List of Americans in the Venona papers
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chairman of the bipartisan Commission on Government Secrecy, responsible for securing the release of Venona project materials, in the Introduction to his book Secrecy states, "The Venona intercepts contained overwhelming proof of the activities of Soviet spy networks in America, complete with names, dates, places, and deeds."(1) The release involved careful consideration of privacy interests of individuals mentioned, referenced, or identified in the translations. Some names have not been released when to do so would constitute an invasion of privacy. Over 200 named or covernamed persons found in the VENONA translations, persons then present in the U.S., are claimed by the KGB and the GRU in their messages as their clandestine assets or contacts.(2)
- John Abt, United States Department of Agriculture; Works Progress Administration; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; special assistant to the United States Attorney General, United States Department of Justice
- Solomon Adler, United States Department of the Treasury
- Lydia Altschuler
- Thomas Babin, Yugoslavia Section Office of Strategic Services
- Marion Bachrach, (*) congressional office manager of Congressman John Bernard of the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party
- Rudy Baker
- Vladimir Barash
- Joel Barr, United States Army Signal Corps Laboratories
- Alice Barrows, United States Office of Education
- Theodore Bayer, President, Russky Golos Publishing
- George Beiser, National Research Establishment, Research and Development Board; engineer Bell Aircraft
- Aleksandr Belenky, General Electric
- Cedric Belfrage, journalist; British Security Coordination
- Elizabeth Bentley
- Marion Davis Berdecio, Office of Naval Intelligence; Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; United States Department of State
- Josef Berger, (*) Democratic National Committee
- Joseph Bernstein, Board of Economic Warfare
- Walter Sol Bernstein, Hollywood Screenwriter, listed on the MPAA's Hollywood blacklist
- T.A. Bisson, Board of Economic Warfare
- Thomas Lessing Black, Bureau of Standards United States Department of Commerce
- Samuel Bloomfield, (*) Eastern European Division, Research and Analysis Division, Office of Strategic Services
- Robinson Bobrow
- Ralph Bowen, (*) United States Department of State
- Abraham Brothman, chemist
- Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States
- Rose Browder
- William Browder [1]
- Michael Burd, Head of Midland Export Corporation
- Paul Burns, employee of TASS
- Norman Bursler, United States Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division
- James Callahan
- Sylvia Callen
- Frank Coe, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration
- Lona Cohen
- Morris Cohen
- Eugene Franklin Coleman, RCA electrical engineer
- Anna Colloms, New York City schoolteacher
- Judith Coplon, Foreign Agents Registration section, United States Department of Justice
- Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China
- Byron Darling, United States Rubber Company; United States Office of Scientific Research & Development
- Eugene Dennis, General Secretary CPUSA
- Samuel Dickstein, United States Congressman from New York; New York State Supreme Court Justice
- Martha Dodd, daughter of United States Ambassador to Germany William Dodd, Popular Front
- William Dodd Jr., son of William Dodd, United States Ambassador to Germany; Democratic Congressional candidate
- Laurence Duggan, head of United States Department of State Division of American Republics
- Demetrius Dvoichenko-Markov, U.S. Army
- Eufrosina Dvoichenko-Markov
- Frank Dziedzik, National Oil Products Company
- Nathan Einhorn, Executive Secretary of American Newspaper Guild
- Max Elitcher, (*) Naval Ordinance Section, National Bureau of Standards
- Jacob Epstein, International Brigades
- Jack Fahy, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Board of Economic Warfare; United States Department of the Interior
- Linn Markley Farish, Liaison Officer with Tito's Yugoslav Partisan forces, Office of Strategic Services
- Edward Fitzgerald, War Production Board
- Charles Flato, Board of Economic Warfare; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor
- Isaac Folkoff
- Jane Foster, Board of Economic Warfare; Office of Strategic Services; Netherlands Study Unit
- Zalmond Franklin
- Isabel Gallardo
- Boleslaw Gebert, National Officer of Polonia Society of International Workers Order
- Harrison George, senior CPUSA leadership, editor of People's Daily World
- Rebecca Getzoff
- Harold Glasser, Director, Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration; War Production Board; Advisor on North African Affairs Committee; United States Treasury Representative to the Allied High Commission in Italy
- Bela Gold, Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration
- Harry Gold
- Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research United States Department of Treasury Department; United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; United States Bureau of Employment Security
- Elliot Goldberg, engineer for an oil equipment company in New York
- Jacob Golos
- George Gorchoff
- Gerald Graze, United States Department of State
- David Greenglass
- Ruth Greenglass
- Joseph Gregg, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; United States Department of State
- Theodore Hall
- Maurice Halperin, Chief of Latin American Division, Research and Analysis Section, Office of Strategic Services; United States Department of State
- Kitty Harris
- William Henwood, Standard Oil of California
- Clarence Hiskey, University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory, Manhattan Project
- Alger Hiss, Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs United States Department of State
- Donald Hiss, United States Department of State; United States Department of Labor; United States Department of the Interior
- Louis Horvitz, International Brigades
- Rosa Isaak, Executive Secretary of the American-Russian Institute
- Herman R. Jacobson, Avery Manufacturing Company
- Bella Joseph, motion picture division of Office of Strategic Services
- Emma Harriet Joseph, (*) Office of Strategic Services
- Julius Joseph, National Resources Planning Board; Federal Security Agency; Social Security Board; Office of Emergency Management; Labor War Manpower Commission; Deputy Chief, Far Eastern section (Japanese Intelligence) Office of Strategic Services
- Gertrude Kahn
- David Karr, Office of War Information; chief aide to journalist Drew Pearson
- Joseph Katz
- Helen Grace Scott Keenan, Office of the Co-ordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Office of United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis War Criminals, Office of Strategic Services
- Mary Jane Keeney, Board of Economic Warfare; Allied Staff on Reparations; United Nations
- Philip Keeney, Office of the Coordinator of Information (later OSS)
- Alexander Koral, former engineer of the municipality of New York
- Helen Koral
- Samuel Krafsur, journalist TASS
- Charles Kramer, Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Price Administration; National Labor Relations Board; Senate Subcommittee on Wartime Health and Education; Agricultural Adjustment Administration; United States Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee; Democratic National Committee
- Christina Krotkova, Office of War Information
- Sergey Nikolaevich Kurnakov, Daily Worker
- Stephen Laird, Hollywood Producer; Time Magazine Reporter; Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) correspondent
- Rudy Lambert, California Communist party labor director and head of security
- Oskar Lange
- Trude Lash, United Nations Human Rights Committee
- Richard Lauterbach, Time Magazine
- Duncan Lee, counsel to General William Donovan, head of Office of Strategic Services
- Michael Leshing, superintendent of Twentieth Century Fox film laboratories
- Leo Levanas, Shell Oil Company
- Morris Libau
- Helen Lowry
- Willaim Mackey
- Harry Magdoff, Chief of the Control Records Section of War Production Board and Office of Emergency Management; Bureau of Research and Statistics, WTB; Tools Division, War Production Board; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce; Statistics Division Works Progress Administration
- William Malisoff, owner of United Laboratories of New York
- Hede Massing, journalist
- Robert Menaker
- Floyd Miller
- James Walter Miller, United States Post Office, Office of Censorship
- Robert Miller, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Near Eastern Division United States Department of State
- Robert Minor, Office of Strategic Services
- Leonard Mins, Russian Section of the Research and Analysis Division of the Office of Strategic Services
- Arthur Moosen
- Vladimir Morkovin, Office of Naval Research
- Boris Moros, Hollywood Producer
- Nicola Napoli, president of Artkino, distributor of Soviet films
- Franz Leopold Neumann, consultant at Board of Economic Warfare; Deputy Chief of the Central European Section of Office of Strategic Services; First Chief of Research of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal
- Melita Norwood
- Eugénie Olkhine
- Rose Olsen
- Frank Oppenheimer, (*) physicist
- Nicholas W. Orloff
- Nadia Morris Osipovich
- Edna Patterson
- William Perl, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) at Langley Army Air Base; Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory
- Victor Perlo, chief of the Aviation Section of the War Production Board; Head of Branch in Research Section, Office of Price Administration Department of Commerce; Division of Monetary Research Department of Treasury; Brookings Institution
- Burton Perry
- Aleksandr N. Petroff, Curtiss-Wright Aircraft
- Emma Phillips
- Paul Pinsky
- William Pinsly, Curtiss-Wright Aircraft, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory
- William Plourde, engineer with Bell Aircraft
- Vladimir Pozner, head Russian Division photographic section United States War Department
- Lee Pressman Department of Agriculture; Works Progress Administration; General Counsel Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
- Mary Price, stenographer for Walter Lippmann of the New York Herald
- Esther Trebach Rand, United Palestine Appeal
- Bernard Redmont, head of the Foreign News Bureau Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Moscow and Paris Bureau Chief, CBS News
- Peter Rhodes, Foreign Broadcasting Monitoring Service, Allied Military Headquarters London; Chief of the Atlantic News Service, Office of War Information
- Stephen Rich
- Kenneth Richardson, World Wide Electronics
- Ruth Rivkin, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- Samuel Rodman, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- Allan Rosenberg, Board of Economic Warfare; Chief of the Economic Institution Staff, Foreign Economic Administration; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Railroad Retirement Board; Councel to the Secretary of the National Labor Relations Board
- Julius Rosenberg, United States Army Signal Corps Laboratories
- Ethel Rosenberg
- Amadeo Sabatini, International Brigades
- Alfred Sarant, United States Army Signal Corps laboratories
- Saville Sax, Young Communist League
- Marion Schultz, chair of the United Russian Committee for Aid to the Native Country
- Bernard Schuster
- Milton Schwartz
- John Scott, Office of Strategic Services
- Ricardo Setaro, journalist/writer Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
- Charles Bradford Sheppard, Hazeltine Electronics
- Anne Sidorovich
- Michael Sidorovich
- George Silverman, Director of the Bureau of Research and Information Services, US Railroad Retirement Board; Economic Adviser and Chief of Analysis and Plans, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Material and Services, War Department
- Greg Silvermaster, Chief Planning Technician, Procurement Division, United States Department of the Treasury; Chief Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labor Division, Farm Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance Corporation Department of Commerce
- Helen Silvermaster
- Morton Sobell, General Electric
- Jack Soble
- Robert Soblen
- Johannes Steele, journalist and radio commentator
- Alfred Kaufman Stern, Popular Front
- I. F. Stone, (*) journalist for The Nation
- Augustina Stridsberg
- Anna Louise Strong, journalist for The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, The Nation, Guardian (NY) and Asia
- Helen Tenney, Office of Strategic Services
- Mikhail Tkach, editor of the Ukrainian Daily News
- Lud Ullman, delegate to United Nations Charter meeting and Bretton Woods conference; Division of Monetary Research, Department of Treasury; Material and Services Division, Air Corps Headquarters, Pentagon
- Irving Charles Velson, Brooklyn Navy Yard; American Labor Party candidate for New York State Senate
- Margietta Voge
- George Vuchinich, 2nt. United States Army assigned to Office of Strategic Services
- Donald Wheeler, Office of Strategic Services Research and Analysis division
- Enos Wicher, Wave Propagation Research, Division of War Research, Columbia University
- Maria Wicher
- Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
- Ruth Beverly Wilson
- Ignacy Witczak
- Ilya Wolston, United States Army military intelligence
- Flora Wovschin, Office of War Information; United States Department of State
- Jones Orin York
- Daniel Zaret, United States Army Explosives Division
- Mark Zborowski
- Note (1): Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Secrecy: The American Experience, (New Haven: Yale University Press 1998), pg. 15.
- Note (2): National Security Agency, Venona Archives, Introductory History of VENONA and Guide to the Translations by Robert L. Benson, 1995.
See also
External links
- National Security Agency Archives Cryptographic Museum, Custodian of Documents for the Army Signals Intelligence Agency
- Selected Venona Messages
- Venona FBI FOIA Files
- FBI Memo "Explanation and History of Venona Project Informantion" (1 February 1956)
- MI5 Releases to the National Archives
- VENONA; Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, Yale University Press. Despite the title, this is less about VENONA itself than about Communist Party USA espionage and support of espionage. It is based on research in the CPUSA archives made available to the authors in Moscow. See Yale University Press Web site information on the book
- Stalin-Era Research and Archives Project
- Russian State Archive (RGASPI)
- ↑ FBI Silvermaster file, Vol. 54, pgs. 128 - 129 pdf. Record of conversation between Elizabeth Bentley and William Browder, brother of Earl Browder.