Last modified on June 7, 2009, at 20:43

User:Learn together/Contest4

Day 1

====Minor edits==== (163 pts)

  • (4 pts for more extensive - usually 4 or more change types)
  • (2 pts for regular minor change/changes)
  • (1 pt for entertainment)
  1. Wolffartsweire
  2. George Arnott Walker-Arnott
  3. Sitcom
  4. Pluralism
  5. Academic freedom
  6. Abortion Facts
  7. Abetalipoproteinemia (4)
  8. Vyacheslav Molotov
  9. Transport
  10. Degree (4)
  11. Third Temple
  12. Metastasis
  13. Nenya (1)
  14. Narya (1)
  15. Vilya (1)
  16. Kennedy School of Government
  17. Cisco Systems, Inc.
  18. Sidney Blumenthal
  19. Computer science
  20. Tassili n'Ajjer
  21. William James
  22. Metro (disambiguation)
  23. Piper Alpha
  24. Timgad
  25. Thumbnail
  26. Hierarchy
  27. Entebbe (4)
  28. Great Zimbabwe
  29. Luanda
  30. Harare
  31. Johannesburg
  32. Cape Town
  33. Tipaza
  34. Aliyah
  35. Martinez v. California
  36. Maine v. Thiboutot
  37. Mireless v. Waco
  38. Raj
  39. Pratibha Patil
  40. Mumbai
  41. History of India
  42. Chennai
  43. Caraka
  44. Kolkata
  45. Wertheim
  46. Oberammergau
  47. Münster
  48. Hamburg
  49. Frankfurt
  50. Essen
  51. Bremen
  52. Bonn
  53. Berlin
  54. Bavaria
  55. Bad Hönningen
  56. Beijing
  57. Stump v. Sparkman
  58. Pierson v. Ray
  59. Randall v. Brigham
  60. Quasi-judicial immunity
  61. Molotov Cocktail
  62. Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards Act
  63. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. Wilderness Society
  64. Kepler Conjecture
  65. Christiansburg Garment Co. v. EEOC
  66. Sting (Middle Earth)
  67. Acitretin embryofetopathy
  68. Niger
  69. Computer
  70. Truro
  71. Huey Long
  72. Genesis
  73. Judicial immunity
  74. Absolute judicial immunity
  75. The Pirates of Penzance
  76. The Prisoner (1)
  77. Mae Busch (1)
  78. Arthur Robinson (4)
  79. Balantidiasis (4)

====Undeaden==== (3 pts)

  1. Acitretin embryofetopathy
  2. Absolute judicial immunity
  3. Balantidiasis

====Created Categories==== (9 pts)

  1. Category:African Cities
  2. Category:Indian Cities
  3. Category:German Cities

====Rename Categories==== (2 pts)

  1. Category:Judicial Immunity

====Total Points for Day = 163 + 3 +9 +2 = 177

Total: 177


====Minor New Article==== (4 pts)

  1. Lip

====Minor Edits==== (315 pts)

  • (4 pts for more extensive - usually 4 or more change types)
  • (2 pts for regular minor change/changes)
  • (1 pt for entertainment)
  1. Middle-earth
  2. Gimli
  3. Birch
  4. Mohammed Atta
  5. Ayman Al-Zawahiri
  6. Al Khattab
  7. Ayman Al-Zawahiri
  8. Rosa Luxemburg
  9. Judges (Biblical book) (4)
  10. Biofuel
  11. Christian Coalition (4)
  12. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  13. Harlow v. Fitzgerald
  14. Calcium Sulfate
  15. Anderson v. Creighton
  16. NOPEC
  17. Entities
  18. Ukraine
  19. Nicaragua
  20. The Fight in Lonely Gulch
  21. Cohomology
  22. Darlak v. Bobear
  23. Glue
  24. Abacus
  25. Palladium
  26. Kernel
  27. Matthew (4)
  28. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  29. Saint Andrew
  30. Jezreel
  31. Acropolis
  32. Adriatic Sea
  33. Hudson Bay
  34. English Channel
  35. Chesapeake Bay
  36. Deng Xiaoping
  37. Jiang Jingguo
  38. Shi Huangdi
  39. Qin
  40. Qing (4)
  41. Zhou Enlai
  42. Yuan Shikai
  43. Ming Dynasty (4)
  44. Zhou dynasty
  45. Yuan dynasty
  46. Tang Dynasty
  47. Sui Dynasty
  48. Song Dynasty
  49. Shang dynasty
  50. Han dynasty
  51. Chi'in dynasty
  52. Ch'uing Dynasty
  53. Zhu De
  54. Civil union (4)
  55. Squealer (Animal Farm)
  56. King Hrothgar
  57. Ecglaf
  58. Cedric Price
  59. Mies van der Rohe
  60. Le Corbusier
  61. Jiang Qing
  62. Gang of Four
  63. Liu Shaoqi
  64. Lin Biao
  65. Tsodilo
  66. Wendy Carlos (4)
  67. Jonathan (4)
  68. Jesse Ventura
  69. Denomination
  70. Carboxylic acid
  71. Georg Cantor (4)
  72. Temporal lobes
  73. Assyrian Empire
  74. Jehovah's Witnesses
  75. Ararat
  76. Pahoehoe
  77. Ultrabasic rock
  78. Porphyroblastic
  79. Pahoehoe
  80. Obsidian
  81. Lava
  82. Intermediate rock
  83. Igneous rock
  84. Granite
  85. Dacite
  86. Basic Rock
  87. Basalt
  88. Andesite
  89. Acid Rock
  90. Aa
  91. Sedimentary Rock
  92. Clay minerals
  93. Chalk
  94. Shale
  95. Carbonates
  96. Arenaceous
  97. Slate
  98. Schist
  99. Phyllite
  100. Operation Barbarossa (4)
  101. Eastern Front (World War II)
  102. Wright v. Council of the City of Emporia
  103. Schweiker v. Chilicky
  104. Ego
  105. Land of Hope and Glory
  106. Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad
  107. Voice
  108. Quantum field theory
  109. Deacon
  110. Djemila
  111. Trinidad and Tobago
  112. Qualified immunity
  113. Wilson v. Layne
  114. Game animal
  115. Conn v. Gabbert
  116. Bowhunting
  117. Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners of N. M.
  118. United States v. Mandujano
  119. Word Bible College
  120. Dent v. West Virginia
  121. Kasbah of Algiers
  122. Bob Woodward
  123. M'Zab Valley
  124. Super-ego
  125. Id
  126. Peleg
  127. GNU
  128. Gull
  129. Mitt
  130. Alcohol abuse
  131. Albinism-deafness syndrome
  132. Alan Feduccia
  133. Al Martino
  134. Akkadians (4)
  135. Agent handler
  136. Agartha
  137. Acrorenal syndrome
  138. Acromegaly
  139. Sierpiński's constant
  140. Definition
  141. Acrofacial dysostosis
  142. Acrodysostosis
  143. Jacke Chan (1)
  144. Acrocraniofacial dysostosis
  145. Achondrogenesis
  146. Accuracy in Media
  147. American Mock Trial Invitational

====Undeadended==== (6 pts)

  1. Albinism-deafness syndrome
  2. Al Martino
  3. Acrorenal syndrome
  4. Acromegaly
  5. Acrodysostosis
  6. Acrocraniofacial dysostosis

====Redirects==== (21 pts)

  1. Periodic chart
  2. Mythological
  3. Book of Judges
  4. Congresswomen
  5. Congresswoman
  6. Congressmen
  7. UAE
  8. Divide
  9. Multiply
  10. Subtract
  11. Add
  12. Saint Matthew
  13. Matthew the Apostle
  14. Galilean
  15. Adriatic
  16. Ch'uing Dynasty
  17. Ming China
  18. Assyrian
  19. Leukocytes
  20. George Cantor
  21. J.S. Bach

====Renamed Categories==== (12 pts)

  1. Category:Bodies of Water
  2. Category:Chinese Dynasties
  3. Category:Middle Eastern Countries
  4. Category:Igneous Rocks
  5. Category:Sedimentary Rocks
  6. Category:Metamorphic Rocks

====Category Edits==== (4 pts) (Missing tie-in to greater category)

  1. Category:Trees
  2. Category:South American Countries

====Total Points for Day = 4 + 315 + 21 +12 +4 = 356

Total: 533

Day 3

====Minor New Article==== (12 pts)

  1. Orc
  2. Levi (tribe)
  3. Last Judgement
  4. Sight

====Quality Edits==== (12 pts)

  1. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  2. Answers in Genesis

====Minor Edits==== (202 pts)

  • (4 pts for more extensive - usually 4 or more change types)
  • (2 pts for regular minor change/changes)
  • (1 pt for entertainment)
  1. Palladium
  2. Alpha-mannosidosis (4)
  3. Zipporah
  4. Zilpah
  5. Sarah
  6. Rebekah
  7. Rahab (4)
  8. Rachel
  9. Orpah
  10. Nimshi
  11. Mary Magdalene
  12. Miriam
  13. Mary (mother of Jesus)
  14. Leah
  15. Keturah
  16. Judges of Israel
  17. Jezebel
  18. Hephzibah
  19. Hagar
  20. Gabriel
  21. Eve
  22. Esther
  23. Drusilla
  24. Dinah
  25. Shechem (4)
  26. Delilah
  27. Deborah
  28. Bilhah
  29. Bathsheba
  30. Alopecia totalis
  31. Four Last Things
  32. Azariah
  33. Asher
  34. Asenath
  35. Arpachshad
  36. Agabus
  37. Philip the Apostle
  38. Rankine
  39. 19th century
  40. Fahrenheit
  41. Celsius
  42. Absolute temperature scale
  43. Ike Skelton
  44. Proprioception
  45. Discalced
  46. Deicide
  47. Deicide (Band) (1)
  48. Wernher von Braun
  49. Sally Ride
  50. Alan Shepard
  51. Jim Lovell
  52. John Glenn
  53. Frank Borman
  54. Buzz Aldrin
  55. Neil Armstrong
  56. Carl Wernicke
  57. Touch
  58. Hearing (sense)
  59. Absolute legislative immunity
  60. Tenney v. Brandhove
  61. Riparian area
  62. Iran-Contra affair
  63. Watergate affair
  64. Rathergate
  65. Whitewater
  66. Francis Gary Powers
  67. All Saved Freak Band (1)
  68. Confessio
  69. Church (4)
  70. Christendom
  71. Chrisma
  72. Vox populi
  73. Vox
  74. Vice versa
  75. Urbi et orbi
  76. Sub rosa
  77. Saecula saeculorum
  78. Regnat populus
  79. Quo vadis?
  80. Per Diem
  81. Nolens volens
  82. Modus operandi
  83. Taboo
  84. Malum in se
  85. Ex Officio (4)
  86. Ditat Deus
  87. Deus vult (4)
  88. Esse
  89. Ain Karim
  90. Supreme Court v. Consumers Union
  91. Don Francisco
  92. Denver and the Mile High Orchestra
  93. Bates v. State Bar of Arizona
  94. Philip Pullman
  95. Phoenicians
  96. Japheth

====Created Categories==== (15 pts)

  1. Category:Biblical Women (New page: Category:Biblical persons)
  2. Category:Units of Temperature (New page: Category:unit of measure Category:Meteorology) (top)
  3. Category:Senses (New page: Category:Anatomy) (top)
  4. Category:Christian Singers (New page: Category:Singers) (top)
  5. Category:Christian Bands (New page: Category:Bands) (top)

====Renamed Categories==== (6 pts)

  1. Category:Astronauts
  2. Category:Christian Terms
  3. Category:Latin Phrases

====Undeadended==== (2 pts)

  1. Alpha-mannosidosis
  2. Riparian area

====Redirects==== (8 pts)

  1. Book of Joshua
  2. Spirituality
  3. Orcs
  4. Levites
  5. Last Judgment
  6. Centigrade
  7. Father God
  8. Anti-abortionist

====Most Wanted==== (6 pts)

  1. Spirituality
  2. Orc

====Blocks==== (2 pts)

  1. User:KillerFrenchFrey7

====Total Points for Day = 12 + 12 + 202 + 15 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 2 = 265

Total: 798

Day 4

====Ordinary New Entry==== (12 pts)

  1. Drunk
  2. Drinking

====Quality Edit==== (36 pts)

  1. Sam Walton
  2. Elizabethan Age
  3. Hebrews
  4. Amerigo Vespucci
  5. Ancient Greece
  6. Daniel Ortega

====Minor Edits==== (52 pts)

  • (4 pts for more extensive - usually 4 or more change types)
  • (2 pts for regular minor change/changes)
  • (1 pt for entertainment)
  1. Cuba
  2. Donald Trump (4)
  3. Anita Bryant
  4. Pope John XXII
  5. Cannibalism
  6. Anencephaly (4)
  7. Anemia (4)
  8. Andy Williams (4)
  9. Aristophanes (4)
  10. Abstinence (4)
  11. Amtorg
  12. Greek tragedy
  13. Heterosexuality
  14. Mary I (4)
  15. Ammonite
  16. Persian empire (4)
  17. David Hume
  18. Alveolar echinococcosis

====Edited Category==== (2 pts)

  1. Category:Abolitionists

====Undeadended==== (4 pts)

  1. Anencephaly
  2. Anemia
  3. Amtorg
  4. Alveolar echinococcosis

====Redirect==== (6 pts)

  1. Court of Appeals
  2. Cranial
  3. Drinking and driving
  4. Spying
  5. Spies
  6. Elizabethan England

====Total Points for Day = 12 + 36 + 52 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 112

Total: 910

Day 5

====Quality Edits==== (6 pts)

  1. Petula Clark

====Minor Edits==== (79 pts)

  • (4 pts for more extensive - usually 4 or more change types)
  • (2 pts for regular minor change/changes)
  • (1 pt for entertainment)
  1. R.L. Wysong
  2. Doctor
  3. Jay Wile
  4. Samuel Wilberforce
  5. Carl Wieland
  6. Justin Wallace
  7. Barry Setterfield
  8. Hugh Ross
  9. Larry Pierce
  10. Ian Paisley
  11. List of Young Earth Creationists
  12. Kent Hovind
  13. Ken Ham
  14. Walt Brown
  15. John Baumgardner
  16. Avril Lavigne
  17. Victoria Beckham
  18. Anita Bryant
  19. Madonna Ciccone (1)
  20. Patti Page (1)
  21. Diana Ross
  22. Britney Spears (1)
  23. Tammy Wynette
  24. Shania Twain (1)
  25. Azores
  26. Hypothetical
  27. Tax haven
  28. Atheism is a religion
  29. Bank of England
  30. Bodybuilding
  31. German Democratic Republic
  32. Sex education
  33. Teapot Dome Affair (4)
  34. Aretha Franklin (3)
  35. Anne of Green Gables
  36. Anita Hill (4)
  37. Aniridia
  38. American Heritage Girls
  39. Anguillulosis

====New Categories==== (9 pts)

  1. Category:Old Earth Creationists
  2. Category:Women Singers
  3. Category:Scandals

====Renamed Categories==== (4 pts)

  1. Category:Creationists
  2. Category:Young Earth Creationists

====Redirects==== (1 pt)

  1. Veterinary

====Total Points for Day = 6 + 79 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 99

Total: 1009

Day 6

====Regular New Article==== (30 pts)

  1. Asp
  2. Arbor Day
  3. Aramaeans
  4. Amistad
  5. All Saints Day

====Quality Edits==== (78 pts)

  1. September 11, 2001 attacks
  2. Aristarchus
  3. Aristides
  4. Arctic Ocean
  5. Archery
  6. Ararat
  7. Aramaic
  8. Aral Sea
  9. Aragon
  10. Anaximenes of Miletus
  11. Anaximander
  12. Anaxagoras
  13. Amish

====Minor Edits==== (126 pts)

  1. Vincent Robert Capodanno
  2. Bouwes Bavinck syndrome
  3. Chair
  4. Yahtzee
  5. World of Warcraft (1)
  6. Video game
  7. Total War (PC Series) (1)
  8. Tomb Raider (1)
  9. Starcraft 2 (1)
  10. StarCraft (1)
  11. Space Quest (1)
  12. RuneScape (1)
  13. Myst (1)
  14. Megaman (1)
  15. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (1)
  16. Left Behind: Eternal Forces (1)
  17. Half-life (1)
  18. Grand Theft Auto
  19. Everquest (1)
  20. Digimon (1)
  21. Diablo 2 (1)
  22. Colony Wars III: Red Sun (1)
  23. Colony Wars II: Vengance (1)
  24. Colony Wars (1)
  25. Breath of Fire II
  26. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1)
  27. Wii Sports (1)
  28. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (1)
  29. NES (1)
  30. Nintendo
  31. Pokémon
  32. Metroid (1)
  33. Mario (1)
  34. The Legend of Zelda (1)
  35. Fire Emblem (1)
  36. Nintendo 64 (1)
  37. Gameboy (1)
  38. GameCube (1)
  39. DS (1)
  40. Wii (1)
  41. Xbox
  42. Luigi
  43. Princess Peach
  44. Bowser
  45. Anorchidia
  46. Bernard Lewis
  47. Essay:Problem
  48. Columbia Records
  49. Bobby Vinton (1)
  50. Bobby Vee
  51. Atkins Diet
  52. Bobby Rydell (1)
  53. Dr. Pepper Seven Up, Inc.
  54. Zaibatsu
  55. Zero skateboards
  56. City Journal
  57. Compare Tom Tancredo to Ron Reagan
  58. Whitefield college
  59. Chubby Checker (1)
  60. German Democratic Republic (undo edit)
  61. Bobby Fischer
  62. Lent (4)
  63. Roman Empire
  64. Martyrs' Monument
  65. Christianity
  66. City of Angels
  67. Calcium carbonate
  68. Baseball cards
  69. Barbra Streisand (4)
  70. Orson Scott Card
  71. Video game
  72. Battle of Armageddon
  73. Megiddo
  74. Saint Andrew (4)
  75. Catholicism
  76. German Democratic Republic
  77. Old Earth

====Redirects==== (14 pts)

  1. Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
  2. Role playing game
  3. Role-playing game
  4. Drummer
  5. Banking
  6. Book of Mark
  7. Book of Luke
  8. Book of John
  9. Book of Matthew
  10. Book of Deuteronomy
  11. Crucified
  12. Caeser Augustus
  13. Aristarchus of Samos
  14. Mount Ararat

====Undeadended==== (7 pts)

  1. Bouwes Bavinck syndrome
  2. Megaman
  3. Anorchidia
  4. Bobby Vee
  5. Bobby Rydell
  6. Compare Tom Tancredo to Ron Reagan
  7. Calcium carbonate

====Created Category==== (3 pts)

  1. Category:Pop Culture

===Category Upgrade==== (2 pts)

  1. Category:Companies

====Renamed Categories==== (8 pts)

  1. Category:Dice Games (1)
  2. Category:Video Games (1)
  3. Category:Nintendo Franchises (1)
  4. Category:Nintendo Games (1)
  5. Category:Video Game Systems (1)
  6. Category:Mario Brothers (1)
  7. Category:Nintendo Franchises (1)
  8. Category:Nintendo Systems (1)

====Blocks==== (6 pts)

  1. User:Barikada
  2. User:Jesuscango2Hell
  3. User:JasonAQuest

====Total Points for Day = 30 + 78 + 126 + 14 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 274

Total: 1283

Day 7

====Quality Edit==== (12 pts)

  1. Holy innocents
  2. Aaron

====Minor Edits==== (186 pts)

  1. Salvation in the Old Testament
  2. Prodigal Son
  3. Preterism
  4. Mary Magdalene - First Witness to the Resurrection - Significance?
  5. Mary (mother of Jesus)
  6. High place
  7. Garden of Gethsemane
  8. Freedom
  9. Exegesis
  10. Eschatology
  11. Daniel's image (4)
  12. United Kingdom of Israel
  13. Northern Kingdom
  14. New Chronology
  15. Kingdom of Judah
  16. Biblical chronology dispute
  17. Biblical chronology
  18. The Annals of the World
  19. Vulgate
  20. The Wichser Bible
  21. Septuagint
  22. Revised Standard Version
  23. Revised English Bible
  24. New King James Version
  25. New Jerusalem Bible
  26. New International Version
  27. New English Bible
  28. Living Bible
  29. Latin Vulgate
  30. King James Bible
  31. Inspired Version
  32. Good News Bible
  33. English Standard Version
  34. Douay-Rheims
  35. Confraternity Bible
  36. Concordia Self Study Bible
  37. Complete Jewish Bible
  38. Comic
  39. Wolf
  40. Weasel
  41. Vermin
  42. Unicorn
  43. Sheep
  44. Mouse
  45. Lion
  46. Leviathan
  47. Isaiah
  48. Leopard
  49. Horse
  50. Goat
  51. Dog
  52. Deer
  53. Camel (4)
  54. Behemoth (4)
  55. Badger
  56. T. H. Huxley
  57. List of Young Earth Creationists
  58. Institute for Creation Research
  59. Flood Geology
  60. CreationWiki
  61. Creation Museum
  62. Creation Ministries International
  63. Catastrophism
  64. Answers in Genesis
  65. William Dembski
  66. Michael Behe
  67. William J. Donovan
  68. John Foster Dulles
  69. National Socialist German Workers Party
  70. William T. Stone
  71. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  72. People's Republic of China
  73. North Korea
  74. Cuba
  75. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  76. Romania
  77. Poland (4)
  78. Poland
  79. Hungary (4)
  80. German Democratic Republic
  81. Czechoslovakia (4)
  82. Bulgaria
  83. Christianity
  84. Warsaw Pact
  85. Triple Alliance
  86. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  87. Colonel

====Renamed Categories==== (24 pts)

  1. Category:Bible Study
  2. Category:Bible Chronology
  3. Category:Bible Versions
  4. Category:Biblical Animals
  5. Category:Biblical Persons
  6. Category:Young Earth Creationism
  7. Category:Intelligent Design Theorists
  8. Category:Fascist States
  9. Category:Totalitarian States
  10. Category:Communist States (Upgraded with Category as well)
  11. Category:Warsaw Pact Members
  12. Category:Military Alliances

====Redirects==== (4 pts)

  1. Book of Isaiah
  2. Old earth
  3. Intelligent Design (book)
  4. President Woodrow Wilson

====Blocks==== (2 pts)

  1. User:Zewb

====Total Points for Day = 12 + 186 + 24 + 4 + 2 = 228

Total: 1511

Day 8

====Short New Entry==== (4 pts)

  1. Topography

====Quality Edit==== (18 pts)

  1. Numbers
  2. Isaiah (Biblical book)
  3. First Epistle to the Thessalonians

====Minor Edits==== (170 pts)

  1. Egyptian plagues
  2. Antichrist
  3. Dizahab
  4. Golden Rule
  5. Geneva Bible
  6. House of David
  7. Matthew
  8. Book of Hebrews
  9. Fall of Samaria
  10. Exodus of Israel
  11. Fall of Jerusalem
  12. Aaron's Rod
  13. Masoretic Text
  14. Mosaic Law
  15. Sadducees
  16. The Greatest Commandment
  17. Red Sea crossing
  18. Tanakh
  19. Twelve sons of Jacob
  20. Woman caught in adultery
  21. Battle of Zemaraim
  22. Song of Solomon
  23. Leviticus
  24. Joshua (Biblical book)
  25. Psalms
  26. Ecclesiastes
  27. Book of Revelation
  28. Second Epistle of Peter
  29. Ruth (Biblical book)
  30. Proverbs
  31. Philippians
  32. Number
  33. Job
  34. II Kings
  35. II Chronicles
  36. I Kings
  37. Gospel of Matthew
  38. Gospel of Mark
  39. Gospel of Luke
  40. Gospel of John
  41. Exodus (Biblical book)
  42. Deuteronomy
  43. Acts (of the Apostles)
  44. Gospel of Thomas
  45. Kevin Keegan (1)
  46. Frank Meadow Sutcliffe
  47. William Klein
  48. Ansel Adams
  49. Tyre
  50. Tower of Babel
  51. Tigris River
  52. Sodom
  53. Mount Sinai
  54. Sidon
  55. Ramoth-gilead
  56. Nazareth
  57. Mount Moriah
  58. Jezreel
  59. Jerusalem
  60. Jericho
  61. Israel
  62. Hebron
  63. Gath
  64. Garden of Gethsemane
  65. Garden of Eden
  66. Galilee
  67. Euphrates River
  68. Ephesus
  69. Canaan
  70. Calvary
  71. Bethlehem
  72. Babylon
  73. Antioch
  74. Ain Karim
  75. Will Smith (1)
  76. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  77. Richard Wagner
  78. Music
  79. Ivanhoe
  80. Animal Liberation Front
  81. Parade
  82. Dieting
  83. Protein
  84. Carbohydrate
  85. Fat
  86. First Punic War

====Created Category==== (3 pts)

  1. Category:Nutrition

====Renamed Categories==== (8 pts)

  1. Category:Old Testament Books
  2. Category:New Testament Books
  3. Category:Biblical Books
  4. Category:Biblical Places

====Redirects==== (1 pt)

  1. The Exodus

====Total Points for Day = 4 + 18 + 170 + 3 + 8 + 1 = 204

Total: 1715