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Fed up with incompetent, biased tactics by anti-Trump prosecutor Jack Smith, Judge Aileen Cannon cancels the trial date in Florida and declines to set a new date out of respect for Trump's "right to due process." [1] No pre-election trial there.

Robert Gouveia LIVE: Stormy Daniels pounded in court; defense demands mistrial; Avenatti exposes Stormy's scheme

On the edge of nuclear war? Col Douglas Macgregor & Prof Glenn Diesen. [2]

Russia-US spar over next Ukrainian president; [3] Russia hopes to influence Ukraine’s possibly impending US-backed regime change process. [4]

A plot to kill Zelensky - Daniel Davis & Larry Johnson. [5]

Journalism’s latest draft recasts Ukraine narrative. [6]

If merely 1% of the recent foreign aid flows back as dark money for Dem candidates -- a low estimate -- that's a $1 billion election-year boost to liberals and their ballot initiatives.
"Unprecedented surge in ‘dark money’ floods 2024 elections." [7]

Hakeem Jeffries: US will send troops to Ukraine. [8] Putin orders tactical nuclear drills in reaction to West's threats. [9][10] Dmitry Medvedev: Sending troops will mean their direct involvement. Western leaders won’t be able to hide on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or on 10 Downing Street. [11]

Again? [12]

Conservative foreign policy for dummies (in the mainstream media). [13]

Stephen Bryen: About sources & methods analyzing Ukraine. [14]

Reuters: Russia says United States is being hypocritical over ICC and Israel. [15]

Andrew Korybko: Russia's tactical nuclear weapons exercises are meant to deter a NATO intervention in Ukraine. [16]

UK top think tank quietly validates Russia's strategic superiority; [17] UK Col Alex Vershinin confirms Russia is light years ahead of NATO's military establishment. [18]

Lavrov: Western powers no longer talk about a supposed victory over Russia, they are only seeking to prevent themselves from being defeated. [19]

US supplied ATACMS target troops inside Russia. [20]

'Poland is not cannon fodder': protesters fume at NATO ally's support for Ukraine. [21]

Usually liberal SNL wickedly mocks Hollywood celebrities with a hilarious skit about "Teeny Tiny Statement Pins" to be worn on the red carpet: "I can say whatever I want and no one has to know!" [22]

Pew Poll: Catholics favor Trump over Biden 55% to 43%; [23] Too big to rig? Rasmussen: Trump 48% Biden 36%. [24]

Mark Hamill destroys Star Wars legacy. [25]

The Devil demands one's soul: Dems "going to extract some kind of deal from him in exchange for their vote” against MTG's motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson. [26] See the Third Temptation of Christ, as history repeats itself.

Zelensky wanted on criminal charges. [27] His term of office ends May 21. [28] Placing him on the wanted list ensures the Russian state cannot legally negotiate with a wanted criminal. [29]

NATO tanks in Moscow: Inside exhibition at Victory Park in Moscow. [30][31][32][33] WaPo: Confident of victory, Russia exhibits Western war trophies ahead of Victory Day. [34][35] ]

Celebrating Easter in Donetsk as the city resurrects from 10 years of war. [36] How 10 years of US meddling undermined democracy and fueled war. [37]

Ireland's protests and color revolutions – a contrast in reactions. [38]

NYT: Families and rights groups say Ukrainian military is simply overloaded with casualties, unable to account for thousands of the dead, adding to the anguish of families. [39]

Russia shoots down more ATACMS over Crimea. [40][41] French troops hit in Slovyansk. Another Abrams destroyed. [42][43][44]

UK Telegraph: Ukraine peace talks alternative to inevitable battlefield defeat, says senior Ukraine general. [45] Ukraine cannot beat Russia on the battlefield and will have to enter talks with Putin, Zelensky senior military commander tells The Economist. [46][47]

HistoryLegends: Russian forces heading towards operational victory in Donbas. [48]

Jimmy Dore: WEF Young Leaders speech is pure evil. [49]

Soros, Ukraine, and the spider web of NGOs with special guest Andrii Telizhenko. [50] [51] Biden corruption led to Ukraine's destruction. [52]

How Soros helped Hamas go mainstream. [53]

Stephen Bryen: France sends troops to Ukraine. [54] Will the deployment trigger a bigger war? UK greenlights missile strikes in Russia. [55][56] Blinken, Burns and NATO's bid for Ukraine. [57]

Rep Victoria Spartz (R-IN) blames Zelensky for losing war. [58] Russians who fled war are going back. [59]

Politico: Biden will attempt to shift focus from the Ukraine disaster to domestic issues. [60] This change was predictable. [61]

RWA Samizdat: The Ukraine war started 10 years ago today in Odessa. [62] US meddling has undermined democracy in both Ukraine and the United States. [63]

Biden economic advisor explains Bidenomics. [64]

Russian girls play American football. [65]

Ongoing US-backed color revolution in the Republic of Georgia. [66] Prime Minister of Georgia exposed US regime change attempt. [67] Another US-backed Satanic LGBT coup. [68]

Michael Cohen obliterated by Hope Hicks. [69]

Best of the public: unsponsored fulltime deli worker at Walmart is the third-faster hurdler in the world, and could represent U.S. at upcoming Olympics. "He provides excellent customer service all the time," his manager at Walmart observes. [70]

Dr Robert Malone: Fascism, globalism, and the 'medical-industrial complex'. [71]

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep Thomas Massie press conference on Democrats' endorsement of Mike Johnson. [72] A true bipartisan scandal. [73]

Alarm bells sounded by Politico over a repeat of the 1968 protests and the resulting Dem presidential loss. [74] Then a quote of Buffalo Springfield lyrics: “There’s something happening here / But what it is ain’t exactly clear.” Over 2,000 protesters arrested at college campuses across the US. [75]

Rep Matt Gaetz demands investigation after CIA program manager gets loose lips about Trump. [76][77] President Trump responds to leaked CIA recording alleging senior officials withheld information from him. [78]

Lawfare update: Gen Michael Flynn hit with 8 subpoenas in effort to defeat President Trump. [79]

Trump prosecutor pleads the 5th when asked if he broke the law to get Trump. [80]

Military industrial complex update: 2nd Boeing whistleblower dead. [81]

Liberal filmmaker "Michael Moore: Biden Is Losing Youth Vote, Likely He Won’t Be Reelected." [82]

Congress criminalizes portions of the Gospel of John as the House passes the broad Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 (H.R. 6090), which 91 congressmen voted against. [83]

Transexuals twice as likely to enlist in US military than straight people. [84]

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene to proceed with motion to oust uniparty stooge Speaker Mike Johnson. [85]
Conservative of the Year 2021 MTG forces Dems to embrace or disown the uniparty Johnson. Pro-aborts may insist that no Dem help Johnson, who happens to be pro-life, pro-Trump.

NY Post: Biden regime considering accepting refugees from Gaza. [86] $3.5 billion slipped into Ukraine-Israel aid bill to 'supercharge mass migration from the Middle East'. [87][88]

College campus protests grow: "Hundreds of NYPD officers gather outside Columbia University," and have entered the campus to make arrests. [89]
UPDATE: violence erupts in protests at UCLA. [90]

The dastardly right wing plot to have babies and save humanity from extinction. [91] The Great Depopulation Era is now. [92]

The Conservative Treehouse: Tucker Carlson interviews Alexander Dugin. [93] Russians with Attitude interview Larry Johnson. [94]

Stephen Bryen: Just as NATO ramps up production of Patriot missiles, Israel announces the system's retirement after its failure in Iran missile attacks. [95][96]

NATO probes Russian defenses in Crimea. [97] Reuters: Russia shoots down six U.S.-made ATACMS missiles. [98]

Dinesh D'Souza: Karine Jean-Pierre blames Putin for why voters miss the Trump economy. [99] Democrat tweets 'Slava Ukraine Die MAGA Die'. [100] Slava Ukraine is the Ukrainian equivalent of Heil Hitler. [101]

Another media hoax about Russia revealed as Ukraine loses ground. [102]

Missouri Senate Passes Bill to Treat Gold and Silver as Legal Tender, as Utah, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Arkansas have done. [103]

Taxpayers must pay for transgender surgeries through health insurance, the 8-6 Fourth Circuit rules in ordering West Virginia and North Carolina government-sponsored plans to pay for this. [104]

The logical & moral case for negotiating an end to Russia/Ukraine war. [105]

Why conservative families move to Russia despite war & sanctions. [106] 'We want to become Russian citizens'. [107] 'Why we left Canada'. [108] 'The real reason why I left the USA (and won’t be moving back)' Hint: extreme Russophobia. [109]

New report: Prescription drugs are the leading cause of death in America. [110]

Liberal logic is ruining the Big Three and Michigan: Ford is losing $132,000 on every electric vehicle that it sells this year. [111]

NFL-watching, drugs, and death: still no answers about 3 who froze to death after an "NFL watch party" in January. [112] Unplug the NFL.

What's in Washington's newest Ukraine arms package? [113] 8,280 lost in first week. [114][115]

Time for liberal panic: CNN shows a 9-point lead by Trump over Biden, 42-33% with RFK Jr. in the race [116] while Michigan (a key swing state) Dem Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is booed at the NFL draft. [117]

Inept Trump adviser Bill Barr tells CNN he'll vote for Trump, after Barr pandered to the liberal media for years by unfairly criticizing Trump. [118]

Biden condemns pro-Israel protesters. [119] Soros behind nationwide pro-Hamas protests on campuses. [120]

Iraq, which America made 'democratic' 20 years ago, passes anti-LGBTQ-gay law. [121]

Fake news update: Alleged 'kidnapped' children by Putin have been in Germany all along. [122]

US intel agencies conclude Putin didn't kill Russian traitor Alexei Navalny. [123]

NATO armour reaches Moscow. [124]

US recalls M1 Abrams from Ukraine front. [125][126] $10 million tanks vulnerable to $500 drones. [127] Lloyd Austin: Patriot missile not the silver bullet for Ukraine. [128]

Ukraine foreign minister calls refugees who fled Ukraine 'traitors'. [129] AFU troops refusing orders. [130] NATO allies begin deporting draft dodgers to provide cannon fodder for the front. [131]

Blinken's threats receive strong response. [132] The impotence of Antony Blinken. [133]

Earthquake rattles New Jersey again, without a fault line that atheistic science claims causes this.

Leftist California car regulation to force Big Brother warnings when exceeding the speed limit. [134] Cars nationwide could be burdened by this.

Trump's lead in swing states increased this week, suggesting that that the county prosecution of Trump in New York City is rejected by voters in the Midwest and Southwest. [135] Trump trial week 1 recap. [136]

Top Ukrainian 'fact-checker' arrested for assault on Grayzone contributor. [137]

Ukrainian Minister of Agriculture released on $1.9 million bail. [138]

'There’s nothing left!' 600,000 Ukrainians dead! | Col Douglas Macgregor on the Ukraine war w/ Russell Brand. [139]

Polish foreign minister: Stalinist borders are sacrosanct. [140] Dmitri Simes Jr: 'Don’t play with fire'. [141]

Setback for delusional Trump-haters: no federal trial of Trump before the election, Supreme Court justices signal at Friday hearing. “Reliance on the good faith of the prosecutor may not be enough,” said Chief Justice John Roberts, whose vote liberals' need. [142]

Blinken in China greeted by Shanghai deputy mayor. [143] China warns Blinken: cooperation or confrontation. [144][145]

Patriot Nurse: Dollar collapse and WW3: The chicken or the egg? [146]

Orban: Liberal world order must be destroyed. [147]

Dr Rob Campbell: Ukraine Weekly Update. [148]

Comedown after post-aid 'high' brings West back to reality. [149]

Biden got his expanded-war funding - now what? [150]

Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? [151]

Tucker Carlson explains Watergate was a deep state coup to remove President Nixon from office. [152] Dr Jerome Corsi: JFK, Russiagate, and the deep state agenda. [153]

Gerald Celente and Judge Napolitano: Killing the Constitution and marching off to war. [154]

Daily Caller: US economic growth slows down massively. [155]

Biden's war on women. [156][157]

Elite universities breed the new Hitler Youth. [158] Speaker Johnson's trip to Columbia University. [159]

US aid to Ukraine is basically a scam. [160]

2023 Conservative of the Year Sen JD Vance makes telling comparison between Iraq and Ukraine in breathtaking clip. [161]

Biden gives Ukraine Nazis long range missiles - will Russia retaliate this time? w/Col Jacques Baud. [162] Redacted: Putin readies for NATO attack. [163]

Dinesh D'Souza: Rep Thomas Massie alleges Speaker Johnson tried to have this clip removed from Twitter. [164] Tim Pool: Congress waves Ukraine flags, terrifying image shows J6 American flags v. Congress Ukraine flags. [165]

Senate passes the Hitler's Birthday War Bill. [166] Mitch McConnell takes victory lap, blames Tucker Carlson for delay in passing aid to Nazis. [167]

Dr Steve Turley: Here's the real reason why Congress is sending money to Ukraine. [168]

BIG PICTURE – Judge Cannon unseals and un-redacts Trump legal motion that exposes DOJ fraudulent case against him. [169] Biden directly linked to Mar-a-Lago raid. [170] Dirty Jack' s team threatened defense lawyers to cooperate against their client. [171]

Rep Thomas Massie on 'power sharing' with Democrats. [172] Christopher Cook: Fascist and Nazi economic systems were quite similar to the rest of the Left. [173]

Liberal censorship, again: video of Dems waiving Ukrainian flags on the House floor, after it passed $16B for Biden to spend however he likes, is ordered to be taken down from X or else Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) will be fined $500. [174]

IMF head: Seizing Russian assets would be 'breaking the international order you want to protect'. [175] Washington receives warning from IMF to stop spending. [176] OAN: Russia beating US economic growth despite sanctions.[177]

Punchbowl News: McConnell wins on Ukraine. [178] Speaker Johnson changed mind on FISA/Deep State after lobbying from Pompeo and Intelligence Community. [179] Hundreds of Bradley Fighting Vehicles on the border. [180]

Lavrov: US & NATO on the verge of causing nuclear war. [181] Redacted w/Col Macgregor: Putin rushed to Kremlin for emergency meeting over NATO. [182][183] Report: French NATO forces arrive in Odessa. [184][185][186]

David Stockman: The UniParty's Day of Infamy, Part 1. [187]

Col Macgregor: What Ukraine aid signals to the world. [188]

Daily Caller: Republican voters opposed shoveling billions more into Ukraine. GOP leadership did it anyway. [189] Republicans surrender: Democrats seize control of House agenda. [190] 'It's just pathetic' - Gov DeSantis slams Speaker Johnson. [191]

Triumph on the House floor = tragedy in Ukraine. [192]

Tucker: Exposing Ukraine's Secret Police and mission to exterminate Christianity. [193]

John Varoli: The US is now an official sponsor of terrorism. [194] Even though well aware of Kiev's glorification of Nazi butchers and its current terrorist activities, Congress still voted for $61 billion to support Zelensky's despotic regime.

See also Previous Conservapedia Breaking News.