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("Cool Weather Hurting Summer Businesses" The cold summer is also hurting liberals' global warming alarmism!)
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<center>'''<big>Where are the jobs, Mr. [[Obama]]?</big>'''<br/>The Associated Press has reported that 4 in 5 [[American]]s have been jobless, near poverty, or on [[welfare]]. [http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Poverty-Struggling-Whites/2013/07/28/id/517420?s=al&promo_code=9898-1?s=al&promo_code=1452A-1]</center>
<center>"'''<big>Cool Weather Hurting Summer Businesses</big>'''" [http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/07/29/cool-weather-hurting-summer-businesses/]</center>
<center>''The cold summer is also hurting [[liberals]]' [[global warming]] alarmism!''</center>
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Revision as of 16:18, July 30, 2013

"Cool Weather Hurting Summer Businesses" [1]
The cold summer is also hurting liberals' global warming alarmism!

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In the News. what the MSM isn't fully covering.

As Trump shatters fundraising records from the public outrage at the show trial, Dem presidential candidate Dean Phillips (D-MN) urges the New York governor to pardon Trump. [2]

Steve Turley: Trump's Polls SKYROCKET After Corrupt CONVICTION. As a whole, the political betting markets still give Donald Trump about a 10% advantage of winning the 2024 presidential election over Joe Biden.[3]

"Trump’s conviction is an assault on democracy; Yesterday was a darker day than January 6," admits a professor who opposes Trump. [4]

The Conservative Treehouse: NATO escalation - Biden approves Ukraine to use US missiles to strike Russia. [5]

The Supreme Court will shut down NYC's interference with red states' presidential nominee, to avert a break-up of the Nation.

Voters in the Midwest and swing states already knew that New York City liberals wrongly hate Trump and America too.
The verdict confirms liberals' weaponization of government.

Robert Gouveia Verdict Watch in Trump Trial.

"Biden couldn’t even fill up a tiny school gym in deep blue Philly!" [6]

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow on Judge Napolitano. [7]

How Marxism corrupted our intelligence agencies beyond repair. [8]

NATO ramps up figleaf of cross-border strikes. [9] Putin expects NATO and Poland to escalate proxy war. [10][11] Hiding behind Zelensky puppet regime NATO tries to inflict strategic defeat on Russia. [12]

Breaking: 3rd NATO attack on Russia's early nuclear missile radar warning system. [13][14] Col Markus Reisner of the Austrian General Staff: 'the war over Ukraine has escalated again...Such an attack could qualify for a nuclear retaliation. [15]

Cross-over Dems reelect RINO Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan by only 366 votes; studies show that many former Dem primary voters are voting in Texas GOP primaries. [16]

Society “shouldn’t be listening to some 10-year-old who says they want to be a boy instead of a girl,” declares Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss in rebuke of the transgender agenda. Liberals are petrified at this truth. [17]

Federal judge smacks down weaponized prosecution of Trump in Florida, tells Jack Smith's team that they will be sanctioned if they file another inappropriate motion. [18]

Neocon Institute for the Study of War drops Ukraine fake news reporting, switches to Russian Ministry of Defense for more accurate picture. Newsweek: Russia claims NATO is planning nuclear strikes. [19]

NYT: In the past 50 years, the US has gotten good at losing wars. [20] The West's 'theory of victory': convincing Ukraine to fight a futile war. [21] Arrest these insane NATO warmongers! [22]

Putin recognizes parliamentary leader as Ukraine leader. [23]. Zelensky, whose term ended last week, cannot legally sign international treaties and documents. [24][25]

Biden campaign press conference at NY courthouse Trump trial bombs.[26]

Washington attacks key element of Russia's nuclear umbrella threatening entire global nuclear security architecture. [27] Russian Sen Dmitry Rogozin: US directly responsible for strike on Russia's nuclear umbrella. [28] What could be the consequences of a strike on Russian early warning systems? [29]

Stephen Bryen: Ukraine's attack on Russia's strategic radar a significant escalation. [30] 2 of 10 Russian early missile response systems damaged. [31]

Zelensky's 'peace' summit and Ukraine's nuclear provocation. [32]

Western media: WWIII begins in 51 days. [33] Dreizin Report: The empire’s decision day on Ukraine has arrived. [34] War = Draft. [35]

Responsible Statecraft: Putin is ringing the doorbell, why does Biden ignore it? [36] Russia open to compromise [37] Dr. Gilbert Doctorow comments. [38][39] Trump: 'I am committed to restoring peace and stability and to stopping Joe Biden's march to World War Three.' [40]

WaPo: US satellite guided munitions failed against Russian jamming. [41] NYT: Russia possesses the best electronic warfare capabilities in the world, [42] US bid to 'strategically weaken' Russia backfired, creating army adapted for post-industrial warfare. [43]

Liberal Hollywood crashes: worst Memorial Day w/end for movies since 1995, not even factoring in inflation. [44]

Homosexual nominated for president by the Libertarian Party at its D.C. convention [45] rather than RFK Jr. whom DC liberals fear will draw too many votes from Biden.

Biden regime denies Knights of Columbus permit to hold Memorial Day services in national park. [46] Government is the greatest rights violator. Once you see it, you cannot un-see it. [47]

Is the Pandemic Treaty really dead? [48]

Shocking violence by a transgender, "laughing the whole time": a trans activist allegedly stabbed 4 girls at an AMC theater near Boston. [49]

Federal prosecutors admit in court that Hunter Biden laptop is legit. [50]

Zero (0) awards at Cannes for the fake news biopic smearing Trump [51] while the vile Trump-hating hecklers in anti-American D.C. were probably not even libertarians.

Breaking: One dead after Egyptian Army opens fire on IDF. [52]

'We believe the job of the United States military is not to wage endless regime change wars around the globe,' Trump declared in his speech to the Libertarian Party. [53]
Trump deflated hecklers: they want to 'keep getting you 3% every four years,' which is at most what the Libertarian Party draws.

Conservate Daily: Sifting through the pro-war lies. [54] US playing a dangerous game of nuclear chicken with Russia. [55]

Simplicius: NATO's Yipping chihuahuas strain their leash as Russia gears up for next wave. [56] Globalists are having a bad time. [57]

Military and Foreign Affairs Network: Battlefield Ukraine Russia prepares the knock out blow. [58]

Republic of Georgia prime minister says EU/NATO issued death threat. [59][60]

The Conservative Treehouse: Biden reminds West Point grads of their duty to interfere in election if leftist vision of democracy is threatened. [61]

Breaking: Situation turns critical as de-legitimized Zelensky dangerously escalates. [62] Ukraine attacked a nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar in Russia. ICJ rules against Israel as Ukraine crosses a major red line. [63] Zelensky betting on Armageddon. [64] Daniel Davis: Limited nuclear attack? [65]

Russian International Affairs Council: Ukraine is losing, and direct intervention by the West risks a nuclear conflict – so what now? [66]

NATO preparing for war. [67] The Conservative Treehouse: Orban seeks exit from NATO conflict with Russia [68] Hungary warns Serbia of EU plans to intervene in NATO war. [69]

US Special Forces chief gives new details on UK ops in Ukraine; [70] UK PM Sunak calls for early July elections cause he does not want to be a wartime prime minister. [71]

We are in a 'Phony War' period when war is waged but its effects have not yet hit home. Politicians are intent on bringing those effects to us. [72] Weekly updates. [73][74]

All roads lead to Kiev: Ukraine's terror tactics, Russia turns up the heat. [75] Big Serge: Widening the front. [76] More on tactical nuke exercises and Russian escalatory options. [77]

Daily Mail: Russia warns it will strike UK targets in 'Ukraine and beyond' - forcing NATO to enter the conflict - if UK weapons are used for attacks within Russian territory. [78][79]

Ukraine lost 11,200 troops last week. [80] NATO sends Lithuanian replacements. [81] NATO's phantom armies. [82] Why the US can’t find enough troops to feed its imperial ambitions. [83]

China preps public for war against Taiwan separatists in early June. [84][85] US remains painfully dependent on China for silicon and solar panels. [86] Pepe Escobar: Russia and China have had enough. [87]

News Forensics: Russia on a roll. Belousov! [88][89][90]

Budget update: Interest payments overtake Defense spending. [91]

Failure of liberal claptrap: The Washington Post "lost $77 million over the last year, and had a 50% drop off in audience since 2020." [92]

Another odd earthquake occurs near Trump's New Jersey home, baffling atheistic science as no fault line is there, while suggesting biblical significance. [93]

The same RINO Governor who sided with transgender operations on children, and boys playing in girls' sports, just called a special session for Biden to be placed on the Ohio ballot despite Dems' refusal to nominate him 90 days before the election. [94][95]

President Trump rally in the Bronx. [96] Live updates by the local New York Post: [97] Massive crowds stun liberals. [98] MSNBC reporter gets shut down by Blacks & Latinos when asking about Trump’s ‘racist rhetoric’. [99]

David Stockman: The UniParty's malignant fiscal consensus. [100]

Battlefield Ukraine: scraping the barrel. [101] NATO raises the stakes. [102] 'It is impossible to divide the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, so also it is impossible to divide Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus, these together are Holy Rus'. [103]

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil: Neocon cookie monster Victoria Nuland accuses Russia of attacking 'Russia's second city'. [104] BoJo thanks Azov Nazis. [105]

Judge Napolitano: Patrick Lancaster: Live from Russia/Ukraine eastern front. [106]

Covid cabal conspired to destroy evidence to evade FOIA requests. [107] Covid was an inside job. [108]

America First Legal: Secret DoD memo reveals Biden regime may have had original Trump documents before Mar-a-Lago raid. [109] Disgusting Feds raided Melania's bedroom with 'lethal force'. [110][111] Sen Josh Hawley reads Biden gestapo chief Merrick Garland the riot act. [112]

Report: Ukraine conflict reveals Russian supremacy in high-tech warfare of the future. [113] No matter what the US does to arm Ukraine, there is no path to victory. [114]

See also Previous Conservapedia Breaking News.