al-Monitor that racism affects his business. “I don’t feel discriminated against until a white girl or woman comes to buy from the grocery store. As soon as she sees me, she changes her mind about buying and leaves. There’s a widespread belief that a black man would harm her. That offends me.”
Another one tells[237] about experience right after Hamas took control:
...after the split in 2007. “The policeman looked inside a taxi and ordered the two dark-skinned men inside, us, to step out. So my brother and I stepped out, and we headed to the search location. After they made sure that we weren’t suspects, we went back to the car. I felt very insulted. The driver asked me why. I told him ‘It seems we are now in Chicago!'”

Security forces have been recently (2017) very harsh on black Palestinians. Like selecting them out for further security checks.[238]

See also:

It's never about facts

'Not about facts' - apartheid slur

Three anti-Israel activists unabashedly admitted that they lie about Israel by accusing it of apartheid. Rebecca Villomerson justified her lies by claiming: “It’s not facts, it’s about power. Apartheid, as a word, has incredible power.” Mohammed el-Kurd blatantly said that he’s not concerned “about the accuracy of the word. I don’t care. As long as there is a conversation happening in which the villain is portrayed clearly, I think that is good.” Osama Abuishaid even accused the US of engaging in apartheid. Perhaps he meant against white Americans? Sadly, it seems that the masses, with rare exceptions, don’t actually care about the truth when it comes to left-wing causes such as vilifying Israel and justifying unscrupulous.[239]

Misquoting Mandela

Nelson Mandela was critical of so-called "occupation, but fully endorsed Israel's Right to exist. He thought the Arabs states would need to reconcile fully with Israel in the context of a peace agreement.[240]

Nelson Mandela never used the word “apartheid” to describe the Palestinian situation.[241]


Most that use that term have been "traditionally" Arabs, Muslims out of bigotry[242] some posing as "activists". Widely by "plain" racists who use the Middle East as a cover.

Some radical liberals began using it mostly after Jimmy Carter used it in his 2006 book exclusively on the "territories." Then came along long time anti-Israel radicals to abuse positions in human rights groups.

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter admitted that Israel is a free equal democracy for all[243] and that his book is about the "territories " exclusively and it's not related to "race" or "racism".[244] He also added that he is aware it's a provocative term.

But even his "facts" and anti-Israel bias was heavily criticized.[245][246]

Columnist at the Washington Post :[247]
It's not clear what he means by using the loaded word "apartheid," since the book makes no attempt to explain it, but the only reasonable interpretation is that Carter is comparing Israel to the former white racist government of South Africa. That is a foolish and unfair comparison, unworthy of the man who won -- and deserved -- the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing Israel and Egypt together in the Camp David Accords, and who has lent such luster to the imaginary office of former president.

Ilan Pappé

Anti-Israel BDS pusher Ilan Pappe, belittled the Holocaust in 1993.[248] It appears, his dangerous envisioned end game for Israel is elimination. [249] Even at radical lefty Haaretz, he was exposed. As per Pappe's own words (Haaretz, 27.4.2005), behind the boycott group ideological motives, or at least of those who lead it proudly, hides a tone of extortion towards academia. [250] He bases his twisted theories purely on "Palestinian" propaganda "sources." He admitted in 1999:[251]

There is no objective historian in the world. I care less about what happened from the way people see it.'

'I admit that my ideology influences my historical articles.'

'The struggle is based on ideology and not on facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as possible that our interpretation of the facts is the correct interpretation, and we do it because we are ideologues and not truth-seekers.'

His book of "errors, failures, absurd interpretations and unreliability,"[252] no wonder he didn't publish it then in Hebrew, but in Arabic...

A fake "historian," an outright Liar.[64]

He has a record of making inflammatory statements including against fighting Anti-semitism.[253]

Haaretz exposed

Per Haaretz' Amos Shocken (2008), seens to be excited about the apartheid as a catchy word,[254] there is no need for there to be any identity between the regime in Israel and the regime in South Africa called by that name. Suffice it to say that the use of the word constitutes, in Schocken's opinion, "an absorbing and understandable media headline in large parts of the world, and is therefore useful for conveying the message."[255] He knows there is no “apartheid” there, so he plays around with facts. He explains that it’s a catchy phrase.[256]

Osama Hamdan

Osama Hamdan, as Hamas' foreign relations chief, on July 28, 2014, shamelessly recycled the ancient bloodlibel as if "fact."[257]

A little over a year later, on October 2015, this blood libel pusher, told Al-Monitor, "There are many similarities between the Palestinian and the South African struggle" under an apartheid occupation."[258]

Ben White - typical user

Ben White.
From ADL:[259]
White has engaged in anti-Semitic tactics, including analogizing Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews to Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. In a November 2007 article called “Boycott: The Backlash,” which appears on his website, White alleged that Zionism is a “social-democratic experiment” and that Palestinians endured “death marches” at the hands of the Israeli government. He has claimed that Israel exploits the memory of the Holocaust in order to justify its so-called oppression of the Palestinian people, believing that it is justifiable, “as long as it falls short of what was experienced by the Jews in Nazi Europe.”

White has also defended the anti-Semitic statements of others, notably former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s infamous remarks denying the Holocaust and calling for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” In a January 2006 article called “History, Myths and all the News that’s Fit to Print,” White claimed that Ahmadinejad’s call for Israel’s destruction had “more ambiguity than most allowed” and argued that a head of state should not be threatened with diplomatic sanction “for his beliefs.”

In the article, which appeared on White’s website, he also defended Ahmadinejad’s abhorrent statements questioning the veracity of the Holocaust. He wrote: “The President’s remarks, as detailed on the official Iranian news agency website, did not actually denote a disbelief in the genocide perpetrated against the Jews during World War II. Rather, they sought to highlight the hypocrisy of European guilt over the Holocaust contrasted with their support for the colonisation of Palestine.”

He further explained away Ahmadinejad’s use of the term “myth” to describe the Holocaust as not necessarily referring to an episode that is untrue, but rather an incident that has become imbued with “symbolic meaning.”

In a 2002 article published by CounterPunch, a far Left newsletter, White offered his own skewed reasons for why anti-Semitism is on the rise. He acknowledged that he can “understand” why people are anti-Semitic..."

Norman Finkelstein: invoked classic antisemitic stereotypes, praised Holocaust deniers, and justified Hezbollah targeting civilians

Norman Finkekstein had invoked classic antisemitic stereotypes, and praised renowned Holocaust denier, and justified Hezbollah targeting civilians.[260]

Described by renowned historian "a notorious distorter of facts." [261]

Omar Shakir and the Apartheid slur

Arab-American Omar Shakir[262] has been active against Israel since he was a student.

From a 2010 Arab report,[263] he struggled with applying the "apartheid" label on Israel because conditions are not the same as South Africa, such as Arabs in Israel actually do have voting rights.

2010: During a talk at a UC Irvine event "Apartheid IsReal" Shakir called for the extinction of the State of Israel - "The day comes when the two-state solution collapses, as soon as that happens the State of Israel is finished."[40]

He defended anti-Semite in court.[264]

Shakir led boycott campaigns at Georgetown University and Stanford, and his 2010 event during "Israel Apartheid [sic] Week" was headlined "Apartheid [sic] Is Real.[265]

On February 26, 2015, Shakir tweeted: "'Gaza is not just a 'kind of' concentration camp, it's the hood on steroids.' In April 2016 Shakir implied South African apartheid idea back to 1948.[266]

In that year, In 2016, HRW increased its BDS emphasis, and hired Omar Shakir, an experienced activist, as its "Israel/Palestine director." At HRW, Shakir led BDS campaigns.[265]

Shakir was deported from Israel for his harmful BDS activities in November, 2019.[267]

In April 2020, in a tweet[268] he showed excitement to another infamous long time instigator, who serves in Btselem[269] for promoting the apartheid slur (via distortions[270] totally refuted[271]) saying it was "already" a "fact" for some time.[272][273]

Some assessed that guy's urgency, after Trump's Abraham accords which debunked the false narrative of Israel supposedly being "simply against" Arab per se.

In April 2021, Omar Shakir tweets a 2015 pic whereby police drain a violent Arab rioter while escorting a Jewish victim -- to distract from a wave of Arab racist attacks, in a sick hobby proudly fiming it.[274][275] The clips increased incitement in the Arab sector[276] "The embodiment of antisemitic racism."[277][278][279][280][281] Arabs targeting Jews (more so ultra Orthodox who by in large avoid IDF draft). Despite being notified of tweeting an unrelated photo, Shakir did not delete it

A year later, Shakir himself, consumed by anger over Israel not renewing his visa, as a revenge propaganda,[282] has also promoted it, abusing the HRW platform.[283] A "report" full of distortions.[60] A hatchet job, while promising “detailed legal analysis” of the apartheid charge, HRW actually proved Israel’s innocence.[284] The "report" is baseless, but HRW knows that.[285]

Despite its length, it is a propaganda document: full of falsehoods and distortions. The world it describes is an alternate reality.[66]

Despite knowing fully well, Omar Shakir, who resided in the area before being Estelle for BDS hate propaganda that most Israelis are 'brown ' he chose (in his debunked slur doc) to portray in an imAoeil-2021), in an image, to portray Israelis as "all White" and the Arab Palestinians a p.o.c.[264] Part of an old systematic Arab-Islamic racism to portray its victims of its bigotry as being supposedly the "racists."

Fake "racism" - black IDF soldier shown vs Arab terrorist

He expanded the Apartheid term, as so to fit his long-time anti-Israel agenda. Not realizing his expansion would cover many others. But realizing that according to his new apartheid definition, Israel can never escape this terminology, no matter what it does. (Hence proving again point of pure hatred).[286]

Vs the reality of apartheid:[5]
It is not for Human Rights Watch or any other self-important agency to re-word the definition of apartheid to suit its ends.

The utter[287]
Twisted Omar Shakir's choice of words, choice of facts, in his intentional blurring and 'salad,' to fit his bigoted campaign.

He wrote in his title (Apr 27, 2021): — 'Summary About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today.'

Now, let's turn away from his venomous paper, sort things out and make it clear and authentic:

Israelis, it's majority are Jews, yet, it's largest minority are Arab, most of its Arabs are Muslims , then a sizable Christian community.

You can, on top of these simple non political facts, to choose an add-on, call Arabs with Israeli citizenship as "Palestinian" or not.

BTW, Israeli measures are related to survival and security, which is why certain 'areas' have more stringent measures, against Jews or against Arabs.

The 'A' slur, Omar Shakir is obsessed with since his student years, has no basis.

Shakir called on FIFA to boycott the Israeli national football team because of its apartheid policy. Only this idiot did not take into account that almost half of the Israeli team are players from Israeli Arab society and even the captain is Muslim.[288][282]

In addition to these individuals personal record, it's worth mentioning that: Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem... these organizations have a long record of blaming Israel for all of its difficult relations with its Palestinian neighbors while at the same time demonstrating a “hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil” approach to Palestinian misdeeds.[289]

Shakir is aided by another long-time extremely biased[290][291][292][293][294] a Hamas apologist[295], even bigot at HRW Ken Roth.[296][297] a "know it all" even propagandist for Hamas,[298] Twisted Ken Roth is also Soft on monsters of Iran and Syria and big against its rivals .[299]

Hatred and violence perpetuated after Shakir Apartheid-slur promotion

Since Shakir has outrageously used the HRW status, it has boosted even more the excuse for anti-Israel radicals to use the trope.

Then came the Squad[300] to repeat it after of "palestinian" Arab origin Rashida Tlaib usage of it. An Israeli Arab replied to AOC on the falsehood of applying the term vs reality of Arabs in democratic Israel with full equal rights.[301] The promotion and rising use of the term has contributed to anti-Semitic attacks especially since May-2021 Guardian of Walls.[302] Which as a result, even anti-Israel ardent activist, Bernie Sanders, (who's known to throw the term "racism", frequently, at so many situations so often, ridiculously) has asked to refrain from this and such rhetoric.[303] All the while other "activists" such as known anti-Jewish Islamic politicians Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have not done so. As Rahida Tlaib propagated with a PLO flag and using the 'A' slur (Jan 2023) a politician/activist replied: "Wave an Israeli flag in Jenin and you’ll see what real apartheid looks like!."[304]
The picture and the comments caused a firestorm on Twitter, with several users calling Tlaib out.

“Your Jew hatred, lies and incitement knows no bounds,” replied Arsen Ostrovsky, International Human Rights Lawyer and CEO at the International Legal Forum. Also responding was former New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who now heads the Americans Against Antisemitism organization. “How many Arabs live in Israel? How many Jews live in Ramallah? Nablus? Jericho?!” he asked. “You’re right, most Americans DO NOT support PALESTINIAN APARTHEID in the West Bank & Gaza where not a single Jew lives! Wave an Israeli flag in Jenin and you’ll see what real apartheid looks like!” added Hikind.

Another user, Florian Seroussi, pointed out to Tlaib, “Israeli and American flags are being burnt in Gaza day in and day out. What have you said about it during all those years? Suddenly a flag means something to you?”
Activist on Rashida's Hypocrisy:[305]
Rashida Talib who ignores US flags being burned by Palestinians and Israel haters around the world proves once again that she is in Congress not for her constituents in Michigan but to incite and spread lies against Israel. So Rashida, it doesn't matter how much you lie - there is no apartheid in Israel, and if you come, try waving the Israeli flag in Gaza and we'll see what happens to you... Hypocrite!

After daughter of Mohammed Hadid, Bella tweeted a vitriol against Israel including the 'A' slur, and Tala Halawa, an Arab journalist based in Ramallah, working for the BBC, punlished an extreme style piece supporting Hadid's stance, Halawa's earlier shocking antisemitic tweets were exposed, including that "Hitler was right." BBC reporter comes under fire for tweet saying 'Hitler was right'.[306][307][308][309][310]

Muslim writer, Mehdi Hassan who rationalized them,[311] should know that when an African-American says the N word is totally different. Besides, the demonization and delegitimization intent is clear.

Following bigot Shakir's abuse of HRW, Amnesty remembered to cave and "join" trend, reveals its real aim

Continuing after bigoted[264] Arab Omar Shakir who abused HRW platform for his long historic agenda, in order not to be left behind in the trend, Amnesty International (Jerusalem office's under a "Palestinian" former official)[312] "joined in," in 2022.[313][27][314][29][315][316][317] Its call to dismantle Jewish State - denounced:[318]

Jewish organizations in Canada reject and condemn a new Amnesty International report that demonizes Israel and calls into question its right to exist.

The report, to be published Tuesday, ignores the right of Jews to their ancestral homeland, where they have lived for thousands of years. It denies Jews the right to self-determination and seeks to delegitimize the world’s only Jewish state using unfounded and unsubstantiated smears. The report ignores ongoing terrorist violence directed at Israelis and minimizes the violence perpetrated by Palestinian terror organizations.

Notably, the report disregards the reality of Israel being the only democratic state in the Middle East where all citizens – Jews and Arabs alike – have the right to vote, to serve in the judiciary, and hold seats in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

It basically affirms the PLO’s 60-year ‘apartheid’ strategy. [58]

It just had to wait a few months with its label/libel also because of the Apr 2021 report that Amnesty International has a culture of white privilege and workers allege systemic bias and racist language by senior staff including N-word and P-word.[319]

As to the one at Amnesty who copied the recycled lines, Agnes Callamard, is a shill for dictator fascist dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; propagandist for pro terror Qatar; against killing Qasem Soleimani.[320] In order not to be seemed the parrot she is, she tried to use other wording whereby implying / claiming as if "Jews Have No Right to Live in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem." [321] Her Amnesty "statement" tries to distort Arab identity inside Israel and basically dismantle Israel.[322]

Interesting enough, Amnesty's label, the "apartheid " term was rejected by the prominent Arab Party's head in Israel, United Arab List,[323] Nansour Abbas, eventhough, he is no moderate but has been pro Hamas.[324]

Revealing, admitting it's true bigoted extremist goal masquerading as "research," in Mar 2022: The director of Amnesty International USA on Wednesday said Israel "shouldn't exist as a Jewish state."[325]

On its obsessive ugly sickness, as the entire world was preoccupied with the Ukraine War 'hundreds killed. 1.5 million refugees. Untold humanitarian damage,' in March 2022, yet, Amnesty still had in its profile about the A slur.[326]

The Amnesty International propaganda "report" -rejected by the US as 'absurd,'[327] the UK rejecting this terminology,[328] Germany rejects the term,[329] and the Netherlands rejecting the report:[330]

"Apartheid is a specific legal term and a serious international crime, and it is up to a judge to judge whether this is the case,” the Dutch foreign minister wrote. "In light of the above, the cabinet also rejects the recommendations made by Amnesty in the report."

Hoekstra pointed out that Germany, the US and the UK rejected the report, as well, and said that calling Israel an apartheid state does not help resolve the conflict and reach a two-state solution.

Rejected also by Arab Party leaders in Israel [331] and by Arab minister of radical left wing Meretz Party.[332]

Omar Shakir - with Islamist Jihad terrorism

In 2023, at operation Shield and arrow, [333] twisted Omar Shakir, hailed Iranian backed Islamic Jihad leader terrible Khader Adnan.[334]
Omar Shakir, hailing Iranian backed Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan (a terrorist who espouses horrific fundamentalist rhetoric) a hero. This says far more about Omar and Human Rights Watch than anything.

Navi Pillay

When infamous virulently anti-Israel Navi Pillay, jumped on the opportunity to smear Istael under a mask of "investigating"[335][336] (and Miloon Kothari - who already lied for example on Al Jazeera in 2011[336]) Her "report" was condemned by 22 nations.[337] Some black South Africans who were victims of the original, South-African brand of apartheid were incensed at her charge and that 'Nelson Mandela Would Not Approve' on the smear "report."[338]

In addition, during that very report work, what was exposed was the real apartheid - that on the Arab Palestinian side:[141]
The report documents how the Palestinian Authority enforces a system of apartheid to ensure that every inch of territory under its control is strictly judenrein (free of Jews) by punishing Palestinian land sales to Jews with the death penalty, and by inciting the murder of Jews through financial rewards to terrorists.

Miloon Kothari

In the aforementioned 2022, Islamic Pakistan sponsored UNHRC inquiry targeting Israel, under Pillay & Miloon Kothari.[339][340]

In a July 2022 interview (with radical Anti-Israel[341][342] dreadful[343] Mondoweiss), Miloon Kothari stated that "We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by – whether it is the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs, a lot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us..." [344]

Kothari has been accused by the United States, Czechia, Germany, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Australia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungry, Belgium, Italy[345] and the president of the UNHRC of making antisemitic remarks disputing Israel's right to exist and supporting antisemitic conspiracy theories about the "Jewish Lobby" controlling social media.[346]

But the Palestinian Authority supported , Kothari's hate, as a pattern, it chose to side with Antisemitism and hate. [345]

Selective use of term: not in often preferential treatment to Arabs over Jews

  • As the Obama administration put pressure and limitation on Israel vis a vis construction for Jews, Israel's Foreign Minister asked for understanding on the injustice of "discrimination against Jews in Jerusalem." Adding, In light of the American demand for a freeze on construction in East Jerusalem, the Foreign Minister wants to imagine a situation in which Arabs will be banned from buying and building in the west of the city - "We will immediately be declared an apartheid state."[347]
  • Two construction enforcement practices in Judea and Samaria: for Jews and Arabs. Buildings erected on private land" are almost at the top of the Civil Administration's enforcement procedure against Jews, but at the bottom of the enforcement list against Arabs.

Civil Administration in acknowledges the existence of official discrimination between Jews and Arabs with regard to the activity of enforcing building laws in Judea and Samaria. The document on its behalf contains two separate lists of enforcement criteria. One is "priorities for enforcement in the Palestinian sector", and the other is "priorities for enforcement in the Israeli sector." Some reminded that this is actually anti-Jewish apartheid.[348]

Pakistan born, former terrorist, turned moderate,[349] visited Jerusalem in 2022[350] Tells, he visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotel (wailing wall) and prayed in both places. Stressing: "I was so ashamed of to see that I had free access to any Jewish religious area in Kotal to pray and no any single religious Jewish ever bothered to stop me but Jewish weren’t even allowed to come closer to Damascus Gate! (One Jewish came close and said "God Bless you" when I was filming video)." "Where is freedom of religion and expression." He asked Stating that "Muslims have right to go anywhere in Israel but Jewish people have no right to even go to certain areas of Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslims Apartheid in Jerusalem." (A situation forced upon Israel by activists, the Jordanian control of Al aqsa, eagerness to appease for peace).

See more at: Criticism of preferential treatment for Israeli Arabs over Jews on often favoritism to Arabs over Jews, in:

police treatment;


land issues;

court cases, etc. - long record.

Genuine safety concerns and restriction on Jews

Again, how Israel's actions and routine are only about safety and security.

Restriction on Israelis, Jews, as all measures are results of security and safety concerns. As Jews are more vulnerable (Homesh rule example[351])

Factor: "discrimination against Jews." Court acquitted man of illegally entering the ruins of the settlement, after a representative of the State Attorney's Office admitted that Israeli Arabs are not being prosecuted for entering the Palestinian Authority without permits.[351] Report: [352]

A recent ruling shows that the state enforces the law on the issue when it comes to its Jewish citizens, but turns a blind eye when it comes to Israeli Arabs.

In the indictment filed against a man ... accused of violating the law implementing the disengagement plan, which prohibits entry into the area where Chomesh had previously resided. The indictment alleges that in two different cases during 2010 the defendant entered the settlement area.. he denied the allegations and claimed through his lawyer, Sharon Danieli from the Public Defender's Office, that the place where he was apprehended was not within the boundaries of the Chomesh settlement. He further claimed that the state enforces the law in a selective manner, because it allows Arab-Israelis to enter the territories evacuated during the disengagement.

Although the Magistrate's Court ruled that he had broken the law, he accepted his claim and acquitted him. "An unequal enforcement policy that led to a sweeping distinction between the Jewish defendant and the Arabs of Israel and his prosecution is invalid, outrageous and justifies the defendant's acquittal," Judge Nava Bechor wrote. The ruling stated that the selective enforcement that Israel is taking is intentional, and is intended to protect Jews from the danger of abduction and to strengthen economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.

The evidence heard during the trial showed that the phenomenon of Jews entering the Chomesh is known to the security forces - they regularly conduct searches in the area. The testimonies of police officers showed that during 2010 there were dozens of cases of Jews entering the Chomesh area. According to them, the defendant was caught along with other settlers in their possession with sleeping bags, large bags, coolers, chairs and other equipment. According to one of the testimonies, the defendant even carried a weapon that he received from the IDF for the purpose of spatial defense activities in the locality in which he resides.

The defendant himself testified that two years after the disengagement, he continued to live in the locality of Sha-Nur, which was also evacuated during the disengagement, and after being evacuated from there, he moved to Yitzhar in Samaria. [...] Judge Bechor rejected the defendant's claim that he did not stay in the Chomesh area. "There is no doubt in my heart about the defendant's love for the Land of Israel, but precisely because of this and for that very reason - it is clear that he returned to the same places that were a Jewish settlement in the past, despite the fact that he knew it was forbidden by law."

"The entry of Jews also contributes to the economy of the region"

However, despite rejecting this version, the judge ruled in his favor after accepting the selective enforcement claim.


In her ruling, she reviewed the testimony of Colonel Doron Ben-Barak, the attorney general of the Judea and Samaria Division, who testified that there is indeed a difference in law enforcement as far as Israeli-Israelis visiting the Chomesh, defined as Area C, where security and civilian powers are in the IDF. To and the Civil Administration.

"The risk to an Arab-Israeli entering Area A is significantly lower than the risk to an Israeli of Jewish descent, which justifies the need for increased enforcement against Jews who violate the ban on entering the area," Judge Bechor wrote, recalling the territories under full Palestinian control, including security.

Ben-Barak testified that the State of Israel has an interest in easing enforcement policy toward Arab-Israelis, because it helps maintain the economic stability of the Palestinian Authority. According to him, Israel is working to aid "convenient trade between Palestinians and Israeli Arabs," which includes protecting the property of the individual, which includes preventing Jews from entering the Chomesh lands, which are now considered Palestinian lands. According to estimates he gave at trial, about hundreds of Westerners in Israel enter Area A every day, a phenomenon that occurs mainly in areas where there is no manned control of soldiers.

Ben-Barak also testified that the immigration of Jews to the Chomesh - which is included in Area C - is enforced more comprehensively, among other things for reasons of law and order and a danger to the security of those who immigrate to the place, which also includes the possibility of abduction.

In conclusion:

Judge Bechor ruled that this was indeed selective enforcement, because the law also obligates Israeli Arabs, who are also citizens of the state. "The warning signs scattered at the entrance to Area A explicitly include an inscription in Arabic and Hebrew - to teach us that they come to warn the two populations of the State of Israel. And it has a real impact on the sense of justice and fairness, "she stated. "The security consideration does not justify a distinction between Jews and Arabs who are citizens of Israel, since there is no clear distinction between an Arab and a Jew entering the territory in a way that equally endangers their security." Regarding economic considerations, Judge Bechor wrote that he "does not justify such a significant violation of equality between people from the law," adding that "the entry of Jews also contributes to the economy of the region."

Palestinian Arabs eager to get Israeli citizenship, prefer to work in Israel

The 'Law of Return',[353] did not arise from ideology alone; it was also a practical measure. In the wake of the Holocaust, the first act of the new Israeli government was to abolish all restrictions on Jewish immigration. Israel, the government declared, would provide Jews the world over with a haven from anti-Semitism.

Given Israel's special vulnerable state, the Citizenship law established during the 2nd intifada, naturally for safety,[354] is a first-rate security interest. [355]

Yet. Many Arabs fight it.

Someone's put it: [356]

Citizenship Law... Unification of Families. Gaza residents are flocking to the [supposed] apartheid state.

Arabs in Israel and Arab Palestinians have been advocating for many to get Israeli citizenship.[357]

Thousands upon thousands of Arab Palestinians have been struggling, fighting to at least get into Israel to work.[358]

The irony, the hypocrisy: demonstrating against Israel by day, at night waiting for entry permits.[359]

Arab journalist elaborates why Palestinians prefer to work in Israel:[360]

  • The fact that a large number of Palestinians are desperate to work in Israel is a sign of the failure of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to improve the living conditions of their people despite the massive sums of money they receive from various sources, including the United States, European Union and United Nations.
  • Instead of holding Hamas responsible for what he called the "tragedy" in the Gaza Strip, al-Amsi and other Palestinians choose to blame Israel.
  • This view is in keeping with the longstanding habit of the Palestinian leadership to evade their responsibility for thievery and non-governance by blaming Israel for everything.
  • Many Palestinians and Arabs, however, are no longer buying this nonsense and know exactly who is trying to help and who has not done a thing to end their suffering.
  • "Thousands of Palestinians, including those with [academic] degrees, are fighting for a job in Israel. I guarantee you that if Israel announced that it wants workers from Algeria, they would cross the Sahara [Desert] on foot to work in Israel to escape the hell they are living in at home." — Hoda Jannat, Syrian journalist and political analyst, Twitter, October 7, 2021.
  • As has now become embarrassingly clear for all to see, Israel has become the only hope for the hungry workers in the Gaza Strip -- who have been abandoned not only by their leaders, but by the rest of their Arab brothers as well.
The fact that a large number of Palestinians are desperate to work in Israel is a sign of the failure of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to improve the living conditions of their people despite the massive sums of money they receive from various sources, including the United States, European Union and United Nations.
  • How anti Israel, Islamist agitator, Arab MK Ayman Odeh, through his very negative actions, willingly or not, had actually debunked the apartheid slur.[361]

If there was ever proof that Israel is not an apartheid state actively discriminating against its Arab minority, all one needs to do is look at the recent statement of Israeli Arab Knesset member Ayman Odeh. Not only does this reflect the reality that Israeli Arabs are equal parts of Israel’s democracy, that he can make statements that go against the interest and security of the state shows what a hyper-democracy Israel in fact is. As all this has unfolded, the thought I cannot shake is how much Israel’s Arabs deserve better.

Odeh used the occasion of a recent Ramadan greeting from Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate, just outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City to make such outrageous remarks that the backlash is even coming from Israel’s Arabs. Odeh said he hoped to see Palestinian flags flying there one day. He said he had spoken with, groups of “young Palestinians with Israeli citizenship” in what he calls “occupied Arab Jerusalem,” saying they were being “humiliated” by Israel’s security forces.

That Odeh speaks of “Palestinians with Israeli citizenship,” and does so in the capital of Israel while declaring it “occupied” underscores the earlier point of no apartheid, and Israel’s hyper-democracy. Such comments would never be tolerated under actual apartheid...


  • On July 13, 2018, AOC was asked her position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and mentioned “the occupation of Palestine.” When pressed on what she meant, it became very clear AOC was merely spouting Shahid and Berger’s talking points, which she didn’t even understand.[362]

  • Woke New Jersey Dem, progressive activist running for Congress in Newark, Imani Oakley, her social media accounts full of anti-Israel talking points describing Israel as committing [sic] “apartheid” and [sic] “genocide.” - was fooled by fake rabbi’s parody Twitter account.[363]
On the bizarre parody account, "Rabbi Linda Goldstein" warns Hamas fighters to practice social distancing in terror tunnels; posts photos of herself posing with a menorah made of Qassam rockets; and bills herself as the “Jewish issues advisor” to Hamas boss Ismail Haniyeh.

“Excited to announce #Hamas has given me permission to build the first and only #Jewish #Ghetto in #Gaza #Palestine!,” Goldstein announces in a June tweet. “By default, wherever a #Jew lives they’re #Colonizing. Ghettos ensure Jews don’t displace #Palestinians.”

None of Goldstein’s anti-Israel public messages appeared to pose any red flags for Maita Lockhart, Oakley’s campaign manager, who responded enthusiastically when the faux-rabbi reached out in November with an offer to organize a fundraiser in Gaza...

"Jews cannot live in Gaza. So the fact that people think she is the chief rabbi in Gaza or has a temple in Gaza just shows how uneducated people are about the conflict.” Michael said.


In an effort to combat bigoted slander, in July 2023, "the US House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution condemning antisemitism and stating that Israel" is not so called "apartheid" or the R word.[364]

Flash back to 1945 - racist Arab hyped rhetoric

The anti-Jewish fake drama hyped language by notable racist Arabs predates the 1948 establishment of Israel. On Dec 20, 1945, some 3 months after the end of WW2, the bigoted pseudo "analogies" were already there. The major Arab press which propagated for the Axis since the 1930s- Falastin wrote 'that the decision of the American Senate in favor of Zionism is a [sic] crime against democracy that transcends the crimes of Hitler and Mussolini, Genghis Khan and Timurlan.'[365]

See also

Apart odeh.png Apart16 hanna.png Maroun.png Apart tav.png Apart younix.png Bus poster.png Apart16 hebu2.png 500px Shibel poster2.png Hebrewu.png Rimon poster.png Apartheid rail.jpg Apart medlij.png Apart zarka.png Stephane.png Sabrin.png Eden apart.png Apart mona.png Apart hijab.png Apart gimel.png Apart16 hebrew u.png Apart16 tire.png Apart deek.png Rania okby.png Ethiop apart.png


  1. Human Rights Watch ‘Israel apartheid’ report condemned as ‘fiction’, The JC, April 27, 2021. The Board joined Israel and a Jerusalem-based research institute in dismissing the document...The ridiculous ‘apartheid‘ slur in this report is belied by the fact that, as it stands, Israel’s next Government may well rely on the support of Arab parties, voted for by the country’s fully-enfranchised Arab citizens. "Israel’s Arab citizens have been appointed as ambassadors, professors, Supreme Court judges, hospital directors, and other key roles throughout Israel’s socio-economic landscape. Civil society organisations should be directing their efforts towards reinvigorating the peace process, not trading in false hyperbole that extends the cycle of conflict"...
  2. Israel and the Apartheid Slander Richard J. Goldstone, The New York Times, Oct 31, 2011
  3. 3.0 3.1 Michael A. Stevens, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State, Inside Sources, May 18, 2022.

    The latest playbook of the rabid anti-Israel crowd is to smear the Jewish state with the slur: "apartheid." This ugly lie has been uttered with increasing force recently and it underlies such abominations as the Amnesty International report; the recent commission of inquiry set up by the U.N. Human Rights Council; the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement; and others. Ironically — but perhaps not accidentally — this renewed campaign of hostility comes at a time of unprecedented success and prosperity for Israel as a state, and a time of hopeful developments for the prospects of peace in the Middle East. Israel, despite its small population of only 8 million, is an international powerhouse in high tech and innovation. It has drawn investment from Asia, Europe and the United States, including from many of the world’s leading companies. And the Abraham Accords — the establishment of diplomatic, cultural and commercial relations between Israel and several Arab states — have brought hope of a better and peaceful future to Israelis and Arabs throughout the Middle East. The increased use of the apartheid slur against Israel is the last gasp of a desperate, nihilistic, backward-looking mob that is frustrated by the strong standing of Israel in the world today. Anyone truly concerned about the welfare and future of the Palestinian people should be looking for ways to encourage them to negotiate in good faith with Israel and to move toward joining the increasing circle of peace. The apartheid slander will not weaken Israel and will not benefit the Palestinians in any way. Certainly, the attempt to link Israel with racism is not a new phenomenon. In 1975, the United Nations infamously passed a resolution officially branding Zionism — the national liberation movement of the Jewish people — as a “form of racism.” It bore the ugly hallmark of anti-Semitism, as condemnation and delegitimization of Israel became a new iteration of the age-old hatred of the Jewish people. The resolution was officially repealed in 1991. Unfortunately, three institutions within the United Nations — the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Human Rights Practices, the Division for Palestinian Rights and the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People — continue to spread the lie that Israel is a unique and evil practitioner of racism. The Durban Conference of 2001 further enhanced this contemptible trend. That event brought out rabid anti-Semitic hatred against Israel so vehement that it shocked even mainstream, well-meaning critics of Israel. It is truly a shame that the important and legitimate worldwide fight against racism has been undermined and hijacked by these Israel-hating extremists.

    The false accusation of apartheid is part of a conscious effort to link Israel in the public mind with apartheid South Africa. In fact, the aforementioned “Special Committee,” which targets Israel within the U.N. system, was explicitly modeled on a similar “Special Committee” that had been established several years before to oppose apartheid South Africa. To this day, only South Africa and Israel have received this “honor” at the United Nations. The 1975 “Zionism is Racism” resolution spelled out this connection plainly. In its own words, “the General Assembly condemned inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and Zionism.” The accusation of apartheid is, however, absurd and obscene. Arab citizens of Israel have full rights under Israeli law, including the right to vote. No fewer than 13 Arab citizens of Israel serve in the Knesset today, most in parties that are openly and harshly critical of Israeli policies (including a party that is a member of the current government coalition). In Israel today, there is a Muslim Arab judge serving on Israel’s highest court. Sixteen percent of university students are Arabs. Seventeen percent of doctors in Israeli hospitals and 48 percent of pharmacists are Arab-Israelis. What kind of apartheid state is that? Clearly, those who would accuse Israel of the crime of apartheid are either guilty of wholesale ignorance or are purposely spreading a lie. But the cheap and improper use of the term “apartheid” devalues it and insults he true historic victims of apartheid in South Africa.

    Pastor Kenneth Meshoe, a South African member of Parliament, a great friend of Israel, puts it this way: "Those who know what real apartheid is, as I know, know that there is nothing in Israel that looks like apartheid … it is inaccurate and it is malicious."

    Israel’s enemies have always viewed diplomatic and public relations warfare as ways to undermine the Jewish state that they could not defeat by violence and war. Accusing Israel of apartheid must be seen in that context.

    For peace to prevail, it is essential that the false narrative peddled by haters of Israel be rejected once and for all. Israel is not an evil entity, not an "occupier" and most emphatically not an apartheid state.
  4. Gross distortions of HRW apartheid slur Ahron Shapiro, aijac, May 13, 2021
  5. 5.0 5.1 Vic, Alhadeff, The reality of apartheid, Australian Jewish News, 29 July 2021.
    ...Apartheid was apartheid was apartheid. It is not for HRW or any other self-important agency to re-word the definition to suit its ends. In fact, its own “definition” is so broad that if applied rigorously, almost every person in every nation could be deemed guilty of it. Finally, no nation is faultless. It is simply relevant to note that there is only one country in the Middle East in which the rights of workers, trade unions, women... and ethnic and religious minorities are respected in a way that is consistent with democratic values and practices; that Israel’s Jewish, Arab and other citizens share the same hospitals, universities, public transport, beaches, shopping malls and other public spaces. Most significantly, every Israeli citizen has the same civil and religious rights, including the right to vote, and there have been Arab members of every Israeli parliament since the state was established in 1948 – the most democratic right of all – with 14 Arab members sitting in the current parliament. The situation in the West Bank is more complex. Mahmoud Abbas is in the 17th year of his four-year presidency of the Palestinian Authority, which controls the major urban centres known as Area A. Israel controls the thinly-populated Areas B and C, but has not asserted its sovereignty over any of Areas A, B or C. On the contrary, it has tabled at least three offers that would have established a sovereign, territorially-contiguous Palestinian state over 100 per cent of the Gaza Strip and more than 90 per cent of the West Bank, plus additional territory from within pre-1967 Israel to bring it to 100 per cent. Never did South Africa’s apartheid government contemplate anything that fair-minded. The apartheid slur is baseless and a lie.
  6. Anti-Israel ‘Apartheid’ Slur Promoted by NYC Mayoral Candidate Yakir Benzion, Apr 19, 2021
  7. HRW’s “Apartheid” Publication: Demonization, BDS, and Lawfare, NGO Monitor, April 25, 2021
  8. The New Blood Libel of “Medical Apartheid”, Edwin Black, Besa, April 14, 2021. Media amplification of the blood libel, as occurred generations ago in Eastern Europe, has been a boon to anti-Israel radicals. This newest medical apartheid slur has become a significant driver for efforts to undermine support for the State of Israel in the US... Erekat, a top Palestinian negotiator, was rushed to a Jerusalem hospital when he faced a COVID-19 respiratory crisis. Other elite Palestinian officials have received similar priority..
  9. The apartheid slur peddled by B’tselem, Steve Winston, Jan 12, 2021
  11. Report: U.N.'s Mideast Agency Obsessed with 'Israeli Apartheid', Richard Falk, Jul 18, 2017
  12. Bob Carr out of control, Gareth Narunsky, TOI, May 6, 2021. Former federal Labor leader Bill Shorten told The AJN he had made it a practice not to comment about Carr’s comments, “Because you can be here all day.”
  13. I grew up in South Africa, so believe me when I say: Israel is not an apartheid state. This week on university campuses across the UK, activists are preparing for “Israel Apartheid Week”. This term is not only misleading, but a grave insult to those who were subjugated in South Africa. Ephraim Mirvis, New Statesman, February 24, 2016
  14. Apartheid slur driven by hatred and lies, CJNews, March 4, 2015
  15. Explaining John Kerry’s apartheid slur Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post, May 19, 2014
  16. Kerry’s Apartheid Slur. Threat Assessment Jonathan S. Tobin, The Commentary Mag., June, 2014
  17. The Apartheid Slur: An Intellectual Affront and Obstacle to Peace, [Anti-Semitism], Gil Troy, Brandeis Center, March 15, 2013
  18. Black Students Blast the "Israeli Apartheid" Slur, Daphne Anson, April 10, 2011
  19. Carelessness or Candor?. The "apartheid" slur has a long history James Taranto, WSJ, Apr 29, 2014]
  20. Israeli Response: Accusations of Apartheid Slur Israel wbez, Sept. 23, 2009.
  21. Israel and the "Apartheid" Slur, TOI, John C. Landa Jr., Mar 15, 2015.
  22. The apartheid slur. Comparing Israel to South African system insults victims of apartheid regime. By Vic Alhadeff, Jerusalem Post, March 22, 2021.
  23. 'Apartheid' slur is a ploy, Mr Kasrils - IOL. Sep 12, 2011 — I refer to the letter of Mr Ronnie Kasrils ("Palestine tribunal will help Israel, too", The Star, September 7).
  24. Center Field: Treat the apartheid slur – the “A-word” – like the “N-word”. By Gil Troy, Jerusalem Post, Aug 25, 2009.
  25. South Africans against 'Israel apartheid' slur. 'Israel Collective' organization asked Black South Africans to comment on one of the most common anti-Israel accusations. Ari Soffer, INN, Dec 16 , 2015. "As a Black person to actually find the truth, is like: you've taken something so painful for Black Africans, and misrepresenting it either for publicity, or for directing hate, and then repackaging it and saying it's apartheid? Not cool."
  26. ‘Israeli apartheid’ is a slur that does no one any good, February 28, 2012, wRanter
  27. 27.0 27.1 Luke Akehurst, Amnesty’s apartheid slur is an attack on Jewish self-determination", at TOI, Jan 31, 2022.
  28. (2021) Israel and the Apartheid Slur, Michael Easson, Sep 8, 2021.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Apartheid slurs against Israel - lies, lies, and more lies, Israel National News, Jan 5, 2022.
  30. The false linkage of Zionism and colonialism, CJN, September 7, 2010 . Linking Zionism with colonialism – much like accusing Israel of apartheid-like practices – is often central to any discourse that seeks to demonize, dehumanize and delegitimize the Jewish state and those who support it. In the same way that the Israel apartheid slur needs to be deconstructed, so too should the Zionism as colonialism falsehood be addressed.
  31. Calling Israel an apartheid state is both racist and a lie Karen Harradine and Paul T Horgan, Conservative Wonan, July 16, 2019
  32. Israel and the Human Rights Distortion Christian Friends of Israel, Apr 28, 2021
  33. google
  34. Shattering the Apartheid Canard, S. Simmons, Aish, Jan 18. 2021. It’s time to call out the anti-Semitism and hypocrisy...
  35. Apartheid canard does not wash, TOI, Allan Wolman, Jan 21, 2021
  36. The war against the Jews :: Middle East Forum, Efraim Karsh, Israel Affairs. July 2012, pp. 319-343.

    The Apartheid Canard

    Another malignant anti-Israel slander that has become a commonplace over the past few decades compares the Jewish state to apartheid South Africa. Invented by the PLO in the early 1960s, this canard quickly struck roots not only among Arabs and their Third World allies but also among many educated Westerners, such as Nobel Prize laureates Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter, and Mairead Corrigan-Maguire. And the message could not be clearer: Just as the South African regime was emasculated, so its Zionist counterpart has to be destroyed.

    As with the Nazi slander, the apartheid charge is not only false but the complete inverse of the truth. Whether in its South African form or elsewhere, such as the US south until the late 1960s, apartheid was a comprehensive and discriminatory system of racial segregation, on the basis of ethnicity, comprising all walks of life—from schooling, to public transportation, to social activities and services, to medical care. None of this has ever been applied to Israel. Not only have its religious and ethnic minorities been free and equal citizens of the Jewish state, but from the beginning of the Zionist enterprise in the early twentieth century, well before the establishment of Israel, Arabs had been leaving their places of residence en masse and flocking to Jewish towns and cities in search of a better life. In the words of a 1937 report by a British commission of enquiry headed by Lord Peel:

    The general beneficent effect of Jewish immigration on Arab welfare is illustrated by the fact that the increase in the Arab population is most marked in urban areas affected by Jewish development. A comparison of the Census returns in 1922 and 1931 shows that, six years ago, the increase percent in Haifa was 86, in Jaffa 62, in Jerusalem 37, while in purely Arab towns such as Nablus and Hebron it was only 7, and at Gaza there was a decrease of 2 percent.

    Indeed, from the very beginning, the Zionist movement had always assumed that there would be a substantial Arab minority in the future Jewish state, and the general conviction was that they would participate on an equal footing "throughout all sectors of the country's public life," in the words of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founding father of the branch of Zionism that was the forebear of today's Likud party.

    In 1934, Jabotinsky presided over the drafting of a constitution for Jewish Palestine. According to its provisions, Arabs and Jews were to share both the prerogatives and the duties of statehood, notably including military and civil service; Hebrew and Arabic were to enjoy the same legal standing; and "in every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab and vice versa." Echoing this vision, David Ben-Gurion told the leadership of his own (Mapai) party in 1947 that the non-Jews in the Jewish state "will be equal citizens; equal in everything without any exception; that is, the state will be their state as well."

    Committees laying the groundwork for the nascent state discussed in detail the establishment of an Arabic-language press, the improvement of health, the incorporation of Arab officials into the government, the integration of Arabs within the police and the ministry of education, and Arab-Jewish cultural and intellectual interaction. Even military plans for rebuffing an anticipated pan-Arab invasion in the late 1940s were predicated, in the explicit instructions of the commander-in-chief of the Hagana, on the "acknowledgement of the full rights, needs, and freedom of the Arabs in the Hebrew state without any discrimination, and a desire for coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom and dignity."

    The same principle was enshrined in Israel's Declaration of Independence, issued on May 14, 1948. The new state undertook to "uphold absolute social and political equality of rights for all its citizens, without distinction of religion, race, or sex." In particular, Arab citizens were urged "to take part in the building of the state on the basis of full and equal citizenship and on the basis of appropriate representation in all its institutions, provisional and permanent." While the declaration lacked constitutional status, its principles were taken as guidelines for governmental behavior; over the years, they would gain legal authority through supreme-court decisions and acts of the Knesset (parliament).

    As a result, Israeli Arabs have enjoyed full equality before the law and have been endowed with the full spectrum of democratic rights—including the right to vote for and serve in all state institutions. (From the first, Arabs have been members of the Knesset.) From the designation of Arabic as an official language, to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal resting days for their respective communities, to the granting of educational, cultural, judicial, and religious autonomy, Arabs in Israel may well enjoy more formal prerogatives than ethnic minorities anywhere in the democratic world.

    Over the years, the Israeli Arabs have made astounding social and economic progress. Far from lagging behind, their rate of development has often surpassed that of the Jewish sector with the result that the gap between the two communities has steadily narrowed. Mortality rates, for example, have fallen by nearly two-thirds over the last decades while life expectancy of Israeli Arab males has risen from age seventy (in 1970) to 76.3 today. Not only does the latter figure compare favorably with the Middle East's average of sixty-eight, but the average Israeli Arab male can expect to live substantially longer than many of his white European counterparts.

    No less remarkable have been the advances in education. Since Israel's founding, while the Arab population has grown eightfold, the number of Arab schoolchildren has multiplied by a factor of 35. If, in 1960, the average Israeli Arab spent one year in school, today the figure is over eleven years; over the same period, adult illiteracy rates have dropped from 52 to 6.2% (3.5% among women younger than forty-five). This not only places Israeli Arabs miles ahead of their brothers in the Arab world—in Morocco illiteracy is at 69%, in Egypt at 61%, in Syria at 44%—but reflects a pace of improvement nearly double that of the Jewish sector. Still more dramatic has been the story in higher education where the numbers of Arab graduates multiplied fifteen times between 1961 and 2001. Thirty years ago, a mere 4% of Arab teachers held academic degrees; by 2000, the figure had vaulted to 47%.

    Standard of living? In the late 1940s, following the flight of its more affluent classes and the breakdown of economic relations with neighboring Arab states, the Arab minority in Israel was left largely impoverished. As they became increasingly incorporated into local economic life, Arabs experienced a steep rise in earnings and a visible improvement in their material circumstances. By 2002, 86% of Arab households—more Arab households than Jewish ones—occupied dwellings of three or more rooms. Contrary to the standard image of cramped neighborhoods and acute land shortages, population density in Arab localities is substantially lower on average than in equivalent Jewish locales. As for income statistics, it is undeniable that, on average, Israeli Arabs still earn less than Jews. But to what is this attributable? For one thing, the average Muslim in Israel is ten years younger than his Jewish counterpart; all over the world, younger people earn less. Then, too, fewer Arab women enter the labor market than do Jewish women. The salience of these and other factors—family size, level of schooling, cultural tradition, and so forth—may be judged by looking at segments of Israeli Jewish society like the ultra-Orthodox or residents of development towns (localities established during the 1950s and 1960s to absorb the fresh waves of Jewish immigration, especially from Arab countries), whose income levels more closely resemble those in the Arab sector. In 1997, for instance, when the average monthly salary in Arab Nazareth was 4,450 shekels, the equivalent figure for mostly Jewish Upper Nazareth was 4,780 shekels. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate in Israel's Arab sector was consistently lower than in Jewish development towns. Government allocations to Arab municipalities have grown steadily over the past forty years and are now on a par with, if not higher than, subsidies to the Jewish sector. By the mid-1990s, Arab municipalities were receiving about a quarter of all such allocations, well above the "share" of Arabs in Israel's overall population. In numerous cases, contributions to Arab municipal budgets substantially exceed contributions to equivalently situated Jewish locales: in 1996, for instance, relative disbursements to the Arab town of Tamra were three times higher than to the Jewish town of Yahud; nearly three times higher to (Arab) Abu Snan than to (Jewish) Even Yehuda; twice as high to (Arab) Iksal as to (Jewish) Azur. The city of Haifa, to give a prominent example, was a model of Arab-Jewish coexistence with the two communities living side by side in peace and harmony. And while this idyllic coexistence was cruelly shattered by the 1948 war, when most of the city's Arab residents were driven to exile by their national leadership despite pleas by their Jewish neighbors not to do so, those who stayed behind were incorporated into the fabric of the nascent Jewish state as equal citizens.

    With the subsequent growth of their numbers, owing to a higher natural increase and migration from rural and peripheral areas, the Haifa Arabs have regained their focal role, and the pre-1948 coexistence has been restored. Jews and Arabs live together, study together, belong to the same clubs, ride the same buses, shop in the same malls, and eat in the same restaurants. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that when on October 4, 2003, Hanadi Jaradat, a 29-year-old lawyer from Jenin, blew herself up in a bustling Haifa restaurant on a peaceful Saturday afternoon, murdering twenty-one people and wounding another sixty, the establishment chosen for the heinous crime was of joint Arab-Jewish ownership, and the victims—both Jews and Arabs. Indeed, the occasional suggestions to redraw Israel's borders, in the framework of a comprehensive peace settlement, so as to allow predominantly Arab frontier areas to be included in the prospective Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, have invariably been rejected by the Israeli Arabs, who would rather remain citizens of the Jewish state than join their bothers in a newly created state. Even the residents of the territories, for all their criticism and grievances, have consistently ranked Israel among the most admired democracies in the world, in stark contrast to their scathing opinion of Arab regimes, including their own Palestinian Authority. As late as 2011, most of surveyed Palestinians in east Jerusalem, who are entitled to Israeli social benefits and are free to travel across Israel's pre-1967 borders, said that they would rather become citizens of the Jewish state than citizens of a new Palestinian one.

    So much for Israel's supposed apartheid.
  37. Apartheid, Wildolive, Updated 27/02/18.
    The apartheid lie attached to Israel is one of several concocted by Palestinians to publicize their cause. A Google search credits Mahmoud Abbas with approximately 19,000 apartheid references This is a preposterous accusation for the reasons we will demonstrate. It a wicked lie that seeks to enlist world hostility and sanctions against Israel on the grounds of baseless comparisons with the Apartheid regime that once existed in South Africa, and which the world agreed was evil and unjustifiable.
  38. The poisonous myth of 'Israeli apartheid' NGO Monitor. February 17, 2008 [This article was posted in the National Post, February 14, 2008. ([1])
  39. Prof. Talia Einhorn, "Israel is not and will never be an 'apartheid state'", ILH, June 23, 2020.

    The false accusation is designed to portray any fulfillment of the Zionist dream as racist, and make Israel an outcast in the world.

    This week, we witnessed a partial solar eclipse in the skies of Israel. But the claim that an Israeli declaration of sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and settlements in Judea and Samaria will make Israel into an "apartheid state" is a total eclipse.

    The term "apartheid" was always unique to the policies of racial separation in South Africa, where a white minority gave itself an excess of rights and controlled most of the population, from whom basic rights were withheld based on their skin color. In recent years, the term has been expanded to be used in accusing Israel of treating the Palestinians as if the discrimination were based on race, rather than the result of the Palestinians' violent and ongoing struggle against the Zionist movement.

    Since the application of sovereignty under discussion addresses areas of the Land of Israel in which there is only very sparse Arab presence, the claim is incomprehensible, since most of the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria are clustered in Areas A and B, which are already under Palestinian Authority law, not Israeli law. If Israel is not currently an apartheid state, applying Israeli law to places of Jewish settlement will not change that.

    But the apartheid claim, in its various formulations, is recycled at every seemingly opportune moment to question the Jewish people's right to a national home in the Land of Israel; a right that was recognized by the San Remo Conference 100 years ago – and includes the right to make aliyah, settle there, and manage the land in a manner that will facilitate that; a right that was also approved and ratified in Article 80 of the UN Charter.

    The claim was raised in the past, when Israeli declared sovereignty over east Jerusalem and the Old City, when it applied Israeli law to the Golan Heights and when the Knesset amended the Basic Law: Citizenship to prevent family unification between Palestinians and Israeli Arabs. When the High Court challenges the policy of developing Jewish settlement in Israel; tramples the Basic Law: The Knesset, which disqualifies parties and candidates that reject Israel's existence as a Jewish state from participating in elections; and might soon do the same to the nation-state law, heaven forbid – it lends its voice to the claim that the fulfillment of Zionist values is inherently racist. That is what formed and still forms the base of the claims about apartheid.

    But they are false. Israel works to develop the nation for the sake of all its citizens, but it is still the nation-state of the Jewish people alone.

    The Palestinians, on the other hand, do not see self-definition for Arab residents of Judea and Samaria as the end of their national demands. The PLO charter determines that "the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation," and that "Palestine is the homeland of the Arab-Palestinian people and is inseparable from the greater Arab homeland." According to the charter, even Arab Israelis inside the Green Line have the right to self-determination in Palestine and outside it. The partition of the land and the establishment of Israel are fundamentally unacceptable, as is the Balfour Declaration and the rights given to the Jewish people under the Mandate. This is also the position of the Joint Arab List, whose members want to cancel the Law of Return.

    Under international law, a state has the right to defend itself, not only from physical terrorism but also from existential threats. The dangers that a Palestinian state in the heart of the country would pose to Israel should deter those who love peace – true peace – and pursue it from supporting such a "solution" before conditions are right. The Trump administration's deal of the century stresses that there is no place for another failed state in the Middle East, and sets conditions that will allow a Palestinian state to be established only when Isaiah's prophecy is fulfilled.

    The use of the term "apartheid" is designed to make Israel, a democracy fighting for its life while respecting the civil and religious rights of all its citizens, an outcast in the world, and paint it with the mark of Cain. It is a false accusation, and it's time to finally put an end to it.
  40. 'Israel Studies: IS. Volume 8. Indiana University Press, 2003. p.71 Moshe Shemesh: Did Shuqayri call for 'throwing the Jews into the sea'? ...'But in my estimation none of them will survive.'
  41. Arab Design for Israel's Annihilation, 1967, p. 10 28 May 1967, Ahmed Shukairy, Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization "China supplies us with weapons so that they be used for the liberation. The weapons of China which we have received free of charge will be put into action in order to destroy Tel-Aviv."
  42. Mideast Mirror, Arab News Agency, 1967, p. 18. June 3, 1967. ...on June 2. The demonstrators shouted slogans calling for Israel's annihilation and attacking western powers for supporting Israel. The main speaker at Friday prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque here called for a "Jihad" (holy war) against Israel and her supporters, and delivered a special attack against the United States. After the prayers at Al-Aqsa, Mr Ahmed Shukairy, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (P.L.O.) told those present: "We are living today a life of struggle and jihad. The hour has come and we are now in the field, approaching the battle day after day, hour after hour."
  43. "History's Worst Serial Abusers." December 8, 2014. Ahmad Shukairy, Husseini’s former aide, was the next leader of the Palestinians. In 1964, the Arab League appointed him to head the newly created Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)... Shukairy was the first to hurl the apartheid slander at Israel even as he tirelessly advocated "driving the Jews into the sea." "We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants, and as for the survivors – if there are any – the boats are ready to deport them..."
  44. "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies, Cass books on the Middle East," Elie Kedourie, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Psychology Press, 1964, p. 189. Our sympathies werep with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain...'"
  45. Uri Milstein: The Truth About the War of Independence: Poor Preparations - Chapter 19 ... In the Chapter: Israeli Arabs Supported Nazi Germany in World War II... News1, Mar 13, 2015..
  46. "Palestine." Volumes 1-5. American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946, pp.1-2 (Palestine - Volumes 1-5 - Page v) Vol.2, No. 9, 10. November-December, 1945. Seeing that all those pogromists, rebels and Axis agents are now allowed to sit on the Arab Higher Committee, that one of them, Mr. Shukeiri, who fled from Palestine with the Mufti.
  47. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 107, Part 24. United States. Congress - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961. p.5735. ...he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists ed by the ex-Mufti. This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the Hitler-Stalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists and went all out for Hitler.
  48. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 110, Part 22, United States. Congress, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964, p. 524-5 Shukairy has had a remarkable history . As has been revealed... he worked with the Nazis in the Middle East and was a henchman of the notorious Mufti...
  49. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States. Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965, p. 456. Ahmed Shukairy, the self-proclaimed spokesman for the Arab refugees — a man who worked for the Nazis and their henchmen during World War II...
  50. The Detroit Jewish News. Friday, February 03, 1967. Page 9. Antiwar Group Warns Public of PLO Leader Shukairy. Dr. Albert Simard, secretary of the Society for the Prevention of World War Three warns of the "dangerous" background and activities of Ahmed Shukairy, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization who, he said, had expressed hatred of the West. Recalling the pro-Hilter activities "highest levels of government" of Shukairy when he was associated with the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Dr. Simard said, that the Arab terrorist leader "also played a most active role in keeping tensions white hot in the Middle East and inciting the Arabs against the West."
  51. "Behind the British Conspiracy." B'nai B'rith Messenger. 12 July, 1946, p.6. Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not have been all wrong..."
  52. Argentine Youths in Nazi Group Salute and Cry: 'Hail Tacuara!'; Anti-Semitic Organization, Said to Be Growing, Asserts It Fights 'Zionism, Capitalism and Communism' Tells About Drills He Doubts Charges. The New York Times, Sept. 16, 1962. Page 30
  53. "Facts." Volumes 15-17, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1963, p. 424. In 1962 at the U.N., Shukairy even went so far as to praise the militant, anti-Jewish and neo-Nazi storm-troop gang in Argentina know as Tacuara...
  54. The National Jewish Monthly, Volume 77, B'nai B'rith., 1962, p. 1. This was too much even for Saudi Arabia's king Faisal, who removed Shukairy from his UN post.
  55. Lev Bezymenskiĭ: "Tracing Martin Bormann," 1966. pp.149-150
    This brutal act focussed the limelight on an armed underground nazi organisation in Argentina which called itself Tacuara... a terrorist organisation... It does not require much investigation to see that this organisation's activities bear the stamp of the German nazis. Indeed, many of its instructors are former SS officers. Eichmann was under Tacuara protection. Dr. Mengele, before he left for Paraguay, lived on the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a house guarded by Tacuara members.
  56. Beatrice D. Gurwitz, "Argentine Jews in the Age of Revolt: Between the New World and the Third World." 2016, p.53 The most shocking event came in June, when Graciela Narcisa Sirota, a nineteen-year-old Jewish university student, was kidnapped and tortured by members of Tacuara. The abductors burned her with cigarettes, tattooed a swastika on her, and told her that the attack was “revenge for Eichmann.”
  57. "A response to David Grossman." By Amnon Lord. IsraelHayom, 08-05-2018 ... the first person to accuse Israel of being an apartheid state was Ahmad Shukeiri, a U.N. diplomat, in 1961 in the context of the Eichmann trial.
  58. 58.0 58.1 Dan Diker, "The Amnesty report on Israel affirms the PLO’s 60-year ‘apartheid’ strategy", JNS, Feb 1, 2022.

    Perhaps most significantly, the report reflects the decades-old strategy by Palestinian groups—whether Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Hamas or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; whether Islamist, nationalist or Marxist-Leninist—which have devoted the past six decades to assaulting and subverting the existence of the only democratic nation-state in the Middle East. Their goal has been to replace the sole Jewish state with another Muslim-majority one, in line with Islamic law...

    As early as 1961, Ahmad Shukairy, the PLO’s first chairman, a former Saudi ambassador to the United Nations, declared to the U.N. General Assembly that Israel was practicing the “apartheid of South Africa.” He also “Nazified” Israel..

    Amnesty’s report parallels Shukairy’s denunciations of Israel, which preceded Israel’s so-called “occupation” of the West Bank by half a dozen years. In both cases, it’s Israel’s reestablishment in 1948, not its surprise victory in the 1967 Six-Day War over Arab marauders and unexpected winning of Jerusalem and historic Judea and Samaria from Jordan, Gaza from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria, that’s at the root of the delegitimization and defamation...

    The Amnesty indictment of Israel has unmasked the organization once again as a racist agency that engages in anti-Jewish bigotry in the name of human rights. This time around, its “findings” reflect, both in letter and in spirit, the 60-year-old PLO eliminationist strategy of criminalizing and racializing Israel as a colonialist entity since its reestablishment in 1948.

    Amnesty, like the PLO, continue to work towards their shared final solution: the cancellation of the one and only democratic Jewish majority nation-state, and its replacement with a 23rd Muslim-majority Arab state of “Palestine.”
  59. Dan Diker and Olga Meshoe Washington, "HRW's condemnation of Israel: Apartheid appropriation, racism in name of 'human rights'?" News24, May 8, 2021. ...Even more far-reaching, PLO founder Ahmed Shukeiri exploited the Israeli apartheid libel well before Israel was forced to enter the West Bank and Gaza in the defensive 1967 war.
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 HRW Defames Israel - AJC Reacts AJC Transatlantic Institute, May, 2021. American Jewish Committee perspectives. The HRW report spans over 213 pages and contains many allegations against Israel. The purpose of this memo is not to refute every allegation, but rather focus on the report’s most glaring biases.
  61. Understanding B'tselem's “Apartheid” Libel, CAMERA, Jan 27, 2021... Falsehoods and Distortions...
  62. Studying with Prof. Neve Gordon at the University of Michigan, Jacob Shrybman, Israel Behind the News, August 25, 2009.

    In a lecture on October 10th, 2007 which was supposed to be about the historical Suez Crisis, Gordon purposefully digressed at length to blame Israel for the current crisis with Iran. He explained to the class that Israel gained nuclear weapons as the outcome of a deal with France at the end of the crisis in 1956. He then stepped away from his podium to drive home his message, “You can not understand what is happening with Iran today if you don’t understand what happened with Israel in `56.” As this comment was charged with controversial anti-Israel bias, Gordon was delighted to open the class to questions. When a student, who prefaced his statement with the premise that he was Jewish, challenged Gordon’s ridiculous blame of Israel for Iran’s actions today, Gordon disregarded the Jewish student’s challenge by smirking and stating to the class, “Ben is always trying to bring us back to the present.” It was in fact Prof. Gordon who clearly brought the class discussion to that of present times. Gordon then welcomed a question from a student who claimed Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust was “not a big deal.” By first demonizing Israel, then not allowing any student objections to his anti-Israel statements, then welcoming an out rightly anti-Semitic comment in his lecture hall, Gordon was in no way teaching an unbiased historical course, as one would have expected in an institution of higher learning.

    In a lecture on November 5th, 2007 Gordon continuously used the term “Jewish roads” to refer to Israeli roads in the West Bank and formerly in the Gaza Strip from which Arabs are excluded. An Israeli student in the large class raised his hand and told Gordon that he was offended by his phraseology and said Gordon was bordering on anti-Semitism by deeming these roads “Jewish roads.” The student described for the class the complete freedom of movement of Israeli Arabs (Arabs with Israeli citizenship) on Israeli roads inside Israel and inside the West Bank. Therefore by calling the roads “Jewish” and not Israeli Gordon was being anti-Semitic. Gordon again simply disregarded the challenge to his biased teaching and appeared irritated.

    The same Israeli student that challenged Gordon received a terse email after class that same day from Gordon requesting that the student come see him at his office at an appointment two days later. The student arrived at Gordon’s office and was surprised to see his Graduate Student Instructor (who directly grades the student) present as well. The student cordially greeted Gordon in Hebrew but did not receive the same warm greeting in return.

    Gordon then proceeded to berate the student for publicly embarrassing and offending him during class. He belittled the student by telling him that he (Gordon) had been teaching for longer than the student had been alive and that he had never been embarrassed and offended like that before. Behind closed doors, intimidated by his professor yelling at him, and in the presence of the person who decides his grade, the student quickly apologized and hoped the matter was put to rest. Much to the student’s dismay, in the next lecture Gordon attempted to clear his name and denounced the student’s challenging questions as unfair and unfounded, while publicly humiliating the student. Gordon’s Graduate Student Instructors further dissected the Israeli student’s challenge in the class discussion sections, and referred to the student by name without his consent.

    Along with the history of scare-tactics used by Prof. Gordon in order to keep his classroom opposition quiet and disallowing any challenging of his anti-Israel positions, Gordon did not adhere to the tenet of an open environment within the structure of academic freedom. Before speaking in his class, Gordon directed students to state their name. In a large lecture hall this creates an uncomfortable environment for the students to express their own ideas. Gordon uses the students’ names in order to refute their statements or questions while referring back to each of their arguments. As a result, students were reluctant to speak up in the class.
  63. Shlomo Saran, "Our Inner Scourge: The Catastrophe of Israel Academics", Ariel Center for Policy Research Policy Paper No, 171. (Sep-2007 - Tishrei-5768)

    Student Complaint about Ben Gurion University’s Neve Gordon.

    The lecture began smoothly, with Neve Gordon giving a theoretical explanation of human rights (including the fundamental human right of free speech). It soon, however, turned very political. He presented a slideshow about the "Separation Wall" and the injustices it causes to the Palestinians. He made many mentions of land being “confiscated” by the Israelis and the “humiliation” caused to the Palestinians due to lack of movement throughout the territories. On his PowerPoint presentation, he mentioned that parts of the fence were electrified. However, I then corrected him that they were just electric monitors. He conceded on this point.

    My fellow students and I challenged him on his accusations and he became frustrated and lashed back due to the questions. He said he was more Zionist then any of us on the basis that he lives in Israel (although some in the class, including myself, are currently making Aliya). He condescendingly remarked that we were just full of American propaganda. He then requested that we stop asking questions and try to learn something. I made a comment that Israel is in a war and fences and separation are necessary. He then made a comment about how during war millions of Jews were thrown in ovens. I asked him if he was comparing the situation in Israel to Nazi Germany and he did not answer. He then made another comparison of fenced in Palestinians and ghettos in Germany. He also claimed that when Jordan took control of the West Bank it was legal, but when the Israelis won the territory in war, it was illegal. At the end, I was able to approach him. I asked how he could possibly justify standing in solidarity with Arafat after the Passover Seder massacre. He became agitated and admitted that the picture has caused him troubles. I then asked how he could sue another professor (at the University of Haifa – SS) for exercising his right to freedom of speech. He responded that we as Americans don’t understand that in Israel it is acceptable to sue in such a case for libel and that in Israel his case is reasonable...

    He left in a huff, seeming very frustrated, annoyed, and agitated.
  64. 64.0 64.1 The Liar as Hero, New Republic, Benny Morris/March 16, 2011.
    [The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty: The Husaynis, 1700-1948 By Ilan Pappe]

    I. At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world’s sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two.

    Here is a clear and typical example—in detail, which is where the devil resides—of Pappe’s handiwork. I take this example from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. On February 2, 1948, a young Jewish scientist named Aharon...
  65. WATCH: The Myth of Israeli Apartheid Debunked! Max Gelber, UWI, Nov 22, 2018. The myth of so-called "Israeli Apartheid" gets shattered by fact after fact. Premiered Nov 20, 2018. You may have heard the accusation that Israel is "an apartheid state" like that of apartheid South Africa. But does this accusation stand up to scrutiny? K. Hausdorff explores.
  66. 66.0 66.1 HRW Crosses the Threshold into Falsehoods and Anti-Semitic Propaganda, Kohelet, 26 April 2021.
    Human Rights Watch’s new report, “A Threshold Crossed” accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid is, despite its length, a propaganda document: full of falsehoods and distortions. The world it describes is an alternate reality.
  67. 67.0 67.1 Doron S. Ben-Atar, ‎Andrew Pessin, "Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS," (Indiana University Press, 2018), pp. 184-5.
  68. Haaretz's Apartheid Campaign Against Israel Y Goldflam, CAMERA, Oct 25, 2012. ...Levy's striking misrepresentations...
  69. Ha'aretz Apartheid Clarification: Too Little, Too Late, HR, Oct 29, 2012
  70. Israel Apartheid: The Big Black-and-White Lie Accusing Israel of racism and apartheid fails the anti-Semitic smell test. G Troy, JJ, May 12, 2021
  71. #ApartheidWeekExposed
  72. Melanie Phillips, "The false accusation of ‘Israel apartheid’", JNS, Sep 30, 2021.

    The smear triggers emotions of deep anger and disgust among the shallow and ignorant, whose knowledge of the Jewish state is entirely drawn from malicious propaganda that misrepresents Israel’s defensive measures as racist aggression.

    The campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel has recently moved into a higher gear with the increased use of one particularly vicious falsehood.

    This is the claim that Israel is an apartheid state.

    The claim is as fatuous as it is pernicious. Apartheid was the name given to South Africa’s systematic oppression of its black inhabitants, who were denied political, civic and human rights.

    By contrast, Arab Israeli citizens have fully equal rights. They study in Israel’s universities; enjoy Israel’s beaches and parks; receive equal treatment as patients in Israel’s hospitals, and work there as doctors and other medical staff; serve as members of the armed forces and as judges; and are represented by members of Knesset who are currently lynch-pins in Israel’s governing coalition.

    Those Arabs who live in the disputed territories don’t have Israeli rights—for the very good reason that they aren’t Israeli citizens. They have no civic entitlements purely because the status of those territories remains unsettled as a result of Palestinian Arab rejectionism and violence—and because Arab states regard them as a nuisance preferably to be ignored.
  73. "Day of Rage" Rallies Demonize Jews, Israel.' Anti-Defamation League. Jul 10, 2020.
  74. Davar - דבר, 3 December 1965. 'נציג ישראל מזכיר העמדה העקבית נגד אפליה.' מאת שלמה שפיר סופר "דבר" בארה"ב. ואשינגטון, 2 (מיוחד ל"דבר"). בדיון בשאלה ה"אפרטהייד" בוועדה המדינית של האו"ם הזכיר אמש חבר משלחת ישראל ד"ר יואל בר-רומי את עמדתה העקיבה של ישראל שהצביעה בכל 15 מבחני-ההצבעה נגד הפרדה גזעית. הוא הדגיש כי ישראל בעצם קיומה מחייבת גינוי אפליה גזעית. ד"ר בר-רומי אף הזכיר את עמדתה הנמרצת של ישראל נגד שלטונות המיעוט הלבן ברודזיה. "The Israeli representative mentions the consistent stance against discrimination." By Shlomo Shapir. "DAVAR" writer in the United States. Washington, 2 (Special to "DAVAR"). During a discussion on the "apartheid" issue at the UN Political Affairs Committee last night, a member of the Israeli delegation, Dr. Joel Bar-Romi, mentioned the consistent position of Israel, which voted in all 15 voting tests against racial segregation. He stressed that Israel's very existence requires condemnation of racial discrimination. Dr. Bar-Romi even mentioned Israel's vigorous stance against the white minority authorities in Rhodesia.
  75. Do you even know what apartheid means? Noah Klieger, May 26, 2018. Op-ed: A state with complete academic freedom, with Arab ministers and MKs, a state that fosters Arab professors, doctors, pharmacists and teachers, can’t be called an ‘apartheid state,’ unless it’s by ignorant or evil people. And the last person who can throw this accusation at Israel is a dictator like Erdoğan who has been cracking down on freedom of speech and the free press in his own country.... Any intelligent person can immediately see that the only country in the Middle East where Arabs enjoy full rights and a proper life is Israel
  76. Channel 7 - Hillel Meir. Aug 2, 2016.

    — Hillel Meir

    So this is what apartheid looks like?

    Speaker: Jamal Zahalka.

    Chairman of the meeting: Ahmad Tibi.

    Knesset Deputy Secretary: Nazem Bader.
  77. Saudi Magazine 'Al-Majallah' Publishes Exclusive Article On Israeli Arabs Serving In Israeli Army, Memri July 21, 2022.
    -'Arab Media Debunks the Palestinians’ Apartheid Lie', Israel Today, July 28, 2022.

    Saudi magazine highlights success of Israeli Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, who choose to join the IDF and defend Israel.

    Who better to debunk the lie championed by the Palestinians and their apologists that Israel practices "apartheid" against Arabs than mainstream Arab media in the Middle East? That’s what happened this week when a Saudi monthly magazine ran a feature story highlighting the success of Israeli Arabs in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Of course, if Israel were truly an "apartheid" state, then Arabs wouldn’t be allowed in the IDF, much less actively recruited to join its ranks. But as the article’s author, Kurdish-Swedish journalist and researcher Suzan Quitaz, pointed out, Israeli Arabs are being actively and successfully recruited, even though Israel’s laws make military service mandatory only for Jewish citizens. Published in the Saudi monthly Al-Majallah, the article notes a rise in recent years in the numbers of Arab Muslims and Christians signing up to defend the Jewish state alongside their Jewish countrymen. As an example of this phenomenon, Quitaz wrote about Ella Waweya, a decorated and high-ranking female Arab officer in the IDF. "Ella’s story is an extraordinary one—she was born in 1989 in the Israeli Arab town of Qalansawe, a few miles from the city of Netanya," explains the article. “She joined the IDF in 2013 and completed her training as an exemplary soldier and participated in many operations.

    In 2015, she received the President’s Outstanding Medal," continued the report. "In September 2021, Ella was promoted to the rank of major in the Israel Defense Forces and became the first Arab Muslim woman to attain this rank." The original article was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). With reporting by JNS.
  78. @YosephHaddad tweeted: I have a serious issues w/ the MKs from Arab society but in the new gov, they will be the strongest evidence against “apartheid.” An Islamic party in the coalition, a minister, 2 deputy chairmen, and 3 committee chairmen, "Apartheid in Israel" has never looked more ridiculous. Jun 13, 2021
  79. Le journaliste arabe sioniste pourfend la députée Aïda Touma-Suleiman, S. Blum, LPH INFO, June 23, 2021
  80. [Journalist] Ishay Fridman @IshayFridman Tweeted (Jun 19, 2020):
    At the 8th conference of the Hadash party, MKs and senior activists sang the song ("A funeral came from Acre prison") which tells about the heroism and moral character of the three. "They have become a symbol and role model from one end of the country to the other," MK (Mohammad) Barakeh and the current MK @AidaTuma sang at the time about 3 Palestinians who took part in the 1929 massacre.
  81. Gavron, D. (2008). Holy Land Mosaic: Stories of Cooperation and Coexistence Between Israelis and Palestinians. United States: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 91.
    An outstanding example is the Hebron massacre of 1929. On the negative side is the fact that the sixty - seven victims were non - Zionist religious Jews who had lived in peace with their Arab neighbors for centuries.
  82. Caplan, N. (2011). The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories. Germany: Wiley. [2]
    ....including savage attacks on the long-established, non-Zionist, ultra-orthodox Jewish communities living in Hebron and Safed...
  83. Laqueur, W. (2008). The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism: From Ancient Times to the Present Day. United States: Oxford University Press, USA. 196.
    anti-Zionism turned increasingly into hostility againstall Jews. This manifested itselfearly on in physical attacks—for instance, the massacre of the old non-Zionist Hebron Jewish community in 1929; the Baghdad-Farhud pogrom of June 1941 in which hundreds were killed; attacks in Constantine, Algeria, in 1934; and the Tripoli, Libya, massacres in 1945 and 1948 in which many scores perished.
  84. Naftali Bennett to MK Touma Suleiman: "You are a liar, antisemitic and...", Channel 7, Mar 13, 2020.
    The defense minister attacked MK Thomas Suleiman, who claimed that the IDF was spraying Palestinians with unidentified material. "It is unbelievable that Boogie and Gantz are ready to form a government with you." Defense Minister Naftali Bennett today (Friday) sharply attacked MK Aida Toma Suleiman from the joint list, who defamed the IDF and claimed that he was spraying "unidentified material" on Palestinians in the Qalandiya crossing. You're a liar, antisemitic and... These are not IDF forces. It is the Palestinian Authority that has decided to disinfect the checkpoint and is carrying it out. "It is unbelievable that Boogie, Yvette, Ganz, Gabi and Lapid are ready to form a government with your finger," Bennett said.
  85. Yori Yalon, "Arab MK's embrace of paroled PFLP terrorist sparks outrage," ILH, Sep 27, 2021.
    Joint Arab List lawmaker Aida Touma-Suleiman shares a photograph in which she embraces Khalida Jarrar, a senior Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine member, who was sentenced to two years in prison for involvement in a 2018 terror attack.
  86. Adv. Nitzana Darshan-Leitner (@AttorneyNitsana) Tweeted (Sep 26, 2021):
    MK Aida Touma Suleiman from the joint list writes in admiration of the release of Khaleda Jarrar, head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who was arrested in October 2019 as part of a wave of arrests of the organization's operatives following the assassination of Rene Shenrav.
  87. Arab crime @YouthViolenceIL Tweeted Sep 25, 2021: [3]:

    How did Ian Aslan, an Arab-Druze, a well-known criminal and a violent man, find himself in the count of Arab murdered people for 2020? Aslan was killed in a shootout with police.

    He and his equally successful cousin set out on a shooting spree on banks in the north. On one occasion, they met determined detectives and the end is known...


    On December 22, 2020, his name was mentioned in the Knesset of Israel by the terrorist Touma...In most of her impudence she used a reference to a song by Zelda Schneerson called in State Memorial Days. "Every man has a name, even if he is an Arab: ..... Yarka; Bian Aslan, 40 years old, Kfar Marar, and he was shot by police; Muhammad .."

    Documentation: A shootout between detectives and criminals in the north. (Ynet, Jan 3, 2021 A series of attacks on banks in Arab localities ended about a month ago in an ambush by police officers near a branch in Bitter, during which Ian Aslan was killed and his cousin was arrested and charged.

  88. The representative of the delegation from Bahrain in Israel claims: MK Toma Suleiman called out to them "Tfu on you" (meaning 'spit on you'). Eric Bender, Maariv, Oct 12, 2021.

    The delegation from Bahrain and MK Wasserman Landa (Photo: Jordan Regev)

    Amit Deri, who accompanies the delegation, claimed in a conversation with Ben Caspit and Yinon Magal that the Knesset member from the joint list called out to them with a derogatory call. MK Thouma Suleiman declined to comment on 103FM's claims,..
  89. Ruth Wasserman Lande, (@rutilande) Tweeted (Oct 12, 2021):
    It is a great pity that where all the peoples, the Knesset of Israel, is respected, this is the reception received by the Bahraini delegation that I personally invited to the launch conference of the Lobby for the Advancement of the Abrahamic Agreements. I was ashamed to hear from one of the members of the delegation who never expected an Arab Member of Parliament to treat such disrespectful Arab guests. awkward and contemptible!
  90. Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted (Oct 12, 2021):
    She spits on guests from Bahrain, she spits on peace agreements, she spits on the state and she also spits on us Israeli Arabs.
  91. Nina Fux, Elisha Ben Kimon, Haim Goldich, Documentation of the attack in Jerusalem: The terrorist crosses a crosswalk - and attacks a Haredi with a knife, Ynet, 04/12/2021.

    The police published the documentation of the attack at the Nablus gate, in which a young man was stabbed and moderately injured. The terrorist, who previously sat in jail for incitement and was identified with Fatah, also tried to stab the fighters who killed him. ... Border guards told Ynet in connection with the same additional documentation that "we have seen quite a few cases in the past that terrorists got up on their feet and tried to hit civilians and security forces, whether with a knife or with an explosive belt. The fighters made contact and ended the incident as quickly as possible." ..

    The terrorist Muhammad Salima, 25, from Salfit, was identified with the Fatah organization and was staying in Israel illegally. He spent about a year in an Israeli prison, between 2019 and 2020, after being convicted of incitement - and also wrote on his Facebook page that he was "a Shahid on the waiting list."
  92. Gal Berger, Zeev Kam and Suleiman Maswada, Two border guards shot dead and interrogated got their weapons back, Kann News, December 05, 2021.

    Bennett on last night's attack: The full video leaves no room for doubt. The fighters acted excellently - Palestinian report: Security forces arrested the terrorist's younger brother from the stabbing attack in Jerusalem - A terrorist's relative here News: "If we had known - we would not have let him do it. We did not think he would do such a thing" - The terrorist was arrested in the past On incitement and described himself on Facebook: "Shahid on the waiting list" [...]

    Along with the backing, there was also criticism from Knesset members in the Arab parties - MK Ofer Kasif from the [Arab] joint list wrote on his Twitter page about killing the terrorist: "Another execution without trial captured in the camera. It is a clear war crime. " MK Aida Touma-Suleiman also tweeted on the subject: ".. is a horrible and terrible crime. This is the reality that the occupation produces."
  93. ([ Oct 15, 2022]) Amit Segal:
    Aida Touma Suleiman of Hadash Ta'al refuses to condemn harm to civilians in Jerusalem.
  94. Tzvi Joffre, Arab MK calls Lion's Den terrorists 'martyrs,' 'resistance has risen', JPost, Oct 25, 2022.
    Hadash-Ta'al MK Aida Touma-Suleiman referred to the members of the Lion's Den terrorist group who were killed during an IDF raid in Nablus on Tuesday as "martyrs" in a Facebook post later in the day.
  95. 95.0 95.1 95.2 My Word: The apartheid label and libel, Liat Collins, JPost, June 24, 2021.

    Rather than promoting peace, the delegitimization and boycott efforts have the opposite effect.

    Under the title “After 54 years: Between occupation and apartheid,” MKs sat in the House at the taxpayers’ expense and tried to present the case that they suffer from South African-style oppression.

    Just who is exploiting whom? It takes a special kind of nerve to sit as a serving MK in the parliament and pretend you are a victim of apartheid. It also requires a special ability to avoid history and reality in favor of a “narrative.”

    Under the apartheid system, for those who need reminding, the white minority completely subjugated and segregated the black majority, who had no vote and no say at all in the corridors of power.

    There was nothing for which these MKs should be proud. I can’t even reprint in full some of the words that were thrown around. [...] Arab-Israeli Yoseph Haddad, CEO of the Vouch for Each Other NGO, found himself out in the cold. He could definitely make the case that he was being discriminated against. Haddad, who encourages Arab-Israelis to serve in the IDF or do civilian national service and to participate in Israeli society, resorted to tweeting: “I am an Israeli Arab with different opinions and they don’t want me inside. They are the ones who are really apartheid. If Aida Touma-Sliman says that Israel is apartheid, how is she allowed to hold this meeting in the walls of Israeli democracy?”

    MK Ahmad Tibi, whose CV includes work as a gynecologist at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, being a former adviser to Yasser Arafat and serving as a former deputy Knesset Speaker – not bad for someone born in an “apartheid” state – told rookie Yamina MK Amichai Chikli he should “be humble” in the face of his seniors. Apparently Tibi doesn’t know the meaning of being humble anymore than he understands what apartheid means, although apartheid is a word he bandies around a lot.

    Among the speakers was “Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch” Omar Shakir, who participated via Zoom having been denied entry to the country for his anti-Israeli, BDS activities. He also didn’t mince words and came up with the perennial favorite “crimes against humanity.”

    Before the event, MKs from Yesh Atid, New Hope, Yamina, Yisrael Beytenu and Blue and White wrote to Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy voicing their “disgust” and saying that “while freedom of expression lies at the soul of this House, we cannot remain silent when the Knesset is cynically exploited as a platform to undermine the very existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state and to slander the state in the outside world.”

    The parley was part of a trend – an attempt to brand Israel as an illegitimate, pariah state.

    Using the words “apartheid” and “occupation” is one way of doing it. Another is condemning Israel for its response when it comes under massive rocket fire from Gaza, as it did last month.

    Rather than promoting peace, the delegitimization and boycott efforts have the opposite effect. The Palestinians are encouraged to use more violence and media-mobilizing tactics hoping to put ever more pressure on Israel.

    Not everyone is falling for the ruse, however. Last week, Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer SE, Europe’s largest digital publishing house, told the company’s 16,000 employees that anyone “who has an issue with an Israeli flag being raised for one week here, after antisemitic demonstrations, should look for a new job.”

    Also last week, as The Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov noted, the European Union finally released its report on Palestinian Authority textbooks which includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews. Under the guise of “resistance” – another catchword – children are being brainwashed about the glory of martyrdom. Following the report’s publication, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said the EU should review its funding to education in the Palestinian Authority.
  96. Melanie Phillips, The false accusation of "Israel apartheid", Oct 1, 2021.
    South Africa's uniquely evil regime has been maliciously twisted into a uniquely evil lie
  97. Divrei hakneset (Proceedings of the Knesset), 2008, p. 13964.

    The ninety-first sitting of the Seventeenth Knesset

    [Jan 2008] L. Shmatov (Yisrael Beiteinu):

    Mr. Speaker, Members of the Knesset, The issue at hand today is the government's policy toward Arab citizens in general and residents of unrecognized villages in particular.

    I respect the Arab public, I respect the Arab Knesset members. But there are things that must be said. The State of Israel is a state of the Jewish people, it is a state surrounded by Arab states. Just as Arab groups are struggling for their definition and independence, so is the right of Jews to live in their own independent state.

    From time to time, cries of humiliation, [sic] and discrimination [sic] of the Arab public in Israel arise and re-emerge here in the Knesset. And I ask, why? Yisrael Beiteinu offered a real solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: support and recognition of a Palestinian entity alongside the State of Israel in exchange for a complete solution to the entire Jewish-Arab problem - what we all know as the exchange of territories.

    Last week I heard on the radio about the results of the survey conducted among the Arab public in Israel. The Arab residents of Israel do not want control of the areas in which they live to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority. And I ask: Why? After all, Arab Knesset members keep coming up to the podium and shouting: contempt, discrimination, occupation. So what's your mind? If we Jews are so [supposedly] wrong, and the territories we control belong to the Palestinian people, why do the Arabs of Israel so want to remain under this [supposedly] corrupt and discriminatory regime? God forbid no one talked about transferring or taking people against their will and getting them out of the houses - that's unthinkable, right? Jews are allowed to do this; It is permissible to throw Jews out of the houses. For the Arabs - God forbid. Straight shout: discrimination, racism, discrimination.

    It is not at all clear to me who the Arab Knesset members represent - the Arabs of Israel or the Palestinian enemy in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Let's put things on the table. In fact, it is very worthwhile to be an Arab in Israel: you do not have to pay property taxes, build houses without a license, get preference for admission to university, for work, live in a detached house, do not have to live in an apartment building, and most importantly - there is a Jewish government, a very [supposed] bad government. Shout at her all the time: "racists," "corrupt" and more...

    If you do not want to, you will move to Palestinian rule, where it will undoubtedly be worse, but there you will not shout "racists." Thanks.
  98. Manji, Irshad. The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith. United States: St. Martin's Press, 2007. 108-110. [5].
  99. Bassem Eid, Israel – the best place to be an Arab, TOI, Dec 22, 2021.

    Although Israel is the world’s only Jewish state, it is home to a free and thriving Arab community. For decades, anti-Israel activists have decried Israel as an illegitimate state which represses Arabs and Muslims. Israel has been incorrectly labeled as a state for “settler colonialism” and apartheid. These baseless claims could not be further from the truth. Researchers have conducted surveys to shine a light on the true treatment of Arabs living in Israel. According to these surveys, there is a growing trend of Israeli Arabs ditching their former Palestinian identity and starting to identify more heavily with their Israeli nationality. This switch in national identity is great news for everyone who holds a stake in the Middle East. It proves that Arabs have been able to call Israel home, while Israel is able to maintain its Jewish majority. Despite being the world’s only Jewish state, Israel is a welcoming, diverse country that boasts a thriving Arab population. Arabs make up 20% of Israel’s 8.8 million people population. Israel’s Arabs have been integrating into society and live in every corner of the country. Israel’s Arabs enjoy the same freedoms as their Jewish neighbors. Contrary to anti-Israel talking points, Israel’s Arabs live and work side-by-side with Jews, Christians, Armenians, and all others who call Israel their homes. As they do in other western democracies, Arabs can vote in elections, own businesses, work, speak, and worship freely, wherever in Israel they call home. In the recent Israeli elections, Ra’am, a pan-Arab party, became a part of Israel’s governing coalition. These results could not be more clear: Israel, a heterogeneous society, is among the leading nations in the Middle East. Israel’s Arabs have taken notice. Poll: 51% of Israelis would support strike on Iran, even without US approval Arabs, no matter how long they have been Israelis, are increasingly supportive of their home country. According to a 2019 survey by Dahlia Scheindlin and David Reis, two leading progressive pollsters, 51% of Israel’s Arabs identify themselves as “Arab-Israeli” and 23% identify as “Israeli”. The survey went on to indicate that 76% of Israeli-Arabs went on to say that, within Israel, Jewish-Muslim relations are overwhelmingly positive and that 58% want to continue to advance coexistence and improvement of relations between Muslims and Jews. What was even more shocking from the Schenindinlin-Reis poll were outcomes regarding one of the most contentious issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict: control of Jerusalem. The survey, conducted by SFHA, a Palestinian news outlet, indicates that 93% of Arabs, none of whom are Israeli citizens, would prefer that Israel retain control over the city. Of the 1,200 Arabs surveyed, 79 said that they refused to give up their Israeli identification documents. The data speaks for itself: Muslims and Jews are living coexisting. The biggest winners? The Middle East and human rights. This is very good news for the evolving Middle East: an Israel in which Arabs feel empowered is a powerful thing. When Muslims and Jews coexist in peace, the region wins. When Israel was founded, it was created to be a place, not just for the Jewish people, but for all who sought to make the Holy Land a better place and to raise families in peace. Arabs have always been a welcome part of this equation. The only bad news is that anti-Israel activists will not cease in their quest to divide Muslims and Jews over the issues relating to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

    Nevertheless, the sentiments reflected in these surveys will make Israel stronger and a better place to live for Arabs and Jews. Disproving rhetoric spewed by the anti-Israel mob will allow Israel to become a place of harmony. I look forward to watching Israel evolve into a place where the children of Isaac and Ishmael work and live peacefully. This evolution marks a rare point of light, illuminating a world in need of it.
  100. Israeli elections debunk the "Israel=Apartheid" lie, Palwatch, Nov 10, 2022.

    Equating Israel with Apartheid South Africa is part of a wider campaign to delegitimize Israel’s existence. While deviously planned, the campaign still lacks any factual basis. In Apartheid South Africa, black South Africans were denied their right to vote in national elections, there were no black political parties that were allowed to run for election, and no black South Africans were elected to the South African parliament. While sundry UN figures, self-declared “human rights” organizations, and the Palestinian Authority are engaged in a concerted campaign to brand Israel as a Jewish (supposed) supremacist[sic] "Apartheid State," Israel’s recent elections are another example that exposes the claim as a bogus lie. On Nov. 1, Israel held its 5th election for the Israeli parliament since 2019. Statistical information about the potential voters published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics in the run-up to the election said that of the 6.2 million potential voters who are permanent residents in Israel, 77% are Jewish, 6% were defined as “other” and 17% - 1,044,000 people - are Israeli Arabs. While many Israeli Arabs live in mixed towns, and it is impossible to know who they voted for, Palestinian Media Watch did an analysis, based on statistics released by the Central Elections Committee, of the voting patterns in the Arab-only cities, towns, and villages.

    The statistics exposed a wonderful democratic reality:

    • In the Arab-only settlements, 477,552 Israeli Arabs cast their votes.
    • 66,812 (17%) Israeli Arabs who live in the Arab-only settlements voted for Zionist parties, while the rest voted for one of the three Arab parties that ran in the elections.

    In the overall elections, the three Arab parties, Ra’am, Hadash-Ta’al, and Balad that ran in the elections received a total of 511,379 votes. While Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al received enough votes to pass the electoral threshold (3.25%), Balad did not. In the new parliament, the Arab parties will hold 10 seats. There will be 8 Muslims, 1 Christian Arab and 1 Druze. While Israel has once again proved that it is a robust democracy, the same cannot be said about the Palestinian Authority. While PA law prescribes that elections for the position of PA President and for the PA parliament be held every 4 years, in practice, the last elections for PA President were held in 2005, and the last elections for the PA parliament were held in 2006. And as PMW recently demonstrated, in the last 4 years, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has implemented a number of decisions to consolidate the dictatorial rule of his party, Fatah, and obliterate even the last remnant of Palestinian democracy. These steps included dissolving the PA parliament and the cancelation of elections, after Abbas realized that his party Fatah would lose. Conclusion: Israel is a multicultural plurality of its citizens, all of whom – Jews, Arabs, and "others" - have an equal right to vote.

    So next time you hear the “Israel=Apartheid” libel, just know, that it lacks any factual basis.
  101. PA hypocrisy: PA increases trade with Israel, yet calls on others to boycott while the PA and its leadership, Palwatch, Dec 23, 2021.
    wholeheartedly support the BDS movement, a recent report published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) shows that trade between Israel and the Palestinians in constantly increasing.
  102. (@ArielSchnabel) Tweeted: I do not understand the joy of my fellow members now that thousands of Palestinians can become Israelis and [supposedly] suffer severely from the [supposed] repression of discrimination in second-class citizenship and inequality... July 6, 2021
  103. Emanuel Fabian, 100,000 Muslims pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque on Eid al-Adha, TOI, July 20, 2021.
  104. Today more than 100,000 worshippers gathered on the Temple Mount to celebrate Eid Al-Adha. Israel guarantees Freedom of Religion & will continue to safeguard the right to worship freely. Jul 20, 2021
  105. Jordyn @JordynTilchen: Eid Al Adha is tomorrow. Today is Tisha B’Av. And police responded when rocks were thrown at Jews who went up to the Temple Mount, our holiest site, at their designated times to pray. Why are you lying, Rashida? Surely you cannot have some ulterior motive. Quote Tweet: Rashida Tlaib @RashidaTlaib - Jul 18. Why is Israel attacking Al Aqsa on Eid Al Adha... Jul 18, 2021
  106. Judaism's two holiest places are filled with Muslims today, EoZ, July 20, 2021.
  107. Efraim Karsh, 'The Middle East’s Real Apartheid.' March 6, 2012.
  108. Israel, Sudan and Me, Simon Deng, Aish, Oct 30, 2011.
  109. Slavery in Africa Is Alive, Well and Ignored, Weber Bederman, Contributor, Oct 18, 2013
  110. Palestinians: Victims of Arab Apartheid, Khaled Abu Toameh, June 18, 2018.
  111. Bharatiya Pragna, Vol. 8, 2006, p.27.
  112. Islam and the Modern Age, Vol. 20, 1989, p.92.
  113. Defeating Dictators: Fighting Tyranny in Africa and Around the World , George B.N. Ayittey, (2011)
  115. Jonathan Schanzer (@JSchanzer) Tweeted (Mar 7, 2022):
    Amazing how this piece tiptoes around the fact that Lebanon is literally an apartheid state. Laws keep the Palestinians there downtrodden.
  116. אנדי (@Shiraanani) Tweeted Mar 4, 2022):
    @RBoydBarrett Garbage. Israel is the only country in ME that actually gives its Palestinian citizens civil and democratic rights. Their own leaders don't, and Lebanon is truly apartheid denying them citizenship, banning them from numerous professions and even the health service.
  117. Lilac Sigan (@lilacsigan) Tweeted (Mar 3, 2022):
    Palestinian rights are crushed also by Syria and Lebanon. Pals that were born there are 2nd class citizens, no rights. These are formal Apartheid states whereas Israel, which has Arab MKs and judges, is falsely blamed for Apartheid (by raving antisemites)
  118. "Entrenched apartheid in the 'West Bank' David Singer, INN, July 10 2018.
  119. Petty Arab apartheid, Olympic-style, Gerald Steinberg, JPost, August 10, 2016
  120. Israel and the Apartheid Slander Richard J. Goldstone, The New York Times, Oct 31, 2011
  121. Growing up Apartheid, R. Marks, Mar 9, 2015
  122. Apartheid canard does not wash, TOI, Allan Wolman, Jan 21, 2021
  123. I grew up in South Africa, so believe me when I say: Israel is not an apartheid state, E. Mirvis, New Statesman, Feb 24, 2016]
  124. The charge of Apartheid, Malcom Hedding, July 27, 2016
  125. O. M. Washington, Africa pays for the Israel-apartheid lie, Sep 13, 2021
  126. Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, Beware Palestinian apartheid, YNet, Apr 8, 2010.

    Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews.

    The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel.

    The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud Abbas indicated that the American administration is not content, to say the least, with the Palestinian foot-dragging in the peace process, or with what is perceived to be a lack of appreciation for American pressure on Israel (which led PM Netanyahu to accept the two-state solution and to temporarily freeze settlement activity in the West Bank and Jerusalem.)

    However, there is no obvious fundamental change in the Palestinian stance. The PA hesitates and refrains from explicit commitment to direct negotiations without any pre-conditions. Instead, it tries to weather the American demands by raising a new proposal to convene a three-way meeting of Palestine, Israel, and America to discuss the agenda of the negotiations, its legitimacy, and the settlement cessation.

    While briefing the Egyptian media in Cairo, Abbas divulged last week his version of the failure of the peace talks with former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and his positions regarding the political settlement of the conflict. Abbas noted that he almost reached an agreement with Olmert, but the negotiations failed at the final stretch because of disagreement on the discussed land swap.

    Olmert proposed 6.5% but Abbas accepted to no more than 1.9%. Abbas said that he demanded to divide Jerusalem, with the city’s eastern section handed over to the Palestinians and the western part remaining in Israeli hands, and insisted that the refugee problem must be settled in accordance with an Arab peace initiative from March 2002, and UN resolution 194. He also stressed that he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

    "I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as NATO forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land,” he was quoted by Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency.

    A state without Jews

    The Palestinians intend to demand the implementation of the UN resolution regarding refugees, from a Palestinian perspective, which gives the 5.5 million refugees and their descendants the right of return and to settle in the State of Israel. In his briefing to the Egyptian media, Abbas presented this strategy and denied the Jewish character of Israel. He maintains that Israel should, in fact, become a bi-national state, but on the other hand that Palestine must become a state “clean” of Jews.

    The term “Israeli” used by Abbas means “Jew,” as the PA sees Israeli Arabs, Muslims and Christians alike as an integral part of the Palestinian people. The future State of Palestine, according Abbas, must resist any Jewish presence in its territory. In other words, the PA embraces a racist policy – Palestinian apartheid – directed at Jews, based on denial of Jewish history and the cultural and religious linkage of the Jewish people to the land.

    The anti-Semitism embodied in Abbas’ words refers also to his position towards the NATO observers’ force that may be deployed in the West Bank to monitor the implementation of the peace agreement with Israel. He is opposed to Jews being included in this force; meaning, he will ask Germany and all other partner countries in NATO to use their own forces in the West Bank, in an effort to the exclude any Jewish soldiers.

    He didn’t explain how these countries would determine who is a Jew, whether according to orthodox Jewish laws or just if one of the parents or grandparents was a Jew. But even Saudi Arabia didn’t dare oppose the deployment of American Jewish soldiers on its land during operation Desert Storm (1990-1), and no one in Israel ever demanded to disqualify Muslim soldiers from serving in the international observers’ forces in Lebanon, the Golan Heights and Sinai.

    The racist language used by Abbas is particularly despicable as it doubts the loyalty of the Jews to their country. It is for this reason that his comments call for a firm Israeli and European response.

    Note: Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency published on July 28 its version of Abbas’ briefing to the Egyptian media, quoting him as saying: “I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as NATO forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land”. This version was reprinted by Palestinian newspapers al-Quds and al-Hayat al-Jadida on July 30 and by other Arab newspapers.

    A few days later Wafa published a new version of Abbas’ interview to the Egyptian media, where he was quoted as saying: “We have no objection to the presence of a third party after the (Palestinian) state is established, and we don’t oppose that the third party will be NATO or any other force. However, I will not agree that an Israeli, even if he is a Muslim, will be present on my land, but I’ll agree only (to the presence) of a third party. The reason for that is stemmed in the fact that the Israeli is the heir of the occupation, while the presence of the third party is temporary as are the Multinational Forces in your country (Egypt) and UNIFIL in Lebanon.”
  127. "Push for Palestinian state at UN must be rejected: It will hurt Arabs and Jews alike." A. Dershowitz New York Daily News, Sep 21, 2011.
  129. Micha Koubi, Former IDF Special Forces Member, Lectures on Hamas. Jewish Journal, Feb 8, 2024.
    Micha Koubi, a former Shabak (Israel Security Agency) member, provided insights into Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas and the mastermind of the Oct. 7 massacre.... This man was completely emotionless, a brutal killer. I called him a Nazi and told everyone possible that this organization must be eliminated, but they didn’t listen to me. We found many ‘Mein Kampf’ books in his house as well as rubber knives. He was in charge of education in Gaza and would distribute them in day care to two-year-olds, where they would hold a competition over who would kill more Jews. By the age of four, they would receive wooden guns. Later, when they grew up to be teenagers, he would train them to shoot rifles and teach them how to be martyrs. The same children he trained are the killers of the Nakba today.”
  130. Or Izreali, Sara Haetzni-Cohen: "Today the mixed cities are the most antisemitic cities in the world", Srugim, Feb 20, 22. [6].
    Sara Haetzni-Cohen, chairwoman of "My Israel", found herself establishing a Knesset and organizing armed civilians in the city of Lod, at the bloody events last May. In podcast... she talks about the sequence of events ... On the residents. "We arrived in Lod unintentionally," she says. "It is really not my job to recruit gunmen to guard houses in Lod."… "The biggest slap I got was not from the rioters themselves, there will always be rioters," she claims. "The calamity is, that the same Arab neighbors who stood in their home and directed the ravines for the cars and houses of Jews and marked them, it is 1929 events and it broke deep. The fact that mothers and grandmothers directing the rioters towards the cars - is the disaster, because I believe in shared lives."
  131. Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority (PA): The Attitude to the Jews, to Israel and to Peace Study, Compilation and Translation by Arnon Groiss and Ronni Shaked Editing and Conclusion by Arnon Groiss. BESA center, Dec 2017. [7].
  132. Ariel Kahana, Palestinian schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre, ILH, Sep 7, 2022.

    An Israel Hayom analysis reveals that despite promises to review its curriculum, the Palestinian Authority continues to use material that incites hatred against Jews and Israel.

    Children in the Palestinian Authority too began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized for inciting hatred against Jews and Israel.

    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Munich Olympic massacre, Israel Hayom and the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) – an NGO that that analyzes schoolbooks and curricula for compliance with UNESCO-defined standards on peace and tolerance – conducted an analysis of Palestinian school curriculum. It revealed that history books in PA and UNRWA schools laud and legitimize the tragedy, in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes, describing it as "resistance" to Zionism, and "Zionist interests abroad."

    It also showed that textbooks on World War II omit the Holocaust entirely. They cover the main events in detail, such as the German invasion of Poland, the Battle of Britain, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but not a word about the Wannsee Conference, concentration camps, or any other events related to the Holocaust. Surprisingly, the German government is the main funder of the Palestinian education system, including textbooks. The PA Education Ministry's budget for the implementation of their plan comes from Germany, as well as Norway, Finland, and Ireland. After international criticism, the PA and European authorities made changes to all textbooks for grades 1-12, but IMPACT-se officials say the content became more radicalized, "with hundreds of extreme examples that were introduced systematically that encourage harming civilians, jihad, violence, and incitement against Israel and Jews, in all classes and on all subjects." "Moreover, the new books deliberately omit all the previous attempts for peace with Israel since the Oslo Accords. Antisemitic messages were also found in the books," they said.

    Palestinian children are taught to believe that ... is a racist religion and that J control the media, politics, and finances... are depicted as liars, corrupt, and "enemies of Islam at all times and places," and as such should be eliminated. "Despite the European Union's repeated criticism of the Palestinian Authority, it did not make substantial changes to the textbooks for the 2022-2023 school year," CEO of IMPACT-se Marcus Sheff said. PA President Mahmoud and Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh "must be made aware that there is a price for this – from hearings in the Council of the European Union to condemnation from the European Commission responsible for their funding and the European Parliament." The German Embassy in Ramallah confirmed in a statement that the country "does support Palestinian education, but does not finance the development or printing of the textbooks.

    "We are in constant dialogue with the Palestinian side for further improvements in the education sector and the materials used in it," the statement said.
  133. Ahikam Himelfarb, "The camps for Palestinian children: puzzles of murderers, playing with weapons and soldiers next to 'bodies.'"

    Fatah and the PLO, which control the Palestinian Authority, made the time of the younger generation "pleasant" during the summer vacation - they did not send them to the pool or the amusement park - but instead educated them in martyrdom, hatred of Jews and glorification of terrorists

    ... "The Palestinian Authority is doing everything in its power to poison another generation of Palestinian children to hate Jews, in order to train the hearts of the young and prepare them to participate in terrorist activities."

    Shvii, issue 405, 13th of Elul 5782, 09.09.22. [8]. [9] [10]

  134. Resolving the conflict between Israelis & Palestinians requires teaching all children to be tolerant. Today, @ADL welcomes the bipartisan introduction of the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act & commends @IMPACT_SE for its important work.
  135. Apr 18, 2019.
  136. Omri Nahmias, House Committee passes Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act, JPost, Dec 19, 2019.
    The legislation is a result of a report by IMPACT-se, which monitors values of peace and tolerance in textbooks.
  137. 117th Congress (2021-2022): Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act.
  138. [ Sherman's Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act Passed by House Foreign Affairs Committee Sep 15, 2022.
  139. Congressman Brad Sherman Statement on the House Foreign Affairs Committee Marking up the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act, Sep 13, 2022.
  140. US State Department cites Jerusalem-based monitor’s findings on PA textbooks, JNS, June 8, 2022.

    IMPACT-se has found the promotion of violence, martyrdom and jihad in "all grades and subjects."

    A U.S. State Department report on June 2 features research by a Jerusalem-based monitor of educational material in Palestinian Authority textbooks and their systematic messaging regarding the promotion of violence, martyrdom and jihad. Research by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Culture Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found that textbooks made for “all grades and subjects” in Palestinian schools contained such incitement.

    The report also discussed IMPACT-se's critique of the Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) report on Palestinian Authority textbooks, "which ambiguously classify the curriculum as promoting UNESCO standards, despite overtly anti-Semitic content," IMPACT-se said in a statement on Tuesday. IMPACT-se is quoted by the State Department as stating that the GEI report includes "omissions, obfuscations and even apologetics for Jew-hate and violence," and that, in fact, "the P.A. curriculum moved further from meeting UNESCO standards and that the newly published textbooks were found to be more radical than those previously published," according to the organization. The State Department’s 2021 "Report on International Religious Freedom,”?" published last week, featured four of IMPACT-se’s country curriculum reports from last year. The State Department report is used to inform U.S. policy and to promote global religious freedom.

    It also cites IMPACT-se reports on significant changes in Saudi Arabian textbooks, such as the removal of content "forbidding friendships with Jews and Christians," the presentation of Jews and Christians as "infidels … enemies of God," as well as claims that the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount was "fabricated [sic]..." The State Department’s section on Qatar cites IMPACT-se’s June and December reports on the Gulf country, directly quoting the conclusion that the country “still ha[s] a long way to go when it comes to removing hateful content and consistently teaching tolerance … yet the improvements that have occurred over the last two academic years in Qatar are still a pleasant surprise.”

    IMPACT-se’s first report on the Yemeni curriculum is cited in the State Department’s Report, reaffirming "disturbing assessments," said the organization. The report quotes IMPACT-se finding that the Yemeni curriculum serves as a "blueprint for radicalization, and would incite violence and hate."
  141. 141.0 141.1 Palestinian Apartheid Exposed at U.N. Inquiry, UN Watch, March 10, 2022.
  142. "Guess which country is most dangerous for Jews?" Rob Eshman, senior contributing editor, Forward, February 16, 2023.

    ... There are two reasons for this twist of Jewish fate. The first is readily apparent: More Jews are killed for being Jewish in Israel than in any other country in the world. They are not murdered for being Israelis, though Arab Israelis and non-Jewish tourists are often killed as collateral damage. They are targeted because they are Jews living in Israel, which in the minds of too many Palestinians and their supporters warrants a death sentence.

    The past week saw the brutal slaughter of two brothers, ages 6 and 8, by a Palestinian terrorist who aimed his car at a visibly Orthodox group standing at a bus stop... Each year, American Jewish But there is an odd disconnect between the fear and insecurity American Jews express about being Jewish in America, and the far worse reality in Israel.

    About one quarter of American Jews say they avoid wearing clothes or displaying items that identify them as Jewish for fear of antisemitism, according to the 2022 American Jewish Committee State of Antisemitism survey. In Israel, American Jews can proudly look as Jewish as they like. But they’re far more likely to be attacked there than here for the same "crime" [sic] of being Jewish.
  143. Dan Williams, "Survey finds 28 pct of Israeli Arabs deny Holocaust," Reuters, Mar 20, 2007.
  144. "Israeli Arabs between Palestinanization and Islamism." Barak M. Seener, JCPA, 1 January 2008 [11].
    Fadi Eradat, "Poll: Over 25% of Israeli Arabs Say Holocaust Never Happened," Haaretz and AP, March 18, 2007.
    With 721 Arabs interviewed, the margin of error is 3.7 percent.
  145. Fadi Eyadat, "Poll: 40% of Israeli Arabs believe Holocaust never happened", Haaretz May 17, 2009.
    Survey also finds that only 41% of Israeli Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist as Jewish...
  146. Gil Stern Hoffman, 6 in 10 Palestinians reject 2-state solution, survey finds, JPost, July 15, 2011.

    73% of 1,010 Palestinians in W. Bank, Gaza agree with 'hadith' quoted in Hamas Charter about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones, trees. ... 53% were in favor or teaching songs about hating Jews in Palestinian schools.

    When given a quote from the Hamas Charter about the need for battalions from the Arab and Islamic world to defeat the Jews, 80% agreed. Seventy-three percent agreed with a quote from the charter (and a hadith, or tradition ascribed to the .. Muhammad) about the need to kill Jews hiding behind stones and trees.
  147. Newman, Marissa; AP; Tress, Luke; Tress, Luke (2014-05-13). "The 10 most anti-Semitic countries". The Times of Israel.
  148. Public Opinion Poll No -67 | PCPSR.
    14-17 March 2018. This poll has been conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah.
    63% reject the idea of allowing Israeli Jews to live in the state of Palestine as citizens or residents.
  149. ADL. / Global 100 [12] West Bank and Gaza 2020: 93% Index Score, 93%. 1,900,000 People in this country harbor anti-Semitic attitudes. 2,030,259 - Adult population.
  150. Zvika Klein, Most online antisemitism stems from Palestinians, pro-Palestinians, Jerusalem Post, Jan 29, 2023.
  151. Schwarz, Christoph H.. Adoleszenz in einem palästinensischen Flüchtlingscamp: Generationenverhältnisse, Möglichkeitsräume und das Narrativ der Rückkehr. Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014. p. 433-4.

    [Samir fragte mich nach meiner Meinung über Hitler. Da ich nicht wusste, wie ich reagieren sollte, schwieg ich und schüttelte lediglich den Kopf. Er fuhr erklärend fort: „Here many people like Hitler", und zeigte mir noch ein Bild von Hitler auf seinem Handy. „Some ideas Ilike, some I don't. I don't like the symbol", womit er offensichtlich das Hakenkreuz meinte. Ich fragte in dieser Situation nicht weiter, und sie zeigten mir weitere Fotos auf ihrem Computer, meist von Arafat: als Kind, als junger Kämpfer...]

    Samir asked me my opinion of Hitler. Not knowing how to react, I said nothing and just shook my head. He continued to explain: "Here many people like Hitler" and showed me a picture of Hitler on his mobile phone. "Some ideas I like, some I don't. I don't like the symbol”, by which he obviously meant the swastika.

    I didn't ask any more questions about this situation and they showed me more photos on their computer, mostly of Arafat: as a child, as a young fighter...
  152. Daniel Pen Tweeted (Feb 2, 2019):
    This answer should be published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worldwide. A poll published by Edy Cohen in Arabic on Twitter. About 1,500 voters so far. 80 percent of them would have pardoned Adolf Hitler in an imaginary scenario in which he was alive and on trial. The Arab world is neo-Nazi in the full sense of the word.


    إيدي كوهين אדי כהן (@EdyCohen) Tweeted:

    If Adolf Hitler was alive today and was tried, what do you think is the sentence that the leader of the German Third Reich deserves..?? execution 22.6% innocence 77.4% 8,894 votes · Final results 10:16 AM Feb 2, 2019.

    [لو كان أدولف هتلر على قيد الحياة اليوم .. وتمت محاكمته ، ما هو برأيكم الحكم الذي يستحقه زعيم الرايخ الثالث الألماني .. ?؟

    22.6% اعدام

    77.4 براءة]

  153. Leila Khaled at SFSU, ADL. September 3, 2020.
  154. Leila Khaled: In Her Own Words, ADL, October 2, 2020.
  155. Autobiography of Leila Khaled, edited by George Hajjar, 1973.
  156. United States Department of State | Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress" (PDF). 11 March 2008.
  157. Hamas rips U.N. for teaching the Holocaust, JTA, August 31, 2009
  158. "The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988 articles 22 and 32"
  159. 159.0 159.1 "ratchets up its rhetoric against Jews". Herald Tribune.March 31, 2008.
  160. 160.0 160.1 Erlanger, Steven (April 1, 2008). "In Gaza, Hamas's Insults to Jews Complicate Peace". The New York Times.
  161. Senate Hearing 108-290 [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] S. Hrg. 108-290 PALESTINIAN EDUCATION--TEACHING PEACE OR WAR?
  162. "Report on Global Anti-Semitism". (Released 2005)
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 Caroline Glick, "Our World: Why is Muhammad Abu al-Hawa dead?", JPost, Apr 18, 2006.

    By murdering him the Palestinian leadership sends a message against peaceful coexistence.

    Muhammad Abu al-Hawa was a 42-year-old father of eight when he died last Wednesday night.

    As Israeli Jews were beginning our Pessah Seders and retelling the story of our exodus from Egypt and our rebirth as a free nation, Abu al-Hawa was being tortured by Fatah terrorists...

    Abu al-Hawa was tortured and murdered because he stood accused of committing what the Palestinians consider a capital crime.

    Eight young children were orphaned last Wednesday night because their father allegedly sold an apartment building in Israel's capital city to Jews.

    The building in question is located in Jerusalem's A-Tur neighborhood, just above the Temple Mount on the Mount of Olives.

    Muhammad Abu al-Hawa was buried in a makeshift cemetery on the road between Jerusalem where he lived, and Jericho where he was murdered. His body was buried there because the Palestinian Authority's mufti in Jerusalem, Ikremah Sabri, has barred all Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery.

    When the PA was established in 1994, the first legal step its chairman Yasser Arafat and its justice minister Freih Abu Medein took was to declare null and void all laws that had been in force until that date. After plunging Palestinian society into legal chaos, Arafat and Medein reinstated one law.

    That law was a Jordanian law which Israel had revoked in 1967. It made selling land to Jews a capital offense.

    SINCE 1994, dozens of Arab Israelis and PA residents have been murdered on suspicion of selling land to Jews. Abu al-Hawa's murder - like those that preceded it - tells us several important things about Palestinian society.

    It tells us that like the PA today, any successor Palestinian state will be a racist, apartheid state where laws will be promulgated based solely on race and religious origin. Jews will be denied all basic human rights and Arabs who peacefully coexist with Jews will be accused of treason and made targets for murder.

    On Saturday night Sheikh Raed Salah, the former mayor of Umm el-Fahm and the head of the northern branch of the Israeli Islamic Movement, spoke to an audience of some 30,000 Israeli Arabs in Kafr Kana. There he placed Abu al-Hawa's murder in the context of the Arab-Islamic strategy for conquering Jerusalem. His address, which was broadcast live by al-Jazeera, was devoted to calling for the expulsion of all Jews from Jerusalem. He called on his Arab brethren to "save Jerusalem from the hands of the Jews," promising that "Jerusalem will soon be the capital of the world Islamic nation, and it will be governed by a caliphate." Salah's speech placed him in the company of Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, the Qatar-based Sunni cleric who acts as a religious authority for both Hamas and al-Qaida. Speaking in Sanaa, Yemen, last December, Qaradawi, who chairs the Al-Quds Foundation, referred to the goal of Islamizing Jerusalem by ending coexistence with Israel as "a civilian jihad that should go side by side with armed resistance."

    Today, there is no figure of authority in the Arab and Islamic world in general and in the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority particularly who would have stood up for Abu al-Hawa. For today's Arab and Islamic leaders, murders like Abu al-Hawa's serve an "educational" goal of terrorizing Palestinians into ending any ongoing relationships they may have with Israelis. Neither Abu al-Hawa nor countless other victims before him had an opportunity to answer the charges leveled against them.

    According to Palestinians and to Jews involved in purchasing lands from Palestinians, in the majority of cases, the Arabs murdered for the "crime" of selling land to Jews never sold land to Jews. At most they were "guilty" of having ties of friendship or commerce with Israelis. The fact that merely having relations with Jews can expose an Arab to allegations of collaboration is enough to convince most Palestinians that they shouldn't have anything to do with Israel or Israelis. So by murdering people like Abu al-Hawa, the Palestinian leadership ensures that Palestinians will be too afraid of being killed to risk peaceful coexistence with Israel.
  164. Avi Issacharoff, Nadav Shragai, "Jordan, PA Arrest 2 Palestinians for Selling Hebron House to Jews", Haaretz, Mar 30, 2007.

    Hebron Jewish Committee: Arrest proves house was purchased legally, exposes anti-Semitic nature of PA...

    Hebron's Jewish Committee condemned the arrest, saying, "The arrest exposes once again the anti-Semitic nature of the PA. We call upon the government to accept the racial hatred prevalent in the PA."
  165. Jerusalem Letter. Israel: Center for Jewish Community Studies, Jerusalem Institute for Federal Studies, 1998.
    Netanyahu, commenting on the murder of two Palestinian land dealers after the PA announced a law stating that Palestinians selling land to Jews would be executed, stated, "I think it is ghastly , monstrous ... a racist law , a Nazi law, a Nuremberg law."
  166. Weissbrod, Lilly. Israeli Identity, In Search of a Successor to the Pioneer, Tsabar and Settler. USA: Rutledge, 2014. p. 176.
    The unrest following the Har Homa decision and the PA (Palestinian Authority) announcement that selling land to Jews was punishable by death (the plot on Har Homa had been sold to a Jew; ostensibly, the death sentence was to deter such sales and prevent legal Jewish building in Palestinian neighbourhoods, but it had strong racist overtones.
  167. Khaled Abu Toameh, PA court: Death to man who sold land to Jews, JPost, Apr, 29, 2009.

    Abbas nazi 248.88 (photo credit: AP)

    First of kind death sentence by PA's chief Islamic judge to deter real-estate deals with 'the enemy.'

    In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews. The verdict came shortly after the PA's chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, issued yet another fatwa (religious decree) banning Muslims from selling land or houses to Jews.

    The death sentence is seen as an attempt by the PA leadership in Ramallah to deter Palestinians from conducting real estate transactions with Jews. It follows reports according to which Jewish individuals and organizations recently bought land and houses from Arabs in Jerusalem and some areas in the West Bank.

    The man sentenced to death is Anwar Brigith, 59, from the village of Bet Umar, north of Hebron. The three-judge panel found the defendant guilty of violating PA laws that bar Palestinians from selling property to "the enemy." In its ruling, the court, which convened in Hebron, said that Brigith had acted in violation of a Palestinian "military law" dating back to 1979, which states that it is forbidden for a Palestinian to sell land to Jews. The accused was also found guilty of violating a law dating back to 1958 that calls for a boycott against Israel, as well as another law from 1953 that bans trade with Israelis. The judges issued the verdict unanimously and pointed out that the defendant did not have the right to appeal.

    The death sentence, however, must be approved by PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The court was headed by Gen. Abdel Karim al-Masri, who sat together with two other PA security officers, Muhrez Atyani and Nabil Jaber. The court also decided to confiscate Brigith's money and property. Although the PA has never executed Palestinians accused of selling land to Jews, several "suspects" have been kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian security personnel or members of armed groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Hatem Abdel Kader, a PA legislator from Jerusalem, told The Jerusalem Post that he fully supported the death sentence against "traitors" involved in real estate deals with Jews. He urged the PA courts to issue death sentences in absentia against any Palestinian found guilty of such transactions, especially in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem. "We are fighting against Jewish presence and house demolitions in [east] Jerusalem from one house to another," he said. "We are fighting on all levels and thus far we have been successful in preventing the demolition of some 28 houses in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

    In the Old City, the number of Jews is about 3,000, as opposed to more than 30,000 Arab residents. Although the occupation is 43 years old, the Jews have been able to seize only 55 houses in the Old City."
  168. Khaled Abu Toameh, PA affirms death penalty for land sales to Israelis Sep 29, 2010.

    The PA says the land law is necessary to prevent the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

    The Palestinian Authority on Sunday reaffirmed the death penalty for any Palestinian found guilty of selling land to Israelis.

    The decision came in response to a ruling by a Palestinian court according to which such acts were only a “minor offense.”

    PA Prosecutor-General Ahmed al-Mughni appealed against the ruling to a higher court, arguing that the sale of land to Israelis was a “major offense” punishable by death.

    The appeal was accepted.

    That verdict considering such offenses a major offense is aimed at reminding Palestinians of the PA law that prohibits selling land to Jews, Mughni said.

    The land law, which was originally put in force by Jordan between 1948 and 1967, carries the death sentence.

    The PA says the law is necessary to prevent the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

    In 1997, the PA announced that it would seek the death penalty for any Palestinian convicted of selling land to Jews or Israelis, in accordance with the Jordanian “Law for Preventing the Sale of Real Estate to the Enemy.”

    According to the 1973 legislation, the sale of property to Jews or Israelis constitutes a crime against state security and well-being, punishable by death and the confiscation of the culprit’s possessions.

    The PA later drafted its own law to replace the Jordanian statute. The law is called the “Property Law for Foreigners.”

    It describes the sale of land to “occupiers” as an act of “national treason.” Although the PA has thus far refrained from executing those convicted of selling land to Jews, there have been many extrajudicial killings of Palestinian suspects over the past decades.
  169. Elhanan Miller, Abbas toughens law against Palestinians selling land to Jews, TOI, Oct 21, 2014.
    Following East Jerusalem acquisitions, PA ups penalty to hard labor for life; Fatah spokesman calls land solicitors 'traitors destined to die a humiliating death'
  170. Adam Rasgon, Palestinian man convicted of selling land to Israeli Jews dies in PA custody, TOI, Dec 22, 2019.
    PA police say man died of an unspecified illness after two-week hospitalization; deceased had been held since 2012.
  171. Palestinian-American Tortured, Sentenced to Life in Prison by PA for Selling Land to Jews, David Rutz, Free Beacon, Jan 2, 2019.

    A Palestinian-American was tortured by the Palestinian Authority and then sentenced to life in prison with hard labor this week for the crime of selling land to Jews.

    Issam Akel, an East Jerusalem resident and U.S. citizen, was sentenced Monday by a Palestinian court for "attempting to cut off a part of the Palestinian land and adding them to a foreign country," the Jerusalem Post reports. The official news agency of the PA referred to his crime as "selling a house to the enemy in Jerusalem":

    Akel was accused of acting as a broker in the sale of a house jointly owned by the Alami and Halabi families in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. Palestinians claimed that the house was sold for $500,000 to Ateret Kohanim, a Jewish organization that has been purchasing Arab-owned properties in east Jerusalem for several years.The PA, the Palestinians said, has frozen the bank accounts of Akel and the two families.

    Israel's police are investigating the circumstances of Akel's arrest by the PA. There are conflicting reports over whether he was was arrested by Palestinian authorities while in Ramallah or was seized from East Jerusalem. The Post notes he holds an Israeli ID and is immune to prosecution in a PA court.

    Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll, writing in the progressive Jewish publication Forward, said she heard from people in touch with Akel that he was lured to Ramallah under false pretenses and then tortured. His wife and an American official who spoke with him while he was imprisoned also said he was tortured.

    A man Keats-Jaskoll called "Ali" testified before the Knesset about his experience with torture at the hands of the Palestinians. He said his captors threw hot water and rotten food at him in a cage, forced him to sit on broken glass and hung him upside down. Ali's crime was collaborating with Israeli security forces, a requirement under the Oslo accords but a violation of hardline Palestinian law.

    The case got the attention late last year of U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who demanded Akel's release and called his incarceration "antithetical to the values of the US & to all who advocate the cause of peaceful coexistence."

    Keats-Jaskoll added leading left-wing human rights groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and Code Pink had been silent on Akel's treatment by the Palestinians. She also criticized liberal, anti-Israel figures like Marc Lamont Hill and incoming Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for saying nothing on the matter.
  172. Maurice Hirsch, Adv., "The PA’s Apartheid land laws", PMW, Dec 31, 2018.
  173. Nitzan Shapira, "By residence, number of children and how many years in prison: this is how terrorists receive money from the Palestinian Authority", N12 Mako, 12.04.22.

    Nearly four years ago, the Knesset enacted the "Terrorist Salary Offset Law" to try and stop the PA's payments to security prisoners - despite the pressure - the payments did not stop - "The aid goes up in direct proportion to the number of Jews you killed," Alon Eviatar, an expert on the Palestinian arena, explained to N12. "The only element that determines how much everyone gets is your years in prison."

    Payments by the Palestinian Authority to terrorists who carried out terrorist attacks and are being held in Israeli prisons This is one of the main points of contention in every Israeli dialogue with the PA and Abu Mazen. And what steps is Israel taking to prevent the transfer of funds?

    "7 percent of the Palestinian budget goes to the families of martyrs and security prisoners," Lt. Col. (Res.) Alon Eviatar, an expert on the Palestinian arena, explains in a conversation with N12. The rivalry between the organizations leads to the suspension of payments to some of the prisoners.
  174. Girls sing: Jews are “the world’s do_gs” and “impure” on PA TV, Nan Jacques Zilberdik, PMW, Dec 1, 2021.

    Jews are “the world’s do_gs”

    Jews “defile Jerusalem”

    Jews are [sic] “the impure”
  175. Study: 'Palestinian' children learn to murder Jews, Israel National News, Apr 12, 2022.

    In Palestinian Authority schools, textbooks' incitement to violence and terror increasing.

    A new study by IMPACT-se examined the new textbooks written by the Palestinian Authority's education department and taught in both Palestinian Authority and UNRWA schools, and found that they contain more extremist material than previous textbooks.

    The study, reported by Yediot Aharonot, examined over 10,000 pages of material from the Palestinian Authority's new curriculum, and found a significant rise in the amount of material inciting towards killing Jews, violence, and anti-Semitism.
  176. Animalistic Tens of thousands of Arabs with happy reactions to the murderous attack in Israel, 0404, Dec 16, 2021.

    [Killed in the deadly shooting attack in Samaria: Yehuda Dimentman 14]

    This is how they are ... regularly with smiling likes during terrorist attacks or a disaster that befalls Israel. These are not negligible numbers. To date, 0404 News has blocked tens of thousands of Arab surfers praising terrorist attacks and murders. Boaz Golan: "It is not possible to remove likes on Facebook, even after the surfer has been blocked. Their murderous hatred is inconceivable. On the social network Mikey, we do not let them in at all."

    The hallucinatory Omer Bar-Lev thinks they do not feel good or quarrel with their family and so they murder Jews.
  177. Arab-Islamist racism: "Palestinian" Authority is officially antisemitic - it has also a problem with the Bible. DP, Oct 19, 2022.


    An epithet began by the PA, using it on Jews reciting the Biblical verse in Deuteronomy, 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one..."

    Though Haredim, their Rabbis believe it's forbidden now days to ascend the mountain where the Temples stood and visit rather the Western Wall. However, those that are religious-Zionists and follow their masters that permit access, recite the above verse at the Temple Mount. (Some bow, as in Isaiah 27:13).

    Upon those scenes, the PA and Hamas, etc. came up with the phrase as supposed "talmudic", which is false, as it is Biblical.

    Since the "Palestinian" Arabs fear a backlash against openly demonizing the Bible, the Pallywood deceptive lying culture chose that T word, since it can galvanize also Neo-Nazis, that old alliance with Islamists.

    Not that it matters to these both extremists entities - that Haredi anti-Zionism is actually the Talmudic based.

    (BTW the Bible is the source for the Talmud which interprets it [classic example is that 'An eye for an eye', the Talmud explains that it's not literal but monetary compensation], but this is not the point).

    In order to vilify, the bigoted racist "Palestinian" leadership, typically, ironically, used the R word on its victims and its prayer. In other words, the Arab "Palestinian" entity claims the Bible is "racist"."

    Since then, the "Palestinian" Authority recently had 'expanded' the anti-Semitic smear to include any prayers/locations, not even relating to the Temple Mount.

    The Palestinian Authority is officially antisemitic. It calls all Jewish prayer "racist Tal... rituals.", EoZ, October 16, 2022.
    The official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa, which reflects the official Palestinian Authority positions, reported about Jews worshipping at the Kotel, the Western Wall on Saturday.

    Not on the Temple Mount - but the Western Wall that Jews visit and pray at every single day...

    There is no difference between the Shabbat prayers yesterday at the Kotel from the prayers at every traditional synagogue on Earth.

    The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that every Jew who visits the Kotel is a "settler."

    The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that every Jew who visits the Kotel is has no right to be there and is "storming" a Muslim site.

    The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that the term "Talmudic," which is the source for virtually every detailed Jewish law from kosher to Chanukah, is an epithet.

    The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that everyday Jewish prayer said daily, worldwide, is considered (supposedly) "racist Tal... rituals [sic]."

    Wafa has previously used the phrase "racist Tal... rituals" to describe Jewish prayer, but up until now it was always in the context of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. This is the first time, as far as I can tell, that they are mimicking the same antisemitic language attacking Jewish worship on the Temple Mount to apply to the Kotel as well.

    By extending its bigoted language to apply to mainstream Jewish worship at the Western Wall, the PA is saying that all Jewish worship is (supposedly) racist and therefore immoral.

    This is officially sanctioned antisemitism, and officially sanctioned antisemitic incitement, by the Palestinian Authority.

    It is undeniable - and indefensible.

    Which means that it will be almost certainly be roundly ignored.

  178. Antisemites rooting for a Jewish civil war. (Then again, anyone rooting for a civil war is pretty much an antisemite.), EoZ, July 24, 2023.

    Palestinian news site Amad as well as other sites have an opinion piece by Jordanian Ibrahim Abu Atila that asks Arabs to stop being coy and admit that their enemy is Jews, not "Zionists."

    Those of us who speak simply and who do not know theorizing and embellishment of speech and those who are not affected by what the media promotes say that those who are hostile to us are the Jews.. while those who assume in themselves culture and openness to the world say that those who are hostile to us are the Zionists... Both of these statements are true...

    He then goes on to say that while Israel was founded by secular Zionists, now it is run by "Talmudists." And now the judicial reform debate in Israel is between the seculars and the "Talmudists."

    And now, as we are on the verge of approving those laws that diminish the role of the judiciary and increase the control of religious Jews over the occupation entity, a major conflict has begun between the two currents.

    Although the existence of the two currents depends on the Talmudic approach, and that both of them are considered a real enemy for us, our enemy is the Zionist in both its religious and secular forms. It is necessary and necessary for us to return to the conviction of the simple and elderly among us that the Jews are our enemies, no matter how hidden they are and whatever clothes they wear.

    Then, somehow, he says that both sides are really Talmudists anyway.  

    Finally, he expresses his fervent wish for a civil war that will wipe out Israel and allow the Palestinians to take over.

    We hope that the conflict will intensify and escalate openly so that we will reach advanced steps in it, leading them to a civil war that will help us get rid of both streams and liberate the entire Palestinian land from them....

    This has been a popular theme, as the Palestinian and other Arab media have been closely following every Israeli news story that predicts doomsday is imminent. They just have to wait, they believe, and then allow the Jews to destroy themselves.

    According to Jewish tradition, the major reason the Temples were destroyed was "sinat chinam," baseless hatred between Jews.  It is saddening tat we are seeing such baseless hatred today in Israel, and the judicial reform debate has been allowed by both sides to degenerate into an emotional fight between conservative and liberal, between religious and non-religious, and it is used as an excuse to widen fissures that have nothing or little to do with actual judicial reform. 

    Take away the rhetoric and absurd name calling, and thoughtful people on both sides have a lot they can agree on. But those voices are being drowned out.  

    I have my own opinions on the debate, but at this time judicial reform is not the debate anymore. Right now the enemies of Israel are the people who are eagerly widening the split between the two sides, and this is happening on both sides of the debate.

    The way I see it, the two sides at this time are not the pro- and anti-judicial reform sides. The two sides are those who want to widen the split in Israeli society and those who want to narrow it: those who want to fuel sinat chinam and those who want to stop it. 

    The Israelis fueling the baseless hatred on either side of the debate are the allies of the Arab antisemites like Abu Atila who are cheering them on. __

    Actually [13] anti Zionist sect among the Haredim are THE Talmudists - basing their ideology on the Talmud. As Zionism is rooted in Tanach even before Talmud explanation.
  179. David M. Weinberg, 'Tis the season to nail Israel, JPost, Dec 24, 2020.

    ... THESE SCREEDS demonize Israel and seek to cover up the real reason for Christian decline in Bethlehem: the Palestinian Authority and radical Islam.

    It started with Yasser Arafat. Arriving from Tunis, Arafat immediately set out to suppress the Palestinian middle class across the West Bank, which he understood could be the only real opposition to his planned dictatorial authority. He nationalized most business sectors and squeezed Palestinian small businessmen out of business. Especially hard hit were middle-class businessmen of Bethlehem, mainly Christian.

    Arafat then sidelined the long-time Christian mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, and Arafat’s henchmen led a campaign of terrorism and intimidation against Christian institutions and families in the city. Land theft, beatings and harassment of Christians in Bethlehem by PA security services and other gangs became routine. Forced marriages between Christian women and Muslim men were reported. In 2002, Arafat’s terrorists even took over and defiled the Church of the Nativity for 39 days, holding 200 priests hostage as the terrorists sought to escape Israeli justice.

    The result was an inexorable and ongoing Christian exodus from Bethlehem; a city captured by the PA and taken over by a very intolerant strain of Islam.

    Nevertheless, PA President Mahmoud Abbas annually releases a malevolent Christmas message in which he cynically calls Jesus Christ a “Palestinian messenger,” and goes on to blast Israel for denying “millions” of Christians their “right to worship in their homeland.”

    This is an ugly attempt to apply “replacement theology” (in which Christians are said to have superseded the Jews in a covenant with God) to the Palestinian assault on Israel. In Abbas’s reversed and warped world, the Jewish-Christian Jesus has been replaced by a Palestinian Christ, and Christianity is under attack by the Jews, not the Arabs and Muslims.

    Not only is this untrue, but it ignores the radical Islamic assault on Christians across the Middle East, often with government encouragement and support.

    According to a report commissioned in 2019 by then-British foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, pervasive persecution of Christians “sometimes amounting to genocide” is ongoing in parts of the Middle East. Millions of Christians in the region “have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against,” the report finds.

    It also highlights how states and state-sponsored social media incite hatred and publish propaganda against Christians, especially in Iran, Iraq and Turkey. “The governing AKP in Turkey depicts Christians as a “threat to the stability of the nation. Turkish Christian citizens have often been stereotyped as not real Turks but as Western collaborators.”

    Iraq has lost at least two-thirds of its Christians over the past two decades. More than 600,000 Syrian Christians have been displaced or fled Syria since the civil war began. Other Christians have been massacred and buried in mass graves. In Gaza, Islamic terrorists have bombed churches, killed prominent Christians (mostly Greek Orthodox), and forced others to convert to Islam. In the West Bank, Arab Christians are better off than almost anywhere in the region, but only an estimated 50,000 live there – about 2% of the population, down from 10% in 1920.

    Overall, Christians now make up only 4% of the population of the Middle East, down from 20% a century ago.

    It should be the season for a rigorous world defense campaign on behalf of beleaguered Christians in the Middle East. Instead, ‘tis the season to nail Israel.
  180. Palestinianism - B4 Xmas, racist Arabs push blood libel of fake "persecution" of (sic) Christians, DP, Dec 21, 2021.
    Christian Population in Israel Grew by 1.4% in 2020.

    By Aryeh Savir, Tazpit News Agency - 17 Tevet 5782 – December 21, 2021 In 2020, the Christian population in Israel grew by 1.4%, the Central Bureau for Statistics showed in a special report published Tuesday ahead of the New Year holidays. The growth rate of the Christian population in Israel over the years is constant and is always on the rise, the numbers show. For comparison, the growth rate in the Jewish population was 1.5% and in the Muslim population 2.2%. These statistics in a flourishing Christian community in Israel stand in contrast to recent allegations presented by the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem about a threat to their existence in the Holy Land. [14]


    Jerusalem Churches Launch Christmas Blood Libel Claiming They Are Persecuted by Jews - David Israel, Dec 21, 2021 [15]


    'Outrageous, False, Dangerous': Israel Rejects Accusations of Religious Discrimination in Entry to Country By TPS / Tazpit News Agency. 15 Tevet 5782 – December 19, 2021 Israel issued a stern statement rejecting and condemning the accusations of any religious discrimination regarding the granting of entry permits into Israel, following allegations by Christian groups on the subject. Wadie Abu Nassar, advisor and media spokesperson of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, claimed Wednesday that Israel was discriminating against Christian pilgrims and banning their entry into the country while admitting Jewish visitors. "These unfounded allegations of discriminatory conduct are outrageous, false, and dangerous. We expect religious leaders to not engage in and promote the baseless discourse of hatred and incitement that only serve to add fuel to the fire of antisemitism and can lead to violence and cause harm to innocent people," the Foreign Ministry stated. The ministry explained that the renewed outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Israel and the new Omicron variant has "led to a change in the regulations and procedures regarding entry to Israel, just as many other countries have done. These changes, unfortunately, include a ban on tourists entering the country." The Exceptions Committee, which discusses special entry requests, has issued numerous permits, to both Jews and Christians. Some of the approved requests were those that came from the church authorities in Israel, including permits for priests to enter the country for the upcoming Christian holidays, the ministry noted. Israel "prides itself in its ardent devotion to safeguarding and promoting freedom of religion and worship for members of all religions and denominations in the country." "Israel has an open-door policy that allows church leaders to discuss with relevant government officials and authorities a variety of issues, including preparations for Christmas," and is "currently involved in special preparations for Christmas and its surrounding events and ceremonies in order to enable access to holy places for worshippers while ensuring their health and safety," the statement read. "We expect religious leaders to renounce hate speech and invite them to continue the regular and fruitful dialogue with the Israeli government," the Ministry concluded.

  181. Barry Shaw, The Truth About Christians in the Holy Land this Christmas, American Thinker, December 25, 2021.

    Sadly, this Christmas, many Christian leaders must enter into a period of theological soul-searching. Christian diplomats from once proudly Christian nations failed to oppose the United Nations General Assembly resolution that designated the central holy sites of Jerusalem to be exclusively Islamic property, thereby excising both Jewish and Christian history and the biblical heritage of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. And, following this recent fraud that Israel will never accept, Christian pastors and bishops are now preaching blasphemy against Israelis and the Jewish State. This Christmas, the Archbishop of Canterbury colluded with the Archbishop of Jerusalem in suggesting that the fate of Christians in the Holy Land is being challenged, not by those who have been threatening Christian existence in once Christian majority towns, but by Israel. This is nothing short of a barefaced lie. It more than hints of disgraceful replacement theology, a medieval blasphemy against Jews that, sadly, continues by misguided church leaders to this day. The Archbishops, in an inaccurate and biased article published in the anti-Israel Times newspaper under the dramatic title, “Let us pray for the Christians being driven out of the Holy Land,” more than hinted that Jews were the ones driving Christians out of the Holy Land... They may be religious leaders. They are certainly not statisticians. They admit that the Christian population in Israel has grown. Indeed, there are now more Christians in Israel than Druze. Christians have been free to follow their faith and various churches have taken root in Israel including Roman, Armenian, Syriac, Maronite, Chaldean, Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, as well as Anglicans and other Protestants.

    Israel protects the only significant population of Samaritans in the world. It is where the Baha'i faith is centered (in Haifa) after being persecuted in Islamic countries, particularly Iran.

    And yet, the Archbishop of Canterbury and his colleague in Jerusalem have forged an alliance that picks on the Jews for the persecution of local Christians when, if they were to be truly honest, they would admit that the real danger to Christianity lies in the locations that Israel handed over to the Palestinians to administer, and Bethlehem is a prime example.

    When Israel was established in 1948, Christians composed 80% of the holy Christian town. This Christmas, Bethlehem Christians are a shrinking minority, less than ten thousand strong.

    They pretend it’s because of Israeli checkpoints. At least this is what the replacement theologians behind the Kairos campaign allege.

    Truth is, until Israel handed over control of Bethlehem to the Palestinian Authority the vast majority of local businesses were owned by middle class Christian families who were driven out by the Muslim population who did to the Christians what Arabs had done to the Jews in Arab lands. In 2006, David Parsons of the International Christian Embassy wrote in a Jerusalem Post op-ed that Christians who remained in Bethlehem “suffer from the same Islamic hostility that is battering Israel, and which views both Jews and Christians as followers of ‘inferior’ faiths naturally destined to be subjugated by Muslims.” He was referring to the edict of Sheikh Yussef Salameh, the Palestinian Authority's undersecretary for religious endowment, who promoted the idea, in 1999 after Israel had left Bethlehem, that Christians should become dhimmis, second-class citizens "protected" by a majority Muslim administration. It’s an easy search to uncover multiple Christian tales of persecution by Muslims in Bethlehem.

    Why should they treat Christians better than Jews? Bethlehem became a hot bed of Palestinian terror. Multiple deadly attacks were launched from Bethlehem against Jews in Jerusalem and Kiriat Araba. In 2002, when the IDF moved in to arrest the perpetrators of one particular deadly attack, the terrorists took over the St. Mary’s Church, held priests and nuns at gunpoint, and used the sanctuary of the church to open fire on the soldiers. The Israeli soldiers did not return fire and negotiated the safe release of the Christians.

    By Christmas 2005, one Italian blogger wrote, “The Mayor of Bethlehem is Christian, but it is Hamas that’s in charge.” [17]

    Threats, physical attacks and extortion drove Christians out of their holy town. Their businesses and homes are now occupied by incoming Palestinians.

    The Kairos lie alleges that Christians fled because of Israeli checkpoints, but these checkpoints didn’t prevent thousands of Arab Muslims entering the town to usurp the homes and businesses of departing Christians.

    This is one fact that the two Archbishops failed to address this Christmas. This Christian persecution has been repeated in the Gaza Strip ever since Hamas usurped power in Gaza during the Palestinian civil war between this Islamic terror group and Fatah. One result of the Hamas takeover has been that Arab Christians have fled the Gaza Strip, some finding shelter in Israel.

    In short. Where Israel handed control over to the Palestinians one direct result has been that Christians inevitably fled. Where Israel retained control, the Christian population increased, prospered and were protected.

    This is the truth about Christianity in the Holy Land this Christmas.
  182. B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩⁩, 30 December 1955.

    Resurrects Religious Prejudice

    United Nations (AJP) strange, the very last important meeting at the UN of 1955 the — 709th session of the security council last week — had to concern the Israeli-Arab conflict. But, stranger still, this pre-holiday meeting had to bear and hear the embittered voice of the Syrian Ahmed Shukairy resurrect, in the sly serpentine way peculiar to him, religious bias and prejudice against the Jewish people.

    Most of the representatives sitting around the table were well familiar with this sort of Arab, pseudo-Christian anti-Jewish argumentation. One of Shukairy's predecessors, as head of the Syrian delegation, Faris El-Khouri, had long ago indulged in this insidious type of anti-Semitism during each December season. So this was nothing new.

    IN AN attempt to connect the modern Israelis... Shukairy bemoaned: Israel is fishing for trouble in the very waters she has perturbed.

    If any testimony is needed —( and here comes his sinister —inference)—it ...was around Lake Tiberias... Charging Israel with murder in the way of the Nazis, Shukairy continued... Mr. Eban has accused me of religious prejudice...
  183. B. Lerner, "Behind the British Conspiracy," B'nai B'rith Messenger, 12 July 1946, p.6.
    I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not have been all wrong," and warned that his side was ready to "play along with Moscow." They always play along, the Husseini-Shukeiri mob. Outside the Young Men's Christian Association building in Jerusalem, where the hearings of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee were being held at the time, I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri (he being Shukeiri's chief) of playing along with Moscow, and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews "for Hitler couldn't be all wrong... you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question..." Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d'etat to gauleiter the Middle East for Hitler...
  184. [18] [19]
    Take a look at the charming Matan: A 25-year-old with disabilities, who left the house to buy a can of cola and then a resident of East Jerusalem [Arab] just started abusing him, impersonating a police officer and threatening to arrest him. Photographed everything and shared a tik tok in a post that won hundreds of thousands of shares and shaming this lovely guy. We met him and his family who are angry that despite the tik tok terror, he has been released. (Dec 19, 2021)
  185. The court released an Arab who abused and frightened a young man with special needs, Hakol, 20/12/2021.

    The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court has ordered the release from custody of Ala Qaswani [Kiswani, Keswani], an Arab from the Beit Hanina neighborhood of Jerusalem who is suspected of impersonating a police officer, abusing a helpless person with special needs and distributing videos in which he allegedly abused a young man. In the video, a Qaswani is heard telling a young man with special needs that he is suspected of stealing a bottle of Coke and he is taking him into custody in the Russian compound. The helpless young man looks frightened at being approached and replies 'not enough ...' several times. The video, which was uploaded to Qaswani's Tik Tok account, was handed over to the police, where he was summoned for questioning...

    The video also shows how Qaswani touches and disturbs an ultra-Orthodox guy in a pharmacy.

    The Qaswani family from Beit Hanina is considered a seller and became famous about a month ago after the assassination of one of her family members, Muhammad Kiswani in the area of the Orient Hotel in the German Colony in Jerusalem. The background is a clan conflict of several years with a family from the village of Beit Iksa near the Ramot neighborhood in Jerusalem. Shortly after the murder, members of the Kiswani clan, most of whom live in the Beit Hanina neighborhood, arrived at the house and began destroying the house of the murder suspects using a shovel and threw numerous Molotov cocktails at the house and a vehicle parked there.

    They later set fire to a store and other properties belonging to the rival family.
  186. Shira Dabush (Cohen), Tik tok terror returns: An Arab impersonated a "policeman" from the Israel Police and abused a helpless Jew, and this is not the first time. HIDABRUT, 16 Tevet 5782. 20.12.21.
    Itamar Ben Gvir: "It is not enough to stop, we need an indictment"

    A video that was uploaded to social networks in recent days by Itamar Ben Gvir - makes a name for itself.

    The video shows a young and helpless Jew being asked by an Arab worker employed in the construction of the light rail and impersonating a police officer from the Israel Police, to present an identity card.

    Here is the conversation between them, Shudai will upset and upset you too: "Where are you from?" The Arab asks. "I live in the Sanhedria," the young man replies. Arab: "Bring an ID card." Jew: "What, are you a policeman?". Arab: "We are police."

    A Jew, as he takes out of his pocket his ID card: "Are you not taking me to jail?". Arab: "I'm not taking you to jail. Open to see." The Jew opens his ID card and while asking the Arab: "Are you doing this to everyone?". Arab: "Okay. You have an interrogation, and you come to me on the Russian pitch. Come. Put handcuffs on his hands, and come." At this point, the Jew has already really panicked, begging for his life: "No, enough ...".

    Alongside the video, Ben Gvir wrote the following words: "Tiktok terror is back! Ala Qaswani monitored traffic in the construction of the light rail in Jerusalem, filming abuse of a boy with a disability and up to his tik tok account and this is not the first video he humiliates Jews and up to his tik tok account. "It's not enough to stop. An indictment should be filed!", He concludes.
  187. Shilo Freid, Neither livelihood nor al-Aqsa: they simply hate Jews, Makor Rishon, May 10, 2022.

    Against the background of the wave of terrorist attacks, Ohad Hemo went to East Jerusalem and discovered to his amazement (or not) that young Arabs there wanted to kill us.

    An article by Ohad Hemo, the commentator on Arab affairs of News 12, was broadcast last night (Monday) with a precise timing: Hemo went to East Jerusalem to hear what young Arabs think of Jews, with the sequence of attacks continuing in the background.

    "Every Jew and Jew should [he says] die. Every Jew," said a boy named Ahmed Lehemu. "me too?" The reporter asked twice and the young man answered unequivocally "Yes. All the Jews." "I tell you - I am with Hamas. I go with Hamas. Not Palestine, not Fatah, nothing, only Hamas," said a young resident of the Shuafat ... "There is nothing about Hamas. Sinwar scared them madly, hid behind the trees. When Abu Obeida threatened them, Abu Obeida has a word, when he threatened them they started hiding in their homes," said another interviewee.

    Hemo tried to pretend to be surprised, but this is not the first time he has brought up these voices - exactly the voices the left prefers to ignore. For years they explain that terrorism is the result of oppression, fighting for the homeland, despair of the peace process. But here eloquent and clear young people come and say exactly what they think, without apologizing: their problem is not a hill in Samaria, not a Palestinian state, not Jerusalem and not even the desecration of al-Aqsa. They just hate Jews, and want to murder as many of us as possible. Like that, simple. No opening for arrangement, understanding or in-depth analysis.

    This article was broadcast on the night of May 10, the anniversary of the beginning of the riots across the country in which the same young Arabs participated, in which Yigal Yehoshua was killed in Lod and Avi Har-Even in Acre and many others were injured.

    On the morning after the first wave of riots during Operation Guardian of the Walls, the left explained that this was a result of neglect, budget problems, tension because of the Garin-Torani. It was almost forbidden to say that the murderous spirit of Hamas from Gaza, which dripped into Jerusalem, began to spread among Israeli Arabs as well.

    Look at Hemo's article. Hear the murderous messages and understand: if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck - it's a duck. They just hate Jews.
  188. Watch: Ohad Hemo interviews young random passers-by in Shuafat, who tell him "every Jew and Jew need to die, including you", Rotter News, 10.05.22.
    Ariel Schnabel Tweeted (May 10, 2022):

    And again our corner "Just listen to them": Ohad Hamu in Shu'afat, interviewing people on the street. Not "extremists", not "terrorist operatives", not "armed" - a group of random young Arabs: "Every Jew [he says] should die." "me too?" Asks Hemo, And they are not confused: "Yes! Yes! Every Jew and Jew need to [sic] die! It is written in the Qur'an that every Jew and Jew [he says] should die!" Will you finally listen to them, dreamy "peace" of your kind?

  189. MEMRI @MEMRIReports (May 23, 2022):
    Palestinian Academic Riyad Abu Ras: The Jews Have Two Choices – Either They Go .. to Europe, or Palestine Will Be Their Graveyard [#Palestinians #Antisemitism].
  190. Stephen Pollard, Abbas's Berlin press conference confirmed a deep truth about the Palestinian president, The JC, Aug 17, 2022.

    We should stop taking him as we want him to be and focus on what he actually is... Abbas’ thesis ...for good measure he adds that six million dead is a made up figure to prompt sympathy. The real number who were killed, Abbas tells us, was around a million. But in 2003 he told Haaretz: “The Holocaust was a terrible, unforgiveable crime against the Jewish nation, a crime against humanity that cannot be accepted by humankind. The Holocaust was a terrible thing and nobody can claim I denied it.” This statement has been used to portray Abbas’s thesis as some sort of youthful mistake which the mature statesman has moved on from — to show that Abbas is the man so many in the West want him to be. His statement, however, demonstrates nothing of the sort. When he wrote his thesis in 1982 he did not ‘deny’ a Holocaust took place. Rather, he distorted and warped it — changing the very nature of the Shoah (and the number murdered) so the blame for their death lies with the Jews themselves. (He reiterated all these assertions in 2013 to Al-Mayadeen, an Iran-sympathising TV channel in Lebanon.) On Wednesday he ‘clarified’ his remarks in Berlin, saying that “the Holocaust is the most heinous crime in modern human history.” Credulous fools have again ignored what Abbas actually means by that. It’s time we stopped projecting what we want Abbas to be and focused on what he actually is, using his own words. In a speech in 2018 he informed us that Israel is a “colonialist project that had nothing to do with Judaism” — to such an extent that European Jews chose to stay in their homes and be murdered rather than live in Palestine. Do I have to point out the moral degeneracy of such a proposition? It would seem so, given the persistent refusal of so many to take Abbas for what he actually is.

    Tuesday’s events in Berlin are, in the scheme things, trivial. But as so often, a larger truth is confirmed by trivialities.
  191. Abu Mazen: "Israel committed 50(sic) holocausts(sic) on us"; Lapid: "History will not forgive him" AP, Aug 16, 2022.
    The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, who is visiting Berlin, avoided condemning the massacre of the athletes in Munich - and while he was giving his speech, Chancellor Scholz was seen contorting his face. Prime Minister: "a moral disgrace". Earlier, Scholz clarified that for him, Israel is not an apartheid state According to the AP news agency, during the PA chairman's speech, the German chancellor grimaced in displeasure - however, he did not react in real time, but later issued a statement to the German "Bild" in which he criticized Abu Mazen's choice of words. The horrors of the Holocaust are unacceptable," Scholz said.
  192. [ German Chancellor on Abu Mazen: "Disgusted by his outrageous statements", ICE, Aug 17, 2022.
  193. Storm following the words of the terrorist Abu Mazen Chairman of Yad Vashem: "His abominable words - horrifying", 0404 - 17/08/2022.

    Dayan: "Abu Mazen's hateful words today in Berlin about '50[sic] Holocausts[sic]' are horrifying, the German government must respond appropriately to this unforgivable behavior"... In addition, German Ambassador to Israel Stefan Seibert was outraged by Abu Mazen's words and wrote on his Twitter account: "Germany will not tolerate any attempt to deny the unique dimension of the crimes of the Holocaust." Prime Minister Yair Lapid also condemned the remarks, but Bezalel Smotrich reprimanded on Twitter: "Profile of hypocrisy. That's why your defense minister will continue to invite him to his home. You and he will continue to restore him to relevance in the international arena, strengthen him and give him 'loans' of hundreds of millions to pay salaries to the families of terrorists."

    The terrorist Abu Mazen said the harsh words, when asked if he intends to apologize to Israel and Germany for the actions of the Arab terrorists 50 years ago at the Munich Olympics.
  194. [@EU_Commission Vice-President/Promoting our European Way of Life (Migration, Security, Health, Skills, Education, Culture, Sport, fighting Antisemitism, FoRB)] Margaritis Schinas @MargSchinas:
    The statement by PA Pdnt Mahmoud Abbas is unacceptable. The Holocaust is an indelible stain on European history; it erased Jewish life and heritage in many parts of our continent. Holocaust distortion is dangerous. It feeds antisemitism and has a corosive effect on democracy.
    -- Aug 17, 2022.
  195. 195.0 195.1 The daughter of the victim of the athletes massacre in Munich is furious: "Abu Mazen was part of the murder plan", 103FM, Maariv News, 17/08/2022 .

    The statement of Abu Mazen, ".. 50 holocausts[sic]" caused a great storm, and triggered many reactions in the world and the political system, with the Biden administration and Germany, which was present, strongly condemned his statement.

    Shlomit Romano, the daughter of Joseph Romano who was murdered in the Munich 1972 massacre, was hosted in Anat Davidov and Golan Yukpaz's program and in 103 FM, and said: "Abu Mazen was part of From the same planning of the murder. Abu Mazen apparently did not make the path we hoped he'd do, and to my great dismay does not understand that the Holocaust does not compare anything else. Holocaust is something that can not be compared to and throw it into the air." "This is not the first time that Germany is not ready against Palestinian terrorism, it happened 50 years ago. Unfortunately, Germany apparently did not grasp to understand how to deal with Palestinian terror then nor today," Romano said...
    Spelling out racist Abu Mazen's belittling (again) the Holocaust Aug 2022. DP, Aug 18, 2022.

    • 1. The sweeping under the carpet of:

      a. His own involvement in the 1972 Munich massacre.

      b. And the Neo-Nazi Palestinian corporation at the 1972 crime.
    • 2. Belittling the Holocaust, part of Abu Mazen's own long history of Holocaust denial since the 1980s, at least.
    • 3. Attempts to rewrite history of:

      a. The Arab massacre of Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1938, 1947; the massacres by Fedayeen in the 1950s (which Adolf Eichmann assisted in weapons supplies).

      b. Arab Palestinians, pro-Hitler as German official reported in 1937; in that year 'All' of Arab-Palestine celebrated Muhamnad's birthday with flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler (NYT reported on May/23); Arab-Palestinians officially and in general hailed Hitler in 1938 (as reported in the US in Sep/Oct of that year); Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti with Jamal Husseini's Futuwwah modeled on HitlerYouth; Grand Mufti's pact with Hitler in Nov 1941; his tour of concentration camps in 1942; his plan to build death camps in Palestine; his intervention against rescuing Jewish children who were about to arrive in Palestine; his urging the Nazis to bomb Jews in Palestine; his Operation Atlas plot which some say included poisoning some 250,000 Jews of Tel Aviv; Arab "Palestinians" overwhelmingly cheering and praying for the Axis victory (1940) - as Ahmad Shukeiri wrote in his book that about himself and others as "we;" Arab "Palestinian" 80% pro Hitler in Feb 1941 (poll); Jamal Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri justifying the Holocaust in 1946 and the latter promoting neo Nazi group in Nov 1962 at the UN.

      c. Trying to cast every clash since 1947 as a "massacre." (Asides from the very phenomenon of criminally attaching the Holocaust label to events, even if they are massacres).

      d. neo-Nazi: Udo Albrecht, Karl-Heinz Hoffman and Fatah corporation.

      e. Glorification of terror massacres, for decades.
  196. Ryan Jones, "Palestinian Leader Enrages Germany With Holocaust Lies", Israel Today, August 17, 2022.
    — German media slams chancellor for remaining silent as Mahmoud Abbas spewed poisonous falsehoods about Israel and the Jews.
  197. Trooper attacks Abu Mazen: "Shame, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Munich massacre", Israel Hayom, 8/17/2022.

    The Minister of Culture and Sports responds to the harsh words of the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority: "Any attempt to present a different truth is a complete lie that distorts the face of history." Following the harsh words of Abu Mazen... the Minister of Culture and Sports today (Wednesday) attacked the statements of the chairman of the Palestinian Authority. "Abu Mazen's words are despicable and constitute a terrible disgrace" Trooper wrote, "This year we mark the 50th anniversary of the massacre of Israeli athletes in Munich by Palestinian terrorists - any attempt to present a different truth is a complete lie that distorts the face of history.

    Any attempt to compare the terrible Holocaust with the activities of IDF soldiers protecting the citizens of Israel is distorted and false. There are bad and there are good and we will continue to fight for the diagnosis between them and against any historical distortion, legitimization of terrorism and harm to the Jewish people."
  198. Abu Mazen Funded Munich Massacre, INN, Apr 29, 2003.
    Mahmoud Abbas, known as Abu Mazen, long the treasurer of the PLO, was the man who provided financing for that attack...
  199. Yoram Ettinger, Who Are You Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas)?, "YNet", Jan. 14, 2005.
    ... In 1972, Abu Mazen was responsible for raising the funds, required for the Munich Massacre of 11 Israeli athletes. He acquired much of his subversive skills at the KGB headquarters in Moscow, where he received (at Moscow University) his Ph.D. on Holocaust Denial. No Western society would tolerate a holocaust denier holding a prominent position, but Abu Mazen has been accorded respect...
  200. Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Abbas Lauds Munich Murder Leader, INN, July 4, 2010.
  201. Sick: Mahmoud Abbas's party Fatah called the 1972 Munich terrorist attack in which Palestinians brutally tortured and murdered the Israeli Olympic team a heroic operation...

    StandWithUs, Sep 6, 2016.

  202. 202.0 202.1 Abbas's trivialization of Holocaust spurs inquiry by Berlin police, JNS, August 19, 2022.

    Berlin police opened a preliminary inquiry into whether Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas broke German laws against incitement of hatred... "[He] downplayed the most terrible time in the history of our country, and in the history of my family and religious community," said Mike Delberg, who filed a complaint against the Palestinian Authority leader... Abbas’s statements, made during a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday, were in response to a question about if he would apologize for the massacre of 11 Israeli coaches and athletes by Palestinian terrorists during the 1972 Summer Olympics—as the 50th anniversary of the event approaches. According to the Associated Press [20], downplaying the Holocaust is a criminal offense in Germany, though a preliminary inquiry does not automatically mean a full investigation... The comments drew international condemnation, and Scholz called [21] Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid to clarify that Germany opposes Abbas’s trivialization of the Holocaust. "I am disgusted by the outrageous remarks made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas … ," Scholz said in a statement [22]. "For us Germans, in particular, any relativization of the singularity of the Holocaust is intolerable and unacceptable. I condemn any attempt to deny the crimes of the Holocaust." Mahmoud Al-Habbash, an advisor to Abbas, defended Abbas’s denial of the Holocaust, saying during a televised address republished by MEMRI [23] that the Israelis "want us to forget history, while they want the world to remember a history which is mostly forged [sic. Mahmoud], exaggerated, fabricated [sic. Mahmoud], with no basis in reality."

    According to Jerusalem Post Palestinian affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, national and religious groups in the Gaza Strip have condemned [24] the German investigation, saying that the "... committed by Israel are not less than the crimes committed during [World War II] against the Jews and others."
  203. After the storm of the Holocaust: the German police announced the opening of an investigation against Abu Mazen, The Observatorial, Aug 19, 2022.
  204. Eldad Beck, Germany should send money to families of Munich victims rather than Palestinians, ILH, Aug 22, 2022.

    After Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust denial, Germany has increasingly been called on to impose sanctions on the PA and decrease its aid to the Palestinians. Former German parliamentarian Volker Beck proposed a creative idea this week to resolve the crisis regarding the compensation to the families of 11 Israeli athletes who were killed at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich by members of a Palestinian group. After Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of committing "50 (sic) Holocaust" against Palestinians while in Germany, and refused to apologize for his remarks, Beck who heads the German-Israeli Parliamentary Friendship Group – called on the government to transfer the funds earmarked as Palestinian aid to the families of the Israeli athletes instead. He stressed that according to Olympic security officials, Abbas was involved in the preparations for the 1972 attack and apparently even financed the operation. Since Abbas' scandalous remarks at the joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Germany has increasingly been called on to impose sanctions on the PA and decrease its aid to the Palestinians. Between 2021 and 2022, Berlin has sent Ramallah around 340 million euros. The German Foreign Ministry said it does not intend to decrease the funds. It is unclear how much of the aid comes from the German government directly as political foundations and aid and civil organization also contribute. The information is defined by the Bundestag as a "state secret." Relatives of the murdered Israeli athletes have long criticized how German authorities handled the attack and this year announced they would boycott the upcoming memorial ceremony in Munich to mark the 50th anniversary of the massacre due to Germany's "degrading compensation offer."

    German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been working on a compromise between the parties that would prevent Germany from being humiliated at the memorial ceremony due to being boycotted by Israel.
  205. PSR Poll: 68% of Gazans support Hamas' decision not to become directly involved in the armed exchange between Islamic Jihad and the Israeli army, IMRA, Sep 20, 2022.
    Two-thirds think it was right for Abbas to use the “Holocaust” in reference... during his visit to Germany..
  206. "Poll: Palestine President Abbas’ popularity rose after statements in Germany." Middle East Monitor, August 26, 2022.
  207. PA Presidential Advisor Al-Habbash Defends Mahmoud Abass's "50 Holocausts" Comment: He Was Speaking On Behalf Of Us All; We Are The Real (sic) Semites, The History Of The Jews Is (sic) Fabricated, Memri, Aug 17, 2022.
    Source: Palestinian Authority TV.
  208. All of the world’s problems, including the Coronavirus, are because of Israel says Abbas’ religious advisor, claiming that Allah is punishing Israel and its supporters for "injustice(sic)" against Palestine, Palwatch, Nov 26, 2021.
    "The punishment that is befalling all of humanity including economic collapse, epidemics, climate change… everything that is happening in the universe is because of the [sic]injustice" of Israel's "oppression," states PA.

    (Official Palestinian Authority TV, Nov 26, 2021).

  209. J..s are "foreign (sic) criminals (sic) and thieves" declares PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge, Palwatch, May 3, 2022.
    Waving Israeli flags and singing the Israeli national anthem on Temple Mount "will ignite a religious war in Jerusalem" threatens Supreme Shari’ah Judge of Palestine and Abbas’ Advisor, who warns that Israel "is playing with fire and will be burned."

    WAFA, official PA news agency, May 3, 2022).

  210. 210.0 210.1 Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (87), PCPSR, 14 March 2023.
    A large majority of 71% say they support the shooting of two "settlers" in Huwara while 21% express opposition to this and similar armed attacks...

    Palestinians OVERWHELMINGLY support the cold blooded murder of Jewish civilians. And they always have. EoZ. Mar 14, 2023

  211. Atara German, "Police not at the incident": Knesset discusses violent crime against Jews, Makor Rushon, 08/12/2021.
    Knesset members from right and left discussed escalation in violence, incitement and protection against Jews since the Guardian of Walls riots.

    ... The conference was attended by many Knesset members from right and left, including Bezalel Smutrich and Shlomo Qarei, the initiators of the debate, along with Yoav Kish, Itamar Ben Gvir, Ofir Sofer, Yoav Ben Tzur, Musi Raz and more. During the discussion, it emerged that the Knesset had delayed the approval of Smutrich and Qarai's request to hold the emergency meeting, and these bypassed the postponement by activity through the Negev Lobby, a meeting through which does not require special approval. Representatives of the police and the State Attorney's Office were even invited to the hearing, but they refused to attend.

    Strategic Adviser Meir Lyush, a resident of Lod who published in the May riots about his activities to protect Jewish residents during the riots, revealed data on terrorist incidents in the city: by October, four stone-throwing incidents, 32 Jewish boys and girls, 25 car vandalism incidents and many dozens of car incidents Rampage, fireworks and criminal shooting.

    In comparison, from October to the present: 24 vehicle vandalism incidents only in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood, including shattering windows, breaking mirrors, puncturing tires, breaking door handles and attempting to break in. In addition, seven tin arsons were recorded in October, including dragging a burning tin to the center of the road and blocking the access road to Ganei Aviv, 15 attacks on youths on a nationalist basis, and 13 stone-throwing incidents on Jews from October alone.

    Yair Kraus, a first-hand correspondent who lived in Acre and experienced and covered the disturbances during the Guardian of the Walls period closely, insisted that six months after the events, most of the detainees were released: "In Lod, the Negev and the north many lynchings are remembered. For the rest of the hours."

    He sharply criticized the conduct of the police: "If we expected the police to be a deterrent or guard during riots - it has failed miserably, even now it continues to fail because we hear about antisemitic incidents every day. The police are not at the incident."

    Krauss cited a number of examples of violent incidents from the past two weeks in Acre, which he claimed "if they had read in Paris, London, in the US everyone would have been in a hurry to condemn. But when it happens in the country, there is silence. "For example, a Jewish resident encountered an Arab who told him:" The Jews should be thrown out of Acre, "and only after he saw a hammer in his car did he not attack it.
  212. Gideon Dokov, Along with the fight against criminal crime, nationalist crime demands a solution, Makor Rishon, 14/11/2021.

    The rise of nationalism in Arab society is a separate issue from the criminal issue, and it requires separate treatment, and soon.

    It is not easy these days to be a Jew living in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood of Lod. In the past month, there have been at least ten stone-throwing incidents against Jews and their homes in the neighborhood. In ten other cases, Jewish boys were attacked by Arabs, and at the same time no less than 15 cases of vehicle vandalism were counted - including shattering windows, breaking mirrors, puncturing tires and breaking door handles.

    It is not only the residents of Ramat Eshkol who suffer. The access road to the Ganei Aviv neighborhood in the city was recently blocked by a burning trap set by Arab boys. At the Ganei Aviv spring bridge, near the lynching scene in the late Yigal Yehoshua.., stone-throwing occasionally occurs.

    These are joined by more and more cases of spray-painting swastikas on the homes of Jewish residents, or marking the doors of houses in X. Derogatory cries, threats and verbal attacks by Arabs against Jews have already become a matter of routine. Residents of Lod say that many places in the city have become unsafe, and Jews cannot pass through them in the evening or at all. Mothers are afraid to sit with their children in playgrounds, and Jewish boys rarely roam the city alone for fear of being attacked and humiliated against a nationalist background.

    In Acre, the situation is not much better. There, too, Jewish boys are often attacked on the street, Jewish women and their children absorb curses and spitting in the playgrounds, and after seven in the evening you will have a hard time finding Jews on the streets of the city center. Similar stories can be heard from Jews in other mixed cities. In many of the cases the attackers do not go to the police to complain at all, realizing that it is of no use. Experience shows that most complaints will be closed without serious consideration.

    Anyone who comes up with complaints against law enforcement officials will hear in response that they are dealing from morning to evening with the issue of crime in Arab society. Statements about the importance of this struggle are repeatedly heard from the Minister of Internal Security and the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General and senior police officers. Just this week we heard about the "Great Raid in the History of the State," in which dozens of arms dealers from the Arab sector were arrested and many weapons seized. "None of the Jews killed by Arabs in the 5781 riots were hit by firearms. The horrific lynching was done with sticks and stones." But all this talk and operations will not help, because crime in Arab society is divided into two types that have a fundamental gap between them: criminal crime and nationalist crime. The heads of the system focus solely on the criminal aspect, and close their eyes to the nationalist issue. Anyone who reads the speeches of government ministers and heads of the law enforcement system will see that they are dealing exclusively with the criminal issue. And most importantly, in the plan published for the fight against violence in Arab society there is no reference to the nationalist aspect.

    The treatment of the criminal aspect and the crime families in Arab society is extremely important; First and foremost because Israeli Arabs are equal citizens who deserve to enjoy personal security on the streets, and on the other hand the law should apply to them just as it applies to every other person in Israel.

    But even if all the illegal weapons in the Arab sector are collected, and even if the activities of crime families are eradicated, this will not eliminate the growing nationalist crime, especially in the cities involved. None of the Jews who were murdered by Arabs in the 5781 riots were harmed by firearms. The horrific lynching was done with sticks and stones. Although there were shootings, they were rare.

    Many of the Arabs arrested and charged with assault had no criminal record, and were in no way connected to the crime families.

    The extensive activity to capture the criminal elements in Arab society will not stop the harm to Jews in the cities involved, nor will it restore a sense of security there. The rise of nationalism in Arab society is a separate issue from the criminal issue, and it requires separate treatment, and soon.
  213. Akiva Van Koningsveld, Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre, JNS, November 17, 2023.

    Ninety-eight percent of respondents said the Oct. 7 slaughter made them feel "prouder of their identity as Palestinians." Slightly more than three in four Palestinians have a positive view of Hamas in the wake of its Oct. 7 slaughter in Israel, according to a survey by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) research firm.

    The Ramallah-based institute polled 668 Palestinian adults in the southern Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria between Oct. 31 and Nov. 7. (The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points, AWRAD said.)

    The Palestinian poll, the first of its kind since the Oct. 7 attacks, found that 48.2% of respondents characterize Hamas’s role as “very positive,” while 27.8% view Hamas as “somewhat positive.” Almost 80% regard the role of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades “military” wing as positive.

    The Al-Qassam Brigades killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and wounded thousands in the Oct. 7 attack on southwestern Israel. In addition, terrorists took some 240 people hostage.

    When asked whether they support or oppose Hamas’s actions on Oct. 7, 59.3% of the Palestinians surveyed said they “extremely” supported the attacks and 15.7% said they “somewhat” support the murderous rampage.

    Only 12.7% expressed disapproval, with 10.9% saying they neither support nor oppose the attack.

    Almost all (98%) of the respondents said the Oct. 7 slaughter made them feel “prouder of their identity as Palestinians,” with an equal percentage saying they would “never forget and never forgive” the Jewish state for its ongoing military operation against Hamas.

    Three-quarters said they expect the Israel-Hamas war to end in a Palestinian victory.

    In response to the question “What would you like as a preferred government after the war is finished in Gaza Strip,” 72% said they favor a “national unity government” that includes Hamas and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction.

    Approximately 8.5% said they favor a government controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

    In addition, more than 98% of Palestinians surveyed by AWRAD hold negative views of the United States.

    On Nov. 8, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Gaza must be handed over to the P.A. following hostilities. The solution in “must include Palestinian-led governance and Gaza unified with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority,” stated Blinken.

    During an Oct. 18 visit to Tel Aviv, U.S. President Joe Biden delivered a speech in which he claimed that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.”

    AWRAD said that “the poll’s sample includes all socioeconomic groups, ensuring equal representation of adult men and women, and is proportionately distributed across the West Bank and Gaza.”
  214. Imshin Replying to @imshin (Mar 14, 2024):

    It's popular. "The song we were raised on - Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dogs"

    1. TheGazaYouDontSee .

    [25]</blockquote></span> </li>

  215. Itamar Marcus, PA: All mosques must teach that extermination of Jews is an Islamic imperative, Palwatch, Oct 22, 2023.
    The genocide message was included in the PA Ministry of Religious Affairs’ instruction sheet for all preachers for this past Friday.
  216. Condi Rice and Palestinian Racism By Observer Staff, Oct 4, 2006.
    Condi.. Rice has returned to the Middle East, and under the headings of Muhammed cartoons, sexism, and racism, it should be remembered that 2 months ago a Palestinian paper printed an ugly cartoon mocking Rice’s (grotesque) statement that the Lebanon war marked the “birth pangs” of a new Middle East. The cartoon showed Rice pregnant with an armed monkey. And no, nobody here burned down an embassy to protest it, did we?.. But the Palestinians also could learn something from our Secretary of State about multiculturalism.
  217. Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006.

    Palestinian media use racist terms including 'colored dark skin lady'.

    While US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been in the Middle East meeting regional alongside Israel's military campaign in Lebanon, media outlets controlled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party the past few days have been using racist rhetoric in their reports, referring to the American representative as the "black woman," "raven," "colored dark skinned black lady" and "black spinster."

    The Palestinian media coverage follows an article last week in which WND reported senior Fatah members staged an anti-American protest outside the main government building in Ramallah while Abbas met with Rice. Most media coverage of last Wednesday's Ramallah protests claimed ralliers were affiliated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
  218. "New York Times,"Rice’s Hurdles on Middle East Begin at Home", by Helena Cooper, August 10, 2006
  219. Barbara Ferguson, "Condi’s Cartoon, Wasn’t That Freedom of the Press Too!", Arab News, August 5, 2006. [26].
    This cartoon, first illustrated by a Palestinian daily newspaper, describes US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as a pregnant woman with an armed monkey.
  220. Khaled Abu Toameh "Palestinian anti-Rice feeling peaks with monkey cartoon", Jerusalem Post, August 2, 2006.
  221. Tamano Shata to Tibi: "You are a racist, you constantly mention that I came from Ethiopia", Kikar haShabbat, 12 Adar A. 5774, 02/12/2014. [27].
    MK Ahmed Tibi slammed Netanyahu that "you would never have told MK Tamano Shata when she complaints, to go back to Ethiopia" and caused an uproar. Tamano Shata to Tibi: "You are rude, the chief racist"...
  222. "You are a collaborating Druze; my shoe is cleaner than your community", Globes, 29.04.1999.

    The Druze policeman, who claims that Ahmad Tibi insulted and attacked him, testified today (Wednesday) in the Jerusalem District Court.

    "You are a Druze collaborator. My shoe is cleaner than your community" - this is how the Druze policeman described the incident with Tibi near an Israeli checkpoint in the Ramallah area. According to the police officer, Ahmad Tibi was not in the vehicle that was stopped for inspection and he arrived at the scene only after he was called to the scene by his driver. The policeman stated in his testimony that after the first insults, Tibi attacked him with a punch and even said to him: "Come on, shoot me."

    Continuing his testimony, the policeman said that senior officers arrived at the scene and instead of receiving a report from him, they rushed to Tibi, to hear his version.
  223. Talem Yahav, "Raed Salah's sentence reduced to 9 months", YNet, Apr 18, 2016.

    Leader of the Islamic Movement's Northern Branch was convicted of incitement to violence and incitement to racism during a 2007 sermon.

    The Supreme Court decided on Monday to shorten the sentence of Raed Salah, the head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, from 11 to nine months.

    Salah was convicted of incitement to racism and violence for a sermon he delivered in a mosque in East Jerusalem in 2007 following archaeological digs close to the Mughrabi Gate which leads to the Temple Mount.
  224. Ran Farhi, Israeli Arabs claiming racism must condemn Khatib, News1, 07/10/2009.

    Ethiopian Immigrants Organization responds sharply to Khatib - a senior member of the Islamic Movement who spoke out against "Negro policemen"

    The statement by Kamal Khatib, the deputy leader of the northern faction of the Islamic Movement, against policemen of Ethiopian origin continues to resonate.

    Advocate Tal Chukol of the Tabaka organization, which fights racism against Ethiopian immigrants, reacted sharply to Khatib's remarks. "In these words, he revealed his racist worldview towards the Ethiopian community. These things are hard on every ear, and seven times harder for those who belong to the Ethiopian community. I expect the Westerners of Israel who claim racism against them to condemn Khatib's words unequivocally. "Silence for them is like agreeing with these racist things."

    Chocol added that he expects law enforcement to act accordingly, as required in these cases of incitement to racism. "The necessary legal measures must be taken because these things constitute an offense under the Basic Law 'Prohibition of Defamation.' According to the "Prohibition of Defamation" Law. The phrase 'Negro policeman', aimed at policemen of Ethiopian descent, is intended to demean and humiliate police fighters, who are doing their job faithfully. Use of this racist expression constitutes an offense under the "Prohibition of Defamation" Act.

    MK Michael Ben-Ari (Ihud Leumi) also responded to Khatib's statement, when he today demanded that Attorney General Menachem Mazuz open an investigation against Khatib, on suspicion of inciting violence and racism.
  225. Y. Goldflam, "When responding to imaginary racism in real racism", Presspectiva, Nov 6, 2014.

    Salman Masalha wrote in Haaretz that the state of "Zionist evil" "has no right to exist", all because of some questions he was asked at Ben Gurion Airport. And also: why was it important for him to emphasize the "black color" of the security guard?

    In other words, according to Masalha's testimony, he was received at the gates of Ben Gurion Airport kindly, approached with one technical question while waiting in line for check-in, and again, a few moments later, while several other questions were of an informative technical nature. On this minor incident, Masalha was so furious that he came out in a froth against the "racists of Z.....m" from the "rotten kingdom of I....l," the same "men" whose "little heads" brazenly ask him the "usual stupid questions." The same "Ophir." Who seemed to him to be of Oriental descent, described as follows:

    Ophir is a young and black security man. Perhaps a descendant of converts from the southern Arabian Peninsula, and perhaps from the Atlas Mountains. But one thing was clear as sun, its black color looked very faded, tattered and stained with evil.

    The effluent that he poured on the State of Israel was wiped out by Masalha in a statement that "there is no right to exist" for the state of "Z... evil", which deserves, a Nazi [sic] like her, to come next time at the gates of its airport with a yellow badge. And Haaretz found all this worthy of publication.

    When the newspaper's publisher, Amos Schocken, was asked on Twitter if he did not think Masalha's tongue was racist ("his black color looks very faded"), he initially said no, as "indistinguishable from the context", but eventually agreed and admitted that it might make sense. Of Masalha, who interpreted his experience in the field as racism towards him, was “to respond in racist language to show that racism can be two-way.” In other words, the Haaretz publisher admits that his newspaper gave rise to a racist remark by one of his writers.

    Zero kidnappings since 1968

    If we extend the discussion beyond the author's racist and extremist language, then Foam goes against the "profiling" method - the selective inspection method used at Ben-Gurion Airport, which concentrates the security check on people whose profile, consisting of their religion, national affiliation or origin, May pose a danger in some data. Since Haaretz has sharply chosen to categorize the method, it is worthwhile to understand what the profiling method is, what its advantages and disadvantages are and what has been done over the years to improve and reduce as much as possible the discomfort and humiliation it may cause Israeli Arabs ...
  226. [Journalist] FURAT NASSAR @nassar_furat Tweeted (Jul 22, 2020):
    The couple from Umm al-Fahm and Rahat, recently got married, (and received) a severe attack on a racial background because of the bride's skin color, and in this video they respond to criticism on social media.
  227. More on racist Islamist TikToker with 50k followers Walla Khalaila, DP, Jun 8, 2022.
    Notice how he calls the Ethiopian policewoman an "Abd." Yes. Dark-skinned people are called 'slaves' in Arabic.
  228. Nir Dvori, The rape in "Gan Ha'ir" - an event with a nationalistic background, 03.12.15.

    The Ministry of Defense recognized the rape of the young woman in Tel Aviv in 2012 as an act of hostility. The rapist, a Palestinian from Nablus, also forced the victim and her partner to have sex in front of him. The severity and brutality of the act led to the decision to recognize the victim as a victim of terrorism. The rape that took place in the Gan Ha'ir parking lot in Tel Aviv about three years ago will be recognized as an act of hostility with a nationalist background, the Ministry of Defense decided this morning (Thursday). Following the decision of the "Approving Authority" in the Ministry, the rape victim will be recognized as a victim of a hostile act according to the Rewards Law and will even receive assistance from the National Insurance Institute. The Ministry of Defense explained that the security background of the accused and the seriousness of the act are what led to the decision on the issue. We also noted that the defendant expressed himself several times on different occasions, from which it was implied that he had a nationalist motive for his actions. Among other things, the "Approving Authority" in the Ministry of Defense found statements by the accused concerning the differences between the different nationalities and the Israeli-Arab conflict. In one of his police interrogations, for example, the accused spoke about the difference between "his respectable sister and the Jewish woman who walks the streets", and also about the fact that his Jewish interrogators are not natives of this land but "foreigners and that before 1948 there was no such thing called Israel". "From the totality of the statements it appears that this is an act of violence aimed at harming a person due to his belonging to the Jewish nation," said attorney Yedidia (Didi) Oron, the senior deputy to the ombudsman for the defense system for claims and insurance, by virtue of his authority as the "certifying authority" in the defense ministry. "I hope that the victim of the horrific act will be able to rehabilitate herself and find relief for her pain." "25 years in prison for the rapist" The difficult case occurred in May 2012, when a young woman was brutally raped in the Gan Ha'ir parking lot in Tel Aviv in front of her partner, when the rapist even forced her and her partner to perform sexual acts in front of him. After a few months, the suspect was arrested, who was finally convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison - exceeding the punishment limit established by the rape law. The rapist, 23-year-old Ahmed Bani Jaber [احمد بني جابر], petitioned the Supreme Court - which decided about two years later to shorten his sentence to only 25 years. The main point of Jaber's argument was that he cannot be given such a long prison sentence for only one act of rape. The panel of judges, headed by Judge Yoram Danziger, rejected the claim and agreed with the district court that recognized both the young woman and her partner as victims of the crime. Therefore, the judges decided that "in this case it is possible to impose on him a punishment that exceeds the maximum punishment fixed for the crime of rape, in view of the existence of two victims of the crime". The judges emphasized that their decision was made "in view of the multitude of sexual offenses committed by Jaber and in view of the cruelty that accompanied their execution". Like the district court at the time, the supreme judges also agreed that "this is an extremely unusual case, which justifies a stricter punishment that exceeds 20 years of actual imprisonment." Despite all this, the judges decided to "reduce the punishment a little" and set Jaber's sentence at 25 years in actual prison, because according to them the punishment was too severe.

    Attorney Roni Aloni Sadovnik, who represents the victim in the attack, said that since Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon took office, "a new wind is blowing both in the IDF and in the Ministry of Defense as far as the status of women is concerned. We are grateful for the open-mindedness and the willingness to examine the requests of rape victims with gender eyes, the recognition will completely change the life of the victim, who has just finished military service now and will be free to take care of herself, learn and restore the fragments of her life."
  229. Avi Ashkenazi, Three Palestinians are suspected of a 20-year-old crippled rape, Walla!, May 25, 2016.

    First posting news: The police arrested two suspects residents of the territories who were allegedly raping a young mentally disabled woman in Tel Aviv, utlrinared on her and called out racist slurs. The case was hidden for fear of confrontations between Arabs and Jews, and hunting was underway for by the third suspect, Israeli citizen whose identification is known to the police. Two Palestinian residents of the territories and an Israeli citizen are suspected of raping a 20-year-old disabled woman with a nationalist motive - this was allowed to be published today (Wednesday). Allegedly, the three were recorded raping the intellectually disabled young woman in a hostel in south Tel Aviv, pouring their water on her, spitting on her and chanting racist slogans during the act. The police hid the affair for ten days for fear of igniting clashes between Arabs and Jews, even though they held two suspects for nine days and are hunting for the third suspect, whose identity is known to the police. One of the suspects, Emad Eldin Dragma (عماد الدين دراغما), a resident of the territories, apparently filmed the rape in order to spread the documentation. He was brought this morning for an extension of detention at the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court. In the documentation allegedly filmed by Dragama, two of his friends, one of them a minor resident of the territories who was also arrested, are seen raping the young woman and humiliating her. In the hearing on the extension of Dragama's detention, the judge emphasized the seriousness of the incident and the difficult situation of the complainant, who suffers from a disability and mental retardation. Apparently, the investigation of the complainant, who lives in south Tel Aviv, revealed a difficult picture of the acts, and in the hearing it was stated that since the incident she has been in a difficult mental state and needs treatment.

    "This is an incident in which the suspect, together with others, committed serious sexual offenses against the complainant, who is intellectually disabled and suffers from a disability. It is suspected that these were sexual offenses committed along with racist comments and threats to harm the complainant's family, as well as other acts with the aim of influencing and harming her," the judge said at the end of the hearing.
  230. [ Adv. Roni Aloni Sedovnik, 'Following the reports about the rape of the 7-year-old: it's time to talk about national rape,' ILH, June 19, 2019.

    In the event that the published details turn out to be true, the case of the rape of the 7-year-old girl will join the case of the late 8-year-old Lipaz Himi who was raped and murdered, the rape in the city garden, the rape and murder of the late Uri Ansbacher and another series of horrific crimes of nationalist origin. How long will we continue to ignore this phenomenon? The headlines of the journalists this morning herald the decision of the military prosecutor's office to file an indictment on suspicion of rape allegedly committed by a resident of the territories on a 7-year-old girl, and this in the presence of additional witnesses. Meanwhile, the accused denies everything. In such difficult cases, it is important to wait for the results of the legal investigation before the public gets angry, since there is more hidden than visible at this stage, as well as certain details in the story, in my opinion, deserve a deeper examination before the media's investigation. However, the new case calls for shining a light on the alarming phenomenon of daily wild incitement in the Palestinian media and the Palestinian education system, seeing Israelis as subhuman, and Israeli women as daughters without honor (that's what the rapist said in the Gan Ha'ir case to Medovev ["plant"] who was placed in his cell). The incitement of the Palestinian Authority calls on a people who are not an organized fighting force to go out into the territories of Israel and destroy, destroy, kill and harm Israeli Jews in any way. Incitement that shows daily illustrations and cartoons in which IDF soldiers are seen sexually assaulting a female figure wearing the Al-Aqsa Mosque crown or a woman who symbolizes Palestine kneeling in front of soldiers who pull down their pants. The Palestinian Authority assimilates and encourages sexual crimes as a weapon against the Israeli enemy, and we have data from the security forces that prove that the incitement to sexual humiliation of Israeli women in the areas of the seam line is a widespread but silenced phenomenon on both sides. In conversations with Palestinian representatives and security prisoners, I have been told many times that a Palestinian who rapes or commits a sexual offense tarnishes the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and they oppose it, but this is foolishness in its embodiment since the cocoon has risen - do not be surprised by the leadership of Fatah, Tanzim and the Palestinian Authority that so many terrorist attacks also include humiliating sexual offenses against girls, girls and women. When you release a crazed monster into the streets of a city after starving it in a cage, you cannot claim that you are not responsible for what it devoured. The incitement to hate Israelis long ago crossed the limits of the laws of war. This week an international conference on war and justice is being held in Jerusalem, although 810 cases of sexual assault on a nationalistic background have already been counted just in the seam line - to date, the organizers of these conferences have not found a place to discuss these war crimes. Maybe our country believes that if they don't call it by name, it will disappear? The UN Security Council states that a sexual assault committed by a citizen of one nationality against a citizen of another nationality, in a recognized area of conflict between the two nations, will be considered a war crime. Nevertheless, it was very difficult for us to convince the Ministry of Defense that the rape of the late Lipaz Chimi at the age of 8, on Independence Day 2006, there was a nationalistic event. But a firm fight backed by evidence for a nationalist motive did its job, and especially the opinion of Chief Mani Itzhaki who stepped out of the square box and weighed my claims with rational feminist eyes, and chose to break the concept that dominated the Ministry of Defense. Thanks to the gender perspective that Superintendent Itzhaki introduced into his professional considerations, he decided to have a difficult debate with the Ministry of Defense, which for years resisted our request to see the late Lipaz hit by terrorism. Since the recognition, which we see in our office as a historical legal precedent in the history of the struggle for women's rights, we have been able to bring such recognition to another 5 minors and women. Additional girls that I represent in other cases, who were also raped by Palestinians, insist that this was a hostile attack for all intents and purposes and was carried out against the background of the conflict between the nations. And they must be recognized as victims of hostilities due to nationalistic rape. The rape in Gan-ha'Ir [City garden] was also recognized as a terrorist incident, the rape of the late Lipaz Himi was also recognized as an attack after a persistent legal battle that we waged, the rape in 'Gey Ben Hinom' of a student from Bezalel was also recognized as an attack only after a difficult legal battle, and the rape on Sironit Beach was also recognized as a nationalistic terrorist attack as well . Only after a long legal battle. The fruits of our struggle resulted in the fact that even in the case of the late Ori Ansbacher Z"L, the Shin Bet appeared at the scene of the crime immediately even though it was a sex offense before the murder. This should be the case in any case of nationalistic rape.

    Rape has always been a humiliating weapon against the women of the enemy nation - the time has come for the authority to take responsibility and act actively to stop the incitement.
  231. Matan Wasserman, The women's organizations turned to the ombudsman: "The affair of the pimping in the jails is a nationalistic terrorist event for all intents and purposes", Maariv, 07/10/2022.

    The Chairman of the Council of Women's Organizations in Israel sent an urgent letter regarding the affair to the legal adviser to the government, attorney Gali Beharev Miara. She claimed: "The decision not to file an indictment will be a cry for generations and will create an unprecedented crisis of confidence." Following the apparent decision not to press charges of rape against the security prisoner Mahmoud Attallah despite the claims made by one of the prison guards who served as a soldier in Gilboa prison, under the pretext of the lack of eyewitnesses or supporting evidence for her claims, yesterday the chairman of the Council of Women's Organizations in Israel Usherit Stabon sent an urgent letter on the matter to the adviser Attorney General Gali Beharev Miara. In the letter signed by the women's organizations: Emunah, Benot Brit, Witzo, Na'amat, Hadassah Women, Ort Women, Academic Women and Soroptomist, it was written, among other things, to the Legal Adviser to the Government: "The very thought that there is any chance that the State of Israel will not act to bring justice for those female prison guards who were physically injured And in their souls, they hide sleep from the eyes of every citizen in the State of Israel, and in particular from parents who are supposed to send their daughters to the state service." This is a nationalistic terrorist event for all intents and purposes, and a decision regarding not filing an indictment will be considered a cry for generations and will create an unprecedented crisis of confidence among the public. Would anyone think of demanding evidence from a soldier who was attacked by a terrorist without anyone in the area to support his version? Even to the extent that there are evidentiary difficulties, the victims should be allowed to speak in court and remember that the prosecution, especially in crimes of this type, has a role that is not only legal but also public in actually standing by the victims and supporting them without reservation." In conclusion, they claim: "It is needless to say what tremendous mental strength is required from the victim to come to confrontations with those who harmed her and to agree to be exposed to the difficult cross-examinations in court, despite the wounds that have not yet healed, and we will return her face blank? What message will this send to all those victims and victims of sexual assault?"

    The Legal Adviser to the Government stated: "The referral has been received and will be handled as usual."
  232. Jonathan Spyer, "Turkish ethnic cleansing strategy in Syria uses Israeli-Arab NGO", JPost,, Feb 4, 2022
  233. Pilgrimage to a New Self: The African Quarter and its people, Jerusalem Quarterly, Nov 16, 2002.

    In Focus... Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.

    On the Edge of Acceptance

    It was not the first nor the last time that these black Palestinians would feel the prejudice of a Middle East that continues to carry a pronounced color consciousness. "Fair and Lovely," a "skin lightening" product once popular (and now considered decidedly passé) in the United States is advertised regularly on Arabic satellite television. Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as "abeed," literally translated as "slaves." Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.
  234. M. E. Taylor, "The revealing story of Afro-Palestinians and how they made Jerusalem their home," Face2FaceAfrica, August 24, 2018.
    Meanwhile, there are other large communities of Afro-Palestinians in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank town of Jericho, with many of them being descendants of slaves or soldiers brought in during Ottoman times.

    Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.

    They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in the country’s struggle for independence.
  235. 235.0 235.1 Ilan Ben Zion, "The Old City’s African secret" TOI, 6 Apr 2014.

    A community of African Muslims has lived for generations in two former prison buildings right next to the Temple Mount. Today, it numbers 350 staunchly Palestinian members.

    When asked about the African migrants who have flocked to Israel from Eritrea and Sudan in recent years, Qous said that initially they tried to help them, “but most of the time we’ve been faced [with the fact] that they have good recognition of the State of Israel, and… we have a bad perspective about the [Israeli] occupation.”

    The Afro-Palestinians are fervently committed to the Palestinian nationalist cause. According to Qous, most of the Afro-Palestinians of Jerusalem have served time in Israeli prison and the police know they are “a bad group.” ...

    Ali Jiddah planted four hand grenades on Strauss Street in downtown Jerusalem in 1968. The blasts injured nine Israelis and Jiddah spent 17 years in Israeli prison....

    In spite of their strong identification as Palestinians, there is nonetheless a degree of racial discrimination against them by the broader Arab population.

    “Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as ‘abeed,’ literally translated as ‘slaves,'” Charmaine Seitz wrote in a Jerusalem Quarterly article on the African community in 2002. “Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.”

    But Jiddah ...

    When the Africans first came to British Mandate Palestine, said Qous, they faced “a lot of difficulties in order to be accepted in [Palestinian] society.” After the first generation of immigrants married local Arab women, they became better integrated.

    “Now we don’t have this kind of problem here, because we are not a Scandinavian country, you know?” he said. “Jerusalem is a mosaic society. It’s a multicultural society.”

    Elsewhere, like Ramallah, he said, it might have been more difficult.

    “Black, white,” said Mohammed, the elderly merchant, “we’re all one.”
  236. Boaz Arad 博雅 @aradboaz: תמיד אפשר לסמוך על וייס ניוז שיתנו במה לארכי-מחבל על מנת לקדם את המיתוג של הקונפליקט הישראלי פלסטיני כמאבק בין לבנים לשחורים ולהשוות את מה שקורה בשייח ג׳ראח להריגתו של ג׳ורג׳ פלויד. סינוואר לוחץ על כל הכפתורים הנכונים של הסמול האמריקאי. You can always rely on Vice News to give a platform to arch-terrorists in order to promote the branding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle between whites and blacks and to compare what is happening in Sheikh Jarrah to the killing of George Floyd. Sinwar presses all the right buttons of the American left. Jun 7, 2021 Asaf Yaari @asafy Replying to @aradboaz: שיספר איך מפלים אפרו-פלסטינים, למשל בעיר העתיקה בירושלים He should tell how Afro-Palestinians are discriminated against, for example in the Old City of Jerusalem. Jun 7, 2021
  237. 237.0 237.1 237.2 237.3 237.4 Asmaa al-Ghoul, "Black Palestinians shrug off racism, Al Monitor, November 4, 2013.

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — “Hey, chocolate,” “Hey, cappuccino,” “Hey, Galaxy [brand of chocolate],” “Hey, brown one” and “Hey, black one,” are jocular expressions used by some in Gaza when a man, woman or child of African descent passes by. Sometimes the racism is expressed nonverbally through looks. Gazans, however, seem unaware of this racism.

    Al-Monitor met with political activist Samah al-Rawagh, 33, at her home and asked her whether she experienced any discrimination due to her skin color. She made light of the matter. Yet, when her father Ahmad al-Rawagh, 80, recounted incidents he had experienced involving racism, Samah was shocked. “That’s the first time I’ve heard such stories from you,” she said.

    “I struggled a lot to overcome the difficulties caused by the color of my skin. I always had to doubly prove myself at school, at work and in life, because I’m dark-skinned,” Ahmad said...

    Ahmad remembers when he was a teacher in the late 1950s, and one of his colleagues invited everyone, except him, to a wedding. “That day, I felt embarrassed, and I decided that no one in my family would go through such an experience,” he said...

    Samah agreed with her father and added, “I never felt that the color of my skin made me different from others. I always had the best toys and clothing. I studied in a private school, and I felt that people liked me. Sometimes, I heard comments that bothered me, but this is the first time I’ve heard about my father’s suffering.”

    Samah did not deny that she has been hearing more discriminatory words recently, but she denied that it is about hate. “I hear phrases such as ‘Hey, Galaxy.’ But I sometimes feel that it’s banter, rarely for the purpose of harassing me,” she said...

    "Africans first entered Palestine during the Islamic conquests, specifically when Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab entered Jerusalem, accompanied by a number of Africans. African communities from Chad, Nigeria, Sudan and Senegal came in the late 19th century, either for worship or to participate in the resistance," Bakhit noted in an interview with Al-Monitor.

    According to Gaza Through History, a book by Ibrahim Sakik, wealthy families in the Gaza Strip participated in the slave trade hundreds of years ago. Another book, Delighting in the Wealth of Gaza's History, notes that some of the residents of the Palestinian village of Berbera were dark-skinned people who came from Morocco.

    The "black neighborhood"

    Next to the Rawagh family’s home there is an entire area on Jala Street inhabited by dark-skinned Gazans. The people and taxi drivers refer to it as the “black neighborhood” or the “dark-skinned neighborhood."

    Mohammed Abu Rashed, 13, who is a talented soccer player and dreams of becoming like Lionel Messi, recounted his experience to Al-Monitor. “At school, they say ‘Hey, chocolate,’ but I don’t pay attention to them.” His friend Ahed, 17, interrupted and said, “Liar. We do get bothered.” ...

    Abed al-Rawagh, 21, who works at a grocery store at the neighborhood’s entrance, told Al-Monitor that racism affects his business. “I don’t feel discriminated against until a white girl or woman comes to buy from the grocery store. As soon as she sees me, she changes her mind about buying and leaves. There’s a widespread belief that a black man would harm her. That offends me.”..

    Bakhit, who lives in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, recalled an incident with one of the security services in Gaza after the split in 2007. “The policeman looked inside a taxi and ordered the two dark-skinned men inside, us, to step out. So my brother and I stepped out, and we headed to the search location. After they made sure that we weren’t suspects, we went back to the car. I felt very insulted. The driver asked me why. I told him ‘It seems we are now in Chicago!'”
  238. 238.0 238.1 238.2 238.3 238.4 238.5 238.6 "Black Palestinians face subtle racism in Gaza." Ahmed Alnaouq, Special to Gulf News. May 05, 2017.

    Obaid, who believes his ancestors came from Sudan, says he has to work twice as hard to prove himself.

    Gaza: Black Palestinians constitute a minority of one per cent of the total population of the two million inhabitants living in Gaza Strip.

    While its is difficult to accurately pin their exact origins, many say they came from Ghana, Sudan and Egypt — or at least that’s what has been passed down through their oral history.

    Many first came to Palestine during the Islamic conquests as slaves to serve their owners in the seventh century.

    It is also reported that another wave of Africans emigrated to Palestine in the late 19th century to work as merchants or fighters under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

    Despite their deep roots in Palestine, many still encounter racism and discrimination, although it is to a much less degree as how poorly people of colour are treated in other countries — particularly the US.

    Mohammad Obaid, 26, a folklore dancer and founder of the Dabke Club for children, thinks his ancestors originally came from Sudan.

    “My grandparents worked as merchants in 1948 areas, which is considered Beersheba in Israel today..."

    At least 11,000 black Palestinians live in Al Jalla’a district of Gaza in a neighbourhood called “Al Abeed” which means slaves in Arabic...

    Although there is no official discriminatory policy against black Palestinians, Obaid says that subtle racism makes his life more difficult than lighter skinned Palestinians.

    “If I wasn’t the best dancer, I wouldn’t be on the Dabke team,” he said.

    “I always have to prove myself twice as much as others.”

    Many black Palestinians are not considered for jobs that require direct communication or interaction with customers.

    The majority of Palestinians do not marry black Palestinians, although recently there have been some changes in mentality.

    “Where I live, people accept to marry black Palestinians, but in other areas it is strictly forbidden,” he said.

    It is worse for black Palestinian women — while dark-skinned men may be able to marry light-skinned Palestinians, the reverse is mostly not accepted.

    “I knew a couple who were in love but the father of the would-be groom threatened to renounce him in the newspapers. Sadly, they separated,” he said.

    And Obaid says the security forces have been recently very harsh on black Palestinians.

    When the cops pulled him and his friends over recently, he was the only one from the passengers pulled out for further security checks.

    He took his anger out by writing a poem directed at the police entitled “Blacks are not security suspects”...

    “The police treatment has gotten worse, so for the first time I thought about leaving.”

    But for Karama, a 34-year-old Palestinian woman, who has a black father and white mother, race has never gotten in the way of her success.

    “I personally haven’t experienced any discrimination,” she told Gulf News.

    “Blacks are sometimes preferred by some organisations who seek diversity.”

    Karama has participated and led many different social work initiatives and ceremonies, but she acknowledges that having a white mother could be the reason.

    “I know in other areas of Gaza, people are not as accepting.”
  239. Canary Mission @canarymission Tweeted (Mar 14, 2023):
    "It's not about facts, it's about power." WATCH three prominent anti-Israel activists admit that their accusation that Israel is an apartheid state is a lie. It's just an effective tool to portray Israel as "the villain."
    "Anti-Israel Activists Shamelessly Admit They Lie About Israel," YWN, Mar 14, 2023.

    Three anti-Israel activists unabashedly admitted that they lie about Israel by accusing it of apartheid as seen in a video compiled by Canary Mission, an organization that exposes hatred and antisemitism on college campuses and beyond.

    One activist justified her lies by claiming: “It’s not facts, it’s about power. Apartheid, as a word, has incredible power.”

    Another activist blatantly said that he’s not concerned “about the accuracy of the word. I don’t care. As long as there is a conversation happening in which the villain is portrayed clearly, I think that is good.”

    A third activist even accused the US of engaging in apartheid. Perhaps he meant against white Americans?

    Sadly, it seems that the masses, with rare exceptions, don’t actually care about the truth when it comes to left-wing causes such as vilifying Israel and justifying unscrupulous behavior.
  240. Ilene Prusher, "Mandela Was Critical of Occupation, but Fully Endorsed Israel's Right to Exist." Haaretz, Dec. 9, 2013.

    Mandela’s most notable quotes on the conflict remind us why Netanyahu may have decided it wasn’t worth the trip... and thought the Arabs states would need to reconcile fully with Israel in the context of a peace agreement.

    “To the many people who have questioned why I came, I say: Israel worked very closely with the apartheid regime. I say: I’ve made peace with many men who slaughtered our people like animals. Israel cooperated with the apartheid regime, but it did not participate in any atrocities…My view is that talk of peace remains hollow if Israel continues to occupy Arab lands.” - to reporters during a visit to Israel in 1999, following a meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy.

    “I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel within secure borders.” – Israel visit in 1999

    I have found Jews to be more broad-minded than most whites on issues of race and politics, perhaps because they themselves have historically been victims of prejudice.” - from his 1994 autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom”
  241. Words not spoken by Mandela, The Star, May 11, 2011.

    Mandela, Tutu used ‘apartheid,’ Letter April 20

    Wed., May 11, 2011

    Re: Mandela, Tutu used ‘apartheid,’ Letter April 20 Contrary to Kamal Reilly’s claim, Nelson Mandela never used the word “apartheid” to describe the Palestinian situation. In The Case against Israel’s Enemies, U.S. civil rights litigator Alan Dershowitz explained the source of this false attribution that is regularly circulated by anti-Israel activists to falsely tar the Jewish state, the paragon of humanness, as being racist. Just as this quote was invented out of thin air, so too is the fabricated nonsensical slur that Israel practices apartheid.

    Mike Fegelman, Executive Director, HonestReporting Canada, Toronto
  242. Can Ilhan Omar Overcome Her Prejudice? I was born in Somalia and grew up amid pervasive Muslim anti-Semitism. Hate is hard to unlearn without coming to terms with how you learned it. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, WSJ, July 12, 2019.
    Most men (and the odd woman) in power in Muslim-majority countries are autocrats. Even where there are elections, corrupt rulers play an intricate game to stay in power. Their signature move is the promise to “free” the Holy Land—that is, to eliminate the Jewish state. The rulers of Iran are explicit about this goal. Other Muslim leaders may pay lip service to the peace process and the two-state solution, but government anti-Semitism is frequently on display at the United Nations, where Israel is repeatedly compared to apartheid South Africa, accused of genocide and demonized as racist.

    Media also play their part. There is very little freedom of expression in Muslim-majority countries, and state-owned media churn out anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda daily—as do even media groups that style themselves as critical of Muslim autocracies, such as Al Jazeera and Al-Manar.

    Then there are the mosques, madrassas and other religious institutions. Schools in general, especially college campuses, have been an Islamist stronghold for generations in Muslim-majority countries. That matters because graduates go on to leadership positions in the professions, media, government and other institutions.

  243. (for example, in LATimes, Dec. 8, 2006: "The book is devoted to circumstances and events in Palestine and not in Israel, where democracy prevails and citizens live together and are legally guaranteed equal status."
  244. NPR and Brendeis, Jan.07
  245. One example: Bearing False Witness: Jimmy Carter's Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid, Andrea Levin, Camera, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, 2007 [28]
  246. Ex-President for Sale. January 08, 2007. has been bought and paid for by Arab money. In his recent book tour to promote Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Carter has been peddling a particularly nasty bit of bigotry...
  247. Michael Kinsley, "It's Not Apartheid." The Washington Post, December 12, 2006
  248. The "New" Jewish Time. Jerusalem: Lamda (Assoc. for Modern Jewish Culture), 2007, 305.

    Ilan Pappe links in one breath the Holocaust denial with what he calls the "Nakba [sic] denial" (interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, August 27, 1993). He goes so far as to claim that the Palestinians, like the Jews, are victims of the H... in Europe. His supposedly egalitarian attitude demeans the Holocaust by comparing it to a handful of atrocities committed by both sides during and after the mutual fighting in Palestine in 1948, and thus is very close to Holocaust denial ...

    The suffering of an individual is suffering in any situation and in any place, but it has no resemblance to the Holocaust or a contribution to its understanding. The Holocaust was not only the suffering of individuals (others also suffered and suffer in wars and persecutions) but mainly the destruction of culture and an attempt to completely destroy a people after being denounced and taken out of the human race - and there is no parallel and precedent.
  249. The Nation, Issues 159-161, Israel: Nation & Society, 2005. 25.

    The goal of Dr. Ilan Pappe's work is to turn Israel into a "leper state", that is, a country to which the wider world will impose an economic, cultural, and perhaps even political-security boycott, similar to what was done to South Africa in the "apartheid" era. As such, he has publicly stated, Israel will not be able to withstand Arab terrorism when its hands are tied due to the international boycott and the threat of sanctions by the Security Committee, so Israel will have to succumb to Arab demands and agree to the 1948 refugee return to Israel.

    Dr. Pappe is well aware that achieving this goal will lead to the destruction of all the life systems of the State of Israel, the evacuation of millions of Israelis from their homes, the expropriation of property on a huge scale and the creation of a new political regime, based on an Arab majority The State of Israel as the pinnacle of the resurrection enterprise of the Jewish people will be eliminated and with it an end will finally be put in place! And if anyone thinks for a moment that these were hollow statements, the thinker will remember that the Palestinian Arabs were headed by a Nazi leader, al-Haj Amin al-Husseini, who came as early as 1933, immediately after the appointment of Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor. To the German Consul in Jerusalem, Wolf, congratulated him on this appointment and expressed his hope that the Nazi regime would spread throughout the world ...
  250. Avirama Golan, 'Boycott by invitation,' Haaretz, Apr 28, 2005.

    The Israelis should be interested in another group. The one that aroused and provoked the boycott from the Israeli academy and managed to create the impression that it was a clear ideological boycott and a pure struggle against the occupation. A study of what Pappe himself says (Haaretz, 27.4) reinforces the fear that behind the group's ideological motives, or at least of those who lead it proudly, hides a tone of extortion towards academia. "The union's decision can be easily reversed," Pepe said, "to give Teddy Katz back the title that was illegally stolen from him, and everything will be forgotten."... One can also guess that the ideology of socio-cultural privatization, which dismantled Israeli society, and even more so the left, from the exclusive ethos, made them superfluous. Some understood the change. Others got stuck.

    The Stuck tried to force the academy and the left to accept their one-valued version. Since they failed to do so, and even the whitest pigeons did not respond, they turned to the old Jewish system: calling the Gentiles. And why now? Because any chance of ending the conflict is bad news for them. If the occupation ends, what will be their excuse then?
  251. Ricky Hollander, Background on Professor Ilan Pepe: When ideology prevails over education, Presspectiva, 05.05.09.

    Some of Israel's biggest slanderers are Israelis themselves. Israeli anti-Israel and anti-Zionist academics are accepted as heroes among elements who hate Israel who constitute the oil on the wheels of the anti-Israel hate and propaganda train. Prof. Ilan Pepe is without a doubt one of the leaders.

    The inspiration and motive behind the proposal for an academic boycott of Israeli institutions is a full professor at the University of Haifa who seems to be the opposite of anything intelligent. Ilan Pepe is a native of Israel, a professor of political science and a historian who is at the center of the efforts of the British University Lecturers' Association, which has about 40,000 members, to boycott Israeli universities. As an activist in Israel's Communist Marginal Party, he is the most radical of the historians trying to rewrite the history of the country in order to present Israel as a country born of crime.

    Pappe has long admitted that he is not objective and that his eyes are not subject to factual accuracy. He is willing to admit that his historical articles and statements are driven by the power of ideology, and it is a very simple ideology: Israel has no right to exist, and the international community must impose sanctions on it until its Jewish character disappears.

    Pappe expresses his opinion on historical inquiry and academic objectivity:

    'There is no objective historian in the world. I care less about what happened from the way people see it.' ("Interview with Ilan Pepe," Baudouin Loos. Brussels, 29 November 1999).

    'I admit that my ideology influences my historical articles.' (same as above)

    'The struggle is based on ideology and not on facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as possible that our interpretation of the facts is the correct interpretation, and we do it because we are ideologues and not truth-seekers.' (same as above)

    The debate between us is on one level between hysterics who believe they are completely objective in rebuilding the past, like [my] Morris, and between people like me, who claim to be subjective people trying to tell their version of the past. ("Benny Morris 'Lies About My Book," Ilan Pappe's Response to Morris' Review of Pappe's Book, "History of Palestine" in the New Republic, March 22, 2004, Historical News Network, April 5, 2004)

    [Historical] narratives, written by historians who are deeply immersed in the subject they are writing about - like Israeli historians writing about the conflict with the Palestinians - also prevent serious involvement in the subject and a desire to emphasize a point. This point is called ideology or politics. (same as above)

    'Yes, I use Palestinian sources on the subject of the Intifada. They seem more reliable to me, I admit.' (same as above)

    Pappe bases his accusations against Israel not on proven facts, but on a Palestinian narrative. He freely distorts the truth so that it "aligns" with his ideology, thus testifying to massacres that the IDF allegedly committed, while such acts never took place. The information, and it continues to spread the lie that Israel committed a massacre in Jenin in 2002 despite much evidence (including a UN report) proving that this claim is false. As in the story of Tantura, he suggests that there is a conspiracy to cover up the "massacre" in Jenin:

    More than a year has passed since the IDF invaded the Jenin refugee camp, demolishing houses, killing many of its residents and committing one of the most horrific war crimes in the current intifada, the al-Aqsa Intifada. With the help of the United States, to hide from the world the atrocities that took place in Jenin, and even worse, he also managed to intimidate anyone who dares to tell the truth about what happened there. As can be seen from this book [of Palestinian testimonies], Jenin was not just a massacre, it was an inhuman act of unbelievable barbarism. " Book Review by Ilan Pappe, Counterpunch, May 3, 2003)

    Pappe is also trying to spread his distorted message among the international community, through books, articles, speeches, ideas, and letters. His deceptions are so exaggerated and uninformed that even Benny Morris, who himself is considered a "new historian" and accused of distorting the facts to fit them with his theory of the birth of the State of Israel, distinguished himself from Papa. Morris criticized Pepe's 2004 book, The History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples over the Pages of the New Republic. Morris' article, entitled "Ilan Pepe's new book is shocking," highlights the problem:

    Pappe is a proud postmodernist. He believes that there is no historical truth, but only a collection of many narratives as the number of participants in each event or process; And every point of view or narrative is matter-of-fact, legitimate and true.

    About the book Morris writes:

    'Unfortunately, much of what Pappe is trying to sell to his readers is completely fake.

    According to Pappe, the Palestinians who attacked the Zionist initiative frequently should not be blamed […] The Palestinians are always the victims, and the Zionists are always the "brutal settlers".

    The multiplicity of errors on each and every page is a product of Papa's working methods, as well as of his political leanings.

    For those fascinated by subjectivity and captivating historical relativity, fact is not a fact, and accuracy is not achievable. Why grope for the truth? The narrative is everything. It will come as no surprise to any reader to find out that according to Pappe…' [here Morris provides a partial list of Pappe's many lies].

    Anyone interested in the true history of Israel / Palestine and the conflict between them would do well to run in the opposite direction soon.

    The fact that there are people in the world who eagerly embrace Pappe and his claims, even though he himself admits that facts are irrelevant, indicates that the truth will not stop the opponents of the Jewish state.

    Even more disturbing is that the Haaretz newspaper, whose English-language edition.., published a long article on Pepe and gave him a platform to present his distorted claims about the academic boycott. The article, by Miron Rapaport, was published on May 6, 2005 under the heading "Assigned," and presents Pappe as a victim:

    'At least a dozen threats on his life are recorded on the electronic answering machine ... Pappe was not a popular member of the faculty of the University of Haifa even before the decision, and now even less. The president of the university, Prof. Aharon Ben Zeev, calls on him to leave the university and "implement the boycott himself" that he is behind. Lecturers in the faculty are organizing to boycott him in the corridors, not to talk to him ... Off campus there was someone who described Pepe as a real traitor, the enemy of the public…'

    The story of the boycott, the debate over the allegations of a Tantura massacre and its consequences are presented mainly from Pappe's point of "view". Although his opponents' claims are mentioned in the article, he is mostly based on a personal interview with Pepe, and Rapaport allows him to describe his position at length. He asks soft questions and barely challenges Papa. (For example, Pappe was asked: What is the essence of [the conflict] in your eyes?

    No wonder the article appears on dozens of pro-Palestinian websites that support the academic boycott, and like Pappe, they also support the removal of the Jewish state.
  252. Adam Raz, Ilan Pappe: The historian as Apologist, Berl Katznelson Foundation, Jul 27, 2018.
    Pappé's book is laden with errors, failures, absurd interpretations and unreliability, to the point where it is difficult to decide where to...
  253. CAA urges Birkbeck University to stop Ilan Pappé lecture on why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, Anti-, Nov 13, 2019.

    Ilan Pappe has made several inflammatory comments, claiming accusations of antisemitism have been used “to stifle debate on Palestine” and to “depose” politicians supportive of Palestine as well as ridiculing concerns that the Labour Party has a problem with institutional antisemitism. He has also said that Jeremy Corbyn should not “be afraid” after laying a wreath at the grave of the Black September terrorists who tortured and murdered Israeli Olympians, saying: “as an Israeli Jew I was there [at the same graveyard]…and I paid respect for the freedom fighters of Palestine.” He also defended Chris Williamson’s claim that the Labour Party is “too apologetic” about antisemitism, arguing that “you can’t satisfy these beasts.” Mr Pappe has also defended Jeremy Corbyn’s connection to Holocaust denier Paul Eisen and other antisemites as well as his links to terror groups. Many of these comments have come while delivering speeches of the same title at previous events, making it likely that they could be repeated this weekend. To add insult to injury, the event attempting to whitewash antisemitism is set to take place on a Saturday, the Jewish sabbath. This severely limits the Jewish community’s ability to participate in an event designed to define their own oppression. The SWP has form on this front, having previously been involved in an event featuring the antisemitism-denial group and sham Jewish representative organisation, Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), hosted by their front organisation Stand Up to Racism on the holiest night of the Jewish calendar, Kol Nidrei, the night of Yom Kippur. Birkbeck has previously come under scrutiny over an antisemitic demonstrator at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, who was filmed claiming that the Holocaust happened because Jews are “cowards”. He was later reportedly sighted being escorted off campus by security staff at Birkbeck, University of London. The man had been filmed by students and a member of Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Demonstration and Event Monitoring Unit at a demonstration at SOAS.

    Campaign Against Antisemitism will be approaching Birkbeck to urge the university to reconsider this event and its overtly inflammatory speaker.
  254. Haaretz (Hebrew), June 27, 2008.
    The word Apartheid is a catchy and understandable media headline in large parts of the world, and therefore it is useful for conveying the message that we rebel against it and claim that it has nothing to do with reality in Israel. However, there should not be an identity between the characteristics of apartheid in South Africa and practices of discrimination concerning civil rights practiced in Israel, so that Israel can be called an apartheid state.
  255. Antisemitism in Haaretz (2): Is it enough to show a "family resemblance" to Der Stürmer ("The Assailant")? of course not. Apr 20, 2017.
    And when there were allegations against the generous use of this propaganda term, Schocken had an explanation. Here is an article he published in his newspaper back in July 2008: "Among circles..." That is: to use the insult of "apartheid" against Israel, there is no need for there to be any identity between the regime in Israel and the regime in South Africa called by that name. Suffice it to say that the use of the word constitutes, in Schocken's opinion, "an absorbing and understandable media headline in large parts of the world, and is therefore useful for conveying the message."
  256. Haaretz newspaper incites again, Israel Bar-Nir, Maraah Magazine, 07/02/2008.

    The "Haaretz" newspaper, in its last weekend edition, returned and incited against the State of Israel. An editorial signed by, no less and no more, Amos Shocken, the editor of the newspaper, bears the title Israel the Apartheid[sic] State.

    Although this is not new, it is important to emphasize again and again that this title is false and the whole thing is not intended except for the purpose of incitement for its own sake. In choosing the title of the article, Shocken imitates a well-known "Israeli fan", former US President Jimmy Carter. Shocken knows very well that Israel is not an apartheid state and that there is no similarity between the legal system in the State of Israel and the apartheid regime that prevailed in South Africa and that to claim otherwise is a blatant lie. So, How does he nevertheless justify his devious statement? He expresses the justification for the baseless accusation in this way: "There should not be an identicalness between the characteristics of apartheid in South Africa and the practices of discrimination concerning civil rights practiced in Israel, so that it is possible to call Israel an apartheid state." This is an excuse not so original. He learned this excuse from Carter, who responded in a similar way to the sharp criticisms he received about his latest literary work. And really, why would there be an identicalness? If there is no need to be an identicalness, it gives an opening to any tongue-twister to freely lash out as he sees fit, to facilitate those who do not understand on their own (after all, despite the arrogance expressed in the motto "a newspaper for thinking people", it is not at all certain that the vast majority of Haaretz newspaper readers are indeed composed of people who are capable of thinking), the editor of the Haaretz newspaper explains himself what was the motive that caused him to issue The literal reflection he chose "The word apartheid is the title of a catchy and understandable line in large parts of the world." This is a really good reason. It really suits a person who claims to be the editor of a newspaper for thinking people. It is worth noting here that Carter also used an almost identical wording to justify the name he chose for his literary work.

    Is there discrimination against minorities in Israel? Who has he ever claimed not to be? Is there one of the approximately 200 member states of the United Nations in which one degree or another of discrimination against the minorities living there is not practiced? Sometimes the discrimination is enshrined in law and sometimes, to borrow from Shoken's statement, it is just a practice of discrimination, but discrimination always exists because it is its nature of man. With the exception of a few exceptions whose number does not exceed the fingers of one hand, in none of these countries are the minorities in question hostile minorities, let alone minorities that deny the very existence of the state. It is a bit difficult to say that about the Arabs of Israel.

    There is no similarity between the legal system in the State of Israel and the apartheid regime that prevailed in South Africa and to claim otherwise is a blatant lie.

    What is that "practice of discrimination" that turns Israel into an apartheid state in Shocken's eyes? What bothers him is a section in the citizenship law that prohibits Arabs from the territories of the Palestinian Authority who have married Arab residents of Israel to come and live with their spouses in the State of Israel. When the law was enacted in 2003, as Shocken knows how to tell us, it was based on security arguments, when he adds in a tongue-in-cheek tone "at the risk of introducing terrorists into Israel through marriage ties" as if this claim really has no and never had any basis. With the arrogance characteristic of an "enlightened" liberal, Shokan continues and states decisively that "the security reasoning is eye catching". A simple calculation can illustrate that if there is eye contact here it is all in Shocken's "court". There are approximately 110,000 Arabs living in the territories of the Palestinian Authority who wish to join their spouses in the State of Israel (I am not an Arab for the exact number, but this is what I saw from Uri Avneri the last time he wrote on the subject). If we assume that only 1 percent of them support terrorism (this is a very conservative estimate, because in reality the percentage is much higher), this means that among these brides/grooms there are at least 1,100 who support terrorism. If we assume that only one percent of these supporters of terrorism are willing to translate their support into practical measures (this is also a very conservative estimate, because in reality the percentage is much higher), this means that among these brides/grooms there are at least 11 who are willing to commit terrorist acts, including suicide attacks (And things have happened before - we know of at least one case in which this actually happened).

    In the opinion of the genius from the newspaper "Haaretz", the section in the law designed to prevent the almost certain entry of 11 (most likely many more) active terrorists into the territory of the State of Israel turns the State of Israel into an apartheid state, and the possibility, in fact almost a certainty, of this happening he defines as " Deception". But exemption for nothing is impossible. Our Shokan has an original idea of how the State of Israel should deal with a risk which, in his opinion, is just an eye catch. "Examining the security risk in allowing the entry of a Palestinian man or woman into Israel is an individual action" (I am not clear what exactly "individual action" is, although I assume it is intended to refer to one or another individual) and the responsibility of the security forces. Even if I suspected that these words of Shokan were said in good faith, this approach is only eye catching. I cherish and respect the principle of innocence, according to which every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but to this day I have not come across a lawyer or a judge who could give me a satisfactory explanation of how the guilt of a suicide bomber could be proven.

    After all the swans about blindfolding and whether or not there were security considerations that led to the introduction of this section into the law, Shocken finally gets to what really bothers him in the citizenship law. To prevent the Arabs from changing the demographic structure of the State of Israel, something they are trying to achieve by exercising the right of return under the guise of "family reunification". What's wrong with that? Which country in the world does not use immigration and citizenship laws to determine who can and who cannot live in its territory? Why does the honorable gentleman from the editors of the newspaper "Haaretz" think that what is allowed to other countries and peoples is apartheid when it is done by the Israeli government? And again, with the exception of a few exceptions whose number does not exceed the fingers of one hand, none of the countries of the world is in a situation where the minorities living in it They see its very existence as a "Tragedy.." and strive to destroy it from the inside. It's a bit hard to say that about the Arabs of Israel.

    The main mantra in the brainwashing we receive from the left side of the political spectrum is how important it is for them to maintain the Jewish character, or image, of the State of Israel. It is a bit hard to believe that in the concept of "Jewish character", any of these guys refers to the religion and/or the tradition of Israel. On all the occasions when the topic comes up in conversations and discussions on forums that I have with friends and acquaintances from the enlightened left circles, they talk about a Jewish "majority" (in most cases the exact phrase is "solid majority", or "clear majority", or "clear majority", or another expression has a similar meaning). Since I am not one of the public that regularly reads "Haaretz" newspaper, I probably do not belong to what is called in the circles of the enlightened elite people think, but it seems to me that there is a connection between demographics and the demand for a Jewish "majority". The question of exactly how many percentages is a "majority" (or "solid Jewish majority", or "clear Jewish majority" - decide for yourself), never gets an answer (these guys from the enlightened elite are weak in the calculation). Also to the question of how to guarantee that this situation (a situation of a Jewish majority, or of a solid Jewish majority, or of a clear Jewish majority - decide for yourself) will remain this way for a long time, I never received an answer. The section in the Citizenship Law, against which the editor of the "Haaretz" newspaper is so indignant, is intended precisely to give the answer to these questions -- this section is intended to prevent the Arabs from exercising their right of return through the back door. This is Shocken's real time. He opposes the idea that the State of Israel will have a Jewish character. This, of course, does not prevent him from hiding behind the demand for "Jewish character" when he writes articles justifying the intention to destroy the enterprise of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria.

    To the best of my knowledge, there is no clause in the Palestinian Authority's citizenship laws that prohibits Arab residents of Israel from participating in their elections/elections in the territories of the Palestinian Authority. If they move there they will enjoy all the same rights that the State of Israel denies them and no one will prevent them from living together a long life happily and richly. If it is really so important for them to live together, there is nothing preventing them from exercising the right to family reunification in the territories of the Palestinian Authority. Is it just a case that there are no "buyers" for this idea among the Arabs?

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that in Egypt, our neighbor, as well as in Saudi Arabia, there are laws that prevent any Palestinian married to a citizen of that country from receiving the country's citizenship. These laws apply to every Palestinian regardless of where he lives and what his status is, not only to those living in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, as well as to the descendants of such marriages. To the best of my knowledge, similar laws are also found in the law books of other Arab countries. Even there (at least in Lebanon and Jordan), the reasoning is - lo and behold - demographic. Furthermore, there is no red carpet waiting for those who just want to come and live in one of those countries.
  257. Candida Moss and Joel Baden, Blood libel: the myth that fuels anti-Semitism, CNN, Aug 6, 2014 (CNN) - Last week a video of Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan emerged in which he claimed that Jews use the blood of non-Jewish children to make matzo for Passover. The translation of Hamdan’s interview with the Lebanese television station Al-Quds on July 28 reports him as saying: We all remember how the Jews used to slaughter Christians, in order to mix their blood in their holy matzos. This is not a figment of imagination or something taken from a film. It is a fact, acknowledged by their own books and by historical evidence. It happened everywhere, here and there. When confronted about his statements by CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday, Hamdan did not retract his claim or distance himself from the blood libel slur. His only defense was that he “has Jewish friends.” Whatever “historical evidence” or “facts” Hamdan believes himself to be remembering, this is nothing more than the infamous blood libel: the most persistent and longest-lived anti-Semitic myth in history, aside from the claim that the Jews killed Jesus. The blood libel originated in medieval England with the death of William of Norwich. William was a 12-year-old tanner’s apprentice who was killed in 1144. At the time of his death, his parents accused the local Jewish community of responsibility, but investigations revealed nothing. Six years later Thomas of Monmouth, a Benedictine monk, decided to investigate and sensationalize the murder. Drawing purely on anti-Semitic hearsay and sensationalism, he wrote a martyrdom account, "The Life and Miracles of William of Norwich," in which he said local Jews, acting as part of an international conspiracy, crucified the young boy as part of a ritual to reclaim control of the Holy Land. Monmouth’s work was used to garner financial support from pilgrimages to the boy’s grave and laid the foundations for the blood libel. Similar stories crop up throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, often accompanied by episodes of violence and retaliation toward Jews. Stories of mob lynchings and illegal trials abound, especially during the Crusades, when these stories were used to justify pogroms. In the case of the disappearance of 2-year-old Simon of Trent in March 1475, the entire Jewish community was arrested and 15 men burned at the stake after being forced to confess under torture. Until 1965, Simon of Trent was regarded as a saint in the Catholic Church. Throughout history the specifics of the blood libel varied and expanded. It primarily involved the baking of Christian blood in Passover matzo, but early accounts also occasionally described the crucifixion of children, the poisoning of wells, and the use of Christian blood to heal cuts from circumcision. It should go without saying that these lurid stories in all their manifestations are patently untrue. But these accusations of ritualistic murder and cannibalism are found not only in anti-Semitic propaganda. Early Christians faced their fair share of slander, too. The Christian writer Minucius Felix records one rumor, which spread widely in the second and third centuries, that early Christians would ritually kill and consume infants as part of their initiation rites. These accusations are effective because they strike at the heart of society’s fears about outsiders. They involve the most vulnerable (children), the destruction of public resources (wells), or the presence of secret organizations in society's midst. Accusing those who are religiously different of attempting to undermine society by engaging in the ultimate taboo of cannibalism provides a justification for dislike of and violence toward small nonconformist groups. But the shadows of history are long, and the longevity of this particular slander is impressive. As recently as 1928, Jews in Massena, New York, were victims of blood libel. And in 2005, 20 members of the Russian Duma attempted to ban all Jewish organizations on the grounds that Jewish groups were anti-Christian and practiced ritual murder. References to the Nazis are irresponsibly bandied about in modern discourse, but in the case of blood libel these myths helped sow the seeds of the Holocaust. In his interview Hamdan linked blood libel to current events in Israel. He said, “The Israelis concentrate on killing children. … This is engraved in the historical Zionist and Jewish mentality, which has become addicted to the killing of women and children.” Blood libel is only one chapter in the violent history of anti-Semitism, but it resurfaces throughout as a means of encoding anti-Jewish sentiment and justifying violence toward and mistreatment of Jews. As Osama al-Baz, an adviser to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, observed in 2013, some “Arab writers and media figures … attack Jews on the basis of … racist fallacies and myths that originated in Europe.” Hamas may be doing no more than repeating tired cultural clichés and long-debunked slander, but myth and action go together. The history of Europe is a testimony to the devastating power of the blood libel. People and cultures are defined by the myths they create, but also by the myths they accept and propagate. WATCH: CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Slams Hamas Spokesman In Interview Over ‘Blood Libel’ Comments, YWN, August 5, 2014.
  258. "Hamas draws parallels with apartheid during South Africa visit", al Monitor, October 28, 2015.
  259. Ben White, ADL
  260. Alan Johnson, Denial: Norman Finkelstein and the New Antisemitism, August 2018. Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The Fathom Essays. (2023). United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. [29]. Norman Finkelstein’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric Given Center Stage in Biased Gaza Report. Chaim Lax, Honest Reporting, January 18, 2024.
    In the past, Finkelstein has also invoked [30] classic antisemitic stereotypes, claiming that “Jews are over-represented in the media” and “Jews are tapped into the networks of power and privilege” in the United States.

    In 2020, Finkelstein even went so far as to assert [31] that Holocaust deniers should not be considered antisemites and praised renowned Holocaust denier David Irving as “a very good historian” who “produced works that are substantive.”

    When it comes to internationally recognized terror organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, Finkelstein has gone on record as justifying their actions against Israel.

    In a 2011 interview [32], Finkelstein said that “it is impossible to justify terrorism” but, one sentence later, stated, “I do believe that Hezbollah has the right to target Israeli civilians…until Israel ceases its terrorist acts.”

    In the same interview, he denied that Hamas uses human shields. [33].

    In response to Hamas’ brutal invasion on October 7, Finkelstein’s initial response was to say that the attack “warms every fiber of my soul.”

    Two weeks later, as the full gravity of the attack was becoming more known, Finkelstein said it was difficult to “morally evaluate” those who committed the atrocities and also called into question certain aspects of the massacres themselves.

    Along with venerating terror organizations, Finkelstein has referred to Israel as a “Jewish supremacist[sic] state,” accusing it of practicing apartheid.

    In the past, Finkelstein has also referred to Israel as a “lunatic state” and accused it of committing a “holocaust” during its defensive military operation against Hamas, Cast Lead, in 2009.
  261. Norman Finkelstein, Benny Morris and Peace not Apartheid -
    Norman Finkelstein cites Israeli historian Benny Morris as an example of someone who agrees with Jimmy Carter's apartheid analogy. Morris makes clear that this is not true, describing Finkelstein as "a notorious distorter of facts."
  262. canary Mission - Omar Shakir
  263. "BDS in the USA, 2001-2010." Noura Erakat In: 255 (Summer 2010)
  264. 264.0 264.1 264.2 Antisemite of the Week: Omar Shakir - Bigot with a Vengeance, Stop Anti-Semitism, May 1, 2021
  265. 265.0 265.1 Challenging the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement: 20 Years of Responding to Anti-Israel Campaigns. N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2023. [34].
    In 2016, HRW increased its BDS emphasis, and hired Omar Shakir, an experienced activist, as its "Israel/Palestine director." Shakir led boycott campaigns at Georgetown University and Stanford, and his 2010 event during “Israel Apartheid [sic] Week” was headlined “Apartheid [sic] Is Real.” At HRW, Shakir led campaigns targeting Israeli banks...
  266. Omar Shakir, Canary.

    On April 21, 2016, Shakir, then a legal fellow for CCR, spoke on "BDS: Context and Challenges" at the Jerusalem Fund & Palestine Center in Washington, D.C. During his remarks at the event, Shakir compared [16:18] Zionism to South African apartheid and said [00:17:28] "If you replace those terms with Zionists, it’s a very similar logic to what’s led to the creation of the State of Israel and the maintenance of the occupation." Shakir quoted [00:18:20] from a 1976 South African publication called “Apartheid South Africa,”...

    On February 26, 2015, Shakir tweeted: "'Gaza is not just a 'kind of' concentration camp, it's the hood on steroids' @CornelWest tells Stanford's @palumboliu."
  267. Fact Sheet on Omar Shakir's BDS Campaigns. ngomonitor.
  268. 1:47 PM · Apr 26, 2020, to Hagai El-Ad
  269. Shattering the Apartheid Canard, S. Simmons, Aish, Jan 18. 2021. It’s time to call out the anti-Semitism and hypocrisy... The fact that the charge comes from B'Tselem, an Israeli group that the Israeli government has called out for “spreading lies, slander and incitement against the state of Israel,” was apparently lost amongst the onslaught of negative media coverage.
  270. Understanding B'tselem's “Apartheid” Libel, CAMERA, Jan 27, 2021... Falsehoods and Distortions...
  271. Refuting Btselem’s Israel-Apartheid Accusation Kohelet, 13 January 2021.
    Apartheid is not just a term for policies one dislikes. The legal standard for labeling a government an “apartheid regime” is set quite high—indeed, so high that no country since the end of South African apartheid has ever received the distinction.
  272. Anti-Semitic propaganda is not news. Israel Hayom, Jan 18, 2021. It is surprising that CNN quotes B'Tselem without fact-checking its accusations, especially in light of the network's tireless efforts to do so with ...
  273. When human-rights NGOs adopt anti-Semitic language. Ngo Monitor, Feb 10, 2021. '"Last month, the Israeli NGO B'Tselem launched a discriminatory and hateful campaign titled, “A regime of...
  274. New Trend in Jerusalem: Arabs Attack Jews, and Then Post It On TikTok. By Hana Levi Julian. 6 Iyyar 5781. April 17, 2021.
  277. "The attacks documented in Tiktok are part of the new anti-Semitism," Globes, April 19, 2021
  278. Y. Weiss, "Indictment Filed Against Arab Who Slapped Jew on Light Rail Train", Modia, May 4, 2021.

    A screen shot of the Arab slapping the boy on the train, April 14.

    The Yerushalayim District Prosecutor’s Office has submitted to the city’s Magistrates Court for Youth an indictment against a 17-year-old Arab, who attacked chareidi teenagers on the Light Rain Train in Yerushalayim last month.

    The indictment charged the Arab with an attack due to racist motives, and harm to privacy.

    According to the indictment, on April 14, the suspect boarded the train at the Safra Square station, together with six other minors.

    A few minutes later, at the Shimon Hatzadik station, two chareidim boarded the train and sat down on one of the benches in the train car that the group was sitting in.

    The suspect noticed the chareidim and decided to attack them. When the train arrived at the Shu’afat station, the suspect approached the chareidim, waved his hand, and forcefully slapped their faces, as the entire event was being filmed by his friend.

    As a result of the suspect’s actions, one of the chareidi boys suffered strong pains in his cheek, and his glasses were broken. The second chareidi felt pain and his glasses flew off his face due to the force behind the slap. According to the indictment, the suspect then sent the video clip of the attack to several other people.

    Later, the video clip reached another person, who spread it to many others on social media, captioned in Arabic with the words, “You’ll continue erasing, and I’ll continue uploading, it’s either the Palestinian nation or you.”

    At the same time, the Prosecutor’s Office also submitted a request to extend the suspect’s release under restrictive conditions.
  279. Elisha Ben Kimon, Haim Goldich, Tiktok attacks: The GSS and the police arrested suspects who beat Jews in Jerusalem Ynet, May 14, 2021.

    Four suspects were questioned following two assaults. In one case, a man was beaten in East Jerusalem and his car was set on fire. In another case, a Jew was beaten by Sheikh Jarrah. Three have already been indicted. One of the assailants: "It is better than nothing, but shows helplessness" The GSS stressed: "Violence - terrorism for all intents and purposes".

    Their GSS investigation revealed the involvement of the suspects in the acts and further arrests are expected. Three of them have already been indicted, for a terrorist act of aggravated injury, arson and intentional sabotage - racially motivated.

    In the indictment filed by the Jerusalem District Attorney's Office, the attack was described as "an attempt to lynch a Jewish citizen." It was further emphasized that he was part of the "wave of riots and violent attacks against police and civilians, which has plagued Jerusalem since the month of Ramadan and is currently a 'national plague' ...
  280. Tik Tok terrorism: An Arab from Jerusalem is accused of attacking an ultra-Orthodox Jew for racist motives, 0404, May 3, 2021.

    An indictment was filed today (Monday) in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court against Ramzi Radaida (Radaideh), an 18-year-old Arab resident of the city, for assault that causes actual damage out of motive of racism or hostility towards the public and assault simply out of motive of racism.

    According to the indictment, about two weeks ago in the evening, the Arab walked with his friends on the bridge leading from IDF Square to the Jaffa Gate.

    The Arab approached one of them and unexpectedly kicked us in the waist. The force of the kick was repelled on a low fence and fell on the other side of it. Immediately afterwards, the defendant continued to walk along the bridge, approached M. and slapped him hard on the cheek, resulting in M.'s dome being thrown over the bridge. While M. moves away from the defendant and bends down to lift the dome, an object is thrown at him by another person and M. begins to flee the scene.

    According to the indictment, part of the assault incident was filmed by the defendant's friend, apparently so that the Jews could multiply in the assault and mock them.

    The prosecution asked the court to order the arrest of the defendant until the end of the proceedings against him.
  281. Minister Ohana on the "Tik Tok terror" background to nationalist-racist acts and not pranks. 0404, Apr 23, 2021
    The Minister of Internal Security, Amir Ohana, addressed today (Friday) the growing Arab violence in recent days and what has been called "Tiktok terror."
  282. 282.0 282.1 Human Rights Watch demonizes Israel via propaganda of apartheid, Gerald M. Steinberg, JPost, April 27, 2021.
    Shakir was hired in 2016, after a number of years as a campus activist under headings like ”Apartheid IsReal.” He led HRW’s (failed) effort to press Airbnb and the FIFA soccer association to join the anti-Israel boycott, and repeatedly invokes “apartheid” and “racism” when discussing Israel. For Shakir, who left Israel after his work visa was not renewed and a lengthy court battle, this is revenge propaganda.
  283. Human Rights Watch 'Israel apartheid' report condemned as 'fiction', Mathilde Frot, The JC, Apr 27, 2021. Board of Deputies president Marie van der Zyl said the report was a "sham which puts rhetoric above fact." "They consistently ignore or downplay the fact that Israel’s security measures in the West Bank and around Gaza are the response to well-documented terror activities. The ridiculous ‘apartheid‘ slur in this report is belied by the fact that, as it stands, Israel’s next Government may well rely on the support of Arab parties, voted for by the country’s fully-enfranchised Arab citizens. "Israel’s Arab citizens have been appointed as ambassadors, professors, Supreme Court judges, hospital directors, and other key roles throughout Israel’s socio-economic landscape. Civil society organisations should be directing their efforts towards reinvigorating the peace process, not trading in false hyperbole that extends the cycle of conflict," she said. NGO Monitor president Professor Gerald Steinberg, also criticised the report writing in the Jerusalem Post that it comprised "the standard mix of shrill propaganda, false allegations and legal fictions." "Exploiting the 'apartheid' image for propaganda is a cynical appropriation of the suffering of the victims of the actual apartheid regime"..
  284. Israel Apartheid: The Big Black-and-White Lie, G. Troy, JJ, May 12, 2021
  285. David M. Litman, "The ‘Apartheid’ Smear, Antisemitism and the Unending Battle to Destroy the Jewish State", Algemeiner, April 28, 2021.
    On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) — with its history of anti-Israel smears — released its most destructive libel yet against the Jewish State: the “apartheid” libel. The report is baseless, but HRW knows that.
  286. Human Rights Watch's Apartheid Report: Unsurprising Propaganda and False Lies Shlomi Ben-Meir, Presspectiva, 09.05.21
    And that's the little problem with it. The big problem is its big resonance in the international press, eager for any indictment against Israel.
    ... according to the report, there is (almost) nothing Israel can do to not be considered an apartheid state in the eyes of HRW. Even if it withdraws from all territories, establishes a Palestinian state and removes restrictions over the Gaza Strip, the stain will continue to accompany it...
  287. "Twisted Omar Shakir's choice of words, choice of facts." DP, Nov 29, 2021 [35]
  288. @YosephHaddad: By the way, Omar Shakir called on FIFA to boycott the Israeli national football team because of its apartheid policy. Only this idiot did not take into account that almost half of the Israeli team are players from Israeli Arab society and even the captain is Muslim. June 21, 2021
  289. No, Israel is not an apartheid state, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Mark S Freedman, May 10, 2021. ...nothing more than pouring old wine in anew bottle. To claim that Israel is an apartheid state, as Nevel does, is disingenuous and, more importantly, it is incorrect. Nevel relies on reports from Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem to support her assertions. These organizations have a long record of blaming Israel for all of its difficult relations with its Palestinian neighbors while at the same time demonstrating a “hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil” approach to Palestinian misdeeds.
  290. Kenneth Roth: What’s Wrong With You?, TOI, Apr 27, 2015.
  291. Ken Roth's Immoral Anti-Israel Obsession and the Gaza War September 04, 2014, NGO Watch
  292. Head of Human Rights Watch Skewered on Twitter for Peace-Hating Rant Belittling Israel-UAE Accord"., Sep 1, 2020.
  293. Daniel Kohn, "Human Rights Watch Tweet Exposes Decades-Old Anti Israel Bias". Forward, Sep 8, 2017
  294. Jeffrey Goldberg. "Does Human Rights Watch Understand the Nature of Prejudice?". The Atlantic, Sep 12, 2014.
  295. UN Watch (@UNWatch) Tweeted: For the first time ever, Human Rights Watch chief Ken Roth refers to "the Hamas armed wing," as if to emphasize that other parts of the terrorist group are legitimate. Ken Roth is a Hamas apologist. He recently deleted a tweet after many protested that it justified antisemtism. Aug 12, 2021
  296. D Lange, Ken Roth Blames Jews for His Decision to Delete Tweet Blaming the Jews, Israellycool, July 15, 2021.
  297. UN Watch (@UNWatch) Tweeted: After 328 votes in half an hour, the interim results show that 70.7% believe Ken Roth is a big antisemite. July 20, 2021
  298. YsabellaHazan (@ysabellahazan) Tweeted: Correction: 1. Hamas terrorists*. Condemn Guerilla warfare. 2. Stop giving Hamas the Benefit of the doubt and misleading your followers based on speculation, IDF has intelligence that you don’t. 3. Human shields at the hands of Hamas is a human rights violation. Aug 24, 2021
  299. Seth J. Frantzman, Human Rights Watch head slammed for tweet on Iran’s attack on Saudi, JPost, Nov 27, 2019. The Head of HRW called Iran's attack on Saudi Arabia “far better than the Saudi crown prince’s attacks on Yemen.”
  300. Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) Tweeted: Congresswoman, that U.N. report accusing Israel of 'apartheid' was authored by 9/11 conspiracy theorist Richard Falk, who was denounced by his own UN chief Ban Ki-moon and by the UK for antisemitism, and it was commissioned by Syria, Libya and 18 other Arab states. #factsmatter Congresswoman, that U.N. report accusing Israel of 'apartheid' was authored by 9/11 conspiracy theorist Richard Falk, who was denounced by his own UN chief Ban Ki-moon and by the UK for antisemitism, and it was commissioned by Syria, Libya and 18 other Arab states. #factsmatter May 16, 2021
  301. May 15, 2021. Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted: Hi AOC. I’m Yoseph, an Israeli Arab. I checked the definition of apartheid and you seem to be confused by the propaganda of this political org. Arabs like me have full equal rights and live, learn, work, and play together. Take it from me, I live it. Stop lying. [36] . OMG! After my video calling out @RashidaTlaib Emily comes and destroys the entire squad! [37] [38]
  302. "Jewish American groups appeal to Biden White House after string of antisemitic attacks related to Israel." Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post, 21, 2021.
    Near Miami, a family was assaulted as they walked in Bal Harbour on Tuesday. The Orgen family was visiting from New Jersey when a car of people yelling “Free Palestine” and, “We’re going to rape your wife,”...since May 8 and that the ADL this week reported finding 17,000 tweets between May 7 and May 14 with variations of the words: “Hitler was right.”... Rubin, who handled Jewish outreach for Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, said the current level of vitriol in the United States against Jews is higher than he’s ever seen it. He pointed to an increased use of the term “apartheid” by progressive politicians and the appearance of White nationalists in the Palestinian cause...“There is language being used to describe Israel that is heading us on a path to arguments about delegitimization, that Israel should not exist, that the issue is that it exists,” said Rubin, executive director of the American Jewish Congress. “Words are being used about Israel that are incredibly unsettling to the Jewish community that go further, and in a direction that makes the community feel very vulnerable. And that vulnerability is not a good place to be..
  303. 5/23: Sanders, Gates, Honoré. This week on "Face the Nation," will the fragile ceasefire in the Middle East continue to hold? Plus, more hopeful signs that we're reaching the end of the pandemic.

    J. Dickerson:
    Let me ask you how this is played out here at home, the ADL says, there were a 193 reports of anti-Semitic incidents this week, up from a 131 previous week, so that's during the period while the crisis began...

    B. Sanders:

    Anti-Semitism is rising in America, it is rising all over the world. We have to combat anti-Semitism. We have to combat the increase in hate crimes in this country, against Asians, against African-Americans, and against Latinos, so we have a serious problem of a nation which is being increasingly divided, being led by right wing extremists...

    J. Dickerson:

    There are a number of liberals who use the the word "apartheid".. a number of liberals in the house used that language.
    The executive director of the American Jewish Congress, who handled Jewish outreach for your campaign, Joel Rubin has said that the use of that language has increased the level of vitriol that has contributed to this Anti Semitism...

    ...we have to tone down the rhetoric...
    .Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) Tweeted:

    Some progressive lawmakers, including AOC, use the term "apartheid" ... Bernie Sanders' former Jewish outreach director says the charged language can fuel anti-Semitic incidents. "I think we should tone down the rhetoric," Sanders says. 4:00 PM · May 23, 2021

  304. Elad Benari, Rep. Tlaib posts picture with PLO flag: No one can erase our existence, INN, Jan 26, 2023.
  305. Yoseph Haddad @YosephHaddad Tweeted (Jan 25, 2023):
    Rashida Talib who ignores US flags being burned by Palestinians and Israel haters around the world proves once again that she is in Congress not for her constituents in Michigan but to incite and spread lies against Israel. So Rashida, it doesn't matter how much you lie - there is no apartheid in Israel, and if you come, try waving the Israeli flag in Gaza and we'll see what happens to you... Hypocrite!
  306. HonestReporting Prompts BBC Investigation of ‘Hitler Was Right’ Journalist E. Miller, HR, May 24, 2021. The BBC has launched an investigation after HonestReporting helped bring to public attention numerous antisemitic tweets from one of its journalists, including a post which stated that “Hitler was right.”
  307. BBC digital reporter Tala Halawa's 2014 antisemitic tweets were unearthed recently. Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2021.
  308. Who is Tala Halawa? BBC journalist slammed for 'Hitler Was Better' tweet from 2014, Internet says 'sack her'. By Alakananda Bandyopadhyay, May 23, 2021.
  309. Tala Halawa and the progressive media’s anti-Semitism blindspot, Stephen Daisley, The Spectator, 24 May 2021
  310. BBC investigating Palestinian journalist who tweeted 'Hitler was right' The Daily Telegraph, May 23, 2021. Digital journalist Tala Halawa, who works as a Palestine Specialist for BBC Monitoring, compared Israel to Nazi Germany in the same post
  311. MSNBC, 27 May, 2021
  312. Amnesty International (AI), NGO Monitor, February 01, 2022.


    Claims to be “Independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion… it does not support or oppose any government or political system.”

    Disproportionately singles out Israel for condemnation, focusing solely on the conflict with the Palestinians, misrepresenting the complexity of the conflict, and ignoring more severe human rights violations in the region.

    Amnesty International operates an office in Jerusalem under the leadership of Saleh Hijazi, former Public Relations officer for the Palestinian Authority’s Office of the Ministry of Planning in Ramallah.
  313. Ruthie Blum, Amnesty’ for Whoopi Goldberg, JPost, Feb 3, 2022.
    To place Amnesty International in the same category as Whoopi Goldberg is a mistake.... Comparing Israelis to Nazis, by alleging that they consider Palestinians to be “an inferior racial group,” is an antisemitic ploy that provides justification for terrorism against innocents. It’s a classic inversion of victim and perpetrator that must be discredited, loudly and clearly.
  314. Questions For Amnesty, Feb 2022.
    Basic Questions

    For Amnesty

    Dear Amnesty

    Can I be honest with you?

    I'm confused.

    Perhaps you can help?

    For a start, you could explain why - given your claim that Israel is an 'apartheid' state - the following happens there:

    1 - if what you claim is true, why do all citizens have equal rights?

    There are no inferior or second-class citizens, unlike non-whites in South Africa or minorities in Islamic or Arab countries. Arabs occupy senior positions on the Israeli police force, in the parliament and in the Israeli judiciary.

    For example, Salim Joubran, who currently serves on the Israeli Supreme Court, is a Christian Arab.

    Ishmael Khaldi, an Islamic Bedouin, is a diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Majalli Wahabi (Druze) was the acting president of Israel in 2007.

    These are just a few examples out of the many minority groups holding key positions in Israeli society.

    Oh, and let's not forget that it was an Arab judge, , George Karra, who sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.

    When an Arab judge sentences a former Israeli president to jail -- well, bit of a strange 'apartheid', I think you'd have to agree.

    2 - if what you claim is true, why in Israel, is incitement to racial hatred a criminal offence....?

    This is the exact opposite to apartheid in South Africa - where the government actually introduced and passed racist legislation!

    3 - If what you claim is true, why do Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment, and are together in the same hospitals?

    The Hadassah Medical Organisation operates two hospitals in Jerusalem. It was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize due to its push for peace in the Middle East and its equal treatment of Palestinians, Arab and Israelis.

    Arab and Israeli children are born amongst each other in the same hospitals.

    Even during Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, Palestinians receive top-of-the-line treatment in Israeli hospitals.

    Now contrast this with South Africa, where Black people were given limited access to health care.

    4 - If what you claim is true, why do Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset?

    The Joint List is an example of this. They received 13 seats in the 2015 Israeli election. Arabs have equal voting rights.

    In South Africa, Black people during apartheid were not allowed to participate in the political process.

    5 - If what you claim is true, why can Arab citizens seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been treated unfairly?

    Arab citizens also receive trial based on the facts, not ethnicity.

    In apartheid South Africa, discrimination was authorized from the highest position in the government.

    6 - If what you claim is true, why do Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East?

    Israeli Arabs have more rights than they do in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, controlled by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority respectively.

    7 - If what you claim is true, why are there 1.6 million Arab citizens fully integrated within Israeli society?

    They make up 20 per cent of Israel's population. There was no such integration in South Africa.

    Furthermore, according to a poll done by Harvard University, 77 per cent of Arab citizens living in Israel would rather live there than any other country in the world.

    If these citizens were experiencing "apartheid," why are so many of them so supportive of Israel...?

    Arabs have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Black people in South Africa had none of these rights.

    8 - If what you claim is true, why have numerous Israeli Arabs now posted on twitter, condemning your report as nonsense?

    Here are the names of just two: Mohammad Kabiya and Lorena Khateeb,

    9 - Finally, if as you claim hings are so terrible in Israel. WHY do millions of non Jews STAY?

    Why do all the Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Druze, and B'hais choose to live there?

    Why don't these millions of Arabs - whom you claim are suffering apartheid - move to one of the nearby Arab states......?

    They all have passports.

    Why do they choose to stay in Israel?

    We look forward to your response.


    Tabatha Caplan Founder: What You Should Know About Israel
  315. Herb Keinon, "Amnesty, Whoopi: Responding to false claims about Israel, Jews wrongly", JPost, Feb 3, 2022.

    while Amnesty accused Israelis of seeing Palestinians and Israeli-Arabs as an [sic, supposefly] inferior race, Goldberg said that the Nazis’ liquidation of the Jews had nothing to do with the Nazis seeing the Jews as an inferior race.

    While Goldberg apologized for what she admitted were regrettable comments and was suspended for two weeks, Amnesty International held a press conference in Jerusalem to trumpet its “findings” and garnered headlines around the globe...

    Following a B’Tselem report in January 2021 accusing Israel of [sic] apartheid, and a Human Rights Watch report doing the same thing a few months later, it was only a matter of time before Amnesty International would chime in with an echo-chamber study of its own.

    This report, however, is more egregious than the other two because it accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing from its very inception and charges that Israel has essentially been an apartheid state from day one. In Amnesty’s telling, there is nothing really that Israel can do to help itself. Its sin is in the way it came into being and what it is. Amnesty International has demonized Israel’s very essence, has made it evil by definition...

    Lapid hit the right key when he said in his video that he hates “to use the argument that if Israel was not a Jewish state, no one at Amnesty would dare make such a claim against it, but in this case, there is simply no other explanation.” Lapid implied antisemitism, without saying the a-word... Show the diversity of the country. Show the Arab involvement in the society; show the Arab doctors in the hospital wards; show the Arab judges in black robes.

    The irony of the report now is that it comes at a time when Israel has its most diverse government ever, with Arab ministers and coalition kingmakers.
  316. Rep. Zeldin Blasts Amnesty International for Falsely Accusing Israel of Apartheid and Making Other Slanderous Claims, Feb 1, 2022.
  317. Amnesty jumping on the apartheid libel/label soon, DP, Feb 1, 2022
  318. Canadian Jewish Groups Denounce Amnesty International’s Call to Dismantle Jewish State, CIJA, Jan 31, 2022. -Canadian Jewish Groups Denounce Amnesty International’s Call to Dismantle Jewish State, JNS, Jan 31, 2022
  319. Nazia Parveen, "Amnesty International has culture of white privilege, report finds," The Guardian, 20 Apr 2021.
    Exclusive: Workers allege systemic bias and racist language by senior staff including N-word and P-word.
  320. Amnesty's Agnes Callamard = Shill for dictator fascist dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; propagandist for pro terror Qatar; against killing Soleimani, DP, Feb 2, 2022
  321. Daniel Greenfield, "Amnesty International: Jews Have No Right to Live in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem", FPM, Feb 3, 2022.
  322. Joseoh Haddad, Amnesty tries to distort my Arab identity and dismantle Israel, JPost, Feb 2, 2022.
  323. Joseph Krauss, "Arab party leader in Israel rejects ‘apartheid’ label", AP, February 10, 2022.

    JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of an Arab party in Israel who made history last year by joining the governing coalition said Thursday he would not use the word “apartheid” to describe relations between Jews and Arabs within the country... “I would not call it apartheid,” Mansour Abbas said in response to a question at an online event organized by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a D.C-based think tank. He noted that he was in the coalition and could join the government itself if he wanted to.

    "I prefer to describe the reality in objective ways,” he added, according to the English translation of his remarks, which he delivered in Hebrew. “If there is discrimination in a certain field, then we will say that there is discrimination in that specific field.”
  324. A new study claims: Mansour Abbas advises Hamas to continue the struggle, Channel 7, Feb 7, 2022.
    A new study claims that Mansour Abbas advised the Hamas leadership to adhere to the plan of action against Israel and the struggle by all means as a national asset.
  325. Philip Caldwell, Amnesty International Goes Anti-Semite, Says Israel ‘Shouldn’t Exist as a Jewish State’, Washington Free Beecon, Mar 11, 2022.
  326. Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) Tweeted:
    Russia’s devastating war on Ukraine is now well in its 2nd week. Hundreds killed. 1.5 million refugees. Untold humanitarian damage. But you know what Amnesty still has as their Facebook cover profile? Perhaps a change of priorities is in order Agnes Callamard? Mar 6, 2022]).
  327. Absurd': US rejects Amnesty accusation of Israeli apartheid, TOI, Feb 1, 2022.
    The US ambassador to Israel on Tuesday rejected a new Amnesty International report that charged Israel with apartheid, calling its central accusation "absurd."
  328. Lazar Berman, 'We do not agree': UK rejects Amnesty report accusing Israel of apartheid, TOI, Feb 4, 2022.
    Britain joins US and Germany in denouncing findings of British HQ-ed organization that accuses Israel of systematically oppressing...

    The United Kingdom on Thursday rejected an Amnesty International report accusing Israel of apartheid.

    "We do not agree with the use of this terminology," a spokesperson for the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office told The Times of Israel.
  329. Germany rejects Amnesty's 'apartheid' label for Israel, DW, Feb 2, 2022.
  330. Lahav Harkov, Netherlands rejects Amnesty report accusing Israel of apartheid, JPost, May 2, 2022.

    "Apartheid is a specific legal term and a serious international crime, and it is up to a judge to judge whether this is the case,” the Dutch foreign minister wrote. "In light of the above, the cabinet also rejects the recommendations made by Amnesty in the report."

    Hoekstra pointed out that Germany, the US and the UK rejected the report, as well, and said that calling Israel an apartheid state does not help resolve the conflict and reach a two-state solution.
  331. Mansour Abbas rejects the claim that Israel is apartheid, Rotter, Feb 11, 2022.
  332. Minister (Issawi) Frej to foreign journalists: "I am an Arab minister in the government, Israel is not an apartheid state", Rotter, Mar 2, 2022.
  333. Rachel O'Donoghue, Media Give Friendly Image Overhaul to Dead Hunger Striking Terrorist, HR, May 3, 2023.

    Who Was Khader Adnan?

    While Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine Director Omar Shakir gushed about how Adnan “valiantly struggled” and “dies [with] his head raised high,” the reality is that Adnan had been convicted for encouraging and inciting terror attacks on innocent Israeli civilians and was likely on his way to a further conviction while awaiting trial.

    In fact, video footage of Adnan speaking at a rally gives a good insight into his views. “Oh Quds Brigades, strike a blow! Oh Quds Brigades, shake the earth! Who among you is Hasan Abu Zaid [suicide bomber who killed five civilians]? Who among you is the next suicide bomber? Who among you will carry the next explosive belt? Who among you will fire the next bullets? Who among you will have his body parts blown all over?” Adnan can be seen screaming to an excited mob of Palestinians.
  334. Ari Ingel @OGAride:

    @HRW Middle East head, Omar Shakir, hailing Iranian backed Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan (a terrorist who espouses horrific fundamentalist rhetoric) a hero. This says far more about Omar and Human Rights Watch than anything.

    (Readers added context: He was a Senior member of Islamic Jihad and died as a result of a hunger strike. He called for and praised suicide bombing of civilian Israelis. He was found unresponsive in cell after refusing medical treatment since February [2023] arrest).

    (May 2, 2023).

  335. Today Lazaroff, NGO: Pillay is biased against Israel, must be ousted from UNHRC probe, Jerusalem Post, Feb 14, 2022
  336. 336.0 336.1 Anti-Israel Bias and NGO Links of UNHRC’s Gaza Commission of Inquiry Members, Ngo Monitor, February 22, 2022.
  337. Utanar Eichner, U.S. condemns UN Human Rights Council over anti-Israel bias, Ynet, June 13, 2022.
    Washington joined by 21 other countries in call to end disproportionate attention dedicated to Israel by humans rights body after release of report accusing Jerusalem of perpetuating conflict with Palestinians.
  338. Ben Cohen, ‘Nelson Mandela Would Not Approve’: South Africans Denounce UN Report on Palestinians, Algemeiner, June 10, 2022.
    A group of pro-Israel South Africans has invoked the figure of the late Nelson Mandela, the iconic leader of their country’s anti-apartheid struggle, in a forthright condemnation of the recent UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry (COI) report that blamed Israel’s “perpetual occupation” for the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians.
  339. Hillel Neuer @HillelNeuer Tweeted:
    Bravo to the United Kingdom for calling out UNHRC commission of inquiry member Miloon Kothari for antisemitism. Make no mistake: when it comes to membership on the Pakistan-sponsored UNHRC inquiry targeting Israel, this kind of hatred is not a bug, it’s a feature.

    July 28, 2022.

  340. Hillel Neuer @HillelNeuer Tweeted:

    May 20, 2021—Pakistan FM says Jews have "deep pockets" & "they control media."

    May 27, 2021—Pakistan sponsors UNHRC inquiry targeting Israel.

    July 25, 2022—Miloon Kothari, member of the Pakistan-sponsored UNHRC inquiry, rants about "the Jewish Lobby."

    July 31, 2022

  341. Anti-Israel and Antisemitic Activists Target AIPAC Conference, ADL, 03.05.2020.
    The vociferously anti-Israel news website Mondoweiss posted a cartoon by antisemitic cartoonist Carlos Latuff, who won second place in a 2006 Iranian contest for the "best" cartoon belittling or denying the Holocaust. Latuff’s 2020 cartoon depicts the U. S. working on behalf of Israel as a security officer for the “AiPAC [sic] hate fest..
  342. On Mondoweiss, "progressive" Jewish enemies of Israel, and use of the Israel-Nazi analogy, Camera UK, Nov 13, 2010.
  343. David Bernstein, “Mondoweiss” is a hate site (UPDATED), Washington Post, May 4, 2015.
  344. UN official: Social media largely controlled by Jewish lobby, NGOs, JPost, 26 July 2022.
  345. 345.0 345.1 Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch, Adv., PA chooses to side with Antisemitism and hate, Palwatch, Aug 2, 2022

    When the member of the recently established UN Human Rights Council "Commission of Inquiry," Miloon Kothari, expressed anti-Semitic hate speech and denial of Israel's right to be a UN member, 12 western democracies and the EU were quick to condemn him. Standing out in support of the hate speech was the Palestinian Authority, whose Foreign Ministry rushed to defend the Antisemitism and condemn Israel for condemning it.

    “The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the attack of incitement and deception that [Israeli] occupation state transitional Prime Minister Yair Lapid carried out against the UN Human Rights Council investigative committee.” [WAFA, official PA news agency, Aug. 1, 2022]

    The countries that condemned the anti-Semitic hate of Kothari included, the USA, the UK, Canada, France, Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungry, Belgium and Italy. Significantly, while the PA was adamant to criticize Israel’s condemnation of the Antisemitism, it was silent about all the other condemnations, not wanting to insult its donors.

    Referring to that fact that Israel has predominantly ignored the openly biased agenda of the UN ...

    The reason the PA was so quick to defend Kothari, is because the statements he made predominantly reflect similar statements made over the years by PA officials.

    As Palestinian Media Watch has repeatedly shown, the PA constantly denies Israel’s right to exist and adopts the same anti-Semitic tropes.
  346. Tovah Lazaroff, UNHRC President: Jewish Lobby remark is reasonably considered antisemitic, JPost, July 30, 2022 .
  347. Roni Sofer, "Lieberman to Ynet: Discrimination against Jews in Jerusalem will not be allowed", Ynet, March 16, 2010.

    The foreign minister wants to "not get into hysteria" from the crisis with the United States, but knows that "there are misunderstandings between us, and this is not the last time."

    Nor does the "historic-dimensional" crisis in relations with the United States as defined by the ambassador to Washington lead the Secretary of State to change his firm stance. "What are we expected to do? We will forbid Jews to build in the east of the city, or to buy land there. There will be no discrimination in favor of Arabs," Avigdor Lieberman said today (Tuesday) in a conversation with Ynet, asking "not to get into hysteria."

    In light of the American demand for a freeze on construction in East Jerusalem, the Foreign Minister wants to imagine a situation in which Arabs will be banned from buying and building in the west of the city - "We will immediately be declared an apartheid state. American journalist, do you imagine the US government will not respect court decisions?"

    "It must be made clear that it is not possible to have a building ban here only for Jews... We do not want to do anything. We are not looking to confront, nor to provoke anyone. We ask for understanding. So, from the decision on the moratorium to the removal of the checkpoints."
  348. Shilo Freid, Two construction enforcement practices in Judea and Samaria: for Jews and Arabs, Makor Rishon, 10/12/2021.

    "Buildings erected on private land" are almost at the top of the Civil Administration's enforcement procedure against Jews, but at the bottom of the enforcement list against Arabs.

    The Civil Administration in fact acknowledges the existence of official discrimination between Jews and Arabs with regard to the activity of enforcing building laws in Judea and Samaria. The document on his behalf contains two separate lists of enforcement criteria. One is "priorities for enforcement in the Palestinian sector", and the other is "priorities for enforcement in the Israeli sector."

    (Mikep @Mikep07115753 Replying to @Mikep07115753 @shilofreid and @Regavim_IL: Dec 10, 2021. Just to be clear, the apartheid is against the Jews. Yes....)

  349. Noor Dahri Oct 23, 2017:
    Noor Dahri in the dark. Noor Dahri grew up in Pakistan, was brought up to think that "Jews are (he was thought are) worse than animals" and joined a terrorist organization - Today he is a Muslim-Zionist, who attacks the extremists and explains that the Koran gave the Land of Israel to the Jews ¬ He also has only good words about the strict inspection in Israel ("I hugged the researcher").
  350. Noor Dahri has finally arrived in the Holy Land: as a Muslim, he is shocked by the freedom of religion for Muslims on Jewish sites and is revolted by the opposite, Rotter News. 20.08.22.

    Which he calls "Muslim apartheid in Jerusalem".

    A Muslim who visited Israel shares:

    I visited the Aksa Mosque and the Western Wall and prayed in both places.

    I was so ashamed to see that I had free access to every Jewish religious area of the Western Wall to pray and not a single religious Jew bothered to stop me but a Jew was not even allowed to approach the Nablus gate! (One Jew approached and said "God bless you" when I was taking a video).

    Where is freedom of religion and expression? We Muslims have the right to go anywhere in the country, but the Jews do not even have the right to go to certain areas in Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslim apartheid in Jerusalem. [39].
    Noor Dahri - Visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotal (wailing wall)... | Facebook Aug 20, 2022.
    Visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotal (wailing wall) and prayed in both places.

    I was so ashamed of to see that I had free access to any Jewish religious area in Kotal to pray and no any single religious Jewish ever bothered to stop me but Jewish weren’t even allowed to come closer to Damascus Gate! (One Jewish came close and said “God Bless you” when I was filming video). Where is freedom of religion and expression.

    We (he says) Muslims have right to go anywhere in Israel but Jewish people have no right to even go to certain areas of Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslims Apartheid in Jerusalem.
  351. 351.0 351.1 Itamar Levin, The Magistrate's Court rules: Selective enforcement against Jews entering the PA, News1, Feb 21, 2016.
    A former Chomesh resident is acquitted of illegally entering the ruins of the settlement, after a representative of the State Attorney's Office admitted that Israeli Arabs are not being prosecuted for entering the Palestinian Authority without permits...

    The fear of harming Jews does not justify avoiding requiring Western permits, economic considerations do not justify such a severe violation of equality, Jews can also contribute to the Judea and Samaria economy, and all Israeli citizens are committed to keeping the law - emphasizes Bechor.

    According to Bechor, "the mechanism for supervising the properties in the area, despite the existence of a ban on doing so, must be in granting permits to those who want to enter - and not in an invalid distinction based on considerations of nationality / religion.

    This distinction will be subject to relevant criticism, without undue discrimination, and not as the general and sweeping policy label now. And concludes : "an unequal enforcement policy that led to a sweeping distinction between the Jewish defendant and the Israeli Arabs and his prosecution - is invalid, outrageous and justifies the defendant's acquittal of what is attributed to him in the indictment."
  352. Imry Sadan, Entered Chomesh, arrested and acquitted for "discrimination against Jews", Makor Rishon, Feb 22, 2016.
    A man who entered the area of the settlement who was evacuated in the disengagement plan claimed in his defense that the state discriminates between its Jewish and Arab citizens when it comes to law enforcement. The judge ruled: "His prosecution is invalid, outrageous and justifies his acquittal. In the distinction there is a real violation of the sense of justice and fairness."
  353. Israel’s Basic Laws: An Introduction to the Law of Return
  354. Nina Fux , A GSS representative warned ahead of the vote on the Citizenship Law: "Population Prone to Terrorism" Ynet, May 7, 2021.

    In a discussion held in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee ahead of the afternoon plenum vote, it became clear that between 2001 and 2021, 165 Palestinians who had been granted status in Israel participated in terrorist acts. However, it was not stated how many status recipients did not participate in such actions. GSS representative warns of "increased security risk" ...

    The Citizenship Law is a temporary law adopted by the Knesset in 2003, during the second intifada, and is intended to prevent Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories from obtaining legal status in Israel. The law deprives Israeli citizens who marry Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories (or residents of certain hostile countries) of the right to allow their spouses to enter Israel legally and impairs their ability to maintain a family unit in Israel. The main purpose of the law was to prevent "family reunification" between Israeli citizens, mainly from Arab society, and their Palestinian spouses or children. The explanatory memorandum to the bill states that it is intended to serve a security purpose: to prevent a situation in which a person who has received status in Israel by virtue of his marriage to an Israeli citizen or resident will take advantage of his freedom of movement in the country to assist in terrorist acts.
  355. Eilat Kahana, "Citizenship law is a first-rate security interest," Makor Rishon, 08/07/2021.
    The Citizenship Law, which was at the heart of the storm this week, was enacted during the second intifada, on the recommendation of the defense establishment. The right-wing parties that overthrew him claim that it should be replaced by a more comprehensive law, but in the meantime the consequences could be serious.
    • Asaf Artsi (@AsafArtsi) Tweeted:
    @pressron I argue that discrimination is not because they are Arabs, but because they are citizens of an enemy state Sep 8, 2020
  356. Meir Asraf (@ pSn7rhTfRb7rLxh) Tweeted (June 24, 2021): @mennyassyag Citizenship Law... Unification of Families Gaza residents are flocking to the [supposed] apartheid state.
  357. Tovah Lazaroff, Israel gives WB residency status to 4,000 undocumented Palestinians, JPost, October 19, 2021.
    All the approvals" of residency requests "are on a humanitarian basis," COGAT said.

    "Every request is thoroughly examined, and that approvals are subject to the agreement, on security grounds, of the relevant security offices in Israel.

  358. Agencies and TOI Staff , "Tens of thousands in Gaza line up for Israeli work permits as rumors swirl", TOI, 6 Oct 2021.
    Uncorroborated information spread online suggests Jewish state will allow in additional workers, sparking hopes among impoverished Palestinians in Hamas-run enclave Tens of thousands of Palestinians lined up outside chambers of commerce across the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, hoping to get permits to work inside Israel after rumors circulated that more would be issued to residents of the territory ruled by the Hamas terror group.
  359. Baruch Yedid, ""Demonstrating against Israel by day, at night waiting for entry permits"", Ch20, Oct 7, 2021.

    Tonight, too, hundreds of residents of the Gaza Strip near the Central District Chamber of Commerce building in the Gaza Strip to be the first in line to receive 2,500 permits for trade with Israel, after 4,500 lucky Gazans have already managed to obtain permits and left for Israel.

    Yesterday, Wednesday, many thousands gathered near an extension next to the Chamber of Commerce and lined up to receive the coveted permits. As you may recall, about two months ago, Israel approved another relief for the residents of the Gaza Strip and granted them 7,000 trade permits. 4,500 permits have already been issued to those eligible, but now more than 10,500 Gazans are trying to obtain the unused permits.

    This morning, the Khan Yunis Chamber of Commerce announced that it would no longer accept applications except through the Internet, due to the congestion on the part of the applicants. In the Gaza Strip, where the unemployment rate stands at 65%, according to one estimate, there are already expressions of ridicule towards the Hamas regime, given the degrading views of Gaza residents fighting each other in huge queues, for the right to emigrate to Israel, which only five months ago was under fire. The rockets from the Gaza Strip and the calls for condemnation are heard in demonstrations on the fence.

    "Residents of the Gaza Strip mock Hamas and claim that it is" responsible for humiliating the residents. The people flee the Gaza Strip after 14 years through the Erez checkpoint, if only to reach Israel, which Hamas claimed to be a defeated entity. This seems to be Hamas' biggest victory in 14 years Residents of the Strip.

    Another resident, a doctor at one of the hospitals, said "Gaza residents now prefer the Chamber of Commerce room over the common operations room where only the 14 Palestinian factions are employed."

    "If the crossings were open until tonight, there would be no one left in the Gaza Strip except the children of Ismail Haniya, who should not work in Israel anyway," said a Gaza resident. "This is what Hamas and Tehran did to our people."

    Only residents aged 26 to 60, unmarried and who have been vaccinated against the corona are allowed to get the trade permits but many thousands, including employees, are trying their hand nonetheless. "This is a ticket to freedom," a Gaza resident explained.
  360. Khaled Abu Toameh, Why Palestinians Prefer To Work In Israel, Gatestone Inst., October 13, 2021.
    • The fact that a large number of Palestinians are desperate to work in Israel is a sign of the failure of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to improve the living conditions of their people despite the massive sums of money they receive from various sources, including the United States, European Union and United Nations.
    • Instead of holding Hamas responsible for what he called the "tragedy" in the Gaza Strip, al-Amsi and other Palestinians choose to blame Israel.
    • This view is in keeping with the longstanding habit of the Palestinian leadership to evade their responsibility for thievery and non-governance by blaming Israel for everything.
    • Many Palestinians and Arabs, however, are no longer buying this nonsense and know exactly who is trying to help and who has not done a thing to end their suffering.
    • "Thousands of Palestinians, including those with [academic] degrees, are fighting for a job in Israel. I guarantee you that if Israel announced that it wants workers from Algeria, they would cross the Sahara [Desert] on foot to work in Israel to escape the hell they are living in at home." — Hoda Jannat, Syrian journalist and political analyst, Twitter, October 7, 2021.
    • As has now become embarrassingly clear for all to see, Israel has become the only hope for the hungry workers in the Gaza Strip -- who have been abandoned not only by their leaders, but by the rest of their Arab brothers as well.
    The fact that a large number of Palestinians are desperate to work in Israel is a sign of the failure of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to improve the living conditions of their people despite the massive sums of money they receive from various sources, including the United States, European Union and United Nations.
  361. Jonathan Feldstein, Israel’s Arabs Deserve Better,, April 13, 2022.
  362. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez On Occupation Of Palestine: "I Am Not The Expert On Geopolitics" Sep.28, 2021.

    On July 13, 2018, AOC was asked her position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and mentioned “the occupation of Palestine.” When pressed on what she meant, it became very clear AOC was merely spouting Shahid and Berger’s talking points, which she didn’t even understand

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PBS in 2018 that she is not an expert in geopolitics when asked to expand on her view that Israel is an "apartheid state."

    "Firing Line" host asked her: "You've used the term 'occupation of Palestine.' What did you mean by that?"

    ...the new Congresswoman said. "I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue."
  363. Jon Levine, Woke New Jersey Dem fooled by fake rabbi’s parody Twitter account, NY Post, December 4, 2021.

    Imani Oakley's campaign was duped into almost planning a fundraiser with a nonexistent rabbi.

    A lefty New Jersey Democrat learned the hard way that not all rabbis are kosher. The campaign of Imani Oakley, a 31-year-old progressive activist running for Congress in Newark, thought it was in negotiations to organize a fundraiser with like-minded Linda Goldstein — the “chief rabbi” of Gaza — but instead were chatting up a Big Apple lawyer running a parody Twitter account. On the bizarre parody account, Rabbi Linda Goldstein warns Hamas fighters to practice social distancing in terror tunnels; posts photos of herself posing with a menorah made of Qassam rockets; and bills herself as the “Jewish issues advisor” to Hamas boss Ismail Haniyeh. “Excited to announce #Hamas has given me permission to build the first and only #Jewish #Ghetto in #Gaza #Palestine!,” Goldstein announces in a June tweet. “By default, wherever a #Jew lives they’re #Colonizing. Ghettos ensure Jews don’t displace #Palestinians.”

    None of Goldstein’s anti-Israel public messages appeared to pose any red flags for Maita Lockhart, Oakley’s campaign manager, who responded enthusiastically when the faux-rabbi reached out in November with an offer to organize a fundraiser in Gaza...

    In addition to posts about the Green New Deal, systemic racism and other progressive totems, Oakley’s social media accounts are full of anti-Israel talking points describing Israel as committing “apartheid” and “genocide.”

    The parody account is the creation of a pro-Israel attorney ...
  364. Elad Benari, House approves resolution: Israel is not a racist or apartheid state, INN,  | 19/7/23 .

    The US House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution condemning antisemitism and stating that Israel is not a racist state, NBC News reported.

    The vote was 412-9, with 195 Democrats joining all Republicans in voting yes. Nine Democrats voted against the non-binding resolution, several of whom have previously denounced Israel as an “apartheid state”. One Democrat voted present.

    The resolution was a Republican response to Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who over the weekend called Israel a “racist state”, before walking back the comments and stating that she had directed them at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

    Before Tuesday’s vote, Jayapal declined to provide any lengthy comment about the GOP effort, only calling it “ridiculous” before the elevator doors closed.

    Authored by Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), the resolution does not mention Jayapal by name but it clearly takes aim at her recent remarks, noted NBC News. It states that it’s the sense of Congress that “the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state,” that “Congress rejects all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia," and that “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”

    “This is about an affirmation of support,” said Pfluger, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. “This is about a stance: 75 years after Israel became a nation, the United States was within minutes the first country to recognize ...
  365. 'Al ha-mishmar - על המשמר, 21 December 1945.

    צעירי שכם מתמרדים

    יפו, יום ה'. — "פלשתין" כותב, שהחלטת הסינאט האמריקני לטובת הציונות היא פשע נגד הדימוקראטיה העולה על פשעי היטלר ומוסוליני, ג'ינגיס־חאן וטימורלן. The young people of Nablus are rebelling

    Jaffa, Thursday. 'Falestin' writes that the decision of the American Senate in favor of Zionism is a crime against democracy that transcends the crimes of Hitler and Mussolini, Genghis Khan and Timurlan.
  366. </ol>

"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map

W. Ormsby-Gore as he was preparing the royal commission report, "Though I knew there was ill-feeling between Jews and Arabs, I had not realized the depth and intensity of the hatred with which the Jews are held by the Arabs..."
"It is not Israel's settlement blocks but rather the Palestinian ideological blockade that constitutes the biggest barrier to peaceful arrangements . The Jew-hatred in this region must no longer be played down as a kind of local custom ..."
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."