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People's Republic of China
Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
Flag of the PRC.png
Arms of PR China.png
Flag Coat of Arms
Capital Beijing
Government Communist
Language Chinese (Mandarin) (official)
President Xi Jinping
Premier Li Keqiang
Area 1,447,497 sq mi(excluding occupied territories)
Population 1,440,000,000 (2020)
GDP $15,000,000,000,000 (2020)
GDP per capita $10,417 (2020)
Currency Yuan

China is the world's second largest country by population,[1] currently a totalitarian communist one-party state.[2] With thousands of years of continuous traditions, in three decades under the free trade policies of the West and access to foreign markets China has dramatically changed into a world power and is one of the world's top economies, second only to the United States. China is an upper middle-income country.

It has emerged as a major regional power in East Asia, and formerly it was averaging over 9% economic growth per year since 1978 when it introduced a market-based economic system known as socialism under capitalist management. Foreign businesses have flocked to invest in China, Americans and others rush to buy its cheap factory output, Chinese exports flooded the world. It has vast reserves of dollar holdings. China is modernizing its military, has joined numerous regional and international institutions, and plays an increasingly visible role in international politics. However, the paper statistics of China's growth hide the fact that it may have a weaker economy than it admits, as seen in the current property crisis, high youth unempoyment, many "ghost towns", among other factors (See: Chinese real estate crisis (2020–present) and Youth unemployment in China and Chinese stock markets).[3]

The nation is under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, which encompasses mainland China, albeit with many border disputes. Since taking power in 1949, an estimated 60 million to 80 million Chinese people have been killed by democide. This number exceeds the total number of deaths in two World Wars combined.[4] The communist Beijing regime claims Taiwan as a province, but Taiwan has never been part of the People's Republic of China and the survival of Taipei's democratic sovereignty is threatened. Currently, China is experiencing its worst Christian persecution in 40 years and among other things millions of Christian children have been forced to renounce their faith (See: Persecution of Christians in China)[5]

Unlike most other nations, the People's Liberation Army does not exist to defend the country or the people of China. Nor is it under the control of the state council, or government, of China. The PLA is the armed wing of the Chinese Communist Party and also the largest military establishment in the world. Its origins are in the Chinese Communist Party, and control of it has always remained within the party. The government or bureaucracy is called the State Council, and all civil servants are required to be party members. The PLA exists to maintain and defend the Communist Party's control over the State Council and the people, and further the Party's interests. Not only is there no civilian control over the military, there is separation of the military from all government or State Council control.

Since China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, China represents a vast market that is growing more affluent and sophisticated while remaining a low-cost base for export-oriented production. The CCP has encouraged a form of Chinese ethno-centric national socialism amongst the younger generation.[6] Educationally, China is forging ahead with partnerships, and exchanges with foreign universities to steal intellectual property and subvert foreign governments and societies.

For more information on China, see World History Lecture Three.



Traditional Chinese 中國
Simplified Chinese 中国
Literal meaning central nation

The word "China" is derived from the Persian word Cin (چین), which is from the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन).[7] It is first recorded in 1516 in the journal of the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa.[8] The journal was translated and published in England in 1555.[9] The traditional theory, proposed in the 17th century by Martino Martini, is that Cīna is derived from "Qin" (秦), the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty.[10] However, the word was used earlier in Hindu scripture, including the Mahābhārata (5th century BC) and the Laws of Manu (2nd century BC). Indian writers were not aware of China until the second century AD. Earlier usage of the word presumably refers to another entity, perhaps a country near the Tibetan-Burma border.[11]


Although the CCP has lifted restrictions on income and penalties for success in recent years, the CCP opposes what it calls "celebrity culture" as is common in Western societies among highly paid athletes and movie stars. Many successful role models have found themselves "disappeared" or "unpersonned". A few have reemerged after being "rectified" and rehabilitated in reeducation camps, expressing their effusive praise for the CCP for allowing their success, and deeply apologetic to the public for having strayed from the leftist line and notions of social justice.

According to Yan Shitong, director of Shingwa University's Institute of International Studies, Chinese university students born in 2000 or later (Gen Z) "usually have a strong sense of superiority and confidence and they tend to look at other countries from a condescending perspective." They look at international relations through wishful thinking and believe that China's foreign policy goals can be achieved easily. Nikkei Asia quoted the leading Chinese scholar as saying, "They think humankind's universal values such as peace, morality, fairness and justice are China's inherent traditions. They think that only China is just, while all other countries, especially the Western countries, are evil." This is the legacy of China's one child policy, which has given rise to single children brought up as pampered royalty by parents and grandparents, impacting their perception of China and the world.

According to Forbes magazine, as far as the fertility rate of China: "...the Total Fertility Rate (births per woman) dropped in 2021 to just 1.15, far below the 2.1 required for a stable population."[12]

Ethnic groups

See also: Atheistic China and racism
Chinese Ethnolinguistic Groups.

China officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups. The largest ethnic group is the Han Chinese, who constitute about 91.9% of the total population. The remaining 8.1% are Zhuang (16 million), Manchu (10 million), Hui (9 million), Miao (8 million), Uighur (7 million), Yi (7 million), Mongolian (5 million), Tibetan (5 million), Buyi (3 million), Korean (2 million), and other ethnic minorities.

In July 2009 large-scale rioting erupted as the Uighur minority fought Chinese riot police in major cities in Xinjiang or East Turkmenistan. Hundreds were killed.[13] Uighurs are angry at political, cultural and religious persecution as well as the growing presence in the region of Han Chinese - China's main ethnic group. Han now predominate in the cities, and Uighurs in the countryside. This was the first major violent unrest in China reported that received global attention in two decades.


There are seven major Chinese dialects and many subdialects. Mandarin (or Putonghua), the predominant dialect, is spoken by over 70% of the population. It is taught in all schools and is the medium of government. About two-thirds of the Han ethnic group are native speakers of Mandarin; the rest, concentrated in south and southeast China, speak one of the six other major Chinese dialects. Non-Chinese languages spoken widely by ethnic minorities include Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur and other Turkic languages (in occupied East Turkestan), and Korean (in the northeast).

All Chinese dialects use the same written character sets. In mainland China, the Simplified characters have been in use since 1949.

Pinyin system of Romanization

On January 1, 1979, the Chinese Government officially adopted the pinyin system for spelling Chinese names and places in Roman letters. A system of Romanization invented by the Chinese, pinyin has long been widely used in China on street and commercial signs as well as in elementary Chinese textbooks as an aid in learning Chinese characters and for common character input systems. Variations of pinyin also are used as the written forms of several minority languages.

Pinyin has now replaced other conventional spellings in China's English-language publications. The U.S. Government also has adopted the pinyin system for all names and places in China. For example, the capital of China is now spelled "Beijing" rather than "Peking."

In 2008 the Republic of China government finally adopted the pinyin system, replaces the Wade-Giles system which is gradually pushed away by the Chinese diaspora.


See also: Growth of Christianity in China and China and atheism and Future of atheism in China

A February 2007 survey concluded that 31% of Chinese citizens ages 16 and over, representing 300 million persons, follow some kind of religion,[14] provided that the Communist Party is recognized as the supreme entity above any deity.

There are reportedly more than 100,000 officially recognized sites for religious activities, 300,000 officially recognized clergy, and more than 3,000 officially recognized religious organizations.

The Government officially recognizes five main religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism. There are five state-sanctioned "Patriotic Religious Associations" (PRAs) that manage the activities of the recognized faiths. The Russian Orthodox Church operates in some regions, particularly those with large populations of Russian expatriates or with close links to Russia. Foreign residents in the country who belonged to religious faiths not officially recognized by the Government were generally permitted to practice their religions. There is very little freedom for Christians however.[15]

It is difficult to estimate the number of Buddhists and Taoists because they do not have congregational memberships and many practice exclusively at home. The following are informed estimates published by or religious communities (with the exception of Taoism, for which no figures were available), drawing on official figures, public opinion surveys, academic studies, media reports, and religious groups’ own reporting as of 2019.[16]

Traditional Buddhist allowed to pray to the gods of communism, Mao and XI
  • Chinese Buddhists 185-250M
  • Protestants 60-80M
  • Registered ~30-50M
  • Unregistered ~30M
  • Muslims 21-23M
  • Hui 12M
  • Uighur 11M
  • Catholics 12M
  • Registered 6M
  • Unregistered 6M
  • Falun Gong practitioners 7-20M
  • Tibetan Buddhists 6-8M

The Government estimated that there are 16,000 Buddhist temples and monasteries, 200,000 Buddhist monks and nuns, more than 1,700 reincarnate lamas, and 32 Buddhist schools. Most believers, particularly ethnic Han Buddhists, practice Mahayana Buddhism, while the majority of Tibetans and ethnic Mongolians, as well as a growing number of ethnic Chinese, practice Tibetan Buddhism, a Mahayana adaptation. Some ethnic minorities in southwest Yunnan Province practice Theravada Buddhism, the dominant tradition in parts of neighboring Southeast Asia.

There are more than 25,000 Taoist priests and nuns, more than 1,500 Taoist temples, and 2 Taoist schools. Traditional folk religions (worship of local gods, heroes, and ancestors) are practiced by hundreds of millions of citizens and are often affiliated with Taoism, Buddhism, or ethnic minority cultural practices.

The government says there are twenty million Muslims. Independent estimates range as high as fifty million or more. There are more than 40,000 Islamic places of worship, more than half of which are in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), more than 45,000 imams nationwide, and 10 Islamic schools. The country has ten predominantly Muslim ethnic groups, the largest of which is the Hui, estimated to number more than ten million. The Hui are centered in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, but there are significant concentrations of Hui throughout the country, including in Gansu, Henan, Qinghai, Yunnan, and Hebei Provinces, as well as in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and the XUAR. Hui Muslims slightly outnumber Uighur Muslims, who live primarily in the XUAR. According to an official 2005 report, the XUAR had 23,900 mosques and 27,000 clerics at the end of 2004, but fewer than half of the mosques were authorized to hold Friday prayer and holiday services. The country also has more than one million Kazakh Muslims and thousands of Dongxiang, Kyrgyz, Salar, Tajik, Uzbek, Baoan, and Tatar Muslims.

Officials from the Three-Self Patriotic Movement/China Christian Council (TSPM/CCC), the government branch (committee) in charge of the Christianity Churches (officially led by the CPC), estimated that at least twenty million citizens worship in official churches. Government officials stated that there are more than 50,000 registered TSPM churches and 18 TSPM theological schools. The Pew Research Center estimates that between 50 million and 70 million Christians practice without state sanction. However, some estimates over 100million people are Christians. The World Christian Database estimates that there are more than 300 unofficial house church networks.

The Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA) reports that 5.3 million persons worship in its churches and it is estimated that there are an additional 12 million or more persons who worship in unregistered Catholic churches that do not affiliate with the CPA. According to official sources, the government-sanctioned CPA has more than 70 bishops, nearly 3,000 priests and nuns, 6,000 churches and meeting places, and 12 seminaries. There are thought to be approximately 40 bishops operating "underground," some of whom are in prison or under house arrest. During the reporting period, at least three bishops were ordained with papal approval. In September 2007 the official media reported that Liu Bainian, CPA vice president, stated that the young bishops were to be selected to serve dioceses without bishops and to replace older bishops. Of the 97 dioceses in the country, 40 reportedly did not have an acting bishop in 2007, and more than 30 bishops were over 80 years of age.

Disputed territories

See also: China disputed territories
Map of China including the disputed territories of Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and East Trukestan.

The PRC lays claim to almost all of the South China Sea bordered by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. Beijing has sought to bolster its claims in the strategic waterways by building artificial islands in the area and building military outposts on them. In one and half years, between 2013 and 2014 under Xi's rule, the PRC created more than 3,200 acres of territory.

In relation to Taiwan, the regime views the self-ruled island as part of its territory and has vowed to bring Taiwan under its fold with force if necessary. CCP academics openly teach students the regime could bribe Taiwanese politicians, ban trade and tourism from China, convince the few remaining countries that recognize Taiwan diplomatically to switch to the PRC, block Taiwan's participation in international organizations and meetings, and assassinate some Taiwanese to instill fear among the population.

During the opening ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games, NBC Sports broadcasting network did not represent Taiwan or the South China Sea as part of the PRC on a map as the People's Republic of China athletes were being introduced. The Chinese Consulate General in New York said in a statement that NBC “hurt the dignity and emotions of the Chinese people. We urge NBC to recognize the serious nature of this problem and take measures to correct the error."[17] The official state funded media organ Global Times called it a "dirty political trick."[18]

Since 1950, the PRC has been illegally occupying the countries of Tibet and East Turkestan.

Taipai province

See also: Quad Alliance

The People's Republic of China has threatened aggression against the sovereign republic of Taiwan since Mao's founding of the PRC in 1949. According to Forbes magazine,[19] to have any chance of conquering Taiwan, China might need to transport as many as two million troops across the Taiwan Strait. This would be a larger invasion force than the Normandy Invasion. The invasion force would have to land under fire at the island's 14 potential invasion beaches or 10 major ports.

Flag of the Republic of China.

That is far more troops than the People's Liberation Army Navy can haul in its 11 new amphibious ships that can only haul around 25,000 troops. To transport the bulk of the invasion force, Beijing would take into service thousands of civilian ships. To that end, the Chinese Communist Party has created a legal and bureaucratic framework for taking control of thre PRC's commercial shipping, around 2,000 large commercial vessels crewed by around 650,000 mariners. On Jan. 1, 2017, China's National Defense Transportation Law went into effect. “Among other things, the law mandated that all of China’s basic infrastructure and related transportation platforms would henceforth be treated as military-civil fusion assets,” Ian Easton with the Project 2049 explained. “At the CCP’s discretion, they were now legally required to be designed, built and managed to support future military operations. In the event of conflict, they would be pressed into wartime service. Now they had to prepare accordingly in peacetime.” Meanwhile, naval engineers have begun modifying key vessels to make them better assault ships. Their crews actively are training for a possible assault on Taiwan.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told Al Jazeera in 2018,[20] "We received propaganda warfare coming from China for years, but this is taking a very different form,. It’s coming in not from newspapers or their propaganda machine but through our social media, online chat groups, Facebook, the zombie accounts set up, somewhere, by the Chinese government....It’s a more serious problem because China is so close to Taiwan, language-wise. They don’t have the cultural or language barrier and can easily fabricate news and they know the mentality of Chinese thinking, so it’s easier for them to orchestrate this misinformation.” Fake news was traced to servers in the PRC, the Chinese Communist Party, and it's 50 Cent Army. Beijing has reached deep into Taiwan, sowing division and confusion through online disinformation, recruiting business figures, and funnelling cash to pro-Beijing politicians.

South China Sea

Disputed claims in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea lies to the south of the China mainland and is bounded by the coastlines of the People's Republic of China (PRC), Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, and Taiwan. In the south-west it becomes the Gulf of Thailand. To the south the Serat Karimata gives access to the Java Sea; to the east the Balabac and Mindoro straits give access to the Sulu Sea and the Luzon Strait north of the Philippines gives access to the Pacific Ocean. The South China Sea contains a number of small island groups, uninhabited or inhabited only on a temporary basis by fishermen or by military detachments. These include the Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands.

China has constructed artificial islands around seven reefs in the Spratly Islands archipelago. The islands are central to Beijing's apparent ambition to "have absolute control" over the South China Sea, which holds an estimated 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 11 billion barrels of oil in proven and probable reserves, in addition to maritime resources such as fish.[21]

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development estimates that roughly 80% of global trade by volume and 70% by value is transported by sea. Of that volume, 60% of maritime trade passes through Asia, with the South China Sea carrying an estimated one-third of global shipping.


The People's Republic of China is a totalitarian/authoritarian regime in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the base structure and source of power. Moreover, the society has been forced to run according to the motive of the Communist Party in the past decades, although not successful. Party members hold almost all top government, police, and military positions. The children of high-level officials, dubbed “princelings” (taizi) in colloquial Chinese, are particularly prominent at the highest levels of the Chinese political system. The party is controlled by roughly 800 political dynasties, likened to mafia families, spread throughout the country. China's most prominent princeling is Xi Jinping.[22] Ultimate authority rests with the 25-member political bureau (Politburo) of the CCP and its nine-member standing committee. Xi Jinping holds the three most powerful positions as CCP general secretary, president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission. To remain in power the party, under Xi, is obsessed with not having "another Gorbachev."[23] Since Xi's rise to power in 2012, by 2021 more than 600,000 political refugees applied for asylum in other countries, and the number continues to grow.[24]

State Council

The State Council is the civilian administrative or bureaucratic civil service. It is subservient to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). All members are required to be CCP members. The Chinese military, the Peoples Liberation Army, is wholly independent of the government and is Party organ.

The Chinese Government is constructed around the Chinese Communist Party (CCP); its role is to implement party policies. The primary organs of state power are the National People's Congress (NPC), the President (the head of state), and the State Council. Members of the State Council include Premier Li Keqiang (the head of government), a variable number of vice premiers (now four), five state councilors (protocol equivalents of vice premiers but with narrower portfolios), and 22 ministers and four State Council commission directors.

Under the state constitution, the NPC is the highest organ of political power in Mainland China. It meets annually for about 2 weeks every March to review and approve major new policy directions, laws, the budget, and major personnel changes. These initiatives are presented to the NPC for consideration by the State Council after previous endorsement by the Communist Party's Central Committee. Although the NPC generally approves State Council policy and personnel recommendations, various NPC committees hold active debate in closed sessions, and changes may be made to accommodate alternate views.

When the NPC is not in session, its permanent organ, the Standing Committee, exercises state power.

In 2010, China's national domestic security spending exceeded its spending on external defense for the first time.[25] According to some estimates, on a purchasing power parity basis, China's domestic security spending in 2017 was equivalent to about $349 billion, more than double the United States’ estimated $165 billion. Besides major increases in spending, security officials have adopted advanced technologies for surveillance and security purposes, such as facial recognition and “social credit” rating schemes through information technologies.[26] The increasing expansion of law enforcement capabilities and international outreach raises the risk that Chinese security forces will extend their hunt for political opposition abroad.48 Already, requests by Chinese police officials to establish extradition agreements has raised concern that the MSS and MPS may serve as vehicles for capturing political dissidents.[27]

Ministry of State Security

The MSS is the country's main civilian intelligence and counterintelligence agency. Its missions include protecting China's national security, securing political and social stability, conducting counterintelligence, and implementing the State Security Law and related laws.42 The provincial and municipal departments of the MSS are responsible for carrying out surveillance and domestic intelligence work. Some of the departments also carry out foreign intelligence work.

Ministry of Public Security

Chinese leaders rely on the MPS and the MSS as the primary forces for ensuring public order and controlling threats in the country. The MPS is responsible for domestic law enforcement, as well as overall maintenance of “social order,” riot control, and antiterror duties. Unlike the PAP or PLA, however, the MPS provides oversight of local police forces, most of which are controlled and funded by local and provincial officials. Locally hired Chinese police forces are generally regarded as poorly paid, poorly trained, and corrupt.

Legal system

The government's efforts to promote rule of law appeared to be advancing, but impossible under the political structure constructed around the Communist Party. After the Cultural Revolution, China's leaders aimed to develop a legal system to restrain abuses of official authority and revolutionary excesses. In 1982, the Communist's National People's Congress adopted a new state constitution that emphasized the rule of law under which even party leaders are theoretically held accountable.

Since 1979, when the drive to establish a functioning legal system began, more than 300 laws and regulations, most of them in the economic area, have been promulgated. The use of mediation committees—informed groups of citizens who resolve about 90% of China's civil disputes and some minor criminal cases at no cost to the parties—is one innovative device. There are more than 800,000 such committees in both rural and urban areas.

Legal reform became a government priority in the 1990s. Legislation designed to modernize and professionalize the nation's lawyers, judges, and prisons was enacted. The criminal law amendments abolished the crime of "counter-revolutionary" activity, although many persons are still incarcerated for that crime. Criminal procedures reforms also encouraged the establishment of a more transparent, adversarial trial process. The Chinese constitution and laws provide for fundamental human rights, including due process, but these are often ignored in practice. In addition to other judicial reforms, the Constitution was amended in 2004 to include the protection of individual human rights and legally-obtained private property, but it is unclear how those provisions will be implemented. Although new criminal and civil laws have provided additional safeguards to citizens, previously debated political reforms, including expanding elections to the township level, and other legal reforms, including the reform of the reeducation through labor (RTL) system, have been put on hold. However, it is still impossible for certain groups to defend themselves as the legal system is constructed around the Communist Party.

Chinese Communist Party

See also: Chinese Communist Party

The 89 million-member CCP, totalitarian in structure and ideology, continues to dominate government. Nevertheless, China's population, geographical vastness, and social diversity frustrate attempts to rule by fiat from Beijing. Core leaders are attempting to adopt several changes in order to support their own greed in power as a totalitarian state.

In periods of greater openness, the influence of people and organizations outside the formal party structure has tended to increase, particularly in the economic realm. This phenomenon is most apparent today in the rapidly developing coastal region. Nevertheless, in all important government, economic, and cultural institutions in China, party committees work to see that party and state policy guidance is followed and that non-party members do not create autonomous organizations that could challenge party rule. Party control is tight- although not being felt directly.

Theoretically, the party's highest body is the Party Congress, which traditionally meets at least once every 5 years. The primary organs of power in the Communist Party include:

  • The Politburo Standing Committee, which currently consists of seven members;
  • The Politburo, consisting of 24 full members, including the members of the Politburo Standing Committee;
  • The Secretariat, the principal administrative mechanism of the CCP, headed by the General Secretary;
  • The Central Military Commission;
  • The Discipline Inspection Commission, which is charged with maintaining loyalty among party cadres.

Member of the Politburo Standing Committee do not have equal voice or representation. Rather, they are ranked 1 to 7.

Principal party and government officials

Most senior party officials living today were indoctrinated into the socialist system as teenagers during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.

(After Oct. 2017)

  • General Secretary of the CCP, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and President of the State Council—Xi Jinping
  • Politburo Standing Committee—(responsible for day-to-day affairs, ranked 1–7) Xi Jinping (General Secretary), Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi
  • Party Politburo members (meets irregularly, mostly provincial heads and Senior State Council members)— Ding Xuexiang, Wang Chen, Liu He, Xu Qiliang, Sun Chunlan (Arrested), Li Xi, Li Qiang, Li Hongzhong, Yang Jiechi, Zhang Youxia, Chen xi, Chen Quanguo, Zhao Leji, Guo Shengkun, Huang Kunming, Cai Qi. (alternate)
Xi an Mao
  • Alternate Politburo Members—Wang Gang
  • Vice President—Wang Qishan
  • Premier, State Council—Li Qiang
  • NPC Chair—Wu Bangguo
  • Vice Premier—Zhang Gaoli
  • Foreign Affairs—Yang Jiechi
  • Minister of Commerce—Zhong Shan
  • Minister of Finance—Jin Renqing
  • Minister of Defense—Adm. Dong Jun
  • Minister of Agriculture—
  • Minister of Industry and Digitalization —Wang Xudong
  • Governor, People's Bank of China—Zhou Xiaochuan
  • Minister, State Development and Reform Commission—Ma Kai
  • Ambassador to the U.S.--Zhou Wenzhong
  • Ambassador to UN—Wang Guangya


It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths, but if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party.

—Chi Haotian, ex-Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commissionm[28]

See also: Peoples Liberation Army

The establishment of a professional military force equipped with modern weapons and doctrine was the last of the "Four Modernizations" announced by Zhou Enlai and supported by Deng Xiaoping. In keeping with Deng's mandate to reform, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which includes the strategic nuclear forces, army, navy, and air force, demobilized millions of men and women beginning in 1978 and introduced modern methods in such areas as recruitment and manpower, strategy, and education and training.

Following the June 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, ideological correctness was temporarily revived as the dominant theme in Chinese military affairs.

In just one generation, China has transformed itself from a largely agrarian country into a manufacturing and trading powerhouse — with a matching boom in military and technology power. In 2010 the budget of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was roughly $35 billion. By 2020 it was around $250 billion. China's military boasts capable long-range ballistic missiles, 5th-generation fighter aircraft, aircraft carriers, and the largest surface combatants in the world. Its forces are increasingly active in not just the Pacific but also carrying out operations far beyond. Its arms and equipment are the products of China's defense industry. Once reliant on imports for high-end capabilities, China is now in the top tier of research, design, and production in fields that range from established areas like rocketry, shipbuilding, and aviation, to some of the most cutting-edge areas like robotics, AI, quantum, and hypersonic flight. This shift has also upended the global arms trade. China's arms trade shows now preview not just what will equip the PLA next, but what will also show up next in the battlefields of the developing world.[29]

It should be remembered that the Military is still under the Party's control. It is not to be equated with the European and American Armed forces.

Unrestricted warfare doctrine

Since the publication in 1999 of Unrestricted Warfare: Two Air Force Senior Colonels on Scenarios for War and the Operational Art in an Era of Globalization, by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangs

ui, it has been understood that hard-line elements within the Chinese National Security community have been envisioning and positioning themselves for war with the USA. As the title suggests, this book subverts the strategic thinking and rules of "old-style warfare”, proposes “new types of warfare” and explores military tactics, strategy and organization in the age of globalization. The “unrestricted” part of “unrestricted warfare” avoids direct military confrontation and seeks instead to conquer through non-kinetic means.

The authors argued that the notion that “national defense being the country’s main security goal is somewhat outdated, at least rather inadequate." Under such circumstances, a country, especially a weak one, must go beyond the limits of "traditional war" in order to win when it is faced with an opponent stronger than itself.

CCP Unrestricted Warfare.PNG

"Traditional war" follows certain rules or boundaries, for example, protections for the civilians and civilian facilities, humanitarian treatment to POWs, banning the use of weapons of mass destruction, etc. These principles were formally established in a series of international agreements. "Unrestricted warfare" means going beyond the limit, whether it is material, spiritual, ethical or technical; and whether it is called 'range', ‘restriction’, ‘restraint’, ‘boundary’, ‘rules’, ‘law’, ‘limit’, or ‘taboo’ ". In “unrestricted warfare” there is no distinction between "front and rear", "military and civilian”, country and territory. It is not restrained by moral and ethical limits. Any person and any facility can be considered as a military target. In order to achieve the goal, you can do whatever you want.

Unrestricted warfare tactics are divided into three categories, "military, trans-military and non-military. To operate “unrestricted warfare”, any item in the table of the three categories can be combined with one or more other items as needed to form "combined tactics". The authors specifically pointed out in the note: "The three categories of operations here are real wars, not metaphors or descriptions."

When all the boundaries of “old-style warfare” are broken, there is only one reality left: the entire human society is treated as a battlefield. There is no doubt that the United States is the simulated enemy against whom the unrestricted warfare was formulated. The reasoning goes that the People's Republic of China, being the weaker party compared with the United States in terms of military technology and power justifies tactics described in Unrestricted Warfare, since conventional tactics may not ensure victory against the US.[30]

According to the U.S. EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, China has the ability to conduct an Electromagnetic Pulse first-strike attack on the United States.[31] Dr. Peter Pry, a longtime expert on EMP warfare, China developed the weapons as part of its Total Information Warfare. Dr. Pry found that China is eager to shoot first with “high-altitude electromagnetic pulse,” or HEMP, weapons launched from satellites, ships, and land. “China’s military doctrine — including numerous examples presented here of using HEMP attack to win on the battlefield, defeat U.S. aircraft carriers, and achieve against the U.S. homeland a surprise ‘Pearl Harbor’ writ large — is replete with technical and operational planning consistent with a nuclear first-strike.”[32]

Science and technology

See also: Technocracy
Since 2015, there is no distinction between civilian and military research. All science and technology is shared equally between the military and non-military researchers.

The 13th Five year Plan, which ran from 2016 - 2020, eliminated a distinction between civilian and military science and technology research, fusing them together in a two-way flow of technology and other resources.[33]

Science and technology have always preoccupied China's leaders; indeed, China's political leadership comes almost exclusively from technical backgrounds and has a high regard for science. Deng called it "the first productive force." Distortions in the economy and society created by party rule have severely hurt Chinese science, according to some Chinese science policy experts. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, modeled on the Soviet system, puts much of China's greatest scientific talent in a large, under-funded apparatus that remains largely isolated from industry, although the reforms of the past decade have begun to address this problem.

Chinese science strategists see China's greatest opportunities in newly emerging fields such as biotechnology and computers, where there is still a chance for China to become a significant player. Most Chinese students who went abroad have not returned, but they have built a dense network of trans-Pacific contacts that will greatly facilitate U.S.-China scientific cooperation in the coming years. The U.S. space program is often held up as the standard of scientific modernity in China. China's small but growing space program, which successfully completed its second manned orbit in October 2005, is a focus of national pride.

The U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement remains the framework for bilateral cooperation in this field. A 5-year agreement to extend the Science and Technology Agreement was signed in April 2006. The Agreement is among the longest-standing U.S.-China accords, and includes over eleven U.S. Federal agencies and numerous branches that participate in cooperative exchanges under the S&T Agreement and its nearly 60 protocols, memoranda of understanding, agreements, and annexes. The Agreement covers cooperation in areas such as marine conservation, renewable energy, and health. Biennial Joint Commission Meetings on Science and Technology bring together policymakers from both sides to coordinate joint science and technology cooperation. Executive Secretaries meetings are held biennially to implement specific cooperation programs. Japan and the European Union also have high-profile science and technology cooperative relationships with China.

Biological weapons

See also: Covid-19 pandemic

China agreed to the Biological Weapons Convention in 1984, but both academics and government agencies have asserted that the regime is a world leader in bioweapon production.[34] The U.S. State Department and other agencies stating publicly in 2009 that they believe China has offensive biological agents.[35] China is “commonly considered to have an active biological warfare program,” says the Federation of American Scientists. An official with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defence charged that China is the world leader in toxin “threats.”[36]

the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is linked to Beijing's covert bioweapons program. WIV is under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but certain laboratories within it have linkage with the PLA or BW-related elements within the Chinese defense establishment. Suspicions were raised about the WIV when a group of Chinese virologists working in Canada improperly sent to China samples of what he described as some of the deadliest viruses on earth, including the Ebola virus.[37]

In 2015, Chinese military scientists discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses to "cause the enemy’s medical system to collapse." In a 263-page document, written by People's Liberation Army scientists and senior Chinese public health officials and obtained by the US State Department during its investigation into the origins of COVID-19, suggests that SARS coronaviruses could herald a "new era of genetic weapons," and noted that they can be "artificially manipulated into an emerging human ­disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before."[38]

War in space

China aims to become the world's leading space power by 2045.[39] China is taking steps to establish a commanding position in the commercial launch and satellite sectors relying in part on aggressive state-backed financing that foreign market-driven companies cannot match.

The CCP has invested heavily in new satellite clusters, anti-satellite weapons, and electronic warfare packages designed to shut down America's access to its own satellite network. In early 2021, Chinese state-owned media announced that the state-owned China Telecom corporation would be launching 10,000 satellites over the course of the next 5 to 10 years.[40]

One cornerstone of China's space program is the Beidou Navigation Satellite system (BDS), a global navigation satellite system that provides positioning, navigation and timing, in addition to data communication. The People's Liberation Army created the program in order not to be dependent on the US-controlled GPS network.[41] The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission wrote in its 2019 Annual Report to Congress: "Beijing uses its space program to advance its terrestrial geopolitical objectives, including cultivating customers for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)... China is taking steps to establish a commanding position in the commercial launch and satellite sectors relying in part on aggressive state-backed financing that foreign market-driven companies cannot match."[42]

The September 2020 Pentagon report, Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020, stated, "the PRC is developing electronic warfare capabilities such as satellite jammers; offensive cyber capabilities; and directed-energy weapons. ...China has an operational ground-based Anti-Satellite (ASAT) missile intended to target low-Earth orbit satellites/"[43]

Nuclear weapons

In 1955, Mao Zedong's Chinese Communist Party decided to proceed with a nuclear weapons program; it was developed with Soviet assistance until 1960. After its first nuclear test in October 1964, Beijing deployed a modest but potent ballistic missile force, including land- and sea-based intermediate-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In late 2011, Phil Karber, a national security expert in the Reagan administration and Georgetown University professor, released a study titled the Underground Great Wall that revealed,[44] through open-source analysis, that the CCP had some 3,000 miles of underground tunnels and that the PLA's nuclear arsenal was much bigger than officially estimated by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. intelligence community.[45]

One of two nuclear missile fields discovered under construction in mid-2021.

The nuclear missile silo construction discovered in the summer of 2021 at Yumen and Hami constitutes the most significant expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal ever. China has for decades operated about 20 silos for liquid-fuel DF-5 ICBMs. With 120 silos under construction at Yumen, another 110 silos at Hami, a dozen silos at Jilantai, and possibly more silos being added in existing DF-5 deployment areas, the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) appears to have approximately 250 silos under construction – more than ten times the number of ICBM silos in operation today.

The number of new Chinese silos under construction exceeds the number of silo-based ICBMs operated by Russia, and constitutes more than half of the size of the entire US ICBM force. The Chinese missile silo program constitutes the most extensive silo construction since the US and Soviet missile silo construction during the Cold War.

The 250 new silos under construction are in addition to the force of approximately 100 road-mobile ICBM launchers that PLARF deploys at more than a dozen bases. It is unclear how China will operate the new silos, whether it will load all of them with missiles or if a portion will be used as empty decoys. If all the new silos are loaded with single-warhead missiles, then the number of warheads on Chinese ICBMs could potentially increase from about 185 warheads today to as many as 415 warheads. If the new silos are loaded with the new MIRVed DF-41 ICBMs, then Chinese ICBMs could potentially carry more than 875 warheads (assuming 3 warheads per missile) when the Yumen and Hami missile silo fields are completed.

The silo construction represents a significant increase of the Chinese arsenal, which the Federation of American Scientists as of 2021 estimates includes approximately 350 nuclear warheads. The Pentagon stated in 2020 that China had “an operational nuclear warhead stockpile in low-200s,” and STRATCOM commander Adm. Charles Richard said in early 2021 that “China’s nuclear weapons stockpile is expected to double (if not triple or quadruple) over the next decade.”[46][47]

Missile technology

China has the most active ballistic missile development program in the world.[48] The September 2020 Pentagon report, Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020, stated, "The PRC has more than 1,250 ground-launched ballistic missiles (GLBMs) and ground-launched cruise missiles (GLCMs) with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. The United States currently fields one type of conventional GLBM with a range of 70 to 300 kilometers and no GLCMs."

Although it is not a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the multinational effort to restrict the proliferation of missiles, in March 1992 China undertook to abide by MTCR guidelines and parameters. China reaffirmed this commitment in 1994 and pledged not to transfer MTCR-class ground-to-ground missiles. In November 2000, China committed not to assist in any way the development by other countries of MTCR-class missiles. However, on August 29, 2003, the U.S. Government imposed missile proliferation sanctions lasting two years on the Chinese company China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) after determining that it was knowingly involved in the transfer of equipment and technology controlled under Category II of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Annex that contributed to MTCR-class missiles in a non-MTCR country.

Liaoning CV-16. Photo: ChinaPower[49]

In December 2003, the P.R.C. promulgated comprehensive new export control regulations governing exports of all categories of sensitive technologies.

PLA Navy

The PLA Navy (PLAN) had a 335-ship fleet as of 2019, about 55 percent larger than in 2005. Based on this expansion speed, the PLA Navy fleet is projected to have more than 450 ships and about 110 submarines by 2030.[50] China currently has two carriers. The Liaoning entered service in 2012. The nation's first fully indigenously built carrier, the Shandong, entered service in late 2020. Comparatively, the U.S. Navy had 293 ships in 2019, an increase of just two in the last 15 years.

Peoples Armed Police

The Peoples Armed Police (PAP) are not under the control of the government (State Council). The Peoples Armed Police is a section with the Peoples Liberation Armey (PLA), the Chinese Communist Party's military wing. The PAP is a paramilitary component of China's armed forces; its primary mission is internal security. Although the PAP has specialized units for a variety of functions, such as border security and firefighting, most units address internal security. PAP units are organized into contingents for each province, autonomous region, and centrally administered city. There are also a small number of mobile divisions available to deploy anywhere in the country to respond to crises.

In 2017, authorities announced that the PAP would be commanded by the Central Military Commission (CMC), removing the State Council from the chain of command and removing the PAP from the direct control of provincial authorities.[51] Moreover, the changes removed all troops not involved in domestic security duties from the PAP. Following the changes, the PAP has become a force exclusively focused on domestic security that operates under the command of the CMC.

The CCP also revised PAP funding to strengthen central control. Stronger central control of the PAP removes these troops from possible misuse by local power holders, deters potential challengers to Beijing's authority, and enables the central government to deploy the forces to carry out its own strategic plans, such as consolidation of political control over the western provinces. However, the militarization of the PAP raises the prospect that domestic security concerns will be considered in military terms, further weakening what little remains of the rights of the people of China, especially in the ethnic-minority dominated provinces featuring a heavy PAP presence.

Propaganda Department

All films, media, and publications were transferred from the State Council to the CCP's Propaganda Department in 2018.[52]

National Intelligence Law Article 7

See also: Police state

The CCP's National Intelligence Law, which went into effect in July 2017, compels all persons and companies doing businesses in China to cooperate with the CCP's internal security apparatus and the intelligence goals of the Chinese Communist Party.

Any organization or citizen shall support, assist and cooperate with the state intelligence work in accordance with the law, and keep the secrets of the national intelligence work known to the public. The State protects individuals and organizations that support, assist and cooperate with national intelligence work.[53]

The new law essentially codifies the principles of the Maoist Cultural Revolution to spy on or terrorize fellow citizens, as well as extends the Communist Party's reach into Chinese telecommunications companies throughout the world and foreign businesses operating in China.

Foreign Relations

See also: China and State Sponsored Terrorism

Since its establishment, the Communist Party is doing all it can to lure countries to stand and advocate for its One-China policy that it is the sole legitimate government of all China, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. In the early 1970s, Beijing was recognized diplomatically by most world powers. Beijing (Pekin) assumed the China seat in the United Nations in 1971 and has since become increasingly active in multilateral organizations. Japan established diplomatic relations with China in 1972, and the United States did so in 1979. As of July 2021, the number of countries that have diplomatic relations with Beijing had risen to 180, while 15 maintained diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Central Foreign Affairs Commission director Yang Jiechi to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”[54]

After the founding of the PRC, China's foreign policy initially focused on solidarity with the Soviet Union and other communist countries. In 1950, the Mainland Communist Regime sent the People's Liberation Army into North Korea to help North Korea halt the UN offensive that was approaching the Yalu River. After the Korean conflict stalemated, China sought to balance its identification as a member of the Soviet bloc by establishing friendly relations with Pakistan and other non-aligned countries, particularly in Southeast Asia.

In the 1960s, Beijing competed with Moscow for political influence among communist parties and in the developing world generally. The PRC broke its connection with the foreign policy leadership provided by Moscow after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Following the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and clashes in 1969 on the Sino-Soviet border, Chinese competition with the Soviet Union increasingly reflected concern over China's own strategic position.

In the 1970s and 1980s, China sought to create a secure regional and global environment for itself and to foster good relations with countries that could aid its economic development. To this end, China looked to the West for assistance with its modernization drive in what's called the post-Mao "Reform and opening" era.

In the immediate aftermath of the Tiananmen massacre of thousands of Chinese people during the June 1989 democracy movement, many countries reduced their diplomatic contacts with China as well as their economic assistance programs. In response, China worked vigorously to expand its relations with foreign countries, and by late 1990, had reestablished normal relations with almost all nations. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991, China also opened diplomatic relations with the republics of the former Soviet Union.

In recent years, Chinese leaders have been regular travelers to all parts of the globe, and China has sought a higher profile in the UN through its permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and other multilateral organizations.

South Korea is seriously considering closing all Confucius Institutes since too many parents have complained that the Chinese language institute wanted to teach their children a history of their own country dominated by China.

Influence operations

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses propaganda and influence operations as a means of projecting its power and weakening its enemies. These operations are coordinated and directed by the CCP's United Front Work Department (UFWD).[55] The CCP's United Front system mobilizes the party's “friends” to strike the party's enemies. The system was greatly energized and expanded by Xi Jinping. It operates inside foreign political parties, diaspora communities, colleges and corporations, all with the goal of promoting the party's interests. The express goals of the United Front system include undermining social cohesion, exacerbating racial tension, and influencing politics.[56]

Belt and Road Initiative

Main article: One Belt One Road

Chinese officials are quite open that Belt and Road is aimed at creating a Eurasia wide Chinese led bloc to counter the United States.

China has been looking to construct a 120-kilometer mega canal cutting through the Isthmus of Kra, the narrowest part of the Malay Peninsula in Thailand. This will open the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean, bypassing the Strait of Malacca. What China is eyeing is a canal project in Thailand called the Kra Canal and the Thai leadership seems to be on board. Through this canal, China is trying to reduce dependence on the Strait of Malacca. Currently, 80 percent of China's oil imports passed through the South China Sea.

The Strait of Malacca is a key reason why China has not been able to grow too powerful. Democratic and powers such as India, Australia, and other Southeast Asian nations are well-positioned to cut off Chinese supply lines in the event of a major military confrontation by creating a blockade around the Strait of Malacca. China wants to ensure that its commercial and naval vessels find an alternate route that altogether avoids the Malacca chokepoint while traveling between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This is an overhang of the maritime portion of Xi Jinping's Belt and Road initiative that seeks to connect Southeast Asia with the Middle East and Europe.

Influencing international organizations

The WHO, headed by a Marxist fellow traveller, publicly announced that the Wuhan virus posed no threat of contagious reaction between humans.[57]

Jin Canrong, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Beijing's Renmin University of China, explained the CCP's plan to exert greater influence over global bodies such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization (WHO), Interpol, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Olympic Committee, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The Chinese regime's goal is for “all these international organizations to be controlled by China. We can appoint someone who speaks Chinese [who represents China] to be its leaders,” Jin said.

During his speech, Jin emphasized that Xi Jinping was unlike his predecessors in his ambitions. Previous CCP leaders after Deng Xiaoping worked hard to develop the regime's power but didn't dare to use it. “No matter how much power you have, it’s nothing if you don’t dare to use it,” Jin said. “Chairman Xi dares to use it. [Xi’s authorities] have the power, dare to use that power, and all of its attacks make the other party bleed.”

Xi's ambitions, however, cannot be revealed to the outside world, Jin Canrong said. When Xi took power in 2012, he urged the country to realize the “Chinese dream.” This meant becoming a “moderately well-off” country by 2021, and then a “strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and modern socialist country” by 2049.

Jin explained that Xi's target is actually to replace the United States as the world's only superpower by 2049. “[Chinese] Ministry of Foreign Affairs keeps on saying [at press briefings] that China loves peace. But no reporters at the press briefings believe this,” Jin said.

WTO membership

U.S. trade deficit with China. The difference between the red line and blue line represents an outflow of American wealth - capital that could be used to create American jobs rather than jobs in China and prosperity for the Chinese Communist Party.

Despite the CCP's human rights abuses in the Tiananmen massacre, no trade sanctions were ever leveled by Western Powers and globalists. China was rewarded for its human rights abuses in 2001, despite the absence of reforms, by being welcomed into the World Trade Organization (WTO) with full membership and a year later granted Most Favored Nation trade status by the U.S. Congress. China formally joined the World Trade Organization in December 2001.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), nearly 6 million U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost between 1999 and 2011, with a study published by the University of Chicago attributing almost 1 million of these manufacturing job losses and 2.4 million total job losses to competition with China. Meanwhile, according to the same CFR report, multinational corporations such as Apple, Inc. have benefited from increased access to China's market. Consumers in the Greater China region accounted for approximately 15 percent of Apple's revenue in 2020.[58]

Beginning in 2017, the imposition of tariffs by U.S. President Donald J. Trump began to redress the imbalance of a half-trillion dollar a year trade deficit and the outflow of American wealth to China. China's economy was developed over those early decades of the 21st century as a coastal, manufacturing economy entirely dependent on exports. Young people left their home villages in the countryside to seek work in coastal factories. The prosperity was all built on access to the U.S. consumer market, and Americans' appetite for cheap manufactured goods. Scant attention was paid to developing a domestic service sector economy, while the vast interior remained impoverished, and increasingly so as young people abandoned rural agricultural work for urban factory work.

Contrary to Cold War era belief that free trade would encourage non-democratic countries to become more democratic - an argument used to sell globalization - experience ultimately proved free trade only strengthens tyrannical regimes. By 2020, the notion that democracy and free trade go hand-in-hand had been thoroughly discredited.

Confucius Institutes

The CCP relies on what is known as "Confucius Institutes" to push a pro-China narrative at academic institutions in the U.S. Confucius Institutes generally offer Mandarin classes for students, coupled to cultural outreach to local communities and nearby K-12 schools.[59] The first Confucius Institute was established in 2004 at the University of Maryland. Since then, close to 100 similar programs have been opened across the United States. Confucius Institutes are supplemented by the PLA which is expanding scientific research cooperation with foreign colleges and universities. Since 2007, the PLA has sponsored more than 2,500 military scientists and engineers to study abroad, developing relationships with academic institutions in the U.S. and other Western nations.[60]

Relations with the United States

See also: US-China relations

Jin Canrong, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Beijing's Renmin University of China,[61] laid out a multi-pronged strategy involving a range of malign actions to subvert the United States while strengthening the Chinese regime.[62] They include:

  • interfering in U.S. elections,
  • controlling the American market,
  • cultivating global enemies to challenge the United States,
  • stealing American technology,
  • expanding Chinese territory, and
  • influencing international organizations.

It has been alleged that China has a secret plan to invade and takeover the United States via Mexico. In November 1998, an investigative journalist by the name of Scott Gulbransen heard rumors while travelling through Texas of Chinese soldiers in the deserts of Mexico.[63] One Texan citizen had gone to see for himself but did not make it back alive. Another Texan woman was warned by her family living Mexico not to come to their family ranch due to the presence of foreign soldiers. When the woman travelled to Mexico she learned that the foreign soldiers were "Asians" who were preparing to attack the United States.

Gulbransen went to Mexico and talked with various people about Chinese troops. He collected stories from border patrol officers,Mexican policemen, fishermen and others. The main points made were these:

1. China is pumping arms, ammunition, men and uniforms into Baja California through the port of Ensanada. Gulbransen says that "The fishermen of Ensanada know something is going on. They've seen it with their own eyes. But no one listens to poor fishermen. They're dirty drunks who smell like the fish they catch. They might be the first to witness the Chinese move on the United States but no one will listen."

2. Communist bloc troops are in Mexico. There are military encampments in the deserts of Mexico from various communist countries. Based on examination of the rifle ammunition, the troops are composed of highly trained troops from China, North Korea and Cuba. According to witnesses, Mexican officials are bribed to conceal these troops. Those who threaten to expose the operation face death.

4. Chinese military supplies are being smuggled into the United States. According to border patrol officers, U.S. officials are allowing trucks from Mexico carrying Chinese ammunition to pass through the border without question. Border patrol officers who have tried to blow the whistle on it have been threatened into silence. One officer died in a suspicious car accident after telling Gulbransen that she feared for her life. At one border crossing alone, 30 to 40 trucks loaded with Chinese military supplies were entering the United States per day. It appears that the Chinese are trying to set up ammunition dumps through the U.S. for a planned invasion by troops and insurgents.

6. Communist guerillas in Mexico expect that the United States will soon be brought to its knees. "I am the leader of the La Conquidistas" a Mexican Communist guerilla told Gulbransen. Their plan is to take back Mexico from the "imperialist pigs of the U.S that hold the Mexican people in poverty." The guerilla leader added that "Fidel Castro is the only brave man to stand up to you." When Gulbransen said that the Conquidistas need more than AK47's to fight the U.S., the guerilla leader explained that the Mexican people are resourceful. He added that Mexico has "friends throughout the world who would help us." As Gulbransen left the secret meeting place, the guerilla leader told him, "You tell the fat Americans about the real Mexico. You tell them their day to pay is coming fast. Coming very fast."

An unknown trucker from 2011, delivered a tractor-trailer load of food to a Chinese military base located 60 miles south of Laredo, Texas. The trucker described the base as 2 miles wide by 3 miles long, with 10,000 armored vehicles.[64]

In a two-hour telephone conversation in late February 2023, U.S. premier Joe Biden attempted to cajole President Xi Jinping to help end the war in Ukraine that the United States instigated by sanctioning Russia. New York Times diplomatic correspondent Edward Wong reported, "Xi didn't suggest a role China could play in ending the war…And he used a favorite phrase of his to cast blame on the US: 'Let he who tied the bell on the tiger’s neck take it off?'.”[65]

PLA Infiltration into the U.S

Most of the fields and solar farms that are largely present in the American Southwest are actually controlled and run by the PLA. The PLA troops disguise themselves as "security personnel".[66]

CCP Land Purchases

Since the mid-2000's, the CCP has been buying up valuable farmland in the U.S. especially in Texas and Oklahoma.[67][68][69] Records from the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act show that Chinese land acquisitions "rose from less than 10 annually" before 2008 to "12 to 25 each year during 2008-2013".

Control over the News media
The New York Times

Carlos Slim, who is the largest shareholder of the New York Times, controls around a third of the board. Slim's other ventures have close ties to the CCP. One of his companies Giant Motors is engaged in joint operations with China's JAC Motors to penetrate the Latin American market. Additionally, Slim owns a mobile phone company named America Movil, which is partnered with Huawei to sell 5G technology in Columbia.[70]

Washington Post

Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon and owner of the Washington Post has close ties to China. Amazon's best selling products such as Echo and Kindle are manufactured in China.[71] The Washington post includes a supplement called "China Watch" which is written directly by the CCP's media arm. In short, Bezos is being paid money by China to run Chinese propaganda in an American newspaper.[72]

Cable News Network

CNN which is owned by Warner Media is closely tied to China. They have a $50 million investment deal with the CCP.[73]


NBC has a partnership with the Chinese state run media Xinhua news agency to cooperate on international news.[74]


ABC arguably has the strongest ties with the Chinese economy and the CCP. The CCP and their enterprises provided significant support for the $3.6 billion cost of building a Disney World in Shanghai. ESPN, another affiliate of ABC, told their staff not to disparage the Chinese Communist regime and where possible to avoid the topic altogether.[75]


Bloomberg is heavily invested in China. They have sent over $150 billion into Chinese bond markets to 364 companies. Out of those 364 companies, 159 were directly controlled by the Chinese government. Bloomberg's media arm has been a willing servant of the CCP. In 2014, they suppressed a news story about the wealth of Chinese elites. They leveraged a non-disclosure agreement to silence both a reporter based in Beijing and his wife, neither of whom ever worked for Bloomberg.[72]


Decoupling refers to restricting and terminating certain trade relationships with the Chinese Communist Party. Decoupling however, is not limited merely to commerce. It will affect student exchange programs as students from China are hand selected by the Chinese Communist Party and expected to serve the party upon graduation without becoming infected with ideas such as democracy, justice, and religion while in the United States. American students studying in China likewise are targeted for compromise, blackmail, and ideological subversion.

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board oversees the Thrift Savings Plan, a retirement fund for federal employees and members of the uniformed military services, with about $600 billion in assets. Money is withheld from federal employees and the military's paychecks to contribute to the fund. Approximately 11% is invested in Chinese companies, some of which produce weapons designed to kill members of the U.S. military.[76] The government of China even prior to the CCP virus outbreak was in violation of U.S. sanctions law and engaged in humanitarian and human rights abuse.

China's promotion of the transexual agenda in the USA

LGBTQ+ flag

Please review the below article/video about the Chinese pushing the transexual agenda in the United States:


Under the CCP's model of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, as in all socialist societies, there are no safeguards, guarantees, or protection of property rights. Hence, there is no private sector in China. While certain successful entrepreneurs are allowed to benefit and profit from their work or business, and even become extremely wealthy by Western standards, the state reserves the right to expropriate and take control of any person, business, or enterprise at any time. While foreign investment in recent decades has been attracted to China because of its large domestic market and cheap labor cost, foreigners are prohibited from owning more than 49% of any business and must have a 51% Chinese controlling partner who is subject to Chinese Communist law and expropriation of property rights.

During the Post-Maoist Reform era after 1978, China introduced a system known as capitalist management of socialism, which it operates under today. China is not a true market economy, as the key resources, such as land, is not privately owned; the so-called collective ownership is still de facto government ownership. Moreover, in the Communist Regime's Constitution, Mainland China is still officially a Communist country.

In the 3 years from 2011 to 2014, China used more cement than the US did in the entire 20th century.

In 1985, based on IMF data,[77] China was the eleventh largest economy, with a GDP of $313 billion, below the United States, Soviet Union, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, and the Netherlands. China quickly got to tenth in 1990, with its $398 billion. China managed to get to eight in just five years, with a GDP of $737 billion. However, during this time, the Russian economy was collapsing, which meant that China went to seventh. The Italian economy got overtaken by the Chinese economy of $1.215 trillion in 2000. However, China nearly tied France and England around the $2.5 trillion mark. When the 2008 financial crisis hit America and Europe, China boomed even further, becoming the 3rd largest economy in 2010, nearly tying Japan, with a $6 trillion GDP.

At the end of the Cold War political scientist Samuel P. Huntington wrote,

It appears probable that for most of history China had the world's largest economy. The diffusion of technology and the economic development of non-Western societies in the second half of the twentieth century are now producing a return to the historical pattern. This will be a slow process, but by the middle of the twenty-first century, if not before, the distribution of economic product and manufacturing output among the leading civilizations is likely to resemble that of 1800. The two-hundred-year Western "blip" on the world economy will be over.[78]

In 2015 China grew to $11 trillion, clearly becoming the 2nd largest economy. China led the world in production of ships, iron, steel, textiles, cement, chemicals, toys, electronics, railcars, aircraft, solar cells, shoes, cellphones, air conditioners, and personal computers. More than 80% of medical pharma materials came from China. In rare earth minerals, which are vital to so many high technology industries, by 2021 China had an 80% lock on the supply. Other sectors the CCP means to dominate include satellite technology, AI, cyber, quantum computing and communications, battery development and manufacturing, and robotics.

General Secretary Xi Jinping was quoted by Reuters as saying in 2019, "Though our economy has vaulted to second place in the world, it is big and not strong, and its bloatedness and frailty are quite prominent. This is mainly reflected in the lack of strength in innovation ability, which is the ‘Achilles heel’ of this lug of an economy of ours.”[79]

In 2020, China hit 100 trillion yuan ($15.21 trillion), when the United States went down to $20 trillion, and Japan went down to $5 trillion, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. China had a per capita income below Mexico but above the Dominican Republic. 40% of the population lives on less than $5 per day.

China is expected to get to $25 trillion in 2025 and possibly hit $33 trillion in 2030, surpassing the United States' 30 trillion. The mainstream media appears to be cheerleading for China,[80][81] and boasted about how China will overtake the US economy before 2030.[82]

By 2050, China could dwarf and double the US economy and military, with an overwhelming $100 trillion GDP, based on PricewaterhouseCoopers projections. China is eager to get the 1st place from the US and promote its agenda in an extreme way, even through killing 1.5 million people through a biological weapon, the Coronavirus.[83]

Real estate and stock market crash

Since 2020, China has been in the midst of a real estate crisis (See: Chinese real estate crisis (2020–present)). Since 2021, China’s stock markets have lost about $7 trillion in value (See: Chinese stock markets).[84]

996 work culture and laying flat protest

See also: Youth unemployment in China

The 996 work culture refers to the CCP requirement that all workers work from 9 AM until 9 PM, 6 days a week. In the 21st century many youths protested the culture by "lying flat", or dropping out of the job market, also known as voluntary unemployment. With the one-child policy, the lying flat movement led to an extreme shortage of younger workers in the job market. As many as 13% of younger Chinese have dropped out of the job market by 2020.

On February 17, 2024, the South China Morning Post reported that China’s young adults choose to be ‘full-time children’, paid by their parents to do chores amid record-high youth unemployment.[85][86] The Chinese phrase "full-time children" refers to young people who give up working and just live off their parents (See: Youth unemployment in China).[87][88]


China is the world's most populous country and one of the largest producers and consumers of agricultural products. Roughly half of China's labor force is engaged in agriculture, even though only 10% of the land is suitable for cultivation and agriculture contributes only 13% of China's GDP. China's cropland area is only 75% of the U.S. total, but China still produces about 30% more crops and livestock than the U.S. because of intensive cultivation, China is among the world's largest producers of rice, corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetables, tea, and pork. Major non-food crops include cotton, other fibers, and oilseeds. China hopes to further increase agricultural production through improved plant stocks, fertilizers, and technology. Incomes for Chinese farmers are stagnating, leading to an increasing wealth gap between the cities and the countryside. Government policies that continue to emphasize grain self-sufficiency and the fact that farmers do not own—and cannot buy or sell—the land they work have contributed to this situation. While this was the case in China before Communism, many other countries have since embrace individual ownership while China has not. In addition, inadequate port facilities and lack of warehousing and cold storage facilities impede both domestic and international agricultural trade.


Industry and construction account for about 46% of China's GDP. Major industries are mining and ore processing; iron; steel; aluminum; coal, machinery; textiles and apparel; armaments; petroleum; cement; chemicals; fertilizers; consumer products including footwear, toys, and electronics; automobiles and other transportation equipment including rail cars and locomotives, ships, and aircraft; and telecommunications.

China has the longest and most-used high-speed rail network in the world. China's high-speed rail network accounts for two-thirds of the world's total high-speed rail networks.

China became a preferred destination for the relocation of global manufacturing facilities. Its strength as an export platform has contributed to incomes and employment in China. The state-run sector still accounts for about 40% of GDP. In recent years, authorities have been giving greater attention to the management of state assets—both in the financial market as well as among state-owned-enterprises.

Organ harvesting

See also: China and involuntary organ harvesting
Human organ transplants have been developed into a booming industry by the Chinese Communist Party. Virtually all donors are involuntary, with a few people in poverty being paid perhaps $25 for a kidney that is advertised globally, online, as a procedure costing $60,000.

Since organ transplantation has been made a high priority in the Chinese Communist Party's national strategy and heavily emphasized as a future emerging industry, a large number of organ transplant projects have been funded under major national programs. The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, other departments, and the military have invested heavily in research, development, and personnel training in transplantation technology to meet the needs of this rapidly-growing industry. New capabilities and techniques have emerged and been extensively spreading, allowing live organ transplantation in China to grow into a large, industrialized operation in less than two decades.[89]

Before 2000, the technology in kidney and liver transplants had matured through the sourcing of organs from prisoners sentenced to death and prisoners of conscience. The repression of Falun Gong opened up a mass organ supply. If the Chinese Communist Party had not approved and supported the mass killing of Falun Gong for their organs, it would not have been possible for the transplant profession and the hospitals to participate in and benefit from these killings. Since 2001, the Party has incorporated organ transplantation into its Five-Year Plans.[90]

Until 2010, China had no organ donation system, but become one of the world's organ transplant leaders. China claimed that the organs came from executed prisoners, but the number of reported capital executions was only a fraction of the number of transplants. Wait times as short as 2 weeks, that in other countries were as long as 15 years, and an endless supply of donors, made China a popular destination for transplant surgeries.[91] The trade is estimated to be worth $1 billion per year.[92]

Foreign Investment

Any foreign business operating in China must have a Chinese partner. Foreigners are limited to 49% iwnership. Foreigners are prohibited from owning Chinese tech firms.

As part of its WTO accession, China undertook to eliminate certain trade-related investment measures and to open up specified sectors that had previously been closed to foreign investment. New laws, regulations, and administrative measures to implement these commitments are being issued. Major remaining barriers to foreign investment include opaque and inconsistently enforced laws and regulations and the lack of a rules-based legal infrastructure.

Opening to the outside remains central to China's development. Foreign-invested enterprises produce about half of China's exports, and China continues to attract large investment inflows. Foreign exchange reserves were $1.1 trillion at the end of 2006, and have now surpassed those of Japan, making China's foreign exchange reserves the largest in the world.

Regulatory environment

Though China's economy has expanded rapidly, its regulatory environment has not kept pace. Since Deng Xiaoping's open market reforms, the growth of new businesses has outpaced the government's ability to regulate them. This has created a situation where businesses, faced with mounting competition and poor oversight, will be willing to take drastic measures to increase profit margins, often at the expense of consumer safety. This issue has recently acquired more prominence, with a number of restrictions being placed on problematic Chinese exports by the U.S. The Chinese Government recognizes the severity of the problem, recently concluding that up to 20% of the country's products are substandard or tainted. However, the level of the Chinese corporate taxes is actually 60% of the annual income. Moreover, in September 2017 the Communist Regime announced that private enterprises that are over 50 employees are required to set up party branches.

Slave labor

Location of socialist reeducation and slave labor camps.

China's network of penal forced labor facilities, established in the early years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government to hold both criminals and political dissidents, remains in operation today.[93] U.S. law prohibits the importation of goods produced “wholly or in part in any foreign country by convict labor or/and forced labor or/and indentured labor under penal sanctions.”[94] Artificial flowers, Christmas lights, shoes, garments, umbrellas as well as coal, cotton, electronics, fireworks, footwear, nails, and toys have been identified as produced in Chinese prison factories for export. There have been several instances of letters and notes from prisoners describing their confinement, working conditions and mistreatment discovered in products purchased by consumers outside China; at Christmas in 2019 a six-year-old girl in London, in a box of newly purchased Christmas cards, found one that had a message in English saying,

"We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu prison China Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organization."[95]

Profitable prison companies help to fund the operations of both local and national government. Prison labor enterprises producing high-tech goods such as semiconductors and optical instruments are the most profitable, each earning an estimated annual revenue of tens of millions of dollars and paying taxes to the Chinese government. According to the 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report from the United States Department of State,

“[t]he [PRC] government reportedly profits from [the use of] forced labor. Many prisoners and detainees in ‘reeducation through labor’ facilities [are] required to work, often with no remuneration.”

Many prisons function as subcontractors for Chinese firms. The State Department has noted cases in which

“detainees were forced to work up to 18 hours a day without pay for private companies working in partnership with Chinese authorities” and “were beaten for failing to complete work quotas."[96]

The book Laogai: The Machinery of Repression in China, published in 2009, stated that as many as 3 to 5 million people were imprisoned in laogai or gulag camps.[97]

In addition to criminal sentences imposed by a court, administrative detention imposed by police with no legal due process required, the CCP has a system of “Black Jails”, an unofficial system of unlicensed confinement facilities used by local CCP officials primarily to detain petitioners seeking redress of grievances.[98]


Together with strong economic growth, China's demand for energy is surging rapidly. In 2003, China surpassed Japan to become the second-largest consumer of primary energy, after the United States. China is the world's second-largest consumer of oil, after the United States, and for 2006, China's increase in oil demand represented 38% of the world total increase in oil demand. China is also the third-largest energy producer in the world, after the United States and Russia. China's electricity consumption is expected to grow by over 4% a year through 2030, which will require more than $2 trillion in electricity infrastructure investment to meet the demand. China expects to add approximately 15,000 megawatts of generating capacity a year, with 20% of that coming from foreign suppliers.

Coal makes up the bulk of China's energy consumption (70% in 2005), and China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world. As China's economy continues to grow, China's coal demand is projected to rise significantly. Although coal's share of China's overall energy consumption will decrease, coal consumption will continue to rise in absolute terms. China's continued and increasing reliance on coal as a power source has contributed significantly to putting China on the path to becoming the world's largest emitter of acid rain-causing sulfur dioxide and greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide.

The 11th Five-Year Program, announced in 2005, calls for greater energy conservation measures, including the development of renewable energy sources and increased attention to environmental protection. Moving away from coal towards cleaner energy sources including oil, natural gas, renewable energy, and nuclear power is an important component of China's development program. China has abundant hydroelectric resources; the Three Gorges Dam, for example, will have a total capacity of 18 gigawatts when fully on-line (projected for 2009). In addition, the share of electricity generated by nuclear power is projected to grow from 1% in 2000 to 5% in 2030. China's renewable energy law, which went into effect in 2006, calls for 10% of its energy to come from renewable energy sources by 2020.

Since 1993, China has been a net importer of oil, a large portion of which comes from the Middle East. Net imports are expected to rise to 3.5 million barrels per day by 2010. China is interested in diversifying the sources of its oil imports and has invested in oil fields around the world. Beijing also plans to increase China's natural gas production, which currently accounts for only 3% of China's total energy consumption. Analysts expect China's consumption of natural gas to more than double by 2010.

In May 2004, then-Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) that launched the U.S.-China Energy Policy Dialogue. The Dialogue has strengthened energy-related interactions between China and the United States, the world's two largest energy consumers. The U.S.-China Energy Policy Dialogue builds upon the two countries' existing cooperative ventures in high energy nuclear physics, fossil energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy and energy information exchanges. The NDRC and the Department of Energy also exchange views and expertise on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technologies, and we convene an annual Oil and Gas Industry Forum with China.


See also: China and the environment

One of the serious negative consequences of China's rapid industrial development has been increased pollution and degradation of natural resources. China is widely expected to surpass the United States as the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases sometime in 2007 or 2008. A World Health Organization (WHO) report on air quality in 272 cities worldwide concluded that seven of the world's 10 most polluted cities were in China. According to China's own evaluation, two-thirds of the 338 cities for which air-quality data are available are considered polluted—two-thirds of them moderately or severely so. Respiratory and heart diseases related to air pollution are the leading cause of death in China. Almost all of the nation's rivers are considered polluted to some degree, and half of the population lacks access to clean water. By some estimates, every day approximately 300 million residents drink contaminated water. Ninety percent of urban water bodies are severely polluted. Water scarcity also is an issue; for example, severe water scarcity in Northern China is a serious threat to sustained economic growth and the government has begun working on a project for a large-scale diversion of water from the Yangtze River to northern cities, including Beijing and Tianjin. Acid rain falls on 30% of the country. Various studies estimate pollution costs the Chinese economy 7%-10% of GDP each year.

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is responsible for 27% of global carbon emissions, more than all other developed nations combined.

China's leaders are increasingly paying attention to the country's severe environmental problems. In 1998, the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) was officially upgraded to a ministry-level agency, reflecting the growing importance the Chinese Government places on environmental protection. In recent years, China has strengthened its environmental legislation and made some progress in stemming from environmental deterioration. In 2005, China joined the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development, which brings industries and governments together to implement strategies that reduce pollution and address climate change. During the 10th Five-Year Plan, China plans to reduce total emissions by 10%. Beijing in particular is investing heavily in pollution control as part of its campaign to host a successful Olympiad in 2008. Some cities have seen improvements in air quality in recent years.

China is an active participant in climate change talks and other multilateral environmental negotiations, taking environmental challenges seriously but pushing for the developed world to help developing countries to a greater extent. It is a signatory to the Basel Convention governing the transport and disposal of hazardous waste and the Montreal Protocol for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, as well as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and other major environmental agreements.

The question of environmental impacts associated with the Three Gorges Dam project has generated controversy among environmentalists inside and outside China. Critics claim that erosion and silting of the Yangtze River threaten several endangered species, while Chinese officials say the dam will help prevent devastating floods and generate clean hydroelectric power that will enable the region to lower its dependence on coal, thus lessening air pollution.

The United States and China are members of the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). The APP is a public-private partnership of six nations—Australia, China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States—committed to explore new mechanisms to meet national pollution reduction, energy security, and climate change goals in ways that reduce poverty and promote economic development. APP members have undertaken cooperative activities involving the deployment of clean technology in partner countries in eight areas: cleaner fossil energy, renewable energy and distributed generation, power generation and transmission, steel, aluminum, cement, coal mining, and buildings and appliances.

The United States and China have been engaged in an active program of bilateral environmental cooperation since the mid-1990s, with an emphasis on clean energy technology and the design of effective environmental policy. While both governments view this cooperation positively, China has often compared the U.S. program, which lacks a foreign assistance component, with those of Japan and several European Union (EU) countries that include generous levels of aid.

Digital currency

A new digital currency laid out in the Five-Year Plan for 2021-2025 is part of the PRC's goal to become technologically independent of the West, to dominate global tech, and overtake the US as the world's dominant power by 2049. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, which are not issued by governments and therefore cannot be used as means of payment in most daily transactions, China's digital currency is issued and controlled by China's central bank.

The currency known as the digital renminbi or yuan, also known as Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP), is the opposite of bitcoin. The ultimate goal of a cryptocurrency in the West is the separation of money and state, whereas the new digital currency is another element in the toolbox of surveillance and controlling the population, ensuring that no transaction goes unrecorded.

Poor medical care

Mainland China, like most Communist regimes, gives low priority to medicine and medical care. Mainland China only spends 1% of GDP on health care, ranking #156 out of 196 nations surveys by the World Health Organization (WHO). Many people rely on traditional practitioners, having more faith in acupuncture than modern science. In any case, few have the opportunity to receive modern drugs or treatment with advanced devices. The local clinic has only a thermometer and stethoscope for instrumentation, and very few modern drugs. Only one in six medical personnel have a college degree, and those degrees are not high quality. The ordinary people want more medical care but that hardly matters, for in a dictatorship violence matters, but not public opinion.[99]

Internet censorship

China banned Winnie-the-Pooh because of the similarities between Pooh and Xi Jingping.

Between 2006 and 2010, Google had a censored version of its search engine in mainland China on In 2010, Google ended its censored Mainland Chinese version, instead offering a link to the Hong Kong Chinese version, which did not censor search results, but is blocked in the Mainland. The Communist Party promotes Internet use for commerce, but heavily censors content it deems pornographic, anti-social or politically subversive and blocks many foreign news and social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The censorship is nicknamed the "Great Firewall of China," which is based on the Great Wall of China. However, the censorship can be easily bypassed by using a VPN.

When it was observed on social media that the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh resembled Xi Jinping at the beginning of his reign, the communist regime censored the character.[100] Under Xi Jinping, words, names and labels such as Dalai Lama, Wei Jingsheng, Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo who died of cancer in prison hospital, and anything critical of the CCP were no longer to be found on the tightly controlled Chinese internet. Terms like the Nobel Prize, the Chinese Republic founded in 1911, and the word “mainland” were put on the index. The entire year 1989, the year of the Tiananmen Incident of 4 June 1989 (Tiananmen Massacre), disappeared from Baidu Baike (China's Wikipedia).[101]

Higher education

Despite fears that China may be outpacing the United States in turning out engineers, the number of college students in China who study engineering is on the decline, according to Global Times, a Chinese party-controlled newspaper. Fewer than one in 10 college graduates in 2009 majored in engineering. Instead, students are turning to economics, finance, and management, which pay more and carry more social status. "Engineering usually makes people think of factories, while factories often give people an impression of hard work, low wages, and layoffs," the newspaper quoted one professor as saying.

Although there are some considerable effort of developing the universities, the Communist regime is still having issues with academic freedoms, which means that some improvements will be made, but the overall environment will not change.

The exodus of Chinese undergraduate and graduate students continues; as 180,000 left in 2008, about 25% percent more than in 2007, as more families were able to pay overseas tuition. For every four students who left in the past decade, only one returned; those with American PhDs in science or engineering the least likely to return. The intellectual vitality, quality of science, pay scales, and political climate are much more attractive in the West. Those who return to China risk being shunned as "foreigners".[102] Now the exodus are enlarged into high-school students and even primary school students.

China and intellectual property theft

See: China and intellectual property theft

Foreign asset disposition

Socialist asset disposition in the developed world has played a large part in China's fortune. Because people in most of the developed world can put things there is nothing wrong with in the public right of way for the government to collect and bury in a hole, people of liberal mindset (even if they identify as conservative) give into sinful lust and excessively buy low quality goods produced in China and taxpayer dollars pay for goods they are no longer interested in to disappear out of sight and out of mind. Socialized asset disposition also makes it profitable for companies to purchase low quality products from China that have high return rates; the ability to simply throw defective junk into a dumpster to bury in a hole continues to make the biggest threat to America richer.

Material related to whether China escapes the so-called middle-income trap

See also: Middle-income countries and Middle-income trap

China is a middle-income country.

The middle-income trap refers to an economic situation where a middle-income country is failing to transform itself to a high-income economy due to its rising costs and declining competitiveness (Historically few countries successfully manage the transition from low to middle to high income).[103][104][105][106]

The Asia Society describes the middle-income trap thusly: "The “middle-income trap” is a theory of economic development in which wages in a country rise to the point that growth potential in export-driven low-skill manufacturing is exhausted before it attains the innovative capability needed to boost productivity and compete with developed countries in higher value-chain industries. Thus, there are few avenues for further growth — and wages stagnate."[107]

Pro and con material related to whether or not China escapes the middle-income trap

See: Pro and con material related to whether or not China escapes the middle-income trap


For a more detailed treatment, see History of China.

History of China
History of China
Neolithic c. 8500 – c. 2070 BC
Xia dynasty c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC
Shang dynasty c. 1600 – 1046 BC
Zhou dynasty c. 1046 – 256 BC
 Western Zhou
 Eastern Zhou
   Spring and Autumn
   Warring States
Qin dynasty 221–206 BC
Han dynasty 206 BC – AD 220
  Western Han
  Xin dynasty
  Eastern Han
Three Kingdoms 220–280
  Wei, Shu and Wu
Jin dynasty 265–420
  Western Jin
  Eastern Jin Sixteen Kingdoms
Southern and Northern Dynasties
Sui dynasty 581–618
Tang dynasty 618–907
  (Wu Zhou interregnum 690–705)
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Liao dynasty
Song dynasty 960–1279
  Northern Song W. Xia
  Southern Song Jin
Yuan dynasty 1271–1368
Ming dynasty 1368–1644
Qing dynasty 1644–1911
Republic 1912–1949
People's Republic 1949–present

Although archaeologists have found settlements in China dating to 5000 BC, the earliest nation that can be dated in the area of modern China is the Shang Dynasty, approximately 2000 BC.

Dynasty followed dynasty, as old regimes would lose the "mandate of heaven;" it was believed that each emperor ruled only with the approval of heaven, and a ruler who was unfit to rule would curse the nation until replaced. In addition, the Chinese capital would occasionally be overrun by "barbarians," who invariably would start a new dynasty in the Chinese capital, integrating their nations into the former dynasty.

Chinese had an advanced artistic culture and well-developed science and technology. However, its science and technology stood still after 1700 and in the 21st century very little survives outside museums, except in for the popular forms of traditional medicine.

19th and 20th century

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by large-scale civil wars, major famines, military defeats by Britain and Japan, regional control by powerful warlords, and foreign intervention such as the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. In 1911 a revolution deposed the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China was proclaimed.

Under the leadership of the KMT (Kuomintang), headed by Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975), the central government finally suppressed the local warlords who effectively controlled many provinces. The KMT tried to destroy the Communists under Mao Zedong, but they escaped in the "Long March" of 1934–35. Japan seized Manchuria in 1931, and in 1937 invaded all of China, seizing the coast, the major cities, and setting up a puppet government that controlled most of the population. China was allied with the U.S. and Britain against Japan, and at war's end joined the United Nations as a permanent member of the 5-nation Security Council, with a veto.

The period from the Opium Wars to the rise of New China under Mao is referred to in Communist Chinese history texts as the Century of Humiliation.

Great East Asian War

See also: Second Sino-Japanese War

When the war against Japan broke out in 1937, the Kuomintang (KMT) had more than 1.7 million armed soldiers, ships with 110,000 tons of displacement, and about 600 fighter planes of various kinds.

The total size of the CCP Army, including the New Fourth Army, which was newly formed in November 1937, did not exceed 70,000 people. Its power was weakened further by internal fractional politics; it could have been eliminated in a single battle. If the CCP were to face the Japanese in battle, it would not be able to defeat a single division of Japanese troops. Sustaining its own power rather than ensuring the survival of the nation was the central focus and the reason for its emphasis on “national unity.”

After the Japanese occupied the city of Shenyang on Sept. 18, 1931, thereby extending Japanese control over large areas in northeastern China, the CCP fought alongside Japanese invaders to defeat the KMT.[108]

The Japanese set up a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit in Harbin. Unit 731 and its affiliated units were involved in research, development and experimental deployment of epidemic-creating biowarfare weapons in assaults against the Chinese populace (both military and civilian) throughout World War II. Plague-infected fleas, bred in the laboratories of Unit 731 and Unit 1644, were spread by low-flying airplanes upon Chinese cities, including coastal Ningbo and Changde, Hunan Province, in 1940 and 1941.[109] This military aerial spraying killed tens of thousands of people with bubonic plague epidemics. An expedition to Nanking involved spreading typhoid and paratyphoid germs into the wells, marshes, and houses of the city, as well as infusing them into snacks to be distributed among the locals. Epidemics broke out shortly after, to the elation of many researchers, where it was concluded that paratyphoid fever was "the most effective" of the pathogens.[110][111][112]

At least 12 large-scale field trials of biological weapons were performed, and at least 11 Chinese cities were attacked with biological agents. An attack on Changda in 1941 reportedly led to approximately 10,000 biological casualties and 1,700 deaths among ill-prepared Japanese troops, with most cases due to cholera.[113] Japanese researchers performed tests on prisoners with bubonic plague, cholera, smallpox, botulism, and other diseases.[114] This research led to the development of the defoliation bacilli bomb and the flea bomb used to spread bubonic plague.[115] Some of these bombs were designed with porcelain shells, an idea proposed by Ishii in 1938.

Due to pressure from numerous accounts of the bio-warfare attacks, Chiang Kai-shek sent a delegation of army and foreign medical personnel in November 1941 to document evidence and treat the afflicted. A report on the Japanese use of plague-infested fleas on Changde was made widely available the following year, but was not addressed by the Allied Powers until Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a public warning in 1943 condemning the attacks.[116][117]

Mao era

Yan'an rectification movement

See also: Yan'an rectification movement and Rectification

In northern Shaanxi Province, while sandwiched between the Japanese and the KMT, the CCP began the Yan’an Rectification Movement of mass cleansing, killing many people. More than 10,000 were killed in the "rectification" process,[118] as the Party made efforts to attack intellectuals and replace the culture of the May Fourth Movement with that of Communist culture.[119][120][121] This type of repetitive massacre on such a massive scale did not prevent the CCP from eventually expanding its power to rule all of China. The CCP expanded this pattern of internal rivalry and killing from the small Soviet areas to the whole nation. The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party describes the Yan'an rectification movement as,

"the largest, darkest, and most ferocious power game ever played out in the human world. In the name of “cleansing petty bourgeoisie toxins,” the Party washed away morality, independence of thought, freedom of action, tolerance, and dignity... Humiliation became a fact of life in Yan’an—it was either humiliate other comrades or humiliate oneself. People were pushed to the brink of insanity, having been forced to abandon their dignity, sense of honor or shame, and love for one another to save their own lives and their own jobs. They ceased to express their own opinions and recited Party leaders’ articles instead."

Mao developed the techniques of "thought reform" (literally "washing the brain" in Chinese). Mao's tactics often included isolating and attacking dissenting individuals in "study groups." These techniques of pressure, ostracism, and reintegration were particularly powerful in China, where the culture puts great value on "saving face", protecting one's innermost thinking, and above all, identifying with a group. Individuals put through thought reform later described it as excruciating. The resulting changes in views were not permanent, but the experience overall seriously affected the lives of those who went through it. The CCP has used these same types of techniques on millions of Chinese since 1949.

Maoist revolution

See also: New China and History of the Chinese Communist Party
Diorama depicting anti-landlordism, c. 1973.[122]

In 1945–46, the U.S. attempted to force a negotiated settlement between the KMT and the Communists, but failed. In the face of economic collapse,[123] the Communists won the civil war in 1949 under Mao Zedong established a totalitarian regime, forcing the elected constitutional ROC Government to Taiwan. Taiwan is recognized as an integral part of China in theory, but in practice has been independent since 1949.

Mao liquidated millions of opponents, acting against the International society in the Korean War (1950–53), and around 1960 broke bitterly with the Soviet Union over the control of the Communist world. Mao's regime imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. Mao bluntly said,

“What can Emperor Qin Shi Huang brag about? He only killed 460 Confucian scholars, but we killed 46,000 intellectuals. There are people who accuse us of practicing dictatorship like Emperor Qin Shi Huang, and we admit to it all. It fits the reality. It is a pity that they did not give us enough credit, so we need to add to it.”[124]

Cold War era

Throughout most of the Cold War era, the United States and its allies adopted a Two-China policy, referring to Mainland China as Red China, and the allied Taiwanese government as Free China. The government of Taiwan held the permanent seat assigned to China on the United Nations Security Council from the founding of the United Nations Charter in 1945, until the Peoples Republic of China's (PRC) accession to the post in 1971. Since 1971, the PRC has insisted upon a One-China policy in all its diplomatic relations. The common reference to Mainland China as "China" proper in American academia and media, in accordance with PRC propaganda and its foreign policy stance, is a relatively late development of more recent decades.

Great Leap Forward

The Great Leap Forward (1958–60) and the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) were the two worst periods of leftist domination in the history of China. Deng Xiaoping claimed the death toll to be 16 million, while the lowest estimate is 8 million [125]

Mao's grand strategy for Cold War competition inflicted a catastrophic agricultural failure in China and victimized tens of millions of Chinese peasants. After Nikita Khrushchev boasted in 1957 that the Soviet Union would soon surpassing the United States in key economic outputs, Mao decided to launch an even faster industrialization program that would push China past Britain in some production categories within 15 years. Beginning in 1958, Mao imposed unrealistic targets on Chinese grain production to extract funds from agriculture for rapid industrial growth. Maoists placed relentless pressure on Communist cadres for ruthless implementation of the Great Leap Forward. Contrary to Maoist plans, China's grain output in 1959-60 declined sharply from 1957 levels and rural per capita grain retention decreased dramatically. Throughout China, party cadres' mismanagement of agricultural production was responsible for the decline in grain output, and the Communist state's excessive requisition of grain caused food shortages for the peasants. But the key factor determining the famine's uneven impact on the peasantry in the provinces was the degree to which provincial leaders genuinely and energetically embraced Maoist programs.[126]

Although the Great Leap Forward was much more disastrous in both human and economic terms, the Cultural Revolution receives the more negative assessment in China. This harsher review of the Cultural Revolution stems from the facts that it occurred more recently, was much longer in duration, and that many of its victims were cadres and intellectuals.[127] Mao said,
“What can Emperor Qin Shi Huang brag about? He only killed 460 Confucian scholars, but we killed 46,000 intellectuals. There are people who accuse us of practicing dictatorship like Emperor Qin Shi Huang, and we admit to it all. It fits the reality. It is a pity that they did not give us enough credit, so we need to add to it.”[124]

Cultural Revolution

See also: Cultural Revolution
Poster from the Maoist Cultural Revolution.[1]

In the early 1960s, State President Liu Shaoqi and his protégé, Party General Secretary Deng Xiaoping, took over direction of the party and adopted pragmatic economic policies at odds with Mao's revolutionary vision. Dissatisfied with China's new direction and his own reduced authority, Party Chairman Mao launched a massive political attack on Liu, Deng, and other pragmatists in the spring of 1966. The new movement, the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution," was unprecedented in communist history. For the first time, a section of the Chinese communist leadership sought to rally popular opposition against another leadership group. China was set on a course of political and social anarchy that lasted the better part of a decade.

In the early stages of the Cultural Revolution, Mao and his "closest comrade in arms," National Defense Minister Lin Biao, charged Liu, Deng, and other top party leaders with dragging China back toward capitalism. Radical youth organizations, called Red Guards, attacked party and state organizations at all levels, seeking out leaders who would not bend to the radical wind.

Gradually, Red Guard and other radical activity subsided, and the Chinese political situation stabilized along complex factional lines. The leadership conflict came to a head in September 1971, when Party Vice Chairman and Defense Minister Lin Biao reportedly tried to stage a coup against Mao; Lin Biao later died in a plane crash in Mongolia.

Cancel culture and public shaming was reserved for the enemies of socialism who survived the Cultural Revolution.

Mao's regime imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. The Cultural Revolution of 1966-76 was inspired by Mao and devastated the intellectual class. Tens of thousands of intellectuals and teachers were educators were insulted, tortured, driven to suicide or executed by their students. Mobilized as members of the Red Guards, a new youth organization, the students attacked the educators as "capitalist intellectuals." From 1967 to 1978, the state "send-down" (rustication) policy 17 million urban youth to live and work in rural areas, with a permanent negative impact on their intellectual development and careers.[128]

The upheaval was not limited to the cities. Maoist political ideology and teachings provided the catalyst for village conflicts that brought out traditional grievances and further escalated the conflicts. Some of the catalysts were student activists carrying out Mao's teachings, factional disputes, and the Four Clean-up campaigns that purged village officials and corruption. These conflicts spread to traditional grievances like lineage and hamlet hostilities and disputes over leadership and rights. Often, the conflicts caused by Party politics intersected traditional conflicts to the extent that the root causes of the conflicts were lost. This resulted in further escalation of the conflicts, which became more complex and widespread.

In rural China an estimated 750,000 to 1.5 million people were killed, and about as many permanently injured; 36 million who suffered some form of political persecution. The vast majority of these casualties occurred from 1968 to 1971, after the end of the period of popular rebellion and factional conflict and the establishment of provisional organs of local state power.[129]

Mao's policies were illustrated in posters that used art for political purposes. The posters glorified Mao, criticized his opponents, urged cooperation among all revolutionary groups, and condemned capitalism and foreign imperialists.[130] Major leadership changes and purges occurred at the top, involving Lin Biao, the Gang of Four, and Deng Xiaoping.

Deng and successors

See also: China under Deng and successors

After 1978, Mao's successor Deng Xiaoping constructed a market-economy system, while still remain de facto control over the land by imposing the length of usage of the land, and by 2000 output had increased, population growth ended (by imposing a one-child policy), and regular diplomatic contacts were established with the West. For much of the population, living standards improved and the material choices grew, yet totalitarian rule and the ownership of the Internet still remain firmly gripped.

Deng successors Xi, Hu, and Jiang.

In 1989, the Tiananmen Square democracy protests were inspired by an explosion of democracy protests worldwide that resulted in the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the Czech Velvet Revolution, and the collapse of Soviet Communism. The Chinese protests, however, were quashed when the so-called "People's Liberation Army" killed over 10,000 Chinese people. The Chinese Communist Party then established a registry of social organizations, in order to head off political upheaval. Falun Gong, a revival of pre-Maoist Cultural Revolution traditions, registered with the Chinese government in 1992. It soon attracted “tens of millions of adherents."[131] Falun Gong started holding enormous gatherings; by the mid- 1990s, there were more than two thousand Falun Gong practice sites in Beijing alone. Troubled by the possibility that a large part of the population was becoming more loyal to Falun Gong than to the Communist Party, the government began cracking down on groups and banning sales of Falun Gong publications.

By 1999, the CCP estimated that the group had seventy million adherents; that year, more than ten thousand of them staged a silent protest in Tiananmen Square. An arrest warrant was issued for Li Hongzhi, the group founder, who had by then immigrated to Queens, New York. The Chinese National Congress subsequently passed, and began violently enforcing, an "anti-cult law".[132]

The 610 Office was the main organization created to eliminate Falun Gong. It is nominally subordinate to the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC). The Political and Legal Affairs Committee purview was expanded after the 610 Office was incorporated into it. The 610 Office derives its name from the date of its founding, June 10, 1999. After that date, almost every Party branch, from the province to the county to the district level, established its own 610 Office. The source of the 610 Office's ability to operate extralegally and with impunity is not drawn from the State. Neither the People's Congress nor the State Council has authorized its actions. Rather, approval and support for its deeds comes from the CCP. Each 610 Office takes orders from the 610 Office one level above it, going up to the Central Committee 610 Office. The local 610 Offices also take orders from the leadership team of the CCP Committee at its same organizational level.[133] It later changed its name to the Central Leading Group on Dealing with Heretical Religions or Office of Maintaining Stability.

China's economy changed from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade, to a socialism under capitalist management model and is a major player in the global economy.

One child policy

For a more detailed treatment, see One-child Policy.
With a population officially just over 1.3 billion and an estimated growth rate of about 0.6%, China is very concerned about its population growth and has attempted with mixed results to implement a strict birth limitation policy. Until 2013 the government permitted one child per family, with allowance for a second child under certain circumstances (such as twins), especially in rural areas, and with guidelines looser for ethnic minorities with small populations. Enforcement varies and relies largely on "social compensation fees" to discourage extra births. Official government policy opposed forced abortion or sterilization, but in some localities, there were instances of forced abortion. The government's goal was to stabilize the population in the first half of the 21st century.

Boys are highly prized, and because screening of fetuses was done to determine gender, selective abortion resulted in 119 boys born for every 100 girls.

Fertility rates dropped below 2.0 by 1990. The magnitude of female infanticide in China became astonishing in the decades between 1990 and 2010, when well over ten million female infants were killed. The result was a skewed sex ratio in the generation born since 1980. By 2020, there were about 50 million more males than females.

Tiananmen Square massacre

See also: Tiananmen Square massacre

In the months prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, pro-democracy movements worldwide flourished and socialism fell into disrepute. The CCP faced the challenge of large-scale protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square and in more than 400 other cities between April 15, 1989, and June 4, 1989.

APCs moving on students in Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989.

After Zhao Ziyang became the party General Secretary, the economic and political reforms he had championed came under increasing attack. His proposal in May 1988 to accelerate price reform led to widespread popular complaints about rampant inflation and gave opponents of rapid reform the opening to call for greater centralization of economic controls and stricter prohibitions against Western influence. This precipitated a political debate, which grew more heated through the winter of 1988–89.

The death of Hu Yaobang on April 15, 1989, coupled with growing economic hardship caused by high inflation, provided the backdrop for a large-scale protest movement by students, intellectuals, government employees, journalists, workers, police officers, members of the armed forces, and other members of a disaffected urban population. University students and other citizens camped out in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to mourn Hu's death and to protest against those who would slow reform. Their protests, which grew despite government efforts to contain them, called for an end to official corruption and for defense of freedoms guaranteed by the Chinese constitution. At least one million residents of Beijing were taking part in the protests.[134] Protests also spread to many other cities, including Shanghai, Chengdu, and Guangzhou. By late May, Tiananmen Square was overcrowded and beginning to face health and hygiene problems.

Disagreements about how to respond split the top Party leadership and forced out the Party General Secretary at the time, Zhao Ziyang. The decisions by Wang Zhen, Li Peng, and Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping led them to conclude that the survival of their regime was at stake. Martial law was declared on May 20, 1989, and at least 30 divisions were mobilized. As many as 250,000 troops were eventually sent to the capital.

Human remains crushed by PLA armoured personnel carriers in Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989.

The 27th Army of Shanxi Province, whose troops were described as 60 percent illiterate and primitives, were responsible for most of the atrocities at Tiananmen Square.[135] The 27th Army “snipers shot many civilians on balconies, street sweepers etc for target practice” and used expanding dum-dum bullets. The 27th Army was chosen because its troops were considered “the most reliable and obedient”.

Late on June 3, 1989, and early on the morning of June 4, PLA units were brought into Beijing using automatic weapons, advancing in tanks, armored personnel carriers (APCs), and trucks from several directions toward Tiananmen Square. They used armed force to clear demonstrators from the streets.

At 4:30 am protesters, joined by some PLA members, were given one hour to leave the Square, however five minutes later the 27th Army's armoured personnel carriers opened fire before running the crowd over at 65 kph [40 miles per hour]. “Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote. Their remains were collected by bulldozer later that morning, incinerated, and then hosed down drains.

The 27th Army was ordered to spare no one. Wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted. A three-year-old girl was injured, but her mother was shot as she went to her aid, as were six others.

1,000 survivors were told they could escape but were then mown down from specially prepared machine gun positions.

Army ambulances, who attempted to give aid, were shot up, as was a Sino-Japanese hospital ambulance. With the medical crew dead, the wounded driver attempted to ram attackers but was blown to pieces by an anti-tank weapon.

In another incident, the troops shot one of their own officers. “27 Army officer shot dead by own troops, apparently because he faltered. Troops explained they would be shot if they hadn’t shot the officer.”

The true scale of the murders went unreported in Western media for nearly 30 years,[136] as globalists negotiated trade agreements and welcomed the PRC into the World Trade Organization. Western sources, including Wikipedia, toe the Chinese Communist Party line on many events and details, including casualty statistics.

In an object lesson about the duplicity of socialist slogans, buzzwords, and phrases geared toward seducing the youth and the naive - China's People's Army killed 10,000 of China's own people.[137] In fact, China's People's Army has killed more of China's own people than any foreign enemy in its entire history.

Most Favored Nation status with the U.S.

See also: Most favored nation

As China has been growing in power, it has also become increasingly aggressive on the international stage.[138] The country's Communist Party also increased control over the country and economy,[139] and foreign companies worked to appease the Chinese government.[140] China uses about half of the world's steel and cement/concrete. In the 3 years from 2011 to 2014, China used 6.6 gigatons of cement, which is more than the US did in the entire 20th century.[141] China also worked to isolate Taiwan diplomatically.[142] China became the dominant trading partner of a large majority of the world's countries, overtaking the U.S.[143] Under Xi Jinping, China regressed back to Mao's totalitarianism.[144]

Persecution of Falun Gong

These values come from the China International Transplantation Network Assistance Center (CITNAC) at CITNAC was founded in the transplantation institute at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. Its website was shutdown soon after organ harvesting was exposed, here is the archived page.
See also: Forced organ harvesting

While the Covid-19 pandemic unfolded the China Tribunal, an independent people's tribunal, released its full judgment on Chinese forced organ harvesting. The panel was chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice who previously led the prosecution of former Yugoslavia Prime Minister Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes at the International Criminal Tribunal and included other experts in law, transplant surgery, international politics, Chinese history and business. The experts concluded that the grisly practice has continued unabated. In June 2019 the tribunal delivered its findings in London, concluding beyond a reasonable doubt that state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has taken place for years in China on a significant scale and is still taking place. The main organ supply came from imprisoned practitioners of the persecuted spiritual group Falun Gong.

The Chinese regime has persecuted the group for more than two decades. Hundreds of thousands of adherents have been thrown into prisons, labor camps, and brainwashing centers where many have been tortured in an effort to force them to renounce their faith. The tribunal concluded that the Chinese regime sustained a campaign of forced organ harvesting constituted a crime against humanity. Many people have died indescribable hideous deaths for no reason, that more may suffer in similar ways, and that all of us live on a planet where extreme wickedness may be found in the power of those, who for the time being, are running a country that is one of the oldest civilizations known to modern man.[145]

Bo Xilai affair and 2012 coup attempt

Bo Xilai sat on the 25-member Party Politburo and Central Committee and was Party Secretary of a powerful municipality. Bo styled himself as a champion of the poor and dispossessed, supporting the state-run economy, lead a crackdown on supposed organized crime bosses, and fanned nostalgia for the violent Anti-fascist Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Bo's rhetoric was critical of the income gap and broken promises to the working class that accompanied China's rise to become the world's second-largest economy. Bo was widely reported as a candidate for promotion to the Politburo Standing Committee.

Bo's wife was convicted of murder of a British businessman in August 2012. Bo's vice mayor was convicted of “bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking” in September 2012. Days later, the Party Politburo expelled Bo from the Party's ranks and announced that it was transferring his case to state judicial authorities. The Party investigation concluded that Bo “bore major responsibility” in the cases of his vice-mayor's actions and his wife's involvement in the murder, and alleged that he “took advantage of his office to seek profits for others and received huge bribes personally and through his family.” Social media brought the scandal to light, creating problems for existing leadership. Had this particular murder victim not been foreign, the case likely would never have been investigated. Like in American politics, scandals and coverups often take a different narrative than true underlying facts. Bo, a "reformer and corruption fighter", was removed and prosecuted on corruption charges. The 2012 Bo Xilai Affair highlighted the degree to which the families of top Party officials were able to parlay access to political power into vast personal wealth.

On the night of March 19, 2012, Zhou Yongkang, then secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Communist Party of China, launched an attempted coup. It is reported that the purpose was to snatch the key witness of the Bo Xilai case, the wealthy businessman Xu Ming of Dalian Shide, and to assassinate the former Premier Wen Jiabao. It is also said that Zhou Yongkang mobilized large-scale armed police forces to surround Xinhuamen and Tiananmen. Hu Jintao rushed the 38th Army into Beijing and confronted the armed police outside the Political and Legal Committee building. The armed police fired warning shots to the sky, but the elite troops of the 38th Army quickly disarmed all the armed police. Many Beijing residents heard gunshots that night.

Xi era

Xi's rise largely is the result of the 2012 Bo Xilai affair. Bo was the "Bernie Sanders of China," a corrupt kleptocrat and supposed advocate for the poor and oppressed. Bo was a member of the Politburo and candidate to the seven-member Standing Committee. A Jiang flunky, Bo was mayor of Dalian City in Liaoning Province in 1999 when the roundup Falun Gong began, and steadily rose in ranks for the next decade. As Governor, Dalian City and Liaoning Province, arrest and kidnappings of Falun Gong was more intense than in many other areas of China.[146] Xi took advantage of the scandal which exposed the policy of genocide of Falun Gong being ordered by the Politburo and to aid in the cover-up of CCP's inherent and inimical use of murder and to destroy rivals for power.

With the amendment to the constitution in 2018 repealing presidential term limits, allowing Xi Jinping to become a ruler for life,[147] the Reform era begun by Deng Xiaoping came to an end. The repeal of these reforms on the highest offices of state violated long sought-after conditions and agreements with the GATT organization and WTO for admission.

On March 1, 2020, ten days before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the CCP virus a global pandemic, the international China Tribunal published its Final Report declaring that the CCP had indeed performed hundreds of thousands of involuntary organ harvesting of hearts, lungs, kidneys, and livers from Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience in a budding for-profit organ transplant industry for recipients worldwide.[148]

National socialism with Chinese characteristics

See also: National socialism

Xi Jinping's swift rise to power was accomplished by so-called "anti-corruption" campaigns, stomping out rival power centers in the military and party. According to China expert Ian Easton, in January 2016, the CCP launched a sweeping military reform and reorganization program. It was the first time a purge like this had happened in Communist China's 70-year history. To succeed, Xi fired, imprisoned, and, in several cases, executed, well over 100 high-ranking generals in front of their peers.[149]

In February 2018 the CCP Central Committee approved a measure making Xi Jinping dictator for life.[150] The abolition of the presidential term limit amounts to an acknowledgment that the old CCP adage “only socialism can save China” requires the new corollary that “only Xi Jinping can save socialism."[151] Xi Jinping is said to be surrounded by sycophant's and yes men.

Outside observers have seen certain changes as a movement toward National Socialism with Chinese racial characteristics.[6][152][153] John Xenakis of Breitbart observed there is no difference between Xi Jinping Thought, Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and Adolf Hitler’s Thoughts and National Socialism:[154]

  • China has become an international criminal nation by building military bases in international waters in the South China Sea, in direct violation of international law as defined by the United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague. Nazi Germany did the same thing in Czechoslovakia and Poland.
  • China has become a military dictatorship, developing multiple missile systems whose only purpose is to attack American aircraft carriers, military bases, and cities. Those missiles will be launched long before 2050. Hitler did the same thing by building a massive air force in preparation for war with Britain, in violation of international law and the agreements it had signed after World War I.
  • And now we have Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new era. It and Hitler's National Socialism explain why their government model is superior to everyone else's, why they are right about everything and everyone else is wrong, and why military force is OK at any time that anyone else is not doing what their government demands.
  • The Chinese people hold strong nationalist, xenophobic, and racist views targeting the Tibetans, Uighurs, Japanese, South Koreans, Philippine people, and Vietnamese. Hitler had similar racist and xenophobic views targeting Jews, Russians, French, and English.
  • For a war to be supported by the population, every war leader must provide an ideological framework to justify torture, rape, mass slaughter, and streets filled with blood, whether it is killing infidels or Marxism. China's Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Hitler's National Socialism both use an ideological framework based on Marxism.

In July 2019, the CCP released a threatening defense white paper that read,

“Solving the Taiwan problem and achieving complete national unification is in the fundamental interest of the Chinese race. It is obviously necessary for achieving the Chinese race’s great renewal... China must be unified and obviously will be... If anyone splits Taiwan off from China, China’s military will pay any price to totally defeat them.”[155]

610 Office

Under Xi Jinping the 610 Office changed its name to the Central Leading Group on Preventing and Dealing with Heretical Religions, but is still commonly known as the 610 Office. The 610 Office is the main organization created to eliminate Falun Gong and is similar to Nazi Germany’s Gestapo,[156] The office was originally the creature of a rival CCP faction headed by former CCP boss Jiang Zemin, but in an alleged "anti-corruption, reform campaign," Xi replaced Jiang cronies with his own and changed the agency's name.

Falun Gong arrests in Tiananmen Square.

610 has the power to command all police and judicial organs. It is an ad hoc agency at the highest levels endowed with extraordinary and extralegal power.

Between 2018 and 2019, structural reforms under Xi Jinping called for the 610 Office's functions to be merged into the Chinese police force, as well as a powerful Communist Party organ, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission (PLAC). According to analysts, scrapping the Office represented a move by Xi to further consolidate his power over the regime security forces, which had been dominated by a rival faction of former party boss Jiang Zemin allies throughout the 2000s.[157]

According to documents obtained by Chinese-language Epoch Times (The Great Era),[158] shows that despite Xi's aggressive restructuring of Party's institutions and the sacking of the central "610" and its offices since he took office in 2012, the extralegal power of the "610" has not diminished.

The leaked documents show that the District Anti-Cult Guidance Section is responsible for evaluating the performance of party and government organs, from the Political and Legal Commission, the Organization Department, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Court, the Propaganda Department, the Finance Bureau, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Housing and Construction Commission, the SASAC, the Health and Health Commission, the Internet Trust Office, to the National People's Congress, the CPPCC, the United Front Department, the Education Commission, the Commerce Bureau, the Municipal Administration of Law Enforcement, the Landscaping Bureau, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and so on, almost all the party and government organs are subject to "610" assessment.

The main inhabitants of East Turkestan are the Uighurs among other Turkic peoples such as Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Uzbek and Tatars. East Turkestan was an independent country until the year 1949, when it was invaded by the Communist Chinese.[159] From the years 1951–1959, there were over 14 major armed rebellions against the Chinese occupation. The largest armed rebellion took place in Khotan from December 28–31, 1954.

Uyghur genocide

See also: Xinjiang concentration camps

Natural population growth in Xinjiang has declined dramatically; growth rates fell by 84 percent in the two largest Uyghur prefectures between 2015 and 2018, and declined further in several minority regions in 2019. For 2020, one Uyghur region set an unprecedented near-zero birth rate target: a mere 1.05 per mille, compared to 19.66 per mille in 2018. This was intended to be achieved through “family planning work.”

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) government documents bluntly mandate that birth control violations are punishable by extrajudicial internment in “training” camps. This confirms evidence such violations were the most common reason for internment (Journal of Political Risk, February 2020).

A transport of Uighur prisoners at a CCP concentration camp in Xinjiang.[160]

XUAR documents from 2019 reveal plans for a campaign of mass female sterilization in rural Uyghur regions, targeting 14 and 34 percent of all married women of childbearing age in two Uyghur counties that year. This project targeted all of southern Xinjiang, and continued in 2020 with increased funding. This campaign likely aims to sterilize rural minority women with three or more children, as well as some with two children—equivalent to at least 20 percent of all childbearing-age women. Budget figures indicate that this project had sufficient funding for performing hundreds of thousands of tubal ligation sterilization procedures in 2019 and 2020, with at least one region receiving additional central government funding. In 2018, a Uyghur prefecture openly set a goal of leading its rural populations to accept widespread sterilization surgery.

By 2019, XUAR planned to subject at least 80 percent of women of childbearing age in the rural southern four minority prefectures to intrusive birth prevention surgeries (IUDs or sterilizations), with actual shares likely being much higher. In 2018, 80 percent of all net added IUD placements in China (calculated as placements minus removals) were performed in Xinjiang, despite the fact that the region only makes up 1.8 percent of the PRC's population.

Shares of women aged 18 to 49 who were either widowed or in menopause have more than doubled since the onset of the internment campaign in one particular Uyghur region. These are potential proxy indicators for unnatural deaths (possibly of interned husbands), and/or of injections given in internment that can cause temporary or permanent loss of menstrual cycles.

Between 2015 and 2018, about 860,000 ethnic Han residents left Xinjiang, while up to 2 million new residents were added to Xinjiang's Han majority regions. Also, population growth rates in a Uyghur region where Han constitute the majority were nearly 8 times higher than in the surrounding rural Uyghur regions (in 2018). These figures raise concerns that Beijing is doubling down on a policy of Han settler colonialism.

These findings provide the strongest evidence yet that Beijing's policies in Xinjiang meet one of the genocide criteria cited in the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, namely that of Section D of Article II: “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the [targeted] group” (United Nations, December 9, 1948).[161]

Xinjiang's largest concentration camp is twice the size of Vatican City.[162] As of 2021, Xinjiang had over 300 concentration camps, or 206 million square feet with enough capacity to incarcerate seven times the prison population in the United States.[163]

Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic

See also: Covid-19 pandemic and Wuhan coronavirus - Chinese Communist Party response
Chinese communists suppressed news of the covid outbreak for two months, arrested doctors who posted on social media about it, and did not advise the people of Wuhan until after the virus spread throughout the world.

In July 2019, Xiangguo Qiu and a number of Qiu's students were forcibly removed from Canada's only level-4 laboratory. A Level 4 virology facility is a lab equipped to work with the most serious and deadly human and animal diseases. The laboratory in Winnepeg, Manitoba is one of only a handful in North America capable of handling pathogens requiring the highest level of containment.[164]

Bio-warfare experts questioned why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China.[165]

The unity within the Chinese Communist Party is shattering as all three factions (Shanghai, Beijing, and Zhenjiang) in the party are embroiled in a feud. The Shanghai faction is led by Jiang Zemin, the Beijing faction is led by Hu Jintao, and the Zhenjiang faction is led by President Xi Jinping. Each one of the three is trying to nullify the influence of the other faction. Since 2012, when Xi Jinping took office political oppression has intensified and it has blanketed China. Press, social media, film, arts, literature, and the Internet in China is heavily censored. Many intellectuals, Tibetans, Uighurs, lawyers, university students have been persecuted for voicing their opinions in favor of democracy.

Cracks appeared in Xi Jinping's hold on the Chinese Communist Party over the catastrophic handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. This opened an opportunity for the Shanghai faction and the Beijing faction.

2020 U.S. Presidential election interference

See also: United States presidential election, 2020

Di Dongsheng, a vice-dean at the School of International Relations at Renmin University in Beijing, made public statements before a large audience on November 28, 2020:

"We know that the Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why did China and the US used to be able to settle all kinds of issues between 1992 and 2016?" he asked. "I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence."

"During the US-China trade war, Wall Street tried to help, and I know that my friends on the US side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t do much. But now we’re seeing Biden was elected, the traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street, so you see that, right?"

"Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped [Hunter] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all these."[166][167][168]

Cultural Revolution 2.0

Officially referred to as Xi Jinping's “Common Prosperity” campaign, this transformation is proceeding along two parallel lines: a vast regulatory crackdown roiling the private sector economy and a broader moralistic effort to reengineer Chinese culture from the top down. Chinese minors have been banned from playing the “spiritual opium” of video games for more than three hours per week; LGBT groups have been scrubbed from the internet; and abortion restrictions have been significantly tightened. As one nationalist article promoted across state media explained, if the liberal West is allowed to succeed in causing China's “young generation lose their toughness and virility then we will fall…just like the Soviet Union did.” The purpose of Xi's “profound transformation” is to ensure that “the cultural market will no longer be a paradise for sissy stars, and news and public opinion will no longer be in a position of worshipping Western culture.” Xi declared in January 2021 that “achieving common prosperity is not only an economic issue, but also a major political issue related to the party’s governing foundations.”

Anti-monopoly investigations hit China's top technology firms with billions of dollars in fines and forced restructurings and strict new data rules have curtailed China's internet and social media companies. Record-breaking IPOs were put on hold.

The government killed off the private tutoring sector overnight.

  • The CCP took over the private schools without compensation. There were 190,000 private schools in China educating 20% of all schoolchildren. Private schools were teaching free thought and not teaching communist doctrine.
  • A purge on private tutoring, especially online schooling. It was a $137 billion a year industry. Educators were told to stop charging for their classes.
  • Scrapping English in primary school.
  • A ban on foreign textbooks. Children only learn from books written, vetted, and approved by the Communist Party.
  • Filter history and misrepresenting facts. In Hong Kong, a history textbook for sixth graders revised the Chinese Civil War of 1946–49. The old text said the government of the Republic of China moved to Taiwan in 1949. The new text denies the fact that the government of China, which fought Japan in World War II and was allied to the United States, moved to Taiwan in 1949.

The Education Ministry introduced a "Xi Jinping Thought" textbook nationwide in elementary, middle, and high schools beginning in 2021.

Assassination attempts

Lai Xiaomin was sentenced on January 6, 2021, and executed on January 29, 2021.

According to China expert Ian Easton. in January 2016, the CCP launched a sweeping military reform and reorganization program. It was the first time a purge like this had happened in Communist China's 70-year history. To succeed, Xi fired, imprisoned, and, in several cases, executed, well over 100 high-ranking generals in front of their peers.[149]

In 2021 observers noted increasing signs of Xi Jinping's fear for his own personal security.[169] Xi had not left the country in nearly two years, and addressed the United Nations General Assembly via teleconference. The power struggle between the various factions of the CCP became increasingly fierce.

In January 2021, Lai Xiaomin, the former head of China Huarong Asset Management, a China "Big Four" asset management company, was sentenced to death without reprieve on alleged corruption charges. It was revealed months later Lai was involved in the 2014 plot to kill Xi Jinping in Nanjing. Lai was known to have close ties to Zeng Qinghong, the former vice president of China. Zeng was a die-hard loyalist of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Two top figures in the 610 office were removed by Xi Jinping, Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua. Both climbed the ranks of the political and legal affairs apparatus during Jiang's era of dominance from 1997 to 2012. Both were also trusted enough by the Jiang faction to be allowed to helm its anti-Falun Gong campaign. In 2015, Fu was head of the supra-authority 610 Office and Sun was his deputy. Fu until recently was deputy director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), or Justice Minister, came under disciplinary investigation at the direction of Xi Jinping. Fu led the 2013 purges which became the cornerstone of Xi's power.

After the August 2021 Baidu conference, there have been rumors about whether Wang Yang would replace Xi as the next top leader of the CCP. On September 6, 2021, Xi appointed five generals, the first time that the new positions of the five people were publicly disclosed. It's worth noting that the Commander of the Western Theatre, the largest theater, is the fourth change of commander in nine month. In addition, because the Central Theater determines Beijing's safety, the replacement of commanders is also of great concern. The control of the PLA has always been Xi's weak point.

On September 14, 2021, a mainland website published an article exposing a plot by a gang of high-ranking police officials to assassinate a top CCP official. Analysts deduced that the target of the assassination was Xi Jinping.[170]

On September 16, the CCP's official magazine "Qiu Shi" published a long article, stating that “the Party commands the gun” is the foundation of the People's Liberation Army and the soul of it; then the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) published an article on September 19, saying that there is no "iron hat prince", who cannot be punished in the anti-corruption campaign.[171]

See also


  2. Gallagher, Mike (November 7, 2019). Seeking truth from facts on China. The Hill. Retrieved November 7, 2019.
  3. Fong, Dominique (June 15, 2018). China’s Ghost Towns Haunt Its Economy. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved June 15, 2018.
  4. Commentary 7, On the Chinese Communist Party's History of Killing. Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.
  5. Chinese Christian persecution worst in 40 years, Mission Network News, December 2023
  6. 6.0 6.1
  7. "China". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000). Boston and New York: Houghton-Mifflin.
  8. "China". Oxford English Dictionary (1989). ISBN 0-19-957315-8.
    The Book of Duarte Barbosa (chapter title "The Very Great Kingdom of China"). ISBN 81-206-0451-2. In the Portuguese original, the chapter is titled "O Grande Reino da China".
  9. Eden, Richard (1555). Decades of the New World:
    Myers, Henry Allen (1984). Western Views of China and the Far East, Volume 1. Asian Research Service. 
  10. Martino, Martin, Novus Atlas Sinensis, Vienna 1655, Preface, p. 2.
  11. See Liu, Lydia He, The Clash of Empires, p. 77
    Wade, Geoff. "The Polity of Yelang and the Origin of the Name 'China'". Sino-Platonic Papers, No. 188, May 2009, p. 20.
  12. China’s Demographics: It Gets Worse, Forbes magazine, Oct 12, 2022
  13. See Wrik Eckholm, "China Points to Another Leader in Exile," New York Times July 6, 2009
  14. This is approximately three times the official figure reported by the Government in April 2005. See U.S. State Department "International Religious Freedom Report 2008"
  22. Understanding China’s Political System, Congressional Research Service, March 20, 2013.
  72. 72.0 72.1
  78. The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of the World Order, Samuel P. Huntington, Simon & Schuster, 1996, p. 88.
  79. Lack of innovation is 'Achilles heel' for China's economy, Xi says, Reuters, 2019
  84. What’s going on with China’s stock market?,
  85. China’s young adults choose to be ‘full-time children’, paid by their parents to do chores amid record-high youth unemployment, South China Morning Post, February 17, 2024
  86. China’s ‘full-time’ children, video
  87. China’s young adults choose to be ‘full-time children’, paid by their parents to do chores amid record-high youth unemployment, South China Morning Post, February 17, 2024
  88. China’s ‘full-time’ children, video
  89. China Human Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee was established, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China, 2014-03-07
  90. Update to ‘Bloody Harvest’ and ‘The Slaughter’, Chapter Twelve: A State Crime IV. Party Policy and Transplant Volume, Hon. David Kilgour, Ethan Gutmann, & David Matas, 2017.
  93. It is also known as the “laogai” system. It's Russian equivalent is Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei or gulag.
  94. Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S. Code 19 § 1307.
  96. Cited in Prison Labor Exports from China and Implications for U.S. Policy, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Staff Research Report, July 9, 2014.
  97. Laogai: The Machinery of Repression in China, 2009-10-01
  99. Gordon Fairclaugh, "In China, Rx for Ailing Health System," Wall Street Journal, Oct. 15, 2009
  101. The Chinese character for emerald green 翠(pronounced „cui“) was banned. The character for emerald green (翠) contains two so-called phonetic radicals, which, pronounced differently, also stand for the party leader’s surname 习 (surname: Xi) 近平 („first“ or call name: Jinping). But under the two phonetic radicals in the „head“ of the character „cui“ (翠), there is another character built in, which stands for „die“ and „perish“. Therefor using „cui“ (翠) for emerald green on the Chinese internet, according to the logic of the censors, would mean wishing something bad on the party leader.
  102. Sharon LaFraniera, "Fighting Trend, China Is Luring Scientists Home," New York Times Jan. 6. 2010
  103. Middle-Income Trap
  104. China May Be Running Out of Time To Escape the Middle-Income Trap, Asia Society, 2017
  105. Tracking the Middle-Income Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? (Part 1), Asia Development Bank, 2012
  106. Tracking the Middle-Income Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? (Part 2), Asia Development Bank, 2012
  107. China May Be Running Out of Time To Escape the Middle-Income Trap, Asia Society, 2017
  109. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ciadoc
  110. Harris, Sheldon. Factories of Death.
  111. Barenblatt, Daniel. A Plague Upon Humanity: the Secret Genocide of Axis Japan's Germ Warfare Operation, HarperCollins, 2004. ISBN 0-06-018625-9
  112. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :0
  113. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named histpersp
  114. Biological Weapons Program-Japan Federation of American Scientists
  115. Review of the studies on Germ Warfare Tien-wei Wu A Preliminary Review of Studies of Japanese Biological Warfare and Unit 731 in the United States
  116. Biohazard: Unit 731 and the American Cover-Up (Page 5).
  117. Guillemin, Jeanne (2017). Friedrich, Bretislav; Hoffmann, Dieter; Renn, Jürgen et al.. eds. "The 1925 Geneva Protocol: China's CBW Charges Against Japan at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal" (in en). One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences (Springer International Publishing): 273–286. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51664-6_15. ISBN 9783319516646. 
  118. US Joint Publication research service. (1979). China Report: Political, Sociological and Military Affairs. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. No ISBN digitized text March 5, 2007
  119. Twitchett, Denis and Fairbank, John K. The Cambridge History of China. ISBN 0-521-24336-X
  120. Borthwick, Mark. (1998). Pacific Century: The Emergence of Modern Pacific Asia. Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-3471-3
  121. Apter, David Ernest. (1994). Revolutionary Discourse in Mao's Republic. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-76780-2
  123. See Harry Dexter White#Betrayal of the Kuomintang
  124. 124.0 124.1
  125. Mao: The Real Story by Alexander P. Pantsov with Steven I. Levine, pg. 472
  126. Yixin Chen, "Cold War Competition and Food Production in China, 1957-1962," Agricultural History 2009 83(1): 51-78,
  127. William A. Joseph, "A Tragedy of Good Intentions: Post-mao Views of the Great Leap Forward." Modern China 1986 12(4): 419-457. Issn: 0097-7004 in Jstor
  128. Xueguang Zhou and Liren Hou, "Children of the Cultural Revolution: the State and the Life Course in the People's Republic of China." American Sociological Review 1999 64(1): 12-36. Issn: 0003-1224 in Jstor
  129. Jonathan Unger, "Cultural Revolution Conflict in the Villages." China Quarterly 1998 (153): 82-106. Issn: 0305-7410 in Jstor ; Andrew G. Walder, and Yang Su, "The Cultural Revolution in the Countryside: Scope, Timing and Human Impact." China Quarterly 2003 (173): 74-99. Issn: 0305-7410
  130. Patricia Powell, and Joseph Wong, "Propaganda Posters from the Chinese Cultural Revolution." Historian 1997 59(4): 776-793. Issn: 0018-2370 in EBSCO
  131. Maria Hsia Chang, Falun Gong: The End of Days.
  137. "Chinese Killed At Least 10,000 At Tiananmen Square, Newly Declassified Documents Claim", Daily Caller, 12/24/2017.
  138. Scaliger, Charles (February 19, 2019). China’s New Aggression on the World Stage. The New American. Retrieved February 19, 2019.
    See also:
  139. Multiple references: See also:
  140. Lowe, Tiana (August 15, 2019). Woke capitalism cowers to China. Washington Examiner. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
    See also:
  142. Schmitt, Gary (September 26, 2019). China is quietly winning the diplomatic war with Taiwan. The Hill. Retrieved September 26, 2019.
  143. Zeeshan Mhaskar. Twitter. November 24, 2019. Retrieved December 1, 2019.
    See also:
  144. Adelmann, Bob (December 30, 2019). China’s Xi Jinping Is Now the “People’s Leader”. The New American. Retrieved December 30, 2019.
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  156. Google images
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