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Anthony Fauci at a White House coronavirus briefing.

Anthony Fauci, M.D. is the current head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. He has held that position since 1983, and has been a federal employee since 1968. Fauci is perhaps the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government, earning $417,600 a year plus lavish benefits. Fauci has confused himself with science.

Fauci knew by mid-February 2020 that covid -19 was a Chinese-manufactured bioweapon and, as the nation's top health advisor, misled the president of the United States and the American people.[1]

Fauci has promoted vaccination as an approach to disease, and has been criticized for favoring approaches advantageous to Big Pharma.[2]

Fauci repeatedly criticized the inexpensive hydroxychloroquine as a treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19, despite numerous studies indicating its possible effectiveness. Instead, Fauci promoted expensive alternatives lacking in any proven significant benefits.

Evidence has been coming out that Dr. Fauci had funded gain-of-function research on coronavirus at the Wuhan lab, which was also done illegally via the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance[3] due to Barack Obama banning such research in the United States, which made him directly responsible for the coronavirus outbreak, with Rand Paul calling him out on it.[4] In addition, leaked audio around 2017 had him telling President Trump with certainty that he'll be facing a pandemic.[5]

The liberal media and Wikipedia heap unjustified praise on Fauci. Such as claiming he helped end the AIDS outbreak by developing a vaccine despite not actually doing so (with the closest thing to a treatment to AIDS actually coming from the private sector after he failed to produce results). Critics charge that he uses erroneous models that he does not adequately check, and makes recommendations for "forever" lifestyle changes that any individual patient would naturally refuse. There is also evidence that Fauci at best had grossly exaggerated the AIDS pandemic, including conflating HIV with AIDS and strongly and falsely implying that even standard heterosexual couples were vulnerable to getting it (when in reality, AIDS was limited strictly to homosexual men and/or promiscuous people, and only would cross over to heterosexuals if a woman happened to sleep with a bisexual man).

Emails publicized by Wikileaks reveal Dr. Fauci as a gushing admirer of Hillary Clinton.

February 12, 2020: Fauci forwarded an email warning the coronavirus came from a laboratory.[6]


In Bruce Nussbaum's 1990 book, Good Intentions: How Big Business And the Medical Establishment Are Corrupting the Fight Against AIDS, a large portion is about how Fauci, in the late 1980s, used the federal bureaucracy to block all research on the development of a drug to treat AIDS. Fauci pushed his patented Interleukin 2, a derivative of which became the highly toxic and controversial AZT.[7]

In Celia Farber's 1989 expose on the scandal surrounding AZT, Sins of Omission, newspapers across America banner headlined that AZT had been proven to be effective in antibody positive, asymptomatic patients even though one of the main concerns was that the drug should only be used as a last resort for critically ill AIDS patients because of the drugs extreme toxicity. Fauci, head of the National Institute of Health, was pushing to expand its use. The FDA's traditional concerns had been set aside. AZT was already being by an estimated 20,000 people in sixty countries. Not only had no new evidence dispelled the initial concerns regarding AZT's toxicity and safety, but the follow-up data that had been promised was ignored. The beneficial effects of the drug had been proven to be temporary. the toxicity however stayed the same.

AZT had been approved faster than any drug in FDA history, and activists considered it a victory. The price paid for the victory however was that almost all government trials focused on AZT, while over 100 other promising drugs were left uninvestigated. The pharmaceutical manufacturers' stock price went through the roof when the announcement was made. AZT was the most expensive drug ever marketed.

On August 17, 1989 the government announced that 1.4 million healthy antibody positive Americans could benefit from taking AZT even though they showed no symptoms of the disease. New studies have proven that AZT is effective in stopping the progression of autoimmune deficiency syndrome in asymptomatic and early cases.

See also


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