Essay:Comedy and satires concerning atheism and evolution

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If the New Atheist Richard Dawkins finally agreed to debate Dr. William Lane Craig and a scientist at Creation Ministries International instead of making pitiful excuses, would Hispanic ladies finally believe Señor Dawkins has machismo?[1] Olé! Olé! Olé!

Below are some humorous works on atheism and evolution:

Question: Are there seven profound differences between conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly and RationalWikians?

If there are seven profound differences, what are they? Continue reading and find out!

Question: Seven is a very biblical number. Is it merely a coincidence that there are seven profound differences between Phyllis Schlafly and RationalWikians? I will let you carefully read the essay referenced below and be the judge!

For more information, please read: The seven profound differences between Phyllis Schlafly and RationalWikians
Would Napoleon Bonaparte complain about being bullied by women?

After Richard Dawkins' Elevatorgate scandal, which was his Waterloo, Dawkins further disgraced godlessness by whining that he was bullied by feminist women.[2]

Please see: Unlike Napoléon Bonaparte, Richard Dawkins failed to take his Waterloo like a man
Every time I think of the subject of atheism and obesity, I can't stop laughing! If you're so smart Mr. Atheist, then why are you so fat?

Please see: Prominent atheists weighed on the scales and found wanting

JP Holding's humor on atheism:

Other satires on atheism:

Satires and criticism concerning Richard Dawkins:

More instances of prominent atheists providing comic relief:

Because obese atheist pet owners are such poor role models, tragically their pets often become obese too.

In addition, when an obese atheist is confronted by spouse or family member concerning their obesity, they often point to their obese pet and say "Everybody is doing it."

Atheists providing comic relief - Videos:

Obese atheists and overweight atheists comedy and satire:


A atheist trying to stop Christianity

See also: An atheist trying to stop Christianity and Atheist PZ Myers: "I despair over atheism as I watch it burn...".

The atheist Penn Jillette watching global atheism burn.[3] See: Global atheism statistics

Paralyzed with fear, he is afraid to debate on the topic of Christianity which is exploding in its number of adherents worldwide. See: Global Christianity and Future of Christianity

Meanwhile, global atheism continues to shrink in its percentage of world adherents.[4] Please see: Debate challenge for Penn Jillette.

See also: Decline of the atheist movement

Charles Darwin, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin

The evolutionary racist Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile."[5]

Liberals often display irrational anger when the evolutionary racism of Charles Darwin and Adolf Hitler is pointed out.[6][7] Are you angry right now? You maybe a irrational liberal.

See also: Evolution, Liberalism, Atheism, and Irrationality
The brutal atheist Joseph Stalin was greatly influenced by the work of Charles Darwin.[8]

Irrational atheists often deny the connection between atheism and communism.

See also: Religious views of Charles Darwin and Atheism and communism
Hitwin 2.0

Some events are so gloomy it is hard to put a sunny spin on them, but not impossible!

See also: God rained on the depressing "Reason Rally"

Looking at the bright side of things

God-fearing urban farmers in Washington, D.C. received rain for their plants when it rained on the Reason Rally.

Arrogant atheists were humbled as they were shown to be powerless at stopping the Almighty from raining on their rally!

For more information, please see: God rained on the depressing "Reason Rally"

Attention overweight atheists: Urgent message

The 20% of overweight people who are able to achieve permanent weight loss typically report doing it through engaging in high levels of physical activity, eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet, eating breakfast regularly, self-monitoring weight, and maintaining a consistent eating pattern across weekdays and weekends.[9]

Overweight individuals may need to decrease their computer and internet usage.[10]

If you are an overweight atheist, turn off your computer now.

The transitional animal the flying kitty?

The transitional animal the flying kitty

For more information please see: The transitional animal the flying kitty? and The Flying Kitty Dinosaur Era

Please notice the much debated "tail rudder system" for the flying kitty which evolutionary "scientists" claim evolved over time, but which creation scientists assert is obviously the work of intelligent design. Flying kitties are believed by evolutionists to be closely related to the flying pig species, but creation scientists counter that evolutionists have yet to offer any proof and evidence for this claim. In addition, the time and the existence of the Flying Kitty Dinosaur Era is hotly disputed. For details on how evolutionary "scientists" arrive at their findings please see: You obviously don't understand how science works...

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is losing what little popularity it had

At London South Bank University, images of the Flying Spaghetti Monster have been banned.[11]

Much to the dismay of evolutionists, the data shows that the Flying Spaghetti Monster has lost popularity around the world - as have evolutionary ideas![12] Meanwhile, global creationism is growing.

See: The Flying Spaghetti Monster is losing what little popularity it had

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is losing what little popularity it had

Dreams of flying with the transitional animal the flying kitty

Dreams of flying with the transitional animal the flying kitty

Evolutionists embarrass themselves - again!

The Journal of the American Chemical Society gives consideration to the notion of a T-rex in flying saucers and velociraptors with laser blasters and then pulls the journal article. See: ET-rex: dinosaurs on other planets?

It is just a matter of time before evolutionists propose the transitional animal the flying kitty!

The dreaded Flying Kitty furball caught in the throats of numerous evolutionists

Conservapedia's satire of evolution which features a cat is definitely a hairball caught in some evolutionists' throats. Everyone knows the Flying Kitty is a thousand times better than the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There really is no comparison.

Atheists and evolutionists can dish out mockery, but cannot endure it

Although atheists often dish out mockery in place of reasoned debate/dialogue, they are often proud and thin-skinned and cannot endure satire/mockery when it is directed towards atheist ideology (see: Atheism and mockery).

Humor directed at atheist/evolutionist ideology is definitely a fur ball in their proud throats!

Articles and comedy relating to atheist and evolutionist fat cats

Unlike Napoléon Bonaparte, Richard Dawkins failed to take his Waterloo like a man

The Elevatorgate scandal was Richard Dawkins' Waterloo.

Yet, unlike Napoléon Bonaparte, Richard Dawkins did not take his Waterloo like a man (see: Unlike Napoléon Bonaparte, Richard Dawkins failed to take his Waterloo like a man).

Question: What real men complains about being bullied by women! Would Napoléon Bonaparte complain about being bullied by women?

Would Napoleon Bonaparte complain about being bullied by women? See: Richard Dawkins' Waterloo

Gallery of obese atheists

Gallery of obese atheists

Roly poly, not so holy

The fit and trim Christian Chuck Norris to serve as a means of comparison

Atheist restaurant

You want proof and evidence that atheism is true? Nobody has ever asked for that at our atheist restaurant before. If you are seeking a full course meal of proof and evidence, I suggest going to the Christian restaurant down the street.

Please see: Atheist restaurant

Flickr photo, see: see license agreement)

A British atheist on Conservapedia's atheism articles

The British atheist EJamesW on Conservapedia's atheism related articles: "...they're very detailed, thorough and have lots of quotes and citations."[13]

An exchange betwwen the British atheist EJamesW and an evangelical Christian who helped create Conservapedia's articles on atheism:

A Christian editor using the User: Conservative account: "Have you ever once shown that an iota of the material posted on atheism by the User: Conservative account is an error?"

EJamesW: "No."[14]

See: A British atheist on Conservapedia's atheism articles

Tipping the atheist sacred cow of the "atheist superior intellect"

See: Tipping the atheist sacred cow of the "atheist superior intellect"

The atheist and evolutionist helpline

Atheist and evolutionist helpline

Scienceblogger Chad Orzel described the commentators on PZ Myers' site Pharyngula, and other commentators, as "screechy monkeys". Take the screechy monkey self-test. There is hope and healing available for atheist and evolutionist screechy monkeys.

Please see: Atheist and evolutionist helpline

Richard Dawkins and peanut butter

According to the National Peanut Board, American women and children prefer creamy peanut butter, while most American men prefer chunky peanut butter.[15] Richard Dawkins often has intense cravings for creamy peanut butter because he lacks machismo.[16]

Please see this video of Richard Dawkins gagging on some creamy peanut butter.

Please also see: Does Richard Dawkins have machismo? and Richard Dawkins and peanut butter

Richard Dawkins in his native habitat

Richard Dawkins in his intellectual bunny hole which unfortunately is his native habitat. Please see: Instances of Richard Dawkins ducking debates and Does Richard Dawkins have machismo?

A messenger trying to give a debate invitation to Richard Dawkins can be seen HERE

See also: Richard Dawkins in his native habitat

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)

There are no atheists on turbulent airplanes

See also: There are no atheists on turbulent airplanes

"Communist until you get rich, feminist until you get married, atheist until the airplane starts falling.” - Hypocrite Diaries[17] See also: Atheist hypocrisy

For more information, please see: There are no atheists on turbulent airplanes

What do atheists NOT eat? What do atheists eat?

See also: What do atheists NOT eat?

For a complete list of what atheists do NOT eat, please go HERE.

To see what atheists DO eat, please see: Dietary practices of atheists

Atheism, mockery and hypocrisy

See also: Atheism and mockery and Atheist hypocrisy

A National Public Radio reviewer of one of atheist Penn Jillette's books found the book "showy and assaultive" in terms of its use of profanity.[18] See: Atheism and profanity

Historically, atheists often engage in mockery rather than discussion/debate and they often react poorly when satire/humor is directed at atheist ideology (see: Atheism and mockery).[19][20][21]

Atheists Penn and Teller produced a poorly reasoned video disputing the veracity of the Bible which used low grade humor and it was entitled "The Bible is bull****""."[22] (see also: Atheism and the Bible and Bible apologetics website resources). Yet, after producing two videos after being listed in Conservapedia's atheism and obesity article and having a debate challenge directed his way which employed some humor, the atheist Penn Jillette posted a video which declared:

I didn't really read the stuff so I guess I can't really comment...

I don't tend to react to satire, or sarcasm or irony, I pretty much say what I mean and that is what I react to the most... I do know people and love people who believe...who are Christians and who have belief and who believe this stuff strongly, and as much as I want to argue with them, I don't want to show them disrespect. And I will say that's a ****ing stupid argument, but that's not disrespect.[23]

After refusing to debate the Christian apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate, Penn Jillette said, “I’m not trained in debate. It’s turning conversation into competition."[24] See also: Atheism and cowardice

A National Public Radio reviewer of one of atheist Penn Jillette's books found the book "showy and assaultive" in terms of its use of profanity.[25] See: Atheism and profanity

Proof and evidence that atheism is low-class

Svelte Christian Africans vs. donut eating secular Europeans

African Christians clapping at an open air meeting. Notice how svelte these Christian Africans all are.

With each clap they increase their daily energy expenditure and maintain their slimness. If only overweight, godless Brits did more joyous clapping on Sunday instead of slothfully staying in their beds Sunday morning. See: Secular Europe and obesity

In 2005, there were four times as many non-Western World Christians as there were Western World Christians.[26]

The traditional African diet is healthier than many Western World invividuals' diets and Africa has some of the lowest obesity rates in the world.[27][28] In recent years, Christianity has seen a rapid growth in Africa.[29] See: Global atheism and Atheist population

Humorous quotes about atheist web marketing

See also: Humorous quotes about atheist web marketing

"Atheist websites have lost a ton of web traffic. The hostility I am getting over my Internet atheism and the coronavirus pandemic article is unbelievable...It's like..picture this...

Atheist web marketers are clowns and they didn't know it. And then I got the clowns together and forced them to look in the mirror. And they saw themselves in all their red hair, big noses, big shoes, polka dot glory." - User: Conservative
  • "You atheists, I love you, but it must feel very embarrassing to be so bad at digital marketing when you claim to be so great when it comes to science and technology. Christian websites continue to outperform atheist websites by a large margin when it comes to web traffic. The English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage, who is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer, was a Christian who believed that God was the ultimate programmer. And the Scientific Revolution happened in Christianized Europe. I always knew that Christendom would achieve total victory over atheistdom on the information superhighway. Britain is the birthplace of godless Darwinism. The new atheist Richard Dawkins is a British citizen as was the late Christopher Hitchens. In 2013, Britain had one pothole in every mile of road.[30] If godless Britain can't even master asphalt and road budgeting, how can atheists ever master digital marketing and establish a respectable internet presence over the long term? Godless, British atheists and evolutionists, I laugh at Britain's pothole pandemic! He who sits in the heavens laughs. On behalf of all meek and humble Christians on the internet, I hereby declare total victory! Olé! Olé! Olé! - User: Conservative
  • "Atheist websites have lost a ton of web traffic. The hostility I am getting over my Internet atheism and the coronavirus pandemic article is unbelievable...It's like... picture this... Atheist web marketers are clowns and they didn't know it. And then I got the clowns together and forced them to look in the mirror. And they saw themselves in all their red hair, big noses, big shoes, polka dot glory. Game over atheists. You have nothing. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Game over." - User: Conservative
  • "I received another email about a Christian web article ranking high on the internet for a Google web search. Now as you guys know, internet atheists are very glum and frustrated. It is obvious. Their web pages are dropping their Google rankings like flies. Oh atheists, feel the sting." - User: Conservative
  • "The RationalWiki website has failed. Internet atheism has failed. Well, you know they're atheists. They're used to failure. Every atheists has failed." - User: Conservative
  • "The coronavirus pandemic greatly negatively affected the web traffic going to atheist websites. What is going to happen when an economic recession happens to many of the world's countries? Internet atheism is going to be further hammered down and ground into a fine dust. As the theist, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said so aptly, "The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small." With each passing day, atheist websites will lose more and more Google rankings. Atheist webmasters, weep and wail over the misery that will soon befall you. What will you do on the day of financial reckoning when economic devastation comes upon your website's web marketing budget? Your ugly, atheistic, website cows with thin web traffic designed by lightweight, atheist web designers will become even more ugly and gaunt and receive even less web traffic. I will laugh when this calamity of calamities falls upon you. I hope that the few atheist websites remaining on the internet will not be able to afford web hosting and disappear off the information superhighway. They were so sad and ineffective that it will be no great loss to atheistdom, but atheists will weep and wail because what little web presence they have will become even less. Oh atheists, feel the sting!" - User: Conservative

(The quotes were inspired by YouTube Christian Shockofgod who I borrowed some of quotes from with some changes being made. See: Classic quotes from the Shockofgod YouTube channel)

Young earth creationism
"He opens the waters before them, and he bars our way with fire! Let us go from this place!" - Pharoh's military commander in Cecil DeMille's classic movie The Ten Commandments.

The Matthew effect's etymology can be traced to Gospel of Matthew which declares Jesus as saying: "For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." (Matthew 25:29, RSV).

Atheists, even the paltry web traffic your websites are currently getting will be further and further taken away.

Atheists, leave the internet before it's too late! You've embarrassed yourselves already. Don't further embarrass yourselves.

For more information, please see: Internet outreach and the Matthew effect: Atheist websites vs. religious websites

Humorous quotes on atheism and evolution

see also: Favorite quotes of atheists and Humorous quotes about atheism and evolution and Atheism Quotes and Causes of atheism

Classic quotes from the shockofgod YouTube channel

Logo for the Shockofgod YouTube channel

See also: Attempts to dilute the definition of atheism

  • I received another email about someone becoming a Christian and leaving atheism... Now as you guys know, the atheist community on YouTube and also on radio and TV...They are in panic mode. It is obvious. Everyone on YouTube can see that this question that we are asking atheists that they cannot answer is really panicking the atheist community....Here is the question and then we will get to these awesome emails of atheists leaving atheism because the atheists cannot provide proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct...The question is: What proof and evidence can you provide that PROVES that atheism is accurate and correct?...You see I left atheism because the lack of proof and evidence that it is accurate and correct. The proof and evidence is for Jesus Christ.[34]
  • "We are getting atheists leaving atheism. They are like dropping like flies. They are realizing...You know what? Atheism is madness. There is no proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct."[35]
  • "An email from an atheist: 'There is no proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct. Happy now?' Ha! Ha! Ha! And he goes on and on about Santa Claus. Oh atheists, feel the sting."[36]
  • "The hostility I am getting over this question is unbelievable...It's like..picture this...Atheism is a clown and it didn't know it. And then I got the clown and I walked it over...I forced it to look itself in the mirror. And it sees itself in all its red hair, big nose, big shoes, polka dot glory."[37]
  • "The Atheists Experience Show has failed. Dprjones has failed. Well, you know they're atheists. They're used to failure...Every atheists has failed."[39]
  • "What proof and evidence can you provide as an atheist that atheism is accurate and correct. Game over atheists. You have nothing. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Game over."[40]

A question that causes many atheists to be upset

Because the atheist community is world renowned for its humility, charitableness, good cheer and tolerance (NOT!), Conservapedia created the article Atheism is a clown and it did not know it which contains a question that is quite upsetting to many atheists.

Atheist Frank Zindler: Wise scholar or atheist clown?

Frank Zindler Versus Dr. William Craig Debate

See also: Frank Zindler vs. William Lane Craig debate

The website TrueOrigin declares concerning the debate between atheist Frank Zindler and Christian philosopher Dr. William Lane Craig:

Frank Zindler

A leading light in the American Atheists. Isn’t it amazing how so many atheists love evolution and appear to be threatened by the massive scientific evidence for creation? Zindler took the atheism side in an Atheism v. Christianity debate in front of 7,500 people at Willow Creek Community Church, USA. His opponent, Dr William Lane Craig, tore his ignorant arguments to shreds so effectively that many atheists in the audience realised that Zindler had lost the debate. It was presumably to this debate that John Snowden was alluding when he wrote that a representative of the American Atheists, whom he used to support, lost a public debate to a “fundamentalist” (Skeptic 18(3), 1998).[41]

See also: Atheism is a clown and it did not know it

Who is the father of atheism ?

Jesus Christ founded Christianity, but who is the father of atheism? Atheism was such a colossal failure that apparently nobody wanted to take credit for being the father of atheism. 'Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan' says a proverb.

The popular Christian YouTube producer Shockofgod has pointed out that although atheists often criticize the God of the Bible, atheists never criticize the devil because they don't want to criticize their father.

Satires of evolution

Perhaps if the atheist PZ Myers drank more Slimfast and less beer, he would have had a trimmer figure in this picture.

(photo obtained from Flickr, see license agreement)

see also: Satires of evolution

Below are some satires of evolution:

Britain, the birthplace of Darwinism, has been called "the fat man of Europe"

See also: United Kingdom and obesity and Evolutionists who have had problems with being overweight and/or obese

Britain is the birth place of Darwinism.

Professor Terence Stephenson in Measuring Up, a report on the nation's obesity crisis by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) called Britain "the fat man of Europe".[42] In May of 2014, the British paper The Mirror reported that according to the British medical journal Lancet, British girls are the most overweight girls in Western Europe.[43] In Britain, 29.2% of girls under the age of 20 are classed as excessively heavy with just over 8% meeting the clinical definition of obesity.[44]

Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

see also: Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

Below are some resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian:

Ex-atheist testimonies

Videos on atheism

Atheism website resources

Watch a live or recorded Christian church service

Tips on choosing a Christian church

See also

Don't miss these pictures and captions!

When atheist Paul Kurtz was removed from a leadership post of an organization he founded, he described the event as a "shattering blow".[45] Would John Wayne have done likewise? Never! At best, "The Duke" would have said, "It's only a flesh wound." The Bible believer Chuck Norris would have done the same. The sad and ugly truth is that this is yet another example of atheists having no backbone!

Please see: John Wayne vs. atheist Paul Kurtz
If Richard Dawkins finally agreed to debate Dr. William Lane Craig and a scientist at Creation Ministries International instead of making pitiful excuses, would more Asian ladies finally believe Richard Dawkins had more yang than yin? [1][2][3][4]
You want proof and evidence that atheism is true? Nobody has ever asked for that at our atheist restaurant before. If you are seeking a full course meal of proof and evidence, I suggest going to the Christian restaurant down the street.

Please see the satire: Atheist restaurant
A crack team of atheist special forces heads out on a secret mission to find a single factual error in the Conservapedia atheism article.

As you can see, what separates atheist special forces from regular ideological soldiers is their high morale, speed and their ability to think logically and creatively under mental stress despite their obesity related brain impairment.

Please see: Atheist special forces

Richard Dawkins wearing his game face while thinking of material for his next new book. Please read this article and this article.
Richard Dawkins in his intellectual bunny hole which unfortunately is his native habitat. Please see: Does Richard Dawkins have machismo?

A messenger trying to give a debate invitation to Richard Dawkins can be seen HERE

Please see: Richard Dawkins in his native habitat
The evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins definitely lacks machismo. An atheist telling himself that he has machismo can be found HERE "The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion." - Proverbs 28:1
An essay by the Christian apologist Dr. James Spiegel describes atheist Bertrand Russell as a "misogynistic and a serial adulterer; a chronic seducer of women, especially very young women, even in his old age."[46] Dr. Spiegel, stop sugarcoating atheist history and call a spade a spade! Please see: Atheism and morality
A dog after returning from his master's joyless atheist funeral. Atheists go to an eternal place of suffering and punishment after they die.

Please see: Atheist funeral

Shockofgod's challenge to atheists


A flying kitty dinosaur

The transitional life form flying kitty.gif


  1. Richard Dawkins stands by remarks on sexism, pedophilia, Down syndrome, by Kimberly Winston | Religion News Service November 18, 2014 and syndicated to the Washington Post
  2. Global atheism is shrinking
  3. Global atheism is shrinking
  8. Long-term weight loss maintenance, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005 July; 82(1 Suppl):222S-225S.
  10. Why are British Student Unions imposing Islamic rules?
  11. User: EJamesW talk page
  12. User: EJamesW talk page
  15. "Communist until you get rich, feminist until you get married, atheist until the airplane starts falling.” - Hypocrite Diaries quote
  16. National Public Radio [NPR) review of the book God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette
  17. Charlie Hebdo and France’s Irreligious Tradition bu Kenneth R. Weinstein]
  18. Dawkins: Mock them. Ridicule them! In public
  19. Mockery - the M.O. for atheists by Matt Barber
  20. Penn & Teller - The Bible is Bull****
  21. Penn Point - Conservapedia or Troll Site? - Penn Point
  22. Penn Jillete's greatest disappearing act yet!
  23. National Public Radio [NPR) review of the book God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette
  24. Is Christianity taking over the planet?
  25. World's fattest countries
  26. Traditional African diets are healthier than Western diets, Today's Nutrition
  27. The African apostles: How Christianity exploded in 20th-century Africa
  40. Britain: 'the fat man of Europe'
  41. British girls are FATTEST in western Europe claims alarming new research by The Lancet, Mirror, Ben Burrows, May 29, 2014 10:52
  42. British girls are FATTEST in western Europe claims alarming new research by The Lancet, Mirror, Ben Burrows, May 29, 2014 10:52