Wuhan coronavirus - Chinese Communist Party response

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See also: CCP global pandemic

The Chinese central government, a single party regime, stifled public warnings about the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus epidemic for three weeks after the first confirmed inflections in early December 2019.[1] The local Communist-controlled Wuhan government was instructed by the central authority not to issue health alerts until after the virus was spread throughout the country and internationally. The Beijing central government in turn blamed local officials for allowing people to exit the city and put the rest of the population in danger.[2]

In Wuhan, the "Chicago of China" with 11 million residents, all public transportation was halted. Gas stations were closed. Paramedic emergency services halted. Hospitals were packed and emergency phone lines do not work. There is no way to get to a hospital other than walking. Healthy people waiting for testing in hospitals are becoming infected.[3]

The outbreak occurred during the Chinese New Year when people travel to spend the holidays with family and friends, then return to their homes across China.[4] 5 million people had exited Wuhan, some by international air flights, before the city was put on lock down on January 23, 2020. There are about 360,000 students from China attending college in the United States. The leftist regime made no provisions for a humanitarian disaster after the lockdown.

Hospitals in Hubei Province, where Wuhan is located, need 100,000 protective suits daily, but total daily production nationwide is only 30,000.[5] Because of the shortage of protective gear, hospital staffs began making their own masks and clothing out of non-sterile trash bags.[6]

President Donald Trump offered China any help necessary.[7] The leftist regime, with its trademark monopoly control of power, banned private charities and volunteers from entering Hubei Province or sending materials to hospitals directly.[8] As in all top-down Communist societies, reports of rampant corruption and a black market to resell donations and supplies emerged.[9][10]

China quarantined 80 cities. Large mobile defogger cannons were videoed scouring the streets of cities spraying disinfectant.[11]

Origin of Covid-19 virus

Chinese researchers indicate the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November 2019 from a place other than the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. A study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market.[12]

China agreed to the Biological Weapons Convention in 1984, but both academics and government agencies have asserted that the regime is a world leader in bio-weapon production.[13]

Wuhan Center for Disease Control

Chinese scientists announced the virus may have originated at a government laboratory only 280 meters away from the Huanan seafood market. Disease-ridden animals, including more than 600 horseshoe bats, were kept at the facility. A Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror explained that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, or WHCDC, could have spawned the contagion in Hubei Province. It stated that it's plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic. Sen. Tom Cotton, citing The Lancet, tweeted

China claimed—for almost two months—that coronavirus had originated in a Wuhan seafood market. That is not the case. @TheLancet published a study demonstrating that of the original 40 cases, 14 of them had no contact with the seafood market, including Patient Zero.[14]

This suggests that there was an earlier source of the virus that is unrelated to the seafood market and that has not yet been traced. If this theory is correct, the infection originated no later than November and infected the seafood market in December. The case histories and the pattern of infection were known to Chinese researchers from the beginning, so earlier reports fingering the market may have been intentionally misleading.[15] The Washington Post, which routinely publishes Chinese Communist propaganda and sought to cover for the Communist regime, blasted Sen. Cotton over his comments.[16]

CCP controlled Wuhan Municipal Health Commission

On December 31, 2019 the CCP controlled Wuhan Municipal Health Commission declared, “The investigation so far has not found any obvious human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.” This is the opposite of the belief of the doctors working on patients in Wuhan, and two doctors were already suspected of contracting the virus.[17][18]

The CCP employed standard technocratic and bureaucratic rhetoric to qualm public fears:

Wuhan organized the consultation of clinical medicine, epidemiology, and virology experts in Tongji Hospital, Provincial Center for Disease Control, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Infectious Disease Hospital, and Wuhan Center for Disease Control and other units, and the experts returned from the disease and treatment , Epidemiological investigation, preliminary laboratory tests and other aspects of the situation analysis that the above cases are viral pneumonia.

Tao Lina, a public-health expert and former official with Shanghai’s center for disease control and prevention, tells the South China Morning Post, “I think we are [now] quite capable of killing it in the beginning phase, given China’s disease control system, emergency handling capacity and clinical medicine support.”[19]

Bioweapon theory

One theory that has recently been postulated is that the coronavirus may be linked to Chinese bio-weapons research[20]. The city of Wuhan, where the virus originated, has the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where "...it was reported to have studied coronaviruses in the past, including the strain that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, the H5N1 influenza virus, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue"[21]. A second facility nearby, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, is also listed one of eight research facilities under the 1985 Biological Weapons Convention, of which China is a signatory.

The State Department issued a report in 2019 stating "Information indicates that the People’s Republic of China engaged during the reporting period in biological activities with potential dual-use applications, which raises concerns regarding its compliance with the BWC."[22] For its part, China has stated that it does not engage in bio-weapons engineering,[23] despite discussion of bio and genetic weapons being discussed at the highest levels of the Chinese military[24], as well as a "white paper" drafted in 2001 which stressed "...in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the BWC, a necessary verification mechanism should be established".[25]

Indian researchers have found HIV-derived inserts in the coronavirus genome that compound the infectious potential and greatly bolster the argument this virus was developed as a bioterror weapon. A 2016 Worldwide Threat Assessment by John Brennan and the US Intelligence Community lists China as a major potential “terror actor” and genome editing as a major terror risk.[26]

Many have expressed skepticism of the bio-weapon theory. Dr Malcolm Davis, a defense analyst in Australia, tweeted "If evidence came to the fore to support such a theory, then yes - but so far, none has. Its more likely the virus jumped from an animal into humans in the Wuhan markets.".[27] New organizations - many left-leaning - have also stated that conspiracy theories have been created almost as soon as the news of the pandemic reached the public.[28][29]

Early narrative

See also: Origin of the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic and the dietary habits of Chinese atheists

The Washington Post indicated "The trigger point for the current coronavirus remains unclear, but China has linked the outbreak to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, which despite its name also appeared to be selling live cats and dogs, wild chickens, snakes and marmots."[30] CNN reported concerning China: "Vendors in small city markets often sell wild animals including rodents, yak, snakes and even porcupines, and experts say that makes them far more dangerous. The meat could contain deadly pathogens like the coronavirus."[31]

The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has been blamed on China's "wet markets," where raw meat is sold side-by-side with live animals, including illegally sold wild animals. The first case can be traced back to November 17, 2019, and the first death on December 9, 2019. Some cases were rumored among stallholders from the Wuhan South China Seafood Market in early December but hushed up by Chinese authorities.[32] This market is said to have sold processed meats and live animals, including chickens, donkeys, sheep, pigs, foxes, badgers, bamboo rats, hedgehogs, and snakes.[33]

Previous coronavirus outbreaks include SARS-CoV in 2002-2003 and MERS-CoV in 2012. Both of these strains originated in bats. SARS was transferred to humans through a masked palm civet, presumably in a Chinese wet market. MERS was transferred through a camel in Saudi Arabia. The protein codes in the Wuhan virus are most similar to those found in snakes, so it is possible that the virus jumped to humans from a snake. Snakes often hunt bats for food, but disease rarely transmits from a warm-blooded animal to a cold-blooded animal.[34]

Outbreak, quarantine and fatalities

Dr. Li Wenliang.

A coronavirus outbreak occurred on December 8, 2019 or earlier in Wuhan, China, apparently first discovered in a food marketplace where wild animals in cages for human consumption were sold (including cats and snakes. See also: Cat slaughtering practices in China). With globalism encouraging trade and travel between countries, this coronavirus spread quickly to the United States after the Beijing central government admitted to the outbreak. Five confirmed infections and many more suspected ones here,[35] and 56 deaths confirmed worldwide within days.[36]

As of the Chinese New Year's Day, January 25, 2020, at least 41 million people were quarantined in fifteen Chinese cities.[37] 82 deaths were reported with nearly 3000 confirmed infections.[38] Within three weeks 1,700 frontline medical workers were said to be infected.[39]

Chinese specialists in Hong Kong predicted a doubling of infections every six days. The infection was initially reported to have a two week incubation period with the infected person being contagious while showing no symptoms. Epidemiologists warn it has the potential of becoming a global epidemic requiring containment of population movements.[40] On January 29, 2020 the World Health Organization declared Coronavirus a global emergency.

The pandemic originally had been forecast by the Hong Kong experts to peak out in April-May 2020. On January 31, 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II declared a public health emergency and President Trump appointed an interagency task force to deal with the problem. The U.S. Center for Disease Control labeled it a "serious public health threat."

Wuhan was the first major metropolitan area in the world to rollout 5G technology on October 31, 2019 on an experimental basis. The first known cases of coronavirus were on December 8, 2019 in the Wuhan seafood market. While there is no direct connection between 5G and the virus, high levels of radio frequency (RF) radiation has long been known to be harmful for humans and the environment. Despite the industry's sales pitch, 5G technology massively increases exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation greater than the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place.[41] While a definitive answer remains unknown, some theorize 5G technology and high radio frequency radiation may be responsible for weakening people’s immune system and the ability to resist the virus.

A woman who telephoned a hospital to get help for her husband was informed that there is "No medical staff anymore. They are dead or sick!"[42]

Dr. Li issues public warning

Dr. Li Wenliang was an ophthalmologist in Wuhan, China who became a whistleblower and victim of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Efforts by Dr. Li to alert the Chinese people to the danger of the CCP coronavirus in late December 2019, and his subsequent death 5 weeks later did not go unpunished. Dr. Li has been elevated to the status of saint and folk hero among the Chinese people.

On December 30, 2019 Dr. Li posted the lab test result of a coronavirus patient in a group chat to a class of about 150 students writing:

“7 cases of SARS have been confirmed in the South China Fruit and Seafood Market and they were isolated in the emergency department of our hospital. Please tell your families to take preventative measures.”

Some doctors confirmed that healthcare workers were starting to become infected around this time, a significant sign that the virus could spread between humans. Health officials in Wuhan were alerted. Instead of ramping up safety measures and alerting the public, on the same day they issued a notice forbidding all medical institutes or individuals from disclosing any information regarding the new disease. At midnight, Dr. Li was summoned by the CCP Security Police. They questioned him about why he was spreading rumors online.

On December 31, Wuhan’s health commission posted an announcement about the outbreak on their website. They confirmed 27 cases of the infection and said there was no evidence that the disease was contagious among humans. According to a research paper written by Chinese officials, which was published later, the number of virus cases had reached at least 105 by the end of 2019. At that point, 15 people had already died. A media report also showed that one major hospital in Wuhan, Xiehe Hospital, was forced to transform an entire floor of the facility into “quarantine space for contagious disease.” Taiwan officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) that the virus was being spread from human-to-human.[43] Communist party officials in China and military personnel began taking preventative measures, however the public was never alerted.


On January 3, 2020 Dr. Li was asked to sign a confession to charges of committing crimes against the leftist regime, spreading “illegal and false” information and and that he had “severely disrupted social order.” 7 other doctors also were charged. The confesion read:

"On December 30, 2019, WeChat group "Clinical Wuhan University 04" issued untrue statements about 7 cases of SARS diagnosed in the South China fruit and seafood market. Now raise warnings and admonitions according to law on the illegal issue of untrue statements on the Internet. Your behavior severely disrupts social order. Your behavior has exceeded the scope permitted by law, and it violates the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Management Penalties, which is an illegal act! The public security organ hopes that you will actively cooperate with your work, follow the advice of the police, and stop the illegal behavior. can you do it?
Answer: Yes
We hope that you calm down and reflect carefully, and solemnly warn you: if you are stubborn, do not think about repentance, and continue to carry out illegal activities, you will be punished by the law! do you understand?
Answer: understand"[44]

WHO collusion with CCP

WHO-CCP Wuhan virus.PNG

Li was ordered to return to work where he contracted the virus. On January 6, 2020 the center for disease control in Shanghai acquired the complete gene sequencing of the new virus. They found over 89 percent similarity between the new virus and the deadly SARS virus that caused a pandemic in 2003. The information was sent to China’s national CDC in an internal document. From January 6 to January 17, CCP officials reported zero new cases. In the 11 day period the communist authorities in Wuhan City and Hubei Province held their most important annual political meetings. Over 2,000 “representatives of the people” gathered to discuss the “amazing achievements of 2019” and how 2020 will be “a tremendous and promising year.” There was little mention of the coronavirus. On January 14 the World Health Organization tweeted,

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan #China[45]

The same day a group of Hong Kong journalists accompanied Hong Kong experts who were invited to conduct research on the virus outbreak. The reporters were later detained by Chinese Security Police, who photographed their reporter IDs and asked them to delete all footage taken inside hospitals.

At this same time a post on the Chinese social media site Weibo, a person’s dad was confirmed to have viral pneumonia. But the Xiehe Hospital in Wuhan refused to admit the father due to a shortage of hospital beds. Another netizen posted that his entire family was infected. They went to the Tongji Hospital in Wuhan and saw that “there were so many patients that some had to lie on the floor of the corridor.” His father was also sent home to self-quarantine because there weren’t enough hospital beds. The post was later deleted. So were all other posts in the user’s account.[46] That was the week Wuhan authorities didn’t report a single confirmed or suspected case.

From January 12 to 16, an estimated 3 million passengers left Wuhan by train over the Chinese New Year holiday, to visit family and friends in other cities in China. On January 17, 2020 Wuhan’s tourism bureau issued over 200,000 free tourism tickets. It was an effort to entice people to visit the city so they could experience the “Chinese style and warm sentiments of Wuhan.” On January 18, Baibuting, a populous district in Wuhan, held an annual banquet to celebrate the Lunar New Year holiday. Three days before, staff from the neighborhood committee who were concerned about the outbreak asked if they could cancel the banquet, but communist officials denied the request. Over 40,000 families attended the banquet. Local communist apparatchiks ordered labs to stop testing for the virus and destroy the existing samples.

Exoneration and death

On January 20 President Xi finally acknowledged the crisis.[47] On January 23 the entire city of Wuhan, 11 million people, was put on lockdown. By the end of the month 50 million Chinese were on lockdown. On January 28, the Supreme Court of the Communist Party of China issued a statement that Dr. Li and the other "rumor makers" had been "rectified", but it was too late.

On the evening of February 6, Dr. Li died. The news quickly aroused strong attention and condemnation. However, Wuhan Central Hospital later issued a microblog saying that Li Wenliang was in critical condition and doctors were working to save his life. A number of insiders and doctors disclosed on social media that in the process, the authorities faced public indignation and ordered a series of attempts at resuscitation, but to no avail. A few hours later, the news of Li Wenliang's death again was released and detonated on WeChat and Weibo. By 6 a.m. local time, the keywords " Dr. Li Wenliang's death " and "Li Wenliang's death" ranked high on the Weibo topic list, with a total of 670 million views and 737,000 discussions.[48] Before the end of the day news of Dr. Li's death had over 1.5 billion views on Weibo.[49] An announcement on NTD of Dr. Li's death read:

[NTD Beijing, February 07, 2020] Dr. Wenliang Li , who first announced Wuhan pneumonia, died at the age of 34 on the evening of the 6th due to improper treatment of a new coronavirus infection. His death ignited a new wave of angry tsunami among the public over the CCP's concealment. After Li Wenliang's death was exposed on the Internet, the authorities, under pressure from public opinion, pretended to rescue the whole person, and performed 3 hours of chest compressions and electric shocks on the dead Li Wenliang, causing his ribs to be completely broken and beyond recognition .

On February 7th, an independent economist, "Financial Cold Eye" (@charles984681), tweeted that the hospital director was afraid that Li Wenliang's death would lead to public outrage. After 3 hours of death, he was continuously subjected to CPR, which is the shock of cardiac resuscitation. It usually takes only a few minutes. After three hours, Li Wenliang's ribs were completely broken and beyond recognition .

Tweet that Dr. Li was wronged alive, and he was abused after his death! With the worst of malice, I can't imagine how despicable these devil behavior is.

In this regard, many netizens have commented:
"Too evil!"
"Under the autocratic system, the people of Li Min are nothing but the servants of the nobles."
"It is most likely a premeditated murder. This person has become a serious trouble for the nobles!"
In addition, many network screenshots showed that Li Wenliang's treatment was extremely inadequate and timely, and the hospital director was under pressure. Li Wenliang was the worst one among the eight. Li Wenliang's lung film, all white! I never thought about letting him live! This man will be regarded as a hero in the United States! He was killed directly in the CCP! His wife ’s unborn child was also hit!

It is reported that Li Wenliang stopped his heartbeat at 9:30 and was intubated 20 minutes later. Finally, he went to ECMO (artificial lung) for a symbolic rescue to calm the anger of hundreds of millions of netizens. CCP officials have been rebuked as "political rescue.".....

There was a regret on the Internet that "the hero is gone", and lamented, angered, and rebuked the CCP "this regime has committed crimes against humanity!"

" Burning !!! Doctor Li Wenliang died at the age of 34, leaving his wife and unborn child. Wuhan government, Hubei government, don't you give an explanation? Without heart, as human beings, the TAs are just humans! See At the time of this news, do you have any trace of guilt and regret for those "killers" who indirectly kill people? "
"This time, the doctor who first warned the Chinese and the world and informed you of the epidemic was sacrificed today. He is Li Wenliang. After the epidemic was announced, he and several other doctors were arrested by the public security ... With the incident exposed, the Chinese government must Do n’t apologize. The official said it was because of the infection, and we have reason to suspect how he died? "

Password of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China

It is said that the magnitude of the rebound [public reaction] has unexpectedly surprised the CCP, and the CCP propaganda department has issued a password.

Independent economist Qin Peng tweeted that the official propaganda requirements of the CCP came out as soon as possible.

"Regarding the death of Dr. Li Wenliang of Wuhan Central Hospital, we must strictly standardize the source [control the narrative] of the manuscript. We are strictly forbidden to use media reports to report without permission. We must not pop-up the window, do not comment or speculate. Search and strictly control harmful information. "
Qin Peng said that if it were not for the life-threatening plague, how many Chinese people could not imagine the evil of the Chinese Communist Party![50]

CCP efforts to suppress news of the outbreak

Sources within China say 90,000 people were infected before the Chinese government alerted the public to the danger of the epidemic. People reporting on social media about the true extent of the disaster from within the Wuhan containment zone risk arrest by the atheist controlled, Chinese Communist Party (see also: Atheism and the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic).[51] The Wuhan outbreak and the leftist regime's handling of the crisis has led to questions domestically about the legitimacy of the Communist regime.[52]

In the first week after the news leaked out of China, more than ten countries including Singapore, Thailand, Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and others confirmed cases. Within six weeks more than 50 countries reported cases.

The virus is not related to any form of influence, and its nickname WuFlu has been used because of its flu-like symptoms after the incubation period.

CCP orders information destroyed

On February 29, 2020, NTD News[53] reported:

Internal documents obtained by NTD revealed a province close to Beijing ordered a city to destroy data on the coronavirus epidemic Liaoning Province has been on lockdown for more than 20 days [as of Feb. 29, 2020] amid the corona virus outbreak one city in Liaoning province sent a report on February 23rd [2020] to the province Health Commission. The report said the city's transport department as well as two district authorities had already followed an urgent instruction from the province and destroyed all data. According to the report, Chaoyang city was also required to register all people who had contact with the data and make sure that they all signed a nondisclosure agreement. The data mentioned in the report refer to information about people who had close contact with those infected with the virus. There were 13 signed non-disclosure agreements attached to the report. The agreement refers to classified data obtained on February 21st [2020]. The people who signed promised to (1} destroy all data files and storage devices such as computers, USB flash drives, mobile phones, photos, and notes; secondly, none of the above-mentioned data could be sent to anyone for any reason. And thirdly, this information may not be disclosed unless otherwise required by law. If any of these steps are violated, there will be legal consequences.

So what happened on February 21st [2020]? Official documents released that day state there were zero new cases of the corona virus in Liaoning Province. As for Chaoyang city, there were all together six reported cases and no deaths.

Since authorities were asked to destroy all data, what is it they were trying to hide? Is it the official number of cases since the outbreak began? The official number of confirmed cases in China keeps fluctuating, with many people not knowing what to believe. Earlier this month [February 2020] Shangdong Province, the second most populous province in China, was underreporting cases by up to 52 times. That's according to internal documents obtained by NTD.[54]


Trash bin full of ashes after 1 day at a Wuhan crematorium.[55]

The leftist regime was accused of burning bodies 24 hours a day in secret to hide the true number of deaths.[56][57][58][59] Crematory workers are working 10-12 hours a day and do not go home. More than 60% of victims die at home and 38% in hospitals. The communist bureaucracy tries to issue death certificates, including the cause of death, within thirty minutes. Transporting corpses to crematoriums for disposal is the most time consuming task in the process.[60] Funeral workers were brought in to Wuhan from all over China.

The Chinese government began using mobile crematory units. In a video circulating on the internet, a Wuhan resident says she witnessed critically ill coronavirus patients sealed up in body bags while alive.[61]

While the tragedy unfolded the China Tribunal, an independent people’s tribunal, released its full judgment on Chinese forced organ harvesting. The panel was chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice who previously led the prosecution of former Yugoslavia Prime Minister Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes at the International Criminal Tribunal and included other experts in law, transplant surgery, international politics, Chinese history and business. The experts concluded that the grisly practice has continued unabated. In June 2019 the tribunal delivered its findings in London, concluding beyond a reasonable doubt that state sanctioned forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has taken place for years in China on a significant scale and is still taking place. The main organ supply came from imprisoned practitioners of the persecuted spiritual group Falun Gong.

The Chinese regime has persecuted the group for more than two decades. Hundreds of thousands of adherents have been thrown into prisons, labor camps, and brainwashing centers where many have been tortured in an effort to force them to renounce their faith. The tribunal concluded that the Chinese regime sustained campaign of forced organ harvesting constituted a crime against humanity. Many people have died indescribable hideous deaths for no reason, that more may suffer in similar ways, and that all of us live on a planet where extreme wickedness may be found in the power of those, who for the time being, are running a country that is one of the oldest civilizations known to modern man.[62]

State media reaction

Projected cases and fatalities January 27, 2020, four days after the outbreak became known; within four more days reported fatalities and infections more than doubled.

On February 5, 2020 State media broadcast an interview with lead scientist Wang Chen. Chen claimed:

1. The situation is grave. A new diagnostic class "clinically diagnosed" (those showing clinical symptoms but without RNA test) is added to facilitate access to treatment.

2. 11 new container hospitals will provide patients with light symptoms with limited medical care but better containment. Real hospitals will be used for serious cases (confirmed or suspected).

3. Suspected patients will stay in single rooms in container hospitals. Infected patients will stay in open-air beds.

4. They don't know how many are actually infected. The officially reported number is just the new test results.

5. Gilead's medicine has shown the most promise. But it still requires clinical trials.

6. They can't estimate when the turning point will be.

Chinese state-run media falsely blamed the United States for the outbreak.[63] On March 12, 2020 the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman initiated a conspiracy theory that the US military started the coronavirus in China,.[64][65] Leftist media in the United States willingly aided Chinese propaganda efforts by falsely calling those who link the virus to Wuhan, where it first manifested, "racist".[66]

Under-reporting true scale of infections

The true scale of infections is estimated to be possibly ten-times higher than the official number reported by the Chinese central government.[67]

On January 24, 2020, one day after the world was first alerted to the outbreak, a doctor circumventing leftist censorship in Wuhan reported 90,000 infected cases.[68] The Guardian of London quoted Prof. Neil Ferguson saying “My best guess now is perhaps 100,000 cases right now. Almost certainly many tens of thousands of people are infected.”[69] Other sources likewise have implied that the communist government of China may have under-reported the true dimensions of the problem.

Because coronavirus is a "noval" virus, meaning "new" or "unknown", technicians lack the training to identify infections. People are going to multiple hospitals daily, attempting to be tested or treated. There are a limited number of test kits available, so hospitals have to choose who will be tested. That is one more reason why the true extent of the virus was underreported.

The first week 213 deaths were reported worldwide with over 9,800 confirmed infections. The leftist Chinese regime was suspected of suppressing the real extent of the epidemic. By the end of the second week 813 were reported dead with more than 37,300 confirmed infected. 193,000 were under observation. 400 million people were on lockdown nationwide.[70]

Near the end of the third week 1,666 were reported dead with 69,000 plus infected. There was near universal skepticism - inside and outside China - on the Chinese socialist government's reporting on the epidemic.

2363 deaths were reported with 78,000 infections near the end of the fourth week. CCP officials admitted to changing their methodology of reported infections, lowering the rate of reported numbers. South Korea was reporting a complete doubling every day for the past four days. Iran was experiencing a serious outbreak. Reported numbers in the United States were puzzling.

The sixth week - after the virus spread globally and the first death was reported in the United States, NTD reported that the Communists ordered all data on the coronavirus to be destroyed in a province close to Beijing, in a deceitful attempt to suppress the true extent of the virus' spread in China.[71]


CCP authorities cracked down hard on people trying to break through the veil of government secrecy, as they call it "rumormongering", according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. All persons who spread "fake news" (i.e. the truth about the real extent of the epidemic, its spread and its consequences), and thus disturbs social order, will face up to three years in prison detention or disciplinary action under China's social credit system. Offenders who cause serious consequences will be given three to seven year prison terms.[72]

Despite the threat of prison, many people still went online to blame the government, both high and low ranking officials. Some residents of Wuhan posted videos calling for international help. Viral videos showed dead bodies on the floor in hospitals as patients sat near by. Videos of massively crowded hospitals were posted causing local authorities to build a giant new containment facility in a week. However, video footage of the project came from Chinese state media. It was released it to Western media as a propaganda effort to demonstrate how "great" the authoritarian approach to problem solving is. The structures are not really hospitals at all. The structures are large quarantine camps where people are monitored and receive no treatment at all.[73][74]

The Chinese people became more creative in skirting leftist censorship laws. Guizhou television broadcast a child reading a poem entitled, "China has a cold because of a virus that wears a crown," a veiled reference to President Xi and the Communist party.[75]

The leftist social media platform Twitter suspended Zerohedge for its extensive reporting on the Coronavirus outbreak.[76]

On March 1, 2020 the Communist regime imposed a new internet censorship policy on the heavily policed Weibo. The hashtag #takedownthewall began trending. Some comments were preserved in screenshots:

  • "I know it's useless, but I want to speak up anyway."
  • "I'd rather die than not be free."
  • "I want to know the world."
  • "If we don't take it down, the wall will only be higher and higher."
  • "Why should we be proud to stick our head in the sand?"
  • "I retweeted 6 posts. They are all deleted now because they have the hashtag. I am going to repost them."
  • "We don't want to live in a world where we can't speak. We want to have our own voice."
  • "They cover our eyes, ears, mouths....but now, do they want to cut off our hands so we can't write? Maybe they will cut off our feet so we can't walk ahead."

Lockdown and mass arrests

Containment facilities with barred windows for Coronavirus patients in Wuhan, China.[77]

Prior to the opening of camps, the Communist party nailed and barricaded whole households inside their residences. Gates of apartment buiildings were welded shut,[78] and food delivered every three days. When the quarantine camps were ready to receive victims, the Chinese government began forcibly removing people and arresting them to fill up camps.[79][80] 5G technology has been used to facilitate mass round-up

A person can be arrested for not wearing a mask.

Student dorms have been taken over as quarantine detention facilities.

The socialist system, which guarantees access to healthcare as a human right, posted banners reading,

"If you dare go out we will break your legs; we'll knock your teeth off if you dare talk back."[81]

At least two citizen journalists who were reporting on the real situation in Wuhan and posting on the internet disappeared. It is unknown if they fell victim to the virus or were arrested for violating communist censorship laws.

Public reaction

Wuhan dog.PNG

One of the eight doctors - Dr. Li Wenliang - forced to a sign a confession on January 3, 2020 admitting to posting “illegal and false” information warning the public of the coronavirus outbreak and epidemic, died on February 7, 2020. A selfie of the doctor lying sick in his hospital bed went viral, stirring widespread outrage in China.[82] “To get an idea of the enormous scale of said outpouring of grief and anger, Dr. Li’s death apparently generated 800 million(!) comments on Weibo by midnight - 2.5 hours after it was first reported and 3 hours before it was confirmed by the hospital."[83]

A woman in Wuhan posted a video saying,

Chinese Communist Party, when are you going to step down? You promised us that Chinese people will enjoy ‘moderate prosperity’ in 2020, but what have we attained [from you] so far? We lost our relatives [because of you]!

Tell me, what does it mean to achieve ‘moderate prosperity’?” What does ‘moderate prosperity’ mean to us when people have lost their lives? What on earth are you doing? What do we need such a government for? I beg you, please go away! Step Down! We need good leaders who can help us live a good life. We don’t need such a corrupt government.

The soaring home prices and high cost of living have caused hardships for Chinese residents. And now so many people are dying. Everyone will get to see the economic bubble burst.

You should bear the consequences of your actions. Do not implicate us ordinary folk. Now we are bearing the brunt of it, and we are being sacrificed for what you have been doing!

What on earth are you? Are you humans or devils?[84]

Tens of thousands of pets abandoned or slaughtered

Dogs being butchered in Guangdong, China.

For more information, please see: Atheists and dog meat eating
See also: Atheism and animal abuse and Atheism and the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

As people were carted off to quarantine camps, tens of thousands of pets were abandoned to fend for themselves.[85]

Tens of thousands of pets in China to be slaughtered by authorities (Chinese citizens have been ordered to KILL their animals or risk them being culled by the Communist regime). As cats and dogs can transmit the virus, some people on lockdown in highrise apartments have resorted to throwing pets out of windows and balconies.

Additionally, due to the lockdown and workers unable to get to their places of employment, tens of thousands of poultry have starved to death in factory farms, a harbinger of coming food shortages for the country.[86]

Comparisons with Chernobyl

In 1986 the explosion of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union) was the first in a series of events which led to the fall of Communism in Russia. The leftist regime's inability to contain information about the disaster from the Russian people and the world, and the exposure of corruption and inefficiencies of the socialist system, coupled with the danger the socialist system and policies presented to global public health, ultimately led to a collapse of the left-wing top-down command and control social, political, economic, and public healthcare system throughout 13 Soviet Republics and its Eastern bloc socialist satellite states.

The Left's anti-Russian xenophobia is largely the legacy of Russia's abandonment of socialism.

See also


  1. Doctors who posted on social media about the virus were accused of spreading “illegal and false” information and made to sign a Jan. 3, 2020 letter saying that they had “severely disrupted social order:”"On December 30, 2019, WeChat group "Clinical Wuhan University 04" issued untrue statements about 7 cases of SARS diagnosed in the South China fruit and seafood market. Now raise warnings and admonitions according to law on the illegal issue of untrue statements on the Internet. Your behavior severely disrupts social order. Your behavior has exceeded the scope permitted by law, and it violates the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Management Penalties , which is an illegal act! The public security organ hopes that you will actively cooperate with your work, follow the advice of the police, and stop the illegal behavior. can you do it? Answer: Yes We hope that you calm down and reflect carefully, and solemnly warn you: if you are stubborn, do not think about repentance, and continue to carry out illegal activities, you will be punished by the law! do you understand? Answer: understand"
  2. https://www.theepochtimes.com/wuhan-mayor-admits-wrongdoing-but-pushes-blame-on-beijing-for-mishandling-viral-outbreak-crisis_3218297.html
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuLB8moUcn8&feature=push-u-sub&attr_tag=PAu19fTV0Yzs9HuM%3A6
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7b2GAf1E74&feature=push-u-sub&attr_tag=EOg_JaDhAqx2Fs8z%3A6
  5. https://www.theepochtimes.com/100000-hospital-beds-to-be-added-in-hubei-china-ground-zero-of-coronavirus-outbreak_3217726.html
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxXv0trBhY0
  7. https://news.am/eng/news/556919.html
  8. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-restricts-medical-supply-donations-to-epicenter-despite-dire-need-during-viral-outbreak_3217718.html
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3LLHQQj6mI
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzDZQavgDRk
  11. https://twitter.com/Tssomas/status/1225809838963396608
  12. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1180429.shtml
  13. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/questions-surround-canadian-shipment-of-deadly-viruses-to-china-66254
  14. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/tom-cotton-implies-coronavirus-originated-in-wuhan-super-laboratory
  15. Cohen, Jon, "Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally," Science, Jan. 26, 2020.
  16. https://thefederalist.com/2020/02/19/washington-post-uses-chinese-propaganda-in-attempt-to-blast-sen-tom-cotton-over-coronavirus-comments/
  17. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IzzCnz4Yr2jEIYZePiu_ow
  18. User:RobSmith/Text of article censored by Google translate
  19. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3044050/mystery-illness-hits-chinas-wuhan-city-nearly-30-hospitalised
  20. https://ktrh.iheart.com/content/2020-01-24-virus-hit-wuhan-has-two-laboratories-linked-to-chinese-bio-warfare-program/?pname=local_social&keyid=KTRH&sc=editorial
  21. http://www.tibetanreview.net/did-the-wuhan-virus-escape-from-chinas-bio-weapons-lab/
  22. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Compliance-Report-2019-August-19-Unclassified-Final.pdf
  23. https://www.nti.org/learn/countries/china/biological/
  24. https://jamestown.org/program/chinas-military-biotech-frontier-crispr-military-civil-fusion-and-the-new-revolution-in-military-affairs/
  25. https://media.nti.org/pdfs/5a_1.pdf
  26. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/02/01/coronavirus-the-plot-thickens/
  27. https://m.noosanews.com.au/news/mystery-lab-30km-from-virus-ground-zero/3931000/
  28. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/29/coronavirus-china-lab-mortality-virology-wuhan-virus-not-bioweapon/
  29. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-51271037
  30. Coronavirus outbreak underscores potential health risks in China’s wild animal trade, Washington Post, 2020
  31. Chinese officials crack down on wildlife markets as coronavirus outbreak nears 3,000 cases
  32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBxZ1XIYmGc&feature=push-prem-sub&attr_tag=Pi2j7UuDGqgDAixI%3A6
  33. "The outbreaks of both the Wuhan coronavirus and SARS likely started in Chinese wet markets. Photos show what the markets look like.", Business Insider
  34. "Snakes could be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak," CNN, January 24, 2020.
  35. Coronavirus Case Confirmed In Arizona, Bringing U.S. Total To 5
  36. Coronavirus: 56 dead and 1,975 infected as Canada reports 1st case
  37. Canada's role in the deadly coronavirus outbreak | Ezra Levant, Rebel Media, January 26, 2020.
  38. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBbtLCIvDxs
  39. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/14/more-than-1700-health-workers-infected-by-coronavirus-in-china
  40. Experts share analysis on scale of the coronavirus outbreak, UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG, HONG KONG, CHINA - Epidemiology experts Joseph Wu and Gabriel Leung. January 27, 2020. Youtube
  41. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/02/28/5g-and-the-china-epidemic/
  42. https://dcdirtylaundry.com/audio-woman-calls-wuhan-hospital-to-try-to-get-help-for-her-sick-husband-no-medical-staff-anymore-they-are-dead-or-sick/
  43. https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/20/who-taiwan-coronavirus-warning/
  44. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%E6%9D%8E%E6%96%87%E4%BA%AE%E7%9A%84%E8%AE%AD%E8%AF%AB%E4%B9%A6.png
  45. https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/18/flashback-who-china-coronavirus-contagious/
  46. https://www.ntd.com/a-timeline-of-events-leading-up-to-the-coronavirus-outbreak-in-china_442592.html
  47. https://thecritic.co.uk/the-coronavirus-cover-up/
  48. https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2020/02/07/a102771379.html
  49. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/coronavirus-chinese-public-mourns-rages-over-death-of-doctor-who-raised-early-alarm
  50. https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/f0pmw8/rumored_dr_li_wenliangs_ribs_were_completely/
  51. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-issues-harsh-warning-to-silence-social-media-postings-on-wuhan-pneumonia_3219251.html
  52. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/31/wuhan-coronavirus-hurt-chinese-communist-party-legitimacy/
  53. https://www.ntd.com/news
  54. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRagZsnEc2Q&feature=youtu.be
  55. https://twitter.com/IsChinar/status/1223045699874492417
  56. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm
  57. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/burning-bodies-secret-new-accounts-wuhan-detail-coronavirus-outbreak
  58. https://www.theepochtimes.com/funeral-home-worker-in-wuhan-epicenter-of-coronavirus-we-are-working-24-7-to-cremate-bodies_3227432.html
  59. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhgtRhWh240
  60. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KFxCqV1fPQ
  61. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpeNO8PSuyY
  62. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gfN2_uOvTM
  63. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg7FwHteB0I
  64. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1238150527751319575
  65. https://news.trust.org/item/20200312152307-rlv7m
  66. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/03/13/dems-media-warned-new-narrative-aids-chinas-new-conspiracy-us-military-started-covid-19-896694
  67. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chinas-coronavirus-victims-likely-10-times-higher-than-reported-analyst-says-155836267.html
  68. Dear friends, elders, I ’m still in the epidemic area of ​​Hankou, Wuhan, and I ’d like to report to you the current epidemic situation in Hubei and even the whole country. There are now more than 90,000 person-times (Note: Infected person-times or incidents?) What is the chance of this virus being transmitted? After a person is infected, if he is not effectively isolated, Or if effective treatment is performed, he will infect 14 people around him, so this level is very large. Now it’s the time of the Chinese New Year family and friends, relatives, children, and children are all going to the house to reunite the family together for a reunion dinner The situation is special now. I hope you don’t go out. Every year in the Spring Festival, as long as people are safe, everyone can be together anytime, anywhere Let me introduce you to the situation of medical supplies in Hubei Province At present, the entire medical system in Wuhan, which integrates the entire medical system in Hubei Province, has passed through our superiors. The health and health committee (Note: these three words are uncertain) And various administrative departments The municipal government and the provincial government are initiating donations to the society through major media. This material is medical material. For example, the goggles I wear Wear disposable masks, wear disposable gloves, wear this gown, or even isolation pants. This material is extremely accurate. Our current medical staff must come back to the front line when they come down from the clinic. I am now equivalent to recording this video with everyone on the FireWire, in order to make everyone accurate. I stress again that during the Spring Festival holiday, don’t go out and stay in your own house, otherwise I ’m desperately ahead Not just to keep my dad, my loved ones, healthy I hope everyone can understand, I also know that some relatives are not in the group, please see the news of me, call each other and inform It must be done. I hope everyone can raise awareness. This is a political task. And I ’m reporting very bad news. This new type of coronavirus has undergone the second generation mutation In other words, in the first generation of mutation, we can treat it symptomatically. Then when the second-generation mutation occurs, this is terrible, and its chance of infection is not one person to one person, one person has the disease and infects 14 people around him. Then it is pour burst (note: these five characters are uncertain) I hope everyone remembers, do n’t go out, do n’t go out, do n’t meet, do n’t have dinner thank you all
  69. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/26/coronavirus-could-infect-100000-globally-experts-warn
  70. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/more-400-million-people-lockdown-guangzhou-joins-quarantine
  71. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRagZsnEc2Q
  72. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLROgqAjDhQ
  73. https://twitter.com/owishemwe/status/1225758761370910720
  74. BuzzFeed reported that video of one such "hospital" was actually an apartment building being constructed on the other side of the country.
  75. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajONB3eMQP4
  76. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/zerohedge-suspended-twitter
  77. https://nationalfile.com/china-posts-video-of-hospital-trailers-with-steel-bars-on-windows-locks-on-outside/
  78. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtqH6eyGaM
  79. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GYqcNy4UGU
  80. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsfe-LAMFIk
  81. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmsD3myyFas&t=84s
  82. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15576/china-coronavirus-li-wenliang
  83. https://twitter.com/davidpaulk/status/1225620210775994368?s=11
  84. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/are-you-humans-or-devils-chinese-woman-lashes-out-authorities-after-relatives-die-virus
  85. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krea5TBgtzk
  86. https://twitter.com/jenniferatntd/status/1225636440844845059

External links