Russiagate: Deep State coup 1.0

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for the current version see Russiagate timeline;
please link back as the story unfolds.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych is considered a Putin stooge by many Deep Staters.

The information the FBI collected, and the material Christopher Steele and FusionGPS manufactured, were used to create the fake news Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, and to manipulate the FISA court into granting a surveillance warrant on the Trump campaign - what Peter Strzok called “the insurance policy” against Trump's election. When James Comey reluctantly reopened the Clinton investigation ten days before the election in October 2016, and Hillary's lead in the polls started to drop, the "insurance policy" became operational: administration misinformation alleging collusion between Trump and Russia were rampant.[1]

In early January 2017 CNN carried another illegal leak from DNI James Clapper about the Clinton-Steele dossier's sensational allegations signalling that the intelligence community had implemented the "insurance policy". Russiagate was no longer just Hillary Clinton's political campaign directed against Trump, it was now a disinformation operation aimed at deceiving the American people.

2009-2015 vanguardism

See : Obamagate timeline 2009-2015

The Snowden revelations about U.S. surveillance capabilities, together with the IRS abuses targeting Obama's "enemies", were a harbinger of the illegal undemocratic, and anti-democratic weaponization of America's foreign intelligence gathering apparatus against U.S. citizens and political opponents, to interfere in elections.

What Nixon contemplated - misuse of the FBI and CIA against domestic opponents - but failed to accomplish yet was nevertheless forced from office, Obama achieved beyond anyone's wildest expectations. The post-Watergate reform Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to supervise Executive Branch power was systematically and wantonly circumvented to harass political opponents in an attempt to dictate the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, and blackmail the winner with illegally gathered evidence should the Obama coterie of conspirators fail.

To paraphrase Adam Schiff, the American people are too stupid to understand. According to the FISA court, Obama's illegal domestic surveillance, FISA abuse, and intimidation of journalists critical of Obama has been occurring since at least 2011.[2]

2016 election year

See : Obamagate timeline 2016 election year

A month after Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the presidency in 2015, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates blocked the Office of Inspector General (OIG) from oversight of the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD). The OIG, Michael Horowitz, requested documents and Sally Yates responded with a lengthy legal explanation essentially denying the request. All of the DOJ was subject to oversight, except the National Security Division.[3]

Obama’s political operatives within the DOJ-NSD were conducting illegal surveillance to monitor the Trump campaign. The NSD unit was working in coordination with Peter Strzok and others of the FBI Counterintelligence Division.

Sometime in early 2016 NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers became aware of “ongoing” and “intentional” violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) - Section 702 surveillance. Specifically item #17 “About Queries” of US persons. Rogers suspected FISA 702 (#17 – email and phone calls) surveillance activity was being used for reasons he deemed unlawful. In mid 2016 Rogers ordered the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance. In October 2016 Rogers told the FISA court he became aware of unlawful surveillance and intelligence collection of US persons. The FBI counterintelligence division was monitoring Trump and those around him through FISA 702(17) upstream surveillance collected by a DOJ National Security Division that had no oversight.

Ten days after the election, on November 17, 2016, Dir. Rogers traveled to Trump Tower without informing DNI James Clapper beforehand. Rogers likely informed President-elect Trump of the illegal activity by the FBI and DOJ, including the probability that all of Trump Tower’s email and phone communication were being collected. Trump immediately moved his transition headquarters to Bedminster, New Jersey. Clapper then demanded Rogers be fired.[4]

The information the FBI collected, and the material Christopher Steele and FusionGPS manufactured, were used to create the fake news Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, and to manipulate the FISA Court into granting a FISA warrant - what Peter Strzok called “the insurance policy” to harass, intimidate, and blackmail Trump with all the information the Obama administration illegally collected throughout the campaign and transition, should Trump win the election.

The Mueller office now has a complete picture of all electronic communications between the Trump campaign, transition team, and early presidency - moreso than any individual members of the Trump organization.


The significant events leading up to the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017 were:

  • June 2015 - Trump declares candidacy.
  • July 2015 - Sally Yates denies Inspector General Mike Horowitz oversight of DOJ-National Security Division activities.
  • November 2015-April 2016 – The FBI and DOJ-National Security Division allow private contractors [FusionGPS] to access raw FISA information using “To” and “From” FISA-702(16) & “About” FISA-702(17) queries.
  • February/March 2016 – Trump’s securing of GOP nomination seen as probable.
  • April 2016 – NSA Director Rogers orders NSA compliance officer to run full audit on 702 NSA compliance.
  • April 18, 2016 - Mike Rogers shuts down FBI/DOJ contractor access to the FISA Search System.
  • April 18, 2016 – The FBI discontinues private contractor access to raw FISA information.
  • April 19, 2016 – Wife of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) Mary Jacoby visits White House.
  • Late April 2016 – Clinton Campaign begins paying Fusion GPS.
  • April/May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele.
  • April/May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Assoc. Deputy AG Bruce Ohr, to assist Steele.
  • May 2016 – Trump becomes presumptive GOP Nominee.
  • May 23, 2016 – Nellie Ohr applies for a HAM Radio license to communicate with Steele outside NSA collection process.
  • June 2016 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok – and possibly DOJ’s Bruce Ohr – meet with Christopher Steele.
  • June 9, 2016 – Glenn Simpson meets with Natalia Veselnitskaya before Trump Jr. meeting.
  • June 9, 2016 – meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Rinat Akhmetshin and Natalia Veselnitskaya.
  • June 9, 2016 – Glenn Simpson meets again with Natalia Veselnitskaya after Trump Jr. meeting.
  • June 15, 2016 – FBI Agent Strzok changes wording of Clinton charges from felony “gross negligence” to “extreme carelessness” in line with Obama directive.
  • June 27, 2016 – AG Loretta Lynch has secret meeting with Bill Clinton on tarmac and promised to retain her position in a Hillary Clinton administration.
  • Late June 2016 – First draft of Steele dossier shared w/Clinton campaign and FBI's Strzok.
  • Late June 2016 – First FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request for retroactive approval made. It is denied.
  • July 2, 2016 – FBI Agent Strzok interviews Hillary Clinton.
  • July 5, 2016 – FBI Director James Comey exonerates Clinton.
  • July 19, 2016 – Trump officially becomes GOP Nominee.
  • July 24, 2016 – Clinton Campaign manager Robby Mook suggests Russian Government is behind release of DNC emails.
  • Mid/Late July 2016 – FBI begins counter-intelligence investigation into Russia and Trump.
  • Late July – Second draft of Steele dossier shared with FBI.
  • August 2016 – Strzok sends “insurance policy” text referencing Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.
  • August/September 2016 – CIA Director John Brennan meets with Gang of Eight suggesting Russia is helping Trump.
  • Late Summer/Early Fall 2016 – Steele dossier shopped to mainstream journalists.
  • September 5, 2016 – Hillary Clinton accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election.
  • Late September 2016 – Second FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request made.
  • September 26, 2016 – John Carlin, head of DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD), admits to FISA court that surveillance included Obama’s political opponents.
  • September 27, 2016 – John Carlin, head of DOJ’s NSD and involved with FISA requests, announces he is resigning.
  • Early October 2016 – DOJ's Bruce Ohr meets with Dossier author Christopher Steele.
  • Early October 2016 – DOJ's Bruce Ohr meets with Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS).
  • October 2016 – FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request is granted. Trump's name is excluded from request. No evidence is found but surveillance continues – ostensibly for national security reasons.
  • October 20, 2016 – NSA Rogers briefed by NSA compliance officer on 702 NSA compliance audit.
  • October 21, 2016 – NSA Rogers shuts down all “About Query” activity. Permanently. Reports activity to DOJ and prepares to go before FISA Court.
  • October 26, 2016 – NSA Rogers personally informs FISA Court of 702(17) violations.
  • Late October 2016 -Defense Secretary Ash Carter and DNI James Clapper recommend to Obama that Admiral Mike Rogers be removed as director of NSA.
  • October 2016 – The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using federal intelligence services.
  • November 17, 2016 – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers travels to see President-elect Donald Trump.
  • November 17, 2016 – Trump Transition Team announces they are moving to Trump National Golf Club.
  • November 19, 2016 – Washington Post reports a recommendation made by DNI Clapper in October that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position.

2017 soft coup

The 2017 soft coup revealed an anti-democratic mindset hostile to constitutional governance among Progressive globalists.

January 2017

John Brennan attached Hillary Clinton's opposition research dossier to the official Presidential daily intelligence briefing (PDB) for Obama. Obama ordered two pages of the summary to be shared with Trump. The special classified briefing was then leaked to the Washington media, allowing them to use the presidential briefing to justify publication of unsubstantiated claims which by journalistic standards prevented them from using up to that point.

When CNN broke the story of the dossier's sensational allegations co-written by Evan Perez - a friend and former colleague of FusionGPS principal Glenn Simpson, it cleared the way for BuzzFeed to publish the entire dossier, and signaled that the intelligence community was implementing the "insurance policy". This completed a circular echo chamber, binding the intelligence community - chartered to steal and keep secrets, to the media - embodying the right to free speech.

Russiagate was no longer part of Hillary Clinton's political campaign directed at Trump, it was now a disinformation operation aimed at the American public, as the pre-election media coverage resonated more fully with the Steele dossier in the open. You see, said the mainstream media: everything we published about Trump and Putin is really true—there’s a document proving it. What the press corps neglected to add is that they’d been reporting the same talking points and innuendo from the same opposition research since before the election, and were now parroting the same “evidence” to prove it was true.

On Tuesday January 10, 2017, CNN stated President-elect Trump was briefed on the Clinton-Steele dossier. An hour later Buzzfeed published the dossier. The next day, Wednesday January 11, Trump said he was not briefed on the dossier. NBC confirmed Trump wasn’t briefed. Fox News confirmed Trump wasn’t briefed. Later that night Wednesday January 11, DNI James Clapper issued a press statement noting that he had just now briefed President-elect Trump on the dossier moments before. Clapper's press release stated, “The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable," yet Clapper's intelligence community used that same dossier with no other evidence to obtain a FISA warrant for direct surveillance of the Trump campaign three months earlier. The fact the "evidence" originated as a political smear campaign from the Clinton campaign and Democratic party was never told to the FISA court.

  • 1 January. Washington Post retracts fake news story about Russian hacking into the power grid; however, slanders, speculation, and innuendo about "hacking the vote" and Trump-Putin relations remain unretracted.[5]
  • 3 January. Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch signed off on new rules permitting the NSA to disseminate “raw signals intelligence information” with identities of American citizens caught up in foreign intelligence surveillance operations.[6] "In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections," the New York Times reports on 12 January.[7] The expansion of the order makes it difficult to narrow in on leaks. This constitutes Obama's amending Executive Order 12333.[8] DNI James Clapper previously signed off on 15 December 2016.
  • 4 January. Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report completed, both classified and public versions. Congressional investigators later found portions of Brennan's ICA "did not employ proper analytic tradecraft" and "deviated from established CIA practice."[9] Brennan attached two pages of sexual innuendo from the Clinton-Steele dossier to the assessment.
  • 5 January. FBI Director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the DNC refused multiple requests to examine their servers after allegations of hacking.[10] As of April 2018, the FBI still never examined the servers to see if any hacking indeed took place. DNC continues to deny FBI ever made any requests.[11] Trump tweets, "The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia.”[12] Trump sends follow up tweet, "So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?”[13] Comey additionally lied to Congress in a classified setting about the true origins of the Steele dossier.[14]
  • Susan Rice sent a CYA email to herself about a secret Oval Office meeting where the Clinton-Steele dossier is discussed;[15][16][17] (the email was written and sent to herself 15 minutes after Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20):[18]
    "On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present.

    President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities "by the book". The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.
    From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.

    [Redacted section]

    The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."[19]
    At the conclusion of the briefing, Obama asks Sally Yates and James Comey to remain. Together with Susan Rice, this is where the “by the book” CYA comment comes into play. The 90-day surveillance period under the FISA warrant would have had just a bit over two weeks left to run — it was set to expire just as Trump was to take office. (Reporting suggests that there may also have been a FISA warrant on Paul Manafort around this time.) The Obama administration was therefore confronting a deadline if the FISA warrant was to be renewed while Obama was still in power. The officials in the meeting would need to figure out how the investigation could continue despite the fact that its central focus, Trump, was about to be sworn in as president. Rice’s “by the book” bunkum is transparent: Obama officials claimed to adhere to a book that forbade consultations between political leaders and investigators. But here they were consulting. So Rice tried to cover the tracks in her email: She revises history such that the consultation morphs into a mere friendly reminder that Obama wanted everything done by the book.[20]
  • 6 January. DNI James Clapper issues Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA, also referred to as the Joint Analysis Report) a joint Brennan, Clapper and Comey document consisting of recycled reports on RT with 2 pages of sexual innuendo from the Clinton-Steele dossier. NSA Dir. Adm. Mike Rogers dissents from the report and did not attend the meeting.[21] WaPo is assured by Obama intelligence bosses that "the sources involved in the [Clinton-Steele dossier's] reporting were credible enough to warrant inclusion in the highly classified [presidential] report.”[22] Brennan however, in public testimony months later, said the dossier and its sources were not credible enough to incorporate in the JointIntelligence Community Assessment on Russian election interference publicly leaked by the administration. Brennan swore the Clinton-Steele dossier did not “in any way” factor into the CIA's assessment that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump. Congressional investigators suggest a classified version of the Intelligence Community Assessment contradicts Brennan's sworn testimony.
  • Clapper briefed CNN on the Clinton-Steele dossier before Comey briefed President-elect Trump.
  • 9:44 A.M. FBI Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki sent an email to unspecified recipients stating "the director is coming into HQ briefly for an update from the sensitive matter team."[23]
  • Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mike Rogers travel to Trump Tower to brief President-elect Trump on the Intelligence Community Assessment of the Russian Election interference. At the end of the meeting Comey asks for a one-on-one briefing with Trump. Comey tells Trump of the "salacious" allegations manufactured by the Clinton campaign, makes no mention of their origin, or of the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Cohen based on the same Hillary Clinton opposition research, and represents it as supposed "intelligence". According to Comey, he acted on the instructions of Brennan and Clapper.[24][25] Comey states he acted on Clapper, not Obama's, instructions after the day prior Oval Office meeting to deceive Trump with bogus Hillary Clinton opposition research.[26] In his June 2017 Congressional testimony Comey swore the dossier was "salacious and unverifed" although the FBI/DOJ used it to obtain FISA surveillance warrants the Trump campaign three months earlier.
Comey memo notes,
I said there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to the PE [President-Elect] about alone or in a very small group.

I then executed the session exactly as I had planned.
I told him [President Trump] that I wanted to meet with him to tell him more about what is in the reports written by [redacted – likely Steele]. I said that the written reports themselves were [redacted] and the content known at IC senior level and that I didn’t want him to get caught cold by some of the detail.

I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands. I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook. I said it was important that we not give them the excuse to write that the FBI has the material or [REDACTED] and that we were keeping it very close-hold. [bolden added]
The media had widely dismissed the Steele dossier as unsubstantiated and unreportable. Clapper's second leak to CNN - that Comey had briefed President-elect Trump - created the news hook CNN was looking for.
  • 8 January 12:08 P.M. McCabe sends email to Comey, Rybicki, Bowdich and Kortan with the subject line "Flood is coming". McCabe wrote "CNN is close to going forward with the sensitive story...the trigger for them [CNN] is they know the material was discussed in the brief and presented in an attachment."
  • 12:55 P.M. McCabe emails Sally Yates and PADAG Matthew Axelrod with the subject line "News." McCabe wrote "Just an FYI, and as expected, CNN is close to running a story about the sensitive reporting."
  • 10 January. Clapper leaks briefing Trump on the Clinton campaign's allegations that Trump consorted with prostitutes in an unsavory way to Jake Tapper of CNN, creating the "news hook" CNN needed to report details.[27] One hour later CNN links to BuzzFeed making the Clinton-Steele dossier public.[28] The Clinton opposition research is presented to the public as some sort of official "intelligence report" with mysterious origins that the Obama administration was acting on.
  • Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, who with the DNC paid FusionGPS $1,024,408 for the Clinton-Steele dossier, secretly meet with FusionGPS boss Glenn Simpson.[29]
  • 11 January. Trump responds to Obama IC bosses smears on Twitter: "I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state! … Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?”[30] Trump states that he was not briefed on the full contents the Clinton-Steele dossier or its origins. NBC News independently verifies Trump's account,[31] as does FOX News.[32]
  • DNI Clapper issues press release stating that he only now, not days earlier on January 6, discussed the Clinton-Steele dossier with Trump.[33]
  • Jake Tapper of CNN reports that government sources confirm it was the wrong "Michael Cohen" in Prague,[34] further debunking the Steele dossier.
  • The UK Guardian reported that "the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus." The Guardian further stated unconfirmed reports claim a warrant was obtained in October.[35]
Langley's 7th floor is a reference to CIA headquarters. The 20 Committee originated with British counter-intelligence during World War II, known as the XX Committee, or Double Cross Committee. It used the "Double Cross system" of compromising foreign agents and getting them to feed false information back home (hence the objective of a counter-intelligence investigation is not to make arrests or bring indictments). Participation by Americans today represents joint American-British counter-intelligence against a common enemy throughout the Cold War all the way back to Hitler. Trump was viewed as a threat to the NATO alliance for demanding NATO allies shoulder their share of the cost burden.
  • 12 January. Former NSA official John Schindler tweets, "When @IgnatiusPost speaks, Langley's 7th floor lips are moving. They are taking traitor Trump out now."[36] Langley's 7th floor is a reference to CIA headquarters.
  • David Ignatius of the Washington Post publishes illegal leak of unmasked details of Michael Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador obtained by FISA warrant. "What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions?" Ignatius asked. "The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about 'disputes' with the United States."[37] Susan Rice “unmasked” Flynn’s name and it was leaked to Ignatius.[38] The leaking of the unmasked identity of a US citizen's name gathered in a foreign intelligence operation is a criminal and civil rights violation.[39]
  • Inspector General also begins looking into allegations of FBI misconduct in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. The IG will review allegations that DOJ “policies or procedures were not followed in connection with, or in actions leading up to or related to” Dir. Comey’s July 2016 announcement that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would not be charged in her use of a private email server while secretary of state. This investigation uncovered the conspiratorial Strzok-Page txt msgs exchange.[43]
  • 13 January. Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller identifies FusionGPS, Christopher Steele's employer, and Glenn Simpson its founder as the same group that lobbyied on behalf of the Kremlin in July 2016 for efforts to repeal the Magnitsky Act,[44] remove the name “Magnitsky” from the Global Magnitsky Act, delay the bills passage, and cast doubt on the Justice Dept.’s version of events prior to the passage of the Magnitsky Act. The defrauded complaintant referred to Simpson, who was hired by the Clinton campaign and DNC as "a professional smear campaigner.” “Glenn Simpson knowingly spread false information on behalf of people connected to the Russian government to try to protect Russian torturers and murderers from consequences.”[45] Ross stated that part of Simpson’s work involved passing stories to his deep network of journalism contacts in order to undermine the law.
  • Obama signs Executive Order removing US Attorney Dana Boente from the line of succession to be acting Attorney General placing Sally Yates in his stead.[46]
  • 14 January. Former Clinton era DOJ Inspector General Michael Bromwich welcomes Inspector General Michael Horowitz's investigation of Andrew McCabe and the DOJ. Bromwich later is hired as McCabe's attorney. Bromwich writes in a WaPo op-ed:
    The announcement by the Justice Department’s inspector general that his office will look into FBI Director James B. Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails reopens painful questions about the 2016 election, but it is also welcome news. The country needs this — an objective, independent and thorough investigation of issues that have roiled the country for months and continue to stir heated debate.

    The investigation will address allegations that Comey violated established Justice Department and FBI policies and procedures in his July 5, 2016, public announcement concerning the Hillary Clinton email investigation. And it will explore allegations that Comey’s Oct. 28 and Nov. 6 letters to Congress, which jolted the presidential election — and may have changed its outcome — were improper. The impact of Comey’s actions can never be definitively known. But it is important, for the Justice Department and for the country, to obtain a detailed accounting of what happened and why; to assign blame where it is warranted; and to understand how similar situations can be prevented.

    In addition to looking into the actions of the FBI director regarding the email investigation, the probe will look into whether the FBI’s deputy director [McCabe] should have recused himself from the investigation because of his wife’s political involvement; whether a high-ranking Justice Department official or others improperly disclosed non-public information to both the Clinton and Trump campaigns; and whether the timing of the FBI’s election eve Freedom of Information Act disclosures relating to Bill Clinton’s 2001 pardon of Marc Rich was based on inappropriate considerations.[47]
  • 15 January. Famed Watergate reporter Bob Woodward criticizes CNN, Jake Tapper, John Brennan and James Clapper for false statements and politicization of the intelligence community. Four political operatives at CNN Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Woodward's former colegue Carl Bernstein, colluded with two highly politicized top level Obama administration intelligence officials, ODNI James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan, under the auspices of leaks from “anonymous senior intelligence officials” – on the construct of Russian narrative to undermine the incoming presidency of Donald Trump."[48]
  • 18 January. McClatchy News Service headlined a story that the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) collaborated for months in an investigation of Donald Trump, according to two anonymous sources.[49]
The New York Times ran a fake news headline as Trump arrived in Washington to be inaugurated. The illegally procured wiretap data was based on opposition research materials paid for by Clintonites and the FBI, slandering Trump and associates. It had the effect of suppressing Trump approval ratings to record lows his first 100 days and derailing Trump appointments and legislative agenda. Media manipulation for political purposes by the Obama intelligence community violates US law.
  • 19 January. The New York Times carried a frontpage headline, Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides. The article stated "investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.[50] The headline has been changed for its online version.[51]
  • Obama’s top intelligence and law-enforcement deputies meet to talk about Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak.[52]
  • 20 January. Donald Trump inaugurated president.
  • 21 January. White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon calls Carter Page, bringing Bannon under FBI Title I FISA surveillance.[53]
  • 23 January. Washington Post reports FBI found nothing illicit in Flynn's call with Amb. Kislyak.[54] Leaking Flynn's name was a violation of law.
  • Strzok/Lisa Page exchange messages:
    Lisa Page - I can feel my heart beating harder, I’m so stressed about all the ways THIS has the potential to go fully off the rails.

    Strzok - I know. I just talked with John, we’re getting together as soon as I get in to finish that write up for Andy [McCabe] this morning. I reminded John about how I told Bill [Priestap] and the entire group that we should wait 30 to 60 days after the inauguration to change how we were managing this stuff. As it is, he went ahead, and everything is completely falling off the rails. I think our stuff is good on our cases, but I have no hope or understanding about what they’re doing on Jen [Palmieri]'s side of the house.
    Palmieri is the Clinton campaign Communications Director. Palmieri took the lead in promoting the Russia collusion hoax.[55]
  • GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan resigns.
  • 24 January. Mike Flynn interviewed by FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka at the White House.[56] Strzok files FBI Form 302 interview report claiming Flynn did not lie. 302 report is later altered by FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe to imply Flynn did lie so Special Counsel Robert Mueller could prosecute Flynn to make him "flip" in the bogus Trump-Russia investigation.[57]
  • Business Insider reports that U.S. intelligence agencies had been investigating people in Trump's presidential campaign throughout the campaign season.[58]
  • 25 January. Department of Justice receives detailed readout from the FBI agents who had interviewed Flynn. Acting AG Sally Yates said she felt “it was important to get this information to the White House as quickly as possible.”
  • 26 January. Yates calls WH Counsel Don McGahn to tell him she had “a very sensitive matter” that had to be discussed face to face. McGahn agrees to meet with Yates in the afternoon. Yates traveled to the White House along with a senior member of the DOJ’s National Security Division, Mary McCord who was overseeing the matter. This was Yates’ first meeting with McGahn in his office, which also acts as a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF). Yates said she began their meeting by laying out the media accounts and media statements made by Vice President Mike Pence and other high-ranking White House officials about General Flynn’s activity “that we knew not to be the truth.” According to Yates testimony, she and Mary McCord reportedly presented all the information to McGahn so the White House could take action that they deemed appropriate. When asked by McGahn if Flynn should be fired, Yates answered, “that really wasn’t our call.” Yates also said her decision to notify the White House counsel had been discussed “at great length.” According to her testimony: “Certainly leading up to our notification on the 26th, it was a topic of a whole lot of discussion in DOJ and with other members of the intel community.”
  • 27 January. White House Counsel Don McGahn calls Yates and asks if she could come back to his office. According to her testimony, Sally Yates returned to the White House late that afternoon. One of McGahn’s topics discussed was whether Flynn could be prosecuted for his conduct. Specifically, according to Yates, one of the questions McGahn asked Yates was, “Why does it matter to DOJ if one White House official lies to another?” She explained that it “was a whole lot more than that,” and reviewed the same issues outlined the prior day. McGahn expressed his concern that taking action might interfere with the FBI investigation of Flynn, and Yates said it wouldn’t. “It wouldn’t really be fair of us to tell you this and then expect you to sit on your hands." McGahn asked if he could look at the underlying evidence of Flynn’s conduct, and she said they would work with the FBI over the weekend and “get back with him on Monday morning.”
  • Trump has dinner with FBI Director James Comey where President Trump asked if he was under investigation. Comey writes memo:
    "...during the salad, before the shrimp scampi I explained I don't do sneaky things. I don’t leak, I don’t do weasel moves."[59]
  • 30 January. Sally Yates fired; replaced by Dana Boente. Boente lifts Yates order denying Inspector General oversight of the DOJ-National Security Division.
  • January. Evidence suggests either Christopher Steele lied in sworn court depositions and testimony, or the FBI lied to the FISA court in warrant renewal applications.
  • In the FBI/DOJ renewal application to the FISA court for continued Title I surveillance of Carter Page, Obama operatives again address Christopher Steele's credibility. The FBI noted that it had suspended its relationship with Steele in October 2016 because of Steele's "unauthorized disclosure of information to the press." The FBI relayed to the court that Steele had been bothered by the FBI's notification to Congress in October 2016 about the reopening of the Clinton investigation, and as a result "[Steele] independently and against the prior admonishment from the FBI to speak only with the FBI on this matter, released the [Steele dossier allegations against Carter Page] to an identified news organization." However, the FBI continued to cite Steele's past work as evidence of his reliability, and stated that "the incident that led to the FBI suspending its relationship with [Steele] occurred after [Steele] provided" the FBI with the dossier information described in the application. The FBI further asserted in footnote 19 that it did not believe that Steele directly gave information to Yahoo News that "published the September 23 News Article". The FBI represented to the court that they believed Steele's claim that he had only provided the dossier information to the FBI and FusionGPS - and not to the media - prior to his October media contact that resulted in the FBI suspending the relationship. Accordingly, the FBI still deemed the information he provided prior to the October disclosure as reliable. After all, the FBI already believed Steele was reliable, he had previously told the FBI he had not shared the information with the press - and lying to the FBI is a crime.
  • In defending Steele's credibility to the FISA court the FBI had posited an innocuous explanation for the September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article, based on the assumption that Steele had told the FBI the truth about his press contacts. The FBI then vouched for him twice more, using the same rationale, in subsequent renewal applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in April and June 2017. However, public reports, court filings, and information obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee indicate that Steele not only provided dossier information to the FBI, but also to numerous media organizations prior to the end of his relationship with the FBI in October 2016. In Steele's sworn court filings in litigation in London, he admitted that he "gave off the record briefings to a small number of journalists about the pre-election memoranda [i.e., the dossier in late summer/autumn 2016] In another sworn filing in that case, Steele·further stated that journalists from "the New York Times, the Washington Post, Yahoo News, the New Yorker, and CNN" were "briefed at the end of September 2016 by [Steele] and Fusion at Fusion's instruction." The filing further states that Steele "subsequently participated in further meetings at Fusion's instruction with Fusion and the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Yahoo News, which took place mid-October 2016." According to these court filings, "the briefings involved the disclosure of limited intelligence regarding indications of Russian interference in the US election process and the possible co-ordination of members of Trump's campaign team and Russian government officials." In his interview with the Committee, Glenn Simpson of FusionGPS confirmed this account by Steele and his company as filed in the British court. The first of these filings was pUblicly reported in the U.S. media in April 2017, yet the FBI did not subsequently disclose to the FISC this evidence that would suggest that Steele had lied to the FBI. Instead the application still relied on his credibility prior to the October media incident. The FBI received similar information from a Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, who maintained contacts with Simpson and Steele about their dossier work, and whose wife Nellie Ohr also worked for Fusion GPS on the Russia project.

February 2017

  • 2 February. Politico reports 5 House IT staffers, including 3 brothers later identified as Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan, and two their wives were relieved of access to House computers and had been under criminal investigation since late 2016.[60] While full details were not disclosed, subsequently it was learned they managed office information technology for Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee handling matters on war and terrorism.[61] It was also learned later Imran Awan worked for ex-DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz,[62] had access to her iPad and password,[63] took $100,000 in cash from an Iraqi company,[64] and was a suspect in the leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks. Despite verbose allegations of "Russian hacking," the DNC never allowed the FBI to examine its servers to determine if indeed the DNC had been hacked, or did the leaks come from an inside source.[65] The suspects may have been involved in a leak of information that lead to the ambush and death of Navy SEAL William Ryan Owen.[66] Furthermore, because the suspects were Muslim,[67] their activities were covered up and they were not fired til after the death of Owen. Even then, they were initially relieved of duties without their names being released, two weeks later fired,[68] and three weeks after that in a series of press leaks identified as prime suspects in what the media called the "Russian hacking" scandal.
  • Both Australia and the White House deny they were behind the leak of a phone conversation between Trump and the Australian prime minister which received widespread media reporting critical of President Trump.[69]
  • Politico reports “Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump...Whether inside the Environmental Protection Agency, within the Foreign Service, on the edges of the Labor Department or beyond, employees are using new technology … to organize letters, talk strategy, or contact media outlets and other groups to express their dissent...Fearing for their jobs, the employees began communicating incognito using the app Signal shortly after Trump’s inauguration...[T]he goal is to “create a network across the agency.” This may be an effort to evade Congressional oversight.
  • Russian tech mogul named in the Steele dossier files defamation lawsuits against BuzzFeed in the U.S. and Christopher Steele in the U.K. over the dossier’s claims he interfered in U.S. elections.
  • 6 February. Trump blames ‘Obama people’ for leaking details of calls with foreign leaders.[71]
  • 9 February. New York Times reports fake news narrative "Flynn is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office,"[72] based upon material gathered by the FISA court warrant.
National Security Advisor Gen. Mike Flynn, Rice's successor. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration because he saw the jihadis as an enemy rather than Russia. Trump brought him back. Flynn's civil rights were violated by Obama's spy apparatus and was an early victim of Obama's efforts to sabotage Donald Trump. With Flynn's resignation went hopes for a raprochament with Russia. An arms race or hot war with Russia, Iran, and North Korea is now a possibility, unless President Trump can "drain the swamp" of Obama holdovers among the 15,000 strong national security establishment and Intelligence Community (IC).
  • 11 February. National Security aide to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is denied a security clearance, in effect, the CIA exercising veto power over the President's management of national security affairs. The action was unprecedented and without cause. Reports say the CIA did not like the aide's attitude toward the agency.[73] “They believe this is a hit job from inside the CIA on Flynn and the people close to him," because the aide "believes that the CIA doesn’t run the world.”[74]
  • 12 February. The Observer reports a Senior Department of Defense official saying since January 20, we’ve assumed that the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM".[75]
  • 13 February. Flynn resigns.
  • Reports say Sally Yates warned Don McGahan that Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail;[76] Yates states later, “We weren’t the only ones that knew all of this… the Russians also knew about what General Flynn had done, and the Russians also knew that General Flynn had misled the vice president and others… Not only did we believe that the Russians knew this, but that they likely had proof of this information, and that created a compromise situation––a situation where the national security advisor essentially could be blackmailed by the Russians.”[77]
  • Consortiumnews asks,
Senior Justice Department holdovers from the Obama administration concocted an argument that Flynn might be vulnerable to Russian blackmail. The argument is dubious because the Russians would know that the U.S. government knew exactly what the conversations entailed, so how would the blackmail work?
  • Consortiumnews reports, "Flynn’s real “offense” appears to be that he favors détente with Russia rather than escalation of a new and dangerous Cold War. Trump’s idea of a rapprochement with Moscow – and a search for areas of cooperation and compromise – has been driving Official Washington’s foreign policy establishment crazy for months and the neocons, in particular, have been determined to block it."[78]
  • 14 February. Strzok/Lisa Page texts on Flynn interview report:
    Strzok - Also, is Andy [McCabe] good with F 302?
    Lisa Page - Launch on f 302.
    Strzok - K thank you.
  • Krauthammer on unmasking of Flynn, "When the conversation involves an American, there are extremely strict procedures to blur the identity, to hide the identity and to protect the information coming from the American. This is the exact opposite of that and it is scary."[79]
  • 14 February. New York Times Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo reported about supposed contacts between Trump campaign staff and “senior Russian intelligence officials.” Comey later testified “In the main, [the article] was not true."
After the sacking of Flynn, the IC spokesmen nolonger were making threats against a candidate or president-elect's life, they were calling for open sedition.
  • 15 February. IC goon tweets another threat against the President of the United State.[80]
  • FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe tells Chief of Staff Reince Priebus at a one-on-one meeting the New York Times Russia and Trump campaign story was a “bunch of BS”.[81] Priebus asks McCabe if McCabe would be able to say that publicly. McCabe said he would check. Later, McCabe calls back and said he couldn’t issue a statement about it.
FBI Dep. Dir. Andy McCabe tells WH Chief of Staff Reince Priebus "the story in the New York Times in regards to the FBI investigating Trump campaign people contacts and Russian intel is BS."
  • 16 February. At a press conference Trump lashes out at the tapping of his Oval Office phone conversations with other heads of government. Trump says, "I called, as you know, Mexico. It was a very, very confidential, classified call... I spoke to the president of Mexico; I had a good call. All of a sudden, it's out there for the world to see. It's supposed to be secret. It's supposed to be either confidential or classified, in that case. Same thing with Australia. All of a sudden, people are finding out exactly what took place [in a presidential Oval Office phone call]. The same thing happened with respect to General Flynn. Everybody saw this. And I'm saying -- the first thing I thought of when I heard about it is: How does the press get this information that's classified? How do they do it? You know why? Because it's an illegal process and the press should be ashamed of themselves. But more importantly, the people that gave out the information to the press should be ashamed of themselves, really ashamed."[82]
  • Glenn Greenwald says on Democracy Now!, "to urge that the CIA and the intelligence community empower itself to undermine the elected branches of government is insanity. That is a prescription for destroying democracy overnight in the name of saving it. And yet that’s what so many, not just neocons, but the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party, are now urging and cheering. And it’s incredibly warped and dangerous to watch them do that."[83]
  • Obama-era Treasury official, Katherine Bauer, in written testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, acknowledged that “under the Obama administration … these [ Project Cassandra Hezbollah-related ] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing Iranian nuke deal.”[84]
  • According to Katherine Bauer, some Hezbollah operatives were not pursued via arrests, indictments, or Treasury designations that would have blocked their access to U.S. financial markets. Bauer, a career Treasury official, served in its Office of Terrorist Financing as a senior policy adviser for Iran. Other “Hezbollah facilitators” arrested in France, Colombia, Lithuania have not been extradited — or indicted — in the U.S., Bauer testified.
  • Ezra Klein interview with Evelyn Farkas published on Vox. Farkas goes on the record with some background on her participation in the conspiracy.[85]
  • 17 February. Kucinich says Intelligence Community and the owner of the Washington Post are trying to influence US foreign policy.[86]
  • 19 February. Breitbart reports Obama's Organizing for Action, formerly Organizing for America, partners with the Soros-funded Indivisible Project to disrupt the Trump agenda.[87] Indivisible provides online training for the 'Resistance' movement.[88] Indivisible claims to follow the Tea Party model rather than the Occupy Wall Street or Black Lives Matter; however the Tea Party is not known to have focused on rudeness and violence.
  • 20 February. Daily Caller reports in 2009 the Awan brothers operated a Northern Virginia car dealership, with Abid as its day-to-day manager. The dealership received a $100,000 loan that was never repaid from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, a former Iraqi politician who fled the US on tax charges and who reportedly has links to Hezbollah.[89]
  • 21 February. John McCain suspected of having access to the content of President Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. Analysis of McCain’s public statements by White House officials believe the senator has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations. Officials believe McCain is sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and mainstream media journalists in a clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency before it has a chance to succeed.[90] McCain, like John Brennan, was deeply involved in weapons transfers to jihadis who formed the Islamic State.
  • 28 February. Reports indicate author of the slanderous Steele dossier was paid.
  • Mike Cernovitch identifies David Laufman as source of national security leaks. Laufman is the DOJ's Chief of Counterintelligence​. As chief, Laufman handles all classified information regarding espionage. Laufman is a donor to Barack Obama's campaigns. Laufman was in charge of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and has the power to kill any investigation.[91]

March 2017

  • 1 March. New York Times reports "In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House official have scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald Trump and Russians — across the government.[92] "Low level" leaks of "Russian hacking" plagued the Executive Branch and among Congressional staffers with fake news since early January. This is commonly known as Obama's amendments to E.O. 12333.
  • Daily Mail reports Valerie Jarrett moves into Barack and Michelle Obama's DC home, the "nerve center of the mounting insurgency against" Donald Trump. "Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency."[93]
Bill Clinton with Imran Awan. Awan was arrested at the airport with $12,000 in cash after illegally bank wiring $300,000 to Pakistan. The Awan clan had been employed by Democrats for a dozen years and are implicated in hacking, international money-laundering, insurance fraud, kidnappings in Pakistan, and possibly the mysterious death of DNC whistleblower Seth Rich. The Awans were among the highest paid Democratic staffers on Capital Hill.
Source LinkedIn
  • Daily Caller reports Awan family was paid $5 million by Democratic congressmen over several years many of whom serve on the intelligence, homeland security and foreign affairs committees. The Awans appeared at one time or another on an estimated 80 House Democrats’ payrolls. Current members are Marcia Fudge, Tim Ryan, Jim Costa, Sander M. Levin, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Yvette D. Clarke, Gregory W. Meeks, John P. Sarbanes, Jackie Speier, Diana DeGette, Frederica S. Wilson, Cedric L. Richmond, David Loebsack, Karen Bass, Joyce Beatty, Emanuel Cleaver, Lois Frankel, Daniel T. Kildee, Tony Cardenas, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Robin L. Kelly, Katherine M. Clark, Mark Takano, Julia Brownley, Pete Aguilar, Andre Carson, Joaquin Castro, Ted Deutch, Ted Lieu, Hakeem S. Jeffries, and Kyrsten Sinema. The Awans had full access to the emails and office computer files of members. Focus of the investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police is an off-site server on which congressional data was loaded.
  • There are more than 15,000 congressional staff on Capitol Hill; four of the 500 highest-paid House staffers are Awans. Median salary for legislative assistants is $43,000 annually; Imran Awan has collected $1.2 million in salary since 2010, and his brother Abid and wife Hina Alvi were each paid more than $1 million. Imran first came to Capitol Hill in 2003 and Abid joined him in 2005. Imran’s wife Hina Alvi was added to the payroll in 2007, while Abid’s wife, Natalia Sova, appeared in 2011. In 2014 the youngest brother, Jamal, was added to the payroll in 2014 at the age of 20 with a salary of $160,000.
  • Politico reports Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Gregory Meeks declined to fire Imran, and that both members have a “friendly personal relationship with Awan and his wife, according to multiple sources.”[95]
  • 2 March. Evelyn Farkas, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia under Obama, while interviewed on MSNBC's Morning Joe, a smoking gun went off: “I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration. Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left. So, it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, that the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their -- the staff, the Trump staff's dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods... So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more."[96] Farkas was not employed by the Obama administration at the time the Russian allegations arose. According to Pentagon records, Farkas resigned in September 2015.
  • While serving a senior foreign policy advisor for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, both Farkas and Clinton still held security clearances outside government.[97]
  • Farkas' use of "people on the hill" refers to Congressional staff which numbers into the tens of thousands, some of which have press contacts and are the source of leaks. Once the materials fell into their hands, many partisan staffers then became armchair counter-intelligence sleuths, combing through the leaked material, feeding their mainstream sources with their latest pet theories on Donald Trump being in the pay of the KGB, and taking to Twitter threads with extended narratives to document their speculation.
  • As Dep. Asst. Sec. of Defense, Farkas had daily access to Obama's Presidential Daily Briefing, which includes SCIF.
  • Tash Gauhar involved in Sessions recusal discussions;[98] Sundance remarks
    the DOJ/FBI lawyer at the heart of the Clinton-email investigation; the DOJ/FBI lawyer hired by Eric Holder at his firm and later at the DOJ; the DOJ/FBI lawyer who was transferred to the Clinton probe; the DOJ/FBI lawyer at the epicenter of the Weiner laptop issues, the only one from MYE who spoke to New York; the DOJ/FBI lawyer who constructs the FISA applications on behalf of Main Justice;…. just happens to be the same DOJ/FBI lawyer recommending to AG Jeff Sessions that he recuse himself.
  • Washington Post reports the inquiry focused on contacts Sessions had “while serving as Mr. Trump’s foreign-policy adviser in the spring and summer of 2016,”[99] implying (a) surveillance occurred on a U.S. Senator,[100] and (b) surveillance may have occurred without a warrant.
  • Comey testifies to a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee that, while Flynn may have had some honest failures of recollection during his FBI interview, Strzok who questioned him concluded that he did not lie.[101][102]
  • Ranking Democrat Vice-Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff accuses Comey of withholding information from Congressional Overseers. Lindsey Graham says, "Somebody is leaking this crap. It's putting people like me in a terrible spot."[103]
  • 4 March. Trump sends out several tweets: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!; "How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"; "I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!"; "Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!"; "Just out: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama White House 22 times, and 4 times last year alone." Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau parses Obama response, "I'd be careful about reporting that Obama said there was no wiretapping. Statement just said that neither he nor the WH ordered it."[105]
  • Wikileaks releases list of Obama wiretaping targets.[107]
  • 6 March. Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential election campaign manager told Fox News he knew of electronic surveillance on Trump during the campaign and was told by US intelligence. Mook is not a government employee and had no right to access of that information.[108]
  • Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Grassley inquires of the FBI's plan to pay FusionGPS operative for spying on Trump during the campaign, sparking questions of Obama administration’s use of federal authorities for political gain.[109][110]
  • Daily Caller reports Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period in 2016 to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s sanctions against that country. Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.[111]
  • 7 March. Sen. Tom Cotton of the Senate Intelligence Committee confirms Mike Flynn was wiretapped and reveals that he is aware of the agency that surveilled him. Also, he is aware of which agency leaked the transcript of the phone call between Mike Flynn and Sergei Kislyak and suggests it is the Department of Justice.[112]
  • Cause of Action Institute files FOIA request with the FBI regarding money paid to Christopher Steele, author of the Steele dossier.[113] “If a former spy who was being paid to do opposition research on a U.S. presidential nominee was also on the FBI’s payroll, there are serious concerns about the agency’s independence. We need to better understand this financial relationship to ensure the FBI was not misusing taxpayer money to interfere in a presidential election on behalf of one of the candidates.”
  • Sens. Lindsey Graham and Sheldon Whitehouse of the Senate Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee request of Director Comey warrant applications and court orders related to wiretapping of Donald Trump and associates.[115] Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung react to Vault 7 revelations.[116]
  • 9 March. Comey meets with House and Senate Congressional leaders, and leaders of House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Sens. McConnell, Schumer, Burr, Warner, and Reps. Paul Ryan, Pelosi, Nunes and Shiff (the "gang of eight").[117] Justice Dept. official responds 'no comment' when asked by the New York Times to confirm Trump isn't under investigation.[118]
  • 14 March. TruePundit reports,
    days before Gen. Michael Flynn was sacked as national security advisor, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe gathered more than a dozen of his top FBI disciples to plot how to ruin Flynn’s aspiring political career and manufacture evidence to derail President Donald Trump, according to FBI sources.
    McCabe, the second highest ranking FBI official, emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “F*** Flynn and then we F*** Trump,” according to direct sources.
    This was one of several such meetings held in seclusion among key FBI leaders since Trump was elected president, FBI sources confirm. At the congregation where McCabe went off the political rails and vowed to destroy Flynn and Trump, there were as many as 16 top FBI officials, inside intelligence sources said. No lower-level agents or support personnel were present.
    ...Days after the McCabe tirade, Flynn was forced to resign. That was no coincidence. ...
    Part of the plan hatched at that gathering was to make sure Flynn’s wiretapped conversations were leaked to the media, FBI and intelligence sources said.
    ...James Comey did not attend these private meetings of his interoffice revolutionaries, sources said, though he was aware of the gatherings yet did not discourage them or McCabe’s inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric. ...
    ...The FBI’s secret plan to ruin Flynn worked. And fast. Flynn is long gone. Now they can focus on ruining President Trump. ...
    ...McCabe’s dictatorial tone ruffled a number of agents at FBI headquarters who still believe the mission of the bureau is not to wage clandestine warfare against the sitting president and his administration....
    Democratic factions controlled by a Hillary Clinton insider paid the deputy director of the FBI’s wife almost $700,000 in campaign funds before McCabe, who was supervising Clinton’s investigation, lobbied against charging her criminally, according to records and interviews obtained by True Pundit.
    Dr. Jill McCabe was a Virginia state senate candidate in 2015. Longtime Clinton family consigliere and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, sent her approximately $675,000 to fund the Democrat hopeful’s campaign coffers. Dr. McCabe, a physician, is married to the FBI deputy director. Mrs. McCabe is a registered Democrat. FBI agents who work with McCabe say he and his wife were both staunch Hillary Clinton supporters.
    According to one FBI insider, the McAuliffe-generated campaign funds may have ultimately bought Clinton some strategic breathing room.
    “McCabe was one of the few people who backed Comey’s decision not to refer Hillary Clinton to the Justice Department for indictment,” a FBI source said of the July 2016 decision not to refer Clinton for criminal charges for violating email and document safeguards for classified and Top Secret national security intelligence. “McCabe and Comey are both lawyers. They aren’t street agents. They’re more political. We wanted her (Clinton) indicted. They did not.”
    Gov. McAuliffe has been an important Clinton family insider for decades. During Bill Clinton’s presidential candidacy and subsequent reelection, McAuliffe often spearheaded investigations into Clinton critics and helped silence women who alleged Bill Clinton harassed or sexually assaulted them, sources said.
    Ironically, McAuliffe is currently under investigation by the FBI for alleged campaign-related finance infractions.
    McAuliffe’s contributions to Dr. McCabe’s campaign match the exact time frame of the FBI’s parallel Clinton investigation. No contributions were made prior to the FBI’s probe of Clinton. McCabe was overseeing personnel decisions, including assigning agents to the Clinton investigation team, at the FBI’s Washington D.C.’s field office when his wife began her 2015 campaign. His wife lost the election after spending an estimated $1.8 million on the senate run. Three months later, Comey promoted McCabe to FBI Deputy Director in February 2016. The promotion helped fill a very large void created by the retirement of John Giacalone, who was the supervisor of the bureau’s National Security Branch and also the FBI brains and genesis behind the Clinton email and private server investigation. Since the inception of the case, Giacalone had spearheaded the Clinton investigation, and helped hand select top agents who were highly skilled but also discreet. Many of those agents were concerned when Giacalone abruptly resigned in the middle of the investigation.
    FBI insiders said Giacalone used the term “sideways” to describe the direction the Clinton probe had taken in the bureau. Giacalone lamented privately he no longer had confidence in the direction the investigation was headed. He felt it was simpler to quietly step aside, walk away instead of fight to keep the investigation on its proper track. Giacalone was a true heavyweight agent at FBI. In fact, he likely should have been running the entire show. His pedigree included running and creating FBI divisions in New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and even serving as deputy commander in the Iraqi theater of operations. But in the midst of the Clinton investigation, Giacalone handed the bureau his retirement papers in February 2016.
    The day after Giacalone’s departure, Comey tapped McCabe to help oversee the ongoing Clinton case and personally serve “as the eyes and ears” for Comey, sources confirmed. Since early July 2016, Comey has come under intense fire from critics and the majority of Americans who believe he granted Clinton a get-out-of-jail-free card by refusing to refer the case to the Justice Department for a probable slam-dunk indictment on at least one of potential dozens of criminal charges.
    ...personal and political philosophies have crept into the FBI and commandeered the bureau’s powerful reach and resources to tamper with law-abiding White House personnel, including the president. That’s called public corruption, a crime the FBI is tasked with investigating.
    Just like it “investigated” $700,000 in donations from the Clinton family to the wife of the FBI’s deputy director who, during the exact time frame was tasked with overseeing the investigation of Hillary Clinton. She ultimately was never charged with any crime and McCabe received a FBI promotion...[121]
  • 15 March. Comey briefs' Senate Judiciary Committee. Sen. Grassley recounts:
    Director Comey specifically told us during that briefing that the FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, “saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying.” Our own Committee staff’s notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the “agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful.”
    Contrary to his public statements during his current [2018] book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview. In the months since then, the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.[122]
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham makes public statement: "If there is no warrant than the only way to surveil would have clearly been illegal".[123]
  • 16 March. Dan Coats confirmed as new DNI, James Clapper's replacement.
  • Democrat ranking Sen. Mark Warner of the Senate Intelligence Cmte. begins private text message exchanges with Adam Waldman, lobbyist for Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska in an effort arrange direct contact with Christopher Steele.[124] Deripraska is said to have ties to organized crime. Waldman collected nearly $1.1 million from Deripaska in 2016 and 2017.[125][126] "Chris Steele asked me to call you,” Waldman wrote to Warner. Warner keeps the contacts hidden from Senate colleagues until October 2017.
  • Former CIA acting director Michael Morell slated to be Hillary Clinton's choice to head the CIA told NBC News “On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all. There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.”[127]
  • 17 March. Congress demands investigation into Obama's interfering in foreign elections.[128]
  • Democrat Rep. Seth Moulton of the House Armed Services Committee warns of nuclear war with Russia, cites the outdated doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction as basis for his claim.[129] MAD was replaced by Reagan's Assured Survival doctrine more than 30 years prior. Critics reacted to Moulton's claim as another Russophobic scare tactic having failed with Russian hacking claims.
  • 18 March. Byron York in the Washington Examiner debunks Hillary Clinton and mainstream media fake news reporting that Trump "gutted" the RNC platform in favor of Putin.[130]
  • 19 March. Federal judge denies motion to dismiss case brought by former CBS anchor Sharyl Attkisson against Eric Holder and other Obamagate conspirators. Attkisson reported on Operation Fast and Furious, the Benghazi massacre coverup, and exposed the hoax reporting of Hillary Clinton landing under sniper fire. For this she was wiretaped and resigned from CBS. In her Best Seller, Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington,[131] Attkisson details her story. The judge transferred the case allowing it to go forward.[132]
  • 19 March. DNI Clapper denies wiretapping Trump on Meet the Press.[133]
Comey meeting with several active coup plotters: Comey (on couch); Susan Rice (behind); Barack Hussein Obama; Loretta Lynch (to Obama's immediate right).
  • 20 March. James Comey finally confirms to Congress the Trump team and Donald Trump were and are now under counterintelligence investigation.
    "I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed."
    Comey withheld three quarterly required notifications to Congress under the advise and consent clause that the Obama administration was violating the Fourth Amendment and surveiling American citizens under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
  • Comey admits to Congress he intentionally withheld notification to the Gang of Eight (Congressional oversight board) of a counter-intelligence investigation that began in July 2016 citing recommendation of Bill Priestap, Asst. Director of Counter Intelligence.[134] Priestap is married to Sabina Menshell a self-employed “consultant” with a donor history to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.
  • Comey testified that he did not fulfill his statutory requirement to report to congressional oversight that he was investigating presidential candidate Donald Trump for nine months because the FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, suggested he not do so.[135][136]
  • Comey confirms Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, John Brennan, and James Clapper all had access to sensitive wiretap information which contained the name of Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Comey was uncertain if Ben Rhodes, a National Security Council aide, had access. Leaking to the press the identity of Flynn is a felony because the information was part of a confidential intelligence gathering operation and the information had been “masked” to protect Flynn's identity.[137]
  • FBI investigation includes a Breitbart, InfoWars, and other news sites.[138]
  • Dir. Comey was further asked about purported claims Russia hacked into DNC severs: “Well, we never got direct access to the machines themselves...The DNC in the spring of 2016 hired a firm [CrowdStrike] that ultimately shared with us their forensics from their review of the system.” Dir. Rogers also stated the NSA never asked for access to the DNC hardware: “The NSA didn’t ask for access. That’s not in our job.”
  • FBI Director Comey says classified leaks to the media have been "unusually active" recently.[139]
  • NSA Dir. Rogers tells Congress unmasking individuals endangers national security.[140]
  • Dir. Comey says Obama's White House had the ability to "unmask" American citizens.[141]
  • Chairman Nunes asked anyone with information about the matters before the committee to come forward.
  • President Trump took to Twitter using the White House @POTUS account unlike the March 4 tweets made from his personal user account. The President tweeted: FBI Director Comey refuses to deny he briefed President Obama on calls made by Flynn to Russia.[142]
  • 22 March. Chairman Devin Nunes travels to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) Information Facility to review to review White House SCIF material, most likely Obama's PDB made accessible by DNI Coats in the White House facility. Nunes reported the intelligence product he reviewed was “not related to Russia, or the FBI Russian counter-intelligence investigation”.[143] Nunes stated he has been provided intelligence reports brought to him by unnamed sources that include ‘significant information’ about President-Elect Trump and his transition team.[144]
  • Attorney for Freedom Watch representing a whistleblower[145] sends letter to Chairman Nunes imploring the Intelligence Committee to investigate allegations and evidence his client presented that "spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump... Working side by side with Obama's former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper, and Obama's former Director of the CIA, John Brennan," his client "witnessed 'up close and personal' this 'Orwellian Big Brother' intrusion on privacy, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes."[146] Further, that "the FBI director recently claimed publicly, I believe falsely, that there is ‘no evidence’ of surveillance on President Trump and those around him by the Obama administration."
  • After briefing the President on new whistleblower information the House Intelligence Committee chairman confirmed "on numerous occasions, the intelligence community incidentally collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition. Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration, details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value, were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting. None of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities."[147][148]
  • Susan Rice tells PBS, “I know nothing about this…I really don’t know to what Chairman Nunes was referring,” and denies any spying took place.[149]
  • Two days after Dir. Comey's extraordinary testimony, Chairman Nunes reveals the FBI and other agencies is still stonewalling Congressional investigation of illegal Obama administrations leaks.[150]
  • 23 March. GOP U.S. Representative Devin Nunes revealed that some of the Trump Team's conversations had been spied upon.[151] National Security expert and journalist Bill Gertz who has lectured on defense, national security, and media issues at the Defense Department’s National Security Leadership Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, the FBI National Academy, the National Defense University, and the CIA reported it is possible "Nunes himself was among those whose communications were improperly monitored."[152]
  • US Justice Dept. sued under Freedom of Information Act to disclose all documents related to Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch's secret meeting with Bill Clinton on board the Attn. Gen.'s plane at the Phoenix airport prior to the wiretapping of Trump campaign associates.[153]
  • Russian hacking further discredited.[154]
  • Famed Journalist Bob Woodward labels' Obama actions a gross violation and possibly criminal. Under the rules the name of a US citizen who is wiretaped during a foreign intelligence surveillance operation is to be 'minimized', and in transcripts their identity is to be 'masked'. Only 20 persons in the Intelligence Community have the ability to 'unmask' a US citizen's name who in incidentally caught up in a foreign intelligence gathering operation.[155]
  • 24 March. Sen. Grassley demands more information on the funding of the Steele dossier. "When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics."[156]
  • Nunes says he will recall Dirs. Comey and Rogers for private hearing after concern is raised over their public testimony.[157]
  • Kucinich calls for Comey's recusal from investigation.[158]
  • Comey makes late afternoon unscheduled, unannounced one hour meeting at White House with President Trump.
  • 25 March. NSA whistleblower Bill Binney corroborates massive domestic spying on Supreme Court, Joint Chiefs of Staff, House, Senate, and White House.[159]
  • 27 March. In an attack on Chairman Nunes, Louise Mensch[161] now gives the names of the four individuals whom the FISA warrant was denied in July 2016, emphasizing the new cover story to justify the wiretaps, not as political spying, but against "unwitting" foreign "agents of influence." This may give legal cover for using foreign intelligence apparatus for domestic spying, but does not justify the criminal civil rights violations in leaking an American citizens name "incidentally" caught up in a foreign intelligence gathering operation. Instead, Mensch accuses Nunes of leaking information about FBI and NSA surveillance operations.[162]
  • 28 March. Limited immunity deal reached between Adam Waldman and the DOJ's David Laufman for Julian Assange. The text of the deal reads:
    "Subject to adequate and binding protections, including but not limited to an acceptable immunity and safe passage agreement, Mr. Assange welcomes the opportunity to discuss with the U.S. government risk mitigation approaches relating to CIA documents in WikiLeaks’ possession or control, such as the redaction of agency personnel in hostile jurisdictions and foreign espionage risks to WikiLeaks staff.

    Derived directly from this discussion of risk mitigation, Mr. Assange is also prepared to discuss (within the source protection boundaries expected of a journalist and publisher operating at the highest level of integrity) (i) a description of CIA information in the possession or control of WikiLeaks; (ii) the risks of third parties who may have obtained access to such information (not withstanding the foregoing, for the avoidance of doubt this category specifically and others generally will not include any information that may effect WikiLeaks obligations to protect its sources) and (iii) information regarding the timing of further publications in so far as they relate to the risk mitigation approaches developed.”[163]
    Not included in the written proffer was an additional offer from Assange: He was willing to discuss technical evidence ruling out certain parties in the controversial leak of Democratic Party emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. "Mr. Assange offered to provide technical evidence and discussion regarding who did not engage in the DNC releases," Waldman told John Solomon writing in The Hill. "Finally, he offered his technical expertise to the U.S. government to help address what he perceived as clear flaws in security systems that led to the loss of the U.S. cyber weapons program."[164]
  • FBI interviews Daniel J. Jones, ex-Dianne Feinstein staffer. Jones tells the FBI he has raised about $50 million from about 10 wealthy donors in California and New York, and has retained the services of Christopher Steele and FusionGPS to keep the Trump-Russia collusion narrative alive.[165]
  • 29 March. CrowdStrike forced to retract bogus Russian hacking claims:[166] FBI yet to examine DNC servers.[167]
  • Evelyn Farkas admits again that the Obama Administration attempted to gather as much intelligence as possible on Trump's alleged ties to Russia after the 2016 election and that it tried to hide their intelligence sources from the incoming Trump Administration.[168][169]
McCabe (left) with co-conspirator Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch (right). McCabe took $700,000 from a Clinton campaign operative to fix the email investigation and save Hillary's nomination. Later McCabe illegally raided the home of Paul Manafort to seize documents related to Congressional investigations that were off limits by warrant.
  • Sen. Grassley inquires of Dir. Comey about the status of Deputy Dir. Andrew McCabe in relation to the Russia investigation. According to public reports, the FBI agreed to pay the author of the unsubstantiated dossier alleging a conspiracy between Trump associates and the Russians. It reportedly agreed to pay the author, Christopher Steele, to continue investigating Mr. Trump. The Clinton campaign paid Steele to create this political opposition research dossier against Mr. Trump. The FBI has not yet responded go Sen. Grassley's March 6 inquiry on the reports. McCabe is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General to examine whether the political and financial connections between his wife’s Democratic political campaign and Clinton associates warranted his recusal in the FBI’s Clinton email investigation. While McCabe recused himself from public corruption cases in Virginia—presumably including the reportedly ongoing investigation of McAuliffe regarding illegal campaign contributions—he failed to recuse himself from the Clinton email investigation, despite the appearance of a conflict of interest created by his wife’s campaign accepting $700,000 from a close Clinton associate during the email investigation. The fact is that McCabe participated in the controversial, high-profile Clinton investigation even though his wife took money from McAuliffe. FBI’s senior leadership should never have allowed that appearance of a conflict to undermine the Bureau’s important work. The Senate Committee wises to know if McCabe was involved in approving or establishing the FBI’s reported arrangement with Christopher Steele, or if McCabe vouched for or otherwise relied on the politically-funded dossier in the course of the investigation. Simply put, the American people should know if the FBI’s second-in-command relied on Democrat-funded opposition research to justify an investigation of the Republican presidential campaign.[170]
  • Constitutional lawyer, retired Chief of staff of the US Attorney General, and President of the Landmark Legal Foundation Mark Levin calles for the recusal of House Intelligence Committee ranking Democrat Adam Schiff[171] "given the fact that he was such an avid supporter of Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. Given the fact that he was a cover up artist during the Benghazi operation, given the fact that he’s demonstrated his unwillingness to be bi-partisan by his calls for Jeff Sessions to step aside. …Adam Schiff has shown himself to be a radical leftist partisan hack, who cannot be trusted in an independent investigation of any sort on the intelligence committee."
  • State Dept. employee hired by Clinton administration during Chinagate scandal arrested for accepting bribes and gifts from Chinese intelligence.[172]
  • 30 March. Farkas questioned on CNBC: "you actually said that “I knew that there was more. I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open, and I knew that there was more.” And then, you actually said that that’s why you have all the leaking, to make sure we get it out. I mean, people are accusing you, Evelyn, of admitting that was surveillance, admitting that there was unmasking, and urging people, or, at least, saying that intelligence leaking, which could be a felony, is the way that it should get out. And you weren’t even part of the government at that point."[174]
  • Sen. Grassley asks of the State Department the status of security clearances for Hillary Clinton and 6 of her "research assistance" involved in mishandling classified materials, and any steps the department is taking to review whether the clearances should be suspended or revoked. “Any other government workers who engaged in such serious offenses would, at a minimum, have their clearances suspended pending an investigation. The failure to do so has given the public the impression that Secretary Clinton and her associates received special treatment,” Grassley wrote. Following FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email server, Dir. Comey noted that “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” and that individuals who are careless with such material are “often subject to security or administrative sanctions.” The Obama State Dept. previously told Grassley’s office that it would wait until after the FBI concluded its investigation before determining whether those involved should face consequences for mishandling sensitive material. While the investigation has been over for months, it remains unclear whether any such review has taken place. Sen. Grassley sent two letters inquiring about such a review (August 24, 2015, May 19, 2016) to John Kerry and both were ignored.[175] The question remains unanswered - whether Hillary Clinton and her 6 staffers still hold security clearances more than 4 years later - longer than the amount of time she served in office.[176]
  • 31 March. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley inquired of the Justice Dept. about a complaint filed in July 2016 alleging FusionGPS, authors of the Steele dossier, acting as an unregistered agent of Russia in a lobbying campaign to rewrite and overturn the Magnitsky Act, a law named for a whistleblower who was allegedly murdered while in custody in Russia. The law imputed sanctions against certain Russian officials. Grassley wrote that when FusionGPS reportedly was acting as an unregistered agent of Russian interests, it simultaneously was creating the Steele dossier of unsubstantiated allegations of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians. The Obama Justice Dept. had done nothing since July 2016 to respond to the complaint of FusionGPS' violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
  • The committee is also seeking to determine the extent to which the FBI relied on the Steele dossier in its investigation. Chairman Grassley has requested documentation from Fusion GPS as to who hired and paid them, when Steele was hired, how the FBI got involved and whether Fusion GPS was aware of the FBI paying Steele.[177][178] Fox News reports both a Senate and House committee are investigating the FBI for leaks and civil rights violations.[179] Adam Housley reports "The person who did the unmasking is "very well known, very high up, very senior, in the intelligence world & is not in the FBI,"[180] and that "unmasking the names and then spreading the names was for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security."[181][182]
  • WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.[183] A tool called “Marble Framework” enables the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example. The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

April 2017

  • 1 April. President Trump calls for investigation into the Clinton's.
National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Sept. 16, 2012. Rice blatantly misled the American people while an American outpost was under terrorist attack.
  • 2 April. Susan Rice identified as unmasking incoming Trump administration officials. Rice worked at the elbow of President Obama. As National Security Advisor to Obama, she unmasked the identity of Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn which was leaked to the press. The action caused harm to US national security, and is a felonious criminal act.[184][185] Questions remain if and why Rice would have violated the law on her own without President Obama's approval. Rice was denied the position of Secretary of State by the Democratic Senate in 2013 to succeed Hillary Clinton because of lying and deception about the Benghazi Massacre. Nevertheless, Obama kept her at his side in the White House as head of the National Security Council staff. It was to examine White House logs on the handling of classified information why Chairman Nunes made several trips to the White House that confirmed Susan Rice behind efforts to smear Trump and officials in a supposed foreign intelligence gathering operation.
  • 4 April. Susan Rice begins backpeddling early denials.[188] Rice tells Andrea Mitchell that Obama "requested the compilation of the intelligence, which was ultimately provided in January."
  • Rice tells Mitchell "sometimes it was necessary to find out who that U.S. official was.” Neither Trump, Flynn or others were U.S. officials.
  • Rice admits asking specifically for the names of members of Donald Trump’s transition team, but tries to deny it was "for political purposes."
  • Rice corroborates Dir. Comey's testimony the pace of requests picked up with increasing information particularly after August 2016.[189]
  • Several news organizations report Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce spreadsheets revealing Trump associates picked up in surveillance of foreign officials and then leaked the names.[190]
  • NYT reports:
    Russian intelligence operatives tried in 2013 to recruit an American businessman and eventual foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who is now part of the F.B.I. investigation into Russia’s interference into the American election, according to federal court documents and a statement issued by the businessman.
    The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R.
    The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring, but decided that he had not known the man was a spy, and the bureau never accused Mr. Page of wrongdoing.
    The court documents say that Mr. Page [UCE-1 or FBI undercover employee in court documents, Carter Page] who founded an investment company in New York called Global Energy Capital, provided documents about the energy business to one of the Russians. ... To record their conversations, the F.B.I. inserted a listening device into binders that were passed to the Russian intelligence operatives during an energy conference, according to a former United States intelligence official.[191]
  • Carter Page was working for the FBI. Page was the “analyst from a New York-based energy company” who “began providing Sporyshev with the binders“, or FBI UCE-1 (Undercover Confidential Employee-1) in court documents. However, in this April 2017 fake news article, the New York Times conflates the FBI/Page relationship and attempts to entirely change the relationship between Carter Page and the FBI.
  • 5 April. Private security firm, CrowdStrike, employed by DNC which first claimed Russia hacked the election refuses to cooperate with Congressional investigations. DNC has yet to allow FBI to examine servers to establish whether or not the servers were hacked.[192] FBI continues its investigation into "Russian hacking" based on discredited information (Steele dossier) and unestablished facts (DNC hacking).
  • Reports say CIA Dir. John Brennan targeted Sean Hannity and Blackwater founder, Erik Prince[193] between the election on November 8 and the inauguration in January, according to White House and House intelligence sources. Hannity was reportedly unmasked by Susan Rice at Brennan’s behest because of a perceived relationship with Trump and Julian Assange. Prince has long criticized the CIA’s incompetence, including the Brennan's handling of the drone program and its failure to target terrorists properly and the collateral damage done to Afghan civilians. Brennan was behind the removal of Flynn. The motivations for Brennan’s intense dislike of Michael Flynn date back years to when Flynn was producing intel documents that showed how the supposed 'Syrian moderates' were funded by persons and groups in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Brennan also brought in to the CIA disgraced Syria analyst Elizabeth O’Bagy. O’Bagy was outed for manufacturing her credentials and for being paid by the Syrian rebels.[194]
  • 8 April. In direct messages released by actress-model Robin Young and Guccifer 2.0, Guccifer 2.0 claims Seth Rich was his whistleblower source and that he created the ruse that he was a Russian hacker to protect his source. In reality, Guccifer 2.0 is a Clinton false flag operation set up to discredit the Seth Rich revelations at Wikileaks.[195]
  • Susan Rice net worth estimated at $50 million, an increase of $30 million since she entered the White House. Rice has never worked in the private sector nor earned more than $172,000 has a career civil servant.[196]
  • 9 April. Washington Post Fact Checker gives Susan Rice four Pinocchios.
  • 10 April. Washington Post reports Rice herself asked to unmask the identities of some of the Trump associates and chronicles list of misleading statements.[197] Rice under fire over claims of destroying Syrian chemical weapons.[198][199]
  • Washington Post admits the FBI obtained wiretap information from Carter Page in the summer of 2016 before the October FISA warrant was issued.
  • 11 April. FBI Director Comey appoints Stephen Laycock as special agent in charge of Counterintelligence Division for Washington Field Office.
  • 12 April. Podesta Group[200] discloses details of the lobbying it did from 2012 through 2014 on behalf of a Brussels-based non-profit, the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The lobbying firm run by Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary for America campaign chairman John Podesta, reported in its filing that it was paid more than $1.2 million.[201]
  • Trigger man in Fast and Furious scandal arrested.[202]
  • 13 April. Both House and Senate expand investigation into Susan Rice and the Obama administration's domestic spying for political purposes.[203]
  • FusionGPS, the firm which authored the Steele dossier, refuses to answer the Senate Judiciary Committee's question as to who in the Clinton machine hired them. The Steele dossier formed much of the basis for the Obama administration's attacks on Donald Trump and its authorization to use the US Intelligence Community to harass domestic political opponents. "When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics.”[204]
  • Reports of Britains GCHQ spying agency passing information to John Brennan which started the FBI Trump Russia investigation have been debunked.[205][206][207][208][209] Brennan lied repeatedly. There was no legal basis to begin a counterintelligence investigation on Trump associates. Likewise the Papadopoulos drunken binge narrative starting the FBI probe is false.
  • 17 April. Senate to investigate Rice's contacts with Bannon, Clapper, and others.[210]
  • 18 April. CNN finally reports FBI used bogus Steele dossier to obtain FISA warrant. What's more, both the FBI & the Clinton campaign paid Steele to write the opposition research attacks.[211]
  • The bogus document has been cited by FBI Dir. Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau used to bolster its investigation.
  • The bogus evidence also was presented to the FISA court to win approval to surveillance on Carter Page. Page commented, "I look forward to the Privacy Act of 1974 lawsuit that I plan to file in response to the civil rights violations by Obama administration appointees last year. The discovery process will be of great value to the United States, as our nation hears testimony from them under oath, and we receive disclosure of the documents which show what exactly was done in 2016."
  • Cause of Action (CoA), a watchdog group, files suit seeking records on the relationship between the FBI and Christopher Steele, author of the Steele dossier. "According to a news report, Mr. Steele entered an agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the November 2016 election to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump while, at the same time, he was employed by an opposition research firm to collect information for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."[212]
  • 19 April. Intelligence Community pushes to keep surveillance powers. Maintaining existing powers is "the intelligence community’s top legislative priority for 2017."[213][214]
  • 20 April. Americans for Limited Government president Rick Manning calls for Comey's firing: “The FBI’s incredible incompetence and outright complicity with the politicization of government spying removes the last shred of credibility that Director James Comey has and he needs to either resign or be fired. The failure to even secure and independently examine the DNC server while relying on the self-serving innuendo by the DNC’s computer consultant CrowdStrike for verification is unbelievable. But their reliance on an easily disprovable political hit piece dossier to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page, paid for by Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton and produced by the private firm Fusion GPS, to attempt to undermine the Trump campaign in 2016 effort is inexcusable."[215]
  • NSA submits remedies for surveillance violations revealed in October 2016 to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court promising to “no longer collect certain internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target.” The NSA also begins deleting collected data on U.S. citizens it had been storing.
  • 21 April. Landmark Legal Foundation files Amicus brief with FISA court.[216] Landmark submits that the Obama administration "abused the judicial process, placing the integrity of this Court and the constitutional rights of individuals at risk." Landmark asks the Court to examine:
1. Have this Court’s order or orders been used by intelligence and law enforcement entities of the federal government as a subterfuge to surveil private citizens and at least one United States Senator for political purposes?

2. Did government officials seek one or more national security surveillance warrants from this Court as a pretext to conduct an investigation for the purpose of affecting an ongoing national presidential campaign and subsequent transition of an incoming president?

3. When applying to this Court for one or more warrants in this matter, did the FBI inform this Court that it had apparently paid some of the expenses of a former British spy who prepared the dossier reportedly relied on, in whole or part, in its application to convince this Court to issue a warrant, and that it had apparently negotiated to make further payments to the former British spy, which efforts were ultimately unsuccessful?

4. When applying to this Court for one or more warrants in this matter, did the FBI inform this Court that the dossier it reportedly presented in pursuit of one or more warrants had originally been prepared by the former British spy for a Washington research firm conducting opposition research against the Republican nominee for president, candidate Donald Trump?
  • 22 April. New York Times reports FBI offered to pay Christopher Steel $50,000 if he could corroborate the Steele dossier; nothing has been paid.[217]
  • Document reveals Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch instructed FBI Dir. Comey to cover-up Hillary investigation.[218]
  • 23 April. CIA Director John Brennen started the false narrative the he was feed Five Eyes intelligence which was used to begin the Trump-Russia investigation. There is no legal basis to begin a counterintelligence investigation.
  • 24 April. Politico reports on Obama concessions to Iran for Iranian nuke deal.[219]
  • 25 April. Russian lobbyist Adam Waldman texts Sen. Mark Warner:
    “I spoke w Steele. He repeated the same position which is that he wants to be helpful but is fearful of the triumvirate of cost, time suck and reputation.
    He asked me what your concern was about a letter first and I explained it but he would still like as a first protective step from you and [Sen. Richard] Burr asking him and his partner to assist w the investigation by answering questions. He said he will also speak w Dan Jones whom he says is talking to you.
    I pointed out there is no privilege in that discussion although Dan [Jones] is a good guy and very trustworthy guy. I encouraged him again to engage with you for the sake of the truth and of vindication of the dossier."
    Waldman represents Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Dan Jones is an ex-Dianne Feinstein staffer who currently is employing Christopher Steele and FusionGPS to keep the Trump-Russia narrative alive.
  • 26 April. DNI Dan Coats declassifies the October 2016 FISA Court Ruling exposing a number of criminal activities that Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ participated in during his time in office. The FISA Court Ruling shows widespread abuse of the FISA mandate. According to the report, Obama’s FBI and DOJ performed searches on Americans that were against their 4th Amendment rights. This went on for years. One paragraph in the report states that 85% of the Section 704 and 705(b) FISA searches made during this time were non-compliant with applicable laws and therefore criminal. FISA 705 warrants deal with US citizens outside of the country.[220][221]
  • 28 April. NSA press release announces suspension of President Obama's illegal 4th Amendment civil rights violations of American citizens.[222]
John Carlin with James Comey and Loretta Lynch. As of 2018 Carlin, Comey and Lynch are subjects of the DOJ Inspector General's FISA abuse investigation.
  • April. Deputy Asst. Attn. Gen. Mary McCord resigns as head of the DOJ-National Security Division after the Trump administration restores independent Inspector General oversight of the division. Former Deputy Attn. Gen. Sally Yates barred the Inspector General from oversight of the DOJ-NSD activities beginning in June 2015. Shortly thereafter, the FBI was allowing its contractors (FusionGPS) unfettered access to raw FISA data (upstream and downstream electronic communications) of American citizens under the guise of foreign intelligence surveillance to gather paid opposition research on Hillary Clinton opponents. The DOJ-NSD ultimately is responsible for applying the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The Obama Justice Drpartment had violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens to be free of unreasonable searches (collection of FISA evidence) for at least five years by targeting the Obama administration's domestic political opponents as agents of foreign powers. When the FISA court issued a ruling in late September 2016 condemning the Obama administration and Dept. of Justice for its lawlessness, the DOJ-NSD head John Carlin was replaced the next day with McCord. Neither Yates, Carlin or McCord ever informed FISA judges that the Obama administration presented falsified evidence to the court, and was using Hillary Clinton's paid opposition research under the color of law to harass, intimidate, and violate the civil rights of Americans and domestic political opponents of Obama and Clinton, followed up by illegal press leaks from government sources designed to influence public opinion and the 2016 election.

May 2017

Reps. Devin Nunes, Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy joint statement on Comey memos:[223]

A classic case of white privilege: Susan Rice herself said there are "too many whites in top National Security positions."[224] He has earned the moniker Jimmy "the Weasel" Comey from his detractors.[225]

Former Director Comey's memos show the President made clear he wanted allegations of collusion, coordination, and conspiracy between his campaign and Russia fully investigated. The memos also made clear the ‘cloud’ President Trump wanted lifted was not the Russian interference in the 2016 election cloud, rather it was the salacious, unsubstantiated allegations related to personal conduct leveled in the dossier.

The memos also show former Director Comey never wrote that he felt obstructed or threatened. While former Director Comey went to great lengths to set dining room scenes, discuss height requirements, describe the multiple times he felt complimented, and myriad other extraneous facts, he never once mentioned the most relevant fact of all, which was whether he felt obstructed in his investigation.

The memos also make certain what has become increasingly clear of late: former Director Comey has at least two different standards in his interactions with others. He chose not to memorialize conversations with President Obama, Attorney General Lynch, Secretary Clinton, Andrew McCabe or others, but he immediately began to memorialize conversations with President Trump. It is significant former Director Comey made no effort to memorialize conversations with former Attorney General Lynch despite concerns apparently significant enough to warrant his unprecedented appropriation of the charging decision away from her and the Department of Justice in July 2016.

These memos also lay bare the notion that former Director Comey is not motivated by animus. He was willing to work for someone he deemed morally unsuited for office, capable of lying, requiring of personal loyalty, worthy of impeachment, and sharing the traits of a mob boss. Former Director Comey was willing to overlook all of the aforementioned characteristics in order to keep his job. In his eyes, the real crime was his own firing.

The memos show Comey was blind to biases within the FBI and had terrible judgment with respect to his deputy Andrew McCabe. On multiple occasions he, in his own words, defended the character of McCabe after President Trump questioned McCabe.

Finally, former Director Comey leaked at least one of these memos for the stated purpose of spurring the appointment of Special Counsel, yet he took no steps to spur the appointment of Special Counsel when he had significant concerns about the objectivity of the Department of Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

As we have consistently said, rather than making a criminal case for obstruction or interference with an ongoing investigation, these memos would be Defense Exhibit A should such a charge be made."[226]

  • 1 May. Peter W Smith, a former equity adviser, was found dead around ten days after telling the Wall Street Journal he tried to acquire emails missing from Hillary Clinton’s server.[227]
  • 2 May. On book promotion tour, Hillary Clinton blames FBI Director James Comey, and bigotted white women who hate themselves, for her election loss.[228]
  • 3 May. Comey has this exchange with Sen. Grassley:
Grassley: Director Comey, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?

COMEY: Never.

GRASSLEY: Question two, relatively related, have you ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?

COMEY: No.[229]
  • Susan Rice refuses to give testimony before Senate Intelligence Committee.[230]
  • 7 May. Carter Page writes to the Senate Intel Cmte.:
Related to the prior criminal activities by the Clinton/Obama regime last year which unsuccessfully sought to manipulate the 2016 presidential election in their favor, please note that several preliminary felonies have subsequently been revealed over the months since my first response in March. These recent developments have begun to turn the tables on last year’s deceitful perpetrators who helped lead your Committee and part of the American public astray. Today on CBS’s Face the Nation, Senator Manchin offered a perfect characterization of the vain steps to rig the 2016 election: “They'll do anything they can to disrupt any type of a freedom, if you will, or a democracy or an involvement where there's an orderly transfer of power. That's not for them.”2

Although he was primarily referring to the unsubstantiated conspiracy theories suggested by the Clinton/Obama regime about Russia, the growing evidence surrounding their defeated regime’s own dishonest misinformation and influence campaign of 2016 perfectly fits the Senator’s description. In case you and your colleagues are unaware of the multiple recent eye-openers which have further exposed these crimes and thus significantly changed the landscape in the subsequent period, I would like to explain some of the related details and direct relevance of each in turn:

Felony #1: Illegal leaking of my identity as “Male-1” [UCE-1 or FBI Undercover Employee-1 in court documents] in U.S.A. v. Evgeny Buryakov, Igor Sporyshev, and Victor Podobnyy – On April 3, 2017, reporters at ABC News3 and BuzzFeed News4 requested to meet in order to inform me that U.S. government operatives had unlawfully disclosed my identity as Male-1 in this 2015 case. This particular incident follows an increasing series of similar revelations about other politically-motivated unmaskings in 2016.5 It relates to my brief interactions in 2013 with Victor Podobnyy, a junior attaché assigned to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

During my meeting with U.S. agents at New York’s Plaza Hotel in June 2013 in support of their ongoing investigation, I spoke with them at length about my research on international political economy which I had been completing as a Fellow at the Center for National Policy in Washington. I brought this up because it seemed to me that the resources of the U.S. Government might be better allocated towards addressing real national security threats, particularly given the recent Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013. Without question, the harsh retribution subsequently taken against me marked a direct retaliation against my dissenting position. Per an article I had recently written and discussed with the U.S. agents (see Appendix), the Clinton/Obama regime had been, “Reflecting the highest principles of cronyism rather than democracy,” in many of their policy decisions. In my writings, I had also cited a recent quote from Maya Angelou which seemed of particular relevance given a range of ineffective policy approaches by Washington at the time: “The philosophers tell us that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”6 This had marked an earlier instance of the corrupt influence campaign and related domestic political intelligence operations in support of failed policies, which would eventually blossom in full glory with the obnoxious civil rights violations based on complete lies displayed during the 2016 election.

With regards to the 2015 case where I agreed to provide support, the final scene of the movie “The Big Short” offers an instructive summary of the Clinton/Obama regime’s justice system, first led by their Attorney General from 2009 through 2015, Eric Holder.7

After essentially achieving very little in his 6-years in office, it is understandable why Holder might want to target a token Russian banker during his final months in office8 since only Zurich-based Credit Suisse's Kareem Serageldin stood as another perfunctory accomplishment during his extended six-year term.

As the journalist Matt Taibbi has described his activities in a 2015 article, which has more recently proven to offer an accurate representation of the Clinton/Obama regime more generally: “Holder doesn't look it, but he was a revolutionary. He institutionalized a radical dualistic approach to criminal justice, essentially creating a system of indulgences wherein the world's richest companies paid cash for their sins and escaped the sterner punishments the law dictated.”[231]

Felony #2: Illegal leaking of classified information surrounding the completely unjustified FISA warrant against me, which further enabled part of the Clinton/Obama regime’s domestic political intelligence operations and influence campaign in the 2016 election – On April 12, 2017, the Washington Post published an article explaining that unnamed sources had revealed the completely unjustified FISA warrant to intercept my communications throughout the final months of the reign of the Clinton/Obama regime.[232] Given a growing list of unanswered questions and apparent abuses regarding this nonsensical invasion of privacy, it seems readily apparent that more revelations about these misdeeds will continue to be learned in the period to come.11 As I explained to you last week, my legal team and I are currently busy working on further steps to get to the bottom of this abuse. Whether or not you choose to support these efforts, I am highly confident that this endeavor will prove far more relevant than anything which might be gained in the preposterous forced labor tasks you suggested in your request of April 28, 2017.

To put in context how outrageous your groundless comprehensive data requests would be, consider the case study of General Flynn. Frustrated in the wake of her failed attempt to circumvent the long-delayed introduction of effective immigration policies in the United States, de facto anarchist Sally Yates instead turned her attention to destroying the career of a distinguished American. Although I have never met General Flynn, his recent experiences make clear that any minor variation between his memory of a conversation during a vacation on the beaches of the Dominican Republic vs. the in-depth transcript kept by the deep state is framing him for severe personal damage. Comparing that one relatively recent conversation by General Flynn to the two years of records and recollections you’re instead asking me for helps illustrate how illogical your proposition is.

Consistent with the suppression of dissent that this entire exercise has been from the start, Senator Feinstein admitted today: “…when I saw a three-star general in front of the Republican convention shouting ‘lock her up,’ I thought, oh my goodness. This would never happen, it never has happened before, this is a three-star general of the United States military doing this with no evidence. And it made a big impression on me.”12 Similar to my experiences, the retribution for this exercise of his First Amendment rights cuts to the core of the matter. In any event, the preponderance of evidence related to the cases General Flynn referred to during his speech in Cleveland greatly exceeds anything in the 2016 Dodgy Dossier which eventually became a cornerstone of the crooked initiative against me and other supporters of the Trump movement, first within the prior Administration and now amongst some actors in Congress. So it remains unclear to me on what basis you have assigned hundreds of hours of work with your request of April 28, based on literally nothing except lies from corrupt politicians.


To the contrary, I would like to reconfirm for you that I am still cooperating with the Committee’s investigation in the form of a future open testimony. But given the time horizon you noted above, let’s consider a few additional developments which have changed over the course of that 72-hours following the Fox News report you cited from May 2, 2017.13

First, Mrs. Clinton gave a speech which dodged responsibility for her disastrous, tone-deaf campaign by instead pointing the finger at Director Comey and Russia.14 Further illustrating another related reason why I was originally targeted by the Clinton/Obama regime, it is worth bearing in mind a political science concept I previously defined which explains this dysfunctional avoidance of responsibility that has cut across decades of U.S. history:

The Narcissistic Loony Tune School of Foreign Policy

An underlying cultural phenomenon that has served as a foundation for the counterproductive narrative in Russia and beyond may be observed in a domestic context. In discussions with her best friend Diane Blair, Hillary Clinton previously defended her husband by referring to his mistress, former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, as a "Narcissistic loony tune. This personal example demonstrates a fundamental problem at the core of U.S. foreign policy that has been seen across party lines since well before her husband’s administration: the inclination to blame weaker parties for problems without examination of the decisions of top leaders that initiated these mistakes in the first place.[233]

Not only did precisely that same continued pattern of abuse reflect her disparagement of Director Comey, it also underscores why I have remained a principal target of the Clinton/Obama regime’s surrogates including those in Congress. As a perceived weaker party, I have also been effectively and falsely characterized as a narcissistic loony tune amidst other far worse false accusations by the Clinton/Obama regime. In a revealing New York Times article based on illegal leaks, “The [Obama] Justice Department considered direct surveillance of anyone tied to a political campaign as a line it did not want to cross, the official added.”[234]

In other words and consistent with the narcissistic loony tune school approach, they apparently decided it was fine to trample on human rights if someone is a low-level, junior, unpaid supporter rather than a fellow fat-cat career politician from the Washington swamp. Second, the real leadership shown by Senator Grassley, Senator Graham and others members of the Judiciary Committee last Wednesday in beginning to address the genuinely problematic interference in last year’s election offers new confidence that logic may now be restored in this overall process.[235]

To help further illustrate how disgraceful both the spirit and substance of your original interrogation list is, the original source of a more precisely and carefully targeted question of this sort is worth bearing in mind: former Gang of Eight member Harry Reid. Characteristic of this ongoing investigation which he helped instigate and typical of his personal level of integrity, he has previously stated that making prior claims without any evidence in 2012 was “one of the best things I’ve ever done.”18 Although this is obviously the exact same thing which again happened against me and the Trump campaign last year, it is my hope that your Committee might restore its dignity by moving beyond the standards of such gangster tactics and the organized crime network that Reid supported during the Clinton/Obama regime.[236]

Related to your question #5 and in addition to his standing as one of the early promoters of the 2016 Dodgy Dossier, Harry Reid previously made a federal case out of complete nonsense by asking Director Comey to investigate my investments in Gazprom and supposed conflicts of interest this might create.20 In response to your question, please note that I purchased 200 American Depository Receipts of PJSC Gazprom in June 2008 for $5,909.00. In response to these gangster-style witch hunt tactics led in the U.S. Senate by Reid, I divested my stake in August 2016 for $798.98 – a net loss of $5,110.02. Given the complete disaster that the Clinton/Obama regime made of U.S.-Russia relations and the related problems they inflicted on private industry across the Russian economy, I held no other financial or real estate holdings related to Russia between June 16, 2015 and January 20, 2016.

In addition to my unanswered request from May 4, 2017 that we save time and hundreds of hours of forced labor by jointly corroborating the personal information illegally intercepted by the Obama Administration with the all-encompassing list of trivial questions you have posed to me, there is one other related question which I would like to ask. Whereas this bitter investigation based on false evidence on behalf of lying crooked politicians seems to be a nostalgic repeat of many of the corrupt Clinton/Obama regime’s practices of 2016, I am interested to learn if similar related information payoff propositions may be on offer in this instance. It has been reported that $50,000 was offered by the U.S. Government to the political research operatives of the Clinton campaign – apparently a special treat from the Obama Administration to supplement whatever undisclosed, presumably larger amount was already paid by Clinton associates for the 2016 Dodgy Dossier.[237]

In light of this outrageous payoff precedent which precipitated the primary genesis of our interaction in the first place, can you please clarify what level of remuneration for my assigned work is on offer in this instance? While the complete lies that the Dodgy Dossier hastily assembled might have carried potentially disastrous results for the integrity of the 2016 election had voters fallen for their dishonesty, factual information of some form might prove infinitely more valuable and relevant.

On one hand, Senator Dianne Feinstein has demonstrated admirable honesty by admitting that there has been no evidence of collusion between anyone associated with the Trump campaign and Russia following recent briefings with the U.S. intelligence community despite harshly invasive surveillance and millions of dollars wasted on this investigatory endeavor.[238] Meanwhile, another California politician, Congressman Eric Swalwell has perpetuated more baseless innuendos and lies in loyal support of certain political allies.23 One would hope that SSCI follows Senator Feinstein’s lead by taking the high road in this instance.

As one person experienced in the workings of the DC swamp accurately summarized the laundry list of requests that you sent on April 28, 2017: “Tell us everything so we can have our snotty-nosed Ivy Leaguers pore over it and try to put you in the worst light possible. Oh, and you should count on minority staff leaking anything possible to embarrass you or the President.” This analysis and prediction would certainly parallel many of my experiences over the past year given the extreme transgressions of the Clinton/Obama regime. This accurate reference to the ongoing history of selective leaking for maximum personal damage of a private citizen (e.g. Felony #1 and Felony #2, above) is another reason making it essential that our future interaction be held in open session.

Since you have been praised as the bipartisan adults here24, it is my hope that your continued unity now helps to break through lame partisan-based excuses attempted earlier by those who have still consider themselves above the law.25

The urgency of getting to the bottom of the abysmal human rights record of those actions taken by the Clinton/Obama regime during the 2016 election is an immediate national priority. Finally moving beyond the dark cloud of the civil rights abuses which occurred last year might help encourage capable leaders and essential allies such as Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to again feel safe in visiting the United States.26


I would close by reminding you of the excerpt from the 1976 report by the Church Committee that I quoted in my March 5, 2017 letter, the findings of which led to the founding of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:

“Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too much information has been illegally collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power…”[239]

While the earliest indications at the time had already hinted that the Church Committee’s conclusions might parallel the injustices committed against me and countless other American citizens last year, few public observers could have imagined way back in March 2017 the growing evidence of corrupt dealings by the Clinton/Obama regime which has subsequently been revealed surrounding their failed attempt to influence the 2016 election. Let us please move beyond the noise of last year’s pathetic lies by a bitter losing campaign as we jointly refocus our attention on substantive and relevant matters that can help fix the direction of your Committee and this country.[240]
  • Yates cited for bias in Inspector General report.[241]
  • Newsweek reports FBI offered a petty hacker, who was arrested in Prague on unrelated charges stemming from 2012, fifteen million dollars, US citizenship, and an apartment if he would lie and confess to hacking Hillary Clinton's email account on orders from Vladimir Putin. The FBI is desperate at this point to find someone to hang the allegations on and justify the investigation.[242]
  • 8 May. Sally Yates testifies under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "And the Russians also knew that General Flynn had misled the vice president and others, because in the media accounts, it was clear from the vice president and others that they were repeating what General Flynn had told them, and that this was a problem because not only did we believe that the Russians knew this, but that they likely had proof of this information. And that created a compromise situation, a situation where the national security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the Russians. Finally, we told them that we were giving them all of this information so that they could take action, the action that they deemed appropriate. I remember that Mr. McGahn asked me whether or not General Flynn should be fired, and I told him that that really wasn't our call, that was up to them, but that we were giving them this information so that they could take action, and that was the first meeting."[243]
  • Eric and Donald Trump Jr. summoned to FBI headquarters for emergency meeting with Dir. Comey, bureau cybersecurity agents and CIA representatives.[244]
  • 9 May. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein writes memorandum to AG Sessions which includes in part:[245]
the FBI's reputation and credibility have suffered substantial damage, and it has affected the entire Department of Justice. That is deeply troubling to many Department employees and veterans, legislators and citizens.

... I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken....

The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution.

It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement. At most, the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors. The Director now defends his decision by asserting that he believed attorney General Loretta Lynch had a conflict. But the FBI Director is never empowered to supplant federal prosecutors and assume command of the Justice Department. There is a well-established process for other officials to step in when a conflict requires the recusal of the Attorney General. On July 5, however, the Director announced his own conclusions about the nation's most sensitive criminal investigation, without the authorization of duly appointed Justice Department leaders.

Compounding the error, the Director ignored another longstanding principle: we do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation. Derogatory information sometimes is disclosed in the course of criminal investigations and prosecutions, but we never release it gratuitously. The Director laid out his version of the facts for the news media as if it were a closing argument, but without a trial. It is a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do.

In response to skeptical question at a congressional hearing, the Director defended his remarks by saying that his "goal was to say what is true. What did we do, what did we find, what do we think about it." But the goal of a federal criminal investigation is not to announce our thoughts at a press conference. The goal is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to justify a federal criminal prosecution, then allow a federal prosecutor who exercises authority delegated by the Attorney General to make a prosecutorial decision, and then - if prosecution is warranted - let the judge and jury determine the facts. We sometimes release information about closed investigations in appropriate ways, but the FBI does not do it sua sponte (Latin for “of one’s own accord; voluntarily).”
  • Dir. Comey fired; Andrew McCabe assumes position as Acting FBI Director. McCabe is interviewed the same day by FBI internal Inspection Division (INSD) agents about leaks to the Wall Street Journal days prior to the 2016 election. McCabe denies authorizing his special counsel Lisa Page to leak the existence of the FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation and denials of his own conflict of interest in that investigation. McCabe further tells FBI investigators he did not know who authorized leak.
  • McCabe also is implicated in the FBI's offer to pay Christopher Steele for more fabricated information in Hillary Clinton's opposition research Steele dossier. Neither has McCabe recused himself from the Russia investigation, despite failing to act on a FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) complaint against FusionGPS, Christopher Steele's employer, as an unregistered foreign agent of the Russian government.
  • 10 May. Acting FBI Dir. McCabe compromised by a serious conflict of interest in taking money from Clinton donors while investigating the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton's destruction and mishandling of classified documents, and other matters.[246]
  • Strzok and Lisa Page exchange texts:
    Strzok - And we need to open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy [McCabe] is acting.
    Lisa Page - We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal chargeable way. Soon.
  • Accuracy in Media says Washington Post wants desperately to divert attention away from the fact that its reporter, David Ignatius, can be prosecuted under the law, calls for investigation of Ignatius and Jeff Bezos.[247]
  • Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal report the that Trump fired Comey after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election. The New York Times Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo, and CNN’s Sara Murray reported the information in sentences and paragraphs that omitted attribution, as if it were an established fact. The Washington Post Philip Rucker, Ashley Parker, Sari Horwitz and Robert Costa wrote news articles in the style of opinion pieces and from viewpoint as if they were in the mind of Trump. For example, they reported, “Every time FBI Director James B. Comey appeared in public, an ever-watchful President Trump grew increasingly agitated that the topic was the one that he was most desperate to avoid: Russia.” (Other reporters —Reuters’ Dustin Volz and Susan Cornwell— did properly attribute the claim.) The Justice Department, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said the media reports were untrue and McCabe added that the FBI’s Russia investigation was “adequately resourced.”
  • 11 May. Sen. Grassley calls on FBI to end ‘wild speculation’ surrounding Trump; insinuations that the President is the target of a probe are nothing more than “unsubstantiated statements” from political opposition and media. Grassley said in context that the intelligence community stated one of the Russians’ primary objectives is to undermine the American public’s faith in our democratic institutions and leadership. With the goal of scoring political points, Democratic allegations and wild rhetoric have given Vladimir Putin exactly what Putin wanted.[248]
Ranking Democrat Sen. Mark Warner of the Senate Intelligence Committee scuttles Oleg Deripaska's willingness to testify. Deripaska was contacted by the FBI in September 2016 and asked to participate in the FBI's Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
  • What began as a counterintelligence investigation in July 2016, Jimmy the Weasel hopes to transform into a criminal investigation about obstruction of justice over his martyrdom by leaking to the New York Times through FBI contractor Daniel Richman.[249] As a criminal investigation, it could potentially be a conflict of interest with a new Trump appointee charged with investigating the president. Jimmy the Weasel hoped to spark a Special Counsel as revenge for his firing.[250] Left unanswered is the question of whether a Special Counsel retains FISA authority after beginning a criminal investigation and taking over a counterintelligence investigation.
  • 12 May. Comey scuttled the Susan Rice unmasking investigation because it implicated himself.[251]
  • 16 May. Second Comey leak of privileged information through Daniel Richman published in NYT.[252]

  • Federal investigator confirms FBI forensic report generated within 96 hours after Rich's murder of contact between Seth Rich and Wikileaks. The computer was used to transfer copies of 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016 to Gavin MacFadyen of WikiLeaks, who was living in London at the time.[253]
  • Private investigator hired by the famiy reports, "My investigation shows someone within the D.C. government, Democratic National Committee or Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward.”[254]

  • 17 May. Rosenstein mandate to Mueller: "to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election”, i.e. to take over and continue a FISA Title I counterintelligence investigation with the illegal evidence accumulated by the Obama DOJ and FBI.
  • Federal law at 28 CFR 600.7 prohibits anyone from serving as a special counsel if there is the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • Lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok, is in immediate communication with Aaron Zelby via email; Strzok eventually finds himself part of the Special Counsel investigative team.
  • Jake Novak of CNBC says latest Trump-Russia leaks sounds like a coup attempt. Novak noted "Someone at the highest levels of government has leaked information to the news media about President Trump's discussions with Russian officials...candidate Donald Trump indeed insulted the intelligence community during the election, and many have concluded that this is their plotted revenge...we have some very powerful people in Washington who really don't like how democracy played out this time around and what they do to attack it next isn't going to be any better than what they're doing now."[255]
  • Gubarev, et al. v. Orbis. Business Intelligence Limited and Christopher Steele, Claim No. HQ17D00413, defamation suit filed in the High Court of Justice in UK.[256]
  • Lawyers in DNC class action lawsuit perplexed​ by media blackout.[257]
  • 18 May. Steele admits in British High Court lawsuit that he briefed the New York Times, Washington Post, Yahoo! News, the New Yorker, and CNN. In October 2016 Steele talked to Mother Jones reporter David Corn by Skype. It was Corn’s October 31, 2016 article anonymously sourced to Steele that alerted the FBI their informant was speaking to the press. The FBI suspended Steele, however continued to use his dossier to hoax the FISA court for another nine months.[258]

  • Former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatens Capital police chief for impounding evidence in the Awan investigation (See 2 February 2017). The Awan brothers were former IT specialists working for Wasserman Schultz with access to DNC data, and for House Democrats on the Intelligence Committee.[259]

  • 19 May. Strzok and Lisa Page discuss joining the Mueller team. Strzok wrote:
    “For me, and this case, I personally have a sense of unfinished business. I unleashed it with MYE [Mid Year Exam, the FBI codename for the Clinton investigation]. Now I need to fix it and finish it."
    "an investigation leading to impeachment?”
    “You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there’s no big there there.”[260]
  • Russian State Duma considers reprisal actions for US media and intelligence interference in 2016 Russian Duma elections. Some US media organizations have budgets larger than the Russian Foreign Ministry. Also, foreign NGOs train journalists and opposition activists.[261]
  • Sources say Sweden dropped charges against Julian Assange in effort to lure him outside Ecuador embassy.
  • 22 May. Wife of Imran Awan, herself a suspect in the Capital Hill Wasserman Schultz hacker breach, reportedly fled to Pakistan "where her family has significant assets and VIP-level protection."[262]

  • 23 May. Brennan testifies to Congress:
    I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether or not those individuals were cooperating with the Russians, either in a witting or unwitting fashion, and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion — cooperation occurred.
    Brennan is referring to unsolicited contacts made by Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, and Stefan Halper toward Trump volunteer George Papadopoulos in London, through whom Papadopoulos was brought in contact with people said to be Russian.[263][264] Carter Page and Sam Clovis also met with Halper. Halper was a paid CIA agent provocateur attempting to compromise Trump campaign workers by baiting them to show interest in Hillary Clinton's missing emails. (Comey previously testified that he deliberately kept Congress in the dark about the counterintelligence investigation on the Trump campaign); Brennan throws Comey under the bus by providing specific dates of compliance with advise and consent provisions for covert activity, and noting that the contacts were referred to the FBI for investigation:
    "Through the so-called Gang-of-Eight process we kept congress apprised of these issues as we identified them. Again, in consultation with the White House, I personally briefed the full details of our understanding of Russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership. Specifically, Senators Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein and Richard Burr and to representatives Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff between 11th August and 6th September [2016], I provided the same briefing to each of the gang of eight members.

    Given the highly sensitive nature of what was an active counter-intelligence case, involving an ongoing Russian effort, to interfere in our presidential election, the full details of what we knew at the time were shared only with those members of congress; each of whom was accompanied by one senior staff member."
    As to the origins of the Steele dossier Brennan may have perjured himself:
    GOWDY: Director Brennan, do you know who commissioned the Steele dossier?

    BRENNAN: I don’t.

    GOWDY: Do you know if the bureau [FBI] ever relied on the Steele dossier as part of any court filing, applications?

    BRENNAN: I have no awareness.

    GOWDY: Did the CIA rely on it?

    BRENNAN: No.

    GOWDY: Why not?

    BRENNAN: Because we didn’t. It wasn’t part of the corpus of intelligence information that we had. It was not in any way used as a basis for the Intelligence Community Assessment that was done. Uh ... it was not.[265]
  • Senior national security and counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew in 2016 that the Steele dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.


I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich.

Panda advised me that he was working on voter analytics tools and other technologies that the Internet Party may find helpful...

I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities and I am prepared to do that so that there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process.

If my evidence is required to be given in the United States I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back. In the coming days we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements.

  • SuperStaion95 killed in cyberattack.[271]

  • 24 May. UK halts intelligence sharing with US Intelligence Community on the Manchester Arena attack over US Intelligence Community leaks to the New York Times which threaten compromising an investigation into radical Islamic terrorist attack on children. Sharing is resumed hours later.[272][273]

  • Federal prosecutor Beranton J. Whisenant Jr.[274] murdered in Florida with a bullet in his head.[275][276][277] Whisenants body was found on a beach in the 23rd congressional district of Florida which Debbie Wasserman Schultz represents in Congress.[278] It is also the district where the DNC fraud lawsuit against Wasserman Schultz is pending.
  • 25 May. Rep. Blake Farenthold calls for federal investigation into the assassination of Seth Rich.[279]
  • 26 May. One America News Network (OANN) endures Direct Denial of Service (DDoS) attack for using HTTPS protocol and offering $100,000 reward for information in the Seth Rich murder.[280][281] OANN reappeared online without the registration, but a new one named having the Seth Rich report removed from it.
  • 27 May. Web browsers told via updates to block people from viewing Seth Rich content on web sites. The tactic is to call the web site "unsafe, poorly configured, or an attack site" and then "for your safety, you will not be permitted to proceed".[282]

  • 31 May. House Intelligence Committee issues seven subpoenas to FBI, CIA and NSA requesting information on unmasking activities of Susan Rice, John Brennan, and Samantha Power.[283]

  • Asst. US Attn. for the District of Columbia Steve Wasserman, brother of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, suspect of shutting down investigation in the murder of Seth Rich.[284]

June 2017

Lead attorney's in the DNC fraud suit received an ominous call from the office of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.[285]
  • 1 June. Elizabeth Lee Beck and Jared Beck, lead attorneys in the case of Wilding et al v. DNC et al class-action lawsuit on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters reported to social media:[286]
Our co-counsel Cullin O'Brien now getting anonymous callers, talking about Cullin's family and how federal prosecutor @BerantonWhisenant washed up dead on Hollywood Beach, same county as Cullin.

We are sitting ducks.
  • The Becks ask for reader's prayers.[287]
  • Sen. Grassley opens Senate Judiciary investigation into Hillary Clinton's intervention with the government of Bangladesh on behalf of a Clinton donor, Mohammad Yunus, to end an investigation.[288]
  • 2 June. FBI raids home in Dearborn, Michigan.[289][290][291] The home is said to owned by a front company owned by the brother of Huma Abedin.
  • 3 June. Home of Angela Monson, a plaintiff in the DNC fraud lawsuit, broken into and her laptop tampered with.[292]
  • 4 June. NBC News reported in a Tweet that Russian President Vladimir Putin told TV host Megan Kelly that he had compromising information about Trump. Actually, Putin said the opposite: that he did not have compromising information on Trump.[293]
  • 5 June. Former FBI Director James Comey sued by David Montgomery, alleging Comey and other government officials covered up evidence[294] showing widespread illegal spying on 20 million Americans.[295] Montgomery presented evidence that “[t]his domestic surveillance was all being done on computers supplied by the FBI...these supercomputers, which are FBI computers, the CIA is using them to do domestic surveillance." More than 20 million American identities were illegally unmasked - credit reports, emails, phone conversations and Internet traffic, were some of the items the NSA and CIA collected. The suit divulges evidence that the FBI has a ”pattern and practice of conducting illegal, unconstitutional surveillance against millions of Americans, including prominent Americans such as the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen, and others such as Donald J. Trump."[296][297] The suit also named other defendants as well, including current NSA Dir. Mike Rogers, former CIA Dir. John Brennan and Barack Obama.[298][299]
  • a 25-year-old #resist anti-Trump climate change activist and pro-Iranian terrorist who subcontracted for the NSA arrested for leaking classified material.[300]
  • 6 June. CNN’s Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus; and ABC’s Justin Fishel and Jonathan Karl reported that Comey was going to refute Donald Trump’s claim that Comey told Trump three times he was not under investigation. Instead, Comey did the opposite and confirmed Trump’s claim.
  • 7 June. NSA Dir. Mike Rogers informs Congress the NSA deleted all of the results of the Obama administration's unlawful FISA(702) searches, but also stated he directed “all audit logs of the activity to be preserved/retained”.
  • NY Mag and Vox report and identify by name FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe, Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki, and General Counsel James Baker as leakers of classified information.[302][303]
Fact Checking in the Trump era often needs fact checking.
  • In a fact-check story, AP reported erroneously that Trump misread the potential cost to a family with insurance under the Affordable Care Act who wanted care from their existing doctor.
  • 8 June. In sworn testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI Director James Comey admits to leaking information relevant to an FBI investigation to the media.[304]
  • Comey claims he was motivated by Trump tweets, although the first leak was published on May 11, 2017 before Trump tweeted, raising the possibility Comey may have misled Congress in his testimony.
  • Comey implicates Loretta Lynch in the Justice Dept. cover-up of the Hillary Clinton criminal investigation. Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times reportd that Comey testified Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Comey not to call the Russia probe “an investigation” but “a matter.” Weisman was mistaken. Comey testified Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as “a matter” and not “an investigation.”
  • Comey further states, "I understood that I could be fired by a president for any reason or for no reason at all."[305]
  • Trump Jr. sends out 80 tweets during hearings critical of Comey.[306]
  • 9 June. Comey leak courier goes into hiding.[307]
  • NSA leaker Reality Winner held without bail.
  • Jared Beck, lead attorney for plaintiff in the DNC fraud lawsuit, files a motion for protection of the plaintiffs and their families, as well as all potential witnesses, citing "the untimely death of our process server, Shawn Lucas; the unsolved murder of DNC employee, Seth Rich. We believe Mr Rich might have been a potential witness in this case. We have also cited the recent untimely death of federal prosecutor Beranton Whisenant in South Florida. Also recent bizarre and disturbing conduct, including threats, that has been directed at plaintiffs, their counsel, and employees."[310]
  • 14 June. Patrick Howley comments,
"Russia" special counsel Robert Mueller has formed a political team with his friend, fired FBI director James Comey, and the current FBI director Andrew McCabe to work together against President Donald Trump. But Mueller and Comey are not the ringleaders. Surprisingly, it’s McCabe.

An inside source told Big League Politics that McCabe is “running the show,” and “he’s the key.”

“Mueller and McCabe are assembling a better political operation than Hillary had in the campaign. The trio of Mueller/McCabe and Comey are all creatures of the swamp,” the source explained. “Any Republican who thinks this isn’t a political operation and isn’t geared toward impacting 2018 and beyond is absolutely nuts.”

“I think McCabe is the most politically savvy given how he navigated the controversy with his wife’s campaign donations and the Clinton investigation,” the source continued.

McCabe took over when Comey got fired and quickly set up the team’s power play. McCabe said that Comey did not get fired from the FBI for performance issues. That sets up the premise for a potential obstruction of justice move by the McCabe-Mueller-Comey trio.[311]
  • Late June. Mueller meets with DNI Dan Coats and NSA Dir. Mike Rogers.
  • 15 June. Leaks from the Mueller investigation allege Trump under criminal investigation.[312]
  • 18 June. Presidential historian Doug Wead says the Deep State is attempting a coup d’état of President Trump.[313]
  • 20 June. Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe names Philip Celestini as Special Agent in Charge of the Intelligence Division, Washington Field Office.
  • 21 June. It was reported that despite knowing about Russian interference, the Obama Administration did nothing about it.[314][315][316][317][318] On the same day, former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that there was no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump[319] and that no votes were changed by the Russians.[320] Johnson also revealed that the DNC rejected DHS offers to help protect their network after a cyber attack on their servers, and it refused to hand their servers over to the DHS.[321][322]
  • 22 June. Career NSC officials slow walking compliance with House Intelligence subpoenas for Susan Rice's unmasking requests.[323]
  • President Trump was able to turn the narrative around to Obama, asking why he did nothing about alleged Russian interference during the election.[324]
  • CNN’s Thomas Frank reported that Congress was investigating a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials.” The report was later retracted. Frank and two other CNN employees resigned in the fallout.
  • 23 June. Lisa Page final text to Peter Strzok: "Please don't ever text me again."
  • 24 June. Mainstream media begins to report on FBI collusion with Democratic party opposition research firm, FusionGPS, to smear Donald Trump.[325]
  • Mary Jacoby, wife of FusionGPS founder Glenn Simpson, posts on Facebook, “It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump. Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn.”[326] Jacoby also states the CIA “hopped to and immediately worked to verify it. By August 2016 the CIA had verified the key finding of the dossier to the point that, as The Washington Post revealed, it was “having ‘eyes only’ top secret meetings with Obama about it,”[327] contradicting Brennan's sworn testimony of May 23.
  • A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives whistleblower stated that the Obama Administration obstructed justice by covering up any link between Operating Fast and Furious and Brian Terry’s death.[328]
  • 25 June. CNN reported to have imposed new rules on its slanderous and irresponsible fake news coverage of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.[329]
  • 27 June. Sara Carter reports:
    The FBI launched a criminal probe against former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn two years after the retired Army general roiled the bureau’s leadership by intervening on behalf of a decorated counterterrorism agent who accused now-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other top officials of sexual discrimination, according to documents and interviews.
    Flynn’s intervention on behalf of Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly unusual, and included a letter in 2014 on his official Pentagon stationary, a public interview in 2015 supporting Gritz’s case and an offer to testify on her behalf. His offer put him as a hostile witness in a case against McCabe, who was soaring through the bureau’s leadership ranks.
    The FBI sought to block Flynn’s support for the agent, asking a federal administrative law judge in May 2014 to keep Flynn and others from becoming a witness in her Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) case, memos obtained by Circa show. Two years later, the FBI opened its inquiry of Flynn.[330]
  • 28 June. Sen. Grassley requests information on all FISA applications, including the failed June 2016 FISA application.[331]
  • Acting FBI Dir. Andy McCabe now the subject of three separate investigations into his conduct.[332]
  • 30 June. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) pays $14,794,130 to Jim Margolis' GMMB,[333][334] a Democratic consulting and advertising concern.[335]

July 2017

Inspector General Michael Horowitz has an obligation to notify his superiors when he discovers illegal activity, or conduct that is likely unlawful, while conducting an internal investigation. The IG cannot sit on knowledge or evidence of likely criminal conduct just because his investigation is ongoing. The IG does not have legal or prosecutorial authority – the IG must immediately refer unlawful activity to the proper authority; essentially to the Attorney General. A DOJ prosecutor is then assigned to work with the IG and essentially creates a parallel investigation focused only on the law-breaking the IG discovered. US Attorney John Huber of Utah was appointed. Huber can begin issuing subpoenas for Grand Jury testimony and statements by officials no longer working within the DOJ/FBI as soon as the IG report is completed. Those officials that remain working within the DOJ/FBI who are under inspector general or criminal investigation carry certain due process and appeal rights under Civil Service rules.

Strzok and Lisa Page were fired from the Mueller investigation in July and August and reassigned within the DOJ and FBI.

Sundance of the observes:
July 20th, 2017 is a key date. A critical point-of-reference to move forward and review action. It is absolutely clear [BEYOND CERTAIN], that INSD (Inspection Division) and OIG (Inspector General) knew of every single participant in the Page-Strzok engagement team by the end of July 2017.

Those doing the investigation(s) knew the content of the initial batch of messages; and as a consequence – from the end of July 2017 they knew every participant therein. This would include everyone in the “small group” who was demonstrably outlined in the messages as leaking to media.

The officials outlined in media leaks, direct or indirect, included: Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, James Baker (FBI Chief Legal Counsel), Andrew McCabe (Deputy Director), and Michael Kortan (FBI Office of Public Affairs). There are also discussions of other people leaking...

The messages show media leaks from 2015 all the way past the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller...

The scale of knowledge of INSD and OIG investigators in July 2017 is important, because they didn’t move to act upon the information immediately and instead chose to wait...

It does not appear accidental that FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker was allowed, by INSD and OIG investigators, to remain in place, *until* Baker was notified of being called to testify to congress (December 21, 2017)… then INSD yanked him back; and FBI Director Christopher Wray removed Baker from responsibility....

...we can clearly see that James Baker is a key figure amid everything that was happening. Likely Baker’s cooperation with investigators is the biggest risk to James Comey and Andrew McCabe due to Baker’s knowledge of situations, decisions, non-decisions and events...

...there is also a transparent aspect to McCabe and more specifically James Comey being kept away from “small group” details so they can retain plausible deniability on the overall scheme. The Sept/October ’16 Weiner email problem is one such example. Comey’s lack of knowledge, and/or inaccuracy of knowledge, is a public defense; but FBI General Counsel James Baker’s knowledge of what Comey does know is a legal risk.

Another important revelation is the scale of influence of Benjamin Wittes and the Lawfare blog group. There are multiple times within the Page/Strzok discussions were Page references Lawfare blog as a resource to generate ideas for their efforts. It seems highly likely that James Comey’s friend Benjamin Wittes is connected to the activity of like-minded DOJ and FBI people. Indeed Wittes also wrote of the need for an “insurance policy” against President Trump in October of 2016.

Also remember, back in May 2017 Benjamin Wittes admitted he was one of the primary sources for the New York Times Comey Memo article (Michael Schmidt)...

The primary Inspector General Horowitz report is specifically focused on the way the FBI and DOJ handled the Hillary Clinton investigation, and the possibility of politics driving the investigative outcome therein. At this point that reality is inarguable.

The secondary OIG report will focus on how the DOJ and FBI approached the FISA surveillance warrant filed against U.S. person Carter Page and used against the Trump campaign to conduct political surveillance. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok will figure heavily in both of these OIG investigations and outcomes.

Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr and James Baker have all been clearly identified by investigative releases as participating in gross misconduct at the DOJ and FBI. All four of them have been removed from their responsibilities, yet each of them remains employed within the FBI or DOJ.

It is highly likely all four of them are cooperating with INSD and OIG investigators...

Those within the DOJ/FBI “small group” who are not cooperating would include: FBI Communications Director Mike Kortan (quit), DOJ-NSD Deputy Asst. Attorney General David Laufman (quit), AG Loretta Lynch (replaced), AAG Sally Yates (fired), DOJ-NSD Asst Attorney General Mary McCord (quit), FBI Director James Comey (fired), Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe (fired), FBI Chief-of-staff James Rybicki (quit).
  • 2 July. Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to testify about Clinton Foundation's theft of $10 billion from the Haitian Eathquake Relief Fund found dead in Miami with a gunshot wound to the head.[336]
  • 5 July. Awan investigation expanded to include money-laundering, tax fraud, extortion, bankruptcy fraud and insurance fraud and the money could have been funneled oversea.[337]
  • 8 July. Mark Corallo, attorney for Donald Trump, Jr. revealed that FusionGPS, a firm employed by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, had misrepresented themselves to arrange a meeting between Donald Trump Jr, and a Russian lawyer in the Summer of 2016 in an effort to compromise the Trump organization.[338]
  • 10 July. Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to FusionGPS & the Steele Dossier.[340]
  • 11 July. Don Trump Jr posts email chain with FusionGPS operatives online.[341]
  • Ed Klein reports Acting Dir. McCabe receives report US Antifa faction meets with ISIS & Al Qaeda leaders in Germany during G20 protests.[342]
  • 12 July. Evidence is made public by a federal judge that SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts was hacked in an operation overseen by John Brennan and James Clapper. Roberts inexplicitly voted to uphold the constitutional legality of Obamacare and may have been blackmailed by Obama.[343]
  • 13 July. News reports indicate Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer and FusionGPS operative who represented Prevezon Holdings and lobbied for repeal of Russian sanctions (the Magnitsky Act), was granted special immigration parole status by Attorney General Loretta Lynch's office, so she could represent her Russian client Denis Katsyv and his company Prevezon Holdings Ltd.,[344]
  • 14 July. More Clinton emails show collusion between State Department and Clinton Foundation.[345]
  • 15 July. Lisa Page agrees to gives FBI INSD (Inspection Division) authorization to access all communication and messaging accounts and devices (July 15 – 20th, 2017).
  • 18 July. Rod Rosenstein signs-off on 3rd continuance of the Title-1 FISA surveillance warrant on Trump personnel, this time to be used by Mueller. With this broad and intrusive surveillance authority Mueller’s investigative unit now has the legal authority to capture the records of everyone within connected of Carter Page> That includes the entire Trump campaign and almost all of the Trump administration.
  • 20 July. DOJ Inspector General Mike Horowitz uncovers extreme bias in the Mueller investigation and possible criminal conduct among certain high level DOJ and FBI officials during the 2016 election with the receipt of the Strzok-Lisa Page texts.
  • Fox News reports Wasserman Schultz to begin cooperating with federal investigations into Awan brothers.[347]
  • 21 July. Former DNI James Clapper lies to Congress about being the source of leaks. When initially asked about leaks related to the January 5, 2017 Joint Analysis Report, Clapper flatly denied “discuss[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists.” Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the “dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,” and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic. On January 10, 2017, CNN published an article by Tapper and others, which claimed that
    “classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations about Mr. Trump ” that were (1) “presented in a two-page synopsis…appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election” and (2) derived from “memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative. ”Those claims were sourced to “multiple U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings.”
    The next day, Clapper issued a statement describing a call with President-elect Trump in which Clapper
    “expressed my profound-dismay at the leaks that have been appearing the in press” and “emphasized . . . that I do not believe the leaks came from within the lC.”
  • Sen. Grassley to subpoena Glenn Simpson, founder of FusionGPS in the matter of unregistered lobbying on behalf of Russian clients (FARA violations) for the repeal of sanctions (the Magnitsky Act).[348]
  • Terrorized lead attorney in the DNC fraud suit, Elizabeth Beck, pleads for public exposure in the wake of the deaths of Beranton Whisenandt, Peter W. Smith, and Klaus Eberwein.[349]
  • 23 July. Patrick Howley comments
Mueller’s 13-member Dream Team is comprised of anti-Trump stalwarts including three Democratic Party donors, legal representatives for Hillary Clinton during her email scandal, and vociferous anti-Trump tweeter Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump from his position as a U.S. Attorney within the Department of Justice. These conflicts of interests, especially pertaining to Clinton, make it necessary for some members of the team to recuse themselves. If they don’t, they can be disbarred.”[350]
  • Reports confirm FBI now involved in Awan investigation. FBI has seized a cache of smashed hard drives from Awan home.[351]
  • 24 July. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which includes among its members two former Technical Directors of the National Security Agency,[352] issues a Memorandum for the President:
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.[353]
  • 25 July. Imran Awan arrested at airport while trying to flee the country after being investigated on bank fraud charges. Debbie Wasserman Schultz finally fired him after the arrest.[354] Prosecution of Awan will be assigned to Steven Wasserman, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, and brother of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
  • 26 July. House Judiciary Committee launches probe into FBI leaks and mishandling of the Clinton investigations by Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch and James Comey. The investigation examined Comey’s knowledge of FusionGPS, the firm hired by Hillary Clinton to produce the Steele dossier which the Obama administration used to illegally spy on American citizens and political opponents.
  • The investigation examined Comey’s decision to “usurp the authority” of the Attorney General by making the “unusual announcement” that Hillary Clinton would not face criminal charges.
  • The investigation examined the infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix at Sky Harbor International Airport.
  • The investigation looked into the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play arrangements with foreign governments, specifically the Uranium One deal exposed in Clinton Cash—whereby the Clintons personally profited from Russians gaining ownership in U.S. uranium assets.
  • The probe will look at any “collusion” between Comey and Mueller regarding Comey’s leak through Columbia University Law Professor Daniel Richman to the New York Times. The probe will press for document production regarding Comey’s communication with Richman, Comey’s friend, of conversations Comey had with President Trump. Richman was the vessel through which Comey leaked classified information to the media which detail conversations with the president. Comey with an apparent intent of using media pressure from said leaks to spark the launching of the special counsel investigation of Russian involvement after Comey's firing. That special counsel investigation is being led by Comey’s longtime friend Robert Mueller, another former FBI director.
  • The probe examined Comey’s knowledge of “unmasking” of American citizens names in foreign intelligence reports collected on Donald Trump’s campaign or transition teams—and specifically any role that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice played in that.
  • Reports say FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is under a Department of Justice criminal investigation for leaking classified national security information to the media.[356] Baker evidently colluded with Comey in the handling of confidential information that Comey later admitted to leaking.
  • Republicans get agreement on Russia, North Korea sanctions.[358]
  • 27 July. Strzok fired,[359] Papadopoulos arrested.
  • DOJ Inspector General (IG) reports on the existence of Strzok-Lisa Page texts.
  • Bob Goodlatte, House Judiciary Committee Chairman and members write to Attn. Gen. Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attn. Gen. Rod Rosenstein to request appointment of a Special Counsel to

1.Investigate, consistent with appropriate regulations, the following questions, many of which were previously posed by this Committee and remain unanswered:
2.Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing Mr. Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation;
3.The shadow cast over our system of justice concerning Secretary Clinton and her involvement in mishandling classified information;
4.FBI and DOJ’s investigative decisions related to former Secretary Clinton’s email investigation, including the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to potential Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel and possibly others;
5.The apparent failure of DOJ to empanel a grand jury to investigate allegations of mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her associates;
6.The Department of State and its employees’ involvement in determining which communications of Secretary Clinton’s and her associates to turn over for public scrutiny; WikiLeaks disclosures concerning the Clinton Foundation and its potentially unlawful international dealings;
7.Connections between the Clinton campaign, or the Clinton Foundation, and foreign entities, including those from Russia and Ukraine;
8.Mr. Comey’s knowledge of the purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations made to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of that sale that had national security ramifications;
9.Disclosures arising from unlawful access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign;
10.Post-election accusations by the President that he was wiretapped by the previous Administration, and whether Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch had any knowledge of efforts made by any federal agency to unlawfully monitor communications of then-candidate Trump or his associates;
11.Selected leaks of classified information related to the unmasking of U.S. person identities incidentally collected upon by the intelligence community, including an assessment of whether anyone in the Obama Administration, including Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Susan Rice, Ms. Samantha Power, or others, had any knowledge about the “unmasking” of individuals on then candidate-Trump’s campaign team, transition team, or both;
12.Admitted leaks by Mr. Comey to Columbia University law professor, Daniel Richman, regarding conversations between Mr. Comey and President Trump, how the leaked information was purposefully released to lead to the appointment of a special counsel, and whether any classified information was included in the now infamous “Comey memos”;
13.Mr. Comey’s and the FBI’s apparent reliance on “Fusion GPS” in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the company’s creation of a “dossier” of information about Mr. Trump, that dossier’s commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 election, whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of FusionGPS or any person or company working for FusionGPS and its affiliates; and

14.Any and all potential leaks originated by Mr. Comey and provide to author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993.[360]
  • Chairman Devin Nunes accuses top Obama political aides of making hundreds of requests during the 2016 presidential race to unmask the names of Americans in intelligence reports, including Trump transition officials. In a letter to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, said the requests were made without specific justifications on why the information was needed. “We have found evidence that current and former government officials had easy access to U.S. person information and that it is possible that they used this information to achieve partisan political purposes, including the selective, anonymous leaking of such information,” Nunes wrote in the letter to DNI Dan Coats. "The committee has learned that one official, whose position had no apparent intelligence related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration,” UN Amb. Samantha Power is said to be the one making requests.[361]
  • FusionGPS has in the past sheltered its clients’ true identities by filtering money through law firms or shell companies (Bean LLC and Kernel LLC).[362]
  • Reports surface D.C. homicide investigators in the Seth Rich murder cancelled information sharing meeting with Capital Hill police in the summer of 2016.[363]
  • 28 July. With no attorney, Papadopoulos agrees to work as an informant ("proactive cooperator") for the Mueller team. Papadopoulos was arrested without a warrant at 7:00 PM the prior evening at Dullas Airport, entered jail at 1:45 AM, was checked out to "federal authority" at 8:27 AM, and appeared before a judge the same day with no attorney and a prepared plea agreement.
  • Simona Mangiante subpeaonaed by Aaron Zelinsky of the Mueller office and interviewed by the FBI. Mangiante says she first met Mifsud about 2012.[364]
  • IG Mike Horowitz uncovered extreme bias in Mueller's special counsel investigation of Trump, and a possible criminal conspiracy in the Obama Dept. of Justice to whitewash Hillary Clinton's wrongdoing and destroy the candidacy, and later presidency, of Donald Trump. The Inspector General however, has no prosecutorial powers, and his primary concern is maintaining the integrity of the institution and affording due process to civil service employees under ethical or criminal investigation.
  • Acting FBI Dir. Andrew McCabe interviewed by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) under oath. McCabe denies that he authorized Lisa Page to leak the existence of the Clinton Foundation investigation to Devlin Barrett of the Wall Street Journal and a denial of his own conflict of interest just days prior to the election in late October 2016. The OIG
    "concluded that McCabe lacked candor during his OIG audio-recorded interview under oath on July 28, 2017, when he falsely stated that: (a) he was not aware of [Lisa Page] being authorized to speak to reporters around October 30 [2016] and (b) he did not know, because he was out of town, “where [Lisa Page] was or what she was doing” during the relevant time period."
  • McCabe is under investigation in three separate inquires, grandstands one week before being ousted by Christopher Wray as new FBI director with a highly publicized raid on Paul Manafort's home.[365] In the raid, the FBI illegally seized a transcript of Manafort's closed door Congressional testimony, guarded by immunity agreements with Congress and attorney client privilege.[366]
  • Bill Browder testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee on Russian employment of FusionGPS. FusionGPS simultaneously was employed by Clinton operatives and Russia and was offered cash by James Comey for corroborative evidence to the Clinton-Steele dossier.
  • Sara Carter of Circa News reports that National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster has been communicating White House internal information to Acting FBI Director Andy McCabe.[367]

August 2017

  • 1 August. Dep. Dir. Andy McCabe calls IG to "correct" his sworn testimony after Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page cites the Strzok-Lisa Page text messages as evidence McCabe instructed her to leak information to Devlin Barrett of the WSJ about the Clinton Foundation investigation.
  • House Judiciary member calls for immediate resignation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.[368]
  • National Security Subcommitte Chairman Ron DeSantis of the House Oversight Committee requests a briefing from the Capitol Police on the Awan investigation and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and are taking steps to begin a Congressional probe into why taxpayer funds were used to pay the former DNC Chair woman's advisor after he was removed from access to House computing network.[369]
  • 2 August. Rosenstein memo to Mueller clarifying authority of the Special Counsel.[370] Mueller is seeking to prosecute Manafort for actions prior to the 2016 election which are unrelated to the Trump campaign or alleged collusion. Whatsmore, the basis of the investigation stems from no probable cause, illegal surveillance, and doctored evidence.
  • 7 August. FBI internal Inspection Division (INSD) interviews Lisa Page concerning the October 30, 2016 Devlin Barrett WSJ leak about the Clinton Foundation. INSD investigators were not yet aware of Lisa Page's texts on October 27, 28, and 30, 2016 concerning her contacts with Devlin Barrett. Lisa Page told INSD agents under oath that she was a source for the disclosure of the account of the August 12, 2016 McCabe-Senior DOJ official (Primary Associate Deputy Attorney General, or PADAG) phone call, the leak was fully authorized by Andrew McCabe, and that Lisa Page and Mike Kortan of Office of Public Affairs (OPA) provided the information to Barrett in a telephone call from the FBI OPA office. Lisa Page gave a Signed Sworn Statement (SSS) to this effect on August 15, 2017, which included as an exhibit her contemporaneous notes of the discussions with Barrett on October 27 and 28, 2016. Lisa Page gave the same account to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in two subsequent interviews on September 7 and October 26, 2017. Lisa Page is now cooperating with investigators and has flipped on her boss.
  • 8 August. Dep. AG Rod Rosenstein tells Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday he has assembled a team to investigate DOJ deep state misconduct per AG Jeff Sessions instructions.[373]
  • Nation magazine reports NSA experts say DNC was not hacked at all, but an inside job leaked by someone with access to the DNC’s system. "The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second."[374]
  • Jay Sekulow uncovers evidence of White House & Comey involvement in Lynch tarmac meeting.[376]
  • 9 August. POTUS & Political Warfare memorandum authored by Rich Higgins dated May 2017 published by Foreign Policy magazine. The 7-page document was reviewed by the president. The memo states
    The administration has been maneuvered into a constant back-pedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses...Having become the dominant cultural meme, some benefit from it while others are captured by it; including ‘deep state’ actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans
    One source said, "It was about H.R. McMaster. So, when he starts reading it, [McMaster] knows it’s him and he fires [Higgins].” [377]
  • ZOA group calls for National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster to be reassigned elsewhere citing a pattern of behavior hostile to Trump foreign policy agenda, including the firing of Trump & Flynn appointees, and hiring of Obama holdovers.[378]
  • Washington Freebeacon reports an attorney, Paige Helwig, formerly in the Justice Dept. who participated in the cover up of Loretta Lynch's clandestine tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, is now working as a deputy counsel for Senate Democrats investigating Lynch's tarmac meeting and Lynch, Comey and the FBI’s whitewash of Hillary Clinton's crimes.[379]
  • 14 August. DOJ requests subpoenas for Dreamhost, a web hosting site for organizers and participants in anti-Trump riots.[380]
  • 17 August. Bill Browder reconfirms FusionGPS was paid by Russia, through the Katsyv family, headed by Pyotr Katsyv, Vice President of ‘Russian Railways’, a huge Russian transportation company, in which the Russian government is the sole shareholder.[381]
  • Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi indicted; National Review's Andrew McCarthy points out irregularities in indictment.[382]
  • 18 August. McCabe provides INSD agents (FBI internal Inspection Division) with information that contradicts information he had provided to INSD agents on May 9, 2017.
  • 22 August. Glenn Simpson testifies to Senate Judiciary Committee:
    "Essentially, what [Christopher Steele] told me was [the FBI] had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source, and that — that they — my understanding was that they believed Chris at this point — that they believed Chris’s information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing, and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump campaign."
  • Simpson further refused to identify who hired FusionGPS to produce the Steele dossier.[383]
  • Simpson says that the FBI paid for Steele to travel to Rome.
  • Simpson admits the Russian lawyers Natalia Veselnitskaya was hired by Simpson to lobby for the removal of sanctions. Simpson acknowledges that he either worked with or knows of four attendees at the Trump Tower meeting: Irakle Kaveladze, Veselnitskaya, Rinat Akhmetshin, and Anatoli Samochornov. The last one also worked on the Prevezon case.
  • 29 August. Kurt Smolek of the State Dept. Diplomatic Security service, missing since 28 August, body pulled from the Potomac River.
  • 30 August. FBI documents reveal Dir. James Comey decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over.[384] This contradicts Comey's earlier sworn Congressional testimony that a decision on Hillary Clinton's mens rea was not made until after her personal FBI interview.[385]
  • 31 August. OIG opens leak investigation into Andrew McCabe after referral from the FBI's internal INSD investigators about conflicting statements in earlier interviews. The October 26, 2016 smoking gun texts between Lisa Page and Strzok prove Acting FBI Dir. Andrew McCabe lied to FBI INSD investigators. Lisa Page was texting Strzok while on the phone with Devlin Barrett of the Wall Street Journal, leaking information on McCabe's instructions intended to give cover for McCabe's non-recusal in the Clinton Foundation investigation, despite McCabe's blatant conflict of interest. McCabe's family received $700,000 from Clinton donors.

September 2017

  • 11 September. Maryland judge orders the state bar to open an investigation into the three lawyers who helped Sec. Clinton delete emails. Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. said the complaints lodged against David E. Kendall, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were egregious and the state bar couldn’t dismiss them as frivolous. “There are allegations of destroying evidence.”[387]
  • Freedom Watch files complaint against Robert Mueller to have him removed as special council for illegal Grand Jury leaks.[388]
  • 13 September. Under questioning from Congress, Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice reportedly admits having requested to see the protected identities of Trump transition officials “incidentally” captured by government surveillance.
  • 17 September. Former US Attn. Pete Bharara says it's "odd and unusual" that Rosenstein could serve as a witness in the investigation while also while overseeing it, adding, "It would seem that there's a conflict."[389]
  • 18 September. Hillary Clinton lends her name to coup.[390]
  • 19 September. Manafort demands investigation into Obama administration's illegal wiretapping of political opponents.[391]
  • 20 September. Sen. Chuck Grassley inquires of FBI Dir. Chris Wray why Sen. John McCain was given a briefing on Russian Intelligence efforts to penetrate his 2008 presidential campaign, but Donald Trump was not afforded the same courtesy. Former director Comey testified under oath that Donald Trump was never under criminal or counterintellgence investigation. Sen. Grassley wrote,
After he was fired, Mr. Comey acknowledged in public testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump had never been one of the individuals under investigation. Recent news articles have claimed that Paul Manafort was one of the campaign associates under FBI investigation.1 This raises the question of whether the FBI ever alerted Mr. Trump to the FBI’s counter-intelligence concerns regarding his campaign manager and others associated with the campaign—so that he could take defensive action to prevent the campaign from being infiltrated.2 Such briefings are one of the tools that the FBI often uses to thwart attempts by foreign intelligence services to infiltrate organizations or compromise U.S. citizens. Such a briefing allows innocent, unwitting organizations and individuals to take defensive action to protect themselves.

According to press reports, it appears that during at least one previous presidential election, U.S. intelligence has raised these types of concerns to campaign staff, including concerns about Mr. Manafort’s ties.3 The concerns allegedly involved work performed by Mr. Manafort and his business partner at the time, Rick Davis, on behalf of Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, who was backed by Putin.4 Mr. Davis became Senator McCain’s campaign manager. Moreover, Mr. Manafort and Mr. Davis reportedly had previously arranged for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to meet Senator McCain twice.5 According to John Weaver, a former top campaign advisor to Senator McCain: “My sense is that Davis and Manafort, who were already doing pro-Putin work against American national interests, were using potential meetings with McCain—who didn't know this and neither did we until after the fact—as bait to secure more rubles from the oligarchs.”6

Mr. Weaver further stated that “U.S. intelligence raised concerns to McCain’s staff about the Davis Manafort work.”7 A recent report quoted an anonymous U.S. counterintelligence official who had been involved as saying: “Before there was Trump, there were concerns about some of the same people being around McCain about 10 years ago, and we alerted his team to those concerns and they appeared to take some defensive action.”8 Indeed, earlier, Senator McCain’s inner circle was reportedly cautioned by U.S. intelligence to distance itself from a Russian advisor who U.S. intelligence believed might have ties to the Russian military, and the McCain team subsequently asked the advisor to leave.9

In short, if these accounts are accurate it appears that in at least one prior presidential campaign, U.S. intelligence alerted a candidate’s team about counterintelligence concerns it had regarding campaign associates’ connections with Russia. This makes sense, given that sophisticated foreign intelligence services likely seek to exploit presidential campaigns through various means. The circumstances leading to those prior alerts to a campaign by U.S. intelligence seem substantially similar to the circumstances surrounding President Trump’s campaign.

If the FBI did provide a defensive briefing or similar warning to the campaign, then that would raise important questions about how the Trump campaign responded. On the other hand, if the FBI did not alert the campaign, then that would raise serious questions about what factors contributed to its decision and why it appears to have been handled differently in a very similar circumstance involving a previous campaign.
  • Fox News reports Obama UN Rep. was unmasking US citizens daily throughout 2016, in excess of 260 victims.[392]

TruePundit reports six US agencies conspired to illegally to wiretap Trump. British intel was used as an NSA front to spy on the Trump campaign.[393] Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn and likely others were illegally wiretapped. The report says

  • six US agencies created a stealth task force, spearheaded by CIA Dir. John Brennan, to run domestic surveillance on Trump associates and possibly Trump himself.
  • To feign ignorance and to seemingly operate within U.S. laws, the agencies outsourced the wiretapping of Trump associates through intelligence sharing agreements with the British spy agency GCHQ.
  • The decision to insert GCHQ as a back door to eavesdrop was sparked by the denial of two FISA Court warrant applications filed by the FBI to seek wiretaps of Trump associates.
  • GCHQ did not work from London or the UK. GCHQ worked from NSA’s headquarters in Fort Meade, MD with direct NSA supervision and guidance to conduct sweeping surveillance on Trump associates.
  • The illegal wiretaps were initiated months before the Christopher Steele compiled his fake dossier for Hillary Clinton.
  • Obama DOJ and FBI set up the meeting at Trump Tower between Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner with controversial Russian officials to make Trump’s associates appear compromised.
  • Following the Trump Tower meeting, GCHQ began digitally wiretapping Manafort, Trump Jr., and Kushner.
  • After the concocted meeting by the Deep State, the GCHQ could officially justify wiretapping Trump associates as an intelligence front for NSA because the Russian lawyer at the meeting Natalia Veselnitskaya was considered an international security risk and prior to the Trump Tower meeting was not even allowed entry into the United States or the UK, federal sources said.
  • By using GCHQ, the NSA and its intelligence partners had carved out a loophole to wiretap Trump without a warrant. While it is illegal for US agencies to monitor phones and emails of US citizens inside the United States absent a warrant, it is not illegal for British intelligence to do so. Even if the GCHQ was tapping Trump on US soil at Fort Meade. This is a longstanding intelligence sharing agreement that pre-dates World War II.
  • The wiretaps, secured through illicit scheming, have been used by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe of the 2016 election, even though the evidence is considered fruit of the poisonous tree.
  • Veselnitskaya may have been paid by the Obama administration as well.
  • The illegal eavesdropping by GCHQ started long before the Steele dossier. Federal sources said the wiretaps on Trump insiders began in late 2015, almost a year before the 2016 election. The targets then were Flynn and Page, sources confirmed. When no smoking gun was recovered from those initial taps, US intelligence agencies moved to broaden the scope of their eavesdropping.
  • New tests support the skepticism of U.S. intelligence veterans that Russia “hacked” the DNC’s computers, pointing instead to a download of emails by an insider, write ex-NSA official William Binney and ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.[394]
  • 22 September. John McCain is not happy with Sen. Grassley's inquiry into he FBI about Paul Manafort's connection to McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.[395]
  • 26 September. House Judiciary Committee repeats call to DOJ for Special Counsel, pointing out former FBI Dir. James Comey lied to Congress when he said that he decided not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton until after she was interviewed, when in fact Comey had drafted her exoneration before said interview. "They have Comey dead to rights," awaiting IG report release in January 2018 and appointment of a Special Prosecutor.[396]
  • 27 September. Congressional investigators renew focus on efforts by Obama administration to obtain highly classified intelligence information on Trump administration allies in what was an effort to undermine the president and his national security team. "The misuse of intelligence information by members of the Obama administration is a serious issue that requires an exhaustive investigation and accountability," said Rep. Ron DeSantis, chair of House Subcommittee on National Security.[397]
  • 28 September. Attn. Gen. Jeff Sessions meets with Chairman Matt Gaetz, Reps. Bob Goodlatte, Jim Jordan, Ron DeSantis and Louis Gohmert of the House Judiciary Committee.[398]

October 2017

Obama's illegal surveillance of the Trump transition and Trump administration terminated in October. A FISA warrant is only good for 90 days and must be signed by the Attorney General or one of his deputies and the FBI director or one of his deputies. The FISA warrant obtained by the Obama administration was renewed four times, granting the FBI authority to apply the same intrusive surveillance techniques against anyone the original targets had email, text, or voice communications with. The Trump team essentially was treated as a terrorist group, drug cartel, or as agents of a foreign power by progressive elements of the deep state.

Turnover of employees in the Trump administration was high, and many positions went unfilled. The FISA abuse strategy did as intended, as the Trump administration appeared to be in chaos - a "low level dumpster fire" as a foreign critic in the UK called it - and the president's approval ratings slid. In his characteristic manner of appearing both prentious and dignified, James Comey called it a "forest fire" in his celebrated memoir A Higher Loyalty - the title referring to Comey's dedication to the anti-democratic ideology of the single-party progressive police state.

James Comey signed three FISA warrants, the original and two extensions; Acting director McCabe signed one. Sally Yates signed the first two for the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein the third, and Dana Boente the last one.

Mifsud (right) with Boris Johnson (center) two weeks after Papadopoulos' plea agreement. Johnson oversees MI6 and GCHQ.[400] According to Adam Schiff, Robert Mueller, partisan Democrats, and the fake news media, Mifsud is a Russian agent.
  • 5 October. Mueller team prosecutor Jeannie Rhee falsely represented Prof. Joseph Mifsud as a Kremlin operative.[401] Mifsud is a retired allied Western intelligence operative who colluded with John Brennan and a network of retired operatives, infiltrators, informants, and agent provocateurs, including Stefan Halper, in an entrapment sting to frame low-level Trump campaign volunteers as "agents of a foreign power" in order to secure FISA warrants.[402][403] Rhee doubles as a Clinton donor and lawyer for the Clinton Foundation.[404]
  • 6 October. Former Clinton White Communication Director George Stephanopoulos interviews Lisa Bloom, daughter of Gloria Allred about the Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein scandal.[405] Stephanopoulos masterminded the Clinton administration's public defamation and smears of sexual assault victims of Bill Clinton and Weinstein bankrolled the controversial Clinton legal defense fund. The Clinton Presidential Legal Expense Fund accepted donations from lobbyists. The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) took the position that although the president was not subject to rules limiting the acceptance of gifts, the Clinton's and their agents, such as the fund itself and its officials, were subject to laws forbidding executive branch officials from soliciting gifts.[406]
  • 8 October. No original hardcopy documents to be housed at the Barack Obama Presidential Library complicating the declassification process and making the facility only of marginal usefulness to students, scholars and researchers.[407]
  • 9 October. TruePundit, which reported on Anthony Weiner's laptop prior to the election, reports Sen. John McCain was among financiers of FusionGPS and the Steele Dossier along with FBI, the McCain Institute for International Leadership, and Hillary Clinton-backed campaign operatives who paid $1 million for the research.[408]
  • CNN celebrity chef tweets, "know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She's not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. The Weinstein stories had been out there for years[409]
  • 11 October. Chairman Nunes asks deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein for information about FBI investigator Peter Strzok's dismissal.
  • 12 October. Sen. Grassley inquires of the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the Executive Office of the President, "The fact that Rosatom subsidiaries in the United States were under criminal investigation as a result of a U.S. intelligence operation apparently around the time [Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States] CFIUS approved the Uranium One/Rosatom transaction raises questions about whether that information factored into CFIUS’ decision to approve the transaction." Bill & Hillary Clinton received joint income (emoluments) from a Russian government controlled bank which financed the purchase.
  • 16 October. Journalist Daphne Galizia, who was investigating the Panama Papers, killed when in her car was bombed.[410]
  • 17 October. The Hill reports
the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions...

Attorney General Eric Holder was among the Obama administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States at the time the Uranium One deal was approved. Multiple current and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the criminal activity they uncovered.[411]
  • Obama’s former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power reportedly tells Congressional investigators that many of the hundreds of “unmasking” requests in her name during the election year —were not made by her.
  • 18 October. Calls for Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's resignation mount over evidence tampering in the Russian bribery scandal of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.[412]
  • New York Post reports on team Obama's cover up of Russia crimes.[413]
  • Obama Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch blocked an FBI informant from testifying to Congress about his information that the Russian's wanted to gain access to former Pres. Bill Clinton and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton to influence the Obama administration's decision on the purchase of Uranium One.[414]
  • Papers filed to disbar James Comey. “Insofar as Mr. Comey gave materially false testimony to Congress, it appears that he violated Rules 1.0(w), 3.3(a)(1), and 8.4 of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.'[415]
  • Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan, co-founders of FusionGPS, plead the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination “to every question asked of them" in House Committee investigation.[416] FusionGPS owners and founders are refusing to identify the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC to produce the bogus Steele dossier intended to defame Donald Trump.
  • 19 October. Joseph Mifsud attends Tory fundraising event with UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.
  • Newsweek reports
    Before the [Uranium One] deal was brokered in 2009, the FBI under Robert Mueller—who is now special counsel in the Russia investigation into potential collusion with the Trump campaign—had begun an investigation into corruption and extortion by senior managers of a company owned by the Russian government’s nuclear company, Rosatom. According to court filings revealed by The Hill Tuesday, in 2009 the FBI found enough evidence to suggest Vadim Mikerin, who headed the Rosatom subsidiary Tenex, was corrupt and high-level officials at Rosatom knew about his bribery scheme. In 2014, he pled guilty in a U.S. court case to orchestrating more than $2 million in bribe payments through shadowy accounts in Cyprus, Latvia, and Switzerland.[417]
  • 20 October. FusionGPS seeks to block subpoena for financial records.[418]
  • Former AG Lynch testifies in Executive Session before HPSCI that during her first meeting with Comey and McCabe about Carter Page, "one of the possibillties the three of us discussed was whether or not to provide what is called a defensive briefing to the campaign, wherein there would be a meeting with a senior person with the Trump campaign to alert them to the fact that .. . there may be efforts to compromise someone with their is not an uncommon thing to do . . . in intelligence matters." However, the FBI did not provide any such warning, although it was again discussed by the administration's most senior policymakers after Comey briefed the National Security Council Principals in "late spring 2016".[419] The Trump campaign was never apprised of any staff national security or counterintelligence risks. The Trump campaign did not receive a general counterintelligence briefing until August 2016. The briefing provided to Trump and his top advisors did not identify any individuals by name, but rather focused on the general threat posed by adversaries, including Russia and China.
  • 23 October. NBC News confirms Tony Podesta under investigation by Robert Mueller.[420]
  • House Oversight Committee also investigating Obama administration criminal activity involving Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, et al in relation to bribery scams and national security breaches over Mueller, Clinton, and Holder's approval of Russian oligarchs purchase of uranium reserves while under criminal investigation for extortion and money laundering.[421]
  • 24 October. Washington Post finally admits "Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin...The Clinton campaign paid Perkins Coie $5.6 million in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016, according to campaign finance records, and the DNC paid the firm $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting’’ since November 2015.[422][423]
  • CIA Director Mike Pompeo meets with William Binney to discuss DNC whistleblower leak.[424]
  • 25 October. Sessions approves key witness to testify as to why FBI Dir. approved the transfer of a strategic asset to Russia.[425]
  • Campaign Legal Center files a complaint with the FEC alleging the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign committee violated campaign finance law. They failed to accurately disclose the purpose and recipient of payments for the dossier of research alleging connections between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russia, effectively hiding these payments from public scrutiny, contrary to the requirements of federal law.[426]
  • WaPo Oped: "Steele's dossier does include information it says was obtained from "a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure and a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin." In other words, the Clinton camp and the DNC were essentially paying for information allegedly obtained from inside the Russian government."[427]
  • Wasserman Schultz denies knowledge of payments to FusionGPS.[428]
  • Wall Street Journal calls for Robert Mueller's resignation.[429]
  • Newsweek reports on Obama administration granting visa & visa renewals to Vadim Mikerin of on Temam.[430]
  • 26 October. CNN reports John Podesta and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz both privately denied to Congressional Russia investigators that they had knowledge of funding FusionGPS. "Podesta was asked in his September interview whether the Clinton campaign had a contractual agreement with Fusion GPS, and he said he was not aware of one, according to one of the sources. Sitting next to Podesta during the interview: his attorney Marc Elias, who worked for the law firm that hired Fusion GPS" to write the Steele dossier for the Clinton campaign and DNC.[432]
  • Investors Business Daily calls for Mueller's firing, Trump-Russia is fake news, and an end to the bogus investigation.[433]
  • 27 October. How team Hillary hoaxed the press.[434]
  • Former Obama CIA Dir. Leon Panetta calls for Senate Intelligence Committee to look into the Clinton campaign and DNC funding of the Steele dossier.[435]
  • 28 October. CNN's undisclosed ties to FusionGPS.[436]
  • 29 October. FEC records show Hillary For America paid just under $5.1 million and the DNC paid nearly $5.4 million to the law firm of Perkins Coie in 2016 for the Steele dossier. FEC records show Obama for America also paid $972,000 to Perkins Coie beginning in April 2016, the same time Hillary for America & DNC contracted with FusionGPS through Perkins Coie to write the Steele dossier.[437]
  • 30 October. Washington Post reveals Mifsud's name alleging he's a Russian agent.[438]
  • More evidence of Paul Manafort's civil rights being violated.[440]
  • Podesta Group named in Manafort indictment.[441] The indictment accuse Manafort of hiring the Podesta Group to lobby for an ostensibly independent nonprofit that “was under the ultimate direction” of the Ukrainian president, his party and the Ukrainian government.[442]
  • Tony Podesta resigns from Podesta Group;[443] longtime GOP operative Kim Fritts takes over.[444][445]
  • Prosecutorial abuse alleged against Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.[446]
  • Attorney for Tony Podesta sends cease and desist order to Tucker Carlson for reporting on Podesta and the Podesta Group.[447]
  • James A. Wolfe, Director of Security of the Senate Intelligence Committee notified of leak investigation into the matter related to Carter Page.
  • Rep. Vern Buchanan rejects IRS apology for abuse of Tea Party victims, calls for prosecution of former IRS Commissioner Lois Lerner.[448]
  • 31 October. House Intel Committee staff meeting with the FBI; bureau officials refuse a request for information about Peter Strzok.

November 2017

  • 1 November. IRS settles Obama era class action suit with 400 Tea Party groups.[450]
  • 2 November. Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile admits Obama cleaned out the party, Hillary stole it and laundered money, Bernie Sanders was robbed.[451] Elizabeth Warren says DNC was rigged.,[452]
  • Hillary Clinton defends subverting democracy and treason when she paid for the Steele dossier.[453]
  • Hillary Clinton wins Democrat of the year award.[454]
  • Twitter deactivates President Trump's Twitter account.[456]
  • 3 November. Manafort attorneys ask court to address Robert Mueller's due process and civil rights violations, challenging "the legal basis for and sufficiency of the charges, the suppression of evidence improperly obtained by search warrant, subpoena or otherwise”.[457]
  • Legislation introduced in the House by Reps. Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs and Louis Gohmert calling for resignation of Robert Mueller from Trump-Russia scandal investigation due to his conflict of interest and cover-up of the Uranium One bribery scandal. The legislation states,
that Russian officials were engaging in bribery and extortion, tainting the American uranium industry in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to strengthen their own nuclear program; Whereas investigations into Russia’s corruption of American uranium-related businesses were supervised by then-United States Attorney Rod Rosenstein, currently serving as Deputy Attorney General, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, currently serving as Deputy Director of the FBI;

Whereas ...neither the Department of Justice nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the leadership of Mr. Mueller brought charges; Whereas the Department of Justice actively threatened the liberty of a confidential informant embedded within Russia’s nuclear program who wished to inform Congress about Russian corruption of American uranium-related companies, ...depriving Congress of information vital to national security and Congressional oversight authority;

Whereas Members of Congress ... raised these concerns in official correspondence to then-President Obama as early as 2010; Whereas in 2010, when the Russian Federation needed American approval of uranium sales, former President William Jefferson Clinton received hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from Kremlin-linked institutions, and requested approval from the State Department to meet with central figures in Russia’s nuclear industry, and eventually met with Russian leader Vladimir V. Putin ...

Whereas the Clinton Foundation has either directly or indirectly received undisclosed donations totaling millions of dollars from Russian-linked sources, including from officials in Russia’s nuclear program; Whereas in 2010, Hillary Clinton, founder of the Clinton Foundation, wife of former President Clinton, and then Secretary of State, approved the sale of Uranium One to a Russian state-owned nuclear technology corporation; ...

Whereas under 28 CFR 45.2, no individual can participate in a criminal investigation if he has a personal or political relationship with any organization substantially involved in the conduct that is subject of the investigation; Whereas under 28 CFR 45.2, ... Whereas the Code of Federal Regulations, applied to Mr. Mueller, demonstrates that he cannot be allowed to investigate his former colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates; and

Whereas these obvious conflicts of interest are unacceptable to the United States justice system and the American people: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That House of Representatives expresses its sense that Robert Mueller is compromised and should resign from his special counsel position immediately.[458]
  • Former DNC vice chair says DNC secretly chose Hillary Clinton as nominee before the primaries even started.[459]
  • Sen. Rand Paul assaulted by registered Democrat; FBI confirms attack is political in nature.[460]
  • 4 November. Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook confesses to ordering up the Steele dossier.[461]
  • WaPo reports on the London Center of International Law Practice:
    When a Post reporter buzzed the door on several occasions during business hours last week, no one answered.
    Until recently, the staff Web page had 33 people listed on it, including Joseph Mifsud. But the page was deleted on Oct. 23, a week before the Papadopoulos plea agreement was unsealed.
    Several of those listed as being part of the “team” were only loosely affiliated — if at all.

  • 5 November. House Oversight Committee suspects MSM journalists were bribed by FusionGPS to report fake Trump-Russia scam.[463]
  • Tony Podesta’s lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, represented the Russian-owned company Uranium One during former President Barack Obama’s administration and did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined. Podesta collected lobbying fees of $180,000 from Uranium One, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, that discloses lobbying documents filed with Congress. The uranium company states on its web site it is a “wholly owned subsidiary” of RUSANO, the Russian State Corporation for Nuclear Energy, a Rosatom entity.[464]
  • Clinton campaign operatives Huma Abedin, Robby Mook, Jennifer Palmieri and John Podesta accuse DNC chair Donna Brazile, who replaced Wasserman Schultz after the Seth Rich episode, of spreading "false Russian-fueled propaganda."[465]
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham calls for Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton.[466]
  • 7 November. Donna Brazile's theory on the murder of Seth Rich.[467]
  • Hillary Clinton reported in talks with Christopher Steele to create second dossier of alleged Trump affairs.[468]
  • Prince Bandar bin Sultan, head of Saudi intelligence, arms dealer, and former longtime ambassador to the United States, arrested in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's consolidation of power.[469]
  • 9 November. Washington Times questions Obama administration coup attempt motives:
    It was a watershed moment: the CIA, National Security Agency and FBI challenging the legitimacy of a U.S. presidential victory. The conclusions in the Jan. 6 document were sharp, but the findings unraveled 10 months later, raising questions about the basis for the evidence and the motives of the Obama appointees leading the nation’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies.[470]
  • The Atlantic reports during the Obama administration Russian oligarchs owned 5% of Facebook and Twitter.[471]
  • 10 November. New York Times reports "After the postelection publication of a dossier by a former British spy into those connections — which included some salacious claims — John Podesta met with Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of the firm that commissioned the opposition research, to compare notes on Russia’s involvement, according to an associate of Mr. Podesta." John Podesta has previously sworn under oath before the Senate Intelligence Committee that he didn’t know anything about the dossier, including who paid for it.[472]
  • Mifsud goes into hiding.[473] Mifsud is from Malta and does not speak Russian.
  • Mueller probes Michael Flynn's role in alleged plot to hand over Fethullah Gulen to Turkey.[474] Gulen and others are big donors to Ready for Hillary PAC.
  • 11 November. Podesta Group not likely to survive til end of the year.[475]
  • 13 November. Asst. Attn. Gen. Stephen E. Boyd notifies House Judiciary Cmte. that AG Sessions has directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate the Obama administration's handling of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One bribery scandal investigations,[476] and that those prosecutors would “report directly to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, as appropriate, and will make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel.”[477]
  • 14 November. Utah U.S. Attorney John W. Huber appointed to leadership position of Attorney General's Advisory Committee (USAC).[478]
  • Rep. Jim Jordan calls for appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the DNC and Clintons campaign's role in creating the Steele dossier and Obama DOJ's FISA abuse.[479]
  • 15 November. The Hill reports Andy McCabe “wrote an email on his official government account stating that the Hillary Clinton email probe had been given ‘special’ status."
  • Rep. Mark Meadows calls for appointment of a Special counsel to investigate the Clintons campaign and DNC's role in creating the Steele dossier and Obama and why Obama's FBI was involved.[480]
  • Steve Mostyn,[481] Democrat mega donor to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, found dead of gunshot wound to the head. Mostyn was a co-founder of the Ready for Hillary PAC.[482][483] Fethullah Gülen and other Gulenists were big donors to Ready for Hillary PAC. Mostyn in 2012 was the 10th largest donor in the United States.[484]
  • DIA denies FOIA request for records relating to Mike Flynn's tenure as DIA director.[485]
  • 19 November. WaPo runs Op-ed by Marc Theisen, Yes, the Clinton's should be investigated.[486]
  • 20 November. House Intel Committee again requests an interview with Peter Strzok. Strzok met with the Senate Intelligence Committee on Nov. 27.
  • 21 November. Fusion GPS bank records show Russia-related payments.[487]
  • Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the Clinton campaign and DNC, paid Fusion a total of $1,024,408 between May 24, 2016 and Dec. 28, 2016.
  • The records show that Fusion was also paid $523,651 by the law firm BakerHostetler between March 7, 2016 and Oct. 31, 2016. FusionGPS was hired by BakerHostetler to investigate Bill Browder, who helped push through the Magnitsky Act. Glenn Simpson, founding partner of Fusion GPS, compiled the research for the anti-Browder project and worked closely with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer. Simpson’s research ended up in the Trump Tower meeting in the form of a four-page memo carried by Veselnitskaya. She also shared Simpson’s work with Yuri Chaika, the prosecutor general of Russia. Prevezon Holdings and its Russian owner Denis Katsyv hired BakerHostetler to investigate Browder. Katsyv and Prevezon sought to limit the impact of the Magnitsky Act sanctions. Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Donald Trump Jr. in Trump Tower on June 9, 2016.
  • The committee also sought records “related to Fusion’s payments to journalists who have reported on Russia issues relevant to its investigation.” Lawyers for the House Committee said they are seeking transactions related to “three individual journalists…each of whom have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding topics related to the Committee’s investigation, some of which were published as recently as October 2017.”[488]
  • 27 November. Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough III who uncovered the Hillary Clinton email scandal said that he, his family and his staff faced a backlash from Clinton allies and the Clinton campaign put out word that it planned to fire him if Clinton won the 2016 election.[489]
  • Consevativetreehouse reports: "Elizabeth Warren set up the [CFPB] to operate above any oversight. Additionally, the bureau was placed under spending authority of the federal reserve. The CFPB gets it’s operating budget from the Federal Reserve, not from congress. Again, this was set-up to keep congress from defunding the agency as a way to remove it....Mick Mulvaney is now in a position to look at the books, look at the prior records within the bureau and expose the political agenda within it to the larger public...Most likely President Trump will not appoint a replacement until Mulvaney has exposed the corruption within it. That sunlight is toxic to Elizabeth Warren and can potentially be politically destructive to the Democrats. If the secrets within the bureau are revealed, there’s a greater likelihood the bureau will be dissolved. There are billions of scheme and graft at stake. Within the record-keeping there are more than likely dozens of progressive organizations being financed by the secret enterprise. That’s the risk to the SWAMP."[490]
  • Deep state coup continues as Obama crony refuses to step aside at CFPB for Mike Mulvaney, President Trump's appointment.[491]
  • Larry Klayman of FreedomWatch files suit to force the Justice Department to investigate leaks from the Robert Mueller and “the obvious conflicts of interest among staff.”[492]
  • 28 November. Court rules against Obama coup plotter, the President is in charge of his administration.[493]
  • 29 November. Andrew McCabe re-interviewed by Office of Inspector General. Reiterates statement that James Comey authorized October 2016 leaks to the Wall Street Journal regarding investigations into Hillary Clinton. Comey has denied under oath he authorized any leaks.
  • Terry McAuliffe and Hugh Rodham, Hillary Clinton's brother, sued by Chinese firm claiming they were defrauded of millions of dollars.[494]
  • Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, begins investigation into an Obama coup plotter who, as a political appointee in OMB, "burrowed" into civil service and attempted a takeover of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in defiance of the President.[495]
  • Chairman Nunes again speeks with Rod Rosenstein to discussed Peter Strzok. No action.
  • Hard drive central to Awan case. Hearng delayed til January 8, 2018 due voluminous documents in the discovery process.[496]
  • Victor David Hanson calls for oversight of Special counsels.[497]
  • 30 November. Wasserman Schultz husband, Steve Schultz, accused of ripping off elderly investor of $4 million.[498]

December 2017

The FBI agent who questioned National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in January 2017 was Peter Strzok. Strzok's personal friend, Judge Rudy Contreras, presided over Flynn's plea. Despite Contreras conflict of interest, Contreras did not recuse himself. Six days later, December 7, 2017, reports stated that Contreras “was recused” from the Flynn case.

Between Flynn's pleading on December 1 and Contreras' recusal on December 7, 2017 reports of gross malfeasance within the Dept. of Justice and FBI "went from a snowball to an avalanche". Peter Strzok was demoted, Lisa Page was removed, Bruce Ohr was twice demoted, Ohr's wife Nellie worked on the bogus Clinton-Steele dossier; FBI Chief legal counsel James Baker was demoted; evidence of FBI Dep. Dir. Andy McCabe’s involvement in a small group conspiracy and was placed on terminal leave; FBI chief press officer Mike Kortan was outed among the conspirators and quit; McCabe’s Chief of Staff James Rybicki was outed and quit; and Judge Contreras was removed from the sentencing phase after Flynn's guilty plea for allegedly lying to Strzok in an FBI interview.

Strzok originally stated in his interview report that Flynn did not lie; McCabe altered the report to imply Flynn did lie and turned it over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller for prosecution.

  • 1 December. Gen. Michael Flynn guilty plea accepted by Judge Rudy Contreras.
  • Flynn plead guilty to one count of lying to the FBI, which includes this charge: "an op-ed published by Flynn in The Hill on November 8, 2016 was written at his own initiative."[499] The op-ed reads in part:
    Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a source of stability in the region. It provides badly needed cooperation with U.S. military operations. But the Obama administration is keeping Erdoğan’s government at arm’s length — an unwise policy that threatens our long-standing alliance.
    The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.[500]
    Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government...[501]
    To professionals in the intelligence community, the stamp of terror is all over Mullah Gülen’s statements in the tradition of Qutb and al Bana. Gülen’s vast global network has all the right markings to fit the description of a dangerous sleeper terror network. From Turkey’s point of view, Washington is harboring Turkey’s Osama bin Laden.
    Washington’s silence on this explosive topic speaks volumes when we hear the incredulous claim that the democratically elected president of Turkey staged a military coup, bombed his own parliament and undermined the confidence in Turkey’s strong economy, just so that he could purge his political opponents....
    To add insult to injury, American taxpayers are helping finance Gülen’s 160 charter schools in the United States. These schools have been granted more H1-B visas than Google. It is inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers whose English is incomprehensible. A CBS “60 Minutes” program documented a conversation with one such imported English teacher from Turkey. Several lawsuits, including some in Ohio and Texas, point to irregularities in the operation of these schools.
    However, funding seems to be no problem for Gülen’s network. Hired attorneys work to keep the lucrative government source of income for Gülen and his network going. Influential charities such as Cosmos Foundation continue their support for Gulen’s charter schools.[502]
    Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clinton calls Mullah Gülen “his friend.” It is now no secret that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, worked for 12 years as the associate editor for a journal published by the London-based Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs. This institute has promoted the thoughts of radical Muslim thinkers such as Qutb, al Bana and others.
    The American public is being lulled into believing that Gülen is a Sufi scholar who promotes the teachings of Rumi, the Persian poet, works to expand interfaith dialogue and does a great job of providing American youth high-quality education in math and science as well as English.
    Voices of concern about this shady character are quickly muffled by his vast network of public relations and legal professionals. He has established a false façade that he is a moderate at odds with Turkey’s autocratic leader.
    ...It is unconscionable to militate against Turkey, our NATO ally, as Washington is hoodwinked by this masked source of terror and instability nestled comfortably in our own backyard in Pennsylvania. ...
    The forces of radical Islam derive their ideology from radical clerics like Gülen, who is running a scam. We should not provide him safe haven. In this crisis, it is imperative that we remember who our real friends are.[503]
  • House Intel Committee again requests to speak with former Mueller team investigator Peter Strzok.
  • James Rybicki resigns as chief of staff to FBI Director.
  • 2 December. Chairman Nunes threatens Rosenstein and McCabe with contempt citations for willfully refusing to comply with an Aug. 24 subpoena and refusing the committee's request "for an explanation of Peter Strzok's dismissal from the Mueller probe;...By hiding from Congress, and from the American people, documented political bias by a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia collusion probe and the Clinton email investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to thwart Congress’ constitutional oversight responsibility."[504]
  • WaPo reports "Among federal law enforcement officials, there is great concern that exposure of the texts they exchanged may be used by the president and his defenders to attack the credibility of the Mueller probe and the FBI more broadly."[505] New York Times reports that "the existence of the text messages is likely to fuel claims by Mr. Trump that he is the target of a witch hunt."[506]
  • Fox News reports Peter Strzok under internal FBI Inspector General investigation. Strzok, former FBI Deputy Director for Counterintellgence, interviewed Hillary Clinton personally during the Clinton email scandal and later was fired from Robert Mueller's Russia probe for exchanging pro-Hillary, anti-Trump personal text messages with another FBI lawyer. Strzok is considered a key figure Strzok as a key figure in procuring the Clinton campaign's fraudulent Steele dossier for the FBI. Strzok also conducted liaison with other intelligence community agencies, including the CIA led by Director John Brennan.[507]
  • ABC News’ Brian Ross reports that Michael Flynn was going to testify as part of his plea bargain that candidate Trump directed him to contact “the Russians.” Even though such contact would not be a violation of law, the news was treated as an explosive indictment of Trump in the Russia collusion hoax, and the stock market fell on the news. ABC later corrected the report to reflect that Trump had already been elected when he reportedly asked Flynn to contact the Russians about working together to fight ISIS and other issues. Ross was suspended.
  • 3 December. FBI and DOJ respond to the Strzok-Lisa Page revelations.
    The January 2017 statement issued by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announcing its review of allegations regarding various actions of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in advance of the 2016 election stated that the OIG review would, among other things, consider whether certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations and that we also would include issues that might arise during the course of the review.
    The OIG has been reviewing allegations involving communications between certain individuals, and will report its findings regarding those allegations promptly upon completion of the review of them.”[508]
  • 4 December. Fake news leak about Manafort broadcast by ABC. Later retracted.[509]
  • 5 December. Judicial Watch obtains emails on Andrew Weissmann praised acting Acting Attn. Gen. Sally Yates for refusing a White House order to defend the president’s travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, according to internal emails. “I am so proud,” Weissmann wrote to Yates when he was the head of the Obama Justice Department’s criminal fraud division. “And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respect.” Weissmann donated to Obama and is now Special Prosecutor Mueller’s deputy. He oversaw the investigation of Paul Manafort, including a pre-dawn FBI raid on his condo and an in-bed frisking of his wife.[510]
  • Hugh Hewitt in the Washington Post calls for a new Special Counsel to investigate the FBI and Justice Dept. after revelations of Peter Strzok's activities.[511]
  • No oath, transcript, or tape produced by Peter Strzok during July 2, 2016 interview of Hillary Clinton.[512]
  • Fake News leak about Duetsche Bank subpoena for Trump bank records. Reported by Bloomberg; later retracted.[513]
  • 6 December. Chairman Goodlatte of the House Judiciary Committee summons FBI Dep. Dir. Rod Rosenstein to testify in the FBI scandal and Mueller investigation abuses.
  • Reps. Matt Gaetz, Jody Hice, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Scott Perry, and Mark Meadows call for investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation. The FBI investigation was deemed as “special,” according to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.[514]
  • 7 December. Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce G. Ohr stripped of his post and demoted. Ohr met during the 2016 campaign with Christopher Steele, author of the Steele dossier. Ohr also met shortly after the election with Glenn Simpson, founder of FusionGPS – the opposition research firm that hired Steele to compile the dossier with funds supplied by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. By then, the dossier had been in the hands of the FBI for some five months, and the surveillance on Carter Page, an adviser to the Trump campaign, had started more than two months prior. Attn Gen. Loretta Lynch used the paid opposition research to justify a foreign surveillance warrant (FISA) against Page. DOJ and FBI have “stonewalled” a House investigation Speaker Paul Ryan stated in a rare public statement in October. The demotion of Ohr marks the second time the Justice Department and the FBI have disciplined for misconduct a senior official connected to the Trump-Russia hoax.
  • Evidence suggests Ohr and Simpson were placed in touch by Steele, whose contacts with Ohr are said by senior DOJ officials to date back to 2006. Chairman Nunes, who has instructed staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rod Rosenstein and the FBI issued a fresh subpoena on Thursday specifically covering Ohr and his files.[515]
  • Judge Rudy Contreras who accepted Michael Flynn's guilty plea 7 days earlier abruptly recuses himself from sentencing phase.
  • Rudy Contreras also heard bogus FISA warrant requests based on the Hillary Clinton's Steele dossier that the Obama Justice Dept. used to hoax the FISA court and harass the Trump campaign.[516]
  • House Ethics Committee clears Chairman Nunes in Democrat's ethics complaint, asks for full release of proceedings transcripts:
On April 6, 2017, the Ethics Committee announced that it would investigate allegations that I made unauthorized disclosures of classified information. I’d like to thank the Ethics Committee for completely clearing me today of the cloud that was created by this investigation, and for determining that I committed no violation of anything—no violation of House Rules, law, regulations, or any other standards of conduct.
“While I appreciate the Ethics Committee’s work, I need to reiterate that the allegations against me were obviously frivolous and were rooted in politically motivated complaints filed against me by left-wing activist groups. I respect the ethics process, but I remain dismayed that it took an unbelievable eight months for the Committee to dismiss this matter.
“Furthermore, as Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and as a Member of Congress, I am concerned about the unprecedented step the Ethics Committee took in both taking up allegations of unauthorized disclosures of classified information—a review that has historically been undertaken by non-partisan professional staff within the respective congressional committees—and how it ultimately reviewed this specific matter.
“I am also concerned by public statements made by four of the Ethics Committee’s five Democrats that appeared to prejudge this matter before they began investigating the complaint.
“I therefore call on the Ethics Committee to publicly release all its transcripts related to my case. The Committee can work with me and my staff to ensure that any necessary protocols regarding classified information be adopted prior to any such release. Both this House and the American people would undoubtedly benefit from such an act of transparency and accountability to bolster confidence that partisanship does not infect the Ethics Committee’s investigations.[517]
  • Rep. Jim Jordan accuses FBI of paying for Steele dossier, Strzok using it to bring request to FISA court to wiretap Trump.[518]
  • Paul Sperry of the Hoover Institution tweets, "Just got this from 25yr vet of FBI who spent 10 years in counterintelligence: Steele’s dossier was used as predication for that FISA and submitted by that p*** Strzok. I pray there are strong consequences. The entire hierarchy was corrupted.”
  • 8 December. Gohmert states FBI misuse of FISA court worse than J. Edgar Hoover abuses.[519]
  • Manu Raju of CNN gets fake news leak about WikiLeaks and Don Trump Jr. email. The date on the email was wrong. Broadcast by CNN, later retracted.
  • 9 December. Journalist Glenn Greenwald writes:
    "Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, and countless pundits, commentators, and operatives joining the party throughout the day...

    the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even Donald Trump himself, special access to the Democratic National Committee emails before they were published on the internet. As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media.

    This entire revelation was based on an email that CNN strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its possession. The email was sent by someone named “Michael J. Erickson” — someone nobody had heard of previously and whom CNN could not identify — to Donald Trump Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.” The email was a smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 — 10 days before WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online — and thus proved that the Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the Kremlin. It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had...There was just one small problem with this story: It was fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way possible...

    The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed, but rather September 14 — which means it was sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC emails online. Thus, rather than offering some sort of special access to Trump, “Michael J. Erickson” was simply some random person from the public encouraging the Trump family to look at the publicly available DNC emails that WikiLeaks — as everyone by then already knew — had publicly promoted. In other words, the email was the exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.

    ...Democratic Party pundits, operatives, and journalists with huge social media platforms predictably jumped on the story immediately, announcing that it proved collusion between Trump and Russia (through WikiLeaks). One tweet from Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu, claiming that this proved evidence of criminal collusion, was retweeted thousands and thousands of times in just a few hours (Lieu quietly deleted the tweet after I noted its falsity, and long after it went very viral, without ever telling his followers that the CNN story, and therefore his accusation, had been debunked).

    Brookings Institution’s Benjamin Wittes, whose star has risen as he has promoted himself as a friend of former FBI Director Jim Comey, not only promoted the CNN story in the morning, but did so with the word “boom” — which he uses to signal that a major blow has been delivered to Trump on the Russia story — along with a GIF of a cannon being detonated. Incredibly, to this very moment — almost 24 hours after CNN’s story was debunked — Wittes has never noted to his more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly promoted turned out to be utterly false, even though he returned to Twitter long after the story was debunked to tweet about other matters. He just left his false and inflammatory claims uncorrected.

    Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall believed the story was so significant that he used an image of an atomic bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its implications, an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000 followers. Only at night was an editor’s note finally added noting that the whole thing was false.

    It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were deceived — filled with false news and propaganda — by the CNN story. But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and operatives who decree every Trump-Russia claim to be true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims.

    ...CBS News claimed that it had independently “confirmed” CNN’s story about the email and published its own breathless article discussing the grave implications of this discovered collusion.

    Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did. You just have to watch this report from its “intelligence and national security correspondent” Ken Dilanian to believe it. Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he had independently “confirmed” the false CNN report from “two sources with direct knowledge of this.” Dilanian, whose career in the U.S. media continues to flourish the more he is exposed as someone who faithfully parrots what the CIA tells him to say (since that is one of the most coveted and valued attributes in U.S. journalism), spent three minutes mixing evidence-free CIA claims as fact with totally false assertions about what his multiple “sources with direct knowledge” told him about all this. Please watch this — again, not just the content but the tenor and tone of how they “report” — as it is Baghdad Bob-level embarrassing.

    Think about what this means. It means that at least two — and possibly more — sources, which these media outlets all assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive information, all fed the same false information to multiple news outlets at the same time. For multiple reasons, the probability is very high that these sources were Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee or their high-level staff members [Adam Schiff later admitted to leaking the false information[520]], which is the committee that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s certainly possible that it’s someone else. We won’t know until these news outlets deign to report this crucial information to the public: Which “multiple sources” acted jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory, false information to the nation’s largest news outlets?

    ...Did these “multiple sources” who fed not just CNN, but also MSNBC and CBS completely false information do so deliberately and in bad faith? Until these news outlets provide an accounting of what happened — what one might call “minimal journalistic transparency” — it’s impossible to say for certain. But right now, it’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which multiple sources all fed the wrong date to multiple media outlets innocently and in good faith...

    No matter your views on those political controversies, no matter how much you hate Trump or regard Russia as a grave villain and threat to our cherished democracy and freedoms, it has to be acknowledged that when the U.S. media is spewing constant false news about all of this, that, too, is a grave threat to our democracy and cherished freedom.

    So numerous are the false stories about Russia and Trump over the last year that I literally cannot list them all. Just consider the ones from the last week alone: ABC News suspended a star reporter, Brian Ross, after an inaccurate report that Donald Trump had instructed Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, to contact Russian officials during the presidential race. The report fueled theories about coordination between the Trump campaign and a foreign power, and stocks dropped after the news. In fact, Mr. Trump’s instruction to Mr. Flynn came after he was president-elect. Several news outlets, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, also inaccurately reported this week that Deutsche Bank had received a subpoena from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, for President Trump’s financial records.

    ...Here is just a sample of incredibly inflammatory claims that traveled all over the internet before having to be corrected, walked back, or retracted — often long after the initial false claims spread, and where the corrections receive only a tiny fraction of the attention with which the initial false stories are lavished:

    *Russia hacked into the U.S. electric grid to deprive Americans of heat during winter (Wash Post)
    *An anonymous group (PropOrNot) documented how major U.S. political sites are Kremlin agents (Wash Post)
    *WikiLeaks has a long, documented relationship with Putin (Guardian)
    *A secret server between Trump and a Russian bank has been discovered (Slate)
    *RT hacked C-SPAN and caused disruption in its broadcast (Fortune)
    *Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app (Crowdstrike)
    *Russians attempted to hack elections systems in 21 states (multiple news outlets, echoing Homeland Security)
    *Links have been found between Trump ally Anthony Scaramucci and a Russian investment fund under investigation (CNN)

    That really is just a small sample. So continually awful and misleading has this reporting been that even Vladimir Putin’s most devoted critics — such as Russian expatriate Masha Gessen, oppositional Russian journalists, and anti-Kremlin liberal activists in Moscow — are constantly warning that the U.S. media’s unhinged, ignorant, paranoid reporting on Russia is harming their cause in all sorts of ways, in the process destroying the credibility of the U.S. media in the eyes of Putin’s opposition...

    At minimum, these networks — CNN, MSNBC, and CBS — have to either identify who purposely fed them this blatantly false information or explain how it’s possible that “multiple sources” all got the same information wrong in innocence and good faith. Until they do that, their cries and protests the next time they’re attacked as “Fake News” should fall on deaf ears, since the real author of those attacks — the reason those attacks resonate — is themselves and their own conduct."[521]
  • 10 December. Inspector General Michael Horowitz reports to Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley and HSGAC Chairman Ron Johnson, a letter in which he claims he received texts messages from the FBI between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page for the period between December 24, 2016 to May 27, 2017. Horowitz reports he received them on August 10, 2017.[522] This may be mistake from the IG's office as in January 2017, the IG will tell Sessions he has not received the msgs and the FBI will report the msgs are lost.
  • 11 December. Nellie Ohr, the wife of disgraced DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was employed at Fusion GPS last year. Her term of employment overlapped with the period when the Trump dossier was being compiled. Though Fox was unable to discern the exact nature of her role at the firm, its reporters discovered that she has done extensive research on Russia-related topics for think tanks based in the Washington, DC area.
  • Fox News reports: "A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump “dossier” had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official’s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election...investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.[523]
  • Nellie Ohr not only worked for FusionGPS, but also represented the CIA's "Open Source Works" group in a 2010 "expert working group report on international organized crime" along with Bruce Ohr and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson. Open Source Works is described as the "CIA's in-house open source analysis component, devoted to intelligence analysis of unclassified, open source information."
  • Open Source Works, the CIA’s in-house open source analysis component, is devoted to intelligence analysis of unclassified, open source information.... the directive that established Open Source Works is classified, as is the charter of the organization. CIA says the existence of any such records is a classified fact. “The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request,” wrote Susan Viscuso, CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator, in a November 29 response to a Freedom of Information Act request from Jeffrey Richelson of the National Security Archive for the Open Source Works directive and charter.
  • “The fact of the existence or nonexistence of requested records is currently and properly classified and is intelligence sources and methods information that is protected from disclosure,” Dr. Viscuso wrote. This is a surprising development since Open Source Works — by definition — does not engage in clandestine collection of intelligence. Rather, it performs analysis based on unclassified, open source materials. -FAS
  • 12 December. FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe abruptly cancels closed door testimony with the House Intelligence Committee as news emerged that the wife of Senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr worked for FusionGPS. Fox News reporter Chad Pergram's sources say "McCabe has an Ohr problem," and they believe "FBI Dep Dir McCabe not coming to Hse Intel Cmte tomorrow because he'd be asked about Bruce Ohr & Ohr's wife Nellie who worked for Fusion GPS," adding "something far more sinister."[524]
  • The Hill's John Solomon reported that Rep. Ron DeSantis interviewed a retired FBI supervisor who told him he was instructed by Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe not to call the 2012 Benghazi attack an act of terrorism when distributing the FBI's findings to the larger intelligence community - despite knowing exactly who conducted the attack. The agent found the instruction concerning because his unit had gathered incontrovertible evidence showing a major al Qaeda figure had directed the attack and the information had already been briefed to President Obama. This means McCabe lied for the Obama administration in a clear, partisan violation of the FBI's mandate to "detect and prosecute crimes against the United States," not "lie for the President so as not to offend Islam." As Rep. DeSantis told The Hill: "What operational reason would there be to issue an edict to agents telling them, in the face of virtually conclusive evidence to the contrary, not to categorize the Benghazi attack as a result of terrorism? By placing the interests of the Obama administration over the public's interests, the order is yet another data point highlighting the politicization of the FBI."
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz says
    "We are at risk of a coup d’etat in this country if we allow an unaccountable person with no oversight to undermine the duly-elected President of the United States. And I would offer that is precisely what is happening right now with the indisputable conflicts of interest that are present with Mr. Mueller and others at the Department of Justice."[525]
  • New judge in the Michael Flynn case orders Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller "to produce to [Flynn] in a timely manner — including during plea negotiations — any evidence in its possession that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant's guilt or punishment," and "to produce all discoverable evidence in a readily usable form." Judge Emmett G. Sullivan declared that "if the government has identified any information which is favorable to the defendant but which the government believes not to be material, the government shall submit such information to the Court for in camera review."[526] In other words, Sullivan declared that he, not Mueller, would be the judge of what evidence should be produced.[527]
  • Lee Smith of Tablet writes:
    On the face of it, it’s hard to describe Mueller’s team as impartial. His dream team of investigators, celebrated by Twitter legions of newly-minted left-wing law-and-order nuts and Russia-phobes, have included an FBI counterintelligence officer who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with his lover, who was also an FBI employee; a Department of Justice lawyer who sent an email applauding his superior Sally Yates for blocking Trump’s travel ban and partied with Hillary Clinton on Election Night; a former Clinton Foundation lawyer who also was former Obama deputy Ben Rhodes’ personal lawyer; a lawyer who represented a key figure in the Clinton email controversy; an associate deputy attorney general who met with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored the controversial anti-Trump dossier, as well as Glenn Simpson, one of the principals of Fusion GPS, the Washington, D.C.-based opposition-research firm that packaged and distributed the dossier. And now it appears that the wife of the above mentioned associate deputy attorney general worked for Fusion GPS while the dossier was being assembled and disseminated to the press.
    What Russiagate revealed is that the press no longer functions as an independent power center in America. It lacks the resources or the control over the medium in which it reaches its audience. As a result, it is defined by more powerful actors and channels, instead of defining them. There is no longer any class of independent journalists and editors who joust with presidents, and very few sharp-witted wiseguys who tell it like it is, without fear or favor, no matter what side of the aisle the truth is living this week or this month.[528]
  • Donald Trump Jr requests investigation into leaks of false and defamatory information from Adam Schiff to CNN.
  • 13 December. Glenn Simpson acknowledges in a court document that Nellie Ohr was hired by FusionGPS to assist in preparing the slanderous Steele dossier.[529]
  • Strzok-Lisa Page txt msgs released; Both often reference meetings and communications with Dir. James Comey, Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe, Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki, and General Counsel Jim Baker, as well as senior Justice Department officials. The messages paint a picture of bias, animus, and corruption. Strzok declared his allegiance to the "Espionage Machine Party".[530]
  • Rep. Jim Jordan calls for Judiciary Cmte. subpeaonas of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, FBI senior official Peter Strzok, and senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr.
  • 14 December. Judicial Watch released new U.S. Department of State documents showing former Secretary Hillary Clinton and her then-Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were “personal” materials and “unclassified, non-record materials,” including files of Clinton’s calls and schedules, which were not to be made public. The documents show the Obama State Department records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.” The new records also show that Huma Abedin was allowed to take five boxes of “physical files” out of the State Department that include records described as “Muslim Engagement Documents.”[531] Judicial Watch obtained the reports about the records from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for: Any and all DS-1904 (Authorization for the Removal of Personal Papers and Non-Record Materials) forms completed by, or on behalf of, any of the following individuals: Former Secretary Hillary Clinton; Former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills; Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin; Former Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan. The documents include a list of official and personal calls and schedules that Clinton removed, which carry a special notation that the documents were not to be made public records.[532]
  • TruePundit reports, "John McCain is reportedly preparing to pull back from the U.S. Senate, according to Beltway insiders who say new demands to answer for his role in either underwriting or promoting the Trump phony dossier are stressing the Arizona senator’s fragile health...It is hard to tell if McCain’s health is genuinely declining or not because he has played that card often to slip and slide out of answering questions for his role in Fusion GPS’ bogus Trump dossier.
  • Ali Watkins of the New York Times announces she will no longer be covering the Senate Intelligence Committee.[533]
  • 15 December. James A. Wolfe, Director of Security of the Senate Intelligence Committee, confronted by the FBI in leak investigation. After admitting he lied to those FBI investigators Wolfe resigned from his position.
  • 16 December. Trump transition lawyers in a letter to congressional committees charge that "career staff at the General Services Administration ... have unlawfully produced [transition team] private materials, including privileged communications, to the Special Counsel's Office."
  • 17 December. POLITICO reports the Obama administration is accused of protecting Hezbollah drug and human trafficking rings to ensure the Iran nuke deal. Obama administration officials threw an insurmountable series of roadblocks in the way of Project Cassandra. Project Cassandra was a Drug Enforcement Agency effort to counter Hezbollah ambitions to develop a global narcotics trafficking ring as a revenue source for terrorist operations. When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval fotr investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Obama Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected requests. The Justice Department declined requests by Project Cassandra and other authorities to file criminal charges against major players such as Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian Quds force. The Obama State Department rejected requests to lure high-value targets to countries where they could be arrested.
  • TGP reported, “This was a policy decision, it was a systematic decision,” said David Asher, seasoned illicit finance expert who helped establish and oversee Project Cassandra as a Defense Department illicit finance analyst. "They serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down.”[534]
  • The Obama administration is believed to have deliberately put the kibosh on charging numerous drug dealers and arms dealing, such as Hezbollah operative nicknamed the ‘Ghost,’ and Abdallah Safieddine, the terrorist organization’s de facto envoy to Iran. All the while both Hezbollah and Iran made massive sums selling “drugs, weapons and used cars, [along with] diamonds, commercial merchandise and even human slaves,” say ex-Project Cassandra agents. Project Cassandra’s finding were so damning that the Obama administration believed they threatened nuclear negotiations with Iran. Senior Obama administration officials were alarmed by how far Project Cassandra’s investigations reached into the leadership of Hezbollah and Iran. Project Cassandra was viewed as a threat to the Obama administration’s efforts to secure a nuclear deal, and the top-secret prisoner swap. “During the negotiations, early on, they [the Iranians] said listen, we need you to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to that request,” a former CIA agent revealed to POLITICO.
  • Rep. Ron DeSantis and others are examining ‘potentially criminal’ evidence that could implicate former top Obama officials, including NatSec official Ben Rhodes. "I’ve long believed that the Obama administration could not have done any more to bend over backwards to appease the Iranian regime, yet news that the Obama administration killed the investigation into a billion dollar drug ring that lined the terrorist group Hezbollah’s pockets in order to save its coveted Iran deal may very well take the cake,” DeSantis said. “Hezbollah is a brutal terrorist group with American blood on its hands and it would be unconscionable for American policy to deliberately empower such a nefarious group,” he said. “Congress will be investigating this thoroughly and my National Security subcommittee will be particularly interested in how such a decision came about and whether it was driven by key Iran deal architects such as Ben Rhodes,” DeSantis said.[535]
  • 18 December. Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) demand inquiry into improper sharing of confidential information to the media by certain members of the committee; "any Members or staff responsible for violating rules by improperly releasing communications to the media must be removed from this investigation."
  • “We write to you to address serious concerns regarding the integrity of investigations currently being undertaken by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Improper release of information to the media by committee members or staff is a serious violation of committee and House rules,” members wrote. “Significant evidence that serious leaks have occurred in relation to the HPSCI investigation into alleged Russian meddling of the 2016 election must be immediately addressed. Members or staff who may have violated rules by leaking sensitive information to the press or other outside entities must be promptly removed from this investigation and proper inquiries undertaken without delay.” Concerns are "centered around but not limited to" the leaks of confidential, non-public information that took place during Donald Trump Jr.'s interview with the committee on December 6, 2017. "Under committee and House rules, the details of this non-public interview were not to be released publicly unless the committee voted to do so," the lawmakers wrote. "Even with such a vote, the rules still allow for a witness and his or her counsel to review the transcript before public release."
  • "As the committee’s eight hour interview of Donald Trump, Jr. was still underway, information from this closed session of the committee was clearly being leaked to the press. This is evidenced in multiple tweets and online articles that contained privileged information that only members or staff present for the interview would have been privy to. The leaking of privileged information continued after the interview had concluded. These serious violations need to be investigated and any members responsible for such violations must no longer serve as part of this investigation. Any staff who have violated committee or House rules must also face appropriate disciplinary action."[536]
  • Hooded intruders raid offices of the head of Wikilealks legal team Baltasar Garzón in Madrid.
  • 19 December. Grassley calls for McCabe's firing.[538]
  • Israeli politicians demand Obama return Nobel Peace Prize after revelations Obama facilitated Hezbollah drug trafficking.
  • Ben Rhodes and others of Obama's media attack machine beginning walking back news of the Obama-Hezbollah drug trafficking scandal.
Clinton-Obama FBI and NSA apparatchiks who:

1) Politically weaponized the federal government’s electronic intelligence capabilities to spy on a presidential candidate and his campaign,

2) Colluded with foreign and non-state intelligence agents to manufacture evidence used as false pretexts for securing FISA warrants(s) that employed the national security laws of the United States to give illicit, illegal cover to this political espionage,

3) Used the fruits of this political espionage activity to damage or otherwise hinder this candidate once they had become president-elect and eventually President of the United States through surreptitious releases of the criminally-procured information,

4) Fabricated and instigated false allegations about foreign state collusion implicating the president’s election campaign and family members, and

5) Perpetuated this massive criminal fraud on the American people for nearly a full year by manipulating and abusing the investigatory and prosecutorial powers of the Department of Justice.[539]
  • House Committees investigating possible criminal activity among Obama holdovers in DOJ & FBI.[540]
  • Rep. Jim Jordan tells CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, “We know, for a fact, the Clinton campaign paid Russians to influence the election...Most of Mueller’s team is anti-Trump. We know that. What concerns me is the intent to carry out a plan to disrupt the election. Because as Mr. Strzok said, we can’t afford to leave this in we the people’s hands.”
  • In seven hour testimony before House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe’s made statements that contradicted evidence and was unable to provide any substantive examples of verified allegations in the Steele dossier. When pushed for examples of what was verified in the anti-Trump dossier, McCabe was only able to identify the fact that Trump campaign advisor Carter Page traveled to Moscow — McCabe could not verify anything about the meetings that Page supposedly had. McCabe claimed he could not recall — despite reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance."[541]
  • FBI Chief Counselor James Baker fired hours after McCabe testimony.[542] Dana Boente replaced him. Baker's firing came one day after the House Intelligence Committee planned to subpeona him.[543]
  • Bruce Ohr withheld from "superiors", possibly Rosenstein, his secret meetings in 2016 with Christopher Steele, author of the Steele dossier with input from Russian sources; and with Glenn Simpson, founder of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that hired Steele with funds supplied by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Bruce Ohr did not disclose his wife Nellie Ohr's employment with FusionGPS either.[544]
  • Hillary Clinton and DNC charged in complaint with the Federal Election Commission in money laundering scheme alleging Clinton and the DNC used state party chapters to launder at least $84 million through state party budgets and back to Clinton to exceed donation limits in what might be the single largest campaign finance scandal in U.S. history.[545]
  • Sen. Rand Paul calls for investigation of Obama officials who tried to prevent the election of Donald Trump.[547]
  • 22 December. Attn. Gen. Sessions orders DOJ review of Obama administration scuttling Project Cassandra and giveng Hezbollah a pass to get Iran nuke deal.[548]
  • 23 December. McCabe announces retirement, trying to hold onto his position til early March 2018 to qualify for full retirement benefits.
  • Rep. Jim Jordan states
    "I’m convinced now the FBI actively seeking with intent, actively trying to stop Donald Trump from being president of the United States. Everything points to the fact that there was an orchestrated plan to try to prevent Donald Trump from being the next president of the United States."[549]
  • 24 December. Julian Assange Twitter account deleted.
  • 25 December. FBI cannot corroborate Hillary Clinton's Steele dossier.[550]
  • 26 December. Rep. Andy Biggs in USA Today Op-ed calls for end of Mueller witch-hunt.[551]
  • New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, working with special prosecutor Robert Mueller, publishes an article on Medium bragging about his “resistance” to President Trump’s agenda and policies. The article is a list of actions taken by his office to hamper, subvert, and outright block actions and policies by the Trump administration. Schneiderman was tapped by Mueller to assist the investigation former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Critics question Schneiderman ability to be an impartial investigator.[552]
  • 27 December. Former State Department official David Kramer subpoenaed by House Intel Cmte. Kramer traveled to London in late November 2016 to receive a briefing and a copy of the Steele dossier from Christopher Steele. Kramer then returned to the U.S. to give the document to Sen. John McCain. McCain later took a copy of the dossier to FBI Dir. James Comey but the FBI already had the document; Steele himself gave the dossier to the bureau in installments, reportedly beginning in early July 2016.[553]
  • 28 December. A report released by a government watchdog group found a “systemic” issue in how the Obama Justice Department handled sexual harassment complaints: employees that behaved inappropriately did not receive a proper reprimand and, in some cases, were reportedly promoted instead of punished.[554]
  • 29 December. State Department releases a batch of classified Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop in late October 2016.[555]
  • NYT prints fake news narrative to cover John Brennan's role as a driving force behind the Obama administration's illegal activities to rig an election and destroy President Trump. The Times ' prints a leak, sourced to the FBI, claiming the Russian collusion investigation began after a night of hard drinking in a London pub where George Papadopoulos boasted to the Australian ambassador that Russians offered him dirt on Hillary Clinton. The FBI however has never established any cooperation or collusion between Carter Pager and George Papadopoulos. Carter Page was targeted with a FISA warrant. Brennan testified in May 2017 he received information from UK intelligence sources of contacts (actual contacts, not drunken boasting) between Trump associates and Russian operatives on the sanctions list. This is not surprising coming from European intelligence agencies, given that Trump at the time was calling on NATO members to begin paying their fair share of the cost burden for defense, and that Estonia was banking on the generosity of US taxpayers to donate to them an expensive missile defense system. The article attempts to contain the fraud and criminality within the Obama DOJ and FBI, and not bring the CIA and State Department under scrutiny, which is the direction the investigation is headed.
  • 31 December. Fox reports Hillary Clinton backer paid $500,000 to fund women making public accusations against Trump of sexual misconduct before 2016 election.[557]
  • NYT colluded with Clinton State Dept. to cover up Clinton crimes. Documentation shows New York Times handed over Cablegate's publication schedule to the US government giving the State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, up to 9 days in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions.[558]
  • December. Sens. Grassley, Feinstein, and Graham review a total of four FISA applications relying on the Steele dossier to seek surveillance of Carter Page, as well as numerous other FBI documents relating to Christopher Steele.

See also


  2. A September 21, 2010 internal email entitled “Obama Leak Investigations” at “global intelligence” company Stratfor claims Obama’s then-White House adviser John Brennan is targeting journalists.
    "Brennan is behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources,” writes one Stratfor official to another. The email continues: “Note — There is specific tasker from the [White House] to go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda (oh my.) Even the FBI is shocked. The Wonder Boys must be in meltdown mode…”
    "The Wonder Boys” refers to the National Security Agency (NSA).
    Credit:Sharyl Attkisson.
  7. [1]
  9. Russian Active Measures, HPSCI, March 22, 2018, pp. 46-47.
  21. [2]
  25. "the leaders of the intelligence community agreed he needed to be told about because we knew it and thought it was about to become public."
  28. 4. One of the seventeen reports in the Dossier—CIR 112—accused the Plaintiffs of criminal conduct and participation in an alleged Trump-Russia scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election. Defendants knew that this Report was not verified, and that it defamed Plaintiffs on its face. Defendants could easily have removed that Report from the Dossier before they started peddling the Dossier to media and journalists in September and October 2016. They chose not to do so. Nor did they attempt to determine the veracity of that Report with the Plaintiffs themselves. 5. At all times during the Defendants’ engagement of Orbis and Steele, it was either intended or clearly foreseeable that the Dossier’s contents would be republished (in whole or in part) to third parties, either by the Defendants themselves or their clients. Indeed, that is the entire purpose of “oppo research” in politics. Those third parties included government officials, as well as news media and journalists who could make its content public. 6. On information and belief, Defendants arranged for Steele to brief selected members of the print and online media about the information he was compiling on candidate Trump. Consistent with the intended purpose of “oppo research” to publicly discredit its target, Steele’s briefings were designed to generate interest in the Dossier and secure its eventual public dissemination. Briefings were held for journalists from the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo News, and others in September 2016. Shortly thereafter, Yahoo News published an article by Michael Isikoff that described some of the content of the Dossier (referred to there as “intelligence reports” and “reports”), which was still being compiled at that time.1 Many other media articles reported speculative accounts of the Dossier’s existence and contents. In October 2016, Steele was interviewed by David Corn, a writer for Mother Jones, which on October 31, 2016 published an article headlined “A Veteran Spy Has Given The FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump.”2 The Corn article stated that it had “reviewed” the early reports in the Dossier, and then quoted from those reports as well as statements made by Steele in the interview. The public dissemination of the Dossier’s content had begun in earnest. 7. In addition to cultivating media interest, the Defendants also organized or approved a meeting in Great Britain between Steele and David Kramer, a director of a private foundation led by U.S. Senator John McCain. The purpose of that meeting was to brief Kramer on behalf of Senator McCain, who at the time was an outspoken critic of Trump’s candidacy. Subsequently, in November 2016, Defendants provided a copy of the Dossier’s first sixteen reports, including the Report that falsely accused and defamed Plaintiffs, to Kramer for redelivery to Senator McCain. 8. As the 2016 presidential election neared, both print and online media in the United States and abroad began to expand their coverage of the Dossier and its alleged content. That coverage only intensified after Trump won the election. On January 10, 2017, one of those media entities, BuzzFeed, Inc., published the entire Dossier on the Internet, describing it as “explosive.” The copy of the Dossier that BuzzFeed published included the false and defamatory allegations about the Plaintiffs and Alfa, along with an article entitled “These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties to Russia.”3 The Dossier misspells Alfa’s name throughout, incorrectly spelling it as “Alpha.” In a recent court filing, Fusion admitted that it had “pre-publication” communications with BuzzFeed about its publication.4 9. The Defendants intended, anticipated, or foresaw a high likelihood that allowing their clients and/or the media access to the Dossier’s defamatory content would result in its republication by news media outlets, including online news media such as BuzzFeed. 10. Plaintiffs seek an award of compensatory and punitive damages for the harm to their personal and professional reputations, current business interests, and the impairment of business opportunities that resulted from the blatantly false and defamatory statements and implications about them published by the Defendants and republished by BuzzFeed and countless other media around the world.
  45. Ross's article expounds: The main proponent of that law, a British-American businessman named Bill Browder, tells DC..."Glenn Simpson’s job was to knowingly and dishonestly change the narrative of how Sergei Magnitsky came to die from murder to natural causes, and to change the narrative that Sergei Magnitsky was a criminal and not a whistleblower," ... Magnitsky, who helped Browder investigate many of the corrupt Russian firms, was arrested in Nov. 2008 and accused of engaging in fraud and tax evasion. Magnitsky was tortured for months in a Russian prison and deprived of medical treatment, all in order to elicit a false confession that he and Browder were engaged in fraud and tax evasion, Browder has alleged. After Magnitsky’s health deteriorated, he was transferred to another jail. There, the lawyer was allegedly beaten with blunt objects by prison guards. He died on Nov. 16, 2009 at the age of 37. Soon after his friend’s murder, Browder began lobbying American lawmakers — Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin and Arizona Sen. John McCain, in particular — to pass a law that would provide a mechanism to punish Kremlin-linked Russian criminals.
  57. "The FD-302 is an FBI testimonial document (I drafted thousands of them during a quarter-century career with the bureau) designed to capture facts that report or summarize interviews with subjects of, or witnesses to, events in an investigation.
    Investigative journalist Sara Carter has reported that FBI sources maintain the FBI’s deputy director under Comey, Andrew G. McCabe, may have asked FBI agents to alter or change their findings in their 302s"
  58. Bertrand, Natasha (January 24, 2017). A look at the scope of the intelligence community's investigations into Trump's ties to Russia. Business Insider. Retrieved April 1, 2017.
  59. ttp://
  73. The artcle continues: "Since no one can take part in the formulation or execution of foreign or defense policy without a high-level security clearance, vetoing the president’s people by denying them clearances trumps the president....the persons who thus took for themselves the prerogative that the American people had entrusted to [President Trump] at the ballot box, chances are 100 percent that they will use that prerogative ever more frequently with regard to anyone else whom they regard as standing in the way of their preferred policies, as a threat to their reputation, or simply as partisan opponents... undermin[ing] nothing less than the self-evident heart of the Constitution’s Article II: The president is the executive branch. All of its employees draw their powers from him and answer to him, not the other way around."
  78. The article continues, "as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency – he oversaw a prescient 2012 analysis that foresaw that their support for the Syrian insurgency would give rise to “a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria [ISIS].” The DIA report, which was partially declassified in a lawsuit over the 2012 killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other U.S. personnel in Benghazi, Libya, embarrassed the advocates for an escalation of the war in Syria and the ouster of secular President Bashar al-Assad. Flynn even went further in a 2015 interview when he said the intelligence was “very clear” that the Obama administration made a “willful decision” to back these jihadists in league with Middle East allies, a choice that looked particularly stupid when Islamic State militants started beheading American hostages and capturing cities in Iraq.... Key U.S. government neocons, such as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland and Sen. John McCain, then began pushing for the violent right-wing coup that – in February 2014 – ousted Ukraine’s elected President Viktor Yanukovych and touched off the new Cold War with Russia. Amid these heightened tensions, the mainstream media in the United States and Europe joined in the full-scale Russia/Putin-bashing... to enforce the new groupthink – holding Russia at fault for pretty much everything – a new McCarthyism emerged, deeming anyone who dared disagree a “Moscow stooge” or a “Russian propagandist.” The ugliness penetrated into the U.S. presidential campaign because Democrat Hillary Clinton took a belligerent line toward Russia while Trump broke with the Republican establishment and called for improved ties between Washington and Moscow... This hysteria over Russia gained added strength because Democrats were so angry over Trump’s election that liberal and progressive operatives saw a chance to build a movement and raise lots of money by pushing the Trump-Putin accusations. This opportunism has turned much of the liberal/progressive community into a pro-New Cold War constituency willing to engage in a new breed of McCarthyism by demanding intensive investigations into alleged connections between Americans and Russians.... ...since Trump’s inauguration, the focus has shifted to Flynn, as the personification of the effort to cool off the New Cold War, because he had phone conversations with the Russian ambassador that presumably were intercepted by U.S. intelligence. Because Flynn supposedly misrepresented some details of the calls to Vice President Mike Pence, senior Justice Department holdovers from the Obama administration concocted an argument that Flynn might be vulnerable to Russian blackmail. The argument is dubious because the Russians would know that the U.S. government knew exactly what the conversations entailed, so how would the blackmail work? But this “blackmail” argument is another throwback to the earlier McCarthy days when gays were barred from sensitive government jobs because of their alleged susceptibility to blackmail. But the gambit to get Flynn worked. Amid frenzied coverage on CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media, Flynn and the Russia détente that he stood for were not expected to be long for this world of Official Washington."
  79. [3]
  86. [4]
  107. The list includes: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel; the Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi; European Union and Japanese trade ministers at the WTO Doha rounds (the talks subsequently collapsed); five top EU economic officials including their French, Austrian and Belgium phones; Italy’s ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception; French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
  131. "Best Sellers: Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction", The New York Times, November 23, 2014. 
  132. In his ruling the stated: "In 2011--at the same time that Ms. Attkisson was conducting investigations and issuing certain of her high-profile news reports--the Attkissons 'began to notice anomalies in numerous electronic devices at their home in Virginia.' These anomalies included Ms. Attkisson's work-issued laptop computer and a family desktop computer 'turning on and off at night without input from anyone in the household,' 'the house alarm chirping daily at different times,' and 'television problems, including interference.' All of these electronic devices used 'the Verizon FiOS line installed in [the Attkissons'] home,' but Verizon was unable to stanch the anomalous activity despite multiple attempts. In January 2012, the Attkissons' residential internet service 'began constantly dropping off'." "In February 2012, 'sophisticated surveillance spyware' was installed on Ms. Attkisson's work-issued laptop computer. A later forensic computer analysis revealed that Ms. Attkisson's laptop and the family's desktop computer had been the 'targets of unauthorized surveillance efforts.' That same forensic analysis revealed that Ms. Attkisson's mobile phone was also targeted for surveillance when it was connected to the family's desktop computer. The infiltration of that computer and the extraction of information from it was 'executed via an IP address owned, controlled, and operated by the United States Postal service.' Additionally, based on the sophisticated nature of the software used to carry out the infiltration and software fingerprints indicating the use of the federal government's proprietary software, the infiltration and surveillance appeared to be perpetrated by persons in the federal government." "An independent forensic computer analyst hired by CBS subsequently reported finding evidence on both Ms. Attkisson's work-issued laptop computer and her family's desktop computer of 'a coordinated, highly-skilled series of actions and attacks directed at the operation of the computers.' Computer forensic analysis also indicated that remote actions were taken in December 2012 to remove the evidence of the electronic infiltration and surveillance from Ms. Attkisson's computers and other home electronic equipment." "As Ms. Attkisson's investigations and reporting continued, in October 2012 the Attkissons noticed 'an escalation of electronic problems at their personal residence, including interference in home and mobile phone lines, computer interference, and television interference.' In November of that year, Ms. Attkisson's mobile phones 'experienced regular interruptions and interference, making telephone communications unreliable, and, at times, virtually impossible'." "Additionally, in December 2012, a person with government intelligence experience conducted an inspection of the exterior of the Attkissons' Virginia home. That investigator discovered an extra Verizon FiOS fiber optics line. Soon thereafter, after a Verizon technician was instructed by Ms. Attkisson to leave the extra cable at the home, the cable disappeared, and the Attkissons were unable to determine what happened to it. In March 2013, the Attkissons' desktop computer malfunctioned, and in September of that year, while Ms. Attkisson was working on a story at her home, she observed that her personal laptop computer was remotely accessed and controlled, resulting in data being deleted from it. On April 3, 2013, Ms. Attkisson filed a complaint with the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. The Inspector General's investigation was limited to an analysis of the compromised desktop computer, and the partially-released report that emerged from that investigation reported 'no evidence of intrusion,' although it did note 'a great deal of advanced mode computer activity not attributable to Ms. Attkisson or anybody in her household'." "The Attkissons allege that the 'cyber-attacks' they 'suffered in [their] home' were perpetrated by 'personnel working on behalf of the United States.' Accordingly, they have asserted various claims against the United States and against former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, and unknown agents of the Department of Justice, the United States Postal Service, and the United States, all in their individual capacities. Those claims include claims against the United States under the FTCA and claims against the individual federal officers for violations of constitutional rights under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)..."
  136. STEFANIK: So if that's quarterly... COMEY: ... to brief them before Congress is briefed. STEFANIK: So it's quarterly for all three then, senior congressional leadership, the White House, and the DNI? COMEY: I think that's right. Now that's by practice not by rule or by written policy which is why, thanks to the chair and ranking giving us feedback, we're trying to tweak it in certain ways. STEFANIK: So since, in your opening statement, you confirmed that there is a counter-intelligence investigation currently open and you also referenced that it started in July. When did you notify the DNI, the White House, or senior congressional leadership? COMEY: It's a good question. Congressional leadership, some time recently. They were briefed on the nature of the investigation in some detail as I said. Obviously the Department of Justice has been aware of it all along. The DNI, I don't know what the DNI's knowledge of it was because we didn't have a DNI until Mr. Coats took office and I briefed him his first morning in office. STEFANIK: So just to drill down on this, if -- if the open investigation began in July and the briefing of congressional leadership only occurred recently, why was there no notification prior to the recent -- to the past month? COMEY: I think our decision was it was a matter of such sensitivity that we wouldn't include it in the quarterly briefings. STEFANIK: So when you state our decision is that your decision? Is that usually your decision what gets briefed in those quarterly updates? COMEY: No, it's usually the decision of the head of our counter- intelligence division. STEFANIK: And just again, to get the detailed -- on the record, why was the decision made not to brief senior congressional leadership until recently when the investigation had been open since July? A very serious investigation -- why was that decision to wait months? COMEY: Because of the sensitivity of the matter.
  151. Derespina, Cody (March 23, 2017). Trump basks in Nunes surveillance news: 'So that means I'm right'. Fox News. Retrieved March 23, 2017.
  155. [5]
  165. Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018, p. 112-113 footnote 5.
  168. Former Obama official discloses rush to get intelligence on Trump team. Fox News. March 29, 2017. Retrieved March 29, 2017.
  169. Poor, Jeff (March 29, 2017). Fmr Obama Official Reveals Pre-Inauguration Effort to Gather Intel on Incoming Trump Team. Breitbart News. Retrieved March 30, 2017.
  182. McCabe, Neil W. (March 31, 2017). Fox News: Senior Obama Intelligence Official Unmasked Trump Associates. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 1, 2017.
  185. Housley, Adam (April 3, 2017). Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say. Fox News. Retrieved April 3, 2017.
  195. Adam Carter writes, "one particular group would have been particularly desperate precisely at that time, for the emergence of a narrative about Russian hackers to discredit proper leaks / justify claims that all leaks are 'probably doctored' and they will have very likely known [Warren] Flood too. That group is the Clinton Campaign. As of June 12th, [2016] they were in a position where Julian Assange had just announced WikiLeaks' upcoming release of Hillary's emails, she was still under FBI investigation, and Trump was attacking Hillary for her use of a private server with his supporters frequently chanting "lock her up!" at rallies. The campaign was in a desperate position and really needed something similar to a Russian hacker narrative and one where they would be fortunate to have a seemingly clumsy hacker that leaves lots of 'fingerprints' tainting files and bringing the reputation of leaks into question... Sure enough, 2-3 days later, Guccifer2.0 - the world's weirdest hacker - was spawned and started telling lies in an effort to attribute himself to the malware discoveries, etc."
  207. pre-dating any FISA warrant or "incidental collection." This allegation has its roots in the Steele dossier and claims US involvement in the Trump investigation began in April 2016 when John Brennan received "routine" intelligence sharing information from British intelligence, including sharing activities from one of the Baltic States, now rumored to be Estonia. Some Estonian figures reacted negatively to Trump comments about defending the Baltics and making NATO allies pay their fair share.
  223. upate-dossier-briefing-of-trump-was-a-setup/
  225. One of Comey's memos reads "I explained that he could count on me to always tell the truth. I said I don’t do sneaky things, I don’t leak, I don’t do weasel moves."
  231. Matt Taibbi, “the-cold-20150708 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold: Barack Obama's former top cop cashes in after six years of letting banks run wild,” Rolling Stone, July 8, 2015.
  232. Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous, "former-trump-adviser-carter-page/2017/04/11/620192ea-1e0e-11e7-ad74- 3a742a6e93a7_story.html FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page" Washington Post, April 12, 2017.
  233. Carter Page, “containment-president-obama’s-west-point-speech-a Alternative Courses to Quadruple Dual Containment: President Obama’s West Point Speech and Pathways Beyond,” Global Policy Journal, May 30, 2014.
  234. Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo, “Court Approved Wiretap on Trump Campaign Aide Over Russia Ties,” New York Times, April 12, 2017.
  235. Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne and Cyd Upson, “classified-russia-report-sources-say.html Comey pressed for anti-Trump dossier in classified Russia report, sources say,” Fox News, May 05, 2017.
  236. Precisely meeting the definition of Transnational Organized Crime: “Those self-perpetuating associations of individuals who operate transnationally for the purpose of obtaining power, influence, and monetary and/or commercial gains, wholly or in part by illegal means, while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption…” “Transnational Organized Crime: Glossary of Terms,” FBI website.
  237. Chuck Ross, “planned-to-pay-trump-dossier-author/ Here’s How Much The FBI Planned To Pay Trump Dossier Author,” Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, April 22, 2017.
  238. Cameron Cawthorne, “security/feinstein-no-evidence-collusion-between-trump-associates-russia/ Feinstein: No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Associates and Russia,” Washington Free Beacon, May 4, 2017.
  239. U.S. Senate, "Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans", Book II, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities United States Senate, April 26, 1976.
  240. 2 “Face the Nation transcript: Mulvaney, Manchin, Rice,” CBS News, May 7, 2017. [6] 3 Brian Ross and Matthew Mosk, “Trump campaign adviser Carter Page targeted for recruitment by Russian spies,” ABC News, Apr 4, 2017. campaign-advisor-carter-page-targeted-russian-spies/story?id=46557506 4 Ali Watkins, “A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy,” BuzzFeed News, April 3, 2017. [7]. 5 Kristina Wong, “Lindsey Graham: 'We Will Continue' to Look into Susan Rice's Unmasking,” Breitbart News, May 4, 2017. government/2017/05/04/lindsey-graham-we-will-continue-to-look-into-susan-rices-unmasking/ 6 Maya Angelou, “The 2013 Time 100: Icons,” Time, April 18, 2013. [8] 7 “Blame the poor - clip from The Big Short,” YouTube, January 14, 2016. [9] 8 Office of Public Affairs, “Attorney General Holder Announces Charges Against Russian Spy Ring in New York City,” Department of Justice website, January 26, 2015. ring-new-york-city 9 Matt Taibbi, “Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold: Barack Obama's former top cop cashes in after six years of letting banks run wild,” Rolling Stone, July 8, 2015. the-cold-20150708 10 Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous, "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page" Washington Post, April 12, 2017. former-trump-adviser-carter-page/2017/04/11/620192ea-1e0e-11e7-ad74- 3a742a6e93a7_story.html 11 Senator Charles E. Grassley, “Grassley Seeks Explanation for FBI’s Inconsistent Info in Dossier Inquiry: Bureau’s Scant Responses to Judiciary Probe Raise More Questions on Steele ties,” April 28, 2017. explanation-fbi’s-inconsistent-info-dossier-inquiry 12 Meet the Press transcript, NBC News, May 7, 2017. press/meet-press-may-7-2017-n756001 13 “Carter Page, former Trump adviser, says he's cooperating with Senate Russian probe,” May 02, 2017. cooperating-with-senate-russian-probe.html 14 “Full transcript of Hillary Clinton interview with Christiane Amanpour,” [10] 15 Carter Page, “Alternative Courses to Quadruple Dual Containment: President Obama’s West Point Speech and Pathways Beyond,” Global Policy Journal, May 30, 2014. containment-president-obama’s-west-point-speech-a 16 Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo, “Court Approved Wiretap on Trump Campaign Aide Over Russia Ties,” New York Times, April 12, 2017. [11] 17 Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne and Cyd Upson, “Comey pressed for anti-Trump dossier in classified Russia report, sources say,” Fox News, May 05, 2017. classified-russia-report-sources-say.html 18 Chris Cillizza, “Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry,” Washington Post, September 15, 2016. reid-lied-about-mitt-romneys-taxes-hes-still-not-sorry/ Ben Terris, “‘I hate palm trees’: The sentimental journey of Harry Reid,” Washington Post, September 14, 2016. harry-reid/2016/09/14/afcfc6bc-7301-11e6-be4f-3f42f2e5a49e_story.html 19 Precisely meeting the definition of Transnational Organized Crime: “Those self-perpetuating associations of individuals who operate transnationally for the purpose of obtaining power, influence, and monetary and/or commercial gains, wholly or in part by illegal means, while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption…” “Transnational Organized Crime: Glossary of Terms,” FBI website. [12] 20 Minority Leader Harry Reid letter to Director Comey, August 27, 2016. [13] 21 Chuck Ross, “Here’s How Much The FBI Planned To Pay Trump Dossier Author,” Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, April 22, 2017. planned-to-pay-trump-dossier-author/ 22 Cameron Cawthorne, “Feinstein: No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Associates and Russia,” Washington Free Beacon, May 4, 2017. security/feinstein-no-evidence-collusion-between-trump-associates-russia/ 23 Tommy Christopher, “Breaking: House intel Democrat tells Chris Matthews he has seen ‘evidence of collusion’,” Shareblue, April 27, 2017. [14] “Hillary racks up endorsements for 2016,” The Hill, April 15, 2015. [15] 24 Tom LoBianco, “Senate Russia investigators' message: We're the adults here,” CNN, March 30, 2017. comparison/ Austin Wright and Martin Matishak, “Senate steps up as House Russia probe flails: The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee delivered a bipartisan show of force,” Politico, March 29, 2017. 236661 25 Parker Lee, “Sen. Feinstein Wants Susan Rice to Reconsider Skipping Russia Hearings,” Independent Journal Review, May 4, 2017. is-last-thing-she-needs-right-now/ Kathryn H. Ruemmler, Letter to Senators Lindsey Graham and Sheldon Whitehouse, Latham & Watkins LLP, May 3, 2017. [16] 26 “I might not take up Trump's invitation to the U.S. says Philippines' hard-man president Duterte after 'friendly' phone call with the White House,” Daily Mail, May 1, 2017. [17] 27 U.S. Senate, "Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans”, Book II, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities United States Senate, April 26, 1976. [18]
  261. "These media, he noted, are part of a large-scale system of US influence on the domestic political situation in Russia. They are in close cooperation with various funds and non-profit organizations that are foreign agents. Action was noted for coordinating and disseminating the content of American structures that are part of the Department of Defense and the US State Department. Through diplomatic channels and government organizations, the United States places materials of propaganda content in the Russian social networks and the media in the guise of copyright content. L.Levin also said that just before the Duma elections in 2016, an Internet portal of information warfare initiatives in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was launched with American funds. "This shows that the delegitimization of the Russian political system is not only for the audience in Russia, but also in other information spaces that have historical and linguistic links with our country," he said. Moreover, the organization, which is superior to radio stations, received $ 160 million in 2016, including countering Russian information influence. According to L.Levin, about 30% of significant media structures working in the Russian information space are controlled from abroad. Andrei Isaev drew the attention of his colleagues to the information that appeared on the Internet that some media, registered as Russian, have contracts with foreign organizations, for which they are obliged to publish materials, including propaganda, prepared abroad. Irina Yarovaya noted that information war as a complex impact on the system of state and military administration is the official doctrine of the United States. "Their information aggression has led many times to a color revolution, economic devastation and hot wars," she recalled. "If two of the defeats that tsarist Russia and the Soviet country suffered, we will not make far-reaching conclusions, then we will not cope with new challenges," said Gennady Zyuganov . - The main thing in information is content, not fiction around the form of its application. In the meantime, we are only talking about fiction." Vyacheslav Nikonov noted that in the US, 15,000 NGOs are engaged in foreign policy, and some have a budget comparable to the budget of the Russian Foreign Ministry. 65% of this is the State Department, the CIA, the US Department of Defense, and 19 US intelligence services, operating around the world, including against Russia. Such NGOs finance the media and train journalists and opposition activists. "Recipe one - to build a clear system of counteraction," - assured Nikolai Ryzhak."
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  320. Quinn, Melissa (June 21, 2017). Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: No votes changed by Russians in 2016 election. Washington Examiner. Retrieved June 24, 2017.
  321. Chakraborty, Barnini (June 21, 2017). Jeh Johnson testifies DNC rejected DHS help on hack, Russia meddling did not alter ballots. Fox News. Retrieved June 24, 2017.
  322. Kein, Aaron (June 21, 2017). Revealed: DNC Turned Down Help from DHS After Rebuffing FBI in 2016 ‘Hack’ Probe. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 24, 2017.
  324. Klein, Aaron (June 25, 2017). Trump Continues to Turn the Tables on the Obama Administration Regarding Russia Narrative. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 25, 2017.
  328. Price, Bob (June 24, 2017). ATF Whistleblower: Obama’s DOJ Obstructed Justice in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 25, 2017.
  358. Republicans get agreement on Russia, North Korea sanctions.
  419. HPSCI, Executive Session Interview of Loretta Lynch, Oct. 20, 2017. In Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018, p. 54.
  470. [19]

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